Volume 42, Issue 18 - Jan. 22, 2020

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 18


JANUARY 22, 2020


Colorado Congregates for MLK Denver hosted its 35th annual Marade honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Photo by and courtesy of Amanda Schwengel | MSU Denver

MSU Denver representatives take part in the annual MLK Day Marade as it continues down Colfax Avenue on Jan. 20. This was the 35th MLK Day Marade held in Denver.

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

weather that morning, waving signs with

is concerned about her job and afraid to

began with an opening ceremony at 9 a.m.


images of King and quotes of his, such

speak up when she’s been passed over

before the actual event at 10:30 a.m.

as, “Hate can not drive out hate. Only

time and time again for a promotion.”

The March went from City Park

On Jan. 20, people from across

love can do that,” or broader expressions

Colorado came out to Civic Center

such as, “Stand up for civil rights!” Many

for King’s messages and achievements

followed by a service at the Greek theatre

Park for the 35th annual Martin Luther

of the sponsors and supporters for the

in his life, as one of the most well-

with a variety of speakers, including

King Jr. Day Marade (a portmanteau

event could also be seen throughout the

known American civil rights leaders.

pastors and government officials.

of march and parade). This particular

crowd, such as Blacks in Government

His years of leadership began in the

celebration is one of the largest in the

and the Anti-Defamation League.

mid-1950s until 1968, when he was

nation, starting near the “I Have a Dream” monument in City Park in the morning. People came out in spite of the cold



| pg. 3

“March for the homeless man who’s in City Park today,” Mayor Michael Hancock said. “March for the woman who


| pg. 6

The federal holiday is a celebration

down to Civic Center Park, immediately

assassinated at 39 years old in Memphis. The theme of this year’s Marade was

| Continued on pg. 3

“Renewed Dedication to Humanity,” and


| pg. 8


| pg. 10

Protesters take action Denver for

Colorado has a place in Trump’s

Beach boys meet each other’s

X Games is returning to Aspen,

Womxn’s March

impeachment trial

beetles in Santa Monica

here’s what you need to know

CONGRATULATIONS! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2020 Peace Awardees

Khadijatu Fofanah MSU Denver Student

Eneri “Netty” Rodriguez Associate Director, Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy

Rosemarie Allen, Ph.D. Associate Professor Early Childhood Education

Women Of Color Group Founders Cynthia Baron, Ed.D. Assistant Dean Equity and Student Engagement Andrea Borrego, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology Bridgette Coble, Ph.D. Director, Career Services Hsiu Ping Liu, Ph.D. Associate Professor Biology, Director of Center for Advanced STEM Education


JANUARY 22, 2020


Denver remembers Martin Luther King Jr.

Celebration of King’s legacy took place downtown at City Park and Civic Center Continued from cover and led to the doors of the Lory Student Hancock delivered his own message

Center Main Ballrooms at Colorado State

of how King inspired him to lead the city

University. In Boulder, their celebration

of Denver as an African American, and

began at the old Pearl Street Courthouse,

that people need to step up for those who

and concluded at The Dairy Arts Center.

are unable to speak out for themselves.

Both areas held their own keynotes and

Marches, parades and rallies take place across the country since the holiday became

events in commemoration of the day. David Jensen, the lead pastor of

official in 1986, but a year prior, then

God’s Grace Community Church,

Colorado lawmaker Wilma Webb pushed

spoke to the Denver crowd that day,

for the state to create its own state holiday

prompting them to think about King’s

and hold a “Marade” to commemorate

own experience as a minister during the

King. Governor Richard Lamm signed the

days of the civil rights movement.

legislation into law on April 4, 1985. Webb was also a keynote speaker at

“Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of traveling in the company of his God in the midst of

the rally, saying how appalled she was at

great struggle,” Jensen said. “Today may

how much progress still had to be made.

it be our prayer that the most repeated

“I didn’t know that years later we would be trying to get some of the same things changed that we tried to get way back when Dr. King was alive,” Webb said. A day before the downtown

Photo by and courtesy of Amanda Schwengel | MSU Denver

commandment in the scriptures, ‘fear not,’ will be ours this day and every day.” Jensen also mentioned how fear can

MSU Denver takes part in the annual MLK Day Marade as it continues down Colfax Avenue on Jan. 20.

change the feelings surrounding any event where people come together to

challenging time to live in,” Kobrin said.

were also in attendance, holding a banner

Denver event, CBS Denver said

accomplish something into something

“He knew that in a time of challenge,

saying the university celebrates King.

that an estimated 50,000-75,000

more hostile, and how King prayed through

it is incumbent upon each and every

people were expected to attend.

his fears to accomplish what he did.

person to make their life matter.”

The celebration of King’s legacy

Another speaker, Rabbi Rachek Kobrin

Kobrin also quoted King’s message that

Despite the fact that this is one day out of the other 365 this year, King’s message and legacy have echoed through the decades

extended beyond City Park and Civic

of Congregation Rodef Shalom, spoke her

“only when it is dark can you see the stars,”

to inspire people who believe in fighting

Center. In Fort Collins, there was a

own praises of King choosing to fight.

a metaphor for the dark times he lived in.

for what they believe in, whether it be civil

march that began at Olde Town Square

“1960s America was a pretty darn

Representatives from MSU Denver

rights, racial equality or social injustice.

Denver hosts fourth Annual Womxn’s March By Harmony Clearo

rights of women, the event was a protest


against multiple issues that they feel have gone unpunished under Trump’s presidency.

Hand-knitted beanies representing

Anti-war protesters with a sign

the female reproductive organs rested

reading, “Trump, the people say: No War

on the heads of Denverites on the

on Iran! U.S Troops Out of Iraq,” asked

morning of Jan. 18. Men, women and

that funding go to better health care,

children participated in the fourth Annual

child care, housing and education, rather

Womxn’s March in the Mile High City.

than be shelled out for a war on Iran.

The march began on Bannock Street

The protesters said that war is a

and proceeded to Civic Center Park and

“woman’s issue,” and it must be dealt

the McNichols Building where nonprofit

with for the sake of feminism.

organizations had booths in the McNichols

In exchange for donations, booths offered

Building set up to showcase multiple causes.

pins, pamphlets and a plethora of information.

Vivid signage colored Colfax Avenue with

Many booths were in pursuit of putting an end

statements such as, “Men of quality do

to harmful climate practices like fracking.

not fear equality,” and, “Feminism is the

Other organizations such as The

radical notion that women are people.” The

Robinson Abused Women and Children’s

Womxn’s March has been in action since

Shelter promoted the halting of sexual

President Donald Trump was elected in

harassment and domestic violence. Equity

2017. The event primarily promoted voter

and Possibilities in Construction worked to

registration but touched on other issues like

Photo obtained from Womxn’s March Denver

reproductive rights, climate change, gun safety and immigration, to name a few. Since the election of Trump, discrimination

The organization offers apprenticeships for

The logo for the 2020 Womxn’s March in Denver. They changed the spelling last year to recognize the importance of all people experiencing sexism.

women who are interested in the industry

it would be delayed until 2028.

sacrosanctity. Denver residents were not

has been a pressing issue for Americans. “My biggest reason for being here is that I want someone else for president

recruit women into the construction business.

without the burden of impartiality. The Womxn’s March is no friend to

Trump’s views on reproductive

services, information or referrals. “President Trump’s expansion of the

shy to shout about ovaries and uteri in the

in 2020 and to keep the dream of having

rights has also led to bounteous

Global Gag Rule is a major assault on

pursuit of making a change and attracting

Harriet Tubman on the 20 dollar bill alive,”

controversy. One of the orders from his

those who serve the world’s poorest and

new voters. The 2020 election can expect

said Robin Bean, an avid protester who

office in 2017 which contributed to the

most vulnerable women,” Nancy Northup,

a multitude of new and young voters.

has attended every Womxn’s March.

marching was The Global Gag Rule, also

president and CEO of the Center for

known as the Mexico City Policy.

Reproductive Rights, said in a press release.

Tubman on the 20 dollar bill was on track for a 2020 release. But Treasure

Under said rule, non-governmental

Exceptions to the rule are for victims of

Secretary Steve Mnuchin, citing counterfeit

groups supported by the U.S. are not

rape, incest or a life-threatening pregnancy.

concerns, told congress in May that

authorized to use money toward abortion

Although the Womxn’s March fights for the

If the protesters of the Womxn’s March have anything to do with it, the new year will bring a new U.S. president and a new perspective on women’s rights.



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JANUARY 22, 2020



Boulder community leaders preach commitment to ‘dismantling prejudice’ during CU Boulder’s MLK Day celebration Boulder student on campus in October.

By Noelle Videon From the CU Independent

“When we read in the news about


our neighbors facing antisemitism, we know Dr. King’s dreams have not been

Boulder community members joined

fully realized,” Joseph said. “When I read

together Monday to honor the life of civil

emails from members of our Boulder

rights leader and human rights activist

community referring to me as a token

Martin Luther King, Jr. for an event on the

member of City Council … we know Dr.

University of Colorado Boulder campus

King’s dreams have not been fully realized.”

titled “Remembering His Life, Renewing

Several community members attending

His Legacy.” Around 200 people gathered

the event did so out of an act of service, which

in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn

for Americorp member Ethan Au Green is

Miller Ballroom to listen to speeches about

what Martin Luther King Jr. Day is all about.

King’s lasting impact and the importance

“I’m older than King was when he was

of keeping his values alive today. Monday

murdered and he was a very inspiring

marked the 25th annual Martin Luther King

example of what people can do when they Photo by Casey Paul | Courtesy of The CU Independent

Jr. Day celebration in the United States.

Boulder City Council Member and keynote speaker Junie Joseph speaks on Jan. 20 about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dreams and how they have evolved today.

“We’re here today to remember a man who was a pastor, a preacher, a leader, a teacher of non-violence, a civil rights hero,

come together for social change,” Au Green said. “I think it’s important to continue King’s legacy in the modern day because we still have struggles for social justice, against

a father, a martyr, and a friend to many,”

Civilization, St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church,

said Mary Kate Rejouis, reverend of St.

the Lutheran Campus Ministry and the city

Aidan’s Episcopal Church, speaking in front

of Boulder Housing and Human Services.

thing to do,” Joseph said, quoting King.

racism and for protecting the environment.”

Joseph explained that it was King’s courage in the face of adversity which

of a large black and white projection of an

Junie Joseph, a current CU Boulder

image of King. “We gather together today

law student and newly-elected Boulder

Still, she cautioned that despite great

to remember and to recommit to that hard

City Council Member, took to the stage

progress over the last 57 years, the dreams

and daily work of dismantling prejudice and

following Rejouis’ introduction and posed

that King once named in his famous “I

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student

seeking justice and freedom for all people.”

a rhetorical question to the audience:

have a dream” speech at the Lincoln

media organizations are sharing editorial

“Are you leading a life of courage?”

Memorial have not been “fully realized.”

content to promote student work around the

She referenced several recent instances of

state. For more information, write to Editor-inChief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

Sponsors of the event included the

allowed us all to “be here together today.”

Office of Diversity, Equity and Community

“There comes a time when we must

Engagement, CU Boulder Hillel, the Bruce

take a position which is neither safe nor

discrimination in Boulder, including when

D. Benson Center for the Study of Western

political nor popular because it is the right

a woman yelled racial slurs at a black CU

Contact Breaking News Editor Noelle Videon at noelle.videon@colorado.edu.

Briefs MSU Denver opens up new reflection spaces for practicing faith in private The CARE Team, Center

Denver officer accused of sexual assault Denver police officer Johnny

Man flees and breaks through Lakewood walls, wanted by police Jacob Joseph Medina, who

Colorado Senators promise fairness during impeachment trial President Donald Trump’s

Snow Sculpture Championships in Breckenridge For the 30th year,

for Multicultural Engagement

Leon-Alvarez has been accused

has been described as “extremely

impeachment trial has begun, and

Breckenridge is holding a snow

and Inclusion, and Center for

of sexually assaulting a woman

violent,” was seen in an apartment

Sens. Cory Gardner and Michael

sculpting championship.

Equity and Student Achievement

he met during an investigative

complex on the 1700 block of

Bennet have both chosen to hold

have worked to create new

case of domestic abuse.

Kendall Street in Lakewood.

off on sharing their opinions

teams of four artists will compete

until all sides have spoken.

to produce snow sculptures

“reflection spaces” across MSU Denver’s campus. This helps faculty, students and community members practice their faith in private areas. The spaces can be found in

The two had exchanged

A SWAT team received a

information before growing

report that he was there and

fond of each other and

Medina attempted to flee by

that he does believe Trump to

going out on a date.

breaking through several walls

be guilty based on the findings,

over, including Breckenridge,

of the complex after realizing

but is willing to change his

Minnesota, Wisconsin

the officers were after him.

mind if there’s reason to.

and Vermont, according

After some drinking, LeonAlvarez brought her home,

Tivoli Rooms 348 and 349 and

and they exchanged goodbyes

the St. Elizabeth of Hungary

through the door bell camera.

He eventually barricaded

Bennet has previously shared

From Tuesday until Jan. 30, 16

Gardner, looking for re-election

crafted after hours of work. Teams come from all

to event organizers.

himself in one of the apartments

come November, wants to hear

She did not remember how

and allegedly started a small

from both sides. Both have

beyond the United States,

to practice their faith wherever

he entered, but she was trying to

fire. He then came out of the

said that they are committed to

with challengers coming from

they would like, but the inclusion

push him off of her, while telling

building after negotiations.

fairness, and that what matters

Argentina, China, Ecuador,

of these spaces is to add

him “No” and to “please stop.”

is that it’s grounded in the rule of

France, Germany, Great Britain,

law, according to CBS Denver.

India, Mexico, Mongolia,

Church. People are still welcome

more options for individuals to practice in private.

Her roommate confirmed that she also heard her say so, according to Fox 31.

The competition extends

Switzerland, and Turkey. There is no cash incentive, but a medallion, trophy and ribbon for the top three places.



JANUARY 22, 2020

Colorado should care about impeachment

staff Editor-in-Chief

n Jan. 15 at about

on the impeachment. The senator

event that the president is not

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

3:30 p.m., the seven

gave a scant amount of responses,

impeached, Hickenlooper will

Managing Editor

newly-appointed impeachment

although he has always presented

have a shot at turning the Senate

managers marched from the

himself as an ally to the president.

away from Trump’s allegiance

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

House of Representatives to

The Denver Post reported on Jan.

if he is elected. With a central

the Senate to hand-deliver the

14 that Gardner has declined to

and independent voting record,

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

articles of impeachment against

say whether he will vote to allow

however, he likely won’t disagree

Features Editor

President Donald Trump. One of

witnesses to testify at the trial.

with Republicans on everything.

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu


the seven managers was Rep. Jason Crow of Aurora, Colorado. In the Centennial State, it’s

Although Gardner has been

Megan Webber

easy to feel separated from the

It’s true that Washington is

News Editor

silent about his intentions going

thousands of miles away, but that

Assistant Features Editor

into the trial, his position as a

doesn’t mean that what happens

Harmony Clearo hclearo@msudenver.edu

Senator is important moving

there doesn’t affect Colorado. In

rest of the world, but construction

Crow will play a key role in

forward. As part of the majority,

the coming days, the state will

on Interstate 70 and sports

presenting the House’s case

he will likely vote not to impeach,

see more representation in the

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

betting aren’t the only issues

against Trump and arguing for his

but if he does vote to allow

impeachment trial than some of

Photo Editor

facing Colorado right now. As

removal. Colorado seldom appears

witnesses, he would be one of only

the larger states. Regardless of

the Senate prepares for Trump’s

on the national politics stage, but

a few Senate Republicans to do

party lines, all Coloradans have

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

impeachment trial, Colorado’s

Crow’s place in the impeachment

so. It would be an uncharacteristic

a reason to be paying attention.

politicians are taking action, and

trial will remind the nation of

move for him not to vote in

we should all be watching.

the state’s strong presence.

accordance with his party, but

That’s beside the fact that there’s

it’s something Coloradans should

Megan Webber is a fourth-year

Crow was a surprising selection

something fascinating about

be watching for all the same.

convergent journalism major with a

for an impeachment manager.

watching democracy at work, even

He and six other freshmen

if it doesn’t feel like democracy.

As a freshman in the House,

Sports Editor

Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu Spanish Editor Sarah Lease sarah.lease@cudenver.edu

minor in linguistics at MSU Denver.

Director of Met Media

man with his eye on Gardner’s

She is currently the Managing Editor

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

And let’s not forget about the

Representatives penned an op-

Colorado is a swing state,

seat come November, former

of The Metropolitan and interning at

ed which was published in The

after all, and as Crow makes his

Governor John Hickenlooper.

The Denver Post. In 2019, she won the

Washington Post in September

case against Trump, it’s likely that

Throughout his failed presidential

Denver Press Club’s John C. Ennslin

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

calling for Trump’s removal

he’ll be looking across the room

campaign and current occupation

award in conjunction with journalism

Office Manager

from office. He has since been

at his political opposite, Sen.

as hopeful Senator, Hickenlooper

legend Bob Woodward. Contact her

an outspoken advocate for the

Cory Gardner. The Yuma native

has preached his difference from

at mwebber6@msudenver.edu.

president’s impeachment among

has been pressed by Colorado

Gardner. Although Hickenlooper

Sales and Marketing

other swing state Congressmen.

media since September for

won’t be present at this

commentary on his perspective

impeachment trial, in the likely

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

As an impeachment manager,

Production Manager of Met Media

Meher Noorulamin mnoorula@msudenver.edu

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

Separate the art from the artist T

he beauty of #MeToo is that

of these abhorrent actions, they’re

and continue their careers?

it holds respected figures

nothing new. Artists are people,

Hell if I know. This is a touchy

accountable for disgusting actions.

too. They are not infallible, and if

subject with no easy answers,

But when an artist — actor Kevin

you choose your music, movies

and I don’t have a lot of those.

Spacey, singer Chris Brown— is

and shows based on people who

accused or convicted of being a

are nice, then you’re not going

to let people enjoy what they enjoy.

sexual creep or violent psychopath,

to have a lot to choose from.

Maybe that artist or band got them

fans are left questioning if it’s

Detractors will say that I’m

ethical to enjoy their works. And the truth is that, like life, there’s no black and white answer.

James Burky

It’s going to be difficult for

through their toughest fights with

enabling a culture of abuse to

depression. Maybe a couple had

persist and their concern is

their first date at a movie made by a

understandable, but it is misplaced.

problematic director and it was love

One of our most pressing

at first sight. As long as they know

someone who admired Spacey

2017 — “Saturation,” “Saturation

issues in the U.S. is how we have

what those people did and don’t

the second they saw his chilling

II” and “Saturation III” — and

systematically allowed straight

think it’s okay, where’s the harm

performance as Keyser Söze

each one of them boasted crazy-

white men to reap the rewards from

in indulging in art that they love?

to just forget his films forever,

infectious hooks, experimental

the hard work of our neighbors

as opposed to an 18-year-

beats and straight-up bangers.

who happen to be a woman,

idols based on their talent and

old who was never a fan.

Rapper Ameer Vann stole the show

non-white or LGBTQ+. Breaking

not on their character, then we’re

with his intimidating delivery on

this system down and creating a

in for disappointment. There are

invisible to the self-righteous

verses about drugs, crime and

truly equal one is imperative.

few heroes in this world — and

keyboard warrior who shames

mental health. Turns out Vann’s

people for liking Brown’s music and

tough persona was more than

products of the system rather than

the apathetic edge lord who doesn’t

a front for his music. He was

the creators is similar to cutting

think domestic violence is a big deal.

accused of verbal and sexual

the leaves off of a weed instead

James Burky is a fifth-year convergent

abuse by former partners.

of tearing the roots from the

journalism major with a minor in sports

ground. And attacking people who

media. He is the Editor-in-Chief of

listen to them is less effective.

The Metropolitan. He has previously

There’s a gray area that’s

If you love music — I mean, who doesn’t? — you’ve run into

Vann was booted from

this issue yourself. The hip hop

Brockhampton, leaving the

collective, Brockhampton, has

group and its fans reeling

become one of my favorite groups.

with a sense of betrayal.

They released three albums in

Though the public is more aware

But cancelling artists who are

Now, does this mean that

What we do

One answer I do have, though, is

And if we’re choosing our

not many of them play guitar.

worked for the Daily Camera in

we allow artists to apologize

Boulder and The Denver Post. Email

even for the worst of actions

James at jburky@msudenver.edu.

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

To find more info please visit: msudenver.edu/campusrec


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Total Body Strength w/ Julie (11-11:50 a.m., PE 117 West) Indoor Cycling w/ Jody (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201) Indoor Cycling & More w/ Vinny & Jason (1:30-2:30 p.m., PE 201)

Indoor Cycling with Chasity (5:15-6:05 p.m., PE 201)

Indoor Cycling w/ Aimee (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201)

Barre w/ Chasity

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JANUARY 22, 2020

Met Abroad: Beetles and the beach

A Californian gathering of Volkswagens on the Santa Monica Pier

opportunity arose, he grasped it.

By Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

A baby blue Beetle, owned by an older Californian woman, was in need of a home. Her house

SANTA MONICA, CALIF. — The rusted bodies of

burned down in the 2017 Thomas

Volkswagens crawled onto the

Fire that ravaged Ventura and

boardwalk of Santa Monica

Santa Barbara Counties. And

Pier for the WestSide VW

like a lost dog, she wanted her

Coffee Meet on Jan. 5.

old Beetle to get a nice owner and not lay underutilized in her

Car clubs, fanatics and

lawn. Camarena swooped in.

mechanics from around California

Like its owner, every

brought their vehicles to the pier to share their passion

Volkswagen has its own story.

with like-minded individuals

The journey to how one comes

over coffee and donuts.

across their reliable hunk of metal is always different.

“It all started when I put out

“My dad was a ski bum in

a Craigslist ad,” said Norm Neal, WestSide VolksWagen Club

Aspen and he owned it before

president and coffee meet creator.

me,” said Mason Getz, who was

“There was only one other club in

attending his first VW meet. “It is

the area, LA Aircooled, and they

a 1967 Volkswagen Type 2 and I

told me that my rat bug wasn’t

bought it in 1978, a little bit after

cool enough to be in their club. So

high school. I saved up money

I decided to put on my own meet.”

and I think I bought it for $1,600.” Getz’s experience with his

The first WestSide VW Coffee

VW has spanned decades and

Meet took place six years ago in the parking lot of a Marina Del Rey deli with 14 cars and lasted three gatherings before

Photos by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

A red Volkswagen Beetle is parked on the Santa Monica Pier for the monthly WestSide VW Coffee Meet on Jan. 5. Attendees were given donuts, coffee and plenty of time to network with other car junkies.

gone through three engine blocks, two coats of paint and one interior remodel. The vehicle

being chased out by security for taking up too much space, Neal

endless repairs. The bus has

The biggest issue is making

and taking the Pacific Coast

to be a mechanic,” Camarena

lacks interior insulation around

said. The meet tried to test a few

sure they avoid the gang

Highway to Mexico, is one of his

said. “These cars allow you to be

the roll cage, which you don’t

locations before finding its happy

politics common within the

favorite Volkswagen memories.

that mechanic that you wanted.

see often in buses, so Getz used

home on the Santa Monica Pier.

low rider scene and traditional

Just putting things together

a DIY solution — he lined the

and you see a bunch of cars from

and as long as you’re willing

inner frame with beer cans.

everywhere and different stops,”

to find the problems with it.”

“We’re one of the bigger clubs in Westside now,” Neal said.

car clubs, Neal said. Fortunately for the VW meet,

“There’s at least, like, 20 stops

Besides their curbside appeal,

The countless stories of

“There’s a lot of old, really well-

most people attend to show off

Camarena said. “It’s a meet-up

established VW clubs in LA, and

their VW’s and bask in the passion

every single stop. So, you kinda

the ease of repair and availability

Volkswagen culture what it is: a

they’re giving us a lot of respect

and stories of other owners.

bring people along for the ride and

of parts make VWs some of

community of improvisors and

it’s just a bunch of Volkswagens.”

the cheapest cars to drive on

people working against daily

The connection that owners

the road. The average cost of

repairs and highway breakdowns to be in a tier of their own.

because we are coming up fast and we’re trying to do it the right way.”

The VW coffee meet attracts people from around southern

VW owners are what make

California to the iconic pier,

feel is a part of the journey, he

repair for Beetle owners is less

go hand-in-hand. There are

giving them the chance to pull

said. The feeling that somebody

than $260 a year, according to

six Volkswagen car clubs in

their wagons around town.

gets from owning, operating

YourMechanic.com. That’s well

owner’s goal is the same as

and repairing a VW brings

below the national average of

Getz’s, “To keep ‘er on the road.”

them back to a similar time.

$408, according to Liberty Mutual.

Car clubs and Los Angeles

the California, according to

VW Beetle owner George

Californiacarclubs.com. But

Camarena drove for an hour

avoiding trouble has always

from Port Hueneme to attend the

been a concern for Neal and

event. He said that the Treffen run,

were a little kid. When you just

by the thought of owning a

the monthly VW meet.

starting on the border of Canada

played with cars and you wanted

Volkswagen and when the

“It takes you back to when you

A row of various Volkswagen buses are parked on the Santa Monica Pier during the WestSide VW Coffee Meet in Santa Monica, California on Jan. 5.

And ultimately every VW

Camarena was enticed

Jaeger the dog sits inside a red Volkswagen Beetle at the Santa Monica Pier for the WestSide VW Coffee Meet in Santa Monica, California on Jan. 5.

JANUARY 22, 2020



Mac Miller’s “Circles” is stunning in so many ways By William Satler

release. Twelve songs with

“Everybody” and a catchy beat


49 minutes’ worth of music

on “Woods” are strong tracks

are quintessential Mac Miller

in the middle of the album that

sound and something more.

continue Miller’s strong message:

Malcolm McCormick, better known as Mac Miller, made

The album’s opening song and

Running in circles trying to

music that was praised for his

title track, “Circles,” brings the

openness about his depression

listener into Miller’s head talking

and drug addiction.

about how he feels his life is going

Miller’s troubling mental health

get out of his own head. Another song that truly depicts

His soothing melodies were

in circles, and he can’t seem to get

issues is “That’s On Me.” With a

groundbreaking and caught the

out of it. It is sung over a slow beat

chorus that reads, “That’s on me,

ears of many young people across

with shimmering synths that are

that’s on me, it’s all my fault,” you

America through his rise to stardom

an appropriate opening to what the

can see an acceptance of where he is

over his five studio albums.

album has in store for the listener.

mentally despite his constant efforts

So it’s no surprise that “Circles,”

The next notable song comes

to escape the trouble he’s facing.

Miller’s sixth album which

on track three with “Blue World,”

was released on Jan. 17 — 16

which is the fastest track on the

“Hands,” is the most traditional,

months after his death — brings

album. Its upbeat tones battle with

Mac Miller-esque song on the

listeners deep into the head of

lyrics that bounce back and forth

album. The playful beat is

an incredible young man who

between reflecting on what he has

reminiscent of his early mixtapes

was still finding his groove.

and what he still wants to get.

and, while the lyrics on “Hands”

“Circles,” the follow-up to his

The lone single off the album,

The next song on the album,

aren’t a true display of the rapping

previous album, “Swimming,” was

“Good News,” was the first song

skill he possessed, it is his best

completed after Miller’s passing in

released from Miller’s camp since

display of that skill on “Circles.”

2018 by producer Jon Brion, who

his death, creating a major buzz.

made sure the album was polished

But rightfully so, as “Good News,”

the most emotional of the album

and ready for the world to listen to.

accompanied by a music video

and was played at his celebration

sad that we won’t be able to hear

artists to create the sounds they

He did just that, as “Circles”

featuring animations depicting

of life concert following his death.

what else he may have created

make today, he will continue

is finding its way into the hearts

positive parts of the world, is the

The chorus, “Once a day, I try, but

if he was still with us today.

to impact the music world well

of Miller’s fans and into the

album’s best song. The message

I can’t find a single word,” shows

“Circles” is so much more than

past his time. Rest easy, Mac.

ears of those who hadn’t been

behind “Good News” is strong

the battle Miller faced to try and

just an album to some of Miller’s

particularly fond of his music.

too. The song talks about how,

break out of his circle of troubles.

fans and for that, it is incredible.

Miller’s upbeat, but chilling,

despite all the good things

The final track, “Once a Day,” is

Miller, who would have turned

Photo from Warner Records

Late musician Mac Miller’s album, “Circles,” released on Jan. 17. The album is 12 songs long.

“Circles” should be in the

sound radiated through all

surrounding him, he still can’t

28 on Jan. 19, still had room to

running for Album of the Year

of his albums and mixtapes,

keep his negative thoughts away.

grow as an artist. Mac’s sound is

when the time comes. Even

at its best on “Circles,” and it’s

though Miller inspired many

and it continues in his newest

Minimal piano keys on

Eminem’s new album is disappointing at best shootings to call for gun control.

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

sexually harassing women. It’s an

Eminem using his platform to

out-of-date trope that could pass as

advocate for change while balancing

funny in 2000, not in 2020. Therein

it with enjoyable song composition

lies the issue with this album —

music world with the release of his

is unexpected, given the course

Eminem’s music makes it clear that

11th studio album, “Music to Be

of his last two albums. But both

the genre has evolved past him.

Murdered By,” on Jan. 17. But the

of those aspects are sparse.

Rapper Eminem surprised the

album’s sophomoric and half-baked

Eminem only dates

Each second of triumph on

himself when he spits the

material is no surprise, even if it’s

“Darkness” is overshadowed by

following bar on “Marsh.”

better than his last two releases.

grating choruses and immature

Twenty years ago, there were few

“So all of y’all can just suck

lyrics throughout most of the other

a penis/I’ll do the opposite/Eat

rappers who could find the balance

21 tracks. The album’s pop-rap song

you pussies like cunnilingus.”

of mainstream and critical success

structures — Intro-Verse-Chorus-

that Eminem did. His early releases

Verse-Chorus — aren’t inherently

insults in 2000, it worked. Eminem

are essential for any hip-hop fan.

bad, but no one wants to listen to

was a nasal-voiced white kid

the same, tired shtick for 64 minutes.

from Detroit who didn’t give a

But the train lost steam and crashed in magnificent fashion.

Eminem tries to recreate the

When he dropped these

damn about anything. Now, he’s

“Revival,” released in 2017, was a

woke magic on “Step Dad,” a

almost 50 and has been through

critical failure. His 2018 follow up,

song that details parental abuse.

fatherhood, divorce, drug abuse

“Kamikaze,” is a pathetic temper

The verses are chilling and

and superstardom. It’s the rap

tantrum he threw in response to

reminiscent of classic-Shady, but

sheet of a wise man, but he disses

the negative reaction to “Revival.”

the poetry in the chorus is similar

like an angry middle-school boy.

That leads us to “Music to Be Murdered By.” From the sounds of a woman being stabbed on the

Photo from Aftermath Entertainment, Interscope Records and Shady Records

Storied musician Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem, released his 11th studio album, “Music to Get Murdered By,” on Jan. 17.

to an eighth-grader in English

hop’s past. And on “Music to

I hate my, my stepdad/So tonight

Be Murdered By,” we see the

I’m saying/Bye-bye stepdad.”

hope that he can change with

first track, “Premonition (Intro),”

legend for a reason and this album

chops by taking us into the mind

and sampled narration from

has moments that show artistic

of the perpetrator of the 2017 Las

Alfred Hitchcock, it’s clear that

growth, and its horrorcore concept

Vegas Shooting, the deadliest

prevalent on the record than the

Eminem is done throwing fits and

is one of the most ambitious

mass shooting in U.S. history.

implied-Hitchcock aesthetic.

is ready to deliver an experience.

approaches of his career.

The maturity in his delivery and

It’s refreshing to hear that

The lead single, “Darkness,”

Eminem is a relic of hip

class than a legendary rapper: “I,

Sophomoric lyrics are more

On “Those Kinda Nights,” a

unfolding of the events is chilling.

party track with a grating refrain

Eminem has moved on from his

is the peak of “Murdered By.”

To wrap it up, the song ends with

from Ed Sheeran, Eminem calls

“Revival” phase. This man is a

Eminem flashes his storytelling

an audio reel from other mass

upon his old smartass charm by

the times but are left wondering if he should just stay behind.



JANUARY 22, 2020

A guide to X Games 2020 Aspen


Craig McMorris, an X

What: The 24th edition of

By Brady Pieper

Games analyst for ESPN, in


an X Games official video.

the Aspen X Games. Where: Aspen, Colorado When: Jan. 23-26 How long: 15.5 hours of live events

“They saw the traction that It’s the time of year to

guys like Marcus Kleveland

suffer through Interstate

and Fridtjof Tischendorf

70 traffic, shred some

were getting by just

snow and jam out to

posting really insane tricks

concerts on the base of

off a lump of snow.”

Buttermilk Mountain.

X GAMES FAQ Where can I watch X Games Aspen 2020?

The Knuckle Huck was

Some of the biggest

added to the snowboard

names in music and

discipline in 2019 with

snow sports are coming

Tischendorf taking home

to Colorado as X Games

the gold medal, but this

Aspen 2020 kicks off on

year looks to be one of the

Jan. 23 and ends Jan. 26.

most exciting ski events.

This year’s event boasts

For fans of high-flying

ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNEWS, ABC and on the ESPN App.

What mountains are used for X Games? Photo obtained from X Games Aspen 2020

The 24th winter X Games will be held in Aspen from Jan. 23-26. This year’s event features a strong musical festival with Rae Sremmurd, Alesso, Bazzi and Illenium while the sports include events in skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling and snow biking.

talent on and off the snow

antics, The Real Cost Ski

with four performing

and Snowboard Big Air

musical groups and 18

competitions will see

different competitions.

athletes leap off an 80-foot

at high speeds doing

festivities lays host to

hybrid jump doing tricks

tricks off of metal ramps.

two electronic and dance

star Bazzi concludes the

mainstays with melodic

concerts at 4:30 p.m.

For the 24th installment of the annual snow sport

on their plummet to Earth.

enterprise, the X Games

Fans awaiting

The second, third and fourth days of X Games

bass producer Illenium

On Jan. 26, R&B/Pop

Long-time snowboarder

Aspen Mountain, Aspen Highlands, Snowmass and Buttermilk Mountain.

How many X Games athletes are from Colorado? There are 15 athletes from Colorado including one from Denver — Mark Wilson, a 36-year-old who competes in the Wendy’s Snow BikeCross.

is bringing in some new

dangerous trick

host musical performances

and Grammy-nominated

Jack Matrani hosts this

action to keep things fresh.

combinations should be

from some of the

producer Alesso on Jan.

season’s competitions. X

excited for the Monster

industry’s top names,

25 at 4:30 p.m. and 9:30

Games Aspen 2020 will be

department, the Ski

Energy Superpipe, where

starting with brothers

p.m., respectively.

broadcast for 15.5 hours

Knuckle Huck is making

competitors link tricks

Slim Jxmmi and Swae Lee,

its first appearance. The

between a 567-foot

who make up the rap duo

the EDM scene with his


knuckle is the rounded part

long and 66-foot wide

Rae Sremmurd. With their

2017 album “Ascend,”

ABC with competitions,

after the final jump on a ski

halfpipe, leaping over

Billboard chart-topping

which topped the

performances and X

hill — the goal being to do

22-foot high walls.

album “SremmLife” and

Billboard’s Top Dance

Games extras being

Billboard No. 1 single

Albums and iTunes Top

streamed to the @XGames

balance of snow, metal and

“Black Beatles,” the

Dance Albums charts.

YouTube, Facebook


ability to be mobile and

mettle, the Snowmobile

duo kick off their first-

Then, long-time Swedish

and Twitter pages.


agile. They can add events

freestyle will satiate that

ever X Games set on

producer Alesso takes

and that’s what they did

desire as riders kareem

Jan. 24 at 10 p.m. The

the stage, concluding the

with Knuckle Huck,” said

down Buttermilk Mountain

second day of musical

third day of competition.

In the competition

tricks off of the knuckle.

And for those desiring a

“X Games has the

ROB ADELBERG On the snow bike, Rob Adelberg became the first athlete in history to earn five X Games medals in one calendar year in 2018.

Illenium has dominated

of live action on ESPN,

RAE SREMMURD Hip-hop artists Slim Jxmmi and Swae Lee perform at 10 p.m. on Jan. 24.


EDM artist, Illenium performs at 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 25.

ALESSO ALEX FERREIRA Ferreira is from Aspen and is competing in the Great Clips Men’s Ski Superpipe in 2020. He won gold in the same event in 2019.

Grammy-nominated producer and electronic music titan, Alesso headlines at 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 25.

Competing in snowmobile freestyle, Turcotte was the first to land a backflip on a snow bike in 2016

• The Real Cost Big Air (Men’s & Women’s) • Knuckle Huck • Jeep Slopestyle (Men’s & Women’s) • Great Clips SuperPipe (Men’s & Women’s) • Special Olympics Unified Giant Slalom

• The Real Cost Men’s Big Air • Pacifico Women’s Big Air • Wendy’s Knuckle Huck • Rail Jam • Jeep Slopestyle (Men’s & Women’s) • Monster Energy SuperPipe (Men’s & Women’s) • SuperPipe Session • Special Olympics Unified Giant Slalom

Snowmobile: • Freestyle

Snow bike:


Live from 192 countries and territories from Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, New Zealand and Africa.



On the ski halfpipe, she’s the reigning Olympic champion and hails from Comox, British Columbia, Canada

How many countries will X Games be televised to?

R&B/Pop superstar Bazzi finishes off the lineup at 4:30 p.m. Jan. 26.

• • • •

Wendy’s Snow BikeCross Snow Bike Best Trick Adaptive Snow BikeCross Para Snow BikeCross

Information from espnpressroom.com

Illustrations by Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

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JANUARY 22, 2020

A non-sports person’s guide to hockey Why I got into hockey even though it’s bloody and gross By Megan Webber

lot of criticism over the

year in a row at 13.378

the aforementioned man

player on the team, and


past couple of weeks

seconds around the

in heavy gear between

he’s easy to spot since he

for his weakening track

rink, according to NHL.

you and the net. Yet in

averages 21 minutes on the

record and the number of

com. That adds up to

his past two seasons,

ice per game, according

Neither was I. And then I

games he’s missed due

about 30 mph, which is

MacKinnon has slid past

to Hockey Reference. Just

started going to Colorado

to injuries, but he’s still

unfathomable to me, an

that man and won the

look for the big number 29.

Avalanche games.

an exciting performer.

average human being.

game 18 times, according

Not into sports?

All I knew about hockey

He sits so calm and

There’s also a lot of

I’ve even warmed up to

SPORTS BRIEFS Moreno earns RMAC Men’s Track Athlete of the Week A strong weekend for MSU Denver men’s indoor track and field team was led by Said Moreno,

to ESPN, and only the

the violence aspect. Part

who earned the RMAC’s award for

before my first game was

stealthy, like a cat waiting

skill required just to push

Lightning’s Brayden Point

of me hates promoting

Men’s Track Athlete of the Week

that it can be violent and

to pounce. He’s also the

a puck across an ice rink.

has scored more, at 19.

violence, but I can respect

after his strong performance in the

bloody. It reminded me of

only player on the team

I’ve tried it just to see if it’s

MacKinnon is the most

the fact that it’s part of the

Chadron State Open. He helped the

rough sports like wrestling

that the crowd interacts

as easy as the Avs make

exciting Avalanche skater

game. I’ve only actually

Roadrunners win the 4x400 relay

and boxing where men

with, which makes him the

it look, and it’s not. Not

to watch, as arguably the

seen blood once when

and took second place in the 200.

basically try to kill each

most fun to watch so that

to mention getting it past

fastest and most skilled

Samuel Girard took a high

He set the school record in the 500

other for fun. It did not

you can shout his name

stick to the face on New

meter race earlier in the season.

sound like my thing.

when he saves a goal.

Years Eye. Remarkably,

If I hadn’t been trying

He can also do the

he was back on the ice

to impress a guy, I never

splits while wearing

with tissues stuffed up

would’ve let myself be

seven-pound goalie pads,

his nose within minutes.

dragged to a myriad of

and have you ever seen

The kind of person who

sporting events. Most

Simone Biles do that?

would do that is either

of them I hated, but

As much as I love

passionate or insane.

not hockey. As a new,

Grubauer, watching one

self-proclaimed Avs

guy stand still for three

rules. Baseball is too slow.

fan — I have the Nathan

hours can get boring,

Basketball is the same

MacKinnon jersey to

especially when there

old, same old. But I’ve

prove it — here’s what

is ice skating going on

managed to find a sport I

I like to watch for in

ten feet away. The speed

can connect with, so at the

a hockey game.

that hockey players are

next Avs game, look for

In a sport that moves

Football has too many

capable is incredible.

too fast to really watch, the

Last year, the Edmonton

only constant is the goalie.

Oilers’ Connor McDavid

Avs goaltender Philipp

became the NHL’s fastest

Grubauer has received a

hockey skater for the third

Photo logo obtained from Colorado Avalanche

The NHL’s Colorado Avalanche is Denver’s professional hockey team. They currently have the second best record in the Western Conference and are led by star players Nathan MacKinnon and Cale Makar.

me in the stands. I’ll be the

Walker, Jeter elected to Baseball Hall of Fame

Women’s basketball

Men’s basketball

Who: Colorado State University-Pueblo

Who: Colorado State University-Pueblo

Where: Massari Arena | Pueblo

Where: Massari Arena | Pueblo

When: Jan. 17

When: Jan. 17








Who: New Mexico Highlands University

Who: New Mexico Highlands University

Where: Wilson Complex | Las Vegas, N.M.

Where: Wilson Complex | Las Vegas, N.M.

When: Jan. 18

When: Jan. 18









MSU Denver Athletics. “JaNaiya

halftime and never looked back.

scoring 22 points, shooting

By Will Satler

Davis had 25 points, but she

It was also one of their most

4 of 7 from 3 point range.


really had to work for them.”

efficient nights of the season,

Sophomore Morgan Lewis MSU Denver’s women’s

“I loved the grit that our

shooting 56.6% from the field.

team played with,” head

bounced back for a strong

Lewis followed up her strong

coach Michael Bahl told MSU

basketball team put together

performance against the

performance on Jan. 17 with 11

Denver Athletics. “Our bench

back to back wins for the first

Wolves, with 16 points and a

points and seven rebounds.

was engaged and we fought

time since their first two Rocky

career-high 10 rebounds.

Mountain Athletic Conference

Eleven different players

After a stellar showing at

until the end. I couldn’t be

home before their four-game

more proud of our team with

matchups. With two road

scored against New Mexico

road trip, the MSU Denver

all the adversity we have

victories, the Roadrunners

Highlands the following night,

men’s basketball team split

overcome so far this year.”

improved to 7-10 overall,

led by senior Bree Wellington’s

their weekend of games

6-5 in the RMAC with sole

14 points on 6 of 7 shooting.

against CSU-Pueblo and

big with free throws in the final

New Mexico Highlands.

seconds to bring home the win.

possession of 8th place. Sophomore guard Jaiden

“We did what we needed to do,” Haave said. “I’m

In the first of the two

Junior Maris Colton came up

On Jan. 18, New Mexico

Galloway recorded a career-high

really pleased with the way

matchups, the Roadrunners

Highlands came out on fire

7 steals against CSU-Pueblo,

we approached it. It would

roared out to a 43-28 halftime

to a 21 point halftime lead.

tying an MSU Denver record.

have been easy to take

lead over the Wolves and

this game lightly, but our

were able to withstand their

high 21 points weren’t enough

players didn’t do that.”

second-half comeback.

for the Roadrunners and they

“She really did an outstanding job of leading us,” head coach Tanya Haave told

The Roadrunners led 43-17 at

Druce Asah came up big,

The MSU Denver men’s tennis team took an early lead against the NCAA Division I Southern Utah University, but lost 4-3. The Roadrunners won 2 of 3 doubles matches, but Southern Utah earned four singles victories. MSU Denver men’s tennis continues their tough schedule as they next take on University of Denver on Jan. 24 at Denver Tennis Park at 11 a.m.

one waving at Grubauer.

MSU Denver athletics scoreboard


Roadrunners tennis falls just short against Southern Utah

Garrett Carter’s career-

shot 30.5% from the field.

Former Colorado Rockies outfielder Larry Walker and New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter were elected by Baseball Writers Association of America on Jan. 21. Walker, who was in his last year on the ballot, is the first Rockies player to be elected into the Hall of Fame and became the second Canandian-born player to be selected with 76.6% of the vote. Jeter fell one vote short of a unanimous selection with 99.7% of the vote in his first year on the ballot.

49ers, Chiefs to meet in Super Bowl LIV Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida will be host to the 54th Super Bowl when the San Fransisco 49ers meet the Kansas City Chiefs. The last time the Chiefs played in the Super Bowl was the 1969-70 season while the 49ers last played in the 2012-13 season.

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JANUARY 22, 2020



“It’s pee-con, like a urine convention.” “Editors stick together. Fathers move away.”



You’re feeling very energetic this week, so go for a walk or work out to keep yourself healthy.

You have a lot of tasks that need to be completed this week, but remember to pace yourself.

“He’s pulling your pickle, bro.” “Is big man a position?” “I have no strong feelings, but I like meat.”

Top 5



This week you have high expectations of conversations with loved ones. You need to relax a little and learn to let go of expectations.

A vacation is in store for you, Leo, so don’t feel bad about splurging on those travel books. This week will be all about planning for you.



That pile of paperwork on your kitchen table is boring, but completing it will open opportunities for fun! Invite some friends to go with you.

This will be a busy week for you. Friends might come asking for help, but you’ll enjoy aiding them, even if it takes up more time than you’d like.


Fictional teachers

You have a lot on your plate this week, but don’t try to take on too much. You don’t want to overwork yourself on the first week of school.

1. Miss Frizzle 2. Albus Dumbledore 3. Walter White

You’ll be distracted this week, Libra. You might be asked to spend some time with your family. Don’t beat yourself up for letting your mind wander.



Inspiration will hit this week, so don’t stop yourself from letting the creativity flow, whatever that means for you.

Your house will be full of activity this week. With all the commotion, remember to take a walk before bed so you can sleep.

4. Ms. Norbury 5. Prometheus




A group you are affiliated with may ask you to complete some tasks for them this week. Don’t be shy, it could open up some new doors for you.

Someone might call you this week and take up too much of your time. Don’t feel bad about telling them you need to leave.

Photo of the Week Student media offices are a place to grow professionally and personally.

Metropolitan wishing Kaileigh luck. “We have grown together as professionals,

While some students only linger for a

people and friends and I can’t wait to

semester or two, others stay long enough

see what you do next,” she wrote.

to leave something behind. Our photo

Kaileigh also inspired new

editor, Kaileigh Lyons, will step down

photojournalists to come into the career.

this week to pursue something closer to

Her assistant, Joel Mathew, said he

her field of study, social work. Kaileigh

learned many skills as her assistant.

brought a passion for photojournalism, a

“I want to thank her personally for being

determination to excel and a practiced eye

a good friend and photography mentor,” he

to The Metropolitan during her time here.

wrote to The Metropolitan. “I will dearly miss

She was also one of our favorite people to work with. Our former Editor-

her and her talent is noticed by many.” This photo was a finalist for the Society of

in-Chief and Kaileigh’s mentor, Ali C.

Professional Journalists’ Mark of Excellence

M. Watkins, wrote a message to The

Award for Large Feature Photography in 2019. Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu





Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.

Anngela Burt performs an acrobatic routine during a MarchFourth concert at the Bluebird Theater on Sept. 7, 2018.

Hiring Leaders

ON AIR Also hiring leaders

Submit Application • www.MyMetMedia.com/applynow/ • Complete online application form • Interviews will be scheduled Feb. 28, 2020 For more info contact mnoorula@msudenver.edu


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