Volume 40, Issue 31 - May 2, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40

NO. 31


May 2, 2018


Student art showcase displays voices and perspectives The artworks were chosen by

By Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu

Kaitlin Maestas, the exhibition’s juror and a curatorial assistant

A black and gold, child-sized

at the Denver Art Museum. The

ceramic chair sat upon a pedestal

pieces were curated by members

in the southwest corner of the

of the Art Guild, all undergraduate

gallery and two large canvases

art students from MSU Denver.

painted to represent pages from a

Hillary Frey, secretary of the

child’s coloring book hung against

Art Guild and the exhibition’s

the back wall. They were part of a

coordinator, said the artworks

wide variety of student artworks

on display were a survey of the

that were on display in the Auraria

art being created on campus.

campus’ Emmanuel Art Gallery. The artworks were part of the

“I just like to pick pieces that I think look good together

“Metro Now” show presented

or have some sort of dialogue

by Metropolitan State University.

with one another,” Frey said.

Approximately 60 pieces were chosen

The winning artwork, the two

from 140 student submissions for

large coloring book paintings, were

the university’s annual showcase.

created by Justas Marcinkevicius.

The pieces ranged from ceramic

The pieces were named “Untitled

works and paintings to life-

I” and “Untitled II.” Marcinkevicius

sized cardboard figurines and

stretched white canvases across

photograph prints. The exhibition

wood panels to keep them from

was on display from April 12-26.

warping. He used paint markers

“Metro has an amazing

to draw the outlined characters

program, excellent faculty, the

and acrylic paint to add detail.

students are top notch,” said Jeff

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

Sean Reifman kneeling in front of his work “Chair” on April 26 at Emmanuel Gallery. This piece was part of the “Metro Now” art show.

Lambson, director and curator of the Emmanuel Art Gallery.

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Semester work pays off at research conference

By Isaac Banks

disciplines, from history to biology. For

explore a little bit more out of the classroom,”


students to participate in the conference, they

said Salina Biea, undergraduate research

need to have a faculty or staff member mentor

program coordinator. “So I mean you are in a

and a research idea. The conference ran all day,

classroom writing research papers sometimes

Conference: Symposium of Scholarly Works

in two sections. The oral presentation section,

you are in a lab but you don’t really get to grasp

and Creative Projects took place on April 27.

where students presented their findings, and

it on your own. So this is a chance for a student

the poster section, where people could wander

to just really own the research, to be able to

around looking at the researchers poster.

pursue something that they are curious.”



The 7th annual Undergraduate Research

The Applied Learning Center puts the conference on once a year for undergraduate students. Research topics covered all

“We want to give students a chance to

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Undergraduate research

Is there such a thing as

Changing of the guard: New

Softball lands emotional sweep to

conference, continued.

originality anymore?

leadership reflects on year.

end regular season.

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