Volume 42, Issue 20 - Feb. 5, 2020

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 20


FEBRUARY 5, 2020


Softball swings for the future Roadrunners eye 2020 RMAC tourney, split opening weekend

Photo by Will Satler | wsatler@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver third baseman Olivia Dampier and pitcher Destinee Lopez celebrate after Dampier made a diving catch to strand two runners in scoring position in the seventh inning in a game against Sioux Falls University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 1.

By Will Satler

2019. They’re looking to return to form

But in their opening weekend, it

Feb. 1. Despite standout performers,


when they appeared in the NCAA DII

was evident that two freshmen, among

they walked away with a 3-2 record.

College World Series in 2010 and won

others, were going to hold key roles

four RMAC postseason tournaments.

if the Roadrunners want a shot at the

things, good pieces and really good

postseason: third baseman Olivia Dampier

moments,” head coach Annie Van

and pitcher/first baseman Kayla Banks.

Wetzinga said. “It’s just us putting it

The young talent for the MSU Denver softball team is looking

MSU Denver is led by returning talents

to help the Roadrunners make a

Darby McGhee — an All-South Central

deep postseason run in 2020.

Region selection as a junior utility/pitcher

The Roadrunners were picked to finish

“I think we’ve had a lot of good

The Roadrunners hosted Humboldt

together. We have, but we also have

in 2019 — and 2019 RMAC Freshman of

State University for three games — a

fourth in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

the Year outfielder Rebecca Gonzales,

doubleheader on Jan. 31 and a solo game

Conference Preseason Coaches Poll after

who anchored the top of the Roadrunners’

on Feb. 2 — as well as the University

a 31-27 overall and 23-14 RMAC record in

lineup, hitting .359 in her 2019 campaign.

of Sioux Falls for a doubleheader on



| pg. 3


| pg. 6


| pg. 8

moments that are kind of backbreakers.”

| Continued on pg. 11


| pg. 12

Previewing the Women in Sports

Pueblo is a city that’s a diamond in

Black History Month kicks off in

Women’s basketball team finds

Management Panel

the rough

Denver, Five Points plays a big role

its identity



Annual Black World Conference

Prelude & Postscript February 19.2020 & 20.2020 9:30-2:30 St. Cajetan’s Event Center Keynote Presentations Professor Elsa Barkley Brown Professor Sharon Harley www.msudenver.edu/aas

FEBRUARY 5, 2020



Women in sport management panel returns for third year By Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

out in the career they want to get into.” This year’s panelists include Pam Dunbar, Director of Marketing for the Glendale

Women from the Denver Broncos

Raptors; Jodie Bowness, Vice President of

and US Olympic and Paralympic

Ticket Sales and Service for the Colorado

Commitee will be among the guests

Avalanche; Sarah Hulsman, Public Relations

at the third annual Women in Sport

representative for the United States

Management Leadership Panel.

Olympic & Paralympic Committee; Paula

The event is being organized by

McLain, Marketing Director for the United

Kelly Evans, assistant professor in the

States Tennis Association of Colorado; and

Department of Human Performance

Nancy Svoboda, Executive Vice President of

and Sport. The event is free to attend,

Human Resources for the Denver Broncos.

but donations are encouraged to help the Sport Management program. “Sometimes we can’t always teach

The panel began in 2017, when the idea came about to help inspire students who want to get involved in the industry meet

these things,” Evans said. “This panel

role models they could look up to. Panelists

makes sure those young men and

are made up of women with leadership

women don’t get discouraged when

positions in areas like marketing and

they start getting into the industry.”

human resources. Evans also mentioned

Colleen Colles, who has led the effort with this event the previous two years, is a professor in the Sport Management

Photo courtesy of Colleen Colles | ccolles@msudenver.edu

Panelists sit in the Cohen Center for Athletics to answer questions on Feb. 5, 2019.

that each year the panel coincides with the National Girls and Women in Sport Day. The panel is not only meant to have

“Sarah Hulsman is actually the youngest

“I was pleasantly surprised at

person on the panel, so she’s going to have

how many commercials were very

department at MSU Denver and understands

guests come and tell their stories. While

lots of advice on how to get started and

woman-empowering,” Colles said.

how important this event is for students.

that is an important point of interest, the

what that was like for her,” Evans said.

“It shows that there’s progress being

“It started with it being nice to have

first half hour of the event is reserved

Every year, the event gets a new series

made and gives people a face to

role models for women in the industry

for networking purposes and the last

of panelists to attend in various fields.

so that they could see themselves in that

half hour for follow-up questions.

This year is especially relevant since the

The event will go on from 5:30-7:30

2020 Super Bowl featured San Fransisco

p.m. at the RAC on campus. Registration

position since it tends to be skewed toward

All of the panelists bring different levels

put all that encouragement to.”

men,” Colles said. “It’s not exclusively for

of experience and relevant questions

49ers coach Katie Sowers, the first female

is preferred so that organizers can get an

women though — it’s meant to be diverse

from their fields of expertise to try and

to coach in the Super Bowl. Colles and

idea of how many refreshments to provide.

so that as many students as possible can

give students a variety of people in the

Evans said how mainstream media is

leave with information that helps them

industry to look toward for advice.

getting better at showing female leaders.

Autism support program seeks more support moral support of their autistic peers.

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

“I would like the support of all the peers in the university to build a more inclusive student

MSU Denver is the only university in

community so students are more aware of

Colorado and one of 30 in the U.S. that

what autism is,” Santhanam said. “Why does

has a formalized clinic where college

he look odd or why does he talk rudely? Is it

students with autism can seek support

because he’s a bad person or does he have

for job interviews and socializing.

a challenge? Maybe that’s why he’s rude.”

Integrated Supports for Students

Santhanam has also organized faculty

with Autism in College (ISSAC) is in its

training sessions on the second Friday of

second year of operation at MSU Denver.

every month from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

It was founded by Speech Language and

in the Central Classroom Building. She

Hearing Sciences professor Siva priya

teaches 15-20 faculty members how to

Santhanam in fall 2018 and is counseling

provide support for their autistic students.

17 students for the spring 2020 semester.

She has narrowed down the best ways

There are plenty of support systems

to improve to three aspects: building a

for autistic children but most of those

sense of trust with all students; structuring

disappear when they go to college and

class and the semester with a preview of

become adults, Santhanam said.

the agendas; explain why they’re talking

“Once they become an adult, the

about a certain subject or activity.

diagnosis doesn’t go away. The need

In May, Santhanam will address Photo courtesy of Siva priya Santhanam | ssanthanam@msudenver.edu

for support doesn’t go away,” she said. “When I took up this position at Metro, I noticed that there are so many students

Peer Mentor and SLHS Major Ashley Rawlings working with a MSU Denver student with autism who did not wish to be named on Feb 15, 2019.

that are autistic on campus who are not getting any kind of support or services.” Santhanam and peer mentors from the SLHS department meet with one student every 45 minutes from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30

the faculty professional development conference on teaching autistic students. “Anyone in the world, whatever your learning abilities are, should be able to

of success if they have the help that they

She wants to reach out to other student

succeed and you should be able to achieve

need,” Donahue said. “Not having that

organizations for help but they need proper

your goals,” Santhanam said. “We have

is a detriment to society as a whole.”

training in order to provide meaningful help.

to set up a community in such a way that

Santhanam’s vision for the program is to

The ideal solution is to secure more

everyone feels that they can have equal

p.m. on Tuesdays. What they work on

have enough resources to be open for more

funding for the program either from outside

participation, engagement and success. And

depends on what the client needs.

than one day and serve all adults with autism,

donors or grants, Santhanam said. That

that success doesn’t come only to people

not just registered students. The biggest

would allow her to hire a clinician who could

who have a certain set of social skills or

Donahue, one of the first peer mentors

issue the program faces in achieving that

help grow the program and provide more

have a certain set of extraordinary sense

who graduated from MSU Denver

mission is its understaffing, Santhanam said.

services like job coaching and exercising.

sensibility to be gregarious or outgoing.

ISSAC resonated with Cristina

and has a brother with autism. “As my brother grew up, his options disappeared. Adults with autism are capable

Santhanam spends 8-15 unpaid hours per

While she waits on the financial

week working for ISSAC and has two student

support, Santhanam said that MSU Denver

volunteers from the SLHS department.

students and faculty can improve the

Success needs to come for everybody.”



FEBRUARY 5, 2020

U.S. Senate candidate Warren visits MSU Denver By Rachel Lorenz

an informative dialogue about the


future of our state and issues that relate to our students,” Campbell said.

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate

Warren delivered opening and closing

Michelle Ferrigno Warren told an

remarks, then answered 12 questions

audience at the Jordan Student Success

previously submitted by audience members.

Building on Jan. 29 that a progressive

In addition to enabling her to discuss her top

stance toward immigration is essential

three legislative priorities — immigration,

to being a good neighbor in Colorado.

climate and equity — the questions also gave

“It’s maddening to see [the immigrant

Warren the opportunity to speak on health

issue] can continue to be kicked down

care, housing, women’s reproductive rights,

the proverbial road,” said Warren,

gun control, TABOR and barriers to education.

a former public school teacher and founder of Open Door Ministries. “It isn’t good for our moral fabric. We have

Warren supports comprehensive immigration reform and providing a pathway for people to gain legal status.

this chronic, historical narrative that says, ‘We

As a resident of a Denver zip code that is

want your work, we just don’t want you.’ And

80% Latino, she said you can’t be a good

that’s what happens every day that we don’t

neighbor without caring about immigration.

have comprehensive immigration reform.”

Photo by Rachel Lorenz | rlorenz7@msudenver.edu

Turning to the environment, a question

participate in the school’s Fireside Chat

say that pragmatic policy solutions must

series, which kicked off with former Gov.

accompany such high-minded goals.

Michelle Ferrigno Warren, left, speaks to an audience of MSU Denver students, faculty and staff in the CAVEA theater on Jan. 29 about her candidacy for the U.S. Senate with Katia Campbell and Met Radio general manager, Derek Brekken.

John Hickenlooper’s visit on Nov. 21. She

She touted her energy park option as an

support gender equity, Warren said culture,

is running against Hickenlooper, Andrew

example, which proposes repurposing

not public policy, explains why only 25% of

the focus away from her specific

Romanoff and eight other Democrats

open-pit coal mines in Colorado.

congressional seats are filled by women.

campaign and asked the audience to do

“I cannot think of specific policies that

more than vote, urging them to actively

Warren is the third candidate to

in the primary on June 30. The winner will take on incumbent Republican Cory

about the Green New Deal led Warren to

“We have to end coal immediately, but we

As the event closed, Warren shifted

have to transition with justice,” Warren said.

would enable women to be in office outside

Equity, as Warren’s third priority, came

of maybe campaign finance,” Warren said.

up often during her opening remarks and the

“I think we just have to work on our culture

remember us for what we do in this

cited the importance of students, faculty and

question and answer period. Warren said she

to really change the mindset of women

moment,” Warren said. “We cannot

staff staying informed and politically aware.

wants her daughter to be able to succeed in

representation. Because when you look at

afford to be inactive. We have to jump

a world that keeps women at a disadvantage.

the law, there’s nothing that says, ‘Well,

in to fight for our democracy.”

Yet, when asked about specific policies to

you’re a woman, so you can’t do it.’”

Gardner in the November election. Faculty Senate President Katia Campbell

“We started this series back in November with the aim of facilitating

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denvercollegeofnursing.edu DCN programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Nursing. DCN is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. DCN BSN program is also accredited by CCNE. DCN programs are approved by the Colorado State Board of Nursing. For consumer information go to denvercollegeofnursing.edu

participate in the democratic process. “This is our season and history will

FEBRUARY 5, 2020



We care way too much about the Super Bowl By Alexandra MacDonald

has a single-elimination playoff system.

From the Rocky Mountain Collegian

It’s what makes it appear so cutthroat.


If anything, the Super Bowl should be an excuse to get together and enjoy time spent

Sunday night marked the 2020 Super

with people who support the same things

Bowl, with the San Francisco 49ers and

you do. Big-league sports are something that

the Kansas City Chiefs playing for the title

bring people together to follow their favorite

of champion for the NFL’s 100th season.

team — not something that should bring them

While we football-loving Americans

together in order to tear someone down.

scoff at how riots like the UEFA Euro 2016

Gambling isn’t the taboo and very illegal

sweep our televisions and mobile screens in

hobby it was decades ago, so choosing to

reaction to soccer games, we follow the same

put money down on a team you think you

behavior. After the New England Patriots lost

can support is something you can do —

to the Philadelphia Eagles in 2018, people

depending on the state. Just don’t decide that

toppled cars and stole police horses.

the money you slapped down on the table

Those events were just a couple years

Photo obtained from pixabay.com

ago. Googling “Super Bowl riots” will show you several yearly accounts of rioting. The thing is, football really isn’t something

The Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers 31 - 20 in Super Bowl 54 on Feb. 2. The Super Bowl is one of the largest events in American culture.

worth rioting en masse over. However, when

gives you a right to ignite the next Purge. An off call by a referee is certainly annoying if you don’t see eye-toeye, but it’s not worth breaking your neighbor’s television screen or flipping

people feel the need to riot over football, it

maker. According to CNBC, the median

may be because they’re losing money. To

salary for an NFL player is $860,000 per

Ellie Zadow, a sophomore biology student

state a fact that many agree with and many

season. The average ticket price for the

at Colorado State University, grew up around

Contact Alexandra MacDonald at letters@

can’t stand hearing, football is just a game.

Super Bowl is between $4,000-$5,000.

football. Her stepmother used to co-own a

collegian.com or on Twitter @alexandramacc.

Sure, it’s the top-tier game of the NFL, but

The Super Bowl is undoubtedly popular,

Super Bowl drew 98.2 million viewers.

a table. It really is just a game.

football team — the Jacksonville Jaguars — so

beyond that, it doesn’t necessarily change

and some of the few things that actually

much about the state of the world — what

encourage new watchers to tune in are the

we’re allowed to read on the internet or the

commercials that air during it. In 2018, CBS,

money,” Zadow said. “They’ll find any reason

content to promote student work around the

amount of electricity we’re allotted that week.

the television broadcasting company that

to point out an excuse why they lost if that

state. For more information, write to Editor-in-

hosted the Super Bowl, charged around $5.25

means they’re not getting their money back.”

Chief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

The Super Bowl is strictly a form of entertainment, and like most large

million to air a 30-second advertisement

entertainment platforms, it’s a money-

during commercial breaks. In 2019, the

her family watches the Super Bowl every year. “People probably get angry when they lose

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student media organizations are sharing editorial

Winning the Super Bowl is so popular because only professional American football

Briefs MSU Denver Day at the Capitol cancelled Due to inclement weather,

Denver Police Department accused of burning a woman’s house A woman named Mary

ICE officers break car window to arrest woman with no warrant Denver resident Shadia

FBI use flash bang grenades in Highlands Ranch home Flash bang grenades were set

Denver-based app causes trouble at Iowa caucus The app made by Shadow

MSU Denver’s event at the

Quintana is suing the Denver

Gonzalez was forcefully dragged

off in a Highlands Ranch home

Inc. that Iowa Democrats used to

Capitol Building was postponed

Police Department on the grounds

out of her car by ICE officers,

during an FBI investigation.

collect data from caucus-goers

until further notice.

that they set her home on fire

according to Denver7.

It was scheduled to happen on Feb. 4 with morning and

during a standoff last year. Officers were pursuing her

afternoon sessions from 7:30 - 11

son, 35-year-old Joseph, in

a.m. and from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

response to gun shots in the area.

The event provides an

Joseph then shot two

The officers were seeking to

The man who manages the property said agents told him

arrest her because her previous

they were looking for large

deportation stays ran out.

sums of money but found

In an interview with Denver7, immigration attorney Johnny Poon

nothing. Other than the flash bangs, no shots were fired.

York City as its office locations. The app’s CEO, Gerard Niemira, is based in Denver. The app caused trouble for those collecting caucus results

opportunity for students and

officers before taking his own

said the officers boxed her vehicle

community members to talk

life. The officers survived.

with their own unmarked cars

the neighborhood, told CBS4 she

before forcefully dragging her out.

heard a loud boom and the police

having trouble logging on and

to their local legislators about

According to Quintana’s

ICE spokesperson Alethea

Kimberly Aldrette, a resident in

lists Denver, Seattle and New

and delayed the race by a day. Caucus leaders said they were

supporting the university. There

lawsuit, SWAT officers tossed

megaphone telling everyone

using the app Monday night,

has been no date announced

flammable chemical grenades

Smock cited a federal law that says

to stay indoors. No arrests

according to The Denver Post.

for a rescheduling of the

— designed for outdoor use

agents do not need to produce

were made and the property

event as of press time.

only, the lawsuit says — inside

a warrant to make an arrest.

manager said the tenant of the

the data collected by the app

her home to try and get her

Smock also said Gonzalez failed

searched home has returned.

was sound, but the flaw was

son out. The lawsuit also says

to comply with the officers’ initial

in the process of transmitting

Quintana was illegally detained.

requests to exit her vehicle.

the data from the app to the

In a statement, Niemira said

Iowa Democratic Party. As a result, caucus results were not announced until 5 p.m. on Feb. 4. The New York Times reported Pete Buttigieg as the leading candidate, with 26.9% of the vote.



FEBRUARY 5, 2020

Republicans, Trump should be ashamed

staff Editor-in-Chief

he Senate will vote

investigations into former Vice

strategies. Trump was trying to

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Wednesday on the articles

President Joe Biden and his

do the same thing, but he was

Managing Editor

of impeachment against President

son Hunter, according to The

trying to do it through a foreign

Donald Trump, and an acquittal

New York Times. Bolton would

country, which is impeachable.

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

is likely. This is not a surprise,

have been able to testify that

but it still hurts. Republicans

information before the Senate,

specifically charged with

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

should be ashamed they’ve let the

which would have brought the

obstruction of justice and abuse of

Features Editor

president get away with this much.

truth of Trump’s dealings to light.

power. Nixon and Bill Clinton were

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu


Three Republican Senators had the opportunity to turn the trial around, but chose to side

Trump’s main defense, argued

Megan Webber

with their party instead. Trump

On top of that, Trump is

also charged with obstruction

News Editor

by his lawyers in the Senate,

of justice, and neither of them

Assistant Features Editor

was that this quid pro quo was

got away with it. Letting Trump

Harmony Clearo hclearo@msudenver.edu

not a high enough offense to be

get away with what he’s done

is charged with high crimes

siding with Democrats to allow

impeachable. By withholding

would put the U.S. in danger of a

and misdemeanors centered

witnesses in light of a new

military aid from Ukraine, Trump

dictatorship, and the Republicans

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

around a quid pro quo, which

book written by Trump’s former

put their president Volodymyr

know it. They’d rather stand

Photo Editor

his defense lawyers insisted

national security adviser, John

Zelensky into a corner. Fiona Hill,

by him than risk losing votes

throughout the trial was not

Bolton. The senators wavered for

a former national security official,

to a Democrat, which is why

Justine Johnson jjohn460@msudenver.edu

an impeachable offense.

a couple of days, but in the end

testified to the House in November

Trump will be here to show his

only Romney and Collins voted

that Trump had all but bullied

face in the 2020 election.

weeks of trial in the Senate,

in favor. Democrats needed four

Ukraine into doing him a favor.

which did not look like much of a

Republican votes to succeed.

The vote comes after two

trial at all. The House managers

This was a defeat not only for

Sports Editor

Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

That favor would have directly affected American

Megan Webber is a fourth-year

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

and Trump’s lawyers were each

Democrats, but for the country.

national security and the 2020

convergent journalism major with a

Production Manager of Met Media

given time to make opening

The Senate’s vote to not allow

presidential election. Trump

minor in linguistics at MSU Denver.

and closing arguments, while

witnesses withholds information

would have benefitted from the

She is currently the Managing Editor

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

two days were dedicated to

from the public, which is

investigation by cheating. His

of The Metropolitan and interning at

questions from Senators. The

equivalent to a reporter writing

lawyers also argued that it is not

The Denver Post. In 2019, she won the

Meher Noorulamin mnoorula@msudenver.edu

House managers wrapped up

a story on the impeachment trial

illegal for presidential candidates

Denver Press Club’s John C. Ennslin

Sales and Marketing

their arguments on Feb. 3 with

and only mentioning the House’s

to investigate other candidates

award in conjunction with journalism

sinking hope of a conviction.

vote but not the Senate’s. The

in order to win the election. In

legend Bob Woodward. Contact her

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

manuscript of Bolton’s book

part, they’re right, it’s not always

at mwebber6@msudenver.edu.

Times reported that Sens. Mitt

directly ties Trump to withholding

illegal. But Richard Nixon was

Romney, Susan Collins and Lisa

nearly $400 million in security

nearly impeached in 1974 for

Murkowski were leaning toward

aid to Ukraine in exchange for

spying on Democratic election

On Jan. 14, The New York

Office Manager

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

Pueblo is an underrated piece of Colorado’s personality


he cities, towns and people of

to the department and there

traffic, clean air and the beauty of

Colorado are, to me, some of

are four more on the way.

the area. Come on down and grab

of the state’s wonders. However,

better education. In the last six

restaurants. Have a blast at one of

not all towns are viewed the same.

years, Pueblo D60 high schools

the many festivals throughout the

Location in reference — Pueblo.

have gone from a 71.9% graduation

year. Make it a point to get to the

rate to 81.8%, surpassing the

state fair and see a show. Throw a

cringed, and that’s my point. Most

state graduation rate of 80.7%,

round at one of the nicest disc golf

people think of Pueblo as a crime-

according to the Colorado

courses in the state, then go tube

ridden junkyard of drugs and gang

Department of Education.

down the Arkansas River to cool

the most unique things out of all

It’s not just more police — it’s

I bet some of you have already

violence. Like with many other

David Mann

cities in America, there is some

Pueblo is a small community in

a slopper at one of the many great

off. Or visit the Pueblo Reservoir

relation to the metro area, but that

State Park and boat, swim or

truth to that statement. But what

From an ice arena and a minor

hasn’t stopped it from stepping up

throw a line in one of the largest

did our grandma teach us about

league hockey team, to an awesome

to the challenge of finding positive

bodies of water in the state.

judging a book by its cover?

zoo and planetarium, Pueblo has

solutions to crime and education

a lot more to show for itself than

issues. As a result, the citizens

Denver, Pueblo is a true diamond

at the thought of Pueblo, and what

people think. The food, culture and

are making the policy changes

in the rough. I’m happy to have

it would be like living there in

history of the city sound like they

necessary to make the city a better

invested in a community that

comparison to the metro area. That

come straight out of a storybook.

place for current and future families.

invests in itself. Pueblo is so much

Once upon a time, I too cringed

was until I stumbled upon a house

Over the past few years, I

From scholarship opportunities

below market value and figured

have watched the city of Pueblo

for high school graduates, to the

it would be a great investment.

transform itself from an inside-out

employment opportunities in

Located 114.4 miles south of

more than a crime statistic — it’s a place that I’m proud to call home.

approach. The passing of ballot

renewable energy, as well as the

David Mann is a transfer student from

I went all in on a property in a

measure 2B — which is a sales

booming cultivation industry,

Pueblo Community College. He is

town that people from Colorado

tax that goes directly to funding

Pueblo has exponential room for

now a senior at MSU Denver studying

tend to avoid. I got exactly what I

for more police officers — has

growth. With an average home price

broadcast journalism with a minor in

expected, and a whole lot more.

been a contributing factor in

of $140,000, it’s an affordable place

sports media. David has worked at

Mayor Nick Gradisar’s declaration

to live, as well as raise a family.

Met Media since spring 2019. Contact

Throwing caution to the wind,

As I spent more time there, I noticed everything that Pueblo

of a 16% violent crime decrease

had to offer and I am still amazed.

last year. They added 13 officers

So next time you think of Pueblo, think of quality of life. Think of no

him at dmann12@msudenver.edu.

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Study Abroad

Where knowledge meets adventure *NOTE: Listed program costs may or may not be all-inclusive. Talk with faculty in-charge to learn total expected costs

EDU 3700 Educational and Cultural Experiences in Great Britain United Kingdom - Dr. Margaret (Peg) Fraser mfraser3@msudenver.edu 5/14/2020 – 5/28/2020 $3,600.00

NUT 3320 Nutrition Study Abroad - Food Systems of Peru Peru - Philip Skaff

TTM 3700 Global Tourism: Vikings and Vineyards Denmark, Copenhagen & Germany Helle Sorensen sorenseh@msudenver.edu 5/22/20 – 6/5/20 $5,000.00

BUS 3010/MBA 5710 Global Business Experience, Global Business Management Experience

skaff@msudenver.edu 5/17/2020 – 5/30/2020 $5,560.90

China - Angelica Bahl abahl@msudenver.edu 5/22/20 – 6/6/20 $4,990.00

HIS 390 Creating New Pasts in The New Germanys

SPS 390 Global Perspectives on Water Management: The Case of b z, Italy

Germany, Poland - Andrea Maestrejuan amaestre@msudenver.edu 5/17/20 – 5/30/20 $4,527.00

HIS 390 Medieval Spain Portugal Morocco Spain, Portugal, & Morocco - Paul Sidelko psidelko@msudenver.edu 5/16/20 – 5/30/20 $4,271.00

PSC 39AI Sustainability in Politics Costa Rica - Amy Eckert eckerta@msudenver.edu 5/16/2020 –5/30/2020 $4,075.00

HIS 390/ANT 2710 History of Cyprus/Archaeological Field Research Cyprus - Justin Stephans, Branden Olsen jsteph46@msudenver.edu bolson18@msudenver.edu 5/15/2020 – 6/14/2020 $7,362.00

SOC 39AA China and Globalization China - Ting Jiang tjiang@msudenver.edu 5/20/2020 – 6/2/2020 $5,306.57

Italy - Nona Shipman nshipman@msudenver.edu 5/25/20 – 6/7/20 $3,311.00

ENG 39XX War and the Human Experience France - Dr. Cielle Amundson camunds1@msudenver.edu 5/22/20 – 6/7/20 $3,840.80

EDS 3000 Education, Culture, and Politics Puerto Rico - Dr. Jan Perry Evenstad evenstad@msudenver.edu 3/20/2020 – 3/28/2020 $3,848.00

MUS 390L The Beatles: Music and Culture England - Peter Schimpf pschimpf@msudenver.edu 5/26/20– 6/5/20 $5,842.57

Spanish Language and Conversation 1– 8 (1000– 4000 level) Spain - Graham Ignizio gignizio@msudenver.edu 6/27/2020 –8/8/2020 $6,512.50

PSY 390U Culture Clash: The Psychology of Intergroup Conflict in Europe Hungary - Christopher Garris cgarris@msudenver.edu 6/13/2020 – 6/28/2020 $2,850.00

EVT 390A Global Perspectives in Events *Can be taken with JMP 390A South Korea & Japan - Jung Shinyong sjung3@msudenver.edu 6/13/2020 – 7/4/2020 $4,878.00

JMP 39XS Social Documentary *Can be taken with EVT 390A South Korea & Japan - Steve Krizman skrizma1@msudenver.edu 6/13/2020 – 7/4/2020 $4,878.00

LAS 390C Place, Space, and The Creation of Identity: Understanding Self and Europe Through The Camino De Santiago Pilgrimage Spain - Dr. Lunden MacDonald mannl@msudenver.edu 5/31/2020 – 7/4/2020 $7,764.50

ART1505 & ARTH 321F + 4844 The Visual Art & Art of the Early Modern Low Countries and its legacy + Directed Studyies in Drawing Belgium - Jessica Weiss, & Tsehai Johnson jweiss16@msudenver.edu johnsots@msudenver.edu 5/30/20 – 6/20/20 $6,500.00

HSP 39AD Variable Topics: Study Abroad: International Human Services Scotland - Patrick Griswold pgriswo1@msudenver.edu 3/18/2020 –3/28/2020 $3,344.00



FEBRUARY 5, 2020

A time devoted to education and understanding

Black History Month comes to Denver despite a complicated history

By Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

“It was somewhat overwhelming,” Juniel said. “To be honored with some of the Black

Black history is Denver history.

icons in our community — people

That’s Denver’s first black fire

I looked up to as I was growing

chief Roderick Juniel’s belief on why it’s important to dedicate

up — it’s overwhelming.” As Juniel was cemented into

every February to educating

the history of Denver, the location

generations on Black history.

where he was honored is integral

“I think our responsibility is to ensure that we continue teaching

to Denver Black history, too. Blair-Caldwell has been a staple

Black history and we document our

in the Five Points community

history for our grandkids,” he said.

since it broke ground in 2002.

“They need to understand the

The first floor of the three-story

struggles that took place. And also

building is a full-service library,

they understand that there’s an

the second is devoted to African

opportunity for achieving anything

American research and the third

you want as long as you want to

is used as a museum and gallery.

work hard and stick with it.” Juniel has spent nearly his

Its conception, started by former Denver Mayor Wellington

entire life in the city. He grew up

Webb and First Lady Wilma

in Denver, attended Manual High

Webb, saw to create a place for

School and later joined the Denver

research and preserving the many

Fire Department. His rise to the top

contributions of African Americans

of the department took 26 years.

to Colorado and the West.

But something called the former chief out of playing golf and caring for his grandchildren — an award honoring his service to the Denver community. The Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library hosted the annual Juanita Gray Community Service Awards, and

“What Black History Month does for hate groups or discriminatory groups is simply remind them that we have progress.” – Sarah Woodson

Photo from Denver Public Library

Chief Roderick Juniel, 2020 Inductee to Blacks in Colorado Hall of Fame, with Gloria Neal, Director of Public Affairs, city and county of Denver at the Juanita Gray Community Service Award ceremony on Feb. 1.

the history of the United States,

have always been a part of

“I wouldn’t say that Black

so you can’t separate the two,”

Blair-Caldwell’s mission —

History Month helps with

said Jameka Lewis, senior

not to hold information but

combating the KKK, because that

Juniel and Blair-Caldwell is to

librarian of Blair-Caldwell. “When

to also seek out the truth.

is a change that has to happen

clarify that African American

you talk about the founding of

“A lot of this history isn’t

put him on a pedestal that

history is American history,

this country, we talk about the

taught in schools,” Lewis said.

Redress Chair Sarah Woodson.

many prominent figures of

Black History Month providing

building of this country. Leaving

“Being able to celebrate these

“A lot of that is really based

Colorado’s African American

a perfect opportunity to

out the achievements of Black

achievements and then spread that

in fear — driven ideologies

history also stood upon, and

address this head on.

Americans really does a disservice

information around is important

and historical policies and an

to what this country is about.”

because who else will do it?”

ideology that no longer exists.

Juniel was listed as a recipient and inductee into the Blacks in Colorado Hall of Fame. The honor he was receiving

among names that many young African Americans look up to.

A message shared between

“The history of Black Americans is interwoven into

Research and education

When Blair-Caldwell broke

for hate groups or discriminatory

notable — Five Points, one of the

groups is simply remind them

oldest neighborhoods in Denver

that we have progress.”

Americans and minority groups. With new generations

Black History Month has been an important part of Denver history, and it is an emphasis for

growing up, Lewis thinks Black

the NAACP, Woodson said. But

History Month is a chance to

instead of using the month as a

shed light on some of Denver’s

way to combat racial prejudice,

storied communities.

she wishes that the month would

“This was kind of a safe haven, especially when you talk about Pullman porters and members

be simply about the achievements of African Americans. “What we need to do as a

of the Black middle class,” she

people, regardless of our skin

said. “This area of Five Points

color, is just embrace the fact

was one of the few areas where

that the country has had an ugly

we could actually thrive where

history with slavery and Jim

we could receive all the services

Crow and discrimination and

that we would need: fire, doctors,

systematic oppression,” she

lawyers or entertainment.”

said. “However, to acknowledge

The importance of Black History Month in Denver is amplified by the city’s racist history. Less than a century ago, Ben

Flyers for the Juanita Gray Community Service Award ceremony and the Blacks in Colorado Hall of Fame sit on a greeting table at the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library on Feb. 1.

What Black History Month does

ground in 2002, the location was

and a sanctuary for African

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

with thinking,” said NAACP Legal

that does not mean that you are personally doing it.” One message that will be resonated throughout this month

Stapleton took office as Denver’s

is that African American history

mayor. His tenure lasted 20 years

is cemented in the people and

over five terms — he was also a

communities around us.

member of the Ku Klux Klan.

FEBRUARY 5, 2020



J-Lo and Shakira bring love, hate in iconic 2020 Super Bowl show By Megan Webber

of American culture and traditionally


focuses on classic American virtues. And the most recent halftime show

You can fit a lot into 14 minutes.

seemed to reflect something other than

Past Super Bowl halftime performers

an American experience. But I’ll tell you

have filled their sets with ballads, tributes to America and calls for attention to relevant

a secret: that’s exactly what it did. The NFL knew what it was doing when

issues. Few have made as many statements

it chose two Latinas to perform at halftime

as Shakira and Jennifer Lopez did Feb. 2.

in Miami. The city is known as the “capital

The Latina starlets spoke about their

of Latin America,” so it seemed only

upcoming halftime show to the NFL in

fitting that a Latina should headline the

September. The duo discussed how hard

show. But Shakira — a Colombian with

it would be to split up the time equally

Lebanese, Afro-Latin and New York roots

between them. Beyonce, Bruno Mars and

— and Lopez — a New Yorker of Puerto

Coldplay performed together in 2016,

Rican descent — aren’t just Latina. They

allotting only a couple of minutes to each of

represent a part of America that never

them for solo performances. They managed

shows up in Super Bowl ads, or any ads

to create a spectacular event that brought

for that matter. America is not all white

gay, black and human rights to center stage.

and shiny. America speaks Spanish,

How could Shakira and Lopez top that?

shakes its hips and yes, has wrinkles.

Shakira went first, sweeping the crowd

Lopez, 50, shimmied up a pole and

off their feet with six of her hottest singles

stretched herself toward the floor for part

in English and Spanish. Lopez took over

of her act before donning a feathered vest

six and a half minutes in, then the duo

that showed the American flag on one side

sang the last two songs in unison. Like

and the Puerto Rican flag on the other. She

wiggled her tongue to the camera, an

song in the U.S. since 2011. You may

most things, the performance divided the

basked in her roots and in the cheers from

expression of joy called zaghrouta that is

say they’re outdated, but look beyond

country in two. Half of Twitter praised the

the crowd as the flag waved behind her.

used in Arabic culture. She danced salsa,

America’s borders and you’ll see the

artists for their strong musical skills and

Her daughter Emme joined her onstage for

mapale and champeta, all of which are

world needs artists like these two. They

cultural statements, while the other half

“Born in the USA” while other children sat

influenced by Latin or Afro-Latin culture.

brought the Super Bowl and America

cursed them for showing too much skin at

in cages surrounding them. Some glitter

an age over 30 and for singing in Spanish.

and thrive, while others are cast aside.

One Facebook user posted, “For the

Shakira, 43, moved her body to an

Photo illustration by Zhen Tang | ztang@msudenver.edu

Jennifer Lopez and Shakira performed during the halftime show at the 2020 Super Bowl on Feb. 2.

Moreover, the halftime show was fun. When was the last time you had fun

and for that, I applaud them.

watching the halftime show? I can tell you

Super Bowl supposed to be America’s

Arabian melody and took the world

it’s been at least two years. Somehow

sport they sure are singing a lot of Spanish

by surprise when she whipped out a

Shakira and Lopez have outdone Beyonce

just saying not that impressive.”

sparkly electric guitar halfway through

and Lady Gaga even though neither

her set. She became a meme when she

of them have released a No. 1 English

It’s true, the Super Bowl is a staple

one step closer to multiculturalism,

Kesha’s “High Road” doesn’t disappoint By Harmony Clearo

Kesha? “High Road,” released on

The song says, “Calling up my best

country vibe with an acoustic guitar


Jan. 31, demonstrates nothing

the album, sets the tone with

friend, can we just hang out tonight?

and Kesha singing softly and talking

if not living life to the fullest. A

lyrics,“Tonight’s the best night

Neither of our boyfriends are even

throughout. The song is about a

From partying in your birthday

promising follow-up to her 2017

of our lives, can you feel it?”

invited.” Not every song, however,

man she met one time three years

suit to daddy issues to best friend

album, “Rainbow,” “High Road“

provokes warm, fuzzy feelings.

ago and cannot stop thinking about.

ballads, “High Road” is a roller

delivers music that encourages

singer keeps listeners engaged

coaster of teetering emotions.

good times and carelessness,

with outlandish lyrics like, “Don’t

the album, is directed toward an

let a good one get away. She sings,

Would one expect anything less

which is what keeps Kesha

circumcise my circumstance,” in

enemy of the artist. According to

“I can’t help that I’m in bed with

from the all-American party animal

fans coming back for more.

the song “My Own Dance.” As

the song, Kesha used to be close

my three cats. I’m still obsessed

the record plays on, however,

with the person she is singing

with some boy I shot whiskey

melodies become softer and

about, but their relationship went

with for one night, and I don’t

the lyrics more sentimental.

south. She says, “Honey, you

remember if he remembers me.”

“Tonight,” the first song on

Throughout 15 songs, the pop

Kesha bears her soul in the song

The entire album shares intimate

you really need, find my pictures

stories about Kesha’s life with

about her experience growing up

under legends if you Google

catchy lyrics and melodies. The style

without a father figure. Cemented

me, and he’s only sleeping with

that Kesha has always possessed

in trust issues, the lyrics read, “I

you trying to get to me.”

shines through strongly with “High

“Honey” is not the only song

Road.” Her transparency is one thing

the start, I never stood a fighting

with salty lyrics. “Resentment” is

any audience can appreciate. Kesha

chance, and all my days from

less aggressive, but also emanates

has never been afraid to express

my cradle to my grave, I’ll never

displeased undertones. In the eighth

exactly what she feels through her

have a father-daughter dance.”

track of the album, Kesha makes

music. Whether it’s with screaming

it obvious that her heart has been

dance music or soft piano melodies,

compilation of the tribulation

broken. “I don’t hate you, babe,

she can draw an eclectic crowd

the artist has endured.

it’s worse than that because you

with her musical flexibility.

“High Road” is an honest

Contrary to most artists, Kesha’s

hurt me and I don’t react, I have

“High Road” is a creative and

music is not all about romantic

been building up this thing for

honest album and an obvious

love. The song “BFF,” featuring

months, resentment,” repeats for

example of Kesha’s amelioration

Wrabel, is an electropop track

a sorrowful chorus accompanied

in the music industry.

about a long-term friendship. The

by a melancholy melody.

duo sings about feeling free to be themselves around their best friend. Photo from RCA Records and Kemosabe Records

can have my sloppy seconds if

Kesha is essentially wondering if she

“Father Daughter Dance.” She sings

wish my heart wasn’t broken from

Kesha’s album “High Road” was released on Jan. 31. This marks the second album she created as executive producer.

“Honey,” the sixth song on

Straying from her usual electric sound, “Cowboy Blues” has a

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As an MSU Denver student, you already have a Campus Recreation Membership

5v5 Basketball, Mondays 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Registration closes Feb. 5 League Starts Feb. 10 Center court in the gym (PE117C)

Wed. Tue./Thu. Mon. /Wed.

Group Fitness

Esports, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Show up at 11 a.m. on date(s) below to register February = Super Smash Bros Tuesday League starts Feb. 4 Wednesday League starts Feb. 5 Campus Rec Conference Room (PE001)

Open Recreation 2-5 p.m. West Court (PE117W) Basketball | Monday and Wednesday Soccer | Tuesdays Volleyball | Thursdays 11 a.m-1 p.m. Campus Rec Conference Room (PE 001) Esports | Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Club Sports Lacrosse (M) Poms Volleyball (M, W)

Indoor Cycling w/ James (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201) TRX Suspension Training Express w/ Jazmin (1-1:30 p.m., PE 201) HIIT with Matt (1:30-2 p.m., PE 117 West) TRX Functional Training w/ Vinny (2-2:50 p.m., PE 201)


Baseball (M) Cheerleading Esports Ice Hockey (M)

Barre with Chasity (10-10:50 a.m., PE 220)

Total Body Strength w/ Julie (11-11:50 a.m., PE 117 West) Indoor Cycling w/ Jody (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201) Indoor Cycling & More w/ Vinny & Jason (1:30-2:30 p.m., PE 201)

Indoor Cycling with Chasity (5:15-6:05 p.m., PE 201)

Indoor Cycling w/ Aimee (Noon-12:50 p.m., PE 201)

Barre w/ Chasity

(1-1:50 p.m. PE 215)


Outdoor Pursuits Avalanche Safety Field Day One

Ice Climbing

Avalanche Safety Field Day Two

Bike Tune Series Meeting #1

First Friday Art Walk

Snowshoe Hike

Basics of Indoor Climbing

Ice Climbing

Saturday 2/1 @ 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Sunday 2/2 @ 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Friday 2/7 @ 5 p.m.-8 p.m.

Saturday 2/8 @ 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Sunday 2/9 @ 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost : $15

Wednesday 2/12 @ 3 - 5 p.m.

Saturday 2/15 @ 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Sunday 2/16 @ 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

And More

303-615-1500 PE/Event Center 1255 10th Street, Suite 108 Denver, CO 80204


FEBRUARY 5, 2020


Softball finding early success behind youth

Roadrunners open season 3-2 behind Dampier, Banks

Her leadoff double off the left-

Continued from cover

field wall in the bottom of the ninth inning in the first game “You know what we talked

against Sioux Falls on Feb. 1 put

about out there is that we can’t

her team in position to score.

give up bad innings, whether it’s

Banks describes her approach

pitchers figuring it out and not

at the plate and on the mound

letting teams hit us hard or us

as simple, to say the least.

as a defense, you’ve got to play

“Just relax and do what I

behind our pitcher so we don’t

do best,” Banks said. “Just

put extra pitches on them.”

remember I’m here for a reason.”

It was a tale of two games

After opening the season

for Van Wetzinga’s club over

3-2, the Roadrunners now

the weekend. On Jan. 31, they

look ahead to the Dixie State

dominated Humboldt State

Courtyard Classic in St. George,

in 5 innings, 15-7 in the first

Utah, starting on Feb. 6 with

game, before falling 15-4 in 5

a tough list of opponents.

innings in the second half of

MSU Denver will take on St.

the doubleheader on Jan. 31.

Mary’s University and Concordia

The next day, a walk-off single

University-Portland on Feb.

from sophomore first baseman

6. Then they’ll take on Central

JJ Sheppard which helped the

Washington University and

Roadrunners take down Sioux

Western Washington University

Falls 4-3 in 9 innings, before a 11-4 loss the following game. Her twin sister, Laney

Photo by Will Satler | wsatler@msudenver.edu

Freshman third baseman Olivia Dampier dives into foul ground to make a catch during the top of the seventh inning for MSU Denver when they hosted Sioux Falls University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 1.

on Feb. 7, before finishing their road trip against Northwest Nazarene University on Feb. 8.

Sheppard, continued her strong play from her freshman campaign as she extended her hitting and

The road doesn’t get any too much. She’s a spark we need.”

to come out stronger in the

while holding her opponents to

easier when they return home for a 10-game homestand, as

The true-freshman Dampier

second game if they want to be

a .267 batting average against.

RBI streak to 10 games before

started her collegiate career with a

competing late into the season.

She also is tied for the team

it was snapped on Feb. 1 in the

bang, going deep in her first at-bat

“I think our biggest issue is

second game against Sioux Falls.

as a Roadrunner before collecting

She racked up a team-high three

they host defending-NCAA

lead with a .500 batting average

Division II champion Augustana

we get almost too comfortable,”

as a hitter with Sansburn and

University — who is the National

two more hits and a total of four

Dampier said. “We’re really

leads the team with eight hits.

Fastpitch Coaches Association’s

home runs and 11 RBIs over the

RBIs. Her weekend didn’t drop

excited and pumped and

top team — for a doubleheader

weekend, earning her RMAC

off after a strong opener though,

we’re like, ‘Oh we got it.’ So

on Feb. 14 before opening RMAC

Player of the Week honors.

finishing with seven hits and

we shouldn’t worry as much,

play with Colorado Christian

eight RBIs, which is second on the

and not try as hard. I think our

University on Feb. 22.

team behind Laney who has 11.

biggest thing is just going to be

After a stellar high school

to make sure we’re all effort —

believe her team needs to do to be successful going forward?

With a .500 batting average to start the season, senior outfielder Megan Sansburn is the lone

So what does Van Wetzinga

upperclassmen near the top of

career at Dakota Ridge High

always ready for the ball. When

the batting average leaderboards

School in Littleton, Van Wetzinga

our pitchers do give us those

in 2020, which isn’t a result of

threw Dampier right into the

groundballs, we’re making sure

whether it’s our pitchers bearing

the team’s juniors and seniors

fire, batting her third in their

we capitalize on it instead of

down and not letting teams tee

underperforming, but a by-product

first weekend and calling on

letting them get infield hits.”

off and our defense stepping up

of Dampier and her underclassmen

her to make crucial defensive

Dampier was key to the

teammates being that good.

plays at the hot corner.

“She’s been a spark, obviously

In the first game against Sioux

“We can’t give up big innings,

behind them,” she said. “The

Roadrunners’ victories, but

other team needs to earn their

redshirt-freshman Banks may

offense, so we need to limit the

we started her in the three-hole, so

Falls on Feb. 1, with the Cougars

have taken an even bigger role

big inning and then hopefully our

we saw something,” Van Wetzinga

threatening to take a late lead in

in her first weekend in the circle

offense will recognize what the

said. “She just likes to compete.

the top of the seventh inning and

on the mound for MSU Denver.

You can tell that she’s very mature

runners on second and third with

for her age. In terms of just being

just one out, Dampier stole an

RMAC Pitcher of the Week,

very steady, she’s not scared,

out in foul-ground with a diving

provided 11.1 innings on the

which is a common thing. With

catch — one of three on the day

rubber for the Roadrunners’, a

freshmen, there’s a little bit of that

for the Roadrunners’ defense.

team-high on her way to earning

‘deer in the headlights’ sometimes

But even for a freshman,

a 2-0 record in her first weekend

with them and she’s not like that

Dampier knows her team needs

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@ msudenver.edu

Banks, who was named the

in Denver. She sported a 4.94 ERA

Roadrunners pitcher Destinee Lopez heaves the softball toward the plate during the first game of a doubleheader against Sioux Falls University in Denver at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 1. The Roadrunners won in extra innings on a walk-off, 4-3.

MSU Denver athletics scoreboard

pitcher’s doing and be able to have a good approach earlier.” Both Dampier and Banks have one mindset for the rest of the season. “Come out ready to kick their ass.”




Who: Fort Hays State University

Who: Humboldt State University


Where: Larks Parks | Hays, Kansas

Where: Regency Athletic Complex | Denver

Who: Emporia State University

When: Jan. 31-Feb. 2

When: Jan. 31 and Feb. 2

Where: Regency Athletic Complex | Denver

Game 1: Tigers win, 4-3

Game 1: Roadrunners win, 15-7

When: Feb. 14 | Noon

W: Zach Berg (1-0) L: Austin Stone (0-1)

W: Kayla Banks (1-0) L: Megan Escobar (0-1)

Game 2: Tigers win, 5-4

Game 2: Jacks win, 15-4


W: Ryan Ruder (1-0) L: Eric Cox (0-1)

W: Megan Holt (1-0) L: Destinee Lopez (0-1)

Who: St. Mary’s University (Texas)

Game 3: Tigers win, 4-2

Game 3: Roadrunners win, 13-5

Where: Karl Brooks Field | St. George, Utah

W: Jacob Douglas (1-0) L: Tyler Schultz (0-1)

W: Kayla Banks (2-0) L: Megan Holt (1-1)

When: Feb. 6 | 11 a.m.

Game 4: Tigers win, 5-3 W: Cade Flaherty (1-0) L: Conner Nantkes (0-1)



FEBRUARY 5, 2020

Richardson’s grit helping Roadrunners learn to win

Women’s basketball fighting to keep RMAC playoff hopes alive By Will Satler

in bringing the defensive

offensive boost from juniors


intensity over the weekend.

Maggie Justinak and Mariah

Galloway recorded back-

Schroeder, the latter of who

The MSU Denver women’s

to-back 40 minute nights, as

scored a career-high 16

basketball team got a taste of the

Roadrunners head coach Tanya

points against Black Hills.

defensive intensity they’ll need

Haave kept her on the floor the

Schroeder’s plan to get to

to bring into the postseason.

entire game. She has been one

the rim helped MSU Denver get

After a fourth-quarter lapse

of MSU Denver’s most efficient

to the free throw line 30 times

cost the Roadrunners a crucial

players this season, leading the

against Black Hills, something that

game in the Rocky Mountain

team in assists per game with

eventually helped them stay in

Athletic Conference standings

4.4, steals per game with 2.3,

the game before they could find

in a 58-52 loss to South Dakota

minutes per game with 34.2 and

a rhythm in the fourth quarter.

Mines on Jan. 31, MSU Denver

assist to turnover ratio at 1.61.

“I like getting to the rim, get a

bounced back with a gritty 62-

Galloway is tied for second

little contact in there,” Schroeder

53 win over Black Hills State

in the RMAC in assists per game

said. “Coach talked to me and

University on Feb. 1 to stay in

and is top five in steals as well as

she’s like, ‘It’s getting down to that

playoff contention in the RMAC.

minutes. At this pace, she could

point where we need somebody to

secure her first all-RMAC first-

keep score,’ and said, ‘You need

team selection come March.

to get some shots up.’ So that’s

The Roadrunners’ stifling defense was on display against Black Hills and for the majority of the night against South

Photo by Will Satler | wsatler@msudenver.edu

Freshman forward Jaela Richardson drives to the rim as she is closely guarded by a Black Hills State University defender in a game at Auraria Event Center on Feb. 1. The Roadrunners won 62-53.

Dakota Mines. That defense has kept them in games despite

we just really focused in and

playing a tough schedule.

we gave everything we had.”

“We just wanted to win and

Richardson has continued to

In the game against South

She had three steals and four assists in the Roadrunners’

what I meant to do for my team.” The Roadrunners are back

victory over Black Hills and Coach

at it again in Denver at the

Haave knows that her play will

Auraria Event Center on Feb. 7

Dakota Mines, Richardson had

be essential to MSU Denver’s

when they host the University

eight rebounds and two blocks

success down the stretch.

of Colorado Colorado Springs

I personally just wanted to

build her role as the Roadrunners’

in 27 minutes. The next game

“It was really great defensive

win,” redshirt-freshman Jaela

rendition of the Golden State

she earned her first career

performance and that’s what

at 4:30 p.m. in the “Play4Kay” game. They’ll then get a rematch

Richardson said. “If there was a

Warriors’ Draymond Green —

double-double against Black

we’re going to need the rest of

against Colorado School of

ball rolling in front of me, I was

brings game changing defense.

Hills, with 10 points and 13

the season,” Haave said after

Mines — who they lost to 73-65

jumping on top of it and I knew

She leads MSU Denver and is

rebounds in 21 minutes.

the Black Hills game. “That’s

two weeks earlier on Jan. 24 — at

everyone else had my back. If it

11th in the RMAC in rebounding,

Sophomore guard Jaiden

got to happen every night and

4:30 p.m on Feb. 8 in Denver.

was someone else, they would

averaging 6.3 and is fourth in the

Galloway continued her stellar

do the same thing. So as a team,

RMAC in blocks per game with 1.2.

campaign joining Richardson

in every practice as well.” The Roadrunners got an

Roadrunners’ confidence remains after tough weekend a part of success. And that’s

II men’s basketball, Joel Scott,

By Will Satler

the message we’re telling our

MSU Denver had a tall task on


guys. We’re still trying to build

their hands to begin with.

this program back up. This is The MSU Denver men’s

The Yellow Jackets, the

nothing compared to the game

sixth-most efficient offense

basketball locker room at the

of life. We’re excited for our next

in the nation, shot 50.6% from

Auraria Event Center still thinks it

opportunity. We’ve got two more

the field on Feb. 1 against the

has a chance to make a deep run

home games ahead of us.”

Roadrunners, something Bahl

in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

The loss to South Dakota Mines

hopes his team can learn from.

Conference playoff come March.

was their ugliest of the season,

Rightfully so, as with seven

giving up 46 points in the first

to play,” Bahl said. “And at the

games remaining in the regular

half, the fifth time they allowed

end of the day, it comes down

season, the Roadrunners (10-11,

more than 40 points in the first

to making some simple shots.

6-9 RMAC) are just two games

half of a game this season.

We had stretches where we got

back of the final playoff spot.

They also shot a season-

A matchup against Chadron

worst 29.9% from the field

State University on Feb. 28 is

while losing by 29 points for

the only game of such versus

the third time this season.

a team not ahead of MSU Denver in the standings.

Forward Maris Colton had a

”It sort of mimics how we want

the shots we wanted and we, unfortunately, didn’t make them.” MSU Denver led for a majority of the first half against Black Hills but faltered out of

season-high 14 points to lead

the break, missing their first

But those playoff hopes the

the way for the Roadrunners in

16 shots in the second half.

Roadrunners look to keep alive

what was a strong weekend for

are waning. A crushing loss on

the junior. He also contributed

Jan. 31 to South Dakota Mines,

with 11 points against Black

80-51 — a game in which MSU

Hills the following night,

Denver trailed by 43 points at one

although the result remained

point in the second half — was

the same for MSU Denver.

followed up by a loss on Feb. 1

Black Hills came into the game

Junior Christian Wilson-Poole

Photo by Will Satler | wsatler@msudenver.edu

Mitch Lombard battles a defender during a game against Black Hills State University at the Auraria Event Center in Denver on Feb. 1.

going under a lot of screens

Then on Feb. 8, they’ll celebrate

and I was just like, they’re going

the 20-year anniversary of the

scored a career-high 20 points

to dare me to shoot tonight so

2001-02 NCAA championship

and was 4-of-7 from three in

let’s see what happens. Once I

team before a game against

just 23 minutes off the bench.

see a couple go in, I’ll get hot,

Colorado School of Mines

so that’s what I like to do.”

at 7 p.m. According to MSU

Wilson-Poole, who started for a period of 12 games

MSU Denver next has a

Denver Athletics and Bahl, the

earlier on in the season, can

double-dip of Channel 20

Roadrunners will wear throwback

to the RMAC’s top team Black

on Feb. 1 on a 12-game winning

provide the Roadrunners with

games, when they host the

jerseys, as well as honor former

Hills State University, 83-69.

streak, the longest streak in the

sharpshooting off the bench if he

University of Colorado Colorado

head coach Mike Dunlap and

RMAC. As they tried to hold

gets into the “shooting zone.”

Springs on Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. at

the program’s all-time leading

the Auraria Event Center. They

scorer, DeMarcos Anzures.

“You’re always playing for something,” head coach

down the RMAC’s fourth-highest

“I’ve been getting a lot of shots

Michael Bahl said. “Failure is

scorer and the 16th-most efficient

in outside of practice recently,”

beat UCCS in Colorado Springs

not the opposite of success. It’s

scorer in all of NCAA Division

Wilson-Poole said. “I saw them

earlier in the season, 66-59.

student organizations

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FEBRUARY 5, 2020



“I have to pee and I’m scared.” “The new coronavirus is not an excuse to be racist.” “You can pinpoint the moment when he won’t remember his children.” “So it’s just a celebration of the ass. Like all Latin culture.”

Top 5 2020 Super Bowl commercials 1. “Groundhog Day” - Jeep



You’ll need your resourceful skills this week, Capricorn. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your contacts and ask for help.

There are some tough days in your future, so consider taking a short trip somewhere to clear your mind. When you come back, you’ll have the energy you need.



There’s light at the end of the tunnel, so get to work and do what needs to be done this week so you can relax afterward.

You tend to be traditional when it comes to relationships, but don’t judge someone for having a different lifestyle than you. Love is love.



Dare to change, Pisces. The norm can wear you down, so try a new haircut, recipe or activity. Find the new you.

A friend is looking for a shoulder to cry on this week, and you’re the best source of support. Don’t forget to support yourself too, though.

Aries Your life is moving in a different direction than your peers’, but don’t compare yourself to them. You are not doing any better or worse than anyone else.

2. “Smaht Pahk” - Hyundai 3. “The Shining” parody - Mountain Dew

This week should be a breeze for you. You’ll even have some extra time for an evening with friends or an event that intrigues you.



You have a motivation for getting things done this week. Finish a few tasks and make some plans for the weekend.

You’re a free spirit and have a hard time following rules and norms. Do your best this week to do what must be done.

4. Planters 5. Tom Brady’s big announcement - Hulu




This week will leave you feeling drained. Take it a day at a time and then reward yourself over the weekend with a night out or a night in.

You have a lot of extra positive energy this week. Consider sharing it with those who may be feeling blue.

Photo of the Week What would be the point of a student

seasoned photojournalists sometimes forget

newspaper if we didn’t showcase student

to do: capture the beauty. Photojournalism

work? “Photo of the Week” was originally

is art mixed with journalism, and sometimes

created with that intent, and this week

the news of the day gets in the way of the

we honor a photojournalism student who

artwork. When was the last time you saw a

has done the unthinkable: she impressed

photo in a newspaper that looked more like

photojournalism professor Kenn Bisio. Anna

art than a tragedy? If you can’t remember,

Marie Sanchez took this photo for a class

then maybe newspapers should try harder

and submitted it to us for publication. It was

to incorporate artwork into their pages.

taken in an alley behind Union Station. “I made it because I wanted to

Denver is by no means a black-and-white city. The streets are crawling with artistic

capture two beautiful things,” Sanchez

character, yet the news media tends to turn

said. “The butterfly tattoo on Sadie’s

its focus away from the art culture. But

shoulder tied in well with the artwork.”

sometimes you just need a news break.

Sanchez has managed to do what



Photo by Anna Marie Sanchez | asanc145@msudenver.edu

Sadie Wood poses by a mural near Union Station in Denver on Jan. 29.



Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.

Hiring Leaders

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www.MyMetMedia.com/applynow/ Complete online application form Application deadline Feb. 24, 2020 Interviews will be scheduled Feb. 28, 2020

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