Volume 40, Issue 17 - Jan. 17, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 40

NO. 17

JANUARY 17, 2018


Denver stock show tradition rides into biggest year yet

Photo by Mimi Madrid Puga | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Braxton Morgan picks up his volunteer from a barrel to his horse during the Rescue Race of the CINCH Equicross event at the Western Stock Show on Jan. 11. Morgan won the Flag Race during the gymkhana style rodeo competetion where riders fight against the clock and other contestants’ time. | Pg. 6


| pg. 3

Colorado independent candidates unite


| pg. 4

Tackling controversies from a different point of view


| pg. 8

Women’s basketball stop CSUPueblo’s undefeated season


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JANUARY 17, 2018



Unite Colorado offers support network for unaffiliated candidates By James Bofenkamp

public interest ahead of any


others and using both common sense and common ground to

On Jan. 9, using a study by

address problems. The declaration

the Centrist Project Institute,

also includes an assertion that

Unite Colorado claims that a

the candidates “stand for the

slight majority of voters believe

timeless values of opportunity,

that Democrats and Republicans

equality and stewardship,” and

aren’t working together well

“champion integrity, transparency

in the state legislature.

and accountability.” Unite

Unite Colorado seeks to address these concerns, not by forming a new party to throw its hat into

Colorado also desires greater civic engagement and involvement. Discussing the tyranny of the

the ring, but instead offering a

parties, former state representative

support network to independent

Kathleen Curry recounted an

candidates. In doing so, they

anecdote of her time in office. In the

hope to enable viable unaffiliated

story, Curry speaks with a colleague

candidates to compete on a

who expresses disappointment

financial and professional level

in her. The colleague was upset

with the established parties.

because they thought that Curry

The study produced by the CPI

had proposed a good bill, one which

says that, “a majority of Colorado

they would like to support. However,

voters (53%) believe the two major

the party instructed its members

parties are not working together

to not vote for Curry’s bills due to

well in the state legislature to

her having become unaffiliated

solve problems facing Colorado,”

after leaving the Democratic party.

and further states that up to 82

“This is political speak for, ‘We

percent of Republicans, 84 percent

do not want you to succeed,’”

of Democrats and 92 percent

Curry said. While the colleague

of independent voters are open to voting for an independent candidate. Unite Colorado’s study claims that the state is

voted for Curry’s bill. Curry tells this story as evidence impugning the motivations of the parties. Supporting Curry’s story, state

ripe for successful campaigns

Senator Cheri Jahn recounted

from independent candidates.

the mindset of the Democratic

And aside from some basic, non-partisan ideals, the organization truly wants independent candidates. To show what is desired from its nominees, Unite Colorado created its “Declaration of Independents.” It has five tenets, including putting

party in Colorado’s senate. “How do we get this party in the majority? How do we keep this party in the majority? How do we get these people in our party elected? Instead of, what policies can we be working on together?” she said.

Photos by James Bofenkamp | jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

Executive director Nick Troiano answers questions from the audience about creating a infrastructure for independent candidates at the Denver Press Club on Jan. 9. organization. Instead, they are far

independents face the possibility

affiliation with the Democratic

more likely to support candidates

of being branded a spoiler in

party and started serving

who are running for open seats with

upcoming elections. Especially

the last of her term as an

a split or dissatisfied voter base.

after the 2016 election.

Jahn recently abandoned her

independent, starting Jan. 10.

Troiano rejected this notion,

Colorado is not a new party, Troiano

asserting that the candidates

Colorado, Nick Troiano, asserted

instead referred to the organization

supported by Unite Colorado would

that the organization was not

as an “un-party.” Instead of a

provide Colorado voters a valuable

there to be hostile to the existing

built-in, willing group of voters,

alternative to choosing the lesser

parties. Troiano said, addressing

candidates receive connections

of two evils. Furthermore, he

the parties, “We’re not here to fight

with fundraising sources, as well

said that the term spoiler implies

you. In fact, our whole movement

as the infrastructure necessary

ownership over the votes.

is here to work with you.”

to run a political campaign.

The executive director of Unite

However, Troiano did elucidate

While this does not supply the

In response to the idea that voters are growing either more

his concerns and what his

candidates with guaranteed votes

liberal or conservative, and

movement is supposed to target.

like a party affiliation might, it does

therefore centrist candidates

allow them to compete Troiano

might not do as well, an undaunted

mindless partisanship. What we are

claims. And he framed this as a

Troiano again fired back. He

against is the corrupting influence

boon to the candidates. Instead of

asserted that instead, the popularity

of special interests,” he said.

taking a certain category of voter for

of both President Trump and

granted, each unaffiliated candidate

Bernie Sanders in the last election

Unite Colorado is working along

would be required to appeal to

had more to do with their anti-

with four independent candidates

each group of voters individually.

establishment positions, than with

“What we are against is

To work toward these goals,

from races across the state. These

“Independents are here

any radical ideas they may espouse. When it came to concerns about

candidates include Maile Foster

to represent everyone, to

from House District 18, Jay Geyer

listen to everyone, and so the

the viability of an independent in

from HD-33, Eric Montoya from HD-

movement has to be reflective

office, Curry had a simple reply.

31 and Steve Peterson from Senate

of everyone,” said Troiano.

“Just because you’re in a party

Troiano believes this will

doesn’t mean you’re an effective

needs to prove to the organization

provide voters who traditionally

legislator,” she said. In fact, she

that not only are they capable

vote along party lines alternatives.

asserted that there were plenty of

candidates, but also as Troiano

He says there are voters who

seats simply occupied by plenty

said, that they had a legitimate

may have been taken advantage

of guaranteed votes and little else.

path toward an election victory.

of as a sure vote, because they

Curry asserted that the effectiveness

haven’t had any alternative for

of the legislator depends entirely

Colorado would not simply waste

a long time. This gives them the

on the person elected to the office,

resources given to it. Instead, they

opportunity to find candidates who

not the party they signed on with.

would be opportunistic and careful

will actually work to help them.

District 30. Each of these candidates

Troiano stressed that Unite

in who they chose to support.

Thornton city council member Eric Montoya signing the Declaration of Independents, a document describing the requirements for Unite Colorado’s candidates.

Stressing the fact that Unite

However, many affiliated

Unite Colorado hopes to help fill the state legislature

Unaffiliated candidates running

voters may see this as a threat to

with motivated and effective

against popular incumbents aren’t

their party’s chances of victory.

unaffiliated candidates.

likely to get assistance from the

Smaller parties and



JANUARY 17, 2018

Why I’m right: “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu


his winter’s unsurprise hit,

of arguments I’ve heard center

“Star Wars: The Last Jedi,”

around that action being out of

website, “The Federalist,” is that

rankled fans like never

One critique of the movie from

character for Luke. What’s ironic,

the movie flubbed the ending by not

before. Although much derision

is that Jedi have a proud history of

letting Luke come back (for real) to

was cast at “The Force Awakens”

fleeing into isolation when things

take responsibility for his mistake.

for being derivative and at “Rogue

go south for them. Ben Kenobi and

What this approach gets wrong

One” for being - well I’m not

Yoda are two prominent examples.

though, is that it was no longer

sure what people have actually

Supposedly, Luke wouldn’t go

Luke’s fight. The galaxy had moved

been complaining about, their

into exile because in the original

on. It’s up to a new generation of

complaints are unspecific - “The

trilogy he faced Vader even after

heroes to pick the mantle from Luke.

Last Jedi” has been accused of

learning that Vader was his father.

However, although Luke’s time was

That Luke wouldn’t give up with

ending he still had a valuable role to

Ben Solo because he didn’t give

play. To teach the new generation

up with Anakin Skywalker.

from his mistakes and pass on the

murdering many a fan’s childhood.

Esteban Fernadez

They missed the point. The latest Star Wars movie was about growing up and letting

holes ticked by an industry machine. “The Last Jedi” took those

That completely misses why

spirit of rebellion that helped him

go of the past. Of passing the

heartless creations and imbued

Luke went into exile. Luke didn’t

torch to the next generation. The

them with soul. Rian Johnson, the

go into exile because he lost Ben

power of embracing failure.

director, took the usual Star Wars

Solo to Snoke, he went into exile

storyline may have touched a nerve

topple the Empire so long ago. Out here in the real world, that

That the movie had that sort

plots and made them collide with

because of the intense shame Luke

too close to home. What person

of visceral reaction from a small

reality. Each character was forced

felt for a fleeting moment of fear

hasn’t made mistakes they want to

group of fans is unsurprising, since

to reckon with the consequences

and aggression. Luke felt like he not

run away from, and have? An entire

the subset of fans who most loudly

of their actions. They failed, time

only let Ben Solo down, but also

generation, in the shape of the great

voice their displeasure mostly

and time again. There was no magic

himself. It wasn’t that Luke was

recession, left behind a mess to

refuse to grow up themselves.

last-minute reprieve. No long-shot

avoiding Kylo Ren, it was that Luke

clean for the younger generation.

The failure of “The Force

gamble that worked out in the end.

was avoiding the intense shame he

The older generation’s solution? Try

Awakens” was that the new trio of

In return, we were gifted living,

felt over that moment in weakness.

to make things like the good ol’ days

characters, Rey, Finn and Poe didn’t

breathing characters that now could

He was avoiding his failure. Luke

even though the world has moved

feel like characters, just points on

be free to follow their own paths.

was human after all and he couldn’t

on. They could take a page from

forgive himself for that. This only

Luke’s book, and learn to let go.

a checklist to be crossed off. The

The point that rattled most was

story behind the movie had no soul,

Luke Skywalker retreating to a

compounded the problem, as the

it was a punch card with all the right

hermit’s life on Ahch’to. The range

Galaxy did need Luke Skywalker.

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

Cassie’s conundrum: Sexually harassing men


pring was ending and as the

We both realized, that this wasn’t

a subgenre of feminism. It was

days grew longer, the warm

the first time we had acted like

something that came out of our

weather began to bring more

this. That action came as second

mouths before we could stop

people into the park next to my

nature to us. To some degree

ourselves. We experienced the other

house. I would drive next to this park

of defense, her and I have gone

side without meaning to, and for a

almost everyday and watch young

through a few experimental forms

split second, it made us feel good.

mothers take their children for

of feminism, which may have left

walks in their strollers, Live Action

us in this confused standpoint.

Role Players or LARPers sword

One form of feminism I tried

The problem was, that after we passed him, we had no idea what his reaction really was. We

fight in their medieval drab. People

in the past believes in owning the

didn’t know if we hurt him, if he

recreated and worked out next to the

word slut. This means, instead

found it flattering or if he felt

of woman complaining about

naked and afraid. We don’t know

double standards, to reflect

if he went straight home, took a

beautiful lake out in the warm sun.

Cassandra Ballard

On one warm summer day, my roommate and I took a trip to

The further we got down the

those double standards instead.

shower to scrub himself clean of

the gas station, passing by the

street, the more our giggles

That means bragging about

the memory and put on sweats to

park. As she drove, our windows

faded as we began to realize what

sexual conquests, catcalling or

wallow for the rest of the night.

were rolled all the way down. The

we had, actually, just done.

committing inappropriate grabbing,

Although this situation is

passenger side faced the park,

I looked right at her. “Did

while we were both in a feisty

we just degrade him?” We both

mood with music on full blast.

giggled again but this time

that way has nit real effect on it.

sense that the catcaller is taking

with a breath of unease.

If a man is known for promiscuity,

control of a complete stranger. No

he is just a man. If a woman is

matter how the victim responds,

As we passed the end of the park, a young man was jogging

“Are we hypocrites?” I asked.

just like how men do to us. Assaulting the double standard

not as harmful as physical harassment, it is harmful in the

right next to the road with his shirt

She brushed it off with a no

promiscuous, she is seen as dumb

the catcaller has the upper

off. He had styled hair, blue gym

and then said, “well, he was

and rarely taken seriously. Chelsea

hand. It is nothing more than a

shorts and a perfect six pack. He

the one with his shirt off.”

Handler is a prime example of

instantaneous gratification of

this form of feminism and the

power at the expense of someone just trying to live their life.

was so close, I felt like I could have

I looked at her and said, “yeah,

touched him. Without a second

he was pretty much asking for it,

repercussions that come with it.

thought my roommate and I did

running next to a road with such

This form of feminism is nice in

something unpredictable.

a little amount of clothing on.”

theory, but in reality, it does not

matter. What matters, is that there is

empower, it only kills the soul.

a possibility that we hurt or scared

We both stuck our heads out the window and screamed, “ow, ow!” He didn’t even flinch, and as

That’s when it hit us. We were so wrong. How did we get here? Two self

But this situation was something

His response really does not

him and that’s simply not OK.

else. This was not intentional.

we passed, we giggled like we

proclaimed feminists treated men

It was something cultural that I

were in the eighth grade again.

exactly how we hated to be treated.

don’t think can be explained with

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu



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Men’s Choir

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Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 30947



Mon & Weds 12:30-1:50 pm, CRN 30417

Audition required, contact kruegema@msudenver.edu

Early Music Ensemble

Mon & Weds 4:30-7:20 pm, CRN 32808

Audition required, contact robergen@msudenver.edu

Symphonic Band

Mondays 4:30-6:20 pm, CRN 36670 No experience required

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 31635

Gamelan Orchestra

Symphony Orchestra

Tuesdays 3:30-5:15 pm, CRN 32556 No experience required

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 30416

Audition required, contact bmatthe8@msudenver.edu

Jazz Big Band

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 30414

Audition required, contact milesr@msudenver.edu

Women’s Choir

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 30946



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JANUARY 17, 2018

More than a century of western heritage

The National Western Stock Show celebrates history, tradition and competition By Sandisz Thieme

90 acres and more than 900


booth sections. The building housed pony rides, petting zoos,

The National Western Stock Show goes stronger than ever

rodeos and competitions. One of the attractions was

this year with record attendance

the United States Equestrian

through four of the first six

Federation Hunter/Jumper pro

days the show took place. High

and amateur competition. In this

hopes and expectations exist

competition, riders have their

for the remaining ten, according

horses jump over obstacles of

to the President and CEO of

varying heights and then are

the NWSS, Paul Andrews.

judged on a series of commands

The stock show isn’t just a huge advertising opportunity for ranchers and a one hundred

from an announcer. One of the riders was amateur, Kelsey Casper. It was Casper’s second time

million dollar boost to the

at NWSS but her first time

local economy. It’s a staple of

competing. It was also her

Colorado’s western traditions,

horse Shelton’s first real show.

heritage and cowboy-culture.

They have trained together for

“It doesn’t matter whether you

about a year to prepare for the

wear a suit and tie the remaining

stock show. Early on she knew

300 plus days a year, for two

Shelton was born to jump.

weeks in January you’re wearing your boots and your hat and your jeans and celebrating your western

he would go, by himself,

heritage here,” Andrews said.

just jump,” Casper said.

In 1906, the NWSS officially

Photos by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

“When he was younger, I used to put up jumps and

Sydney Trujillo composes herself after getting bucked off her horse during the Keyhole Race of the CINCH Equicross event at the National Western Stock Show on Jan. 11. Trujillo is one of the contestants between ages 14 to 18 who competed for scholarship money in the gymkhana style rodeo.

Shelton’s raw talent was being

began. Livestock transported

refined when, three weeks before

on the railroad line west from

the show, he was diagnosed with

Chicago had a natural stop in

equine colic. The abdominal

recovered and returned to

expectations after a smashing

constant training. They hope to

Denver during the early 1900s.

pain is a common yet serious

training within two weeks of

performance. He placed 5th

increase the number of ribbons

Ranchers and livestock owners

gastrointestinal disorder.

preparations for the NWSS.

in Jump and Race and 3rd in

and awards while decreasing the

show out of nine riders.

number of veterinarian visits.

decided to hold stock shows

Casper had to decide between

pumped oil into his stomach. Shelton narrowly

Casper and her family

was just there for the exposure. Shelton exceeded Casper’s

number of shows all over the U.S. this summer along with

in Colorado so they could buy,

giving Shelton a surgery with

hoped for the best but

sell and trade livestock before

a 50 percent survival rate or

had low expectations for

weeks ago,” Casper said after

example of Coloradoans

continuing west to California.

waiting patiently with hope that he

Shelton’s first show.

the show while feeding Shelton

celebrating their western heritage.

and lovingly undoing his braids.

The NWSS continues to be

Ranchers from all over the U.S. are able to compete in January

would recover on his own time. They decided to wait it out.

“I just want him to jump everything the first time and

“We almost lost him three

“He was hospitalized and

because no ranchers breed,

After a week off, they loaded

birth or raise calves during this

him for a “Magic Trailer Ride.”

month. Over the years the show

The nervousness of entering

of getting any awards, saying

We got 3rd and 5th place and

grew from its original 15,000

the trailer helped him pass

that if Shelton won a ribbon it

I was very, very pleased.”

attendees to today’s massive

the blockage after the vet

would be fabulous but that she

be brave,” Casper said. She downplayed the prospect

Their story is just a small

the premiere North American

I didn’t think we were going

showcase for all aspects of

to make the show and we did.

western traditions for 112 years and only continues to grow.

Casper and Shelton have a

turnout of nearly 700,000 visitors. People continue to travel from all over the country to compete. Justin Barber, co-owner of Barber Ranch traveled from Channing, Texas. Barber and his ranchers brought droves of cattle about 400 miles, no easy feat, to compete in Colorado’s nationally renowned stock show. Barber said a trip like the one he took can cost between $15,000 and $20,000. His goal is to advertise his livestock to one of the biggest crowds available in the business. “It’s like the Super Bowl of cow shows,” said Jeff Chaffin. He was another rancher in town visiting from Texas. It’s serious business competing in the show. Cattle undergo a meticulous grooming process before their moment to shine. Cows and bulls are washed, brushed and styled with hairspray to look their best. The National Western Complex was chock-full of hat, boot, denim and leather clad locals and tourists alike. The space is less-than-modest with

Jaden Elam directs her cow during competition at the NWSS on Jan. 11. The Oklahoma resident travelled to participate in “the Super Bowl of Cattle.”

Kelsey Casper takes out her horse Shelton’s braids after the Adult Amateur Hunter Show on Jan. 11. He competed after nearly dying three weeks ago.

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JANUARY 17, 2018

Roadrunners weather the ‘Thunder’ storm Women’s basketball ends CSU-Pueblo’s undefeated season in overtime

By Rich Allen

Smith’s career-high 27 points, the


Roadrunners posted another highoctane offensive performance,

The MSU Denver women’s

coming on the heels of their

basketball team sent shockwaves

83-67 victory over Adams State

from the Auraria Event Center

University on Jan. 6. She landed

on Saturday night, sending

nine of her 14 field goal attempts,

pulses through the entire Rocky

including two 3-pointers and

Mountain Athletic Conference.

added seven points from the

The Roadrunners downed the previously undefeated

free-throw line on 10 tries. “I think one of our main focuses

Colorado State University-Pueblo

tonight was patient attack,” Smith

Thunderwolves in an 85-82

said on what allowed her to find

overtime fireworks show. The

success in the game. “Attacking,

lead changed eight times in the

let me do it. That’s my thing. So,

fourth quarter, five of those in

the patient part really helped in

the final two minutes. In the extra

terms of finishing out baskets.”

period it was the Jonalyn Wittwer

The Runners displayed grit

show, whose two clutch three-

and resilience, watching their

pointers accounted for half of MSU

second-quarter lead of eight

Denver’s post-regulation offense.

points diminish early in the third.

“I was just open and my

In the fourth, with less than

teammates found me,” Wittwer

three minutes remaining, they

said. “When you’re that wide open

found themselves on the wrong

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

you’ve got to take the shot. I knew

side of a four-point deficit. Two

I was open and I took it, and they

free throws from Smith and a

Junior guard Jaelynn Smith drives to the paint during MSU Denver’s victory over CSU-Pueblo 85-82 at the Auraria Event Center on Jan. 12. Smith’s 27 points were integral to the Roadrunners’ win over the previously undefeated Thunderwolves.

were falling. I’m glad they were.”

basket from downtown by J’Nae

Even with leading scorer,

Squires-Horton at the 1:50 mark

3-pointer and gave the Runners

senior Georgia Ohrdorf, limited

gave MSU Denver a 68-67 lead.

a lead they would ride until the

to less than 10 minutes on the

What ensued was a back

buzzer, securing the victory.

a 7-1 record since Dec. 16. “I think they learned from

trailing CSU-Pueblo and Fort Lewis University. They are fourth

that experience last year,”

in points per game scored and

said head coach Tanya Haave.

have the sixth best defense in the conference by the same metric.

court, the team found the net at a

and forth over the next two

rate the Thunderwolves had not

minutes, with four lead changes.

39 victory over New Mexico

“We didn’t talk about it much,

seen yet in RMAC competition.

Finally, a foul by Smith allowed

Highlands University the

we talked about staying in the

The Roadrunners’ 73 regulation

Wolves senior guard Katie

following day, the Roadrunners

moment. I think for them, they

Colorado Mesa at the Auraria

points was the most points the

Cunningham to sink a pair from

improved to 12-5 overall and

never mentioned it to me, but

Event Center on Jan. 19, seeking

Wolves had allowed in conference

the line with four seconds left to

8-3 in conference play. After

the fact they were cognizant of

to continue the momentum of

all season, topping the previous

knot the game at 73-73, giving

preseason concerns of faltering

it, they learned from that.”

their three-game win streak

high of 60 they ceded to Colorado

way to overtime. Forty-six

over winter break in the vein of

Mesa University on Dec. 15.

seconds into the extra period,

past seasons, they emphatically

third in the RMAC with 11 games

Wittwer knocked down her first

countered that narrative with

left to play in the regular season,

Led by junior guard Jaelynn

With their dominant 68-

MSU Denver currently ranks

The Roadrunners take on

with the RMAC playoffs on the horizon at the end of February.

Men’s tennis prepares for Graetz’s senior season By Rich Allen

Player of the Year and his teammates


Alejandro Martinez-Morilla and

As the MSU Denver men’s

to be conference champions.” Elkins knows that just the

Joey Tscherne – Graetz’s doubles

RMAC title isn’t enough, and he

partner for the previous three

acknowledges that every win is

tennis team prepares for their

seasons – were named first team

essential to earn a top-four seeding

spring opener on Jan. 21 at the Air

all-conference. All three also placed

in the region to land a spot in the

Force Academy, it begins a chapter

in the top 10 of the Intercollegiate

regional tournament. After landing

of polarity for the program.

Tennis Association’s fall regional

at No. 5 last season and just

While first-year head coach

rankings, making MSU Denver the

missing the cut, the goal is clear.

Barrett Elkins prepares his squad

highest represented school in the

for their first go-round the Rocky

NCAA Division II South Central.

Mountain Athletic Conference

Elkins is aware that the

“We were that close from making the regional,” Tscherne said. “This year we want to do

regular season under his watch,

accolades and recognition is less

that. We want to make it and we

program icon and senior Josh

than inconspicuous to the team’s

want to make a statement.”

Graetz enters his last. Graetz,

competition over the coming three

set to graduate in May, is the

months, but has confidence in

that goal a reality with their trip

his players’ ability to respond.

to Air Force Academy on Sunday.

winningest player in school history Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

in singles with a nice record of 69-24, already 14 victories above second place Peter Lantz. While he hasn’t started reflecting

Then-junior Josh Graetz prepares to serve in a match at the Regency Athletic Complex on April 9, 2017. Graetz is the winningest player in MSU Denver tennis history beginning his final season.

on his career thus far, the successes

“I think they’re ready to come

They begin their trek to make

Following that, they then have

in and defend the conference

two more Division I tuneups at

championship they won last year,”

University of Northern Colorado

Elkins said. “I think they understand

and home versus Eastern

that with that comes a natural

Washington University on Feb.

target and responsibility to not

3, the same day as the women’s

have any letdowns. A lot of people

season begins at Air Force. The

of last year plus preseason all-

as a team,” Graetz said. “I think

RMAC recognition for him and

this team deserves a lot in terms

his teammates have him hoping

of the effort we put in. So, if we

were selected to win the RMAC in

are going to be looking at us on

men begin RMAC competition Feb.

for a vehement conclusion.

can go to nationals this year, that

the preseason coaches poll. Graetz

their calendar and wanting either

16 at Colorado Mesa University.

would be great. That would be a

was named all-RMAC Preseason

revenge from last year or wanting

“I really just want to finish strong

great last season to reflect on.” Both men’s and women’s tennis

JANUARY 17, 2018



Men’s basketball goes streaking to start semester By Rich Allen

field goal percentage and three-

confident making a bold claim


point percentage, respectively. The

about halfway through the season.

Roadrunners played them into a 15MSU Denver men’s basketball head coach Michael Bahl approved of what he saw from his players

“In my opinion, we have the

51 field goal rate, landing only three

Defensive Player of the Year in

of their 16 attempts from the arc.

Bounama Keita,” Bahl said. “And

To this point, MSU Denver

if he’s not Defensive Player of the

in back-to-back victories at the

has found its success by grinding

Year, that’s a shame. He’s by far

Auraria Event Center as they

out and playing physically with

had the biggest impact for us.”

ascend the Rocky Mountain

an emphasis on defense, rather

Athletic Conference standings. “The only thing we care about

than prioritizing scoring. “Scrappy is just the way we

The presence of Keita and van Heyningen, Bahl noted, opens up other players on the court and

as a program is ‘how hard did we

like it,” said sophomore forward

makes the rest of the team stronger.

play?’ and ‘how’s our attitude?’”

Cain van Heyningen after Friday

One of the beneficiaries has been

Bahl said. “I thought we got back

night’s victory. “If you look at the

junior transfer Jaryn Taylor, who

to playing extremely hard and

shots we took, everything was right

put up 13 points against Highlands

playing together. When you hold

around the rim. My teammates

and used his six-foot-seven

a team to 60 points last night and

put me in a position to do what

stature to secure six defensive

hold them to 41 points, I don’t care

I do: get a lot of rebounds.”

rebounds from seven total.

who you’re playing at the college

MSU Denver has relied heavily

“We had a big presence

on the duo of big-men in the

inside, it helps us a lot,” Taylor

The Roadrunners followed a

six-foot-eight van Heyningen and

said. “The more touches I get

dramatic 63-60 win over Colorado

six-foot-ten senior Bounama Keita

the more comfortable I feel.”

State University-Pueblo on Jan.

to establish a presence in the

basketball level, you played hard.”

As the rest of the Roadrunners

12 with a defensive shutdown of

paint on both sides of the court.

start to find that comfort based

the high-powered New Mexico

The result has been a conference-

around their defensive core, that

Highlands University the next

leading offensive rebound rate,

has translated into a play style

day to improve to 9-8 overall and

a fourth place rebounding rate

Bahl has been more familiar

8-3 in the RMAC. In Bahl’s first

and an average points per game

with, moving away from the high

year at the helm, the team battled

against of 70.8, good for third.

scoring games earlier in the season

through a road-heavy first half of

Keita, who earned RMAC

where they topped 78 points three times in their first six.

their schedule to a top-three spot

Defensive Player of the Week honors

in the conference standings.

on Dec. 4, only played 38 minutes

It has also meant more

across both games this weekend,

victories, going 8-3 since then.

In game one, the Roadrunners

The Roadrunners play next

turned a two-point deficit with one

but still verged on a double-double

minute left in the game into a three

against New Mexico Highlands en

on Jan. 19, taking on the ninth-

point lead with two seconds on the

route to another recognition of the

place Colorado Mesa University

clock. The next day, they held a

award on Jan. 15. He tallied seven

Mavericks at the Auraria Event

team that was averaging 82 points

points and 11 rebounds, adding five

Center. MSU Denver will look to

a game to half that. Coming into

blocks and a merciless slam dunk to

run their win streak up to three and

the game, Highlands ranked fifth in

begin the scoring in only 21 minutes

continue their defensive prowess.

the RMAC in average offense and

on the court. He’s played such an

defense, and third and second in

integral role that Bahl already feels

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior guard Cameron Williams goes up for the dunk after stealing the ball in the second half of the men’s basketball game against Regis University at the Auraria Event Center on Dec. 8, 2017. Williams finished the game with 18 points, but the Roadrunners fell to the Rangers 79-59.

Denver winter teams thriving in wake of Broncos By Matthew Stefanski

first postseason appearance since

skid to start the month of December,


the 2012-13 season and would face

the team has rattled off 12 wins in

the Golden State Warriors, the

their last 16 games, including a still-

team that defeated them in the first

alive seven-game win streak. They

Colorado Avalanche are in

round of their last appearance. The

are doing this in spite of starting

the thick of some entertaining

past month has been extremely

goaltender Semyon Varlamov

playoff races, giving Colorado

up-and-down on the Nuggets.

being out due to groin injury. The

professional sports fans some

However, as they rallied off wins

team also won its 23rd game of the

consolation after a rough fall.

against No. 1 Golden State, as well

season on Jan. 13, surpassing their

as their divisional rival Portland

win total from last season in just

the Denver Broncos finally ended

Trailblazers. Meanwhile, they have

over half of the time. The Avalanche

on New Year’s Eve, as the team

dropped games against some

aim to continue their win streak with

finished its worst season since

low end teams, including the

two more games at home before

Kyle Orton was the quarterback

12-win Atlanta Hawks and 13-win

a seven-game road stint, which

of the franchise. The Kansas City

Sacramento Kings. The Nuggets

includes four games in five days.

Chiefs clinched the AFC West by

will try to get some momentum

defeating the Broncos 27-24 on a

going as they play a stretch of eight

continue their playoff hunts through

last-second field goal. The Broncos

of their next 10 games at home.

the winter and into the spring, while

The Denver Nuggets and

A dismal football season by

fired several different assistant

On the ice of the Pepsi Center, Photo by Matthew Stockman | Getty Images

coaches and coordinators, but general manager John Elway opted to keep head coach Vance

Nathan MacKinnon of the Colorado Avalanche plays the Minnesota Wild at the Pepsi Center on September 24, 2017 in Denver, Colorado.

Joseph on staff for one more year. But as Sports Authority Field at Mile High shut its doors until August, Pepsi Center is beginning to heat up, allowing disappointed

to thaw out and begin Spring

fared much better. Despite being

Training in February. As for the

considered an afterthought after

Broncos, the team awaits its highest

their franchise-worst 22-56-4

draft pick in seven years, when the NFL Draft kicks off April 26.

seed in the Western Conference

record in 2016-2017, they also find

other professional teams in Denver.

playoff race. This means if the

themselves in the playoff hunt,

playoffs were to start tomorrow,

although they are currently just on

the Nuggets would be making their

the outside. After a rough six-game

The Nuggets sit at a 22-21

the Rockies wait for the weather

however, the Avalanche have

fans to find some alleviation in the

record, good enough for the eighth

Both Pepsi Center teams look to






Welcome Week: Student Involvement Fair


Mod Sun

Location Summit Music Hall

JANUARY 17, 2018


The Wailers

Men’s Track and Field

Women’s Track and Field

Location Gothic Theater

Price $18

Price $25

Time 7 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Location Tivoli Turnhalle

1.19 @ Colorado School of Location Golden, Colo.

Price Free

1.19 @ Colorado School of Mines Twilight Classic

Mines Twilight Classic Time TBA

Location Golden, Colo. Time TBA

Time 10 a.m. 1.19

John Maus

Location Marquis Theater 1.18

Welcome Week: Movie Night (“Wonder”)

Location Tivoli Turnhalle Price Free Time 4 p.m.


Pandas & People

Location Hodi’s Half Note

Price $15

Price $10

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Women’s Basketball 1.19 vs. Colorado Mesa

Third Friday Art Walk

Location Denver 1.20

Marilyn Manson

Location Fillmore Auditorium

965 Santa Fe Drive




Time 5 p.m.

Price $50

Price $20 Time 3 p.m.

1.20 vs. Western State 1.22

Passion Pit

Location Denver Time 7 p.m.

Location Summit Music Hall

Time 8 p.m.

Location Ogden Theater Location Center for Visual Art

1.19 vs. Colorado Mesa


Men’s Basketball 1.19

Men’s Basketball


The Wombats

Location Gothic Theater

Price $35

Price $35

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Women’s Basketball 1.20 vs. Western State

University Location Denver Time 7 p.m.

University Location Golden Time 5 p.m.

Price Free Time 6 p.m. 1.25

Dinosaur Jr.

Location Ogden Theater 2.1

The Takeover: Roadrunners Give Back & [Element]


LCD Soundsystem

Location Belly Up Aspen

Price Free w/ RSVP

Price Varies

Time 8 p.m.

Time 10 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Avalanche 1.18 vs. San Jose Sharks Location Pepsi Center

Location Tivoli Turnhalle Price Free Time 1 p.m.



Location Streets of London Pub



Time 7 p.m.

Price $14

Price Varies

Time 9 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Open mic and pizza night

Location Tivoli Garage Lounge

Mary Lambert

Location Larimer Lounge

Time 1 p.m.


1.16 vs. Los Angeles 1.28

1.20 vs. New York Rangers Location Pepsi Center

Location Summit Music Hall

Nuggets 2.6



Josh Ritter

Location Ogden Theater

Price Free

Price $15

Price $40

Time 4 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Clippers Location Away

1.19 vs. Phoenix Suns Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS Logan Paul After celebrity vlogger Logan

“You get a democracy!”

Instagram is burnin’ up

An influenza A strain known

The boy band of your middle

Golden Globes for her acceptance

for Irish band The Cranberries,

as H3N2 that has hit millions of

school dreams, Jonas Brothers,

the body of an apparent suicide

of the Cecil B. DeMille Award

died at the age of 46 while she was

Americans is currently the cause

have reactivated their Instagram

victim in Japan, YouTube has

made headlines, and hope from

in London for a brief recording

of the most widespread outbreak

account, sending fans into a frenzy

begun to cut business ties with

some for a presidential campaign

session. The Cranberries rose

since public health authorities

of reunion speculation. This year

Paul. Last year, Forbes magazine

in 2020. Winfrey’s viral speech

international fame with their 1993

began keeping track more than

marks the 10-year anniversary of

estimated he made $12.5 million,

was rooted in African-American

debut album “Everybody Else

a dozen years ago. The strain

the Brothers’ third studio album “A

making him the fourth highest-

history and made promises that

Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?”

is known for both its severity

Little Bit Longer” which was their

paid YouTube star in 2016. The

positive change is on the horizon

which sold over 40 million records

and evasion to vaccinations

first to reach No. 1 on the Billboard

video showed Paul and his friends

for women. However, Winfrey has

worldwide, and included the

that are typically more effective

200 chart. The real-life brothers

at the Aokigahara forest at the

stated that she has no plan to run

band’s unforgettable ‘90s anthem

against the other types of flu.

disbanded their four years ago.

base of Mount Fuji, known to

for office. As recently as October,

“Linger.” Their song “Zombie”

Additionally, another type of

be a frequent site of suicides.

Winfrey told “CBS This Morning”

won the “Best Song” award at the

flu, caused by the influenza

Following immediate backlash,

host Gayle King, “There will be no

1995 MTV Europe Music Awards.

B viruses, is still expected to

Paul uploaded a video apology

running for office of any kind.”

have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through.”

Dolores O’Riordan, frontwoman

Sick of it

Paul posted a video showing

in which he said, “I should

Oprah Winfrey’s speech at the

Dolores O’Riordan

show up later in the season.


JANUARY 17, 2018

Top 5

Alternative albums of 2017


Photo booth

From Miriam Madrid

1. The Far Field // Future Islands 2. Masseduction // St. Vincent 3. Sleep Well Beast // The National 4. Hot Thoughts // Spoon 5. Black Mile to the Surface // Manchester Orchestra

Overheard “I can figure out where he lives. I’m a journalist.” “We dance to this in Jazzercise!“ “He doesn’t want to write, he just said that!“

The first week of classes can be overwhelming, exhausting and even disheartening. But we at The Metropolitan are here for you and with you, MSU Denver. Here’s a puppy photo from our

“One of us threatened to break into the other’s house tonight, and it wasn’t me.“

staff to prove it. This is Bonita, newborn Chihuahua to Chula.

Brain games Across

49. National League squad

6. Better half, often

42. Circus performer?

1. Singer’s function

51. Word with force and

7. Rip-off

43. Plants grass slab by slab

4. Catty comments


8. Liveliness

48. Somewhat upset

8. Simulated

53. Remedies for the cold

9. Spasm

50. Put away

14. Type of steroid


10. Choral part

52. Sports official

16. Mainstay

58. Fundamentals

11. Blush

54. October birthstone

17. Win in an upset

62. Charges

12. Post a gain

55. Within permitted

19. Lightweight crease-

65. Giacomo Puccini

13. Carrie Nation’s


resistant fabric



56. Jagged

20. Arab nobleman

66. Resume boozing

15. Ink problem

57. Fe or Catalina

21. Possesses

69. ‘’Taxi’’ or ‘’Seinfeld’’

18. Vigor

58. ‘’___ Good Men’’ (1992)

22. Refreshed


23. Tip, as a topper

59. Indonesia island

24. Term start

70. Cornwell or Clancy, e.g.

25. Standoff

60. Scottish family

26. Featherbrain

71. How one might feel after

27. Floppy contents

61. Performed a glissade

29. Capricorn, e.g.

a sprint

28. Partner of this and that

63. Laboratory heating

34. Venerable

72. Mimicked

(with ‘’the’’)


38. Last name in pool

73. Long Island drink

30. Mesabi loads

64. Commercial

31. Quick look-see


legends 40. Sports building


32. Wild about

67. I, to Claudius

41. A must-do when dieting

1. Distinctive taste

33. Dramatis personae

68. Twilighty

44. Shampoo brand

2. Accustom

34. ‘’Heidi’’ setting

60. Long-term investment

45. Prefix for dynamics

3. They meet at corners

35. Jackson 5’s hometown

61. Gymnast’s quest

46. Detect

4. Sentimentalized

36. Spots

47. Word with buddy or


37. Lunkhead


5. Impish one

39. Withered


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