The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 39
NO. 35
JULY 19, 2017
Davidson takes point
MSU Denver welcomes new president By Carly Hollinshead
really captivating,” Davidson said
about MSU Denver students after her first visit to the campus.
Janine Davidson’s tenure
“I remember texting my
as MSU Denver’s President
military assistant back in D.C.
starts on July 24. After leaving
saying there is something really
the White House in Jan. and
cool going on out here.”
surveying her options for the
Davidson plans to lay out
future, Davidson decided on MSU
her full vision for the school
Denver because of her past in
in September. “Davidson is all
Colorado and the buzz she was
about students,” said Joshua
hearing about the University.
Gardner, President of the Student
“Just the passion and the
Government Association.
energy that just extemporaneously
Continued on pg. 2
rolled off their tongues was
INSIDE NEWS Drama over healthcare bill in D.C. trickles down to Colorado. MSU Denver students grapple with new healthcare realities. | pg. 4
FEATURES Toddlers taught tolerance at local children’s bookshop. Drag queens lead storytime entertaining children of all ages. | pg. 5
OPINION Kid Rock, the new Donald Trump? From joke factory to fan art, the evolution of Rooster Teeth Productions. | pg. 6
SPORTS Summer means bike trails hit hard in Colorado mountains. Bike challenge brings the best to the slopes. Photo courtesy of MSU Denver
Janine Davidson, the new president of MSU Denver. Her tenure starts July 24, 2017.
| pg. 8