Volume 40, Issue 23 - Feb. 28, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 23

FEBRUARY 28, 2018


Black history is to stand on the shoulders of giants for professor

Photo by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Alvin Finderson, adjunct professor in the Africana Studies Department, unlocks his bicycle before riding it across campus to teach his next class on Feb. 14. Finderson, moved to Colorado in the mid 80’s and used teaching as a vessel that drove him to educate students throughout the globe including China, East and West Africa

By Mimi Madrid

For the month of February, they

Movements and Black Experience

B. Wells. He then paused on

Rosa Parks helped lead the


asked their classes to become

course and rides his bike daily

the name Claudette Colvin.

Montgomery Bus Boycott in

familiar with the unsung black

across campus to his classes.

“There was no doubt that

movements and makers of history.

His office, which was mostly

Claudette Colvin’s actions were

interview in 2009 that the month

empty, seemed to fill with the

spontaneous and her reaction

before her arrest, she learned

Nearly 100 out of 2,033 professors at MSU Denver

“I think Black History Month is

Alabama. Colvin told NPR in an

identify as black or African-

valuable in focusing on the Black

spirits of giants when he spoke

was the perfect indicator,” he

about black leaders like Harriet

American and bring invaluable

experience in America,” said

of those who formed U.S.

said. “She not only did not

Tubman and Sojourner Truth.

representation, perspective and

Africana Studies adjunct professor

history and inspired him.

give up her seat, she defended

knowledge to the student body.

Alvin Finderson. “However, the

These educators, although few, are on a major mission to engage students of all backgrounds.



He started with Malcolm

it. She fought for it.”

focus should be there for every

X and listed Ella Baker, John

one of the 12 months in a year.”

Lewis, Nat Turner, Fannie Lou

1955 and was arrested nine

Hammer and journalist Ida

months before the infamous

Finderson teaches a Social | pg. 3


| pg. 5

Colvin was 15 years old in


| pg. 9

| Continued on pg. 8 SPORTS

| pg. 10

School discusses preventative

The sacrifices of war: a vet’s

Students shop for attire at discount

Women’s basketball moves on to

measures for active shooter



next round

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