Volume 39, Issue 35 - July 19, 2017

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 39


NO. 35

JULY 19, 2017


Davidson takes point

MSU Denver welcomes new president By Carly Hollinshead

really captivating,” Davidson said


about MSU Denver students after her first visit to the campus.

Janine Davidson’s tenure

“I remember texting my

as MSU Denver’s President

military assistant back in D.C.

starts on July 24. After leaving

saying there is something really

the White House in Jan. and

cool going on out here.”

surveying her options for the

Davidson plans to lay out

future, Davidson decided on MSU

her full vision for the school

Denver because of her past in

in September. “Davidson is all

Colorado and the buzz she was

about students,” said Joshua

hearing about the University.

Gardner, President of the Student

“Just the passion and the

Government Association.

energy that just extemporaneously

Continued on pg. 2

rolled off their tongues was

INSIDE NEWS Drama over healthcare bill in D.C. trickles down to Colorado. MSU Denver students grapple with new healthcare realities. | pg. 4

FEATURES Toddlers taught tolerance at local children’s bookshop. Drag queens lead storytime entertaining children of all ages. | pg. 5

OPINION Kid Rock, the new Donald Trump? From joke factory to fan art, the evolution of Rooster Teeth Productions. | pg. 6

SPORTS Summer means bike trails hit hard in Colorado mountains. Bike challenge brings the best to the slopes. Photo courtesy of MSU Denver

Janine Davidson, the new president of MSU Denver. Her tenure starts July 24, 2017.

| pg. 8



JULY 19, 2017

MSU Denver welcomes new president BRIEFS >> Continued from front page

Disabled protesters plead not guilty Protesters from Americans Disabled Attendant Programs Today who staged a nearly 58 hour sit-in at Sen. Cory Gardner’s Denver office pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to trespassing charges. Activists from the disability rights organization staged the sit-in to protest the Senate healthcare bill and persuade Gardner to vote no. After initially allowing the protesters to stay, staff eventually called the police. Ten protesters were charged with trespassing and some were also charged with interfering with police. The group claims that their first amendment right to freely assemble and redress grievances before the government was violated. ADAPT protesters were arrested for a similar incident in January.

Protests expected at conservative conference United States Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will be in Denver Thursday to speak at the annual meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council. Protests are expected to erupt over DeVos’ education agenda. ALEC, a conservative group, shares DeVos’ support for school choice and charter schools, as well as the use of tax dollars to pay for private schools through vouchers. DeVos has been critical of Denver Public Schools’ voucher system in the past. Colorado Senator Michael Bennet has extended an invitation to DeVos to visit DPS and learn more about the struggles they face, but it is unclear whether or not she will take him up on his offer. A “Denver RESISTS DeVos” protest will take place on July 19 outside of the state capital. Several teaching unions, including the Colorado Education Association, plan to attend this protest. Newt Gingrich is also scheduled to speak at the ALEC meeting, which takes place July 19-21.

she served as Undersecretary

According to MSU Denver

university in Colorado. The

it,” Davidson said.

of the Navy from 2016-2017.

MSU Denver has long been

Davidson’s work at the

lack of state funding is an issue that Davidson will address.

a progressive and innovative

Provost Vicki Golich, Davidson’s

Department of Defense taught

institution thanks in large part

“One of her big focuses is

dedication to students was

her the importance of constant

to Stephen Jordan’s tenure as

going to be not only fundraising

evident from the moment

dialogue when running complex

president, said Davidson. She

itself, but how we are able

she arrived in Denver for her

organizations such as a university.

is determined to build on all

to operate and survive with

of Jordan’s accomplishments

diminishing state funds,” said

interview. Unlike other candidates,

“If you have a really inclusive

Davidson arrived several days

process with everyone working

and thrust MSU Denver further

Michelle Lucero, the chair of the

early determined to talk with as

on the problem together, it

into the national spotlight.

MSU Denver Board of Trustees.

many students as possible. She

is so much more likely to

“put on a baseball cap, went

succeed,” Davidson said.

down to the Tivoli basement,

Faculty senate president

“We have been recognized better locally over the last 12

Matthew Makley said that

years, but now becoming more

Davidson must prioritize state-

and just sat there and talked to

communication with students,

recognizable both regionally

level conversations and remind

random students,” Golich said.

faculty and staff will allow her to

and nationally is the focus,”

those at the state and federal

be successful in her new role.

said Cathy Lucas, associate to

level of the value of an MSU

the president for Marketing and

Denver education. Many MSU

Davidson received her Bachelor of Science degree in architectural

She believes that regular

Ultimately, Davidson seeks

engineering from the University

to increase MSU Denver’s

Communications. Davidson’s

Denver students stay in the

of Colorado at Boulder as well

visibility both regionally and

reputation, as well as her contacts

Denver area after they graduate,

as a Master’s degree. She has a

nationally. Davidson and other

in Washington D.C. should help

so more funding for student

doctorate in international relations

faculty and staff hope to see

bolster MSU Denver’s reputation

success will inevitably lead

from the University of South

MSU Denver serve as a model

and visibility, according to Golich.

to a more successful city.

Carolina. She brings with her a

for student success to other

breadth of unique experiences:

universities across the country.

is severely underfunded according

at MSU Denver see a bright

as a pilot in the United States Air

MSU Denver has the opportunity

to George Middlemist, associate

future ahead under Davidson’s

Force, as a professor at George

to be innovative and creative.

vice president of Administration

leadership. “There is a lot of

and Finance. MSU Denver is

work to do,” Davidson said, “but

also the lowest state funded

I am anxious to get started.”

Mason University and served in the Pentagon. Most recently,

Higher education in Colorado

“Nobody else is doing it the way MSU is doing

Faculty, staff and students

Janine A. Davidson President Replaces Jordan, starts July 24.

Vicki Golich Provost and VP for Academic and Student Affairs Golich represents student affairs in the cabinet of the president. Her office works to promote learning conditions and potential for students through administrative means and generally push for goals oriented towards the benefit of the students.

Catherine Lucas

Steve Kreidler

Chief of Staff, Associate to

VP for Administration

the President for Marketing

and Finance

and Communications Kreidler advises the cabinet of

Colorado crime rate on the rise New crime statistics indicate that assaults against Colorado police officers and sheriff’s deputies have increased nearly 42 percent between 2012 and 2016. A swelling population, overall increase in crime, more interactions with the mentally ill, rising drug abuse and growing hostility toward police are among the reasons for the increase in assaults cited by law enforcement. Colorado’s general crime rate has increased as well. In 2016, the state’s overall crime rate rose 3.4 percent per 100,000 people, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation reported.

The marketing department

the president on issues pertaining

promotes awareness for MSU Denver in the community

to financial issues. His office

and public in general. Lucas is the chief of staff of the

oversees budget, finances and

department, and represents it in the president’s cabinet.

facilities for MSU Denver.

Matthew Makley

Michelle M. Lucero

Faculty Senate President

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Makley leads the MSU

The MSU Denver Board of

Denver Faculty Senate, who

Trustees is responsible for the

represents the faculty interests of

governance of the university.

the university. The 10 members,

The nine-member board is

including a representative

responsible for the allocation

from six of the school’s educational departments, work

of the university’s assets and resources. The members

on issues such as proposed changes in academics,

are appointed by the governor, and the members then

Infographic by

administration and personnel and fiscal policies.

vote on a chair and a vice chair (John Paul Pogge).

Estevan Ruiz Photos and info: msudenver.edu



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JULY 19, 2017

Tensions rise in response to revised travel ban By Miriam Mimi Madrid

under the definition. Compaore

about handling these situations


is wary of the government

with a plan,” Clark said.

redefining familial structures. Revised travel restrictions

Leigh Eleazer works

Clark encourages travelers to stay informed, be prepared

under President Donald Trump’s

as the coordinator in the

and communicate often

Executive Order 13780, most

International Student Support

especially when regulations

widely known as the travel ban,

office and exclusively helps

change in the snap of a finger.

continue to decrease refugee

international students who

A visible change in the new

admission into the US.

are F-1 and J-1 visa holders.

provisions is Iraq’s removal from

On March 6, President Trump

“Not a single one of my

the list of banned countries.

signed the new order, titled

students should be directly

Another is the clarification

Protecting the Nation from Foreign

impacted by this, but a vast

of the bona fide relationship

Terrorist Entry, as a modification

majority of them who are

provision. This definition came

of the first one signed on Jan. 27.

traveling over the summer are

after a District Court in Hawaii

very worried,” Eleazer said.

co-petitioned with Ismail Elshik

Six Muslim-majority countries remain on the travel ban including

While Eleazer does not

and his Syrian mother-in-law

Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan,

currently have students from the

Syria and Yemen. Individuals

banned countries, she asserted

from these countries can only

that there are refugee, asylum

reduced the number of allowable

travel to the US if they can

seekers and immigrant students

refugees admitted to the US from

prove they possess a ‘bona fide’

impacted by the ban on campus.

110,000 to 50,000, and blocks

relationship with the country. Jessica Compaore, MSU

Individuals with approved visas

seeking entry into the country. The revised order also

refugees entering from Syria

such as journalists, students,

indefinitely. As of June 30, the

Denver senior and former officer

employees and vetted lecturers are

State Department reported 49,225

for the African Student Union, said

not barred under the revised order.

refugee admissions into the US.

students from East Africa, mostly

Anthony Clark, a senior at MSU

Data released by the Photo by Miriam Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

from Somalia, were frustrated,

Denver working in the Airport

Cato Institute, a public policy

irritated, shocked and devastated.

Infrastructure Management

research organization, showed

Division at Denver International

that no individual Syrians and

the point of being on the Auraria

Airport said the provisions

Libyans have been convicted of

Campus? I can’t have my family

rolled out under the new order

attempted or realized terrorist

here and I’m being discriminated

were better planned than the

attacks on US soil between 1975

uncomfortable she does not think

for our students, especially

for my religion,” Compaore said.

chaos created by the first

and the end of 2015. Only 17

people should start turning on

if it appears they are being

travel ban back in January.

of 580 individuals convicted of

each other. Eleazer agreed that

attacked,” Ezealer said.

terrorist-related offenses come

the campus should foster a safe

from the countries on the list.

environment for all students,

scheduled oral arguments on

domestic and international alike.

the case after their summer

“I want to leave college. What’s

Parents, spouses, children and siblings are considered bona fide

“Luckily, President Trump

relationships under the category

mentioning this early in his

of close familial relationships.

campaign trail helped people

However, grandparents and other

think about the ‘what if?’ I’m

President Trump and the

close relatives are excluded

sure airports were thinking

travel ban is making everyone

Although Compaore said

Anthony Clark, president of American Association of Airport Executives, spoke about the revised travel restrictions under Executive Order No.13780 signed on March 16.

“All of us as educators have

The Supreme Court

recess ends in October.

the responsibility to stand up

Republicans tank healthcare replacement bill By James Bofenkamp

people would be more willing to

it grew more unpopular. On the


pay into something if they had

night of July 17 the bill died after

the option,” Beckwith said.

facing Republican defections

The GOP’s American Health

MSU Denver student Dan

from Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and

Care Act of 2017, which had the

Reuteur asked the core question

potential to impact many lower

at the heart of the debate. “Should

income students, stalled due to

everyone pitch in a little bit, to help

individual mandate, which is part

opposition from inside the party.

everyone out, or should people be

of the ACA that requires everyone

on their own for their own issues?”

to have insurance or pay a fine.

“Regretfully, it is now

Jerry Moran from Kansas. The AHCA would remove the

apparent that the effort to repeal

He answered his own question.

Since the GOP is keeping the

and immediately replace the

“I have a preference more

pre-existing condition protections

failure of Obamacare will not

towards–pay a little bit now to help

the party needed to find a way

be successful,” McConnell said

everyone out. That way, when you’re

to motivate people to stay on

in a statement on Twitter.

in that position, and a lot less able to

insurance. The solution they settled

work, you can have that support.”

on was that if for more than two

Stephen Monaco, director of the Health Center, said that the

The AHCA was refined in Photo from Flickr

most impactful change to students who get insurance through their

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

parents is that spending caps

months customers did not have

the Senate behind close doors.

insurance, they would need to wait

Senate Majority Leader Mitch

for six months after getting a new

McConnell wanted to vote the

plan for it to come into effect.

would return. This means that an

Last year, there were 2,800. The

more controversial benefits like

bill through before the July 4

insurance company only has to

AHCA would lower the top-end

substance use disorder services

recess. The rapid pace that was

students are those who are on the

cover a certain amount of health

income level necessary to qualify

are also covered. This would

forced on the bill was described

Student Health Insurance Plan, or

care costs. For instance, if a plan

for Medicaid. It seems likely that

permit insurance customers more

as “kind of scummy,” by MSU

SHIP. Monaco intends to keep EHB

had an annual cap any medical

the 2,000 extra students would no

choice in what they want to pay

Denver student Abbie Beckwith.

coverage for SHIP and predicts that

expenses over that cap would need

longer be eligible for medicaid.

for. However, it would also drive

However, after pushback

the plan will become more popular.

to be covered by the student.

prices up for some of the less

from multiple senators, including

“We will ensure that the

remove the ACA’s requirement

popular sections of the EHB, and

Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner who

EHB will be maintained in SHIP

the Affordable Care Act there were

that plans cover essential health

some may not even be offered.

had not yet had a chance to read

regardless of what they do in

800 students who were taking nine

benefits, which include popular

the bill, the vote was delayed until

D.C.,” Monaco guaranteed.

or more credit hours on Medicaid.

things like hospitalization. However,

According to Monaco, before

Furthermore, the AHCA will

Another common group of

“It would be better to have the option. Because then, I feel like

after the recess. During this delay


JULY 19, 2017


Kid Rock runs for U.S. Senate


id Rock promises to “rock”

expression is different from their

positions if they were commendable

the Republican party in

own. Mr. Rock falls in line with

in the duties of the profession. Just

recent claims that he is

the same kind of thinking that got

look at Arnold Schwarzenegger,

running for United States Senate.

Trump elected, “He’s anti-sensitive.

who became governor of California

The musician launched a website

He’s not politically correct. He’s not

in 2003. Keeping in mind, he beat

on July 12 to promote his campaign

another politician. He’ll make this

out candidates porn tycoon Larry

to become the next senator for

country great again.” In fact, he

Flynt and porn star Mary Carey.

his home state of Michigan. The

aligns himself with President Trump

Unfortunately, his win only led

same afternoon, the 46-year-old

on more than just values and beliefs.

to sexual harassment allegations

musician also tweeted “I have

(I’m speaking of his track, “I Can

as he entered office, and a sex

had a ton of emails and texts

Grab Women by the Pussy Because

scandal on his way out of office.

I’m Famous,” which is on his 2003

If Kid Rock is elected, he would

album.) With that outlook, Kid Rock

be the first U.S. Senator to have

asking me if this website is real…

Brandy Joiner

http://kidrockforsenate.com The answer is an absolute YES.” If you head to the site, you’ll

there’s another politician like him is contestable. I mean, can no one else

see a simple photo of Kid Rock

remember another cantankerous

chillin’ in a star-spangled armchair

and humiliating celebrity who ran

with a pair of sunglasses, a fedora

a joke campaign that the country

and a stuffed deer. There’s a link

ended up taking seriously?

below the photo on the homepage

appeared in a sex tape with Scott

“There currently seems to be a real ‘screw your feelings’ sentimentality taking root in America.”

There currently seems to

Stapp from the band Creed. Upon hearing the news, my first thought was that it must be fake. Yet, I was reminded that as a nation, we’ve heard this same news before when Buzzfeed practically dared

that allows one to subscribe by

be a real “screw your feelings”

may be another dreadful notch

Trump to run for president. Even

email for updates. Along with

sentimentality taking root in

in 21st century American history,

if it’s all just a publicity stunt, we

an icon box that runs through a

America. A silent inkling that we

which will surely be a time that will

can’t assume Kid Rock won’t end

cycle of slogans such as “Pimp of

shouldn’t coddle the sensitive

be remembered for its elegance.

up in office. In the age of Trump,

the Nation,” “I’ll rock the party,”

anymore, except when they’re

and “You never met a Politician

scared of people whose sexual

issues with celebrities introducing

quite like me.” However, denying

orientation, skin color or gender

themselves to governmental

Don’t get me wrong, there are no

nothing would surprise me.

staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor Joseph Potts jpotts11@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Matthew Plimpton mplimpto@msudenver.edu Sports Editor David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

My weekend with the internet

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media


or the last six years, the

weekend in the heart of Texas for it.

online video production

At the core of the convention are

company Rooster Teeth has

Q&A panels from RT subchannels,

appreciated for being an integral part of the creative process. In other words, everyone here is important.

hosted an annual convention in

and “live” editions of the different

their homebase of Austin, Texas

podcasts and shows that each

belief of, “Never meet your heroes.”

to celebrate their ever growing

sub-channel produces. And on

However, there isn’t a single

community. The company started

the convention floor at ACC,

interaction with a RT staff member

in 2003 when a couple of dudes

attendees can peruse booths from

that I wish I could forget. Because,

started making short comedy

gaming industry representatives,

for the most part, these people

videos with “Halo” gameplay

a Rooster Teeth merch store to

never set out to be heroes. Rooster

throw money at and a gigantic

Teeth and its sub-channels were

mainstage where stars from the

founded on the ideas of friendship,

Let’s Play community showcase

collaboration and a shared love (or

their gaming skills (or lack thereof).

disdain) for video game culture.

footage (“Red vs. Blue”). Fifteen years later, RTX is home to over

Montana Martin

60,000 fans from around the world. For three days, attendees

Teeth apart from other online

Now, I usually stand by the

dominate the three block radius

content creators is that they produce

Unlike most cons, RTX lowers

containing the Austin Convention

substantial, lasting and entertaining

the barrier between the creators and

chance to meet all your Rooster

Center and the JW Marriott and

content. Of course, the bulk of

its fans. The internet personalities

Teeth favorites, RTX serves as a

that we come to see willingly take

chance for the indoor culture to step

the time to find a space on the

outside the Wi-Fi signal and connect

convention floor to scrawl their

with people beyond the comment

names on weekend badges and take

sections. At times, these interactions

photos. Although not “celebreties”

are difficult to watch. Without a

in any traditional sense, the Rooster

buffer, real-time conversations and

Teeth staff are truly stars and icons

reactions can often lag, glitch and

their content is as ridiculous as it

to those 60k in attendance. The

simply crash. But without RTX,

explanations with unsuspecting

is juvenile (but so is the audience

bearded, dorky men I flail over at

many of these attempts would not

Austin residents and guests, RTX

that it caters to, myself of course

RTX are unlikely to be flailed over

be made at all. Business cards,

has adopted the motto of “Where

included). RTX isn’t a convention

beyond the confines of a con. But

fanart and hugs are exchanged

gaming meets the internet.” This

for, please forgive me for using this

at RTX, there is an abundance of

wihin the unmanagable lines for

seems to further confuse people

term, “YouTube celebrities.” Rooster

flailing for everyone on the staff. It’s

anything “RWBY” related. Genuine,

enough to be able to sneak away

Teeth employs creators that use

the only place I know of where video

real-life relationships are made.

from the conversation and rush off

YouTube as a platform to release

editors are met with applause when

to the Funhaus panel before the

their content to a real community.

they enter a room (let alone get

idiots with an Xbox. And also the

Hilton ballroom reaches capacity.

So real, in fact, that at least 60k

recognized at all). Everyone involved

founders of Rooster Teeth...

people are willing to endure a July

in the production of RT content is

Hilton hotels. Those staying at these high-end hotels for business or bachelorette parties stand in bewilderment (or fear) of the consistent flow of scythes, plasma swords and cargo

“The bearded, dorky men I flail over at RTX are unlikely to be flailed over beyond the confines of a con.”

shorts exiting the elevators. To deter from lengthy

The major thing that sets Rooster

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

More importantly than the

All because of a couple of

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



JULY 19, 2017

Drag Queen story time backdrop for acceptance By Brandy Joiner

Public Library’s Drag Queen Story

are also cast members of


Hour. The opportunity to stage

DragOn. All of the queens have

Drag Queen Storytime came to

backgrounds as educators as

Dea Lavoie through one of her

well.This background helps them

heard over the chorus of the

customers, Heather Hughes.

engage the kids at the show.

Hokey Pokey as excited families

Hughes is an educator and cast

Members of the crowd surrounded

amassed for the first Drag Queen

member of a stage show called

the queens with questions,

Storytime hosted at Second Star

DragOn. It is about a drag queen

photos and compliments.

to the Right bookstore. Held in

who faces her own journey of

the store’s backyard, the event

exploration, self-discovery and

children’s minds,” said Daniel.

was packed with families taking

acceptance. Through Hughes,

“In order to inspire them,

up every available space. People

Dea Lavoie found herself able

engage them, and get them to

lounged on blankets on top the

to communicate with the drag

create something with us.”

grass or stood pressed arm-

queens at DragOn and invite them

The sound of laughter was

to-arm with their neighbor. “We want to provide a nurturing environment where people are comfortable being who they are and expressing who they are. We’re a gathering place where you can just be yourself,” Dea Lavoie said. “We share this world together and we need to be accepting of each other.

both educators who co-own

Interaction between the queens and the crowd especially

“We want to provide a nurturing environment where people are comfortable being who they are and expressing who they are.” – Dea Lavoie

Kindness is so important.” Dea and Marc Lavoie are

“It helps us entertain

to perform at her bookstore. Loud and proud, queens

the children, was full of energy and high spirits. Each queen read two stories with gusto that revolved around a central theme—be who you are. “We get stuck in comparing ourselves with everyone else instead of just being who we are,” Delta Blow

“A worlds full of unique people brings us closer together than a world full of cookie cutters where everyone’s the same.” – Delta Blow

Photos courtesy of Second Star to the Right Bookstore Facebook Page

Anthony Adu, Reace Daniel and Zarah sit with one of the young audience members at Second Star to the Right Bookstore on June 24, 2017. away from labels. Mothers Molly

to recognize the beauty and

Gallegos and Stacy Davis brought

uniqueness in someone else.

Second Star to the Right. They

Reace Daniel, Anthony Adu,

brought their love of reading and

Zarah, and Shirley Delta Blow

passion for children and poured

stood at the stage in their bright

it into their store. Their daily

makeup, accessorized with

themed-storytime highlights the

glitter. Zarah started storytime

importance of exploration and

with Hokey Pokey before reading

said. “I think adults learn that

celebrates being who you are. It

Pete the Cat and the Cool Cat

lesson much too late in life.”

celebrates the diversity in the way

Boogie. The engaged crowed

The concept of “dress up

children may dress and act and

sympathized during the sad

and play” and “creative play”

and learning, but they’re fun and

dressed women on stage reading

encourages them to look beyond

moments and cheered at the

gives more opportunities to

entertaining. Acceptance as a

children’s books may seem odd

gender stereotypes. It teaches

good ones. Once Zarah was

instill imagination and creative

whole might be a lesson learned

to some. However, it does help

children to celebrate who they are.

finished, the clapping caught the

thinking into the minds of the

later in life, but to Dea Lavoie

deliver a unique and diverse

Second Star to the Right isn’t

attention of several passersbys.

younger generation according

this event shows how ready the

message— Embrace who you are,

Their presence was welcome.

to the queens. Drag Queen

community is to change that.

be comfortable with yourself,

Storytime gave both children and

Delta Blow teaches third grade

celebrate being human and glitter goes with everything.

the first to have Drag Queen Storytime. Dea Lavoie credits the

During storytime, Hughes

their children for just that. “It shows them that they

“Uniqueness breaks down those barriers between people,”

don’t have to fit into a certain

Delta Blow said. “A world full

box,” Davis said, “they can like

of unique people brings us

dragons and princesses.”

closer together than a world

Dea Lavoie said that events like Drag Queen Storytime not only provide examples of acceptance

desire to make this event happen

sat onstage with her daughter

adults the chance to celebrate

by day. She felt events like Drag

after reading about the New York

next to the queens. The queens

uniqueness in others and move

Queen Storytime allowed people

full of cookie cutters where everyone’s the same.” Having four fabulously

Reace Daniels, Anthony Adu and Shirley Delta Blow share smiles with two children from the audience at Second Star to the Right Bookstore. This is the first Drag Queen Storytime event that the store has created.

Drag queen Zarah begins to read a story to children. Each drag queen reads two stories for the audience


JULY 19, 2017


Trading collars for capes Greyhounds to look like skeletons.

By Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu

“When we found out we’d be doing something for Comic Con, we were like,

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… a Pug in a Superman costume?

absolutely,” Isom said, catching one of her pouncing puppies in her arms.

The countdown to Denver Comic Con

Isom and her team also brought

took flight when caped canines of every

along superhero themed bandanas and

origin story suited up for the doggie cosplay

accessories, and offered nail trims and

party at the Watering Bowl on June 22.

fur styling to prep pets for their next epic

Con-exclusive Breckenridge Brewery


beer “I Am Brewt!” flowed from the tap as

Elijah Montoya, from the movie premiere

consistently as dog drool. In celebration of

party organization MovieCamp built up the

it’s community, Denver Comic Con brought

atmosphere for the event as emcee for the

the event to the doggie district.

night. Montoya has been helming the mic of

“Think of the quintessential Colorado

these con-centric events for two years now,

things: beer, dogs, outdoors,” said Kim

and will continue doing so for as long as

Kosnar, event manager for DCC.

they’ll have him.

Despite it being a foolproof formula for a classic Colorado night out, the context

“I just want to help the con,” Montoya

Julie Caravella and her pup Luna lassoed in the hearts of the judges with their matching Wonder Woman costumes during the doggie cosplay contest at the Watering Bowl.

said, “Whatever Kim asks.”

of the event was secondary to the fact that

MovieCamp also teamed up with local

substantial amount of bar-goers that came

in the world,” Kosnar said, “so let’s get

DCC was the one behind the puppy-centric

artists to create pop-culture themed prints

out for a regular night out with their furry

drunk and look at cute dogs.”

evening. Raven Isom, a groomer for event

to give away in return for those willing (or at

companions. Realizing that the event could

sponsor Vanity Fur, came out to support

least within paw’s reach of the microphone)

became a way to raise awareness for the

the event as a cosplay judge, con-goer and

to replace song lyrics with barking, answer

con, his enthusiasm didn’t falter.

manga enthusiast. In the spirit of the event,

trivia and perform charades based on

Isom painted her skinny and wiry Italian

famous canines. Montoya took note of the

“There was just such a good mix of people here for the Watering Bowl,” said Montoya, “and people here for the event.” Kosnar and her events team are set to host doggie cosplay on an annual basis. They hope it will inspire future events. She was unsure what next year’s opening ceremonies and after-parties will entail beyond this, but she does know that they’re tired of the same “band at a bar” formula of the past. “We’re always looking for wacky ideas,” Kosner said. “Some of them fail, some don’t.” Either way, Kosnar looks forward to providing more opportunities for the con community to come together and celebrate the positive environment that DCC prides

Photos by | mmart427@msudenver.edu

Chewie takes flight in his father’s arms during the doggy cosplay event at the watering bowl.

themselves on. “There’s so much badness and sadness

Latino festival sheds light on cloudy day By Justo Yanez

Boulder County Latino Chamber of

it is. A new experience that is

said Beteta as people cheered


Commerce and Tamil Maldonado,

and it matters to me, but I also

positive for them we want them

and danced to the energetic

founder of local nonprofit Barrio

love that we can expose the

to feel,” Maldonado said.

sounds of Salsa music.

É, helmed the festival and

American culture to see what Latin

celebrated with the crowd.

American culture is all about,”

by attendees at the festival.

said volunteer Candice Bataille.

The massive celebration

Organizers endured months of hardships to coordinate and complete the festival for

“The one thing that is very

“I am originally from Venezuela

the day. It only took a few

common in Latin America is that

seconds for attendees to

family structure, that community

that it was a moment of celebration,

revel and celebrate in it.

structure,” said Beteta, “We

awareness and exhibition.

Citizens of Longmont celebrated

wanted to bring that out and share

The consensus at the festival was

Though the Latino Festival was

This sentiment was witnessed

spread five blocks down the horizon of Main Street. The road brimmed with a variety of events to partake

diversity and unity at the 2nd annual

it with not only Latinos but with

well received, it faced adversity.

in. On one side of the festival,

Latino Festival on June 25, 2017.

the community in general.”

The closure of Main Street from

members of Longmont sweated

noon to 7 p.m. offered challenges

and moved in unison to Zumba

for the route’s usual travelers.

music. On the other side, people

At noon, crowds were lured into

The intention of the festival was

the heart of Main Street by the

to immerse citizens of Longmont

sharp sounds of accordion music

into all Latin American backgrounds.

and performers stamping to a

They were greeted with varieties

from last year, this year’s festival

to the lively sounds of beating

traditional Mexican Polka dance.

of music from Puerto Rico, Mexico

was able to break even. However,

congos and seductive flutes. `

and Cuba. Others felt at home and

The Latino Festival surpassed its

With the large, successive

recognized for their displacement.

predicted number of attendants.

turnout of the 2nd annual festival,

Vendors from Boulder County arranged Latino Pride T-shirts next to national flags around their tents.

Volunteers gathered in booths

Coming up from a $6,000 deficit

clapped and danced in couplets

It also drew in a larger amount of

Beteta and Maldonado said they

Food trucks showcased various

to assist and speak to attendees

sponsors and vendors that made it

are planning to uproot the festival

Latin American cuisines. Lit grills

about the festival. Some said

possible to cover its $40,000 cost.

and spread their message

released a delectable smell into the

they felt it was their duty to

air. Jose Beteta, the director of the

participate in the Latino festival.

“I would love for them to have a new experience, whatever

across the state of Colorado. “We’re gonna go to Boulder!”

Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons



JULY 19, 2017

Mountain Bikers battle the Keystone terrain Yeti Cycles continues their dominance of Big Mountain Enduro BRIEFS

By Matt Miller mmill237@msudenver.edu

Men’s basketball adds 3 coaches First-year head coach Michael Bahl has solidified his coaching staff with the additions of three new assistant coaches. MSU Denver athletics this month announced the additions of Jamal McClerkin, Kenny Tripp and Lucas Gabriel. McClerkin played for MSU Denver from 201214 and has spent the past couple of years playing professionally in Europe. Tripp spent last season as a graduate assistant at Regis University. Before that, he served as the student manager of the basketball team at the Division I University of Nevada. Gabriel was most recently the head assistant coach at Chico State in California. He also spent the summer of 2016 serving as an associate head coach to the Chinese International all-star team. The Roadrunners also lost an assistant. Adam Wall, who last year served as interim co-head coach along with Bahl during former head coach Derrick Clark’s absence, is no longer a part of the program.

Denver Nuggets sign Paul Millsap The Denver Nuggets took a step toward shedding their reputation as a flyover city for NBA free agents when they signed power forward Paul Millsap. Millsap inked a threeyear, $90 million contract with a team option for the third year on July 13. Millsap, who spent much of his childhood in the Montbello neighborhood of Denver, has been an all-star in each of his past four seasons with the Atlanta Hawks. Last season, he averaged career-highs in points per game with 18.1, and assists per game with 3.7. He’ll join a frontcourt with the Nuggets breakout star Nikola Jokic. The move creates a log-jam at the power forward position for the Nuggets. They currently have seven power forwards listed on their roster.

It’s rocky, raw and perfect for racing. Keystone Resort hosted the Big Mountain Enduro for the fifth year in a row, for one of the most challenging mountain bike races in the Rockies. Close to 200 riders came out on June 24 to compete for the lowest compiled time over four rough downhill stages on the mountain. Anne Galyean led the pro women’s class to first place and Shawn Neer took the top spot in pro-men. The race started with one of the most technical stages the organizers have ever put together. Stage one linked double black diamond rated trails from top to bottom, making it a grueling and technical track to race on. “Stage one was hard. It was probably the most technical enduro stage I’ve

Photos by Matt Miller | mmill237@msudenver.edu

ever done,” said Michael Larsen, of Boulder, who races professionally for Yeti Cycles.

Paul Serra rides down the end of stage four of the Big Mountain Enduro in Keystone June 24. Serra, now 17 years old, is racing in the pro-men’s division.

Riders started the first stage with flowy jumps and bermed

in Colorado, including Aspen,

fitness with the skills that it takes

turns before it took them into the

where they will host the Enduro

to excel at downhill racing.

steep, rocky and dusty chutes and

World Series as that event travels

drops that Keystone is known for.

across the globe, the Big Mountain

variety of terrain, with the idea of

two short transfers from stage

Enduro finals which will be in

seeing who can excel on all types

to stage, the downhill riding

times in a stage, and stage one

Crested Butte and the final stop

of trails from rough and steep to

takes a different kind of fitness.

definitely fit that bill,” said Anne

of the series in Mascota, Mexico.

smooth and flat, where the riders

“I like being scared a couple

Galyean, who races for the Yeti

They’ve become the premiere

Most of the races incorporate a

the women’s amateur division. Although the race was primarily lift served, with just

“It’s pretty physically

are expected to pedal and sprint if

demanding from an upper body

Cycles national team. “I come

enduro racing organization in

they want to do well. Even though

standpoint. So, having really good

from a downhill background, so

the Rocky Mountain region for

Keystone incorporated the most

core stability-- so that the arms

for me, the gnarlier the better. It

those who do it professionally,

technically demanding trails

and shoulders have a platform to

was probably one of the best race

and also for those who don’t.

available, the stages still varied.

work from-- is important,” said

stages I’ve had in my career, ever.”

The format of enduro racing

For the 2017 season, Big

“I think out of all of them, stage

Dee Tidwell, who took second

has grown exponentially in the

four was the flowiest, and it was

place in the Master Men’s 40-plus

Mountain Enduro has seven

last decade, and is a perfect

a little pedally too, so it was still

category. Tidwell is the owner of

different stops with locations in

battleground for riders who

the spirit of enduro,” said Suzy

Enduro Mountain Bike Training.

New Mexico, five different races

love mixing cross country type

Williams, who took the win in

Most of the Yeti Cycles racing team excelled, with the team taking eight of the ten top spots in pro-men and the top spot in pro-women. After Keystone, Big Mountain Enduro picks up again on July 8 at Winter Park, and July 29 and 30 in Aspen for the Enduro World Series. “2017 has been one of

Rockies hit rough patch After having the best start to the season in franchise history, the Colorado Rockies have cooled considerably in the past month. Since June 21, the Rockies are 7-15 and have relinquished their hold of the NL West division. They currently sit 10.5 games behind the division-leading Los Angeles Dodgers, and a half-game behind the Arizona Diamondbacks. If the season ended today the Rockies would hang on to the last Wild Card spot in the NL by 5.5 games.

our biggest years yet,” said Mike Day, the race director for Big Mountain Enduro. The other venues are expected to be just as demanding, but Keystone still remains notorious for its technicality. “It’s the most raw terrain of any bike park in the state,” said Day. “People love it for that and people fear it for that.”

Sarah Rawley rides out a rocky corner on stage one of the Big Mountain Enduro at the Keystone Bike Park in Keystone on June 24. Stage one was one of the toughest stages event organizers have ever put together.


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Job Workshop


John Mayer

Location Pepsi Center

JULY 19, 2017



Women’s Golf Tournament

Men’s Soccer

Location Fillmore Auditorium

Exploring the hidden

Price Varies

Price $28

job market

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Tivoli 215 Price Free

8.14 Location Evergreen

8.18 VS. Laramie County Location Denver

Price Free

Price Free

Time 8 a.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Time 9 a.m. 7.23


Location 3 Kings 7.21

Third Friday Art Walk



Location Fillmore Auditorium

Price $10

Price $35

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Women’s Soccer 8.19 VS. Laramie County Location Denver

Location Santa Fe Price Free Time 6 p.m.


Glass Animals

Location Red Rocks


Circa Survive

General 08.21 VS. MSU Denver Location Denver

Price Free

Price Free

Time 3 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

Location Red Rocks

Price $40-46

Price $38

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


3E Expo and Career Fair


Fleetwood Mac

Location Paramount Theater Location Tivoli Turnhalle





Location Filmore Auditorium

Price Varies

Price $30

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

7.19 VS. Padres

7.21 VS. Pirates

Location Coors Field

Location Coors Field

Price Free

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 10 a.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.

Time 6:40 p.m.


Lucinda Williams

Location Chautauqa Auditorium 7.27



Guns N’ Roses

Location Sports Authority Field

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Recreational club

Rockies 8.1 VS. Mets Location Coors Field

Location Tivoli Quad Price Free Time 11:30 a.m.

8.2 The Head & The Heart Location Red Rocks


Jeff Rosenstock

Price $15

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:40 p.m.

Time 6:40 p.m.

Rockies 8.8 VS. Indians Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter


Location Red Rocks

8.4 VS. Phillies Location Coors Field

Location Marquis Theater

Price Enter price



8.8 Taking Back Sunday Location Summit Music Hall

Price $45-55

Price $30

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Away

Rockies 8.14 VS. Braves Location Coors Field

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 5:10 p.m.

Time 6:40 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Director George A.

“Doctor Who” announces

Kermit the Frog voice

Gerard Way’s “Umbrella

Disney unveils anticipated

Romero dies at 77

new lead

actor fired by Disney

Academy” series to be

blockbuster trailers at D23 expo

The director of the 1968

It was announced that the

Steve Whitmire, the voice

adapted by Netflix

13th Doctor will be portrayed

of the iconic Muppet for 27

the Living Dead” has died from

by actress Jodie Whittaker.

years, was fired by Disney for

book series, written by My

trailers from some of its top

lung cancer at the age of 77. The

The titular character of the BBC

“repeated unacceptable business

Chemical Romance frontman

properties. Those included in the

small-budget zombie film, which

series has undergone 12 different

conduct.” Muppet Studio claims

Gerard Way and illustrated

list was the Marvel Cinematic

he co-wrote with John Russo,

reincarnations during its 50

that Whitmire was unresponsive

by Gabriel Ba, will be coming

Universe’s, “Avengers: Infinity

made him a pioneer in the film

year run on the air. And for the

to the feedback given by the

to Netflix in 2018. The initial

War” and Pixar’s long-anticipated

industry with his interpretation

first time in its historic run, the

studio, which ulitimatley led to

announcement for a screen

“Incredibles 2”. Disney also

of the brainless undead and the

leading role will be portrayed

his termination. Whitmire took

adaptation was made by

screened exclusive behind-the-

flaws in the human condition.

by a female actor. Some of

on the role of Kermit after Jim

Universal Studios in 2010, and

scenes footage from the next

Romero is also credited for

Whittaker’s previous credits

Henson passed away in 1990,

was then brought back into the

chapter in the Star Wars saga,

being a major inspiration for

include a series character on the

making him the only other person

conversation in 2015 to be made

“The Last Jedi” from Lucasfilm.

how zombies are portrayed and

BBC drama “Broadchurch” and

besides the Muppets creator to

into a television series. Way is

Disney also teased their plans

viewed in modern entertainment.

a guest role on the dystopian

voice the puppet. A spokesperson

currently working on another

for remakes of “Aladdin”

sci-fi series “Black Mirror”.

from Muppets Studio said that the

graphic novel series, “Doom

and “A Wrinkle In Time”, and

decision was made with the full

Patrol” with DC Comics.

animated sequels “Toy Story

support of the Henson family.

The 2007 Dark Horse comic

During Disney’s annual

horror, cult-classic film “Night of

convention, the company unvield

4”, “Wreck It Ralph 2”.


JULY 19, 2017


Overheard this week


December 22 - January 19


January 20 - February 18

papers, and my Facebook friends are already celebrating Halloween."

Don’t let your friends take advantage of your kindness during this vulnerable time. In other words, don’t be the one to open the bar tab.


“On a scale from one to Tumblr, how gay is this picture?”

against me in a job interview.”

Make sure the lines of communication between you and your hairdresser are open and honest at your appointment this month.


April 20 - May 20 Your workload this month will be more overwhelming than usual. Make sure your caffineto-water ratio is in check, get some rest and figure out which parent to blame for your inability to delegate.


May 21 - June 20

Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

July 23 - August 22

Take the time this month to create a budget. Hopefully this will put your fast food addiction into perspective.


A close friend is experiencing a period of personal growth. Don’t interfere in their inevitably poor decisions. Allow them to respond to the text messages they feel so inclined to respond to.


Say yes to an unexpected invitation. You never know what lies at the other end of a night out with friends from high school that are back home for the summer. Or maybe you do. I would actually say no to that one.


“Sriracha!” — Ali Watkins “My fingers.” — Maria Muller “That one from Rick and Morty.” — Richard Allen

September 23 - October 22 A gentle reminder that tattoos are forever. Double-check your design and sobriety before committing to any new ink this month.

“Ketchup. On a good day.” — Matthew Plimpton


October 23 -November 21 Go out of your way to do something nice for a stranger this month, because your loved ones certainly don’t deserve it.

“Children’s tears.” —Esteban Fernandez


November 22 - December 21 Put an entire day aside for some long overdue self-care. Stay away from bath bombs, though. Those will end up causing more harm than good.


Difficulty: Medium

Crossword Across 1. Grasps 5. Stead 9. "Cuchi-cuchi" entertainer 14. Tribe related to the Iowa and Missouri 15. Chirac's state 16. Sit in on, as a class 17. Mightily fortified 20. "The NewsHour" anchorman 21. Exams for srs. 22. Sault __ Marie 23. Lofty nest 25. Controversial online music service 27. Returned term assignments, say 30. Old flood insurance? 31. Kesey and Griffey 32. Romano cheese source 33. Felix Unger's pet peeve 35. Norm: Abbr. 37. Beatniks? 41. Get everything right on 44. Toward dawn 47. Veggie in a pod 48. Picked a felon from a lineup 53. Stuffed oneself 54. Industrialist Cyrus 55. Leb. neighbor 56. Roderick R. Paige's Cabinet dept. 58. Sandwich order 61. Rejected contemptuously, with

— Madison Lauterbach


You’re too old to be sleeping on a mattress on the floor by choice, Pisces. Go buy a bedframe and apologize to your former bedmates.

March 21 -April 19

“Buffalo sauce.”

"at" 64. Podge preceder 65. Arabian ruler 66. Spoil, with "on" 67. Glitterati 68. Inebriates 69. Game with 32 cards

Down 1. Orr score 2. French verb 3. "Cast Away" star 4. Get really steamed 5. Double up on (one's bet) 6. Simpson trial judge 7. Wears (away)

8. Dag Hammarskjöld's successor 9. Puppet 10. Color subtlety 11. "__ Fideles" 12. "8 Simple Rules" star John 13. Whom some habitually blame 18. Jeter of the Yankees 19. Troop's camping place 24. Many millennia 26. A writer may work on it 27. Breakfast side 28. "We __ the Champions" 29. See 57-Down 34. Big account 36. Check number 38. Easiest kind of test? 39. For each 40. Maple tree yield 42. Indonesian island Sulawesi, formerly 43. Lose ground, literally 45. Generous types 46. French heads 48. Strong beliefs 49. "Let's go someplace cooler!" 50. Chilean literature Nobelist Pablo 51. Technique-building pieces 52. Hits hard 57. With 59- and 29-Down, señor's greeting 59. See 57-Down 60. Nair rival 62. Dept. overseer 63. Tiny insect Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net



Comics of our time.”

Your financial situation could be changing. Trust that the mustache-shaped ice cube trays in your Amazon shopping cart can wait another week.

August 23 - September 22

“I might be wrong, but I feel like that show Riverdale is, like, the Archie


June 21 - July 22

February 19 - March 20

“I don’t want to live in a world where my Kingdom Hearts fanfiction can be used

Met Picks: Favorite condiment.

Th ings will be okay, Capricorn. Delete the GoFundMe page you set up for your phone bill, drink some water and go walk your dog. Or come walk mine. You both deserve it.

"I’m still writing 2016 on all of my


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