Volume 39, Issue 34 - June 21, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 39

NO. 34

JUNE 21, 2017


Puerto Rican pride brings heat but not spice to Civic Center Park

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Carlos Vazquez and Anthony Mercado show off their Puerto Rican pride while they look on at a dance competition during Taste of Puerto Rico festival on June 11, 2017 in Civic Center Park.

By Maria Muller

promised Puerto Rican cuisine


fell short of expectations.

more food and water vendors. Festival coordinator Velazquez said they took a different

Between the weather, the music and the dancing the Taste of Puerto Rico festival brought the heat this year. June 11 marked the 12th anniversary of the celebration that draws more people every year. According to

“It’s a very exciting event. Some are saying it’s not about the food. It’s about the people, the lives, the colors,” – Alvin Velazquez

festival organizer, Alvin Velazquez,

on bringing back more Puerto


Rican food next year.” Besides complaints about


| pg. 3

approach providing food this

the food, Velazquez said he

President Jordan’s legacy secured

year because of problems

got a lot of good feedback

with completion of AES building

from the previous year.

about everything else.

“After the event I realized all

“It’s a very exciting event.

the food vendors didn’t have

Some are saying it’s not about the


licenses,” Velazquez said, “Many

food. It’s about the people, the

The shoe reaches the other foot and

of them didn’t have lots of

lives, the colors,” Velazquez said.

new chapter in Castile tragedy

experience at festivals and they

For Jose Maldonado the

| pg. 5

created damage to the property.

festival was about community


to the Civic Center to celebrate

an hour and 10 minutes,”

I ended up spending a lot of

and bringing people together.

Denver Comic Con introduces

Puerto Rican pride and culture.

Maria Diaz said. Twelve people

money to get it cleaned up.”

Maldonado is a member of

its official brew of 2017

over 10,000 people came out

If you went for the entertainment, the festival provided live music that had

“We’ve been waiting for

still stood between her and the person taking orders. Her friend Alejandra Ruiz had

This year he decided to bring

| pg. 7

the group Barrio E. His wife,

in food trucks. He felt they were

Tamil Maldonado, founded


more professional. However,

the nonprofit organization

Oates is moving on up

that performed on Sunday.

at MSU Denver

attendees dancing and singing

just spent an hour waiting for a

only one of the food trucks

along. If you went for the food,

pina colada. Ruiz said she knows

offered Puerto Rican food.

a lot of time was spent standing

long lines happen everywhere

in line only to discover the

but felt the festival needed

“I am getting heat on that,” Velazquez said, “I am working

| Continued on pg. 8

| pg. 12


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JUNE 21, 2017


MSU Denver sky high over sciences

Jordan to cut ribbon on $60 million AES building By Jim Bofenkamp

the Advanced Manufacturing

Institute, which was created with


Sciences Institute.

input from the local aerospace

According to Mingli He, Chair

industry. Along that vein, Shin

On June 22, outgoing MSU

of the Department of Engineering

clarified that they aren’t providing

Denver President Stephen Jordan

and Engineering Technology, new

specific skills.

will cut the ribbon on the new

equipment will be available for

Aerospace and Engineering

classes. Specifically, He mentioned

skills,” Shin said, which can then be

Sciences Building as the last part of

an earthquake shaker table, which

applied to further specialization.

his legacy.

would allow students to test the

“We are teaching problem solving

The new building was

“Aerospace is the number two

effects of earthquakes on scale

constructed during a period of huge

industry in Colorado,” said Catherine

models. He also noted that all of

population growth in Colorado.

Lucas, Chief of Staff and Associate

the Engineering and Engineering

Lucas noted that Lockheed Martin,

to the President for Marketing and

Technology classes would be

as well as other industry leaders

Communications. The Advanced

moved into the new AES Building.

in Colorado, are forced to recruit

Manufacturing Sciences Institute

Furthermore, moving into the new

out of state workers due to a lack

was created by working with local

building will allow MSU Denver to

of qualified locals. With MSU

aerospace industry leaders, like

move classes out of the Boulder

Denver educating potential local

Lockheed Martin.

Creek Building, which is located in

employees, Lucas said, “It’s a great

CCD territory.

opportunity for them to work with us

The hope is to help improve the amount of graduates from the

Despite the name, the building

as a university, and then, you know,

university who are prepared to

will not be hosting aviation classes.

work in the Aerospace field. The

According to Ted Shin, Chair of the

institute and building will provide

Department of Industrial Design, the

hires 7-10 graduates each year and

a crop of talented local workers

reason is that the moving costs of

all of them move on to get full time

which the companies can draw

their equipment are prohibitive in

jobs. With the input of local industry

from, alleviating the need of the

both time and money.

leaders as well as the larger space

companies to recruit qualified employees from out of state.

“When you move all those

create their own workforce.” He noted that Lockheed Martin

to work in, perhaps that number

simulators need to be reconfigured

will grow. With outreach to local

The $60 million building is the

and recertified,” Shin said. The

industry and businesses, MSU

most recent result of the President’s

process can take up to a year to

Denver is trying to more accurately

Strategic Plan 2020, and is the

complete. However, the building’s

prepare students for what

result of input from the same local

focus appears to be on the

employers are looking for.

industry leaders who helped design

Advanced Manufacturing Sciences

Photo by Ali Watkins| awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Construction comes to a close on the new Aerospace and Engineering Science Building on June 20. The ribbon cutting ceremony for the building is on June 22.

Tweet leads to questions over professor’s future By Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu The future is uncertain for former Denver Post sportswriter and part-time MSU Denver professor Terry Frei after a controversial tweet on Memorial Day weekend.

that we fought in World War II – and,

Schafer will be taking over Amend’s

in this case, the specific one my father

role as department chair in the fall.

fought against,” the apology reads. Frei is slated to begin a new semester

Per the “Office of the President” page on MSU Denver’s website, “With 39.5 percent students of color, we are proud to have the

time employer decided they had enough

most diverse student body of Colorado’s

at MSU Denver since 2015, was relieved from

grounds to reasonably terminate him, the

four-year universities.” In a school that prides

his position at the Denver Post less than 24

school has not concluded either way. This

itself on its progressive nature, the tolerance

hours after posting a tweet regarding Takumi

is true despite issuing a statement that

of perceived xenophobia would be an

Sato, who became the first Asian driver to win

implied that his position was secure.

unacceptable change of message for some of

the Indianapolis 500. The tweet went viral with nearly 2,000 replies in less than four hours.

“While the university does not agree

those who pay tuition. However, some lay on

with the sentiments expressed by Frei on

the other side of the debate, saying that a tweet

The tweet read, “Nothing specifically

Twitter, and these comments are unrelated

alone shouldn’t be grounds for termination.

personal, but I am very uncomfortable with

to his teaching duties at MSU Denver, we do

“To me, it sounds like he’s just a very

a Japanese driver winning the Indianapolis

not deny his right to freedom of speech. Nor

passionate American. Your emotions get

500 on Memorial Day Weekend.”

do we believe that in and of itself should it

the best of you. In that moment, you say

determine whether or not he have a continued

whatever comes to your mind,” MSU

Denver graduate. “Do you realize what this

appointment as an affiliate faculty member

Denver student Jahsont’e Evans said.

does to our brothers and sisters on campus

at the university,” the statement read.

“This is crazy,” said Victoria Jessar, an MSU

who identify with this race and ethnicity?” Frei issued an apology, attributing his

Longtime Denver Post sportswriter, Terry Frei, was terminated from his position after a controversial tweet regarding Indianapolis 500 winner Tamuka Sato. The journalism department at MSU Denver has yet to make a decision regarding his employment at the school.

Amend noted that nothing is for certain, in part due the fact that the Shaun

with MSU Denver in August. While his full-

Frei, who has taught a sports writing class

Photo by Cyrus McCrimmon/ The Denver Post

“I made a stupid reference, during an emotional weekend, to one of the nations

statement to a lapse of judgment on an emotional weekend during which he saluted

However, the Department of Journalism and

Regardless of debate, Terry Frei adds himself to a list of people fired from their

Technical Communication confirmed to The

job for something they’ve said in a tweet.

Metropolitan that the discussion was ongoing.

Among them are comedian Gilbert Gottfried,

“As of this point in time, Terry Frei

ex-CNN Senior Anchor Octavia Nasr and

his father, Jerry, who was a decorated

is scheduled to teach for the fall. That

Chad Shanks, ex-digital communications

pilot with over 300 combat hours for the

could change,” said Department of

manager for the Houston Rockets.

26th Photo Squadron in World War II. Frei

Journalism and Technical Communications

has extensively researched the conflict,

Chair Robert Amend, “It is a topic

publishing a novel on the Battle of Okinawa.

that will be discussed further.”

We await the beginning of the fall semester in August to see if it will cost another job.



JUNE 21, 2017

Cash stolen in Student Activities break-in By Madison Lauterbach

lead us to believe it was someone within

this crime, APD borrows the Denver Police


SA or a student,” LeValley said.

Department’s Crime Scene Unit and crime

The crime has caused some damage to Cash was stolen from the MSU Denver

the SA office, both financially and mentally.

Student Activities office safe during a

“I believe it was damaging not only to the

break-in sometime between June 7 and 12.

budget, but it’s particularly unnerving to think

The exact time and date of the break in is unknown because SA employees had been out of the office during those days.

lab to assess trace evidence. In cases where only cash is stolen, there is often nothing that can be done to recover it. APD also utilizes the Crime Stoppers program.

about someone breaking into our workspace

“Sometimes we get tips from people who

which we see as a safe space,” LeValley said.

learned about a crime and are decent people

The petty cash will be covered by

who want to do the right thing,” Phibbs said.

According to Angela LeValley, director of

MSU Denver’s insurance policy, but

Student Activities, the office door, a closet

the emotional damage caused by the

crimes in the 2016-2017 year. Back in March

door and a safe had been broken into, but

invasion is a different situation. Although

and April three arsons were reported

no damage was done to the doors. From the

it’s still too early to say exactly what

on campus. APD identified and started

safe, over $1000 in petty cash was stolen.

will change, Braelin Pantel, Associate

the process of getting warrants for two

Vice President of Student Engagement

suspects who are unrelated to each other.

Phibbs, chief of Auraria Police Department,

& Wellness and Dean of Students, said

The third perpetrator is still at large.

said that the nature of the crime indicates

that security will most likely change.

Crime is relatively low for a population

The investigation is ongoing, but Michael

burglary, not theft. Burglary charges are

Auraria campus has seen some unusual

“I think it’s hard to say, it’s a bit premature.

of approximately 45,000 people.

brought when an individual tresspasses

I think depending on what information

in a building to commit a crime, whereas

we can glean, and if the police are able to

same pace, or a little less, since I’ve

theft charges are brought against an

identify that there’s something we can do

been chief here,” Phibbs said of the last

individual who is authorized to be in the

to prevent loss from happening, I’m always

three years. Crimes like bike theft are

building, such as an employee or student.

interested and open to that,” she said.

down significantly thanks to programs

Until now, there has been no indication that SA was targeted specifically. “We have no information that would

Phibbs said the police will start with

“Crime overall has been about the

Photo by Ali Watkins| awatkin9@msudenver.edu

and safety promotions by the APD.

Angela LeValley, director of Student Activities, speaks about the break-in on June 20.

video footage and key card access to identify possible suspects. For cases similar to

Close but no cigar: Georgia Congressional race Southern Republicans keep the seat

• As of publication, we’re calling it for Handel.

• Tuesday’s special election in Georgia is the most expensive in history, with candidates and outside groups spending roughly $55 million. • Jon Ossoff, a Democrat, and Karen Handel, a Republican, face off Tuesday in the most expensive House campaign in history, and one of the most consequential since the 1970s.

• The race to fill the seat vacated by Health Secretary Tom Price. • It will test whether a Democratic surge against President Trump is enough to overcome the Republican advantage in the district.

Jon Ossof (Dem.) A journalist and documentary producer, worked on the Hill as a legislative aide to Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) for five years. He received his bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University and master’s degree from the London School of Economics.

Karen Handel (Rep.)

Total raised by the campaigns

Served as the Georgia Secretary of State from 2007 to 2010. Following her time in office, she worked at Susan G. Komen for the Cure as the vice president for public policy.

$23.6 million

$4.5 million

through donations

through donations

$7.6 million

$18.2 million

through party committees and super PACs

through party committees and super PACs

Infographic by Estevan Ruiz Sources: New York Times, Politico, Ballotpedia

JUNE 21, 2017



Hypocrisy at an all time high


o you remember March

Representatives every two years.

of 2010? Where were

Even Senator John McCain of

you? If you forgot, that

Arizona who was the Republican

be unwilling to unite and actually With the 2018 mid-term

is when the Affordable Care Act

Party’s presidential candidate

elections about 16 months away

was passed. In March of 2010,

in 2008 came out and spoke of

we as the American people need

the Democrats had full control

this hypocrisy. According to The

to realize the people we have

of the United States House and

Hill, “Sen. John McCain said he

elected care more about their

Senate and we had a Democratic

hasn’t met an American who has

personal interest than ours.

president. In those days, the

seen the Senate Republicans’

This is the American people’s

Democrats did not play well with

health care bill yet, though

government, not the health

the Republicans. The Democrats

he’s ‘sure the Russians have’

care industry’s government.

met behind closed doors on new

Joe Potts

gotten their hands on it.”

health care that would change our to look like last time. Meetings

and were calling the Democrats

are happening behind closed

every name in the book, and

doors and keeping Americans in

the conservative Americans

the dark. Even President Trump

were calling for impeachment

has called the bill “bad.” Where

of President Barack Obama.

does the hypocrisy stop?

Let’s fast forward seven years

The Republicans have control right now and it’s time for

country. Republicans were angry

The American people are

“The American people are sick of these old white men who only care about making themselves richer.”

them to stop being hypocrites, change the way they are leading and try to unite this country. We seem as a country to never learn from our lessons. If we keep going down this path of hypocrisy

We don’t need another health


care about the American people.

and divisiveness we will fall apart

to 2017, where now we have a

sick of these old white men

care law in this country that is one

as a country. As a patriot, I pray

Republican controlled Congress

who only care about making

sided. We need the Democrats and

that never happens but we need

and a Republican president. It’s

themselves richer. Our current

Republicans to put their personal

to change our ways from the top

Déjà vu! We have a Congress

Republican President, Donald J.

interest aside and put the interest

down. Both sides need to work

now trying to overhaul our

Trump, is the perfect example

of the people they work for to the

together. And right now the blame

health care system again, but

of this. We need politicians that

forefront. We are becoming more

falls on the Republicans since

instead of the Democrats, it’s

actually care about the American

divided by the day. It’s up to our

they are the ones in control.

the Republicans. The bill is now

people and that’s why we have

leadership to change that and

in the Senate and it’s starting

elections for the House of

our current Congress seems to

Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor Joseph Potts jpotts11@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Matthew Plimpton mplimpto@msudenver.edu Sports Editor David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Justice system buries Castile case

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media


n July 2016, Philando Castile

While catching these murders

acquitted of murder on June 17. Just

was driving in his car with his

on camera may ultimately help in

a month before, a jury in Baltimore

girlfriend, Diamond Reynold,

getting charges brought against

awarded to the owner of a dog

and her 4-year-old daughter when

those officers, the videos circle

fatally shot by police $1.26 million.

they were pulled over by Officer

around on every social media

Jeronimo Yanez for a broken tail

platform. Rather then serving their

shooting is that the one group we

light. Castile was carrying a gun,

purpose to hold police accountable

could count on the most to advocate

which he had a permit for and told

they instead turn into snuff films.

on behalf of Castile and other

the officer about. When he reached

licensed American gun owners

for his ID, Castile was fatally shot multiple times. Reynolds recorded the aftermath on Facebook Live.

Madison Lauterbach

Now a year later, Yanez has been acquitted of a manslaughter

The most ironic part of this

The injustices continue to

“As a cop, you signed on for that danger. I understand that cops walk out their doors every morning and say goodbye to a family who prays they make it home, but so do black and brown parents.”

has stayed completely silent. The Castile murder should be the

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

Rifle Association to protest for the rights and freedoms of gun owners.

intensify, with 452 people shot and

life.” This reason is given every

killed by police in 2017 alone. As

single time a cop murders an

Americans, we have cried out far

unarmed person, and it’s played

too long and loud for police and

out. As a cop, you signed on for

justice system reform. Since 2005,

that danger. I understand that cops

approximately 60 officers have

walk out their doors every morning

been charged in police shootings–

and say goodbye to a family who

which is an average of five per year.

and brown lives are meaningless.

black, the NRA would have stood

prays they make it home, but so

Even in cases where the murder

We watch these videos over and

by his family and fundraised in his

do black and brown parents. Using

was filmed, officers are usually

over, completely out of touch with

memory for eternity, Castile would

a gun on someone should be the

only suspended and not charged.

whose life was lost. When charges

not have been shot at seven times

very last resort. Instead, because

And while our politicians sit back

aren’t brought or cops are acquitted

for reaching for his ID, and he may

of improper training and abuse

and do nothing to curb police

of murder, we as Americans again

not have ever been pulled over.

of power, it is often the first thing

abuse, black, brown and disabled

tell black and brown people their

officers reach for during a conflict.

bodies pile up at alarming rates.

lives don’t matter. Yanez was

Yanez testified that he shot Castile

What We Do

because he believed the driver was reaching for his registered weapon, and therefore presented an imminent threat to the officer’s life. It seems to go without saying: if Castile had been white instead of

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Office Manager

perfect chance for the National

charge because he “feared for his

It encourages the idea that black

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.




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JUNE 21, 2017

I am Brewt! New brew debuts for Comic Con By Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Every year Denver Comic Con and Breckenridge Brewery team up to create an official

and continued out the door. “We went through 200 glasses

Every year, the program takes a brewer off schedule and lets

in 12 minutes,” said Terry Usry,

them come up with a beer for

a communications team member

Comic Con. Workman said they

for Breckenridge Brewery.

take the style for the beer, give

Ryan Workman, the brand

it a description and put it on

beer worthy of superhero status.

manager for Breckenridge

Facebook so that Breckenridge

This year’s brew is a Bohemian-

Brewery, said the event has

Brewery and Comic Con fans can

style Pilsner aptly named, “I Am

suggest names for the beer.

Brewt!” The new beer arrived

Photos by Esteban Fernandez eferna14| @msudenver.edu

Jenny Garfield came dressed as Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy to celebrate the introduction of Denver Comic Cons official beer,“I am Brewt!”.

This year they received close to

just in time for the recent release

700 names. Workman narrows it

Infinity Wars coming out in a year

come and sit down with us and

of the second “Guardians of the

down to five and then lets people

the Guardians will be joining the

talk to us,” Garnett said. “This

Galaxy” box office hit. The name

vote online for their favorite.

Avengers and it’s about time to

is to get the word out from the

hop on that cosplay bandwagon.”

person on the street perspective.”

is a play on the catch phrase, “I

“There was like 15,000

am Groot!”, made popular by

votes this year,” Workman

the Guardians’ tree-like loveable

said. “Whoever’s name gets

character named Groot.

picked, they win a tap handle

Brooklyn’s in Denver hosted

and free beer for a year.”

the official release of the Denver

Before the music started guests

“We went through 200 glasses in 12 minutes.” -Terry Usry

A local Colorado artist designs the art for the tap

June 2. Pop culture and beer fans

handle and the glass. Last year’s

event as the aged Wolverine

began lining up as early as 6 p.m.

name winner, Noah Eisenman,

from the movie “Logan”.

to start at 8 p.m. The launch

Wonder Woman and Logan were two characters portrayed by comic fans.

was the first chance to taste the

was this year’s artist. Nathan Morimitsu, who has

prizes during two sets of comic book trivia. Emcee Elijah Montoya hosted the trivia and went around

Comic Con 2017 beer on Friday

for the event. It was scheduled

were given the chance to win

Dave Stevenson came to the

“I missed getting a glass by

the room encouraging attendees to get excited and make some noise. Montoya said for people that missed this opportunity and

this many,” he said, holding up

can’t make it to Comic Con the

deejayed for the event every year

his three claws. “The beer is

new beer will be available at The

beer and the first 200 people

come a long way since they

since it began, came dressed

very good. It’s got a very smooth

Watering Bowl on June 22 during

received a limited collector’s

started six years ago.

as Starlord from “Guardians

flavor and it’s not bitter like most

the Doggie Cosplay contest and

of the Galaxy”. His girlfriend,

of them,” Stevenson said.

at the Hard Rock Café on July 1

series I Am Brewt! pint glass. The event took place on the

“The first year we sold like six kegs of beer,” Workman said.

Jenny Garfield was dressed

second floor of Brooklyn’s.

“It was a passion project. And

as Gamora, a fellow Guardian.

a comic book shop named Hall

Guests received their pint glass

now it’s just crazy, it’s taken on

They sat and had a beer as

of Justice, does a podcast for

at the top of the stairs and then

a life of it’s own. Now we do like

Morimitsu waited to perform.

the event with his employees.

stood in a line that began at

a whole tank of beer, which is

the bar and ended downstairs

the equivalent to 200 kegs.”

“We’re Marvel fans in general,” Morimitsu said, “but with the

Jonthan Garnett, who owns

during the Comic Con after party.

“We like to have a couple of microphones open so people can

MSU President Guest of Honor at Soiree By Matthew Plimpton mplimpto@msudenver.edu On Saturday, June 10, students

against State Senate Bill 072. “I can think of three areas

from MSU Denver insider,

students,” said Carroll, another

Davidson spoke of how she will

admirer of Jordan’s work.

where I feel I have succeeded,”

keep the mission of diversity,

said Jordan, “One: tackling the

accessibility and affordability.

and faculty honored Dr. Stephen

issues rebuilding the faculty. Two:

M. Jordan as he took his leave

improving retention for students.

change due to Jordan’s exit.

“We were working against

as an educator. Jordan and his

Three: open enrollment for

There will be a scholarship in

people’s preconceived notions

wife Ruthie were honored for

undocumented students.”

his name that will help five to six

[about undocumented people

students every year in perpetuity.

attending the college].”

their work at Metropolitan State

A successor is not the only

Carroll spoke more about the reasoning as to why they

He spoke further of his success

University of Denver at the

and how proud he was of what

This will allow any students who

school’s second Summer Soiree.

had been accomplished during

qualify to attend MSU Denver

his tenure at the university.

and receive an education.

The soiree took place in front the Student Success Building. Jordan

Jordan spearheaded building

and his wife were swamped with

the Student Success Building,

dozens of well-wishers throughout

the Athletic Complex and the

the evening. Along with an open

Hotel and Hospitality Learning

bar and dinner, attendees enjoyed

Center. Jordan also helped MSU

the company of fellow colleagues

Denver gain university status.

At the ceremony’s close the

“It’s going to be so sad when he

Thanks to Jordan’s efforts to Photo by Lindsey Milburn lmilburn@msudenver.edu

Dr. Stephen Jordan spends an evening with students and faculty. “What a great legacy,” said

wanted to stop the bill saying,

“It is bittersweet, but if he is happy I’m happy,” said Carroll. These efforts, and many more, were reason enough to award

stop the passing of State Senate

Jordan with the John W. Nason

Bill 072 many undocumented

Award for Board Leadership.

students will be able to afford

According to the website for

a higher education as well. The

the award, recipients often

bill was meant to make expenses

exemplify unusual courage,

for undocumented students far

significant achievements that

higher than its current rate.

benefit the institution or even

university surprised Jordan with the

leaves,” said Professor Ken Bisio

Professor Kip Wotkyns speaking on

decision to rename the SSB to the

of the Department of Journalism

Jordan’s efforts with undocumented

Jordan Student Success Building.

and Technical Communications.

students and raising the

first African American Speaker of

status of the college.

the House in Colorado Legislature,

will be on Davidson to see if she

During his tenure at MSU

Bisio also stated that full-time

Starting in July, the new MSU

Terrance Carroll, who was the

distinct contributions. Now that Jordan is retiring, eyes

Denver, Jordan solved a crisis

faculty rate went to approximately

attended the soiree to honor

can keep his legacy alive and well

involving a low number of full-

200 to 300 hires. Now about 60

President will be former Navy

the educator that helped him

for current and future students.

time faculty, built structures to

percent of all hires at MSU Denver

Undersecretary Janine Davidson.

stop the bill from passing.

further education and fought

are now full-time faculty.

According to an interview

“He is a fierce advocate for



JUNE 21, 2017

Culture outshines food at Puerto Rico Festival

Photos by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Whipping up the crowd into cheers, the emcee at the dance competition delivers the dance judges’ decisions to the contestants at the Taste of Puerto Rico festival on June 11, 2017. >> Continued from cover

made its twelfth appearance at the festival this year. The

“She’s originally from

food, music and dancing.” Starseed, who even managed

owner’s son, Ray Lopez, said

to throw in some breakin moves

Puerto Rico,” Maldonado said.

they don’t specialize in Puerto

during the contest, said he

“We moved here to Colorado

Rican food but made up a menu

loves every style of dance.

over five years ago.”

of shrimp shish kabobs, red

Maldonado said his wife saw a need for representation of Latin

beans and rice for the event. “Today was unexpected. We ran

“Each style is like a different language and I like to learn all the different languages,” he said.

American music and culture. This

out of food and had to get more,”

was their fifth year performing at

Lopez said, “Every year it gets

first time in downtown Denver.

the Taste of Puerto Rico festival.

bigger. The population of Puerto

Bertoldi was looking for a place

Ricans in Denver is growing.”

to eat when she saw the festival.

“We brought our bomba, which is the traditional musical

The dance contest brought

This was his dance partner’s

“I’m a flight attendant who is

genre that we were performing,”

out Puerto Ricans and anyone

based in Miami. That Sunday I was

Maldonado said, “we brought

else with rhythm. The dancers

actually on a layover,” Bertoldi

it to the people’s level so that

impressed the crowd with salsa,

said. “I jumped in and danced a

they could interact with it. They

merengue and cha-cha. After

little freestyle. Musa, I guess he

could sing, play and dance.

three rounds, the crowd voted for

was watching me earlier, invited

It was incredibly energetic. I

their favorites by making as much

me to dance for the contest.”

give a lot of props to Tamil for

noise as possible. The victors,

Bertoldi said the

pulling that kind of crowd.”

Musa Starseed and Fernanda

festival impressed her.

Maldonado said the crowd this

Bertoldi, met each other only

“It’s to keep culture alive

year was much bigger than last

seconds before they wowed

and I’m all about that,”

year. He also noticed a shortage of

the crowd with their moves.

Bertoldi said. “I’m so grateful

food, especially Puerto Rican food. “There’s not a lot of Puerto

“This event is so important for the community because

I got to experience that.” The event left Bertoldi wanting

Rican vendors in Colorado.

it gives everyone a chance to

It’s really hard to bring people

experience the power of culture,”

to the festival that offer that

Starseed said, “and how it can

know what was going on but I just

kind of cuisine,” he said.

connect people and how it can

embraced the moment,” she said.

Spicy Catering Mexican Food

heal communities just through

to come back to Colorado soon. “I was not a local and I didn’t

JUNE 21, 2017



A medieval form of entertainment for adults at Denver Museum of Nature and Science By Maria Muller

Society set up a village for the


evening, demonstrating some of the goods they make and staged combat

The weight of steel hammered against the Viking shield. Sweat

with blunt steel axes and swords. Eric Huizinga has been a

flew from both men and slapped

member of the society for almost

against the crowd that watched

six years. He said he has always

behind safety ropes. The

been interested in Viking history.

steel battle emitted an energy

“Originally my family was

reminiscent of the Vikings that

from Norway. They conquered

the reenactment portrayed.

parts of Normandy and Northern

The Denver Museum of Nature and Science featured the battle

France,” Huizinga said. The group has close to

as part of an adult night out to

30 members and are from

explore the Vikings Beyond the

all over Colorado as well as

Legend exhibition. On June 2, the

Wyoming. They perform at

Museum held the Viking Bash for

different events all year long.

Adults event. Tickets included

Huizinga pit his battle-axe

a single drink and appetizers

against the sword of fellow member

for patrons 21 and older.

Sean McCoy. The two men worked

The Fjellborg Viking Reenactor Society brought their Viking

up a sweat during the combat. “We train for it twice a

knowledge to inspire and

month,” Huizinga said. “We train

inform. The society is part of a

not to hurt each other. There’s

larger group, The Vikings UK,

a lot of safety issues and we

the oldest and largest Dark Age

have our own insurance.”

reenactment society in the world. Jessa Phillips, the coordinator for the adult programs at the

Photos by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Sean McCoy (left) and Eric Hulzinga skirmish at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on June 2.

At the end of the night both men treated themselves to a beer.

held in March, brought in over

“We usually hold off to drink

400 Viking enthusiasts. Although

museum said the Viking Bash for

until after we’re done,” McCoy said.

the June event was the last Viking

Adults did so well in March they

McCoy lifted his mug. “Safety

decided to bring it back in June. “When we have a great ticketed exhibition like this one we like to do a big event around it,” Phillips

first,” he said with a smile. About 350 people attended the Viking Bash for Adults that evening. “We found that adults love the

Bash for Adults, the Vikings Beyond Legend exhibit will be available for a little while longer. “It’s a great exhibit with really interesting artifacts, great content

said, “and adults love to dress

opportunity to play here in the

and it came from Sweden. This

up in costume. We like to have

museum without kids,” Phillips

is a really unique opportunity

a mix of having a temporary

said, “To really have a night out and

for folks in the area to come see

exhibit open, some hands on

just sort of let go and have fun.”

the exhibit and get some of that

activities and entertainment.” The Fjillborg Viking Reenactor

Phillips said the event attracts people of all ages. The first Bash,

cultural history,” Phillips said.



JUNE 21, 2017

MSU Denver alumni fulfills production dreams By Avery Anderson aande133@msudenver.edu “Hair” is considered one of the most controversial and ground breaking musicals of the 20th century. It’s themes of drugs, war, politics and sexuality have helped to shape a generation of musicals that followed. It has often been referred to as the definition of a rock musical. The musical about a hippie love-tribe in the 1960s and the counterculture that surrounds it is now playing at the Theatre Company of Lafayette. “Hair” follows the story of Claude, a young love-child, as he is drafted into the army and has to decide between giving into his civic duty or following his heart and staying with his love-tribe. For director and MSU Denver alumni, Heather Frost, producing “Hair” has been a dream a long time in the making. Before returning to school for a degree in theatre, Frost utilized her business degree to start her own business. She doesn’t believe in regrets except when it came to not getting a theatre Photo by Avery Anderson|aande133@msudenver.edu

degree. So she quit her business and followed her dreams.

The cast of “Hair” the musical gives a powerfu performance at the Theatre Company of Lafayette.

It was here at MSU Denver that she tried to produce “Hair” for the first time. “I pitched “Hair” to Dr. Hetzel

“It got me into the heads and hearts of the characters,” she said. “So although I had already wanted

no longer historically significant

not shy away from that reputation

it is relevant and significant.’ ”

as the cast sheds their clothes

Although the events portrayed

when I was still in school, but

to do the show I kept falling in love

in the show, such as the Vietnam

I graduated before they were

with the show more and more.”

War, are not applicable in our

had the solo performances and

able to get it up and produced,”

Although the show is powerful,

modern society the idea of

sound design been stronger it

Frost said. “I graduated in

the show is a historical piece

peacefully standing up for your

could have packed more of a

the spring of 2011 and it went

it’s relevance and relations

beliefs and a collective voice

punch. But when the entire cast

up in the fall of 2012.”

to the modern political

are still applicable today.

came together to with songs

Although Frost missed her

Frost feels that although

climate are evident.

chance to be a part of the show

“The movement of the

This production strives to

If you go:

right before intermission.

such as “Aquarius” and “The

do the classic show justice. It is

Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine

as a student she was asked to

1960s really has effect and

engaging, forceful and proud.

in)” a feeling of community

come back and dramaturge for

swayed and educated us as a

One of the largest criticisms of

and love filled the theater.

the production. That experience

society,” Frost said. “But after

the original show was the choice

prepared her even more for

the elections I woke up the next

to have the cast strip naked on

this current production.

morning and said ‘Wow this is

stage. The Lafayette cast does

What: Hair the Musical When: Through June 24 Where: Theatre Company of Lafayette. 300 E Simpson St, Lafayette, CO 80026.

Portugal. The Man review By Matthew Plimpton

different. It is difficult to pair a visual element

out and the passion could be clearly seen on

Portugal. The Man didn’t have spectacle.


with some of their music, a component

the stage, it was overshadowed by the volume.

It had provocative imagery and powerful

that has been a staple for the trippy group

It becomes harder to appreciate the music

solos from lead singer John Gourley and

and their music videos. It is even harder to

when you can only hear loud white noise.

bassist Zach Carothers. Their final song

The standout of the concert was the

lasted for about 12 minutes due to how

On June 18 the indie psychedelic group known as Portugal. The Man came to

translate those visuals into a live performance.

Red Rocks as part of their tour promoting

Their showmanship is still on-par with most

opening act from Local Natives. Their sound

passionately they were playing and because

their latest album “Woodstock.”

pop groups that are rooted in the mainstream,

was far lower but this allowed the audience

of how much the crowd wanted more.

but unfortunately the showmanship can’t be

to enjoy all aspects of the group from the

appreciated as much due to their sound.

powerful harmonies, to the beautiful solos.

lights and the style in which the group

The group is known best for their experimentation, power and their ability to change tone with every album they

There was even a point where lead singer

played made me appreciate the music

produce. One album can have a southern-

as most shows are expected to be, but there is

Taylor Rice left the stage to sing with the

even more. I just needed to be able to

blues feel, while the next provides the

such a thing as being too loud. For someone

audience that gave me the feeling that I was

control the volume on my iPod.

listener with an actual experience.

that loves their music, I found that I could

experiencing an authentic and beautiful

barely hear the nuances that I love because of

concert from the counterculture movement.

their sound. So while they played their hearts

This is not to say that the show from

In terms of sound quality and showmanship, their live performance is very

The entire set was loud and bombastic like

So while the sound was subpar, the

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JUNE 21, 2017

Jerrid Oates accepts administrative position with MSU Denver BRIEFS Women’s soccer signs four for 2017

By Richard Allen

2012, he was an assistant coach at


Fort Hays State University from 2002 to 2003, then at Colorado School of Mines until taking the head coach position in 2008. In his first season

MSU Denver is in need of a new

First year head coach Tracy Chao has signed four players to the women’s soccer team, the athletics department announced on June 8. Johnson and Wales junior transfer Arianna Flores comes to MSU Denver after receiving all-conference honors in 2015 and 2016. The remaining three are incoming freshman. Jordan Lewis

baseball coach after promoting

in that role, he took the Orediggers

Jerrid Oates to an administrative

to their Rocky Mountain Athletic

role in the athletics department.

Conference tournament in nearly

and Mariah Rex join the Roadrunners from Bakersfield, California, and defender Victoria Galvan joins from local high school Mullen.

a decade and earned conference

After six seasons at the helm

co-coach of the year honors.

of the Roadrunners baseball team,

With the Roadrunners, he earned

Oates is receiving a promotion to assistant director of athletics for

three trips to the RMAC tournament

facility operations. This new role

and came within one win of taking

puts him in charge of gameday

home the title of conference

operations and maintaining and

champion in 2015, despite only

utilizing the Regency Athletic

working to a 180-237 record in

Complex and Auraria Event

his 10 seasons as a head coach

Center, MSU Denver’s award-

and 121-157 with MSU Denver. He leaves the team after their

winning sports facilities.

Women’s golf head coach accepts position at UNC Women’s golf head coach Ben Portie has resigned from his position at MSU Denver in order to accept the women’s golf head coach position at the University of Northern Colorado. Portie is the only head coach in the women’s golf program’s four year history, and he earned Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Coach of the Year for the past three seasons. Rockies stay hot Punctuated by the first four-game sweep of the San Francisco Giants in franchise history, the Colorado Rockies stand with the best winning percentage in the MLB with a 46-26 record. After Nolan Arenado hit a come-from-behind, walk-off home run to complete the cycle in the final game of the series, the Rockies are 20 games above .500 for the first time since the 2010 season, and have the best franchise record to this point in a season. However, NL West rivals Los Angeles Dodgers and Arizona Diamondbacks are right on their tails, with records of 45-26 and 44-26, respectively. The next couple weeks have huge standings implications, with the Rockies playing the Diamondbacks six times and Dodgers three times.

second best season under his guide,

“I have no doubt in my mind that he will do a phenomenal job. You won’t find anyone who works harder or shows up to the office earlier and stays later than Coach Oates!”

with a 27-25 record and only seven seniors departing from the 32 man roster, with 15 underclassmen. “I have no doubt in my mind that he will do a phenomenal job. You won’t find anyone who works harder or shows up to the office earlier and stays later than Coach Oates,” said Jake Thurston, who

– Jake Thurston

played for Oates for four years before graduating in 2017. “He’s always talked about how he wanted

“Ultimately, my end goal was to at some point move into

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

to end up in an administrative

administration,” Oates said, who has

MSU Denver baseball coach Jerrid Oates looks on during a game against the New Mexico Highlands Cowboys on

position and I couldn’t be happier

a master’s degree in administration.

March 12. The Roadrunners went on to lose the game 8-10.

for him and his new opportunity.

The opportunity became

“Ultimately, my end goal was to at some point move into administration.”

available when current Associate

for 142 games, he led his team.

wanted to create a great facility

Director of Athletics for Facility

He is now tasked with ensuring

for our programs, but also

Operations and Sports Performance,

the longevity of the fields while

something that the community

Jim Gillen, announced that he

maximizing their usage. While

could use,” Jordan said.

would be retiring at the end of June.

the athletic complex is primarily

He came to MSU Denver in 2014

home to six MSU Denver sports

the CHSAA 4A baseball state

after a 23 year stint as an athletic

teams, the university also partners

championships, and events

trainer and travel coordinator for

with Denver Parks and Recreation

like softball camps, kickball

the Denver Nuggets, preceded by a

to make it as available to the

tournaments, nonprofits and

must find his replacement, a task

three year span as an athletic trainer

community as it is to the school.

the 2016 NCAA Championships

they have grown accustomed

Festival. The complex will play host

to recently. Oates’ promotion

career highlighted by the completion

spoke with former MSU Denver

to the NCAA Division II College

marks the fifth head coaching

of the athletic complex in 2015.

President Stephen Jordan about

Softball World Series three times

change in the athletic department

the many uses of the complex.

before 2023 and the 2019 NCAA

since the beginning of 2016-

Women’s Volleyball National

2017 academic year, with new

Championships. The $23 million

faces helming men’s basketball,

facility serves extensively both the

women’s soccer, women’s golf

school and the Denver communities

and the men’s and women’s track

and is now under Oates’ watch.

and cross-country teams. Of the

for the Broncos. He departs after a

Oates’ new role has him overseeing the turf fields where,

Recently, the complex hosted

Last year, the Denver Post

“From the get-go we

MSU Denver Coaching Changes

Colorado Rapids find winning form

Former Coaches

After starting the season with one win, one draw and six losses, the Colorado Rapids have rattled off four straight wins and have won five out of their last seven games. The Rapids are now in the playoff conversation. They are only four points behind the San Jose Earthquakes, who currently hold the final playoff spot in the Western Conference. The Rapids have also played two fewer games than the Earthquakes, so they have a great opportunity to gain some ground in their upcoming games.

Adrianne Pietz Women’s Soccer Nick Maas Track & Field, Cross Country


“The newness of it, that’s

Tracy Chao

Janis Christopher (Interim)

Michael Bahl

one still with the university, with Derrick Clark having parted ways

coaching baseball for 16 years,

with the school and Nick Maas,

and all of the sudden now, it’s a

Adrianne Pietz and Ben Portie all

whole new avenue and a whole new

announcing their resignations.

perspective you have to take.”

Oates is on the committee the find

is no minor change, especially after Before coming to MSU Denver in

Search Underway

Ben Portie Women’s Golf

Search Underway

staffing changes, Oates is the only

this move,” he said, “I’ve been

as long as Oates’ has been at it.

Jerrid Oates Baseball

The athletics department now

the really exciting part of doing

Moving from a dugout to a desk

Derrick Clark Men’s Basketball

– Jerrid Oates

the next leader on the diamond. As for Oates, it’s on to bigger and better things.

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Job Workshop


Widespread Panic

Location Red Rocks

JUNE 21, 2017


Michael McDonald

Women’s Golf Tournament

Men’s Soccer

Location Benedict Music Tent

Learn how to use

Price $65

Price $65-$95


Time 6 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Location Tivoli 315 Price Free

8.14 VS. Roadrunners Location Evergreen

8.18 VS. Laramie County Location Denver

Price Free

Price Free

Time 8 a.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Time 9 a.m. 6.23

Jon Batiste

Location Benedict Music Tent 6.23

SGA Meeting

6.23 JAS June Experience Location Benedict Music Tent

Price $65-$95

Price $65-$95

Time 6 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Women’s Soccer 8.19 VS. Laramie County

Student Government

Location Denver

Meeting Location SSB 324 Price Free Time 1 p.m.

6.24 Sailin’ on the Green Location Fiddler’s Green


Christopher Cross

General 8.21 VS. MSU Denver Location Denver

Price Free

Price Free

Time 3 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

Location Fiddler’s Green

Price $25-$89

Price $25-$89

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.


CVA Exhibition 6.24 Gelatin Monotypes with Emily Moyer

Location Center for Visual Art

Peter Cetera

Location Fiddler’s Green


Kenny Loggins

Rockies Baseball

Rockies Baseball

Location Fiddler’s Green

Price $25-$89

Price $25-$89

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7.30 p.m.

6.23 @Dodgers Location away

6.24 @Dodgers Location away

Price Free

Price varies

Price varies

Time 1 p.m.

Time 8:10 p.m.

Time 8:10 p.m.

Rockies Baseball

Rockies Baseball


Rise Against

Location Pepsi Center 7.7

First Friday



Location Pepsi Center

Price $45-$60

Price $45-$60

Time 6:30 p.m.

Time 6:30 p.m.

Art Walk

6.25 @Dodgers Location away

Location Santa Fe Price Free Time 6 p.m.


Chatham County

Location Red Rocks


Shovels & Rope

Price varies

Price varies

Time 2:10 p.m.

Time 8:15 p.m.

Rockies Baseball

Rockies Baseball

Location Red Rocks

Price $49-$60

Price $49-$60

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

6.27 @Giants Are you looking for some deep house and techno? Check out Deep Frequenciez w/Dénouement Wednesday 7-8 p.m.


Jack Johnson

Location Fiddler’s Green

6.26 @Giants Location away



Location Fiddler’s Green

Price $35-$70

Price $35-$70

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Location away

6.28 @Giants Location away

Price varies

Price varies

Time 8:15 p.m.

Time 1:45 p.m.


TRENDING NEWS Wonder Woman smashes box

Star Trek returns to

office records, but not pay gap

the small screen

Gal Gadot, who portrays Wonder Woman in the film of the same name, made $300,000 for signing on to portray the lead in the blockbuster movie. Superman actor Henry Cavil by contrast made $14 million for portraying the superhero in the 2013 movie, Man of Steel. Gadot’s contract also pays her $300,000 for each DC film she does as well as money from bonuses.

CBS revealed a new poster for the newest installment in the venerable franchise, as well as announced premier dates for the show. Premiering on September 24, the show follows the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery as they boldy go where no one has gone before 10 years before Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise. The franchise recently celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. However, the last movie released, Star Trek Beyond, underperformed at the box office.

Ok Google, find me a job

We are not alone

GOP pick for bean counting office under fire from GOP

Adding to its pile of services, Google announced that it will gather job listings and display them to job hunters as part of a new feature. The feature will also show employer ratings from current and former workers, as well as commute times to the office. Google will partner with other career building services, such as LinkedIn, Monster, WayUp, CareerBuilder and Facebook. No word yet on the singularity.

Scientists working on NASA’s Kepler mission announced that the space telescope was responsible for discovering 10 new planets outside our solar system. However, what makes the find remarkable is that these 10 are Earth-like planets, capable of potentially supporting life. This increases the odds of finding an inhabited world beyond our star. To date, Kepler has found over 1,200 extra-solar planets.

Keith Hall, who was selected in 2015 to lead the Congressional Budget Office, is under fire from the White House to resign due to accusations of being partisan. The Republicans were the ones to originally put Hall in charge. The CBO is responsible to studying government proposals for their economic feasibilty. The Trump administration charges that Hall’s estimates do not support White House policies, and therefore he is guilty of liberal bias.


JUNE 21, 2017


Overheard this week


December 22 - January 19

It’s time to think about what’s important to you -- but then, you don’t need to be told that. It’s probably been next to impossible for you to focus on anything else.


January 20 - February 18

"Oh my god, can you help me find the Dominican Republic of the Congo on this map?"

You’ve got the momentum to get out of any romantic rut you might happen to be in now, so why not take advantage of it?


February 19 - March 20

“So first my girlfriend and I split, then I got accepted into the frat, and then

Be nice. Your feelings are going to be obvious anyway. Might as well be sure it’s the good ones they remember.

I found god…I couldn’t handle spring


break after that weekend. ”

March 21 -April 19

“What more does a feminist need than dildos and books?”

A serious challenge is en route now -- one that will take all your best efforts to resolve. Your antennae are keen, however, so you probably already know what’s coming. Start work on that project now.


April 20 - May 20

“Getting consistency out of you like is trying to pin a wet noodle on a wildcat’s

For the moment, your charm will be exceeded only by your suddenly magical ability to attract just about anyone and anything you want.



May 21 - June 20

Met Picks:


June 21 - July 22 Some secrets just won’t stay hidden, no matter how hard you try. Apparently, you’ve run into one of them. So now, when this issue just refuses to stay put, your mission will be to put on a happy face

“My dignity.” — Montana Martin


July 23 - August 22

When it comes to meeting someone new, you’re always game. Your social skills may be a bit taxed now, however. Take a day to rest and reconnect with yourself.


August 23 - September 22

Your magnetism tempts anyone into doing just about anything. So when someone absolutely perfect walks by, you’ll do everything in your power to entice them into spending time with you.


“My lunch.” — Ali Watkins “A condom. Just the tip.” — Maria Muller “I was going to say Esteban but he’s not very interesting.”

September 23 - October 22

For the moment, it’s going to feel like there’s a veritable team of guardian angels on duty, all of whom are silently guiding you in the right direction at the right moment.

— Richard Allen “My eyelids.”


— Joe Potts

October 23 -November 21 Expect your luck to arrive through amazing situations, coincidental meetings and odd circumstances.

“Nothing of value” —Esteban Fernandez


November 22 - December 21 Believe it or not, you’re an expert at romance. You just don’t do it the way most folks do. If anyone can make that pizza-and-soda evening feel special, it’s you.


Difficulty: Medium

Crossword Across 1. Grasps 5. Stead 9. "Cuchi-cuchi" entertainer 14. Tribe related to the Iowa and Missouri 15. Chirac's state 16. Sit in on, as a class 17. Mightily fortified 20. "The NewsHour" anchorman 21. Exams for srs. 22. Sault __ Marie 23. Lofty nest 25. Controversial online music service 27. Returned term assignments, say 30. Old flood insurance? 31. Kesey and Griffey 32. Romano cheese source 33. Felix Unger's pet peeve 35. Norm: Abbr. 37. Beatniks? 41. Get everything right on 44. Toward dawn 47. Veggie in a pod 48. Picked a felon from a lineup 53. Stuffed oneself 54. Industrialist Cyrus 55. Leb. neighbor 56. Roderick R. Paige's Cabinet dept. 58. Sandwich order 61. Rejected contemptuously, with

What was your favorite thing you found on the street at pride?

"at" 64. Podge preceder 65. Arabian ruler 66. Spoil, with "on" 67. Glitterati 68. Inebriates 69. Game with 32 cards

Down 1. Orr score 2. French verb 3. "Cast Away" star 4. Get really steamed 5. Double up on (one's bet) 6. Simpson trial judge 7. Wears (away)

8. Dag Hammarskjöld's successor 9. Puppet 10. Color subtlety 11. "__ Fideles" 12. "8 Simple Rules" star John 13. Whom some habitually blame 18. Jeter of the Yankees 19. Troop's camping place 24. Many millennia 26. A writer may work on it 27. Breakfast side 28. "We __ the Champions" 29. See 57-Down 34. Big account 36. Check number 38. Easiest kind of test? 39. For each 40. Maple tree yield 42. Indonesian island Sulawesi, formerly 43. Lose ground, literally 45. Generous types 46. French heads 48. Strong beliefs 49. "Let's go someplace cooler!" 50. Chilean literature Nobelist Pablo 51. Technique-building pieces 52. Hits hard 57. With 59- and 29-Down, señor's greeting 59. See 57-Down 60. Nair rival 62. Dept. overseer 63. Tiny insect Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net

Difficulty: Hard


Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

For the moment, you can expect to be a veritable magnet for the attention of new admirers of the most interesting variety. The fun starts today, with the possibility of a visit from someone unusual.


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