Volume 42, Issue 22 - Feb. 19, 2020

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 22


FEBRUARY 19, 2020


Crader fans nine in weekend gem Senior pitcher delivers eight shut-out innings in weekend split | pg. 10

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver pitcher Cade Crader fires a pitch in the first game of a doubleheader against Emporia State University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 16.

Denver Berns up for winter rally Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders fires up downtown crowd By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

and speaking to the canvassers for senate

of these rallies,” said Simon Martin,

“It feels like an oligarchy. Just look at


candidates. Walking into the convention

who came from Fort Collins. “I think

Bloomberg, he’s been buying his way onto

center showed the true scope of the event,

Bernie is the first person to challenge the

the platform,” Fountain said. “We need

quickly filling up as the doors opened at

system who actually has a chance.”

to step up. We’ve been too complacent

Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders held his second Denver

4 p.m. to everyone attending. The event

campaign rally at the Colorado Convention

was moved from the Bellco Theater due to

other people at the rally, like 54-year-

Center’s exhibition hall on Feb. 16.

the amount of people attending – just over

old Phillip Fountain, who voiced his

11,000, according to The Denver Post.

complaints at the way politics have

Outside, people were mingling with each other, looking for Bernie merchandise

“This is actually my first time at one

Martin’s sentiments were shared by

as a society. The people are with us, and the people will decide what is right.”

been handled the past few years.

| Continued on pg. 3



| pg. 4


| pg. 7


| pg. 8


| pg. 12

Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff

Online dating is no fun, but you

The best of boys and girls given

NHL Stadium Series flops at

appeals to Metro students

have to swipe right

belly rubs and awards at Dog Show

Falcon Stadium

Political analyst for MSNBC, Joy-Ann Reid is a New York-Times best-selling author with her book The Man Who Sold America: Trump and the Unraveling of the American Story. She has also written Fracture: Barack Obama, the Clintons and the Racial Divide.

Joy-Ann Reid

RSVP at msudenver.edu/noel/

FEBRUARY 19, 2020



Bernie Sanders comes back to Denver for second rally

The presidential candidate addressed education, healthcare and climate change Continued from cover

shortly after 6:30 p.m., walking up to the podium with his wife Jane, before saying “Don’t

Fountain was also enthused by the positive vibe of the rally, with people voicing their concerns over

tell anybody, but I think we’re gonna win here in Colorado.” The exhibition hall teeming

“healthcare, education - overall

with optimism roared back at

just basic human needs,” he said.

Sanders, waving their signs

Before Sanders took the stage, he was preceded by live

and chanting his name. Sanders’ focus points were

music and other guest speakers,

nearly identical to his last rally

including State Rep. Emily Sirota,

in Denver: raising the minimum

from house district 9, and former

wage to $15 an hour, abortion

State Rep. Joe Salazar, who both

and access to contraceptives,

attended the previous rally at

immigration reformation, ending

Civic Center Park on Sept. 9.

the war on drugs and repairing the

“In this primary, we are facing a Republican billionaire who has

wealth inequality in the nation. Sanders’ campaign is themed

fought against minimum wages,

around “justice” — economic,

tried to cut Social Security,

social, racial and environmental

defended fracking, endorsed George

justice. His slogan, “Not me.

W. Bush and promoted a racist

Us.” is meant to invoke the idea

stop and frisk policy that terrorized

that the only way change can

communities of color,” Sirota said.

happen is by doing so together.

Photos courtesy of Polina Sarana | polinasarana@gmail.com

“My message to Michael Bloomberg is this — we are not allowing you and your friends on Wall Street to buy this Democratic primary.” Toward the end of her remarks, Sirota also praised the grassroots movement in Colorado and across the country. Salazar made his own comments on how the community is aware of the narrative that’s been told,

“The stuff about free college doesn’t really affect me now. But I think about those kids there, and I think how much better it’d be if they didn’t have to go through that.” – Bryan Townley

but that the story can change. “We can write a different story,

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses his policies and plans for his presidency during his rally on Feb. 16 at the Colorado Convention Center. told the two men to separate from

religious bigot,” Sanders said.

thoughts on the crowd and the

each other for the rest of the event.

“And those are his best qualities.”

way Sanders spoke to everyone.

Sanders did not acknowledge the fight during his speech. Sanders was not afraid to

“I thought it was great. It

is meant to be one vote per

was full of a lot of energy from

person, instead of how many

Bernie and from everyone there,”

directly address his criticisms

votes you can buy, addressing

Mercedes Munioz said. “To me,

at people like Bloomberg and

Bloomberg in his statement.

there’s so many issues to choose

President Donald Trump. Sanders’ ideals are considered

“Trump is a pathological

about rising up and becoming the

extreme by critics and opponents.

liar who is running a corrupt

greatest generation the world has

During the rally, a member of the

administration, who has no clue

ever seen,” Salazar said. “This

hate-group The Proud Boys was

what the Constitution of the United

story is about Sen. Bernie Sanders,

booing Sanders during his speech

States is about, who is a bully, who

a man who has proven time and

and assaulted someone who was

is vindictive, who is a racist, who

time again that he stands with us.”

recording him. The brawl was

is a sexist, who is a homophobe,

quickly broken up and security

who is a xenophobe, who is a

Sanders took to the stage

Sanders said democracy

from that are so important. It was good that Bernie touched on so

“Don’t tell anybody, but I think we’re gonna win here in Colorado.” – Bernie Sanders

Munioz said the issue that was the most important to her was leaving men out of controlling women’s bodies. Townley and Munioz were

Event-goers enjoyed what

also shocked at the scale of the

he had to say, picking apart

event, not anticipating such a

what areas of his campaign

high turnout. It made sense to

mattered to them the most.

them after the event though.

“I literally just paid off my student loans — I owed like $90,000 — so the stuff about free college

“He feels honest. I’m tired of being lied to,” Townley said. Sanders isn’t the only one

doesn’t really affect me now. But

trying to get attention in Colorado.

I think about those kids there, and

This week alone, Trump is visiting

I think how much better it’d be

Colorado Springs on Feb. 20, Pete

if they didn’t have to go through

Buttigieg will be in Aurora Feb.

that,” Bryan Townley, a senior

22, and Elizabeth Warren will be

engineer from Remote Sensing

in Denver Feb. 23. Buttigieg and

Solutions Inc said. “Other than

Warren are both trying to drum

that, healthcare affects me the

up more attention before the

most, and everything about the

Democratic primary on March 3,

environment since that’s my job.”

also known as Super Tuesday.

Townley brought up Sanders’

After the event, people left

statement about climate refugees

the convention center to go

specifically, saying that it’s good

on with the rest of their night.

to acknowledge that it’s going

However, you could not turn a

to happen before it happens.

corner or enter a bar without a

“All my data is what

A sea of Coloradans came out to see presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at his rally on Feb. 16 in the exhibition halls of the Colorado Convention Center. Over 11,000 people came out to see him, according to The Denver Post.

many points during his speech.”

Bernie Sanders sign somewhere

shows up on TV. And it’s not

in your field of vision. With over

a matter of if it happens — it’s

11,000 attendees, it was clear that

a matter of when,” he said.

Denverites were “feeling the Bern”

Others noted the atmosphere of the event, sharing their

long after the rally was over.



FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff answers live questions at fireside chat on campus By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

and dynamic, more responsive.

newspaper,” Sampler said. “But I


It’s the approach I took as a state

actually think what it dies from is

rep. and a speaker of the house,

apathy, so I really appreciate all of

holding town hall meetings, and

you turning up to be here today.”

Former Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives Andrew

that’s also a point of contrast from

Romanoff came to MSU Denver

Cory Gardner, who hasn’t held a

of reasons. Some, like Lindsey

on Feb. 17 to answer questions

town hall meeting in almost two

Knowlden, wanted to bring to

about equity, student debt

and a half years,” Romanoff said.

attention specific issues that

forgiveness and how he would

“So I’m trying to reflect the same

may not have been part of the

support Deferred Action for

approach in the campaign as I’m

list of pre-selected questions.

Childhood Arrivals students.

trying to reflect in office. I mean,

“This is an issue that’s

People came for all kinds

“I’m with Save The Children

not showing up, not answering

Action Network, an organization

profoundly personal to me, since

questions, stiffing your constituents

that deals with early childhood

my family includes an immigrant,

— it’s just not representation.”

issues. I haven’t attended other

a young man who was brought

Sen. Gardner was invited to

chats, but it’s likely that someone

here at a very tender age. This is

the fireside chat series, but his

else might have come for other

the only country he’s ever known,”

office replied a few weeks ago

ones,” Knowlden said. “I just want

Romanoff said. “He should be

rejecting the offer, according to

to get the topic out there and ask

provided with a path to citizenship.

Government Affairs Coordinator

questions if I get the opportunity.”

In fact, I don’t believe subjecting

at MSU Denver Kyra deGruy.

DACA recipients to this terrifying limbo where their fate, their future, their ability to live in this country is subject to the whims of a racist president or an impudent congress is an appropriate path. It’s immoral.” He said he is the son and grandson of immigrants, and how

and she asked how Romanoff

“We’re just trying to educate the community about why these things matter. There’s a lot at stake.” – Kyra deGruy

he feels the state of the country is better as a whole because of

Knowlden got her chance during the live Q&A session, planned to tackle early education issues like how half of Coloradans have trouble getting childcare that is quality and affordable. need to make in early childhood education is the single best

Romanoff was introduced by

Photos by Herman Guzman-Ibarra | hguzmani@msudenver.edu

“I think the investment we

US Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff answers questions during his fireside chat in Room 420 of the Jordan Student Success Building at MSU Denver.

investment we can make,” Romanoff

immigrants, and critiqued how

Vice President of Administratoion

said. “I don’t want to short change

Spenner said. “I’m not really looking

have gone and why they are

the government has addressed

Larry Sampler, who acknowledged

the value of higher education, and

to get anything specific out of it.

essential to the community.

immigration as of late.

the importance of facilitating these

I don’t think we should have to

I’m just keeping an open mind.”

kinds of conversations to address

pick, but we need to put a greater

Faculty Senate President Katia

the societal issues affecting

priority on this approach.”

Campbell and President of the

students and the community.

The questions were asked by

Student Honors Council Colton

“The Washington Post, which

Romanoff was not afraid to

“I think they’ve been good. The candidates feel good when

critique his opponents, stating

they come too, which is also

Gardner’s lack of town hall

important. Student attendance has

because they had some extra

meetings and former Gov. John

been fine, the timing’s been the

Others showed up simply

Lee. Romanoff’s chat was unique

is the home newspaper of where

time, like MSU Denver student

Hickenlooper’s track record

most problematic thing,” deGruy

though, as it held a live Q&A

I come from in Washington, D.C.,

Christopher Spenner.

of missing certain events.

said. “We have to find times that

session – something the other

has on their masthead ‘Democracy

“I mainly just came in here

candidates rejected when they were

dies in darkness,’ and I think I know

out of curiosity. I saw an ad for it

right to demand is a chance to hear

President Janine Davidson, so

offered the same opportunity.

what that means — it has to do with

and figured I had some time, so I

from all of us. Not just in this format

it can be difficult. But we’re just

ignorance and not reading their

wanted to see what it was all about,”

— which is terrific and I appreciate

trying to educate the community

a lot — but also on stage at the

about why these things matter.

same time,“ Romanoff said. “We

There’s a lot at stake.”

“I just think it’s more engaging

“What I also think you have the

were here on Saturday at a climate

Two more fireside chats remain

debate. John Hickenlooper was not.

— Lorena Garcia on Feb. 24 and

He’s the only candidate in this race

Diana Bray on Feb. 25. Both will

who has now skipped 18 debates.”

be held in Room 420 of the Jordan

Cory Phare, a staff writer for the

Student Success Building. The

MSU Denver Strategy, Marketing

Democratic primary for Senate

and Communications department,

in Colorado will be held on June

asked about the value of a place like

30, with the nominee from that

MSU Denver in the community.

going up against Gardner.

“I think this institution is

Whatever happens,

essential to the economy of

Romanoff simply wants the

Colorado and the future success

state to make the choice that

of our state. There’s no doubt

benefits the people the most.

about it,” Romanoff said. “A

US Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff speaks with attendees after his chat in Room 420 of the Jordan Student Success Building at MSU Denver.

work for the candidates and for

“In about four months,

lot of institutions like these and

Colorado will choose someone

community colleges across the state

to go up against Cory Gardner,

are gonna have a very hard time

in the fall. I think you oughta

surviving without any public support

pick somebody who brings

at all. Unless you want to turn

both a sense of legislative skills

higher education into the province

and a sense of urgency about

of only the fortunate few, we ought

these fights. Somebody who

to make a better commitment as

will act as if our lives depended

a state to maintain access.”

on it. Because they do.”

After the event, deGruy shared her thoughts on how the chats


FEBRUARY 19, 2020


Study: MSU Denver one of top colleges for 2010s Overall Rank


Auraria Campus State Rank Southern New Hampshire University


State: NH Percent Change in Applicants From 2008-09 to 2018-19: 587.95%

Graphic by Zhen Tang

Raw Change in Admissions Yield From 2008-09 to 2018-19: 29.39%


CU Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus Overall Rank: #483

Percent Change in Applicants: 221.36% (Overall Rank: #60) Raw Change in Admissions Yield: -20.37% (Overall Rank: #1,081)

#2 University of Chicago State: IL Percent Change in Applicants From 2008-09 to 2018-19: 160.85% Raw Change in Admissions Yield From 2008-09 to 2018-19: 39.13%

#3 California State University-Bakersfield

MSU Denver was ranked the 634th most appealing college in the U.S. over the last decade, according to a study done by the education blog lendedu.com.

State: CA


Metropolitan State University of Denver Overall Rank: #634

Percent Change in Applicants: 145.65% (Overall Rank: #125) Raw Change in Admissions Yield: -23.49% (Overall Rank: #1,119)


Percent Change in Applicants From 2008-09 to 2018-19: 132.59% Raw Change in Admissions Yield From 2008-09 to 2018-19: 19.72%

Colleges That Have Seen the Largest Increase in Applicants Over the Last Decade #1 Grand Canyon University State: AZ

Community College of Denver

Colleges with the Best Student Life in Colorado: #7 Best College Locations in Colorado: #1 (CCD was unranked by lendedu.com. Numbers from Niche.com)

Most Diverse Colleges in Colorado: #12

Colleges That Have Seen the Largest Increase in Admissions Yield Over the Last Decade University of Chicago #1 State: IL

Percent Change in Applicants: 1047.50%

Raw Change in Admissions Yield: 39.13%

#2 University of West Alabama

Southern New Hampshire University #2

State: AL Percent Change in Applicants: 902.26%

State: NH Raw Change in Admissions Yield: 29.39%

Dunwoody College of Technology #3

#3 American Musical and Dramatic Academy State: NY

State: MN Raw Change in Admissions Yield: 27.10%

Percent Change in Applicants: 809.74%

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FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Mel Tucker leaves Colorado, takes head coaching position at Michigan State By Adam Bender | CU Independent

NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport, is likely to


reach out to Kansas City Chiefs offensive

@adamwbender (Twitter)

coordinator Eric Bieniemy regarding its vacant head coaching position. Bieniemy,

Days after reaffirming his commitment

being a Colorado alumnus and CU’s all-time

to the University of Colorado Boulder in

leading rusher with 3,940 yards (just ahead

spite of Michigan State University’s interest

of Denver Broncos running back Phillip

in him, CU head coach Mel Tucker has

Lindsay), would make logical sense for

reversed his decision, agreeing to become

George and the Buffaloes, though it may be

the new head football coach for the Spartans,

difficult to convince the recent Super Bowl

according to reports late on Feb. 11.

champion to make a return to his alma mater.

The news comes as a shocking blow for CU

On Feb. 12, George named fourth-year wide

fans and players who were assured by Tucker

receivers coach Darrin Chiaverini as interim

on Twitter that while he was “flattered” by

head coach, saying in a statement he has “a

MSU’s offer, he was still committed to building

lot of confidence” in Chiaverini’s leadership.

out the Buffs’ program. But after a second

“It’s an honor to be named the

offer by MSU that will reportedly double his

interim head coach at the University Photo by Kevin Wu | kevin.wu@colorado.edu

of Colorado, and my focus will be to

Head coach Mel Tucker watches the action from the sideline during the game against the University of Arizona at Folsom Field on Oct. 5, 2019.

help make it a smooth transition for

salary at Colorado — which is approximately $2.7 million — Tucker couldn’t refuse. He served only one season as CU’s head coach. “We are disappointed to see coach Tucker

the student-athletes and the program overall,” Chiaverini said in a statement.

leave,” said Athletic Director Rick George in

said in California. “In the coaching profession

his disapproval of Tucker’s departure on

a Feb. 12 statement. “We are excited about

you have stepping stone jobs and then you

Twitter. The New Orleans native spoke to

coordinator and recruiting coordinator

the upward trajectory of our football program

have destination jobs, and I see CU as a

Tucker on the phone after officially signing

from 2016-2018 under previous

and we’ll get to work immediately hiring the

destination opportunity. I’ve coached 23 years,

with Colorado less than two weeks ago.

head coach Mike MacIntyre.

next head coach to build on our momentum

I’ve coached over 300 games of football. I’ve

and lead our young men. We’re confident

waited 22 years for that right opportunity.”

this program is on the verge of competing at

The short time in which it took Tucker

Chiaverini served as co-offensive

“I just want you to know that I love you man and I’m happy that you’re a Buff,”

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student

Tucker said in a tweet on the Colorado

media organizations are sharing editorial

the highest level and has the resources and

to officially change his mind has left

Buffaloes Football account. “This is not

content to promote student work around the

support in place to do so for a long time.”

current players, prospective recruits

the end man, it’s just the beginning.”

state. For more information, write to Editor-in-

Only three days prior, Tucker, at an

and Colorado football’s 2020 signees

Three-star wide receiver and 2020

Chief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

event in California, called Colorado

feeling a lack of transparency, with many

Colorado signee Keith Miller reaffirmed his

a “destination opportunity.”

taking to Twitter to voice their upset.

commitment to playing football in Boulder

“I have a special relationship with Rick

2020 4-star running back signee Ashaad

(George) and Nancy (George’s wife),” Tucker

Clayton was one of many who voiced

and jokingly jabbed the Spartans on Twitter. Colorado, according to reports from

Briefs Denver pit bull ban vote moved to Feb. 24 The Denver pit bull ban was

Two Florida men reprimanded after illegally hunting in Colorado After illegally hunting mule

Man arrested after trying to meet with detective posing as a teen girl Jesus Arroyo-Castillo was

Charities receive checks from holiday giving machines Over the holidays, The Church

Shooting at Walmart in Broomfi eld, no injuries reported A shooting occurred at the

to be repealed on Feb. 11, after

deer and pronghorn in Colorado

arrested Feb. 13 for trying to

of Jesus Christ of Latter Day

Walmart near the intersection

a 7-4 vote in favor to lift it. But

in 2018, two men from Florida

meet up with who he thought

Saints placed machines on 16th

of Sheridan Boulevard and West

Mayor Michael Hancock vetoed

have been fined by the Colorado

was a pair of teenage girls.

Street and Lawrence Street where

120th Avenue on Feb. 18. One

the vote, his first of three terms.

Parks and Wildlife Commission,

Instead, he was met with

people could make donations to

woman was taken into custody,

according to Fox News.

officers at the Greeley Mall.

various charities, according to

according to Broomfield Police

CBS Denver. The Light The World

Department spokesperson Steve

There will be a new vote at the next City Council

One man received a 20-year

He is charged with enticement

meeting on Feb. 24, according

suspension, had to forfeit all his

of a child, attempted internet

Giving Machines raised more than

Griebel. In an interview with

to The New York Times.

equipment used in the poaching

luring, two counts of attempted

$625,000 in one month for local

The Denver Channel, Griebel

incident and was charged a $2,100

sex assault of a child and two

charities like Catholic Charities

said the initial investigation

City Council, — which he posted

fine. The other received a lifetime

counts of contributing to the

of Denver, Mile High Ministries,

by officers showed that the

on his Twitter account — “At

ban, also having to forfeit his

delinquency of a minor, according

Black Child Development Institute

woman and a man exchanged

the end of the day, I must ask

weapons and pay a $2,440 fine.

to The Denver Channel. A judge set

- Denver and Rose Andom Center.

gunfire inside the store.

Arroyo-Castillo’s bond at $75,000.

Only 10 machine complexes

Hancock wrote in a letter to the

whether passage of this ordinance would make our homes and

Both plead guilty to willful destruction of wildlife.

like this exist across the country,

neighborhoods safer or pose an

and all together raised a total of $6

increased risk to public safety.”

million over the holiday season.

The City Council needed nine votes to override the veto.

FEBRUARY 19, 2020



Online dating is an easy yet evil matchmaker

staff Editor-in-Chief

ears ago, finding out

messages, usually nothing more

serial killer comment from

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

someone was dating online

than, “Hey” or “What’s up?” or

earlier. Women’s biggest fear

Managing Editor

was the equivalent of finding

“ur really cute ;)” (Yes, misspelled

in online dating is meeting

out some wretched secret.

like that, because when you’re

a serial killer, while men’s is

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

trying to attract someone, who

meeting someone fat, according

needs proper grammar?).

to the HBO documentary

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

“When Strangers Click: The

Features Editor

Annals of Online Dating.”

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu


It was considered the last-ditch, Hail Mary play when someone lost all respect for themselves and

On the other hand, a user could

News Editor

sought out seedy singles sites to

message a myriad of potential

find some semblance of human

suitors and not get any replies.

companionship. Now, one of the

Online dating gives you the

fears, but not without any merit

Sports Editor

freedom to not do anything if

behind them. One of the more

you don’t find the other person

famous accounts is of Elliot

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

interesting. While it’s nice to

Rodger, a 22-year-old man who

have that option, it can be a bit

murdered six people before

Justine Johnson jjohn460@msudenver.edu

most popular apps is one where you swipe left or right on people’s photos and hope for the best.

Herman Guzman-Ibarra

While online dating has

These are two wholly different

Photo Editor

improved — and lost much

it easier than ever to advertise

disheartening to read through

killing himself in 2014 out of

Copy Editor

of its loser and serial killer

yourself as a decent person.

someone’s profile to try and

frustration that women didn’t find

Nicolas Cippitelli ncippite@msudenver.edu

stigma — whether or not

No matter which app or

start a genuine conversation

him attractive and would instead

it’s better than traditional

website you decide to use, they

and nothing comes out of it.

go off with “fraternity jocks.”

methods is up for debate.

all follow a set of patterns. First,

Discouragement is one

Thanks to the acceptance of

The odds of that are slim

Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

these websites know exactly why

reaction, but frustration is another

though, and all you should

it and the number of different

you’re using them, and aren’t

common one. So common, in

really worry about is looking

options, online dating has

above locking you out from some

fact, there are communities on

good to the online world. Post

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

gotten easier. Even with the

features unless you’re willing

Reddit made to show off how

good photos, describe yourself

Production Manager of Met Media

paywalls these apps have, it’s

to pay. Some websites are so

bad some people’s messages get

in an endearing way and hope

usually just bonuses such as

stingy they won’t even let you

when they don’t get a reply, or

for the best in your ventures.

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

profile boosts or messaging

message anyone unless you

how often they consistently send

Granted, putting “not a

priority. It’s a convenient way

sign up for a membership plan,

“Hey” over a three-month period.

murderer” in your profile is

Meher Noorulamin mnoorula@msudenver.edu

to meet new people without

typically starting around $10 per

probably a good disclaimer too.

Sales and Marketing

putting in too much effort.

month, or multiple monthly plans

creepypms or /r/niceguys

that save you a little money.

showcase someone messaging

Herman Guzman-Ibarra is a fifth-year

another person and getting

journalism student at MSU Denver

This doesn’t mean traditional dating is dead, but that the

These memberships aren’t

These communities like /r/

convenience of these sites

necessary, and the features

rejected or no reply and have

and an aspiring photojournalist.

and apps are in line with

vary across sites. The real issue

a sudden change of character

He is currently the News Editor

today’s busy modern age.

starts with conversation, which

where the person they just called

of The Metropolitan. Contact him

leads to the second point. Some

charming is now viewed as a

at hguzmani@msudenver.edu.

works better than trying to harass

of these profiles are getting

vapid tart with no self-respect.

someone at the bar and makes

bombarded with an array of

Reading through profiles

ring back the silent film

are strong, however it is criticized

film “Star Wars: A New Hope”

era for posterity’s sake.

for a weak plot. The robot that

incorporated the use of the robots

One of the top films of the

finally destroys Metropolis meets

because “Metropolis’” robot

1920s, director Fritz Lang’s 1927

the crowd. These scenes symbolize

first spoke of freedom to the

silent film “Metropolis,” forecasts

the labor movements in Germany

workers. “Metropolis’” action

today’s cultural and economic

and so-called leaders who sought

scenes evoke more propaganda

setting because it shows workers’

to control the many. In the film,

by building the Tower of Babel,

plights and audacious leadership

a machine room controls the

marking the disapproval of

amid buildings of the future. It

heart and soul of Metropolis. As

machines and efficiency.

reflects peoples’ imagination

the film’s narrative progresses, it

of good and bad science, and

Will Bowman

chemistry from East to West. The Japanese copied this film in animation in 2001. Both require the audiences to apply suspension of

A lesson against pride, the

clearly presents actors applying

gestalt also refers to the myth

a passive-aggressive mode as in

of Icarus, who flew too close to

movies express what it was like

the scene where a lady appears

the sun. In “Metropolis,” The

to live in pre-Nazi Germany.

and arouses the crowd.

Tower of Babel represents Icarus

Another aspect of “Metropolis”

Trained as an architect,

striving to reach the sun.

disbelief, like in the original “Planet

is its depiction of a robot of the

Lang stylized film composition

of the Apes.” A manga art film called

future, which the public had never

without including purely graphic

“Metropolis” remains a timeless

“Last Man Standing” interpreted the

viewed before. Placed before a

representation. The quarters of

symbol of cinematic cultural

Japanese version of “Metropolis.”

black velvet silhouette and shot with

the ruling class appeared higher

and economic expression.

The Japanese film also differs

two moving light rings — a kind of

than the subterranean locations

from Madonna’s 2009 Metropolis-

sandwich paper — the robot just sat

of city workers who moved like

Will Bowman is a theater student

inspired video, “Express Yourself.”

in the middle scene before being

robots and served as a message

at the Denver Conservatory for

introduced to the crowd. Because

to fuel German Expressionism.

Performing Arts, and also takes

Lang used full life sets that

Forecasting future Nazi conflict,

classes at MSU Denver and CCD.

showed German Expressionism,

of its specific thematic linking to

as in another popular silent film,

technology, politics and sexuality,

realizing they are to erect the city

He is currently writing a memoir

Robert Wiene’s 1920 film “The

what is the context of “Metropolis?”

of Superman, the Metropolis.

called “Black Icoris.” Contact him at

Cabinet of Doctor Caligari.” The

Popular film phenomena in 1927

Office Manager

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

This also ties back into the

Metropolis: A silent film foresees the future B

Director of Met Media

Lang pictures the workers

The film’s gestalt is different

second film follows Dr. Caligari,

society portrayed both German

than “Thus Spake Zarathustra”

who resides in the underground

Expressionism and propaganda.

(Zarathustra Spoke) as written

cities which lead to freedom. Both

The film images in “Metropolis”

by Friedrich Nietzsche. The 1977


What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Colorado Kennel Club Dog Show returns to Denver Local puppies and old-timers take home champion titles

By Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

offspring that meet the breed’s standard. The Colorado Kennel Club Dog Show includes of many different breeders hoping

It was a dog lover’s paradise. Purebred Siberian huskies and poodles

to have their dog win their breeds. Much like preparing a model

stood on one side of the show room,

for the runway, pageantry is a

and golden retrievers and greyhounds

major portion of the show.

leaped over gates and ran through tunnels on the other in Denver. Dogs and their owners from around

Brenda Heimbach, dog breeding hobbyist, is one that knows what it takes to prepare dogs for shows, she said as

the state gathered for the Colorado

she used a toothbrush to fine groom

Kennel Club Dog Show on Feb. 13-

her friend’s 7-year-old Pomeranian,

16. With everything from agility and time trials, to breed and best in show competitions, the National Western Complex had something for everyone during the weekend of puppy power. From breeders to professional handlers, there was a reason for everyone to stop in.

“They aren’t comparing two breeds to each other, they’re comparing the breeds to the standard — the ideal breed image.” – Brenda Heimbach

“We’ve just started to get into breeding,” said Saint Bernard Owner Glenn Boarman. “I’ve had them my

Timmy, of whom she was presenting. Six tables stood next to hers, each

entire life and wanted to start breeding

adorned with their own Pomeranian

them because of their beauty.”

being groomed for the contest. Every dog

As Boarman spoke, adults and children gathered to pet his 120-pound Saint Bernard puppy named Lollygagging Around. The

appeared to be a mirror image of Timmy, but inevitably that was the purpose. “The judges are looking at how

seven-month-old pup got her fair share

well the dog conforms to the APC

of attention around the show floor and

standard,” Heimback said. “They aren’t

enjoyed the it by rolling onto her back,

comparing two breeds to each other,

exposing her fluffy stomach to the world.

but they’re comparing the breeds to the

“She was in her first show today,” Boarman said. “She won the Bernard puppy

standard — the ideal breed image.” Timmy’s fluffy and flawless appearance

group — we just aren’t gonna tell her that

was not a mistake — it was something

she was the only one out there — but we

that takes generations of breeding and

are just gonna tell her that she’s a winner.”

a lifetime of pampering to achieve.

Boarman’s pup didn’t care much

Breeders look into the health history of

for the formalities, but simply

their dogs, including the dog’s bloodline.

wanted more love and attention.

Part of the commitment of breeding is

Lollygagging Around’s first victory

doing your due diligence and getting all

in her breed will not be her last time

of the proper testing to produce the best

competing, as many dogs are bred for the

possible canine, according to Heimbach.

specific purpose of bettering the breed. Breed competitions allows for judges

“Good breeders don’t make money doing this. We’re really judicious about

Photos by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Two Samoyed owners and their dogs compete during the Samoyed breed category at the Colorado Kennel Club Dog Show in the National Western Complex on Feb. 16.

to verify the build and structure of a dog

the breeding. We don’t breed a lot,” she

might get one of these dogs. Whether it’s

dog shows for 21 years and has fallen

and therefore rate its ability to produce

said. “We’re really careful about who

a pet dog or a show dog we are careful

in love with canines, working with

and want to place them in homes that

professional handlers for four years.

are going to be healthy and clean.”

“After my four years, I found myself

Dogs with diseases or genetic

fortunate enough to be on the end of

defects are not allowed to breed and

a lease,” she said. “When you have a dog that you work every day with, and

“For dog shows, the exhibition aspect is a tenth of the actual pie.” – Victoria Beaman

you’re traveling the entire nation with, and you know that it has the merit that’s deserving of awards and for whatever reason the cards fall in your favor, it’s unbelievable. I’m always proud.”

must be spayed or neutered. Breeders have many reasons for getting started in the field: money, a love for

together to Colorado dog shows. The bond

improving the breed, the glory of victory.

between humans and canines has led us

But for many, it is a career that combines of

to this moment in life, Beaman said.

the three and takes decades of dedication. “For dog shows, the exhibition aspect is a tenth of the actual pie, because you have to have a dog that’s genetically sound

“The show itself is so insignificant to everything else, but it feels amazing being here,” she said. As the show floor closed and the dogs

and that you feel is worthwhile exhibiting

and owners walked out, it marked another

and that takes generations,” said Victoria

successful year for breeders, attendees

Beaman, assistant to Colorado-based

and most importantly — the dogs.

professional dog handler Chris Livingston. Beaman, 27, has been attending

Seven-month-old Saint Bernard Lollygagging Around gets love from attendees during the Colorado Kennel Club Dog Show at the National Western Complex on Feb. 16.

The intertwining of humans and dogs dates back millenia, from hunting

FEBRUARY 19, 2020



Tame Impala’s newest album is anything but wild By James Burky

the past over laser synths and one of the


best basslines in the band’s catalog. Parker calls upon his inner Bee Gees

Tame Impala has built a reputation for

with the booty-shaking single “Borderline.”

being an unstoppable innovation train

The song treats focused listeners. At first,

since its 2010 debut, but the band’s latest

the pronounced drum beat and disco guitar

release brings that to a screeching halt.

lick hook you and leave you wanting to

“The Slow Rush,” released on Feb. 14,

put the song on repeat. Then you’ll notice

stays within the confines of the band’s

the nuances within the instrumentals:

previous album, “Currents,” for an

a subdued bassline and handclaps, a

experience that’s enjoyable, but too tame.

soft flute in the chorus and blown-out

On Tame Impala’s debut, “Innerspeaker,” Kevin Parker — who wrote every song,

bass in the second half of the song. But for each step forward “The Slow

performed most of the instruments and

Rush” takes, it takes two back. Tame

led the production — combined John

Impala’s worst offense is that the band

Lennon-esque vocals and mid-20th century

tries to entertain us through its reputation

psychedelic rock with 21st century angst.

alone, not by giving us something new.

“Lonerism,” the band’s 2012 follow-

“Let It Happen” was a multi-part, nu-

up, turned that dial to an “11” with an

disco epic; “The Less I Know The Better”

over-the-top, foot-tapping garage rock

was the rare hit single that push pop’s

epic. Tame Impala’s third record, 2015’s

boundaries. For all of the highlights this

“Currents,” was an ambitious left turn.

album has, they seem to be by coincidence.

Parker incorporated disco synths and pop

The lack of creativity on “The Slow Rush”

song structures to the band’s music.

and desire to be “Currents Pt. II” isn’t

Think of “The Slow Rush” as an

just disappointing — it’s insulting.

expansion pack. Each track tries to recreate

“We got a whole year (One more year)/

the psychedelic disco genius on “Currents.”

Fifty-two weeks/Seven days each/(One more

“Breathe Deeper,” the album’s fifth

year),” he sings in the chorus of the album

Photos from Universal Music Australia

Tame Impala’s 2020 album “The Slow Rush” released on Feb. 14 and features 12 tracks from the pop-rock band.

track, is a trippy banger with Tame Impala’s

opener, “One More Year.” “Four seasons,

sexiest hook to date. The seventh track

one reason, one way/One year (One more

commercial viability and “The Slow

and fifth single, “Lost In Yesterday,”

year), one year/One year, from today.”

Rush” is its first album to sound scared

features the most interesting story on the record. Parker sings about letting go of

The band’s identity is built on balancing musical progression and

Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Theatre Department and Music Department Proudly Present

Book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse Music by John Kander Based on the play by Maurine Dallas Watkins Script adaptation by David Thompson

of trying anything new and instead lean on the success of its predecessor.

February 27-29, 2020 at 7:30pm March 5-7, 2020 at 7:30pm March 8, 2020 at 2:30pm Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre Kenneth King Academic & Performing Arts Center 855 Lawrence Way, Auraria Campus Chicago is presented through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.

Adults: $21 MSU Denver Students: Free with valid ID MSU Denver Faculty and Staff: $11 Other Students, Seniors & Children: $11 Complimentary parking with ticket purchase. Ticket transaction fees may apply.

Children under five are not permitted in the Theatre as a courtesy to our actors and other patrons. $2.00 of every ticket purchased supports Theatre Student Scholarships. Funding provided by MSU Denver Student Fees.

Tickets: 303-556-2296 www.ahec.edu/boxoffice

Adult Content



FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Crader’s shutout nets Roadrunners’ first win of 2020 season MSU Denver splits four-game series with Emporia State University Anderson, Peters and senior

By Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

series in Edmond, Oklahoma to

Owen Reynolds each racked up

take on the University of Central

three hits and drove in a combined

Oklahoma. The Bronchos are

six of MSU Denver’s runs. Peters

receiving votes in the National

its last win, the MSU Denver

hit .481 to start the season. He

Collegiate Baseball Writers of

baseball team netted its first

hit .242 over 49 games in 2019.

America poll as being among the

two of 2020 on Feb. 16 at the

Walsh is right on his heels though,

best clubs in all of NCAA DII.

Regency Athletic Complex.

hitting .435 through eight games.

More than 280 days after

Thanks to Roadrunners

“I’m just trying to keep it

“It’s going to be a big challenge. I mean, we’re going

pitcher Cade Crader, MSU

simple,” Peters said. “This

to have to go to their place. They

Denver’s wait was done.

is my last season, so I’m just

play well down there,” Strain

“In the 15 years I’ve coached,

trying to have fun out there,

said. “We’re going to see good

I’ve never been more proud of a

not try to do too much, stay

pitching that’s going to prepare

team than I was today because

within myself and have fun.”

us for our conference, but I like

them,” MSU Denver head coach

game two, as the Roadrunners

the way that we’re swinging the bats and if we continue to

Ryan Strain said. “We didn’t

followed up their season-high

pitch this way, we’re going to give

play great the first game. We

16 hits in the first game with 14

ourselves a chance to go down

hits in the second, winning 7-2.

there and play really well.”

everything was going against

had some tough breaks and lost some close games and then we didn’t play for 13 days.”

The onslaught continued in

Photo by Will Satler | wsatler@msudenver.edu

Roadrunners pitcher Cade Crader celebrates toward his dugout after he strikes out an Emporia State University batter in the eighth inning during the first game of the doubleheader at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 16.

It was their first win of the

Denver, who will later face 2019

work to earn the victory in the

NCAA Division II runner-up No.

seven-inning game, allowing

2 Colorado Mesa University (5-1) and No. 23 Mines (6-3) on

from Feb. 15-16. the RMAC’s

0-6 start, including two losses

Pitcher of the Week who continued

job to the best of my ability,”

two runners to cross the plate.

to Emporia State University

his dominance on the hill against

Crader said. “That’s going out

While it wasn’t as flashy

the day before. Despite

Emporia State over the weekend.

there and putting up zeros and

a win as the first one, MSU

not letting them score. Just

Denver did all the little things

The Roadrunners opened the

It’ll be a real test for MSU

enough in his four innings of

season after getting off to an

having to battle wild Colorado

“For me, it’s just doing my

Lefty Zach Sundine pitched well

their conference schedule. What is Crader looking forward to this weekend?

winter weather all week, the

weekend on Feb. 15, losing 5-2

letting the hitters take care of

right. Strain called upon his

Roadrunners found a way to win.

and 9-6 in a doubleheader. Junior

their job, put up the runs that we

team to execute multiple hit and

competition, not that we haven’t

Strain said MSU Denver was

“I think just some good

Chase Anderson and senior Zach

need and just worrying about

runs early on and it eventually

faced it already,“ Crader said.

indoors for most of the week

Walsh both hit home runs in the

what I need to do and trying to

helped them earn the victory.

“It’s always fun to go play the

and didn’t get any live at-bats.

third inning of the second game to

do it to the best of my ability.”

“I was really proud of how

give MSU Denver a 6-1 lead. The

Crader provided eight scoreless

Peters collected nine hits

good teams because when it

in total over the weekend,

comes down to the end of the

they bounced back and give

Roadrunners then proceeded to

innings in the first game of a

which led the team. Crader is

season, those are the teams that

Cade credit for pitching the way

give up six runs in the next half

doubleheader on Feb. 16, allowing

among six pitchers in all of

we’re going to be facing. It’s a

he did,” Strain said. “He set the

inning and were unable to recover.

just four hits while striking out

NCAA Division II baseball to

good test of our ability and to

nine Hornets. A fourth-inning two-

throw at least 14 innings and

see the competition that’s out

over and surrendered the series

run homer from Peters allowed

not allow a single run yet.

there and what’s to come.”

then. But a “Cade Duo” — Crader

the Roadrunners to prevail. Peters’

in the third of a four-game set at

and Roadrunners outfielder

blast was all they needed on the

to be just as good come Feb. 21

the Regency Athletic Complex

Cade Peters — had other ideas.

offensive side, winning 11-0.

when they travel for a four-game

tone for us and then allowed our hitters to get going.” Crader was the winning pitcher

MSU Denver could have rolled

The Roadrunners will need him

PHOTOS: Roadrunners baseball beats Emporia State in Denver Photos By Will Satler | James Burky wsatler@msudenver.edu | jburky@msudenver.edu

TOP LEFT: MSU Denver pitcher Cade Crader fires a pitch in the first game of a doubleheader against Emporia State University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb.16. The Roadrunners won their first game of the day, 11-0. BOTTOM LEFT: MSU Denver baserunner Dylan Nelson slides into third base as teammate Jacob Moyers signals “Safe” in the first game of a doubleheader against Emporia State University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 16.

TOP MIDDLE: MSU Denver’s Cade Peters hustles home after his teammate hits a ball into the gap during the first game of a double header against Emporia State University on Feb. 16 at the Regency Athletic Complex. BOTTOM MIDDLE: MSU Denver baserunner Jacob Moyer beats the tag from Emporia State University catcher Tyrus Barclay for a run in the first game of a doubleheader at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 16. The Roadrunners won the first game by a score of 11-0.

TOP RIGHT: MSU Denver pitcher Cade Crader delivers a pitch to the plate with a runner on second during a game against Emporia State University on Feb. 16 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Crader threw eight scoreless innings in the Roadrunners’ first win of 2020.

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FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Column: 2020 NHL Stadium Series avoids total failure

Avs and Kings battle at Falcon Stadium at the Air Force Academy By Brady Pieper | Will Satler

— home of the NCAA Division

game in NHL history, the traffic

bpieper3@msudenver.edu |

I’s Air Force Academy football

started once again and the mass


team during the fall — it was

exodus caused a standstill.

A first intermission alcohol shortage, frozen metal benches and hours of standstill traffic

clear that the NHL had gone

The Avs fell to 0-2 in

all-out for the 30th outdoor

outdoor games — they lost

game in the league’s history.

to the Red Wings 5-3 in the

On-field designs featured

2016 Stadium Series at Coors

entering and exiting Falcon

a United States Air Force

Field — surrendering the

Stadium brought havoc on Feb. 16.

Thunderbirds F-16; a mock helipad

game-winning goal in the

and accompanying runways;

final minute of both games.

The 2020 Navy Federal Credit Union Stadium Series game

hundreds of chairs for the

between the Colorado Avalanche

academy’s cadets and two large

on full display with temperatures

and the Los Angeles Kings on

black and burgundy jet-shaped

at puck drop hitting 32 degrees

Feb. 15 at Falcon Stadium in

cutouts, each adorned with a

— a much cooler game than

Colorado Springs was full of

Kings and Avalanche team logo.

the 2016 game, which started

uproar from hockey fans.

The field props helped fill

After giving up two goals in the

at 65 degrees, the warmest

space and cover up the sight

final minute of the third period, the

outdoor game in NHL history.

for sore eyes that was a small

Avalanche didn’t leave fans happy.

Image obtained from NHL.com

Falcon Stadium at Air Force Academy was the home of the 2020 Navy Federal Credit Union Stadium Series between the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings and Colorado Avalanche on Feb. 15 in Colorado Springs. It was the 30th installment of outdoor NHL games and brought in over 43,000 fans.

Hordes of traffic departed from the stadium after a devastating 3-1 loss. If driving home after a

fans’ feelings will as well.

Matters got worse after an Air

ice hockey rink sitting within

Force news release announced

a large football stadium.

that a man fell to his death

Large speakers were positioned

from a bridge just west of the

at every corner of the field to relay

academy’s north gate as he

on-ice sounds to the fans and for

was walking from the game to

Wienermobile and Planters

country music star Sam Hunt’s

avoid traffic at about 11 p.m.

NUTmobile with Baby Nut. They

intermission one performance.

loss at the Pepsi Center doesn’t feel good, it feels worse still after

Colorado’s winter weather was

spending $150 on a ticket and

The Truly Hard Seltzer NHL

trekking down to the Springs.

PreGame festivities were some of

could also compete in the FanDuel

They struggled to relay quality

pregame experience and in-

For most fans, their response

Regret buying tickets? The

the best Colorado fans have seen.

Hardest Shot challenge, as well as

sound, though. You can find

stadium visuals were worth the

would lie in between “It was a

The last fanfest in Colorado was

accuracy and face-off competitions

better-sounding speakers in

price of admission, and although

disaster” and “At least we’re not

during the Avalanche and Denver

hours before puck drop.

your high school’s parking lot.

we’re still regaining feeling in

the 2019-20 Detroit Red Wings.”

Nuggets playoff runs in 2019.

For die-hard Avs fans like us,

While those were fun to attend,

All of these pregame activities

Many of the seats were not

should have made for an amazing

close enough to see the puck,

our frozen toes, we’d buy tickets for the next outdoor game in

though, we had a decent time. The

there was significantly more to

NHL experience. As long as

and if you were in the front, you

Colorado. And for the sake of

Stadium Series wasn’t as bad as

offer in Colorado Springs. Fans

you were willing to brave the

couldn’t see over the boards. After

the 43,574 fans who also bought

others made it out to be and as

could take a photo with Lord

slush and mud, of course.

the Kings’ Tyler Toffoli netted

tickets, just don’t host it at the

more time passes, we anticipate

Stanley’s Cup or the Oscar Mayer

the first hat-trick in an outdoor

Air Force Academy again.

As fans walked into the venue

Cole, Barberio lead TeamFIT program at Denver Fire Academy

Avalanche defensemen hold fitness event with fifth graders from McGlone Academy By Brady Pieper

Lt. and Wellness Coordinator Lacy Burke.


“It builds on itself through the years. And the earlier you can start with fitness, the

On Feb. 18, Colorado Avalanche defensemen Ian Cole and Mark Barberio

healthier you’re going to be in the long run.” Kids were given the opportunity to

lined up with McGlone Academy

stretch and exercise with the Avs players

fifth graders to encourage healthy

and test their abilities with firefighter drills.

living for the TeamFIT program. The goal of the event was to educate students on fitness and nutritional basics through interactive learning and took place at Denver Fire Academy. According to a Avalanche press release, TeamFIT, presented by Ardent Mills, encourages and promotes

“I just think it’s great teaching any team sport; but there’s just a camaraderie you get from hockey.” - Mark Barberio

fitness and nutrition basics through an interactive session for students. “It is really important to get kids

The fifth graders dragged a weighted human dummy across a floor, raced

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Colorado Avalanche defenseman Mark Barberio does jumping jacks with McGlone Academy fifth graders during the TeamFIT day at the Denver Fire Academy on Feb. 18.

started off early with fitness and stuff

through a dark wooden tunnel and

like this,” Cole said. “I like working with

competed against peers in a forcible entry

eyed as they met the professional hockey

the kids and being able to do this.”

test, where they had to hit a target with a

players, a sport still growing in the US.

Cole, Barberio and Avalanche strength and conditioning coach, Casey Bond,

sledgehammer simulating breaching a door. “I really loved watching the kids try

Besides the TeamFIT program’s

“I just think it’s great teaching any team sport; but there’s just a camaraderie you get from hockey,” Barberio said. “You can

mission, the Avalanche have been

build great relationships through sport.

were joined by Denver firefighters in

out all the different firefighter activities.

pushing to increase the awareness and

And I just think it teaches you really good

the educational endeavor. In the Denver

The kids loved to try the forcible entry,”

inclusivity of hockey around Colorado.

values starting from a young age.”

Fire Academy gym, Cole led students

Burke said. “I like conveying the message

through hamstring, knee and back

that fitness is really important; so it’s

was the Stadium Series Legacy Project,

students received autographs from Cole

stretches before taking the children to

really cool that the Avs are doing this.”

where special sled hockey benches and

and Barberio as well as a voucher for

sleds were donated to local rinks for the

two free tickets to an upcoming game.

another building for firefighter drills. “Fitness is a process,” said Denver Fire

McGlone Academy is in Denver, near the Pepsi Center. Students were wide-

The Avs’ most recent inclusivity effort

improvement of the sled hockey experience.

After completing the program,

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FEBRUARY 19, 2020



“Flowers are temporary, but socks are less temporary.” “If I was a girl, I’ d hug you.” “I’m more scared of Valentine’s Day than Halloween.” “Those scapulas are hot.” “I want Julian Casablancas to come to my house and comb my hair for lice.”

Top 5



A conflict between you and your romantic partner will make the beginning of this week tough, but a bonding resolution is not far away.

Someone from your past will return to your life this week, sparking a new kinship and possibly some telepathic communications.



After months or years of hard work, you’ve finally paid your dues. A financial boost will come to you this week. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Let your imagination run wild this week, Leo. It will bring some new ideas and good luck for the future.



This week will be full of romance for you, lucky Pisces. Pick a nice restaurant and enjoy a post-Valentine’s Day dinner for two.

This week you will make a new friend who will change your life for the better. You just might meet this person in a class or lecture.


Hayao Miyazaki movies


It is flu season after all, so now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with medicines in case it comes for you. Which it will.

1. Spirited Away 2. Castle in the Sky 3. Howl’s Moving Castle

Your dreams will provide some muchneeded insights into your life this week. Use it to inspire conversations.



A romantic love letter or phone call will come for you this week, possibly in the form of a drawing. This will improve your mood.

This week you will find yourself traveling to a new place. It will only provide more inspiration for the future, so go with the flow.

4. Princess Mononoke 5. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind



This week will be a good time to redecorate your house. A change in aesthetics would do you good.

You will get some very good news about money this week from a business contact. They just might offer you a great job.

Photo of the Week There’s nothing quite like being a political photographer and standing in the media

wonder Kruczek managed to capture a photo without anyone else’s limbs in the shot.

pit at a rally. It can be a dangerous place,

Sanders is the first presidential candidate

but if you get a good shot, it’s worth it.

to visit Denver this year. He held a rally

MSU Denver photojournalism student

at Civic Center Park in September. He will

Brenna Kruczek took her chances in that

be followed by Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth

coveted pit on Feb. 16 during presidential

Warren and Amy Klobuchar. Lara Trump will

candidate Bernie Sanders’ rally in Denver.

also visit Denver on Feb. 19, and President

Kruczek covered the event for her class,

Donald Trump will speak in Colorado Springs

but the photo she captured looks worthy

on Feb. 20 with Sen. Cory Gardner.

of a magazine cover. Standing in the room

Political rallies can be difficult events to

with her and Sanders, she said, was a ton of

photograph, due to hungry photographers

other people. Some of them held young kids

and political turmoil surrounding the

on their shoulders who waved signs. Some

topics, but someone’s got to do it.

rally-goers cried when Sanders took the stage. In the midst of so much action, it’s a

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.

Photo by Brenna Kruczek | bkruczek@msudenver.edu

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders held a rally at the Convention Center in Denver for his presidential campaign on Feb. 16. Sanders spoke to a crowd of about 11,000, according to The Denver Post.

Events Colorado Avalanche vs. New York Islanders

Law Professions Panel

Third Friday Art Walk

2020 CHSAA State Wrestling Championships

Pete Buttigieg Aurora Town Hall


Feb. 19


Feb. 20


Feb. 21


Feb. 20 - 22


Feb. 22


Pepsi Center


Tivoli 444


Center for Visual Art


Pepsi Center














8 p.m.


3:30 p.m.


6 p.m.


9 a.m.


7 p.m.


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