Volume 40, Issue 18 - Jan. 24, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 18

JANUARY 24, 2018


Basketball teams stumble after climb in standings | pg. 9

Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msu.edu

MSU Denver’s Enrique Cortes Zotes fights for the rebound against Western State’s Branden Cosby-Lee during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game, on Jan. 20 at the Auraria Event Center. Men’s and women’s basketball recap inside with full story.

Roadrunners to travel down new roadways By Jim Bofenkamp

FYS is only designed to benefit

a lot of support to students

of undergraduate studies, Mark

to the time they left,” Kester


new students, which means that

in that first semester. But we

Potter. However, after a six month

said. Hoping to address this lack

returning students as well as

want to go beyond that, and

investigation, it was discovered

of collaboration, the school is

transfer students are left without

support all students, from

that despite these different

designing the Roadways program.

student retention rate of First Year

the program’s resources. The

beginning to end,” said associate

groups working toward similar

Success, MSU Denver is creating

changes come after an internal

vice president of enrollment

goals and reporting under the

used and popular programs

a new program called Roadways.

investigation which found

management, Lori Kester.

same roof, there was very little

the school offers into one

cooperation between them.

program which has multiple

In order to maintain the

This program is expected

cooperation between programs

Previously, the school had

to rollout in June and hopes

lacking, as well as a lowered

13 separate divisions which

to match the increased rate of

retention rate for students who

covered topics of student

working closely with each other

returning students that FYS

didn’t participate in FYS.

assistance operating under the

to help students all the way

former associate vice president

through the time they got here

boasted. As it currently stands,

“First Year Success provided

“They weren’t necessarily

This will combine commonly

locations across campus.

| Continued on pg. 3


| pg. 3


| pg. 4


| pg. 6


| pg. 8

Student government discusses

Hometeam loyalty and growing

Different sides revealed of Mexican

Baseball team adds special new


beyond a hometown

women by family art collection




JANUARY 24, 2018

New Roadways to success for students BRIEFS Government shutdown ended Monday The temporary government shutdown ended Monday evening after President Trump signed a shortterm spending bill which will fund the government though Feb. 8. According to CBS news, the House bill reinstated the Children’s Health Insurance Program through 2023 and rolled back three health care related taxes. The bill provides legislators with more time to negotiate over Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the military, and border security. Denver Women’s March The second Women’s March saw 50,000 people gather in Civic Center Park Jan. 20. Demonstrators stood in solidarity with protests around the country. Attendees voiced grievances on a range of issues pertaining to women specifically and the state of the nation as they see it. The march last year saw 100,000 attendees but despite lower numbers, demonstrators were happy with the event.

By James Bofenkamp

increase graduation rates,


as well as enhance the experience of its students.

Kester emphasized

Other changes affect

that the goal was to offer

programs in place to help

a support network to

veterans. Ted Jimenez,

students from admissions

director of Veteran and

to alumni, which would

Military Benefits, talked

extend popular and

about the increased

proven programs like FYS

cooperation which will

to students during their

be available. After they

entire school career.

moved into their new

Speaking specifically

area, Jimenez said,

about the FYS program,

“We can more easily

Lunden MacDonald,

connect students, or

executive director of

make them aware of the

Roadways, noted some of

resources available to

the flaws in the program.

them on campus and

As it currently exists,

in the community.”

transfer students are not

Once the Roadways

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

eligible for the program.

program is complete,

This is more noteworthy

departments like FYS will

when considering that

no longer exist. Those

there is about a 10 percent

programs, as well as the

increase in student

services and support they

classes and services

retention between those

offered, will be merged

will be available for the

the program offers, like

register as a sophomore,

who use the FYS program

together into Roadways.

rest of the semester, by

Regapalooza, which

right? You still need

and those who do not.

With all of them combined,

June, classes from the

was traditionally geared

to register as a junior.

the school hopes that

FYS program will not be

toward getting freshmen

Now those activities

to students throughout

the varied services can

offered. However, the

enrolled, but will be open

are going to really be

their university career,

be handled together.

support structure it offers

to other students during

more for everyone,”

will still exist in some form.

the transition phase.

MacDonald said.

By offering assistance

MSU Denver hopes to

While current FYS



Executive director of Roadways Lunden MacDonald plans to launch the program in time for the fall semester. There are activities

”But you still need to

Looking for an extra credit hour?

Join a

MUSIC ENSEMBLE All music ensembles are one credit hour.

African Drumming & Dance Tuesdays 5:30-7:20 pm, CRN 33415 No experience required

Auraria Chorale

Tues & Thurs 3:00-4:15 pm, CRN 34096 No experience required


Mon & Weds 12:30-1:50 pm, CRN 30417

Audition required, contact kruegema@msudenver.edu

Early Music Ensemble Mondays 4:30-6:20 pm, CRN 36670 No experience required

Gamelan Orchestra Tuesdays 3:30-5:15 pm, CRN 32556 No experience required

Jazz Big Band

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 30414

Audition required, contact milesr@msudenver.edu



Thursdays 3:30-5:20 pm, CRN 34088

Men’s Choir

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 30947


Mon & Weds 4:30-7:20 pm, CRN 32808

Audition required, contact robergen@msudenver.edu

Symphonic Band

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 31635

Symphony Orchestra

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 30416

Audition required, contact bmatthe8@msudenver.edu

Women’s Choir

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 30946


JANUARY 24, 2018


Activist Terry DeCarlo: Outstanding Speaker By Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu

“There was no white, black, gay, straight, Muslim, Jewish. There was none of that. There was only Orlando.” DeCarlo said.

Activist Terry DeCarlo spoke on Jan. 16

The emerging national reports of

as a part of MSU Denver’s Queer Voices in

the situation brought outrage and

the Tivoli Multicultural Lounge about the

political grandstanding. DeCarlo made

aftermath of the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

it clear: the media frenzy that occurs

The tragedy deeply impacted DeCarlo’s life and community, and has imprinted a purpose of healing on his heart. He travels

after a mass shooting was not going to undermine the victims of this tragedy. “We made a pact to keep LGBT

the country as a motivational speaker and

on everyone’s lips,” He said. “We

advocate, sharing his experiences with

were not going to let anyone get

those both inside and outside of the LGBTQ

away with politicizing.”

community. DeCarlo shared messages

LGBTQ advocates have used this

of love and community collaboration to

tragedy as a point of communication and

heal the wounds of trauma. His message

outreach. One audience member, Sara

was echoed in the stories he relayed and

Grossman, had her friend Christopher

in those in attendance. His shirt bore

Andrew Leinonen killed in the shooting.

the motto, “We will not let hate win.” The Pulse Nightclub Shooting, on June 12, 2016, left 49 dead and 58 others

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

“He was more than just a victim,” Grossman said. After Leinonen’s funeral, she quit her

Terry DeCarlo speaking at the MSU Denver’s Queer Voices event in the Tivoli Multicultural Lounge on Jan. 16. DeCarlo spoke about his involvement in the aftermath of the Pulse Nightclub shooting as the executive director of The Center of Central Florida.

wounded. It was one of the worst mass-

job and became the communications

shootings in U.S. history. DeCarlo was the

manager at the Matthew Shepard

executive director of The Center of Central

Foundation. She also started a foundation

Colorado. Fuller says that their goal is to

to let your loved ones know how

Florida, an LGBTQ community advocacy

in Orlando, The Dru Project, to honor her

promote communication and sharing.

much you love them,” he said

center located in Orlando. He was one of

friend and, “spread love across the nation

the first to receive the call that night.

and promote gay straight alliances.”

The following day, 600 people were

Another advocate of the LGBTQ

inside the center within two hours, either

community who helped facilitate

to receive help or volunteer. Those two

DeCarlo’s speech and the other speakers

hours drew an equivalent number of grief

in the Queer Voices series at MSU

counselors boarding planes to assist.

Denver is Rex Fuller of The Center

“Many times when people don’t have

Afterward, he stressed not only the

shared understanding, their reaction

importance of the unity and compassion

is fear and violence,” he said.

everyone felt in Orlando, but the necessity

DeCarlo’s closing remarks urged vigilance.

and feasibility of unifying for the future. “If it could be done that day, it could

“Support your Center, don’t wait

be done forever,” DeCarlo said.

to give blood and don’t ever fail

Student Government’s plans for 2018 By Megan Webber

which used to be located where the current


Office of the Registrar is, has moved out of the Student Success Building altogether.

MSU Denver’s Student Government

“What I’m working on is trying to find

Assembly kicked off the spring semester

a way to get a budget approval and find a

with an event to support local charities.

way to get us some money to better help

Future plans include several proposals

out our veteran students,” Darnall said.

and events, including a sponsored

A new budget would hopefully cover

ice skating rink for Homecoming in

a fall ceremony for veteran students and

collaboration with Student Activities.

completion scholarships for veterans whose

On their own, SGA is planning to

benefits run out before they finish school.

encourage those on campus to take better

According to Darnall, two years ago, MSU

care of the environment and to vote on

Denver was the 35th best school in the

a Health Center fee which will replace

nation for veterans. The school now ranks Courtesy of msudenver.edu

copays. The SGA also hopes to create a

64th nationally and third in the state.

national student government coalition. SGA associate vice president and funding

fee at the Health Center, which will replace a

manager, Savannah Bustos, will be taking

copay each time a student goes into the Health

charge of the events involving Student

Center for physical or mental healthcare visits.

Activities and environmental issues. “The hot topic that I’m really interested

“It would be huge,” Bustos said. “We would be the first school where,

in, and we’re gonna start working on it right

basically, you could go and get mental

now, is climate change,” Bustos said. “One

health evaluations for free.”

of our goals as a campus was to lower our

If the proposal passes, Busto hopes

Student Government coalition,” he said. The state of Colorado already has its own coalition of student governments across the state, but not every school is as heavily involved as Gardner would like.

“We would be the first school where basically, you could go and get mental health evaluations for free.” – Savannah Bustos

“The first step is to actually get membership and participation up in

SGA’s main goal for this semester is

that group again, but if we can do

getting more involvement from students,

footprint exponentially. We’re nowhere close

that it will make the campus safer by

that, then I’d like to actually take that

and that starts with asking students what

to what we want to be projected in 2020. So

making it easier for those who need

up to a national level,” he said.

they want. They will be conducting online

this is one of those things that will really help

mental health care to have access to it.

our campus to at least have the education that they need to lower our carbon footprint.” Additionally, on SGA’s upcoming ballot is a proposal to implement a one-time $45

On the political side, SGA president Joshua

Senator Justin Darnall will be working

student surveys and walking around campus

this semester with Veteran Education

more often to try and bridge the current gap

Gardner is looking to extend the student

Benefits, currently in the process of merging

between their organization and the students.

government’s impact beyond the school.

with Military Student Services into one

“I’m looking to create a national

department. Veteran Education Benefits,


4 staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Issac Banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Jolene Yazzie jyazzle@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

JANUARY 24, 2018

This sporting life


do not understand sports.

masochism that comes with being

deep-fry oil on a Sunday doesn’t

There’s no reason for me to

a fan of Minnesota sports teams.

help. However, it is a sport that’s

even pretend. However, sports

Any dingus can come along and find

supposed to last an hour, when

are not always about their rules

the team that is doing everything

in reality, is way for the ref to get

and technicalities. The love of

right. The Miami Dolphins wouldn’t

his steps in for the day between

a sport can also rely on one’s

even have a franchise anymore if

two hours of car commercials.

loyalty to home, family tradition

that were the case (sorry, mom).

(or rebellion) and sometimes just

There should be more fans that

grow up in the world of midwest

blind faith in the underdogs. For

understand the importance of

tailgates. Bone-chilling gatherings

me, my undying devotion to the

sporting their favorite team’s merch

consisting of brats and curds,

Minnesota Vikings hits on all three.

after a loss as loudly as when it

marinated by Schlitz icicles

follows a win. It shouldn’t be brave

hanging from curly, ginger beards.

of me to don a Vikings beanie,

I knew the Skol chant better than

because it should be expected.

the Star Spangled Banner. The

Sunday’s game against the

Montana Martin

Philadelphia Eagles was humiliating.

Thankfully, I had the chance to

I don’t need to understand the

home” escalated to “pack it in.” I

technicalities of any sport to know

turned the game off at halftime,

I was born in Minnesota, and

that the team I’ve come to rely on

and took comfort in the fact that

went through primary school in

all season missed their flight to

I at least look good in purple.

Wisconsin. Though at this point in

My grandma was also a

my life, I consider Colorado to be

diehard, I’m-willing-to-let-this-

Philadelphia that day. However,

Unfortunately, when it comes to

‘Dome was my home (may that inflatable toilet rest in peace).

the team I had known the 24 years

playoffs and championships, one

my home. My formative years were

team-destroy-me kind of Vikings

prior clearly stumbled their way

game makes an entire season all for

spent deep in the depths of Denver

fan. The norse knicknacks that lined

onto the gridiron just fine.

not. Yes, I’m sure every yard gained,

suburbs, and I hope my path in life

her shelves made an impression

lost and maintained matters to

will always lead me back here. But

on me that I wouldn’t dare deny.

from taking it all. Not only could

fantasy leagues and folks who even

it will be a warm day in Minnesota

Unfortunately, it’s clear that my

the Vikings have made it to their

pretend to understand how the draft

before I become a Broncos fan.

grandma pre-gamed too hard

first Super Bowl since I’ve been

works. But to me, a casual diehard

alive, it would’ve also been in

They were one game away

Any love I have for sports will

before Sunday’s game to look

fan of the brand, what matters is the

always transcend the sport itself. By

out for our boys. Relatable and

their very own, very new stadium

celebration that could potentially

and large, I find televised football

forgivable. I just hope I’m giving

in Minneapolis. However, within

follow. The feeling of euphoria for

inherently snooze-inducing. I’m

her legacy the justice it deserves.

the span of one quarter, “bring it

the sake of breaking away from the

sure the steady intake of beer and


Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

The only Yanqui in the room


or my senior year of high

Europe or Asia, have to keep up

best friends shaking hands with our

school, I went to Tres Arroyos,

their grades to receive credit back

principal, and I cried. As nerdy as it

Argentina for a year with

home. This was not the case for me.

sounds, I missed having papers to

Rotary Youth Exchange. While

I received elective credits just for

turn in and books to read. I missed

I was there and after I returned,

going to school in Argentina and

being busy. I couldn’t wait to return

people often asked me what

learning Spanish. You are probably

to the US and go off to college.

surprised me the most about

steaming with jealousy right about

Argentinian culture, or what

now, thinking how lucky I was to

from Argentinian secondary

aspect of their culture I found most

not have to do any school work.

school to an American university

different from the United States.

But think about that for a moment.

literally rocked my world. For a

It meant that I was bored. A lot.

year, my school life consisted of

I can now confidently say that the most foreign, surprising part

Megan Webber

of my exchange was school.

The best part of the school

When I did return, the transition

kids yelling in Spanish, playing a

year was the nearly five-month

lot of Uno and not doing squat.

November, and because I arrived in

summer break. My host sister left

Aside from that, everyone in

is a six-year ordeal that is like a

August, I completed the second half

in January for her own exchange

Argentina wanted to be my friend

combination of American middle

of fifth year, and then started in sixth

in Pagosa Springs, Colo., and

simply because I was American.

and high school drama if the

year after summer break, which

in the fall when I went back to

students never shut up and the

lasts from November to March.

school without her, I made more

began college a few miles from

teachers only showed up to class

You can also choose a “major” or

friends and I had a whole summer

my hometown, no one knew me

50 percent of the time. Teachers in

area of study in secondary school:

behind me of polishing up on my

and no one cared. It never occured

Argentina don’t work for just one

visual arts, natural sciences, social

Spanish. My host sister was fluent

to me that I would feel more

school and therefore don’t have

sciences or economics are the most

in English, and I took advantage

alone surrounded by my native

their own classroom. A group of

common. I was in a visual arts class,

of that a lot, which I now regret.

language and mountains than I

students stays in one classroom all

solely because I was shadowing my

day and the teachers come to them.

host sister, and she was an artist.

Secondary school in Argentina

The Argentinian school year begins in March and ends in

Most exchange students, particularly those studying in

There were times when I deeply

In Grand Junction, where I

did in the plains of Buenos Aires.

missed my high school in Colorado. I missed my graduation ceremony. My mom sent me pictures of my

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu


Responsible for all content and operations of the multi-issue, student-run arts, lit and culture

Interviews will be scheduled on Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. West Classroom, Room 133

magazine, including its website content and social media channels. Duties include soliciting and judging submissions, and managing content, design and production. The EIC keeps regular office hours

All applicants must:

Take six credit hours at MSU Denver

(minimum 20 hours weekly) and hires and manages

Maintain a 2.75+ GPA

an assistant editor and creative director, in addition

Have leadership skills

Please include:

to volunteer and Work-Study section editors,

reporters, bloggers, designers and photographers.

Résumé and vision statement

The EIC also networks with applicable academic

departments and the Denver arts community. The EIC reports to the director of Met Media.

Application Deadline: February 12 Preferred Experience: Strong art and/or literature criticism skills, reporting and writing skills, and knowledge of Adobe InDesign Preferred majors: Communication Design, Art, English, Technical Communications, Journalism and Speech Communication

Official transcript or recent grade report

Two letters of recommendation

(one must be outside of Met Media)

Samples of your work

Upload your materials at: www.mymetmedia.com/leaders or drop off your application in person at Tivoli 313.


Metropolitan Editor-in-Chief Met Radio General Manager Met TV General Manager

For more information, contact Elizabeth Norberg at 303-615-0467 or enorbert@msudenver.edu.



JANUARY 24, 2018

Belleza Mexicana empowers women through art

The Abarca family’s long lived art collection comes to campus By Issac Banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu The room was packed, live

In the late ‘90s, Adrianna

Emmanuel Art Gallery, Jeff

and her father began traveling

Lambson, said he had many reasons

to Mexico to collect from local

for bringing the art to the gallery.

artists. Throughout the years, they

He said this show is about

music was bumping and the

collected different folk and fine art

women because they have been

lights were glowing. No, this is

pieces from the southwestern part

overlooked throughout history

not an entrance to a nightclub.

of the U.S. and Mexico, all with

and it is important to acknowledge

It was the opening night of the

a Chicano or Mexicano theme.

the central role that women

Belleza Mexicana exhibition at the Emmanuel Art Gallery. The theme for the show is strong

“Some of it my father collected, collected together. Like, we would

Mexican females in traditional

be on a trip together and meet

and non-traditional roles. It was

the artist and say we want this

co-curated with Adrianna Abarca

for the collection,” she said.

and CU Denver students using

have in every facet of life.

some I collected and some we

All of the art is precious to her,

“We are the glue that holds family and community together and we have a lot of artistic expression that we are proud of.” – Adrianna Abarca

Abarca Family Collection. Opening

but there are two pieces that stand

night was Jan. 18 and drew a

out. One is her mother’s favorite,

crowd of a couple hundred people.

“Madre Dormida.” The piece depicts

The exhibition will run through

a woman sleeping next to her child.

March 2 and is free for students.

The second, “Rebozo Rojo (Red

the divisiveness in the country, it is

“The show is about the power

Lambson also believes with all

Shawl),” a painting of a women

important to understand different

of women, and it is called Belleza

wearing a red shawl, was created

points of views, and that’s what

which means beauty, but it is not

by her father before he died and

this show depicts. Finally, he

beauty in terms of pretty. It is beauty

holds a special place in her heart.

mentioned the history of Auraria

in terms of majesty and respect and

Abarca said that the art holds a

and how, historically, the area was

power,” Lambson said. “Sort of like

tremendous amount of pride, dignity

a Mexican-American neighborhood

the beauty of the ocean where it is

and tradition. When putting the

before it became a campus.

so powerful it is awe inspiring that

show together, Abarca deliberately

is can be tranquil and beautiful but

included pieces from painter Frida

schools use the gallery to gain

can also grab you in a riptide and

Kahlo, writer Sandra Cisneros and

experience in curating shows and

pull you under and drown you.”

singer-repetitive songwriter Selena

an opportunity to display their

Quintanilla to help demonstrate

work. They helped pick, ship and

the talent of Hispanic women.

install the art for this show. It

All of the pieces from the exhibition are from Adrianna Abarca’s private collection. It started

“Not only are we the children,

Art students from all three

took about two months to select

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Adrianna Abarca waits in the Emmanual Gallery for passersby to stop in during the school day on Jan. 19. Abarca co-curated with students of CU Denver the “Belleza Mexicana: Art from the Abarca Family Collection.”

with Abarca’s father, Luis Abarca,

the sisters, the aunts, the mothers,

the pieces and install them in the

who died five years ago. As the

the grandmothers. We are

gallery. They created a narrative

family food business, Ready Foods,

the glue that holds family and

from early childhood to the afterlife,

became more successful, Luis was

community together and we have

using themes of feminism, power,

the gallery and played a role

knowledge of Mexican heritage

getting to know local Chicano artists

a lot of artistic expression that

sexuality and spirituality.

in setting up the exhibition.

and Mexican-American

and began collecting their work to

we are proud of,” Abarca said.

encourage them to make more art.

Director and curator of

Giovanni Cantor is a CU Denver student that works at

“I think it is important that the

heritage,” Cantor said.

students have this background

“The show is about the power of women, and it is called Belleza which means beauty, but not in terms of pretty. It is beauty in terms of majesty and respect and power.” – Jeff Lambson Elle Cross, an MSU Denver art history theory and criticism major said, “The way that the show is curated really makes it flow beautifully and logically in a way that it could be understood without knowing anything about the art.” Emmanuel Art Gallery started the spring semester off strong. Belleza Mexicana showcases the strong female Chicano and Mexicano culture, and one that can be hard to find in everyday life. The exhibition gives students a window into these cultures for those who are willing to stop by and spend the time with it. Abarca is planning Photo by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Renee Ferrafino and Camisha Lashbrook join a couple hundred attendees at the Belleza Mexicana opening reception at the Emmanuel Art Gallery on Auraria on Jan. 18. The show highlights Mexican fine and folk art pieces from the Abaraca Family Collection for free to the public until March 2.

on making the Mexican Heritage Museum the permanent home of the family’s treasured collection.


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JANUARY 24, 2018

Baseball team adopts cancer patient

Team takes Mullen High School sophomore under their wing NATIONAL NEWS

Koreas to unite for 2018 Winter Olympics In preparation for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea the two nations will join forces for the quarter-annual sporting event, competing under the same flag for the first time in 27 years. North Korea is sending 22 athletes, participating in figure skating, short track speedskating, cross-country skiing and ice hockey. In hockey, 12 North Koreans will join the team from South Korea. The decision to briefly reconcile serves as a breath of fresh air amid rising tensions in the Korean peninsula, which consists of military exercises and threats of nuclear violence. The games begin on Feb. 9 and run through Feb. 25.

Larry Nassar case goes to sentencing Former Michigan State and USA Gymnastics trainer Larry Nassar’s sentencing hearing for sexual assault continues. The disgraced sports doctor is accused of abusing girls as young as 6 years old since the 1970s. Expecting around 88 sworn statements from current and former athletes who Nassar examined, the court saw over 150 sworn statements. Though his official sentencing has yet to be announced, it’s likely that the former trainer will be in prison for the rest of his life. The sentencing on the charges of sexual assault will be added to his 60-year sentencing for child pornography in December 2017.

Lebron James hits another milestone Lebron James, 33, became the seventh and youngest player in NBA history to hit the 30,000 points scored milestone with a pull-up jumper in the Cleveland Cavaliers’ Tuesday night game against the San Antonio Spurs. James joins a club occupied by legends Karl Malone, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem AbdulJabbar, Michael Jordan and Dirk Nowitzki, who is still active. This came on the same night he was selected to his 14th career All-Star Game, which leads all active players.

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

Trey Sieradski signs a letter of intent surrounded by MSU Denver baseball players, coaches and his parents during halftime of the school’s basketball game at the Auraria Event Center on Jan. 20. Sieradski was adopted by the team after being diagnosed with cancer in November. By Rich Allen

of Jaclyn Foundation — an

scrimmage that day, and some of

wrestling, baseball and a 112th


organization that pairs patients

us had really rough days. As soon

place finisher of more than 5000

of pediatric cancers with athletics

as that happened, they all looked

in the Fort Collins Adult Spartan

teams — MSU Denver baseball

at each other and went ‘wow,

competition. It also describes a

the MSU Denver baseball team

adopted Sieradski. The players

there’s so many bigger problems

teenager with the light-hearted

in 2018 won’t be a player, coach

spent Saturday after their

in this world than just us.’ That

characteristics to match, with

or even a student of the school.

scrimmage with representatives

reaction right there was more

a love of “joking around,”

from the foundation, Sieradski

powerful than anything we’ve

and “dancing like a fool.”

from Mullen High School, Trey

and his parents. That night,

experienced in a while here.”

Sieradski. In early November,

Sieradski attended the MSU

Strain noted that after the

Sieradski was diagnosed with

Denver basketball game with

conclusion of Saturday night,

shared nearly 1,000 times and

Stage II Burkitt Lymphoma,

the baseball team, and they

several players reached out to

has raised almost $40,000 in the

a rare and aggressive blood

held a ceremony at halftime.

him to get Sieradski’s contact

two months since its launch.

cancer. Just days later, he was in

Surrounded by his new

information and start working

chemotherapy. By Christmas, he

teammates and his family,

with him immediately, instead of

scan on Jan. 23, the Sieradski

had had five spinal tap surgeries,

Sieradski signed a letter of

waiting for the season to start.

family did not provide a

out of the twelve total times he’ll

intent to MSU Denver on a table

As powerful as the moment

comment for this story.

need to go under the knife. And on

placed at half court, donning the

was, several of the players were

Jan. 20, he became a Roadrunner.

Roadrunners’ grey jersey and

simply excited to get to know

month battle with cancer, he will

game cap and a smile. When he

and spend more time with him.

have 32 new allies at his side. But

The most important person for

It will be a sophomore

“He went from being a kid that

The page, anchored with the hashtag #TeamUp4Trey, has been

In anticipation of a pivotal

As Trey continues his six-

was high energy, jumping around,

is feeling well enough, he will

doing all sorts of things to all of

participate in team practices,

at Mullen, spent the entire

of a two-way street the support

the sudden finding a lump, going

spend time with the players

basketball game with the team,

goes. When the baseball season

in and thinking it was something

and sit with them in the dugout

talking and having a good time.

begins on Feb. 3, it remains to be

to maybe having something to

during the team’s games.

That was, in no small part,

seen if he will feel well enough

because of his personality.

to be in attendance, but either

do with a cold or something like

Though he will not take the

Sieradski, a baseball player

he might not realize how much

that, to all of the sudden finding

field with them, and none of

out what it actually was and being

the players had met him before

Denver senior Hunter Donaldson,

in treatment a couple days later,”

Saturday, they felt the impact

who plays left field, the same as

him, the dude is tougher than

said MSU Denver baseball head

of his presence immediately.

Sieradski. “He was a little shy at

I’ll ever be,” Strube said.

coach Ryan Strain. “If we can

“It was mind blowing to see the

“He’s a great kid,” said MSU

first, but he started coming out

way his presence will be known. “I just know from meeting

Those who wish to help in

take his mind away from some

things he had been through and

of his shell and he was joking

Sieradski’s fight can visit the

of the things he’s going through

the experience that he has had

around with us at the game.”

GoFundMe page, where they

and just have him smile and come

as a sophomore in high school,”

in here and hang out with the

said senior Beecher Strube. “It

GoFundMe page was launched to

donate a meal, restaurant card,

guys, it’s worth it 100 percent.”

put things into perspective for a

help pay the bills. The description

hotel points or a gas card.

lot of us. We were coming off a

summarizes a superior athlete in

In junction with the Friends

After his diagnosis, a

can contribute monetarily, or

JANUARY 24, 2018



Basketball teams falter against UCCS Roadrunners take steps backward but maintain in RMAC standings

By Matthew Stefanski

University, she only contributed


four points in each of the losses. “I think at this point it’s a

MSU Denver’s men’s and

mental thing for her to say ‘Hey,

women’s basketball teams took

you just have to stay out of foul

on a challenging stretch of

trouble, whether it be an offensive

three games in five days with

foul or whatever,’” said head

less than favorable results, as

coach Tanya Haave. “I think the

the women lost two of three

other thing is frustration. Not from

and the men ended their four-

her, but frustration on her team’s

game winning streak against

part. It sets in and we’ve got to

University of Colorado at

be able to keep our composure,

Colorado Springs on Jan. 23.

and every time I thought we

While both teams still remain

were getting over the top, we

in the thick of the standings in

just couldn’t. We’ll just have to

the Rocky Mountain Athletic

figure this out moving forward.”

Conference, the toughest part

The bench players did their

of their regular season schedule

best to make up for the hole

proved to be a challenge that

left by Ohrdorf, specifically

neither team was able to fully

Mikala Gordon, who scored 16

respond to. With eight games

points against CMU, and Bree

left in the regular season, both

Wellington, who had eight points

teams not only have to defend

against UCCS. But, it was not

Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

their standing in the RMAC, but

enough to carry MSU Denver

also make a case for a berth into

through the tough games. As

MSU Denver’s Enrique Cortes Zotes fights for the rebound against Western State’s Branden Cosby-Lee during the first half of their RMAC matchup on Jan. 20 at the Auraria Event Center.

the NCAA National Tournament.

a result, the women now sit at

The women’s team struggled

seventh in the RMAC with their

the season 0-5,” Bahl said. “We’re

who averaged just over 15 points

a chance to win. They’re our

with consistency through the

schedule to solidify or improve

used to adversity and typically

per game over the three-game

big time players for us and

stretch. The Roadrunners had an

their positioning getting shorter.

we’ve risen to the challenge when

stretch, and Cameron Williams,

they perform every day.”

adversity hits and that’s why I

who averaged almost 22.

opportunity to solidify a second-

The men’s team, meanwhile,

Despite the loss, the men’s

place positioning in the RMAC

carried a four-game winning

love these guys so much. When

standings with the set of games.

streak into the final game of the

you’re faced with adversity, you

to score five points against

conference. They are only a game

Instead, they fell flat, dropping

stretch on Jan. 23. Unfortunately,

really find out where you’re tested

UCCS — yet also managed to

and a half behind Westminster

games against Colorado Mesa

fatigue showed as they shot

as an individual, as a man. When

score his 1000th point of his

College Griffins for second

University and UCCS — both

just 40 percent from the floor

you get knocked down, you get

collegiate career during the

place, whom they face on the

teams they had a leg up on in the

in the third game of the set and

yourself back up, dust yourself

three-game set — also showed

road on Jan. 26. A win can not

standings going into the stretch.

allowed UCCS to hand them a

off and say ‘Let’s go again.’”

confidence in his teammates

only bring the Roadrunners back

coming off the bench, who helped

to within a half-game deficit,

Their leading scorer, senior

12-point loss, 84-72. Despite the

Despite the rough final game,

Moller, who only managed

team still sit in third in the

Georgia Ohrdorf, had an especially

adversity behind a frustrating

the Roadrunners did manage to

try and keep the Roadrunners

but also restart the momentum

rough stretch, getting into foul

loss, head coach Michael Bahl is

show some grit as they fended

in the game with 19 points.

of their winning ways.

trouble in both of the losses.

confident in his team moving into

off a comeback attempt from

Despite scoring 23 in the win

the final stretch of the season.

WSCU, and got some strong

need those guys who step up

efforts from seniors Peter Moller,

every single game and give us

against Western State Colorado

“This is nothing, we started

“It’s huge,” Moller said. “We

MacKinnon taking point for surging Avalanche By Giacomo DiFranco

Duchene to the Ottawa Senators

ago with a dismal 48 points. Not


on Nov. 6, most expected the

only is he producing this season,

team’s offense to struggle, but that

but is doing so meaningfully. He

has not been the case. They have

has tallied three game-winning

Nathan MacKinnon is playing

scored the fifth most goals in the

goals in the last five contests.

the best hockey of his young

NHL since the trade. But no one has

MacKinnon has recorded

career and is the focal point of a

benefited from Duchene’s departure

nine points in the last 11 games,

team seeking a playoff berth.

more than MacKinnon, who has

including 10 straight wins.

The 22 year old from Cole

45 points in the 33 games since.

Colorado Avalanche center

Harbour, Nova Scotia who was

MacKinnon has emerged as

If he continues his torrid pace and the Avalanche continue their

drafted No. 1 overall by the

one of the best players in the

recent success, MacKinnon could

Avalanche in the 2013 NHL Draft,

NHL through the first half of

be in line for his first Hart Memorial

has reached elite status in his

the season and was rewarded

Trophy, the award given to the most

fifth season. He sits second in

for his efforts when he was

valuable player in an NHL season.

Photo from NHL.com

the league in scoring with 59 points in just 46 games played and was named the NHL’s first

Nathan MacKinnon’s offensive surge has been essential to the recent success of the Colorado Avalanche.

star of the week on Jan. 22. MacKinnon, who excelled in

selected to this year’s All-Star game, the second of his career. In a season where most expected the Avalanche to be in rebuilding

next level. He finished with 16 goals

The young star has 23 goals on the

mode, MacKinnon has made the

his first season in the NHL, had

and totaled 53 points last season,

year and is on pace to surpass his

team relevant, a feat which seemed

struggled to back up his rookie

giving him his highest offensive

career-best 63-point rookie season.

impossible after the team finished

campaign and take his game to the

output since the 2013-14 season.

When the Avalanche traded Matt

dead last in the league a season

The Avalanche head to St. Louis to play the Blues on Jan. 25 in their last game before the All-Star Break.






Visiting Artist Series: Brian Shaw, trumpet and Willis Delony, piano


Dinosaur Jr.

Location Ogden Theater

JANUARY 24, 2018



Women’s Basketball

Price $36

Price $14

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

1.23 vs University of

Location Denver

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 5 p.m. 1.26


Location Summit Music Hall

Location Tivoli 215 Price Free Time 10:30 a.m.


First Friday Art Walk

965 Santa Fe Drive

Time 7:30 p.m.

Location Larimer Lounge

Price Varies

Price $15

Time 6 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Women’s Basketball 1.26 vs. Westminster

Men’s Basketball 1.26 vs. Westminster College

College Utah Location Salt Lake City, UT 1.29

Josh Ritter

Location Ogden Theater


August Burns Red

Time 5:30 p.m.

Price $40

Price $25 Time 6:30 p.m.

1.28 vs. Air Force Academy 1.30

3 Doors Down

Utah Location Salt Lake City Time 7:30 p.m.

Location Summit Music Hall

Time 8 p.m.

Location Paramount Theater Location Center for Visual Art

Springs Location Denver

Mary Lambert

Men’s Tennis 2.2

Colorado at Colorado


Price $10-15

Job Search Meet Up: Exploring the hidden job market

1.23 vs University of

Colorado at Colorado

Location King Center


Men’s Basketball

Location Streets of London Pub


Hippo Campus

Location Gothic Theater

Price $40

Price $17

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Location USAF Academy Time 3 p.m.

Softball 2.2 vs. St. Mary’s University Location Albuquerque, NM Time 12:30 p.m.

Price Free Time 6 p.m. 2.3

ZZ Ward

Location Fox Theater 2.6

Study Abroad Fair


The Killers

Location 1STBANK Center

Price $25

Price $40

Time 9 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Avalanche 1.25 vs. St. Louis Blues

Location Tivoli Turnhalle Price Free Time 10 a.m.



Tyler, The Creator

Location 1STBANK Center


Of Mice & Men

Location Away

Time 6 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Location Summit Music Hall

Price $40

Price $20

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Open mic and pizza night

1.25 vs. New York Knicks 2.7

Location Tivoli Garage Lounge

Diet Cig

Location Lost Lake

Price Free

Price $13

Time 4 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

1.30 vs. Vancouver Canucks

Location Away

Nuggets 2.6



Greg Laswell

Location Vilar Performing Arts Center

Location Pepsi Center

Nuggets 1.27 vs. Dallas Mavericks Location Pepsi Center

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

You got a revolution

Release the Kratos

Price $48 Time 8 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS Kentucky school mourns death of students Two students died and 17

For your consideration Oscar nominations for the

Flu knew? The flu is infecting more people

On Monday,“Hamilton” fans

“God of War” found a definitive

90th annual Academy Awards

than usual this year. The Colorado

queued up in person at the Denver

release date of April 20, 2018.

others were wounded during

were announced at the Samuel

Department of Health and

Center for the Performing Arts,

The game is being developed by

a school shooting at Marshall

Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills,

Environment reported over 2,000

over the phone and online to

Sony’s first-party studio Santa

County High School in Benton,

on Jan. 23. Hosted by Jimmy

flu related hospital visits during

purchase tickets for the traveling

Monica Studio and will be a

Kentucky. The shooting took place

Kimmel for the second year in

the current flu season, ranging

Tony Award-winning musical.

Playstation 4 exclusive. It has been

shortly before 8 a.m. on Tuesday.

a row, the ceremony will take

from October through the spring.

However, due to the high demand,

eight long years since the release

Out of the 19 students injured, 14

place at the Dolby Theater in

H3N2 is the dominant flu strain

only a fraction of interested

“God of War 3” and five years for

suffered gunshot wounds. Five of

Hollywood and broadcast live

spreading across the country. CDC

individuals were able to nab

since the release of “God of War:

the gunshot victims, all male, were

on ABC on March 4. Nominees

recommends everyone should

tickets. Though the DCPA online

Ascension” on the Playstation 3.

flown 120 miles to the Vanderbilt

for Best Picture include “Call Me

receive the flu vaccine, especially

box office used technology to

For information on preorders and

Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.

by Your Name,” “The Shape of

pregnant women and individuals

combat online ticket-buying bots,

the many editions of the game,

The fatalities included one female

Water” and “Three Billboards

with chronic health conditions.

customers still experienced issues

check out the PlayStation Blog.

student shot at the scene and

Outside Ebbing Missouri.”

However, according to Australian

with long online waiting lines. By

one male who died at Vanderbilt.

Nominations for Lead Actor and

estimates, the vaccine may only be

3:15 p.m. on Monday, tickets were

The suspect, a 15-year-old male

Actress positions include Daniel

32 percent effective because the

no longer available online. The

student, was taken into custody

Day-Lewis, “Phantom Thread”

H3N2 strain is known to mutate

show opens Feb. 27 and closes

by the local sheriff’s department.

and Margot Robbie, “I, Tonya.”

during vaccine production.

April 1 at the Buell theater.

He will be charged with murder and attempted murder.


JANUARY 24, 2018

Top 5

“Star Wars” films


Photo booth

From Montana Martin

1. “Empire Strikes Back” 2. “A New Hope” 3. “Return of the Jedi” 4. “Rogue One” 5. “The Last Jedi”

Overheard “Why were you crying in Tivoli?”/“Because a guy cemented his head in a microwave.” “You don’t look like any Daves I know.“ “I just think of that scene in ‘Shrek 2’...“

It’s week two of the semester, MSU Denver. The drop date is Friday and flu season is ruthless. As journalists, we at The Metropolitan assume nothing. However, there is no way that one

“I put the savant in idiot savant.“

week of puppy pictures on our breaks page is enough. So here’s one more. This is Navin Johnson. Be well. Stay warm. Wash your hands.

“Why are you comparing ‘Attack of the Clones’ to death?”

Brain games Across

41. Feel regret


38. Beneficiaries

1. Parsley unit

42. Scottish island

1. Fine shiny fabric

39. Fascinate

6. Memory gap

43. Polished off

2. Overly prim and proper

40. Extremely long time

11. ___ Xing (street sign)

44. Felix of ‘’The Odd

3. Summarizes

41. ‘’The Satanic Verses’’

14. Bout locale, often


4. Squid’s defense


15. Flynn of ‘’Gentleman

46. Type of ski lift

5. Powerful wind

45. When you might get


48. Nose stimulant

6. Accountant’s book

there (Abbr.)

16. Pay end

52. Popular card game

7. Surrealist artist Jean

47. Order to relax

17. Pleased by a comedian?

53. Island in the

8. Sleeve attachment,

49. It was designed to fall

19. ‘’Solaris’’ author





54. Point in a network

9. Sub standard?

50. One-named folk singer

20. That, in El Salvador

55. Sony rival

10. Big game

51. Give a makeup exam to

21. Work unit, in physics

57. Mesozoic, for one

11. Exiled Roman?

53. Bio-Bio locale

22. Tapioca source

59. Certain New York

12. Way to get to the top

56. Scorch

24. Sports network


13. Compensatory cash

58. Sounds of delight

26. Comparatively modern

60. Actress Ruby

18. Che Guevara’s real

62. Pinafore preceder

28. Impediment

61. Pleased while


63. Word with shaving or

29. Financial section letters


23. Vane dir.


30. Latin I verb

64. British suffix with

25. Infamous Roman

67. I, to Claudius

31. ‘’Beau ___’’


27. Aspirant, informally

68. Twilighty

32. Initials of Dr. Jekyll’s

65. Reunion folks

31. Ibsen’s ‘’Peer ___’’

60. Long-term investment


66. Heloise’s specialty

33. Hideaway

61. Gymnast’s quest

34. Not any, country style

67. Space invaders

35. Lions, tigers and

36. Some boxing wins

68. Pee Wee or Della

waterfalls, e.g.

37. Pleased on a blimp?

69. Summer ermine

37. Most earthy


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