Volume 40, Issue 33 - July 25, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40  NO. 33


JULY 25, 2018


Denver Fire Department sparks a new generation of firefighters Week long summer camp prepares young prospects | Continued on pg. 5

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

A group of kids, assisted by a firefighter, practice using a hose to dose a fire at on July 13 at the Rocky Mountain Fire Academy in Denver.



JULY 25, 2018

Denver hosts protest against child separation By James Bofenkamp

administration to end the separation


policy ahead of the demonstrations, the protesters still had concerns that

Protesters huddled at the steps of

motivated them to attend. Children who

Denver’s Capitol Building on June 24,

were already separated had no clear path

joining nationwide demonstrations against

back to their families in place, and many

a policy of child separation at the border.

were still concerned about the greater

After criminalizing crossing the

policy of criminalizing crossing the border.

border and arresting those who attempt

“This executive order, although it

it, the Trump administration was bound

did change things, made them worse,”

by an existing law to place the now

said Tyrone Newsom, press contact for

unattended children in government

Resist 5280, “For one, the indefinite

custody. National outcry over this policy

incarceration of the families, obviously

led to the president reversing course, and

that is absurd that you can lock people up

forcing the government to keep families

indefinitely without any due justice.”

together. Despite the backtracking,

A sudden hail and rain storm didn’t stop

protesters still assembled nationwide

a core group of protesters from assembling

in major cities, including Denver.

to express their displeasure at the policy.

“What we’re doing right now is child

“I feel very strongly that what’s

abuse. As a mother, I can’t stay quiet,

going on at the border is very wrong. To

and I can’t even sleep at night,” said

separate these kids from their parents

Angelica Bravo, a marcher at the protest.

is heinous,” said Dana Bennett one

Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

The protests came on the heels of

of the marchers. “They had no plan

Chief Carlos Castaneda (center) and members of the Mexica Asteca tribe perform a traditional percussion dance in front of the steps of the Denver Capitol Building on June 24. The performance was meant to bring good fortune to the families separated at the border.

national outrage over the policy which was implemented by the Trump administration

to reunite these families at all.” The lack of a strategy to reconnect

to begin separating families at the U.S.-

families already separated was a large

Mexico border as they attempt to cross.

part of what kept many people ready to

parents were arrested, the children were

be placed into the government’s charge.

The president issued an executive

protest. While the executive order forbade

considered to be without a guardian.

The catalyst for the recent separations

order mandating that families crossing

families to be split up in the same manner, it

the border illegally stay together after

provided little direction to the Department

Act, passed in 2002, minors without

widespread outcry over the policy.

of Health and Human Services, which held

guardians were to be put in the custody

upwards of 2,000 children in its custody.

of the HHS. This is the law that the Trump

intention of continuing to protest against

The rally and march in Denver was part of a nationwide, multi-week

Per part of the Homeland Security

was the Trump administration’s criminalization of crossing the border. Newsom said that Resist 5280 had every

The separations themselves took

administration cited as why their hands

actions it found objectionable. A week

surge in protests in response to the

place due to the Trump administration’s

were tied when it came to the children.

after the march, organizers planned to

original policy being publicized.

policy of referring all adults who cross the

Despite the decision by the Trump

border illegally for prosecution. After their

However, that was only true insofar as

meet again to discuss their next moves.

it required children without guardians to

Looking back on Davidson’s first year By Isaac Banks

started to form partnerships with the


school. Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency and United Airlines have

President Janine Davidson pushed

partnered with MSU Denver to help provide

for more state funding from the moment

students with a pathway to internships and

she first arrived at MSU Denver.

jobs in those fields. She emphasized the

Davidson came in with a new aggressive

importance of these relationships because

attitude toward the funding from the state’s

she wants the school to keep up with the

government. As it stands now, Colorado is

fast-changing workplace environment.

one of the lowest states in terms of higher

Catherine Lucas, MSU Denver’s chief of

education funding. But, this is only part of

staff and vice president of strategy, said that

the reason why she spent so much time

Davidson had a good first year and is excited

at the capitol. She was confused about

for the future of the school. She wanted to

the distribution of state funds to public

make sure that the school continues to offer a

universities. MSU Denver ranked below

high volume of paid internships for students.

average when it came to state funding per

“More paid internships to benefits

resident student. Other schools such as CSU,

our students,” Lucas said.

UNC, CU and Mines receive around $1,500

Lacey Hyde, Student Government

to 3,000 more per student from the state.

Assembly Student Trustee Candidate, did

If MSU Denver was being funded at the

not have a lot of experience with former

same level as other public universities,

MSU Denver President Stephen Jordan, Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

but commented on President Davidson

President Janine Davidson talking about the future of MSU Denver in her office on June 28 in the Student Success Building on Auraria Campus in Denver. Davidson wants to continue MSU Denver’s goal of putting students first.

accessibility and her spotlight ensuring

Davidson claims she would be able to fix the 900:1 student to advisor ratio at MSU Denver. The average is 300:1, with best practice being 150:1. She said that it is important to close the ratio because of the critical

“She is very hands-on, and student-focused,” she said.

role advisors play in student success.

“Because I was new, I could say

She criticized the state’s Joint

things others could not say,” she said.

Budget Committee for not following

students get jobs after they graduate.

Her first year has been busy and exciting,

ways for students to come to MSU Denver, stay, graduate and get into great jobs. “What I think is really, really

through on Colorado’s Higher Education

giving it a rating of awesome, and wants

important for this school is to focus

Master Plan. She credits her boldness

MSU Denver to continue to focus on student

on student success,” she said.

to being the new kid on the block.

success. Personally, she wants to find more

Over the last year, businesses have

To celebrate Davidson’s first year in office, the school is hosting several events from Sept. 4-7 to showcase her vision for the future of MSU Denver.



JULY 25, 2018

Volunteer selfies cause harm despite intentions

staff Editor-in-Chief Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Managing Editor

By Hilal Bahcetepe

economic standards? Or for the privileged

family members will certainly view them as a


youngsters who have the means to travel and

more enlightened and selfless individual. I’m

paint a picture of themselves on a pedestal,

sure however, that this is not the thought that

using social media as the justification?

crosses volunteers and travelers’ minds when

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

they initially post this sort of content. Perhaps

News Editor

After I returned home from a year abroad in the city of Chiang Mai, Thailand, I noticed a popular pattern among the other returnees I had studied with over the past few months. Returning from both semesters, I found myself oblivious watching my peers from abroad on Facebook, posting highly edited, volunteerbased, musical videos on their pages. The

“And it was done so blatantly to accustom to the hidden ideology of the white savior, or to put it more formally, the sly continuity of Western imperialism and postcolonialism.”

response from their family and friends back home all went with the theme of envy and praise. The first response I had was based off an

Going back to my original observation, watching my peers post these videos and

it’s so ingrained in who we’ve become that we

Isaac Banks cbanks@msudenver.edu Photo Editor

don’t even notice it. Of course, young volunteers

Isaac Banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu

truly believe what they’re doing is good, bold,

Assitant News Editors

and different, and they want to show it off to gain

James Bofenkamp

credibility. However, it is a hidden expansion of


the exact idea of enforcing mainstream cultural

Forest Wilson

and socioeconomic values upon those who


live under unfamiliar customs or conditions.

Features Editor

This is not to attack millennials who post such

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

article I had just read the semester prior. The

photographs of their adventures abroad,

content, as there are too many to count, and even

article was published by The Equinox and titled,

including a cute snippet of children in indigenous

I am guilty of posting photographs that deceive

“Think Before You Post a ‘Volunteering Selfie’”

communities every minute or two, may have

the moments I’ve captured on social media as

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

written by Grace Pecci. The article depicted

given them a sense of accomplishment. All this

overly-sensational. It wasn’t until I read Pecci’s

Director of Met Media

how millennials have somehow transformed

while portraying to friends and family back home

article until I asked myself, “is this messed up?”

the idea of travelling abroad to volunteer — or

that not only did they travel and see incredible

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

in other words “voluntourism”— into what can

places on the other side of the hemisphere, but

media influence, we should all challenge

essentially be described as a social media gold

they even helped “less fortunate” communities by

ourselves to question our actions and ideas

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

mine. Pecci satirically coined “the Barbie Savior”.

spending time and posing for a photo with them?

In this seemingly never-ending era of social

Sports Editor

Assistant Director of Met Media

of intention. Are we doing what this to teach

Production Manager of Met Media

This is certainly far from a new concept.

The editing, photography, music and the

others to help themselves and improve their

Numerous celebrities, internet famous people

effects all deceived the reality of the world we

communities based on their own interests?

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

and even politicians post photographs of, or

live in. And it was done so blatantly to accustom

Or because the internet age has maneuvered

Office Manager

with, adorable children living in lower economic

to the hidden ideology of the white savior, or

us to feel the need to consistently publish a

states, portraying their contribution, with

to put it more formally, the sly continuity of

technological sensationalized version of our lives?

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

photographic proof of course, as “liberating.”

Western imperialism and postcolonialism.

But who is this liberating, really? Is it the

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

Posting photos and videos like this ensures that

children and families who live in a matter that

a user of social media not only will get double

is seen as shortcoming from Western socio-

the likes online, but that his or her peers and

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

Why I play video games By Isaac Banks

beautiful vistas of Madagascar in Uncharted 4

all classic arcade cabinets that are still fun


to the haunting hallways of P.T. The length of

to play today. My favorite is Ms. Pacman, a

games can give characters enough time to grow

game with sparse story, but some of the best

and change without having to cut out any smaller

gameplay ever. The goal of the game is to

the tender age of 12. I was at a friend’s house

moments. But games take it to another level

traverse through a maze to eat all of the dots

and he just got a PlayStation 2 with Jak and

because I get to control both of those aspects. I

before getting trapped by the ghost. It is a

Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. We passed the

get to drive through Madagascar. I get to decide

simple concept but the game creates great

controller back and forth for hours. He eventually

to advance the story or waste time looking for

moments of tension from near misses and

went to bed but, I could not stop playing. I

collectibles. But a game like Journey really

getting one step closer to the high score.

needed to beat the fire canyon level. This was

shows the full potential storytelling in games.

My first encounter with video games was at

the free sample that got me hooked on gaming.

Journey is a game developed by That Game

“At the peak of my addiction, I would make a weekly visit to a used game store to get my fix of pointless gaming paraphernalia.”

As I got older, I started making my own money

Company and it tells a story of a cloth figure’s

and spending all of it on video games. At the

journey to the top of a mountain. It’s gameplay

peak of my addiction, I would make a weekly

is simply walking and jumping and has no

visit to a used game store to get my fix of

dialogue, text or voice chat. The story is told

pointless gaming paraphernalia. For example,

completely through hieroglyphic-like visuals.

I have three Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time

This lack of communication is also extended

been my recent obsession. The game is about

guides, and I haven’t even beaten the game.

to the multiplayer aspect of the game. Players

fighting off an alien invasion and is unforgiving,

randomly run into each other throughout

but for some reason, I just can’t quit. Every time I

that video games are a waste of time, I still

the game and can only communicate with

restart I find myself hitting another game-ending

find myself gaming in my free time. It has

musical tones as they journey together.

wall. But I try again and learn from my mistakes.

Despite my mom’s constant reminder

been 12 years since my first taste and I

After I beat the game, I sat there watching

The turn-based strategy game XCOM 2, has

It is a self-hating personal groundhog day, that

have to ask myself, why am I playing video

the credits roll by, thinking about the epic story

I just keep putting myself through. But I like it. I

games? So, let me explain my addiction.

that I got to help make. Yes, I was limited by

enjoy the challenge and every defeat is met with

The Story.

the game, but the way I got to interact with

a learned lesson that is then used in a victory.

I love a good story, and despite what some

the world and the players created a story

So, why do I play video games? I play

people may think, video games have the ability

that cannot be replicated by anything else.

because of the engaging stories and the

to weave complex narratives. What makes


heart-pounding gameplay. But if I am being

stories different in games is the medium itself.

Before games were able to tell an emotional

Games combine the visuals of movies with the

story about a cloth figure, they were simply

length of books. The visuals can range from the

games. Ms. Pacman, Tetris and Galaga are

Sales and Marketing

honest, they are simply fun to play.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.


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JULY 25, 2018

Youth explore firefighter careers through summer camp By Isaac Banks

women specifically in order


to promote gender diversity in the firefighting field.

On a mild Friday morning, a

“The younger women

group of kids crowded around a

sometimes come in at this age

fire training building to listen to

having been pigeonholed into

the instruction for the last day of

being a nurse, or being a mother,

firefighter camp. Fire Capt. Greg

or being a secretary, just some

Pixley promised a day filled with

of those stereotypical roles

team building, fire safety and fun.

that women place in,” he said.

Around 100 middle school to

“We want the young ladies, and

high school aged kids participated

young men, to know that they

in the Denver Fire Department

can be anything they want to.”

Young Adult Career Exploration

During the camp, the kids were

Camp. The camp took place from

separated into groups in order to

July 9-13 and the kids learned

build teamwork. They would go to

about fire safety skills, what

different situations to learn about

firefighters actually do and received

different methods of fighting fires

certification in CPR and first aid.

and then put those lessons to use.

The activities included cutting up

With help from the firefighters, the

cars, putting out fires, participating

kids would drag out the fire hose

in team-based competition and

and use the hose in different ways,

confidence-building exercises,

depending on the location of active

like climbing a 100-foot ladder.

fires at the practice stations. Martin Khlop, 14, has plans to

“We want the young ladies, and young men, to know that they can be anything they want to.” – Capt. Greg Pixley The program was created by Pixley for community outreach

be an architect, but still enjoyed the camp so much last year he came

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

Camp participants waiting to move on to the next station during the Young Adult Career Exploration Camp on July 13 at Rocky Mountain Fire Academy in Denver.

back for round two. He wanted to

or those in training, volunteered

learn what firefighters did day to day

to help teach the kids and

to get involved with the

kid getting lost, their parents will

and how they dealt with active fires.

make sure they were safe.

department and help out and I

have their child’s picture on the

had fun last year,” she said.

ID and a copy of their fingerprints

“They actually made it fun

Kendry Jackson, a

“It was an opportunity

explaining how everything

technician firefighter at Fire

works,” he said.

Station Nine, joined the fire

Department hosted the event,

department after college.

there was still collaboration with

to help empower the youth. He said

Even though the heat was

Even though Denver Fire

will be important in the event of a

and DNA identification. Cap. Pixley also wanted the camp

and to promote careers in the

only in the mid-70s, it did not stop

different emergency service entities.

that the camp is designed for kids

firefighting field. He said that the

the kids, or the firefighters, from

the kids. Show them fire safety

Denver Health and other hospitals

to learn about their own capabilities

program was created because

turning the hose on each other and

and teach them some stuff as

certified the kids in CPR and first

and push themselves to new limits.

of the disconnection with public

soaking themselves to the bone.

far as what we do on the job.

aid, while the Denver Police Force

“Our goal is to have them

and emergency services. Denver

According to everyone there, it

Like dragging hose, how we

provided the identification cards.

leave the camp with an awareness

Fire wanted to create a diverse

was a common occurrence.

fight fires, dragging victims and

and robust group of individuals to become future Denver firefighters. Pixley geared the first half of the camp toward young

“I have been soaked all day every day this whole week,” Lt. Robbie Turner said. A diverse group of firefighters,

“I am just helping out with

climbing ladders,” he said. Kelsey Harter is a new

Denver Deputy Sheriff Robert Pablo was representing the Fraternal

of teamwork, leadership, goal setting and empowerment.”

Order of Police and providing

firefighter and this is her second

identification cards for the kids.

year helping out at the camp.

He said that these types of IDs

Students explore summer academic options By Hilal Bahcetepe

go by a lot quicker,” said Dillon

about juggling several credit

school students about physics at


Crader, a senior expecting

hours at once, such as biology

Elitch Gardens in addition to her

to a close, some students feel

to graduate this December.

and anthropology student Caila

mycology class this summer.

relieved and accomplished.

“You have less monotonous

Garcia, “I love summer classes.

MSU Denver offers an

food court is emptier than usual and

assignments, but you do have to

They allow me to take less credit

opportunity to take classes abroad

MSU Denver, stated the benefits

the class sizes make a condensed

be ready for the fast pace,” said

hours in fall and spring semester,

for academic credit, giving students

and disadvantages of summer

and fast-paced session for the 2018

Dillon Crader, a senior expecting

so I get better grades even though

a chance to travel and develop

classes, “The best part of taking

summer semester at MSU Denver.

to graduate this December.

I’m in school year-round.”

cultural skills. Students can decide

classes in the summer is that you

whether they want to go through

get more individualized attention.

The heat is busting down, the

Most students take classes

As summer classes come

Meher Noorulamin, a senior at

Most students take a couple

Many students take time

during the summer in order

classes a week, and the condensed

between their classes to eat, plan

an independent study abroad

However the worst part is that

to graduate on time or fulfil a

workload makes it easier to

goals for the upcoming semesters

program, or can do so by direct

sometimes classes are overly

requirement. The smaller class

handle extra assignments and

and apply for careers or internship

enrollment or foreign exchange.

packed with information.”

sizes, flexibility and fast-paced

quick approaching due dates, in

opportunities. MSU Denver has

MSU Denver offers summer classes

workload create a quick and efficient

comparison to taking a full load

been recognized in recent years

in Europe and Asia with courses

students are gearing up for another

leeway for students wanting to suit

of classes during fall and spring

for hard working, experienced

in business and management

semester of heavier course work,

into their cap and gowns early.

semesters. Some students claim

and motivated students. Garcia

through the International Business

longer and louder campus vibes and

they receive better grades during

devotes her summertime toward

Program. There are also several

being a step closer to throwing their

great. There are less people in

the summer session, due to more

working at the STEM Center on

faculty-lead courses taught abroad

books down and caps in the air.

the classrooms and the courses

time on their hands and less stress

campus, and teaches middle

in the upcoming semesters.

“Classes in the summer are

Classes end on July 28, and



JULY 25, 2018

As fires rage throughout Colorado, Denver remains untouched “There were a ton of cars, By Megan Webber

people were out and it was just,


I don’t necessarily want to say it was chaos, but it was,” Cath

From the San Juan Mountains

said of the Lake Christine Fire.

to the White River National Forest,

The blaze was sparked on July 3

the July heat is sweeping western

and ripped down the hillside late

Colorado into inferno. Thousands

on the night of July 4, putting

of families have been evacuated

hundreds of homes in El Jebel

as residents across the state pray

and Basalt in jeopardy. Basalt, El

for rain. But Denver, nestled in

Jebel and the rest of Roaring Fork

the South Platte River Valley,

Valley, nearly 180 miles west of

remains untouched by the flames

Denver, have seen smoky skies

and drought devouring the forests

and little precipitation since.

to the west, north and south. Denver Fire Department’s

The Adamses packed their car with all of their valuables in

Capt. Greg Pixley said the city’s

case the order to evacuate did

residents do not need to worry

come in, but stayed to watch the

about the ongoing fires. The

real July 4 fireworks spectacular

city has deployed 40 firefighters

from right outside their front

across Colorado to help battle

door. They gathered with fellow

the wildfires in addition to

residents in the parking lot of

numerous federal ground crews

the El Jebel Park-n-Ride among

from states like Oregon, Idaho

the falling ash and thick smoke.

and Montana. Pixley added that

Adams said she noticed several

in the past, Denver has deployed

neighbors silently crying.

larger numbers of firefighters, so residents should not worry

Photos by Gregg and Cath Adams Garett Gardillas, Michael Dinette, Captain Ted Hargraves, Joel Leigh and Tanner Mowhinney of the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest team before hiking uphill to maintain hotspots near Lake Christine on July 9.

“You start to end up seeing it times a 70-foot wall of fire

Hargraves, who has been

that I felt like I really had to pull

rugged terrain where the blaze

fighting fires for 20 seasons, said

about a lack of firefighters

and flame only 200 yards or so

myself together because when I

is unpredictable. Thirty percent

in the Metropolitan area.

away from your house, yeah,

would go and thank them, I got

containment is considered a

he and his team were assigned

choked up,” she said. “They are

great success while 100 percent

at the Colorado stateline to head

a part of this village now.”

could mean endangering the

to the Roaring Fork Valley, and

lives of firefighters. Residents

arrived at the scene of the fire

efforts, the fire crews haven’t been

could be seeing smoke in the

on the night of July 4. Because

able to accept food donations

area for weeks or even a month

their corner of Washington has

from the community due to

until the fire is completely

no priority fires to fight, their

health codes that prevent them

extinguished, said Nettles.

resources were available for

“Colorado has 1,000 plus firefighters that are trained to fight wildfires and are ready to be deployed throughout the state and country if needed,” Pixley said. Most families that have been evacuated from their homes have not fled far, in order to be notified when it is safe for them

it really does end up getting really skeptical,” Gregg said. More than 80 firefighters were on the ground that night, and managed to save all but three homes from being destroyed by the blaze. By morning, the winds had shifted enough to push the fire away from town. Cath said

Despite local hospitality

U.S. Forest Service Public

whoever needed them, which

have said they will accept thank-

Information Officer Gerry Perry

brought the team to Colorado.

from doing so. However, they

to return home. In the event

since that night, she has been

you notes or blank, stamped

added, “We look at something

that a fire spreads far enough

walking past the firefighters’

postcards for the firefighters to

like, ‘Aw, it’s all destroyed,’

to force families into the city,

tent city, approaching the first

send home to their families.

but Mother Nature doesn’t

Pixley said, “Denver will not

responders and thanking them

hesitate to take in people.”

for saving the community.

Other residents, like Gregg

“The following day, there

Several firefighters and county officials have been quoted as saying that fighting this fire has

work that way. Sometimes she needs that devastation.” Ted Hargraves and his team

“We look at something like, ‘Aw, it’s all destroyed.’ But Mother Nature doesn’t work that way. Sometimes she needs that devastation” – Officer Gerry Perry

and Cath Adams of El Jebel,

were firemen and women coming

been a community effort above all.

from Mt. Baker Snoqualmie

Colorado, were close enough

in from Oregon that I had a

Roaring Fork Valley residents have

National Forest near Seattle have

to the wildfires to receive pre-

chance to talk to, and we thanked

come from every corner of the

been assigned to maintain the

them. But, it’s hard. You know,

area to donate thank-you cards,

fire line at Lake Christine, where

you get so emotional about it

cold beverages or whatever they

the fire was started by a pair

Kirk Strom also journeyed

can. Eagle County Commissioner

of El Jebel residents shooting

away from home to help at Lake

Jill Ryan thanked the community in

tracer rounds, the two have

Christine. He said he drove

a public briefing on July 8, saying,

since turned themselves in.

seven hours from Wyoming in

evacuation notices, but were never ordered to leave their homes.

“Thank you, community, you’ve all done a phenomenal job.”

thermal imaging cameras on

his own fire patrol vehicle. “Your local people are the real

their trucks and handheld

heroes,” he said of how quickly the

acres and 39 percent contained,

infrared cameras to detect hot

fire was turned away from town.

has moved north to the east and

spots in the area. Hot spots are

“It’s a true, bonafide miracle for

west into the backcountry. Though

patches of ground still at a high

the team to be here, but I want

the fire has caused devastation,

enough temperature that they

to give credit to the locals.”

the Eagle, Pitkin and Garfield

are in danger of bursting back

County Sheriff’s Offices have

into flame. These areas must

community has already shown

requested that residents not call

be carefully maintained so any

for the Type 2 teams assigned to

911 if they see smoke in the area.

flames can be extinguished

the Lake Christine Fire, there’s

in an efficient manner.

little doubt that they will be

The fire, currently at 11,796

U.S. Forest Service Public Information Officer Ashley Nettles

The Lake Christine Fire burns down a hillside on the night of July 4 above El Jebel, CO. Over 80 firefighters were able to make it to El Jebel that night to start containing the fire.

The team has been using

Above the lake and the

Given the appreciation the

sent off with a shower of thank-

explained that oftentimes the

shooting range, the land has been

you’s and loving embraces

public doesn’t understand that

charred black by the deadly fire,

when this is blows over.

once a fire has moved far enough

which has since moved uphill to

away to not cause any more

the north. Bones from unlucky

Additional reporting done by Isaac

damage, it’s sometimes best

forest animals could be found


to not to send firefighters into

among the soot and dead embers.



JULY 25, 2018

Westminster’s Fourth of July dazzles By James Burky

is to connect people with nature,


wellness and literacy, and literacy means arts and culture.

The air was dry and the sun was beaming down on 11,000 Westminster and Arvada residents

This is very much a celebration of heritage and culture.” Halfway through the

as a breeze slowly evolved into a

extravaganza, a stray ember landed

pulverizing gale. The yearning for

in the dry brush that surrounds

a great Fourth of July had been

the City Park Pond, where the

hampered for the attendees of

fireworks were being shot and

the City of Westminster’s annual

ignited a small, but noticeable,

July 4th Celebration, nestled in

fire. As people gathered around as

the Sloan’s Lake-sized grassy field

close as the plastic orange fence

behind the City Park Recreation

would allow them, a group of three

and Fitness centers. Luckily for

from the city’s fire department

them, the wind eventually subsided

extinguished the flames. Neumann

and the festivities continued.

assured that such mishaps

As the sidewalk perimeter served as a bazaar of local food, businesses and entertainment, the happenings

are to be expected with large shows and was planned for. “It’s a spot fire, they frequently

within the inner field can only be

happen with fireworks,” Neumann

described as controlled, family-

said, accompanied by Bob

friendly chaos. Relatives faced

Hose of the Westminster Fire

off in a volleyball set up, with two

Department. “It looks a lot more

teams of six fiercely competing for

exciting than it actually is.”

bragging rights. A stroll through and around the set ups presented opportunities for shopping at


clothing trucks like She-Op, a stop at one of the eight food trucks for a bite

Amber Haschenburger owns

Photo obtained from City of Westminster Fireworks erupt over Westminster, CO on July 4, 2014. Westminster puts on an annual firework show for the area’s residents.

friend does, particularly with

Before they were on national and

relatable. Not everyone can have

showcasing Pearl Street Lights,

international tours, they scraped

their musical career jump-started

a local candle company run by

by as a group, performing for tips

by five seasons on a kids show,

to eat, or to take a seat in Bender’s

and operates She-Op, a women’s

Kerry Humphrey that helps women

at the Boulder Farmer’s Market

but most can start a band with

Beer Garden for an overpriced, yet

only clothing store. Except, it’s

coming out of incarceration.

and along the Pearl Street Mall,

their buddies and play for dirt.

refreshing, ice-cold beer. Upon

not really a store, it’s a vibrant teal

finishing there, attendees could

truck and by operating, she drives

one would hire her. She started

arrangements of hit songs and

be on their way to making it big,

check out the concert stage and

the truck and sets herself up at

out creating these cool string-of-

original works with harmonies

they haven’t forgotten about their

hear a set from the homegrown

the foot of the stairs connected

lights and they evolved to candles,”

intricately weaved throughout.

fellow Coloradans that have been

band Face, who played a mix of

to the back of the “store.”

Haschenburger said. “Now she’s

covers and originals, and admire the

“It’s a mobile boutique. We

“She got out of prison and no

killing it in the candle business.”

children dancing in unsynchronized

have anything athletic or ’girly’

syncopation to a reimagining of

in here,” Haschenburger said.

She-Op makes its rounds around

4 Non Blondes’ “What’s Up.” The

“Candles, jewelry made only by

the entire state and set up shop

five-piece vocal band played right

Colorado women. So it’s kind of a

at the LoHi music festival. To

up to the marquee event, the 30

women empowerment type deal.”

see where the truck is stationed,

Within the truck is a western

you can check out their website

minute fireworks show. Welcome to the Fourth of July in Westminster.

aesthetic shop, almost like the

Haschenburger ensures that

at thesheoperation.com.

Aeropostale at the Flatirons Mall

“We want people to have the best experience possible when celebrating the Fourth of July.” – Rich Neumann

without the corporate touch, instead

and the purpose of playing this show was to give back to them. “We’re all from here. This is home. If we do a hundred shows this year, eighty of them will be in Colorado. All of the north Metro area is our hometown crowd,” Megibow said. “We’re leaving for Australia in two days and most of our fans know that and they’re excited for us. So a

Now, they’re performing two Mark Megibow is a well built,

Though the band seems to

with them since the beginning,

“You will not find five guys who are more grateful for what we have and just enjoying every minute of it, ‘cause every year gets a little bit better and it didn’t suck last year.” – Mark Megibow


replaced with a dash of locale. She-Op’s beginnings laid in

with no sales pitch other than their

lot of them are here today not just

Fourth of July shows and are

for the fireworks, but seeing us off,

Haschenburger, a mother of two,

classically trained percussionist

about to embark on their first ever

kind of giving us a pat on the back

and her desire to run a business

sporting a bronze tan, American

international tour, performing at the

and a kick in the butt and saying,

and sell clothes. While the

flag hoodie-tee and a black,

Festival of Voices Big Sing Bonfire

‘Go get ‘em, represent us well,’ and

beginnings held no large, societal

spiked leather wristband on

in Hobart, Australia on July 8.

we know they’re going to be right

purpose, she showcases local

his left wrist topped off with a

Recreation and Libraries Rich

products and uses her business as

genuine, mile-wide smile.

Neumann anticipated the 2018

a platform to fund for charities.

Marketing supervisor for Parks,

installment to be one of the biggest

One of her showcase items

It seemed fitting that he was

“We all have lived that whole

here when we get home and we’ll

story of nothing-to-now,” Megibow

get to do more shows for them.”

said. “You will not find five

The apex of Face’s 2018 concert

there as the “drummer” of the

guys who are more grateful for

slate will be their August 11 show

yet, expecting to absorb residents

are Bitchstix, a line of cosmetics

local vocal band Face, performing

what we have and just enjoying

at the Arvada Center for the Arts

from the nearby city of Arvada.

whose owners take pride that the

at Westminster’s annual Fourth of

every minute of it, ‘cause every

and Humanities. Tickets can be

Arvada, just five miles away

company doesn’t test on animals

July celebration. The band, after

year gets a little bit better and

bought on bandisintown.com via

from Westminster, canceled their

and promote women empowerment.

all, exemplifies the folklore of the

it didn’t suck last year.”

Face’s website and run from $34-

pre-fireworks festivities, citing

Half of the money used to buy

rags-to-riches American dream.

too few volunteers, insufficient

Bitchstix is sent to funds to help

parking spaces and resistance

victims of domestic abuse.

Face, this year’s opener to the

And maybe that’s why they’re

51, which includes a five dollar

where they are today. Megibow

handling fee on top of face value.

fireworks show, began 17 years

theorizes that their rags-to-riches

All of the proceeds will go to the

ago. Megibow, a Kansas native

story is one of the main appeals

Swallow Hill Music Association,

in height, blonde and modest,

who moved to Colorado over 20

of the band. While there are

an organization and cause the

best experience possible when

her friend Shannon Ambrose,

years ago, joined Colorado natives

artists whose careers are born

entire group is passionate about.

celebrating the Fourth of July,”

shorter than Haschenberger, but

Ryan Driver, Cody Qualls, — also

and raised through the corporate

Neumann said. “Our mission in

sporting the same hair color, is

the band’s primary songwriter,

structure, the loyal Face fans find

Parks, Recreation and Libraries

outspoken about the good her

Stephen Ross and Forest Kelly.

the band to be more human and

from local neighborhoods. “We want people to have the

While Haschenburger is average




Q&A: Campus Recreation’s renaissance

Basketball coaches move on Assistant men’s basketball coaches Lucas Gabriel and Kenny Tripp have left their roles at MSU Denver for similar positions at Bellevue University and Washington State University respectively. Both were a part of the slew of hires to serve under coach Michael Bahl following the firing of Derrick Clark in the middle of the 2016-17 season.

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

In an attempt to recuperate from the graduation of nine seniors, the MSU Denver baseball team signed the same number of recruits for their 2019 roster. Two of those nine are transfers from Division I schools. Outfielder Cade Peters played at the University of California - Riverside and pitcher Taylor Petersen played for Louisiana State University. The other new arrivals are pitchers Branden Dehority, Nick Iossi and Gannon Reiswig, infielders Zach Walsh and Jacob Moyer, outfielder Chase Anderson, and catcher Andrew Chavez, whose previous school, the University of Nebraska Kearney, closed its baseball program due to budget cuts.

Minnesota Vikings offensive line coach Tony Sparano has died from an unexpected heart attack, the team announced late Sunday. He was 56. Sparano made headlines when he took over the 1-15 Miami Dolphins in 2008 and, with the help of the newly employed wild cat offense, won the AFC East at 11-5. This was the last time the New England Patriots didn’t take the division title. Spranao spent 19 seasons in the league as an assistant, also serving as interim coach for the Oakland Raiders in 2014. He is survived by his wife Jeannette, sons Anthony Michael and Andrew, and daughter Ryan Leigh.

Lochte banned from competition for 14 months After posting a photo on Instagram of himself taking an IV infusion in May, swimmer Ryan Lochte, a 12 time gold medalist, has been suspended by the United States Anti-Doping Agency. The agency launched an investigation after the swimmer shared the picture and found that while the process itself is not banned, the amount of vitamins he was using — about 100 mL — is illegal, save for special exceptions. The ban is effective from the date he posted the photo, and will be eligible for competition again in July 2019.

Lamothe: It’s challenging for

Diane Yee is the director of

that we’re holding, and Fall Fest

campus recreation for MSU

and social media, trying to get

Denver and David Lamothe is

word of mouth going on campus.

assistant director of recreation

We’re offering programs in the

and leadership. Previously, the

evening. Outdoor pursuits tries

two would focus their department

to get back to campus by 2 or 3

resources toward the school’s

p.m. so that people can get to their

intramural program, but now will

evening jobs, things like that. Yee: We also realize that

on Aug. 1, and their goal will shift

not every student on campus

toward increasing the campus

is sporty, so we’re giving them

presence of both divisions.

outlets for ways to recreate

MSU Denver will offer 13 club sports and seven intramural events. Among those seven,

that aren’t necessarily physical contact or physical in nature. Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Campus Recreation

Lamothe: Yeah, so in the

Students participate in a game of intramural basketball in the Auraria physical education building on Feb. 6. Basketball will be one of seven intramural sports offered in the fall.

Campus Recreation is introducing

fall, we’re going to roll out our

a brand new esports program.

esport program. We’re going to

Admission is free to all MSU

do one-off tournaments in FIFA,

Denver students, a fee of $70 per

Madden, NBA 2K, Rocket League

semester for non-MSU denver

and Tetris and things of that

students, and $50 for employees

nature. You still get a lot of team

of the school and campus.

camaraderie, you still have to

program is free of charge for

think about strategy, competition,

Campus Recreation members. For

like for club sports and

up for their first Rec Fest, an event

winning and sportsmanship. So,

MSU Denver students, it’s a part

Campus Recreation?

that showcases what campus

to bring that full circle, we’re

of their tuition so they’re already a

recreation has to offer. The event

bringing on new programs,

member. They bring their schedule

funds from the Student Affairs

will be held on Wednesday,

staying on current trends. We just

in, activate their cards so they

Board. They’ve allocated a

Sept. 5 outside of the Tivoli.

throw a lot at the wall, we see

can check in and use spaces,

certain amount of money to club

What’s the purpose of Campus

what students are interested in

but there’s no additional cost.

sports every year, it cannot be

Recreation and this department?

and then bolster those efforts.

The department is also gearing

Diane Yee: The purpose

Vikings assistant coach dies

to utilize any unique tactics? sure. Staying up with a Rec Fest

absorb the club sports program

Baseball adds firepower

JULY 25, 2018

How is this new esports

entry fees for intramurals? Lamothe: The entire intramural

Why is it important for students

regionally and nationally, and varsity is above that. What will funding look

Yee: There’s actually dedicated

taken away, and within that pot

to get this exercise and to have

of money clubs put in a budget

access to recreation like this?

proposal based on their needs.

is multifaceted. Primary, it is

program going to be structured?

engagement, letting students

What days will it meet and

know that they have an outlet on

if students are interested,

on the holistic person here.

having that leadership opportunity

campus, not only academically, but

how do they join?

Not just their physical activity,

of preparing a budget.

for mental and physical wellness.

Lamothe: The information will

Lamothe: We like to focus

but their mental wellness, their

We put it back on the students of

Was there something that

The obvious reason is they can

be on our website with all other

emotional safety and their

wasn’t asked that you feel

come here and work out, do team

intramural sport offerings. They

emotional wellness, too. We’re

should have been, or something

sports, group fitness, go on a hike

will be on Wednesdays, but we’re

going to try to offer as much as

else we should know?

with our outdoor pursuits team,

still waiting on confirmation from

we can to hit all of those different

but really to get them engaged.

AHEC [Auraria Higher Education

things. Interacting with students

levels of sport; open recreation,

MSU Denver is great because

Campus]. We would do them here

outside of the classroom, forming

intramurals, club sports and

they have a Human, Performance

in the PE building. Playstation

those social bonds and social

varsity. We’re actually going to

and Sport program. We do get

and Xbox is what we’ll roll out

networks increases your support

start a new level this year, and

a handful of students who have

first, maybe PC gaming later

network, right? You have a bad

it’s really just an extension of

an interest in sport. Whether it

on, but that’s another beast.

day, now you have people you

intramurals, it’s extramural sports.

be personal training, exercise

One thing esports is going to

can go talk to about that. You

Intramural is defined as inside the

science, or coaching, but then

stay away from, though, is any

can go take out your frustration

walls, so we’re going to take our

we also do have a lot of students

type of shooting games. So

and your stress from midterms

best teams, our best intramural

that are maybe in the engineering

we’re not going to do Fortnite or

at intramural basketball night.

teams, and have them compete

program and do other academic

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

concentrations, so we really

or Overwatch. We want to be

are a melting pot on campus.

sensitive to our populations on

And what club sports are offered? Yee: Currently we have

Yee: We mentioned the four

against the other college’s best teams in an extramural tournament. We’re going to kick it

campus and, pun intended, those

lacrosse, baseball, ice hockey,

off with basketball, we are going

providing students an opportunity

could be triggers, and we want

we have a ski and ride club — so

to invite our champion to compete

to engage with other students

to keep them sports related as

even though they’re considered a

against the other champions of the

outside of the classroom.

much as possible. We are going to

club under club sports, they don’t

front range colleges. The event is

stream everything through Twitch,

compete, they’re more of a social

going to be called FREE. And that

Mixer and Steam once we go PC.

group — poms and cheerleading.

stands for: Front Range Extramural

David Lamothe: We’re

Yee: Especially on a campus like this. We are tri-institutional,

Lamothe: Those are the ones

Extravaganza. And that’ll take

we have so many majors and

Yee: It is a league format

we are non-traditional in the

where there’s a schedule every

that we do know are coming

place at the end of the fiscal year,

sense, these students aren’t all

week. Like, Team 1 plays Team

back in the fall. They do kind of

so probably sometime late April.

18-24 years old. We have a lot of

2 by Wednesday or Sunday, and

fluctuate semester-to-semester

It’s our first year, we literally

students that are first generation

it’s up to you to email each other

because it really is a student

just asked the other intramural

college students, students that

and find a time to play, whether

focus. It’s up to them to identify

directors if they’re interested.

worked a full career or were in

you get together on campus

a need and create a new club

the military and are coming back

on play remotely from where

team. I would say very quickly;

conducted. condensed and

for higher education purposes.

edited by James Burky.

you live. A lot of our students

open recreation, it’s just open

Because Auraria is a

have families, have jobs, have

time in the gym. Intramurals is

commuter campus, is it

other commitments that can’t

the next level, formal, somewhat

challenging to get the student

bring them back to campus.

competitive. Club is the next level

body involved? Have you had

Are there going to be

above that, pretty competitive

This interview was


JULY 25, 2018


First Friday Art Walk

Location 965 Santa Fe Drive


Killer Queen

Location Red Rocks



Panic! At The Disco


Location Pepsi Center

Price $44.50

Price $30.75-70.75

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


7.25 Oskar Blue’s Comedy

7.30 Mug Night: Stand-up

Show Location The Black Buzzard

Comedy Location Hodi’s Half Note

Price Free Time 6-8 p.m. 7.27 Shania Twain Location Red Rocks 8.4

Re-thinking the Pinking Workshop


Jack White

Location 1st Bank Center

Price $69.95-149.95

Price $65-85

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Price Free

Price Free

Time 9:30-11:30 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Dance Class


7.30 Dance and Bootcamp

8.6 Drag Workshop

Fusion Location The Walnut Room Location 965 Santa Fe Drive


Drake and Migos


Lupe Fiasco

Price Free Time 12-3 p.m.


Third Friday Art Walk

Location Pepsi Center Price $59.50-$199.50 Time 7 p.m.


Weezer and Pixies

Location Fiddler’s Green Location 965 Santa Fe Drive Price Free

Location Ogden Time 8 p.m.


Highly Suspect

Location Ogden Price $30

Time 6 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Time 6-8 p.m.


Pink Progression Poetry Reading and Closing Reception

Yo Yo Ma



Time 6 p.m.

Time 6 a.m.

COLORADO ROCKIES 7.26 Opponent vs. Astros Location Coors Field

Location Red Rocks

Location Pepsi Center

Price $39.50-175

Price $54.50-79.50

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 1-4 p.m.

Allison Wonderland

Location Ogden


Gang of Youths

Price $12-14

Time 9 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Price Varies

Time 6:40 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.

7.27 Opponent vs. Athletics

Lake Clarity: For an immersive audio drama check out “Lake Clarity” at MyMetMedia.com

Location Red Rocks

7.30 Opponent @ Cardinals Location Busch Stadium

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:40 p.m.

Time 6:10 p.m.

7.28 Opponent vs. Athletics

Yonder Mountain String Band

Location Coors Field

Location Globe Hall

Price $26.75-76.75


Opponent vs. Athletics

Price Varies

Location Coors Field 8.3


Pretty Lights

Location 965 Santa Fe Drive Price Free


Price $15 Price $35

Price $29.75-85


Location Empire Beauty School


Opponent @ Cardinals

The Ataris Location Coors Field



The Oriental Theater

Price $42-75



Time 6 p.m.


8 p.m.

Location Busch Stadium

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:10 p.m.

Time 6:15 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS Starbucks sign language

Emergency relief for farmers

store to be opened

On July 19, Starbucks announced that they will open a new store in the District of Columbia where all employees will be expected to be proficient in American Sign Language. Starbucks stated that they will hire these 20 employees as part of the company’s “commitment to inclusion” and to provide employment opportunities to members of the deaf and hard of hearing communities. The company already has a similar store in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The U.S. store will be located near Gallaudet University, a school for deaf and hard of hearing students.

On July 24, the Trump administration announced that farmers will receive $12 billion in emergency relief to offset those hurt as a result of the president’s trade war. Sources close to the administration state that the aid will come through two assistance programs: one to help with purchasing and distributing food and the other geared toward trade. The move will be announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture later on Tuesday as the president continues to apply pressure on other nations during the trade war and shortly after Trump tweeted, “Tariffs are the greatest!”

Denver ranked 12th best big

Trump threatens to remove

city to live in by Wallethub

security clearance from critics

Wallethub compiled a list of the best big cities in the U.S., only counting those with a population of over 300,000. Colorado had three cities place on the list: Colorado Springs in 9th place, Denver in 12th and Aurora in 22nd. The list compared affordability, economy, education & health, quality of life and safety. Denver came in second, behind a three way tie for highest income growth, and fourth for best bike score.

During a press conference on July 23, White House press secretary Sarah HuckabeeSanders gave a list of former government employees who have inactive security clearances that the Trump administration was looking into revoking. Each of the people listed have been openly critical of the president in the past, including Obama appointees John Brennan, James Comey and Susan Rice. Brennan recently called Trump’s actions in Helsinki treasonous and said, “he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.”

Disney fires director James Gunn

Disney fired James Gunn, the director of both of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, after past tweets which made jokes about pedophilia and molestation resurfaced. The tweets were brought back into the public eye by people like Mike Cernovich, one of the most prominent promoters of the pizzagate conspiracy. Cernovich has a history of using peoples’ past tweets against them. Especially if those people have different political views. Gunn, for example, is a vocal critic of President Donald Trump.


JULY 25, 2018



“Meek young men grow up in libraries believing it their duty to accept the views which Cicero, which Locke, which Bacon have given, forgetful that Cicero, Locke and Bacon were only young men in libraries when they wrote those books.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson “Without music, life would be a mistake.” -Friedrich Nietzsche



An Irish carbomb will save your life. The Guiness and Jameson variety, of course.

It’s time to beGIN! You smell like a tree, it’s time to move to the forest.



When you want to have a shot, ask for a tequila. Dance until your clothes fall off, you didn’t need that scarf anyway.

The Old Fashioned state of mind is coming back into style. It’s okay to be smoky, crotchety and conservative.



Beer will always be your friend, never forget that.

Love will come in the form of a Rose. Don’t say no to the pink. Apparently, according to to a 2002 campaign, “tough [men] wear pink.”



You are a glass of white wine, a classy human. Walk through life with flare and sass, it suits you.

Vodka milkshakes will forever be a paradox: you are screwed, but you love it and you love it because you’re screwed.



Top 5 Ways to cool down this summer 1. Popsicle(s) 2. Stand next to Ali’s cold heart 3. Empty your fridge, take shelter inside it 4. Sew yourself a sweater of Otter Pops

You are red wine: you are dark, full and good with meats. But next time you find yourself on the chopping block, reevaluate your life choices.

Learn the difference between Whiskey and Whisky. It will help you look less stupid when traveling abroad.



You are due to meet a White Russian. They will be tall, full bodied and creamy.

Jim Beam, you are the love of my life. If you read this, please return my advances. I’ve tried multiple times...

5. Consider becoming a reptilian Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu

Brain games Across

42. Steep rugged rock


34. Greater likeliness to win

1. Motor ending

43. Charred

1. Sharp-pointed

35. Kind of poker

5. Russian news agcy.

44. Not becoming

2. Wandering

37. Deer tail

9. Not spoken

47. Cygnet

3. Computer key

38. Flying fish-eater

14. Selfish person

48. Kind of meal

4. Irregularly notched

39. Junior, perhaps

15. Off-Broadway award

51. Hole’s starting point

5. Servile

40. Some rub-outs

16. Atlanta university

52. Terhune barker

6. Highly competent

41. Kelly and Hackman

17. WWII battle site

54. Communication

7. Highway sight

45. Furthest along

18. Seaweed

between planes?

8. Alliance from 1954 to

46. Youngest Lincoln

19. Smooches

56. Greeting recipient (see


48. Lake in upstate New

20. Oft quoted greeting


9. Professor’s goal, perhaps


(with 37-Across)

60. Climb

10. Mingo portrayer Ed

49. Bitter

23. Diner

62. Anchor

11. Spiral-shaped ear cavity

50. Beliefs

24. Paddle

63. Animal pelt

12. Anger

53. British ladies of society

25. Potassium hydroxide

64. Appropriates

13. Cobb and Detmer

55. Fire remnants

28. Tint

65. Otherwise

21. Tiger’s tools?

57. ‘’The Shadow’’ star

29. Pretentiously suave

66. Make the final cut?

22. Prohibit


32. Put back into the freezer

67. Straight up

26. Lawn location

58. Unwelcome rooter


68. Mathematical groups

27. Part of BPOE

59. Party giver

34. Followed

69. Pouches

30. Aparicio of the White

60. Sault ___ Marie

36. Listen closely


61. Word with box or cable

37. End of the greeting (see

31. Affirmatives


33. Food fish




student organizations need an advertisement?


© 2018 Disney Enterprises Inc.

Please include “Metro Robin” in the subject line for your entry to be valid. Entry deadline is Friday, July 27 at 12:00PM.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Limit one (1) family four-pack per family. This film is rated PG for some action. Must be 13 years of age to receive passes. Employees of all promotional partners and their agencies are not eligible. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by Friday, July 27, 2018 at 12:00PM to be eligible to receive passes. Winners will be contacted via e-mail to receive their passes. Sponsors not responsible for incomplete, lost, late or misdirected entries or for failure to receive entries due to transmission or technical failures of any kind. SEATING IS LIMITED, SO ARRIVE EARLY. PASS DOES NOT GUARANTEE A SEAT AT THE SCREENING.


Movies.Disney.com/Christopher-Robin |

/DisneyChristopherRobin |

@DisneyStudios | #ChristopherRobin




offers free ads


one free sixteenth page ad in the Metropolitan to all MSU Denver student organization per semester.


THIS FILM IS RATED PG-13 FOR ACTION/ PERIL, BLOOD IMAGES AND SOME LANGUAGE Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability.


Sales@MyMetMedia.com or 303-615-0155 2.5”

IN THEATERS AUGUST 10 www.TheMeg.movie | #TheMeg

Watch LIVE on Campus Channel 20 at 12:30 p.m. every Friday and nightly from 7–9 p.m. on Comcast Channel 58. Watch for Campus News, National News, Entertainment, Weather and Sports.

MyMetMedia.com/MetReport TheMetReport @TheMetReport YouTube.com/user/TheMetReport the_met_report

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