Volume 41, Issue 33 - July 17, 2019

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41

NO. 33


Near, far, wherever you are — baseball will find you

JULY 17, 2019



The Met dispatches from the MLB All-Star Game | pg. 5 Cover by Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu



| pg. 2


| pg. 4


| pg. 6


| pg. 9

Scientists celebrate the 50th

A bored college student takes an

“Midsommar” sets the horror film

Colorado runners compete at world

anniversary of the Apollo mission

improptu road trip

standard for 2019

championship in Austria



JULY 17, 2019

Legendary lunar steps and the mission to Mars Professionals and amateurs reflect on humanity’s landmark exploration fifty years later By Heather A. Davis

there were two main concerns

of the moon. Silver said he


with the Apollo 11 Mission. The

couldn’t wait for it to happen

first was the landing spot.

even if his younger sister was

Fifty years ago, people anxiously

“Neil Armstrong is in control of

worried the astronauts would

waited to see who would win

the lunar module and his landing

the Space Race: they wondered

spot that has been picked out for

whether it would be the United

him is not a great place to land

he was disappointed to find out

States or the Soviet Union.

he’s got to push on a little farther

that he could only watch the

to a better spot,” Odom said.

event through a black and white

1969 was a year of great change

cause the end of the world. Even though Silver was excited,

in the US. Americans fought for

Due to the fact that he had to

civil rights, cult leaders spurred

go farther than he thought, they

“I was a bit miffed because I

fear and chaos, and humans

were also running lower on fuel

couldn’t see the landing through

reached that massive glowing

than intended. They thought they

my binoculars,” he said.

rock 238,900 miles away.

may have to abort the mission

On July 16, 1969, at the Kennedy

television at their campground.

Many of the people at the

entirely. “If that engine doesn’t

campground gathered around

Space Center in Cape Canaveral,

fire they’re stuck and there’s no

that TV to watch Armstrong’s

Florida, a Saturn V rocket launched

way to get them,” Odom said

legendary first step.

with three astronauts inside. Four days later on July 20, 1969

That means Aldrin and

Apollo 1 was a plugs-out test.

Photo obtained from Reuters Astronauts of the Apollo 11 Space Mission: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, And Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin.

Armstrong would have died on

It failed when a flash fire occurred

Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong

the moon but Armstrong was able

and killed all three astronauts inside

and knowledge that will assist in

landed on the moon while Michael

to keep calm and work out the

the command module. The men

getting astronauts to Mars. Part of

in careers other than math and

Collins conducted tests from

issues. Odom said everyone back at

lost in the test were Gus Grissom,

their missions include putting the

science that have been able to

above Others preached love and

Mission Control had been nervously

Ed White and Roger B. Chaffee.

very first woman on the moon.

work on space missions too.

peace, and the country’s biggest

holding their breath just waiting to

music festival had yet to happen.

hear that they had landed safely.

After taking his first step

According to Odom, people

Odom said NASA has learned

Joel Parker astronomer and

from the incidents with the Apollo 1,

director in the Boulder office of

Challenger and Columbia missions.

the Southwest Research Institute

He said that there are people

His biggest advice to students was to, “do what you love.” Odom hopes that NASA will

on the moon Armstrong said,

often overlook all the prior missions

He said, “We’re definitely 100

believes that we will be able to put

continue to inspire generations

“That’s one small step for man,

to Apollo 11 and the fact that

percent committed to safety and

a person on Mars in his lifetime.

to come in the same way the

one giant leap for mankind,” his

over 400,000 people helped the

lessons like that remind us of why

words have not been forgotten.

program from all over the country.

we are committed to safety.”

According to Brian Odom, a

Steven Silver from Kingston,

Today, NASA is preparing to

Parker previously worked with the Goddard Space Flight

Apollo missions have for the current population.

Center where he was able to

historian at NASA’s Marshall Space

Ontario was 11 years old when

go back to the moon and even

work on space crafts through his

Flight Center in Huntsville Alabama,

Armstrong walked on the surface

stay there to gather information

fellowship with Hughes STX.

Moments in history: Apollo 11 moonwalk

Photo obtained from NASA

Photo obtained from Reuters

Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin beside the U.S. flag the astronauts planted on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969. Photo obtained from Reuters.

Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon near the leg of the Lunar Module “Eagle” during Apollo 11’s first manned lunar landing on July 20, 1969.

BRIEFS Social media gag in Area 51 Social media gag event “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” has allured approximately 2.5 million people interested or said to be attending. The “storm” is scheduled to be take place on Sept. 20 at 3 a.m. The creators of the event have even taken to selling merchandise stating that they survived Area 51. According to NPR, the Air Force is discouraging people from joining the event. Area is a restricted government facility rumored to contain proof of extraterrestrial life, and is heavily guarded.

Self-Proclaimed Colorado batman arrested An army recruiter in Arapahoe County was arrested for allegedly soliciting underage girls on social media using photos and calling himself the “Colorado batman.” Ken Hardcastle was arrested on July 16. According to the Canon City Daily Record, the Sheriff’s office is concerned that there may be even more victims and is asking parents to call if he has been in contact with their daughters. Parents can call 720-874-8477 with any information they may have regarding his crimes.

President Trump offends with racial remark The house voted on Tuesday for President Trump to be condemned for his verbal attack on minority Congresswomen on Sunday. According to Reuters, Trump said that the women needed to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” All democrats supported the condemation along with four republicans and one independant.

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Need m Conta ore info? ct Ed in Ch i e f Jam itor at jbu es rky@ msud Burky enver .edu



JULY 7, 2019

When a traveller is alone with his thoughts

staff Editor-in-Chief


here has always been

I begin to hit the deserts of

talk to and not a soul in sight, I

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

something special about

Nevada. Hours of nothing but

finally realized how lonely life

Managing Editor

road trips. The long,

dusky arid deserts and scattered

can be. A road trip by yourself

grinding journey through cow

gas stations made this segment

can be a lot of things: happy, sad,

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

country and deserts is always

of the journey difficult.

thought-provoking. But I never

made worth it after seeing your

I see the crest of Las Vegas over

expected lonely to be on that list.

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

destination. I will never judge

the hills for the first time. The neon

anyone for booking a flight over

lights illuminate the dark desert

last time I was in California was

taking to the roads but the allure of

sky. Implanted in my memory is

when I was a kid. The sunrise

Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

a blacktop voyage is undeniable.

the sight of The Strip breaking the

cresting over Hollywood hills is

News Editor

monotony of the desert. Bright

the most beautiful sight I have

Heather Davis hdavis16@msudenver.edu

I feel the drag of my day,

I made it to Los Angeles. The

Photo Editor

classes, work, and everything else.

By Brady Pieper

lights, fast cars, and a lot of

ever seen. The beaches of LA are

Every piece of the world around


people trying to sell me drugs.

more beautiful than I remember.

me feels like taking a grindstone to my mental stability. I hear the distant conversations of beautiful

Driving through the desert no better time than the present. Six hours in and my optimism

can scare you. Mirages dot the long repetitive roads, but

DJ Lincks dlincks@msudenver.edu

step, and I did it for myself.

Assitant Features Editor

Was this a smart decision?

is beginning to fail. I finally

the desert is beautiful. Long

Well technically no, and not a

my coworkers are discussing. I

decide to call my mother and

stretches of peaceful scenery

lot of what I do is considered

felt the realization in my head.

tell her of my devious decision.

and brown and green hues will

smart, but that isn’t the point.

I need out of this office.

Her reaction is one I expected.

make your life far easier.

I never thought getting up

She knew this was coming. I am not a person who likes

Features Editor

I made this happen, I took that

beaches and otherworldly wonders

and leaving was a possibility. But

Design Editor

Sometimes you just

Jeff Ritchie jritchi3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor

I am in California. I begin the

need to step up, but there

Taylor Mead

fourteenth hour of the drive and

is a time in everyone’s life


they need to take a leap.

Spanish Editor

taking a vacation is as simple as

to plan things out; my mother

my body is getting jittery, but I

getting in your car and driving. A

knows that. She just expects

am nearly there. Any sound, every

destination doesn’t have to be far.

it at this point. Long hours

bump, the fabric of my clothes

Brady Pieper is a second year sports


And so, I threw my backpack

at work every day can harm

brushing against my skin hurts.

media student at MSU Denver

Copy Editor

over my shoulder and began

you mentally, even if you are

My head is killing me. The 4 a.m.

and the host of the Pieper Sports

Daniel Sutton

to walk out of my office.

passionate about what you do.

sky isn’t bright enough to energize

Podcast. He is a multimedia journalist


Sometimes spontaneity

me, and neither is the sixth coffee/

and has contributed to MetTv, Met

Director of Met Media

Radio and The Metropolitan.

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

From the city slog of Denver, the beaches of Los Angeles gleam

can be the best opportunity

energy drink. Here I begin to

in my head. Sixteen hours of

at finding adventure and

notice the error in my ways.

driving are my future and there’s

peace with one’s life.

Sarah Lease

Assistant Director of Met Media

With no breaks, no one to

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

Don’t be dumb: prepare for disaster


n the western U.S., summer is

seemed preferable to losing power

you stay home, be aware that you

known as wildfire season. In the

in stormy New Orleans. But even in

may lose power and be advised to

south, it’s known as hurricane

Florida, I kept the Weather Channel

stay indoors by authorities. Make

season. In the past two summers,

on nearly all day and signed up

sure your car, bike and anything

the U.S. has already seen some

to receive notifications from my

you usually leave outside is in a

of the deadliest natural disasters

local sheriff’s office. The sheriff’s

safe place. This is the main reason I

since 1918. The best way to be

office, wherever you are, will make

decided to evacuate to Florida. My

prepared for an incoming disaster is

it pretty easy to know where to find

car would not have been safe from

to stay informed and above all, do

updates. It will be all over Facebook,

flooding in the parking lot outside

what you must to stay safe, rather

the TV, the radio and it will be

my apartment. I could have tried to

than put yourself in harm’s way.

all anyone is talking about. You

move it to higher ground, or lose my

By Megan Webber

can sign up to be notified via text

car. I decided it was cheaper to just


message on the disaster’s progress.

take it with me somewhere safe.

Summer 2018 was the driest summer in the western U.S. since 2002, which was recorded as the driest year in history by drought.

If you do receive an evacuation In the event of an emergency

You can never have too

order, be as methodical as

much fresh water or food when

gov. Severely dry brush and ground

such as a wildfire or hurricane, it’s

possible about deciding where to

you’re waiting out a storm. Keep

combined with high winds caused

important to make sure you have all

relocate. It pays to take your time

your kitchen stocked with non-

the eruption of blazes like the Camp

the information, should you receive

deciding. Don’t just run for the

perishable food and bottled water.

Fire in northern California, sparked

an evacuation order or be placed

hills. The most important thing is

Once the storm passes, all

on Nov. 8, 2018, by electrical

on watch. The local sheriff’s office

to stay out of the path of danger.

that will matter in the long run is

failures. 52,000 people evacuated

is the best resource for keeping the

Take your pets with you because

your safety. There are resources

Butte County during the fire, which

public updated about evacuation

animal shelters fill up quickly and

that can help with damage repair,

lasted for just shy of two weeks.

orders, affected areas and duration

animals likely will not be allowed

but chances are the losses will be

On July 10 of this year, a

of the disaster. Before Barry made

in designated Red Cross shelters

much less than expected and you’ll

slow-moving tropical storm was

landfall, my neighborhood was

due to allergies. Also pack valuable

be glad you made the right call.

expected to make landfall in

placed on a flood watch, meaning

belongings and plenty of clean

southern Louisiana. Barry didn’t

we technically could have stayed

clothes, and take photos of things

Megan Webber is a fourth year

make landfall until the morning

put, but we may have been trapped

like household items and important

journalism major with a minor in

of July 13, but by then 40,000

indoors if the area flooded.

paperwork for insurance in case

linguistics. at MSU Denver and

anything needs to be replaced.

currently the Managing Editor of The

people from New Orleans through

Being from Colorado, I have no

southwestern Mississippi had lost

experience with hurricanes and

If you are placed on watch, you

power. Others, including myself,

did not know how to deal with one.

have two options: stay put and be

had evacuated altogether.

So an extended vacation in Florida

brave, or evacuate just in case. If

Metropolitan. She is currently interning at WWOZ 90.7 FM in New Orleans.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

What we do

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

JULY 17, 2019



Family, friends and All-Stars: The All-Star Game came to Cleveland By Brady Pieper

showed them what it was like


to hit home runs at Progressive Field. Captain Robert Tucker of

It can be hard to define the effects a sport has on different communities, but the 2019 MLB

the Cleveland police department experienced the event first-hand. “The Play Ball event is

All-Star game in Cleveland provided

very family-oriented,” Tucker

a great opportunity for a fanbase,

said. “There have been a lot of

community and country to unite.

families downtown, eating out

Sports have always been a way to

and experiencing Cleveland.” ­

bring people together, and since

Tucker grew up in Cleveland.

the inception of the showcase in

The last All-Star game he saw in

1933, the annual American League

Ohio was in 1997, where he only

versus National League exhibition

witnessed the spectacle through

game has allowed for the sharing

the screen of a television. Tucker

of millions of stories and garnering

got the chance to be an officer in

of countless friendships.

attendance at the All-Star game this year, a far different experience

“Ninety-nine percent of people are nice except for that one Yankees fan talking about his team’s 27 championships.” – Greg Hunter

than one behind a screen. “Being here, obviously, is a little bit more exciting,” Tucker said. “The World Series in 2016 was phenomenal. This kind of is a similar atmosphere. People Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

from across the world come here and makes it somewhat

The All-Star game took place on July 9 but the baseball celebrations

of an international event.” For the city of Cleveland, large-

Progressive Field waits in anticipation as New York Yankee second basemen DJ LeMahieu prepares for his at-bat at the 2019 MLB All-Star Game in Cleveland on July 9. The American League bested the National League by a score of 4-3, clinching the AL’s seventh straight win in the annual showcase.

lasted nearly the entire week with

scale sports events provide a great

the game capping the weekend.

chance for many hometown fans to

Brushaber’s have been Indians

get a new experience at their home

fans for their entire lives, sporting

the major events, set up a few

ballpark and young fans a chance

various pins and memorabilia

excitement. Jacob plays baseball

The history behind the Hunters’ has

blocks away from Progressive

to see a once in a lifetime event.

from previous All-Star games

and dreams of becoming a player

lasted years, experiencing dozens

and Indians seasons.

for the Cleveland Indians. He

of different cities and atmospheres.

The Play Ball Park was one of

Field at the Huntington Convention

Jack Brushaber and his son

to my boys face right here.” Jacob’s face was red with

jerseys proudly as they navigated through the crowded walkways.

Center. Booths, shops and a zip

Jacob made a short journey to

“There’s a huge sense of

went with the hopes of seeing

line gave people the chance to

the stadium for the game and

pride for the city, really big-time

Francisco Lindor, the versatile

We meet a bunch of different

experience the festivities. A virtual

accompanying events. Jack was

sense of pride for the fans,” Jack

shortstop of his hometown squad.

people from around the country

reality home run derby gave fans

born an hour outside of Cleveland

said. “It just brings a smile to

the chance to step up to bat and

in the town of Sandusky. The

everybody’s face. It brings a smile

The All-Star game is a chance

“Every city does it differently.

and everybody is a fanatic about

for many different fandoms to

their team. Ninety-nine percent

meet new people and check out

of people are nice except for that

new stadiums. A major point

one Yankees fan talking about

of contention is the respect

his team’s 27 championships.”

fans give to other fandoms

Greg said, chuckling.

for the accomplishments

The All-Star game brought

their players have made.

the brother and sister closer than

“Any Indian that makes it

ever, solidifying the family side

is great. I’m personally a fan

of baseball. The Hunters’ have

of Carlos Santana,” Jack said.

traveled around the country and

“It’s nice to see Josh Bell from

were fortunate enough to share

Pittsburgh make it over.”

their stories with many others.

Some fans make it a part of their life journey to go to as many all-star games as possible. Although the price is undeniably high, those who can afford it don’t regret their decision.

“It just brings a smile to everybody’s face. It brings a smile to my boy’s face right here.” – Jack Brushaber

Baseball has always been seen to unite families. Greg and Lesley

Whether it be father and son,

Hunter personify that. The brother

sister and brother or just a couple of

and sister are from Baltimore and

friends, the city of Cleveland put on

are dedicated Orioles fans. They

an event that represented essential

have been regulars at Camden

parts of baseball — family, food and

Yards since their college days.

fun. The atmosphere around an all-

“We got real college students

Photo by Charles LeClaire | Obtained from USA Today Sports

Colorado Rockies outfielder Charlie Blackmon begins to trot the bases after hitting a solo home run in the sixth inning to cut the American League lead to 2-1 on July 9.

star game is one of awe. A crowd of

and bought a 13-game plan to

36,000 people pile into the stadium

be able to go to games,” Greg

standing arm in arm for a sport they

said. “We started going to the

love. Generations of fans observe

occasional road game and said,

an All-Star game in which they

‘Let’s go to the All-Star game.’”

helped build underneath the same

The duo wore their Orioles

principles that were used in 1933.



JULY 17, 2019

“Midsommar” paints a pastoral nightmare By DJ Lincks

played by Florence Pugh, who

from other horror flicks released


is in a rocky relationship with

this year is its attempt to break

Christian, played by Jack Reynor.

the conventional mold of how the

This leads to a conflicting but

public perceives horror. It focuses

indisputable sense of resolution.

on more than slashing and gore,

“Midsommar” brings art to horror, something the genre has been greatly

When looked at broadly, it is

lacking in the modern era.

the story of a failed relationship

guts, and presents ideas intended

gone horribly wrong. This is the

to disturb rather than temporarily

release is an ambitious and well

main idea viewers will take away

jolt. “Midsommar”focuses on

executed, no pun intended, take on

from this film. The characters are

conflict regarding the human

Swedish Pagan cult traditions. Aster

not developed, however it does

psyche rather than the cop-out

takes risks which prove fruitful and

not stop the film’s fantastically

supernatural “haunted mysteries.”

establishes himself even further

unsettling themes. Viewers witness

The film evokes what feels like

as one of the top contemporary

subtle spousal abuse, infidelity

a drug induced nightmare.

horror directors. He is clearly

and more, which creates a far too

fascinated with cult culture. His

familiar sense of camaraderie, on

daylight, which is perhaps the

previous film, 2018’s “Hereditary,”

both sides of the relationship.

most brilliant and fresh idea

Film director Ari Aster’s latest

though you get your fair share of

Most of the film was shot in

focused on an ancient curse set in

Also on display is the idea of

a modern suburban environment.

America ethnocentrism on foreign

Aster gives audience members no

soil. Much of the time spent

choice but to stare brightly into

“Midsommar” explores the

by the characters, sometimes

the horrific pastoral nightmare

disturbing human condition

literally, is pissing on this culture’s

which he has created.

while causing the audience

ancient ritualistic traditions. Two

to question, “why?”

of the American travelers make a

in the film, however, present

any background noise, unless it is a

of horror. It evokes accessible

As in “Hereditary,”

American graduate students

brought to horror in decades.

The most disturbing scenes

Obtained from A24 Productions

“Midsommar” was released July 3 through A24 productions. least two minutes on screen without

“Midsommar” is the definition

decision that blatantly disrespects

themselves as genuine human grief,

joining of the commune members

and forbidden emotion. It

are invited to a summer festival

Swedish culture, attempting to

not typical guts and gore. Dani has

her cries. The way Aster plays

takes on the generic concept of

in a remote area of Sweden

expose the culture to the modern

panic attacks accompanied with

with sounds is vastly underutilized

relationship troubles and even

which results in a series of ritual

world, only upon witnessing

gut-wrenching screams that can be

by modern horror directors,

modern horror, and creates

murders. The movie begins with

a gruesome ritual sacrifice.

heard multiple times throughout

using silence and direct human

an unforgettable resolution of

the film. Each time, she is given at

emotion to captivate and terrify.

redemption. 4.5 out of 5 stars.

the main female character, Dani,

What separates “Midsommar”

Thom Yorke crafts a dystopian masterpiece By James Burky

alongside lyrics that paint a bleak

abstract, and delivers a flourishing


economic-class existence in Britain

experience. And the following tracks

demonstrates the songwriter’s

certainly pale in comparison to the

outlook on western capitalism.

apex, but are enticing nonetheless.

Despite innovating music forever, Thom Yorke sounds like

What’s most impressive about

“ANIMA” is the most naturally

he has something to prove on his

“ANIMA,” lyrically, is the maturity

sounding album to be produced

third studio album, “ANIMA.”

and wide lens Yorke wears over

with synthetic sounds. On previous

Yorke is one of the most

his eyes. Whatever bifocals of

efforts, Yorke’s music would only

accomplished musicians of his

political critique he wore in the

reach their bulb-stage before

era. As the frontman of Radiohead,

past, he has set aside for a pair that

wilting. Now, the ambient melodies

he has soundtracked alternative

not only allows him to view those

and flawless mixing and production

music’s progression over the last 30

around him, but himself as well.

allow them to fully bloom.

years. His super group, Atoms for

Perhaps the standout track

His ambition for “ANIMA”

Peace, delivered an experimental

not only on “ANIMA,” but

is apparent with Paul Thomas

album for the ages in 2012 and he

Yorke’s entire career outside

Anderson’s accompanying

compsoed the score for the 2018

of Radiohead, is the album’s

15-minute Netflix film. The film

film, “Suspiria.” Despite all of these

fourth track, “Dawn Chorus.”

only adds to the “ANIMA’s”

homeruns, there’s one area the

Every reverberation on

legend is hitless in — solo albums.

mystique. The vocals are just as

the quarter notes creates a

mysterious, the music is more

downtrodden techno atmosphere,

enticing than either of Yorke’s

2006, was lauded upon release,

and Yorke’s monotonous spoken

previous outputs, and the

but the record hasn’t aged

performance adds an enticing layer

importance is just as poignant as

too well. His follow-up, 2014’s

of melancholy. As songs progresses,

the band’s presence during the Bush

“Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes,” was

the notes strengthen, Yorke’s

Administration. By all accounts,

arguably the most disappoitning

hurt is more apparent, and the

“ANIMA” is the most complete

listener unwittingly falls into a pit

Yorke album to date and will surely

of beautiful despair as represented

soundtrack any forthcoming

on the abstract album cover.

conflict with a cynical, yet broken,

“The Eraser,” pressed in

Obtained from XL

release of his career. “ANIMA” erases the darker spots

ANIMA was released on June 27 through XL recordings.

on an otherwise spotless record. The previous misses now resemble

XL Recordings, “ANIMA” is Yorke’s

hoppy beat with synthetic hand

necessary building blocks for what

most fleshed-out album yet.

claps. The distortion of the tired

appears to be his best solo album. Released on June 27 through

The album opener, “Traffic,”

hand clap trope is particularly

is a techno banger that carries a

genius. The cynical placement

Everything after ”Dawn Chorus” is gradually more mysterious and

“I told you so,” expression.

Now Hiring! Office Assistant Summary This entry-level position works as part of the Met Media team and helps the office manager with administrative tasks. Responsibilities Include: • • • • •

Greet, service and refer visitors to the appropriate entity/offices Provide full front-desk/phone coverage for the office Assist students and visitors with questions on departmental information Perform clerical duties such as copying, filing, faxing, errands Receive and distribute deliveries

This is a Work-Study position for 8 - 10 hours per week. It requires an individual who is responsible, adaptable, a logical problem solver, organized and a team player.

The Student Voice of MSU Denver

Submit cover letter & resume to: Elizabeth Norberg at enorbert@msudenver.edu



JULY 17, 2019

Is the Impending NHL Lockout a good thing? By Brady Pieper

cap is based on the revenue

could make ground against


of the league. The league sets

the ruthlessly-negotiating

the cap based on how much

commissioner Gary Bettman.

Business and sport has always

MSU BRIEFS Strain announces 13-man recruiting class for 2020 Head coach Ryan Strain stayed mostly local for the recruiting class, bringing in five players from Colorado schools. Three of those recruits, Austin Alarid, Spencer Gendreau and Alex Gonzales, were from Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado and are transferring to MSU Denver. Trent Adams, from Campo Verde High School in Gilbert, Arizona is the only incoming freshman to not come from Colorado. Seven of the 13 players are incoming freshmen, while five are transfers. The team finished 28-24 last season and went 1-2 in the RMAC postseason tournament.

money they make. To protect

Bettman has presided over

been a rough marriage. The

against major revenue loss,

the past three lockouts and

National Hockey League is no

the league takes a percentage

arguably has won in all three

stranger to the horrors money can

of money out of every player’s

occasions. With the financial

cause. Lockouts have ravaged the

contract called escrow. Players

success of the recent expansion

league since the 1994-1995 season

signing big contracts threaten

team, the Vegas Golden Knights,

and with the current collective

the salary cap of the league due

and the looming Seattle

bargaining agreement possibly

to the structure. Questions rise:

franchise coming in 2021, NHL

coming to an end in September

Is there a long-term solution

owners and players could argue

2019, players, owners and the

preventing a lockout? What

for more money. For the fans,

league will butt heads once again.

does this mean for the fans?

this lockout does not appear

Big-time free agent signings in

The most recent lockout was in

to be good. Anytime a league

the past five years, the impending

the 2012-13 season. A four-month

enters a lockout the people

signing of Mitch Marner and

shutdown left the league without

that suffer most are the fans.

the recent signing of Artemi

any games, players without pay

Months without hockey, although

Panarin have and will shake

and owners in a scramble to

unlikely, have a greater purpose.

up the hockey world. Will this

fill venues. The solution was a

potential lockout be good for the

collective bargaining agreement,

term solution can be a positive

fill their venues with as many

NHL and its fans long-term?

the CBA, that readjusted the

for fans to look forward to.

different events as possible to

way revenues were shared and

The amount of youthful and

make up for lost revenue.

several different reasons, but

the rate at which escrow was

talented players in the league

the most likely cause of a 2019

charged to players’ salaries.

reassures fans that the future of

can seem intimidating, but it is

A lockout can occur due to

NHL lockout will be the rising

and events in the advent of a lockout. Owners will attempt to

The impending NHL lockout

hockey is not in question even

a necessity and will hopefully

Softball travels overseas

of player salaries, the share the

could be a new CBA that allows for

if a shortened season is likely.

secure a brighter future for hockey.

league pays to its players and the

owners and players to take more of

Fans can also look forward

MSU Denver softball team recently took a trip through Europe and used it as a chance to serve as ambassadors for the program. The team faced the Czech Republic’s Junior National Team, the Croatian National Team and the Italian National team.

escrow amount. The NHL salary

the revenue. It is viable that teams

MSU Denver Athletics Communications teams receives national honors Marketing services specialist Rob White and director of athletics communications Nate Lake, alongside a group of student assistants, were given the Grant Burger Media Award by the American Volleyball Coaches Association. The award was in recognition for their sports information efforts during the 2018 NCAA Volleyball Tournament, the Roadrunners’ 19th straight trip to the tournament. The media team was awarded

A potential long term solution

The likelihood of a long-

Graphic by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

The Fight For Equal Pay in the US By Isaac Bugarin

doubled the prize money from


2015 but is still a fraction of what the men receive. The 2019

A chant for “equal pay” echoed

Women’s World Cup dished out

from all fans in Parc Olympique

approximately $30 million in prize

Lyonnais after the United States

money. Contrary, the 2018 Men’s

Women’s National Soccer Team

World Cup had approximately

dominated the 2019 World Cup

$400 million in prize money.

and defeated Netherlands in

There were more than 200

the World Cup Final on July 7.

broadcasters in attendance and

The U.S. faced criticism and

FIFA estimated that this would be

their perceived arrogance in their

the first Women’s World Cup that

controversial goal celebrations.

brought in one billion viewers,

Of the eight World Cup

which is a World Cup record.

tournaments, the USWNT has

Photo by David Vincent | Obtained from Associated Press

played in five of the championship

Women’s soccer adds midfielder from Arizona Head coach Tracy Chao announced the addition of Hailey Mazzola, a graduate transfer from the University of Arizona on July 16. Mazzola played her high school ball for Broomfield High School in Broomfield, Colorado before

to a flurry of new concerts

matches. The U.S. is also the first team to play in three straight finals

United States Women’s National Soccer Team celebrate their victory in the Women’s World Cup in Lyon, France on July 7.

and joins Germany as the only

USWNT’s midfielder Megan Rapinoe, who won the Golden Ball which is awarded to the best player of the tournament, said that the women are doing more

teams to win back-to-back World

class-action request allows any

Cups. Germany accomplished

athlete to join the case, given that

receive bonuses for achievements.

this feat in 2003 and 2007.

they played on the U.S. soccer

Players received a bonus of $37,500

show that you could ask for,”

team since February 2015.

for being added onto the World Cup

Rapinoe told the Associated Press.

roster, $3,000 for each qualification

“We can’t do anything to impress more, to be better ambassadors.”

Despite being the winningest female athletes in the world, the

According to Darren Rovell of

The players on the USWNT also

than enough to earn equal pay. “We put on the most incredible

team is still severely underpaid

The Action Network, the members

game, or $15,000 for winning all

in comparison to the United

of the U.S. Women’s National

five qualification games, $37,500 for

States Men’s National Team.

Team will make approximately

qualifying for the World Cup Final

large amounts of jersey sales,

In March 2019, 28 members

From historic viewership to

$250,000 each in prize money

game and $110,000 for winning

the USWNT did more than just

of the U.S. women’s national

following the World Cup Final

the World Cup Final Game.

win another World Cup.

team joined in a federal lawsuit

win. On the contrary, the U.S.

against U.S. soccer alleging gender

The New York Times reported

They made it clear to the

Men’s National Team, who did

that there is a gap in prize money

world that it is time to move

discrimination. The lawsuit was

not qualify for the most recent

from the Women’s World Cup and

the conversation of equal

filed under the Equal Pay Act and

World Cup, would have received

the Men’s. FIFA, the governing

pay to the next step.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The

a little over $1.1 million each.

body for the tournament,


JULY 17, 2019


Colorado runners take on Adidas Infinite Trails World Championships in Austria In 2018, Eberly was on a relay team for By Nataleah Small, Met Media Alumnae

the first ITWC race, which was canceled due


to inclement weather. The same year, he approached the global sports manager for

Nataleah Small’s brother, Jeshurun

Adidas Terrex and asked if he could bring

Small, participated in this race as a

some college athletes from the Western

member of Western’s team.

trail running team to the 2019 ITWC. Adidas Terrex allowed him to bring one female and

From June 27-30, runners from across the world descended upon The Gastein Valley to

one male team to the upcoming race. Jan. 1, 2019, marked the beginning of

compete in the second annual Adidas Infinite

the trial period for the Western runners.

Trails World Championships, a trail-running

The athletes chosen to go to Austria

competition. Two hundred and seven teams of

were evaluated on their GPA, attendance,

three from 45 nations registered for the event.

commitment to the team and Adidas

Ultimately, only 98 teams finished.

Terrex product appreciation. Out of the 12

The valley cuts through the Austria Alps like a tear through ruched, emerald

students who applied, six were chosen. By April, the athletes knew who would

fabric. The valley, home to three mountain

compete in Austria. Kendall Cox, Maddie Hart

communities Bad Gastein, Dorfgastein and

and Elle Walton were chosen for the female

Bad Hofgastein, is known for its rolling green

relay team. Skylar Drakos, Jeshurun Small

hills and jagged, white-capped mountains.

and Brian Whitfield were chosen for the male

In the field of Olympians and world

relay team. However, a few weeks before the

champion trail runners, eight athletes

race, Drakos dropped out due to an injury and

from Western Colorado University were

was replaced by Ben Kusnetzky. Two Western

given the opportunity to race alongside

alumni, Rya Berrigan and Gordon Gianniny,

their older, professional competitors.

also ran on a mixed Adidas Terrex relay team

As the only group of collegiate runners from Colorado to successfully

with Skyrunning World Champion, Holly Page. Being selected for the team came with

complete the race, the young group

many perks. Along with the opportunity

embraced the opportunity to test their

to compete internationally, Adidas Terrex

salt against well-seasoned athletes and

financially funded the trip and provided

represent the Adidas Terrex brand.

the students with shoes and apparel.

Photo by Nataleah Small | nataleah.small@gmail.com

“In the world of trail running and ultrarunning, it really was once just an old-guy sport,” said Josh Eberly, head coach of the Western Colorado University Mountain Sports Trail Running Team. “Now, we are introducing these kids to the trail, ultra world

“In the past year, Adidas has given me more opportunities to get my name out there and advertise myself.” – Ben Kusnetzky

at a young age, which will directly affect the competitiveness and landscape of the sport.” For the past five years, Eberly has been Western’s head trail running coach. Two

Ahead of the race, Kusnetzky expressed his gratitude toward the company. The event consisted of two parts run over

Western Colorado University’s Kendall Cox runs in the relay race at the Adidas Infinite Trials World Championships in Gastein, Austria on June 29. abilities by taking them through the city of Bad Hofgastein, to the summits of the

running was his favorite part of the event. “What’s going to stick with me

peaks of Stubnerkogel and Graukogel

for the rest of my life is the personal

and down steep mountain trails.

interaction,” Small said.

During the prologue race, Eberly and the

Over the course of the relay, each of the

Western athletes performed well. Eberly

runners experienced unique challenges.

years ago, Eberly became an ambassador

the course of two days: a 15 km qualifying

claimed 7th place for the men running

Gianniny, who ran loop 2, said the scenic

for Adidas Outdoors Terrex and an athlete

prologue on June 27 and a 127 km team relay

the 15 km in 1:13:58 with a time of. Small

route was more difficult than he expected.

and Infinite Trails team member.

race on June 29. The three loops were 25 km,

claimed 16th place for the men and finished

He ran out of water during the climb up

60 km and 40 km in length. All team members

with a time of 1:16:15, 6:49 after Palzer.

Stubnerkogel, the second of two peaks

brand like Adidas Terrex that cares about

were also required to run a one km

Hart claimed 18th place in the women’s

the runners summited on that loop.

the story of the athletes and not just the

finishing loop.

division, finishing with a time of 1:37:24.

“It’s been incredible running for a

performance of the athlete,” Eberly said.

The technical course tested the runners’

where I was like I’m kind of dizzy and

than she thought, was a little overwhelmed

this is kind of exposed, I hope I don’t

by the number of her competitors, 784

fall off a cliff,” Gianniny said.

in total, at the start of the race. “It was really cool today,” Hart said.

completed the race successfully. Overall, the

ton of people, so I kind of got freaked

men’s team placed 37th and the women’s

out. I get really claustrophobic, so it

team placed 90th, 7th in the women’s

was very tight and uncomfortable.”

division. The mixed relay team placed 28th

students relied on their team members to

and Eberly’s Adidas Terrex team placed 7th. The day after the race, Berrigan, who

make it through the competition. Based on

ran loop 1, sent a message regarding

their placement during the prologue, the

her experience. She said her loop was

Western men’s team had an early start time.

unique because she had never done

At 4:19 a.m., with a headlamp attached to his cap, Kuznetzky began running the first

so much climbing during a race. “It was a really awesome experience

25 km of the relay. With both knees hurting,

seeing how I handled it and seeing all of

he said he was in pain during the race.

the amazing athletes running and how

The cutoff for the first loop runners to finish was 10 a.m., and Kuznetzky made it

The top three men’s relay teams celebrate at the Adidas Infinite Trials World Champtionships in Gastein, Austria on June 29.

Although the competition was difficult, each of the relay teams representing Western

“It started crazy fast and there were a

On the day of the relay race, the Western

Photo by Nataleah Small | nataleah.small@gmail.com

“There were some moments

Hart, who said she performed better

strong they were,” Berrigan wrote. Although the runners said the race was

across the finish line with minutes to spare.

more challenging than they expected, it

Small said when Kuznetsky came in under

was a rewarding experience. Now, they can

cutoff, he was stoked. The two high-fived

call themselves international athletes.

before Small set off to run 60 km. Small said the moment they shared before he began



JULY 17, 2019



“If you like being murdered by bullshit, then I guess Cleveland is the place for you.” “Artistically slap me in the face and you will earn my admiration.” “You’re not a witch, you just stole your mom’s Fleetwood Mac albums” “I’m scared. Don’t click on me.”

Top 5



Summer is the season of growth, and an ideal time for Capricorns to hunt down new experiences and expand horizons.

Extremes can make a Cancer as crabby as their namesake, so make space for yourself, and take the time to enjoy the summer sun.



Make hay while the sun shines. Right now is prime for this sign to knuckle down and get an early start on the work to come.

Its a time of ups and downs for you. New enterprises should wait until things settle down and you can give them your all.



It can be difficult to dive back into things after a while away. Preparation and careful organization are the order of the month.

You’re torn between routine and novelty right now. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Keep that in mind, and things will balance out.



The Ram can be stubborn, and sometimes that’s a good thing. Dig your heels in, and face your challenges head on.

The calendar might start Jan 1, but you’re looking at new beginnings now. Enjoy the breath of fresh air ahead of you this month!



Summer heat brings letherg. Balance those luxurient stretches with activity to keep your self fit and fun.

Events are not looking promising in the weeks ahead. Batten down the hatches and prepare yourself.



The Twins are often pulled in two directions, but right now, both are good so, don’t worry about picking the right one.

Where there’s a will there’s a way. It might sound trite, but for Sagittarius, it’s the truth of the matter for the trials ahead.

hip hop/rap albums of 2019 1. Little Simz - GREY Area 2. Tyler, the Creator - IGOR 3. Injury Reserve - Injury Reserve 4. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Bandana 5. Quelle Chris - Guns

Photo of the Month It is a rare thing to know, with absolute

the lunar surface is an enduring one. It’s

certainty, that you are witnessing an event

a symbol of human achievment, of the

which will go down in history. It is rarer still

great heights we can aspire to. It’s also a

to know that ahead of time, and to know

symbol of the complex geopolitics of its

you are sharing the moment with hundred

day, the finish line in a race that started

of millions of others, around the globe.

on the Kazakh steppe in early October of

The image of Neil Armstrong’s “small step” from the last rung of the lunar

1957. Timeless and contemporary, even 50 years later those steps are hard to beat.

module ladder to the powdery soil of



Photo obtained from NASA

Neil Armstrong decends the ladder from the lunar module to the surface of the moon, July 20, 1969. Within seconds, he will be the first human to set foot on an astronomical body other than Earth.



Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu`


JULY 17, 2019


Reductive Woodcut Demo with Javier Flores Date Location

July 19 MSUD Center for Visual Arts



Third Friday Art Walk Date Location

Denver County Fair

July 19 MSUD Center for Visual Arts

Date Location

July 19-21 National Western Complex

Global Dance Festival Date Location

July 20 Broncos Stadium










6 – 8 p.m.


6 – 8 p.m.




3 p.m.

First Friday Art Walk Date Location

Aug. 2 MSUD Center for Visual Arts

Convocation: Roadrunner Rally Date Location

Arapahoe County Fair

Aug. 15 Lions Park

Date Location

July 25-28 Arapahoe County

Medved PRCA Rodeo Patriot Night Date Location

Aug. 2 Douglas County Fairgrounds

Fairgrounds Price









6 – 8 p.m.


5:30 – 8:30 p.m.




7 p.m.


Broncos Training Camp Date Location

July 18–22 UCHealth Training Center

Rockies at Yankees Date Location

Rapids vs. New York City FC

July 19–21 New York

Date Location

July 20 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park

Outlaws vs. Rattlers Date Location

July 21 Broncos Stadium










8 a.m. - noon




7 p.m.


2 p.m.

Broncos Training Camp - Stadium Day Date Location

July 27 Broncos Stadium

Rockies vs. Dodgers Date Location

Rockies vs. Giants

July 29–31 Coors Field

Date Location

Aug. 2–4 Coors Field

Rapids vs. Impact Date Location

Aug. 3 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park


Requires reservation ticket








1 - 4:15 p.m.






7 p.m.


Diana Ross Date Location

Tenacious D July 22 Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Date Location

July 25 Red Rocks Amphitheatre


Everlast Date

July 26





July 31 Black Sheep










7:30 p.m.


8 p.m.


4 p.m.


7 p.m.

Suzanne Vega Date

July 31

Location Boulder Theater

Bowling For Soup/ Reel Big Fish Date Location

Aug. 3 Ogden Theater

Tim Ries Date

Aug. 8










8 p.m.


8 p.m.


8:30 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Friday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics and instrumentals every week at mymetmedia.com


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