Volume 40, Issue 28 - April 11, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


Student Government Assembly turns to future with elections

NO. 28

APRIL 11, 2018


Student Government Assembly President Candidates

* Indicates candidate runs unnopposed

Justin Darnall

Vice President Candidates*

Daniel McCullough

Student Government Assembly Senate Candidates, SACAB Candidates, and Trustee Candidates

Trevor Gritton-Adkins – Senator

David Andy – Senator

Hannah Vaughn – Senator

Anastasia Pelot – Senator

Alejandro Martinez-Monilla – Senator

Braedan Weart – Senator

Courtney Jones – SACAB

Adetilewa Awosanya – SACAB

Joseph Joe Brant – Senator

John Andres

Spring semester

with the most refrain is

brings fresh blood to

the desire to improve the

MSU Denver’s Student

visibility of student life

Government Assembly

here on campus. Most

each year. Elections will be

candidates want to boost

held this year on April 9-13.

awareness of programs

wave of gun violence in

and clubs that SGA helps

schools and spoke on the

candidates bring high

fund through student

need to improve access

hopes of improving

fees. Student engagement

to mental health as the

the lives of their

and interaction is a high

start of a solution.

fellow students here

priority for each candidate.

The new batch of

at MSU Denver. Several common themes

However, other

At MyMetMedia.com, we’ve compiled candidate

candidates have touched on

interviews and brief notes

have already emerged

the need to keep tuition low

so you can make the best

from the platforms of

as one of their priorities.

decision when you vote.

those running for office.

At least one candidate

Possibly the theme


touched on the recent


Evelyn Edem Fiadonu – SACAB

| pg. 3


| pg. 5


| pg. 9

Lacey Hyde – Student Trusty*


| pg. 10

York Aerospace announces

Battle royale type video games fight

Voices from Japanese internment

Softball continues winning ways

new headquarters

it out for dominance

find lease at Auraria Library

with sweep


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APRIL 11, 2018



York Space Systems opens headquarters

Public-private parternship provides students with experiential learning opportunities

By Nataleah Small

Denver’s location was ideal. Baltrum


said the company will be able to draw from professional talent

MSU Denver’s focus on publicprivate partnerships launches

up and down the Front Range. “The geography is everything

new opportunities into orbit

here,” said Jeffrey Forrest, chair and

for students pursuing careers

professor of MSU Denver Aviation

in aerospace engineering.

and Aerospace Department. “If

York Space Systems opened

you’re a student, you come to

its new headquarters in the

MSU, and you do aerospace,

Aerospace and Engineering

you’re in somewhat of a Silicon

Sciences Building on March 20. For

Valley of aerospace aviation.”

the past year, the spacecraft design

According to Forrest, since

and manufacturing company has

York began working with MSU

been working with the university

Denver a year ago, the company

to provide internships and hands-

has helped with curriculum

on experiences for students.

design for the department,

Interns who work with York

collaborated with students on

will engage in practical learning by helping launch satellites in the sky and operate them in orbit. According to MSU Denver President Janine Davidson, graduation rates for students who engage in experiential learning can be as high as 93 percent.

“If you’re a student, you come to MSU, and you do aerospace, you’re in somewhat of a Silicon Valley of aerospace aviation.” – Jeffrey Forrest

“Our partnership with York

Photos by Alyson McClaran obtained from MSU Denver Insider.

Francisco Hansen graduated from MSU Denver in December with a degree in astrodynamics and aerospace operations. Today, he works for York Space Systems, a new tenant-partner opened its headquarters on campus on March 20.

Space Systems will provide world-

presentations on behalf of York

class learning opportunities for

clients and tested components

is in the field that is specific to a

Baltrum said this expansion will

he had taken so many different

MSU Denver students. We know that

for future space vehicles.

company,” Forrest said. “So they’re

continue as satellite development

classes, he felt prepared to

getting to experience the academic

becomes more affordable. Although

work in that environment.

side and the corporate side.”

he doesn’t believe that traditional

hands-on educational experiences

Forrest said there has been a

in real-world settings give students

positive reception to the partnership

“A mathematician solves a

the skills they need to succeed in

from students and faculty. When

aerospace companies will go

problem very specifically, as does

the workforce and move up the

students see their professors

companies like Lockheed Martin

away, as smaller companies start

a mechanical engineer, as does

economic ladder,” Davidson wrote

working with industry professionals,

and Boeing that require specific

to acquire a larger portion of

an aerospace engineer,” Hansen

in a statement to the Metropolitan.

it boosts their confidence and

skill sets from their employees,

the aerospace market, they will

said. “Being able to see all the

motivation to stay enrolled in the

York is much smaller and requires

demand multidisciplinary skills from

different aspects when I was in

Baltrum said the company chose to

aerospace program. By working with

their employees to have diverse

individuals they’re looking to hire.

school kind of helped me when I

move its headquarters to Colorado

York, students can use what they

skill sets. According to Baltrum,

because it has the second largest

learn in the classroom and apply it

this trend is becoming more

interns need to be familiar with

aerospace economy in the nation,

to a company-specific situation.

common as more small aerospace

thermal, mechanical and structural

York’s VP of Engineering Robert

after California. Located in the

“What’s done in the field is

center of the state’s aerospace

always slightly different than what’s

industry, with branches of Lockheed

done in the courses because what’s

Martin in Colorado Springs and

done in the courses is fundamental

Ball Aerospace in Boulder, MSU

to you being able to do whatever

Compared to large aerospace

Specifically, he said York

was looking at different problems that I was solving at York.” Hansen is currently refining

companies are taking up a

engineering, systems analysis

those skills by helping develop

larger portion of the market.

and computer-aided design.

York’s first satellite. He said the

It can be challenging for

Harbinger mission is scheduled for

will continue to grow,” Baltrum said.

universities to prepare students

launch in November. The satellite’s

From an industry perspective,

because it is difficult to balance

spacecraft integration and final

degree requirements with industry

checkout are currently happening on

needs, according to Baltrum.

campus. The company is partnering

That is why it is important for

with Iceye, a satellite company from

companies like York to collaborate

Finland, which will put synthetic

with universities in order to give

aperture radar, a type of imaging

students the tools they need to

technology, on the satellite.

“Small, more nimble companies

be successful in the job market. Francisco Hansen, former MSU Denver student and York intern

from MSU Denver prepared him

turned full-time employee, said he

for this career and said students

was interested in mathematics and

interested in technical careers

different types of engineering while

should take a variety of different

he was in college. He worked with

classes to see what they want to do.

MSU Denver’s Individualized Degree

“Metro gives you that hands-

Program to create a degree that

on approach,” Hansen said.

combined math with mechanical

“They’re kind of more for the

engineering and aerospace classes.

technicians, the people that

Because he had broad interests

have their hands on hardware,

as a student, he was prepared

working at the ground level.”

to combine multiple knowledge bases while working for York.

Josiah Goodley, an intern studying mechanical engineering technology at MSU Denver helps test the latest prototype on Feb. 25 at York Space Systems. An Air Force veteran with several years of experience in advanced manufacturing, Goodley is focusing at York on thermal analysis.

Hansen said he is excited for the launch. He is glad his degree

Overall, the partnership between the university and organization

Hansen said after he received

has been successful, according

the internship he quickly learned

to Baltrum. He said York hopes

that he would be doing a little

to continue working with MSU

bit of everything. But because

Denver for the time to come.



APRIL 11, 2018

Environment Colorado panel talks conservation By Isaac Banks

of the Ancients, both national

is rallying around the same voice


monuments in Colorado, remain

of the importance of the land.”

protected in light of the Trump Environment Colorado

Concern over what the group

administration’s decision to shrink

called, “loving public areas to

Research and Policy Center

Utah’s national monuments.

death,” which is going to an area

hosted a panel of experts at

“We feel like that set a

so much that it starts to get run

Patagonia Denver to discuss

precedence in this country, and we

down, came up during the panel.

public lands on April 3.

don’t want to see anything like that

Areas like Hanging Lake Trail have

happen to Colorado,” said Emily

seen an increase in traffic, going

Colorado Garrett Garner-Wells,

Struzenberg, campaign organizer

from 99,000 visitors in 2014 to

State Sen. Kerry Donovan

for Environment Colorado.

150,000 in 2016, which led the U.S.

State Director of Environment

of Colorado District 5 and

At MSU Denver, Rust tries

Forest Service to limit the number

Ashley Rust, an environmental

to get her students out of the

of people who visit Hanging Lake

science professor at MSU

classroom at least once a semester

Trail to 615 per day with a fee.

Denver, talked to a room of

to get their hands dirty and expose

30 people about protecting

them to a natural environment.

Colorado Tourism Office is starting

public lands from an ecology

She takes all of her students

to advertise lesser traveled areas

and education perspective.

fishing because, “it is important

and spoke about the need to

to hold and touch a fish and start

educate people about the proper

these places, as they provide

to think twice about what you

use of public lands and to have

the open space for our fish

dump down the drain,” Rust said.

citizens ask for more public land to

“It’s vital that we protect

and wildlife to exist and thrive

Donovan also talked about

The panel said that the

solve the love to death problem.

in,” Rust said. “They are also

being in office when Brown

an important resource that

Canyon became a national

them using individual stories of

provides clean water for irrigation

monument. She said that the

people using public lands. The

and human consumption.”

success of the canyon becoming

group talked about how open

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

Campaign organizer Emily Struzenberg introduces the panel of speakers during the All Lands: A Commnity Discussion event at Patagonia Denver on April 3. The panel discussed the protection of public lands.

Environment Colorado is a

A big part of the panel was

a monument did not happen

spaces and public lands are a

citizen-based, environmental

overnight. Donovan called it a

part of Coloradans’ identities.

advocacy organization. One of

grassroots effort. In regard to

their main projects is to ensure

Browns Canyon and the Thomas

come to Colorado, it is always

that Browns Canyon and Canyon

Divide, she said that, “Everyone

public lands,” Donovan said.

“When we advertise to

SGA plans on finishing strong is brainstorming ideas from all directions.

By Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Sens. Braedan Weart, John Andres and Justin Darnall spoke about a potential

Heading into the final two months of the

Us to Youth event on campus. SGA, in

year, the Student Government Assembly of

partnership with Student Activities, hopes

MSU Denver is planning to pack the rest of

to bring a group of 5th graders from

the semester with events and celebrations.

a local high-risk elementary school to

At their meeting on April 6, they

Auraria Campus for a day of activities to

discussed recruiting volunteers for National

experience the world of higher education.

Youth Voter Registration Day and an Us

“We’re gonna bring the 5th graders onto

to Youth event involving local elementary

campus, and we’re gonna interact with them,

schools. Also, they planned the upcoming

almost like an elementary field day type

inauguration of President Janine Davidson

thing. And so, whatever the events are, the

and examined their budget for the year.

activities that we’re gonna have them do,

Assistant Vice President Marcus

we don’t quite know yet. But the idea is to

Liberman updated SGA on upcoming

get these kids to retain and kind of grasp

National Youth Voter Registration Day,

the higher education idea,” Weart said.

which is Tuesday, April 10. Liberman will

SGA and Student Activities will need

be working with New Era Colorado to

11 volunteers to help interact with and

spread the word to unregistered voters.

mentor the elementary school students. The

“We have the highest voter turnout rate

students will most likely be coming from Photo by Giacomo Di Franco | gdifanc@msudenver.edu

in the United States as a university, and I personally give New Era, the organization, credit for that,” Liberman said. There will also be a training right

SGA Senator Adetilewa Awosanya filled in for funding manager Taryn Calori at the weekly meeting on April 6 in the SSB. Awosanya gave funding managers a report of the budget spent in the past fiscal year.

before the event for volunteers who want

either Vaughn Elementary School in Aurora or Fairview Elementary School in Denver. Lastly, SGA spent a total of $46,707 this past school year on events, sponsorships, trainings, projects, elections and office

to help register young voters. Anyone can

President Davidson’s inauguration. The

to that. We were thinking of like a

supplies. The number does not include payroll

sign up to volunteer at neweracolorado.

inauguration will take place on Sep. 7

parade or fireworks,” said Hyde.

or the fireworks at the March 30 softball

com. The training itself will take place at

with events starting on the Sep. 4. The

10 a.m. by the flagpoles on campus.

committee is currently planning four days

go for the inauguration, but given the

Bustos, this budget puts SGA in exactly the

Next, Student Trustee Lacey Hyde

of events to celebrate. Events may include

location of Auraria campus, things

position they want to be in at this time of year.

announced that she and Faculty Advisor

fireworks, an air show, a gala or a bonfire.

like an airshow, a bonfire or fireworks

Angela LeValley will both sit on the committee responsible for organizing

“There will be events that whole week, so like, the fourth leading up

Anything is possible as far as events

would come with financial and safety complications. Nonetheless, the committee

games. According to Vice President Savannah



APRIL 11, 2018

U.S. education is not as great as we thought By Pablo Vasquez Arias pvasque5@msudenver.edu

Education in America is as poor as education in a third-world country. The way America manages its education for children, teenagers and adults is terrible due to the ignorance of many citizens. It is important to talk about high schools in the U.S. Many kids attend public high schools but end up dropping out. Classes in American high schools are just as boring as not doing anything on a weekend. A teacher’s job should be to motivate students to learn, not just to check attendance and make sure they don’t fall asleep. According to Center for American Progress Action Fund, Forbes and the National Priorities Project, the U.S. government has requested to spend around $108 billion on guns and security. Meanwhile, golf trips have been estimated to cost $237 million during Trump’s first term as president. On the other hand, the government is only spending 6.28

percent out of their discretionary spending on education while making students pay thousands of dollars to go to college. Why do students have to pay so much money when education should be a right instead of a privilege? Trying to get a college education should be something that every person living in the U.S. should have access to. Due to tuition fees, room and board and other expenses, higher education can be unattainable for some. College education is not only expensive, but classes are also problematic. A college professor has one of the most important jobs. It carries great responsibility because they are educating people who will succeed in the future. Professors with Ph.D.s do not know how to educate their students. Knowing how to teach is completely different than having an advanced degree in any field. University classes should be engaging and motivate students to learn. Students shouldn’t just attend class because attendance

affects their grade. Classes have become boring, due to classes that contain mediocre PowerPoint presentations and videos from websites that can easily be found on YouTube. Meanwhile, students debate whether or not to fall asleep or go to other class where there will be another PowerPoint presentation. Educators have to follow their institution’s guidelines and, most likely, are not allowed to change them. If they try to do so, they will get in some kind of trouble with the school’s administrative staff. Why can’t professors improve their teaching methods and keep their students engaged? America is a great country, but it is not great at educating its young people. The lack of education in schools makes teenagers look illiterate, compared to students in other countries. I have had conversations with U.S. students and it is disturbing to realize that they know more about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West than they know about geography or even the 27 amendments of their constitution.

staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Assistant Managing Editor Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Giacomo Di Franco gdifranc@msudenver.edu Interim Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu News Editor Isaac banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu Assitant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.ed Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor

PUBG VS. Fortnite

Mathew Stefanksi mstefan3@msudenver.edu James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Web Editor Cassandra Ballard cballar7@msudenver.edu

By David Veltri dveltri1@msudenver.edu

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Video game culture of the late 90s and early 2000s has undergone a transformation.

Assistant Director of Met Media

In 2018, the stereotypical image of the gamer

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

no longer exists. I have met models, engineers

Production Manager of Met Media

and even psychologists who actively play video games on a daily basis. Blizzcon, E3 and PAX

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

are all massive annual events that display and

Office Manager

celebrate upcoming technology in the gaming community. Gaming has even leaked into the

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

world of A-list celebrities. Deadmau5, Post

Sales and Marketing

Malone and Drake are all celebrated members.

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

However, what separates them isn’t their

Photo obtained from Bago Games

income or genre, but their game choice. In the past year, the battle royale game type

“Fortnite” recently beat out the competition

While “Fortnite” has streamlined the

has been emulated by game developers trying to

with 3.4 million players, over PUBG with 3.2

gameplay of battle royale games, they shot

grab the largest percentage of the community.

million. Although the numbers lean in favor

themselves in the foot doing so. The average

It is based on the concept of isolating a group

of “Fortnite,” I’m here to defend PUBG. I

game can last anywhere from 7 to 15 minutes.

of players and having them kill each other. The

believe it’s the better of the two games.

That’s hardly enough time to become immersed

name comes from a Japanese movie called

I’ll start with the appearance of the game.

into a non-narrative game. By contrast, PUBG

“Battle Royale.” The trend originally started

PUBG tosses players into their choice of hyper

rounds can last up to 45 minutes. Players outfit

with a game called “H1Z1.” The formula of

realistic landscapes, like a tropical island, a

their character by collecting loot throughout

corralling 100 players into an ever shrinking map

barren desert or the Russian based map Erangle.

the map and off the bodies of enemy players.

is now a common feature of multiplayer games.

These landscapes have huge amounts of depth

Character development is crucial for getting

However, “H1Z1” has fallen to the wayside to

to them with varying altitudes and weather

a player emotionally invested into gameplay.

make room for two other battle royal giants.

changes that really dictate the mood of the

That makes PUBG more of a timeless game.

“Fortnite” and “Player Unknown’s Battleground”

gameplay. Additionally, the weapons used in the

have spent the last half of 2017, and the first

game are all modeled off of real guns currently

don’t lie. A deficit of 200,000 concurrent players

quarter of 2018, battling out over who can take

being manufactured. PUBG offers the player

between “Fortnite” and PUBG shows where

a larger percentage of the gaming community.

an experience that is closer to a simulation, as

loyalty sits currently. But the test of time will

opposed to the more cartoonish, child-friendly

really show the longevity of the playbase.

Both “Fortnite” and PUBG have set records for concurrent player base. But

However, at the end of the day, the numbers

approach to the “Fortnite” game design.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Ali Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Brady Nelson

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



APRIL 11, 2018

Mental health professionals on campus By Forest Wilson

psychiatry services, peer support,


psychiatric rehabilitation and a community to build healthy

To understand and help others,

relationships with. She said

it is necessary to meet them

that the staff has immersed

where they are and recognize

themselves in training to tailor

that place within oneself.

services to this age group.

Michelle Wiley has built the

“I’m in my mid 40s, this is not

Emerson St. program, a branch

my generation,” Wiley said. “How

of the Mental Health Center of

you offer services is unique to any

Denver that serves youth ages

population and I’ve learned a lot as

15 to 26, upon that principle.

a professional and as a parent.”

She has worked in a range

Wiley earned her bachelor’s

of clinical settings, including

degree in human and family

residential and psychiatric

resources at Northern Illinois

hospitals, shelters and drug

University in 1994 and earned her

and alcohol dependency clinics.

master’s degree in transpersonal

Before becoming the program

psychology from Naropa University

manager at Emerson St., Wiley

in 2010. Wiley said the degree

was the program manager for

program at Naropa combined

the Psychiatric Rehabilitation

traditional Buddhist techniques

and Supported Education Center

and western psychology. Self-

at MHCD from 2011 to 2015.

awareness was encouraged through

While working at MHCD,

Photo courtesy of Michelle Wiley

Michelle Wiley is the program manager of Emerson St., an organization that helps people from 15 to 26 with mental health care.

meditation and mindfulness, which

Wiley realized that young

is the focus on awareness of one’s

program manager, has been

along with Harcus’ own clinical

her recovery, but mutual

people needed their own space

own thoughts at any moment.

working with Wiley for two years.

psychology background.

communication and collaborative

separate from MHCD.

These techniques for self-

“If you are going to have a very

“When she is talking about

“Michelle is very passionate

therapies have helped.

care are a part of training and a

her values and mission, it is

about psychiatric rehab and has

serious mental health experience,

focus for Wiley and her staff. Her

very contagious,” Harcus said.

worked in psychiatric rehab for

whole lot better about the cause

like schizophrenia, bipolar

15-year practice of meditation,

“She has always been very

many years, so she brings that

of what is going on, but the

disorder or severe depression,

which she says is her biggest

easy to collaborate with.”

great perspective,” Harcus said.

cause doesn’t matter if the effect

it is most likely going to arise

internal support, is necessary

“It’s basically like partnering

doesn’t get better,” Taylor said.

during this age,” Wiley said.

for properly caring for people.

said that Emerson St. felt like a

with people and not having

“Actually working with people

a top-down approach.”

to meet them where they’re at to

Harcus, a clinical psychologist,

“Maybe the doctor knows a

She wanted a place that

“If I’m struggling with

breath of fresh air because of the

youth could come to that was

my own triggers, I can’t help

community. She said that young

warm and inviting, where they

other people,” Wiley said.

people feel the difference because

benefitted from a collaborative

and then working up to the cause

Emerson St. is a non-clinical

therapeutic approach is Jay Taylor,

is more effective in my mind.”

were surrounded by peers.

For this reason, the program

One young person who

get their symptoms to go away

So, in 2015 MHCD purchased a

operates with a trauma-informed

setting, which is based upon

a 27-year-old MSU Denver student

late 1880s Victorian house on

care approach, which assumes that

collaboration and communication.

in the anthropology department.

Emerson street in downtown

everyone has experienced some

Taylor said that similar

the need for mental health care is

Denver between 16th and 17th.

type of trauma in their lives. The

perspectives that Wiley has

techniques used by Wiley and

ever expanding. The services and

purpose is to recognize and address

brought into the program, from

Emerson St. have helped her in

activities they offer continue to grow

the house into a space that offers

the trauma that can manifest in

a marriage and family therapist,

her own mental health journey.

along with Wiley and her staff.

services including individual and

clients, staff and their families.

art therapist, clinical social

In the past, clinical settings and

group therapies, psychology and

Lindsey Harcus, assistant

worker and psychotherapists,

misdiagnoses have hindered


te Met i r o Ra v a di rf



Don’t worry! We have you covered.


Mis sy o

Wiley and MHCD transformed

Harcus enjoys the diverse

Emerson St. served about 500 clients in 2017 and Wiley said that

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APRIL 11, 2018

Outdoor Pursuits offers rock climbing class

Students with no experience are welcome to learn the universal language of climbing

By Megan Webber

instructed the students on


how to adjust harnesses and tie into hooks on the wall with

In the heart of Denver,

ropes safely. Students become

wilderness can seem far away,

familiarized with different types

when in reality, all it takes is a

of gear available to climbers.

two-minute walk to the Physical

Helmets, ropes and climbing shoes

Education building for the chance

are available for students to use

to scale a rock wall. Outdoor

for free on the wall. They can even

Pursuits, a student success

rent the gear for canyoneering

program located on the first floor

trips or personal use.

of the PE building, offers students

Outdoor Pursuits also offers

the chance to take beginning rock

two annual trips to Moab,

climbing classes and become

where students can hike, rock

certified to belay. On April 7, 14,

climb and canyoneer. Part of

21 and 28, students can sign up to

the instruction taught during

take the class at the climbing wall

these classes and on the trips

on campus or, weather permitting,

involves universally known knots

outside in Golden. These

and climbing terms, such as,

outdoor locations include North

“On belay” and “Belay on.”

Table Mountain, Roxborough

“Wherever you go in the

State Park, Clear Creek Canyon

world, it’s the same knots, it’s

and Lookout Mountain.

the same gear, everything is the same,” Carter said. “Even if you

“Wherever you go in the world, it’s the same knots, it’s the same gear, everything is the same. Even if you don’t speak the language, climbing is the same language.” – Sandra Carter The climbing wall on campus offers six routes of varying

don’t speak the same language, climbing is the same language.” The program also offers an opportunity for students Photos by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

like Miriam Adame who have rock climbed in the past but haven’t done it recently.

UCD student James Humpal repelling down the rock climbing wall at Auraria Campus Recreation Fitness Center on April 7.

“It’s my last semester here, and it’s the first time I’m doing

a chance to pass along all of

and it was all about just going and

it, so I’m like, before I leave, I

his experience and share his

climbing things. And then it kind

should try it out,” Adame said.

knowledge of the outdoors.

of morphed into going bouldering

the year and offers all kinds of

For a longtime climber like

“Climbing for me started out

is teaching it,” said Ferguson. The program runs throughout

more, and then trying to take some

outdoor adventures. Students

difficulty, and the class gives

Ferguson, who has been working

as hiking and doing 14’ers and

of those climbing skills to bigger

can stop by the Outdoor Pursuits

students a chance to practice

with the program for the past

peaks and winter stuff, and then it

mountains, and then ultimately,

office to join in on one of

climbing and belaying their

25 years, the class provides

evolved into pure rock climbing,

what’s kept me in the sport now

their upcoming excursions.

peers. Whether a student has been climbing for fifteen years or has never climbed before, anyone is welcome. Outdoor Pursuits Associate Director Bryan Ferguson said he lives by the quote, “Your past performance doesn’t indicate your future performance.” The program is heavily focused on involving students, either as employees or participants, who are willing to take a class or go on a trip. “These students get involved, and they provide an opportunity for other students to get involved, Ferguson said. “It helps the students connect with their institution, and so that’s kind of the reason we’re here.” As opposed to going out and solo climbing, Outdoor Pursuits provides a space for students to gain the expertise from more experienced students who share a passion for climbing. “It doesn’t matter if you have skill, it’s about passion and wanting to learn,” said Sandra Carter, student employee at Outdoor Pursuits. At the first of the four classes, Ferguson and the employees

CCD student Ali Zahedi ascending the Auraria Campus Recreation Fitness Center climbing wall on April 4.

MSU Denver student Jared Current belaying a student at Auraria Campus Recreation Fitness Center climbing wall on April 4.


APRIL 11, 2018


Spotlight on dark episode of US history; Japanese-Americans incarcerated during WWII By Samuel Berg

American citizens to be taken from


their homes to remote internment camps scattered across the

Russell Endo led an educational

country. The film said that these

session at A Day of Remembrance,

citizens were forced to live in

an event held on April 5. The

unhealthy and unsafe conditions.

event helped shed light on the

In 1988, U.S. President Ronald

incarceration of Japanese-

Reagan issued a formal apology

Americans during World War

to Japanese-American citizens.

II. The Auraria Library hosted

In addition, the Civil Liberties Act

students from all institutions

of 1988 was passed, issuing each

on campus as the film, “And

surviving internee $20,000.

Then They Came For Us” was

Among the event attendees was

played. Discussion followed.

Mali Smith, a biology major at MSU Denver. While her original plan was

“I think it’s important we remember history, especially the incarceration of Japanese-Americans, because that’s something that’s not always taught in public schools.” – Soyon Bueno

to study in the library that Thursday afternoon, she made her way over to the film and discussion after hearing professor Endo’s introduction. “I knew of the unlawful incarceration of JapaneseAmericans, but I didn’t know the major details,” Smith said. “The film Photo by Joel Mathew | jmathe19@msudenver.edu

and discussion was an eye-opening

Retired CU Denver professor Dr. Russell Endo talks about the importance of the film and recognizing its seriousness in the Auraria Library on the April 5.

experience into what happened in

Denver professor in the ethnic

diverse and inclusive campus

Americans, before turning to a

is available in the Auraria Library

studies department. He has taught

for students, faculty and staff.

were greeted by Bueno, before

modern day discussion about the

for all students. The Auraria

Endo began a short introduction.

anti-Muslim sentiment prevalent

Library also has multiple resources

Russell Endo is a retired CU

ethnic studies since 1970. His

our country during World War II.” “And Then They Came for Us”

Soyon Bueno, the director of the

Students attending the event

immediate family was interned

Asian-American Student Services

Afterwards, the film “And Then

in today’s society. Photographs by

readily available about Japanese-

during World War II, making this

department, partnered with

They Came for Us” played on the

Dorthea Lange and Ansel Adams

American incarceration during

topic a personal one for him.

professor Endo over the past few

discovery wall at the Auraria Library.

bring the film to life as Japanese-

World War II, including photos

American citizens share their stories

and first hand documents.

The Asian-American Student Services department, part of the

years to make this an annual event. “I think it’s important we

“And Then They Came for Us” is a 40-minute film produced and

from their time in the camps.

“I actually like this better than

CU Denver Center for Identity &

remember history, especially

directed by Abby Ginzberg and Ken

In 1942, after the United States

almost anything else I’ve seen,”

Inclusion, hosted the event. The

the incarceration of Japanese-

Schneider. The film’s background

had declared war on Japan,

Endo said of the film. “It covers a

CII consists of American Indian,

Americans, because that’s

starts with the bombing of Pearl

President Roosevelt signed

lot of ground. If you’re unfamiliar

Asian-American, black and Latinx

something that’s not always taught

Harbor, weaving through various

executive order 9066 into law. This

with what happened in the war,

Student Services to promote a

in public schools,” Bueno said.

experiences of interned Japanese-

allowed over 120,000 Japanese-

the movie provides background.”

Internment camp figures from 1942-1945

Infographic by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu



APRIL 11, 2018

Roadrunners sweep Chadron State Softball continues redemption from slow start

By James Burky

Annie Van Wetzinga. “I think we all knew


we were much better than what our record indicated in the first month or so

MSU Denver continued their

of the season, but now they’re starting

multifaceted attack, holding Rocky

to see the results of staying steady and

Mountain Athletic Conference rival, the

sticking with it and it’s nice that these

Chadron State College Eagles, to just

players are seeing the results of it.”

one run in a weekend series sweep.

MSU Denver opened the weekend

A month ago, the Roadrunners were

whiffing and wondering just what the heck

defined by ground balls and pop-ups

to do against the Eagles’ dominant pitching

ricocheting off of gloves, sporadic

staff, whose 2.84 ERA ranks second in the

offensive and pitching outputs and

RMAC. Their ace Jessica Jarecki held the

seniors who overcompensated out of

Roadrunners scoreless through five innings

frustration. Winning barely a quarter of

before Espinoza hit a homerun over the

their first twenty games, they looked

left field wall, the only run of the game.

like a shell of their former selves.

Both offenses were suffocated by

“In the beginning of the season, we were

stellar pitching and runs proved hard

beyond frustrated. Especially us seniors

to come by. The Roadrunners survived

that have been on teams that haven’t had

both day one games by a hair, relying

those issues of not succeeding on the field

on a shutout performance from McGhee

and starting off so rough,” said captain

in game one and a walk-off homerun by

Sarena Espinoza. “It was hard for me

senior Annika Anderson in game two.

personally, just trying to figure things out.”

They followed suit Sunday, completing

That was then, this is now. Where they’re at now — 23-19 overall and 18-10 in RMAC

Photo obtained from MSU Denver softball via Flickr

MSU Denver catcher Sarena Espinoza gets pumped up in a game against Fort Lewis College on March 10 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Espinoza is a part of the senior leadership that helped steer the team in the right direction following a shaky start to the season.

their third series sweep of the season. To completely stifle a team for a full slate

expected from a true freshman. But this

and another after honing in on a popped

play — is a 180, after winning 13 of their last

is no small feat, but for a team to do so three

weekend, Wright played her most complete

up bunt. Both webgem worthy plays. Her

14 matches. They flash the leather at high

times after the start to the season they had

series of the season on the corner.

instinctiveness looks to be a key component

efficiency, double plays are as common

exemplifies a key sports mantra: play better

as Darby McGhee strikeouts and Kylee

than you did last time and trust the process.

Burnside shutouts. For a program with such

Doing so has helped fuel standout

“I feel like this weekend was one

to the Roadrunners’ winning formula

of my best defensively. I’ve been

heading into a road series against Black Hills

struggling in the past and hopefully

State University in Spearfish, South Dakota.

a grand resume, the players — veterans and

Koryna Wright, who has not only

newcomers alike — have learned to trust

established herself as a threat inside

the process that their coaches preach.

the batter’s box, but has been suspect

to the Roadrunner faithful what they

at third base. For every impressive put

can expect to see in the near future. In

relaxing. People starting to perform

out or rapid fire throw, an error would

Saturday’s second game, Wright accounted

to their capabilities,” said head coach

shadow her. Such gaffes are to be

for two double plays, one off of a foul-out

“What’s been clicking is just them

we can get going,” Wright said.

Call it tenacity, perseverance or

In game two on Saturday, she teased

even trusting that damned process. The Roadrunners just call it playing ball.

Roadrunners Athletic Review Softball


vs Chadron

vs Regis University

State College

April 7 W




April 7 W 7-6

April 8

at University of





Colorado Colorado Springs

Women’s Golf April 9-10 at Mustang



April 8 W 7-6

Track & Field

Women’s Tennis

April 6-7

April 7

at CU Open

vs Colorado Mesa

200 Meters Michael Dike


400 Meters Michael Dike


800 Meters Ryan Boucher


Long Jump Emmanuel Olam


3000 Meters Alden Gruidel





April 8


vs Dixie State University


Men’s Tennis April 7 vs Colorado Mesa


W 8-1



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APRIL 11, 2018

Avalanche set for the future, not the present By Matthew Stefanski

a league-high 117-point season,


has defeated the Avalanche in

The Colorado Avalanche edged

as compared to last season. But, bad news for the

10 straight games. What’s even

team is also bad news for

worse is that the closest game

MacKinnon. In the matchups

their way into the playoffs for

played between the two clubs, a

against the Predators, the

the first time since the 2013-14

4-3 Nashville overtime victory,

young center has been held to

season after defeating the St.

was a defeat snatched from the

just two goals and one assist,

Louis Blues 5-2 in the final game

jaws of victory, as the Avalanche

being held to a cumulative -6

of the regular season. The win

had the lead until the final 66

in +/- in the four matchups.

put an exclamation mark on an

seconds of the third period.

electric season that saw the

Despite things weighing heavily

As a result, the Avalanche

against the Avalanche, the wild

team rebound from their woeful

have a clear mental block against

improvement over the season

2016-17 campaign — one of the

their opponents. Now that they

has jetted the team from being

worst seasons in NHL history —

have to face them for a four-to-

considered basement dwellers to

where they only won 22 games

seven-game series, the odds are

one of the most exciting teams

and earned 48 total points.

not great that the Avalanche will

in the league. While not yet

But, despite the excitement

have a strong performance. On

of the team reaching the

the flip side, playing the same

playoffs, being given less than

opponent for several games in a

a 20 percent chance as late as

row is the best chance they have

December, fans need to temper

to snap the streak, a building

their expectations. Even though

block that would be essential as

the team has tremendous upside,

the team continues to improve.

considered the cream of the crop Photo by Giacomo Di Franco | gdifranc@msudenver.edu

Colorado Avalanche center Nathan MacKinnon dekes out Nashville Predators right winger Miikka Salomaki during the game on March 16 at the Pepsi Center. MacKinnon recorded one point and had six shots on goal during the contest.

of the Western Conference like they once were, quick success and the momentum-heavy style of play of the Avalanche could turn into a deadly combination,

being in net for the Avalanche is

the season. After team general

leaving the Predators looking like

The Avalanche also enter the

that he has yet to face Nashville,

manager Joe Sakic traded away

wounded ducks, bleeding into

as they gain playoff experience,

playoff sans their main goaltender

potentially partially relieving the

veteran Matt Duchene, MacKinnon

the water while the sharks circle

they’re young and have several

Semyon Varlamov, who was lost

mental block that the team might

quickly became the heartbeat of

to finish them off. The Avalanche

flaws that their opponents,

due to a lower-body injury in a

have as they enter the series.

the team, finishing the season with

aren’t the kings they once were,

the Nashville Predators, will

late-season game against the

a team high 97 points, the highest

but this is a series where they can

be able to exploit easily.

Chicago Blackhawks. Backup

however. The Avalanche have

point total since Sakic put up 100

prove themselves to be golden

goaltender Jonathan Bernier

one of the hottest players in the

himself during the 2003-04 season.

knights in the court of rule.

play the Predators in the first

has played brilliantly through

league. Center Nathan MacKinnon

MacKinnon finished first in the

round is enough to cause worry.

his stints, including carrying

is a favorite for the Hart Memorial

league in game winning goals,

The Nashville juggernaut, a

the team to a franchise record

Trophy, the award given to the

tied for ninth in goals with 39, 11th

favorite to win the Stanley Cup

10-game winning streak in early

league MVP, after averaging

in assists with 58 and lead the

this season after coming off of

January. The upside to Bernier

1.31 points per game through

team to a 47-point improvement

something that will only increase

The fact that the team has to

It’s not all doom and gloom,

Despite a Rockie start, hopes are a mile high he has shown flashes of brilliance.

By Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu

do come up short, the relief corps

After the rough first inning in

that general manager Jeff Bridich

Arizona, Gray retired nine in a row.

and co. have built are legitimate. A

On April 4, he dominated the San

return to form by Adam Ottavino,

not gotten off to the quickest

Diego Padres over seven shutout

who has struck out 14, gives

start possible this season.

innings. He seemed on track to do

length to the acquisitions of Bryan

At 5-7, the team has

the same in his last start, striking

Shaw and Davis, making any lead

underperformed in nearly every

out the side in the first and had

after the sixth inning virtually

facet of the game: starting pitching,

five through three innings. As the

safe. The young starters have a

hitting and bench performance have

anchor of the staff, he’ll be the focal

safety net like no other in MLB.

been underwhelming. Really, only

point and the team’s success as

the shiny new bullpen has lived up

a whole will be dependent on his

Nolan Arenado is not going to

to expectations, even with Wade

personal performance. While he has

only hit one home run every two

Davis’s blown save on April 7. The

found some struggles, the 26-year-

weeks. Trevor Story has shown

offense has been middle of the

old continues to develop and has

signs of improvement from last

pack in the National League, with

already shown what he could be.

season. A full season of Chris

The Colorado Rockies have

43 runs scored, but are struggling

And he’s just some pitch location Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

to score in ways other than home runs. The young starters are failing to pitch deep into games. This has caused some panic

Colorado Rockies shortstop Trevor Story warms up before the team’s spring training game on March 18 at Salt River Fields at Talking Stick in Scottsdale, Arizona. Story figures to be an important bat in the Rockies lineup in 2018.

among the ranks of the Coors Field

The bats will be better, too.

Iannetta behind the plate will

away from getting there. Neither is

stabilize the bottom of the lineup,

the rest of the young staff. There will

as he has done nothing but get on

not be these stretches of struggle

base since the season began.

we’re seeing right now. Between

So calm down Rockies fans.

Kyle Freeland, Tyler Anderson,

It’s exciting that this team has

faithful in the young season, but it

4-6. It’s far too soon for anything

Day, he gave up a pair of runs

German Marquez and Chad Bettis,

expectations to live up to, and

is still too early to push the eject

to be definitively decided, except

before recording an out against the

there is too much talent for each of

frustrating that they aren’t meeting

button on the current roster. Some

that Shohei Ohtani is here to stay.

Arizona Diamondbacks. On April 9,

them not often getting out of the

them yet. While it’s a possibility

concerns are legitimate, but there

The young rotation will not

a catastrophic five-run fourth inning

fifth inning for extended stretches

that they don’t get there, let’s let

are quite literally 150 games left on

struggle like this for the entirety

was too much for the struggling

of time. There will be growing

them get at least 10 percent into

the schedule. Let’s not forget that

of the season. Jon Gray, budding

offense to recover from. But,

pains, for sure, but they showed last

the schedule before we call foul.

the Los Angeles Dodgers, winners of

ace, has had two of his three starts

looking beyond the box score and

season what they’re capable of.

100 games last season, are currently

blow up in his face. On Opening

the final ERA and WHIP numbers,

We’ve learned that when they


APRIL 11, 2018


The Takeover: Roadrunners Give Back & [Element]

Location Cheesman Park



Location Gothic Theatre



Location Lion’s Lair

Price $24-$29

Price $8

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Price Volunteer 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.


4.12 College Night Location Tracks 4.12

The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht

Women’s Tennis 4.13 VS. Colorado State



Jazz Celebration featuring Ben Goldberg

Location Beta

Price Free

Price TBA

Time 9 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Location Denver

Price Free


I’m With Her

Denver Vintage Reggae Society


Location Boulder Theater

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 11 a.m.

Time 6 p.m.


Men’s Tennis

4.14 VS. Black Hills State

Price Free

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.


Craig Robinson

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus


Location Black Sheep

Price $39

Price $9.43-20

Time 7:15 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


How the Holocaust Happened

Left Handed Stranger

Location Toad tavern


Unite for Young Musicians

Location Mercury Cafe

Price $5

Price $10

Time 8 p.m.

Time 1 p.m.

Location SSB 213 4.13

Time 6-8 p.m.

SNAP! 90s vs. 2000s Dance Party


Location Stoney’s South Price Free Time 10 p.m.

University - Pueblo Location Denver

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 12 p.m.

Time 11 a.m.

PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Basketball 4.11 Timberwolves @

Denver’sHip Hop Underground Showcase

Baseball 4.11 Padres @ Clippers

Nuggets Location Target Center, MN

Location Coors Field

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.

Hockey 4.12 Predators @ Avs Location Pepsi Center

Price Free

4.13 VS. Colorado State

Location Goosetown Tavern

Price $27.50-32.50

Time 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Colorado Location Colorado Springs


Location Comedy Works South Location King Center

4.20 VS. University of

DJ June


Price Free Time 7:30-9:30 p.m.


University - Pueblo

Location South Dakota Location King Center


Hockey 4.14 Predators @ Avs Location Pepsi Center

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8 p.m.

Time 1 p.m.

Location Local 46 Price $5-8



Time 8:30 p.m. 4.14 Rapids vs. Toronto FC Lake Clarity: For an immersive audio drama check out “Lake Clarity” at MyMetMedia.com


Twin Flame Medicine

Location Mercury Cafe



Kiefer Sutherland Bluebird Theater

Price $15



Time 8 p.m.


8 p.m.

Location DSG Park

4.21 Rapids vs. Real Salt Lake Location Rio Tinto Stadium, UT

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 1 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


Denver Post fights back

Cohen’s office raided

Despacito taken down by hackers

against job cuts

On April 8, the Denver Post filled their opinion section with articles protesting the actions of the paper’s owner, Alden Global Capital. The paper published nine opinion pieces, eight of them columns. The articles called out their owner’s money-first policies. They also called their readers to action and urged them to demand that the paper be sold to a company that values journalism. According to the New York Times, after 25 positions were cut on Monday, the paper will now have less than 75 journalists.

FBI agents raided the home, hotel room and office of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, on April 9. The agents were in search of any documentation involving payments made to women in exchange for their silence about alleged affairs with Trump. On April 10, CNN reported that the search warrant the agents were acting upon was issued to seek out documentation detailing payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels and also to ex-Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders could not confirm, on April 10, that Cohen was still Trump’s lawyer.

On Tuesday, Despacito, Luis Fonsi’s record breaking music video, was temporarily taken down from YouTube. Days after the video reached five billion views, hackers who called themselves Prosox and Kuroi’sh, replaced the video’s traditional cover image with a photo of masked individuals pointing guns at the screen. The message ‘Free Palestine’ was written beneath the video. According to the Independent, over a dozen artists were also affected by the hacking. Since Tuesday morning, the issue has been resolved and the music video is currently available on YouTube.

Cardi B officially

Zuckerberg testifies

confirms pregnancy

before congress

Cardi B officially confirmed her pregnancy on April 7 when she performed on Saturday Night Live. According to NBC, the rapper started her musical set by wearing a dress that covered her stomach, then changed into a white gown set that revealed her baby bump before her second set. For the past few months, there have been rumors regarding her pregnancy. In October, she announced her engagement to Offset, of the group Migos. On Instagram he posted about the pregnancy writing, “We feel so blessed.” On Friday, she released her first studio album “Invasion of Privacy.”

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook chief executive, made his first appearance before Congress on April 10. During his Senate hearing, he was questioned by lawmakers regarding the company’s practices and policies. They asked the CEO about privacy concerns, selling data to companies and whether Facebook deceived its customers. According to the New York Times, his hearing was prompted by the revelation that Cambridge Analytica used data from 87 million Facebook users to create psychological profiles of voters during the 2016 election.


Quotable “Age is of no importance unless you’re cheese.” -Billie Burke

APRIL 11, 2018

Horoscopes Food and beverage edition Capricorn


You’re a slice of deep dish pizza. You’re delicous, loveable and make people salivate. Plus, no one can tell cheesy jokes like you do.

You are the buttered popcorn jelly bean. Some people think you’re disgusting, but others couldn’t live without you.



You’re a bottle of blue gatorade. Apart from being oddly luminescent, your personality is incredibly refreshing.

You are a gyro. Few people know how to pronounce your name properly. But you are the holy gail of drunk college students at 2 a.m.



You are an onion. When people first meet you, they might not know what to make of your personality. But once they peel back your layers, you’ll make them cry.

You are saag paneer (aka: spinich with Indian cheese). You are unique and well, loved by people who know you are.



You are a slice of American cheese. Some people think you’re fake. But you’re a verifiable milk by-product. If that’s good for nothing, the world is meaningless.

You are orange juice. You have a sunny disposition though your opinion is pretty pulpy. Everything you do supports Florida’s economy.



“We must have pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.” -David Mamet “The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” -Julia Child

Top 5

Denver Restraunts 1. Izakaya Den: Japanese, sushi $$$$ 2. Marco’s Coal Fired Pizzeria, $$-$$$

You are a bran muffin. You are good for hearts and colons. You bring regularity to your friend’s lives.

You are ghost pepper hot wings. People who like you can only tolerate you for short periods of time. But if they eat a dozen of you, they win a free t-shirt.



You are tequila. You’re the life of the party, bring joy to the masses and are everyone’s best friend. If people get too much of you their clothes come off.

You are salad. You are always healthy and delicious. But most people want nothing to do with you until you’re doused in ranch.

3. Ambli @ Holly: international $$-$$$ 4. Luciele’s Creole Cafe, $$-$$$ 5. Sam’s No. 3: American, Southwestern $

Brain games Across

Down of it

29. Composer of ‘’Carmen’’ 31. Nasal passage

1. Floor-washing tools

44. Built like a wrestler

1. Arizona city

33. Like gymnasts

5. Writer Ferber

45. Places (down)

2. Actor Sharif

34. Of country life

9. Onrush

46. Shut loudly

3. Heap

35. Appears to be

14. Give off

47. Certify

4. Get to one’s feet

37. Diaper fastener

15. Fairway club

49. Getz of jazz

5. ‘’__ for Evidence’’

39. Paid one’s bills

16. Alternatives to potatoes

51. Overhead trains

(Grafton book)

42. ‘’Big Board’’ of Wall St.

17. Turkey __ (post-

52. Collarless shirts

6. Car-racing course

43. Brother of Isaac

Thanksgiving lunches)

54. Waikiki banquet

7. Forbidden thing

48. Tenure of office

20. Pro hockey venue

56. Like some garage floors

8. Agassi of tennis

50. Cape Canaveral org.

21. Clinton’s Vice President

59. At any __ (nevertheless)

9. __ Lanka

53. Brazilian dance

22. Casino game

61. Soda-shop sipper

10. Tonics

55. Speak

23. Uses a shovel

65. Go cold turkey

11. Workout result, perhaps

56. Scandinavian city

25. Dutch cheese

68. On the up and up

12. Adolescent

57. Line on a list

27. Uppercut alternative

69. Become unclear

13. Exxon’s former name

58. Theater level

30. H.S. seniors’ exams

70. Author Wiesel

18. Banquet platform

60. Spill the beans

32. Paint stains

71. Signs of the future

19. Ties the knot

62. Depend

36. Sale condition

72. Swiss mountains

24. Trot or gallop

63. ‘’I cannot tell __’’

38. Garden flower

73. Sandwich breads

26. Two-band radio

64. Letters before zees

40. Bach work

27. __ the Hutt (‘’Star Wars’’

66. Part of TGIF

41. Ancient Turkey was part

series villain)

67. Tax agcy.

28. So far



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