The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 40
NO. 22
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Knowledge leads to empowerment at Black World Conference
Local luminaries inspire at summit
Photo by Mimi Madrid |
Dr. Mary Frances Berry holds a book-signing after her keynote speech during the first day of 35th Annual Black World Conference on Feb. 20 in the St. Catejan’s Event Center. Berry has championed for domestic and global human rights more than four decades and helped end apartheid in South Africa.
Sporting a peppered buzz
By Mimi Madrid The aftermath of an overnight
is critical of inactive government.
“Protest is an essential
“Hell is having no options and
cut, Berry’s small stature was
ingredient to politics,” she said.
contained in an imposing all-black
“I’ve been saying that so many
specially when people know you
suit that nonetheless maintained
years I’m almost getting tired.”
don’t have options,” she said.
Her distinguished resume has
Berry put pressure to create
advocated to end 40 years of apartheid in South Africa. Her storytelling was full of historical anecdotes, songs and wit that made the
snowstorm wasn’t enough to
a light presence. As the main
deter students from pouring into
keynote speaker for the two-day
spanned several decades of human
opportunities for herself and
audience laugh, clap and sit
the St. Cajetans Event Center
conference titled, “Knowledge
rights work both domestically and
others. She was the first woman
at the edge of their seats.
for the 35th Annual Black World
Is Power: Preservation and
abroad. Berry shared anecdotes
of color to head a major research
Conference. Anticipation to
Celebration of African American
from her own social activism,
university as Chancellor at
hear constitutional historian Dr.
History and Culture,” she made
historical lessons and strategies
University of Colorado at
Mary Frances Berry speak grew
an impassioned call for young
for next generations to create
Boulder. She also served for
the initial crowd of 25 to a full
people to resist, organize and
change. She said young people
11 years as Chairperson for the
house of over 160 attendees.
pressure those in power.
who organize make her happy and
Civil Rights Commision and
| pg. 3
Update of SGA’s activities at weekly meeting
| pg. 5
Getting over hookup culture and going underground with music culture
| pg. 6
“Guys & Dolls” opens Feb. 22 in Rawls Courtyard Theater.
| Continued on pg. 7
| pg. 11
Softball splits opening home series
SEEKING MSU DENVER STUDENTS FOR PAID POSITION STARTING AT $10.25 PER HOUR. The Metropolitan, MSU Denver’s student-run weekly newspaper, is looking for students to assist with distribution. To apply, fill out an application online at For more information, call 303-615-0464 or email Ronan O’Shea at You must be an MSU Denver student available on Wednesdays.
The Student Voice of MSU Denver
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
SGA discusses succession policy By Megan Webber
are elected into office.
“I know it sounds weird that
to structure their classes around a specific, physical textbook and
two unelected positions will be
others might see redesigning a
put into the seat of power, but you
course according to an online
Assembly of MSU Denver tackled
also have to look at every single
program as extra work. Students
issues regarding the vice president’s
student government each year is
have also found ways of finding free
departure and the shortcomings
completely different,” Bustos said.
PDF versions of textbooks online.
of their succession on Feb. 16.
“Every single year, they’re gonna
The Student Government
In light of Vice President
come across different issues.”
Ragan responded to these concerns with reasons why OER would be good for the university.
Richie Ramos’ recent departure
She emphasized the need
from SGA, there has been some
for adjustment time among the
question concerning who will fill
affected members of SGA, including
MSU Denver, because we really
the position and who, in turn, will
herself, who are uncertain about
are about access and equity
fill the position vacated by Ramos’
what is needed of them for the
and we want students all to be
successor. The SGA also passed a
remainder of the semester.
able to succeed,” she said.
Next, Sen. Adetilewa Awosanya
$500 budget to buy groceries for
“I think it’s a great fit for
Despite the previously
the Roadrunner Food Pantry and
proposed a budget to buy
mentioned cons, the presentation
heard from two guest speakers.
$500 worth of groceries for the
was very well received by SGA.
President Joshua Gardner
Roadrunner Food Pantry, which
“OER is a good idea,” Andres
read the succession policy out
partners with SGA. They voted
said. “Education should be
of the member handbook. The
unanimously to pass the budget.
free, in my opinion, and so
Photos by Kaileigh Lyons |
Student Gov Advisor Angela LeValley and MSU Denver professor Dr. Emily Ragan, speak to SGA members on Feb. 16 in the Student Success Building.
any move to lower the cost of
said, ‘When someone becomes
Vice President will be filled by the
stocked, non-perishables, stuff like
classes to include more people
a naturalized citizen here, they
Associate Vice President, only if the
that, to give out to students that are
that want to better themselves
automatically get the opportunity
opportunity in respect to how many
positions of President and VP are
hungry,” said Sen. John Andres.
by education, it’s fantastic.”
to vote, they automatically get
credit hours you have, every single
the opportunity to run for office.’
student on Metro’s campus from the
“They just need items to be
policy states that the position of
One speaker at the meeting,
vacated simultaneously. This leaves
Lastly, SGA heard from Antwaun
Denver student government. “I’m saying we need to make the
Dr. Emily Ragan, a professor in
Johnson, a transfer student
So then I started thinking, I said,
time they’re here, they get rights,
the department of chemistry,
interested in running for office
‘Is Metro Student Government
and they get the opportunity to run,
has stepped in to fill the role of VP,
presented on Open Educational
but cannot because he does not
Assembly superseding our own
should they see fit,” Johnson said.
causing some uneasiness among
Resources. OER provides students
have enough MSU Denver credits.
government?’” Johnson said.
SGA because there is no clear
with free versions of textbooks,
The member handbook states that
policy for how to act when the
course materials and online
anyone interested in running for
mission involves allowing students
a whole agreed with Johnson. After
position of VP is suddenly vacated
tests to improve access to study
SGA must have taken nine credit
to lead their own lives on campus
hearing from him, SGA decided
so close to spring elections. The
materials and class success.
hours at MSU Denver, regardless
as they see fit. If that is true and
to revisit the issue and continue
of previous experience, class
the federal government would
to debate on the succession
let him run for office outside of
policy in future meetings.
the current situation in a gray area. Associate VP Savannah Bustos
SGA discussed the pros and
handbook states that it should be filled by the funding manager,
cons of introducing the resources
status, financial aid eligibility, etc.
which is a hired position, whereas
to MSU Denver. Some of the cons
“I spoke to someone who is in
student government leadership
were that certain professors like
Lineage of a ship named, Colorado
the military, and he told me, he
Student Trustee Lacey Hyde
He argued that MSU Denver’s
said she felt confident that SGA as
school, he believes that he should also be able to run for MSU
Starting in 1861, the Colorado served in the Civil War for the Union. It destroyed a private schooner, named the Judah, because it was thought to be a Confederate ship. In 1862, the Colorado lent its guns to the Capture of New Orleans. It could not sail up the Mississippi to participate in the fight. After the Civil War, the Colorado was stationed in the Asiatic The first Colorado was a three-masted
Squadron until it was sold for scrap in 1885.
The second Colorado was commissioned
steam screw frigate named after the Colorado
into the Navy in 1905 as an armored cruiser. It
With the commission of a new USS Colorado
River. It launched at the Gosport, now named
had a weight of 13,900 tons, two 10-inch guns,
on the horizon, let’s take a look at the history
Norfolk Navy Yard on June 19, 1856. Weighing
28 9-inch guns, 14 8-inch guns and a top speed
of ships named Colorado
in at a 3400-ton displacement, it had 40 guns
of 22 knots.
and boasted a top speed of 9 knots.
After the Colorado’s maiden voyage to
Pre-World War l, the Colorado joined the Atlantic Fleet and performed ceremonial tasks.
Europe, it was assigned to the Pacific Battle
At the start of World War I, the Colorado’s
Fleet. It was in Washington state getting
name was changed to Pueblo because the
refitted at the time of the attack on Pearl
name was used for a class of battleships.
Harbor. In total, the battleship spent 204 days
The Pueblo became inactive in 1921 and was
in combat. After the war, the Colorado helped
scrapped in 1930.
transport troops home until it was placed on reserve commission in 1947 and sold for scrap The third Colorado was a battleship with
in 1959.
The newest Colorado is a submarine that
a displacement of 32,600 tons, speed of 21
will be commissioned on March 17, 2018. It is
knots and armed with eight 16-inch guns, 12
7,800 tons and 377 feet in length with a speed
5-inch guns, eight 3-inch guns and two 21-inch
of 25 knots submerged. It has a nuclear reactor
torpedo tubes. It was commissioned in 1923.
that does not require refueling during the planned life of the ship.
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Denver cracks down on landlords to joint policy efforts headed
for $500. If yet another 10 days
By Joshua Gardner
by Denver councilwoman Mary
goes by and the property is still
Beth Susman and her team,
out of compliance, a landlord
violations will be found based
can be hit with a $999 fine.
Denver is closing licensing
on landlords who advertise
loopholes in the local short-term
without their license number.
rental market, as reported to
While unlicensed landlords
Dominic Vaiana, deputy of operations for Excise and License, said regarding the discipline
the Business, Arts, Workforce
do cause a loss of income for
process, “Ultimately, this isn’t
and Aeronautical Services
the city, another concern is for
about the revenue, it’s really
Committee on Feb. 14.
the well-being of tenants and
about getting the compliance
the surrounding community.
within the community.”
With the rise of marketing technology in the housing
“We can’t be sure they are
Landlords have a due process
industry, search services such
complying with our rules, and
for disciplinary action, whether
as Airbnb, Zillow and Craigslist
have their smoke detectors and
in response to citations based
have made looking for affordable
quiet hours if we don’t even have
on licensing or complaints from
housing easier. While these
them in the system,” Kilroy said.
neighbors. However, the initial
services can snag users a great
According to the licensing
deal, they fail to show whether
webpage, found on the City of
could happen to an evicted person
Denver site, legal properties
who was unwittingly renting from
must also have a working carbon
an illegal landlord. Kilroy stated
monoxide detector and fire
there were no consequences
extinguisher and be insured.
for those in such a situation,
Photo by Jolene Yazzie |
the rental owner is licensed to rent out their space. Maly Mendieta and Cheyenne
District 4 Council Woman Kendra Black speaks at the Denver City Council meeting on Feb. 14 about taxes for short term rentals such as Airbnb rentals.
Mittry, two MSU Denver students, shared their experience on how
rental market is determining which
online housing search tools helped
properties are being rented out.
them find their current landlord. “I don’t know how we
“Somebody down the block
Because of this, there are
If a landlord is found to be advertising without a license,
law enforcement in how to locate
there is a two-week grace period
program was implemented, the
given before a citation can
number of licenses and the rate
be issued, and if the property
of compliant properties have been steadily increasing.
from your neighborhood could
and prosecute illegal landlords.
be renting their home, and you
According to Kilroy, initial
the internet,” said Mendieta.
might not even know it,” said
suggestions on how policy
is not brought to compliance
“I would just literally put in
Ashley Kilroy, director of the
could be enforced included
within 14 days, the landlord can
google browser ‘apartments in
Denver Department of Excise and
starting investigations based on
be issued a $150 fine. Should
Denver or in Denver area.’”
License for Denver. “It’s not like
incoming complaints or sending
the landlord ignore the initial
a hotel comes up and there’s a
inspectors to drive around
fine or wait to act, another fine
sign and you know it’s there.”
neighborhoods. However, thanks
can be assessed 10 days later
challenges in managing the Denver
aside from losing their rental.
numerous challenges presented to
would have found her without
One of the administrative
presentation was unclear on what
Since the online licensing
Lambasting the monogamy trap By Kavann Tok
different types of relationships that
raised to expect that they have a
could be monogamous, including
monogamous relationship, they’re
serial monogamy. This occurs
not set up to be successful.”
Dr. Stephanie Webber led
when a person is in a succession of
Webber continued with the idea
a conversation on diversity,
monogamous sexual relationships.
that people don’t think through their
inclusivity and social responsibility
This is similar to monogamy,
decisions. People move forward
in romantic relationships at the
even though a person has many
without questioning why they have
second Hot Topic of the semester
different partners over time.
a compulsion to sleep with others,
called, “Relationship Status.” The tri-institutional partnership
Emma Durán, a pre-nursing
which she explained happens
student at MSU Denver, said,
because they don’t consciously self-
hosted the Hot Topic on Feb. 13 in
“Many people don’t think about
examine to find out if they are truly
the Multicultural Lounge, where
monogamy the same, and that’s
monogamous. Instead, they defer
participants were asked to think
what makes it hard to pin down.”
to the prevailing societal norm.
critically about monogamy. “Many people follow the script
According to Webber, there
“This becomes super risky,
is a cultural script that defines
because we want to do things
of monogamy without thinking
love as marriage to one partner.
like make it a sickness or view
about other options,” said Melisa
This view is promoted and
people as less good as a result of
Mireles Caraveo, an MSU Denver
perceived as more advanced
them deviating from something
student majoring in psychology.
than other relationship types.
that’s normal,” she said. “That
“Many people cheat and rationalize
Being polyamorous for
can be really problematic,
their cheating, but I really liked
ten years herself, Webber has
especially in the kind of system
the fact that Dr. Webber let people
been subject to this stigma.
that’s already broken.”
know that polyamory is okay.”
She often gets asked when she
Webber holds a doctorate
Webber challenged her
decided to be polyamorous.
audience to think about the things
in interpersonal and family
Her response is, “when did you
that they perceive as normal.
communication with a focus on
decide to be monogamous?”
different dynamics in romantic
People then respond that
Photo by Joel Mathew |
Speaker Stephanie Webb concludes the event with a Q&A at the Tivoli Multicultural Lounge on Feb. 13. read on the subject, she is critical
that is correct,” she said. “What
of how books written on infidelity
I think is that we need to think
to prove her point. She cited the
don’t challenge the assumption
critically about our relationships
Webber dove into statistics
relationships. Non-monogamous
they didn’t decide. They just are.
divorce rate, which hovered around
of monogamy. Instead they favor
in order to move forward in
relationships is her field of study
Webber believes that speaks toward
50 percent in 2010. A more recent
monogamy and seek to understand
an informed way where we’re
and what she lectures on.
the prevalence of monogamy.
statistic from 2016 revealed that
why infidelity occurs rather
not going to hurt ourselves or
the rate has lowered, but Webber
than taking a critical look at why
other people around us.”
monogamy is the expectation.
A polyamorous person is
“And I’m not saying, by any
someone who has multiple
means at all, that monogamy is
said that if there are less people
lovers with the consent of
wrong,” Webber said. “But what
getting married, then there are
everyone involved.
I am saying, is that because of
going to be less people getting
is a certain relationship type,
normalization, because people are
divorced. Although Webber is well
monogamous or non-monogamous,
Webber began by talking about
“I do not think that there
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
We can only swipe right from here David Veltri
initial release it was referred to
since 2014. I’ve gone on some
each other Snapchats, even try
as the “hook up app.” But as its
really bad dates, and met some
Skyping or Facetiming. Trust your
echnology has streamlined
user-base started to grow, Tinder’s
really annoying people. However,
judgment and listen to your gut for
every aspect of American
purpose began to shift. Finding
I’ve never had an experience bad
anything that appears odd about
lives. However, in the past
friends and casual dating became an
enough to make me regret it. I’ve
the person. Once they pass the
5 years the “anti-tech” movement
accidental side effect, alongside the
been to bars, parties and concerts I
checklist, go for it. There’s plenty
has grown in strength as millennials
more traditional hook ups. Currently,
would have never gone to with my
to learn from everyone you meet,
start to limit their phone use. Within
the app has reached 50 million
traditional friend group. I’ve met
whether its a new skill or you just
my social group I’ve had multiple
users, which leaves participants
some of my closest friends and been
learn what personalities you dislike.
friends vent their frustrations with
with a bit of selection dysphoria.
in fulfilling relationships all due to
social media, and the drowning
When the possibility for a
While I understand the anxiety
Tinder. The stigma of the “hook
that can accompany social media,
feeling that comes with being
better partner is just a swipe
up app” really isn’t appropriate for
I still think it can be a valuable tool
immersed within them. Facebook,
away, app usage turns into
how Tinder is actually used. While
to improve your life, socially or
Twitter, and Snapchat are a few of
a unpleasurable cycle.
you’ll find plenty of people looking
otherwise. The serious risks are
for only a night of your time, there
there, but I personally think the
the applications that come up during
However, with Tinder’s age
these conversations. Although,
demographic between 18-34, I think
are still good, genuinely interesting
uncertainty of these encounters
the social media dating app Tinder
with proper usage, the app has the
people out there for you to meet.
are exciting. So do your homework
has been coming up the most.
possibility to improve the lifestyles
Now, as much as it’s fun to
and take precautions, but have
The app utilizes the phone’s
of its users. Meeting new people and
meet strangers from the internet, I
fun. Finding a new best friend,
location allowing users to swipe
experiencing different social circles
think it’s important for you do your
co-worker, boyfriend or girlfriend
through possible dates. Two users
I believe is as mentally healthy as
research and get to know these
is right at your fingertips, literally.
must match before they can start
limiting social media engagement.
people prior to meeting. Do a deep
messaging each other. During its
I have been on and off Tinder
Not for being on the show, but
Offset is my favorite member
since the days of Master P and the
for making “Bad and Boujee.”
of the group. He has the best verse
ith the release of their
No Limit Soldiers. The Migos and
Like, that’s the best song, ever,”
on “Bad and Boujee.” He recently
third album “Culture
their company Quality Control
said Glover after winning two
gained his fist solo platinum hit
2,” the Migos combined
are controlling their own futures
Golden Globe Awards in 2017.
single, “Ric Flair Drip,” produced
southern gangsterism and upscale
in the music industry. This is not
taste in pop culture through
something that is taught to black
Best Rap Album at the 60th Annual
be married to media darling Cardi
music, fashion and media.
people. We have to figure it out
Grammy Awards awards. Not bad
B. Cardi has credited the rapper
on our own. Making money and
for a few drug dealers from Atlanta.
with encouraging her to make
Quavo, Offset and Takeoff
The Migos were nominated for
by Metro Boomin. He is engaged to
are the members of The Migos.
making their money work for them
They have fast cars, long hair
is important to the black culture as
is buying into the the Migos
do not think it would be a stretch
and faces full of tattoos. The trio
an example of being self-sustaining.
brand. It is going to keep growing
to say that without Offset there
because America loves the bad
would be no Cardi B. But a man
drapes themselves in Chanel, Louis
Comedian Donald Glover helped
This is proof that the world
her business more professional. I
Vuitton and Gucci. At the 2017 BET
create one of the best shows on
guy. But the bad guy is only the
that helps the woman he’s with
Awards, the group showed that silk
television, Atlanta. This show
bad guy because they are not
sounds like a good guy to me.
shirts, gold chains and the Atlanta
personifies a lot of the problems
allowed to be the good guy.
dope boy is alive and well during
in the Southern black community.
altercations with radio personality Joe Budden and singer Chris Brown. The Migos have had individual
Takeoff has recently begun to
James Bofenkamp Features Editor Jolene Yazzie Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber
Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski Assistant Sports Editor James Burky Photo Editor Ali Watkins Assistant Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons Director of Met Media Steve Haigh Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea Production Manager of Met Media
member of the group, has pop hits,
the release of the group’s album
Office Manager
as well as gangster. He has gangster
“Culture 2.” He’s the most lyrical
Elizabeth Norberg
rapper in the group. In the upcoming months we will see him shine.
together, they can not be stopped.
the soundtrack to that struggle.
men lie, women lie but numbers
“I’d like to thank the Migos.
don’t. Say hello to the bad guys.
Brady Nelson
throws events together, travels
the people to express themselves,
decided to make the event open
together and DJs together.
forget the problems while dancing
to the public since they are doing
Being part of the electronic
and just being themselves on
it for the money and not for the
defined in many ways.
music world since I was young
the dance floor. Nowadays,
music or the community. The
The underground scene
taught me a lot of things, such as
most of the underground events
music industry has always been
in Denver features events like
having fun while being responsible.
are just after parties that go
profitable. There will always be
warehouse parties, illegal raves,
I also learned not to bother people,
from two in the morning, when
money involved and because of
secret events or parties where
support the DJs, be respectful of
the bar and nightclubs close,
that, underground events became a
the location of the affair is not
the people attending the event and
until the sun comes up.
business rather than a space where
released until the day it happens.
most importantly, enjoy the music.
The point is not who partied
people get to enjoy themselves.
Some even have to ask friends
The underground scene
to find out where the event will
in Denver is becoming less
safe place for those who enjoy
remain underground and focused on
take place. Even then, there is no
underground than it used to be.
the sound, want to dance the
the music. It is for everyone, but not
guarantee that you’ll be successful.
There a lot of people who just go
night away, touch the attendees’
everyone should have the privilege
The Denver Techno Scene is
to the events to get drunk and do
souls with the exquisite sounds of
to attend after hour, underground
just one example of the many
illicit substances, find friends or
Techno music and make people
events. Everyone should experience
musical genres showcased as part
just to say they were at a party
think that it is a privilege to be
it at least once. But if they do not
of the underground landscape.
until seven in the morning.
part of it—not just because they
know how to behave or listen to
paid for their ticket to get in.
the music that is being played,
The whole point of an underground Techno event is for
until what time, it is to provide a
A lot of promoters have
Sales and Marketing
The underground goes to the surface
knows each other, parties together,
Assistant News Editor
one with many choices. Glover
loves it. We know this because
It is small enough that everyone
Isaac Banks
Being poor and black does not leave
rap hits. America loves it. The world
News Editor
Kathleen Jewby
of America. The Migos created
nderground can be
Montana Martin
receive individual accolades with
put that harsh reality in the face
Pablo Vasquez Arias
Managing Editor
Quavo, the original stand out
success as well. By themselves or They are doing something for black
Esteban Fernandez
Rich Allen
culture that has not been seen
Sports Editor
dive on their social medias, send
The cultural significance of Migos Warner Jackson
The underground scene needs to
they should stay at home.
Caitlin Monaghan
What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
“Black Panther” pounces on hero stereotypes By Khaleel Herbert
main power source, vibranium,
to make and sell weapons. T’Challa suits up as Black
Like “Wonder Woman,”
“Black Panther,” unlike “SpiderMan: Homecoming” or DC’s “Batman v. Superman,” is not a
Panther to catch Klaue in South
superhero movie based on hype.
“Black Panther” is a superhero
Korea and bring him back to
It’s the Marvel version of “The
film that breaks the stigma that
Wakanda for trial. Letitia Wright
Lion King” with T’Challa as Simba
superheroes can only be white
plays Shuri, T’Challa’s sister, who
and Erik as Scar, minus Timon,
men. He’s a crime-fighter who
equips him with the Black Panther
Pumbaa and the musical numbers.
lives to protect his people in the
suit and high-tech gadgets. She
Utopian city of Wakanda. There
gives T’Challa a brand new suit
“Black Panther,” the visual effects
are not a lot of mainstream
that has the ability to absorb and
of Wakanda and South Korea and
African-American superheroes
deflect any attack. T’Challa also
an all-star cast, what’s not to like
in the comic book world, so
brings his loyal general Okoye,
about “Black Panther?” The cast
it’s a hoot to see a superhero
played by Danai Gurira, and
features Angela Bassett from
that African-American kids
wandering ex-girlfriend, Nakia,
“What’s Love Got to Do With
and adults can identify with.
played by Lupita Nyong’o, for
It,” Daniel Kaluuya from “Get
backup. What could go wrong?
Out” and Forest Whitaker from
In the latest film set in the Marvel Universe, T’Challa,
When T’Challa captures Klaue,
With the epic fight scenes in
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.”
played by Chadwick Boseman,
Erik Killmonger, played by Michael
awaits his crowning ceremony
B. Jordan, rescues Klaue. While
rollercoaster and a great tie-in
to become the new king of the
in combat, T’Challa sees Erik
to the Marvel Universe in order
advanced civilization of Wakanda.
holding his father’s talisman.
to prep audiences for May’s
Erik is said to be a long-lost
“Avengers: Infinity War.”
In “Captain America: Civil War,” T’Challa’s father was
Wakanda descendant, but no
killed by Ulysses Klaue, played
one knows who he is. Killmonger
by Andy Serkis. Klaue also
decides to pay Wakanda a visit
managed to steal Wakanda’s
to claim T’Challa’s throne.
“Black Panther” is an epic
As always, stick around for the bonus scenes during the credits. Photo obtained from Verdict
Chadwick Boseman stars in the Marvel Studios film Black Panther. The movie was released nationwide on Feb. 16 reaching $25.2 million opening day according to Variety.
Theater Corner: ‘Fun Home’ greets Colorado By Avery Anderson
she is to blame for his suicide. Midtown Arts Center took this compelling work and did it
When Alison Bechdel’s groundbreaking graphic novel
justice with their production. Director Kurt Terrio was faced
“Fun Home” became a musical,
with the challenge of taking this
it proved that not only could a
small and intimate production and
show with a lesbian in a leading
staging it on Midtown’s massive
role connect with people, but
Dinner Theatre Stage. He achieved
that audiences craved it.
this by creating different levels
“Fun Home” debuted on
of the set for the cast to interact
Broadway in 2015 and won five
on. Terrio enforced the idea that
Tony Awards including best
these are Alison’s memories by
musical. Midtown Arts Center
starting the show with the set of
is now presenting the Colorado
the Bechdel family home draped
premiere of this emotional show.
in sheets. As the show starts, the
Based on Bechdel’s graphic
set comes to life as the actors and
novel, the show follows her as she grows up in Pennsylvania.
thoughts become more defined. Leading the show as Adult Alison
Throughout the show, the audience
is Monica Howe, who creates a
sees three versions of Alison at
poised and reserved Alison. She
different ages in her life and watch
displays Al’s resistance toward
as she reflects on her relationship
accepting the truth about her father
with her father and her journey
but at the same time, the longing
discovering her sexuality.
to be loved and accepted by him.
With a show like this, it is not
Portratrying the family’s
Photo courtesy of Midtown Arts Center and Dylann Diercks
Monica Howe and Vince Wingerter performing in ‘Fun Home’ at Midtown Arts Center on Mar. 25, 2016.
hard to hit that emotional vein
matriarch, Helen, is Alisa Metcalf.
and convey those feelings to the
Having one of the most difficult
audience. Whether it be Small
roles in the show, Metcalf
out performance as Bruce Bechdel.
introduced audiences to this
Howe and Vince Wingerter. Through
Alison discovering for the first time
beautifully pulled off this mother
Not only could he sing the part,
stellar piece of theater in a way
March 17. Tickets start at $54.
her feelings for women or Medium
who is stuck between the love for
but every scene he was in was
that makes Coloradans hunger for
Alison praying and chanting
her husband and the actions he
full of raw emotion and talent. He
more productions of this kind.
“please God let me not be gay.”
chooses. Her performance of “Days
perfectly created this character
Or Adult Alison reflecting back
and Days” shock the theater with its
that you root for, feel for and
Midtown Arts Center, 3750 S Mason
on her father and asking herself if
power and left not a single eye dry.
despise all at the same time.
St, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Directed
Vince Wingerter had a stand-
Midtown Arts Center has
“Fun Home” is now playing at
by Kurt Terrio. Starring: Monica
For tickets, visit or 970-225-2555.
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Legacy of black history inspires future | Continued from cover
prevailed to make the first day of the conference a success. Malaya King, MSU Denver student and
Antwaun D. Johnson, MSU
African Studies Major, introduced
Denver student, was attentive
the first speaker of the day even
to the knowledge dropped by
though she was delayed by traffic.
Dr. Berry. After her speech he felt his role as an organizer was even stronger and plans to resist means of oppression as a student, Coloradoan and American. “My biggest take away was continuing to press forward for change,” he said. “In order for change to happen it requires persistence and it requires
“You have to put pressure, as Dr. Berry said, ‘put pressure’ on the system, on the players and continue to apply that pressure until the change comes.” – Antwaun D. Johnson
heat. It requires tenacity and it requires discipline and bringing together the community.” Conference chair and Professor
Moments later, Senior Special Collection and Community Resource Manager of the Blair-Caldwell
of Africana Studies at MSU Denver,
African American Research Library,
Jacqueline McLeod, said she echos
Charleszine “Terry” Nelson
the words of Berry and hopes
walked through the doors.
students become active, organize,
She caught her breath and
resist and study the history of
shared the rarity of the library she
African-American leaders.
works in. She said the library, which
“History is not old,” she
has archived the contributions
said. “History reminds us
of African-American community
what is in the present.”
in the West, is a resource for
McLeod said that divine order
the state and the world.
Photos by Mimi Madrid |
Dr. Mary Frances Berry answers attendee questions after her keynote speech during the 35th Annual Black World Conference on Feb. 20 at the St. Catejan’s Event Center. day with provocative intellectual
legacy of past, present and future
to collect and preserve documents
discourse as he reeancted the
African-American leaders and
and other materials to make
African-American civil rights
institutions. Berry, who turned
them available for research,” she
activist Malcolm X. At the end of his
80 over the weekend, inspired
said. “This makes us the most
portrayal he took questions from
young people like Ani Vazquez, a
unique library in this part of the
the audience and responded as the
Manual High School student.
country. There are four others
belated leader might have. He then
“The goal of the library will be
like us in the United States.” In 2002, the 40,000 square-foot library opened in the historic Five Points community. The building’s
Antwaun D. Johnson, MSU Denver student, sits at the edge of seat during Mary Frances Berry’s keynote speech on Feb. 20. The Africana Studies Department has hosted the Black World Conference for more than three decades on campus to promote African American History Month.
“She said to take education
broke character and discussed his
not only for it to benefit yourself
presentation, “Malcolm X Pilgrim
and become part of the system,”
in Search of a Common Humanity.
Vazquez said. “But to take it back
“In his brief 39 eventful years,
home and your people. Knowledge
first level serves as a full-service
Malcolm had achieved a degree
is power, that’s what I got from her.”
branch library. Level two is filled
of wholeness in his life that few
Johnson agreed with Vazquez
with collection archives of oral
humans of any age are fortunate
that the message he took from
histories, videos and more than
enough to experience,” Pace
Berry is that it’s important
150 collections. The final top floor
said. “He was a man who had
for young people to educate
features exhibits that start with the
confronted and transcended
themselves and fight for justice.
stories of runaway slaves, early
three mayor rites of passage.
“You have to demand it,” he
black settlements in the West, Five
A rite which lead from his ego,
said. “You have to put pressure,
Points neighborhood history and
through his ethnic and into a global
as Dr. Berry said, ‘put pressure’
African-American leadership.
sense of his human potential.”
on the system, on the players and
National Chautauqua scholar, Charles Everett Pace, ended the
Charles Everett Pace, a national Chautauqua scholar, answers participants’ questions in character as Malcolm X at the 35th Annual Black World Conference in the St. Catejan’s Event Center on Feb. 20.
The first day of the 35th Black World Conference uplifted the
continue to apply that pressure until the change comes.”
Dr. Mary Frances Berry reaches out to an MSU Denver student during her book-signing at the 35th Annual Black World Conference on Feb. 20. Berry said young people organizing for their rights brings her joy.
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Toubab Krewe shares unique sounds Nataleah Small
cacophonic sound. As well as
world. Along with playing
the guitar, drums and piano,
music, the band partners with
band members also play less
philanthropic organizations.
Pink and blue lights reflected off the massive, spinning disco ball in the middle of the ceiling. As
well known instruments like the
According to Heller, the band
kora, kamale ngoni and djembe.
donates one dollar from every
Kai Kramer, another attendee,
ticket sale to the non-profit
music pulsed through the venue,
said the band’s use of obscure
organization, Instruments for
the audience danced on the well-
instruments keeps him intrigued.
Africa. Their donations are helping
worn wooden floor covered in
He said Toubab Krewe’s sound
build a school in Bamako, Mali.
dark stains holding memories of
separates it from other bands.
The organization is run by their
good times past. The air was thick
“It’s really unique, a lot of
friend Paul Chander and his wife.
and herbaceous. Small flames
the sounds you don’t hear in
illuminated giddy faces as steady
other music that you’ve been
the non-profit organization,
hands ignited rolled paper.
around,” Kramer said. “I love
Seed Programs International.
how it’s often quite instrumental
Heller explained SPI sends high-
Krewe, an instrumental band
and really inspires dance
quality non-GMO vegetable
from Asheville, NC, opened for
movements. But at the same
seeds to areas where people
Pimps of Joytime at Cervantes’
time it doesn’t feel completely
Masterpiece Ballroom. Toubab
like an ongoing sound.”
On the night of Feb. 16, Toubab
Krewe drew a crowd of spectators
According to band members
The band also partners with
Photo by Kaileigh Lyons |
Drummer for instrumental band Toubab Krewe, Terrence Houston, playing at Cervantes’ Masterpiece on Feb. 16.
are experiencing malnutrition. Keller’s wife, Niama Dido, is the program director of the non-profit.
of all ages to the concert. During
Justin Perkins and Drew Heller,
the set, a young woman spun her
their sound pays homage to the
“The work that both
hula hoop in time with the music
different styles of music they
Quaranta and several other
to Kante’s music inspired the
to us, in personal connection, but
as an old man tested his blues
have learned throughout their
friends, traveled to Guinea and
band’s current non-conformist
also to the work itself, is close
dancing skills in front of the stage.
lives. Heller, an electric guitarist
Cote d’Ivoire to learn traditional
style and nontraditional sound.
to our hearts,” Heller said.
Audience member Dennis
and organist, said the African
African music. In 2004, Perkins
Perkins said their African
Adams said he first heard the
elements of their music were
and Heller traveled to Bamako,
teachers taught them not to
expectations for the near future,
band on Spotify five months ago.
organizations do are not only close
Though the band has no set
inspired by their travels to Africa.
Mali and met a blind musician,
recite the music they learned,
Perkins said they intend to play
He said their music is strange
Perkins, who plays the kora,
Vieux Kante, who Perkins said
but instead make it their own.
together for the rest of their lives.
and unique and draws people
ngoni, guitar and percussion, said
together from different cultures.
Gordon Ray, a drum maker from
“I wouldn’t even be able to put them into a genre,” Adams said. The band’s music borrows from Appalachian and African traditions to create a bold,
“changed everything.” Heller said when he and
“Learn the root of it and
Toubab Krewe is currently on
after that you’re free to do what
tour in the U.S. until June 29. Their
you want,” Perkins said.
latest single, “That Damn Squash,”
North Carolina, told them that
Perkins met Kante, their band’s
to understand drumming, they
personal aesthetic was still
need to understand its roots.
evolving. According to Heller,
in 2005. Since then, they have
Apple Music. Their new album,
Kante played with a bombastic
and toured throughout the
“STYLO,” will arrive on March 2.
rock and roll aesthetic. Exposure
U.S. and traveled across the
In 2001, Perkins and Heller, along with band member Luke
The band officially formed
is available on Spotify and
Preview: Guys & Dolls
Teaches how to keep that special someone Megan Webber
along. He bets Sky Masterson $1,000
Stewart said. “So we have students
that he can’t get the virtuous Sarah
in leadership roles with faculty,
Brown, played by Michaela Lamb,
which is always really interesting.”
Throw together colorful dresses,
to go out with him. The guys must
Eric Hilton and Ethan Menzies,
Havana nights, gambling and New
decide between their two greatest
spots one and two, only started
York City streets, and what do
loves: gambling and their dolls.
working on the lighting a week
you get? Loesser, Swerling and
Over winter break, the cast
ago, but have spent most of
Burrows’ 1955 musical “Guys &
and crew had time to familiarize
the semester perfecting other
Dolls.” The MSU Denver theater
themselves with the script, and
technical aspects of the show.
department is bringing the
as soon as the semester started,
classic show to campus for seven
they jumped into rehearsals. While
palm trees that you will see flown
performances starting Feb. 22.
the actors were busy rehearsing
in, I will not tell you when,” Menzies
onstage, they weren’t the only
said. “But I personally worked on
experience has been really great so
ones working hard to make this
those from when they were original
far, and it’s been really fun seeing
show the best it can be.
OSB material to flown pieces, and
“I think that this whole
“I’ve actually worked on the
all the growth in everybody,”
“This is the biggest show
that was a really unique experience
said Justin Milner, who plays
Metro has ever done,” said Jane
that I haven’t gotten with any of the
Sky Masterson in the production.
Stewart, the stage manager. “We
other shows that I’ve worked on.”
“And it’s also been really fun
have a cast of 28 people, we have
playing Sky, because it’s just a
a total cast, crew and orchestra,
“Guys & Dolls” has been growing
big role and I love the songs.”
clocks in around 60 plus people.”
into the biggest, brightest musical
“Guys & Dolls” follows the love
Stewart, a Bachelor of Fine
Since auditions in November,
MSU Denver has ever staged.
lives of two couples as they try to
Arts tech major, got the chance to
The show will be in the Eugenia
figure out who they are and who
stage manage the show to count
Rawls Courtyard theater in the
their partner really is. Gambler
for her major. This is her first
King Center Feb. 22-24 and Mar.
Nathan Detroit, played by Troy Clark,
time stage managing a musical.
1-3 at 7:30, and Mar. 4 at 2:30. MSU
is about to elope with his long-time
“One of the greatest parts of
Denver students can see the show
girlfriend Adelaide, played by Megan
our program—the theater program
for free with a current student ID.
Schraeder, when the opportunity to
specifically and the BFA—is that they
win big in a game of craps comes
run like a professional company,”
Photo by Ali Watkins |
Justin Milner, as Sky Masterson, and Michaela Lamb, as Sarah Brown, performing “I’ll Know” during a dress rehearsal for “Guys and Dolls” on Feb. 19 at the Eugenia Rawls Courtyard theater in the King Center.
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Healing by Narrative: Re-Opening Histories Festering Wounds
By Sandisz Thieme
to WWI and the Great Famine.
Gallagher, is the story of the death
Gallagher, an art professor,
of Winifred Barrington, an Irish
painted related imagery like
woman serving in the British army
Sheila Gallagher and Richard
crows that represented death
as an ambulance driver. Barrington
Kearney, co-authors of “Twinsome
or deliverance, white lilies to
was friendly with Mike Hayes,
Minds: An Act of Double
signify the uprising in Dublin
an old and dear friend who was
Remembrance” and professors at
and two-toned red and black
serving in the Irish military at
Boston College, believe in healing
poppies to represent the Irish
the time. Barrington would later
through narrative. They deal with
that have died in past battles.
befriend Major Henry Biggs of the
history’s festering wounds, horrific
“Irish-Americans have the
British army. Barrington crossed
stories and historical traumas like
highest rate of alcoholism, drug
between Irish and British lines so
world wars, holocausts, slavery,
addiction and mental illness,
often it became commonplace.
slaughter, etc., by reopening them
second only to the Native
through narrative and allowing
Americans in America and I think
them to heal and scar. Gallagher
that a lot of that is because of the
and Kearney create artwork to
history of the famine never truly
open up these wounds and inspire
being dealt with” Gallagher said.
conversations about them. They
Gallagher and Kearny believe
specialize in overlooked history
the healing never ends. “Curing,
and disregarded traumas.
which is the hippocratic method
“I think perhaps because of the political times that we happen to live in we are paradoxically almost faced with the inevitability of addressing these past traumas,” – Adam Graves
On Feb. 15 the Denver Project
of doing things, wants to say ‘here
for Humanistic Inquiry brought the
you are, prozac or whatever, this is
two professors to MSU Denver’s
the remedy that will get you out of
Center for Advanced Visualization
here and you’ll never have to think
and Experiential Analysis for a
about it again,’ but it doesn’t go
presentation on their book.
back to the root of the problem,”
were attacked by the Irish and
said Kearney. “The thing about
Biggs hardly got away with his
healing is it never ends.”
life. Barrington was not so lucky.
“The thing about healing is it never ends.” – Richard Kearney
History’s scars never go away,
One day Biggs and Barrington
Her killers were none other than
they never really heal. But they
the brigade of her dear friend,
have to be able scar correctly.
Mike Hayes. This was just one
Wounds and traumas like those
example of a myriad of Ireland’s
of Ireland’s, the focus of their
ill-conversed traumas, a poorly
book and presentation, have to
treated wound of WWI and the
of the political times that
be reopened and reexamined to
feud between Britain and Ireland.
we happen to live in we are
stop the festering. Ireland was
paradoxically almost faced with
the focus of there presentation.
“I think perhaps because
the inevitability of addressing
Gallagher’s drawings were
Tying this back to our lives today, Kearney said, “The
Sandisz Thieme |
Richard Kearney speaks about representative flowers in Irish history at Wounds to Scars: Arts of Rememberance in Word and Image on Feb. 15 in the Student Success Building.
return of this sort of triumphant
these past traumas,” said Adam
displayed 360 degrees around
nationalism and an exclusivist
been re-opened and treated, re-
trauma and one that harkins back
Graves, the director of the Denver
the crowd via projectors and
insular nationalism is actually
approached and spoken about,
to the fact that we’ve not dealt
Project for Humanistic Inquiry.
a desk-cam while Kearney sat
a way of saying ‘we’re strong,
the world would be better for it.
with the festering wounds of the
“Do we cover up the wounds or
in the front of the room and
we’re one and we reject anything
do we address the wounds?”
spoke about Ireland’s lost
that complicates that’ so you
white supremacist rally and
and disregarded souls.
deny your own wounds.”
the deaths of the protesters in
Kearney, a philosophy professor, spoke about Ireland’s so-called wounds dating back
One such example, narrated by Kearney and interpreted by
Gallagher and Kearny believe that if festering wounds had
“What happened with the
U.S. Civil War,” Gallagher said.
Charlottesville is a really good example of a recent national
Review: The Doll’s House power over the dream world. By Alexsandra Ruiz-Ortiz
Each page of “The Doll’s House” causes eyebrow-raising reactions. There are horrific descriptions of a
Readers submerge into a world
subtle plot points. Gaiman also
What the readers may have
provides a story within the story
thought were mysterious,
that serves as comic relief.
haunting eyes end up being
I couldn’t help but chuckle when
mouths with sharp jagged teeth
serial killer and his specialty, graphic
the Dream Lord is revealed to be the
perfect for chewing on eyeballs.
of myth and murder in Neil Gaiman’s
drawings of gouged out eyes and
individual that made Shakespeare
Each drawing creates a lasting,
graphic novel, “The Doll’s House.”
a plot revolving around a serial
famous. Before becoming famous,
disturbing mental image. The
killer’s race to find his lost brother.
everyone viewed Shakespeare’s
drawings may not be the stuff of
Throughout the text, Gaiman
plays as useless, but the Dream
nightmares, but definitely leave the reader feeling apprehensive.
The novel is the second in the Gaiman’s twelve-part “The Sandman” series. It is an intense
weaves together three stories. In
Lord thought otherwise. The humor
read that glimpses into the minds
one story the Dream Lord works to
creates a brief break from the
of serial killers while connecting
control threats within the dream
brutal descriptions of killings and
gave me a new perspective on the
the real world to the dream world.
world. In another, the character Rose
dialogue between serial killers.
meaning of dreams. It was thrilling,
“Preludes & Nocturnes,” the
Walker searches for her lost brother
The drawings throughout
first novel in the series, is rehashed
who was adopted. In the third, serial
the book also added depth to
This book is not for children, but
in the first pages of “The Doll’s
killers around the world gather
the story’s prose. One of the
reignites childlike fears we can
House.” In the first novel, the Dream
discreetly in a “serial convention.”
serial killers is revealed as one
all experience while dreaming.
Lord is captured and loses control
Though the stories seem
of the Dream Lord’s nightmare
of the dream world. Years later he
disconnected at first, the author
creations. His eyes are revealed
is released and must reclaim his
ties them together using drawings
in one of the graphic drawings.
The novel made me uneasy and
interesting and held my attention.
Photo obtained from Amazon
“The Sandman: The Doll’s House”is the second trade paperback of the DC comic series The Sandman and originally published in 1990. The comic was written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Mike Dringenberg.
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FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Mixed bag for softball home debut By James Burky
of the batting order. Senior Kristyn
Peters continued her phoenix-
like remergence from injuries A season rife with hope and
Williams earns RMAC Offensive Player of the Week
with her third home run of the
excitement has had a lackluster
season in the first inning and
start for MSU Denver softball
the Roadrunners followed suit,
after splitting their weekend
supporting their pitcher with three
series against the Montana State
more runs throughout the game.
University Billings Yellowjackets. The Roadrunners have won at
“I think we had a lot of talk this week about having more energy
least 30 games per season since
and I don’t think you really realize
Annie Van Wetzinga took over as
unless you’re in the dugout, unless
head coach in 2014. Now, at 3-9,
you’re getting hits and stuff, how
they are trying to gain confidence
much it really carries on from
and momentum as they continue
one player to another,” Peters
their season, but have been unable
said, in reference to the offense’s
to establish any consistency as a
issue of stringing hits together.
team. Facing the Yellowjackets, who
Photo by Kaileigh Lyons |
MSU Denver sophomore Darby McGhee pitches a ball in the first game of the doubleheader against MSU Billings on Feb. 17 at the Regency Athletic Complex.
Heads were held high after
defeated them 10-2 in the Easton
game one, but what clicked in the
Classic last week, the Roadrunners
first match faltered in the second.
were able to capture a win in their
The 6-3 loss, which was 6-0 until
one would expect from a first-
Peters, it’s critical for them to keep
first home game of the season. But,
the bottom of the seventh when
year player. Despite her age, Van
a cool head and focus on what the
what plagued them throughout
an ill-fated attempt at a rally
Wetzinga praises her young pitcher,
team needs to improve on as they
the first two weeks persisted in
was jump-started by a three-
acknowledging that she’s going to
head south to face Colorado State
game two of the doubleheader.
run home run from freshman
have freshman moments, but that
University-Pueblo. Though they had
Koryna Wright. This highlighted
no pitcher should be discredited for
their strongest outing of the season,
McGhee issued a commanding
issues that have persisted with
plays that were out of her control.
she acknowledges that all facets
performance on the mound in
the Roadrunners through the
game one, striking out four batters
first 12 games of the season.
Sophomore pitcher Darby
in the first two innings as the
“There were moments where she should have been sharper, but
While McGhee has been
I don’t think it should have been
of the game: hitting, pitching and defense, have room to improve. They know they’re talented
Roadrunners established a 3-1 lead.
pitching lights out, the remainder
6-0 for her,” Van Wetzinga said. “I
and the program’s track record
After two weeks of trying to find
of the staff has struggled. Kylee
think we should have made more
attests to that. Consistency is what
her footing, she hit her stride. In all
Burnside, who sees more action
plays behind her and that really
appears to be holding them back.
seven innings of work, she made
in the field than she does on the
hurt, kind of blew the game open.”
As they approach tough out-of
up for a less than ideal start to her
mound, has yet to be credited with
The Roadrunners struggles
conference opponents before
second year and displayed to the
a win and has posted a 7.78 ERA
of bunching hits together has
starting RMAC play, working out
Yellowjackets firsthand why she was
despite a respectable number of 12
festered, as well. In their 13
the kinks now could give them an
selected to the preseason all-Rocky
strikeouts in 18 innings of work.
offensive innings this weekend,
easier path to a successful season.
Mountain Athletic Conference team. “I think every game we play is an
Freshman Destinee Lopez has
they had seven in which they
The Roadrunners will travel
experienced her own growing
failed to record a hit and just three
south to play the Thunderwolves
opportunity for me to get better and
pains. The coaching staff has been
where they recorded multiple. The
for four games this weekend,
improve upon what maybe didn’t
able to ease her into the chaos of
lack of production is uncommon
a doubleheader on Saturday
work the week before,” McGhee
collegiate softball, but with Burnside
for the program but a turnaround
and another Sunday. Their next
said. “Everything was on, I was able
being an effective member in the
is as needed as ever with the
home game will be March 10
to get a good mix with each batter.”
field and McGhee not being able
development of the pitching staff.
against Fort Lewis College.
McGhee’s successful outing
to pitch every game, she’s been
was bolstered by the production
The confidence hasn’t wavered
expected to do more than what
for the Roadrunners. For leaders like
Roadrunners athletics review Softball
Feb. 17 W
L 3-6
Feb. 17
vs University of Sioux Falls
vs Montana State University Billings
Men’s Basketball
Feb. 16 W
Feb. 17 W
at University
of Colorado Colorado Springs
L 81-88
Feb. 18 W 17-8
Men’s Tennis
Women’s Tennis
at Colorado Mesa
Feb. 18
Feb. 18
at Colorado Mesa
Women’s Basketball
Feb. 17
of Colorado Colorado Springs
at University
W 70-57
Senior Cameron Williams earned Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the Week honors after his efforts against University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Williams tied his career high of 38 points in the effort, shooting 11-19 from the field. He also had three rebounds, two assists and three steals in the 81-88 loss. Williams and the Roadrunners will play their fi nal home games of the season on Feb. 23 and 24. Pessoa takes home women’s tennis RMAC Player of the Week Freshmen Alex Pessoa was named Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Player of the Week for her play against Division I opponent University of Northern Colorado. Pessoa was the only singles win for the Roadrunners in the matchup, defeating her opponent in No. 3 singles in three sets 4-6, 6-4, 6-2. She also won her doubles match with her partner, sophomore Tabitha Porter, 6-3. Indoor track collects hardware at Air Force Open The MSU Denver indoor track team represented well at the Air Force Open on Feb. 16. Freshman Michael Dike fi nished fi rst in the 200-meter, and redshirt freshman Jacob Link placed second in the mile for the men. Sophomore Sabrina Rautter and freshman Brenna Vallejos each earned third place fi nishes in the 800-meter and long jump for the women, respectively. The Roadrunners also had 21 other athletes fi nish within the top-10 of their events. Roadrunners track competes at the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Championships in Golden on Feb. 23 and 24. Women’s basketball places sixth in regional rankings The MSU Denver Women’s basketball team has earned a No. 6 ranking in the South Central Region in the NCAA Division II regional rankings released on Feb. 14. The Roadrunners are currently sitting in second place in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference standings at 15-5, and are on a six-game win streak after defeating University of Colorado Colorado Springs 70-57. The Roadrunners will fi nish up their regular season at home on Feb. 23 and 24.
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Baseball closes homestand at .500 Roadrunners sweep University of Sioux Falls before road trip
By Giacomo DiFranco
Senior outfielder Sean Kennedy currently leads the RMAC in hitting at .556, playing an integral role from the
The MSU Denver baseball team capped
leadoff spot. Right behind him in the two-
off their pre-conference home schedule
hole, Donny Ortiz, Jr. is also recording
this weekend by sweeping the University
a hit in more than half of his at-bats.
of Sioux Falls in a three game series.
Kennedy attributes his early success to his
The set marked the end of an eight game homestand to begin the season for
teammates and the length of the order. “It’s easy to hit when you have guys
the Roadrunners, posting a 4-4 record.
behind you that are doing their jobs,”
The team has been successful on offense,
Kennedy said. “All I know is that I just
scoring 68 runs during that stretch, but at
have to get on base and they’re going to
the same time they have struggled on the
do the job to get me over, or get me in.”
mound. In their first two series against
The offense will look to stay hot
University of Nebraska at Kearney and
at the plate as they head to Texas
Emporia State University, they allowed 51
for a three-game set against No. 16
runs on 57 hits, winning only one of the
Lubbock Christian University.
five games. First-year head coach Ryan
After the series, the team will head
Strain is pleased with how his team is
home to begin their in-conference schedule.
hitting the ball, but more so the adjustments
The team finished with a record of 19-
the pitching staff has made as the team
16 in conference play a season ago and
has clawed their way back to .500.
will look to improve upon that mark.
“We swung the bats really well, but
“If we’re going to have success in
Photo by Richard Allen |
Senior Sean Kennedy connects with a pitch against Emporia State University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 9. Kennedy’s .556 batting average leads the RMAC. For the Roadrunners to find conference
record on the season. He struggled in
success, they will need junior pitcher Javi
his first two appearances of the home
Vega to lead the pitching staff. Vega finished
stand, giving up 10 runs in just nine
the main thing is we pitched better this
the RMAC, playing in Colorado with the
second on the team in ERA and opponent
innings pitched. He bounced back in his
weekend,” Strain said. “I think the first
elevation and where the ball travels, we
batting average in 2017 and was named
most recent start against Sioux Falls,
weekend we just struggled with how many
can’t give up free bases,” Strain said. “We’re
second team all-RMAC for his efforts. It
allowing only one run in seven innings.
guys we walked and hit. We did a better
going to have to play really good defense
all comes down to mental toughness for
job today and the rest of this weekend.”
and our pitchers have to attack the zone.”
Vega, who has seen focus lapses shorten
home to play its first conference game
a couple outings already this season.
against CSU-Pueblo on March 2. For the
Compared to the rest of the Rocky
MSU Denver will need better production
After the road trip, the team will head
Mountain Athletic Conference, MSU Denver
from their pitchers as they head into
has had one of the most potent offenses.
conference play. In the first eight games,
past week not really trusting myself and
games will be against RMAC competition,
Their .371 batting average is top in the
they have a combined ERA of 7.33 and
my ability,” Vega said. “But, after my last
and will bank on their high-octane offense
conference by almost 40 points, and they
have allowed 40 walks during that span.
start I definitely learned to pound the zone,
and improving pitching to succeed.
are the first team to surpass 100 hits on the
The BB’s mark is tied for the most in the
throw strikes and let the defense work.”
season, averaging more than 12-per-game.
RMAC with Colorado State UniversityPueblo, but have thrown five less innings.
“I had a little bit of a mental issue this
remainder of the season, 36 of their 37
Vega currently leads the team with 16 innings pitched and holds a 2-0
High expectations as Rockies open Spring Training By Richard Allen
coming off down seasons marred by
year’s Wild Card winning team. Where
injuries, they are discounted by many.
it gets interesting is how the rest of the
However, Story put together a solid second With Spring Training games beginning
NL West has changed this offseason.
half by cutting down his strikeouts without
The Los Angeles Dodgers are still the
on Feb. 23, the Colorado Rockies
losing power. After hitting below .200 in the
division favorites, and deservedly so. But the
are gearing up for a try at their first
first two months in the season, he swatted
team is losing Yu Darvish, Brandon Morrow
National League West division title.
.269 in September. Plus, he hit 24 home
and Tony Watson, and has yet to replace
runs and played upper-echelon defense at
their production. The Arizona Diamondbacks,
appearance in eight years, the Rockies have
shortstop. Desmond had his first unhealthy
who outpaced the Rockies for the first
retooled and are ready to compete in one
season of his career and is widely regarded
Wild Card spot, lost J.D. Martinez, whose
of the toughest divisions in MLB as they
as one of the hardest workers in baseball.
production carried them in the second half of
Coming off their first postseason
travel to Arizona to prepare for 2018. After
After committing more than $100 million
the season. The San Diego Padres and San
assembling one of the strongest bullpens in
to three relievers, the bullpen figures to
Francisco Giants are building up intriguing
baseball, the team will bank on it, two MVP
be one of the top in the league. Free agent
pieces, but still don’t appear to be threats.
candidates and a young core of starting
acquisition Wade Davis has been one of the
pitching to return to October baseball.
top closers in baseball in recent history.
a little bit, and the bar for the division
Once again, the team will rely on Nolan
The Dodgers came back down to Earth
Chris Rusin, in a long relief role, was one
dropped with them. All NL West teams
Arenado and Charlie Blackmon to carry an
of the most valuable weapons and best-
improved except for them, making 2018 a
offense that will produce league-leading
kept secrets in the league last season.
year of unique opportunity for Colorado.
levels of runs in Coors Field. Amongst local
Led by Jon Gray, the starting pitching staff
If they can hold their own in in-division
and national media, there are concerns
will aim to improve on a season where some
competition, the rest of the West will take
that the two will not be enough to produce
metrics placed them in the top-10 in MLB.
wins from each other and lower the bar.
beyond the conventional, ballpark-inflated
Gray, German Marquez, Colorado-native Kyle
statistics and into the sabermetrics.
Freeland, Tyler Anderson and Jeff Hoffman
favorites to take the West, but with playoff
The Rockies will be hyper-reliant on
By no means are the Rockies the
are all under 30 years old and still developing.
credentials and the state of the division
the likes of $70-million-man Ian Desmond,
They have already displayed the talent to
should excite fans on Blake Street as the
all-or-nothing slugger Trevor Story and
hold their own and then some in MLB.
team begins work at Salt River Fields.
unproven players in the outfield and first base. Because the former two are
What this all adds up to is a team that will likely be an improvement on last
Photo from Jennifer Zambrano via Flickr
Trevor Story plays in a Spring Training game on March 5, 2016 against the San Diego Padres in Scottsdale, Arizona.
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Homecoming “Coco” Movie Night
Snarky Puppy
Location Ogden Theatre
Dana Gould
Men’s Indoor Track & Field
Location Comedy Works South
Price $35
Price $17, 25
Time 8 p.m.
Time 7:30 p.m.
Location Tivoli Building, Rooms
2.22 vs. Lubbock Christian
Time 5 p.m.
Price Free
“Guys and Dolls” by F. Loesser, J. Swerling and A. Burrows
Location Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theater, King Center Price $10-20
Athletic Conference Championships Location Golden Time TBA
Location Summit Music Hall Price $17, 20 2.22
2.23 vs. Rocky Mountain
University (Texas) Location Lubbock, TX
440/540 Time 4 p.m.
Time 6 p.m.
Location Filmore Auditorium Price $34.50, 40
Women’s Basketball
Time 7 p.m. 2.23 vs. Colorado Christian
2.24 vs. Colorado School of
University Location Denver 2.25
Location Black Sheep
Time 7:30 p.m.
Mines Location Denver Time 5 p.m.
Location Appaloosa Grill
Price $33.50, 40
Price FREE
Time 7 p.m.
Time 10 p.m.
Time 7:30 p.m.
Men’s Basketball 2.25
Visiting Artist Series: Baroque Chamber Orchestra of CO
Location King Center Concert Hall
New Politics
Location Ogden Theatre
Location Ogden Theatre
Price $25
Price $45.50, 80
Time 7:30 p.m.
Time 9 p.m.
2.24 vs. Colorado School of
Softball 2.25 vs. Colorado State University-Pueblo
Location Denver Time 7:30 p.m.
Location Pueblo Time 11 a.m.
Price $12 - 32 Time 3 p.m. 3.1
NoSleep Podcast
Location Summit Music Hall 2.27
MSU Symphonic Band and Secondary Instrument Band
Dead Floyd
Location Aggie Theatre
Price $20, 30
Price $12, 15
Time 7 p.m.
Time 9 p.m.
Avalanche 2.22 vs. Edmonton Oliers
Location King Center Concert Hall Price $5 - 10 Time 7:30 p.m.
Hot Buttered Rum
Location Boulder Theater
Location Fox Theatre
Price $18, 20
Price $20, 25
Time 9 p.m.
Time 8:30 p.m.
Location Away Time 7 p.m.
Avalanche Lake Clarity: For an immersive horror audio drama, check out “Lake Clarity” @
Location Pepsi Center
Nuggets 2.23 vs. San Antonio Spurs Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.
Location 1STBANK Center
Price $39.50-99.50
Price $59.50 - 64.45
Time 7: 30 p.m.
Time 7 p.m.
2.24 vs. Calgary Flames Location Away Time 2 p.m.
2.25 vs. Houston Rockets Location Pepsi Center Time 6 p.m.
TRENDING NEWS Fergie’s all-star anthem On Feb. 18, Team Lebron beat
Shib sibs win bronze
Dutch lawyer found guilty
Film makes wrinkle in time
Siblings Alex and Maia
On Tuesday, Dutch lawyer,
Team Stephen 148-145 at the
Shibutani claimed the bronze
Alex van der Zwaan, admitted to
the novel “A Wrinkle in Time,”
2018 NBA All-Star Game. But
medal in ice dancing for the
lying to prosecutors about his
is set to release on March 9. The
President Nicolas Maduro
before the teams began playing,
U.S. on Feb. 19. Their overall
conversations with former Trump
$103 million dollar sci-fi film was
announced the creation of
Fergie sang her rendition of
score was 192.59. Canadian
aide, Rick Gates, regarding their
directed by Ava DuVernay, Oscar
“Petro,” a cryptocurrency backed
the National Anthem. Her jazzy
skaters Tessa Virtue and Scott
work with a Ukrainian political
nominated director of “Selma.”
by barrels of crude oil. Maduro
version of the song received
Moir claimed gold in the event
party and deleting email records
The film stars Oprah Winfrey,
claimed that 100 million tokens,
mixed reviews. As she sang,
scoring 206.07. French skaters
sought after by prosecutors,
Reese Witherspoon, Mindy
with their backing of crude oil,
camera crews caught Kevin
Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume
according to the New York Times.
Kaling and Chris Pine. The novel,
will sell at $60 each. According to
Durant, Lebron James and Jimmy
Cizeron claimed silver scoring
He will likely serve six months
written by Madeleine L’Engle and
BBC News, the largest oil reserves
Kimmel grinning sheepishly from
205.28. At time of publication,
in prison for his crimes. Zwaan
published in 1962, was originally
in the world are in Venezuela.
the sidelines. On Monday, she
the U.S. has won five gold, three
is the 22nd person who has
adapted for film in 2003.
“Petro” was created in strengthen
released a statement saying she
silver and four bronze medals.
either been indicted or entered
the nation’s economy in response
wanted to try something special
a plea deal since the Mueller
to sanctions imposed by the U.S.
with the song, acknowledging
investigation began in May 2017.
herself as an artistic risk taker.
The newest film version of
Oil-based currecny slides past sanctions On Tuesday in Venezuela,
FEBRUARY 21, 2018
Top 5
Around Auraria
Ways to embrace the cold
From Montana Martin
1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. Just kidding. Stay inside.
Overheard “She’s trying to be sexy with the Star-Spangled Banner.” “He died to death.“ “OK. But why are you making eye contact with me?“ “I will give you $50 if you just go up and throw up on her.“
Students trudge through snow and brave below-freezing temperatures on their way to morning classes on Auraria campus the morning of Feb. 20.
“I figured you would hear ‘anime’ and know.”
Brain games Across
42. Climbing gadget
33. Old wheels
1. Sweet drinks
43. Huge quantity
1. Lug
34. Gentle one?
6. Unit of capacitance
44. Lenses are behind them
2. Author born Eric Blair
36. Lad
11. Exercise group
46. Actor Stephen
3. Colorant company since
37. Goon
14. Apple problem
47. Fold
38. Despoil
15. Seamaster watchmaker
48. Kind of exodus
4. Film pooch
39. Prefix with system
16. Gp. concerned with
52. Cheek roller
5. Slugs at the bar
40. Short Metalious novel?
greenhouse gases
54. Illustrator Silverstein
6. Adversary
45. Bum thing?
17. Short ‘80s TV drama?
56. Moo __ pork
7. Org. for some NIH
47. Before things got out
19. It may be deadly
57. Some cockapoo
of hand
20. Emissary
8. Makes louder, in a way
49. Useful qualities
21. Recline
60. Phones for pizza, say
9. Certain discriminator
50. Tee and others
23. Wing
62. Dancer Miller
10. “The Inferno” author
51. Easter __
24. Old address
63. Short Finney/Hepburn
11. Short TV show for kids?
53. Even if, briefly
27. Lode line
12. Larger-than-life
55. Close, in a way
28. Fall sound
66. GTO booster
13. Cooler
57. Go by
30. Relinquish
67. More sound
18. Supermodel Klum
58. Aware of
32. Wave maker
68. Terra __
22. Dedicatory rite
59. Gone, maybe
35. The way things stand
69. Space heater?
25. Sell
61. Gee
70. Decorum
26. Some fugitives
64. Charge
37. Mixed up
71. Minx
29. Exhibited boldly
65. Esposito teammate
31. Eighth-century B.C.
41. Eastern bigwig
38. It’s not an original
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