The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 40
NO. 23
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Black history is to stand on the shoulders of giants for professor
Photo by Mimi Madrid |
Alvin Finderson, adjunct professor in the Africana Studies Department, unlocks his bicycle before riding it across campus to teach his next class on Feb. 14. Finderson, moved to Colorado in the mid 80’s and used teaching as a vessel that drove him to educate students throughout the globe including China, East and West Africa
By Mimi Madrid
For the month of February, they
Movements and Black Experience
B. Wells. He then paused on
Rosa Parks helped lead the
asked their classes to become
course and rides his bike daily
the name Claudette Colvin.
Montgomery Bus Boycott in
familiar with the unsung black
across campus to his classes.
“There was no doubt that
movements and makers of history.
His office, which was mostly
Claudette Colvin’s actions were
interview in 2009 that the month
empty, seemed to fill with the
spontaneous and her reaction
before her arrest, she learned
Nearly 100 out of 2,033 professors at MSU Denver
“I think Black History Month is
Alabama. Colvin told NPR in an
identify as black or African-
valuable in focusing on the Black
spirits of giants when he spoke
was the perfect indicator,” he
about black leaders like Harriet
American and bring invaluable
experience in America,” said
of those who formed U.S.
said. “She not only did not
Tubman and Sojourner Truth.
representation, perspective and
Africana Studies adjunct professor
history and inspired him.
give up her seat, she defended
knowledge to the student body.
Alvin Finderson. “However, the
These educators, although few, are on a major mission to engage students of all backgrounds.
He started with Malcolm
it. She fought for it.”
focus should be there for every
X and listed Ella Baker, John
one of the 12 months in a year.”
Lewis, Nat Turner, Fannie Lou
1955 and was arrested nine
Hammer and journalist Ida
months before the infamous
Finderson teaches a Social | pg. 3
| pg. 5
Colvin was 15 years old in
| pg. 9
| Continued on pg. 8 SPORTS
| pg. 10
School discusses preventative
The sacrifices of war: a vet’s
Students shop for attire at discount
Women’s basketball moves on to
measures for active shooter
next round
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FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Auraria campus active shooter response plan and prevention for students and faculty By Nataleah Small
According to Phibbs, if there is an active shooter on campus, individuals have three modes
Although MSU Denver has a multi-tiered plan for students and
of action: run, hide or fight. If students are unable to
faculty to follow in case of an active
run away, they should hide. He
shooter, one piece of advice is king.
explained a shooter would be
“If you can run and flee, that’s
focused on inflicting as much
what we want you to do,” said
damage as possible and is not as
Auraria Chief of Police Michael J.
interested in finding those in hiding.
Phibbs. “We want you to get as far away from the danger as you can.” Since the beginning of the
“If fleeing wasn’t an option, and hiding is not working out, we want people to have in their mind the
year, 18 school shootings have
mindset that they can fight,” Phibbs
taken place across the U.S. The
said. “If people can do this in a
most recent shooting on Feb. 14
group and overwhelm somebody,
at Marjory Stoneman Douglas
some people are likely to get hurt,
High School in Parkland, Florida
but they can stop a shooter.”
claimed the lives of 17 people.
In accordance with Colorado law, concealed carry is permitted
“We want you to get as far away from the danger as you can.” –Michael Phibbs
on campus. Phibbs stated that the Auraria police force views those with concealed carry permits as campus allies who can intervene Photos by Kaileigh Lyons|
in emergency situations. The tragedy sparked sadness,
“I have no qualms or any
anger and anxiety throughout
heartache about somebody using
the U.S. and forced many
a concealed carry weapon to
to wonder how they would
defend their life or somebody
react in a similar situation. On the Auraria campus, there are multiple resources for addressing emergencies and preventing tragedies. The police department, Consultation Assessment Referral Education team and emergency preparedness managers work to keep members of the Auraria community safe both day to day and during dangerous situations.
else’s,” Phibbs said. However, Phibbs acknowledged that those with concealed carry
Auraria Chief of Police Michael J. Phibbs discussing MSU Denver’s plan in case of an active shooter on campus in the Auraria police department on Feb. 20. through the MSU Denver website.
The message will detail what is
The report asks for information
stigmas still surround mental
happening and how individuals
regarding the incident, the person
health issues. However, he said as
on campus should react.
filing the report and the person
a society we are becoming more
being reported. Though reports
open about addressing them.
should surrender to legitimate authority in the presence of law enforcement officers. To notify the campus community in the case of an emergency, Phibbs said the police department will send a text message through the Rave Mobile Safety
“We don’t stigmatize somebody for having diabetes or a broken leg or something like that. It’s a health issue, it’s not within their control.” – Eric Leath Although it is important to have a plan of action during an emergency,
can be anonymous, Haden said
“It’s not, you know, making
it is preferable that the reporter
somebody criminal or crazy,”
provides their own information
Leath said. “We don’t stigmatize
in case the team needs to
somebody for having diabetes
follow up on the incident.
or a broken leg or something
Haden explained that when the team receives a report, they follow up with the individual
like that. It’s a health issue, it’s not within their control.” If students are concerned about
being reported to determine
their personal mental health,
the legitimacy of the report.
Haden said they can seek help from
“Sometimes when we look into
medical and mental professionals
it is also important to focus on
those, there may be nothing at all
at the Counseling Center in Tivoli
preventative measures. According
behind it,” Haden said. “But we
and the Health Center at Auraria.
to Mark Pokorny, environmental and
would much rather have a report
emergency preparedness manager,
that we look into and find there is
in the campus’ response and
if an individual sees something
nothing there, or that it was some
preparedness plans. Yet, he said
out of the ordinary they should
sort of misunderstanding.”
members of his team continually
report it to a trusted authority. Pokorny said it is important
Haden said students can file reports regarding anything
Overall, Phibbs has confidence
assess new ways to keep the campus safe from potential threats. “I think we’re solid,” Phibbs
for people to have situational
from behavioral problems to
awareness and pay attention to
food insecurity—which is when
said. “But solid doesn’t mean
what is going on around them.
someone doesn’t know where
that I put that plan on the shelf
their next meal will come from.
and we don’t think about it. We
or your book,” Pokorny said. “That
He explained the team’s purpose
are literally, almost every day,
goes a long ways to mitigating
is not to get an individual in
thinking about something in this
a potentially bad situation, if
trouble, but to connect them to the
area and what we might do here.”
you can see it first and call the
correct resources to bring people
authorities to intervene.”
to “more complete health.”
“Don’t be buried in your phone
If a student sees another
David Haden, associate dean for student engagement and wellness and cochair of the CARE Team speaking on emergency plans in the Auraria Police Department on Feb. 20. Haden explained how students can report incidents of behavioral problems along with any other incidents to the CARE Team.
Leath acknowledged that
emergency notification system.
Eric Leath, campus emergency
If students and faculty members are interested in more information about emergency
student exhibiting abnormal
preparedness manager for the
preparedness and crime statistics,
behaviors, David Haden, associate
Auraria Higher Education Center,
they can access the Auraria Campus
dean for student engagement &
said students and faculty members
Emergency Procedures Guide
wellness and co-chair of the CARE
don’t need to feel threatened to file
and Annual Security Reports and
Team, said that they should not
a report. If they are concerned about
Crime Logs on the Auraria Higher
hesitate to file a CARE report.
someone else’s well being or mental
Education Center website.
CARE reports are filed online
health, they should say something.
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Sabbaticals increase for faculty By Forest Wilson
the faculty senate committee
granted a semester sabbatical
and the Provost’s office. The
to conduct research for a book
office made recommendations
on international relations
to the president, who passed
theory. Her aim is to understand
faculty sabbatical requests
the qualifying applications
political movements since the
for the 2018-2019 school year,
to the board of trustees, who
Great Recession through a neo-
highlighting an increasing
made the final approval. Those
gramscian lens, which analyzes
trend in the past few years.
who applied had to hold tenure
culture and its effect on politics.
MSU Denver approved 23
Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
or be on the tenured track. According to Henry, when he
“It’s important every seven years or so to go back and
Vicki L. Golich, and her office
arrived, sabbaticals were not a
remember why you’re doing this
have made an effort to educate
topic of discussion—there would
in the first place,” Rucki said.
faculty on sabbatical leave and
be maybe one per year. Golich
“The people I know who’ve done
raise funds for the program.
decided to change that. During
sabbaticals in the past, they’ve
the past two cycles, the number
come up with really important
president of faculty affairs, has
of applications received were
work and they’ve integrated
been with MSU Denver since 2002.
consistently in the mid-20s. This
it into their classrooms.”
He noted the shift in emphasis for
year every request was approved.
Bill C. Henry, associate vice
sabbaticals began when Golich was made Provost in 2009. “Dr. Golich deserves a ton
“Last year we had maybe five
Photo by Isaac Banks |
Kenn Bisio, associate professor of journalism and technical
or six that were not approved,”
communication and member of the
Henry said. “So the fact that we
board of trustees, plans to apply
of credit for really getting
had all of them approved this
for the next cycle of sabbaticals.
our sabbatical program off
year I think is a good sign.”
Bill C. Henry, associate vice president of faculty affairs working in his office in the Provost’s office in the Student Success Building on Feb. 23. can accomplish this is through
edge,” Henry said. “I think if
scholarships, and sabbatical
students could see the work
single professor on campus
leave allots both time and
that their faculty are doing
Provost’s office for sabbaticals
did it,” Bisio said. “I don’t see
opportunity. The faculty member
on sabbaticals, our student
absence to faculty members
were capped at $6,000 for this
a discipline or genre where
also retains their salary during
body should be proud.”
for their professional pursuits.
cycle. This cap varies on a yearly
it would be a waste of time,
the first semester. If two
Applications were submitted
basis and was bumped up from
because all the things that you
semesters are required, they
a cap of $500,000 for sabbatical
fall 2017, to be reviewed for
$4,000 in the 2017-2018 school
are doing during that sabbatical
receive half of their salary.
support. About $360,000 will
approval for the fall 2018 and
year. Additional funds were
comes back for the students.”
spring 2019 semesters. The
requested by 16 faculty members.
the ground,” Henry said. Sabbaticals grant leaves of
applications were reviewed by the department chair, the dean,
Additional funds from the
Associate Professor of Political Science, Sheila M. Rucki, was
“It would be great if every
MSU Denver requires that
“We have faculty who are conducting research that is
faculty stay current in their
impactful. It’s important, it’s
field. One of the ways they
sophisticated, it’s cutting
The Provost’s office has set
be used for the sabbaticals in the 2018-2019 school year.
Transgender and nonbinary therapy
Blackboard down! Blackboard Learn servers will be undergoing maintenance from 10 p.m. Friday, March 2 through 2 p.m. Saturday, March 3. During this time, the servers may be inaccessible, so make sure you get your homework turned in before then!
By Pablo Vasquez
nonbinary students as an at-risk
community for discrimination. “So, any support and feelings of
The MSU Denver Counseling
community and feelings of family on
Center is offering therapy
campus that we can offer, I think is
groups for LGBTQ students in
incredibly important,” Butler said.
the form of the Transgender and
Any transgender or nonbinary
Nonbinary Support Group.
Not all in the family Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of President Donald Trump, had his topsecret security clearance revoked due to delays in his background check. Kushner is still able to view secret documents, though is now forbidden from viewing top-secret intelligence.
The group is a platform where
The Supreme Court declined to hear a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals case brought forth by the White House. Instead, the cases currently being reviewed by lower courts will be used. The White House sought to dodge lower courts stopping the government from removing DACA protections.
attend these sessions and is free
students who are transitioning
to communicate their identities in
from male to female, or female to
any way they choose to seasoned
male, can come together at this
therapists capable of helping them
free and confidential group to
navigate through the potential
discuss the issues they are going
hardships of transitioning.
through in a therapeutic way.
“These groups are probably
“It makes them feel secure,
a good place for them to Photo obtained from MSU Denver.
communicate,” said Brandon
The MSU Denver Counseling Center offers support groups for LGBTQ students in Tivoli Student Union 651. Appointments can be scheduled by calling the number pictured.
Atkins, a CU Denver student.
provides better information throughout therapy and is just
Thank you, come again
MSU Denver student is welcome to
a better way to help those who are struggling,” said Kaliba Linthicum, an MSU Denver transgender student. According to a study done
The Counseling Center also plans to provide a separate group called LGBTQ Relationships this semester,
and will last for about eight weeks.
reached for comment after multiple
where anyone who identifies as
Transgender students meet
attempts, the idea is popular among
part of this group is welcome to
the MSU Denver community.
attend, communicate and learn
by the UCLA law school institute
on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. while
just over 1.3 million Americans
nonbinary students meet on
identify as transgender.
Thursday at 9 p.m. Both meetings
Director of the Center for High
others. The transgender group
take place in Tivoli 651 where
Risk Youth Studies Annie Butler
will continue to meet on Mondays
groups of five to ten participate.
thinks that the support offered
1:00-2:15 p.m. The nonbinary group
by the group is awesome. Butler
meets Fridays 1:30-3:00 p.m.
The Counseling Center devised a way to help those who are struggling with their identity. The therapy group started on Feb. 19
Although the MSU Denver Counseling Center could not be
Associate Professor and
described transgender and
Correction: Last issue in the story “Lambasting the monogamy trap”, we misspelled Stephanie Webb’s name as Webber. The Metropolitan regrets the error.
to build lasting relationships with
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Understanding true sacrifice Joshua A. Alvarez
a stretcher and carry him to our van.
be the true sacrifice. I believe it
The entire ride, I daydream about
is the willingness of our military
unsung hallmark of service. The
arch 2010, Iraq. I turn the
my daughter Lilliana, who is only
personnel to voluntarily carry
time spent away from my family
corner and see a nurse,
a few years younger than him.
the emotional burdens that are
cannot be replaced and it hurts to
accompanied with service.
think about the memories that could
tears in her eyes. I know
I think of the heart-breaking news
The emotional weight is the real
the last 21 hours have been an
that is soon to be delivered to his
On that day in March, I
emotional roller coaster fueled by
family. I imagine how devastated
experienced an internal moral
some suffer are horrific and often
heartache and adrenaline. I stand
I would be if it were my Lilliana.
argument that left me questioning
debilitating. But it is the memories
beside her and listen to her voice
My daydream is interrupted by
my existence, my service and my
that sneak into your head at the
crack and waver as she relays the
Sergeant Williams telling me to
purpose in life. You see, until that
endon the back of a song during
time of death to Sergeant Williams.
hop out and open the gate; we were
point, I had been in the Air Force
your workout. It is the memories that
I can’t help but notice the defeated
have been. The physical injuries that
already at the mortuary compound.
for three years and I never stopped
hitchhike on a scent and penetrate
look on her face and I know it’s a
I open the gate and Sergeant
to think about the real sacrifice that
your brain when you least expect
reflection of her defeated heart. I
Williams backs the van near the
comes with service. I understood
it. It is the memories that are left
look around the room, and there
refrigeration unit. We open the
the sacrifice of time I would have to
for you alone to battle in the middle
he is. All eight years of his life have
doors to the refrigeration unit, then
make and often contemplated the
of the night when everyone else is
come to an end in a foreign hospital
open the back doors of the van.
consequence it would have on my
sound asleep. It is the memories that
surrounded by people who don’t
With little more than the strength
wife and daughter. I understood
are forged with emotions that are
know his story or even speak his
necessary to lift a five-pound bag
the realistic possibility of being
the real load to be carried. It is this
language, none of which mattered.
of potatoes, we lift the stretcher,
harmed or killed, yet I remained
load that should be the foundation of your acknowledgements.
To the staff, he was a boy
carrying what seems to be an
oblivious to the larger sacrifice I
fighting for his life and that’s all
empty body bag. We place him in
would have to make, the sacrifice
they needed to know. They fought
the cooler and close the door.
of a clean and clear conscience.
alongside him throughout the
I have served my country for
Serving in the Air Force comes
The willingness of our service members to carry the emotional load associated with service is the
night, never leaving him alone.
about eleven years, and it wasn’t
with the bittersweet physical
real champion to be praised. It is this
Their efforts, while valiant, would
until recently that I have been
separation from warfare. On one
load that serves as the true burden
be fruitless. His small frame,
able to pick up the puzzle pieces
hand, you understand that you
of warfare, and we gladly carry it.
sprinkled with streaks of blood,
of such experiences and see the
are a part of warfare, but it is
was partially covered by tattered
big picture. I have always felt
not observable in your everyday
memories like this and countless
clothes. Between the blow of the
awkward and unworthy of praise
actions. The physical distance
others, so we can relieve others
truck and the doctor’s urgently
when someone tells me, “Thank
serves as a moral curtain, shielding
from having to do so. If by
cutting them off to jumpstart
you for your service!” I didn’t join
you from the truth. On that day
carrying these memories, we can
his heart with the defibrillator,
to be a hero. The truth is I never
in March, my curtain fell.
ensure the safety of our family
not much fabric remained.
thought that far ahead. All I wanted
I walk over to him and see
Staring at this lifeless young
We willingly carry the burden of
and friends, absolve the innocent
was to finally make my father
boy, I was brought face-to-face with
from oppressive governments,
his personal belongings on his
proud of me, to show him that I
the reality of warfare and I wasn’t
afford peoples the freedom to be
bedside table. I fold the bloody
was worth something. I realize
ready for it. I wasn’t ready for the
educated without fear of death
items, inventory them and place
now the reason I felt awkward
heart-wrenching duty of delivering
or oppression, no matter the
them in a Ziploc bag. Two of my
for the accolades was because I
the young boy to his family. I wasn’t
distance, we shall willingly carry
teammates and I easily roll his
didn’t understand what it meant.
ready to see the tears roll down
the load. This is the sacrifice that
the worn leather face of the boy’s
thousands of service members
frail body to one side and slide the
It is acceptable to believe,
Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez Managing Editor Montana Martin News Editor Isaac Banks Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid Assistant Features Editor Jolene Yazzie Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber Sports Editor Rich Allen Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski Assistant Sports Editor James Burky Photo Editor Ali Watkins Assistant Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons Director of Met Media Steve Haigh Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea
white body bag underneath him.
as I once did, that their praises
uncle. I wasn’t ready for the man to
have pledged to and have endured.
It is a matter of seconds before he
are intended to recognize the
place his hand over his heart and
Let the emotional sacrifice be the
is engulfed by the enormity of the
sacrifice of time away from our
sobbingly say, “Thank you!” Even
foundation of praise when you say,
Kathleen Jewby
bag intended to accommodate a
families. However, I challenge
more, I wasn’t ready to carry the
“Thank you for your service!”
Office Manager
much larger man. We place him on
you to recognize what I believe to
emotional weight of this memory.
Production Manager of Met Media
Elizabeth Norberg Sales and Marketing
Searching for regulation Rebecca Martinez
concert that they attend or the night
For example, in 2002 a
Brady Nelson Caitlin Monaghan
shootings in this country. The
club they go to and not be nervous
19-year-old killed 17 at a school in
other side of this argument is that
n 2018 there have been 34 mass
the whole time that something is
Germany, and in 2008 they banned
it will not bring down the number
shootings, 18 of which took place
going to happen. My first thought
automated and semi-automated
of mass shootings, but we will
at US schools. The shooting at
when I walk into a movie theater
firearms with the exception of
never know until we try it out.
should not be to locate all the exits.
hunting and sport shooting.
I am tired of receiving texts
In Australia the government
that there is a shooting at the high
Columbine High School in 1999 is no longer one of the top 10 deadliest shootings in the United States.
People want to think that a shooting could never happen to
introduced a gun control regime
school down the street from me. I
I am neither for nor against
them but with the lenient gun laws
after a massacre in Tasmania
am tired of worrying about my little
guns, but I am against the deaths
and 345 mass shootings in 2017 in
is 1996. After this gun control
sister when she goes some place.
of innocent people. I am against
the U.S., there is no guarantee. The
regime was put into place, mass
I am tired of turning on the news
people feeling unsafe in places
United States have not changed
shootings are at an all time low.
and seeing more and more innocent
where they should not have to worry
guns laws after all of these tragic
All guns do not have to be
people dying because of guns. I
about being shot. Kids should be
occurrences, while other countries
banned, but stricter gun laws
am tired of mass shootings and
able to go to school and feel safe.
have changed their gun laws after
and background checks could
America doing nothing to stop them.
People should be able to enjoy the
one or two mass shootings.
play a role in decreasing mass
Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to or Managing Editor Montana Martin at
What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Theatre Review: A classic comes to life By Avery Anderson
wit and style of the character. He
portrayed a man that changed from
was a work of art in its own right. “Guys and Dolls” at MSU
being self-centered to selfless. Whenever a theater company
Denver is a fun, clean and classic
Playing his romantic love
piece that lets you relax for two
chooses to produce classic and
interest, Sarah Brown, was MSU
hours and enjoy a time where the
well-beloved shows, there is always
Denver senior Michaela Lamb.
guys really tried to get the dolls.
a moment of hesitation. The MSU
Lamb has delivered several strong
Denver Theatre Department took
performances during her time at
on that challenge with “Guys and
MSU Denver, and unfortunately
Dolls,” a show that countless
did not go out on her best note.
audiences have seen and connected
Her character was shallow and
with. The theatre showed justice.
confusing and amounted to no
First produced in 1950 on
real change, as the others did.
Broadway, the hit show follows
“Guys and Dolls” at MSU Denver Theatre Department
Megan Schraeder played Miss
the antics and love lives of two
Adelaide and stole the show at
“Guys and Dolls”
couples in New York City. The
every turn. From the moment she
audience watches as the charming
walked on stage, the audience
gambler Sky Masterson attempts
was enthralled in this petite, yet
Photo by Ali Watkins |
to woo the leader of the local
strong and funny woman. Being
mission, Sarah Brown. What starts
only a sophomore, Schraeder was
out as a bet between buddies
a pleasant surprise and made a
Megan Schraeder and Troy Clark, as Miss Adelaide and Nathan Detroit, rehearse “Sue Me” in MSU Denver’s production of “Guys and Dolls” on Feb. 19 in the Eugenia Rawls Courtyard theater in the King Center.
turns into a full romance.
name for herself. Her rendition
NOW PLAYING! Directed by Scott Lubinski. Starring Justin Milner and Michaela Lamb. Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre 855 Lawrence Way Denver, CO, 80204. Through March 4. Tickets: Students and Seniors $10 and Adults $20. All MSU Denver students are free with valid school ID. Tickets: or 303-556-2296.
The Adelaide and Nathan Detroit
of “Sue Me” was one of the most
show, and mixed with the fun and
used to fill in the imaginative gaps,
story is also played out. After being
professional numbers I have ever
colorful costumes, completed the
left by the set, to create the streets
engaged for 14 years, the couple
seen on a King Center Stage.
look of the time period. There were
for the guys and the halls for the
is faced with some comedic and
She certainly sounded and acted
some minor elements that did not
dolls. Designed by senior Mitch
sentimental moments that test their
like a young Jane Krakowski,
fit the time period, such as typed
Dailey, the lighting had flair and
relationship and move it along.
who played the same role in
letters, but overall the show was
nuance. He even went the extra
the 2005 West End revival.
well done through and through.
step to light wooden signs and
Taking on the lead male role of Sky Masterson was Justin Milner.
The production elements were
The lighting was the real
other small set pieces to make them
He shined throughout the show, as
clean and sleek. A metal skyline
champion of the production side.
pop. Although the whole show
his performance matched the quick
created a sharp background to the
It enhanced every scene and was
was artful, Dailey’s lighting design
Movie Review: Annihilation By Kavann Tok
accompanied by Dr. Ventress
(Jennifer Jason Leigh), physicist Josie Radek (Tessa Thompson),
Written and directed by Alex
anthropologist Cass Shepherd
Garland, “Annihilation” is based
(Tuva Novotny) and paramedic
on Jeff VanderMeer’s best-
Anya Thorensen (Gina Rodriguez).
selling Southern Reach trilogy.
The tension builds as they
On a lonesome beach, a
venture deeper into The Shimmer,
meteorite strikes a lighthouse
experiencing one strange
which generates an anomaly
encounter after another leading up
known as The Shimmer. It’s
to the mind-blowing secrets of the
an ever-expanding prism that
lighthouse and what awaits within.
engulfs the surrounding regions.
What begins as an exploration
Within the phenomenon, strange
of an enigma slowly descends
forms of mitosis occur within
into paranoia and madness,
the cells of living carbon-based
followed with a downward spiral
organisms and cause mutations
into darkness and chaos. It
that are both extraordinarily
makes the viewers ponder what
beautiful and horrifying.
secrets the universe may hold,
The story is narrated by Lena,
what possible alien life could
played by Natalie Portman, a
exist and what ramifications
cellular biologist and former
it could have on our world.
U.S. Army soldier. Her husband
In 2016 Garland’s directorial Photo obtained from the Atlantic.
Kane, played by Oscar Isaac,
debut, “Ex Machina,” won an
mysteriously appears after having
Academy Award for Best Visual
been missing for over a year
Effects and was nominated for
after an earlier expedition into
Best Original Screenplay. He has
the sci-fi genre and creates his
with blood, gore and profoundly
The Shimmer. Suddenly, he slips
also won the Directors Guild of
of early ‘70s sci-fi thrillers such as
own stylized, psychological
disturbing imagery that may
into a comatose state, leaving
America’s Award for Outstanding
“Westworld,” Stanley Kubrick’s
approach. “Annihilation”
haunt viewers long after leaving
Lena completely bewildered
Directorial Achievement of a
“2001: Space Odyssey” and
is both visually stimulating
the theater. The suspense builds
and seeking answers.
First-Time Feature Film Director
numerous other movies prior to
and thought-provoking.
with every step, and the journey
for “Ex Machina.” Garland’s
the mega-budget hit “Star Wars.”
She decides to join the latest
The sci-fi thriller “Annihilation” stars Natalie Portman and was released nationwide on Feb. 23. Garland’s films are reminiscent
There are inexplicable
Be forewarned, this is an
group of explorers, even after
latest cutting-edge masterpiece
R-rated film that parents may not
being informed few have survived
is likely to earn him numerous
occurrences in “Annihilation.”
want to take their children to see.
previous expeditions. She is
awards this year as well.
Garland breathes fresh life into
It’s not for everyone. It’s filled
is filled with elements of genuine horror and shocking discoveries.
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Game Review: the Pyre burns brightly By Isaac Banks
characters, and more importantly,
not trigger a game over. Instead,
the world. Every time a name
the game expects you to pick
of a person or place appears in
yourself up and fight on. Fail too
the text box, it is highlighted.
many Rites, and the Nightwings
boat down a gentle flowing river
Simply moving the cursor over the
will lose the chance to escape the
that crescendos into a roaring
highlighted area will cause a box
Downside. I enjoyed the pressure
waterfall. Accompanied by heart-
with more information to pop up.
that this brought to each Rite I
“Pyre’s” story is like riding a
pounding tactical gameplay and
I really appreciated this
faced. To have real consequences
gorgeous graphics, Supergiant’s
element because I did not have
for failing is refreshing in a video
third game is a pleasure to play.
to go digging through menus to
game. This also leads to different
understand what was going on.
ends, giving Pyre replay value.
called the Reader and are tasked
You play an unseen character
Additional lore, like the history
The addition of local multiplayer
to lead a group of exiles called
of the Commonwealth, can be
adds icing to the marvelous cake.
the Nightwings back to the
found in the game for those
Commonwealth, the country they
who want more context. It is not
traditional in the sense that they
call home. Reading is forbidden
necessary to seek this lore out,
move like watercolor paints. Every
in the Commonwealth, making
but it adds more to the story. In
your character special because
order to escape the Downside,
you are one of few who can still
Rites must be conducted and won.
read. The first three Nightwings
The Rites, the driving source
Supergiant’s graphics are non-
new area has a different design Photo obtained from IGN
Pyre, an action role-playing game, was released on July 25, 2017 and developed by Supergiant games.
and colors associated with it. Each character has a distinct look and feel. Tying the package together
you meet are Hedwyn, Jodariel
of gameplay, are the three vs.
and Rukey Greentail. As the story
three competitions where one
that lead to different strategies
makes her a faster character than
progresses, more members are
side must douse the fire of the
and gameplay styles. Each new
Jodariel, who is slow but has a
story starts off slow, but builds to
added to the group. Each member
other. This is done by throwing
member that joins gives the player
stronger attack and does more
a satisfying ending. The gameplay
was exiled to the Downside, a sort
a ball into the fire or running
new options to use in the Rites.
damage to the enemy pyre.
is easy to learn but hard to master,
of purgatory, for various reasons.
one of the competitors into the
Spending time with the
is a mood-setting soundtrack.
For instance, Mae is a character
There are also RPG elements
flame. As the Reader, the player
that joins the Nightwings about
for each of the characters. You
characters reveals why they were
controls the Nightwings in these
one-fourth of the way through
cannot choose every ability so you
exiled. The story starts off slow,
competitions. The members of the
the game, and has the ability to
will have to pick the ones that fit
while the player gets to know the
Nightwings have unique abilities
charge up and then sprint. This
your playstyle. Failing a Rite does
Pyre delivers on all fronts. The
and it is just a beauty to look at.
Denver Restaurant Week
A celebration of the area’s fine foods By Samuel Berg
to create their menu. The different
rates give restaurants flexibility to show off their strengths at
Get your forks and knives ready,
a specific price. The majority
because it’s time to grub. Visit
of participating restaurants
Denver is hosting the 14th Annual
offer alcoholic beverages, meal
Denver Restaurant Week that started
add-ons and special desserts
on Feb. 23 and runs until March 4.
at an additional cost.
Hundreds of Denver’s eating
Corinne Restaurant in downtown
establishments will offer a
Denver will allow guests to choose
standardized dinner menu at one
from four starter plates, six entrees
of three price tiers. Eateries of all
and two desserts for $35 per person.
different shapes, sizes, ages and
A few options for entrees include
locations will participate in the ten-
maple glazed salmon, Salisbury
day celebration of the city’s food
steak and house recipe chicken
scene. MSU Denver students will
tenders. For dessert, the restaurant
also participate in the event—from
will offer the choice of a lemon tart
the restaurant tables to the kitchens.
or chocolate peanut butter pie.
Visit Denver has split the
Corinne opened in September
geographical locations of the
2017, one block away from
restaurants into 11 different regions
the Colorado Convention
around the metro area. Those not
Center. It’s connected to the
living in Denver-proper will have
AC Hotel Denver Downtown.
plenty of options to choose from
“This is our first year
no matter where they are located. Not only is there geographical
participating in Denver Restaurant
Graphic obtained from 5280
Denver Restaurant Week runs from Feb. 23 through March 4.
Week,” said manager Sandra
variety, but the food styles
Bruda. “We already have a
the economic benefit of the City,
restaurant,” Link said. “It benefits
event,” MSU Denver student
served are diverse. The types
bunch of reservations.”
the community and our partners.”
the restaurant and the people, as
Brandon Smith said. “You do
Jacob Link is an MSU Denver
we are able to focus a large part of
all your research beforehand
of cuisine include Italian,
Visit Denver is a destination
contemporary American and
management organization for the
student and a line cook at gRind
our preparation and dinner service
so you know where to go, what
southern comfort food.
city and the organizer of the event.
Kitchen + Watering Hole located
on the specific menu we wrote.”
you’re going to order, and how
Restaurants will offer a
It provides potential travelers with
in the Cherry Creek business
multi-course dinner menu at a
unbiased information about hotels,
district. This is his second
working the event, MSU Denver
out the guesswork of going
per-person price tag. Dinner is
restaurants, sights and events
year working the event.
Roadrunners will be out in full
somewhere different to eat.”
the only meal being served for
concerning the Denver Metro area.
the event. Restaurants choose
Its mission is, “To bring conventions
unique guests that otherwise would
between $25, $35 or $45 a person
and leisure visitors to Denver for
have never stepped foot in our
“The restaurant week brings in
In addition to students
force trying Denver’s different dining establishments. “I always look forward to this
much it’s going to cost. It takes
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Living legacies of Black History Month Black and African-American professors at MSU Denver are pillars of pride
| Continued from cover
black or African-American teachers she’s had in her life. She thought it was strange that Campbell has
The month that inspired Colvin into action turned out to be Black History Month.
been her first African-American educator and professor ever. “Now I feel like it’s a problem,”
“I said, it felt like Sojourner
Herrera said. “There should
Truth was on one side pushing me
definitely be more diversity
down, and Harriet Tubman was on
when it comes to the people
the other side of me pushing me
that are educating others.”
down,” Colvin said to NPR reporter Margot Adler. “I couldn’t get up.” Eventually, Parks would
The majority of Herrera’s teachers have been white, and she only remembers one Latina
become the icon for the famous
teacher from her childhood. Her
boycott because she was twice
classmate Tucker agreed that
the age of Colvin and palatable
there’s a lack of educators of color,
for middle-class audiences.
and he thinks the solution to this
Finderson said he would like to
systemic problem is more diversity.
see more actions like Colvin’s from
“Experiencing all facets of
young people on campuses. “Activism is important for college-aged students because it is the time in their lives when they have the time to work to bring about the changes they want to see,” he said. Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences Katia Campbell invites the interpersonal change that comes with oppositional views and conflict within her classroom. Though
“One of the most important things that she does, is that she always allows people to express themselves. It’s not only about writing papers and doing homework, it’s about getting to communicate with people.” – Heidi Herrera
she has a soft smile and inviting presence, she is not afraid to
diversity and being educated in
engage in sharp topics. In fact, her
multiple ways, from my peers as
students appreciate the challenge.
well as professors, on all different
“Conflict is why we are in college,” said Curtis Tucker, MSU
levels is a good thing,” Tucker said. The west wall of Campbell’s
Denver senior. “We didn’t come
office is covered by a mahogany-
here to be in an echo chamber and
colored bookshelf filled with
to hear our own ideas reflected.”
hundreds of books, pictures
Campbell has taught at MSU
of her family and comic book
Denver for nine years and is
figurines. Campbell often uses
currently the only full-time professor
pop culture and current events in
of color in her department. Before
her classroom to spark dialogue.
this, she received her doctorate from
Last week something memorable
the University of Denver and was
happened when she decided to
impacted by the lack of diversity.
bring up the topic of the Florida
“I felt so disconnected because I was the only person of color, let alone black,” she said. It wasn’t until Campbell attended
high school shooting in class. “What was memorable is that one of my white male students, he actually was
a national communications
brought to tears. He said he felt
conference that she met other
ashamed,” Campbell recalled.
black professors and found a place in the field. She understands the isolation that students of color might feel in higher education and makes a space in her classroom to speak about difficult topics. “One of the most important things that she does, is that she
“Conflict is why we are in college. We didn’t come here to be in an echo chamber and to hear our own ideas reflected.” – Curtis Tucker
always allows people to express themselves,” said MSU Denver
Photo by Jolene Yazzie |
Professor Katia Campbell moderates during the “Do Black Lives Matter at MSU Denver?” Collaborative Dialogue Panel at the Tivoli Adirondacks Room on Feb. 27. be tied to Black Lives Matter.” Her student admitted that
She noted that the thread missing from the national
marketing Heidi Herrera. “It’s not
discourse of school shootings
only about writing papers and
had been that the perpetrators
doing homework, it’s about getting
have been mostly white men.
“I never could have imagined
Luther King Jr. piece is the “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” because
he assumed the shooter was
something like that as a kid,”
she believes this was his true
a minority when he first read
she said. “But they get to see
radical self, not the sanitized and
the reports. Campbell was
their people represented in
palatable version of today.
moved by the vulnerability he
such a beautiful way.”
expressed during class despite his
senior in communications and
to see “Black Panther.”
outwardly tough appearance. “That’s what the class is for, to deal with those issues,” she said.
In that piece, he wrote that, “Lukewarm acceptance
E. Zambrana from the University
is much more bewildering
of Maryland and her colleagues,
than outright rejection.”
underrepresented minority
Students can use the remainder
professors face overt and subversive
of Black History Month to appreciate
and every interaction as a
racism, the devaluation of their
the professors on campus that
classroom. She draws from
scholarly contributions and the
keep the history alive through
it would be an immigration or
her interactions to state the
burden of “representing minorities.”
their teachings and actions.
great mediator and motivator for
deportation issue,” she said. “If
importance of representation.
students who want to succeed.
it were a Muslim doing this, it
She then paused for over half a
would be terrorism. If it were a
as she recalled a recent trip to
educators, activists and leaders
minute to recollect how many
black person, it would somehow
the theater with her children
face. Campbell’s favorite Martin
to communicate with people.” She said that Campbell was a
“If it were a Latino doing this,
Campbell sees the world
According to professor Ruth
Her voice cracked with emotion
That is a burden that past historical figures and current
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
MSU Denver helps students suit up for success By Isaac Banks
makeup consultations were also
and actually were able to raise
provided. Shoppers hugged
$1,500 to give out gift cards to
stacks of suits, shirts, dresses,
make professional wear more
skirts, pants and shoes.
affordable to students,” said
J.C. Penney Co. is a typical department store, but on Feb.
Career Services is an office on
Lauren Koppel, coordinator of
25, the lights did not turn off at
campus that provides students
the usual closing time. Instead,
with interviewing skills. For many
tables and bright balloons were
inexperienced candidates, job
had previous plans to buy
stationed around the store.
interviews can be intimidating.
professional clothes and saw the
Employees greeted MSU Denver
Peterson said students often
scholar success and leadership. Most students who attended
event as the perfect opportunity.
students with warm, welcoming
come to their office unsure of
Nathan Collins said this was
smiles to after-hours shopping.
what to wear for an interview
the first time he attended a school
The store partnered with
in their chosen career field.
event in his three and half years
MSU Denver Career Services
This was a primary motive
as a registered student. Yia Vue,
to host the Suit Up event for
to organize the event.
another student, used the event
students. This event provided
Lorena Harrington, the
to get clothes for his job search.
students the opportunity to
store manager, said that these
shop for professional clothing
events bring new people to the
my wardrobe and one of the
at a steep discount.
company and showcase the value
things I really did need was
of the brands they carry. She
dress clothes,” Vue said.
something like that is a little bit
added that students received a
“Especially going into the CIS
of a challenge because students
phenomenal deal because the
field, where a lot of times they
are on a budget,” said April
extra 40 percent discount is
are going to require you to dress
Peterson, assistant director of
never offered to the public.
professional or business casual.”
“I think professional clothes or
career services. “So, this is a great
The event showed MSU
“I really needed to upgrade
For students like Michael
Photo by Mimi Madrid |
Angela Jackson from Accounting Services takes a moment to peruse clothing racks during the end of the MSU Denver J.C. Penney Suit Up event on Feb. 25. Jackson and other MSU Denver employees volunteered for the event that gave students, alumna and faculty over 40 percent discounts on professional attire.
opportunity because there is stuff
Denver’s commitment to students’
Medina, the discounts finally
that’s on sale already and then
growth and development.
provided a chance to buy
are usually $275 and he could not
professional they are going
they’re doing extra 40 percent
“It showed a lot of the
professional clothing. He is
afford them, but with the student
to feel more confident,” said
investment that faculty and staff
familiar with J.C. Penney Co.
discount on top of normal sales,
Peterson. “They are going to
have in students’ professional
because they are one of the
he was finally able to pick one up.
walk in the room and really be
volunteered as personal shoppers
development because faculty and
few department stores that
“That first impression is really
to ensure that students looked
staff were the ones who were
have a Big and Tall section.
exquisite. Free salon and
donating money for fundraising
off to MSU Denver students.” Administrators and faculty
He explained that their jackets
able to focus on their skills and
what makes a big difference. I
feel like they are fitting into that
think that if people are dressed
professional environment.”
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Roadrunners stomp the Mavericks, cruise to semis
Women’s basketball ride senior dominance to first RMAC Tournament win since 2013
By Matthew Stefanski
stripe, finishing with 17 points. She also had a team-
and game-high 7 defensive rebounds and added three on the offensive side for 10 total, completing her first
In the first home playoff game and win for MSU Denver
playoff double-double in her MSU Denver career.
since the 2012-13 season, the Roadrunners dominated
“I was just trying to get the win for us,” Ohrdorf
the Colorado Mesa University Mavericks 71-58 in an
said. “It just seemed like my night. I was in the right
effort led by the seniors, advancing to the semifinals of
positions and my teammates got me the ball.”
the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Tournament.
Despite a double-digit Roadrunner lead the entire
After clinching a No. 2 seed for the tournament and
game, Mesa was able to threaten in the third quarter
earning the first-round home game, the Roadrunners also
when an early foul forced Haave to bench Ohrdorf for
received the news that head coach Tanya Haave was named
the quarter with three fouls. With the lead down to
RMAC coach of the year, while senior Georgia Ohrdorf
10, Haave looked to Ohrdorf at the start of the fourth
was named to the first team all-RMAC, and senior J’Nae
quarter after Mesa ended the third quarter on a run
Squires-Horton and junior Jaelynn Smith were named to the
with a bank-shot three pointer. Ohrdorf knew what she
second team all-RMAC. Squires-Horton was also honored
had to do to clinch the win for the Roadrunners.
pre-game for scoring her 1,000th point as a Roadrunner.
“We have that mutual respect that I know that I have to
A slow start allowed the Mavericks to take a quick
get the job done,” Ohrdorf said. “I see that 10 points and
6-2 lead, before a layup by Ohrdorf followed by a forced
I’m like ‘oh, we should be up by more.’ So I kind of just take
turnover and ensuing three-pointer by Squires-Horton
it upon myself to kind of strap in and get us going again.”
allowed the Roadrunners to quickly reverse fortune and
Senior Mikala Gordon also joined in on the fray,
take a lead that they didn’t relent for the rest of the game.
contributing 14 points—third most for the team—
The Roadrunners capped off an 11-2 run, taking a
and seven rebounds—second just behind Ohrdorf.
13-8 lead. But, Squires-Horton wasn’t finished, making
Despite strong contributions from Smith, who scored
two more three-pointers and giving the Roadrunners
13 points and had two steals and three rebounds,
a 24-14 lead after the first quarter, tying for their
Gordon, Ohrdorf and Squires-Horton stole the show.
largest first-quarter point total of the season.
“We’ve got our fifth-year senior Mikala Gordon and
Squires-Horton shot 4-6 from three-point range on
she just really stepped up with that experience in the
the game, and didn’t miss a three-pointer until the third
playoffs,” Haave said. “She was huge for us tonight
quarter. She finished with 18 points, the most on the squad.
in terms of coming in and competing. And you can’t
“I think just not thinking about it and just letting
say enough about Georgia and J’Nae. They know it’s Photo by Geoff Ziegler |
it fly,” Squires-Horton said. “When you think about
MSU Denver senior forward Georgia Ohrdorf drives between two Colorado Mesa University defenders for a layup in the first half of the women’s basketball RMAC quarterfinal game at the Auraria Events Center on Feb. 27. Ohrdorf finished the game with 17 pts and 10 rebounds as the Roadrunners defeated the Mavericks 71-58.
it, that’s when things don’t go your way. So, just staying confident and doing what you normally do in practice. So that’s really all it was.” Squires-Horton’s offensive shots weren’t the only impact she had in the game. Her defensive effort, combined with junior Jonalyn Wittwer, held Colorado Mesa’s two leading scorers, who averaged a combined 30.2 per game, to just 27 points combined—a huge statement after the
their time and they’ve just got this calmness about them, and they’re just going to go out and play.” The win was the Roadrunners ninth in a row, a streak they’ve kept up since Jan. 26. Haave looks to keep things rolling in the semifinals of the RMAC Tournament as they travel to Colorado State University-Pueblo to play against Black Hills State University for a finals bid. The Roadrunners split the regular season series
the RMAC, to 43.5 percent shooting from the field.
duo combined for 48 points in the previous meeting.
Ohrdorf also let her presence be known throughout
against the Yellow Jackets, but their win came during their current win streak. If the Roadrunners win, it
The team also added 21 points off of 16 turnovers and
the game by dominating on both halves of the floor.
will be their first finals appearance since the 2010-11
held the Mavericks, the second-best shooting team in
She made 5-9 field goals and 7-10 from the charity
season, where they lost to Fort Lewis College 65-57.
Loss at Adams State ends men’s basketball season By James Burky
“We haven’t been a good free
RMAC after posting the second
throw shooting team all year,
highest points-per-game mark
and when you play against good
in the conference with 21.5,
competition, it’ll finally catch up
he also ranked ninth in field
to a bitter defeat in the first
to you,” said head coach Michael
goal percentage at 48.2.
round of the Rocky Mountain
Bahl. “This is college athletics,
Athletic Conference Tournament
we wanna win. Unfortunately,
last NCAA tournament
at the hands of the Adams State
it didn’t go our way tonight, but
appearance in 2015, where
University Grizzlies, 64-61.
that’s why you play the game
they lost in the first round
and give Adams State credit,
to Midwestern State 58-56,
they played really well.”
their season record worsened
MSU Denver’s season came
The Roadrunners looked to right the ship after allowing Colorado School of Mines
Following the Derrick
Since the Roadrunners’
every year, a trend Bahl will
to comeback and defeat
Clark fiasco a season ago,
them Saturday, which sent
Bahl’s inaugural year got off
them from the 3rd to the 4th
to a rocky start, losing their
thing you’re gonna remember
seed in the tournament.
first five games. With help
is the wins and losses, you’re
from Cam Williams’ slashing
gonna remember the times you
down south in Alamosa. The
of the paint and Bounama
had with the guys, the lifelong
Roadrunners capsized, shooting
Keita’s stonewall defense, the
friendships you had,’” Bahl said.
an abysmal 14 percent from
Roadrunners were able to settle
three point range. Ranking
themselves and win seven
Roadrunners basketball, but
Photo courtesy of Chris Little | ASU Sports Info
last in the RMAC in free throw
of their next eight games.
a new one is on the horizon.
Guard Peter Møller shooting a basket against Adams State in Alamosa, CO on Feb 27. The Roadrunners lost 61-64 against the Grizzlies in the first round of the RMAC Tournament.
The seas were just as harsh
percentage in the regular
The Cam Williams Era was
season, they sank just half of
capped off with the guard
their shots from the line.
being named first team All-
have to change next season. “I’ve told the guys, ‘The last
It’s the end of an era in
What it holds is a mystery.
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Indoor track shows glimpses of strong future at RMAC Championship By Rich Allen
hosted by Colorado School of
in the 400-meter final to claiming
Alden Gruidel in the 5000. It was
Mines in Golden. With a team full
the same spot in the 60m sprint
an entirely new event for the
of underclassman and some well-
just a half-an-hour later on Feb.
converted cross-country runner.
placed successes on meet day, the
24. In that short span, he grabbed
track team did not place highly
Roadrunners’ leader was pleased
eight of the men’s 14 total points
Gruidel said. “The first time I
in the Rocky Mountain Athletics
with the how the team performed,
in the competition, before helping
was told to tuck in, I didn’t know
Conference Championship on Feb.
and the direction they’re going in
the team claim three more in the
what tuck in meant, so I tucked
24, they hoped what small successes
the highly competitive RMAC.
4x400 as the competition came to
in my jersey into my shorts. So I
a close with a sixth place finish.
was like, ‘Now I look stupid.’”
While the MSU Denver indoor
they had allude to a bright future. The men’s team placed 10th
”Everything has gone as good as we could have expected,”
“It’s all pretty new to me,”
Two spots behind Dike in the
MSU Denver sent only two
out of 12 and the women’s tied
Christopher said. “The kids have
400 was junior Said Moreno, his
seniors to the championships:
for last-place 11th with two other
gone above and beyond honestly
lone competitor in the finals heat
Boucher and Ruiz. The team is
programs. But, second-year head
what we thought they could do.”
thanks to the pair’s side-by-side
anchored in its youth and a new
seedings in the preliminaries.
culture that they have built under
coach Janis Christopher was still
Leading the way for MSU Denver
grinning at the end of both days
was freshman Michael Dike, who
of the conference championship
went straight from placing fifth
The women’s team saw their
the new leadership has brought the
placing in the distance medley,
team closer together, weaponizing a
an event the quartet of runners
young group that will grow together.
had not practiced all season. “We kind of just put it together
Boucher said. “It’s kind of nice
efforts,” junior Jessie Chappa said.
to have everyone closer knit. We
“It was a really big accomplishment
had a brief period where it just
for us. Everyone was so excited.”
didn’t work because everyone I know it’s an individual event, but
theme for MSU Denver, with a
you need that team cohesion.” upperclassman eligibilities,
Moreno’s two points in the 400
they hope to improve to find a
came from underclassmen-heavy
competitive standing in the RMAC,
performances. While the 4x400
which placed five programs in the
team featured Moreno and senior
NCAA Division II U.S. Track and
Ryan Boucher, the rest of the team
Field and Cross Country Coaches
was composed of Dike and fellow
Association men’s Top 25 national
freshman Brandon Bodner.
rankings, and four in the women’s. top five, making it arguably the most
four of their points was built
talented conference in the country. While 2017-18 indoor season
duo of sophomores in Sabrina
was not the Roadrunners’ most
Rautter and Chappa and
successful, there is promise
freshman Mikayla Renfroe.
for good things to come with a
But perhaps the biggest
young core of runners that will
embodiment of the promising
improve with time. For now, they
future of Roadrunners indoor track
prepare for the outdoor season,
was the ninth place finish — one
beginning at Colorado State
slot and 3.37 seconds outside of
University-Pueblo on Mar. 17.
Christian University (Texas)
Women’s Basketball
at Colorado State
Feb. 25
Feb. 22 L
Feb. 26
Feb. 23 L
Feb. 24
MSU Denver women’s basketball senior Georgia Ohrdorf earned the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the Week award on Feb. 26 for her efforts in her fi nal two regular season games on Feb. 23 and 24. After putting up 44 points total in two games over the weekend, the conference recognized her for the second time this season and third in her collegiate career. Her 15.5 points per game average and 340 points overall are both fourth best in the conference and lead the Roadrunners. On Feb. 27, Ohrdorf scored 17 points to help the Roadrunners advance to the second round of the RMAC Tournament.
Baseball swept out of Texas The MSU Denver baseball team fell in all four contests against Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock, Texas from Feb. 23 to 25. The Roadrunners failed to get anything going on either side of the ball, being outscored 6-41 in the series, including a 21-1 blowout that saw the Chaps score nine runs in the fi rst inning of game four. In game two, MSU Denver outfielder Hunter Donaldson broke up LCU starter Ryan Rogers’ no-hit bid with two outs remaining in the game. The Roadrunners now stand at 4-8 overall, putting them in a tie for sixth place in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference. They return home on March 2 to take on Colorado State University-Pueblo to open their conference schedule.
a scoring seed — for sophomore
Roadrunners athletics review
at Lubbock
Both also placed two teams in the
medley team that recorded all around senior Erica Ruiz, a
As the team progresses into
talent. On the men’s side, all but
For the women, the distance
Ohrdorf secures RMAC Offensive Player of the Week one last time
was racing for themselves. Track,
inexperience was a consistent roster overflowing with young
MSU Denver freshman Michael Dike carries the baton in the 4x400 meter relay in the RMAC Championship at Colorado School of Mines on Feb. 24. Dike scored eight solo points and contributed to 12 of the team’s 14 overall in the competition.
“It’s gotten a little more friendly under Janis and Mack,”
based on everyone’s individual
Relative success for their
Photo by Rich Allen |
Christopher. Boucher noted that
highest placement with a top-5
Feb. 23 vs Colorado Christian University Feb. 24 vs Colorado School of Mines
W 79-52
Men’s Basketball Feb. 23 vs Colorado Christian University Feb. 24 vs Colorado Christian University
W 82-63
L 64-66
Softball splits first RMAC series The Roadrunners visited Colorado State UniversityPueblo over the weekend in back-to-back doubleheaders, splitting the series 2-2. They lost both matches Sunday by scores of 5-4 and 8-2. In both games, MSU Denver established productive batting, out-hitting the Thunderwolves 17-16, an advantage that would be a recurring theme over the series. Monday’s set tipped off with a resounding 4-1 victory behind the strength of a pair of Kristyn Peters RBIs, followed by a commanding 8-4 win thanks to five Darby McGhee strikeouts, who drove in a pair of a runs in the second with a triple. Their record is now 5-11, and they next play at University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Sakic regaining trust of Avs players and fans After radical turnaround, Avalanche on fringe of contention
By Rich Allen
Comeau for a draft pick. But,
up-and-comers like the headliner
what he has shown us time and
in the Duchene trade, Samuel
time again is that he’s not flying
Girard. The mainstays, the Carl
by the seat of his pants. He’s
Soderbergs, Comeaus, Semyon
Patrick Roy abruptly quit his
exhibited a plan, and as his team
Varlamovs and Johnsons have
job as head coach, just a month
has shown faith in his process,
watched as the team evolved in
before training camp. We really
he’s now returning the favor.
front of their very eyes. They’ve
We thought it was over when
thought it was all over when
As BSN Denver Avalanche
earned the right to ride it out,
his decision seemed vindicated
beat writer AJ Haefele described
by one of the worst seasons
on Twitter, “Sakic says main
in NHL history immediately
consideration in not moving
but the Avalanche have been
afterward. Then, when Matt
anyone today is keeping the
rejuvenated with only one major
Duchene wanted out and turned
team together and letting
subtraction. To surpass last year’s
from hero to locker room plague
them figure out if they’re a
total point count in mid-January
and villain, we thought that
playoff team or not. Looked at
is reason enough to celebrate,
the fans of this franchise were
moving Comeau but wanted to
and a push toward the Stanley
the victims of some cruel joke
keep one of their leaders.”
Cup playoffs will only work to
Photo obtained from
that everyone else was in on. But, as everything seemed to go as wrong as it possibly could
A rebound season in 2017-2018 has faith in Colorado Avalance general manager Joe Sakic returning.
for Colorado Avalanche general
Currently, the Avalanche are
and Sakic is giving that to them. Don’t call it a victory lap yet,
re-legitimize the franchise. This
two points outside of a Wild Card
year’s Avs likely won’t make it
spot. They have a Hart Memorial
that far, but the thought of it
Trophy contender in Nathan
as the calendar flips to March
manager Joe Sakic, he did not
fire Roy’s replacement Jared
contender, Sakic kept his cards
MacKinnon, who has relished in
licks the wounds of the team’s
panic. When the team was in the
Bednar after he was thrown into
close to his chest once again,
the freedom of not playing second
fans with saliva composed of
cellar with shovels in hand to do
one of the most unforgivable
making a modest AHL’er-for-
fiddle to Duchene. But, especially
antibiotics and patience.
more digging, he didn’t blow it all
situations a rookie head coach
AHL’er trade and a waiver claim.
after the season-ending injury
up. When the one-time face of the
could land in just because it
franchise dragged the morale and
went unbelievably sour.
play of the team down with him,
Now, with the passing
There will be people on both
during his playing days, he’s
sides who believe Sakic did not
this team will compete this year.
pointing in that direction again
do enough to capitalize on the
Fortunately, that’s not the point.
from his seat in the front office.
he didn’t pull the trigger on a deal
of the NHL trade deadline,
momentum or did not sell high
just to solve a short term issue.
Sakic continues to maintain
enough on certain assets to
still have a young core to build
his composure. After an
continue the rebuild for the long
around in MacKinnon, Mikko
Duchene for the package a player
unprecedented turnaround
haul, such as trading pending
Rantanen, Tyson Barrie, Gabriel
of his caliber warrants. He didn’t
from laughing stock to fringe
unrestricted free agent Blake
Landeskog and other promising
Sakic waited. He moved
As Sakic led the team to glory
to Erik Johnson, it is unlikely
Minus Duchene, the Avalanche
While a hockey rink is composed of ice, Sakic hasn’t slipped up.
Broncos fans, don’t fall for your Cousins By James Burky
attractive—tantalizing physical
and Latavius Murray, as well as
tools, intense demeanor and
receivers Diggs, Adam Thielen and
statistical performances that
Kyle Rudolph, make for an easy sell
have improved every year. He’s
to Cousins, who perhaps would
desperate for a capable quarterback.
not without concerns, though.
be willing to go below his market
The passers they currently
Washington made the playoffs just
value for the chance to play on such
employ—Trevor Siemian, Paxton
once in his tenure, raising questions
a talented team that is on the cusp
Lynch and Chad Kelly—have
to how well he can elevate the
of being Super Bowl contenders.
established themselves as players
talent and players around him.
The Denver Broncos are
that are consistently unreliable
It’s tough to say what will
Cousins is the highest value
happen, the scouting combine is
with an intimidating lack of
quarterback to hit the market
still a week away and prospects
talent. The offensive line and
since Peyton Manning. He’s in his
Baker Mayfield and Josh Allen have
running backs need attention, but
physical prime and the Broncos
been linked to the team. Broncos
for any team to compete in the
are in desperate need of a capable
fans should acknowledge that no
NFL, they need a signal caller.
passer. That being said, Denver isn’t
matter how exciting it would be to
alone in their pursuit of Cousins.
have Cousins, it’s entirely possible
For Denver, that signal caller may come in the shape of 6-foot-
The New York Jets have the third-
3, 202 pound Kirk Cousins when
highest available salary cap space
the NFL free agency period starts
at $73.1 million, but they aren’t
March 14 at 2 p.m. A six-year
a desirable destination coming
veteran who has spent his entire
off an overachieving 5-11 record
career in Washington, Cousins is
and an offense in shambles.
now a target for John Elway and
The biggest threat to Broncos
for the team to fall in love with an Photo from Keith Allison via Flickr.
incoming rookie or even a cheaper
Kirk Cousins of the Redskins during a playoff game against the Packers on free agent, such as Cincinnati Jan. 10, 2016. at FedEx Field. Cousins is the most sought after free agent Bengals free agent A.J. McCarron. quarterback this offseason. While there are exceptions to the rule, a good quarterback is Bridgewater and Sam Bradford—
exclude him from being a long-term
usually necessary for championship
the Denver Broncos, who rank
fans landing their dream field
are impending unrestricted free
solution. The Vikings are in the
contention, and Cousins is that.
just 17th in the league in available
general are the Minnesota Vikings. A
agents. The team has stated that
top-10 in cap space with nearly $25
But to financially hamper a team
cap space with $24.5 million.
surprise title contender last season,
they won’t be giving Keenum the
million more than the Broncos.
for one player is a bold move with
the Vikings boasted the league’s
franchise tag and Bridgewater has
as a reliable passer with a high
best defense, allowing an average
been hampered by injuries in his
some amount on re-signing role-
ceiling, but has yet to take the
of only 15.8 points and 275.9 yards
career. Bradford might have the
players and extending the contract
step into becoming a franchise
per game. All three of their 2017
best chance to stick with team,
of wide receiver Stefon Diggs. The
quarterback. His positives are
quarterbacks—Case Keenum, Teddy
but age and durability concerns
running back duo of Dalvin Cook
Cousins has established himself
It’s likely that the Vikings spend
just a small chance of success.
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Career Planning Meet-ups
Location Tivoli 215
Location Bluebird Theater
Rachael Yamagata
Price $20
Price $25 Time 8 p.m.
Time 1 p.m.
Time 7:30 p.m.
Time 4 p.m.
Price $30
Women’s Tennis
Springs Location Gothic Theater
Tiny Moving Parts
Location Marquis Theater
Price $20
Price $13
Time 9 p.m.
Time 7 p.m.
3.3 vs. St. Mary’s University Location Lawton, OK Time TBA
Location Colorado Springs Time 12 p.m.
Men’s Tennis 3.1
Time 3 p.m.
Time 7 p.m.
Location Tivoli Turnhalle
Betty Who
University - Pueblo Location Denver
Andrew Belle
3.3 vs. University of
3.2 vs. Colorado State
Location Filmore Auditorium
Colorado at Colorado Price Free
University Time TBA
Movie Night “Thor: Ragnarok”
3.2 vs. Tarleton State Location Lawton, OK
Price Free
Women’s Tennis
Location Globe Hall
Time 8 p.m.
Location Ogden Theater Price $25
Women’s Golf
“Guys and Dolls” 3.3
Location Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre, King Center, Auraria
Gabrielle Aplin
Location Globe Hall
Location Pepsi Center
Price $18
Price $40+
Time 9 p.m.
Time 7:30 p.m.
3.4 vs. Cameron University
3.5 Tim Tierney Pioneer Shootout
Location Lawton, OK Time 11 a.m.
Location Pleasanton, CA Time All day
Campus Price Free for students Time 7:30 p.m. 3.5
The Dear Hunter
Location Ogden Theater 3.3
Visiting Artist Series: BaoBao Festival
Location Larimer Lounge
Price $20
Price $16
Time 7 p.m.
Time 8 p.m.
Avalanche 3.2 vs. Minnesota Wild
Location King Center Concert Hall Price $10-15 Time 7:30 p.m.
Alex Cameron
Location Globe Hall
Location Fillmore Auditorium
Price $15
Price $35
Time 8 p.m.
Time 7 p.m.
Lake Clarity: For an immersive horror audio drama, check out “Lake Clarity” @
Phillip Phillips
Location Ogden Theater
3.2 vs. Memphis Grizzlies
Location Home
Location Away
Time 7 p.m.
Time 6 p.m.
Avalanche 3.9
Location Larmier Lounge
Price $25
Price $12
Time 9 p.m.
Time 8:30 p.m.
3.4 vs. Nashville Predators Location Home Time 1 p.m.
3.3 vs. Cleveland Cavaliers Location Away Time 5:30 p.m.
TRENDING NEWS Governors discuss arming teachers On Monday, President Trump
Life on Mars? A community of microbes have been found in Chile’s arid Atacama
Saudi Arabia allows women to join military Women from Saudi Arabia are
“MasterChef Junior” Season 6 Season six of “MasterChef
The end of net neutrality The Federal Communication Commission has scheduled the
met with governors from across
Desert. According to “Science
now able to apply for non-combat
Junior” will have a two-hour
repeal of net neutrality for April
the nation to discuss gun laws.
Magazine,” the soils found in the
security positions in the Saudi
premiere on FOX on March 2.
23. According to CNN Tech, on
According to NPR, Trump spoke
Chilean desert resemble those
military. According to the BBC,
According to FOX, Chef Gordon
Dec. 17, 2017, the Republican-led
in favor of arming teachers, a
on Mars. This makes scientists
applicants must be Saudi citizens
Ramsay and pastry chef Christina
FCC voted to repeal these Obama-
statement supported by the NRA.
hopeful that microbes may also
between the ages of 25-35 and
Tosi will return as judges and
era regulations, which were
His proposal received mixed
exist on Mars. The 621 mile
possess high school diplomas.
restaurateur Joe Bastianich
originally implemented to make
support from governors. Gov. Jay
long desert stretches along the
Women chosen for these positions
will join them as a permanent
online content openly accessible.
Inslee, D-Wash, argued teachers
Pacific ocean and receives about
will be able to live with their
addition to the team. During
Now, internet providers can
should focus on teaching while
8 millimeters of rain per year.
male guardians--husband, father,
the show 8-13 year olds will
slow down or prohibit access to
Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, said
However, because the surface of
brother, son--near their place of
demonstrate their cooking abilities
certain content while prioritizing
posted warnings about armed
the desert is covered in a layer of
work. This decision follows other
to compete for a $100,000 grand
their own content. However,
school staff members could
salt, due to a lack of weathering
recent women’s rights reforms
prize. Forty young people were
according to Quartz, the market
deter school shootings. The
in the area, some scientists argue
which allow Saudi women to drive
chosen during a nationwide
for broadband services may
president also called for a ban
that the microbes that were found
cars and attend football games.
search to compete on the show.
improve after the government
on “bump stocks,” a policy that
may not inhabit the area but
cannot be implemented without
instead blew in from elsewhere.
Congressional approval.
regulations are removed.
FEBRUARY 28, 2018
Overheard “Do you wanna squeeze my cheese?”
“I’m like a cool Peter Pan.“
Trust the process, my friend. You’re exactly where you need to be. Love u.
Keep your chin up, buddy. Seriously though, your posture is garbage. Chin up, shoulders back.
“I’ve never seen her forehead before.“ “These photos look like how I remember the night.“
Don’t sweat the small stuff. But if you must, start wearing antiperspirant deodorant.
You are as extra as guacamole, Leo. But you know you’re worth the upcharge.
Colds don’t last forever, but yours might. Good freakin’ luck, pal.
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls. You wouldn’t want to give it any ideas.
Things are happening for you. Not great things, but they are things.
Get your taxes done early this year, and get to spending that sweet, sweet government money. You earned it. WE ALL EARNED IT.
“What was that face? What did you do?” “I love how we’re dueling in rolling chairs.” “I can’t believe I’m gonna miss you guys.”
Top 5 Reasons to come work for The Metropolitan 1. Practical experience in a newsroom 2. Portfolio building 3. Networking with other journalists and leaders
It’s time to start reading more than the horoscope section of our paper, bud. But I appreciate you for loving yourself enough to check in with me every week.
There’s no shame in failure. There is however, just a bit of it in the way you cope with it.
You are so rock and roll, Gemini. It’s just too bad it’s not 1984 anymore.
This is the last horoscope I will write for The Metropolitan. Lucky you. Love, Montana Martin
4. Opportunity to teach others 5. The infamy of being included in “Overheard”
Brain games Across
42. London Magazine
31. Indian prince
1. Painter Chagall
1. Lot’s land
33. It’s played in rounds
5. January 2 event
43. Born yesterday
2. Pierce portrayer
35. Camelot character
9. Bureau
44. Not the final copy
3. Nurture
36. Like early television
14. Toast-topper, perhaps
46. School notebook
4. Prepared for battle
37. Tarot reader
15. Product mention
47. Bedtime recitation
5. Rival of Athens
39. Stiller’s partner
16. Star-crossed lover
50. Interstate hauler
6. Pond growth
40. Opposite of persona
17. First mate?
51. Female octopus
7. Fly on a hook
45. Cry uncle
18. Indian tourist mecca
52. Co-star of 20-Across
8. Yipes!
46. Blow the foam off a
19. Allow inside
58. Isolated
9. Large waders
20. Star of 38-Across
60. 26 of 32 counties of
10. Mortar tray
47. Distinct stage
23. Benz ending
11. Irish patriot Robert
48. Hang loose
24. Cost to be dealt in
61. Highly rated
12. Parisian waterway
49. American chameleon
25. Fitted within one
62. Beauty parlor
13. Packed a gun
50. It’s over Jordan, on a
63. Where most humans
21. Rita in “West Side
27. Nova follower
53. Twenty quires
30. Brief contact
64. Social blunder for
22. Get used (to) (Var.)
54. Ascend
32. Tin Man’s desire
26. Deceitful tricks
55. Like some points
33. Transmission part
65. Put forth effort
27. Wooden gap-filler
56. “___ and the King of
34. Electrifying swimmers?
66. Fermented honey
28. Relinquish
38. Hit show starring
29. They row, row, row your
57. Type of big city light
67. Laurel in “The Music
59. Here-there link
41. Plateau relative
30. Suit
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