Volume 42, Issue 19 - Jan. 29, 2020

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 19


JANUARY 29, 2020


Big air and big beats at X Games

Aspen hosted snow sport and concert extravaganza for 19th year stories on pg. 8 and 11

Photos by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Top: Artist Alesso performs his set at X Games Aspen 2020 on Jan. 25. Left: Rob Adelberg practices a jump for the Snow Bike Best Trick competition at X Games Aspen 2020 on Jan. 26. Right: Brett Turcotte gets big air while competing in the Snow Mobile Freestyle on Jan. 24.



| pg. 3


| pg. 6


| pg. 9


| pg. 12

Wanting to unseat Gardner,

In wake of tragedy, remember Kobe

Dolly Parton takes over Denver at

Super Bowl 54 carries historical

Democrats chat it up at MSU Denver

Bryant for all he was

the Oriental Theater

weight for Chiefs and 49ers

Study Abroad

Where knowledge meets adventure *NOTE: Listed program costs may or may not be all-inclusive. Talk with faculty in-charge to learn total expected costs

EDU 3700 Educational and Cultural Experiences in Great Britain United Kingdom - Dr. Margaret (Peg) Fraser mfraser3@msudenver.edu 5/14/2020 – 5/28/2020 $3,600.00

NUT 3320 Nutrition Study Abroad - Food Systems of Peru Peru - Philip Skaff

TTM 3700 Global Tourism: Vikings and Vineyards Denmark, Copenhagen & Germany Helle Sorensen sorenseh@msudenver.edu 5/22/20 – 6/5/20 $5,000.00

BUS 3010/MBA 5710 Global Business Experience, Global Business Management Experience

skaff@msudenver.edu 5/17/2020 – 5/30/2020 $5,560.90

China - Angelica Bahl abahl@msudenver.edu 5/22/20 – 6/6/20 $4,990.00

HIS 390 Creating New Pasts in The New Germanys

SPS 390 Global Perspectives on Water Management: The Case of b z, Italy

Germany, Poland - Andrea Maestrejuan amaestre@msudenver.edu 5/17/20 – 5/30/20 $4,527.00

HIS 390 Medieval Spain Portugal Morocco Spain, Portugal, & Morocco - Paul Sidelko psidelko@msudenver.edu 5/16/20 – 5/30/20 $4,271.00

PSC 39AI Sustainability in Politics Costa Rica - Amy Eckert eckerta@msudenver.edu 5/16/2020 –5/30/2020 $4,075.00

HIS 390/ANT 2710 History of Cyprus/Archaeological Field Research Cyprus - Justin Stephans, Branden Olsen jsteph46@msudenver.edu bolson18@msudenver.edu 5/15/2020 – 6/14/2020 $7,362.00

SOC 39AA China and Globalization China - Ting Jiang tjiang@msudenver.edu 5/20/2020 – 6/2/2020 $5,306.57

Italy - Nona Shipman nshipman@msudenver.edu 5/25/20 – 6/7/20 $3,311.00

ENG 39XX War and the Human Experience France - Dr. Cielle Amundson camunds1@msudenver.edu 5/22/20 – 6/7/20 $3,840.80

EDS 3000 Education, Culture, and Politics Puerto Rico - Dr. Jan Perry Evenstad evenstad@msudenver.edu 3/20/2020 – 3/28/2020 $3,848.00

MUS 390L The Beatles: Music and Culture England - Peter Schimpf pschimpf@msudenver.edu 5/26/20– 6/5/20 $5,842.57

Spanish Language and Conversation 1– 8 (1000– 4000 level) Spain - Graham Ignizio gignizio@msudenver.edu 6/27/2020 –8/8/2020 $6,512.50

PSY 390U Culture Clash: The Psychology of Intergroup Conflict in Europe Hungary - Christopher Garris cgarris@msudenver.edu 6/13/2020 – 6/28/2020 $2,850.00

EVT 390A Global Perspectives in Events *Can be taken with JMP 390A South Korea & Japan - Jung Shinyong sjung3@msudenver.edu 6/13/2020 – 7/4/2020 $4,878.00

JMP 39XS Social Documentary *Can be taken with EVT 390A South Korea & Japan - Steve Krizman skrizma1@msudenver.edu 6/13/2020 – 7/4/2020 $4,878.00

LAS 390C Place, Space, and The Creation of Identity: Understanding Self and Europe Through The Camino De Santiago Pilgrimage Spain - Dr. Lunden MacDonald mannl@msudenver.edu 5/31/2020 – 7/4/2020 $7,764.50

ART1505 & ARTH 321F + 4844 The Visual Art & Art of the Early Modern Low Countries and its legacy + Directed Studyies in Drawing Belgium - Jessica Weiss, & Tsehai Johnson jweiss16@msudenver.edu johnsots@msudenver.edu 5/30/20 – 6/20/20 $6,500.00

HSP 39AD Variable Topics: Study Abroad: International Human Services Scotland - Patrick Griswold pgriswo1@msudenver.edu 3/18/2020 –3/28/2020 $3,344.00

JANUARY 29, 2020

NEWS BRIEFS Carjacking suspect killed by officer in Aurora An armed robbery around 9 p.m. on Jan. 26 escalated into a series of carjack chases through the night until an officer struck the main suspect involved. The chase began in Denver and continued onto Interstate 225 in Aurora before the suspect crashed into two cars. He then proceeded to carjack a sedan and drive away before being stopped by a pursuit investigation technique by police. The suspect attempted to carjack another vehicle, but was shot by an officer. He was transported to a hospital but later died that Sunday morning, according to Channel 7 News.

Atari announced on Jan. 27 it is looking to build a series of worldclass video game-themed hotels, breaking ground in Phoenix in the middle of the year and building locations across the country immediately after, including Denver. Shelly Murphy, founder of innovation and strategy agency GSD group, mentioned that Atari Hotels would be “the first of their kind in the U.S., offering gamers of all ages the ultimate in immersive entertainment and in every aspect of gaming,” according to the official Atari Hotels website. No details have been released about the planned Denver location, other than a statement saying they hope to share more information soon.

Coronavirus fears cancels Denver Chinese New Year event


US Senate candidates come to MSU Denver for fireside chats By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

selected questions about


gender equity, student debt and healthcare, in front of a crowd

On Jan. 28, MSU Denver’s fireside chats with challengers to U.S. Senator Cory Gardner

of fewer than 100 people in a meeting room in the JSSB. “If you had tapped me on the

were reignited with a visit from

shoulder four and a half years

Stephany Rose Spaulding in the

ago, I would not have imagined

Jordan Student Success Building.

this would be my life right now,”

Spaulding was the second

Spaulding said. “It was because

candidate to stop by MSU

of my work, it was because of

Denver after former Gov. John

my students that a tremendous

Hickenlooper did so on Nov.

shift happened for me.”

21. Michelle Ferrigno Warren

Spaulding, a Chicago native,

is scheduled for a chat on Jan.

also singled out gun control as

29. Four more Democratic

an integral part of her platform.

candidates are slated to appear

Atari looking to build gaming hotel in Denver


“Gun violence prevention is

on campus throughout February

extremely important to me. I’ve

ahead of the heated 2020 race

had nieces and my brother held up

for Gardner’s seat in Congress.

at gunpoint. The mental impact on

“In November we started this

my health was so traumatic, but

Photos by Herman Guzman-Ibarra | hguzmani@msudenver.edu

conversation, we’re going to be

not even noticeabley traumatic

meeting with every one of these

while I was living in that space,”

senate candidates right here,”

Spaulding said. “When I moved

MSU Denver President Janine

to South Carolina, I couldn’t

Davidson said. “We’ve extended

function in the silence because

invitations to every one of the

the sounds of gunshots and sirens

during her unsuccessful attempt

that I did not know came to me and

candidates and we look forward to

and all of that was so familiar

to unseat U.S. Representative

asked me to run for U.S. Senate,

hosting them in the coming weeks

and normal to me that crickets

Doug Lamborn from Colorado’s

that is why I got back in this work.”

with the aim of facilitating some

to me was like, ‘What is that?’“

5th Congressional District in

thought-provoking conversations

The fireside chats began

2018. In spite of all the trials she

on Nov. 21 with Hickenlooper,

began in 2017 after she attended

has endured, she has pressed

who briefly ran for President.

the Women’s March in Washington

on, believing that that is the

Recordings of Hickenlooper’s

fireside chat but didn’t respond

D.C. She was inspired by people

best course of action to take.

and Spaulding’s chats are

to it, MSU Denver Government

coming together to protest

Affairs Coordinator Kyra deGruy

President Donald Trump, according

in tremendously strange times,

wrote in a Dec. 3 email.

to her website biography.

now is the time for us to step up

about the future of our state.” Gardner was invited for a

The chat was moderated

Spaulding’s road to Congress

Former Gov. John Hickenlooper answers questions from MSU Denver students on Nov. 21 at the CAVEA on the fourth floor of the Jordan Student Success Building.

She moved to Colorado

“Even though we find ourselves

available online through MSU Denver Early Bird. MSU Denver students have

that much more,” Spaulding said.

been recognized for their turnout

by Davidson and Noticiero

Springs in 2010. She’s a professor

“That is why in 2018 after suffering

in national elections. The

TVMet Executive Producer,

of women’s and ethnic studies

a tremendous loss — even though

university’s 65.3% voter turnout

Nancy Esquivel. (Noticiero

at the University of Colorado

we had done fantastic work that

rate for the 2016 election earned

TVMet and The Metropolitan

Colorado Springs and is a baptist

had never been done in Colorado’s

it an All In Charge Award.

are both Met Media entities.)

pastor. Ben & Jerry’s named an

Fifth District before — ­ when

ice cream flavor after Spaulding

someone from across the state

Spaulding answered pre-

The four candidates who are still slated to appear are Trish Zornio on Feb. 11, Andrew

A Chinese New Year event by the Denver Chinese School was cancelled due to risks surrounding the Coronavirus. School Representative Sue Wang wrote in an email that they regret having to cancel the event, but that the health of everyone involved is their main concern. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Enviorenment has also said that risk for the Colorado public is low.

Romanoff on Feb. 17, Lorena Garcia on Feb. 24 and Diana Garcia on Feb. 25. All chats are held in Room 420 in the JSSB and are free to attend. Politics have negative reputation, Davidson said, and these candidate appearances can destigmatize it during an election year. “This is what it takes to make a strong democracy,” she said. “People coming out, people

MSU Denver Day at the Capitol

engaging, people being brave enough to keep running for office.”

MSU Denver will be at the Capitol Building on Feb. 4 for their advocacyfocused event. This is an oppurtunity to convince lawmakers to invest in the university and speak with legislators. The event will begin with a check-in at 7:30 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Denver and continues until 2 p.m. Stephany Rose Spaulding greets students after her fireside chat in the Jordan Student Success Building on Jan. 28.



JANUARY 29, 2020

The Collegian stands with the CU Independent By Forrest Czarnecki and Austin Fleskes

more questions than answers. The

From the Rocky Mountain Collegian (CSU)

college has claimed that students in this


new venture will be “encouraged and allowed” to report on stories that are

Dear readers,

critical or harsh on the university.

On Dec. 9, news broke that the University

that this is the case. As Julig said, it goes

However, we have a hard time believing of Colorado Boulder was defunding the CU

directly against the university’s best

Independent, the editorially-independent

interests to have students report on stories

student media outlet at CU, to focus on

that make it look bad. So what will stop

a faculty-led media outlet. The editorial

the university from protecting itself by

team will soon be losing all funding

snuffing out independent reporting?

from the university’s College of Media,

At the end of it all, we say this: we stand

Communication and Information, as well

with our fellow student journalists at the CU

as their newsroom space entirely.

Independent. We stand with the independent,

Reading that news was heartbreaking.

strong journalism that is taught to young

Independent media, especially student

Photo obtained from Flickr

media, is critical for upholding the democracy of any institution. Without an independent student media organization, journalism that’s

writers across the nation, and we will stand with every journalist that reports for CU. We

University of Colorado Boulder announced on Dec. 9 that it would defund its student newspaper, the CU Independent.

true to its roots can’t be practiced by those

hope that their amazing team of dedicated journalists continues to forge ahead in the face of uncertainty knowing that The

looking to become the next generation of

under this system, news about the

watchdogs. A university-controlled paper

university that isn’t sunshine and smiles

is not one that can really teach students the

most likely won’t be allowed out of the

we commend Tann and the CUI team for

importance and necessity of a free press.

house. The cloudy days and bad weather

pushing through such a hard time with

recognizes the importance of a free press like

would likely be hidden from the public.

plans in place and a path forward being

that of the CUI: journalism that is respected

paved. Tann has maintained optimism and

and dedicated and not tied up in the strings

positivity through it all, something that we

of bureaucracy and public relations.

The CMCI has pledged support through the next semester as the CUI transitions

That should not come as a surprise,

and is forced to look for new funding

but it should be unsettling.

methods and a space to use. But is that

As student journalists, CUI reporters,

they are going to lose it all,” Tann said. Through this unfair and unjust process,

find incredibly admirable and to be proof

many other journalists, have their backs. We hope that the student body at CU

Finally, we urge CU Boulder to uphold

support worth anything when the outcome

photographers and editors are trained

is possibly losing the only independent

to operate as professionals and uphold

student press that reports on CU?

the principles of ethical journalism. Two

Tann is worried the local democracy of

control of student media is vital to not only

of these principles are transparency and

CU will be hurt. We are worried too.

learning the nature of journalism, but the

Once the college retracts its funding

that he will make a great journalist.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, along with so

and recognize the importance of the free

With the loss of a truly free press,

from the Independent and starts their

objectivity. With a massive institution

own faculty-led news organization, the

interested in attracting and retaining

semester, … we have really been able to tell

university’s transparency and purported

students through a positive public

amazing stories in the community, hold the

objectivity is called into serious question.

image, the waters of transparency and

powerful accountable and just do excellent

and beyond deserve the namesake of the

objectivity become a little murky.

work,” Tann said. “I know that is going to

great outlet that serves the students, staff and

continue, and I think now more than ever it is

community of CU Boulder: independence.

When the First Amendment was created, it was under the premise that

Current and former CUI editors alike

an educated electorate depends on

see how the clouds are getting darker.

information from a free press — a press

“(CMCI) training journalists to basically

that is not bogged down with the interests

dig into CU and uncover things in a not-

of a higher power or hidden interests.

such-a-good light is completely against

How can an educated electorate —

“Over the years and even over the past

press on a college campus. Full editorial

foundations of the practice itself. Free press should come with no footnotes or caveats. Student media for the CU Independent

going to be even better. I am optimistic in the face of it all. And (students) have to realize having us around is very, very important.” But this does not forgive the

Contact Collegian Editor-in-Chief Forrest Czarnecki and Managing Editor

their best interest and is a huge conflict of

outrageous mistake that CU’s CMCI

Austin Fleskes at letters@collegian.

or, in this case, an educated student

interest,” said Carina Julig, a reporter for

program made in this decision.

com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.

body — trust the reliability and

the Loveland Reporter-Herald and former

authenticity of the information that is

CUI managing editor. “And hey, they teach

could have been taken that would not only

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student

being presented to them when it comes

journalism, so they already know that.”

illustrate the importance of independent

media organizations are sharing editorial

student media, but also make it clearer to

content to promote student work around the

leaders and other employees are obviously

students what independent media really

state. For more information, write to Editor-in-

high, as Robert Tann, the current editor-in-

looks like. In short, the CMCI should have

Chief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

chief of the CUI, told us earlier this week.

shown support for the Independent and their

from an institution that has an interest in portraying themselves in a good light? Under this new system, one of the largest higher education institutions in the state will be “reporting the news” on itself.

“It is never easy to tell a whole bunch

Sounds suspicious, doesn’t it? That’s because most people would agree that

Strong emotions within the CUI media

of people who put their heart and soul into something that there is a prospect that

There were paths forward that we feel

pursuit of great journalism, not drown it. This new venture is something that is dangerously ambiguous and provides

The staff of The Metropolitan weighs in “It’s frustrating, it’s scary, and it’s not right. CU Independent alumni are some of the most trusted journalists in Colorado. The results are there. A school-funded outlet when CU is being sued by The Daily Camera creates a clear conflict of interest. The Independent will survive. The press will not be silenced.” -Editor-in-Chief James Burky “Not having funding will not stop them from continuing to produce top-tier Colorado journalism. They deserve the funding, and I hope the people making these decisions will change their minds in the near future.” -Sports Editor Will Satler

“How can students prepare to work in a world where the free press is threatened, when their university is threatening the very same values? The students of CU Boulder deserve better.”

“It’s a crime. Students are already dissuaded from joining journalism programs, and this just gives them another reason to be wary.” -News Editor Herman Guzman-Ibarra

-Managing Editor Megan Webber “It hurts to see young journalists lose funding. It almost feels like the university just gave up on them. My advice to the people at the CU Independent is to keep going and thrive. We’re with you.” -Features Editor Brady Pieper



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JANUARY 29, 2020

Column: Kobe Bryant’s complicated legacy

staff Editor-in-Chief

obe Bryant was a hero to

Let’s not forget this —

and Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

millions of people and a

Bryant was never acquitted

and The Big Bopper in 1959. The

Managing Editor

villain to plenty. His greatness

nor was he convicted because

latter was The Day the Music

on the hardwood and through

the woman refused to testify.

Died and Jan. 26 was the day

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

philanthropy was undeniable.

He and the accuser settled in

that 2000s basketball died.


He was accused of sexual

civil court. He never denied

assault by a 19-year-old woman

having sex with the woman.

in Eagle, Colorado in 2003.

What happened to Bryant,

That incident left a permanent blemish on Bryant’s otherwise clean public image, and it

James Burky

complicates his legacy after

Bryant’s complicated legacy

News Editor Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

also mirrors Lennon’s, who is

Features Editor

known to have abused his first

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

his daughter Gianna and the

wife, Cynthia. Depending on

other seven victims is tragic.

who you ask, both were good

Assistant Features Editor

But ignoring what he was

people who did bad things or bad

accused of doing to a 19-year-old

people who did good things.

Harmony Clearo hclearo@msudenver.edu

Mamba” only attested to

because he changed basketball

Calabasas, California on Jan. 26.

Bryant’s competitive fire.

forever reverses progress

with a muddy history clings

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

we’ve made since #MeToo was

to complicated icons.

Design Editor

Seeing him execute

Friends of mine who played

superhuman dunks and drop

college basketball credit the

40-point games with ease

Black Mamba as their inspiration.

inspired friends, classmates

Bryant was named to 18 All-

importance to male and female

greatness while remembering

and myself in elementary

Star Games in 20 seasons, 15

athletes, work with Gay & Lesbian

his darkest moments.

school to hit the blacktop during

All-NBA selections and has an

Alliance Against Defamation and

recess for pickup basketball.

assured spot in the sport’s Hall

other philanthropy work is just

James Burky is a fifth-year convergent

of Fame. He was an ambassador

as naive and toxic as forgetting

journalism major with a minor in sports

of both basketball and America.

the sexual assault allegation.

media. He is the Editor-in-Chief of

Office Manager

The Metropolitan. He has previously

Meher Noorulamin mnoorula@msudenver.edu

We shouted, “Kobe!” when we balled up notebook paper and threw it into a trash can in

Athletes, politicians and fans

launched into the mainstream.

It’s fitting that a country

Sports Editor

he died in a helicopter crash in

On the flip side, ignoring his

Chances are people wanting to

We need to remember this — we can both celebrate Bryant’s

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media

class. We sported Bryant folders,

mourned the loss of an icon. But

celebrate Bryant aren’t malicious

worked for the Daily Camera in

jerseys and hats to flaunt our

those who mentioned his sexual

in overlooking his sexual assault

Boulder and The Denver Post. Email

idol. He inspired countless

assault accusation on social

allegation. They’re reeling in the

James at jburky@msudenver.edu.

across the globe to be tenacious

media were met with hateful

death of someone who shaped

in the pursuit of their dreams.

messages that called them

who they are, just as people

disrespectful or attention-seekers.

celebrated John Lennon in 1980

Dubbing himself “Black

Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

Hillary vs. Bernie: A Feud Nobody in 2020 is Asking For W

ith 12 candidates, nine

with him, he got nothing done.

candidates. This is especially

months until the election

He was a career politician.”

callous given that Sanders

and zero chances of America

She then proceeds to call his

surviving another four years

campaign “baloney,” and feels bad

loss in the 2016 primaries under

of President Donald Trump,

that “so many people got sucked

the “Stronger Together” slogan.

the stakes are sky-high for the

into it.” Given the last election,

2020 Democratic primaries.

it’s a bit ironic for a candidate

Democrats in 2016 was what cost

who struggled so hard to gain

them the election, and this pattern

time in America’s history, the nation

acceptance from Democratic voters

cannot continue into 2020. Early

is going to need someone to unify

to attack him on his likability.

polling shows that Sanders has a

In such a politically tumultuous

the divide between its values, and

Will Luyties

better yet, not plunge us into a third World War. While each candidate aims to achieve this, a huge portion

eliminating all student debt. Even after these same beliefs

Though Clinton is referring more

campaigned with her after his

The ideological divide between

narrow lead in the polls, in very

to his likability in Congress than in

close competition with his more

political discourse, voters are more

moderate rivals Warren and Biden.

eager to elect a candidate who can

If there’s one candidate that

of Democratic voters have their

cost him the primaries during the

effectively lead the people than

has the support, the ideals and

eyes set on one — Bernie Sanders.

2016 election, Sanders is staying

someone who can win the “most

the appeal to take on Trump,

While many Democrats are

true to his values and fighting to

popular senator” superlative.

it’s Sanders. When politicians

complacent with candidates

institute them into America. One

who value reunification over

notable critic of Sanders is his

by an NBC reporter about this

and potential, it creates a harsh

reevaluation such as Joe Biden

2016 opponent Hillary Clinton,

TMZ-worthy drama, Sanders

divide between voters — a divide

and Elizabeth Warren, others

who has her own thoughts on

said, “On a good day my wife

that’s responsible for the host

are eager to nominate someone

the controversial candidate.

likes me, so let’s clear the air on

of “The Celebrity Apprentice”

that one,” then shifted the topic

controlling the nation.

like Sanders who can reinvent

In an upcoming docuseries

a country falling behind other

on Hulu titled “Hillary,” the

developed nations it once inspired.

titular politician bitterly slams

The Vermont senator made bold promises during his campaign, such as implementing a singlepayer health care system and

When Sanders was approached

like Clinton denounce his vision

to Trump’s impeachment trial. This rhetoric from Clinton

Will Luyties is a 21-year old English

Sanders and reignites their

is exactly what the Democratic

major at MSU Denver who also minors

feud from four years ago.

party doesn’t need again in 2020

in communications. He loves writing,

— a conflict that further divides

talking about pop culture and politics.

Democrats by denouncing popular

Email Will at wluyties@msudenver.edu.

“Nobody likes him,” she says. “Nobody wants to work

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

To find more info please visit: msudenver.edu/campusrec

Did you know?


As an MSU Denver student, you already have a Campus Recreation Membership

5v5 Basketball, Mondays 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Registration closes Feb. 5 League Starts Feb. 10 Center court in the gym (PE117C)

Wed. Tue./Thu. Mon. /Wed.

Group Fitness

Esports, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Show up at 11 a.m. on date(s) below to register February = Super Smash Bros Tuesday League starts Feb. 4 Wednesday League starts Feb. 5 Campus Rec Conference Room (PE001)

Open Recreation 2-5 p.m. West Court (PE117W) Basketball | Monday and Wednesday Soccer | Tuesdays Volleyball | Thursdays 11 a.m-1 p.m. Campus Rec Conference Room (PE 001) Esports | Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Club Sports Lacrosse (M) Poms Volleyball (M, W)

Indoor Cycling w/ James (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201) TRX Suspension Training Express w/ Jazmin (1-1:30 p.m., PE 201) HIIT with Matt (1:30-2 p.m., PE 117 West) TRX Functional Training w/ Vinny (2-2:50 p.m., PE 201)


Baseball (M) Cheerleading Esports Ice Hockey (M)

Barre with Chasity (10-10:50 a.m., PE 220)

Total Body Strength w/ Julie (11-11:50 a.m., PE 117 West) Indoor Cycling w/ Jody (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201) Indoor Cycling & More w/ Vinny & Jason (1:30-2:30 p.m., PE 201)

Indoor Cycling with Chasity (5:15-6:05 p.m., PE 201)

Indoor Cycling w/ Aimee (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201)

Barre w/ Chasity

(1-1:50 p.m. PE 215)


Outdoor Pursuits Avalanche Safety Field Day One

Ice Climbing

Avalanche Safety Field Day Two

Bike Tune Series Meeting #1

First Friday Art Walk

Snowshoe Hike

Basics of Indoor Climbing

Ice Climbing

Saturday 2/1 @ 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Sunday 2/2 @ 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

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JANUARY 29, 2020

Music elevates X Games lineup

Four musicians take the spotlight away from the athletes By Brady Pieper

and races. But an equally

Pass for students to get access

crew started their drive from

varied in times from 30 minutes


special part of X Games are

to all four concerts for $200.

Wayne, Nebraska on Jan. 22 to

to over an hour, but one thing

witness the weekend festivities.

was certain — the backdrop of

the musical talents that are X Games has been a staple for

College Student Sam Morrill.

With classes on Jan. 27, the

“We went skiing all day today

group had to leave the day before

Rae Sremmurd on Jan. 23,

and we caught the concerts

for their long drive back, but they

skiers, snowmobilers and

Illenium and Alesso on Jan.

and a little bit of the Big Air.

were thankful for the adventure

snowbikers take up the headlines

24, and Bazzi on Jan. 25.

It was all a lot of fun.”

X Games provided, Morrill said.

Aspen, Colorado for decades. High-flying snowboarders,

with their dangerous tricks

pulled to perform on stage.

“I love it,” said Wayne State

This year’s concerts were

X Games offered a College

Morrill and his five-person

the perfect concert setting.

The four musicians’ sets

Photos by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Musical artist Alesso performs for the audience as his name is blasted on the screen behind him on stage at X Games Aspen 2020 in Aspen on Jan. 25.

Slim Jxmmi from the rap duo Rae Sremmurd looks out onto the audience of X Games Aspen 2020 in Aspen on Jan. 24.

the Aspen mountains made for

EDM producer Illenium performs with pyrotechnics at X Games Aspen 2020 in Aspen on Jan. 25.

American singer/songwriter Bazzi grips the mic as he performs for the audience at X Games Aspen 2020 in Aspen on Jan. 26.

A Game of Thrones dragon flies behind EDM producer Illenium during his show at X Games Aspen 2020 in Aspen on Jan. 25.


JANUARY 29, 2020


Dolly Day raises money to support childhood education By Harmony Clearo

by Parton in 1995, donates books


to children from birth to the time they begin school. In Colorado, the

Big hair, big busts and acrylic

organization exists across multiple

nails. You couldn’t escape them at

zip codes and is being pushed to

the Oriental Theater for the first

become a statewide commodity.

Dolly Day Denver on Jan. 26. Men, women and children

Annie Medina and Lynda Kelley organized the event to

dug their blonde wigs out

show their approbation of the

of the closet to honor Dolly

country artist not only for her

Parton through storytelling,

award-worthy music, but for

line dancing and much more.

her altruistic nature, Jeremy

Shirley Delta Blow, a public figure for the drag queen

Johnson, Medina’s husband said. “Dolly’s a great humanitarian

community, began Dolly Day

and we really like that,” Johnson

by calling all the children up

said. “And this gives us a chance

to the stage and reading them

to donate to an actual cause

a children’s book authored by

with the Imagination Library.”

Parton. The book, “Coat of Many

Dolly Day was also in

Colors,” is one of six pieces

pursuit of owning a page in

that Parton has published.

the Guinness Book of World

“Sometimes I just feel like

Records for most Dollys to

I don’t fit in,” Delta Blow said.

ever be in one building at once,

“If I could find a book that has

according to Denise Plante, radio

people in it that look like me

influencer from 106.7 The Bull.

or sound like me, I can start to

“We are just so blessed to be

recognize those people when I

celebrating the queen of country,

read about them, and then I start

Dolly Parton,” Plante said.

to see them out in the world, and

To align with the country

Photo obtained Dolly Day Denver

At the Oriental Theater, Dolly Day Denver was a gathering of Dolly Parton lookalikes and fans with the goal of raising money for the charity Imagination Library on Jan. 26. In the ocean of blonde wigs and

worked for the money to support

fake eyelashes, the most notable

underprivileged children in need

theme of Dolly Day, Plante

aspect was the fact that the event

of books. Parents who cannot

invited everyone to go up

was dedicated to childhood

afford books for their children

donated to the Imagination Library

on stage and participate in

education. Silent auctions,

are not left optionless. As Parton

of Denver. The library, founded

a line dancing lesson.

vendors and donation takers

wrote in “Coat of Many Colors,”

I start to feel less all by myself.” All profits from the event were

“One is only poor, only if they choose to be.”


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JANUARY 29, 2020



PHOTOS: Athletes shine at X Games 2020 Photos by Brady Pieper

Aspen skier Cassidy Jarrell flips high above the halfpipe during the Great Clips Men’s Ski SuperPipe Elimination at the X Games Aspen 2020 in Aspen on Jan. 24.


Josh Hill warms up on his snow bike for the Wendy’s Snow BikeCross on Jan. 25 in Aspen for X Games Aspen 2020. Hill would fall just short of medaling in fourth place.

On Jan. 24, Mathilde Gremaud smiles after her final run in the Women’s Big Air competition at the X Games Aspen 2020. She earned a silver medal in the event, after winning the gold medal in 2019. Left: French skier Tess Ledeux holds the gold medal after she finished first in the Women’s Big Air event at X Games Aspen 2020 on Jan. 24. Right: A fan looks on as an athlete skis down Buttermilk Mountain during the Great Clips Men’s Skiing SuperPipe elimination round at X Games Aspen 2020 on Jan. 24. Alex Ferreira, the Aspen native, won gold in the event on Jan. 26.

Ledeux represents France with gold By Brady Pieper

As the final scores settled in

Ledeux said after her gold medal


and Ledeux was announced the

performance. “I am just so happy

winner, she belted out in joy. She

to represent my home country,

place of eight riders — three of

didn’t win gold — France did.

France, in Aspen tonight.”

her runs ended in wipeouts —

The 18-year-old has

but she still was proud of her

On Jan. 24, French freestyle skier Tess Ledeux pierced

Ledeux’s red, white and blue

just tried to keep it going.” Hackett finished in eighth

through during her final run of

French flag next to her name

been competing in X Games

attempts, even sporting a smile

the Women’s Big Air competition

on the leaderboard contrasted

competitions and World Cup

after falling on her last run.

at X Games Aspen 2020.

the Colorado snow showing off

events since 2017. X Games

the X Games for what it is — a

Aspen 2020 marked her second

raised in the French Alps, but

her arms to cheers from the crowd.

platform for international athletes

gold medal, the first came at

represents New Zealand in many

Her name stood above the other

to represent their countries.

X Games Norway 2019.

of her international World Cup

competitors’ on the leaderboard.

“It was just amazing,”

She slid down the hill, pumping

Now a two-time gold and silver

however, was her chance to

to deliver her thoughts. After her

represent her home country.

to all girls nervous about skiing. “I’m very nervous before

“It is so amazing,” Hackett said. “It’s really a big deal to be representing two countries,

every competition,” Ledeux

New Zealand and France. It feels

said. “But when I keep skiing

great to be in Colorado. I’m

I feel better and better.”

looking forward to skiing around

Anxiety is troublesome for some competitors, one being

and having some more fun.” The Women’s Big Air

Margaux Hackett, who was told

competition was a single event

she would be in the Women’s

connected to the four-day long

Big Air competition only two

X Games Aspen 2020 circuit.

hours before the first run.

Athletes from around the world

“I didn’t know I was competing

Tess Ledeux looks at the leaderboards during an interview after her gold medal run for the Women’s Big Air Event at X Games Aspen 2020 on Jan. 24. The 18-year-old scored her second gold medal of her career.

events. X Games Aspen 2020,

medalist, Ledeux has a platform run, she had a message to deliver

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Hackett was born and

got their opportunity to flex

until, really, right before the

their flag in Colorado — because

warm up,” Hackett said. “I

snow speaks no language.

skied the best I’ve had in a while during the practice and

FULL LIST OF X GAMES ASPEN 2020 WINNERS Friday, Jan. 24 Special Olympics Unified Snowboarding: Mike Schultz and Daina Shilts Special Olympics Unified Skiing: Gus Kenworthy and Palmer Lyons Ski Knuckle Huck: Colby Stevenson Monster Energy Men’s Snowboard SuperPipe Final: Scotty James Pacifico Women’s Snowboard Big Air Final: Miyabi Onitsuka Snowmobile Freestyle Final: Brandon Cormier Women’s Ski Big Air Final: Tess Ledeux The Real Cost Men’s Ski Big Air Final: Henrik Harlaut Men’s Snowboard SuperPipe Session: Taylor Gold Saturday, Jan. 25 Jeep Women’s Snowboard Slopestyle Final: Jamie Anderson Para Snow BikeCross: Doug Henry Jeep Men’s Ski Slopestyle Final: Colby Stevenson Adaptive Snow BikeCross: Mike Schultz Jeep Men’s Snowboard Slopestyle Final: Darcy Sharpe Wendy’s Snow BikeCross Elimination and Final: Cody Matechuk Women’s Ski SuperPipe Final: Kelly Sildaru The Real Cost Men’s Snowboard Big Air Final: Max Parrot Women’s Snowboard SuperPipe Final: Queralt Castellet Sunday, Jan. 26 Jeep Women’s Ski Slopestyle Final: Kelly Sildaru Jeep Snowboard Slope Rail Jam: Jesse Paul Wendy’s Snowboard Knuckle Huck: Zeb Powell Great Clips Men’s Ski SuperPipe Final: Alex Ferreira Snow Bike Best Trick Final: Brett Turcotte




Esports enters the realm of competition

Men’s basketball splits weekend series The Roadrunners’ four-game

JANUARY 29, 2020

bidder after a losing streak.

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

Companies have also noticed the rise of esports and started

road trip came to an end in a split, losing on Jan. 24 to Mines

Growing up, I had the

marketing specifically toward

61-52 in Golden but coming away

athleticism of a toaster. I was

them. Blizzard’s own Overwatch

with an important victory against

not someone who could catch

League — centered around their

University of Colorado Colorado

a ball, run for extended periods

titular team-based shooter — has

Springs on Jan. 25, 66-59.

or throw with any accuracy.

entire teams across the world,

Rather, I found solace

like the Dallas Fuel, New York

MSU Denver is now 10-9 overall and 6-7 in RMAC play.

staying inside and playing

They are in 11th place in the

video games. Little did I know

Excelsior and the Hangzhou Spark.

conference standings. Garrett

that improving these skills

Carter was MSU Denver’s leading

could lead to opportunities like

scorer over the weekend, scoring

sponsorships and partnerships

a team-high 10 points against

with major companies.

The matches are even televised Photo obtained from Flickr

on channels like ESPN and TBS

Esports continues to grow around the world, filling sports arenas to capacity and bringing in millions of viewers online for events.

— imagine my shock when I went

making was in the realm of seven

Quezada. During that time, ZeRo

game I’d play at home being

figures with reports saying he was

amassed 56 tournament wins in

broadcast to the general public.

people who have put the time and

earning an average of $500,000

a row, earning a Guinness World

dedication into being the best of

a month. By that estimate, he

Record, and is the undisputed

someone play a game instead

the best, they have felt the highs

made around $6 million in 2018.

best player in the game.

of playing the game yourself,

and lows that go into traditional

For comparison, the average

Baseball Writers Association gave

competition while not standing up

NBA salary for 2019-20 was

alone. Panda Global, founded by

traditional sports too? Why

a slight nod to MSU Denver’s

from their DXRacer gaming chair.

about $7.7 million, according

physician and fighting game fan

watch someone score a goal

to basketball-reference.com.

Alan Bunney and his college friend

when you could go outside and

David Wu, has become one of

kick a soccer ball yourself?

Mines and 11 against UCCS.

Soole, Roadrunners baseball gain national attention The National Collegiate

baseball program receiving

Well, not for me. But for the

One well-known esports

It may seem absurd to watch

but couldn’t you say that about

votes in the 2020 South Central

player is Tyler “Ninja” Blevins.

Region Preseason Poll.

His methodical way of playing

is Gonzalo “ZeRo” Barrios, a

the most well-respected teams in

Just as someone will cheer

and streaming the popular video

prowess in Super Smash Bros.

fighting games. They have players

over a game-changing Hail Mary

Logan Soole was recognized

game “Fortnite,” a battle royale

for the Nintendo Wii U. When

dominating swaths of titles, from

during the Super Bowl, so too

on the all-region first team as

match where 100 players drop

the game released in November

Street Fighter V to Tekken 7 to

will people cheer over an absurd

the utility position while junior

onto an island and battle until

2014, ZeRo began dominating

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

combo in a fighting game or a

outfielder Chase Anderson

one remains, while also building

major Smash tournaments, and

They also pride themselves

split-second headshot across

received second team honors.

forts for defense, makes him

was undefeated for almost a

on treating their players with

the map in a shooting game.

one of the best in the game.

year. until he was beaten in the

respect, even during times of

Seeing video games

Major League Gaming World

poor performance, instead of

come into the spotlight is a

Finals 2015 by Nairoby “Nairo”

pawning them off to the highest

pipe dream come true.

Senior pitcher/outfielder

The region is loaded with Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference talent, with last season’s NCAA

In a 2018 interview with ESPN, Ninja said the income he was

Another major esports player

Ninja and ZeRo are not

out to eat and suddenly saw a

Division II runner-up, Colorado Mesa University (1), Colorado School of Mines (4), Dixie State University (5) and University of Colorado Colorado Springs (8) placing ahead of the Roadrunners in the poll.

2020 Super Bowl has historic ties By James Burky

West counterparts — Las


Vegas Raiders, Denver

his fifth championship,

Instead of earning

isn’t as sad. It’s one of

The 49ers’ story

salvage their perfect

Broncos and Los Angeles

Montana and company

a former-heavyweight

Chargers — have made the

were trampled by the

returning to the ring to

validates head coach Kyle

reclaim their throne.

Shanahan, quarterback

championship record.

Women’s basketball knocking on RMAC postseason door after road trip

us to the 2020 Super Bowl,

AFC Championship game

Buffalo Bills, 30-13, in the

With an 8-11 record and a 7-6

two of the most fascinating

a combined 25 times and

1993 AFC Championship

conference record, the MSU Denver

are those of the franchises

have won it at least once.

Game. Four years later, the

flipped the NFL upside-

rest of the team, but will

women’s basketball is sitting in

playing in the big dance –

The Chiefs have only made

Chiefs fielded a top five

down and won six of

also return the franchise

eighth place in the RMAC standings.

the Kansas City Chiefs and

three in that time span with

offense and defense only

nine Super Bowls in 19

to the top in Super Bowl

the San Francisco 49ers.

two of those coming in the

to lose to the Broncos in

seasons, the 49ers had the

wins with the Patriots and

last couple of seasons.

the divisional round, 14-10.

best argument for being

the Pittsburgh Steelers.


the greatest dynasty in

Their hypothetical 6-1


football. From 1981-94,

record would also be the

they were 5-0 in Super

best winning percentage

Bowls. Those teams had

of any team with at least three appearances.

They couldn’t take down

Of all the paths leading

Colorado School of Mines on Jan.


24, falling 73-65 before earning


a bounce-back 67-55 win over


17 playoff losses in the

UCCS. Senior Bree Wellington

City Chiefs

previous half-century

A majority of the Chiefs’

San Fransisco

Before the Patriots

scored 19 and 18 points against

evoke pity from fans of

Colorado Mines and UCCS,

more fortunate teams.

Hall of Famers such as

From 1970-89, the Chiefs

Montana, Bill Walsh, Eddie

respectively, to lead the team. They return home on Jan. 31

When Patrick Mahomes slings the ball to a


made the playoffs twice.

streaking Tyreek Hill on

For Alzheimer’s Awareness when

Sunday, he’ll be doing so

Tyreek Hill,

Bowl-winning coach

and Charles Haley.

they take on South Dakota Mines.

for this season’s Chiefs

Kansas City

Dick Vermeil, the Chiefs

Their legacy was as


sprinted out of the gate

golden as their uniforms.

McGhee, Sheppard, Gonzales tabbed players to watch in RMAC The Roadrunners softball

Jimmy Garoppolo and the

DeBartolo, Steve Young,

at 5:30 p.m. for We Back Pat Night

In 2003, under Super

and last season’s. And the

A win not only

Jerry Rice, Ronnie Lott

Nick Bosa, San Fransisco 49ers

season before and so forth,

to a 9-0 record. They

back to the 1970 team.

finished 13-3 only to lose

turned, the 49ers’ fortunes

The Chiefs are a

to Peyton Manning’s Colts

did as well. They made the

and disappointment on

in the divisional round,

playoffs just twice from

one end and a former

robbing the world of a

2000-10 after doing so 16

king looking to reclaim

snakebitten franchise.

Fifty years of heartache

program was picked to finish

It has been 50 years

fourth in the RMAC in 2020 after a

since the world saw Len

marginally, in the next

chance to see one of the

times in the previous 20

the throne on the other.

third-place finish in the postseason

Dawson, Otis Taylor and

two decades. But great

most potent offenses in

seasons. When the 49ers

This is going to be good.

tournament last season.

Hank Stram matriculate

teams were erased from

history on the big stage.

returned to the Super Bowl

their way to an upset of

NFL lore by dynasties.

And, of course, the Chiefs

in 2012, the Baltimore

Graphics By Zhen Tang

were one encroachment

Ravens put a choke hold on


Among the players to watch list

Their fortunes reversed,

When the century

is a program record holder in pitcher

the Minnesota Vikings in

Kansas City won the

Darby McGhee, the 2019 RMAC

Super Bowl 4. Since then,

Joe Montana sweepstakes

penalty away from

the offense and lead by 22

Freshman of the Year Rebecca

the franchise and its fans

in 1991 after the

beating the New England

points in the third quarter.

Gonzales, an outfielder, and 2019

have endured heartache.

legendary quarterback

Patriots in the 2019

The 49ers almost came

left San Francisco.

conference title game.

back, but they couldn’t

second-team all-RMAC catcher and third baseman Laney Sheppard.

Since 1970, their AFC

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JANUARY 29, 2020



“Forgive my linguistic ignorance.” “It’s not for baptizing fish.”



A quarrel will break out during a class or social interaction this week, but don’t get involved if you can help it.

Someone you live with is in a bad mood this week, but don’t take it personally. Just stay out of their way until the storm passes.

“Imagine living in Wichita, Kansas. Like, what?” “You don’t get baby fever, bro?” “This terrain is scrumptious.”

Top 5



Arguments with others will tempt you to spend a lot of money this week on food, drinks or clothes. Treat yourself a little, but don’t go overboard.

This week you feel like there is more to do than you have time for. Don’t panic, but go out for a walk to clear your head.



Your high energy this week could lead to irritability or anger, but don’t let it get to that point. Instead, be active and drain your energy by doing something physical.

While emotions run high around you this week, keep your opinions to yourself. Distract yourself with your own project to stay out of others’ quarrels.


Most memorable Super Bowl halftime shows

You’ve been feeling hopeless this week, which leads to stress and irritability. Stay calm and try to find a solution. Breathe.

1. Beyonce, Bruno Mars and Coldplay (2016) 2. Prince (2007) 3. Katy Perry (2015) 4. Justin Timberlake (2018) 5. Michael Jackson (1993)

Libra An employer will notice your levelheadedness this week, Libra. You’ve been wanting to impress them, and your clean work won’t go unnoticed.



Sales calls and traffic are likely to make you angry this week. Remember not to lash out at others and do what you need to do to stay pleasant.

You’ve been struggling to put plans into action this week, but remember that it’s no one’s fault, so don’t lash out at others.



You’ve been having nightmares about money this week. Reflect on what your mind might be trying to tell you, and don’t stress about the money.

Stress is high at work or school this week, but try to distance yourself as much as possible. This will keep you from getting sick.

Photo of the Week For anyone who has played a sport, they know the initial anxiety that overtakes the body before performing. It is a fear

He prepared for a dangerous slide through metal and ice, but his mind was calming. It’s an incredible thing, really —

that takes total control — something

being able to silence the storm inside

unique to the human experience.

to perform at your absolute peak.

On Jan. 24, this image was taken

The ten-second pause before his jump

at the top of the Slopestyle course

meant a lot more than just a lesson on how

on Buttermilk Mountain and shows a

to get rid of the pre-performance jitters.

snowboarder preparing himself for his

It meant that no matter what happened

practice run at X Games Aspen 2020.

on the course, he left everything he had

Every athlete copes differently with their anxiety. The boarder took a breath of fresh air and looked out over the beautiful landscape

out there and in the crisp Aspen air, he was doing something that he loved. Then — he jumped.

of Aspen before starting his snowy descent.

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu





Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.

A competitor in X Games Aspen 2020 looks out onto the Slopestyle course on Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen on Jan. 24.

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