Volume 38, Issue 30 - April 20, 2016

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The Student Voice of MSU Denver

Volume 38, Issue 30

April 20, 2016


New The Fight for $15 comes to Denver PAGE 3 >> Entertainment


Singer song writer and Star Fox 64 PAGE 7 >>



Features Dancing with purpose, artistic expression and celebrating vinyl PAGE 8 >>

MSU Denver senior Rhys Tekelenburg uses the 15 route to get to Auraria Campusfor his night classes. On April 25, RTD will discontinue service to the 15 route stop on 12th and Larimer street, which could affect many students. Photo by Michael Ortiz • mortiz26@msudenver.edu

Popular bus route not to stop at Auraria


Brazilian jiujitsu launches growing reputation in Denver thanks to Yagai PAGE 11 >>

Maps from rtd-denver.com/routemaps

By Sabrina Naccarato


As a commuter campus, Auraria students rely heavily on public transportation to get to and from campus. Beginning April 25, the Regional Transportation District’s 15 line will no longer serve the 12th and Larimer stop. This change could mean longer walk times for students. According to Nate Currey, senior manager of public relations at RTD, the reason behind the stop’s closure is to give

Colfax riders access to Denver Union Station, where several new rail lines will be opening this year, making connections more efficient. “RTD also needed to give space, or capacity, at Auraria for the new routes 6 and 43 that will be going there starting April 24. Students still have the option to take the 15L to campus,” Currey said. However, the 15L (or limited) line will continue to serve the Auraria and 9th stop.

Students trying to reach the 15 line can board the 15L at Auraria and 9th, and then travel down to the Broadway and Colfax stop, which the 15 also serves. “If we’re forced to pay for it, we should have some sort of opinion on it ,” said John Tarr, an MSU Denver student who commutes via the 15 line. The new 15 line schedule published on the RTD website shows that the final stop of the bus line will move from 12th and

Larimer to Union Station. The new route going eastbound from Union will go down 17th Street to Broadway before turning onto and traveling down Colfax. Westbound trips will travel down Colfax before returning to Union Station via 15th St. “A lot of students take the bus,” said Zach Schuringa, a Denver resident planning to attend MSU Denver next semester. “I feel like any further changes would be inconvenient to students.”


Mile Spective Break High Events April 20, 2016 Met Sports Review Insight

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April 20, 2016

Low-income workers rally for dignified wage Esteban Fernandez

“We are not invisible”

eferna14@msudenver.edu Marching to chants of “Si Se Puede!” students from MSU Denver joined in solidarity with protestors from the Service Employees International Union demanding a $15 minimum wage in Colorado. “If you have to pay your bills and feed your family and take care of transportation on less than 12 bucks an hour, good luck,” state Rep. Jessie Danielson said. “We need to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour to make sure people can earn a living wage, provide for their families and contribute to the economy.” The rally kicked off at 11:30 a.m. in Civic Center park. A sea of purple shirts belonging to members of SEIU, along with members of Black Lives Matter 5280, cheered on speakers who spoke of their struggles to make ends meet. Student activists held banners and waved signs in support. Crying, “Escucha! Escucha! Estamos en la lucha!” the rally turned into a march, parading down the street to the sound of drums and trumpets. Repeating their chant of “Listen! Listen! We are in the fight!” they descended on downtown 17th street, marching between the glass corporate towers that janitors clean room to room every night. On the outdoor patio of The Corner Bakery, patrons eating lunch focused on their meals

State Rep. Joseph Salazar and Marilyn Sorensen stand in solidarity with low-income workers demanding $15 minimum wage at the state capitol. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu

while passing sidelong glances at the protestors. One woman on the patio clapped and cheered as the activists marched by. “There’s 600,000 people in Colorado that make less than $12 an hour. How can you live that way? That’s no way to live,” Susana Renterea said through a translator. She’s worked as a janitor for 10 years. “We’re tired of not being treated with

dignity and not having our rights recognized as employees. We’re fighting for justice,” she said. Despite Colorado’s booming economy, housing construction has stalled mostly due to the 2008 recession. Low unemployment and job opportunities has attracted many people to the state, swelling the demand for housing and raising prices.

At the same time, wage growth has stagnated. In 2014, a study published by Zillow found that to afford a median-priced rental in metro Denver, a renter must make $35 an hour. A living wage calculator published by MIT found that a two adult and single child family living in Denver County with one working adult must make $21.53 an hour per adult to earn what’s considered a living wage. Poverty wages come in at $9.00 an hour. The current minimum wage in the state is $8.31. State Rep. Joseph Salazar was also out in solidarity with the protestors. Hailing from a family of blue collar workers, Salazar said he did not believe $12 an hour was a livable wage either, despite what Hillary Clinton has said on the campaign trail. “We’ve tried moving those bills past the general assembly, and we always get Republican obstruction,” he said. Salazar said the Democrats have a good chance of retaking the assembly and getting a $15 minimum wage bill on the Governor’s desk after the fall election. If successful, Colorado would join California and New York as the first states in the union to begin moving to $15. Until then, people like Jesus Guerrero Calderon will continue to struggle to make ends meet. “We want our bosses to raise our wages,” he said. “It’s a lot of hard work that we do, for so very little money.”

Student leaders honored at annual awards

MSU Denver president Sage Gonzales and vice president Yesi Meza of Student Veggie Coalition won awards on April 13. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu

Daisy Rocha Vasquez drocha3@msudenver.edu Student leaders and groups were honored at a ceremony on campus April 13 for their achievements in helping build MSU Denver’s diverse community. Each year at MSU Denver, over 35 individuals and groups are recognized

for their leadership and involvement on campus through the Student Involvement & Leadership Awards. This year’s ceremony took place at the Tivoli Turnhalle. The awards are broken down into four categories: student organizations, student employees, fraternity and sorority leadership and overall leadership. Several individuals and groups

finished the night with awards spread across different categories. This year’s biggest recipient was the group Journey Through Our Heritage with over 10 nominations and six awards. “We are dedicated to our peers and how we work with each other because we really want to acknowledge what other people in JTOH have done. We want to make sure they are seen for their accomplishments,” said Jessica Madrid, a JTOH team lead. Through JTOH, students develop leadership skills by engaging students with the community, increasing their cultural and historical knowledge through healthy competition, rigorous academic study and community service. Dr. Renee Fajardo, coordinator of JTOH, explained JTOH strives to represent MSU Denver on many different levels. Students learn that they are part of a bigger picture. MSU Denver’s Student Veggie Coalition and its members also received numerous awards for their involvement in the community. Sage Freeman-Gonzalez, president of SVC, was recognized for his involvement through his student organization. “When I started my club around a year ago, I never imagined I’d get any


recognition. I just wanted to help people eat healthier and eat less animals,” said Freeman-Gonzalez. “I have been blown away by the support and interest for my club. To have all of my efforts recognized in such an awesome way was very humbling and incredibly motivating. I’m excited to see where our club goes in the future.” Freeman-Gonzalez walked away with the Steven M. Hay Leadership Award and his organization won the New Student Organization of the Year. Vice-president of the Student Veggie Coalition, Yesenia Meza, was also recognized as the Outstanding Student Organization Member. “It felt great to have our club, Student Veggie Coalition, be recognized for all of our hard work. With our club being so new, we will continue doing our best in making ourselves well-known on this campus,” Meza said. Families and friends were in attendance to support nominees and celebrate the accomplishments of their peers with a social hour of food and a chance to take pictures with Rowdy.




@themetonline April 20, 2016 f: themetropoli- tan




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The myth debunked: graduating in four years

Editor-in-Chief Mary-Kate Newton mnewton5@msudenver.edu

Assistant News Editor Esteban Fernandez • eferna14@msudenver.edu

f: themetropolitan

By Randi Muilenburg rmuilen1@msudenver.edu During your high school years you’re told that four years is the ideal time it should take you to graduate from college with your bachelor’s degree. As you begin your first semester it feels like there’s a timer that starts ticking as well. It follows you through every assignment, test and final grade. I know it was drilled into my head. My older sister finished in four years, so my parents expected the same from me. Unfortunately, I also remember she was a shell of a person who lived on campus, worked two jobs and almost never slept. The problem is that graduating in four years doesn’t feel like the “reality” anymore. It’s

possible, but it’s going to take up your entire life, and it doesn’t happen for most students. On average, students who take four classes are considered to be “full time,” but it’s impossible to finish in four years just by taking four classes each semester. Students need to take at least 15 credits each semester to finish in four. That doesn’t leave any room for failed or dropped classes. Everything has to be perfect and smooth sailing, but, in reality, that doesn’t usually it doesn’t happen. I started at Front Range Community College immediately after I graduated from high school and after going there for two years, I transferred to MSU Denver. My credits didn’t transfer the way I was told they would. I ended up losing about a year’s worth of credits, which tacked on an extra year of schooling for me. The ideal “four years for college” plan might once have been a good thing instilled in students, but it isn’t realistic anymore. For the majority who can’t accomplish that, it’s damaging. Since starting college back in 2010, I’ve encountered some rocky times that made me drop some classes, go part-time for a while and even take an entire semester off. For me, it felt like taking a break was what I needed to do to make sure I could thrive.

Now, I’m going to graduate in a semester at the age of 24, and I feel inadequate. I have watched other people who are younger than I am graduate before I do and my success doesn’t feel like one. The shame of running “behind” is outweighing the excitement of graduating. I know I could have finished college sooner, but I also know that I would have had to give up a lot to do that. I have worked consistently throughout my college years, a necessity to support myself, which takes away academic time and limits how many classes I can take. I feel that finishing in four years doesn’t allow much room for being social or building solid relationships and friendships, which is a unspoken part of college. I guess you could say I chose my personal life over my academic life, so maybe graduating “late” is my own fault. I’m not complaining about my own choices or the path I took. I just feel that instilling the “four years of college” idea in students isn’t helpful anymore, it’s just more stressful. So, you just do you. I am hypocritical as I say that because I’m still trying to convince myself of it, but I mean it. Education shouldn’t be a race.

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Red hair and polish in a male dominated field

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By Alexandra Gorski agorski1@msudenver.edu

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or its advertisers.

If you would have told me upon my high school graduation that working for the Geek Squad would provide me the drive and confidence that I lacked at the time, I wouldn’t have believed you. Yet, the negative attitude that surrounds women in technical fields all over the world became all too real for me. All of the personal achievements in the world wouldn’t prepare me for the treatment I would receive. I applied to work for Best Buy/ Geek Squad in the fall of 2012, only looking for a temporary job to get me through the holidays. I spent the legendary Black Friday at the front lanes making sure products didn’t set off the exit alarm system. A few months later, a new

position opened in the store, and I was interested in moving up. Though I had no previous experience, I applied to be a Geek Squad agent. It wasn’t long before I had been offered a higher-level position (Advanced Repair, to be exact). I was ecstatic, my manager was presenting me with leadership responsibilities. My days were fi lled with data transfers, hard drive replacements and virus removals. I was everywhere, physically and spiritually. Strings of my long red hair stuck to the floor (shedding- a symptom of having long hair) and my initials could be found on repair notes for every computer. In other words, I was #slaying at my job. I loved broadening my knowledge of technology and interacting with kind, judgement-free clients. I looked forward to going to work and having conversations with my co-workers that would provide perspective and insight into topics foreign to me, like video games. Though I had fun twirling around the precinct (Geek Squad lingo for the counter and repair area for Geek Squad services in Best Buy stores), being a woman in tech was difficult. Being a woman succeeding in a minor leadership

role in a male dominated field was even more difficult. Not only was I one of six women who worked alongside 30 men, I was also one of five women employed by Geek Squad in the Metro-Denver district. This was astounding to me in the beginning of my employment, but became an everyday norm. “You sure you can fi x this? Is there someone else who can help me? I think that guy over there should help me,” said one client. His words stung. It happened too frequently: I would see a client with a metaphorical cloud of smoke erupting from their laptop and I would make myself available to answer their questions and troubleshoot their issues. Sometimes, these doubtful individuals would give me a chance to solve their issue. When I did, the expression on their face would light up, and words of apology and praise would flow out like water bursting free from a dam. Why does it matter that I’m a woman who can fi x your computer? Why does the touch of my freshly manicured fingers on your keyboard cause you to erupt with unnecessary feelings of discomfort and doubt?

Women in science, technology, engineering and mathematic fields alike are being consistently hindered and doubted every day. Our pay is inconsistent compared to the men we work alongside. Gender inequality in tech is unavoidable. Among other things, behavior similar to this discourages intelligent and aspiring women from entering a field they see potential and passion in. For the record, a woman repairing your computer, tablet or smartphone does not make you less of a person. I don’t appreciate being seen as someone whose abilities are worth doubting, especially when the only differentiating factor between my male counterparts and I is sex. I can only imagine how damaging this behavior can be for younger women who aspire to be in STEM fields. Despite these haters, I still take pride in the work I completed at Geek Squad. While women of our generation continue to fight back against all type of inequality, their confidence, like mine, remains untouched. Working at Geek Squad provided a huge boost to my resume and even more growth to my self esteem.


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April 20, 2016

Met Sports Break Events Review Spective Insight April 20, 2016


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Mile Spective Break High Events April 20, 2016 2016  Met Sports Review Insight

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April 20, 2016

Dave Barnes at The Soiled Dove Underground

By Chris Bjork cbjork1@msudenver.edu

Country singer/songwriter Dave Barnes performs at the Soiled Dove Underground April 14. Photo by Brandon N. Sanchez • bsanch36@msudenver.edu

Classic Games Perspective: Star Fox 64

Image from ign.com

By Hayes Madsen hmadsen3@msudenver.edu With the overwhelming popularity of series like “Mario” and “The Legend of Zelda,” some of Nintendo’s other mascots and series can be easy to miss.

“Star Fox” is one of those series, but still remains in fan’s minds — including my own — for having some of the best experiences Nintendo has to offer. “Star Fox’s” sci-fi setting was something I immediately latched onto as a huge “Star Wars” fan. Players stepped into the shoes of Fox McCloud, leader of the mercenary group “Star Fox.” After the mad scientist Andross laid siege to the Lylat System, Fox and his team came to the rescue in their iconic Arwing ships. The controls for the Arwing are smooth as butter, letting players blast a few enemies and quickly barrel roll out of the way of others with ease.

One of the most invigorating aspects of going to any great live concert is being able to witness an immersive stage presence from the performer. A band that has the power to draw a crowd in, purely through how they present themselves and their individual personas on stage, can be amazing. There are some bands that genuinely want to feel a connection with their audience not only through their music, but how they express themselves in between each song. Dave Barnes’ performance on Thursday night at The Soiled Dove Underground was a quintessential example of what a concert should be, topped off with some solid musical performances. Barnes’s track listing consisted of several songs off of his new album, “Carry on, San Vicente” where those older country rock styles were prevalent. “It’s a little bit of a throwback album for me. I grew up listening to a lot of The Eagles and Jackson Browne. I like that kind of stuff,” Barnes said. Barnes and company paid homage to those influences with a well balanced mix of the more melodic and acoustic ballad hits like “Wildflower,” and pop tracks like, “She’s the One I Love.” The band still delivered some surprises, certain track had an R&B flavor such as “Someday, Sarah” which was one of the most impressive songs of the night. The song was tightly executed with a syncopated drum beat and guitar lines that kept the audience moving their heads and tapping their feet to the beat. Throughout the night, Barnes and the band drew the crowd in and kept them engaged by pulling back on the occasional choruses where Barnes let the audience sing. The crowd never hesitated to sing or clap in unison when given the signal, making the concert that much more of an

Players control the ship from either a third-person view or a firstperson cockpit view, as they travel through various levels. The Arwing moves forward on a track similar to a “rail shooter” type of game, and you have control to move it in any direction as well as boost or perform evasive maneuvers. The Arwing came equipped with an endless laser attack and a limited supply of bombs, the former can be upgraded with pickups while the latter’s stock is replenished with pickups. Throughout the game an “All-Range Mode” will open up to players allowing them to pilot an Arwing in full 3D space, where you’d see some of the largest battles of the game. The game also boasted well


immersive experience. It seemed that Barnes and the band wanted to share more of a connection with their audience outside of simply playing the songs one after the other. After every track, Barnes shared personal stories, funny recollections of past events, and some background history on the songs he had written. There was a sense of comfortability with Barnes when he interacted with the crowd, as if everyone in the audience was a longtime friend or acquaintance. “I’ve realized, we’ve been playing here for a while now. This is awesome and I love The Soiled Dove, it’s always fun to get back and play here,” Barnes said. It’s been over a year since Barnes’s last performance in Denver, yet the sold out status of the show and the overwhelming support seemed as if he’s been playing here regularly. Even while taking five to ten minute breaks to interact with the audience in between each song, the band still maintained a consistent flow in the set. The band was proficient at jumping right back into their performances after reminiscing on humorous tales and events. Barnes expressed his love for Denver numerous times throughout the show and never appear in-genuine or shallow in his compliments. “I don’t know what it is, but Denver has always been one of the most fun places to play at,” Barnes said. It takes a special talent for a band to be able to let themselves simultaneously reach out to their audience while delivering their best with each performance. Several times throughout the show, the band took risks by transitioning into creative instrumental breaks or extended solos to reveal their instrumental prowess. It was a pleasure to witness the band take command of the stage. Dave Barnes will be continuing his tour throughout the country with the band’s next performance at the Cherokee Creek Music Festival in Texas.

desgined boss battles, each scenerio taking place on a large scale. In one boss battle you and your three teammates trade blows with the Star Wolf team, as their theme song plays in the background, while the final boss battle has Fox taking down the villian Andross by himself. Where “Star Fox 64” was really a revelation for me was in the complexity of its branching paths. Certain levels in the game have hidden objectives to complete, and doing so can lead you down a completely different path with a new set of planets. As a child I would sit in front of my TV and play through all of the different planets and paths for hours on end, something I still do today with the re-released version of

the game “Star Fox 64 3D” on the Nintendo 3DS. It created a universe that you could go back to time and again to experience with Fox and his stalwart team. “Star Fox” may not be the most well known of Nintendo’s series, but games like “Star Fox 64” cement it in the company’s history. It’s a game that I go back and play at least twice every single year. Sailing to victory with the Star Fox team is an experience soaked with nostalgia, but one that still plays just as well as any modern game you can find. To hear more about “Star Fox 64” tune into KMET Radio, April 21 for Playing with Perspective.

Met 8

Features mymetmedia.com f: themetropolitan @themetonline

April 20, 2016

The man behind the BaoBao dance group Photo and story by Sara Hertwig shertwig@msudenver.edu A circle of hands rose and fell, each creating a specific sound as they descend on their drum. Eyes moved from their own hands to those of their instructor, Adjei Abankwah, as he leads the African Drumming Ensemble class in practice. “That’s good. OK, one more time, go,” Abankwah said. For some students, like Kinsey Corby, this isn’t their first time taking the class. “Adjei’s hilarious, he’s probably one of my favorite teachers in this school,” Corby said. “One of the best things about this class is, whether you’re expecting it or not, Adjei will ask you to do something and you’ll say ‘I can’t do that,’ but it causes you to get over your fears.” Taking the class for the tenth time, Cristine de la Luna enjoys the family atmosphere and how the drumming, singing and dancing are all taught together. “There’s so much love in the group, particularly this semester,” Luna said. Abankwah started teaching at MSU Denver in 2013 and brought with him years of African dance and storytelling knowledge from his home in Ghana. Learning to dance as a child, Abankwah went on to do it

professionally and later joined The National Dance Ensemble of Ghana. A member for 11 years, he then moved into a choreographer role for the group, which traveled internationally and even performed for President Bill Clinton during his 1998 visit to Ghana. His move to the U.S. came in 2001, when Abankwah received a job offer from CU Boulder to teach an African dance and music class. It was thanks to Sam Gill, a man he’d met on a prior trip to Colorado who owned a dance studio in Boulder. The two had met and Abankwah displayed his expertise while teaching a small class at Gill’s studio. After the move, Abankwah noticed how dancing, singing and storytelling were being taught separately, and he wanted to bring the three together as one like they are in Africa. “We have storytelling, drumming and dancing and singing while we sit under the tree,” he said. “I came here and I was like, ‘Why don’t I see everything together?’ There’s storytelling going on here, there’s singing going on here, there’s music or dancing here, but there’s nothing together.” To fill this need, Abankwah started the BaoBao Festival in 2003. “I decided to put that together and let people know about what we do in Ghana,” Abankwah said. This tradition, called By the

Fireside, combines all aspects and usually takes place under the baobao tree. Abankwah came up with the name BaoBao Festival as a way to incorporate the tree and teach people those traditions. Since 2003, the BaoBao Festival has grown and is used to not only teach African culture, but also to raise money for the BaoBao Foundation and help Abankwah and his wife, Kari, build a library in Ghana. Abankwah encourages his students to perform in the BaoBao Festival when it comes to MSU Denver. They recently had a live performance on The Kabaret Show on KGNU radio. Michael Blomquist was one student who participated in both events this year. “We become like family in African drum,” Blomquist said. “We’ve got a lot of love for Adjei and what he does for this class. He does a lot of extra stuff for students that he doesn’t have to.” Using drums Abankwah has shipped in from Africa and the professional training he received, students learn songs and dances from the different regions of the continent. “I enjoy dancing myself,” Abankwah said. “I enjoy everyone, getting to know students and becoming friends with them. The group is more like a family. We dance and learn together.”

Adjei Abankwah shares his knowledge and professional experience from Ghana. Abankwah has been teaching African drum and dance classes at MSU Denver since 2013.

Twist & Shout draws crowd for Record Store Day Photo and story by Teresa Diaz Soriano

tdiazsor@msudenver.edu Going strong in its ninth year, Twist & Shout and its dedicated music sales staff made it through another year of keeping customers satisfied for Record Store Day. With its first year in 2007, Record Store Day is the third Saturday in April. The holiday celebrates the culture of independent record stores and unites music lovers, artists and fans alike in a single event. The celebration provides an opportunity for music consumers to buy and collect rare Record Store Day vinyl and other various merchandise along with connecting like-minded people who are passionate about music. For Denver, Twist & Shout puts on one of the biggest celebrations. Hundreds Participants had the chance to buy rare records during Twist lined up outside of the record store to & Shout’s Record Store Day celebration April 16. celebrate Record Store Day April 16.

Music lovers waited to get their hands on copies of limited edition records by bands such as Grateful Dead and Phish and Jack White. Seth Williams, a Denver resident, headed down to Twist and Shout right after work. He was the first person in line and was prepared for the five hour wait until the store opened to get his hands on Grateful Dead’s live record. “It’s something to tell my little boy,” he said. Williams has been shopping at the record store for seven years. He is always welcomed by the staff and would rather support the people he knows than shop elsewhere. “It’s been my home spot for years,” he said. Twist & Shout has built a reputation of reliability. They provide music listeners and pop culture fanatics with a wide selection. Employee Kevin Powers said that

the amount of shipment and in-stock products sets them apart from other record stores participating in Record Store Day. “Twist & Shout is a place that people come in and pretty much know they are going to get what they want. We have a little bit of everything,” powers said. Many participants in the event are longtime customers at the record store. Marion Startz has been an exclusive Twist & Shout shopper for roughly seven years. “They provide a great foundation for the community,” Startz said. She believes their commitment to music, and to customers is a big reason why the store draws in big crowds for events like Record Store Day. The store’s owner, Paul Epstein, plans to celebrate next year as well for the tenth anniversary celebration. “Its like Xmas, what could possibly convince a retailer not to?” Epstein said.

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April 20, 2016 August 21, 2014


MSU Denver’s exhibit offers art with a message Photo and story by Khaleel Herbert kherbert1@msudenver.edu MSU Denver’s Center for Visual Art’s “Looks Deep Enough from Here” exhibit opened April 15 offering students a chance to express themselves while sending a message. The event was a senior thesis exhibition that showcased art from various Senior Bachelor of Fine Arts students. Most of these artists will graduate from MSU Denver on May 14 and they are eager to get out into the world with their art. One such artist was Brittney VerBerkmoes. Her exhibit, “Going Batty,” had pieces made with watercolor and colored pencil, hand bruned veneer panel and colored pencil on mat board. Each picture depicts a bat or other creature with a human face, inspired by narratives such as books, mythology and folklore. “I’m specifically using animals with human faces because you see a lot of hybrid animals and a lot of anthropomorphic creatures in these narratives,” VerBerkmoes says. Before drawing, VerBerkmoes was a dancer, but had to quit. “That year, all I could do was draw dancing because I missed it so much. That’s how I found my love for art,” VerBerkmoes says. “I was OK at the performing arts but I really found my passion for just drawing and expressing myself visually especially since I was

represent different things. The blue and the orange with purple paintings with breaks in the clouds represent the soul opening up and accepting things, while the other pieces that look stormy represent tears. “Basically if you look at it, it’s my soul and my consciousness trying to melt together,” McBride said. Each of the artists hope to carry their creativity and craft with them as they say goodbye to MSU Denver. “I’ve been looking into different avenues of selling my art, maybe places I want to show my art,” VerBerkmoes says. “A dance studio is letting me hang my art there of all my old dance works. It’s looking at different places like that that people appreciate my artwork.” McBride says she still wants to MSU Denver senior Brittney VerBerkmoes explains her “Going Batty” series at the opening reception of the “Looks Deep Enough do watercolor paintings and even from Here” exhibit at MSU Denver’s Center for Visual Art April 15. put them in a few future art shows. “My other work is going to the images as a show of ‘If I really shy and didn’t talk much.” made me really mad.” deal with the military and do could do it, any woman can,’” Haviland wanted to shed Not far from VerBerkmoes’ more creative things with the Haviland said. light on the idea of the natural exhibit sits “Eat More/Eat Less” military,” McBride says. Across the gallery was body and body negativity. by Samantha Haviland with Haviland says she wants to Cynthia Garcia McBride’s “Body negativity comes on two oil on canvas paintings and teach art at a college level. both sides: the bigger side as well “Cloud Consciousness” series eight photographs of women’s “I am actually looking into of watercolor paintings. Each as the smaller side,” Haviland torsos. Haviland says she and grad school. I would eventually depicts clouds of different colors said. “I wanted to compare both her friend are the women in the like to be able to teach at a over an ocean. These paintings of them side-by-side and show photographs. college level and one needs an were inspired by McBride’s that there’s no societal perfect “I heard a lot of commentary MFA to do that.” military time. body. Everyone has their own on both body types. When I The “Looks Deep Enough “Stemming from when I was beauty to their bodies.” did modeling even at a size six I from Here” exhibit will be on She explained that the placing in Iraq, we had all this firing and was a plus-size model. I needed display through April 22 at the working and drama that goes on of herself in her work was not to lose weight,” Haviland said. Center for Visual Art on Santa Fe. with war,” McBride said. “At that only meant to compare a bigger “My friend was constantly time the clouds were soft and body to a smaller body, but to told that she was disgustingly comforting.” also empower women like her. skinny, [she] needed to eat a McBride says her paintings “I decided to put myself in cheeseburger and honestly, it

Artistic Pursuits MSU Denver student Joseph Leach paints a narrative piece of the four horsemen using acrylic paint on bristol board for his class Painting 1: Material Tech Concept. His interests are historical masterworks and replicating their techniques. Leach is influenced by Albrecht Durer and Renoir.

Photo by Brandon Sanchez bsanchez@msudenver.edu

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Mile Spective Break High Events April 20, 2016 Met Sports Review Insight

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Yagai brings jiujitsu to Denver

By James Sluzewski jsluz@msudenver.edu With his morning class winding down, Professor Nobuo Yagai has his students take a break from “rolling,” the term used for sparring in Brazilian jiujitsu. He explains the difference between the demeanor of training in the gym, competition and a real life threat and how to adapt to it. Yagai has years of experience on the subject and offers his vast amount of knowledge to his students. “BJJ is a platform that allows an individual to grow into the person they are meant to be, it’s not about being the toughest anymore, Royce Gracie already proved that,” Yagai says. Born in Kobe, Japan, to a businessman and a housewife, he was the oldest of three children. At the age of six, his father explained to him that his family was descended from samurai. The samurai were a warrior class in feudal Japan that dominated the country’s politics for 900 years. Because of this family history, Yagai was introduced to the lifestyle of martial arts beginning with samurai swordsmanship called Kendo. He was fortunate to have an amazing instructor at this time that also happened to work as a police special forces instructor. Yagai learned the art with a mindset for combat as well as traditional juijitsu. This experience with martial arts left several impressions on the young Yagai that would stick with him for the rest of his life. First, it taught him that he should never give up at anything in life no matter the circumstances. Second, it put him on a course to making the pursuit of martial arts the most important aspect of his life. This life purpose would have Yagai travel the world in his pursuit. Like most teenagers, he was influenced by Bruce Lee movies and then popular video game “Street Fighter.” Unlike many teenagers, he wanted to emulate what he saw and began full contact Karate and continued with it through college. He was already planning to leave his homeland of Japan but his parents insisted he finish his bachelor’s degree. At least the opportunity for pursuing an education allowed him to participate in a boxing club that was able to improve his resume for

Professor Nobuo Yagai teaches all forms of mixed martial arts including Brazillian jiujitsu. He owns a training center in Denver open to all ages. Photo by James Sluzewski • jsluz@msudenver.edu

Brazilian jiujitsu is a platform that allows an individual to grow into the person they are meant to be, it’s not about being the toughest anymore. – Prof. Nobuo Yagai martial arts. Immediately following graduation, Yagai began traveling. First to Thailand, to learn Muay Thai at its source. Muay Thai is also referred to as “the science of eight limbs,” or “Thai boxing.” Yagai also traveled to Taiwan to learn Kung Fu. This is the art popularized by Bruce Lee in his movies. At this time in the 90s the Ultimate Fighting Championship was brand new. “I wanted to learn what the best way to fight is,” Yagai says. In 1997, Yagai was able to put into practice many of the different skills he learned when he won Sanda of Japan. Sanda is full contact chute fighting, an earlier version of Mixed Martial Arts. At this time there was no weight classes and no one even heard of the term MMA. After his victory he was accepted as

an apprentice Joko Ninomiya, a legend in the Karate community who has his main school based here in Denver. This afforded Yagai the opportunity to travel to America and focus all his energies on training. “I lived in the gym for two years training twice a day for six days a week,” Yagai says about his experience of first coming to America. One day the monotony of training and helping run the school was interrupted. His main instructor Ninomiya was out of town when Yagai was challenged by a Tae Kwon Do student from another school. They put up $500 each in a winner take all fight. “I knocked him out with a body punch. Fortunately he was TKD fighter not a wrestler because I learned I should learn grappling.” Yagai says. This brought Yagai to

Colorado Brazilian jiujitsu in 2002 to perfect his ground game. CBJJ had already been in existence for five years making it ancient compared to 95 percent of the BJJ schools in America. His original intention was to use BJJ to supplement his Karate because he realized that he is much smaller in size than a lot of people here in America. “I liked how smaller individuals with proper technique and leverage can dominate larger individuals,” Yagai says. “Most martial arts make a form, an individual is expected to fight a certain way. BJJ is more open and creative form allowing someone to be more creative with the art.” Just recently Yagai noticed a shift in his paradigm of thinking. He originally came to America to learn to be a better fighter, but he noticed he has somehow been put in a situation to preserve the art and teach the next generation. “There is something special about this art,” Yagai says. “Regardless of age, sex, racial identity and athletic abilities, everyone can practice BJJ. But more importantly you can see more character and personality in the way someone practices BJJ.” Since pursuing martial arts around the world has been his main purpose in life, this makes Yagai an authority on the subject. He sees himself being a student and a teacher for the rest of his life and will always be a part of the BJJ community. Some of Yagai’s achievements include a blackbelt in BJJ from Rigan Machado, a member of a very prestigious family in BJJ community, a second-degree black belt in Karate from Joko Ninomiya and two bronze medals from International Brazilian jiujitsu Federation Pan-Ams. He has also competed in Abu Dhabi, jiujitsu World League, and began competing in Fight To Win Pro and is expected to compete again in the near future. Anyone interested in training in this amazing art under Yagai can contact him about free introductions. When: mornings and evenings Where: 7808 Cherry Creek South Dr Suite #205, Denver, Co 80231 Phone: (303) 246-8855 Email: Coloradobjj@outlook.com Website: www.coloradobjj.com

April 20, 2016


Sport Shorts » Pick your favorite plays of the year MSU Denver will host its first annual Rowdy Awards recognizing studentathletes for their great play on and off the court. Go to roadrunnersathletics.com to vote by April 22.

» Golf wins back-to-back RMAC Championships MSU Denver women’s golf team won their second straight RMAC Championship April 19 in Arizona defeating UCColorado Springs in match play. Junior Allie Johnston shot a team-best with a one-under 71. Although the Roadrunners won the conference, a spot at regionals is not guranteed. MSU Denver will now wait to see which individuals qualify for regionals in Stockton, California May 2-4.

» Baseball named to RMAC

All-Academic The Roadrunners had six student-athletes who earned academic honors from the RMAC on April 18. Junior catcher Marcus Bean, sophomore outfielder Hunter Donaldson, junior outfielder Reilly Mau, junior catcher Nick McCasky, senior pitcher Cameron Stroup, and junior infielder Jake Thurston, were all named to the RMAC honor roll. Studentathletes must have a culmitave GPA of 3.3 or higher to qualify.

» Softball recognized for academic success

Sophomores Sarena Espinoza, Harley Husser and Carissa Terry all collected academic honors from the RMAC. Husser led the team with a 3.76 GPA.

» Track & Field competes in California

Men’s and women’s track and field teams completed competition in California at the Beach Invitational on April 16. Senior Lauren Silacci was the only woman to take to the track as she ran in the 1,500-meter run and posted a time of 4:35.68 placing 21st overall. The team will travel to Golden to compete in the Colorado School of Mines Invite April 23.


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Roadrunners, Grizzlies series cut short thanks to snow By Joseph Rios jrios11@msudenver.edu The MSU Denver Roadrunners won one game and os he o her aga ns he Adams S a e Gr zz es Apr 15 The eams were schedu ed o mee our mes over he weekend bu he as doub eheader was cance ed due o he wea her The Roadrunners ook he firs game rom Adams S a e w h a 9-5 v c ory Sophomore p cher Ju an Garc a p cked up h s fifth v c ory o he season and s ruck ou e gh ba ers MSU Denver go he r offense ro ng ear y and scored five runs n he second nn ng Adams S a e ough back o e he game n he seven h nn ng bu he Roadrunners earned a run n he e gh h nn ng The Roadrunners con nued o p ay as a eam w h s x d fferen p ayers earn ng a eas one RBI hroughou he con es Jun or shor s op Jake Thurs on ed he way or he Roadrunners and added a hree run homer

o h s s a shee The Gr zz es ough back n he second game and handed he Roadrunners an 8-5 oss MSU Denver go off o ano her qu ck s ar and he d a 2-0 ead n he second nn ng Jake Thurs on con nued h s ho s reak and drove n ano her run o ow ng a Roadrunners cour esy o firs baseman Andrew Paus Paus eads he eam n runs scored w h 22 Adams S a e scored wo runs be ore a y ng up s x runs n he fifth nn ng MSU Denver ough back and scored hree more runs n he seven h nn ng bu he eam cou d no ca ch up The Roadrunners now ho d a con erence record o 10-12 14-18 overa and w ook o mprove ha aga ns he Co orado Schoo o M nes Ored ggers The ser es w conc ude he Roadrunners 11 game road r p The as me he wo eams aced off hey sp a our game ser es

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Remaining Schedule FR APR L 22 6 P M @COLORADO SCHOOL OF M NES







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am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquiaa tusandi usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea qu quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus utem em enimus museprem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet do dolupupbus u h en e do tatur a ur aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore nonsequas autem em dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eet gh au n omnimen omn men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen curemposam u ut rae iscseeetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet untiatquos eliquo que etur? 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Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aaliaa perio magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavka,vle;,a;vle,a;l,;la,s;le,r;lakwtoavmd ,la;s,d,e,untiatquos ,la;s,d,e,un untiatquos a quos eeliquo quo que eetur? ur? Qu Quis s asperior asper or am faces aces et e quo tempore empore rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand offi offica catur ur siminct s m nc ecabore ea o yeet do quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus utem enimus apel inulpar ant.Offi roruntem qui des doluptatur quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qu bus u em en mus prem idest, des ssim m ape nu par an Officcti ommosae rorun em qu up a ur aati cum quun quati u ut dempora vo volore autem dolupta ut u utas autatiore reicti aut labo. Mosapel ipsume vel eet omn omnimen num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me qua ore nonsequas au em do up a tiatus a us u as porror au a ore re c au abo Mosape psume ve men ihiliquas h quas eum inum asm.dfnlavktiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis suntiss au aut aaligent ut rae iss eetur? Taquias rehenihil optiaa nob nobitem sus, od mo moloritia pratee lantemp perio magnisquam asm.dfnlavk sun gen uremposam u ur? Taqu as rehen h eet op em iss sus or a pra an emp eelignam gnam aaliaa per o magn squam ipsam psam asm d n avk o ce u asperior asper or am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquiaa tusandi usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus bus utem emb en enimus mus prem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des k qu eet do doluptatur up a ur aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id dmque quati u qua ut dempora volore ore nonsequas au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume e vo k vel eet omn ve omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen uremposam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp elignam alia perio magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavk asm.dfnlavkuntiatquos un untiatquos a quos eeliquo quo que eetur? ur? Qu Quiss asper asperior or am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquia a tusandi usand offica offi catur ur s siminct m nc ecabore ea quia qu a sequat sequa reseditia resed a custibus cus bus r a e u utem em en enimus mus prem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet do doluptatur up acur cum yquun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore e aati nonsequas au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eet omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen urems omn u u c q posam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aaliaa per perio o magn magnisquam squam ipsam psam asm asm.dfnlavkaercklsaw d n avkaerck saw /c /clkm;aoklwcimoql,koqxfl km aok wc moq koqxflwa wa,xpl;A xp A kam kamf oyecabore ea qu tempore rumquia dals;,d dals;,diatquos iatquos a quos eeliquo quo queem eetur? ur? Quis Qu asperior oraam faces aces eet quo empore rumquer a tusandi usand officatur offica m ncnfugiam quia a sequa sequat reseditiaavo resed custibus cus utem u em en enimus mus idest, des m ape apel inulparum nuporror parumau ant. an Offic Offi cti ommosae rorun roruntem qu qui des seetasper do doluptatur urmen aati cum quun quunt qu quiinum u utempor empor eribusa busa ndaec ndaectis s ur au autssiminct erum am id d que qua quati u ut dempora volore orebus nonsequas autem emprem do dolupta up tiatus assim us u ut u utas autaaAu gn me sun tiore ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eetupomn omnimen ihiliquas ho quas eum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up aavkaveavevaeawveasvadvasvdavawevasvadsvadvsvaveaw ommo ommolorum orum in nug ped pedignime suntis s au aut aaligent gen uremposam u ut askdm rae issau eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias asa amsdk rehen rehenihil optia nobitem ham eetas op ae,nob em is s sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra prate e lantemp an emp e elignam gnam a alia a per perio magn magnisquam squam ipsam psam asm asm.dfnlavkaveavevaeawveasvadvasvdavawevasvadsvadvsvaveawfeva d n eva askdmlkamefk kamefkam amt amsdklam f a a,;le’ lf;,aw aw faa gu ,a,sluntiatquos a,fld;,an ,a,sl un untiatquos a quos eeliquo quororun que eetur? ur?qu Qu Quis s asper asperior faces tempore rumquia tusandi officatur quia sequat reseditia custibus utem enimus idest, or am aces eet quoquun empore rumqu a er usand offica ur ssiminct merum nc ecabore ea qu aqua sequa resed a cus busnonsequas u em en mus prem des s,;la,wecl,awe;fl sim m ape apel inulparum nu parum ant.Offi Offic cti ommosae roruntem em qui des e et do doluptatur up a ur a ati cum quunt qu qui u utempor empor eribusa busa ndaec ndaectis s au aut fugiam ug am id d que quati u ut dempora vo volore ore au autem em do dolupta up A o tiatus ut u utas autatiore reicti aut labo. Mosapel ipsume velgnam omnimen voluptat ommolorum in pedignime suntis auta aaligent ut rae Taquias a us u asop porror au a ore re codau abo Mosape psume ve eet omn hmagn quassquam eum inum num aaliquos quos up ak ommo orumvwmaec n ped gn me sun sscau gen uremposam u eetur? ur?Quis Taqu asa cdevo asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’la,sdcl;,untiatquos eliquo queissetur? rehenihil optia nobitem iss sus sus, moloritia prate perio magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’la,sdcl;, rehen eetfaces a nob em mo a pra e lantemp an emp eelignam aaliaamen per oihiliquas psam asm nu avk cemus kdmwck kape mqinulparum e aparum sdc Pobus perior tempore rumquia tusandi offi catur quia sequat reseditia custibus utem enimus idest, apel ant.Offi ctire roruntem quiipsume per or haam aces eet quo empore rumqu aor usand offica ur ssiminct m nc fugiam ecabore eaque qu aqua sequa resed a cus em en prem desa tiatus ssim mus nu an Offic ommosae rorun em qu desaseet doluptatur ati quunt qui utempor eribusa ndaectis aut id quati ut volore autem dolupta ut utas autatiore reicti aut labo. Mosapel do up ur a cum quun qu u empor er busa ndaec s au erum ug am d u dempora vo ore nonsequas au em do up a u u as porror au a ore c au abo Mosape psume vel omnimen ihiliquas voluptat ommolorum in pedignime suntis aut aaligent ut is Taquias rehenihil optia nobitem iss sus sus, od moloritia prate ve eet omn men h magn quassquam eum inum num aaliquos quosdvo up a ommo orumkmac n ped gn mekmw sun s au gen uremposam u raeeetur? s eetur? ur? Taqu asor rehen h eeteetop a tempore nob em rumqu mo or offica a pra e lantemp an emp eelignam gnam alia a a perio per o magnisquam ipsam psam asm.dfnkascdamkl’kamdslkmac;kmewf;lkmwlkamsckl asm.dfnkascdamkl’kamdslkmac;kmewf;lkmwlkamsckluntiatquos asm nkascdamk kamds kmew kamsck untiatquos un a quos eliquo e quo que ur? Quis Qu s asperior asper am faces aces quo empore rumquia a tusandi usand offi catur ur siminct s m nc e ecabore ea quiaaqua qu sequat sequa reseditiaa cus resed custibus busnonsequas utem u em en enimus mus prem idest, desa tiatus ssim apel inulparum nu parumau ant.Offi an cti roruntem rorun em qu qui des eetve doluptatur do a urmen aati cum quunteum quun qui inum qu utempor u emporquos eribusa er busa ndaectis ndaec s au aut orum erum saommosae fugiam ugpedignime am id d me que quati ut volore vo ore autem au em dolupta up am usape uth u u utas asop porror autatiore ore reicti re cdodau aut labo. abo Mosapel ipsume psume vel eetupomn omnimen ihiliquas hmagn quas num voluptat up a erum ommolorum ommo d a Offic asm.dfnlavkut fugiam in n suntis su autdempora au aaligent gen uremposam ut rae u s eetur? ur?do Taquias rehenihil rehen eet optia a anob nobitem iss sus sus, moloritia mo or Mosape a pra prate e lantemp an empuntiatquos eelignam gnam aalia perio per oque magnisquam squam psamaaliquos asm.dfnlavk asm d vo naces avk h oreem eliquo etur? Quis asperior am faces et quoquun tempore id d ped que gn quati qua utsun u dempora volore vo orenc nonsequas autem au emaisdo dolupta up aTaqu tiatus a usasau ut utas u asbus porror autatiore au reicti aut au labo. abo Mosapl Mosap ipsume psume vel ve un actiquos ea quo e em ur? Qu des s ipsam asper or ecum empore u dc idest, ore wprem rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand offi offica catur ur siminct s m ecabore ea quia qu sequat sequa reseditia resed custibus cus utem u em enimus en mus des sim s m apel ape inulparum nu parum ant.Offi an Offic ommosae roruntem rorun qui qu et e doluptatur do up a ur ati a quunt qui qu utempor u empor eribusa er busa ndaectis ndaec s au aut orum erum in fugiam ugped amgn id d me quesun quatis u qua ut volore vo ore nonsequas autem au em dolupta up as a tiatus a us u ut utas porror autatiore au a ore reicti re cod au aut labo. abo aMosape Mosapel psume ve vel eet omn omnimen menoihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos voluptat vo up a ommo ommolorum n pedignime suntis autdempora au aaligent gen uremposam utx rae is u etur? ur? do Taquias Taqu rehenihil rehen hu eetasop optia a nob nobitem em iss sus sus, moloritia mo or pra pratee lantemp anipsume emp eelignam gnam aaliaa per perio magn magnisquam squam esp e ipsam asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’;, untiatquos un quos eeliquo quo queem eetur? ur? Quis asperior or aam aces eet quo tempore empore rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand officatur offica ssiminct m nc fugiam ecabore quia qu a sequa sequat reseditiaavo resed custibus cus utem u em en enimus mus prem idest, des mu apel ape inulparum nuporror parumau ant.Ofan O fi fic ctic aommosae roruntem quiQu qu dessve eetasper doluptatur do up urfaces aati cum quunt quun quiinum qu utempor u empor eribusa er busa ndaectis s ur autorum au erum amgnid dea que quati qua ut dempora u volore orebus nonsequas autem em dolupta up a tiatus assim us ut utas as autatiore aem ore reicti re aut labo. au abo rorun Mosapel Mosape ipsume psume vel eet omn omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum num aaliquos quos voluptat vo upndaec a ommo ommolorum in nug pedignime ped me suntis sun s au aut aaligent gen uremposam ut rae isau u s eetur? ur?do Taquias Taqu as rehenihil rehen hu eet optiaa nob op nobitem iss e

o ce

Mile High @themetonline

f: themetropolitan


mymetmedia. com


Wednesday Cloudy



Monday 76/46



National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day

National Cherry Cheesecake Day

National Telephone Day

Spring Fling Location: Auraria Campus Time: 10 a.m.

Box City Location: Webb Building Time: 10 a.m.

Spring Shower Hygiene Drive Location: Tivoli 305 Time: 8 a.m.

Auraria’s Got Talent Location: Tivoli Commons Time: 11 a.m.

The Tempest by William Shakespeare Location: Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre Time: 7:30 p.m.

Study Week Location: SSB 2nd Floor Lobby Time: 11 a.m.

Visiting Artist Series: Colorado Composers Concert X Location: King Center Concert Hall Time: 7:30 p.m.

Mondays at MSU Denver: Student Recital Location: King Center Concert Hall Time: 2 p.m.

SII Workshop Location: Tivoli 215 Time: 1 p.m.

Rockies vs Dodgers 6:40 p.m. Rapids vs Seattle 7 p.m.

[ELEMENT] Movie Night: Mockingjay Part 2 Location: Lawrence Street Time: 7 p.m.

In Case You Missed It

Rockies @ Reds 10:35 a.m.

Thursday Sunny

National Have a Poem in Your Pocket Day Spring Fling Location: Auraria Campus Time: 10 a.m.

Top 5 Strawberry Producing Countries

1. China 2. United States 3. Mexico 4. Turkey 5. Spain

Senior Recital: Chad Rendon-Thofson, tenor Location: King Center Concert Hall Time: 7:30 p.m. The Tempest by William Shakespeare Location: Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre Time: 7:30 p.m.

Friday ✷

Obama’s lawyers go before the Supreme Court to shield immigrants. The Pope takes 12 Syrian Refugees, including six children, back to Rome after his visit to Greece.

Auraria’s Got Talent Location: Tivoli Commons Time: 11 a.m.


Rockies vs Pirates 6:40 p.m


National Pigs in a Blanket Day

Junior Recital: Azarias Devillier, viola Location: King Center Recital Hall Time: 4 p.m.

The Tempest by William Shakespeare Location: Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre Time: 2:30 p.m.

Senior Recital: Kevin Guzzo, tenor Location: King Center Recital Hall Time: 7:30 p.m.

Senior Recital: Alejandro Castano, drums Location: King Center Recital Hall Time: 4 p.m.

Rockies vs Dodgers 6:40 p.m.

Rockies vs Dodgers 2:10 p.m.

Tuesday Cloudy


National Help a Horse Day Spring Shower Hygiene Drive Location: Tivoli 305 Time: 8 a.m. Study Week Location: SSB 2nd Floor Lobby Time: 11 a.m. Deadline to apply for Scribe America interviews Time: 4 p.m. Outstanding Women’s Awards Location: St. Cajetan’s Time: 5 p.m. Auraria Chorale and Music Theory Ensemble Location: King Center Concert Hall Time: 5 p.m. MSU Denver Jazz Combos Location: Dazzle Jazz Time: 6 p.m.



National Jelly Bean Day Undergraduate Research Conference Location: North Classroom Atrium

Jazz Voice & Guitar Combo Location: Syntax Physic Opera, 554 S. Broadway, Time: 7 p.m.

The Taliban claims responsibility for an explosion in Kabul, Iraq, dozens killed hundreds wounded. 66/38


April 20, 2016


Rockies vs Pirates 6:40 p.m.

The Metropolitan online /TheMetropolitan @themetonline mymetmedia.com


Break mymetmedia.com

April 20, 2016


Overheard this week “She played you like a book.”

You are widly sympathetic and understanding to other people’s problems. Th is is why you will always drive a Pinto and have a spouse who eats mayonnaise sandwiches in bed.



January 20 -February 18

“Pretend it’s caffeinated.”

You haven’t the foggiest idea who you are and you’ve sniffed way too many glue sticks to fi nd out. You should stop styling your hair forty feet above sea level.

“It goes down in the DM.”

“I swear it can only go up from

February 19 -March 20 You have no imagination and you always think that the Department of Social Services is following you. You should start covering your tattoos.

You consider yourself a good ol’ boy, others think you are a jerk. You should quit adding hair spray to your tuna casserole and get a monster truc

“I’m going to start a greeting card company with all of my drunk texts.”




—Micheal Ortiz

September 23 -October 22 You would go crazy if you missed an episode of Judge Joe Brown. Chances for employment are nil and you’ll have to do with playing the ukelele and drinking watered-down home brew for the rest of your life. Friends think you have fleas. .

Across 1. In ___ (within a living organism) 5. Some PD broadcasts 9. First family of 1975 14. Substitute for the unnamed 15. ‘’Star Trek’’ lieutenant 16. ‘’___ Majesty’s Secret Service’’ 17. Roman public gown 18. Middle-age spread material 19. Actress Davis 20. Start of quip about a common problem 23. Women’s follower 25. Scorpius’ celestial neighbor 26. Some Arctic residents 27. Part 2 of the quip 30. Chops to bits 31. Legal matter 32. Fed. media watchdog 35. Volume control on a Steinway 36. Part 3 of the quip 37. Richard’s Veep 39. AARP members 40. When doubled, a militant African nationalist group 41. Sports sensation, slangily 42. Part 4 of the quip 45. N.Y. Yankees’ division 47. Neither relative 48. Word with line or light 49. End of the quip 52. Parenthetical script comment

You are very intelligent on your feet but become a fat slob in double-knit pants as soon as you sit down. People like you because you know how to cash in food vouchers. Th is means you are a con artist. Stop prank calling Dairy Mart. They know it’s you.

53. Kansas city east of Wichita 54. Jacket opener? 57. Andrea ___ 58. Be introduced to 59. Make a balaclava 60. Church alcoves 61. Chisel feature 62. They run when broken

“I got some mean nose hairs.”

“My bangs.”


You annoy people. You use Slim Jims in your potpourri mix and brag about your ability to dos-i-do. Everyone thinks your lawn ornaments are too dressy.

—Chirs Bjork —Kelsey Nelson

October 23 -November 21

“What isn’t my best feature?” —Mary Kate


May 21 -June 20 Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

—Micheal Tolbert “Ask Micheal Tolbert. He’s obsessed with me.”

April 20 -May 20

You like to work like hell and you are a genuine master of the BB gun. Most people think you are just getting in their way. Th is is because you are.

— Keenan McCall

You like to have things in perfect order and will pop zits all day if that’s what it takes. Friends think you’re kind of a weirdy and don’t invite you to their flea markets. You need to buy more underwear.


“Lets take some hot pics for your

—Joella Baumann

“Ask Micheal Ortiz. He’s obsessed with me. ”


March 21 -April 19 You are an old fart and this is reflected in everything you do. You are always eating boiled peanuts and whining over nothing. You think everyone is out to rob you even though you have nothing worth stealing. You should bathe in the creek until the weird smell fades

“My eyes.”

August 23 -September 22



“My middle finger.”

July 23 -August 22


“Make me popcorn slave woman.”

What’s your best feature?

June 21 -July 22

December 22 -January 19 You are always saving junk and dragging things around the trailer park. You are basically a pack rat. Th is is why you will never have your own outhouse with adjoining tunnel. You should quite stealing laundry and start playing the banjo.


Met Picks: Cancer


f: themetropolitan

November 22 -December 21 You are extremely optimistic and have a tendency to rely on a little brown jug. Th is is proof of your Tourettes. You should get a new hairnet.

Down 1. Dog doc 2. Japanese Prime Minister Hirobumi 3. Drifters 4. Saint ___ of Norway 5. To the extent that 6. Star that emits radio waves 7. Monday feeling, for some

8. More empyreal 9. Warning sound emitter in poor weather at sea 10. Kind of wonder, in music 11. Butler of fiction 12. France’s patron saint or actor Leary 13. Ladies of Spain, briefly 21. Where to pin a pin 22. ‘’___ de Castro’’ (John Clifford play) 23. Miners’ hat fixtures 24. More slippery, in winter 28. Record label that bought Motown in 1988 29. Rainbow, brook or speckled 32. Using a bridge ploy 33. Shepherd’s staff 34. Like a cushioned sofa 36. Period of Lent, e.g. 37. Lewis the puppeteer 38. Place to hang your hat 40. Southwestern sight 41. Apportion 42. Peanut butter brand 43. Corpus preceder 44. Feature of Long John Silver 45. Fabled fabulist 46. Animal dens 49. Arp’s movement 50. Three-___ sloth 51. Sommer of Hollywood 55. Type of leaf 56. Little green men? Source: OnlineCrosswords.net


Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium



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April 20, 2016  Met Sports Break Events Review Spective Insight April 20, 2016

XX 15

Jeff Johnson JJ Advertising DSN Denver School of Nursing

1401 19th Street


Denver CO 80202






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Get Your BSN and ADN


Career Education


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Accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (Formerly NLNAC). Denver School of Nursing is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Denver School of Nursing programs are approved by the Colorado State Board of Nursing. Financial Aid available to those who qualify DSN is currently approved to train Veterans who qualify for VA Benefits!

For more information, call 303-292-0015 denverschoolofnursing.edu 1401 19th St, Denver, CO 80202


RATED R FOR VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE THROUGHOUT, DRUG USE AND SEXUALITY/NUDITY. Please note: Passes are limited and#will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one Issues: pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio Discount: recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow AdYou Size: additional time for heightened security. can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.


(Located 1 Block from Coors Field)


Run Dates:

8/3, 8/17



For consumer information please go to: denverschoolofnursing.edu


3 Payment THURS, 04/21/16Method BLACK&WHITE Credit5” Card aid x Direct BillRM ACH X 7” Pre-Paid ALL.KNU-P.0421.METRO Accepted Cards

MSU Denver BFA Thesis Exhibitions Spring 2016

$255 net per week Issue Dates: August 3 & August 17

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Close Enough April 1-8, 2016 Opening reception April 1, 6pm Fax Back To: 303-989-1502 SIGNATURE



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Looks Deep Enough From Here April 15-22, 2016 Opening reception April 15, 6pm Center for Visual Art | 965 Santa Fe Dr., Denver, CO 80204 | 303.294.5207 | msudenver.edu/cva | Hours Tue-Fri 11-6 Sat 12-5


Plaza Suite 150 • 303-556-2525

Traveling Abroad? PREPARE NOW! The Health Center at Auraria offers the vaccinations you need for your adventure.

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