Volume 41, Issue 32 - June 26, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 31


JUNE 26, 2019


Do ask, and please tell

The out and proud take over Denver

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Denver drag queen, Yvie Oddly, performs at Denver PrideFest at Civic Center Park on June 16. Oddly was presented the Denver Pride Icon Award after the performance. By Heather Davis

the world to fight for equality for the


LGBTQ+ community and to celebrate the

85% of their donation goal of $70,000.

successes they have had in their battles. On June 16, floats wrapped in

In Denver, PrideFest was a two-day-long

The festival also included a parade on Sunday morning, work from local artists and three stages where guests

the 1,138 rights and responsibilities of marriage written on its stand. “I was interested because of the equal rights in marriage issue,” Hanzon said.

brightly-colored decorations rolled down

festival that kicked off with a 5K race. The

saw acts like Yvie Oddly, Todrick

the streets of Denver playing music.

race commenced at the Colorado State

Hall and Lluvia Vega perform.

Accompanying them were people decked

Capitol building, where people saw the

out in fetish clothes and rainbows marching

rainbow-colored Pride flag hanging to show

creating artwork for Denver PrideFest

LGBTQ+ civil rights — the Stonewall riots,

alongside the floats or dancing on them;

the state’s support in the fight for equality.

for the past five years. Hanzon said

titled Stonewall 50: Progress and Reflection.

there were a few people who chose to

The 5K organizers said racers could, “Run,

when The Center on Colfax asked

join the parade topless this year.

walk, roll, or sashay” to the finish line.

him to create art for the festival, he

According to The Center on Colfax, the

agreed and for his first arrangement,

run had 1,600 racers this year and got

he made a 23-foot wedding cake with

Throughout the month of June, people come together from all over



| pg. 3


Local artist Lonnie Hanzon has been

| pg. 4


He has made art for the festival every year since 2015. This year he made a piece

| pg. 6

dedicated to the landmark moment in

| Continued on pg. 2


| pg. 8

Former Mexico president Vicente

Embroiled in controversy, YouTube

Raconteurs disappoint on first

The top 10 NFL quarterbacks

Fox swings by MSU Denver

must promote free speech

album in 11 years

entering training camp



JUNE 26, 2019

Stonewall 50 and the Battle for Equality continued from cover Half a century later and nerly Even though his inspiration for

1,800 miles across the country

this year’s display was Stonewall,

Coloradans gathered to attend

the artwork showed important

PrideFest. The festival and the

moments in the history of the

parade saw over 500,000 visitors

movement in a timeline, dating back

this year. Attendees included adults,

to the 1800s. It showed setbacks and

children and even some pets.

progress on 83 different panels. Hanzon said that his favorite part

Elizabeth Smith from Arvada said she has been attending the

of the event was that thousands

parade for the last six years to show

of people could come to the park

her support for her community.

wearing anything they wanted. “The freedom of everybody

“My favorite part is Dykes on Bikes and the gentleman

being able to wear their bright

that has been in the parade

colors and their fetishes and flags

since 1965,” Smith said.

that was all made possible by the sacrifices that came before us and was made possible by

The gentleman she referred to was Donaciano Martinez. According to The Denver Post,

the blood, tears and deaths of

Donaciano Martinez has been

other people,” Hanzon said.

marching in the Denver PrideFest

This year marks the 50th

Parade since 1976. He marched

anniversary of the Stonewall riots

again in 2019, proudly holding up

sparked in 1969 with a police raid

his handmade sign that read, “I have

of the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in

marched for justice since 1965.”

Greenwich Village in New York City. At the time, authorities

Arvada, said her favorite part of

commonly raided gay bars and

the festival was the parade and

The Stonewall was no different.

agreed that her favorite part of

Police dragged patrons from the

the parade was Dykes on Bikes

bar. The treatment enraged not only

and Donaciano Martinez.

the bargoers but the people from

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyon9@msudenver.edu

Elizabeth Garlandios, also from

Robbie Craddock enjoys a music and dance performance at Denver PrideFest at Civic Center Park on June 16. Thousands gathered during the weekend long festival. “I just love how inclusive the event is,” she said.

“It will be a sad day when he isn’t

The Center on Colfax is

the neighboring buildings too.

there anymore,” Garlandios said.

a community center that

The riots lasted for several

Garlandios said she has been

offers a wide range of of

and younger can find resoures

said.“ Not just your particular

through the Center’s Rainbow Alley

genre not just your particular

but there is also programming

uniqueness but everybody, that

available for older people as well.

all people are created equal.”

“It’s both, that we have made

days and eventually became a

attending the festival since she

programming and resources

progress and it’s also that we

rallying cry for the gay liberation

was 15 years old, and that this

to the LGBTQ+ community.

have to continue to work towards

and later LGBTQ+ movements.

year is her 19th visit to PrideFest.

People who are 21 years old

everybody’s equality,” Hanzon

Pride in Pictures

Coors Light Denver Pride Parade attendee, Dylan Bizier, cheers on the parade as it passes by on Colfax Avenue on June 16.

Auraria Campus LGBTQ Student Resource Center marches in the Coors Light Denver Pride Parade on Colfax Avenue on June 16.

JUNE 26, 2019



MSU Partners with Fox and the CRISMA Clinic By Jeff Ritchie jritchi3@msudenver.edu apply for the study abroad program.

300 children every day and also

President Janine Davidson

On June 13, MSU Denver

The study abroad program takes

boosts a leadership program.

hosted former Mexican President

place January 3 through 18, 2020.

Vicente Fox and his wife, Marta Sahagún.

Sahagún created her first nonprofit foundation in 2002 during

Fox relayed his message to the thousands of children in the program.

This is the second visit by Fox

Fox’s presidency. The foundation

who, along with his wife, has started

focuses on health, education and

to be a loser. You are not born to be

a partnership with the university.

community development from

an immigrant. You are not born to

non-governmental organizations.

be poor. You are born to do great

Fox spoke about the challenge

things in your life,” he said. “First

“The main partnership is with the CRISMA Clinic but there are some

“We tell them, you are not born

points of engagement with Centro

of life after his presidency and

rule, you stay in school until you

Fox which is the presidential library

searching for purpose. At the

get to the university level. You will

and leadership program that they

time, he and Sahagún decided

do much better doing that than

have in a different part of Mexico,”

to honor their religious and

migrating somewhere else.”

said Jennifer Capps, Dean at the

educational upbringing.

School of Professional Studies. “So

The CRISMA Clinic is the

Sahagún acknowledged that it

and a father with a child in their

when students go to participate

continue what life is all about —

developed. According to Sahagún,

was through charitable contributions

arms, they are looking for hope,

in the study abroad experience

being for others,” Fox said.

the clinic was in bad shape when

and donations, many from the

they are looking for someone to

they adopted the project. The

U.S., that the CRISMA Clinic has

help them,” Sahagún said. “And

and work in the clinic they are also

“We decided to go and

Their first venture after the

third nonprofit Fox and Sahagún

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox, speaks about a partnership with MSU Denver on campus on June 13.

going to probably spend a day or

presidency was Centro Fox, a

CRISMA Clinic tended to only 22

not only been able to stay afloat

also they smile, and they don’t

two over at Centro Fox learning

presidential library in San Cristóbal,

patients even though they had a

but is now expanding to be able to

have any reason to smile so they

about that program as well.”

Mexico. The library has a music

capacity of 200. The decision to take

accommodate a capacity of 500.

are here giving us a very deep

program which teaches up to

on the project was an emotional one.

All students are welcome to

“When you see a lady, a mother

lesson of hope and faith.”

student organizations need an advertisement?

offers a free ad

The Metropolitan offers all MSU Denver student organizations per semester one free sixteenth-page ad (2.5” width by 3.5” height) with design included.

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4 staff Editor-in-Chief

JUNE 26, 2019

YouTube should protect free speech

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

free speech and monetization once again. Free speech and YouTube are very closely

Managing Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Design Editor

the opposite. Advertisers will promote on the platform in which the most viewers are watching,

intertwined. YouTube was founded on the

most of the time regardless of the content. The

principle of free speech and creators being

backlash advertisers face is minimal until a

allowed to create their own type of content

call to action is placed against those they are

without the limits and restrictions of other

supporting, hence the call to action by Maza

platforms like broadcast television and radio.

and Vox. YouTube’s guidelines protect the style

Steven Crowder, a right wing YouTube

of content that Crowder was creating. Much

Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

comedian and show host, referred to Maza in

like many other late night talk show hosts, the

News Editor

a potentially derogatory way while criticizing

slightly offensive humor is very popular.

Heather Davis hdavis16@msudenver.edu

Maza’s political ideology. Maza claimed that

Features Editor DJ Lincks dlincks@msudenver.edu

Jeff Ritchie jritchi3@msudenver.edu

speech and should be punished by YouTube.

platform. By protecting these creators,

temporarily suspending his monetization due

YouTube can set a precedent for all future content creators and advertisers.

By Brady Pieper

to other account violations. But the damage


was yet to be seen. YouTube began to ban,

they do not allow the encouraging of

demonetize and suspend thousands of accounts

violence against individuals or groups.

across the platform for violations of its hate

YouTube does not allow threats of any kind or inciting violence against others.

Sports Editor Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

humor and allow for it to thrive on its

YouTube cracked down on Crowder by

Assitant Features Editor

YouTube should embrace the offensive

Crowder crossed the line and was using hate

Early 2017, the Women’s March on Washington

YouTube’s hate speech policy says

Assistant Sports Editor

had occurred just a few months back, the New

speech policy. This move by YouTube displaced

Taylor Mead

England Patriots defied all odds coming back

hundreds of thousands of viewers and thousands


from a 28-3 deficit in the Super Bowl, and one

of creators, causing the fourth Adpocalypse.

Spanish Editor

controversial advertisement featuring Kendall

Sarah Lease

Jenner was placed on YouTube, sparking

opinions and communities that aren’t aligned with

precedents being followed. The VoxAdpocalypse


the first-ever YouTube Adpocalypse.

one’s ideology. Instead of YouTube condemning

could’ve been shut down before it started by

its most controversial communities and channels,

supporting Crowder due to his adherence to

Copy Editor

Advertisers on one of the internet’s biggest

The internet is not a safe space. There are

The major problem with YouTube that keeps allowing for adpocalypses to keep occuring is the lack of strong decision making and

Daniel Sutton

websites began to pull ads. Digital fires broke

YouTube should embrace its ideological

the preset YouTube guidelines. The stability of


out across the YouTube landscape. Thousands of

diversity because advertisers will follow.

YouTube is not in question. YouTube will not fail

Director of Met Media

creators lost their monetization and faced losing

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

their livelihood because YouTube decided to

VoxAdpocalypse, shows that YouTube has

dangerous double standard. Create the content

monetize only family-friendly content. Two years

learned nothing over the past two years. YouTube

you want, but be aware that you can be banned

later, a simple call to action by Carlos Maza at Vox

believes advertisers hate controversy and

for simple violations and mob-based justice.

began to threaten the fragile fabric of YouTube

support hate speech, when the truth is quite

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

The most recent adpocalypse, titled the

anytime in the near future, but its creators face a

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

Gatorade, I’m confused by the shape of you

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

and carbs. This evil cousin of my beloved

What we do

a couple of ‘90s teenagers to knock ten

for over ten years, patiently waiting to slip in

years off their lives, then surely advertising

after a workout when I’m tired and vulnerable.

has made some progress since.

Gatorade G2 has the subtle, creepy charm of the The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a

Bowl and was Gatorade’s biggest product launch.

and makes a move on you at the water fountain.

The roll-out of this crock-a-dinkle tinkle featured no difference between the bottles’ shapes. Not

guilty for unleashing this alligator piss on the

only should the label be different — skull and

public. It is their right, and if consumers were not

crossbones come to mind — but also the bottle

buying it, would it still be on the shelf? Well, it is

should be shaped differently, so no one will suffer

on the shelf, right next to the regular Gatorade.

the mistake I made… Three. Separate. Times.

And therein lies the problem. When I grabbed this bottle of “Lemon-


G2 was introduced during the 2008 Super

person who sits in the back row of yoga class The good folks at Gatorade should not feel

By Jeff Ritchie

If labels were confusing enough to cause

“gym-brah in a bottle” has been lurking around

Beyond G2, PepsiCo decided to release the G Series Fit line which does have different

lye,” I also grabbed my girlfriend’s Artic-

shaped bottles based on their function. This is

Blue, which was one shelf down. Her

a step forward but also confuses the consumer

bottle was the original, mine was not.

with too many products. Per Natalie Zmuda of

Pepsi-Co may not have total say-so over

Advertising Age, “G Series Fit, like G Series and

shelving but they do over labeling. If cigarette

G Series Pro, includes 01 Prime, 02 Perform,

The University of Florida designed the

manufacturers must state that their product

03 Recover products. The G Fit 01 product is a

product for athletes. This hasn’t stopped the

will kill you, then I believe Gatorade drinkers

180-calorie ‘energy bite,’ while the 02 product

overlooked demographic that comedian and

should be warned that if they purchase

is a 10-calorie per 8 oz. beverage billed as an

Gatorade enthusiast Mitch Hedberg once referred

G2, they will suffer a consequence worse

‘electrolyte replacement drink.’ The 03 product

to as “a thirsty dude” from buying it. Maybe to

than death. For at least death is final and

is a 110-calorie ‘restorative smoothie.’” Got it?

some drinking a Gatorade and not exercising

the experience is not to be re-lived.

is the equivalent of “fab-leisure” and most

This poor labeling has been happening a long

Let’s dismiss this piss, clear the shelves, and be done with it.

people just don’t want to go there. To many,

time. When I was 13, my friend stole a carton of

however, it is no different than any other drink.

cigarettes. We went behind my parents’ shed to

#DismissthePiss! If your rice has been defiled

light up, and realized they were Camel non-filters.

by low-sodium Kikkoman’s, #DismissThePiss!

The exceptional taste of Lemon-lime Gatorade

current event or subject that has

became all the more apparent to me when,

been covered in the paper?

during the course of my workout, I turned up

when people smoked without filters.

action on Earth, as you exhale your final breath

Send your pieces to Managing Editor

that bottle of sweet electrolytes only to find

Although the length was different, it had

of Camel Ultra-light, #DismissThePiss!

Megan Webber

that I had purchased the G2 Lemon-lime and

a passing resemblance to the original. I


nearly regurgitated all of my potassium.

remember thinking, “I will never smoke

G2 is like Gatorade but with half the calories

I was unaware that there was a time

If you’ve ever bought Corona Light,

again and damn, old people are tough!”

And if you reach for a cigarette as your last

JUNE 26, 2019



Denver hosts barbecue festival on Father’s Day weekend By Jeff Ritchie

miles an hour in the last two


years. We have seven or eight incredible places in Denver right

On Saturday June 15, under

now that I would put up against

the shadow of Mile High Stadium,

anywhere else in the country.”

smoke filled the air. Spread out

As attendees entered the gates,

over prime Broncos’ tailgate real

they received passports to the event.

estate, 11 pitmasters from across

Maps of the festival laid out a Candy

the country showcased their skills

Land-style atmosphere dedicated

and brought diverse barbecue

to the “Q.” Vendors handed out

flavors to the Mile High City.

free barbecue sauce to enthusiasts

Vendors spanned from here in

who had to make such grueling

Colorado to as far as Manhattan.

decisions as to whether they wanted

Pitmaster Jason Ganahl owns

pork ribs, lamb ribs or fried ribs.

GQUE BBQ. Although originally

One of those facing the delicious

from St. Louis, he decided

Sophie’s Choice was Andre Owens.

to settle here in Denver.

He returned to his wife, Marvie, after she sent him to bring back

“We have seven or eight incredible places in Denver right now that I would put up against anywhere else in the country.” – Jason Ganahl,

fried ribs from Nashville’s Peg Leg Porker. They ate while they waited in Salt Lick’s line for brisket. The couple attended the Denver BBQ Fest last year and traveled from Las Vegas specifically for the event. Owens knows barbecue. He has been cooking it for fifteen

Ganahl went from judging

years. The Owens’ catering

barbecue competitions to

business back home, BJO,

competing in them. Now he

has been an outlet for him to

serves barbecue in two locations,

showcase his specialty — ribs.

Lone Tree and Westminster. Ganahl and GQUE represeneted

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

Owens’ love of barbecue brings him back every year.

Markus Lemma carves meat for GQUE BBQ at their Westminister location on June 22. GQUE BBQ was the only Colorado vendor at the Denver BBQ Festival.

the state as the only Colorado

“And it’s Father’s Day

vendor for the second straight

weekend,” Marvie chimed in.

year. Although Denver is

They considered going to another

not known for barbecue, the

barbecue festival in Memphis

favorite city for barbecue was

city’s appetite is bigger than

but they thought the Denver

Kansas City. Their favorite KC

ever, according to Ganahl.

BBQ Fest lineup looked better.

barbecue restaurant there, Joe’s

Joe’s Kansas City, pitmaster Jeff

Kansas City, is known as one

Stehney sliced steaming hot pork

different game. An Operation-

“It is booming right now, it

“Every city we go to, we look up

The Owens agreed that their

one of the barbecue vendors

a bearded man eliminated after

on this year’s Pit Row.

only getting one cheek down in

At the front of the line for

time before the music stopped. Another booth featured a

is off the charts right now. It has

barbecue in that city if that’s what

of the most famous barbecue

belly strips. Stehny had his crew

style challenge found attendees

gone from zero to a hundred

they are known for,” Marvie said.

restaurants in the world. It was

cut the pork belly into strips, then

using grill prongs to “surgically”

seasoned and smoked for two

remove wooden pork chop,

hours, braised for two more hours

spare rib, pork loin, ham and

and finally dropped into the fryer

bacon pieces from a large table-

for two minutes. Complimenting

board with a giant pig painted

the dish was a side of pork rinds.

on it. If the participants touched

“This is a new item we actually created for this festival scene. And what we did is we wanted

The game was intended to raise money for a disaster relief

we could have fresh food all day,”

organization called Operation

Stehny said. “That’s one of the

BBQ Relief. The non-profit has

problems with barbecue is your

been around since 2011. After

cooking pork butts for sixteen hours,

tornadoes devastated the town

so you got one drop a day basically.”

of Joplin, Missouri, competition

On the main stage, Colorado’s

barbecue teams assembled from

Chris Daniels and the Kings

eight different states to feed those

played a blend of funk, blues,

affected by the natural disaster. Since then Operation BBQ

barbecue fanatics dancing on the

Relief has served almost three

grass or resting in lawn chairs.

million meals. They have been able

After the set, the emcee hosted

Denver band, The Rick Lewis Project, performs at the Denver BBQ Festival on June 15 at Mile High Stadium. The festival had food, music and activities through the weekend.

alarm would buzz and light up.

something you could cook fast so

rock and swing to families and

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

the metal sides with prongs, an

to bring heart to the competitive

a game of “musical coolers”

barbecue circuit and to remind

featuring coolers from Grizzly. A

everyone involved in the scene that

heavy-set middle-aged man was

although the focus on barbecue

robbed of victory to by young

may revolve around sauces, smoke

boy, inviting jeers from the crowd.

and grilling techniques, the true

One round was questionably

meaning of barbecue is family.

declared a tie and the next saw



JUNE 26, 2019

Raconteurs regress on ‘Help Us Stranger’ By James Burky

solo output, 2018’s “Boarding House

and it yields mixed results. Where


Reach.” The album was a breath

“Now That You’re Gone” is lively

of electronic and experimental

and soulful, the next track, “Live

fresh air that was a peek into

a Lie,” is a flaccid, generic blues

what can be genre’s future.

rock tune and the raw production

In a time where mainstream rock is sorely in need for innovation, Jack White and his band The

As a follow up to one of the

is too drastic of a shift from the

Raconteurs limit themselves on their

decade’s most innovative rock

previous song to be a coherent

third album, “Help us Stranger.”

albums, “Help Us Stranger”

progression on the album.

The latest record headlined

regresses into the confines of to-

Ultimately, these sins would

by a usually cutting-edge White

the-point blues rock. What makes it

be forgivable if White delivered an

is out of touch and, worst of all,

more disappointing is the obvious

emotional vocal performance, but

boring as hell. We’ve seen this

wasted potential on the record.

he doesn’t. On “Consolers of the

formula from White before and

The album’s ninth track, “Now

it’s been done so much better.

Lonely,” White delivered some of

That You’re Gone” is everything

his most exciting vocal cuts yet on

the album could have been —

tracks like “Salute Your Solution”

“Broken Boy Soldiers,” was rather

perfect production, soulful singing

and “Caroline Drama.” But here,

cookie cutter with some excellent

and interesting instrumentation.

he phones-in performances

singles, but their follow up,

White croons for lost love in

each more vapid than the last.

The band’s 2006 debut,

2008’s “Consolers of the Lonely,”

Obtained from Wikimedia commons

was exciting and used the other members to their strengths, albeit it was rather bloated. That was

The Raconteurs’ third studio album, “Help Us Stranger,” was released on June 21 through Third Man Records.

over a decade ago, though. The Raconteurs consist of more

front of excellent production and

Only two songs on the record

mixing of reverberated bass guitar,

stand out as steps forward for the

layered percussion and a sassy

group, the aforementioned “Now

guitar riff. It’s reminiscent of the

That You’re Gone” and the album

best qualities from, “Boarding

closer “Thoughts and Prayers.”

singer, but he’s under utilized on

Rock isn’t the mainstream giant

House Reach” by finding the

players than just White, but the

the album. Jack Lawrence’s bass

it was when he last heard from The

balance of tried-and-true blues

each of these three categories:

White Stripes-alumni is, and always

is delectible when the mixing

Raconteurs. Commercial interest

rock structure and experimental

safe but fun, safe and boring,

has been, the variable that pushes

allows him take center stage

has waned, but White persisted with

electronic soundscapes.

and downright drab. Throw the

the band to excellence. Brendan

and Patrick Keeler’s drumming

the tried-and-true formula before

Benson is an strong guitarist and

is solid, but unspectacular.

turning it upside down on his third

The Raconteurs took the

The rest of the songs fall into

album under that third category.

producer duties on this album

Northside envokes laughter and discussion By DJ Lincks dlincks@msudenver.edu

“Northside” exposes issues within wealth distribution and how that directly affects a community

MSU Denver alumnus Bobby

which has been there for decades.

LeFebre presents a raw, satirical,

The minimal props evoke a DIY

yet all too familiar portrayal of how

tone, which help perpetuate

gentrification in north Denver has

the themes it discusses.

affected generations. In his play,

The standout element

“Northside” LeFebre accomplishes

incorporated into this play was the

a comedic, yet visceral show. It

use of mixed media. A projector

feels as if the emotional resonation

screened several different

felt by the audience were an

areas in north Denver, from

inevitability, no matter where one

neighborhoods to new apartment

grew up but especially for those

developments and more behind

who have witnessed the rapidly

the actors. These scenes are

changing environment and stripping

instantly recognizable to anyone

of culture in north Denver.

vaguely familiar with Denver.

“Northside” is, plainly, an

The play follows three separate,

important play that everyone should

but interconnected stories. The

see and discuss. Gentrification

first details a young Chicano couple

is often used as a buzzword in

looking to purchase their first

modern day politics, and its

home in the neighborhood they

connotation relies on who is using

both grew up in, both victims of

it and in what context. For some,

overpriced housing in Denver.

it can be defined as opportunity.

Ben Martinez, Andrea Renteria, Gia Valverde, Molly Gallegos star in the play “Northside” presented at Su Teatro in Denver on May 29. tumultuous to the directional flow.

overlooked in wealth distribution

By those, it is a chance to “clean

couple of Caucasion descent, of

I found myself unsure of how to

and discrimination. Through

up bad neighborhoods,” by

a stereotypically upper class.

react as these shifts were abrupt. In

“Northside,” we are forced to

feeling angry and aware, which I

one scene, I found myself laughing

confront an uncomfortable truth,

believe to be LeFebre’s primary

with the rest of the audience

one that we all play a role in.

goal. Every day, we as citizens

relinquishing gang violence with

The second, another young

Photo by Steven Abeyta | Courtesy of Su Teatro

The third, of an older couple,

the building of a Whole Foods,

who are forced to sell their beloved

yoga studios and craft breweries.

home which was purchased

But for those who have remained in the neighborhoods for decades and are forced to

Though the characters

The Santa Fe Art District

closer, and for good reason. Overall, “Northside” left me

make choices, and these choices

in the sixties for $15,000, now

themselves seemed at times to

has a rich history in Chicano

are, primarily, in favor of ourselves

being sold for $750,000.

be too obviously tied to their

culture, more specifically, its art,

and our immediate circles, but

stereotype, it often felt necessary

and the host theatre Su Teatro

we often fail to consider how

The play shifts through each

evict themselves due to the

of these plotlines underscored by

as it satirized the absurd political

epitomizes and embodies this

these choices can and will affect

unforgivable surge in prices of

expressions of protest from an

climate of today. It points,

notion perfectly. “Northside” is Su

those who are overlooked.

housing it is defined as a tragedy,

unnamed Chicano leader. At times,

very plainly, at the flaws which

Teatro’s mainstage production and

and an extermination of culture.

this combination feels emotionally

have been and continue to be

is the 2018-2019 theatrical season

JUNE 26, 2019



Pop Con offers inclusion to an evolving scene By Kieran Purce

asking a group of young men,


“You guys like Marvel or

The Colorado Convention

social commentary.” Brooks says. When he is not telling his

DC?” to which one replied,

own story, Brooks advances

“Everything.” Video games and

the stories of his peers via

Center was abuzz May 31 to June

virtual reality are changing the

his podcast, Motherf--ker in a

2 as the Pop Culture Convention,

nature of media. And the content

Cape. His platform embraces

formerly known as “Comic Con,”

is becoming more diverse.

marginalized groups within the

burst into downtown Denver.

The heroics of the invincible

comic book community. Native

For the average passerby, it may

Superman are gone and now

Americans, people with disabilities

have appeared like an invasion.

people want to see themselves

and sex workers are just some

There were soldiers, jedi, witches,

represented in their heroes.

of the shows recent guests.

heroes, heroines, robots, aliens,

If there is a theme to Pop

“I want to show the humanity

evil scientists, and a man with

Culture Con it is inclusion. There

of all these different people

a television for a head.

is a serious attempt from vendors,

through all these different

producers, comic book creators,

venues,” Brooks says about

Denver Pop Culture Convention.

and writers to be more inclusive

his podcasts and books.

In an effort to include more

in their storytelling. If the steady

fandoms and content the festival

lines at the dozen or so ATM

Brooks as well. The writer will

is leaving the Comic-Con title

cash machines tell anything, it

teach a creative writing course at

behind. Fans of manga, anime,

is that inclusion sells. The new

Regis University this summer.

comics, film, fantasy, animation

age of pop culture is upon us.

The scene is this year’s

and video games took over the

R. Alan Brooks is seizing the

The times are embracing

It makes sense for the wave of inclusion to occur within

convention center with the fervor

moment. Originally from Atlanta,

this community. Walking

of diehard sports fanatics.

Brooks uses his skills to tackle

around the masses of people

social issues like police brutality.

at the convention you’ll hear

thing’s nerd. The days of old

Providing a fresh perspective

statements of affirmation like,

white men arguing about Marvel

on an overlooked topic the

“Cool costume!” and “I love

versus DC are extinct. Now the

graphic novelist uses comics

that!” and you’ll see people

faces in the crowd are young

to reach his audience. Brooks

constantly stopping one

and diverse zealots. The one

is busy promoting his book,

another to take a photo in their

million square foot convention

“The Burning Metronome.”

elaborate or clever cosplay.

There is a new guard for all

center housed over 100,000 visitors over the weekend. A vendor could be overheard

Photo by Lizzie Stowe | lalberts@msudenver.edu Faelyn Hartman dressed up for Pop Culture Con wanders from booth to booth on May 31 at the Convention Center.

“A combination of The Twilight

Pop culture is growing and

and varying backgrounds. Social

to see pop culture’s emerging

Zone meets The Usual Suspects, a

evolving rapidly as it includes

media is enabling this movement.

dominance. Get ready for 2020.

supernatural murder mystery with

more and more people of different,

With this combination it is easy

What music are you listening to

all here on MET Radio at:


JUNE 26, 2019



Burky and Brady’s Top Ten QBs in The NFL Burky: Luck is a prime MVP candidate

Pieper: 42 year old Brady drops in rankings

By James Burky

By Brady Pieper



1 2

Tom Brady, Patriots - While Brady may not be on a par with young gunners like Mahomes, he deserves the top spot until he proves otherwise. He won’t drop 50 touchdowns anymore, but he’s still lethally efficient and is coming off another Super Bowl season.

Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs - Mahomes was the piece Andy Reid’s puzzle for a winner had been missing all along. The Chiefs can coast by on a running back committee. Now with a reigning MVP under

1 2

center, the Chiefs should set the league on fire.


Andrew Luck, Colts - Pop quiz, which quarterback got more out of Eric Ebron: Luck or Matthew Stafford? The former. Luck transformed a draft bust into a Pro Bowler thanks to pinpoint accuracy, astounding awareness and stellar strength. Don’t be

4 5 6

touchdown passes last year were a career high. Losing Doug Baldwin hurts, but he makes the most out of the pieces around him and that’s the sign of a once-in-a-decade type of quarterback.

is the best QB going into next season. No offensive pieces have really moved from the end of last season and Mahomes is primed for a good 2019-20 season.

Drew Brees, Saints - Brees is going into 201920 as the league’s all-time passing leader. With the support from his offensive fire power in the Big Easy and outstanding coaching, Brees is poised for a 5000-yard season once again.


surprised if Luck makes a run at the MVP award. Russell Wilson, Seahawks - Wilson’s 35

Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs - Coming off an MVP performance last season there is no doubt that Mahomes

Russell Wilson, Seahawks - Losing retired wide-out Doug Baldwin is tough. However, he was aging and the potential heir is already on the roster. DK Metcalf has the looks to be the next Calvin Johnson if everything pans out. Russell Wilson with Calvin Johnson is deadly.


Andrew Luck, Colts - A few years back, there were thoughts floating around about Andrew Luck being done after his shoulder injury. Today, he is an elite quarterback contending for an MVP. If Luck can find a way to connect with TY Hilton and Eric Ebron consistently, there will be nothing stopping him from being a top 5 QB.

Drew Brees, Saints - Brees will continue to embrace Mike Thomas, the best receiver he’s ever had, but the future hall-of-famer’s numbers dipped late last season. He had three touchdowns and three picks in the last four games.


Gordon should attract enough attention from defenses for the 37-year-old to have one last hurrah. Rivers dropped 32 scores a season ago. If Mike Williams continues to grow and Hunter Henry comes back healthy, that total will only increase.

an already powerful offense. Pairing two LSU products in Beckham and Jarvis Landry with an athletic tight end in David Njoku and a dynamic running game makes this offense scary. Baker

Philip Rivers, Chargers - It’s now or never for Rivers. Keenan Allen is in his prime and Melvin

Baker Mayfield, Browns - The addition of Odell Beckham Jr. adds a top five receiver to


Mayfield at the helm makes them dangerous. Deshaun Watson, Texans - Watson was the catalyst of an extremely powerful offense last year with arguably the best wide-out in the league across the hashes in DeAndre Hopkins. Although, the Texans’ first-round pick Tytus Howard was a little bit of a reach. There is


Matt Ryan, Falcons - Matty Ice has descended from the public eye since Kyle Shanahan coached away the 2017 Super Bowl. But in 2018, he passed for nearly-5,000 yards. He has Julio Jones, Calvin Ridley, Mohammed Sanu and Austin Hooper to throw to. There’s no reason for him to not be successful this season.


nothing wrong with protecting your quarterback. Tom Brady, Patriots -Tom Brady has a great power running game and a good offensive line that rival any other team in the league. The loss of Rob Gronkowski to the rocking retirement village takes away his safety blanket and makes Brady’s ceiling a little bit lower.

8 9

Jared Goff, Rams - The lasting flavor from the former top pick was an outmatched Super Bowl showing. He completed just half of his passes and was exposed as relying too much on Todd Gurley and Sean McVay. But, he still outdueled the MVP Mahomes and the Chiefs in primetime and had some of the year’s


Aaron Rodgers, Packers - Judging Rodgers on a down season last year can be a delusional opinion. Although the team had an abysmal 6-9-1 record last year, Rodgers had a decent year totaling almost 4500 yards. A revamped offense and a good

best throws. With one of the best receiving trios in

receiver in DeVante Adams gives Rodgers a good

the NFL, Goff has a great chance to break out.

chance to carry his team to a wildcard birth.

Aaron Rodgers, Packers - Rodgers’ 25 touchdowns to a pair of picks in 2018 is otherworldly, but he posted his lowest completion percentage in three years, a result of being asked to do too much. He’s still a living


Matt Ryan, Falcons - Julio Jones is one of the best receivers in the league, undisputed. Matt Ryan is only two years from his MVP season and he still has a high ceiling for the performance he can put out.

legend and plays like it. He could shoot up to the top


spot if Matt LaFleur rejuvenates the offensive scheme. Baker Mayfield, Browns - Mayfield has a playstyle just as flashy as his persona. He’s a gunslinger in an era lacking one and made some excellent throws down the stretch. Odell Beckham Jr., Jarvis


Mitchell Trubisky, Bears - I am riding the Trubiscuit bandwagon going into 2019. Trubisky is going into his third year and he has increased his stats from his rookie to his sophomore season by nearly 1000 yards,

sHiggins round out arguably the most complete

17 touchdowns, and a 7 percent increase in completion

set of targets for any signal caller in the NFL.

percentage. He is primed for a season with 4000 yards 33 touchdowns and a 65% completion percentage.



JUNE 26, 2019

Sutton’s development relies on Flacco’s right arm A breakout season could be on the rise for Broncos’ wide-out a laureate with contested catches.

Sutton is a young pony with the potential to be a prized thoroughbred, but Keenum

ceiling than the similarly sized and skilled

While this is more or less speculation before

and now Flacco are far from the cream-of-

wide-out Alshon Jeffrey. They’re both

training camp, it’s a legitimate cause for

the-crop for going long. Sutton’s ceiling

big deep threats, but Sutton can grow

concern. The Broncos have a receiver who

draws comparisons to Jeffrey and even

a boost of youth juice, and the guy with

into an unquestioned game changer.

can develop into a generational talent,

to a poor man’s Julio Jones. But if Flacco

the best chance of providing it isn’t the

Ideal development isn’t up to the receiver

but he needs to go deep to be used to

continues to regress and rookie Drew

phenom running back Philip Lindsay,

— it’s up to the pieces around him.

his fullest extent. Sutton averaged just

Lock is thrust in before he is ready, the

three yards after the catch last season,

Broncos run the risk of turning Sutton

when throwing to Sutton, causing the

according to numbers obtained from NFL.

into another Kenny Britt — a big, raw

indispensable, but whether or not he

then-rookie to adjust his body or face traffic

com. Sending him slants and five-yard outs

receiver who was cursed with mediocre

lives up to the potential comes down to

head-on attempting to salvage the play.

wouldn’t just be ineffective, but tone deaf.

quarterbacks throughout his career.

34-year-old quarterback Joe Flacco.

While that made for viral moments, it’s

jburky@msudenver.edu The Denver Broncos’ offense needs

but wide receiver Courtland Sutton. Sutton’s size and upside make him

Sutton, a Southern Methodist University-

Sutton potentially boosts a higher

Sanders doesn’t bounce back from his torn Achilles tendon he suffered last season.

By James Burkey

Keenum would often misplace balls

not a sustainable approach to winning a

product, bears a 6-foot-4-inch, 215-pound

football game. The hope is that the trade for

frame and flashed his ability to use it as

Joe Flacco in February will allow Sutton to

the Broncos’ second receiving option

be used more frequently and effectively.

in 2018. He posted 42 catches and 703

Flacco has built a reputation of

yards as a rookie, both of which were

being skilled in stretching the field.

second on the team only to perennial

His arm strength and 6-foot-6-inch

pro bowler Emmanuel Sanders. Sutton’s

stature helped propel him to become

16.8 yards per reception were eighth in

one of the best postseason passers

the NFL and are even more impressive

in NFL history. Flacco’s arm has been

considering who was throwing to him.

his crutch in recent years, however.

All but one of those catches came

Johnny Kinsley, of the football analytics

from Case Keenum under center. Keenum

website brickwallblitz.com, assessed

averaged 10.7 yards per completion

2018 quarterbacks on how effective they

and 6.6 yards per attempt last season,

were throwing deep — Flacco was in the

putting him at 26th and 31st in the NFL

bottom four in the NFL. The former playoff

in those categories. A relatively weak-

hero was just 9-of-35 when throwing

armed slinger who’s more of a game

beyond 20 yards last season. Flacco

manager than a game changer is hardly

has regressed as a deep passer and will

a compliment for a big-bodied wideout

likely continue to do so at his age.

who embraces physical corners and is

Sutton may be thrust into the top spot if

Photo by Keith Allison | Obtained from flickr

Denver Broncos wide receiver Courtland Sutton elevates for a catch against Washington Redskin cornerback Josh Norman in a preseason game at FedEx Field in Landover, Maryland on Aug. 24, 2018. Sutton is a second-year receiver primed for a breakout season.

Looking back: Celtics/Nets trade six years later By Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

After finishing 44-38 under head coach Jason Kidd, the Nets failed to get past LeBron James and the Miami Heat in the

In July 2013, current NBA household

nine players traded who ended up swapping

an important part in Boston’s back-to-back

cities that made this trade so historic.

appearances in the Eastern Conference Finals.

The Nets sent four first-round picks to

In that same draft, Boston sent its

2014 NBA playoffs. Brooklyn’s front office

Boston starting with the 2014 selection all

names like Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown and

made a decision that would change the very

the way till the 2018 selection. When the dust

as a part of this trade in which the Nets

Colin Sexton were an afterthought to teams

landscape of their franchise for years to come.

settled, it looked like Brooklyn was in prime

later used the player who was selected,

throughout the association. A trade between

During the 2014 offseason, they traded

position to compete for an NBA championship.

Kyle Kuzma, to trade for another key

But who could blame the basketball world

own first-round selection to Brooklyn

the Brooklyn Nets and Boston Celtics would

five players to Boston for two of their core

go on to help these players find their current

pieces in their championship run, Kevin

for thinking otherwise? Most of the prospects

homes and alter basketball history for years.

Garnett and Paul Pierce. It wasn’t any of the

from the 2018 NBA Draft in which Boston

of the Celtics’ acquisition of Kyrie Irving

would hold Brooklyn’s first-round pick were

as they traded what later became the

only 14 years old at the time of the trade.

8th overall pick and Collin Sexton, who

The first pick the Celtics drafted in 2014 was shooting guard James Young,

made 2nd team All-Rookie this year. After breaking the trade down, it would make sense to say Boston

Young at 17th overall, the Celtics passed

won the deal, but did they?

Nikola Jokic, who went 24 picks later.

In the last six NBA seasons since, Brooklyn has made the playoffs three

The next year, Brooklyn kept their pick

times, advancing past the 1st round only

and chose Chris McCullough 29th overall.

once, in 2014. The Celtics have made the

Brooklyn was able to flip him in a trade

playoffs all but one year since, but haven’t

with the Washington Wizards in 2017 that

been able to get past the Conference

included a first-round pick that the Nets

Finals despite the assets they acquired.

used to pick Jarrett Allen, a key piece of

Boston Celtics guard Jaylen Brown drives to the basket against the Cleveland Cavaliers in the third quarter at TD Garden

The final pick remaining was a key part

who is out of the NBA. While taking up on current 1st team all-NBA center

Photo by David Butler II | Obtained from USA Today

piece of their team, D’Angelo Russell.

Today, Brooklyn looks primed to

their team today. 2015 was when the effects

pick up at least one max-level contract

of the trade really hit the two franchises.

player this offseason and sports a strong

Boston was awarded the 3rd overall pick

young core. Boston, on the other hand,

and selected Jaylen Brown, a rising NBA

is reeling after an early exit in this year’s

player. The Celtics passed up on Malcolm

playoffs, and potentially the loss of their

Brogdon, the 2017 Rookie of the Year.

star, Irving, who may ditch town for

When you thought things couldn’t get more one-sided, the Celtics received the 1st-overall

none other than the Nets themselves. To think a simple trade five years

selection from Brooklyn in a draft loaded

ago changed the entire current

with talent. The Celtics would trade back in

state of the NBA as we know it.

that draft to select Jayson Tatum, who was



JUNE 26, 2019



“It doesn’t count if you reconsider it too late.” “Sometimes people just can’t not be stupid.”



Your love and work lives are going to clash this month. Try not to pull a muscle while dejectedly swiping through Tinder.

Just stay inside, Cancer. Trust us.



You’re burnt out from a month on edge, but fun is coming. You’ll want to binge Netflix, but you’ll be dragged out whether you want or not.

Old relationships will return this month. Good or ill, the possibilities are truly endless.



People will seek your advice soon. Try not to overwhelm them; you’re a bit of a walking Ted Talk.

This month signals progress in your career. So congrats, your boss didn’t notice you’ve been ten minutes late every day since you started!



It’s the season of friendship, and being warm isn’t your forte. So be careful about bemoaning the barista’s mess up too much.

Finally a chance for fresh experiences. But remember: lots of tags and never two pictures with sepia in a row. It’s just tacky.



Cash is coming your way Taurus. While a new Apple Watch might seem important, be mindful of your real needs.

You’ll be feeling raw, chaotic, Scorpio energy flowing this month. So when you’re randomly fighting with strangers on the street just remember to tone it down.



Procrastination plagues your work life this cycle. Be mindful of deadlines sideswiping you out of nowhere.

It’s your time; drop truth-bombs, get ink, take a break, and blame the bad decisions on the no-good horoscope writers!

“It’s not ageism; it’s the law.” “If I’m here, I’ pretty much willing to do a shot.” “I’m scared. Don’t click on me.”

Top 5

20th century jazz musicians 1. John Coltrane 2. Miles Davis 3. Herbie Hancock 4. Charlie Parker 5. Sun Ra

Photo of the Month Tyrone Siu’s picture of “Shield Girl,” one of the faces of the recent Hong Kong protests against a proposed extradition bill which would have allowed mainland Chinese courts to hear cases from Hong Kong more easily, combines excellent compisition with a clean, symetrical framing that gives the woman’s upturned face striking impact. While some of the protests devolved into violence, many of the 2 million people who took part shared in the calm, civil disobediance that the subject epitomizes. Like the best works of photojournalism, Siu’s work captures both the immediate moment, and the greater spirit of that moment brilliantly.



Photo by Tyrone Siu | Obtained from Reuters News Agency

A woman sits in front of a police shield wall, June 12 ”Shield Girl” became on of the faces of the Hong Kong extradition bill protests.



Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@msudenver.edu`


JUNE 26, 2019


Denver - Independence Eve 2019 Date Location

July 3 Civic Center Park



Aurora - 4th of July Spectacular Date Location

July 4 Aurora Municple Center

Rocky Mnt. Regional Gay Rodeo Date Location

Colorado Irish Festival

July 5-7 Jeffco Fair Grounds

Date Location

July 12-14 Robert F. Clement Park










4 - 9:30 p.m.


6 - 10 p.m.


9 a.m.



Boulder - Ralphie’s Independence Day Blast Date Location

July 4 Folsom Field

Golden - 4th of July Celebrations Date Location

July 4 Lions Park

5k Panda Run Date Location

Denver County Fair

July 13 Great Lawn Park

Date Location

July 19-21 National Western Complex










8 p.m. - late


noon – late


8 a.m.




Rockies at Giants Date Location

June 27 San Fransisco

Rockies vs. Dodgers Date Location

June 28-30 Denver

Rockies vs. Astros (Fireworks Game) Date Location

Rapids vs Revolution

July 2 - 3 Denver

Date Location

July 4 Denver










1:45 p.m.






4 p.m.

Rockies at Diamondbacks Date Location

July 5-7 Denver

Nuggets vs. Golden State Date

July 10

Rapids vs NYC FC

Rapids at Earthquakes


July 20







July 27 San Jose












9:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


8 p.m.


Carly Rae Jepsen Date Location

July 3 Ogden Theatre

Bad Religion Date Location

July 9 Ogden Theatre

Ariana Grande Date Location

July 11 Pepsi Center

Khalid Date Location

July 12 Pepsi Center










7:30 p.m.


8 p.m.


7 p.m.


7 p.m.

Patcole/Joe Anderies Collaboration Project Date

July 16

Location Dazzel

Diana Ross Date Location

Tenacious D July 22 Red Rocks Amphitheare

Date Location

July 25 Red Rocks Amphitheare








7 p.m.


7:30 p.m.


8 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Friday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics and instrumental every week at mymetmedia.com


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