Volume 40, Issue 27 - April 4, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 27

APRIL 4, 2018


Scrappy team powered by fumes to playoff berth | pg. 13

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior Colt Webb cradles past CU Denver’s Michael Martinez at CU Denver Field on the Auraria Campus on March 30. The Roadrunners lost 16-15.

Proposed fee may make school mental health services free relating to general care, such as

services fee of approximately $35

incrementally even more so

altogether but it eliminates

blood work, will not be covered by

per semester, which aids in the

over the past fi ve years,” said

the charge for the offi ce visit,

the fee. The fee will eliminate the

operation of both the Health Center

Steve Monaco, director of The

which usually is the most

cost of psychiatric appointments

and the MSU Denver Counseling

Health Center at Auraria. “We

it to the ballot for the upcoming

expensive part,” said Dr. Justin

at the Health Center, which are

Center. The proposed mental

want to ensure that we can

Student Government Assembly

Hauxwell, the medical director

now $252 for the initial visit

health fee will be an additional $45.

adequately have the appropriate

election to be held April 9-13.

of behavioral health at the

and $140 for follow-ups, and

Health Center at Auraria.

ensure visits to the Counseling

health services we are providing

Center continue to be free.

has dramatically increased

By Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu Free mental health visits made

The measure will be paid for by adding a new student

“It doesn’t eliminate all costs

Prescriptions from the Health

fee to current tuition costs.

Center’s outlet and other costs



| pg. 4

Sun may set on MSU Denver bargain tuition scheme

Currently, there is a health


| pg. 5

Android takes a bite out of Apple

“The amount of mental

providers for their need.”

over the past 10 years, and

| Continued on pg. 3



| pg. 8

| pg. 10

Jazz quartet dazzles audience

Burnside continues to

at music club

scorch competition



April Events


All Music Department events are FREE to MSU Denver Students, Faculty, and Staff!


Ivy Street Ensemble





Also: 04.07 04.14 04.19 04.20/21 04.26 04.28







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MSU Denver student elections occur April 9-13. Students will be asked to vote on a new Mental Health Student Fee to meet the increasing demand for mental health services.

1 2

The new mental health student fee will provide MSU Denver students with:

in every

✔ FREE Psychiatrist Appointments Elimination of mental health office visit charges at the Health Center at Auraria ($252 initial/$140 follow-ups)

✔ FREE Mental Health Appointments

students reported problems with depression*

Ensuring continued free visits at the MSU Denver Counseling Center

✔ Additional Appointment Times Increased staff creating improved access for students

✔ A Healthier Campus Community Improved prevention, education and safety

Vote for

Vote April 9-13 by visiting

raria/login.cfm https://eballot4.votenet.com/Au

Mental Health

*Source: Center for Collegiate Mental Health National Client Database


APRIL 4, 2018


MSU Denver to vote on mental health fee Continued from cover

Kaiser Permanente. The MSU Denver student insurance, which

Hauxwell is the only psychiatrist

about 3,500 students use, currently

on staff at the Health Center, with

covers 100 percent of the cost

two other mental health providers,

of mental health services at the

a clinical nurse specialist and a

health center. Those with accepted

psychiatric mental health nurse

insurances pay their copay.

practitioner. He said the Health

Monaco said about 8,000

Center is currently looking for

students, or 41 percent of the

another staff psychiatrist and

campus, have an insurance plan that

if the mental health fee passes

is not accepted and are forced to pay

it would give the opportunity

for mental health services in full.

for an additional psychiatrist

SGA President Joshua Gardner

and potentially one or two

is also the chair of the Student Fee

mental health providers.

Review Panel. The panel reviews

“If Metro students are able to

all proposed program fee changes.

come for mental health visits for

He will write the exact language

free, more people I think are more

of the proposal in conjunction

likely to come and we are going to

with the Health Center, counseling

need more staffing,” Hauxwell said.

center and dean of students.

Most students average eight

“I think that this will be huge,”

follow-up visits after the initial

Gardner said. “It will be very

visit, amounting to over $1,300 in

beneficial for our campus.”

cost for a student experiencing a mental health problem. The health center currently does

Photo by Lauren Cordova | scordo22@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver students Jessica and Thomas Mindenhall exit the Auraria Health Center Plaza building on April 11, 2017.

Gardner said that turnout for SGA elections hovers at around 1,000 students per year, while the

19,500. This places the vote on the

not accept Medicare, Medicaid

total undergraduate enrollment as

mental health fee in the hands of

Center and the Health Center hope

will be an email sent out prior to

or closed network plans such as

of the fall 2017 semester was about

a small percentage of students.

that advertising for the fee will

elections with the link to vote.

BRIEFS First sentence in Mueller probe Alex van der Zwaan, a Dutch lawyer formerly employed at the Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom law firm was sentenced to 30 days in prison for lying to federal investigators during their investigation of Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman. While van der Zwaan’s lawyer argued that a fine should be punishment enough, though the prosecution argued that he only came clean after he was caught red-handed. Spot Spotify on the stock exchange Spotify became a publicly traded company today with an opening share price of $165.90 and closing at $149.01 on the New York Stock Exchange. The total value of the music streaming service is $26.5 billion, ranking Spotify’s debut as one of the highest openings for a tech company on NYSE. New tariffs from China and U.S. The Trump administration announced its plan to place tariffs on more than 1,300 Chinese imported goods. They state that these tariffs come as a response to the theft of American companies’ intellectual properties. China placed a 25 percent tariff on 128 imported goods from the U.S. on the day before and has pledged to match U.S. tariffs in the future.

Gardner, the Counseling

increase turnout this year. There

Assistance for substance abusers By Forest Wilson

is at a severe point, the

present themselves,


Counseling Center or Health

according to Wiley.

Center may refer students Noel Lebsack is a self-identified addict

to outside programs. “The Auraria Campus

“We just really want to help people to explore their own substance use

and alcoholic who has

is committed to providing

and what their goals are,

been sober since 2012.

additional support and

and then support them

He went through five

referrals to students

in working toward those

separate recovery and

who are dealing with

health goals,” Wiley said.

rehabilitation programs

addictions,” says the

before his sober date.

MSU Denver Counseling

on the philosophy of

Center’s website.

harm reduction, helping

Lebsack said if someone thinks they might be

Students can contact

The program operates

participants find the best

experiencing a substance

the Health Center at

approach to substances.

use disorder, they have to

Auraria or the MSU Denver

This could be abstinence

be willing to change, but

Counseling Center for

or reduction in use.

shouldn’t be discouraged

referrals and treatments.

if a treatment strategy doesn’t work immediately.

Another resource

Emerson St. is working to introduce a peer support

available to students is the

group that utilizes harm

Emerson St. program at

reduction strategies to add

else to do this for you,”

the Mental Health Center

to their individual, family

Lebsack said. “But also

of Denver. It is offered

and group therapies.

there is probably an

to those aged 15 to 26

infinite number of ways

with co-occurring mental

your substance use is

your recovery can look.”

health and substance use

like and how does it help

Students seeking

disorders. Michelle Wiley,

you? How does it not help

resources to combat

director of the Emerson

you? How motivated are

this setting is a big one and

their own substance use

St. Program, said that

you to reduce your use, or

we come across people

problems have several

substance use disorders

stop using?” Wiley said.

who report significant

or not a person may

resources to turn to here

often stem from mental

The Medical Director

numbers of drinks per

have a substance use

at MSU Denver. Both the

health disorders so the

of Behavioral Health at

week,” Hauxwell said. “Well

disorder is difficult. The

MSU Denver Counseling

program addresses both.

the Health Center, Dr.

outside of the range that we

inability to control usage,

Justin Hauxwell, made a

consider healthy or safe.”

obsessive thoughts and

“Don’t expect someone

Center and The Health

The program is

“Let’s talk about what

Photo obtained by CU Denver School of Medicine

Justin Hauxwell, medical dirctor of behavioral health at the Health Center at Auraria. substance use disorder. “Especially alcohol in

genetics, psychology, social factors and environment as possible causes. Discerning whether

Center at Auraria offer

primarily set up for youth

distinction between overt

The Substance Abuse

assistance to those affected

in the transitory phase of

and covert substance use

and Mental Health Services

related to substance use

by a disorder. The Health

life and in college. This

disorders in those visiting

Administration estimates

are some symptoms

Center offers psychiatric

is the time when people

the Health Center. Many

that more than 8 percent

that occur in someone

services and the Counseling

start experimenting with

times over the course of an

of Americans had a

needing treatment.

Center offers psychology

substances and when

intake interview, the staff

substance use disorder in

services. If the disorder

mental health disorders

may uncover a potential

2013. The Mayo Clinic cites

dangerous behaviors



APRIL 4, 2018

MSU Denver’s tuition window may be closing SGA will also sponsor Roadrunners Give

By Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Back Day on April 26. The event will be an opportunity for students, faculty, staff and

MSU Denver may rollback a policy

alumni to volunteer for various community

that allows students to take up to 21

projects. There will be projects to volunteer for

credits for the same price as 12.

both on and off campus, at several different

The news was part of a general recap that

times during the day. Food and T-shirts

Student Government Assembly President

will also be provided for the volunteers.

Joshua Gardner delivered to SGA at the

Gordon Loui, director of strategic

last meeting held by the school’s Budget

partnership and communications engagement,

Task Force, which is comprised of both

spoke at SGA about all of the opportunities

students and staff. The policy that allows

available for the day and to ask the members

students to take 21 credits for the price

of SGA to help him spread the word.

of 12 is called the tuition window. The

“In terms of incentivising student

committee voted to recommend that the

participation, again, there’s different shifts and

tuition window be reduced by 25 percent

availability for those who may have classes

per year, starting in 2020. The Task Force

on Thursday. And then the other incentives

committee declined to comment on the vote

are athletics is providing free access to

until MSU Denver President Janine Davidson

softball games that weekend,” Loui said. Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

has a chance to weigh in on the decision. “The good news is, with the tuition window going away, that money doesn’t

Adetilewa Awosanya, Taryn Calori and Emily Straka discussing Roadrunners Give Back at the SGA meeting on March 30 in the Student Success Building.

just disappear and get interspersed in

Straka told SGA that the Americans with Disabilities Act compliant gender neutral

other places,” Gardner said. “The goal of

of the tuition window would mean for

preference to wait until Davidson has a

the committee was to actually take that

graduation rates, especially for students

chance to weigh in on the proposal before

extra money and give it to students who

who take more than 12 credit hours per

the Budget Office gives a statement.

need it in the form of scholarships,”

semester. Many students see MSU Denver’s

Among other items discussed

Later, Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board Representative Emily

“In future years, as it continues, meaning

bathroom has been approved on campus. “That is hopefully going to be constructed in the summer, we’re really excited,” Straka said. “They’re starting the designs right

tuition window as incentive to attend the

it may go away, they may change their minds

was a tuition increase of 3 percent,

institution. In a follow up email to The

and decide to go in a completely different

which the BTF approved in a vote.

Metropolitan, Deputy Budget Director Cipriana

direction. This is just the general direction

across from the current men’s and

Patterson indicated for the administration’s

they’ve set for now,” Gardner said.

women’s restrooms on the main floor.

Members of SGA asked what the end

now, so all the finances are taken care of.” The bathroom will be in the Tivoli



APRIL 4, 2018

An Apple a day keeps the Android away staff

By Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Here’s the scenario: You dropped your flip

phone to require a factory reset on a weekly

Security-wise, Apple just has your interests


phone, and why you still have a flip phone in

basis. It was unbearable, and it wasn’t even a

held higher. For example, the Facebook app on

Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu

2018, nobody knows, and it split in half. It’s

Google or Android decision. Instead, multiple

Android requires the ability to read what apps

Managing Editor

time for a new one. You’re given a dozen or

companies went onto a “three update cycle” that

are running on your phone, your accounts,

so options, but honestly, the decision comes

lasted about six months before dropping support

your camera, your microphone, your calendar,

Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

down to two choices: Android or iOS/Apple.

and advertising their new-and-improved model

your text messages, your phone calls, your

of the same phone. Looking at you, Samsung.

contacts and your location. iOS’s version

Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu

yourself a headache. Don’t worry about the

So, after dealing with my sixth Android

of the same app requires it to ask for your

Photo Editor

smorgasbord of Android phones available

phone in 18 months, I frustratedly walked into

permission to access such things, and it’s up

at your local wireless retailer. Just walk

an Apple store and did the unthinkable – I

to the user how short of a leash they want

past them and pick up an iPhone.

bought myself an iPhone 4S. Six-and-a-half

on the app taking your data. Let’s not forget

Interim Photo Editor

years later, I have zero desire to buy another

Apple’s recent spat with the FBI, fighting for the

phone that uses an Android OS ever again.

rights of users to have security that even the

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

Lucky for you, I’m here to help you save

I’ll admit I used to be a former Android nerd and anti-Apple shill. I used to love playing around with widgets, customizing every single

People tend to discount the ease-of-use of

government isn’t allowed ease-of-access to.

Assistant Managing Editor

Giacomo Di Franco gdifranc@msudenver.edu

News Editor Isaac banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu

thing, rooting the OS, messing with different

iOS on an iPhone, but honestly, it’s a godsend.

modifications and so on and so forth. It was

It’s amazing to have a streamlined operating

pure frustration with Android. Sure, Google’s OS

Assitant News Editor

a great way to waste hours that I should have

system that you can be confident will have

is more flexible, and the amount of customization

James Bofenkamp

been doing homework to play with my phone,

little to no issues. Knowing that I won’t have

is nearly endless. But, for the negative points


and an excellent — and very expensive —

to jump into the settings page three times

of dealing with the constant crashes and bugs,

Forest Wilson

excuse to trade in for a new phone every few

a day to check the battery usage or worry

as well as the lack of actual security, it’s not a


months. I even used to spend time on forums,

about apps going rogue is more enjoyable

good enough trade off. With an iPhone in my

Features Editor

posting paragraph after paragraph about

than having the ability to display a widget that

pocket, I have confidence that I’ve got a top-of-

why Apple’s iPhone was pure garbage and

shows little storm clouds if it’s going to rain.

the-line product that is secure and supported.

Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu

the users were nothing more than sheep.

Speaking of apps, the iPhone apps are just

The reason I picked up an iPhone was out of

So if you’re in the market for a new phone, do

Assistant Features Editor

better. Not only do they run smoothly, they

yourself a favor. Dodge the headache that is

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

against Android. I didn’t always buy new phones

just work better and crash less. I can recall the

Android and pick up a sweet new iPhone X.

Sports Editor

just because I wanted to tinker, but almost out

constant frustrations of deleting and reinstalling

of necessity. Companies would stop supporting

apps over and over again on Android because

a phone mere months after releasing it, forcing

a single update broke everything. I also recall

its owners to deal with bugs in the software

apps being unusable simply because the

permanently without an update. Almost every

operating system and app had been updated

time, some issue killed battery life or forced the

past your phone’s six month “life-cycle.”

But here’s the kicker that started turning me

Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Mathew Stefanksi mstefan3@msudenver.edu James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Web Editor Cassandra Ballard cballar7@msudenver.edu

Ditch Apple, praise Alphabet Esteban Fernandez

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu


Apple lost its creative spark when head thief

meanwhile, has delivered people to the middle

Production Manager of Met Media

Steve Jobs died. Tim Cooke and his boardroom

of the desert or the middle of an airport tarmac.

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

should have the privilege to steal your

must secretely panic that the company has no

Apple Maps is so bad, that the company even

Office Manager

data, Android is the better choice.

one driving innovation for the company forward

disabled Google Maps on iOs devices so that

anymore. Android dominates the smartphone

users couldn’t flee to safety in Google’s arms.

On the great debate over who

Face it. Personal data is no longer personal.

The only place I see Apple beating Google is

It belongs to our corporate overlords. Make no

market, companies like Samsung, LG and

mistake, Apple’s paltry efforts to stymie the FBI

Google itself play with smartphone features

in that they had Taylor Swift promote one of their

weren’t out of the goodness of its heart. Why give

while improving performance every year.

products. Google has yet to secure such a coup.

the government documents for free when you can

Speaking of bloated corpses, take iTunes.

Finally, to cap it all off, Google can end the

What started as a pioneering piece of software

world whenever it wanted to. Apple wishes it

that organized your music for you, is now a

held the power of life and death in its hand. I

information age, the most pressing question

poorly programed app masquerading as a

guarantee that by now, Google’s AI has scraped

now is how can our data best be used? In

service. Its bloat is a leading cause of rage

the data of its millions of users to determine the

that department, Google has Apple beat.

and rage-induced death among its userbase.

best way to terminate all human life on Earth. The

But Apple remains stubbornly wedded to the

best Apple could do is try to trick humanity into

insufferable hipster culture. Apple would

software, even though that marriage should

using its Map app and then drive them all into

consign us all to birkenstock wearing, artiste-

have been cleaved in two a long time ago.

the sea for want of a Coldstone Creamery. That

sell them to the highest bidder for a tidy sum? Since privacy is a relic of the pre-

For starters, Google doesn’t pander to

Meanwhile, Google continues to pioneer

may work on 85% of the population, but what

multiple ways to deliver its services. Google

about the remaining 15%. Google AI probably

where Apple wants to be in the R&D department.

Play, Google’s answer to iTunes, is easily

has that last percentage on lock already.

They’re testing out self driving cars, internet

accessible on a desktop browser, through

broadcasting drones, AI, wearable heads up

chromecast and as a mobile app.

fair trade-$15 cafe latte swilling tyranny. But that’s just window dressing. Google is

displays in the form of eyeglasses, and other cool products. They even have a bunch of secret offshore drone barges where they conduct

Maybe it’s time to give the honey badgers a shot at civilization.

It also does not cause rageinduced myocardial infarction. Play is just one place where Google dominates

secret experiments. What are they making in

in services. Maps, for example, Google’s GPS

there? No one knows. Is it cooler than whatever

navigation system routinely delivers people

garbage apple is cobbling together? Probably!

to the right place. Apple’s navigation service

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Ali Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

APRIL 4, 2018



Movie Review: Ready Player One By Megan Webber

what really wears out an action

even Wade, paled in comparison


movie is when the fighting scenes

to her. She symbolizes one of the

seem to last for three quarters of

greatest mistakes of Halliday’s

the film. The fighting only took

life, a lost love, and a mistake

released Steven Spielberg’s

up about half of “Ready Player

that Wade refuses to rehash.

“Ready Player One,” on March

One,” leaving plenty of room

29. The timing of the release of

for emotions and storytelling.

Just in time for Easter, theaters

the film is fitting, since the plot

It was clear from the beginning

Cooke, Sheridan and Rylance all shared on-screen chemistry like that of any pair of lovers. Or that of any

is centered around a hunt for

that Wade was going to end up

other dyadic relationship dynamics

an egg hidden deep inside the

being the hero of the OASIS. He is

like student and teacher, hero and

virtual world of the OASIS.

more knowledgeable than any other

fan or even a father and son. Out of

character about the history of the

these relationships, beautiful scenes

novel by Ernest Cline. Set in

world and its creator, Jim Halliday.

were created among all the warfare.

Columbus, Ohio in the year 2045,

Halliday is played by Mark Rylance.

The film is based on the 2011

the story follows Wade Watts,

Some of the emotional appeal

The scene when Wade finally receives the prize from Halliday

also known as Parzival and played

from the movie stems from Wade’s

seems to move much more slowly

by Tye Sheridan, on his hunt for

romance with Samantha. But the

than the rest of the movie, and just

the egg. Along the way, he meets

other, more unique part of the

as Halliday is about to walk away,

Samantha Cook, also known as

film came from his admiration of

Wade calls him back. He asks him, if

Artemis and played by Olivia

Halliday. Wade tried to experience

he’s not alive and he’s not an avatar,

Cooke, whom he joins forces

Halliday’s life and understand his

what is he? Halliday just smiles and

with and eventually falls for.

mind. He even cried when he met his

thanks Wade for playing the game.

Whoever finds the egg will win

hero. This interaction would have

This mystery will sit

total control of the virtual world

been relatable to anyone who has

with the characters and the

and all the rights and money that

ever idolized another person and

audience for the rest of the film

come with it. Both in the real world

spent their days striving to emulate

and maybe even longer.

and as his avatar, Parzival, Wade

that person’s abilities or lifestyle.

must race to discover the egg

The film is also well-casted.

“Ready Player One” does not appear on a book cover or movie

before Innovative Online Industries,

Lucy Bevan, Ellen Lewis and Riley

poster as anything out of the

the massive telecommunications

Rayburn composed the casting

ordinary. For this reason, audience

company led by Nolan Sorrento

crew and started in 2015 when

members will be surprised when

does, played by Ben Mendelsohn.

they first recruited Cooke.

the story turns from a classic action

Most futuristic action movies

Artemis stood out from the rest

Photo obtained from IMDb

“Ready Player One” starring Tye Sheridan and directed by Steven Speilberg debuted on March 29. The sci-fi film explores the topic of virtual reality games.

movie speckled with comedy and

are accompanied by a series of

of the characters, both in live action

romance to a film that features

terribly far away. In today’s

loud explosions and bright lights

and in avatar form, with her red

just as much inspiration and

world, we see each day how

without being so obvious.

zipping across the screen. This

hair and unique birthmark covering

hope as darkness and tragedy.

quickly life can change from

Nothing lasts forever.

film has no shortage of that, but

her right eye. The other characters,

In reality, 2045 is not so

dark to light, or light to dark.


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This movie reflected that

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APRIL 4, 2018

Gabe Mervine Quartet dazzles Denver audience By Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu The sun began to set over Denver as five jazz musicians took the stage in a chic downtown venue. When the music began, attendees quietly sipped cocktails and gave the performers their undivided attention. A crystal chandelier shimmered above the musicians’ heads as they used their instruments to blend together rhythms and created a unique, improvised sound. On March 30, the Gabe Mervine Quartet played the opening jazz set at Dazzle, a restaurant and music club in downtown Denver. People of all ages came to listen to live music, support their friends and experience the new location, which opened in 2017. Scott Wemlinger, friend of the band who used to live near the old venue, said he was impressed with the new location and the quartet’s performance. Photos by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

“Since returning to school, I’ve had less of an opportunity

Gabe Mervine, trumpet player and band leader for the Gabe Mervine Quartet, takes on Dazzle’s stage with an improvised solo on March 30.

to participate in, you know, events such as this,” Wemlinger said. “So, tonight for me was very exciting and rewarding, to be back in that. I think the new location is wonderful.”

Gabe Mervine, band master and trumpet player, said he didn’t know he would play this gig until a week ago. He explained that he received a text saying the musician

who usually plays at Dazzle on

have a conversation. The sheet

said he attended the event to

Friday nights was unable to make

music you’re seeing is our

support live jazz. Jones said jazz

the show. So, Mervine asked four

topic of conversation and we

is easily overlooked in today’s

of his friends to play with him

spend seven or eight minutes

culture, though he considers it

in a “one-off” performance.

each having a moment to talk

a lively art form. As a musician,

about it,” Mervine said.

he is attracted to the genre’s

Mervine explained that though the group of musicians he played

Once musicians are able to

“The fact that it’s not the

with are not his official quartet, they were his quartet for the

they are able to communicate

same, is the biggest thing,” Jones

evening. Before Friday, they had

onstage using nonverbal signals.

said. “The improv aspect of it,

never worked together as a group

“Jazz music is a language,

in this setting. He said the band

just like classical music, just like

rehearsed for two hours the day

funk music,” Mervine said.

before the performance and then decided what they would play.

“Jazz music is a language, just like classical music, just like funk music.” – Gabe Mervine

To many seasoned players

the fact that it’s new every single time is what draws me to it.” Tyler McKay, one of Jones’ friends who attended the event,

music is a language that can

said he does not usually listen

be almost telepathic, Mervine

to jazz, but enjoyed the show.

said. They can anticipate each

Sitting close to the stage, McKay

other’s actions by listening to

said he was able to view the band

the rises and falls in the music.

member’s facial expressions

Mervine currently works as a freelance trumpet player. Inspired by his parents who were

and saw how they were able to tell a story through music. “I thought it was really cool

freelance classical musicians, he

to see,” McKay then gestured to

quartet included drummer

started performing professionally

Jones and said, “I think the way

Alejandro Castaño, guitarist

when he was 13 year old. As a

he explained it, the drummer and

Aaron Somerfield, bassist

young performer, he enjoyed

the saxophone going back and

Patrick McDevitt and alto

playing in jazz and big band

forth. I think it was amazing too,

saxophone player Darryl Gott.

ensembles and decided he wanted

just seeing them feed off of one

to pursue music as a career.

another’s sound is amazing.”

That night, Mervine’s

Due to the nature of jazz, the musicians did not have to

For the past 12 years Mervine

Jones said he has seen some

memorize pages of sheet music

has turned his childhood dream

of his favorite shows at Dazzle

before the performance.

into a reality by making his

and would recommend it over

living as a trumpet player.

any other club in Denver. Those

percent of the music they play is

After eight years on the road,

interested in learning more

improvised while only 10 percent

he said he is taking a break

about jazz can view Dazzle’s

is arranged. He tells his band

from touring. However, he will

online calendar to explore

members where in the song to

continue to play gigs throughout

upcoming performances.

play, but not what to play.

the Denver Metro area.

Mervine explained that 90

Mervine compared playing

Trumpet player Gabe Mervine and alto saxophone player Darryl Gott exchange conversation durring Alejandro Castaño’s drum solo on March 30 at Dazzle. The jazz quartet usually uses nonverbal cues to stay insync.

ever-changing nature.

master their craft, Mervine said

Cameron Jones, a former

“I think jazz in Denver is happening right now. Anybody

jazz to talking with another

trombone major from the

that says it’s not is crazy, they just

person. “Pick a topic and let’s

University of Northern Colorado,

don’t know about it,” Jones said.


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APRIL 4, 2018

Roadrunners continue to burn competition Burnside continues dominance as softball turns season around conference — which is no simple task.

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

The pitching staff has sewn their wounds shut from earlier in the year

After sitting at just 6-14 in their first

with surgical precision. When No. 1

20 games, the Roadrunners have won 13

Darby McGhee struggled in Sunday’s

of their last 18 after taking three of four

7-1 loss, Lopez entered the game and

against Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

delivered some of her best innings of

rival the Regis University Rangers

her brief career, whiffing four batters

Statistics can tell a lot about a softball

in a little over three frames of work.

team. A low ERA indicates the lethality of a

Along with the growth of Lopez and

team’s pitching staff while a high on-base

continued success of McGhee, Kylee

percentage portrays how often players are

Burnside is on a Clayton Kershaw-

getting hits or drawing walks. There are

esque tear of late. Three weeks ago, she

factors, however, that cannot be measured

delivered just the 11th no-hitter in program

on the stat sheet. While MSU Denver is

history. Two weeks later, she allowed just

middle of the pack in both categories in

one hit against New Mexico Highlands

the RMAC, their tenacity — something

University, and on Sunday ceded just

few stats can represent — is unmatched.

two in a gem of a game, winning 6-0.

“It makes me very proud,” said head

“We all had to figure out our place

coach Annie Van Wetzinga. “I think there’s

and what we brought to the team and

other teams that would have maybe folded

we figured it out,” Burnside said.

instead of kept plugging away and not

Photo by Giacomo DiFranco | gdifranc@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver outfielder Kristyn Peters connects for a home run against Regis University in the second game of a doubleheader on March 30. The Roadrunners defeated Regis 14-0 in five innings.

Previously listed as a utility player,

trusting the process like this team has.”

Burnside has clawed her way to a

Development takes time, and MSU

respectable 6-7 record and leads

staff that had a collective one year of

and Adams State University, and all four

Denver — 19-19 and 14-10 in conference

the team in two key categories for

experience. Mix it in with a coaching

teams are beatable for the Roadrunners.

play — has shown dramatic growth and

a pitcher — ERA and strikeouts.

roster hell-bent on development, and

Chadron, Black Hills and Adams all have

you get a team that, on paper, shouldn’t

losing records and no more than 12

be playing as good as they have been.

wins. Mines is just one spot behind MSU

patience with their midseason turnaround. It

Her performance has earned

wasn’t going to be an easy transition for the

the admiration of teammate and

program. The Roadrunners have employed

senior captain Sarena Espinoza.

the talent of eight freshman and transfers

But that’s why ball games aren’t played

“I think she does a great job on the

and won on paper and why the most

Denver in the standings at fifth with an RMAC record of 12-12 and 18-18 overall.

and despite the roster turnover and slow

mound. She has a lot of energy and

impressive feature of this team cannot

start, have clawed their way back to .500.

composure and she’s just really intense

be measured in the stat sheet, but rather

Their hitting hasn’t been this potent all

out there and I love that, personally,

their heart and love for the game.

season and the pitching staff is in its

When March rolled around, the

Simply put, the Roadrunners are hot.

Roadrunners looked to turn a corner

about her,” she said. “She’ll throw a ball

after a 5-11 start and appeared to have

in the dirt and stuff and to some people

act of the season is their proving ground.

all downhill from here” usually has a

done so before being swept at the

that’s like, ‘yikes’ but that’s what she

This is the time that to show the rest of

negative connotation, but maybe that’s

hands of Colorado Christian University

does and that’s how she works and that’s

Division II that the first half of the season

good for a team firing on all cylinders.

before spring break. Rebounding, the

how she gets the best of those hitters.”

was simply a stumble. They have four series

Roadrunners have won nine of their last

Their work isn’t done yet and the final

most complete state. The phrase “It’s

MSU Denver will host Chadron State in

This MSU Denver softball team is new.

remaining before the RMAC tournament;

a weekend series beginning April 7, which

10 games, including a series victory

It’s a concoction of six parts underclassmen,

Chadron State College, Black Hills State

will be celebrated as Youth Day. Sunday

over Regis — the third place team in the

two parts transfers and one part pitching

University, Colorado School of Mines

will be MSU Denver Faculty and Staff Day.

Roadrunners Athletic Review Softball

Men’s Outdoor Track & Field


March 31

March 31 at CSU-Pueblo Spank

vs Regis University

vs Regis University

at CSU-Pueblo Spank

March 30

March 29 L

200 Meters





March 31 L





March 30 W W 7-1


March 31 L 4-7

Women’s Outdoor Track & Field

Blasing Invite

Michael Dike Nikolas Polite

1st 3rd

4X400M Relay Team A


Triple Jump Robert Hulstrom


Blasing Invite

High Jump

Bree Wellington


5,000 Meters Idalee 4th Nunez

1,500 Meters Sabrina Rautter


10,000 Meters Erica Ruiz


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APRIL 4, 2018

Don of the planet of the Roadrunners Ortiz Jr. earns all region honors as he leads MSU Denver offense

By Rich Allen

been one of our most consistent

in the bottom third of the lineup


hitters, if not our most consistent

last season and often lay down a

hitter day in and day out.”

bunt to turn over to the big bats

It was easy for the coaches

Ortiz’s accolades come on

at the top of the order, this year

to omit Donny Ortiz Jr. from the

the heels of a weekend sweep

he’s sat in the two-hole as a vital

preseason all-Rocky Mountain

against Adams State University

run producer. While traditionally

Athletic Conference team, but

in Alamosa. Ortiz went 10-for-16

the second hitter’s job is to reach

he’s been hard to ignore since.

— good for a .688 batting average

base in front of the middle-of-the-

— with 10 RBIs and 10 runs scored

order bats to score runs — which

senior baseball players were given

in the four game series. He also

he still has excelled at, with his

the honor, the soft-spoken and

hit three home runs and three

33 touches of home tied for third

stout 5-foot-8 second baseman

doubles against the Grizzlies.

in the conference — his RMAC-

was overlooked, and for an

Ortiz’s RMAC ranks

leading 38 RBIs showcase just

While four other Roadrunner

understandable reason. Coming to MSU Denver as a junior in 2017, he put up respectable — but not eye-popping — numbers in his rookie campaign and was often asked to play a small-ball

Batting average

role from the bottom of the lineup. But in his final year of eligibility, Ortiz has established


offenses. He was recognized as

Runs batted in

the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association South Central

On base percentage

the top-10 in home runs. Scoring most of the runs that



Kennedy, who leads the RMAC

in the lineup above him, Sean with 42. Kennedy attributes almost


all of his success to Ortiz and the rest of the lineup behind him.


“Honestly, I’ve got to give all


the credit to Donny,” Kennedy said earlier this season. “It’s


Region Hitter of the Week award on March 28, maybe repenting

in doubles and is just outside

Ortiz drives in is the only hitter

such with a RMAC Player of the Week award on March 27 and

He also leads the conference


himself as one of the best hitters in one of the conference’s best

how much his game has elevated.

easy hitting in front of a guy like that. You just get on, he’s


going to get you over and

But, as Strain noted, this

get you in. Dude can hit.”

for some shortcomings in the

was simply more of the same

eyes of head coach Ryan Strain.

for Ortiz this year, whose .407

Roadrunners to have been selected

“Yeah, finally. Finally,” Strain

Kennedy is one of the four

batting average on the season

to the all-RMAC preseason team,

said. “I don’t get it. He’s deserved,

is second among RMAC players.

alongside Hunter Donaldson,

we’ve had several guys that have

He continues to reach base

Trent Maloney and Cale O’Donnell.

deserved at least player of the

almost 50 percent of the time.

The quartet of Colfax Crushers

week. I don’t even know if that

While he still managed an OBP of

also represent four out of the

was his best weekend of the

nearly .400 last season, the real

five seniors in the MSU Denver

expecting anything different,”

are averaging more than seven

year. But it was a great honor

improvement for Ortiz lies in the

lineup. The other is Ortiz.

Ortiz said. “I just needed to

runs per game, with weapons all

for him, and he deserved it. He’s

power and production department.

prove myself this year that I

the way through the lineup, but

wanted to be one of those guys

none standing out taller than the

to give it everything. Just give

shortest among them in Ortiz.

me something to work for, and

But he’ll be the first to tell you

I’m trying to do that now.”

it’s about the group effort.

been having a great season. He’s

While he was asked to play

“I know that I didn’t have the best year last year, so I wasn’t

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver infielder Donny Ortiz, Jr. stands in the ondeck circle during a game against Regis University on March 30. The Roadrunners won the game 8-4.

The fruits of his labors, at least to this point in the season, put Ortiz as an unlikely giant among

getting the recognition as well,

giants in the Roadrunners lineup.

just kind of putting us out there.

He leads the team in batting

We’ve been working hard, so it’s

average, OBP, hits, doubles and

been awesome having that feeling

RBIs, and is a fraction behind

and just competing out there.”

Maloney in slugging percentage. It is not unreasonable to consider Ortiz the best hitter on the

at 16-17 overall but 12-8 in

team, an even more prestigious

RMAC play, tying them with

honor considering how MSU

Regis for third place after the

Denver’s offense compares

two teams split a four-game

to others in the RMAC.

series at the Regency Athletic

the conference in total runs, hits,

Donny Ortiz Jr. takes a pitch inside against Emporia State University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 9. Ortiz currently has an OBP of .486.

As far as that competition goes, the Roadrunners stand

As a team, MSU Denver leads

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

“It was fun,” Ortiz said. “It was great to see the program

Complex from March 29 to 31. Ortiz will continue to play

stolen bases and doubles and is

an integral role in keeping the

tied for second in batting average

Roadrunners in the hunt for

and OBP, sharing statistics

a strong seed in the RMAC

space with programs like Regis

Tournament, which begins on

University, Colorado School of

May 9, presumably in Grand

Mines and nationally-ranked No.

Junction, home of the likely

5 Colorado Mesa University. They

one-seed Colorado Mesa.

APRIL 4, 2018



Nothing to spare for Roadrunners lacrosse MSU Denver pushes for consecutive RMLC title with small roster

By Rich Allen

issues. Now, with three games left, that


number is less than half of what it was at the beginning of the season. When they travel

Short-benched, the MSU Denver

to Golden High School to take on Colorado

club lacrosse team lost two games

School of Mines on April 5, they won’t have

in a series of three on consecutive

any players on the bench. In their game

days, including a thriller against rival

against Fort Lewis, their numbers continued

CU Denver, but still clinched a spot

to dwindle due to yet another injury and

in the conference tournament.

an ejection, which by MCLA rules results

The Roadrunners fell just short in the 16-15 loss to the Lynx on March 3 in

in a suspension for an additional game. This makes MSU Denver resort to

a heavyweight matchup between two

unconventional means to stay fresh

nationally ranked teams in the Men’s Club

over the course of the game. When

Lacrosse Association — MSU Denver

one of their top defenders went down

at No. 24 and CU Denver at No. 21. The

with a PCL tear, they were forced to

winners took home the top seed in the

replace him with a backup goalie. They

Rocky Mountain Lacrosse Conference’s

also utilize what Webb called “on-field

Division II Southeast division. However, the

substitutions,” switching midfielders

Roadrunners would lock down their place

and attackmen while the ball is on the

in the playoffs the following day with a 19-7

defensive side of the field to rest them.

shellacking of Fort Lewis College, a point of

“I treat it almost like running a

pride for a team that is watching its roster

marathon,” said head coach Daniel

get whittled down seemingly by the day.

Hunter. “We have different periods of

“With only 12 guys on our team and

Photos by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver goalie Jake Miller makes a save in the first quarter of the team’s matchup with CU Denver at Auraria Campus on March 30. The Roadrunners lost the game by a score 16-15, but still clinched a spot in the RMLC playoffs the next day with a win over Fort Lewis College.

time that we go game speed in each

goalie Jake Miller. “Obviously we’re

push for their second consecutive RMLC

everyone battling, we’ve got guys like

practice. That’s to train us so that we peak

rivals. We go to the same campus and

title, with what will likely be the smallest

myself and a couple other guys that didn’t

at the right times, when we need to.”

we all see each other every day. We

and youngest roster in the tournament.

come off the field the whole game,” said

This form of training allowed the

play each other in winter and summer

senior attackman Colt Webb. “Everyone just

Roadrunners to score seven goals in the

league. We love each other outside of

healthy between our last regular season

hustles, and can’t give up. We’ve got dudes

fourth quarter against a much more rested

the field, but we hate each other on it.”

game on the 14th and the semifinals on

throwing up on the sideline, and they’re

Lynx team, and nearly erase a six goal

still getting right back into the game.”

deficit with 10 minutes remaining in the

took the momentum into March 31, when

thing out though, working for a miracle.

game. Winded and trailing, but not out, they

they beat Fort Lewis in their third game in as

Miracles are only miracles because

noted that they started with more than 20

turned what appeared to be a blowout into

many days. With their playoff spot secure,

other people didn’t see how it was

players in the fall, but quickly began losing

a near victory against their Auraria rival.

MSU Denver will try to lick their wounds

possible or believe it was possible.”

Webb, the lone senior on the team,

players to injury, transfers and eligibility

“It was just a tough battle,” said

After coming so close, the Roadrunners

“We’ll have a couple weeks to get guys

the 28th,” Hunter said. “We’re riding this

over the remaining schedule. Then they will

Athletics department honors armed services By Rich Allen

Grant said. “They put their lives on the


line for us so we can play games like this. So, it’s the least we can do to recognize

The weekend matchups between the MSU Denver and Regis University

them for their service to our country.” MSU Denver’s armed services ties run

baseball and softball teams were a

deep. First-year school president Janine

little more meaningful on March 30.

Davidson, who threw out the ceremonial

The Roadrunners hosted Military

first pitch before the first baseball game of

Appreciation Day at the Regency Athletic

the day, worked for nearly three decades in

Complex, honoring veterans and active

military operations, flying combat support,

service members. They offered free tickets

airdrop and humanitarian missions for

to the day’s doubleheaders for both teams

the Air Force as a second lieutenant.

to any member of the armed forces, current

Her first pitch counterpart for softball,

The MSU Denver baseball team pauses during a mound visit for the playing of the national anthem before their softball counterparts’ game at the Regency Athletic Complex on March 31. lot when organizations can do these events

services, the postgame fireworks capped

like this. It shows how much they care for

off a day in which both the baseball and

us, but also they care for other people.”

softball programs swept their doubleheaders

or past, held ceremonial first pitches for

Christine Howland, played the sport for the

both games and a color guard presenting

school in the late 1980s and 1990, when she

the colors. With staggered starts, the

was activated as part of Desert Storm the

in the opportunity to throw out the first

rivals, both clinching at least a series tie.

baseball game was momentarily paused

week before her senior year finals. Because

pitch and recruited an ex-teammate to

But, they did so with renewed perspective.

while the softball team played the national

of the interruption, she did not receive her

practice. However, she laughed about

anthem. But, while the event has been held

degree in criminal justice until 1992.

throwing the pitch well off the mark,

play for something bigger than yourself,”

just missing the huddled group of

Espinoza said. “It’s always a good reminder,

umpires far to the left of home plate.

a good refresher because we can get so

before, there was one new major feature:

“I’m very honored that the school

A program alumnus, Howland reveled

against Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

“Just being able to come out here and

fireworks. For Athletic Director Anthony

recognizes veterans in such a way,” Howland

Grant, the opportunity to give back to

said. “My family was there. My mother was

the armed services is an obvious one.

there. I had friends there. That there tells

the throw, MSU Denver senior catcher Sarena

field and us, but it’s a good reminder about

me not only did they enjoy the game, they

Espinoza, appreciated the significance of

something bigger than yourself. So, I think

we always want to recognize our veterans

enjoyed the event as much as I did, but it

the day and the perspective it builds.

it’s great to be able to do that. And then the

and our active duty soldiers and officers,”

reaches out to everybody. So, it means a

“As a department, and me personally,

The player who was supposed to receive

In addition to the celebration of the armed

wound up about what’s going on on the

fireworks on top of that? It was awesome.”






Higher Education Diversity Summit

Location Tivoli Turnhalle


Jake Bugg

Location Bluebird Theater

APRIL 4, 2018


Ladies of the ‘80s

Location Clocktower Cabaret

Price $25

Price $40-50

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Women’s Tennis 4.6 VS. Colorado State University - Pueblo Location Regency Athletic

Price Free

Complex 4.6 The Neighbourhood Location Ogden Theater

MSU Denver Open House

4.6 Regis University Location Colorado Springs Price Varies Time 2:30 p.m.

Price Varies

Time 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.




Denver On My Mind

Location the Black Buzzard

Price $36.75-80

Price Free

Time 9 p.m.

Time 4 p.m.

Time 11 a.m.


Men’s Tennis

4.7 VS. Chadron State

4.7 VS. Colorado Mesa

College Location Regency Athletic Location SSB Main Lobby


Price Free Time 6 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Colorado Symphony

Location Boettcher Concert Hall Price $15-80, student


discount available Time 7:30 p.m.


Colorado Youth Symphony Orchestra


First Friday Art Walk

Location Santa Fe Art District Location King Center Price $8 student $16 adult



Location Seventh Circle Music Price $7-10 donations Time 7 p.m. 4.9

Shawn James

Location Black Sheep Price $10-12

Time 5:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 3-5 p.m.


MSU Denver Jazz Combos


Location Fillmore Auditorium


Price Varies

Time 12 p.m.

Time 9 a.m.


PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Basketball 4.5 Timberwolves @

Basketball 4.7 Nuggets @ Clippers

Nuggets Location Pepsi Center

Location STAPLES Center

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8:30 p.m.

Time 12:30 p.m.


Location Summit Music Hall

Price $59

Price $25/30

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.



4.5 Sharks @ Avs Location SAP Center

Location King Center Price $5


Price Varies Collective

Price Free


University Location Regency Athletic

4.7 Blues @ Avs Location Pepsi Center Price Varies


Time 7:30 – 8:30pm

First Saturday Blues

Location Barfly at Alamo Drafthouse Price Free


Tori Pater

Price Varies Time

Time 7 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

Location Local 46 Price Free Time 9 p.m.



Time 9 p.m. 4.7 Rapids vs. FC Dallas Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to


Opera Colorado Young Artists

Location Highland Event Center



Luna Sol Goosetown Tavern

12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Price Free



discuss the week’s news with

Time 7 p.m.


9 p.m.

Location Toyota Stadium

3.13 Rapids vs. Toronto FC Location DSG Park

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6 p.m.

Time 1 p.m.

a guest. mymetmedia.com


Three injured in Youtube HQ shooting

On Tuesday, there was an active shooter at YouTube Headquarters in San Bruno, California. According to CNN, three people were injured and one woman, the shooter, was found dead on company grounds. Police Chief Ed Barberini said the shooter had a self-inflicted wound gunshot wound. The three who were injured were taken to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital for treatment. At time of publication, the shooter’s motive was unknown. The San Francisco branches of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and FBI plan to investigate the shooting.

Trump tweets threaten migrant caravan

According to the Washington Post, a caravan of migrants traveling from the southern border of Mexico have attracted President Donald Trump’s attention. On Sunday and Monday, Trump took to Twitter and lambasted Democrats by stating that “catch and release” policies prevent border patrol agents from doing their jobs. He also criticized the Mexican government for doing little to prevent the caravan from traveling across the country. He warned that if Mexico does not stop the migrants, he may penalize the country during NAFTA negotiations and threatened to reduce foreign aid to Honduras.

Condom snorting

In 2013, condom snorting emerged as a new online challenge for teens. The trend died down for a few years, but has recently reemerged. People who participate in the challenge inhale the condom through one of their nostrils and then remove it through their mouth. Successful and unsuccessful attempts are then uploaded online. According to Fox 5, this challenge comes with health risks because the condom can get stuck, block the airway, and lead to choking and suffocation. This trend follows the tide pod challenge, which gained popularity earlier this year, and is viewed as dangerous by public health officials.

Anti-apartheid leader Winnie Madikizela-Mandela dies

On Monday, Winnie MadikizelaMandela died at 81 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Winnie was the wife of former South African president Nelson Mandela. According to the BBC, she was considered the “Mother of the Nation” and advocated for anti-apartheid causes alongside her husband. She was jailed for 18 months 1969 for her activism. In 1996, she divorced Nelson Mandela and was convicted of fraud in 2003. In 2009, she won fifth place in the African National Congress general election. Until the time of her death, she remained in the “political limelight” although she took a leave from parliament in March 2018 due to health reasons.

SGA elections

MSU Denver Student Government Assembly elections will be held on campus from April 9 -13. Eligible MSU Denver students are allowed to vote. Students will vote to elect a new president, vice president, senators, Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board members and the student trustee. On Monday and Tuesday, voting will take place in the Library Innovation Garage from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. On Wednesday, students can vote in the Tivoli Garage Lounge from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. On Thursday, voting will be held in the Tivoli Garage Lounge and Library Innovation Garage from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. On Friday, voting will be open online through 5 p.m. .


APRIL 4, 2018


“Anytime I have a creepy dream about you I’ll let you know.” “Who needs kidneys, really?”

You will meet the love of your life on Tinder. In ten years, when your kids ask how you met say you picked your spouse from a virtual line-up.

“I feel like I’m in the 60s. I don’t know what that means, but I feel like it.” “When she’s not looking, I’ll sniff her.”



You have mixed emotions about the changing seasons. Wait, no. You actually just have a severe case of hay fever combined with vertigo. Get some DayQuil.



You’re headed for rocky seas. If you’re in a realtionship, it’s time to reevaluate and jump ship. There are more fish in the ocean. Don’t settle for a fair-weather friend.

It’s time to start a revolution! Fight the power! Show the world your grit! Try jaywalking, just don’t get caught.



It’s time to start branching out. Do something experimental. Like trying a new kind of food. Or missionary.

Screw midterms. You need a break. Go to a spa, a bar, a strip club or the Tinder girl’s house. Just get away from that term paper.



It’s time to let your heart soar. Seriously, rip it out and throw it.

You are someone’s sunshine, their only sunshine. Unfortunately, this person probably lives in Canada and you’ll never meet them. RIP.



Top 5:

Celebrity Power Couples 1. Barack and Michelle Obama 2. Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka 3. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 4. Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi

You are surrounded by a strong group of friends. Now it’s time to pick bar fights and see just how much they have your back.

Nothing good is coming for you, Scorpio. You’re a dick, and karma is about to make you it’s bitch.



There is a humanless dog in a PetSmart near you. There’s also a bunny. Bunnies are cheaper and cuter. Buy the bunny.

That weird feeling in your stomach isn’t true love. It’s the Taco Bell you ate for lunch today. Find a toilet and some two-ply.

5. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Ali Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Brain games Across

40. Implored


41. Historical period

31. Whirlpool 32. UAE et al.

1. Friday creator

42. Drove like mad

1. Cubes

33. Agrippina’s tyrant son

6. Engrave

43. Double-edged literary

2. Call forth

34. Some play with them for

10. Court winner


3. Smithy’s workplace


13. Mastodon relic

44. Amusement on a drive?

4. Bruin superstar

38. Small carry-on

14. Bar fare

48. Lions’ locks

5. Conjunctivitis remedy

39. Went to the mat

16. Pirate’s potation

49. Type of service

6. Regard

40. Cursor attachment?

17. Clockwork?

50. Testing facility

7. ‘’See you later’’

42. Garments for Antony

19. Dr.’s diagnostic tool

53. Hindu teacher

8. Weather conditions

and Cleopatra

20. Heartthrob’s picture?

55. Common refrain

9. Cordon bleu ingredient

43. Crater creators

21. High hope

57. Klondike find

10. Well-shielded

45. Country singer Tillis

22. Awesome spread

58. Panama, for one


46. Unfriendly looks

24. ‘’Comprende?’’

59. Decorator’s concern

11. Some crossbreeds

47. Afflicts

25. Victoria Island explorer

62. Corroded

12. Give off

50. ‘’Gigi’’ composer

26. Leading

63. Buffed leather

15. Imperfection

51. Ready to shoot

28. Seriously misbehave

64. Controller’s spot

18. Stuff full

52. Smelling of suds

32. Leading

65. Milkman’s meas.

23. Wax producer

53. Big man in L.A.

35. Irish ancestor

66. ‘’Julius Caesar’’ time

27. Shut down

54. Power unit

36. Something you may flip


28. ‘’NYPD Blue’’ extra

56. Got carried away?

37. Hatchling’s noise

67. Run-down

29. Slicker in the winter

60. Versailles agreement

30. Bearing

61. Plot implement

38. Checker move?




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