Volume 40, Issue 31 - May 2, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40

NO. 31


May 2, 2018


Student art showcase displays voices and perspectives The artworks were chosen by

By Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu

Kaitlin Maestas, the exhibition’s juror and a curatorial assistant

A black and gold, child-sized

at the Denver Art Museum. The

ceramic chair sat upon a pedestal

pieces were curated by members

in the southwest corner of the

of the Art Guild, all undergraduate

gallery and two large canvases

art students from MSU Denver.

painted to represent pages from a

Hillary Frey, secretary of the

child’s coloring book hung against

Art Guild and the exhibition’s

the back wall. They were part of a

coordinator, said the artworks

wide variety of student artworks

on display were a survey of the

that were on display in the Auraria

art being created on campus.

campus’ Emmanuel Art Gallery. The artworks were part of the

“I just like to pick pieces that I think look good together

“Metro Now” show presented

or have some sort of dialogue

by Metropolitan State University.

with one another,” Frey said.

Approximately 60 pieces were chosen

The winning artwork, the two

from 140 student submissions for

large coloring book paintings, were

the university’s annual showcase.

created by Justas Marcinkevicius.

The pieces ranged from ceramic

The pieces were named “Untitled

works and paintings to life-

I” and “Untitled II.” Marcinkevicius

sized cardboard figurines and

stretched white canvases across

photograph prints. The exhibition

wood panels to keep them from

was on display from April 12-26.

warping. He used paint markers

“Metro has an amazing

to draw the outlined characters

program, excellent faculty, the

and acrylic paint to add detail.

students are top notch,” said Jeff

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

Sean Reifman kneeling in front of his work “Chair” on April 26 at Emmanuel Gallery. This piece was part of the “Metro Now” art show.

Lambson, director and curator of the Emmanuel Art Gallery.

| Continued on pg. 6

Semester work pays off at research conference

By Isaac Banks

disciplines, from history to biology. For

explore a little bit more out of the classroom,”


students to participate in the conference, they

said Salina Biea, undergraduate research

need to have a faculty or staff member mentor

program coordinator. “So I mean you are in a

and a research idea. The conference ran all day,

classroom writing research papers sometimes

Conference: Symposium of Scholarly Works

in two sections. The oral presentation section,

you are in a lab but you don’t really get to grasp

and Creative Projects took place on April 27.

where students presented their findings, and

it on your own. So this is a chance for a student

the poster section, where people could wander

to just really own the research, to be able to

around looking at the researchers poster.

pursue something that they are curious.”



The 7th annual Undergraduate Research

The Applied Learning Center puts the conference on once a year for undergraduate students. Research topics covered all

“We want to give students a chance to

| Continued on pg. 3

| pg. 3


| pg. 4


| pg. 7


| pg. 9

Undergraduate research

Is there such a thing as

Changing of the guard: New

Softball lands emotional sweep to

conference, continued.

originality anymore?

leadership reflects on year.

end regular season.


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1. All students wishing to graduate must apply for graduation. Applications are available online at www.msudenver.edu/studenthub/. Click Apply for Graduation link under Graduation. 2. You must meet the following requirements by the end of the semester you apply for graduation:  Minimum of 120 semester hours  All requirements for your major and minor  All General Studies requirements  Minimum of 40 Upper Division credit hours  Multi-cultural requirement  Cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher

3. Walking in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee that you have graduated. 4. It is your responsibility to report any repeated courses to the Office of the Registrar. Failure to do so may negatively affect your ability to graduate as planned. 5. Diplomas are not provided at Commencement. Your diploma will be mailed upon degree conferral.

For additional information, visit:

www.msudenver.edu/registrar/student/ graduationevaluation and www.msudenver.edu/commencement.

Office of the Registrar



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MAY 02, 2018


Semester comes to an end with the undergraduate research conference | Continued from cover

had. He learned faster from hardheaded instructors but learned

Elliot Netzer, a communications

how to think through things from

studies student and first responder,

the more gentle instructors. He

gave an oral presentation called,

plans further research to find a

“Proposed Study of the Effects of

way to hold onto tradition while

Rank on Communication Within

improving communication.

First Responders.” The study looked

In the poster section, students

into the relationship between

Steven Hauser and Juliet Madsen

higher ranked individuals and lower

put together a presentation titled,

ranked individuals in settings like

“Student Veterans’ Experience

firehouses. As a first responder he

With Discrimination on Campus.”

wanted to study this relationship

Madsen is an Army veteran who

because when he first started,

retired after 20 years of service.

communication was a important

Hauser and Madsen wanted to see if

skill to have and it became a

veterans experienced discrimination

buzzword in the community.

and how they could improve their

He said that tradition contributes

experience at MSU Denver. Their

to the lack of communication

results are preliminary because

in the ranks of first responders.

of their sample size. One of their

This results in a lack of trust

biggest conclusions was the age

among team members.

gap between veterans and the

“When we are not trusting those individuals, what is that

“Discrimination impacts people’s

communicating to them? That

education, so if we can figure out

they don’t have value, that they

if people are being discriminated

can’t speak up when they are not

against or if they are feeling any

in a safe situation,” Netzer said.

discrimination, then we can help

Speaking from his personal

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

rest of the student population.

Students browsing the Undergraduate Research Conference: Symposium of Scholarly Works and Creative Projects on April 27 in North Classroom. for everyone,” Madsen said. In another oral presentation,

specifically casts, titled, “Additive

much since then. The research

Manufacturing Applied to

team set out to create 3D printing

increase their level of comfort

students Josh Kenning, Dan

Orthopedic Supports.” Cast

technology to that could make

training experience, he touched

and confidence on campus, and

Skousen and Michaela Beadles

technology dates back to the 18th

customize cast for patients.

on the two types of instructors he

make this a more cohesive campus

talked about orthopedic supports,

century and has not changed

Salary troubles for teachers 65.00

CO. Average Salary (In Thousands)

Average National Salary (In Thousands)

Colorado teachers protested April 26-27 for better funding for schools and an increase in salary. Since 1998, an average teacher’s salary has decreased by more than $8000— adjusted for inflation.


Colorado ranks 50th in teacher wage competitiveness, which compares teachers to non-teachers with similar education, experience and hours worked, according to the Education Law Center at Rutgers University.


53.75 Great Recession Data obtained from the Colorado Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics. Adjusted for inflation.


1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Created by Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu and Jim Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu


4 staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu

MAY 2, 2018

On originality By Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

to say, music is something that

Just take my advice...

can only be judged based on an

Managing Editor

individual listener’s interpretation.

By Matthew Stefanski

just fine as well. But whatever

are releasing songs that not

Many music fans voiced their


your choice and passion is, just

only closely resemble the work

unimpressed opinions of

of other artists, but sometimes

Pentatonix’s cover of John Lennon’s

As a soon-to-be-graduate of

Second, talk to everyone in

are mere copies. Consumers of

“Imagine” in a discussion on a Kiwi

our fantastic university writing my

your major. Network. This means

music must dig into the depths

blog post from 2017 called, “John

final piece for The Metropolitan, I

participate in classes, go to events

of iTunes and YouTube to find the

Lennon v. Pentatonix: Can a cover

had a dozen ideas running through

posted in your department, get

Assistant Photo Editor

truly original yet unappreciated

ever be better than an original?”

my head on how to say goodbye.

some tutoring time with the

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

masterpieces. People from my

The answer I came to is that I

professors, go to job fairs and

Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Assistant Managing Editor Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Giacomo Di Franco gdifranc@msudenver.edu

In today’s world, pop artists

Kiwi user MELWood wrote,

do it and stop putzing around.

parents’ generation complain that

“The beauty of ‘Imagine’ is its

should use my received wisdom

definitely make some friends with

musicians and actors no longer

simplicity as that conveys its very

to give young and new students

fellow students. Being a part of

have the vision to create something

message. This version is more

some words of advice. So, for all

MSU Denver’s newspaper staff

Assitant News Editors

new and truly great. Is this true,

complex and, tbh, feels overworked.

of you freshman, sophomores,

has opened doors for me and

James Bofenkamp

and if so, is it such a bad thing?

There can only be one ‘Imagine’.”

undeclared majors or give-it-a-

allowed me to set myself up nicely

second-goers, here’s the best words

for a career post-graduation, and

News Editor Isaac banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu


To explore this question, let’s

This person obviously prefers

Forest Wilson

discuss the international Grammy

a simple keyboard and a single

of advice I can dispense to help

I’ve met people in the journalism


award-winning a capella group

distant voice to multiple voices

you along your collegiate careers.

department – both students and

Features Editor

Pentatonix. Since 2011, the band

all vying for the spotlight. Maybe

Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu

has released six albums of cover

because I’m a singer and love to

yet I am finally graduating after

fantastic people, and I consider

songs and one album of original

sing along with Pentatonix, or

giving college a go three times,

them lifelong colleagues. Don’t just

music. It’s not clear why they only

maybe it’s because I’m a millennial,

for periods ranging from a single

ride the train, go to class, do the

released one original album, but

but I prefer Pentatonix’s covers

semester to three years – all three

homework and go home every day.

Sports Editor

maybe it has something to do with

because of their multiple layers. I

of which I was undeclared and took

Stick around on campus and get

Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu

the fact that fans prefer their covers.

get a kick out of the crescendos and

classes ranging from geology to

to know some people. You never

the blending of five vocal ranges.

East Asian history while trying to

know when it might pay off for you

Assistant Sports Editors

consecutive Grammy awards from

find my passion – and also holding

later in life, be it through a close

Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu

2015-2017. In 2013, they won a

personally prefer most Pentatonix

various odd jobs and venturing

friendship or a big career step.

YouTube Music Award for their cover

covers to the original versions of

to two different colleges. My

of Imagine Dragons’ “Radioactive”

songs, but I am just one person.

college debt has ballooned to a

experience. You’re hopefully not as

Web Editor

that they did with Lindsey Stirling.

Somehow, Pentatonix has reached

size comparable to a new home

old as me, and you’re living some

Cassandra Ballard cballar7@msudenver.edu

This song marked the beginning of

stardom off of multiple albums

and I definitely feel awkward,

of the best years of your life. Get

my relationship with Pentatonix.

of cover music. On April 13 of

sometimes being the oldest person

out there and live it. Go drinking

It was the first song of theirs I

this year, the band released their

in a classroom by about seven

until you need 4 a.m. pizza and an

ever heard, and after listening to

newest album, “PTX Presents:

years. But in that time, and in my

aspirin. Date and break up (but never

Assistant Director of Met Media

it a few times I decided that this

Top Pop Vol. I.” This album is a

current final attempt that will at last

cheat) with a bunch of partners

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

was my new favorite band.

collection of 11 of this year’s most

result in a degree, there are several

you meet in class. Hit up your

popular songs. And I love it.

lessons I’ve learned that I will

college’s basketball game instead

Production Manager of Met Media

“Radioactive,” I prefer the melodic

While every lyric is the same

happily pass on to any incoming,

of studying for that probably-not-

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

improvisation presented in the

and even the basic melodies remain

new, or in-limbo college students.

as-important-as-you-think-it-is test

Pentatonix version. I admire the

in place, these Pentatonix covers

intricate harmonies and each

must have some level of originality

you decide your passion. When

tickets to see Beyoncé even if it

time I listen to the song, I find a

because of the new layers added

I originally finished high school,

means nothing but ramen noodles

Sales and Marketing

new layer to focus on. There is an

on by the singers. The first track

I wanted to pursue a journalism

for about two weeks. Go to that

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

obvious production element to

on the album is Charlie Puth’s

degree, but was told by everyone

really sketchy-sounding warehouse

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

the cover to enhance the singers’

“Attention.” Pentatonix took one

day-in and day-out – including my

party in the sticks of Denver and

voices and the beatboxing,

subtle melody from the original

parents, sibling and friends – that

god for-freaking-bid go to Las Vegas

but I don’t think it’s any more

song and used it several times in the

it’s stupid, I won’t get paid much

when you turn 21. You’d be amazed

overproduced than the original.

foreground of their cover. They also

and I’d be screwing myself for

how quick the wall hits you and

“While the lyrics are the

created new melodies, rhythms and

the rest of my life. That’s what

you suddenly find yourself married

exact same, that is the only thing

dynamics to make the song their

resulted in the various odd classes,

with a couple of kids, a career that

remaining from the original song,”

own. The lyrics may be someone

the lack of interest in performing

only gives one week’s worth of

Joshua Jackson wrote in his 2014

else’s, but Pentatonix created a new

well, my lack of networking (until

vacation days a year that you’re not

article on lsunow.com, “Cover

arrangement of the song, and that

I actually pursued journalism) and

allowed to use consecutively and

2 Cover: Imagine Dragons vs.

cannot make it entirely unoriginal.

definitely the on-again, off-again

too many bills to pay to even afford

My grandma and I love to go

relationship with college. It took a

Rockpile tickets at Coors Field.

Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Pentatonix won three

Compared to the original

Pentatonix.” He added, “While the

These are the reasons why I

I am 12 years out of high school,

First, don’t let anyone but

professors alike – who have been

Third and finally, live the college

in ECO1010. Get those expensive

original makes me excited about

to Pentatonix shows together and

near-suicidal mindset and strange

whatever feat I’m about to tackle,

discuss their new music. She likes

set of life events to occur before I

time of your life. Live for yourself,

the cover causes me to recognize

classical music, and I like classic

finally had the gall to tell everyone

but also remember the others whot

how talented its ensemble is and

rock, so a capella is a nice balance

off and pursue my passion, and I

surround you. Also, just take that

truly appreciate the song.”

for us. The voices somehow

haven’t been as happy in my life

photography class. Buying a $1,000

take away that mainstream

as I have been doing so. So, if you

camera sucks, but the experience

Pentaholics around the world, there

pop sound and replace it with

want to be a biochemist, great.

is fun. Good luck and godspeed.

are also billions of people who

something unique and engaging.

If you want to be a painter, also

Alongside the millions of

prefer the originals, no matter the

You’re in the scariest, but best

great. If college isn’t for you, that’s

talent of the cover singers. Needless

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Ali Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu

STUDENT TICKETS! Students and teachers receive a ticket for

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RATED PG-13 FOR SEXUAL MATERIAL, DRUG CONTENT AND PARTYING. Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability.


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MAY 2, 2018

MSU Denver students display diverse artworks Paintings, pictures, pottery and other artifacts showcased at Emmanuel Gallery

Continued from cover

The first canvas depicted a Barbie-like figure standing on a ship looking out across the water. Red, yellow and blue scribbles highlighted selected areas of the painting. The second canvas depicted Ken and Barbie-like characters talking. A text bubble emerged from Barbie’s mouth and read, “The gallery is going to show my art.” The piece was sporadically painted with pink, green, blue, yellow and brown scribbles. “First and foremost, I like to make adults feel like children,” Marcinkevicius said. He said he didn’t know exactly where the inspiration for the piece came from, but it depicts the excitement and purity of being a child. Although the splashes of color on the canvas weren’t attractive, he wanted to maintain control over the painting’s color theory—the colors he chose to highlight the painting.

“Everything is art. It’s only considered art when you bring it into a gallery space, bring it into the white walls, put it on a pedestal, put a label on it.” – Lynette Eleonora Cross

Photos by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

Justas Marcinkevicius stands in front of his winning artworks “Untitled I” and “Untitled II” on April 24 in Emmanuel Gallery. He won best of show in the “Metro Now” show presented by MSU Denver. restraint while creating the piece. “It was definitely a labor

Alexandra Stefanec, treasurer of the Art Guild and co-curator

of love,” Stefanec said. Sean Reifman’s ceramic

gold-colored ring. Each piece of

form and said he has always

the chair had been thrown on a

enjoyed the idea of divinity.

pottery wheel or constructed by the artist and then assembled.

Reifman said he accepts the duality of the situation and

this about this, or make a statement

understands that some people

about a certain subject,” Reifman

will purchase his ceramics, be

of the exhibition, said that as

“Chair” was another notable

an artist, Marcinkevicius is

work on display. The chair was

inspired by a Greek-orthodox cross

said. “But I like visual language

that chairs or mugs, and use

controlled and knows what he

small and painted black. The

he saw while driving by a church

and I like things saying things.”

them while others will put them

wants. Although elements of

back of the chair consisted of

every day. Though he does not

his work seemed scattered, he

two long, ribbed ceramic pieces

identify as a religious person, he

maintained his style by using

that were joined together by a

Reifman said the piece was

“I’m not taking language to say

put a label on it,” Cross said.

appreciated the cross’ circular

He was inspired to create a chair after taking a class that

on a shelf and observe them. As a whole, the exhibition

discussed spatial relations.

brought together pieces from

Chairs define where people are

different departments across

welcome or unwelcome. Also,

campus. Frey said there are

as an artist and maker of things,

a multitude of voices and

he is interested in the dichotomy

perspectives present in the show.

between functional pieces and art that is meant for display.

Eric Kawczynski, president of Art Guild and co-curator of the exhibition, said there is a

“Metro has an amazing program, excellent faculty, the students are top notch.” – Jeff Lambson

fluid art community on campus. Students and professors from ceramics, jewelry and painting backgrounds are willing to provide constructive criticism to people from different departments.

Lynnette Eleonora Cross,

their culture so well, but

an intern at the Emmanuel Art

they’re so open to everyone

Gallery said it is problematic

else’s,” Kawczynski said.

when the art community creates

A work of art by William Dakota titled “Boxed In” on April 24 displayed in Emmanuel Gallery.

“Metro artists display

vice president of Art Guild and

Although the exhibition is no

a division between what is

longer on display in the gallery,

and isn’t considered high art,

anyone who is interested in

two dimensional Renaissance-

viewing the pieces can contact the

like paintings, crafts, jewelry,

artists directly. After the show,

woodworking and ceramics.

the artworks were returned to

“Everything is art. It’s only

the artists. Students interested

considered art when you bring it

in submitting pieces for future

into a gallery space, bring it into the

shows can contact art department

white walls, put it on a pedestal,

heads for more information.



MAY 2, 2018

A letter from the editor Esteban looks to the future,

journalist to look out for. Last

and has worked not only to make

Friday, he received the Denver

the paper better this year, but for

Press Club 2018 Tim Russert

every person that will sit at his

Scholarship, the overall storyteller

name is Ali Watkins and as of

desk from now on. He was part

distinction from the Damon

tomorrow, I will be taking Esteban

of a story that brought home the

Runyon Scholarship. He’s the

Fernandez’s place as Editor-in-

regional Society of Professional

first MSU Denver student to do

Chief of The Metropolitan. Though

Journalism award for best use

so. I am so proud and will never

I am excited to lead the newspaper

of multimedia. He has also

stop bragging about Mimi.

into the next semester, the

worked tirelessly on a reporting

changing of roles is bittersweet.

program that will radically change

of a spitfire. For towering at

the paper and the department.

only 5’1” she demands respect,

I have large shoes to fill.

grabbing attention whenever

Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Let me introduce myself. My

Spring has sprung, and some editors are graduating. I would not be where I am today if it were

Cassandra is nothing short

Mimi, where do I begin?

she enters the newsroom. Her

not for the amazing team, mentors

Mimi has taught me so much

passion and honesty frighten me,

and friends I had the pleasure

about journalism, but more

but in the best way. She takes on

to work with. To our seniors

importantly how to be a kinder

more work than is asked of her,

on the editorial staff, Esteban,

person. From interviewing people

and inspires me to work until

induced stomach aches. No

Features Editor Mimi Madrid,

in the roughest parts of San

the job is done. Working on the

matter how stressful deadlines

Web Editor Cassandra Ballard and

Francisco, to the marches on

reporting program and updating

can be on the staff, he finds a

Matthew are just a few of the

Assistant Sports Editor Matthew

Denver’s Capitol Hill, every story

the MET Media website are just

way to crack some smiles. His

amazing staff members here.

Stefanski, I wish you the world.

I cover with him is a growing

a few examples of the projects

personality is paired with stellar

Though I am sad to see them

experience. His bigger-than-the-

she’s worked on since fall.

sports writing. As someone who

go, I will cheer them on as they

has the coordination of Bambi,

cross the stage for their diplomas. See ya later, Roadrunners.

The first time I met Esteban

Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez, Features Editor Mimi Madrid, Web Editor Cassandra Ballard and Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski stand with their cover stories from the last school year.

but I do love a good story. Esteban, Mimi, Cassie and

was during my interview for

Pacific-ocean heart shows in the

Photo Editor. I was worried that I

stories he writes. I truly believe

someone in need. She’s the kind

and watches the Superbowl for the

bombed the interview, having no

that Mimi will change the face of

of person you ride or die with. Die,

halftime show and commercials,

managerial experience prior. He

journalism, making empathy and

probably because you two get

I am genuinely interested in the

took a chance on me. And another

inclusion an industry standard.

into some crazy antics. Cass has

stories he writes. Whether writing

become one of my good friends

for Mile High Sports or The

in and outside of the office.

Metropolitan, you can get sucked

when I took over as Managing

These qualities are

Editor. And another when he

accompanied by striking

supported me in pursuing Editor-

photography, exceptional writing

in-Chief. For this, I am grateful.

and video, making Mimi a young

She will never turn away

Whenever you think of

into one of his sports columns.

Matthew, you think of laughter-



Until next time,

Ali C. M. Watkins

I will never care for baseball,

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MUSIC ENSEMBLE All music ensembles are one credit hour.

African Drumming & Dance Tuesdays 5:30-7:20 pm, CRN 56116 No experience required

Auraria Choir

Tues & Thurs 3:00-4:15 pm, CRN 56091 No experience required


Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 56088

Audition required, contact kruegema@msudenver.edu

Early Music Ensemble Mondays 4:30-6:20 pm, CRN 56087


Thursdays 3:30-5:20 pm, CRN 52741

Men’s Choir

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 56090


Mon & Weds 4:30-7:20 pm, CRN 56112

Audition required, contact robergen@msudenver.edu

Symphonic Band

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 56093

Gamelan Orchestra Tuesdays 3:30-5:20 pm, CRN 56114 No experience required

Jazz Big Band

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 56097

Audition required, contact milesr@msudenver.edu


Symphony Orchestra

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 56096

Audition required, contact bmatthe8@msudenver.edu

Women’s Choir

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 56089



MAY 2, 2018

Roadrunners’ fate in their own hands

Third place baseball team can leap to top or tumble in final weekend MSU DENVER NEWS Tennis season ends in NCAA regionals After a 5-1 loss to Midwestern State University in the fi rst round of the NCAA South Central region fi nals, the MSU Denver men’s tennis team saw their season come to an end. Number one doubles pair Josh Graetz and Joey Tscherne produced the team’s only victory, winning their match 8-2. It turned out to be the duo’s fi nal match together, ending the career of back-to-back Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Player of the Year Graetz, whose eligibilty expires at the end of the season. In the fi rst season under new head coach Barrett Elkins, the men’s team went 6-0 in conference play, and went 14-9 overall. They swept their way through the RMAC Tournament, as did the women’s team, who did not qualify for regionals. Softball players collect awards MSU Denver softball was well represented in the end-of-the-season RMAC awards. Koryna Wright won Freshman of the year while Kristyn Peters and Darby McGhee were named to the all-conference team.

Track and field season concludes at RMAC Championships Coach Janis Christopher’s outdoor track and field team ended their season in Golden on April 29 with the conclusion of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Championships. While host school Colorado School of Mines ran away with titles in the majority of events, the Roadrunners found the podium in three events: the men’s 4x100 meter relay, 4x400 and 400. The common thread across all three placings was redshirt freshman Michael Dike. The top fi nisher for the women’s team was sophomore Bree Wellington, who took sixth in the high jump and also competed in the 200. Senior Ryan Boucher took eighth in the 800 in the fi nal competition of his RMAC career.

Club baseball clinches World Series berth The nationally ranked No. 8 MSU Denver club baseball team earned a berth to the National Club Baseball Association World Series in Pittsburg, Kansas. The team won all 11 of their Rocky Lone Star Conference games and were 22-4 overall. They are currently running a fundraiser campaign on CollClubSports to pay for the trip.

By Rich Allen

with a chance to host the RMAC


Tournament, something that has never happened in program

The MSU Denver baseball

history. On the backs of a strong

team is in control of its own

senior core, Strain’s team is four

destiny this weekend.

games behind first place, but

Currently in third place in

only 2.5 ahead of sixth. To claim

the Rocky Mountain Athletic

a top-half seeding in the RMAC

Conference standings as the

Tournament they’ll need to topple

regular season enters its final

nationally ranked No. 14 Mesa at

weekend, the Roadrunners’ final

least twice — no small task against

series of the season will determine

a team that has already beaten

where the team is seeded in the

them by a six-run margin, and

conference tournament, and

will undoubtedly want to ensure

perhaps even where it is played.

that they’re sleeping in their own

Taking first place Colorado Mesa

beds come playoff season.

University on in a four-game set, a

But that doesn’t have

winning stretch from MSU Denver

the seasoned MSU Denver

could vault Colorado School of

roster wavering.

Mines, or even the Roadrunners

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior Cale O’Donnell hits against UCCS at the Regency Athletic Complex on April 23. He also pitched against Mesa for 3.1 innings on March 11.

“I think that senior leadership, I

themselves, to the top of the

think that’s going to help us,” said

standings and the opportunity

five-year senior Trent Maloney.

an introduction to the team

to hold the playoffs on their

“We’ve got a lot of experience in

that has had a stranglehold

one game of in-house scouting

turf. However, a poor showing

the postseason. We know a lot

on his new conference for

lets them develop some sort of

against the perennial juggernaut

about how to win ballgames and

more than a decade. The

gameplan for both their hitters and

Mavericks this weekend could

how to take care of business.”

nonconference scheduling was

pitchers. He then said it was on

strategic more than anything

his players to execute that plan.

drop the Roadrunners as far

The Mavericks downed the

down the standings as sixth.

Strain noted that having even

Roadrunners 8-2 on March

else, and he hopes to see his

11. But, even as Strain voiced

initiative pay off this weekend

so we don’t know a whole lot,”

end of the year we’d still have

concern with his team’s effort,

with high stakes on the line.

said senior Cale O’Donnell, who

a chance to climb up there and

the Roadrunners played a

we can control our own destiny

fairly close game. Considering

or form, if we were going to have

last matchup with Mesa. “We

in a lot of places, then that’d

they relied on six relievers in

some success, we were going

figured out how to pitch some

be a pretty good place to be,”

a pitching-staff-by-committee

to have to play well against

of those guys who we might not

said head coach Ryan Strain.

game, their performance was

them, Strain said. “To be able

have seen in the last year or two.”

passable. On short rest, they

to play a midweek game that

helm of the MSU Denver baseball

limited the conference’s best

counted, but didn’t count toward

the outcome, will begin the RMAC

program, he’s turned a team

offense to nearly a full run

the conference standings, at

Tournament on May 9. Where that

that was picked to finish sixth

under their average per game.

least gives us an idea of what

happens heavily depends on how

they’re like and how they play.”

the team performs this weekend.

”If you told me that at the

In Strain’s first season at the

in the conference into a club

“It was a midweek game,

“I knew in some way, shape

For the rookie coach, it was

pitched three innings in the team’s

The Roadrunners, whatever

Roadrunners Athletic Review Softball


vs Adams State University

Track & Field

at Colorado Christian

April 27-29




April 7 W




April 27 W 12-4

April 28

April 8 W




Men’s Tennis





April 29 W 17-10

April 30 at Midwestern

State University NCAA Tournament

L 1-5

4x400 Meter Relay Women’s



Mikayla Renfroe



400 Meters Michael Dike


10K Meters

800 Meters Ryan Boucher

High Jump Bree Wellington

Mali Smith

8th 6th

Long Jump Emmanuel Olam

4x100 Meter Relay Men’s


9th 17th


MAY 2, 2018


Softball dominates Grizzlies for Senior Day sweep By James Burky

like performances, highlighted


by a no-hitter by the latter. After dropping a game in each

MSU Denver ended the regular

of the last three series against

season on a high note, sweeping

opponents with lesser records,

Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

the Roadrunners toughened up,

rival Adams State University in

played clean softball and enacted

their final series heading into

vengeance against the team that

the Conference Tournament.

knocked them out of the conference

A regular season composed of character-testing lows contrasted

tournament a season ago. “I think it was a really big

by euphoric highs has reached

confidence booster, especially

its conclusion. The Roadrunners,

for the girls who were returners

who were at one point 6-14 overall,

from last year, to be able to

embarked on an unprecedented

come back and sweep them,”

turnaround, winning 27 of their

said senior Kristyn Peters.

final 34 games. The icing on their comeback cake was their airtight play in every facet of the game.

The team had more in mind than petty revenge, however. The weekend also marked the final time four Roadrunners —

“I’m sad, this is our last day. But I’m still excited that there’s a lot more to play, a lot more to do next weekend.” – Kristyn Peters

Peters, Sarena Espinoza, Harley Huser and Annika Anderson — would take the field at the Regency Athletic Complex. Photo obtained from MSU Denver Softball via Flickr

“I’m like, the emotional one, and I don’t think anyone else has been crying all day,” Peters

Annika Anderson celebrates after hitting a triple in their 9-1 victory over Adams State University April 29 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Anderson has dedicated the season to her father, Jim, who has stage-four brain cancer.

said. “We were walking in the Their defense improved as

parking lot and I was crying and

and home runs at .366 and eight

one up and being the one getting

I think we just wanted to get the

the season wore on. The offense

I don’t know why. I’m sad, this is

respectively, both of which led

the team ready to go, but it was nice

fourth one, especially for senior

was deadly in every tier of the

our last day. But I’m still excited

the team. To stitch her production

getting back in the line up and being

day and everything my dad’s going

lineup, seeing nine hitters post a

that there’s a lot more to play, a

together, she was named to the

on the field with all my teammates.”

through, just kind of get it for him

batting average of at least .300.

lot more to do next weekend.”

all-RMAC team on May 1.

The pitching staff was remarkable,

Despite missing five games

with Darby McGhee and Kylee

due to injury, Peters delivered a

Burnside both nabbing double-digit

memorable final season. She set

wins and a fair share of diamond-

career highs in batting average

“Coming off three wins, I think we just wanted to get the fourth one, especially for senior day and everything my dad’s going through, just kind of get it for him and really just go out with a bang,” – Annika Anderson

Anderson’s output was especially

Anderson said. “I’ve been getting

six hits and eight RBIs, but because

a lot of messages on Facebook

of the emotional strength behind

from teams in New York and RMAC,

her final season at MSU Denver.

other conferences and it’s been so

Anderson’s father, Jim

him and I’ve got a lot of people

stage-four brain cancer earlier in

around me, so it’s awesome.”

the year. Being a present figure

Kristyn Peters lines a double against Colorado School of Mines at the Regency Athletic Complex on April 23. Peters played her final home game with three seniors on Sunday.

Despite facing adversity,

with the team throughout her

Anderson has delivered reliable

collegiate and youth career, the

batting for the Roadrunners

revelation shook the whole team.

in her final year. She’s hit six

When news broke, the team outfielder and her family, plastering

home runs, nine extra base hits, 32 RBIs and a .336 average. With the RMAC tournament set,

seniors against Adams, a fire of four

the hashtag, “#KongStrong,” on

the Roadrunners will square off in a

wins that was lit by the kindling of

their social media posts. The motto

rematch against Colorado School of

their bats, combining for numbers

is an homage to the story of King

Mines in the opening round. Though

that would make Shohei Ohtani

Kong and Skull Island, a nickname

they escaped with three wins, they

proud. The quartet totaled a .428

Jim chose for himself and referring

know that they cannot play as loose

average, 17 RBIs, eight extra base

to where the tumor was found.

as they did in their first meeting

hits and three home runs in the four

Quickly, other clubs — not just

a week ago. Lessons are best

games. Their 17 RBIs accounted

within the RMAC, but outside as

learned when you fail, and Espinoza

for more than half of the team’s

well — began showing an outpour

acknowledged that as long as they

runs scored for the weekend.

of support. The University of Denver

play like they have been the last half

men’s basketball team sent Jim a

of the season, they’ll be alright. The

Anderson, Espinoza and Peters, but

care package of team swag, and

Roadrunners’ postseason begins

not for Huser, who played in a grand

the Weber State University softball

Thursday, May 3 in Grand Junction.

total of 19 games, starting four of

team gave him a shout out with a

them. Though her presence on the

brief video posted to their Twitter.

good times and bad, this team has

field was limited — and it took some

Jim even received a personal letter

shown brilliant resilience. They

time adjusting to — she embraced

and autographed photo of John

don’t make the same mistakes

her verbal role on the team.

Calipari, legendary head coach of

twice, and it’s safe to say that

the Kentucky men’s basketball team.

they’ll do all they can to bury

Such production is the norm for

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

amazing. Everyone’s supporting

Anderson, was diagnosed with

rallied around the five-foot-ten-inch Peters helped spark a fire for the

and really just go out with a bang,”

noteworthy. Not just because of her

“It’s been hard, but I’ve been able to roll with it,” Huser said. “I know I have a role on the bench, being the

“I feel like there were a lot of emotions. Coming off three wins,

Amid the ups-and-downs, the

the Orediggers six feet under.






Spring Lavender Graduation


Pokey LaFarge

Location Globe Hall

MAY 2, 2018


Location Ellie Caulkins Opera

Price $25-$36 Location Tivoli 440

Time 8 p.m.

Opera Colorado House

Price $20-$200 Time 7:30 p.m.

Price Free 5.2 Wood & Wire Location Ivywild School

The Arab-Israeli Dispute


5.3 VS. Colorado School


All Them Witches

Location Red Rocks

Price $10-$12

Price $41.50-$79.50

Time 8 p.m.

Time 6:30 p.m.

5.3 VS. Colorado Mesa

of Mines Location Grand Junction, Colorado Price Varies

Time 4-6 p.m.



University Location Grand Junction Price Varies Time 6:05 p.m.

Time 1 p.m.



5.4 VS.Colorado Mesa

5.5 Rocky Mountain

University Location Grand Junction, Location SSB, Room 211


Korby Lenker


Joseph Galema

Price Free Time 6-8 p.m. .

Location The Walnut Room Price $10-$15 Time 8 p.m.

Location Newman Center for the

First Friday Art Walk


X Ambassadors

Location Red Rocks Location Center for Visual Art Price Free

Price $10



Location Filmore Auditorium

Price $25-$40

Price $45

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6-8 p.m. 5.4 5.5

MSU Denver African Drum and Dance Ensemble


Location Red Rocks

Time 3:30 p.m.




5.2 Colorado Rockies @ Location Wrigley Field

Location Cervantes’ Price $26.75/$29.75

Time 5 p.m.

Time 8 p.m..

Location King Center Time 7:30 – 8:30pm

Colorado Symphony

Location Boettcher Concert Hall



Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 12:20 p.m.

Time 5:10 p.m.

Baseball 5.6 Rockies @ Mets

Price $47.45-$207.45

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Lake Clarity:


Bishop Briggs

For an immersive audio drama check out “Lake Clarity” at MyMetMedia.com

Location Red Rocks

5.5 Sporking KC vs Rapids Location Children’s Mercy Park

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 11:10 a.m.

Time 6:30 p.m.

Soccer 5.12 Rapids vs NY Red Bulls

Leftover Salmon


Location Pepsi Center

Price $10-$89


New York Mets Location Citi Field


Price $42-$75


5.4 Colorado Rockies @

Chicago Cubs

Location Citi Field Price $5

Price Varies Time TBA

Performing Arts Time 4:30 p.m.


Colorado Price Varies

Athletic Conference Location TBA


Ogden Theatre

Price $55-$99.50



Time 6 p.m.


9 p.m.

Location DSG Park

Soccer 5.19 NYC FC vs Rapids Location Yankee Stadium

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 11:00 a.m.

TRENDING NEWS Melbourne university

Kanye West said

evacuation caused by durian

slavery is a choice

The smell of a rotten durian fruit left in a library cupboard led to an evacuation of 500 students and faculty members from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology on April 29. The rotting fruit smelled like a gas leak and firefighters said the smell had traveled through the building’s air conditioning system. After doing a comprehensive search, the building was reopened. The fruit, native to Southeast Asia, is known for its strong odor that has been compared to turpentine and onions.

During an interview with TMZ on May 1, Kanye West said AfricanAmerican slavery was a choice. West said that 400 years of slavery was caused by mental imprisonment. He went on to state that prison unites black and white people as members of the human race. TMZ reporter Van Lanthan rebutted West’s comment and said that though West is entitled to his opinion, his words were motivated by an “absence of thought.” Recently, West came under fire for his tweets about his adoration of President Trump and wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

List of Mueller questions leaked

A list of four dozen questions from Robert Mueller, the special counsel on the Russia investigation, were released by the New York Times on April 30. The questions cover topics regarding President Trump’s ties to Russia and if the president attempted to obstruct the investigation. They also deal with the motivations behind some of the president’s tweets and his relationship with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. On May 1, Trump said it was disgraceful that the questions were disclosed publicly.

Michelle Wolf stirs controversy

Israel claims Iran lied

at White House dinner

about nuclear program

Comedian Michelle Wolf sparked controversy after making pointed comments about White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during the White House Correspondents Dinner on April 28. During the event, she said Sanders “burns facts and uses the ash to create a perfect smokey eye.” She came under criticism for her remarks. Some correspondents said she should apologize, but Seth Meyers and Jimmy Kimmel said she was being funny. During an interview with NPR’s “Fresh Air,” Wolf said she wouldn’t change anything she said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that he has evidence that Iranian officials lied about discontinuing their nuclear weapons program, on April 30. Netanyahu said Israeli intelligence planned to pursue their nuclear weapons program even after agreeing to the Iran nuclear deal in 2015. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he believes the documents that Netanyahu claims to have are authentic. In response, the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said that Netanyahu’s comments were childish and laughable.


MAY 2, 2018

Horoscopes Taurus April 20th — May 20th

Brain games

Oct. 23rd — Nov. 21st

Do you graduate this year? If not, then stop being happy.


It’s time to move into a new apartment. The spider in

If yes, student loan repayments will make you not happy.

your shower drain has been complaining about the dishes you leave in the sink for weeks.

Gemini May 21st — June 20th

Nov. 22nd — Dec. 21st


Your Infinity Stone is the Soul Stone. That’s mainly

Your Infinity Stone is the Reality Stone. You need a

because you don’t have a soul and we gotta make sure you

heavy dose of it after you thought Avengers would end in a

get it somehow.

happy way.

Cancer June 21st — July 22nd

Dec. 22nd — Jan. 19th

It might be summer soon and the beer will start flowing,


Honestly, I can’t be mean to a Capricorn. You were born

but that’s still no excuse to turn into a Chad-Bro. Keep Calm

during the holidays, and the holidays mean there isn’t any

and Don’t Be a Dick.

school, so it must be a good thing.

Leo July 23rd — Aug. 22nd

Jan. 20th — Feb. 18th

Your Infinity Stone is the Space Stone. That’s mostly because you deserve to be ejected into space after not


Your Infinity Stone is the Power Stone. That’s because you need to plug in your phone and laptop and stop running

helping your group project get that A.

them down to 1%.

Virgo Aug. 23rd — Sep. 22nd

Feb. 19th — March 20th

Everything positive that you deserve is going to come


If you were a subreddit, you’d be r/LifeProTips. That’s

your way in the next few weeks. I only say this because I’m a

because everyone can probably learn from the dumb

Virgo and I need a win real bad.

mistakes you’ve been making for years.

Libra Sep. 23rd — Oct. 22nd

March 21st — April 19th

Your Infinity Stone is the Time Stone. Stop


Your Infinity Stone is the Mind Stone. You need to mind

procrastinating, the semester ends in a week and your

your own business and stop looking at my texts over my

professor doesn’t give extra credit.


Top 5

Adult Swim shows 1. The Eric Andre Show 2. Samurai Jack 3. The Boondocks 4. Space Ghost: Coast to Coast 5. Metalocalypse

Overheard “We are the pot.” “Ew. Filthy copy.” “It’s comically large” “Get new socks. It’s an aesthetic.” “I didn’t know Linda Carter is hot.” “Do I have a princess following me?” “I remember April like it was yesterday.”

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Ali Watkins at awatkin9@ msudenver.edu



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