Volume 40, Issue 26 - March 28, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 26

MARCH 28, 2018


Red flag laws step toward solution on gun violence

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Moms Demand Action prepares to lead the march for March for Our Lives in Denver’s Civic Center Park on March 24. Protests took place around the United States to bring awareness to gun violence and address mass shootings.

By Forest Wilson

have been enacted in Connecticut,

bill and make sure that it is

Our Lives. NAC was founded after

strengthen background checks


Washington, Indiana, California,

enacted before the end of this

Never Again MSD was created by

so that we have a background

Oregon and most recently Florida.

session, so that we can protect

students at Marjory Stoneman

check system across the country

These laws allow judges to issue

all of our students, teachers,

Douglas High School on Feb. 14.

that works with state and local

stage among the impassioned

law enforcement court orders

and community members in

demonstrators at Denver’s

to confiscate firearms from

the state,” said Tay Anderson, a

his approval for the goals of

think that we should figure out

March for Our Lives at Civic

individuals who are considered a

march organizers and member

organizations such as NAC as he

how to pass a red flag law here in

Center Park on March 24.

danger to themselves or others.

of Never Again Colorado.

marched alongside protesters.

Colorado and also in Congress.”

Red flag laws found center

Red flag laws are a form of gun violence protection order. They

“I would like to see our legislature pass the red flag

Under Anderson’s leadership, NAC organized Denver’s March for

Sen. Michael Bennet voiced

governments,” Bennet said. “I

“I think that as a country we should close those loopholes and

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Former state legislators impart

Dreams remain unrealized 50 years

Crowds gather to sea ancient

Roadrunner invited to Outlaws

wisdom at MSU Denver

on from MLK’s death


training camp

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