Volume 40, Issue 25 - March 14, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 25

MARCH 14, 2018


Challenging leadership through feminine empowerment

Photo by Ali Watkins | Awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Featured speaker Faith Spotted Eagle shares her experiences at the Women’s Leadership Conference in the Tivoli Turnhalle on March 8. The Women’s Leadership Conference was a tri-institutional event intended to address the relationship between gender and leadership.

By Mimi Madrid Puga

standing ovation from more than

Conference organizers plan

and guess what, you live in an

and have relationships centered


200 attendees after her keynote

to change the event’s title in a

even more violent time. We live

in each others pain instead of

address at the Tivoli Turnhalle

spirit of inclusivity. The women

in this perception and denial

the individual. She invited men

during the 22nd Annual Women’s

leaders who spoke throughout

that we come from one of the

and other people who hold

of roles she’s served throughout

Leadership Conference: Leading

the event embraced the idea

greatest countries in the world,”

positional power to move back

her seven decades of life. Her

Beyond the Binary on March 8.

of expanding the title.

Spotted Eagle said. “But we also

from the edge of rage with

live in one of the most violent

courage when underrepresented communities voice their concerns.

Faith Spotted Eagle has a list

titles have ranged from political

The conference fell on

Spotted Eagle said younger

activist, cancer survivor, PTSD

International Women’s Day and

generations, especially her

countries in the world but we

therapist and principal but

created an environment that

daughter, have been her greatest

are in a period of denial.”

none bring her pride like being

lifted the leadership of women

teachers in thinking beyond

a kunsi, or grandmother in her

and gender non-binary people of

binaries because they are

of her keynote because she said

native Dakota language.

all ages, races and experiences

survivors in hostile times.

most people walk around with

Spotted Eagle received a


in an intergenerational way.


| pg. 3

SLAP returns to Auraria Campus

“I lived in a very violent time


| pg. 14

Healing was the central point

backpacks filled with trauma

| Continued on pg. 10



| pg. 8

| pg. 11

Drinking culture leads to

Denver students learn about

Kylee Burnside twirls 11th no-hitter

financial struggles

science and technology

in Roadrunner history

offers free ads One free sixteenth-page ad in The Metropolitan to all MSU Denver student organization per semester. Contact Sales@MyMetMedia.com or 303-615-0155

MARCH 14, 2018



SLAP returns with allies By Forest Wilson

organization that tackles labor

of political science Jim Walsh


issues that pertain to students.

has supported Velez and other

“There’s no way that this The Student Labor

students in their efforts to

can’t be on campus, it’s a really

reestablish SLAP. He is also one of

Action Project held a launch

important issue that students need

the founders of CLEAC. Walsh sees

celebration on March 10 in the

to be working on,” Velez said.

the two efforts as collaborative.

Tivoli Multicultural Lounge,

SLAP launched alongside

“It’s almost like these are

outlining their vision alongside

the Colorado Labor Education

not two separate organizations,

community labor activists.

and Arts Collaborative, which

they are actually united,”

is comprised of faculty and

Walsh said. “We feel like we

organization, launched its CU

students at CU Denver as well

have a lot of students that are

Denver chapter at the event. A

as activists in Colorado’s labor

very interested in labor and

previous chapter operated at

community. Many of these

want to grow the chapter.”

MSU Denver until late 2016, at

activists were also in attendance

which point they went on hiatus.

including representatives from

pursuing a master’s degree at CU

Most of the core leaders then

the Community Wealth Building

Denver, was a member of SLAP at

graduated in the spring of 2016

Network, Colorado Working

MSU Denver. He is now working

and no new director has restarted

Families, Denver Newspaper

with the newly formed chapter.

the chapter. One of SLAP’s major

Guild, Colorado Latino Forum,

He is doing his thesis as a project

projects at MSU Denver involved

Towards Justice and Denver

to bring a student cooperative

advocating for a $15 minimum

Justice and Peace Committee.

business to campus. Cervantes

SLAP, a student-led

wage for student workers and

SLAP and CLEAC hope to

Vinnie Cervantes, currently

Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Jessica Velez, CU Denver student, speaks during the Student Labor Action Project gathering at Auraria Campus on March 10. The relaunch of the group drew about 30 students and community members.

says that some of the goals of

lower tuition. They also fought

work alongside organizations

SLAP are to bring educational

organizing teachers’ assistants

for student access to resources

like these in a united effort

workshops and events related

and graduate students at CU

on student-loan forgiveness from

toward their shared goals. This

to labor issues to students.

Denver. They hope to work

a 6.5 percent raise, and then

the MSU Denver administration,

includes the New Diversity

alongside the Committee on

a 6 percent raise,” Robinson

which was successful.

partnership between CU Denver’s

is a goal of ours,” Cervantes said.

Rights and Compensation, which

said. “We will get another 6

political science department

“Instead of a job fair where people

successfully organized teacher’s

percent raise this summer.”

of the new Denver SLAP chapter

and community organizers

are trying to look for employees,

assistants at CU Boulder and was

and is a political science student

which hopes to bring labor

it would be like unions trying

present at the launch. Gregor

Denver based , the group is

at CU Denver. She wants

activists into the classroom.

to look for union members.”

Robinson, one of its organizers,

open to MSU Denver Students

spoke on the successes of the

as well as CCD students.

Jessica Velez is the president

SLAP to be an action-based

CU Denver Assistant Professor

“A labor union job fair of sorts

Another of SLAP’s goals is

committee for graduate workers. “In the last two years we got

Although SLAP is CU

Trump fires once again By Forest Wilson and Isaac Banks fwilso10@msudenver.edu, cbanks17@msudenver.edu President Donald Trump’s high

administrations. Hundreds of

cabinet turnover continued March

positions are now vacant and will

13, with the firing of Secretary of

need to be filled because of the

State Rex Tillerson. There have

Federal Vacancies Reform Act,

been over a dozen important

which requires vacant positions

firings or resignations in the

that require senate confirmations

Trump administration since his

to be filled within 300 days. Below

inauguration. This turnover rate

are the highest profile ones.

is higher than the previous five

Rex Tillerson

James Comey Reince Priebus

Steve Bannon

Michael Flynn

Former secretary of state, replaced

Former FBI director, fired May

Former chief of staff, fired July

Former chief strategist, left

Former national security

over twitter on March 13. Mike

9, 2017. Christopher Wray

28, 2017. General John Kelly

his position Aug. 18. He

adviser, resigned Feb. 13, 2017.

Pompeo will take over the position.

replaced him on Aug. 2 after

replaced him shortly after.

has not been replaced.

Keith Kellogg served as acting

congressional confirmation.

adviser until H.R. McMaster was appointed Feb. 20, 2017.



MARCH 14, 2018

SGA reviews its office selection policy By Megan Webber

the school bookstore or Amazon, as well


as tests and many other course materials. The motion to support OER passed.

The Student Government Assembly

“I think that for students who do

of MSU Denver reviewed the institution’s

benefit from online textbooks, they would

constitutional policy on the required number

greatly benefit from this,” said Student

of credit hours to run for office on March 9.

Advisory Committee to the Auraria

The protocol has recently been under

Board Representative Emily Straka.

scrutiny after transfer student Antwaun

Next, Student Advisory Committee to

Johnson came to SGA in hopes of changing

the Auraria Board Representative Courtney

the policy. SGA also voted in favor of a

Jones updated SGA on a public comment

new pay structure and to support the Open

brought to them by a woman who encouraged

Educational Resources online textbook

the institution to look more closely at their

program and discussed issues regarding

stance on the Right to Rest act. The act

the homeless population on campus and in

gives homeless people the right to eat, sleep

the surrounding area at their meeting on.

and move freely in any public space. This

According to Article IV, Section 1B, Item

sparked a conversation among SGA about

4 of the school’s constitution, a student

their positions on the matter. The institution

must have earned nine credit hours from

has not voted in favor of Right to Rest in the

MSU Denver to be eligible to run for

past 4 years, because they do not support

elected office. In a statement Vice President

homeless people sleeping on campus.

Savannah Bustos read aloud, written by

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

the current SGA, this policy was put into

Savannah Bustos, SGA vice president, discusses members’ new pay structure at the Student Success Building on March 9. The new structure will bridge the gap between pay rates in separate branches.

place because MSU Denver students are students first. School should come before institutionally related jobs. It also states that

“Concerning the violence and the assault that’s been happening on campus this past year, I’m scared, to be honest. And I understand we’re not supposed to stereotype them, and not everyone who

SGA believes this policy should remain as

are broken up is there’s probably like

of hours that SGA members are allowed to

attacks students on campus is homeless,

is, to ensure that the student body is as best

six different periods that all of us

work. The vote for the new structure passed.

but students would be scared,” said Senator

represented as possible and to allow those

are getting paid,” Bustos said.

who wish to run for office to have sufficient academic experience at MSU Denver.

Next, Student Trustee Lacey Hyde

This new pay structure breaks down

Adetilewa Awosanya regarding the stigma

updated SGA on the Colorado House’s

that says all homeless people are criminals.

executive roles, management roles and

upcoming vote to implement OER into the

senators and coordinators into three tiers.

school’s academic system. She proposed

the importance of thinking and acting

their succession policy, SGA voted on a

Each role earns the same pay rate as the

that SGA vote in support of OER, so that

like representatives of the students

new pay structure which will close the gap

others in their tier. It is meant to help equalize

future discussions could take place. OER

of MSU Denver. SGA asked to see

between pay rates of separate branches.

the rates of certain positions so that everyone

provides students with the option to get their

some research on the institution’s

gets paid fairly. It also evens out the amount

textbooks online for much less money than

policy before discussing it further.

Following internal complications with

“Currently, how the pay structures

BRIEFS Death penalty sought for Cruz State prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Nikolas Cruz. Cruz is the suspected shooter of 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. His attorneys had indicated that he would be willing to plead guilty if the death penalty was not pursued. Pennsylvania Special Election The special election in Pennsylvania to replace former representative Tim Murphy was too close to call, with a difference of 579, or 0.2 percent of the votes, in favor of the democratic party candidate Conor Lamb. Murphy resigned after being accused of pressuring a woman he was having an affair with to have an abortion. Stephen Hawking dies at age 76 On Wednesday morning, Stephen Hawking died in his home in Cambridge, England. During his career the world-renowned, British theoretical physicist contributed to the fields of quantum theory, cosmology, general relativity and theorized the existence of black holes.

Jones agreed with Awosanya on

[Element]s of generosity By Pablo Vasquez

and MSU Denver students.

Back and [Element] for


Anyone on the Auraria

the students. Students

Campus was welcome to

came to listen to modern

to play games, volunteer

music and kick balls at a

and eat free food.

giant inflatable target

MSU Denver students took over the Turnhalle on March 7 to make

“The whole point

“Basically [Element] is

items for the MaxFund

of this event is to bring

just a student group, so

Animal Adoption Center.

students to interact with

it’s tri-institutional but we

one another socially,” said

are housed at the Student

Roadrunners Give Back

Jasmine Huerta Hernandez,

Activities office, so

host the monthly takeover

volunteer coordinator for

basically every Wednesday

event to offer the campus

Roadrunners Give Back.

and Thursday from 2-4

[Element] and

community volunteer

“And then also to

p.m. we are either doing

projects and fun activities.

make them more aware

crafts in the Multicultural

MaxFund is a non-profit,

of the way they can

Lounge, playing games

no-kill animal shelter and

impact the community,

or we are out in Lawrence

adoption center. Their

in a positive way by

Street Park, playing

mission is giving animals

providing them with

volleyball or doing things

a second chance at life.

volunteer opportunities

like that,” said Lacey Hyde

that are quick and easy

a member of [Element].

Roadrunners Takeover takes place every month in different areas of the

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Campus, however, the most convenient place for Student Activities office to host is in the Tivoli Turnhalle.

Kevin Lozano strikes a kickball at a giant inflatable target set up in the Tivoli Turnhalle for the Roadrunner Takeover event on March 7. Students not only had the chance to destress with the event, but also to give back to the community.

“The event is cool, I’ve

and also allow them to

The attendees

meet other non-profits

seemed pleased with

that are in the community

the event. They ate a

that they can volunteer

lot of pizza and had fun

with on the side.”

playing all the games

Activities such as foot billiards, foot darts and toy crafting for the animals in

been here twice and is

others,” said Kevin Lozano,

good place to interact with

MSU Denver student.

The Takeover was open to faculty members, staff

the shelters were provided by Road Runners Give

offered by the hosts.



MARCH 14, 2018

How alcohol decimated my bank account

staff Editor-in-Chief

getting a little too tipsy, dancing our butts off

Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu

and chowing down pizza at the end of the night.

Managing Editor

and was lucky enough to be born without

I believe drinking is a great way to socialize and

overly addictive genes. But every time I

meet new people. I’ve met many new friends at

Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

signed a $50 receipt at a fancy cocktail bar,

bars and clubs. When I studied abroad in Europe,

occasion. Flashing my newly acquired horizontal

I’d wince. What am I doing? I should be using

my group bonded over late night beer runs.

ID at bouncers gave me an insaciatable rush.

this money to pay back my student loans,

I wanted to prove to everyone that I was a

donate to a charity or get a nice facial.

By Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu

My 21st birthday party was a glorious

big kid and no longer needed to construct

Khloe, my coffers were far more shallow. I never hit rock bottom. I had a good job

I wish I could say that I’ve been able to cut

But for me, drinking has become an expensive hobby. I love the fun times I’ve had, but two more tasty concoctions aren’t worth a less-

Assistant Managing Editor Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu Interim Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

elaborate schemes with my older friends

down on the spending, but all too often the

than-stellar account balance. For me, sticking

News Editor

in order to drink at parties. I could get wine

Denver lights beckoned me out of of my living

to a budget is probably the best option. Since

drunk whenever I wanted. Legally.

room, onto the light rail and toward the dance

I enjoy spending time with others, I can go

Isaac banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu

floor. As a lady, it’s nice to have guys offer to

outside more often, participate in free activities,

when the bouncer would hand back my ID,

buy me drinks. But as a feminist, I often opte to

even volunteer my time at a vineyard.

point out my birthday and make me feel

purchase my own beverages. I hate to admit it,

like a child again. I was a recent recruit to

but I’m funding the demise of my bank account.

In the beginning, the only downside was

one of the legal system’s coolest clubs, and I definitely felt like I was getting hazed. Like most 21-year-olds, I went to bars

After I looked at last month’s credit card bill, I realized that approximately 60 percent of my a low number either. I should be spending

I was driven by the desire to cram 20 years

those hundreds of dollars on worthwhile

of missed experiences into a few months. I

endeavors. My future self will thank me. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to

James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.ed Forest Wilson

I know my future 401K account will be


smiling every time I choose to save $15

Features Editor

instead of spending it on another drink.

monthly expenditures are on alcohol. It wasn’t

and bought new bottles of wine all the time.

went out with friends, had a great time, slept

I don’t intend to stop having fun, but

Assitant News Editor

Nataleah Small is a reporter and Assistant Managing Editor at the Metropolitan. Outside of journalism Small plays the piano, goes blues dancing and enjoys pretending to be a wine connoisseur.

Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Sports Editor

it off, then was down to go out again the next

condemn drinking and partying. When people

Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu

weekend. I was spending money like one of

are safe and responsible, they can have a great

Assistant Sports Editor

the Kardashian’s. But unlike Kourtney, Kim and

time. I love spending time with my friends

Mathew Stefanksi mstefan3@msudenver.edu James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Met Media doesn’t reach its target audience

Web Editor Cassandra Ballard cballar7@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

Warner Jackson

“Hey, tune in to this television show. It comes


on this channel every week.” In the same way

taken? If MET Media’s goal was to gain

there is nothing that brings attention to the

student and faculty attention with high quality

radio, the art magazine or the newspaper.

entertainment it would increase viewer retention.

I believe that Met Media does not do a good job of gaining student and faculty

The Metropolitan has a special problem when

What if there was a different approach

Sales and Marketing

it come to student engagement. It is hidden in

tuning in to student produced media would

plain sight. Students see that the newspaper

do a lot for the brand. We must remember

Metropolitan and The Metrosphere.

is printed every week but most students

that MET Media is a brand. If people do not

never pick up a copy of the paper. This means

see it like that, then they will not tune in.

media sources is to inform students about

that they miss the content inside. In a world

events and news on Auraria Campus and the

where print news is a fading and the average

a way that was visible and digestible to the

surrounding communities. The MET Report

student get their news online, Met Media is

consumer, the community at Auraria Campus,

covers national, international and local news.

at a crossroads. Some of this could be due to

more people would see the value in it. One way

The producers, or the MET Sports Show,

how the programs themselves are presented.

to do this could be to create interactive live

MET TV, MET Radio, The Metropolitan, and

Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

of Met Media: MET TV, MET Radio, The

deliver the same content as any national

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

Making students excited enough to keep

attention. There are four main branches

The purpose of these student produced

Production Manager of Met Media

If MET Media presented it’s content in

events through MET Media. The purpose would

sports talk radio show. So why has there

The Metrosphere are presented as platforms for

be to spread awareness and present the MET

been a problem with student engagement?

students to learn how to create media. They are

Media brand in a fun a trustworthy entity.

The answer is the lack of awareness of

not presented as platforms for the student body

student media. Most students on campus do

to digest relevant and up to date entertainment

The MET offers now are very good. It just must

not know that these media sources exist. One

and news. Most students that take part in MET

get more readers, listeners and viewers. The

reason for this is advertisement. On a day-to-day

Media are in the communication or journalism

best place to start this is with the student body.

basis, the average student never comes across

departments. In many ways these extra

advertisements that make them aware of MET

curricular programs are designed for students

Media. There is no signage telling students,

to gain experience in their degree fields.

The programs, shows, and printed media that

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Ali Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Previously, there were errors to the picture’s caption. Adetilewa Awosanya’s name was misspelled and her title was incorrect. The Metropolitan regrets the error. Last week, we misspelled Ana Castillo’s name on two occasions on the front page and page 8. We apologize for the mistake.

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



MARCH 14, 2018

‘That’s What She Said’ elevates women’s voices By Hailey McGough

friendly attitude, waiting to hear

the audience said, “I didn’t expect


stories of a women’s journey.

the stories to be so relatable

The event started with a comedic

to me as well as have a huge

group called The Pussy Bros.

impact on the way I think about

a fundraising event to raise money

They preformed individual

feminism, as well as women

for the Women and Gender Fund.

stand-up skits to create a

in general outside myself.”

On March 9, CU Denver hosted

The money raised at this event went to the Women of Auraria

more comfortable and relaxed environment before the show.

Scholarship for students attending

One by one, men took the

Jamie Newton, a co-founder, helped put the event together for months and was overjoyed

any school on Auraria Campus.

stage, each with a white envelope

with the turn-out. She said the

The scholarship, as well as the

holding a story submitted by a

event helped people start to

fundraiser, strives to promote

woman to the Women and Gender

think about women’s issues in a

social justice and gender equality.

Center prior to the fundraiser.

different way and that they aren’t

Each one read a different story

only for women to worry about.

Jacob McWilliams, a co-founder of the event said that it, “provides

relating to a woman’s experience.

a format to experience women’s

Some were short, some were

to some extent and this event

journeys through their youth as

long. Each story garnered a

shows a dope way we are able

well as growing up and gives a

different reaction from the

to do that,” Newton said.

voice to women’s experiences.”

audience, like laughter or groans

Hundreds of people attended

of disgust and disagreement.

this event with an eager and

Anela Severson, a member of

“We are all in this together

Some topics discussed at this event included abuse, name calling, stereotypes, judgment and pressure or a lack of support from family members. A goal of this event was not only to raise awareness but to help women bond together so they will rise and confide in each other as a group. “It means so much that people come out support not

Reader Mark Newton reading a story from part of the “Thats What She Said” event on March 10 at the Tivoli Turnhalle. The event used “her story, his voice” to highlight stories from women from stories of embarassing moments to recollections of sexual assault.

only the stories being told, but also donating to a cause that is

things a little differently that’s a

and that’s not including the

going to help women further their

very important piece, but also I

silent auction,” Newton said

dreams even when they come

think it’s great that we are going

halfway through the event.

from families that do not support

to be raising some money.”

those same dreams,” Clarke Scott, a contributor to the event, said. Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Janae Burris and Rachel Weeks of the comedy group, Pussy Bros, kick off the “That’s What She Said” event on March 10 at the Tivoli Turnhalle.

Donations for this fundraiser

Auraria Campus is constantly hosting events to cater to each

were taken throughout the night

student and although this is the

and funds from a silent auction

first, “That’s What She Said”

would be the outcome of this

were also collected. “The last

event, there are always other

event, Newton said, “If anyone

time I looked, we have raised

events held to bring students

can walk away thinking about

almost three thousand dollars

together and raise awareness.

When asked what she hoped

Hot Topic: Fast fashion dissected By David Veltri

code violations to full on structural

not be fully aware of. Hot topic


failures. In 2013, a Bangladeshian

discussions allow students to show

short on money are to buy clothes

in the back of the consumer’s

garment factory collapsed killing

up and learn something new or have

from thrift stores and even learn

head but rejecting fast fashion

1,100 workers. This event garnered

a conversation about something

how to seem, repair clothes and

is better for the greater good.

dissected the topic of fast fashion

high amounts of coverage by

they are passionate about.

save cash. The temptation of fast

at the Hot Topics conversation in

American media companies but

the Turnhalle Ballroom on March 8.

many of the symptoms of fast

Ibarra guided these meetings

fashion still remain hidden.

to give students a chance to

‘Fashion is Killing the World’

The discussion covered the harsh conditions foreign children

Over the past decade, companies

either get informed or voice their

that outsource their production have

clothes worn here in the U.S.

tried to improve the pay and work

“I’ve lived in a third world

conditions of their manufacturers.

said. “I let them guide as much

country and a first and I’ve seen how

Yet , stories of malpractice seem to

as possible and just take care of

the fashion is killing,” said student

surface every few years. Walmart

organization behind the scenes.”

event planner Sughra Ismaili.

has been proven to have multiple

thoughts amongst their peers. “Its majorly student-led,” Ibarra

Summer Hill said topic

violations by CNN regardless of

selection for hot topics start

cost are obvious for the consumer, it

their pledges to improve. Child

with a collective brainstorm.

leaves a dark back end in the actual

workers, absent fire extinguishers

production of the clothes. Foreign

and hourly pay of 24 cents were

that people buy too much of

child laborers who produce clothes

issues that remained after the

everything and there are better

for American companies like H&M,

Bangladesh factory collapse.

ways to be happy,” Hill said.

GAP, and Walmart is a problem that was first exposed in the ‘90s but remains a predominant issue today. The working conditions

“We came to the conclusion

“Be more curious, cautious,

She said that the major

and question things,” Ismaili said.

factor to purchase sustainable

Only 2 percent of the clothes

and cheap clothing is constantly

Assistant Director Diana

are putthrough to produce the

While the benefits of low up-front

Two simple tips for students

clothes that is produced in an

purchased within the U.S. are

ethical and sustainable manner

manufacturers provide for workers

actually manufactured here. These

to help counteract fast fashion

vary significantly. They range from

are statistics that students might

is “quality over quantity.”

Photo obtained from Upworthy

Fashion has become a controversial issue as it has been revealed many American companies outsource labor and provide unsafe working contitions.




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MARCH 14, 2018



Denver students engage with STEM leaders Fervor for science that starts at a young age lasts a lifetime

By Nataleah Small nsmall@msudenver.edu With eyes hidden behind a virtual reality headset, Mariella Walker, a second grade student from Asbury Elementary School, reached up with a handheld controller and wrote her name in the air. Observers watched as Walker’s invisible scribbles transformed into neon letters on a screen bordering the VR demonstration area. After taking off her headset, she joined her father, face beaming. On March 10, Walker was one of many young people who participated in an event focused on teaching students about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. MSU Denver partnered with Open World Learning to host the event “Discover STEM: Explore. Engage. Connect.” at the St. Cajetan’s Event Center. K-12 students and their families interacted with 16 STEM-based Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

companies from across the state. Attendees participated in

Sonya and Jacoby Jefferson learning about an agricultural drone company, Agribots, at Discover STEM on March 10 at St. Cajetans Event Center.

demonstrations, networked with tech professionals and learned

if young people choose to pursue

was interested in multiple scientific

thrilled with the turnout. Before

to the high turnout and positive

about scientific innovations.

STEM careers, they will have a job

disciplines like physics, biology

Saturday, she didn’t know how

reaction from the community,

waiting for them upon graduation.

and nautical engineering. He said

many people might show up.

he believes this event will likely

“I think that if they have that exposure, they’re more likely to

Sonya Jefferson attended

he had never been to an event

Due to a wifi error that prevented

take place again next spring.

be interested. If they’re interested,

the event with her mother and

of this magnitude and enjoyed

volunteers from keeping an exact

they’re more likely to pursue it,”

son and said it is important for

how many of the booths included

tally of participants, Kumin said

once again have the opportunity

said Leo/Lisa/L Henderson.

young people to have access

interactive elements, like the

he does not know how many

to engage with technology and

to this type of education.

table where a man in a lab coat

people attended. However, due

gain exposure to new ideas.

Henderson who is gender

showed attendees how to make a

fluid and goes by all three names is a site leader from OWL. Henderson said that events like these help young people understand that STEM careers can be enjoyable. “When you understand the concepts at play, things like algebra or calculus are actually kind of interesting and fun,”

“Part of our goal is to say you don’t have to be a researcher in grad school. You can be a scientist just by going out and exploring.” – Matthew Davidson

slime-like substance out of glue. Pate said he likes to create things and is excited about science because he never knows what people will come up with. “I think it’s also important for people to learn from it and help teach it to other people and teach it in a way that other people can

Henderson said. “When it’s just something you have to memorize

“If you don’t catch them

learn how to use it so that it benefits everyone who needs it,” Pate said.

and regurgitate, it’s a lot less

when they’re small, and push it

fun, which means it’s hard. When

or engage in it with them, then

things are fun, they’re easy.”

you stifle it and they’ve missed

by funds from a three-year

The event was made possible

an opportunity,” Jefferson said.

grant from the National Science

representative, stated it’s important

“It’s exciting to see them light up

Foundation. According to Janelle

for young people to learn about

and explore different areas.”

Johnson, professor of secondary

Jesse Griffin, another OWL

STEM because 80 percent of

Matthew Davidson, a member

teacher education at MSU

youth these days will work in a

of Project Bridge, a postdoctoral

Denver, the “Methods, Units,

career that doesn’t already exist.

association on the CU Anschutz

Leveraging Resources, Technology,

“We need to be innovative

Medical Campus, said children

Intercultural Competence,” or

and teach kids how to think on

are born with a sense of curiosity.

MULTI grant, is shared among

their feet now,” Griffin said.

Though not everyone chooses

MSU Denver, OWL and the

STEM professions, he said it

Community College of Denver.

Josh Kumin, event organizer and AmeriCorps Volunteers In

is important for everyone to

Service To America at OWL, said

practice critical thinking.

it’s important for young people to

“I don’t think you have to be

The grant covers a variety of programs, but Kumin said that the idea for this event was born

gain exposure to these ideas. With

exclusively a scientist or non-

December 2017. Once the idea

Colorado’s unemployment rate at

scientist,” Davidson said. “Part

took hold, he began reaching out

3 percent, there is a shortage of

of our goal is to say you don’t

to companies and community

STEM workers across the state.

have to be a researcher in grad

leaders to promote the event.

However, he explained that this

school. You can be a scientist just

field is projected to grow by 25

by going out and exploring.”

percent in the next five years. So,

In a year, young people will

Victor Pate IV, an eighth grader,

Johnson said, usually it is not easy to access information about events like this, so she was

Second grader Mariella Walker uses a Vive virtual reality headset to draw at Discover STEM hosted at St. Cajetans Event Center on Auraria Campus on March 10. Discover STEM gave children the opportunity to explore science and math.



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MARCH 14, 2018

Women’s Leadership Conference Continued from cover

challenges in university settings. Kahlea Khabir is a CU Denver student who works on campus and

For Spotted Eagle, healing has

said she’s been patronized before

been a lifelong process that requires

based on her age, even though

the aptitude to feel, speak truth and

she’s had a good relationship with

connect with others authentically.

her employer. Others in the room

Her healing and political work

agreed with her experiences. Fellow

with veterans, children, families

participants of all ages imparted

and Indigenous communities has

wisdom on how to better reach

filled her with decades of lessons.

for support and tips on how to be

She also helped start The Brave

assertive in leadership positions.

Heart Society in response to the

“I know probably working in a

violence in the world with the aim

university system where there’s

to pass down positive teachings

so many rules, so many politics,

and action to next generations.

there’s so many levels and egos and

“You have to be a grandmother to be on this society which is a high honor,” said Sky Roosevelt-

planning, sometimes you just want to go home,” said Spotted Eagle. She said respect, responsibility,

Morris, the CU Denver student

reason, reciprocity and resilience

who introduced Spotted Eagle.

were the main tenants to building

“Which means you have to

strong relationships as a leader.

have experience, you have

Other older women in the group

to have wisdom, knowledge,

echoed her advice toward

courage and all the things a good

younger participants through

grandmother possesses.”

their own stories of resilience

The conference uplifted leadership skills that women like

in leadership positions.

Spotted Eagle give to communities,

professor of anthropology at The

higher education institutions and the

Graduate Center City University

workplace. Participants were able to

of New York, was the feature

attend identity caucuses designed

speaker after lunch and continued

to connect individuals to share their

the theme of resilience and

experiences. The topics included issues around faith, spirituality, allyship, parenting, disability, international study and age. A range of identities from young women, elders, children and gender-non-binary people gathered for the break-out session around age. Caucus participants shared their frustrations and

Photos by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Bianca C. Williams, associate

leadership. Williams organized with the local chapter of Black Lives Matter 5280 in Denver before she moved to New York to teach. Williams said that many people had the misconception that BLM was chaotic and leaderless, but in fact the structure moved away from elevating a single charismatic leader toward shared power.

CU Denver student Kahlea Khabir helped facilitate one of the identity-based caucuses during the Women’s Leadership Conference at the Tivoli Student Union on March 13. The caucus held conversations around how age impacts the work environment of attendees and other aspects of their lives. “We have a saying that we are

“In order to connect the theory

‘leaderful’,” Williams said, “that

members, headed by Scotti Clifford

every individual has gifts, that

emotion outside the classroom,” she

on vocals and father to Wahpe

every individual is positioned to

said. “Emotion is a point of data, it

Waste Win, who rocked the drums,

understand the world in a particular

is a data set. You have knowledge,

and Scotti Jr. jamming on bass.

way and once they get with other

you experience the world

Juliana Brown Eyes, Clifford’s wife,

people who understand the

particularly if you are marginalized

was in California working on a

world differently, they can build

in any way, you walk through this

documentary and wasn’t present,

together and do leadership as a

world and you form critical analysis

but is also a member of the band.

collective and not individuals.”

of what is happening to you and how

Jenny Valadez-Fraire, an

you are positioned in this world.”

Clifford said he didn’t feel it was his place to speak on

MSU Denver freshman, skipped

women’s issues, but called for

class to attend the conference

men to support women more.

because she felt it was important to celebrate other women on International Women’s Day. She said the tri-institutional event helped her meet new people and exposed her to leaders in the

“In order to connect the theory to your real life, you can’t leave your emotion outside the classroom.” – Bianca C. Williams

both inspirational and relevant.

He said his grandfather and medicine man Nicholas Black Elk said that healing happens seven generations forward and back. “The eighth generation is finally that generation that lives without oppression and that’s

field. She said Williams’ talk was She’s been accused before of

a big undertaking,” Clifford

having an agenda as an educator.

said. “It’s not just for native

this and having these kinds of

Williams accepted the assertion

people, it’s for the world.”

talks is amazing,” Valadez-Fraire

and says that radical truth telling

said. “We don’t get exposed to

is a sign of leadership and comes

Williams’ idea that people with

that as college students. We all

from black feminist thought.

oppositional ideas can work

“Being in an institution like

have these opinions, but if you

“I have an agenda in my

Valadez-Fraire agreed with

together and that was the highlight

don’t go to a social justice retreat

classroom,” Williams said. “I do

of the conference for her. She

or have a specific class, these

believe that I am creating people

also agreed with Clifford that

topics aren’t really talked about.”

who are critical observers and

leadership toward a just world

critical participants who may not

is to be shared amongst all

to be shattered like the notion

always agree with my politics or

people and the conference was

that transgender women aren’t

how I’m teaching something.”

a window to that possibility

Williams said binaries needed

women. She called on cis-gender

Scotti Clifford, frontman of Scatter Their Own, performs “Catch a Fire” at the Women’s Leadership Conference in the Tivoli Turnhalle on March 13.

group is composed of family

to your real life, you can’t leave your

She said that the tools she’s

“All people that are marginalized

women to accept, include and

equipped her students with will

people share so many common

defend their transgender sisters.

help them understand their own

issues but they show up in

Another binary she said needed

position in the world, listen for

different ways,” Valadez-Fraire

a revamp was that intellect and

understanding and work together

said. “The fact that we can

emotion are against each other.

toward positive change.

get together from all different backgrounds tri-institutionally like

She first challenged the idea that

The event closed with a

academics and activism don’t mix

performance by Scatter Their

white woman and black women

when she taught at CU Boulder

Own, a native rock group from

and other different ethnicities

and was called to co-lead BLM.

the Pine Ridge Reservation. The

and identities is powerful.”

MARCH 14, 2018



Experience the Beautiful & Damned G-Eazy takes fans on a musical journey through heaven and hell

By Montana Martin

from dominating the stage and


demanding the audience’s attention. Eazy, mentioning that he

Just off US 36 between Boulder

considers Colorado a second home,

and Denver in the suburban enigma

takes this stop of “The Beautiful

that is Broomfield, 1STBANK Center

& Damned” tour one hit at a time,

ushers in music fans from across

staying steady for an ambitious 28-

the Colorado spectrum. For hip-

song setlist. Quintessential jock-jam

hop artist G-Eazy, that spectrum

“I Mean It” from Eazy’s 2014 album,

is the precise target audience

“These Things Happen,” steals the

for his accessible club staples.

breath away from a nearby group

On March 6, Eazy showed up to

of young men, all of them wearing

Broomfield’s humble arena for an

athletic socks nestled safely in

unapologetic show of endurance,

Nike slides. From Eazy’s latest

attitude and zero regret.

album, fresh party anthem “Sober,”

Flashing up on the split screens

featuring pop star darling Charlie

occupying the majority of the

Puth, inspires knowing smirks

large stage is a warning that

of all in the room. The bouncing

would normally precede a film

atmosphere is infectious, as smoke

on tape. The message serves to

and hands holding half-spilled

alert the audience that the show

drinks fill the air in equal parts.

would contain “explicit language,

For “Act II: The Damned,”

irresponsible behavior and themes

Eazy returns to the stage with the

of sex, drugs and self-destruction”

no-brainer track “Leviathan.” The

and encourage them to join in.

hip-hop artist has traded light

The short paragraph closes with

for dark, and comes out glowing

the most appropriate summary of

like the Ghost of Christmas Past

the night, saying, “It will thrill you,

in a white jacket that could only

it may shock you.” G-Eazy then

be described as one of an asylum

strolls out to the vastness of center

escapee. Beautiful & damned,

stage for “Act I: The Beautiful”

black & white, valiant knight &

in a black leather ensemble that

warrior of the night, Eazy’s theme

the isolation between Eazy and

flow at a time was mutual. This

lighting arrangements with iPhone

only accentuates his lankiness.

of duality was inserted into every

his band, who were nestled in the

unity was made possible by an

flashlights for each other, ensuring

However, Eazy’s modest physical

aspect of his performance.

shadows behind the video screens,

addictively sincere and interactive

their crew could be Snapchatted

there was a sense of singularity

performance from Eazy. In an

at their best, G-Eazy provided no

throughout 1STBANK Center. For as

arena-style show, the connection

shortage of opportunity to include

strikingly diverse as the crowd was

between audience and performer

the eager-to-please crowd in the

from seat-to-seat, the audience’s

is easily muddled. But tonight,

forward projection of the night.

intention to take the night one

as friends rigged three-point-

presence does not restrict him

Despite the theme, down to

G-Eazy succumbs to the smoke during Act I of The Beautiful & Damned tour at 1STBANK Center on March 6.

Photos by Montana Martin | mmart427@msudenver.edu

G-Eazy lingers in the moment at 1STBANK Center on March 6.

Trippie Redd basks in a glow at 1STBANK Center on March 6. He opened the show for G-Eazy on the Beautiful & Damned Tour.



MARCH 14, 2018

Women’s basketball season ends

Program’s redemptive campaign concludes in NCAA regional semifinals

By Matthew Stefanski

Texas A&M extended their lead to five, then eight, and


eventually to 10 as the clock hit zero, ringing midnight on the best seasons MSU Denver has had in six years.

The MSU Denver women’s basketball team’s run through

But the results of the season speak for themselves. Four

their first NCAA National Tournament in five years ended

years ago, the team was hovering at a 13-13 record. But,

prematurely in the regional semifinals as the Roadrunners

with the hard work and commitment of the players and head

lost to the West Texas A&M University Lady Buffs 70-60.

coach Tanya Haave and after grinding through three tough

The Roadrunners were invited as a No. 6 seed in the

seasons to reach this point, she had a strong message

tournament after falling in the semifinals of the Rocky

for the team to take with them as the year unfolded.

Mountain Athletic Conference Tournament, matched up

“The thing we were able to establish this year and

against No. 3 seed and conference rival Colorado State

we started at the end of last year was to believe that we

University-Pueblo ThunderWolves, who had secured a

belong here,” she said. “This is where you belong. Not

conference championship for themselves just a week earlier.

because you’re at Metro, but because you’re good. They’re

In the first game of the tournament, MSU Denver

good basketball players and they deserve to be here.”

came out firing, putting 16 points up in the first quarter

That mindset paid dividends. A team that was

while holding CSU-Pueblo to nine. The Roadrunners led

sitting at .500 improved year-over-year until they

from the first score and never relented, pounding the

broke through and took a second-place finish in the

ThunderWolves into submission as three players tied

RMAC. They then converted that into being the last

for a team-high seventeen points. The frustrated RMAC

RMAC team standing in the National Tournament.

champions fell apart late, allowing three players to foul out.

But Haave knew it wasn’t just the team that deserved

“That’s how we should have been playing all year.

commendation, but the fans who had supported

We’re all scoring threats, and that’s one of our biggest

them as well. She had one final message for those

assets,” said senior Georgia Ohrdorf. “So, I think yeah,

who followed the team and cheered them on.

double digits was what I expected from everyone.”

“We’re so appreciative of the support and the support

The No. 6 Roadrunners finished off the No.

during our run through the season,” Haave said. “Just

3 ThunderWolves 78-70, the only upset in their

really appreciative of the support. Just a big thank you to

region. They moved on to play No. 2 West Texas

all of our fans who’ve been around through thick and thin,

A&M the next day, a challenge they anticipated, as

and especially during this run. Just a huge thank you.”

it would be a true measuring stick with which to

As for the seniors who played their final game, they Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

size up their success throughout the season.

are confident leaving the program in a strong place for

MSU Denver senior guard Mikala Gordon pulls up for a jump shot in the RMAC quarterfinal game against CMU at the Auraria Event Center on Feb. 27. Gordon scored 14 points and collected seven rebounds.

“We knew they were a good team, so we were excited. But we knew we were a good team too, so it’d be a good matchup,” said senior J’Nae Squires-Horton After quickly falling behind 10-4, the Roadrunners

their underclassmen to continue the renewed legacy. “I think that was just my ultimate goal coming in four years ago,” said Ohrdorf. “Coming in, the team was at .500 and now we’ve kind of gotten the team to a place

leaned on Squires-Horton, who hit three three-point shots

where we are going to the RMAC Tournament and the

in the first to bring the teams back to even footing. From

within one point, but the Lady Buffs were able to extend the

NCAA Tournament. From my perspective, i’m just really

there, the two teams remained relatively even until the last

lead back to six going into the final quarter. Halfway through

proud of what we’ve accomplished as seniors and carrying

two minutes of the quarter, when the Lady Buffs went on

the fourth, MSU Denver was within striking distance, tying

on, I’m excited to see where coach takes the team.”

an 8-0 run to take a five-point lead going into halftime.

the score twice in two possessions, but the Lady Buffs

The Roadrunners continued to fight, bringing the score

pushed back hard. The Roadrunners fell cold, while West

Roadrunners athletics review Softball


vs Fort Lewis College

March 10 W




March 11 W




Women’s Golf

at New Mexico

March 12-13

Highlands University

at West Texas

March 9 L 4-8

March 10

A&M Lady Buff Stampede


March 8



at Colorado

22-5 vs Colorado Mesa University

March 9 L 2-8


Women’s Tennis


March 11 W

Women’s Basketball

Christian University March 11

W 5-4

at Colorado State




March 13


vs Texas A&M - Kingsville


March 9 vs Colorado State University- Pueblo March 10 vs West Texas


W 78-70

L 60-70

Men’s Tennis March 8 at Colorado

Christian University March 11 at Colorado State University-Pueblo

W 9-0

W 5-4

MARCH 14, 2018



Softball makes history with no-hitter, clip Skyhawks in sweep By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

It’s been an uncharacteristic season for MSU Denver. Last year’s stars Annika Anderson and Sarena Espinoza’s statistical

The forecast was mostly sunny, yet

output has been lacking, which is something

pitcher Kylee Burnside brought the

of an anomaly considering their persistent

thunder and delivered the eleventh no-

production year-in and year-out.

hitter in program history as MSU Denver

They’ll be the first to tell you that

swept the Fort Lewis College Skyhawks.

it doesn’t matter, though. Softball,

Don’t look now, but these are the

like football, basketball and baseball,

Roadrunners you’ve been looking for.

is a team sport. One player can break

It hasn’t been a pretty season for

every hitting record in the books,

Burnside or the Roadrunners. Leading up to

but it holds as much meaning as the

the series, she was battered and beaten by

chorus to a Pitbull party anthem if the

the University of Colorado Colorado Springs

surrounding team isn’t worth a damn.

Mountain Lions, allowing eight runs off of

And past the excitement the

10 hits in just five innings of work for an ERA

previous years have brought to

of over 11. For her to bounce back in such

MSU Denver, the Roadrunners have

an emphatic fashion was representative of

experienced this feeling first hand.

the turnaround seen by the entire team.

“Sometimes a team doesn’t have

“It’s crazy, it was my first no-hitter ever. I

success and then it hurts a little bit more

had no idea I had thrown a no-hitter until the

when you’re not contributing to that. For

bottom of the fifth inning,” Burnside said.

me, personally, I felt like I could have been

Just a month ago, a dark cloud hung over

doing more,” Espinoza said. “You have

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior Sarena Espinoza at bat against the FLC Skyhawks in the first game of the doubleheader on March 11 at the Regency Athletic Complex. The Roadrunners swept the weekend series against the Skyhawks.

MSU Denver. They were 3-9, unable to stop

to take a step back and realize it’s not the

a nosebleed and faced a daunting task of

end of the world, it’s OK. Just work hard

establishing a rhythmatic team attack in all

in practice and trust the process and just

Freshman Koryna Wright continued

facets of the game. Halfway through March,

relax. I think that was my biggest thing, I

her surprise debut season. Though her

key that they continued to improve upon

they’ve more than tripled their win total

was pressing too much at the plate, trying

hitting wasn’t as appealing as it was last

the previous week. It doesn’t matter the

and woven an intricate melody of clutch

to do everything myself but I have a lot

weekend, her defense was stout, roaming

quality of the opponent, what’s pertinent

offense, reliable defense and rock-solid

of great teammates to back me up.”

the radius around 3rd base like some unholy

is that they did better than the last time.

pitching as they’ve won five games in a row.

It’s no longer just Espinoza, Anderson or

combination of Nolan Arenado and Mike

continued to do what they did well, it was

“Our pitchers, they attacked more.

even Kristyn Peters contributing to the wins.

Schmidt, executing an unassisted double

Basically, they pitched to their ability.

too much at times and kind of force

Peters, who’s been on a tear in the box this

play in game four to textbook perfection.

They were much sharper which allowed

things too much instead of just trusting

season, hit just .167 this series with no RBIs.

She isn’t the only fresh face who has

them to have velocity. When they bring

made her presence known, though.

their velocity, then their offspeed is

“Well, I think we’re definitely pressing

their hard work, trusting their abilities

Musician Aimee Mann once said that,

and letting it happen,” said head coach

“the knockout punch is always the one you

Annie Van Wetzinga. “It feels good to win

never saw coming,” a belief that personifies

Whitt went unnoticed. She had solid

four, always does. That’s what we hope

the unexpected contributors to the

production and was reliable at left field,

to do, especially at our home field.”

Roadrunners’ success—their newcomers.

For much of the season, transfer Celyn

a lot more effective and keeps hitters off-balance,” Van Wetzinga said. Now, fueled by confidence,

her six-hit series against the Mountain

momentum and their long-lost groove,

Lions stood out, but was masked by

the Roadrunners face their toughest test

the team’s 1-3 record that weekend.

of the season to this point. They’ll visit

Like a schoolyard bully looking for a

Lakewood to battle the Colorado Christian

new punching bag, she hit the Skyhawks

University Cougars in a four-game

with a sucker punch, knocked them down

series. The Cougars are 19-1, undefeated

and pulled them back up just to send

in conference play and rank second in

them back to the ground. Her output was

the RMAC, just behind Colorado Mesa

eye-popping, racking up eight hits off

University, the No. 1 team in Division II.

12 at-bats and seven RBIs. Her three-run homerun in the second inning of the final game of the series was icing on the cake. “If my team doesn’t go out there and pitch hard and play good defense as a collective whole, individually it doesn’t matter. As long as we get the wins, that’s all that matters,” Whitt

“You have to take a step back and realize it’s not the end of the world, it’s OK. Just work hard in practice and trust the process and just relax.” – Sarena Espinoza

said. “It definitely feels good. I started a little slow this season, so just working hard and getting to where I know I can be and working hard for the team.”

would be considered a successful outing,

The Roadrunners played their objectively

Kylee Burnside prepares to pitch the ball to the FLC Skyhawks on March 11 at the Regency Athletic Complex. MSU Denver won all four games against the Skyhawks during the weekend.

It’s now or never for the Roadrunners. Grabbing two games from the Cougars but that’s setting the bar low for a scrappy

best softball of the season against a pitiful

group of ball players. If the fresh-faced,

opponent who’s just 1-11 in the RMAC. Their

unnoticed newcomers continue their

defensive fundamentals were airtight a

clutch play and Espinoza and Peters

week after being plagued by errors. After

bounce back from a quiet series, there’s

allowing 29 runs to the Mountain Lions

no reason Roadrunners can’t legitimize

and 41 hits, they slashed those totals to

their mid-season turn around.

10 and 21 respectively. While the team



MARCH 14, 2018

Women’s tennis runs win streak to three By Matthew Stefanski

Roadrunners have lost all but one match

against the schools — MSU Denver


before their meeting with the Javelinas,

has yet to collect a win against a D-I

there is still plenty of promising talent

opponent — Winterrowd and her

within the team. Freshman Alex Pessoa

teammates acknowledge how much

off by the MSU Denver women’s

was named RMAC Player of the Week

they help the team to move forward.

tennis team, defeating the Texas

in early February while sophomore

A&M University-Kingsville Javelinas

Tabitha Porter and senior Courtney

but it’s really good to get yourself

by a final of 5-4, extending their

Wright were both named to the 2018

going into the season,” Winterrowd

win streak to three matches.

all-RMAC list in a preseason poll.

said. “So, even though they’re tough,

A flawless weekend was capped

The win brings them to a 5-4 record

The win against the Javelinas was

“It’s always tough to play them,

we know the ones we play during

on the spring season, finally breaking

a big step forward for the program,

conference aren’t going to be that

the .500 mark after a rough start

extending their win streak to three

hard. So it can really get us going.”

that included two losses to Division

and showing their regional opponents

I opponents Air Force Academy and

that they are still competitive and

conference games, the Roadrunners

University of Northern Colorado.

can grind out wins outside of their

will aim to improve on several personal

However, the weekend of action raised

RMAC opponents. Now with a stack

aspects as they work their way

the team to a 3-0 mark in the Rocky

of six straight regional opponents `in

through the schedule and prepare for

Mountain Athletic Conference for the

a row, the team acknowledges the

three straight RMAC matches before

second half of the split-season.

positive effects that would come out

going into the RMAC Tournament.

But most importantly, the Roadrunners two conference wins made a solid statement to the rest of their RMAC opponents.

Moving into these next six non-

of collecting wins before entering their final three RMAC matches. “If we can win these, it’ll really

“I think everyone has their own individual goals to work on throughout these matches,” said

give us more confidence and more

senior Emily Kerr. “To be honest, a

motivation to try to win the rest of

lot of the upcoming matches we have

are the team to beat and if we go out

the season and keep going,” said

are pretty tough, so I think for us, it’s

and play our game, we should win

sophomore Ainsley Winterrowd.

just doing what we can to win.”

“We have it in our minds that we

9-0,” said head coach Barrett Elkins. The win against the Javelinas marked

The forthcoming stretch is arguably

The Roadrunners will look to

easier than some of their previous

continue the winning streak against

the first leg of a seven-game stretch in

opponents, which include the two

Doane College on March 14 before

which the team will play non-conference

Division I programs, a multi-year

traveling to Lindenwood University in

games. Despite starting slow in their

tradition the team starts the spring

St. Charles, Missouri on March 19.

out of conference schedule, where the

season with. Despite the difficulty

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver freshman Alex Pessoa hits a forehand in her match against Texas A&M-Kingsville at the Regency Athletic Complex on March 13. Pessoa defeated her oppenent in three sets.

Strain calls out baseball’s effort By Rich Allen

runs — only three earned — in the first start


of his collegiate career. O’Donnell, who earned all-region preseason honors as a

There’s a saying in sports that speed

first baseman, has missed time with a knee

and hustle never take a day off.

injury and made a return to the lineup this

That is, apparently, unless you were an

weekend. He hasn’t caught up yet, going

MSU Denver baseball player on March 13.

2-for-13 in his first five games, contributing

After the team’s 8-2 loss to the Colorado

to the flailing of the team against Mesa.

Mesa University Mavericks, head coach

“It’s been a slow start since I’ve been

Ryan Strain had some choice words for

back,” O’Donnell said. “I’m really trying

his team and the effort they showed,

to figure my stuff out, and once I figure

dropping their record to 9-12 overall.

that stuff out, I think I’ll help the team out

“Really didn’t do anything well,” Strain

obviously, because not really anyone has

said. “I thought a couple guys came out of

been doing well, including myself.”

the bullpen and threw pretty well, which

O’Donnell rejoined the team on March

was good to see, but we just didn’t play

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

hard. We didn’t compete. We played a good team, but that’s a beatable team. We just didn’t play very hard. We didn’t play like a team that thought they could win.”

MSU Denver second baseman Donny Ortiz, Jr. throws to first base after fielding a ground ball in the game against Colorado Mesa University on March 13 at the Regency Athletic Complex. The Roadrunners lost 8-2.

The Roadrunners mustered only four hits

They missed his bat and arm, going 4-5 over that stretch. However, they have gone just 2-3 since his return through his struggles. But, as noted by Strain, the blame doesn’t fall on his production.

against Mesa in the late scheduled, non-

the Roadrunners simply did not capitalize

on the season, making it a reasonable goal

conference game. Mesa, currently ranked

on them, leaving eight runners on base.

for one of the Rocky Mountain Athletic

No. 11 in the latest NCAA Division II coaches

9 after missing nine straight games.

“It seemed like everyone was excited to

The question is now how the team rebounds from a demoralizing loss.

Conference’s top offenses. Additionally,

“You have to coach and teach these

poll, is recognized as one of the top teams

come out and play Mesa knowing they’re a

Strain was forced to rely on non-primary

guys that that’s unacceptable,” Strain said.

in the country. But, Strain believed a solid

good ball club,” junior catcher Draven Adame

pitchers, as his staff was exhausted from

“Mainly because of the effort. We can come

effort from his team would have put them in

said. “But, just as the game went on we just

a four game set over the weekend.

out here and hit and take ground balls and

a spot to challenge the Mavericks for a win.

had some rally killers. A couple times with

Thusly, he used players like Aaron

fly balls and do bunt defenses and picks and

bases loaded and no one scoring, a couple

Gjersee, Nick Ulmer and Nic Hansen, all

do all the stuff that we do on a daily basis in

Denver had the bases loaded and nobody

errors here and there. It just kind of ruined

of whom have not played in close games

practice, but the first thing we’ve got to figure

out, but failed to score a single run. In the

our momentum. I think we for sure have

this season. John Badgett, who Strain said

out is how to play hard. So, we’re going to

sixth, consecutive strikeouts from Aaron

the talent and potential to beat them, but

has not seen in-game competition in two

figure out how to play hard tomorrow.”

Germani, Trent Maloney and Jake Kistaitis

we need to stop making those mistakes.”

years, got the final three outs. This quartet,

On two separate occasions, MSU

ended an opportunity to cut into a then-

Adame, responsible for one of the team’s

Strain hopes that learning how to play

plus Jordan Smith, who gets more regular

hard will right the ship for MSU Denver before

five run deficit. The following inning, they

hits, also played a role in maybe the lone

play time, held the Mavericks to three runs

the team’s next action, a four-game series

turned a gift of an inning — an infield single,

positive to come from Tuesday’s game —

over the final 6.2 innings of the game.

against Colorado School of Mines at the

a walk and a hit by pitch — into dust with

the pitching. While eight runs seems like a

a strikeout and an inning-ending double

high count, the Roadrunners have matched

forward for Strain will be his starter, senior

play. The opportunities were there, but

that number nine times in their 21 games

Cale O’Donnell, who got tagged for five

But, the most important pitcher going

Regency Athletic Complex, starting March 16.

MARCH 14, 2018



Augmented reality bouldering

Campus Recreation continues Friday Funday series with technological edge

By Rich Allen

on Friday, has consequently earned


only one point on the season and isn’t a

Giles, who is an exercise science major

competitor for the program’s accolade.

at MSU Denver. She wears many hats for

The MSU Denver Intramural

One of these student employees is Kellye

But, walk-ups like Marquez have been a

Campus Recreation, including building

Sports program continued its Friday

staple for the program and a demographic

manager, working intramural basketball

Funday competition with a unique,

that its organizers would like to see expand.

and Friday Funday. On March 9, she

technological edge on March 9.

There have been 19 total participants listed

worked the augmented reality projector.

In the fifth iteration of Campus

on the series’ standings board. However,

Recreation’s semester-long, point based

almost all but two of the people in the

league, competitors found themselves not

rankings have only participated in Friday

on the Auraria Event Center’s basketball

Funday once. For Assistant Director of

courts, but instead on the rock climbing

Recreation and Leadership Dave Lamothe,

wall doing augmented reality bouldering.

this is a number he’d like to see improve.

Where in previous weeks athletes were

“We want every student to come in, get engaged, participate, meet other students, recreate, have some fun while working out.” – Dave Lamothe

Lamothe envisions a broad, tri-

playing basketball or dodgeball against

institutional program with thousands of

each other, they now raced against the

participants. While it may be too hopeful

“It’s kind of just what I love to do,”

clock, trying to reach six dots projected

of a goal, he wants to get as many people

Giles said. “I love helping people out and

on the wall in the shortest time possible.

involved in intramurals as possible.

getting involved in bettering themselves.”

”It’s a lot more difficult than I

“We want every student to come in, get

For students like Marquez and Giles,

thought it would be,” said Christian

engaged, participate, meet other students,

Campus Recreation’s Intramural Sports

Marquez. “Definitely fun. Probably

recreate, have some fun while working

program offers several ways to get

should’ve taken a couple of practice

out,” Lamothe said. “So, if I can realistically

runs before I actually did an official

grow this person and we just serve more

attempt, because I was not ready.”

students every semester, I’m happy. Every

Marquez is one of 12 participants in

semester we serve more, and more, and

the competition, each of whom got three

more, and more. Grow the program, offer

attempts to improve their score along

more sports, get more student-employees

the course. Because he took part, he

involved, get more students involved.”

earned points toward the Champion of

involved and stay active. Friday Fundays Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver student Christian Marquez competes in augmented reality bouldering in the weight room of the Auraria Event Center on March 9.

resume on March 16 at Sigi’s in the Tivoli with Sigi’s Tournament, which includes pool, ping pong and air hockey. Starting March 30, the program takes its weekly events outside for competitions in disc golf, ultimate frisbee, Wiffle ball and

Under Lamothe and Campus Recreation,

already included an indoor basketball

others. It is free for MSU Denver students

Champions award, which will be awarded

the intramurals program began to see

league. Additionally, basketball has relied

and members of Campus Recreation. Drop-

at the end of the Friday Fundays calendar

the growth he’s been looking for. This

on private sector refereeing, but is now

ins are welcome, but Lamothe says they

on May 4. Marquez, who only happened

semester, the program added indoor

shifting to student officiating in its efforts

prefer participants to register ahead of

upon the event as he was working out

soccer and volleyball to its offerings that

to get student employees involved as well.

time on IMLeagues.com before arriving.

Colorado continuing to carry precious CarGo By Rich Allen

outfield, with three spots to be filled by

one that makes him invaluable to every


him, Charlie Blackmon, Gerardo Parra,

other player in the Rockies clubhouse,

Ian Desmond and budding young stars

and is unquantifiable on a box score.

If you’re a fan of the Colorado Rockies,

David Dahl and Raimel Tapia who figure to

CarGo’s clubhouse presence, the

anything that makes Nolan Arenado

play more prominent roles in the team’s

same one that enticed both Parra and the

happy should make you happy.

future than any of the others. If that wasn’t

Rockies’ front office into a deal a couple

enough to give manager Bud Black a

of seasons ago, lessened and dignified

is bringing back one of the most prolific

headache, prospects Jordan Patterson,

rostering him all last season, even through

players in franchise history, even if the fit

Mike Tauchman and Noel Cuevas are

the sub-Mendoza line production. It was a

isn’t exactly perfect, Rockies fans should

doing their best to force themselves

status that he has built since in his arrival

be chomping at the bit to make it happen.

into the conversation with solid spring

in 2008’s Matt Holliday trade. Gonzalez is

And on March 12, that’s exactly what

trainings. But still, general manager

the last remnant of the 2009 Rockies, and

happened, when the Blake Street Bombers

Jeff Bridich made the commitment to

fought through the ensuing struggles.

retained longtime outfielder Carlos

the one-time MVP candidate and 2017

While he always played second fiddle

Gonzalez. CarGo is coming off undoubtedly

liability, even as the team readies itself

to Troy Tulowitzki and now Arenado,

the worst season of his career, tarnished by

for another run at October baseball.

one thing became abundantly clear this

If what makes Nolan Arenado happy

a first half that would’ve landed anybody

Make no mistake, adding yet another

not named Carlos Gonzalez on the bench

lefty outfielder to the mix was not made in

or in Triple-A. Even after a vintage second-

a vacuum, and may not have necessarily

and from the outfield, to the nonchalant

half rebound, he still had an abysmal

been a “baseball” move. Superstar third

five-star diving catches, to the majestic,

.262 batting average, just barely reaching

baseman Nolan Arenado reportedly had

Ken Griffey-esque swing and bat drops

base more than 33 percent of the time.

been advocating for a CarGo reunion

to the simple, patented grin, CarGo is the

all offseason, and told Denver Post beat

heart and soul of the team, something

some of his luster after last season,

writer Patrick Saunders he was “REALLY

that wasn’t fully appreciated until he fell

with question marks abound about

happy” when the news broke of the

victim to the collusion that left many

how much an older, slower CarGo can

deal, Saunders said in a tweet. Perhaps

players unemployed into the spring.

produce. But the Rockies still paid him

keeping the team’s best player happy as

But, the Rockies are contenders again,

$8 million. That’s how important he

his contract expiration following the 2019

like the team he was introduced to. It

is to the Coors Field inhabitants.

season looms. But, the reason Arenado is

wouldn’t be the same without him.

The 31-year-old has lost more than

Gonzalez now joins an already cluttered

so pleased to see CarGo return is the same

offseason: CarGo is the Colorado Rockies. From the rockets, both off the bat

Photo from Jon Konrath via Flickr

Carlos Gonzalez, seen here on May 31, 2010, has been a staple in the Colorado Rockies lineup for nearly a decade. He re-signed with the team after his first bout with free agency on March 12.






Non-Binary Identities Support Group


Bon Jovi

Location Pepsi Center

MARCH 14, 2018


The Lili Smokies

Women’s Tennis


Location Bluebird Theater

Price $29.50-154.50

Price $23

Time 7:30 P.M.

Time 8 p.m.

Location Tivoli Suite 651 Price Free

3.14 VS. Doane College Location Denver

3.16 VS. CO School of Mines Location Denver

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 3 p.m.

Time 3 p.m.

Time 9-10:30 a.m. 3.14 Lucy Rose Location Larimer Lounge 3.16

Third Friday Art Walk


The Wildwoods

Location Sweet Heart Winery

Price $17

Price Free

Time 8:00 p.m.

Time 5 p.m.


Men’s Tennis

3.17 VS. Colorado Christian University Location Lakewood

Location Center for Visual Arts Price Free Time 6-8 p.m.


Lawn Chairs

Location Seventh Circle Music Collection Price Free ( $7-10 donation) Time 7:00 p.m.


Job Search Meet Up: Exploring the hidden job market

Location Tivoli 215



Frequency Within

Location Your Mom’s House

Star Wars: A New Hope in Concert

Price Varies

3.19 VS. Lindenwood Location St. Charles, MO Price Varies Time TBA

Time 12 p.m.

Location Bakery Arts Warehouse Price $45-85 Time 7:30


The Mowgli’s



Location Havu Gallery

Price $5-8

Price $20-25

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9:30 p.m.

3.15 Pistons @ Nuggets Location Pepsi Center

3.17 Nuggets @ Grizzlies Location FedExForum

Price Free

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 10-11:30 a.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.



Location Belly Up Aspen 3.24

Cello Boot Camp


Miranda Sings

Location Paramount Theatre

Price $65/95

Price $39.50

Time 9:30 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Hockey 3.11 Predators @ Avs Location Pepsi Center

Location Arts Building Price Free Time 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

3.20 Chicago Location Pikes Peak Center



Price $15

Time 5:30 p.m.

Time 5 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 1 p.m.

Soccer 3.24 Rapids vs. Sporting KC Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Kid Rock


Location Pepsi Center Price $39.50-129.50 Time 7:30 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

3.18 Red Wings @ Avs Location Pepsi Center

Location The Barkley Bar

Price $50.50-126




God Save the Queens: Queer Punk Night

Location DSG Park

Soccer 3.13 Rapids vs. Philadelphia Location DSG Park

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.





9 p.m.


Package bombing

Over the past 12 days, three package bombing have taken place in Austin, Texas. According to CNN, Anthony Stephan House was the first victim to receive a package bomb on March 2. On The second bomb exploded on Monday morning, killing Drayle Mason and injuring his mother. These three victims are African Americans. On Monday around noon, an elderly Hispanic woman was “severely injured” during the third bombing. At the time of publication, authorities have yet to identify the perpetrator or perpetrators.

Helicopter crash kills five

Students plan to walk out

St. Patrick’s Day celebration

of class on Wednesday

On March 11, five passengers died during a helicopter crash in the New York’s East River. The pilot, Richard Vance Danbury, was the only person to survive. On Sunday, Danbury told authorities that he saw “a tether from a front passenger’s harness wrapped around the fuel shut off lever.” This led to engine failure when the fuel supply was cut off accidentally. According to CBS, the passengers were unable escape the wreckage because they were tightly strapped into their seats with safety harnesses.

Students from across the nation plan to walk out of their classrooms for 17 minutes at 10 a.m. on Wednesday to commemorate to 17 people who died during the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Feb. 14. The event will mark one month anniversary of the tragedy. According to the Denver Post, 1,965 schools and organizations plan to participate in the event called “ #Enough national School Walkout to End Gun Violence.”

Trump fires Tillerson, replaced by CIA director

Channel 93.3 will host its annual Keggs & Eggs event at Blake Street Tavern on March 16. The event is free, open to individuals 21 and over and is first come first served. The bands Portugal. The Man, AJR and Stélouse will be performing. According to a representative from the tavern, doors will open at 7a.m. and the event will conclude around midnight. This will be the thirteenth year this St. Patrick’s Day celebration has taken place in Denver.

On Tuesday at 5:44 a.m. President Donald Trump tweeted that CIA director Mike Pompeo will replace Rex Tillerson as the Secretary of State. According to the New York Times, John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, called Tillerson on Friday during his trip to Africa, and advised “you may get a tweet.” To replace Pompeo, Trump nominated Gina Haspel, the current deputy director of the CIA, to become the next Director of the CIA. If Haspel is approved by congress, she will be the first woman to hold the position.

Met Media, here to save your day!

TV broadcast programming TheMetReport @TheMetReport 24/7 Internet Radio


MetRadio @MetRadioDenver @MetRadioDenver

Arts, literary and culture magazine Metrosphere @MetrosphereMag Weekly newspaper


TheMetropolitan @TheMetOnline






MARCH 14, 2018

Spring Break activities

Horoscopes The zodiacs as dog breeds You’re a cat.

Nataleah: Launching rockets with Elon Musk


Congtats! You’re a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. You’re the Queen’s favorite pooch.

You are a show Poodle. You’re not afraid to strut your stuff and sport a funky hairstyle. Look out Colorado Kennel Club 2019 dog show!



Pisces are Great Danes. Isn’t that dane great?

Portuguese Water Dog. You’d get along with Obama because he has like three or something.



Whatever kind of dog Stitch was from the animated Disney film “ Lilo and Stitch.”

You don’t always get taking seriously. Like a Pomeranian, you’re cute but fiesty. Sometimes your bite is far worse than your yip.



Forest: Playing some B-ball outside of the school Burky: Crying/drinking alone with my kitties


Yellow Labrador. You’re happy-go-lucky but sometimes too trusting. Stop booping the cat. You’ll only get hurt again.


Mimi: Level up my hydration and REM game

“You’re not alone if you’re with your kitties.” “That horse has mad braids.“ “ I haven’t even looked at my bank account but I know it’s not good.” Do you have a funny quote or interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Ali Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu



Isaac: Camping. Glamping

If you weren’t a bull you’d be a Border Collie. You’re loyal and smart but ignore what your human is saying half the time.

Your the kind of dog where no one knows what breed they are but the owners have their speculations.



You’re a Pug pup! You’re quirky, a little noisey with a face ya just want to smush.

Sag, you are an Australian Shepherd. You’re fun but holy crap slow down! We don’t all wake up at the crack of dawn or run for fun.

Brain games 42. Ice pellets

2. Cat’s sound

35. Monte ____

44. Pack tightly

3. South American country

38. Excessive pride


45. Entrap

4. ____ Witherspoon of

39. Poker holding

1. Mast

47. Over again

“Walk the Line”

40. Pollution problem

5. “Phantom of the ____”

48. Three musicians

5. Rowing device

43. Deuces

10. Catcher’s glove

49. ____ retriever

6. Begged

46. Deserves

14. Undiluted

52. Association (abbr.)

7. Other

50. Ladybug, e.g.

15. Distribute

53. On dry land

8. Chimney’s locale

51. Apt. divisions

16. Resound

56. Arrogant

9. Finally (2 wds.)

53. Poplar type

17. Goad

58. Bring to court

10. Got together

54. Nappy leather

18. New Year’s Day promise

59. Lowest tides

11. Colder

55. Bushy fence

20. Lady’s garment

63. Arguments

12. Rose barb

57. Troubled

22. Trim meat

66. Walker

13. Hues

60. Diva’s offering

23. Before, poetically

69. Quick cut

19. Absolute

61. Half quart

24. Tidy

70. Rim

21. Dispirited

62. Cooking herb

26. Ships’ rears

71. Jargon

25. Spasms

64. Exhaust

28. Humble dwelling

72. Light tan

27. Put up

65. Whirled

30. Calamity

73. At no time, in verse

28. Garment edges

67. Poet’s eternity

34. Hero’s tale

74. Consumer

29. “Once ____ a time...”

68. Neither’s partner

36. Business abbr.

75. Adolescent

31. ____ eclipse

37. Gathers


32. Sports venue

41. “____ Lisa”

1. Tater

33. Velocity


Staff Picks


MENTAL HEALTH AFFECTS EVERYONE MSU Denver student elections occur April 9-13. Students will be asked to vote on a new Mental Health Student Fee to meet the increasing demand for mental health services.

1 2

The new mental health student fee will provide MSU Denver students with:

in every

✔ FREE Psychiatrist Appointments Elimination of mental health office visit charges at the Health Center at Auraria ($252 initial/$140 follow-ups)

students reported problems with depression*

✔ FREE Mental Health Appointments Ensuring continued free visits at the MSU Denver Counseling Center

✔ Additional Appointment Times Increased staff creating improved access for students

✔ A Healthier Campus Community Improved prevention, education and safety

Vote for

Vote April 9-13 by visiting

raria/login.cfm https://eballot4.votenet.com/Au

Mental Health

*Source: Center for Collegiate Mental Health National Client Database


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