Volume 40, Issue 25 - March 14, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 25

MARCH 14, 2018


Challenging leadership through feminine empowerment

Photo by Ali Watkins | Awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Featured speaker Faith Spotted Eagle shares her experiences at the Women’s Leadership Conference in the Tivoli Turnhalle on March 8. The Women’s Leadership Conference was a tri-institutional event intended to address the relationship between gender and leadership.

By Mimi Madrid Puga

standing ovation from more than

Conference organizers plan

and guess what, you live in an

and have relationships centered


200 attendees after her keynote

to change the event’s title in a

even more violent time. We live

in each others pain instead of

address at the Tivoli Turnhalle

spirit of inclusivity. The women

in this perception and denial

the individual. She invited men

during the 22nd Annual Women’s

leaders who spoke throughout

that we come from one of the

and other people who hold

of roles she’s served throughout

Leadership Conference: Leading

the event embraced the idea

greatest countries in the world,”

positional power to move back

her seven decades of life. Her

Beyond the Binary on March 8.

of expanding the title.

Spotted Eagle said. “But we also

from the edge of rage with

live in one of the most violent

courage when underrepresented communities voice their concerns.

Faith Spotted Eagle has a list

titles have ranged from political

The conference fell on

Spotted Eagle said younger

activist, cancer survivor, PTSD

International Women’s Day and

generations, especially her

countries in the world but we

therapist and principal but

created an environment that

daughter, have been her greatest

are in a period of denial.”

none bring her pride like being

lifted the leadership of women

teachers in thinking beyond

a kunsi, or grandmother in her

and gender non-binary people of

binaries because they are

of her keynote because she said

native Dakota language.

all ages, races and experiences

survivors in hostile times.

most people walk around with

Spotted Eagle received a


in an intergenerational way.


| pg. 3

SLAP returns to Auraria Campus

“I lived in a very violent time


| pg. 14

Healing was the central point

backpacks filled with trauma

| Continued on pg. 10



| pg. 8

| pg. 11

Drinking culture leads to

Denver students learn about

Kylee Burnside twirls 11th no-hitter

financial struggles

science and technology

in Roadrunner history

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