Volume 40, Issue 1 - Aug. 16, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 40

NO. 01

AUGUST 16, 2017


Cory Gardner blitzes three town halls in one day By Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu

Support from his constituents quickly faded, and about 15 minutes into the meeting Gardner

After months of protests and

received boos and criticism that

complaints from constituents,

lasted the majority of the hour-

Sen. Cory Gardner held three

and-a-half long event. Tensions

town hall meetings throughout

mounted further as Gardner

Colorado on Aug. 15.

responded to one question

The event followed almost two weeks after Gardner’s first town hall in more than a year on Aug. 4.

where he said that he thought Trump was fit to be President. Gardner also fielded

The anger of the last few months

questions about healthcare,

toward Gardner was evident at

the environment and North

the first of these town halls held

Korea, equally controversial

in Colorado Springs. However,

topics for the U.S. Senator.

over the weekend Gardner gained

Amy Gray, the local team

points with constituents when

leader for climate organization 350

he condemned the violence in

Colorado, addressed Gardner with

Charlottesville and pressured

her two small children playing at

President Donald Trump over

her feet. Gray’s main concern for

Twitter to call evil by its name.

the town hall was the potential

“These were white

development of a coal mine in

supremacists and this was

Gunnison National Park. She

domestic terrorism,” he said.

expressed her frustration with

Gardner took the opportunity

Gardner’s lack of responsiveness

to start things on the right

to calls, emails and meeting

foot and echo his disdain for

requests, a sentiment that was

white nationalist groups.

reflected in many of the questions.

“I think it’s about time asses

“I came here today because I

with Nazi flags go back into their

had to be able to ask him to his

hole,” Gardner said during the

face ‘what will you do to protect

meeting. “It was unacceptable

our environment?’ All of this,

that we had people saying anti-

the health care, the tax cuts,

semitic slogans. They are not a

will matter not if we don’t have

part of this country and they will

clean air and water,” Gray said.

never be a part of this country.” Sharon Eakins, an attendee,

Haven Colenan, an 11-year-old self-proclaimed environmental

said that she was proud of Gardner

activist, addressed Gardner

for calling out President Trump

through teary eyes. She thanked

and the violence over the weekend.

the Senator for standing up

“I came here specifically to thank you today for finally

against hate and terrorism. “You need to be strong just

standing up to Donald Trump. I

like that on the climate crisis, too.

was so proud. I saw you and I saw

You campaigned on clean energy

a different Cory Gardner,” she said

and protecting future generations,

to Gardner during the meeting.

start doing it,” she said to Gardner.

Photos by Madison Lauterbach | mlauter1@msudenver.edu

Three hundred people filled the auditorium at Pikes Peak Community College for one of Sen. Cory Gardner’s three town halls on Aug. 15, 2017.


| pg. 2


| pg. 6

White supremacist flyers on campus

Feline Festival showcases adoptable cats



| pg. 4

Tensions and conflict at home and abroad

| pg. 8

Soccer prepares kick off fall campaign

Attendees were given green and red pieces of paper to show their agreement or disagreement with Sen. Gardner or other speaker’s statements.



AUGUST 16, 2017

Racial tension on the rise BRIEFS President Davidson holds first cabinet meeting At her first cabinet meeting on August 7, MSU Denver President Davidson introduced her administration and its conceptual structure. Davidson gave a list of guiding principles for herself and her administration, including healthy work/life balance, open-mindedness, good time management, respect, trust, transparency and open communication. She briefly discussed the concept of shared governance and how she feels “it’s a good idea.” She started the cabinet meeting by saying, “This is an important forum, it allows me to hear what is happening in our community and what is on your mind.” Davidson stated, “I certainly don’t have all the answers, if I did, I could do all your jobs. But I don’t. So, I need lots of ideas from you. I am open minded about new ways of doing things.” Despite her last job before taking the reigns at MSU Denver, which was the undersecretary of the Navy, she has no intentions of bringing a topdown military style leadership.

By James Bofenkamp

Evropa, which encouraged


students to “Serve your people.” The organization’s website

Although Auraria campus

said that they are awakened

remains free from hate crimes

Europeans and that “in a time

so far in 2017, students feel

when every other people are

tension due to the current

asserting their identity, without

political climate and racial

action, we will have no chance

devides across the nation.

to resist our dispossession.”

The lack of reported hate

According to Slate, Identity

crimes this year differs from 2016,

Evropa was among the white

when there were four reported

power groups that gathered

hate crimes against students at

in Charlottesville to protest

school related events both away

the removal of a statue of

from campus and on campus.

Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Denver at large is suffering

Despite the lack of recorded

from the opposite experience.

hate crimes on campus, Associate

As of July 26, the Denver Police

Vice President of Student

Department had already logged

Engagement and Wellness

Posters such as this were hung around campus. As of publication all

44 unique hate crimes, compared

Braelin Pantel has been having

posters have been removed from campus.

to a total of 32 in 2016.

students come into her office with

According to Chief of Auraria

complaints. Some are complaining

Photo by James Boferkamp | jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

“Sometimes that doesn’t

and obeys the same conduct rules

Campus Police Michael Phibbs,

about the things that their

look like what they’re wanting.

that students must obey, any

there are a series of protected

classmates have said in class or on

Sometimes their support is ‘close

organization can be established

classes under Colorado hate

campus, and others feel isolated

this group down,” Pantel said.

crime laws, including race,

and alone due to their beliefs.

religion and sexual orientation. “Any time we have a crime committed where we think part of the motivation is related to

“There’s been students that

Regarding the school’s stance on organizations like Identity

Identity Evropa is not a registered organization with the school.

are feeling, I think, frustrated,

Evropa and whether or not they

Students embrace what

scared, mad,” Pantel said.

would be allowed to officially be

Pantel described as diversity

established through the school,

on the Auraria campus.

Pantel wanted to make it

one of those protected classes

clear that her office was there to

LeValley said, “We ask for their

that’s how we mark it, as a bias

offer support to students who

mission, but we don’t make

diverse opinions, ideas and

motivated crime,” Phibbs said.

felt uncomfortable about the

judgement on their mission.”

people,” Pantel said.

Over the summer, fliers

political climate. However, she

“Diversity truly means

As long as a student

were posted across campus by

also clarified that there were

organization meets the

an organization called Identity

limits to what the school can do.

requirements for incorporation

Betsy DeVos visit comes with protest By Miriam Mimi Madrid

but sees the challenges when

and members of the Colorado


elite charter schools hand-pick

Education Association who shared

students from more affluent

the same sentiments marched

and well-educated families.

in protest from the capitol to the

About 1,500 people attended the 44th American Legislative

“Private is private and their

hotel a day before DeVos spoke.

Exchange Council annual meeting

first objective is profit,” Riley said.

that took place at the Hyatt

“The real question is, are we talking

graduate, was arrested with three

Regency hotel in downtown

about service to these families,

others in the hotel lobby while

Denver beginning July 19.

or allowing profits? Someone

holding a banner that questioned

is going to take a back seat.”

school choice vouchers.

Conservative legislators, lobbyists, corporate stakeholders

With 238 charter schools,

Joe Deras, an MSU Denver

“Betsy DeVos is on a mission

and ALEC members came together

Colorado ranks sixth in The

to turn charters and public money

under one roof to network and

Center for Education Reform’s

over into these private hands, and

discuss government policies. One

Charter School Laws Ranking and

we know that takes money from

of the major topics discussed was

Scorecard. However, ALEC’s Report

our public schools,” Deras said.

school choice voucher programs.

Card on American Education ranks

Secretary of Education Betsy Photo by Miriam Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

DeVos, one of the keynote speakers for the event, made it clear in her

Besty Devos speaking to the 44th American Legislative Exchange Council

remarks that she will continue

understand why political and

choice program’s size and scope,

business connections form,

purchasing power in the educational

especially when legislation

marketplace, flexibility and freedom.

coming out of ALEC affects everyone personally.

to champion voucher programs

questions about voucher programs

more tolerant of all groups

Colorado currently does not allow

across the nation despite protest.

from a packed conference room.

and their right to assemble

private school choice programs.

“Our opponents, defenders

“A school voucher is a

and practice free speech.

Deras said it’s important to

Colorado at 27th based on school

Sen. Michael Bennet, former

“We needed to make sure people inside of ALEC knew there’s a

of the status quo, only protest

scholarship for a parent, received

superintendent for Denver

resistance for everything they stand

those capable of implementing

from the state, to send their kid

have towering impacts on how

Public Schools, spoke in January

for. And that their plans will not go

real change. You represent

to the school that they choose.

they treat others,” Enlow said.

against DeVos’ nomination for

into effect without a fight,” he said.

real change,” DeVos said.

It helps pay for that tuition or at

Former Indiana Sen. Carlin Yoder and Robert Enlow, president and

least a portion of it,” Yoder said. Enlow said studies compiled

“Kids that go to private school

Eric Riley, a conference attendee

secretary of education, citing

from Florida, was concerned that

her lack of experience which

private schools are the ultimate

gave him no confidence that she would prioritize students.

CEO of EdChoice, an education

by EdChoice show that private

arbiters of student enrollment.

reform organization, answered

education makes students

He believes in competition

Hundreds of teachers, students

Additional reporting by Ryan Longaker


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AUGUST 16, 2017

Tensions rise with North Korea staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editors Joseph Potts jpotts11@msudenver.edu


n the last week, all we’ve heard

dealing with North Korea ever

own advisors are even caught off

about is North Korea on the

since the armistice was signed.

guard by his insane comments

news and about the war of words

Now back to 2017. Why are

in regard to North Korea. This

between President Trump and the

we all of sudden on the brink of a

president has no self-control

North Korean dictator Kim Jong

second Korean War? Well, let’s look

and has behaved like a child

Un. These two leaders have let the

at the last few years. Since Kim

on numerous occasions. In the

whole world know how they feel

Jong Un took over power after his

past week, he has threatened

about each other. This is nothing to

father passed away, he has been

the North Korean leader with

take lightly. We have a Commander

on a path to show his power to his

his “fire and fury like the world

in Chief that is very temperamental

people. He is a reckless, insane and

has never seen,” threat.

and hot headed. The fact that he

psychopathic leader to put it simply.

controls our nuclear weapons is

Joe Potts

what scares me more than anything. China is North Korea’s biggest ally. Over the years, China has

Korea seriously. However, we

death of members of his own family.

don’t need to be instigating an

over the years, that is a jaw dropper. Now let’s get one thing clear!

Yes, we need to take North

This is a man that has ordered the

insane man who might be able to

“We don’t need to be instigating an insane man who might be able to attack us with nuclear warheads.”

attack us with nuclear warheads.

James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

always defended North Korea until

Combat in the Korean War ended

lately when China started to take a

July 27, 1953. However, what most

Features Editor

harder stance on the small east Asia

people don’t know is the war never

Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu

country. In the past week, China has

really ended. There was never a

come out and said they would not

treaty signed to end the war, only

Sports Editor

support the United States if we take

an armistice was signed. This is

This man lives in his own bubble

nuclear war where without a doubt

David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu

the first shots. However, if North

why the borders between North

and thinks he is unstoppable.

there would be millions, maybe

Korea were to take the first shot at

and South Korea, also known as

Assistant Sports Editor

the United States, which includes

the Korean Demilitarized Zone,

have not had a president that was

Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu

Guam, China would side with

exist. It was part of the armistice

willing to go to full on war with

the United States, if you’ve been

deal. So, if anyone thinks this is a

North Korea until now. We have a

Photo Editor

following the North Korea situation

new issue, it’s not. We have been

very unpredictable president. His

President Trump needs to shut his mouth, stop tweeting, grow the hell up and act like a real president and commander-in-chief. We need to stop encouraging a

Here in the United States we

billions of lives lost over two men who want to act like children.

Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

Charlottesville demonstration affects entire nation


ow far have we fallen as

to tears. I thought we had come

they become adults. In 20 years, will

a country? We went from

further than this. I thought I lived in

we have come any further to the

electing our first black

a country that had beaten racism

ideal country that doesn’t recognize

president to electing a president

down enough that it couldn’t be

color or religion? As long as we

who cannot call out blatant racism

thrown in our faces and disguised as

continue to put people in power who

Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu

and bigotry for what it is. A man

some kind of sick pride. I know that

cannot name racism, point it out and

Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

the media of whether he wants

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

who ignores questions from

condemn it, I feel the answer is no.

support from white nationalists. A man who doesn’t name domestic terror as it runs down peaceful protesters, even killing one.

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Maria Muller

“I have seen family and friends of color treated differently, and I know that racism still exists.”

The Unite the Right

Americans cannot put someone like Trump in power and then act confused when he doesn’t face down racism. We knew he had ties with former KKK leader David Duke and we know that

demonstration that took place in

who were there to oppose a rally

people of color still face an uphill

Duke continues to support Trump.

Charlottesville, Virginia needed to

that is founded on hatred. And I

battle when reaching for success.

Why are we surprised that our

be countered by citizens who still

shake my head in frustration that

People who believe blacks don’t

president refused to say anything

believe in equality. We cannot live in

President Trump didn’t have the

have to be smarter, more talented

to condemn white supremacists

a country where racism walks down

balls to call out a rally of white

and work harder for success have

who rallied for him, and then

our streets and waves its flag of

supremacists that brought violence

put up blinders to the world around

wore Trump’s “Make America

evil. The south has too much history

and death for being wrong. His

them. I have seen family and friends

Great Again” hats while violently

of violence committed by the KKK

ambiguous comment of “many

of color treated differently, and I

attacking counter protesters? We

and white supremacists to ignore

sides” needs to be recognized for

know that racism still exists. I had

knew what he was before he took

a demonstration that encourages

what it is. Trump has taken a side,

hoped by the time my children

office. Let us take a good look

hatred and ignorance. Too many

and as most of us have realized

were grown that it wouldn’t be

at our leader and learn from our

black people have died by bigots like

all along, it is the wrong side.

something that we must battle on

mistakes. If we want America to

such a large scale. I now find myself

be great one day, we cannot put someone like Trump in power again.

these to allow white supremacists to

As a mother and grandmother of

go unanswered. I salute the courage

children of mixed races I watched

questioning what kind of America

of those counter demonstrators

the violence erupt and came close

my grandchildren will face when

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

AUGUST 16, 2017



Pets for Vets benefits from Shootout for Soldiers lacrosse tournament By Carly Hollinshead

a great cause. My son, who is 13,


has also been playing,” Moore said. Over the course of the

and service animals. Pets for Vets is a nonprofit organization with chapters across

Shootout for Soldiers held its

tournament, teams comprised

the United States. The Colorado

annual 24-hour lacrosse tournament

of youth, high school and adult

chapter disbanded last year, but

during July 29-30 at Aurora Sports

lacrosse enthusiasts engaged in

volunteers felt strongly about

Park. The tournament featured a

competitive play and showcased

continuing the organization’s

new lacrosse game every hour

their skills, but always in the spirit

work. They developed a new,

for 24 hours and raised money

of raising money for veterans.

Denver-based chapter soon after.

for veteran-focused nonprofits. Public fundraising events are

“We are all military families,”

Pets for Vets volunteers talk

Moore continued. “I have kids

one-on-one with each veteran

important for nonprofits like Pets

in the military and brothers

and assess exactly what he/she

for Vets. They increase awareness

as well, so we want to help

is looking for in a service dog.

of the organization and raise

out as much as we can.”

necessary funds. Pets for Vets just

Shootout for Soldiers takes

“We go through a somewhat lengthy interview process with

received nonprofit status in June,

place in more than 10 cities

the veteran and find out what

so fundraising is paramount.

across the United States. At each

they are looking for and what

event, four national veterans

issues they are battling,” said

nonprofits are represented, along

Kathy Bagford,Director/President

with two local nonprofits.

of the Denver chapter. Many

“We are all military families, I have kids in the military and brothers as well, so we want to help out as much as we can.” – Markus Moore

One of the local nonprofits

veterans, especially those who

present was the Denver

were stationed in combat zones,

chapter of Pets for Vets.

struggle with Post Traumatic

United States Military veterans

Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain

face unique struggles when

Injury, anxiety, depression or

rejoining the civilian world. For

stress. Pets for Vets finds a dog

some veterans, even leaving

with the necessary traits to help

for the entire 24 hours and played in

the house is a challenge. Pets

alleviate the veteran’s concerns.”

several games. “I played at 11 a.m.,

for Vets attempts to ease these

1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. It’s helping

struggles through companion

Markus Moore was in attendance

According to Bagford, one of the most common concerns Photos by Teresa Diaz Soriano | tdiazsor@msudenver.edu

Denver Pets for Vets Chapter Director Kathy Bagford (left) poses with Treasurer and Assistant Director Gloria Clough during the “Shootout for Soliders” event, held at the Aurora Sports Park.

Two Denver Lacrosse teams, Monsters University (stripes) and Sunnyvale (stars), battle in the “Shootout for Soliders”. The 24-hour nonstop event is currently touring the nation. veterans bring up is a difficulty

The Aurora Shootout for

being in public and among crowds.

Soldiers was an opportunity to “get

In these instances, trainers teach

the word out to the community

dogs the command “watch my

about who we are, what we do,

six”. In other words, the dog is

and allowed us to raise money for

taught to sit right behind the

our organization,” said Bagford.

veteran facing away and watch the veteran’s back. This simple command allows many veterans the peace of mind to go outside. Veteran Gloria Clough, the Pets for Vets Denver Chapter Treasurer, agrees. “I struggle with PTSD as well, and there are days where is takes

“To be able to give another vet the freedom to get out their house and to start taking control of their life back is what we hope to do.” – Gloria Clough

everything I have to get out of my house,” she said. “To be able

The Denver chapter of Pets for

to give another vet the freedom

Vets raised over $2400 at Shootout

to get out their house and to

for Soldiers and was also a success

start taking control of their life

in raising awareness about the

back is what we hope to do.”

organization in Colorado.

The Denver chapter of Pets

Going forward, Bagford’s

for Vets is entirely volunteer

priorities are to expand the

run according to Bagford.

Denver chapter’s volunteer base

“There are no salaries and

with active volunteers, as well as

as little overhead as possible

hold a minimum of one event like

so that as much money as

Shootout for Soldiers per month.

possible goes directly to the pet-vet match,” she said. All the dogs that are matched

For more information, to get involved, or to apply for a pet, visit the Pets for Vets Denver chapter’s

with veterans are from shelters and

Facebook page, https://www.

rescues. This allows Pets for Vets


to save two lives with one effort.



AUGUST 16, 2017

Festival of Felines shows off adoptable cats By Maria Muller

to paint them, and then we


put them up for auction.” Most cat owners love their

The Festival of felines,

furry companions like family,

held July 29 at the Cat Care

unfortunately, circumstances

Society, gave the public an

can make it difficult to

opportunity to meet all their

properly care for them.

cats currently up for adoption. Cat lovers walked into a

Established in 1981, the Cat Care Society works at helping

hallway littered with cats. Black

homeless, injured and abused cats

cats, calico cats, tabby cats, white

in the Denver metropolitan area.

cats, orange cats-there was no

The shelter handles over 75

shortage of variety. Some of them

cats, giving them veterinary care,

approached people with cool cat

food and loving human interaction

confidence, snuggling against

until a suitable family adopts

their legs. Others sat under tables

them. The nonprofit organization

or in cat beds scattered around

hosts fundraisers such as the

the shelter, grooming themselves

Festival of Felines and Tails of

and ignoring the crowd.

the Painted Cats Gala to raise

Andrea Netzgar, who cares

money for these services.

for three cats of her own at

The festival also showed

home, attended the festival

off the newest additions to the

for her first time Saturday.

Cat Care Society. Inside one

“We came out to see the

room at the end of the hallway,

cats,” said Netzgar. “The real

kittens pounced, played and

cats and the painted cats. If

looked utterly adorable.

Photo by Montana Martin | mmart427@msudenver.edu

Chole, a temporary care guest at the Cat Care Society, peruses the ceramic creations that were for sale during their annual fundraiser. laundry soap. Things you

days free of charge. We’re

Once the cats are cleared, they

use every day at home.”

one of the few shelters that

have free roam of the shelter and

has it in the Metro area.”

are ready for volunteers to help

you like cats and you like art

“It’s kitten season so there

it’s a great way to support a

are a lot of kittens,” said Lynette

great local organization.”

Newman, volunteer since

named Kasha sat on the desk

2003. “Our seniors are always

that volunteer Karolyn Mendez

settle in when they first arrive,

for them. Volunteers like Genco

homes, the shelter showcased

looking for homes and we have

stood behind. Kasha purred and

explained how they are introduced

work with people looking to adopt.

31 painted cats that will be

everything in the middle too.”

accepted head rubs from potential

to their new environment.

Besides the cats that need

A sleek shorthaired lady cat

Genco, who helps new cats

them find the most suitable home

“We record briefly on paper

put up for bid at the Tails of

Newman noted the shelter

adopters. Mendez explained that

“We have a very practiced

what they’re looking for and what

the Painted Cats Gala Dinner

doesn’t receive any government

the only cats not up for adoption

staff. We do have to temporarily

their situation is at home and help

and Auction on Sept. 16.

financing and is grateful for

are those on medical hold and

cage the cats, make sure they have

to guide them through the shelter

any kind of assistance.

the temporary care cats.

recovered emotionally to the point

to find the most appropriate cat

where their appetite is sufficient,”

or kittens,” Genco said. “Then

“This kind of adds volume to our Painted Craft Auction, which

“We always need help. We

“Our temporary cat care

is probably our biggest event

need volunteers and donations,”

program is a program we have

Genco said. “If they allow us to

we let them choose. It’s very

of the year,” said Dave Genco,

Newman said. “And not just

for people that need to get

handle them we examine them.”

important to us these guys get

adoption assistant. “Very talented

donations of food but paper

on their feet,” Mendez said.

artists have been commissioned

towels, hand sanitizer and

“We’ll watch their cats for 30

The cats are tested for diseases

the best homes possible.”

and then are spayed or neutered.

New dating app, The League, hits Denver By Brandy Joiner bjoiner@msudenver.edu Dating apps such as Tinder or

rejecting people or you’re cool and

cards at the door where one must

for The League for over a year

been applied to dating systems,”

“It’s a model that has never

you’re not and more about users

find four matching cards from other

before her application was accepted.

Bradford said. “The concept of

that are there for the right reasons.”

party- goers in order to get a free

“The League is pretty

drink. According to Bradford, The

tight knit and hard to get

application base community is new

Hordes of Denver singles

Beautiful People have been around

to dating. An application based on

mingled with drinks. To break the

League is very selective and helps

into,” Orang said. “It’s like the

for a while, but now a new self

your merits is less about that we’re

ice, The League gave out game

its users save time and frustration.

classier version of Tinder.”

proclaimed elite dating app is here.

It’s application process considers

Overlooking an incredible view of the Denver skyline, CEO and founder

Bradford’s team is in full support

background, education, career,

of the dating app. Meredith Davis

ambition and social media.

was Bradford’s first hire when the

Amanda Bradford and her team

“I always like to say we do

prepared for the first pre-launch

the vetting so that you can do

nearly three years ago. Davis

party for their upcoming dating

the petting,” Bradford said.

now runs marketing, launches,

app, The League. Bradford and her

Bradford explained the complex

app wasn’t even off the ground,

communication through press

team were on the back patio of the

algorithm behind The League’s

or customer service and project

Avanti restaurant in LoHi. The party

process of elimination. In Denver,

management. Davis describes The

only permitted an exclusive group

out of the 9,755 applicants on the

League as a members-only club with

of Denver singles and complete

waitlist only 2,004 became the

a killer single sale with a community

use of the app before The League’s

chosen ones. If the demand for a

of like-minded individuals who are

official launch in Denver on Aug. 1.

certain type of person is high, then

ambitious, intelligent and want to

that type of person moves up on

connect with people like them.

The League accepts a select number of individuals who tend to

the list. For example, if the demand

be the most wealthy and attractive

in a community is for thirty-year-

didn’t have that spark, but you gave

old men with college degrees, than

me a really great date,’” Davis said.

those men would move to the front

“We can’t promise that spark but we

of the list. Katie Orang, a member of

can get you closer to that point.”

in that city by using an application process that only selects the type

Photo Courtesy The League

of people that are in demand--the

Denver’s self-proclaimed elite gather for the official launch party of The League app.

most wealthy and attractive.

the chosen 2,004, was on the waitlist

“Many users have said ‘Hey I


AUGUST 16, 2017


Left Hand raises awareness for Lymphoma and Leukemia Other activities included an opportunity

By Jordan Benschop jbenscho@msudenver.edu

for patrons to register as potential bone marrow donors and suggested for

Hundreds gathered at Longmont’s

numerous ways to become involved in

Roosevelt Park to raise money and show

the campaign. Leftapalooza also offered

appreciation for the leukemia and Lymphoma

a variety of live music and a plethora

Society. The day also highlighted 10-year-

of local beer and food vendors. The

old Leukemia survivor Quade Marks. Left

event was a party for a good cause.

Hand Brewing Company hosted the event

“The beer is always a plus,” said

that generated immense support for the

attendee Raquel Stellcampo. “But I came

society. Craft beers and a tribute band also

here because I recognize that my health is

showcased this year’s Leftapalooza party

a blessing and others are not as fortunate

Leftapalooza joined other fundraisers

as I am. I read about Quade on 9News and

in the LLS campaign series “Light the

wanted to come support the cause. There

Night.” The campaigns aim to raise

are thousands of sick patients that need to

funds for blood cancer research.

hear our voices and receive our love.”

An enthusiastic Marks made it clear that

Since 1954, the LLS has successfully

all the support is worthwhile and necessary.

funded over $1 billion in blood cancer research. There are currently over 1.2 million

“I read about Quade on 9News and wanted to come support the cause. There are thousands of sick patients that need to hear our voices and receive our love.” – Raquel Stellcampo

people in the United States living with, or in remission from a blood cancer. Marks Photo by Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

remarked that both he and the LLS foundation

Leftapalooza prides itself on being a “rain or shine event” but had to shut down for lightning warnings. Ashley Vander Meeden, Leftapalooza’s Media Manager, had her volunteers pack up the merchandise booth.

believe in a future without the disease.

made the decision to start fundraising

fundraiser walk. LLS Senior Campaign Director

Rocky Mountain Light The Night at Denver’s

Through their campaigns, the LLS continues to strive to making this wish a reality. On Sept. 28, 2017, the LLS will host

“Last year on April 15 I was diagnosed

for Light the Night. In his speech, he

Beth Muehlethaler described the walk as an

Washington Park. The event is a one-and-a-

with acute myeloid leukemia. In total I spent

mentioned how he had asked each of

ample opportunity to raise more awareness.

half mile evening walk where participants

161 nights in the hospital, I had four rounds of

his visitors to donate to the cause.

chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.

“In total my team raised over

Participants purchased illuminated

carry the illuminated lanterns sold at

lanterns at the LLS booth. The lanterns

Leftapalooza. The LLS encourages people of

I received 27 red cell transfusions and 44

$20,000. Now that I’m healing, healthy

came in three different colors: white for

all ages to come out and commemorate the

platelet transfusions,” Marks said during his

and have all my energy back, I am

survivors and honoring the power of

lives touched by cancer. Participation may

speech. “Today I am 11 months cancer-free.”

shooting for $30,000,” Marks said.

research, red for current cancer patients

come from walking, becoming a sponsor,

and gold to remember those who have lost

donating a product or service and/or

admission prices, beer sales, donations and

the battle. All proceeds from the lantern

becoming a Corporate Ambassador. Festivities

registration for Light the Night’s upcoming

sales went directly to LLS fundraising.

will begin at 5:30 p.m. and include live music

The crowd reacted with a roar

Leftapalooza collected funding from

of cheers and applause. During his stay in the hospital, Marks

Green Day concert brings out diverse crowd By Cassie Reid

audience that evening varied from

the air. In the transition between


bookworms, frat boys and ages

“Are We the Waiting” and “St.

ranged from seven to seventy.

Jimmy”, Armstrong paused.

An eclectic crowd flowed

An eight-year-old boy with a

“I don’t think you’re ready.

into Fiddler’s Green Aug. 9.

green mohawk and noise cancelling

I’m not feeling it,” Armstrong

Disaffected youths with body art

headphones beamed as his father,

said, sitting down.

are a standard crowd attracted

attendee Tom Hudson, cursed

by the punk rock group. But the

modern electronic music. “This electric shit isn’t going to last a decade, but punk will always have a place because there is always something to rebel,” Hudson said. Mandy Lane, a student from Colorado Springs, sang along to rock classics like

of excitement did Armstrong cue the band to continue. Lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong kept energy high, conducting the crowd into a cacophony of yells, whistles and claps. “Tonight, we put everything

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”

aside, politics, religion,” Armstrong

with her boyfriend.

said. “Because tonight, what

“Middle school me just has

Photos by Montana Martin | mmart427@msudenver.edu

The crowd amps up the sound during the Green Day show.

matters is unity. Because together

to be here, you know?” Lane

we will unite and collectively

you,” Armstrong asked, alluding to

the loudest cheer of the night.

said. “I haven’t listened to Green

lose our fucking minds.”

the kid’s guitar expertise. “You’re

The audience chanted his name

Day’s more recent stuff, but

At three points Armstrong

telling me you’re 11 years old and

with Armstrong, “Charlie! Charlie!

back then it was my go-to.”

called for volunteers to sing. One

you’ve played guitar for 13 years?”

Charlie!” At the song’s end, after a

As the concert began with lyrics

Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day takes in the energy of the crowd at Fiddler’s Green

Only after the audience had reached the appropriate level

volunteer lept------- off the stage

A security guard assisted him

jam session with Armstrong, Charlie

railing against social conventions

to crowd surf. During “St. Jimmy”,

onstage as Armstrong hung his

and rules, the audience fell into

Armstrong called for a guitarist and

guitar around the kid’s neck. After

Armstrong’s hands as they obeyed

after a quick scan, found his pick.

briefly showing the chords, the

remembers the past, knows how

“You play guitar? How old are

kid strummed away, leading to

to party and looks forward.

every call for shouts and hands in

left the stage with his new guitar. The punk audience



AUGUST 16, 2017

2017 Men’s soccer preview

Head coach Jeremy Tittle enters his 3rd season in charge


By David Schaut

scorer Arturo Vega are all


starters who have moved on. But there still are some

Women’s basketball and golf host golf tournament MSU Denver’s women’s basketball and golf teams hosted a golf tournament on August 14. The annual event, held to the benefit of the school’s Hospitality, Tourism and Events department, was held at Evergreen Golf Course. The participants ran the gamut, from other MSU Denver entities, such as men’s basketball and representatives from the athletics department, to rival schools such as rival Regis University’s women’s basketball squad. The event precludes the beginning of the two team’s regular season schedules.

MSU Denver fall sports prepare for 2017 season The first game (and home game where necessary) for each MSU Denver fall team is listed below.

After an impressive post-

holdovers from that successful

season run that nearly secured

2016 squad. D’Angelo Escobar,

berth in the 2016 NCAA

who exploded onto the MSU

Tournament, MSU Denver’s

Denver soccer scene as a

men’s soccer returns for

freshman in 2016, returns and

head coach Jeremy Tittle’s

will likely find himself in a regular

third season in 2017.

starting role. He finished the 2016

The Roadrunners had a

season having appeared in 19

successful 2016 regular season.

games, but only three of those

They flirted with top-25 NCAA

were starts. In those limited

Division II ranking for the majority

minutes he scored two goals and

of the season and ended with

added two assists, numbers that

an overall record of 12-6-2. That

are likely to rise this season.

record includes an impressive 9-4-

Yannick Schad, Luan Silva

1 mark in Rocky Mountain Athletic

and Justin Glivar all return after

Conference play, a conference

being close to regular starters

which is known in Division II for its

in 2016. Schad started 15 out

talent in men’s soccer. From the

of the 16 games he played in

successful 2016 team, Tittle had to

2016, usually at the defensive

replace eight of his top 12 scorers

midfielder position. Silva and

from 2016 and 15 players overall.

Glivar each finished the season

Gone are the likes of Josh

with one assist, but Glivar

Belfrage, who was a first-

played far more minutes than

team National Soccer Coaches

Silva. Look for both to compete

Association of America all-South

for starting roles this season.

player and the team’s leading

Photo courtesy of Radley Muller of Western Washington University

After these players, it’s

Yannick Schad looks to play a big role in the coming season for the Roadrunners.

scorer in 2016. Same with NSCAA

difficult to see which direction

all-South second-team winner

Tittle may go as far as starters.

WOMEN’S SOCCER • August 31 @ Dallas Baptist University • September 7 Seattle Pacific University

Dustin Berg. Same with assists

He’s brought in 14 new players

leader Dimitri Ney. Goalkeeper

for the 2017 season – six true

a few of these new guys if he’s

poll: Colorado School of Mines

Hayden Rus, defender Tyler

freshmen, two transfer redshirt-

to replicate 2016’s success. It

and Regis, two teams the

Trujillo, second-leading scorer

freshmen, one sophomore

will be difficult, as the RMAC

Runners were able to best at

Jeff Gillis and third-leading

transfer and five junior transfers.

has two teams ranked in the

least once each last season.


2017 Women’s soccer preview

VOLLEYBALL • September 1 @ Otter Classic • September 8 Colorado Premier Challenge MEN’S SOCCER • September 3 @ St. Mary’s University • September 7 Seattle Pacific University WOMEN’S GOLF • September 4 @ Farmer’s Insurance Samuel Proal Invite

He’ll need contributions from

First-year head coach Tracy Chao looks to build on solid foundation

By Richard Allen

and junior counts of six each,


compared to five seniors. In two of her seniors, Boisnard and Cassi

The MSU Denver women’s

Fischer, she has NCAA tournament

soccer team enters the 2017 season

experience from the team’s most

with its sights on the school’s 16th

recent RMAC championship and

consecutive playoff berth under

consequent advancement.

new head coach Tracy Chao.

The Roadrunners’ schedule

The Roadrunners, who lost a 1-0

will officially begin on Aug. 19

heartbreaker in the Rocky Mountain

with a scrimmage against Laramie

Athletic Conference Tournament

County Community College and

semifinals after reaching the playoff

an exhibition against MSU Denver

for the 15th consecutive year, are

alumni on Aug. 26. Their regular

returning seven of 10 starters of

season play begins with a two-game

at least 12 games last season.

road trip, starting at Dallas Baptist

Of the returnees from last

WOMEN’S AND MEN’S TENNIS • September 15 @ CSU-Pueblo Duals • September 23 MSU Denver Invitational WOMEN’S BASKETBALL • November 10 @ Texas A&M Commerce MEN’S BASKETBALL • November 10 @ Angelo State University

NSCAA preseason coaches

University on Aug. 31. Home play

year’s 8-6-4 lineup are all-RMAC

begins on September 7 in a match Photo by Abreham Gebreegziabher | agebreeg@msudenver.edu

first-teamers Elise Boisnard and Reigna Banks, who split 14 of the team’s 26 goals and 38 of 73 points

MSU Denver forward Reigna Banks goes for a header against Colorado Christian Sept. 25, 2016 at The Regency Athletic Complex.

between them, as well as all-RMAC

against Seattle Pacific University. The following week they begin their RMAC schedule with a home match against Colorado School of Mines

honorable mention goalkeeper

played last season, 4,363 of those

Erica Torres. Torres, a freshman last

belong to players who are not listed

head coach at the College of

tournament semifinal game that

year, ranked second in the RMAC

on this season’s roster. The minutes

Charleston the past five seasons.

saw MSU Denver’s season end.

in goals against average and save

are spread across five players.

She takes over a program with a

percentage, leading the conference

Notable omissions this

Chao was 34-62-7 as associate

in a rematch of last year’s RMAC

The 18-game schedule

history of success almost as old as

concludes on October 28, with the

in shutouts per game and placing

season are all-RMAC honorable

some of the players she will lead.

RMAC tournament beginning three

fifth in saves per game while

mentions Ashley Smith, Alexie

Her roster has proven ability to

days later at the home of the regular

starting 17 of the Roadrunners’

Marr and Gricelda Gomez, who

compete in their conference. She

season champion. The NCAA

18 games in net last season.

scored four goals last season,

inherits a team ripe with young

tournament begins on November 10.

the third most on the squad.

talent, with freshman, sophomore

Of the team’s 18,623 minutes

AUGUST 16, 2017



Sports stance: Kaepernick controversy more about skill than politics NATIONWIDE NEWS Bettis makes first start since cancer diagnosis

Photo from Flickr

After opting out of his contract with the San Francisco 49ers at the end of the 2016 season, divisive quarterback Colin Kaepernick has yet to be signed by any NFL team. Some say it’s due to his 2016 form of protest, when he kneeled during the national anthem to protest the oppression of people of color. both of which should be considered

have any of the extra baggage. He’d

team’s starting quarterback. That’s

prerequisites for a passer to reach if

already be a viable candidate to be

difficult to comprehend. McCown,

they want to be considered capable.

cut in the preseason. The teams

a prototypical journeyman, is

Take a look at Cam Newton’s

in which he fits their schemes are

quarterbacking an easy-read offense

stats. Some of them are applicable

limited as is. When front offices

while Kaepernick, a player more

to Kaepernick’s situation.

are faced with fringe players

capable of running that offense, isn’t

They both have consistent low

like this they look beyond their

on the Jets. This has been a topic

completion percentages– both

physical skills to their intangibles.

of debate, even appearing on the

By James Burky

have had three seasons with a

Legendary wide receiver Cris


completion percentage below

Carter is a prime example of a fringe

60%– but Newton has developed

player being cut due to baggage.

far beyond Kaepernick as a passer.

During the 1990 season, Carter was

the Jets to even entertain the idea

The NFL preseason kicked off this past week and many still

Newton’s arm can stretch

Facebook feeds of various sports websites such as CBS Sports. In this case, it makes no sense for

cut from the Philadelphia Eagles

of Colin Kaepernick. The Jets are in

question why quarterback Colin

the field. He can go through his

partly due to his drug and alcohol

dire need of a franchise quarterback,

Kaepernick remains unsigned.

progressions faster and more

abuse. Carter was talented and in

but at this stage of his career, he

reliably than Kaepernick. I bring

his prime, but off-field issues for a

cannot be a franchise quarterback.

kneeling protest during the national

up these numbers and Newton to

somewhat fringe player made him

WIth their eyes set on a passer in

anthem. Others argue that the NFL

dispel the belief that the main reason

expendable and an off-field headache.

the 2018 NFL Draft, why would

has a race issue and Kaepernick

Kaepernick is unemployed is race

However, Carter could play and got

the Jets sign a mediocre-at-best

happens to be a victim of it. While

related, though it does play a role.

a second chance with the Minnesota

passer when they could draft top

that may partially be the case, it’s not

Newton’s 2015 MVP season

Vikings. He became one of the most

prospects like Wyoming’s Josh Allen

entirely true. Kaepernick entered the

was spectacular, and his constant

productive receivers of the 1990s.

or USC’s Sam Darnold come April?

NFL in 2011 as a second round pick

celebrations–dubbed “thug” by some

out of the University of Nevada.

fans–threw him into the middle of

Newton on the field causes teams

it would be unnecessary to sign a

Some argue it’s because of his

By his second season his

Being a fringe, poor man’s Cam

a race controversy as well. Only, he

to look beyond the field. It’s hard to

backup to what is likely a minimum

wasn’t blacklisted like Kaepernick

blame them for not wanting to sign

deal for just a season or two

average, throwing abilities with

because he can play. When given

a backup who may or may not make

when they’ll be looking at a top

a game-breaking running ability

legitimate talent around him, Newton

the team and bring unwanted media

quarterback prospect. If Kaepernick

gave the San Francisco 49ers a

is a top-five quarterback in the league.

attention and fan criticisms to a team.

has reached his peak, which the

Kaepernick hasn’t played on

The problem isn’t what

numbers and on-field performances

go on to lead them to consecutive

great offenses, sure. The offenses he

Kaepernick stands for, it’s a cause

say so, then what does he really

NFC Championship games, which

played in had running backs Frank

with inherently noble intentions.

have left when he’s almost 30?

included an appearance in Super

Gore and Carlos Hyde as the focal

The issue is the fans. The fans have

Bowl XLVII. Kaepernick’s diet-Cam

points of the offense. Kaepernick has

an issue with Kaepernick so the

commendable. He truly believes he

Newton skills eventually caught up

value as a backup quarterback and as

front offices must as well. Are some

can make a difference. He already

to him as he made little progression

an athlete. That’s not in question. That

of his opponents racist? There’s

has. The football chapter in his life

as a passer and became easy for

said, Kaepernick has likely already

not a doubt in my mind. But the

story is closing, but his philanthropy

opposing defenses to game-plan

reached his peak. At 29 years old, he

overarching reason Kaepernick is

chapter is just beginning. Kaepernick

for. Kaepernick has thrown for 20 or

isn’t going to dramatically improve

unsigned isn’t because of his race or

is a good man and a good leader, but

more touchdowns just once in his

as a passer anymore which severely

his actions, but his lack of potential.

he’s just not a good quarterback.

career and he’s never eclipsed 3,400

hurts his chances with teams.

yards in a season as a quarterback,

Hypothetically, let’s say he doesn’t

Rockies honor former manager Don Baylor On the same night that Bettis made his return, the Rockies honored their fi rst ever manager, Don Baylor. Baylor passed away on Aug. 7 at the age of 68 after a 14 year battle with multiple myeloma. He managed the Rockies for the fi rst six years of the franchise’s existence and led the Rockies to the fastest playoff appearance of any MLB expansion team to date. He was also the skipper when the Rockies set the MLB attendance record in 1993, a record that still stands today. Baylor had an impressive playing career, and won the AL MVP in 1979 while playing with the California Angels. Baylor is survived by wife, Rebecca, his son Don Jr., his brother Doug, his sister Connie and his two granddaughters.

In the eyes of GMs and owners,

combination of capable, albeit

needed spark on offense. He would

Colorado Rockies pitcher Chad Bettis made a triumphant return to the pitcher’s mound on Aug. 14 after a 10 month battle with testicular cancer. Bettis pitched seven shutout innings in a 3-0 win over the Atlanta Braves. Th is was Bettis’ second cancer scare. He was fi rst diagnosed with testicular cancer in December. After surgery to remove a testicle he thought he was in the clear. However, in March of 2017 doctors told him that the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes and that he had to undergo nine weeks of intensive chemotherapy. After successful treatment, Bettis returned to the mound on the same night the Rockies honored former manager Don Baylor, who passed away after a 14 year battle with cancer.

Kaepernick’s cause is

The New York Jets currently have 38-year-old Josh McCown as the

Views expressed in Sports Stance pieces are those of the author. They don’t represent the stance of The Metropolitan as an entity.

Broncos’ quarterback battle continues After one preseason game, there is little separation in the Denver Broncos’ quarterback battle. Trevor Siemian, the starter for all of 2016, started the fi rst preseason game against the Chicago Bears, but had an uninspiring performance. He went 6-for-7 for 51 yards, no touchdowns and no interceptions. Against a second team defense, Paxton Lynch, who was drafted in the fi rst round in 2016, went 6-for-9 for 42 yards, no interceptions or touchdowns. Kyle Sloter, a rookie out of Northern Colorado, had the best performance of the three, albeit against a third-team defense. He went 5-for-6 for 94 yards, a touchdown and no interceptions.






Art On Film: Summer Series “LA LA Land”

8.18 My Body Sings Electric Location Levitt Pavilion

AUGUST 16, 2017


City and Colour

Women’s Golf Tournament

Men’s Soccer

Location Paramount Theater

Price Free

Price $35-45

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Santa Fe Drive Price Free

8.14 Location Evergreen

8.18 VS. Laramie County Location Denver

Price Free

Price Free

Time 8 a.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m. 8.18

One Flew West

Location Village at the Peaks 8.21

Solar Eclipse Watch Party

8.18 Gregory Alan Isakov Location Lyons

Price Free

Price $65+

Time 6 p.m.

Time All day folk festival

Women’s Soccer 8.19 VS. Laramie County Location Denver

Location Tivoli Quad Price Free Time 11:30 a.m.


The Weepies

Location Lyons


Idina Menzel

General 08.21 VS. MSU Denver Location Denver

Price Free

Price Free

Time 3 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

Location Fiddler’s Green

Price $65+

Price $29-105

Time All day folk festival

Time 8 p.m.


Student Activities Day


Shovels and Rope

Location Keystone Location Tivoli Quad





Location Chautauqua Auditorium

Price Free

Price $23-40

Time All day festival

Time 7:30 p.m.

8.16 VS. Braves

8.17 VS. Braves

Location Coors Field

Location Coors Field

Price Free

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 10 a.m.

Time 6:40 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.


Blind Pilot

Location Chautauqa Auditorium 8.22

Student Government Association Day


Cat Power

Location Marquis Theater

Price $23-40

Price $38-42

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Rockies 8.18 VS. Brewers Location Coors Field

Location Lawrence St. Mall Price Free Time 10 a.m.


Third Eye Blind

Location Vail


Josh Ritter

Price $65+

Time 8:30 p.m.

Time All day folk festival

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:40 p.m.

Time 6:10 p.m.

Broncos 8.19 VS. 49ers Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Die Antwoord

Location Red Rocks

8.19 Brewers Location Coors Field

Location Lyons

Price $35-95




Washed Out

Location Away

Rapids 8.19 VS. DC United Location DSG Park

Location Ogden

Price Varies

Price Varies

Price $45

Price $23

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS “Rhinestone Cowboy” dies at age 81 After a battle with Alzheimers,

“Are you still watching Netflix?” Kick off your glass slippers and

Taylor Swift wins in case against Denver Disc Jockey During her stop in Denver

“Hey, Google?”

Nostalgia in Primetime

Google engineer James

Following the buzz around

Damore penned a 3,000 word

the reboot of the NBC hit sitcom

country star Glen Campbell

start binging of all your favorite

during her 2013 tour promoting

Google Doc to advocate the

“Will & Grace”, network executive

has passed away at age 81.

Disney movies on streaming

her album “Red,” Taylor Swift was

need to end diversity programs,

Robert Greenblatt has been

Campbell, best known for his

services before they disappear.

groped by local DJ David Mueller

and for the pay gap between

talking about trying to keep the

Billboard No. 1 hits “Rhinestone

The movie empire announced

during a photoshoot. The original

female and male employees to

revival trend going. Greenblatt

Cowboy” and “Southern Nights,”

that they will start their own

lawsuit came from Mueller when

remain. Damore was terminated

has voiced his interest in bringing

was also an accomplished

streaming channel in 2019,

he claimed that Swift had cost

for “perpetuating gender

back primetime comedies like

session guitarist. He was also

removing all Disney and Pixar

him his job with her claims to

steryotypes,” which Damore

“The Office,” “30 Rock” and

the host of the variety show

films from other online streaming

his then-employer, KYGO. The

believes to be unfair due to

“Frasier.” NBC has also considered

“The Glen Campbell Goodtime

services, including Netflix. They

judge threw out Mueller’s case a

the “left bias” behind their

rebooting the 1960’s family

Hour.” Outside of his solo work,

also announced that beyond their

week before the final verdict was

reasoning. Google has also

sitcom “The Munsters” for a spin

Campbell’s fret-work can be

extensive film library, they plan

reached in Denver. With Swift’s

cancelled an upcoming all-staff

in modern day Brooklyn. Dana

heard on albums from Beach

to air exclusive original movies,

intentions pointed to raising

meeting adressing the memo

Walden of Fox has also been

Boys, Phil Spector, The Monkeys,

shows and short-form content

awarness for sexual assault,

after employees raised concerns

in talks with “King Of The Hill”

Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley.

on their exclusive platform. The

Swift took home a symbolic $1

about their saftey, and being

creator Mike Judge for a revival of

He was well loved, admired and

2019 release date is also set to

win. Swift also plans to make

singled out for any comments

the cult-classic animated comedy.

respected in the music industry.

preceed theatrical releases to

future donations to organizations

made during the discussion.

the highly anticipated sequels

that help cover the legal costs

for “Toy Story” and “Frozen.”

for sexual assault victims.


AUGUST 16, 2017

Overheard this week


Met Picks:

"Who put Esteban Fernandez in

“Pablo Mastroeni just needed

“Who is Cory and why is this

“Hey Joe, where you goin’ with


more time to implement his

gardener such a big Trump

that gun of yours?



Hey Joe, I said where you goin’

Bad things to double down on:

with that gun in your hand, oh”

Science Corner

“Racism.” — Estevan Ruiz “Flat Earth Believers.”

and wonder. Beauty lies in its

different types of research, from

However, to treat science

complexity and design. By

the next generation James Webb

on purely economic grounds

television special posed a simple

focusing on debunking, one can

space telescope to the dueling

can be myopic. No one ever

question: Why did newspapers run

miss the forest for the trees.

techniques of crabs. And although

knows where pure research

astrology columns, all of which

science funding is small next to

leads. One of the scientists

wildly differed in their predictions,

culture is, “why should we study

behemoths like defense spending,

who laid the foundation of MRI

but no science columns?

this? What use can be gained from

taxpayers have a right to seek

was trying to study galaxies,

this?” It’s a fair question. After

assurances that their hard-earned

not the human body. Penicillin

all, public monies pay for many

greenbacks aren’t going to waste.

was discovered by accident.

That astronomer was Carl Sagan and the show was Cosmos. Across 13 episodes he introduced ordinary Americans to the wonders of the universe.

A common refrain in American

Of what use is a newborn babe?

It’s fascinating, but of what use is it? Spinning electric contraption

It’d be easy to get bogged

— Cassie Ballard “Star Wars prequels.” — Montana Martin “Pete Rose.” — Richard Allen

In this column, I invite you, the reader, to approach science

“Saying the word zaddy.”

the way I have - through

— Madison Lauterbach

curiosity fueled by the desire

down in the minutiae of

to understand the way things

debunking astrology. It has

really work. I challenge readers

been done time and time again.

to look past expected utility.

Science, on the other hand,

—Esteban Fernandez

We won’t cover things

makes testable predictions

that are necessarily useful for

about the world around us with

everyday life in this space,

a high degree of accuracy. It

but will aim to inspire the

continually proves it’s worth. However, the issue with fixating on debunking wild claims is that doing so can sometimes miss the grander point. The universe is full

“Whoppers.” —Maria Muller

imagination. And in doing so, Michael Faraday (1791-1867) explored the laws that govern electricity. With no formal education, he self trained as a scientist. One story goes that at a lecture where he showed off an electric contraption one audience member balked at it’s use, wondering what good it was for. Faraday made made the pithy remark above. That contraption was the world’s first electric motor.

I hope this column reignites the same sense of magic and awe that for the cosmos in people that they may have forgotten was there.

of mystery, rich in awe

"at" 64. Podge preceder 65. Arabian ruler 66. Spoil, with "on" 67. Glitterati 68. Inebriates 69. Game with 32 cards

Down 1. Orr score 2. French verb 3. "Cast Away" star 4. Get really steamed 5. Double up on (one's bet) 6. Simpson trial judge 7. Wears (away)


Difficulty: Medium

Crossword Across 1. Grasps 5. Stead 9. "Cuchi-cuchi" entertainer 14. Tribe related to the Iowa and Missouri 15. Chirac's state 16. Sit in on, as a class 17. Mightily fortified 20. "The NewsHour" anchorman 21. Exams for srs. 22. Sault __ Marie 23. Lofty nest 25. Controversial online music service 27. Returned term assignments, say 30. Old flood insurance? 31. Kesey and Griffey 32. Romano cheese source 33. Felix Unger's pet peeve 35. Norm: Abbr. 37. Beatniks? 41. Get everything right on 44. Toward dawn 47. Veggie in a pod 48. Picked a felon from a lineup 53. Stuffed oneself 54. Industrialist Cyrus 55. Leb. neighbor 56. Roderick R. Paige's Cabinet dept. 58. Sandwich order 61. Rejected contemptuously, with


8. Dag Hammarskjöld's successor 9. Puppet 10. Color subtlety 11. "__ Fideles" 12. "8 Simple Rules" star John 13. Whom some habitually blame 18. Jeter of the Yankees 19. Troop's camping place 24. Many millennia 26. A writer may work on it 27. Breakfast side 28. "We __ the Champions" 29. See 57-Down 34. Big account 36. Check number 38. Easiest kind of test? 39. For each 40. Maple tree yield 42. Indonesian island Sulawesi, formerly 43. Lose ground, literally 45. Generous types 46. French heads 48. Strong beliefs 49. "Let's go someplace cooler!" 50. Chilean literature Nobelist Pablo 51. Technique-building pieces 52. Hits hard 57. With 59- and 29-Down, señor's greeting 59. See 57-Down 60. Nair rival 62. Dept. overseer 63. Tiny insect Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net

Difficulty: Hard


Almost forty years ago in October, an astronomer hosting a

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