Volume 40, Issue 21 - Feb. 14, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 40

NO. 21

FEBRUARY 14, 2017


Hard work ahead for Roadrunners after shaky start | pg. 11

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Starting pitcher Javi Vega pitches a ball in the first inning at the game against Emporia State University on Feb. 9 at the Regency Athletic Complex. The Roadrunners lost 6-10 to the Hornets.

Aviation initiative takes flight at MSU Denver By Isaac Banks

student-pilots the option to

that support United routes

the ones at MSU Denver, with the


transition to United Airlines

in the U.S. and Canada.

opportunity to join a global airline

after meeting the required United Airlines announced a

“The career path program helps

that is focused on providing the

service, performance record

us to operate our fleet efficiently

best experience for our customers

new program with MSU Denver

and accumulated flight hours at

and continue to provide great

while being part of a great team.”

to create a clear path for students

a current United Express CPP

service to our customers,” said

to fly for United Airlines.


| pg. 4

Deep dive on intersectionality

| Continued on pg. 04

partner. After they meet the

Captain Mike McCasky, managing

The career path program

requirements at the Express

director of flight training for

addresses United Airlines’ need

partner they will continue to

United Airlines. “Additionally,

for new pilots and creates a

United Airlines. United Express

it provides talented


pipeline for well-trained pilots

partners are smaller airlines

students, like

Olympic coverage shortcomings

to work for United Airlines. The

between disability and LGBT rights

| pg. 5

and must-see anime

partnership is historic because it is the first time a legacy


airline—one that operated before

Recognizing mental illness in youth

| pg. 9

the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978—established a direct pathway partnership with a


university aviation department.

Another tough weekend plagues

The CPP offers MSU Denver

| pg. 12

Roadrunner softball

35 ANNUAL th


DR. MARY FRANCES BERRY Constitutional Historian and Social Justice Activist Keynote Address February 20th, 2018 11:00-12:30PM Book Signing After

February 20th-21st St. Cajetan’s 9:30-2:30PM All events FREE and open to the public Hosted by MSU Denver Department of Africana Studies www.msudenver.edu/aas


FEBRUARY 14, 2018


Conversation on net neutrality By James Bofenkamp

the user’s access to different

are against net neutrality. He


websites by decreasing the speed

mentioned Sen. Cory Gardner

at which they can be loaded, or

does not support net neutrality,

by completely blocking them.

but instead supports innovation.

In response to the Federal Communications Commission’s

Ajit Pai, the chairman of the

“Repealing net neutrality

repeal of net neutrality, the

FCC, led the repeal by arguing

does not support innovation. It

first Hot Topic of the new

that regulations were stifling

is a way for the biggest people

semester focused on what

internet service providers.

to control what you see and

protections are at stake.

This met backlash from the

what you do,” Amdurer said.

The tri-institutional meet-

general public, of whom over 80

He went on to challenge

up hosted two members of

percent support net neutrality

statements from Gardner, who

MSU Denver’s staff and two net

protections according to Nick

cited that the rule the FCC

neutrality activists. Each individual

Gianoutsos of Defend Net

repealed was an old one, and this

focused on the threat posed by

Neutrality Colorado. Despite this

would open the way for a better,

the repeal of net neutrality.

response, the commission’s vote

more modern rule. However,

to repeal regulations passed.

Amdurer went on to say that

“The telecoms learned that there is no political neutrality, and

Gianoutsos and another

the law was updated in 2015. Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

that they can pay for the fastlane

panelist, Zach Amdurer,

to get the rules made that support

formed the Facebook group in

that displayed the different

their business,” said Director

response to the FCC’s move.

choices customers of a Portuguese

of Information Technology

Gianoutsos cited a University

mobile network had as an

Services Security, Infrastructure

of Maryland study to show that

example of what might happen

and Networking Mike Hart.

net neutrality is the bipartisan

should net neutrality’s repeal

desire of the people. There

succeed. The image showed

net neutrality. Users could be

Neutrality Colorado aims to

repealed regulations on internet

was no noteworthy difference

different price points for services

forced to pay more to access

capitalize on this. The last day

service providers. These

between party affiliation and

such as social networking and

the information they prefer at a

for the CRA to take effect in

regulations required companies

support for net neutrality.

streaming. However, this image

normal or increased speed, or

countering the repeal of neutrality

was debunked as a potential result

they could use the news service

protections is Feb. 17. Defend

In December 2017, the FCC

to grant equal priority to every

“Now, when we actually look

Amdurer referenced an image

Panelist Zach Amdurer encourages students to take action against repealing net neutrality on Feb. 8 in the Tivoli Multicultural Lounge. Amdurer and Nick Gianoutsos created the Facebook group Defend Net Neutrality Colorado in direct response to the FCC decision.

website accessed by internet

at the politicians themselves,

of net neutrality, due to the fact

which their internet service

Net Neutrality Colorado hopes to

users. However, without the

what we see is a little bit

that Portugal has net neutrality.

provider partners with for free.

convince Colorado’s congressmen

protections offered by net

different,” Gianoutsos said.

The FCC decision is still

to act before that deadline passes.

neutrality, one’s internet service provider could manipulate

Amdurer then declared that most Republican politicians

Alongside that reference was a description from Hart about

vulnerable to the Congressional

what news might look like without

Review Act and Defend Net

A resistance to ink! Coffee meeting did not include a student participant.

By James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

“I do recognize, and I do own the fact that when we had the meeting

CU Denver students and administrators

with ink! we didn’t have a student body

met on the morning of Feb. 9 to discuss

representative there.” Cardenas said.

the addition of an ink! Coffee in the

He asserted that CU Denver did not

upcoming student wellness center.

usually behave in that manner, and that

At the meeting, two students described

it was an error that it happened at all.

their displeasure with the school’s impending

Long added the coffee shop would

collaboration with the controversial coffee

be operated by students. She asserted

shop. Two school administrators participated

that part of being in the facility would

in the meeting to address student concerns.

create a culture of wellness.

“As students, what do we want our legacy

“That culture of wellness includes

to be? Do we want our legacy to be that I came

making every person on this campus

to campus, I got a degree and that’s it? Or do

feel welcome and included in all the

we want to know that we actively resisted

things that we’re doing,” Long said.

systems that are in place to displace people?”

After the meeting, CU Denver student

said CU Denver senior Christina Hughes.

Chelsea Situmeang, who hosted the meeting

Hughes, the student who first learned

alongside Hughes, was not impressed.

about ink! Coffee’s proposed location,

“I’m not satisfied at all. Coming out of that Photo by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

and organized student resistance to it. In November 2017, one of ink! Coffee’s locations, located at 29th and Larimer, posted a sandwich board outside its door with the phrase, “Happily gentrifying the neighborhood

Chelsea Situmeang and Christina Hughes, CU Denver students, meet with administrators on Feb. 9 to express their opposition to a contract the university signed two years ago with ink! Coffee. The coffee shop, which was the center of a marketing controversy last winter, has a slated spot in the new CU Denver Student Wellness Center opening this May.

since 2014,” written across it. The sign sparked

meeting, I feel like our statements were still being unheard, that they didn’t care. They didn’t really address, ‘yes we will do this’, or, ‘yes we will implement this’,” Situmeang said. Along with their request to terminate the contract with ink! Coffee, Hughes and

immediate backlash, including protests which

Center, opening this May, was

involvement along the way, and explained

Situmeang sought more student oversight

lead the shop to temporarily close its doors.

developed for CU Denver only, staying

the facility’s plan moving forward.

with the wellness center’s development,

After Hughes heard from an advisor that CU Denver’s upcoming student wellness

separate from the Auraria campus. Executive Director of Wellness and

According to Cardenas, the contract

and actions from CU Denver to address

with ink! Coffee was signed two years

gentrification concerns including community

center would feature an ink! Coffee location,

Recreation Services Amber Long and

ago, before the sign was posted. After

service and donations. They have left CU

she created a petition and reached out

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Raul

the fall controversy, the school met with

Denver with 30 days to accept these requests.

to the school to coordinate a meeting.

Cardenas, the two administrators present,

representatives from ink! Coffee in order

admitted to errors regarding student

to discuss the situation. At that time, the

The CU Denver Student Wellness



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Outspoken Speaker Series: Kalyn Heffernan By Ali Watkins

with osteogenesis imperfecta


– or – brittle bone disease. The

Kalyn Heffernan, emcee of

Wheelchair Sports Camp

rapper graduated from CU Denver

got its name from a camp

in 2009 with a major in music

she attended as a child.

Wheelchair Sports Camp spit

entertainment industry studies and

the truth about intersectionality

a tech focus in studio engineering

between the disabled and LGBT

left out of that conversation.“

“Hip-hop has been my

“I was invited to a wheelchair sports camp for people with physical disabilities. I was 10 at

communities at the second event

everything. I found hip-hop when

the time and I went every year,

of the Outspoken Speaker Series.

I was five, so it’s before I really

but I was always too cool for it,”

came to terms with the world and

Heffernan said, joking about a

at the Tivoli Multicultural

before I came to term with a lot of

rebellious streak in her youth.

Lounge about her experiences

my identities,” Heffernan said.

On Feb. 8, Heffernan spoke

as a queer, disabled woman,

She wrote her first rap

Humor is Heffernan’s coping mechanism. One of the group’s

rap music and peeing in Cory

when she was 12 years old

most popular songs, “Hard

Gardner’s office. The series was

about the Broncos winning

Out Here For a Gimp,” is about

in partnership with the GLBT

the 1999 Super Bowl.

the everyday struggles for

Community Center of Colorado. “We are trying to talk about

She came out in 2006 as

disabled people. It is also a

a queer woman. Now, at the

tribute to her childhood friend

the theme of intersectionality and

age of 30, she said that a lot of

Troy, who passed away.

trying to expand the conversation

her activism and career was

to other voices in the queer

sparked by her circumstances.

community,” said Vice President

“Intersectionality is such a

“I decided to write this funny light hearted song about everyday life,” Heffernan said. “It was

of Communications Rex Fuller.

hot topic right now,” Heffernan

a much better way to write a

“I think that, like many other

said about inclusivity in the LGBT

song for a friend that passed

parts of society, it is dictated by

community. “Time and time again,

away because it was supposed

cisgender males and we’re trying

the more I came to terms with my

to be really depressing and

to include more perspectives.”

disability the more I started to

sad and something I probably

realize that disabled people were

never would have listened to.”

Heffernan was born in Denver

Outside of her music, Heffernan participates in protests such as the ones at Standing Rock and events like the Denver Pride

Emcee of Wheelchair Sports Camp Kalyn Heffernan shares her story of advocating for disabled and LGBT rights in the Multicultural Lounge on Feb. 8.

Festival. Last June, she was on the frontlines of a sit-in at Sen.

was worth going to jail for and

population is uniform,” Acosta

Cory Gardner’s office to protest

rescheduled the Wheelchair

said, in reference to Heffernan’s

the repeal of the Affordable Care

Sports Camp tour dates.

talk on being queer and disabled.

Act. The protest was organized

to jail than die without Medicaid,’”

in those communities are just

Attendant Programs Today.

Heffernan said. “A lot of these

as diverse as any other.”

people would die or not live the

The Outspoken Speaker

Cory Gardner’s office for about

life they know without Medicaid

Series has four more speakers

90 hours. We showed up and

so going to jail was worth it.”

scheduled up until June. The

demanded that he vote ‘no’ on

Audience member Michael Acosta asks Kalyn Heffernan about protesting in Cory Gardner’s office last June on Feb. 8 in the Multicultural Lounge.

“I got a strong sense that people

by the American Disabled for “We sat and slept and peed in

Photos by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

“Our big chant was, ‘rather go

Attendee Michael Acosta said

topics range from current race and

anything that would strip services

that the speaker series interested

sexuality issues to preparation

from Medicaid,” Heffernan said.

him because it introduced him to

for Denver’s Pride Festival, which

types of people and experiences

the GLBT Community Center of

he wasn’t typically exposed to.

Colorado organizes annually.

Heffernan and her allies were arrested on June 29, 2017. She said that the cause

“It’s easy to assume that a

MSU Denver flys high with United Airlines | Continued from cover

now we can continue that trend

companies and smaller regional

in a way that provides robust

airlines. But, it’s not nearly as

the largest and most advanced

mentoring opportunities for

exciting as United,” Wolf said.

collegiate aviation programs in

future first officer candidates.”

“MSU Denver offers one of

the county and is well positioned

Madison Wolf is an aviation

Students will be able to apply to CPP starting in August 2018.

to provide the airline highly-

student who plans on applying

The requirements are: at least

qualified pilots that can address

for the program in the fall. She

two semesters in the professional

future staffing needs,” said

has been in the MSU Denver

flight officer program, a

Kevin Kuhlmann, MSU Denver

aviation program for one year

commercial pilot certificate and

associate chair of aviation and

and has met the requirements

instrument rating and maintaining

aerospace science. “Located in

to enter the United program.

full time status with 3.0 cumulative

United’s Denver hub, MSU Denver

“There is a lot of opportunity

has many proud alumni pilots

with it. I know we have

who currently fly at United, and

partnerships with other

GPA in aviation courses.

Photo by Alyson McClaran for MSU Denver

MSU Denver senior aviation student Madison Wolf sits in the flight deck of a 747 simulator at United Airlines Flight Training Center on Feb. 1.

FEBRUARY 14, 2018



NBC’s Olympic-sized failures



s someone who loves

Japanese and what they did for

games ranked 50th in the event.

sports of all shapes and

Korea, stating “But every Korean

Think this got aired? No, of course

sizes (except soccer,

will tell you that Japan is a cultural,

not. The Biathlon coverage simply

boo soccer), the biennial two-

and technological and economic

showed the French gold-medalist

week period of the Olympics

example, has been so important to

on the shooting range for his two

is essentially my Christmas.

their own transformation.” South

sets of standing shots and crossing

Korea, obviously, is now very pissed

the finish line before cutting to

off at NBC, and Ramo is out of a job.

snowboarding halfpipe finals so

It’s a chance to learn about other countries’ traditions and athletes, watch and learn about sports I’m

Moving on to the events

we could watch replay after replay

sadly unaware of the other 102

coverage, my biggest question

of Chloe Kim’s prelim run rather

non-Olympic weeks, show some

is ‘are there any other countries

than focus on the other athletes

competing besides the United

competing in the event that might

States?’ You wouldn’t know it

challenge her, or to catch the tail

if you’ve watched any of the

end of the American Luger placing

strange level of nationalism and

Matthew Stefanski

have an excuse to stay up until 5 a.m. every day that doesn’t involve video games or my iPhone.

That wasn’t the only violation by NBC during the opening

primetime coverage. Glossing over

second, but not show the runs of

But, of course, something

ceremonies as well. Katie Couric,

the horrendous overcoverage of

the bronze or gold medalists.

had to ruin it. This time, it’s NBC.

a longtime anchor at the network,

figure skating, commentated by

Needless to say, NBC’s Olympic

who should’ve known better than

Tara Lapinski and Johnny Wier —

toward America-only coverage

coverage — just four days in at

to blatantly tell lies about another

both of whom don’t know how to

of the Olympics has left a nasty

the time of publication — has

nation, said during Netherlands’

do anything but rain unnecessary

taste in my mouth. In an event

been horrific, to put it nicely.

entrance that the Dutch get

praise on athletes, even when

that celebrates the world, it’s

their skill in the event because

they screw up terribly, from their

unfathomable that a corporation

ceremonies, the United States

they have to ‘speed skate’ as a

bedazzled microphones. I find

who fought and paid so much for the

delegation, although the largest

mode of transportation when

it rather frustrating that NBC’s

rights to cover the event bastardized

of all of the countries competing

the canals freeze over during

coverage of a worldwide event

the meaning of the games. I get it,

at 242 athletes, were on the floor

winter time in Amsterdam (it was

with sports not commonly seen in

NBC. American athletes winning

during their introduction for only

as ridiculous as it sounds).

America tends to, instead, show only

is a great story. Now understand

the American dominated sports.

this —it’s not the only story. Fix

Starting with the opening

36 seconds before making their

Let’s not forget NBC “Olympic

Needless to say, NBC’s big step

way into the stadium stands.

Asian analyst” Joshua Ramo’s

However, NBC had a segment that

comments on Japan’s occupation

on Feb. 12, for example, featured

have to learn Dutch and speed skate

lasted over seven minutes, looping

of Korea during the World War

the story of a 20-year-old

to a bar to get my Olympics fix.

video to make the appearance

eras. Ramo, did not speak of the

Swedish athlete named Sebastian

seem longer while also having

human rights violations or war

Samuelsson, who took silver after

several interviews run, skipping

crimes committed during the

hitting all but one shot on the

over multiple nations’ entrances.

occupation. Instead he praised the

course despite coming into the

The men’s Biathlon pursuit

your horrendous coverage before I

Matthew Stefanski is the assistant sports editor.

Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Isaac Banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Jolene Yazzie jyazzle@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Assistant Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

Essential anime



Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media

nime, exaggerated

anime. If you are a fan of Firefly this

parody of anime in the same way

Japanese cartoons that only

is the perfect series to start with.

that The Cabin in the Woods is

weird boys in their mother’s

2. “My Hero Academia” is the

a parody of horror movies. The

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media

basement watch. So why would

best currently running anime. It

show does not break the fourth

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

you want to watch it? Because it

follows Izuku Midoriya quest to

wall or have ridiculous gags but

Office Manager

is awesome, that is why. Anime

be the No. 1 hero. The show takes

subverts anime stereotypes

explores much deeper and mature

advantage of the super hero hype

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

themes than your average Saturday

while questioning what it means

Brotherhood” has it all. Interesting

Sales and Marketing

morning cartoon. There are many

to be a hero. With some of the best

plot, humor, darkness, cool action

great series, so it can be hard to

fight scenes, both choreographed

scenes and romance. The show

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

find a place to start. For those who

and animated, My Hero is the anime

ties all of these elements in one

that we deserve and need right now.

neat epic package for the number

are interested in watching anime

Isaac Banks

but do not know any weirdos in

Before I get to the number one

1. “Fullmetal Alchemist

one spot. It balances humor and

their mother’s basement, allow

volleyball ace even though he is only

pick, here are some honorable

drama on a golden scale. One

me to present the five anime that

5’ 2’’ tall. It is an underdog story that

mentions. “Attack on Titan” has

scene with having you crying from

everyone should to watch.

shows Hinata and his teammates

great original acrobatic fight

laughter, the next will have you

actually practice instead of just

scenes and lots of gore. But the

crying from a character death. The

Soma” is the very definition of

believing in themselves to win.

characters fall short and the plot

story is about the Elric brother’s

food porn. Each episode services

Because of this the wins are earned

can be frustrating at times. “Naruto

search for the Philosopher’s Stone,

up mouthwatering dishes that

and the losses are devastating.

Shippuden” is one of the most

in hopes to restore their bodies,

3. “Cowboy Bebop” is my

popular anime and the starting point

that they lost when attempting to

character Yukihira Soma wants

favorite anime. The story follows

for most people. But Shippuden just

bring back their dead mother.

surpass his father’s culinary skills.

the crew of the Bebop, accompanied

ended last year at 500 episodes. Not

To do this he must attend Totsuki

by an excellent jazzy soundtrack,

to including the original “Naruto”,

shows that everyone should watch.

Culinary Academy where the

as they travel the solar system

it can be a time-consuming trip

These might not be the best shows

graduation rate in only 1 percent.

collecting bounties. For a show that

down a rabbit hole. “Kill la Kill”

but they are the perfect place to

If you like cook off shows this is

takes place in space it is grounded

has great characters and a unique

start. Just be careful not to wind

the perfect anime to start with.

with no flashing weapons or weird

art style. But it can be a bit over

up in your mother’s basement.

aliens. Originally airing in 1998 it

the top for those who are not used

is still considered the best Dubbed

to anime. “One Punch Man” is a

5. “Food Wars!: Shokugeki no

you wish you could eat. The main

4. “Haikyu!!” is about Shoyo Hinata’s journey to become a

There you have it. Five anime

Isaac Banks is the news editor.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Review: Theater Corner

‘The Electric Baby’ gives you a child to root for By Avery Anderson

then shifts again to a taxi cab


driver picking up two teenagers as they cursed out their job and

From the moment the audience walks through the door of the theater and sees the stage, they

quit. All of these characters’ stories are soon woven. Ambimbola, portrayed by

are immediately thrust into

Abner Genece, is an animated

another world. They are prompted

and caring taxi driver who

to leave their imaginative barriers

continues to play the lottery

behind and stretch the boundaries

hoping for a big win. He has a

of reality. The Arvada Center

slew of African folktales he recites

for the Arts and Humanities

throughout the show for his

does just that with their latest

son who “glows as bright as the

production of “The Electric Baby.”

moon,” but also are able to touch

The play directed by Rick Barbour is a quick and engaging

and impact those around him. Between his stories and

100-minute ride that smoothly

Natalia’s, not only is their bright

merges 18 scenes together

baby continually pleased with lore

into one story that is both

from his parents but he is also

entertaining and enjoyable.

being taught some of the funniest

Set in present-day Pittsburgh,

and most underrated information

“The Electric Baby” by Stefanie

a person can learn. For instance,

Zadravec is the story of how

in order to sleep through the

six strangers interact with each

night, all one has to do is eat a

other and discover they are not

cookie and drink a glass of milk.

so disconnected after all. The

“The Electric Baby” is a part

Photo courtesty of Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities

Jessica Robblee performs in “The Electric Baby” as Natalia at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities on Feb. 4. It left them confused while

realism creates a kind of show

walking out and contemplating

with potential and seems like it

show starts as Jessica Robblee’s

of the Arvada Center’s Repertory

what they just experienced.

will be a new and invigorating

Natalia, a Romanian immigrant,

Black Box season and consists

The script conveys emotion,

experience. “The Electric Baby”

addresses the audience with a

of some of Colorado’s finest

but does not make the

is a show you want to root for to

cradle that looks like it was picked

actors. Although the performance

audience feel it with them.

be good, but by the final bow,

up from steampunk-themed Joann

side and technical aspects were

Fabric. A mix of yarn and metal

on par with what is expected

the story and seem like they are

leaves you more confused when

piping pours out of it and bright

from the Arvada Center the

missing a key piece of information

you leave than walking in.

warm light is emitted from it.

play as a whole was not.

to bring the story altogether. The

The focus is then shifted to a

The show was emotional,

couple arguing after coming out

engaging and full of life, but did

of a housewarming party and

not connect with the audience.

They are simply witnesses to

characters have weak story arcs and are shallow on the whole.

“The Electric Baby” Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities 6901 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada, CO 80003

lets down the audience and

Playing now through May 6th For tickets visit: www.arvadacenter.org

The mix of mysticism and

Review: Fifty Shades Freed By Khaleel Herbert

loose, who could blame Christian

only purpose in life was to make


for the extra security? After all,

money, sexually please women

he’s stalking her and secretly

and live in his mother’s shadow.

sabotaging Grey Enterprises.

Over time, this lifestyle has

In the final chapter of E. L. James’ BDSM trilogy Ana,

Christian adjusts to the

drained him. Then Ana came

played by Dakota Johnson, and

married life, but has a hard time

along and changed his world

Christian, portrayed by Jamie

swallowing the idea of becoming

completely. This woman is not like

Dorman, wed and flee on a private

a father one day. In the previous

the other women he’s been with

jet to France and the Caribbean

installment, “Fifty Shades Darker,”

because she wants to understand

for a romantic honeymoon.

he extinguished the ghosts of his

him and be a part of his world.

Upon their return to Seattle, Ana adjusts to her new title: Mrs. Grey. She is no longer

drug addict mother and living as a foster child, or so we thought. “Fifty Shades Freed” is no

This love for Ana pushes Christian to grow into a caring loving man. He doesn’t want

Christian’s girlfriend. She’s his

different to its predecessors.

any harm to come to her and he

equal, sort of. Christian still

It runs its plot, then diverges

doesn’t want anyone else to have

remains protective of her by

into scenes of sexual ecstasy.

her either. Like Bella and Edward,

ordering bodyguards to follow her

Beyond these scenes, the story

they complete each other. Also,

everywhere including her job at a

and complex personalities of

Christian sits behind a grand

publishing company. He doesn’t

these characters are visible and

piano and plays original love

even let her go to the bar with her

strong, similar to the “Twilight”

songs for Ana. Sound familiar?

friends. She has to sneak away

films, mainly the first one and

to do that, like he’s her father.

“Breaking Dawn Part 1.”

But with Jack Hyde, played

Like Edward Cullen, Christian

“Fifty Shades Freed” gives the franchise an epic send-off. Fans of this and the “Twilight”

by Eric Johnson known for his

Grey has experienced great

franchise will have a ball seeing

role in “Smallville,” her old boss

pain in his life. Although he

Ana and Christian on the big

from the publishing company

wasn’t turned into a vampire, he

screen for the last time.

who tried to rape her is on the

became a soulless man whose

Photo obtained from Imdb.com

“50 Shades Freed,” the last of the 50 Shades Trilogy, stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dorman. The film was released nationally on Feb. 9.

The MSU Denver Counseling Center invites you to participate in:

Awareness and Screening Day Wednesday February 28, 2018 Tivoli Multicultural Lounge 10:30–11 a.m. Panel presentation of experts on body image and eating disorders 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Free Screenings Find out if you need further consultation with mental health professionals. Open to the entire community! There will be lots of resources and FREE refreshments. For special accommodations please contact us in advance 303-615-9988. Co-sponsored by EDCare Denver






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RATED R FOR LANGUAGE, SEXUAL REFERENCES AND SOME VIOLENCE. Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.

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FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Civics and cookies brings Denverites together Denver community members talk about housing

By Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu It requires a lot of convincing to draw people out of their homes on a snowy Saturday morning. But the enticement of artistic performances and homemade tamales were enough to engage community members in a civic discussion. St. Rose of Lima School hosted a forum about Denver’s transforming housing market on Feb. 10. The event, “Home bigger than houses: solutions to the crisis (westside),” was primarily sponsored by the non-profit Warm Cookies of the Revolution. This civic event was unconventional compared to other city council meetings and public forums.

“Development is inevitable, so I don’t necessarily think it’s about the development as much as being careful about how we’re planning the development.” – Gwenyth Aggeler

Photos by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Candi CdeBaca and Molina Speaks embrace as the “Home bigger than houses: solutions to the crisis (westside)” forum ended at the St. Rose of Lima School on Feb. 10. Speaks concluded the forum with a spoken word poem. string instrument, while artist

At the beginning of the event,

Molina Speaks performed spoken

Once nourished and entertained, attendees broke into four small

“There is no culture on this

for local businesses to stay.

planet that doesn’t have music at

word poetry. After the music and

groups to discuss their hopes and

Dance Academy performed four

dance, attendees were offered

concerns about Denver housing.

Musician Zay Alejandro Rios played the Ngoni, a West African

Mexican food provided by local restaurants and community activist Nancy Guzman.

“Development is inevitable, so

its core,” Rios said. “Being able

I don’t necessarily think it’s about

to use that as a resonant tool

director of Warm Cookies of the

the development as much as being

really does provide not having

Revolution, said the goal of the

careful about how we’re planning

any lines or boundaries to have

meeting was for community

the development,” Aggeler said.

to cross because it breaks them

Evan Weissman, executive

members to share their stories

Heidi Aggeler, Gwenyth’s

about housing and seek advice

mother and one of the small

from facilitators on issues like

group facilitators and managing

housing discrimination, fair

director at BBC Research and

housing practices and land trusts.

Consulting Firm, said policies

Though community members

should change to seek balance

had different motivations for

between the needs of community

attending, many voiced their

and goals of the city. Heidi said

concerns about how development

solutions come from better

in the Denver metro area has

planning and not just directing

increased the cost of living and

money toward the problem.

doing business in the city. Speaks said he believes the

“So, using the funding communities already have to

current housing situation is unjust.

direct it in such a way that it not

He is not opposed to development,

only has a meaningful impact

but is unsatisfied with how the

but it’s also very intentional in

city’s wealth is not being shared

terms of equity,” Heidi said.

among the community.

Rios, the musical performer,

all. It creates the environment for change and evolution.”

“A handful of wealthy people getting rich off this development at the expense of the culture, the community, the people who make the city great and neglecting the basic needs of everyday people, that’s not true progress.” – Molina Speaks Weissman agreed with Rios

said it is important for people to

when he said progressive change

getting rich off this development

attend these events to educate

happens when small groups of

at the expense of the culture,

themselves about what is

people come together, share

the community, the people

happening in their communities.

ideas and eventually influence

“A handful of wealthy people

who make the city great and

“When society is enriched from

major political parties. “I want the revolution but

neglecting the basic needs of

the lower levels up, the whole

everyday people, that’s not

thing functions so much more, not

I want it participatory and

true progress,” Speaks said.

just economically and efficiently,

beautiful,” Weissman said.

Gwenyth Aggeler, a sophomore at Denver School of the Arts,

MSU Denver alumn Marc Roberson fixes a plate of food of homemade tamales and mole at the St. Rose of Lima School on Feb. 10.

of life, according to Rios.

provide economic incentives

dancers from the Ni Shang traditional Chinese routines.

she said the government should

but consciously,” Rios said. Rios said it is important for

To continue this discussion, people can attend the second part

has witnessed established local

artists to be civically engaged.

of this forum, “Home bigger than

businesses get pushed out by

When music is incorporated into

houses: solutions to the crisis

fancier new businesses that

civic events, it can be a powerful

(eastside),” on Feb. 24 at the Village

cater to the people moving to

tool for change because it brings

Exchange Center in Aurora.

Denver. To address this issue,

people together from all walks


FEBRUARY 14, 2018


Eight-hour training can save young lives By Forest Wilson

signs of a mental health problem.

more than one million people have


The classes have grown in

been trained through their network

attendance since Project Denver

of approximately 12,000 instructors,

Aware has been holding classes.

both in the adult and youth versions.

Though they may not be externally visible, the prevalence

“From when I started

The class aims to destigmatize

of mental health disorders ensures

this I was lucky to get seven

mental health problems through

everyone will confront them.

people,” Berger said.

language and communication.

The National Institute of Mental

Many employers are now

Person-first language is

Health reports that 21 percent

requiring their staff to attend Mental

encouraged while speaking

of youth aged 13-18 experience

Health First Aid classes, and Berger

about a mental health problem.

a severe mental disorder at

said that word has been spreading.

The goal is to encourage people

some point in their life.

Denver is now requiring all foster

to think of those with mental

care providers to take the class.

health disorders as having a

Attitudes and stigma around mental health disorders can be

The class at MSU Denver

disease, not being a disease. This

barriers to seeking help for a young

was filled to capacity with

promotes understanding and

person experiencing symptoms of

students, educators and

humanization over fear of those

a mental health disorder or crisis.

concerned individuals.

with a mental health problem.

Often, it is the adults

“More people are open to a

immediately involved in the

course like this,” Mikahn said. “It

gave was, “‘This person has

adolescents’ lives who recognize

used to be kind of more specialty.”

schizophrenia’ instead of ‘this

the signs. However, specified

Mikahn has been an “artivist”

An example Mikahn

person is schizophrenic.’”

education on methods to recognize

for more than eight years. As an

these problems have long been

artivist, she has a passion for

Denver student in the psychology

relegated to clinicians and

poetry, music and art as a medium

department, attended the class

mental health professionals.

for activism. She volunteers as an

through paid training with

instructor for Youth Mental Health

campus recreation. Campus

First Aid because mental health is

Recreation is a department in the

an important issue in her efforts.

recreation building that facilitates

“There are a plethora of resources to gain help, gain more knowledge or get to someone else.” – Jordan Hidalgo The Youth Mental Health First

Project Denver Aware has been

Jordan Hidalgo, an MSU

fitness, leisure and recreation

conducting Youth Mental Health

services to students. Their goal

First Aid classes as a part of a

is to be inclusive and offer a safe

three-year grant awarded in 2015 by

environment. These classes are

the Substance Abuse and Mental

also given as a training option to

Health Services Administration.

their staff to help achieve that goal.

The Obama administration gave

Hidalgo is interested in mental

Aid class aims to give everyone

over $8 million in grants during

health and chose the class to

access to training. Lilly Berger,

2015, and SAMHSA continues to

gain a greater knowledge base.

program coordinator for Project

give grants through applications.

Denver Aware, alongside Bianca

Project Denver Aware is currently

Hidalgo said, “There are a plethora

Mikahn, executive director of

working on a new grant project as

of resources to gain help, gain more

Check Your Head through Mental

the previous one comes to an end.

knowledge or get to someone else.”

Health Colorado, held one of the classes at MSU Denver on Feb. 9.

The National Council on

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Project Denver Aware Program Coordinator Lily Berger presents strategies to adults on helping youth cope with mental health issues on Feb. 9 at the Campus Recreation Center.

Speaking on the tools he gained,

Those who participate in

and the Mental Health Center of

out in the case of a real need.

Denver holds both youth and adult

“It’s intense, but not scary, there is a place for everybody in

versions of the mental health

it,” Mikahn said. “Especially being

classes once a month. Every class

Behavioral Health brought Mental

the class are given a textbook

on a campus like this, right, you

is free. The Mental Health Center of

Health First Aid to the U.S. in 2008,

with information on a variety of

definitely come across somebody

Denver has a calendar of upcoming

eight-hour class. The aim is to

after it was successful in Australia.

mental health disorders and tools

who is in duress, who is suffering.”

classes at mhcd.org, and Project

give participants tools to assist

The youth-specific first-aid was

to recognize them. It also gives

adolescents who may be showing

developed in 2015. As of April 2017,

resources for participants to reach

Anyone over 18 can take the

Project Denver Aware holds

Denver Aware classes are available

these classes almost every week,

online at mentalhealthfirstaid.org.

Mental health awareness tips What is mental illness?

How to recognize mental illness:

A mental illness is a disease that causes mild

- Dramatic changes in

to severe disturbances in

sleeping or eating habits

thought and/or behavior, resulting in an inability to

Other symptoms:

How to cope:


-Unexplained physical ailments

- Accept your feelings

SAMHSA 1-800-789-2647

-Inability to cope with daily

- Take a time-out for yourself

problems and activities - Substance abuse

- Establish a support network

cope with life’s ordinary

- Increased feelings and

demands and routines.

expressions of anger


- Changes in social,

- Seek professional help

Native Youth Crisis Hotline 1-877-209-1266 National Institute of Mental Health 301-443-4513

school or work life

Infographic by Jolene Yazzie | jyazzle@msudenver.edu



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Basketball weekend a tale of two seasons Women’s team stays hot, men’s team slips as RMAC Tournaments approach 17 and 16 points, respectively.

By Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu

Regis proved to be a tougher test, but the Roadrunners

The MSU Denver basketball

endured, fending off a fourth-

teams are trending in opposite

quarter comeback attempt by

directions after an important

the Rangers to take the victory.

set of away games.

Jaelynn Smith and Squires-Horton

The women’s team finds itself amidst a five-game win streak that has propelled it from seventh to

hit five of six free throws in the final minute to ice the game. Ohrdorf and Squires-Horton

second place in the Rocky Mountain

also both earned RMAC Player

Athletic Conference. Meanwhile, the

of the Week honors, offensive

men’s team dropped an important

and defensive, respectively, for

game against Regis University,

their efforts. Squires-Horton had

putting it fourth in the RMAC and

31 points, six steals, four blocks,

third in playoff positioning. With

a rebound and three assists

three games to go, both teams

on the weekend. Although she

are in position to host at least

isn’t a big scorer, her defensive

one home game in the RMAC

impact and shooting from the

Tournament, which starts Feb. 27.

foul line made a big difference

Under head coach Tanya

in both games’ outcomes.

Haave, the women’s team is

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

“The past month those seniors

MSU Denver’s J’nae Squires-Horton prepares to take a shot against South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on Feb. 3 at the Auraria Events Center. Squires-Horton earned RMAC Defensive Player of the Week honors on Feb. 13.

trending upward with three games

have been leading us and that’s

remaining. The two wins against

exactly what you want your seniors

Chadron State and Regis allowed

to do,” Haave said. “J’Nae Squires,

MSU Denver to extend their streak

while she hasn’t scored as much,

the Eagles handily 62-47, the

points in the game, combined with

they wanted to push a transition

to five. A loss by Fort Lewis College

she has really taken on the role.

Roadrunners returned to Denver to

fellow senior Cameron Williams and

and unfortunately, we let them

allowed the Roadrunners to leapfrog

We’re putting her on the other

face their in-state rival with a chance

sophomore Cain van Heyningen

run on us and transition.”

into second place, a game and a

team’s best offensive player and she

to not only get revenge for a loss

to score 47 of the Roadrunners’ 79

half ahead of the Skyhawks. But

has answered the challenge every

earlier in the season, but also give

points. But, 11 turnovers, including

places with Regis in the conference

the women’s team aren’t ready to

single time. So it’s really nice to see

them some room in the standings.

five by Williams, put them at a

standings as a result and now sit

look ahead to the tournament.

her efforts get rewarded like that.”

However, the Regis Rangers still

disadvantage, allowing Regis to

at fourth. However, due to the

had the Roadrunners’ number, and

score 18 points and all but negate

ineligibility of Westminster College

“We’re definitely still looking

Ohrdorf, meanwhile, continues

The men’s team switched

at the final three games,” said

to lead the team in scoring, putting

the final score of 82-79 made it

the efforts of MSU Denver’s bench.

because of a probationary period,

senior J’Nae Squires-Horton. “If

up 41 points and 13 rebounds on the

look a lot closer than the matchup

Williams also fouled out of the effort

the Roadrunners hold the third

we win these next three games it

weekend and being one of the major

actually was. After dropping both

toward the end of the game, robbing

seed for the RMAC Tournament.

can sit us in a good spot, so I think

offensive contributors in both wins.

matches in the regular season, the

the Roadrunners of their best scorer

Roadrunners are hoping to take one

had the game gone into overtime.

just focusing on one game at a time is really going to help us.” Starting the weekend strong, the

“Georgia, from a scoring perspective, shooting perspective

more shot at redemption against the

and her experience, we need

Rangers in the RMAC Tournament.

But head coach Michael Bahl

The women’s team looks to continue its winning streak and the men aim to regain momentum

doesn’t blame a lack of effort

this week on the road against

or a late return from Chadron,

University of Colorado at Colorado

women’s team swatted the Eagles

her on the floor and she’s done

out of the sky 91-68, their highest

an outstanding job responding

any games, but especially to

Nebraska—the team arrived home

Springs on Feb. 17, before returning

point total of the season. Junior

to that,” Haave said.

an in-city rival like that,” said

at 5 a.m.—but rather a tough game

home the weekend of Feb. 23

senior Shane Fox. “But if we get

against a strong opponent.

to finish the regular season.

Jonalyn Wittwer led the way with 21

“You never want to lose

The men’s team entered the

points—her season high—and five

weekend with a half-game lead over

a chance to meet them again,

boards, while Squires-Horton and

Regis. After making quick work of

we’re going to give it our all.”

fellow senior Georgia Ohrdorf added

Chadron State College, defeating

“It was more Regis,” Bahl said. “They’re a really good team, they

Fox, who had a season-high 14

have a ton of firepower, we knew

Roadrunners athletics review Softball Easton Classic Feb. 8 vs Western New Mexico University Feb. 8 at Dixie

State University

Feb. 9 vs Montana State University Billings Feb. 9 vs Concordia University Irvine Feb. 10 vs California Baptist University

W 5-2

L 5-13

L 2-10

L 0-7

L 1-9

Baseball vs Emporia

Women’s Basketball Feb. 9



at Chadron

State College

Feb. 8 L




Feb. 10 at Regis


Feb. 9

Feb. 9

Women’s Tennis at University of

Northern Colorado


W 70-68

Men’s Basketball

L 6-10

Feb. 10


L 1-6

at Chadron

State College Feb. 10 at Regis


W 62-47

L 79-82

FEBRUARY 14, 2018



Growing pains continue for Roadrunners Baseball team undone by walks, small mistakes against Emporia State

By Rich Allen



Red Gerard wins first U.S. gold

A sweep at the hands of Emporia State University has MSU Denver

Colorado resident, 17-year-old Red Gerard, won Team USA’s first gold medal of the Olympic games in Pyeongchang. Despite waking up late and almost missing the Snowboard Slopestyle event, Gerard was able to cleanly complete his third and final run and win the medal with a score of 87.16.

baseball still working off rust in the third week of its season. The Roadrunners were competitive against the Emporia State Hornets, out-hitting them in two of the three games in the series. But, the team failed to find a win against the No. 8 team in the nation, letting the finesses of

Mirai Nagasu first U.S. woman to land triple axel in Olympics

the game go in favor of Emporia. In head coach Ryan Strain’s first season, his team is still working on finding their footing. “They’ve come a long way since the beginning of the fall, and we’ve got to continue to get better,” Strain said. “We’ve got 45 games left. We can’t be doing and making the same

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

mistakes game 20 that we’re making

MSU Denver catcher Draven Adame blocks a pitch in the dirt with Emporia State hitter Mason Brown at the plate in the seventh inning of the teams’ matchup at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 9. MSU Denver lost 10-6.

in game five. And if we continue to get better and do those things, this team is very talented and we’re

In the 10-6 Emporia win, five

Holinger in the eighth nearly turned

Strain’s team found confidence

runs were scored by runners

into an inning-ending double play.

in their offense, collecting 32

who reached via free pass. For

But, Hornets hitter Kaden Shaffer

hits on the weekend. Strong

Hornets over the course of the series

those keeping score at home,

beat the play at first base by a step.

performances from hitters outside

and hit four with pitches, creating

a more composed pitching

Distracted by the close play, first

the heart of the order gives their

more than 20 free baserunners for

game had the potential to lead

baseman Cale O’Donnell could not

lineup length outside of their

the opposition. Comparatively,

to a 6-5 Roadrunners win.

throw out a second runner scoring.

core of four all-RMAC seniors.

going to win a lot of games.” The Roadrunners walked 17

Emporia also plunked four

Mishaps plagued the

A play that was inches away from

Holinger, a freshman, is working

hitters—all in game three—but

Roadrunners all series. In game one,

the Roadrunners escaping a jam

a .333 clip to begin the season

walked only five in the series.

which was decided by one run, a

with a one-run lead instead saw

from the bottom of the lineup.

This discrepancy was especially

one-out, bases-loaded ground ball

them trailing late in the game.

Adame and fellow catcher Jake

problematic in game three.

to MSU Denver shortstop Jimmy

“The pitching staff is a work in progress right now,” said junior

weapons to trade off catching and

catcher Draven Adame. “They

designated hitter duties to keep

have the talent, they just need to

them both in the lineup. Germani,

get the mental side of it. Nothing

who earned his first start of the

against them. They’re great pitchers.

year in game three after everyday

They get ahead in situations

center fielder Logan Soole was

where they need to. It’s just little

ejected in game two, went 1-for-

things that we need to critique.”

1 and reached base three times.

It was not all bad for MSU

These developments give Strain

Denver though, who is cognizant

depth on offense and a comfort

of the quality of opponent they

level as the team prepares to enter

faced and is drawing confidence

Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

from the positives of the series.

competition in the coming weeks.

In 2017, Emporia State went 42-13, winning the Mid-America Athletic Association by a full .135

a lot of pitchers and put them in a

points over second place Missouri

lot different pressure situations,”

Western State University.

Strain said. “We’ve got the next two

swept off their own field. But, outside of a dominant pitching

weekends to figure out where we’re at before conference play starts.” The Roadrunners did not come

performance from Emporia’s Adam

away with a win this weekend,

Thies in game two, MSU Denver

but they are inching closer to

was a tuneup or two away from

RMAC games that contribute

competing with one of the top

to their conference record and

teams in Division II baseball.

ultimately playoff chances. While

“We should’ve won all three

Short stop Jimmy Holinger prevents Emporia State University’s Trevor Turner from stealing 2nd base at the game on Feb. 9 at the Regency Athletic Complex.

”One of the good things we got out of this weekend is we got to see

Yes, the Roadrunners were

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Kistaitis have proven strong enough

Strain notes that every game is

of those games,” junior outfielder

important, the out-of-conference

Aaron Germani said. “We just

growing pains are better here than

need to fix some things, come

the team’s conference matches.

back next week and have a good

The Roadrunners have two

week of practice and we’ll see how

more extra-RMAC series before

it goes after that. I feel like this

beginning conference play on

team has a lot of things we can do

March 2 at home against Colorado

and a lot of tools we can use.”

State University - Pueblo.

Mirai Nagasu made history in her individual performance in the team figure skating event, becoming the first U.S. woman to land a triple axel in the Olympics. Nagasu’s performance helped secure a bronze medal for the team in the event, and she is now considered a contender for a medal in her individual events. Shaun White defeats Ayumu Hirano in Halfpipe final; wins gold In a dramatic third and final run, Shaun White was able to complete back-to-back 1440s, scoring a 97.75, defeating favorite Ayumu Hirano who had scored a 95.25 on his second run. Hirano fell on his other two runs, opening the door for White to use the risky routine on his final run. White’s gold is his third in four Olympics and is officially the 100th Winter Olympic gold medal all time for Team USA. NBC apologizes for insensitive comments NBC apologized for the comments made by Katie Couric and Joshua Cooper Ramo during the opening ceremonies. Couric made awkward comments about the Netherlands’ success in speedskating events being tied to skating through their frozen canals, while Ramo commented on why Koreas transformation can be attributed to Japan’s cultural, technical and economic examples. Couric apologized for her actions while Ramo was dismissed from his position in response. Chris Mazdzer’s historical Luge run American Luger Chris Mazdzer made history in Pyeongchang, becoming the first American man to win an individual medal in Luge. Mazdzer, who placed second in the event, earned the result not only on his own strong performance, but also thanks to a mistake-filled run by medal favorite, Germany’s Felix Loch, whose final-run mistakes dropped him out of medal contention.



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Softball struggles to find their pace A down weekend has the Roadrunners in an unfamiliar position


By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Fly the Yu The Chicago Cubs signed prized free agent pitcher Yu Darvish to a six-year, $126 million contract. Darvish, 31, previously played for the Texas Rangers and Los Angeles Dodgers since migrating from Japan’s Nippon Baseball League in 2012. In his time in the MLB, Darvish has put together a successful career in the states, posting a 56-42 record, 3.56 ERA and making four All-Star games. However, questions about his value arose after an astonishingly bad World Series performance. He lost both of his starts in the Fall Classic to the Houston Astros, not making it out of the second inning in either appearance and posted an atrocious 21.60 ERA. Darvish said his main goal with the club is to “beat the Dodgers.”

The MSU Denver softball team will look to right the ship after a disappointing 2-8 start to the season. Participating in the Easton Classic hosted by Dixie State University, the Roadrunners paralleled their opening weekend performance, going 1-4. In their losses, runs were hard to come by, being outscored 39-8 in that stretch, including a 7-0 shutout loss to Concordia University Irvine. Of their eight losses, four have come at the hands of top 25 teams. The weekend started bright, with the Roadrunners playing Western New Mexico for the second time in as many weeks. Kristyn Peters, the team’s leading batter in every major statistical category, provided MSU Denver its first two home runs of the season, including a go-ahead three-run homer in the top of the Western New Mexico, with a record of 1-9, is the only team the Roadrunners have defeated.

been unable to replicate her performance thus

After New England Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels backed out of a deal which would have made him the head coach for the Indianapolis Colts, the franchise named Frank Reich as the successor to Chuck Pagano. Reich, who was the offensive coordinator for the Philadelphia Eagles, is perhaps best known for commandeering a 32-point comeback which playing quarterback for the Buffalo Bills in the 1991 AFC Wild Card Game. Reich’s offense in Philadelphia was successful with quarterbacks Carson Wentz in the regular season and Nick Foles in the playoffs. However, the Colts are far less talented and his success hinges on the health of franchise quarterback Andrew Luck, who hasn’t played a snap since 2016.

Pitcher Darby McGhee throws a pitch in day one of the Colorado Mesa University Invitational on Feb. 2 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Peters’ production has echoed in an otherwise hollow Roadrunners lineup that’s

Colts fill vacancy with NFL legend

Photos courtesy of MSU Denver Softball

seventh to clinch the 5-2 victory. To date,

the midst of significant growing pains. Sophomore Darby McGhee, the most

out there,” Milnes said. “What she has is different than what our other pitchers

far. She’s knocked in 10 of their 28 runs scored,

experienced resident of the staff, is

have. She throws harder, has a little bit

where no other batter has more than five.

experiencing an up-and-down beginning

more strength than our other pitchers who

to her 2018 campaign. Though she gained

may be more of a junk ball pitcher.”

“Right now, I don’t know if the timing

The array of abilities within the staff,

of it has been great because we haven’t

her first win against Western New Mexico,

been able to string a lot of hits together

she was unable to weather the storm in

McGhee’s speed and confidence combined

or taking advantage of the hits we are

the loss to Concordia and 9-1 defeat at the

with Kylee Burnside and Destinee Lopez’s pitch

getting,” Peters said of her recent statistical

hands of California-Baptist University.

variety, give the Roadrunners a potentially lethal mix of talent as the season progresses.

success. “I want to keep producing, but we all have things to get better on.” To exacerbate the situation, while the team’s bats have struggled to make contact—their combined .214 average is worst in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

“We’ve got bite, we’ve got a lot of girls that want to play and want to be in a competitive position.” – Kristyn Peters In both matches, she kept the game entering the third inning. However, closing out at-bats and innings have been a struggle

has established themselves as some of the in their collegiate careers, posting career averages of .352 and .361 respectively. For neither to pick things up by the start of conference play later this month against

In their weekend losses, the Roadrunners

Colorado State University - Pueblo, though

surrendered 12 runs in the third.

completely possible, seems far fetched. This is a talented team comprised of

McGhee said. “Having played a year

transfers, underclassmen and experienced

of college softball, now going into my

veterans trying to establish a new sense

second year and starting it, I’m more

of camaraderie. Therein is where the

comfortable and confident.”

issue lies; familiarity, not a lack of skill.

Pitching coach Breanna Milnes,

“We’ve got bite, we’ve got a lot of girls that

though aware of the staff’s struggles, is

want to play and want to be in a competitive

confident that they’ll gather themselves,

position,” Peters said. “It’s a bad start, but

dust themselves off and rediscover the

we’ve also got to keep in mind, we’ve played

intensity and efficiency that previous teams

some really good teams and I think that’ll help

mastered so well. She often cites McGhee

us going into conference. We’ve seen top-level

as the focal point of their pitching.

pitching and we’re going to see the same in

McGhee has seen mound action in seven of their games with a healthy mix of starting and relief work. Despite the

Senior Kristyn Peters gets ready to bat at the Colorado Mesa University Invitational on Feb. 2 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

have stumbled out of the gate. The duo

for not just McGhee, but the team as a whole.

“I feel like a different player altogether,”

Nikola Jokic shined with a triple-double as the Denver Nuggets defeated the San Antonio Spurs 117109. Jokic, who posted 23 points, 13 rebounds and 11 assists, tallied his fourth triple-double this season and his third in the last month. Denver currently sits in the sixth seed in the Western Conference with one game remaining before the All-Star break. Their next match will be against the Milwaukee Bucks on Feb. 15 at the BMO Harris Bradley Center.

outfielder Annika Anderson, both seniors,

more effective hitters in the conference

Conference—the young pitching staff is in

Nuggets top Spurs

The player’s capability is not the issue for MSU Denver. Catcher Sarena Espinoza and

conference, too, but I think that seeing those hard pitchers is going to help us in conference.” The MSU Denver softball team will

frequent action, it would be unfair–perhaps

play their home opener in a double-header

even inaccurate–to believe that these usage

against Montana State University - Billings,

decisions are made out of desperation

who they lost to 10-2 in the Easton Classic,

rather than strategic deployment that’s

Feb. 17 at the Regency Athletic Complex.

dependent on the game situation.

The first match will start at noon with

“She’s shown that she deserves to be

the second beginning shortly after.


FEBRUARY 14, 2018


“LOVE is ME” open mic for poetry, music, art and personal stories


Dent May

Location Lost Lake



Neck Deep

Men’s Tennis


Location Ogden Theater

Price $10

Price $23

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Student Success Building, Room 400

2.16 vs. Eastern

2.16 vs. University of Sioux

Washington University

Falls (S.D.)

Location Denver

Location Denver

Time 11 a.m.

Time 12 p.m.

Price Free Time 4 p.m.


Grace VanderWaal

Location Bluebird Theater Price $22 2.16

Visiting Artist Series: Alexander Dunn, guitar

Time 7 p.m.



Location Globe Hall Price $10

Hall Time 7:30 p.m.

Women’s Basketball

2.17 vs. Montana State Location Denver 2.17

Van William

Location Larimer Lounge



Time 12 p.m.

Statewide Mariachi Festival

Price $10

Price $20

Time 9:30 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.


Walk the Moon

Location Ogden Theater Location King Center Price Free

Springs Location Colorado Springs Time 5:30 p.m.

Location Bluebird Theater

Women’s Tennis 2.17

2.17 vs. CU at Colorado

University Billings

Location King Center, Concert Price $10-15


Time 9:30 p.m.



Location Boulder Theater

Price $40

Price $22

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8:30 p.m.

2.18 vs. Colorado Mesa

Baseball 2.22 vs. Lubbock Christian University


Location Grand Junction Time 1 p.m.

Location Lubbock, TX Time 4 p.m.

Time 8 a.m.



Location Globe Hall 2.19

Homecoming Carnival



Location Ogden Theater

Price $20

Price $30

Time 9 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.



Location Tivoli Turnhalle 2.16 vs. Winnipeg Jets

Price Free Time 11 a.m.


Slow Caves

Location Lost Lake


Pandas & People

Location Bluebird Theater

Price $11

Price $20

Time 9 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Location Away

Time 6 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Avalanche Lake Clarity: For an immersive horror audio drama, check out “Lake Clarity” @ mymetmedia.com



Location Sunshine Studios


2.15 vs. Milwaukee Bucks

Location Away



Location Larimer Lounge

Price $37

Price $15

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

2.18 vs. Edmonton Oilers Location Pepsi Center Time 1 p.m.

2.10 vs. San Antonio Spurs Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS Go for gold On Tuesday, Chloe Kim won

Genes don’t die...right away Scientists discovered genes

Special-needs accommodations On Wednesday, the U.S.

Picture perfect The Obama Official Portraits

her first Olympic gold medal in

do not stop working immediately

the women’s snowboard halfpipe.

after a person dies. According

Supreme Court heard arguments

Portrait Gallery in Washington,

Library Association announced

According to NBC Universal, the

to Science News, samples of

in the case Endrew F. v. Douglas

D.C. on Feb. 12. According to

the winners of the 2018 Youth

17-year-old landed a series of

subcutaneous fat, lung, thyroid,

County. The Colorado-based

ArtNews, former president

Media Awards, according to

complex snowboarding tricks

and skin tissue can be examined

case challenges educational

and first lady’s portraits were

NPR. Erin Entrada Kelly won the

including a frontside 1080, cab

together to estimate time of

accommodations outlined in the

commissioned by artists

Newbery Medal for her book

720 and frontside inverted 720.

death within a nine minute time

1975 Individuals with Disabilities

Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald,

“Hello, Universe.” The story

After her runs, her final score

period. This is possible because

Education Act. The current law

respectively. In his portrait,

converges Filipino folklore with

was 98.25. At time of publication,

cell processes continue even

requires schools to offer “free

the former president is sits

some of the author’s childhood

overall the U.S. won three gold,

after the termination of vital body

and appropriate education” and

on a dark wood chair, dressed

experiences. “Wolf in the Snow,”

one silver and two bronze medals.

functions. Currently, methods to

personalized education plan

in a black suit surrounded by

created by Matthew Cordell, won

predict time of death rely on body

to students with disabilities.

flowers and ivy. In her portrait,

the Randolph Caldecott Medal

temperature and signs of rigor

However, the plaintiff’s parents

the former first lady sits in

for most distinguished American

mortis and are less precise than

argued that the Colorado district

front of a light blue background

children’s picture book. Cordell’s

the new gene-based method.

did not provide appropriate

wearing a long white dress

book illustrates the story of a girl

educational accommodations

covered in geometric patterns.

and wolf lost in a snowstorm.

for their child with autism which led to his enrollment in an expensive private school.

were unveiled at the National

2018 Newbery Medal winner announced On Monday, the American


FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Solo Valentine’s Day activities

Horoscopes Capricorn


Happy Valentine’s Day, Capricorn. I figured you needed to hear that from someone.

You have an unmatched taste in music. Don’t let your humiliating year-end Spotify recap convince you otherwise. “That’s What I Like” is a jam! You can’t help that!



“McDonalds runs” will take on a new meaning for you and your pals this weekend. Stay hydrated.

Discounted Valentine’s Day candy is appropriate for both your budget and your romantic status. Break out your Target RedCard and go wild.



The Olympics will never love you back, Pisces. But curling might. That sport is its own thing, man.

Don’t let the cold weather get you down. You have enough to worry about, Virgo.



It’s going to be a long week, Aries. Not that you’d want it any other way though, eh?

Stop taking the “Are you still watching?” prompt on Netflix personally. Literally everyone who has ever watched anything on Netflix has seen this.



1. Baking 2. Eating baked goods 3. Online shopping 4. Wearing sweatpants 5. Target shopping

Overheard “I looked at you, and you were already staring at me, giggling.” “I feel like when I come into the office I become the most shady version of myself.“

Cough drops are not candy. They are medicine. Sweet, sugary medicine...

You are absolutely going to see the Han Solo movie in theaters. Deciding not to go will not deter Disney from their poor decisions, and you know this.



I know this time of year is hard for you. I mean, one day you’re ordering your coffee hot, and the next it’s iced. Just take it an order at a time, my friend.

(Do not forget to write this horoscope)

“I don’t want to, but I want to sit down.“ “I knew it was going to be something horrible“ “Give me back my cheese.”

Brain games Across

42. London Magazine


31. Indian prince

1. Painter Chagall


1. Lot’s land

33. It’s played in rounds

5. January 2 event

43. Born yesterday

2. Pierce portrayer

35. Camelot character

9. Bureau

44. Not the final copy

3. Nurture

36. Like early television

14. Toast-topper, perhaps

46. School notebook

4. Prepared for battle

37. Tarot reader

15. Product mention

47. Bedtime recitation

5. Rival of Athens

39. Stiller’s partner

16. Star-crossed lover

50. Interstate hauler

6. Pond growth

40. Opposite of persona

17. First mate?

51. Female octopus

7. Fly on a hook

45. Cry uncle

18. Indian tourist mecca

52. Co-star of 20-Across

8. Yipes!

46. Blow the foam off a

19. Allow inside

58. Isolated

9. Large waders


20. Star of 38-Across

60. 26 of 32 counties of

10. Mortar tray

47. Distinct stage

23. Benz ending


11. Irish patriot Robert

48. Hang loose

24. Cost to be dealt in

61. Highly rated

12. Parisian waterway

49. American chameleon

25. Fitted within one

62. Beauty parlor

13. Packed a gun

50. It’s over Jordan, on a


63. Where most humans

21. Rita in “West Side


27. Nova follower



53. Twenty quires

30. Brief contact

64. Social blunder for

22. Get used (to) (Var.)

54. Ascend

32. Tin Man’s desire


26. Deceitful tricks

55. Like some points

33. Transmission part

65. Put forth effort

27. Wooden gap-filler

56. “___ and the King of

34. Electrifying swimmers?

66. Fermented honey

28. Relinquish


38. Hit show starring


29. They row, row, row your

57. Type of big city light


67. Laurel in “The Music


59. Here-there link

41. Plateau relative


30. Suit


Top 5



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