Volume 39, Issue 34 - June 21, 2017

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 39

NO. 34

JUNE 21, 2017


Puerto Rican pride brings heat but not spice to Civic Center Park

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Carlos Vazquez and Anthony Mercado show off their Puerto Rican pride while they look on at a dance competition during Taste of Puerto Rico festival on June 11, 2017 in Civic Center Park.

By Maria Muller

promised Puerto Rican cuisine


fell short of expectations.

more food and water vendors. Festival coordinator Velazquez said they took a different

Between the weather, the music and the dancing the Taste of Puerto Rico festival brought the heat this year. June 11 marked the 12th anniversary of the celebration that draws more people every year. According to

“It’s a very exciting event. Some are saying it’s not about the food. It’s about the people, the lives, the colors,” – Alvin Velazquez

festival organizer, Alvin Velazquez,

on bringing back more Puerto


Rican food next year.” Besides complaints about


| pg. 3

approach providing food this

the food, Velazquez said he

President Jordan’s legacy secured

year because of problems

got a lot of good feedback

with completion of AES building

from the previous year.

about everything else.

“After the event I realized all

“It’s a very exciting event.

the food vendors didn’t have

Some are saying it’s not about the


licenses,” Velazquez said, “Many

food. It’s about the people, the

The shoe reaches the other foot and

of them didn’t have lots of

lives, the colors,” Velazquez said.

new chapter in Castile tragedy

experience at festivals and they

For Jose Maldonado the

| pg. 5

created damage to the property.

festival was about community


to the Civic Center to celebrate

an hour and 10 minutes,”

I ended up spending a lot of

and bringing people together.

Denver Comic Con introduces

Puerto Rican pride and culture.

Maria Diaz said. Twelve people

money to get it cleaned up.”

Maldonado is a member of

its official brew of 2017

over 10,000 people came out

If you went for the entertainment, the festival provided live music that had

“We’ve been waiting for

still stood between her and the person taking orders. Her friend Alejandra Ruiz had

This year he decided to bring

| pg. 7

the group Barrio E. His wife,

in food trucks. He felt they were

Tamil Maldonado, founded


more professional. However,

the nonprofit organization

Oates is moving on up

that performed on Sunday.

at MSU Denver

attendees dancing and singing

just spent an hour waiting for a

only one of the food trucks

along. If you went for the food,

pina colada. Ruiz said she knows

offered Puerto Rican food.

a lot of time was spent standing

long lines happen everywhere

in line only to discover the

but felt the festival needed

“I am getting heat on that,” Velazquez said, “I am working

| Continued on pg. 8

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