Volume 40, Issue 18 - Jan. 24, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 18

JANUARY 24, 2018


Basketball teams stumble after climb in standings | pg. 9

Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msu.edu

MSU Denver’s Enrique Cortes Zotes fights for the rebound against Western State’s Branden Cosby-Lee during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game, on Jan. 20 at the Auraria Event Center. Men’s and women’s basketball recap inside with full story.

Roadrunners to travel down new roadways By Jim Bofenkamp

FYS is only designed to benefit

a lot of support to students

of undergraduate studies, Mark

to the time they left,” Kester


new students, which means that

in that first semester. But we

Potter. However, after a six month

said. Hoping to address this lack

returning students as well as

want to go beyond that, and

investigation, it was discovered

of collaboration, the school is

transfer students are left without

support all students, from

that despite these different

designing the Roadways program.

student retention rate of First Year

the program’s resources. The

beginning to end,” said associate

groups working toward similar

Success, MSU Denver is creating

changes come after an internal

vice president of enrollment

goals and reporting under the

used and popular programs

a new program called Roadways.

investigation which found

management, Lori Kester.

same roof, there was very little

the school offers into one

cooperation between them.

program which has multiple

In order to maintain the

This program is expected

cooperation between programs

Previously, the school had

to rollout in June and hopes

lacking, as well as a lowered

13 separate divisions which

to match the increased rate of

retention rate for students who

covered topics of student

working closely with each other

returning students that FYS

didn’t participate in FYS.

assistance operating under the

to help students all the way

former associate vice president

through the time they got here

boasted. As it currently stands,

“First Year Success provided

“They weren’t necessarily

This will combine commonly

locations across campus.

| Continued on pg. 3


| pg. 3


| pg. 4


| pg. 6


| pg. 8

Student government discusses

Hometeam loyalty and growing

Different sides revealed of Mexican

Baseball team adds special new


beyond a hometown

women by family art collection


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