Volume 42, Issue 16 - Dec. 4, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 16


DECEMBER 4, 2019


Roadrunners heating up

Men’s basketball rides four-game win streak into conference play story on pg. 10

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver Senior Druce Asah dunks on Colorado College defender Nabeel Elabdeia in their game against at the Auraria Events Center on Dec. 3. The Roadrunners won 79-47.

World AIDS Day offers light for survivors CPR host and MSU Denver professor Vic Vela’s story personifies hope Dec. 1 marked World AIDS Day, a

By Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

What would you do if you woke up with flu-like symptoms? It may seem like a bad

spread through bodily fluids, like blood

“I was very sick. I was very, very sick,”

day intended to create international

and semen. Sex and dirty needles are

Vela said. “It could have been from a partner

awareness for HIV and AIDS and

major causes of HIV’s mass spread.

from a couple of years prior, it could have

commemorate the lives of people who have died from the disease.

cold or the flu, but this is different. With

HIV is a virus that attacks the

Over time, if HIV isn’t treated, the disease

been from IV drug use, you know, who

can develop into the potentially fatal AIDS.

knows. But the point is, is that I was in

People with HIV are always at risk for further

pretty bad shape when I was diagnosed.”

a world full of disease and uncertainty,

body’s immune system, weakening it.

illness, something that Colorado Public

should you consider getting tested? What

The disease’s prevalence is due to its

Radio host and HIV survivor Vic Vela has

to hard drugs, some requiring the use of

Vela’s history was one with an addiction

would you do if you woke up with HIV?

ease of infection. An STD, HIV can be

experienced since his diagnosis in 2006.

needles, and his experience as a gay man.

| Continued on pg. 7



| pg. 2


| pg. 5


| pg. 8


| pg. 9

State of Small Business conference

Met Media says goodbye to two

Pentatonix tackles Christmas

Looking back on a decade of Denver

looks at economic trends

friendly faces

classics with new album

sports memories



DECEMBER 4, 2019

Denver means (small) business

The State of Small Business conference looks at economic trends and brings speakers to share their stories By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

experts in small business gives


an opportunity for a detailed overview,” Lopez said. “It was

For nearly hald of Coloradans,

a good analysis of business

there’s no paycheck if not

trends. Small businesses are

for a small business.

a really important economic

Colorado small businesses employed 1.1 million people — or

factor in Colorado after all.” The conference opened up

48.6% of the private workforce

with Kelly Brough, President

— in 2015, according to the

and CEO of the Chamber, who

Statistics of US Businesses. In

welcomed the attendees.

January 2018, Colorado’s rate of

She went into specifics about

unemployment was at 3%, lower

some of the other statistics in

than the national average of 4.1%.

the state and how they may be projected to change in the future.

“Having a variety of experts in small business gives an opportunity for a detailed overview.” – Tatiana Lopez

“There are over 600,000 small businesses in the state. And almost half of all Colorado employees are small business employees,” Brough said. Shortly after, Patty Silverstein, president and chief economist of

To look at the condition of

Development Research Partners

small business in Colorado now

took to the stand and gave a detailed

and for the future, the Denver

account of the projected rate of

Photos by Herman Guzman-Ibarra | hguzmani@msudenver.edu

Metro Chamber of Commerce

growth in the Colorado market,

and the Denver Metro Small

not just in Denver but also in areas

A crowd of attendees waiting for the State of Small Business conference to begin at the IMAX Theatre in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Dec. 2.

Business Development Center

like Boulder, Greeley and Pueblo.

held the State of Small Business

She spoke about the concerns

Gary Colbert, Interim Dean of

firms. Hottman mentioned

of small business beyond the economic and financial reasons.

conference in the IMAX Theater at

small business owners shared and

the CU Denver Business school.

a few of his key ideologies

the Denver Museum of Nature and

what the future may look like.

He presented the Bill Daniels

after accepting the award.

Science. They gave an economic

“Fifty four percent of businesses

Ethical Leader of the Year

“One of the keys to success is

“I believe that the role (of small businesses) is more important

forecast, had leaders in the small

surveyed said that finding new

surrounding yourself with people.

today. As Americans are becoming

business community give their

workers is the biggest challenge

People who believe in you and

more isolated, small business’ role

stories and had the University

for them, because of how low

support you,” Hottman said.

as a community builder is critical.”

of Colorado Denver Business

our unemployment rate is.

School recognize Bob Hottman

That’s not expected to change

as the recipient of the Bill Daniels

any time soon,” Silverstein said.

Ethical Leader of the Year Award.

“There’s all kinds of questions

Tatiana Lopez, a program

about that and rising wages,

“I think there is no better place in the country to start a small business than in Colorado.” – Linda Appel Lipsius

“Running a small business, if you

The conference concluded with

put the needs of your community

closing remarks from Abram Sloss,

before you — and I also mean your

executive director of Denver Metro

employees as well — it’ll really

SBDC, and the crowd dispersed into

help you see the bigger picture.”

the east atrium of the museum for a

After accepting the award,

cocktail reception where attendees

coordinator from the Denver Metro

along with technology changing

SBDC, spoke about the event and

everything. Even then though,

Award to Hottman, a partner

the keynote speaker of the night,

highlighted how thorough it was.

consumers are still spending at a

of Plante Moran, one of the

CEO and Co-Founder of Teatulia

“I thought it was very enlightening. Having a variety of

were able to mingle and network. Two attendees, Christian Filius

healthy pace in most markets.”

nation’s largest certified public

Organic Teas Linda Appel Lipsius

and Casey Barlow, employees of

Silverstein was followed by

accounting, tax and consulting

spoke about living in a family of

Xero, an online accounting software

entrepreneurs — as her parents

that focuses on small businesses,

walked in halfway through her

shared their insight afterward.

talk — and what it meant to start a small business during a time of personal change.

to know what’s going on at that

“I started working on Teatulia

level,” Filius said. “I liked the

13 years ago, when I was pregnant

data. Very insightful to see the

with my first kid. I knew I was going

trends going on in Colorado.”

to be unemployed soon anyway,

Barlow said his favorite speaker

so I decided to help out with this

was Lipsius, since she shared the

at-the-time new business idea,”

story of where she came from

Lipsius said. “I think there is no

and how Teatulia had grown to

better place in the country to start a

be impactful worldwide. A similar

small business than in Colorado.”

sentiment was shared by Lopez,

Lipsius also founded the mama’hood in downtown Denver after her second child was born,

who mentioned the value of having someone like Lipsius speak. “It’s always very important to

when she sought the same kind

have that come-up story that’s

of post-natal care here that she

relatable. It’s a timeline you can

had in her previous home in

actually see of how an idea can

Los Angeles. Having not found

come alive with the right people,”

it, she decided to build it. She

Lopez said. “She honestly was a

continues to work closely with her

really good motivational speaker.”

teams and stresses the necessity

A sign featuring the sponsors and partners of the event placed in front of the cocktail reception held in the east atrium of the Denver Musuem of Nature and Science for the Dec. 2nd State of Small Business conference.

“Our main customers are small business owners, so it’s important


DECEMBER 4, 2019


A look back at some of the biggest stories of the decade Snowden leaks Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill

CIA employee Edward Snowden shared highly classified information regarding domestic

Donald Trump became the 45th President of the

US surveillance with several journalists

United States, garnering 304 electoral votes to

Paris. French president Emmanuel

Hillary Clinton’s 227, after a divisive election

Macron promised that Notre Dame

who then broke the news to the world.

Notre Dame fire A fire broke out

2016 Presidential election

Ferguson protests

Bin Laden found and killed

beneath the roof of Notre-Dame in

would be rebuilt in five years.

After nearly a decade of searching, Osama bin

The death of Michael

Laden was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, shortly

Brown in Ferguson,

Government Shutdowns

after 1:00 am PKT by United States Navy SEALs.

Missouri, during an

Three government shutdowns occurred in 2018. The

encounter with police,

longest one started on Dec. 22 and lasted 35 days,

sparked protests over

over funding for the proposed border wall. It was

institutionalized racism

also the longest government shutdown in U.S. history.

in American policing.

Paris Attacks 2011










Cannabis legalized Colorado Amendment 64 was a ballot

Aurora shooter gets 12 life sentences

measure on the Nov. 6, 2012 ballot that won 55.32% of the vote. This approved it not only for commercial use, but personal as well.

Three years after the Aurora shooting, the shooter was sentenced to one life term for each person he killed, along with an additional 3,318 years for the

Aurora shooting

attempted murders. He is ineligible for parole.

On July 20, 2012, a man killed 12 people and injured 70

Jared Polis elected Governor Polis was elected Governor on Nov. 6, 2018, beating out Walker Stapleton. Polis’ victory marked the fourth election where Colorado elected a Democratic governor.

more inside a Century 16 movie theatre in Aurora during

He is also the first openly gay person to

a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises”. It was

be elected governor in the United States.

the deadliest shooting since Columbine in the state.

Colorado Floods of 2013 From Sept. 11-15, 2013, over 18 inches of rain fell

The Thornton Torosaurus

along the Front Range. The sheer amount of rain

Initially thought to be a triceratops, a rare

caused major flooding that had not been seen in

torosaurus was found in Thornton. Nicknamed

centuries. No lives were lost, but there was significant

“Tiny,” it is the most complete and best

damage to communities like Jamestown and Lyons.

preserved fossil of its kind ever discovered.



DECEMBER 4, 2019

Colorado’s minimum wage laws are changing What does it mean for its workers? Some arguments against raising the

By Hannah Metzger From the CU Independent

minimum wage claim that small businesses


would suffer or be forced to lay off employees to meet the wage requirements. Others

“Imagine the society we could build if

claim that increasing the minimum wage

people weren’t always stressed about making

on local levels would push customers and

ends meet,” said Carlos Álvarez-Aranyos,

employees to nearby cheaper markets.

managing partner of Boulder Transport.

In addition to potential business

That’s the kind of society some

consequences, some opponents of

residents hope to achieve by increasing

increasing the minimum wage argue

Boulder’s minimum wage.

that it is an issue of individual rights.

House Bill 1210, signed into law by Gov.

“It is immoral for government to prohibit

Jared Polis in May, allows Colorado cities

consensual relationships,” said Jon Caldara,

and counties to set their own minimum

referring to business relationships between Photo by Kai Casey | kai.casey@colorado.edu

wages starting in 2020. The minimum wage in Colorado currently sits at $11.10 per hour,

An Alfred Packer Grill employee.

workers and bosses. Caldara, the president of Denver’s libertarian-conservative think

but with the cost of living in Boulder nearly

tank, the Independence Institute, compared

double the national average, many residents

and more than three times the $231,000

supporting a business that is employing

believe that Boulder’s needs to increase.

median home value of the U.S.

people who live and work in Boulder,” he said.

“By paying low wages, the American

The City of Boulder increased the

economy doesn’t just generate economic

minimum wage of city workers to $15.67

hardship, it also restricts people’s ability

an hour in 2017. However, wages affect

to contribute in areas beyond work,”

all workers, not just the city’s.

Álvarez-Aranyos said. “Boulder should set

Mariano Oreanuno, who manages the

However, Oreanuno also addressed possible complications of raising wages. “(Boulder) is very heavily taxed already and

wage restrictions to marriage restrictions. “The City of Boulder has a proud history of fighting the hateful ban on gay marriage,” Caldara said. “It would be sad indeed if Boulder forgot that history and

there are quite a few other demands … cost of

took the role of hater-banning a consensual

living, for everyone, including the (business)

employer-employee relationship.”

an example for the rest of the nation by

family-owned Italian restaurant Il Pastaio,

ownership,” Oreanuno said. “Maybe people

empowering every one of its residents to

said that low wages are a major issue for

from Broomfield and Westminster will start

live full, balanced lives that allow them to

many restaurant workers in Boulder.

commuting to Boulder to work at a restaurant.

Contact CU Independent Managing

… And what does that mean? How is the city

Editor Hannah Metzger at

helping as far as commutes and mass transit?”


maximize their contributions to our society.” According to the Economic Policy

“A lot of the kitchen help is usually lowincome … and a lot of the time those people

Institute’s family budget calculator, a single

are immigrants,” said Oreanuno, the son

adult with no children needs an annual

of the business’s owner. “A lot of them just

salary of $45,517 to survive in Boulder.

can’t even afford to live in the town anymore

That number increases to $74,594 with the

so they have to commute from far away

unanimously voted to increase Denver’s

content to promote student work around the

addition of a child. In comparison, a full-

to come work at restaurants like this.”

citywide minimum wage to $15.87 per hour

state. For more information, write to Editor-in-

by 2022. Denver is now the first Colorado

Chief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

time minimum wage worker in Colorado earns a salary of $23,088 before taxes. One realtor site puts the median home

Oreanuno expressed support toward

Other cities have taken steps toward raising minimum wages. On Nov. 25, the Denver City Council

raising Boulder’s minimum wage, saying

city to raise the local minimum wage.

that it would help more than it would hurt

The estimated annual cost of living in

value in Boulder at $752,500. That’s nearly

small businesses like his family’s. “I like

Denver is $41,200 for a single adult with no

double Colorado’s median home value

the idea that customers know that they’re

children, over $4,000 less than Boulder.

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student media organizations are sharing editorial

Briefs Westminster’s Standley Lake bans boating until further notice In an effort to combat against

16th and Lawrence roll out “Giving Machines” for quick donations A “gift” from the Church of

Former priest from Fort Collins up for parole after sexual abuse case Timothy Evans, 57, pleaded

Denver cleans up roads after Thanksgiving snowstorm A week after a significant

Victim in Aurora stabbing says suspect should have been deported Julio Cesar Banda-Estrada

invasive species of mussels, the

Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints,

guilty of abuse to the parole

snowfall terrorized the streets

opened his door on Nov. 17 and

city of Westminster has decided

Giving Machines will be appearing

board on Dec. 2, according to

of Denver, the city has finally

was subsequently stabbed in his

to temporarily close off Standley

in Downtown Denver and will give

The Coloradoan. He claims to

addressed the issue. Denver

right arm. The suspects, 39-year-

Lake from boaters. The mussels

patrons the ability to quickly make

have found a way to keep himself

Public Works announced in a news

old Gonzalo Gonzalez-Gomez

could threaten the source of

donations ranging from a few

under control, thanks to the

release they would be increasing

and 37-year-old Osmani Garces-

water for not only Westminster

dollars to a few hundred. Modeled

treatment he’s received in prison.

efforts to “accelerate recovery

Ortiz were arrested by the Aurora

residents, but Thornton and

like vending machines, some of

of side streets.” According to

Police Department on charges

Northglenn as well. According

the items available to “purchase”

after his 2007 case, when he was

The Denver Channel, the city put

of attempted murder. Garces-

to Colorado Parks and Wildlife,

include a blanket for the homeless,

sentenced to 14 years following

more focus on clearing snow from

Ortiz already had a detainer

“Mussels clog infrastructure,

a day’s meals for the hungry, a

the sexual assault of a boy who

main streets, designating 68 large

from Immigration and Customs

including reservoir dams, outlet

bar of soap, 10 days of groceries,

worked at St. Elizabeth Ann

plows for the main thoroughfares

Enforcement for possession of

structures and distribution

three chickens, and more,

Seton Church in Fort Collins,

and 36 small plows for residential

illegal drugs, trespassing and

systems that carry water for

according to The Denver Channel.

where Evans was the pastor.

streets. However, the residential

violating a protection order.

plows only did a single pass and

However, Colorado’s sanctuary

didn’t get down to bare pavement.

law meant Arapahoe County

irrigation, municipal and industrial

The machines allow donations

This is his third parole hearing

Because of the high profile

uses. Mussels have caused

to four nonprofits and two

of his case, Evans would be

billions of dollars in damage,

international charities: Black

closely watched, but that also

deputies could not legally honor

especially in the upper Midwest

Child Development Institute of

means the entire board would

the detainer and Garces-Ortiz

and Lower Colorado River.”

Denver, Catholic Charities of

have to agree to his release. Any

was released on bond on Oct.

Denver, Mile High Ministries,

decision regarding his parole

28, according to FOX31. Banda-

remediation could cost up to $10

Rose Andom Center, Water

would likely take several weeks.

Estrada said ICE should have been

million initially, and a subsequent

for People and CWS Global.

If the infestation gets too bad,

$3 million to operate annually.

allowed to deport Garces-Ortiz for committing criminal acts.

DECEMBER 4, 2019


Met Media says goodbye to Assistant Director and Office Manager A

community is like a cozy

said. “I picked one out for her that

MSU Denver, will be a student

sweater in the winter.

5 staff Editor-in-Chief James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

had a cute green ‘U of O’ sweater

success advisor with 2U, a

When each stitch is sewn with

and brought it back. It graced the

company that partners with

care, you have a warm sense of

office for a while, and then was

universities and colleges to

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

security. When a thread comes

packed into a box and moved

create online degree programs.

Features Editor

undone and stitches are lost, the

to a relative’s house. I miss that

cold air has an opening to invade

duck, and I’ll miss Liz, too.”

Liz will be packing up and moving to Florida to work

News Editor

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

for Disney World, a job that

Sports Editor

between our creative department

must have been created with

starts on Jan. 21, Met Media

and Director Steve Haigh. His

her as the ideal candidate.

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

will be without two of its most

sole mission was to help us learn

and erase that feeling of safety.

Ronan was in an office nestled

When the spring semester

vital stitches. Assistant Director

James Burky

Ronan O’Shea and Office

When one door closes, another

and be successful here and in

opens. Meher Noorulamin,

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

our careers. His experience and

another Met Media staple, will

Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

Manager Elizabeth Norberg,

doors. She would help us with

sincere care for my well-being

be replacing Liz and I couldn’t

or simply Liz, have left their

stories by putting us in contact

helped me through applying for

be more excited for her. And

posts for other positions.

with sources, provide feedback

jobs and internships. It helped

we’ll all welcome Ronan’s

I couldn’t be happier

on what worked and didn’t work

me through the 70-hour weeks of

replacement with open arms.

for Ronan and Liz but their

in the past and even threw us a

going between The Metropolitan

presence will be missed.

bone with press passes to films.

and The Denver Post.

Liz welcomed myself and

Liz’s presence resonated with

Wanted to talk about music?

There will be other assistant directors and office managers, but there will never

countless other students to

the entire office, including our

Ronan would tell you about each

be another Ronan O’Shea nor

their future with her disarming

Managing Editor Megan Webber.

of the Dave Matthews Band

another Elizabeth Norberg.

smile and an army of rubber

“While visiting the University

Photo Editor

concerts he’s been to. Baseball

Spanish Editor Sarah Lease sarah.lease@cudenver.edu Copy Editors Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Haylie Bean hkouri1@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

ducks. Sure, her job had a lot of

of Oregon’s graduate journalism

season was just around the

paperwork, but she did more for

program in Eugene, Oregon, I

corner? He’d go in-depth as to

James Burky is a fifth-year convergent

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

us. She provided a food pantry

stopped in the gift shop to pick

why the Chicago Cubs would win

journalism major with a minor in sports

Assistant Director of Met Media

so that students didn’t have to

up some souvenirs. Their mascot

the NL Central division. (As a

media. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The

dig into their pockets for food

is a duck, so they had piles of

St. Louis Cardinals fan, though,

Metropolitan. He has previously worked

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

during late production nights.

rubber ducks decorating the shop.

I can’t say that I believed him.)

for the Daily Camera in Boulder and

She welcomed us with a

I thought of Liz and her desk,

Ronan, who will stay as an

motherly, “Hello!” and a smile

covered with more rubber ducks

adjunct professor with the Sport

every time we walked through the

than office supplies,” Webber

Management department at

Production Manager of Met Media

currently writes for The Denver Post.

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

Email James at jburky@msudenver.edu.

Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing

Christmas capitalism and corporate consumerism The cold truth about the cold season


hristmas was invented by

has released their “original”

together, it’s the typical prompt

Hallmark capitalists as a scheme

movies on the holidays. Oh wow,

of how you’re doing in school, are

to make more money, not some

a new comedy about a white

you in a relationship and possibly

religion a couple thousand years

person singing and eventually

an off-hand comment about a

ago. Remember when Christmas

saving Christmas, how unique.

different race, rinse and repeat.

started in December? I sure don’t.

Every movie or TV special which

The worst part of the holidays is

The commercials start well before

showcases one of the two other

that they happen so early in winter.

Thanksgiving, effectively killing

“main” holidays of the season

When they’re finally over, spirits and

the grateful spirit. That says a lot

is always overshadowed by the

bank accounts are totally drained, so

about how we view the holidays.

big one. There aren’t any magical

much so that everyone wants to stay

movies about saving Kwanzaa, but

up all night, get drunk and try not

there are a bajillion movies about

to remember the past four weeks.

Families bail out earlier and

Haylie Bean

earlier on the last Friday of November to get deals on the

little ornate pine trees prominently

saving Christmas and at least five

newest devices and start their

displayed in their lobbies. Smaller

about becoming Santa Claus and

Grinch parading their lack of

holiday shopping early. But at that

businesses are sucked into

the perils that follow. Why isn’t

holiday pride, but as a word of

point, it’s less about thinking about

the tinsel trend as well. But as

there a movie where a Hasidic

warning. It is deceptively easy to

the people you want to give those

not to exclude other religions,

Jew saves Hanukkah, but there

get sucked into the commercial

gifts to and more about just buying

employees are forced to bid adieu

is a holiday movie where Adam

spirit instead of the holly jolly one.

those things for the shopping high.

by saying, “Happy holidays.”

Sandler turns out to be a nice guy?

It runs even deeper in the

Songs of the season sing lies

Don’t take this article as some

My Christmas wish every year

everyday. Corporations attempt

about how lovely the weather is

is that people would just shut up

Haylie Bean is a third-year student

to seem more warm and human

and each radio station has the

about how Christmas is the most

at MSU Denver. She has worked

by decorating their usually-

same broken record of Christmas

wonderful time of the year. It’s

for Met Media for three years

stark buildings with cheap vinyl

songs. By the time December rolls

cold and crummy. If your family

and goes by Beanie. Email her

decorations of snowflakes and

around, every streaming service

is the type to spend the holidays

at hkouri1@msudenver.edu.

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Join MSU Denver as we march in the annual

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Marade! Monday, January 20, 2020 Program begins at 9:30 a.m. Marade begins at 10:45 a.m. Sign up to march with MSU Denver or for more information go to: www.msudenver.edu/mlk/mlkmarade

The Marade begins at City Park, at the corner of 17th and Esplanade. If you have any questions, please contact Amber Mozet at: amozet1@msudenver.edu


DECEMBER 4, 2019


Health professionals raise awareness for HIV and AIDS to Crystal Methamphetamine

Continued from cover

Addiction and Recovery Services Manager Mike Rizzo

Gay men have been stereotyped as harborers of HIV,

from the Los Angeles LGBT

which has been referred to as

Center, people that are infected

“gay disease” and, in an early

with HIV feel shame, guilt and

journalistic reference, the New

remorse, especially with all the

York Times dubbed it the “Gay-

advancements in HIV prevention. After years of people with

related immune deficiency”.

HIV and AIDS holding a shameful

With the passage of time came more knowledge about what the

stigma, professionals hope to

disease is and who is affected.

provide alternative options for people to not only survive with

“This virus, it does not care

the disease but to thrive.

who you are, what your status

“We’re very lucky to live

is in life or whether you’re rich or poor,” Vela said. “If you

in Colorado,” said Denver

don’t take care of yourself, it’s

Public Health STI Coordinator

going to bring you down. But, it

Alondra Landa. “We have

doesn’t have to be like that.”

the ability to get funding for underinsured and uninsured

More than 10,000 people live

people to get treatment.”

with HIV in the Denver metro

Since the first breakout of

area with 318 new cases reported in 2017, according to AIDSVu.

HIV and AIDS in 1981, different

With the highest rate of HIV in

preventative measures have been

Colorado was in zip code 80218

tried. One of the most utilized

— an area of Denver that starts

methods has been pre-exposure prophylaxis, which Landa

in West City Park and stretches south past Capitol Hill — at 4,059 cases per 100,000 people. Vela hopes to continue being open about his experiences with addiction and HIV so

Photos by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

On Dec. 2., an attendee at the 2019 World AIDS Day informational event on Auraria Campus holds an event passport as he grabs a fidget cube from the Children’s Hospital Immunodeficiency Program table. when we talk about things that are afflicting others in this world.”

that people stay aware.

Red ribbons and broaches

“As long as I’m still alive, I’m going to remind people that HIV can still kill you dead,” Vela said. “That’s the thing

recommends for people at risk of HIV infection as the medicine can prevent HIV from taking hold.

of Denver’s biggest HIV/AIDS

Munoz, Children’s Hospital HIV

Besides PrEP, there have been

facilities, including Denver

Prevention Services Manager

other ways to avoid the infection.

Public Health, Children’s Hospital

at his World AIDS Day table. He noted the way that people

“I always tell my patients to be safe,” Landa said. “Just

were donned across campus

Immunodeficiency Program (CHIP),

on Dec. 2. The LGBTQ Student

Auraria Campus’ Health Center,

with HIV have talked about and

be open and honest with your

the LGBTQ Student Resource

coped with their diagnosis is

partners about your status.”

Center and the Pheonix Center.

unhealthy. Some people refuse

Resource Center sponsored the Auraria World AIDS Day

that we need to remind people

event in the Tivoli Multicultural

whenever we lose sight of it,

Lounge. The event hosted some

groups devoted to supporting

chance to ask questions, get

others take to unhealthy habits

the student experience, and

pamphlets and meet Denver

due to the inability to manage

most were present at the World

health professionals who could

their disease, Munoz said.

AIDS Day event. The Phoenix

Attendees were given the

provide insight on HIV and AIDS.

Part of CHIP’s mission includes

Center’s goal is to create campus

People that left the event were

trying to break down these

response services, educate and

able to get tested, found new

barriers. CHIP has advocated

facilitate dialogues surrounding

knowledge of HIV and AIDS in

for HIV patients’ rights, sought

interpersonal violence in the

Denver, and had the chance

out HIV research and looks to

Auraria community. The Health

to win plush white blood and

further their support of the

Center offers physical and mental

HIV cells, courtesy of CHIP.

HIV and AIDS community.

health services to students

CHIP is a department within the

“Young adults and minors can

on campus, and the LGBTQ

Children’s Hospital of Colorado,

get HIV and STI screening and

Student Resource Center makes

boasting a mission to provide care

treatment without the consent

a comfortable environment

that meets the medical, social,

of their parents now,” Munoz

for students to embrace

psychological, developmental,

said. “So, we think that really

their identity in an accepting

and nutritional needs to children,

opens up the opportunity to

community of their own.

youth, young adults, and pregnant

engage in this kind of care and

women living with HIV.

really change our perspective. It

World AIDS Day is to remember

becomes much more of a ‘know

who we have lost to HIV and

your rights’ conversation.”

complications related to HIV and

“We can make sure you feel supported but also get all the

Health Center at Auraria mental health intern and MSU Denver senior Chase Whitmore speaks to a visitor at the 2019 World AIDS Day informational event on Auraria Campus on Dec. 2.

Auraria Campus has several

to admit their diagnosis while

medications so survivors can

“I think for some folks,

AIDS,” Munoz said. “I think a lot

The HIV and AIDS

live just as long and healthy

community has been affected

as anyone else,” said Moises

by discrimination. According

of it, more so now, is education.”

Denver metro area’s HIV cases by the numbers HIV Population by Race

Percent of people living with HIV, by sex, 2017

White (65.3%)

88.6% male....

Hispanic / Latinx (22.8%)

11.4% female....

Black (5.4%) Asian (3.7%) Multiple Race (2.1%) American Indian / Alaska Native (0.5%) Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander (0.1%) Other (0.1%) *All statistics acquired from AIDSVu.com



DECEMBER 4, 2019

Is it really the best of Pentatonix Christmas? By Megan Webber

songs with my choir. I sang “Do

and perfectly executed. Sallee


You Hear What I Hear?” with

has earned his place in the band

my church choir back home one

for sure with his enchanting vocal

year, and the beautiful sound

range and cheerful disposition.

Nobody loves Christmas more than I do. Oh, wait,

of that arrangement has stayed

Also worthy of mention is

apparently Pentatonix does.

with me every Christmas since.

the only track on this album that

On Oct. 25, the Grammy Award-

I wanted to know if Pentatonix

earned a music video, a cover

winning a cappella group released

could make it sound even better,

of The Beach Boys’ “God Only

their seventh holiday album, “The

doubting that they could.

Knows”. Wistful and retro, the

Best of Pentatonix Christmas”.

Lo and behold, their version is

track is highlighted by Mitch

The album features 15 previously-

better than mine, but the fact that

Grassi and Kirstin Maldonado’s

released Pentatonix Christmas

Houston sings it probably has a

soaring countertenor and soprano

carols, which have been deemed

lot to do with that. There are few

vocals. Hoying always seems

“the best” of their older albums by

choirs out there who can hold a

eager to prove that he, too, can

fans, and four new tracks including

torch to the “I Will Always Love

hit the high notes. But the real

the voices of stars like Whitney

You” singer, and mine is not one of

magic here belongs to Grassi and

Houston and Jazmine Sullivan.

them. Houston puts a gospel spin

Maldonado, the lone female of the

on the traditional carol that any

group. She was underappreciated

Christmas” is something worth

standard church choir never could.

in the band’s early years, usually

listening to, even if you don’t

The a cappella quintet behind

standing in the background and

want a recap of their 15 greatest

her manages to keep their voices

keeping the melody, but she has

holiday hits. The four new tracks

low enough to let her shine while

since become a full-fledged starlet

boast the band’s harmonic and

keeping the melody grounded.

with a voice as smooth as honey.

“The Best of Pentatonix

individual talents while screaming,

My other favorite track on this

After so many successful Photo obtained from RCA Records

“We’re still here! Don’t forget

album is “You’re a Mean One,

holiday tunes, including “Dance of

to listen to us this season!”

Mr. Grinch”. Bass vocalist Matt

the Sugarplum Fairy” which won

Sallee gets his time to shine on

the band a Grammy in 2016, the

first Christmas album “PTXmas”

this track. Since taking over for

question is why they’ve stopped

in 2014, I have been tweeting at

Avi Kaplan in 2017, he’s sung

recording favorites and originals

the band asking for a rendition

portions of a few Pentatonix

and decided to release a “best of”

Pentatonix has proven themselves

of “Do You Hear What I Hear?”

tracks, but this is his first entire

album. Maybe it’s because they

the lords of a cappella holiday

Yes, I did it, and I’m not ashamed.

solo song. Baritone and frontman

feel they’ve already sung all the

albums, and they have managed

The truth is this particular song

Scott Hoying takes over the bass

Christmas carols out there, which

to keep that title with this latest

is personally important to me.

while Sallee charms us with his

isn’t actually true. I can think of

project. May your days be

Being the choir nut that I am, I

deep-toned critique of the evil

several Christmas carols the group

merry and bright as you listen

especially love performing holiday

grinch. The song is fun, comedic

hasn’t recorded. Or maybe fans

to this record and think back

Ever since hearing Pentatonix’s

“The Best of Pentatonix Christmas” is a compilation album of the group’s best holiday songs from their previous Christmas albums. were getting tired of their cheer. Whatever the reason,

on all the times Pentatonix has kept your Christmas cheerful, or at least musical.

Retrospective: Kendrick Lamar completes metamorphosis By James Burky

deny/I’ll Wesley Snipe your

The characters in “Butterfly”

as God and sentences Lamar

before he died. Keaton was shot


ass before thirty-five,” Lamar

are more abstract. Uncle Sam

to eternal damnation. Lamar’s

in Compton and Lamar, on tour

raps in the second verse as

is the white establishment

intent is to show that successful

abroad, spoke with him on Skype

the character, Uncle Sam.

profiting off black icons before

people have an obligation to

before he died in surgery.

kicking them to the curb.

give back to their community. If

At their best, albums are stories and the artist a raconteur who

Throughout his previous LP,

takes our hand and guides us

Lamar used characters to let

through an intimate experience.

audiences have a taste of what

That’s what Kendrick Lamar’s 2015

living in Compton was like. We

LP, “To Pimp a Butterfly” perfects. Lamar made noise with his

On the emphatic 11th track,

Lamar told Rolling Stone

not, they perpetuate the cycle

this was the most difficult song

“How Much a Dollar Cost?”, Lamar

of suffering that they worked so

he wrote. The bleak lyricism is

meets a homeless man asking

hard to escape from. Throughout

complemented by bare beats

heard them rob a house, evade

for a dollar, but refuses. The

the record, Lamar points the

in the first verse, a glitchy

police, and die in a shootout.

homeless man reveals himself

finger at himself, questioning if

interlude, and a dreary jazz

he has abandoned his roots.

instrumental in the second verse.

2011 debut LP, the unfocused “Section.80”, but had his

On “Institutionalized”, the

The album ends with Lamar

breakthrough with “Good Kid,

fourth track, the worlds of stardom

reciting a poem, one that he spoke

M.A.A.D City” — about a young

and Compton collide. The second

in pieces throughout the record,

Lamar growing up in Compton,

verse is told from the perspective

and having a conversation with

the album balanced commercial

of Lamar’s old friend, whom he

the dead rapper Tupac Shakur.

and critical appeal — the following

takes to an awards show. The

year. “Butterfly” continues a trend

friend has a near-breakdown and

footage from an old interview

of refined production as it guides

erupts at Lamar for abandoning

which was spliced to make a

us through Lamar, a black man,

his roots for an elite that helps

seamless conversation. The

grappling with fame and feeling

perpetuate inequality, planting

two discuss the breaking point

twisted by the white establishment

the seed of survivor’s guilt in

of race relations in the United

— the pimping of a butterfly.

the rapper, which leads to the

States, and complete Lamar’s

most intimate moment on the

development as a cultural icon.

The opener, “Wesley’s Theory”, tackles this head-on. The title of the song is a nod to actor Wesley

Shakur’s family gave Lamar

record — the sixth track, “u”.

Calling “To Pimp a Butterfly” a

Lamar breaks down in the

great album is selling it short. It’s

Snipes’ three-year prison sentence

aftermath of the awards show

a landmark moment in American

for failure to file taxes. Lamar

interaction, swigging bottles of

culture, music and media. Its

interprets it as a way to stifle the

liquor while rapping in a nasal,

storytelling, and the attention paid

black community, and ponders if

self-deprecating voice and

to the lyrics and instrumentals,

the same thing will happen to him.

criticizing his lack of attention

is something that other artists

to friends and family. Lamar

merely hope to achieve.

“But remember, you ain’t pass economics in school/And everything you buy, taxes will

Photo obtained from Apple Music

“To Pimp a Butterfly” is the third studio album by Kendrick Lamar and was released in 2015.

reflects on not seeing his childhood friend Chad Keaton


DECEMBER 4, 2019


Reflecting on Denver sports since 2010

Two Super Bowl appearances, an MLS Cup, three MLL championships and more which was also known as Invesco Field and By Will Satler

Sports Authority Field at Mile High in the


decade. Down the street from Empower Field at Mile High is the Pepsi Center.

Colorado sports memories

The arena hasn’t had any of its teams lift

from the last decade are flush.

a championship trophy since 2001 but

They include highlights like Peyton

celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2019.

Manning riding off into the sunset

At the collegiate level, there wasn’t

after winning Super Bowl 50 — the

much to cheer about. The state’s two

Broncos’ third championship — in

most notable colleges — The University

Feb. 2016. The Avalanche and Nuggets

of Colorado Boulder and Colorado State

going from perpetual mediocrity and

University — did nothing except when

growing into giants more recently.

CU’s football program sniffed the Pac-12

But they’re not alone in creating

Championship game during “The Rise” in

memories for Coloradans through the years.

2016 or when they beat up on each other

The decade opened with a bang in

Photo by Ben Liebenberg | Associated Press

in the Rocky Mountain Showdown.

Colorado sports with the Colorado Rapids’

The University of Denver Pioneers, home

Quarterback Peyton Manning walks off the field after the Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers 24-10 in Super Bowl 50 on Feb. 7, 2016.

first MLS Cup. But the Rapids didn’t even

to the second-winningest collegiate men’s

win the most championships in the state, as

hockey program in NCAA history, earned

Nikola Jokic and Jamal Murray; the

how many championships Colorado

that title belongs to the Denver Outlaws.

one of those championships in 2017.

Rockies’ Nolan Arenado and Trevor Story;

will bring home in the next decade.

The Outlaws won all three of their MLL

With superstars like the Avs’ Nathan

titles at Empower Field at Mile High —

the Broncos’ Von Miller and more, are

MacKinnon and Cale Makar; the Nuggets’

set for years to come. There’s no telling

The Colorado Rockies win the most games in franchise history, going 91-72.

The Denver Nuggets trade Carmelo Anthony.

The Denver Broncos win Super Bowl 50 in February.

Colorado Avalanche knock off the Western Conference’s top seed in the first round of the

Michael Cuddyer wins the NL

10 0 2



Batting Title.

NHL playoffs on April 20. The Denver Outlaws win the MLL title in August.


CU Boulder wins the Pac-

20 13

12 South in November.

20 14



The Denver Nuggets win the Northwest Division title on April 10.

17 0 2


The Denver Broncos lose

Colorado Rapids win the 2010 MLS Cup.

43-8 in Super Bowl XLVIII.

The DU Pioneers men’s hockey wins the NCAA DI championship

The Metropolitan’s favorite Denver sports moments of the decade What is your best Denver sports memory? Grandview High School women’s basketball state title

What is your worst Denver sports memory? Peyton Manning’s retirement

By Metropolitan

“I watched the women’s basketball team win the 2018 5A

Features Editor

CHSAA State Championship against Regis Jesuit High School.

made Denver fans happy, it was bittersweet because it has crippled their

Brady Pieper

It was incredible seeing friends and coaches — who were also

quarterback situation. Mediocrity is not bitter nor sweet — it sucks.”


my teachers — work day in and day out to win the title.” The 2016 CU Buffaloes football team

By Metropolitan

“No one saw it coming. The defense boasted a bunch of future

“While it was awesome that he retired on top and his retirement

Peyton Manning’s downfall “The legendary signal-caller was done for a long time before he


NFL draft picks. Unfortunately, they were walloped in the Pac-12

retired. In his last 17 regular season games, Manning had 25 interceptions

James Burky

Championship Game and Alamo Bowl. But that ride for their first winning

with 19 touchdowns. Had it not been for one of the greatest defenses


season in 11 years and their first 10-win season in 15 was magical.”

in NFL history, the Broncos would not have won Super Bowl 50.”

The 2015-16 Broncos Super Bowl win By Met Radio

“It had been like 15 years since we had last won an SB. Manning retired

The Tulo trade in 2015 “The Rockies received Miguel Castro, Jeff Hoffman, Jesus Tinoco

Sports Manager Isaac

after — it was the BROCKSTAR, Brock Osweiler, that played the end of the

and Jose Reyes. Castro was traded after pitching 20 innings, Tinoco


year and the defense was probably a top 10 defense of all time. Broncos

and Hoffman are yet to stay in the big leagues full time and Reyes faced


were massive underdogs in that Super Bowl game and Von Miller’s

domestic violence charges. Trading away a perennial Gold Glove candidate

strip-sack of NFL MVP Cam Newton was something I’ll never forget.”

and $158 million man marked the rebuild for the Rockies in 2015.”



DECEMBER 4, 2019

Men’s basketball starting to find their stride By James Burky

guys work a ton on shooting


the basketball but some nights you’re just not going to make

The MSU Denver men’s

shots. But you can always control

basketball team heads into

defense. It’s like insurance.

conference play with a four-game

You always have to have it.”

winning streak and the drive to return the program to relevancy. These Roadrunners, 4-2,

The guys with the tightest strangleholds on opposing offenses have been big men

are different than last year’s.

Maris Colton, Kendall McIntosh

Their bench is deeper; their

and Elijah Straughter. The three

confidence is stronger; their

are a mobile wall that swarms to

maturity is evident and their

the ball whoever may have it.

determination is clear. “We know we’re a good

McIntosh is a vocal leader who calls huddles after plays

team, and that’s not an arrogant

to center the team and go over

statement. The guys believe in

gameplans. His team-leading eight

themselves, I believe in them.

blocks has made him a terror for

Those first two games, we were

opposing offenses. Straughter,

off-kiltered. We weren’t what we

meanwhile, is more reserved. He

were supposed to be doing in

wears a smile off the court but is

terms of sharing the basketball,

all business on it. He neutralizes

our offense was more important

scorers and stifles second chance

than our defense,” said head coach

opportunities with 21 defensive

Michael Bahl. “Now, I think it’s

rebounds, second on the team.

coming together. Give credit to our guys, they’re the ones buying in.” The Roadrunners’ defense

Then there’s Colton, Australian native and transfer from

Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior Mitch Lombard dribbles down court in the game against Colorado College at the Auraria Events Center on Dec. 3. and I think we know what it

He’s spent the last two-and-a-half

the state championship and we

takes to win as a team.”

weeks reacclimating to the game,

started the season off 0-6 and

which forced the Roadrunners

lost a couple of games by 30,”

Southwest Baptist University

The recipe for success

has held opponents to just 68.5

in Missouri. He leads the team

figures to be their “next man

to lean on the likes of Mitch

Wilson-Poole said. “I told the

points per game this season and

in total rebounds and defensive

up” approach. Last season,

Lombard, Demetrius Jackson

guys, ‘The best team I’ve ever

61 over the last four. On Nov. 30,

rebounds with 33 and 28.

the Roadrunners relief on the

and Christian Wilson-Poole.

been on, we started off oh-for.

the Roadrunners beat Minnesota

“We’re loaded. Spots one,

offensive performances of

Asah and Carter were in a

So we can always turn it around.

State University — a program that

three, ten, we’re loaded. This

McIntosh, Druce Asah and Garrett

shooting slump against Colorado

has been to the NCAA tournament

is the best roster I’ve been

Carter. If one didn’t show up,

College, combining for a 4-for-

eight times in nine seasons — and

a part of playing college

or God forbid two, then scoring

22 performance from the field.

conference games have no bearing

held them nine points below their

basketball,” Colton said after

would be hard to come by.

Wilson-Poole, a 6-foot-2-inch

on their placement in the Rocky

season scoring average. Then,

the win over Minnesota State.

guard with a propensity for long

Mountain Athletic Conference

The Roadrunners are a team

jumpers, dropped 16 points.

Tournament, so Friday’s match

on Dec. 3, they tied a school

So what has led the

That’s not the case this season.

It’s a long, long season.’” The Roadrunners’ non-

record with 12 blocks in a 79-47

change? Straughter thinks

loaded with an ocean of talent

Before his breakout on the

against Regis University is a

win over Colorado College.

it’s, essentially, time.

and undiscovered players waiting

court, he was able to remind the

clean slate. But the confidence

to be seen at a moment’s notice.

players that two losses to start

they’ve built in these six games

the season meant nothing.

have shown the ceiling for a team

“I think defense you can

“I think we’re more mature

control more, offense you can’t

as a team,” he said. “We’ve

Carter missed two months of

control as much,” Bahl said. “Our

been through a lot together

practice with an injury, Bahl said.

“At my junior college, we won

Women’s basketball hobble through first leg of 2019 By Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu It’s been a trying season for MSU Denver’s women’s basketball team. At 1-5, they head into Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference play looking to put their slow start behind them. The Roadrunners won their first game of the season on Nov. 30 against Western Washington University, 69-67, but hadn’t won till then. Losses to No. 1 Lubbock Christian University and No. 22 Minnesota State University - Moorhead helped MSU Denver gain quality experience against strong opponents.

Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

Top left: MSU Denver guard Jaiden Galloway throws a pass to teammate Jaela Richardson in the exhibition game against Concordia University at the Auraria Event Center on Nov. 23. The Roadrunners lost, 81-65.

Their season started similarly in 2018, going 1-4 in nonconference play before finishing with a 16-13 record, 15-7 in RMAC play — good enough to make the postseason tournament. The road back starts Saturday when they host Regis University at 4:30 at the Auraria Event Center.

Top middle: MSU Denver forward Bree Wellington elbows Concordia University defender Philly Lammers. Bottom left: MSU Denver guard Maggie Justinak bounces a pass to a teammate past Concordia defenders Grace Barry, left, and Philly Lammers, right. Right: MSU Denver forward Jaela Richardson dribbles before a free throw.

desperate to return to glory.

DECEMBER 4, 2019

Overheard “Why are you doing the Macarena to Fall Out Boy?” “I’m scared to use a semicolon.”

Top 5



This week is all about love and nurturing. Take time, and connect with loved ones. Share a homecooked meal, or spend a day indulging your shared interests.

The week ahead should bring particular challenges. However, all that’s needed to face those trials is a commitment to push boundaries and abandon fear.



Aquarius is often uncomfortable in emotional situations, but their attitude of detachment could make or break you this week. Be careful to read the mood.

Mistruth will abound this week. Leo should trust their instincts and care to sort the honest wheat from the malicious chaff.



The past week has been rich in foibles and fumbles where personal relationships are concerned. Take the time to center, and remember all things pass.

Virgo should batten down the hatches and prepare for a stormy week. Despite the tribulations though, things do look to be turning for the better soon.


Stupid “innovations” of the decade

Friends are likely to seek Aries’ wisdom this week. The tried and true loyalty and compassion that so often sees Aries true will do so again this week.

1. Google Glass

Libra A thousand cuts will besiege Libra this week. They should make sure to focus on the big problems though, and not be distracted by the many faceted pestering.



2. Hoverboards 3. Tik Tok 4. Air Pods 2 5. Apple Watch



“It won’t be drinking alone if my cat is with me.” “I just need to cry more.”


It’s hard to choose a path. Taurus should not worry about the “right” or “wrong” thing to do. Instead, they should look to their hearts to guide them.

Scorpio should plum their depths this week and find their motivations for the season to come.



It’s hard to find the motivation to do all that is required this week. But, once started, it’ll be hard to stop. It only requires that first hurdle be breeched.

Despite recent defeats, Sagittarius should keep in mind their own ability to control their fates. A firm hand will see Sagittarius find their way back on their path.

Photo of the Week to meet the obligation they never quite realized those venerable members fulfilled.

MetTV or The Metropolitan, it can be easy for

It’s not the first time that Met Media has

those individuals who form the backbone of

seen long time hands leave, and it won’t

the office to feel timelessly perminent. But all

be the last, but we’re nonetheless happy

things come to a close, and so experienced

to wish Ronan O’Shea and Liz Norberg the

colleagues leave for new endeavors, and

very best. Their skill, professionalism and

others, less experienced, must find a way

warm personalities will be sorely missed.

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.



Ronan O’Shea, former Assistant Director of Met Media

Elizabeth Norberg, former Met Media Office Manager



At an organization like Met Media, where many only spend a year or two working for


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