Volume 40, Issue 2 - Aug. 23, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 2

AUGUST 23, 2017


Lunar shadow shrouds Auraria

Solar eclipse launches fall semester By Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu The moon’s shadow swept over Denver on Aug. 21, inflicting a bout of eclipse fever on the student population at Auraria. However, Denver received 93 percent of solar coverage during the eclipse as the city lay outside the path of full totality. Clustered in small groups throughout campus, many students muttered between each other their expectation that the sky would go totally dark. They registered their shock that 7 percent of the sun was still enough to keep the sky bright, if somewhat subdued. “It would have been really cool if we saw the total eclipse,” said MSU Denver student Alex Davis. Before the culmination of the Moon and Sun’s celestial dance however, Denverites shared the hype over the upcoming eclipse with the rest of the nation. Eclipse glasses sold out

Photo by Emilee Moyer | emoyer2@msudenver.edu

at retailers. Distributors ran out and desperate consumers

Students, faculty and the MSU Denver Meteorology Club kicked off the fall 2017 semester by watching the Great North American Eclipse in front of the Tivoli.

went online to buy them last minute at $45 per pair on eBay. The Denver Museum of Nature

on Aug. 17, was dedicated to the

to view the sun’s surface, and its

space science curator, delivered

helping them understand the

science behind eclipses. On the

sunspots, through the telescopes.

a lesson on eclipses and their

geometry of our solar system,” he

history to visitors who stopped

said. He added that the museum

The museum made its sky

and Science did its fair share

fourth floor sky terrace, volunteers

of pumping up Colorado for

had the museum’s collection of

terrace available to watch

by the museum’s IMAX theater.

ran out of its supply of 4,000

Monday’s show. The museum’s

telescopes posted at the sun.

the eclipse on Aug. 21.

Using audience volunteers, he

glasses in around 4 hours.

monthly science lounge, held

Special lens filters allowed visitors

Ka Chun Yu, the museum’s

demonstrated what makes it

Elsewhere, volunteer Jose

possible for eclipses to occur. He

Zuniga led museum visitors in

also spoke about the importance

a round of eclipsercise. Those

that historical eclipses have

who partook in the activity used

had in furthering scientists’

their bodies and arms to simulate

understanding of the universe.

the moon’s motion around the

One eclipse in 1878 was used to

sun. Zuniga stood in the center,

predict the discovery of helium,

shifting awkwardly inside a lumpy

and another eclipse in 1919

sun costume. He said that getting

was used to confirm Einstein’s

guests physically engaged helped

general theory of relativity.

dispel myths about why eclipses

“Solar eclipses are exciting

don’t happen every month.

because everyone can see them. They also engage people in

Continued on pg. 6


| pg. 2

Coloradans call for peace.


| pg. 4

Securing a future by eliminating waste. Photo obtained from NASA


| pg. 5

New students balance family, career and education.


| pg. 9

A new spin on a Denver legacy.



AUGUST 23, 2017

Coloradans rally for peace after Charlottesville By James Bofenkamp

President Trump’s election

his kids to a movement of


win, protests spread across the

peace was important to him,

nation, in some cases turning

he said. His daughter, Raina,

violent. Violent incidents took

said she was there to, “Learn to

songs invaded the steps in front

place during inauguration day

participate and not stay quiet.”

of the Colorado State Capitol.

protests. Further protests, such

Tie-dye T-shirts and protest

On the afternoon of Aug. 20, protesters with concerns ranging from racial tensions to fear of nuclear war rallied in Denver.

The rally also drew noteworthy

as those in Berkeley earlier this

local speakers like Leslie Herod,

year, repeatedly turned violent.

the first LGBTQ African-American

In a nation with neo-nazi

member of the Colorado

and antifascist organizations

state legislature and the Rev.

coming to blows, Queen

Timothy Tyler of the Shorter

dawned on me that everything

Phoenix, the organizer of the

Community African Methodist

I fought for in the last 50 years

Denver rally, wanted to reinforce

Episcopal Church. Both touched

was in jeopardy,” said Linda

peaceful protest ideals.

on issues of race and unity.

“In the past election, it

Garrison, a lifelong activist. Since President Donald Trump’s

“Let’s open the conversation

Facebook RSVP’s numbered

of how we can healthily prepare

700. Each of the speakers and

election, many heavily publicized

ourselves and how we can

performers drew large applause

protests and rallies have taken

better direct our resistance

and cheers, especially as the

place. While the majority of these

to create the change we

speeches praised the resolve of

have remained peaceful, there

dream of,” Phoenix said.

the crowd and shared optimistic

have been instances of violence.

The Facebook event page

visions of what they could achieve.

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Tay Anderson excoriates President Donald Trump for abetting racism during a peace rally outside the Colorado state capitol on Aug. 20. before the election to register

simply because I’m running

people to vote. She was outraged

out of time,” she said.

Counter-protester Deandre

asserted that protests in

Harris was assaulted by white

Denver have remained peaceful

optimism and energy was a

at the actions of the right wing

nationalists and a vehicular attack

despite violence breaking out

displeasure with the current

protesters as well as what she saw

ongoing struggle that would

claimed the life of Heather Heyer.

as recently emboldened racists.

never truly end and that needed

“It seems like racists feel

young people to keep it strong.

Mixed with that eager

She noted that it was an

in other states. A statement

state of affairs. Many cited

The Denver rally took place one

on the group’s website said

great discomfort with President

week after the protests that turned

the Colorado resistance has

Trump’s actions and those of

like they can be out in the open

violent in Charlottesville, Virginia

remained consistently peaceful.

white nationalist protesters

again, and spew their hate on

people, Egbers had high hopes for the result of the rally.

and one day after 15,000 counter-

However, protests at the

emboldened by those actions.

very undeserving and very

protesters in Boston marched

Western Conservative Summit

Multiple people noted how the

good people,” she said.

against 50 anti-muslim activists.

hosted at the Colorado Convention

president at first delayed speaking

Center before the election in 2016

out against white nationalist

looking to the future. While she

fractured into a shoving match.

protesters in Charlottesville who

isn’t done with protesting yet, she

carried Nazi and KKK flags.

was happy to look around and see

The peace rally formed in opposition to the rising wave of violence that is beginning

The protest’s peaceful

to color the political discourse

aims drew families like Cliff

in America. Immediately after

Davidson’s to the rally. Exposing

Protester Alison Egbers was on the MSU Denver campus

Garrison, on the other hand, is

As one of those younger

“I hope it gives people hope and a sense of unity and community,” she said.

people of all ages at the protest. “I thank the younger people

Colorado Open Records enters the modern era By Joseph Potts

This is not changing what is

said that the Colorado Attorney


a public record,” he said.

General and the governor’s office

Politicians made compromises On Aug. 17 the Denver Press

were opposed to the additions.

to get the amendments passed

The two departments pushed

Club celebrated the modernization

into law. Among the compromises

back over the same reason that

of the Colorado Open Records Act,

is one that exempts police reports

higher education did, which was

which was updated with two new

from being covered under the act.

cost recovery. The governor’s

amendments earlier in the month.

Pushback to the law

office changed its tune after

Previously, CORA was not updated

came from higher education,

they realized the bill would

for 20 years and did not account for

according to Colorado State

pass, Sen. Kefalas said.

the technological advances of today.

Senator John Kefalas.

Speakers from government,

“I think whether it was Photo by Madision Lauterbach | mlauter1@msudenver.edu

media and a nonprofit spoke at a panel hosted by the DPC. ”All the specific things that are

Panelists Jeffrey Roberts, Sen. John Kefalas, Nicole Vap and Nick Coltrain discuss CORA modernization at the Denver Press Club on Aug. 17.

in the open records act are what

These amendments do not change what makes a public record.

community colleges or four-

These amendments simply focus

year colleges, one of the

on the format in which the public

issues was cost,” he said.

will receive public records that

He also mentioned that the

are requested. During the panel

keep us free, because politicians

digital record in a sortable format,

Colorado Freedom of Information

University of Colorado claimed

discussion at the celebration

can’t lie and know they can get

like an Excel spreadsheet.

Coalition Executive Director Jeffrey

that it would cost them millions

there were hints at more work to

Roberts spoke about how privacy

of dollars to comply with the new

be done with CORA. However,

cooling off period when dealing

issues were raised when the new

amendments to CORA. However,

no comments were made with

with CORA disputes that reach a

law was being drafted. It was

he went on to say he did not believe

regard to what is next.

of democracy, said Imse at the

point where litigation is considered.

determined that privacy would

they could justify that claim.

celebration of the new amendments.

Plaintiffs denied public records

not be affected by the proposed

At one point, higher education

the panel that, “what we put

A statute protecting open records is

under CORA have to wait 14 days

changes. The CORA workgroup

even requested an exemption

in place currently, we need to

the most important law supporting

days to challenge the denial in court

was not interested in adding any

from the new amendments.

make sure it is carried out.”

democracy as a practical matter.

under the new law. The prior waiting

new exemptions or exceptions

period was three business days.

to the Open Records Bill.

During the panel discussion,

“This is about format.

away with it,” said former Rocky Mountain News reporter Ann Imse. Open records are a crucial part

The senate bill mandates that government maintain a public,

The house bill established a

Sen. Kefalas said during

Other government departments besides higher education resisted the new amendments. Sen. Kefalas


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AUGUST 23, 2017

Paxton Lynch has no future in Denver staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do


revor Siemian has once again

when a cornerback steps in front

could look at bringing in Kirk

been named the starting

of the receiver that Lynch has

Cousins, Matthew Stafford or

quarterback for the Denver

stared down on his entire route and

Jimmy Garoppolo for a more

Broncos. After three weeks and

takes it back the other way. Lynch

veteran and tested answer. There’s

two preseason games, Siemian

seems lost on the playing field,

also the possibility of bringing

put himself head and shoulders

often failing to diagnose defenses

in an aging Drew Brees and

above Paxton Lynch, who will

or go through his progressions.

hoping lightning strikes twice.

spend another year on the bench

Options are also available in the

trying to learn a system and better

used to taking snaps from under

2018 draft as well. Sam Darnold

his quarterbacking abilities.

center. Coming out of Memphis,

out of the University of Southern

Lynch is still used to a spread

California is currently being

offense and still seems extremely

prospected as a top five draft picks.

uncomfortable when asked to do

Josh Allen from the University of

camp, throwing interceptions

anything, even handoff the ball,

Wyoming is also being considered

games in his second year,

regularly and being outperformed

from anywhere except shotgun.

one of the top quarterback

completed 15 of 21 passes for 81

by Siemian, and sometimes even

Does this mean Siemian

yards and zero touchdowns, good

Sloter. His large, slow throwing

deserves to be the long-term

for a QB rating of 74.2. Compare

motion resembles that of Tim

solution for Denver? Not necessarily.

this to undrafted rookie Kyle Sloter,

Tebow, starting wide and pointing

Siemian will be the starter this year,

the goodwill of being a first-round

who went 13 of 12 for 144 yards

the ball downward, telegraphing

but he also needs to improve on

pick wears off on the coaching staff.

and 1 touchdown, good for a QB

the direction he’s going before

a 9-7 effort from last year, which

Next training camp will require

Rating of 138.5. Lynch also regularly

snapping his arm up and forward.

came with a terrible offensive

some major changes in his game to

failed the eye test. His behavior

Compare this to Siemian, whose

line and a separated shoulder.

still be considered worth working

included abandoning plays early to

motion resembles Peyton Manning

Otherwise, his future in Denver

with. Unfortunately for Lynch, a

scramble, staring down receivers,

with a quick up-and-forward release

may be in question as well.

throwing motion and ability to

and completely missing targets.

and next-to-no telegraphing.

It’s all for naught though, as Lynch will most likely be

Matthew Stefanski

cut by next training camp. Lynch, across two preseason

In his second year, Lynch found himself lost in training

There’s speed and power in Lynch’s arm, but that won’t matter

prospects, and probably drafted within the top ten picks. Lynch has one more year before

Next offseason brings the

read defenses, as we learned with

NFL a powerhouse class of free

Tebow, is very difficult to change.

agent quarterbacks. The Broncos

Smaller footprints for a better future


oday, global warming is

repercussions. It explained

I would only refill growlers

finally considered a real

the damage of all forms of

and excuse drinking at the bar

threat to the majority of

transportation, including boats. It

because it was communal and I

the population, but a decade ago I

explains how the ghastly amount

could convince the bartender to

was just beginning to chip the still

of cows on packing farms, was not

refill my same glass all night.

frozen iceberg of global warming

only inhumane but also contributed

and climate change knowledge.

to the overload of greenhouse

and baking soda and would wash

gasses because of their farts. A

out ziplock bags to reuse them. It

very funny but serious realization.

got serious and time consuming.

In 2007, I moved to the majestic town of Glenwood Springs, Colorado for community college

The teacher then made us read

because my high school English

I cleaned everything with vinegar

The crazy thing was that, with

a book about a couple who only

time, it got easier. The less I bought,

ate food sourced within a 100 mile

the less trash I would worry about.

radius of them. I was hooked. I

Sourcing locally made me eat

illuminated cloud across the sky.

decided to radically change my life

healthier and it made junk food

remember strongly believing the

While packing in, I heard some

by reducing my carbon footprint

or fast food look repulsive. Even

environment was reserved for tree

of the kids who grew up in the

as much as possible. I started

cravings like chocolate eventually

hugging hippies to worry about. I

mountains venting about piles trash

by quitting driving. Glenwood is

replaced cravings for fresh fruit,

remember reading about people

in the dorm parking lot. This was

a small town, so it wasn’t hard.

nuts, cheese and honey.

helping the environment and

when my complete transition began.

I moved on to food, only eating

I realized my actions weren’t

Obviously, it is not OK to litter

food that was sourced within a

just helping the environment on

teacher advised me to go to break

Cassandra Ballard

the bubble of suburban influence. The week before I left, I

thinking they were wasting their The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

Let’s not forget that he still isn’t

time on something that wasn’t that

where there are no community

100 mile radius of me, like the

a small scale, they were helping

big of a deal. One time, I even had a

service workers and where animals

book. That made life a lot harder

animals and other humans. I

bunch of trash in my car, including

roam wildly. Also, in general,

and much more expensive.

felt better about myself but I

a styrofoam to-go box tightly

it is not nice to burn down the

Luckily, there were cow, elk

wrapped in a white plastic bag. I

habitats of animals and use up

and bee farms within that radius.

threw it out the window onto a busy

all the water. But global warming

street because, “It will give people with community service something to do.” I was an ignorant jerk. My first night in there, I drove

also felt better in general. It was an extreme, pretentious,

I would meticulously sort

tedious, educational and

and climate change was a concept

through trash with bare hands to

fulfilling time in my life.

I couldn’t have fathomed.

recycle and compost everything

It all changed with one article

Since I moved back to the city, I

because plastic gloves were bad. My

quit a lot of this behavior. I became

by the New York Times. It was a

mini trash can would take months

lazy and started driving daily, eating

four miles to the top of a mountain,

requirement for the an English

to fill and honestly, it felt great.

fast food occasionally and I even

where the tiny school and dorms

class and it hit me like a wave

sat in the center of woods. It was

of disgusting, plastic filled sea

hand and dumpster diving was

plastic container this week. Past me

so secluded, animals roamed the

water I would soon learn about.

an exception to the radius rule.

would disown the person I am now.

campus without concern and the Milky Way shone like a bright

The article went into detail about global warming and the

Clothes could only be second

Alcohol was my only cheat

bought a Starbucks ice coffee in a

I miss that person.

but even that had exceptions.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

AUGUST 23, 2017



MSU Denver redefines what it means to be a student By Emily Moyer

and two kids. Collins is hoping to


return to school to get a degree in Environmental Sciences

MSU Denver held an open house in the Student Success Building on Aug. 16 for potential students 20 years and older. The session focused primarily on nontraditional students who

and wants to work at the fish hatchery after she graduates. “I studied english, which I haven’t used at all,” Collins said of her first attempt at school. She wanted to go

are returning to college with

back to college to pursue

priorities like family and work.

a different degree.

Admissions Assistant Director

“I chose environmental

Paul Cesare specializes in

sciences because I really

aiding nontraditional students

enjoyed hiking and being

at MSU Denver with getting

outdoors,” Collins said.

started and throughout their

Collins is a former Roadrunner.

journey as a student. He hosts

She said what really appealed

an open house for nontraditional

to her about MSU Denver is its

students every semester. Cesare

affordability, good reputation

answered questions during

and job placement programs.

the open house and offered

MSU Denver offers countless

guidance for students wanting

opportunities to kickstart a

to continue their education.

career for students going back

“These students might have

to school. Many degrees require

children, a full-time job, take care

an internship. These allow

of elderly parents,” Cesare said.

students to gain experience

“They might be economically

and can lead to a job as well.

independent. School might not be their number one priority.”

Adults 20 years or older who apply to MSU Denver are only

Photo by Emily Moyer | emoyer2@msudenver.edu

Paul Cesare, assistant director of Admissions/Nontraditional Student Services, hosted a seminar to share the many programs MSU Denver offers to support incoming and transfer students.

Students 25 years and older

required a high school or GED

qualify as nontraditional students

transcript and an application.

and make up approximately

The admissions staff welcomes

one third of the population at

adult, veteran and nontraditional

students to the university is how

MSU Denver. Cesare advocates

students and sees students

affordable it is for students in the

scholarly moment with her son.

program, and said it helped her

for students who haven’t

through until graduation.

Denver Metro area. It also offers

“He graduated from preschool,

find a job after graduating.

a variety of degree programs that

while I graduated with my degree

benefit busy working students.

in journalism, and I’m now

point in my life without Metro,”

working in my degree field.”

Silva said, “I am really grateful

Silva now works in public

to have graduated from there.”

stopped pursuing a degree. “Learning is lifelong,”

Cesare said his door is always open for students to come visit

palatable to their lifestyles. Part of what draws many

parttime for 13 years while also

patients with doctors. Silva

working and being a mother.

applied for internships using TIP

Silva said she shared a great

Cesare said, “it’s meaningful

him, ask questions and get on

and it enriches our lives.”

track to graduate. Cesare said that

Nicole Silva graduated in May

Returning MSU Denver

MSU Denver offers these students

2017, she finished her last

relations and does social media

student, Jenny Collins, attended

more degree options than other

semester taking full-time credit

work for Healthgrade, a company

the meeting with her husband

schools in the state and is more

hours. Silva attended school

that specializes in helping match

MSU Denver graduate

Online, MSU Denver’s internship

“I would not have gotten to this

Denver goes down the rabbit hole By Avery Anderson aande133@msudenver.edu

Frequent theatergoers might

best local talent that Denver has

be shocked at the unconventional

to offer. Those who have already

instructions of the show. Usually

performed include Anthony

patrons are instructed to turn off

Adu, Adrian Egolf and Emma

the rabbit hole with “White

their phones and stay in their seats;

Messenger. Still to take the journey

Rabbit Red Rabbit” the most

Not at “White Rabbit Red Rabbit.”

are Andrew and Kelly Uhlenhopp,

unique and original theatrical

The audience is asked to leave

Chloe McLeod and many more.

production currently in Denver.

their phones on as they will need

Take an unexpected trip down

Although the title makes one think of “Alice in Wonderland” and her adventures that is not what this production is. This show by Iranian playwright

The show ran for nine months

them and are called up during the

in New York City with actors such

show to help the actor perform.

as Darren Criss (American Horror

The largest difference between

Story), Michael Urie (Ugly Betty),

Soleimanpour’s play and others is

Nathan Lane (The Producers) and

that once an actor has performed in

Whoopi Goldberg (The View).

Nassim Soleimanpour is a

the show they can never do it again.

conversation between the actor,

Meaning that every performance

to perform this show beautifully

audience and Soleimanpour

has a new actor who has never seen

the night I attended. She kept the

himself. As the show unfolds

the show or read the script before.

audience engaged and incorporate

he tells the story of a red rabbit

Once the whole audience is

Emma Messenger was able

her iconic satirical humor and

and white rabbits and how

seated, the actor for the night is

facial expressions, making the

they relate to the audience.

handed a sealed envelope with

audience laugh and feel at ease.

Soleimanpour has never seen

the script inside. When the show

If you want a night at the theater

Photo Courtesy Pipedream Productions


“White Rabbit Red Rabbit” (out of four stars) Drama. Presented by Pipedream Productions until September 11. notes for the actors, but it is up to the performer to create the world

his play performed as he does not

begins they are able to open the

with a full scale production then this

with just one glance. If you want

have a passport and is forbidden to

script and perform as they read.

is not it. “White Rabbit Red Rabbit”

something that is unlike anything

Pipedream Productions is

is, in essence, an improvised script

you have seen before then take

his work was able to make it out

staging this interesting and ever

reading. There are some set pieces

a trip down the rabbit hole.

and is now traveling the world.

changing show with some of the

and a couple of stage direction

leave the country. Luckily though,

Thur, Fri, Sat and Sun Tickets: $13-$15. www.whatiswhiterabbitredrabbit.com



AUGUST 23, 2017

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Students near the Mercantile building on campus were underwhelmed by Denver’s partial eclipse on Aug. 21. However, some still left class to watch.

Continued from cover

Platte County School District 2 in

Loud cheers greeted the eclipse

Guernsey, Wyoming. He, along

from the crowd gathered on the

with Glen Suppes, principal of

football field at Guernsey-Sunrise.

people, less stuffy,” said visitor

Guernsey-Sunrise K-12 School,

Sunlight returned after totality,

Kelsey Appleby about the activities

turned the school grounds into a

which lasted a total of 2 minutes and

at the museum’s science lounge. “It

campsite. They charged visitors to

15 seconds. Birds chirped again.

makes it fun and engaging. It makes

camp overnight for the eclipse.

“It makes science tangible for

it more important and tangible to someone who isn’t a scientist.” She and her husband planned to drive to Glendale Reservoir to view the eclipse.

“So we said, ‘hey, let’s embrace

Back in Denver, Alex Davis and her friend, fellow MSU Denver

it. Let’s do something to help

student Bailey Nelson, said that

people come to the eclipse and also

although they didn’t get the

help our students,’” Beard said.

full excitement of totality they

Some Wyoming entrepreneurs

appreciated the half-moon shadows

embraced the spectacle a little too

that the trees made during Denver’s

Coloradan to leave the city to

gleefully. The weekend before the

partial eclipse. Denver barely missed

view the eclipse. Totality would

eclipse, some motel rooms were

totality this year but the community

pass through Wyoming, making

listed as high as $2,500. Some

aspect was said to be appreciated

an awe-inspiring experience a

MSU Denver students who left

by many students on campus.

day’s drive for most Coloradans.

to witness totality made do by

Appleby wasn’t the only local

“Everybody said that all these people were going to come to

camping or staying with relatives. Minutes before totality, the

town and basically you could

temperature dropped and the

either fight it or embrace it,” said

sky turned a twilight hue. Birds

Mike Beard, superintendent of

silenced as darkness approached.

“It was wicked but it was more cool to see the people that gathered for it,” Nelson said. The next eclipse to touch the

Photo by Madison Lauterbach | mlauter1@msudenver.edu

Paul Shubert and his son Matt brought a reflector telescope from their home in Albuquerque, New Mexico to the football field at Guernsey-Sunrise K-12 school in Guernsey, Wyoming to view the eclipse on Aug. 21.

United States will take place in 2024. Additional reporting by Madison Lauterbach and Cassie Ballard

Solar eclipses are not as rare as people think, occuring nearly every 18 months. However, what does make them rare is where they fall over the Earth. A quirk in orbital geometry is responsible for solar eclipses. The moon lies about 5 degrees off of Earth’s orbital plane around the sun.

This small variance keeps solar eclipses from happening every month. Typically, the moon’s shadow falls either below or above the Earth. Every once in a while though, the angles align and one lucky country is treated to one spectacular sight.

AUGUST 23, 2017



Hellzapoppin Circus brings power cords and swords to Denver By Maria Muller

Sperry. “It’s not just a show for

was set on fire. All to the heavy


gross out. It’s very cool, just bizarre

beats of metal and rock music.

things that you don’t get to see. The intense beat of punk rock

“We want our fans to feel

Even at a stupid frat party when

like they’ve been to a Pantera,

songs like “Killing Strangers,”

someone’s drunk enough to try

Avatar, Motorhead concert,”

“Shut Me Up” and “Black Betty”

something they saw on YouTube.”

Wollins said. “Because of Riot

filled Summit Music Hall at a level

Bryce “The Govna” Graves

Fest we’ve got a fairly decent

that vibrated the floor and coursed

created the show in 2008. Prior to

sized fan base. And we always

through the body. The music

Hellzapoppin, Graves managed

get more fans after the show.”

amped the scenes on stage as one

rock groups, TV personalities and

performer slid a 37-inch sword down

an authentic old style freak show.

her throat and another devoured

“I fell in love with it the second

a handful of razor blades one by

I set eyes on it,” Graves said of

one, followed by a string, and then

the freak show. “I knew I wanted

pulled a string of razor blades from

to do that for the rest of my life.”

his mouth in one smooth motion.

Graves said the show toured

Just a taste of the extreme

with Ozzy Osbourne in 2006 when

“Forget about everything you thought you knew about what you can or can’t do.” – Vivianne Oblivion

performances experienced at the

their show was accompanied

Hellzapoppin Circus Sideshow

by Gavioli organ. But he wanted

of five or six people that put on

Revue on Aug. 13. The show

the freak show to have the same

a 90 minute show. Graves said

featured entertainers that exposed

energy the rock bands received.

they work with over 30 sideshow

their bodies to brutal treatment by

“The only way to get that

props that got longer, sharper and

energy was to change up the music,

more dangerous with each act.

change up the costumes, change up the performers,” he said.

“You get hurt all the time but nothing serious. The show is blood-free when everything goes right.” – Ryan Stock

The only consistent performers

Hellzapoppin usually consists

performers that they rotate out every couple of months. Sperry refers to his part of the show as weird strange magic tricks. Before swallowing a

are Graves and his partner, Aaron

handful of razors, Sperry allowed

Wollins, also known as Short E.

audience members in the front

Dangerously. Wollins is a half

row to touch and authenticate

man performer and co-hosts

them. As he swallowed a woman

the show with Graves. Wollin’s

yelled, “Don’t do it!” and another

stunts Sunday night included a

shouted, “You’re crazy!”

“There aren’t too many

hand balancing act on unstable

Ryan Stock’s stunts had some

sideshows that tour anymore,”

bowling balls and walking with

audience members covering their

said magician and illusionist Dan

his hands on broken glass that

eyes and turning their heads as he swallowed curved swords and 3 foot long rotating drill bits. “I do comedy mixed with stupid shit,” Stock said. “You get hurt all the time but nothing serious. The show is blood-free Photos by Montana Martin| mmart427@msudenver.edu

when everything goes right.” Vivianne Oblivion started performing with Hellzapoppin

Half-man performer Short E. Dangerously finds balance during his performance at Hellzapoppin.

in 2010. She made swords, saws and coat hangers disappear

sword swallowing and thought

act she will drops a few swords

as she devoured them.

that it was really cool.”

beforehand to loosen things up.

“I was really into human

After she graduated she wanted

For the final act Oblivion was

anatomy,” Oblivion said,

to learn sword swallowing. She

put into a box that Graves fills

remembering how she started.

researched the subject and talked

with squared saw blades. He puts

“I studied it for three years. I

to different people about it.

them through the box at different

came across an article about

Oblivion said to warm up for an

angles, and manages to avoid slicing through Oblivion. The audience is then allowed on stage to make sure she’s still in there. “Come with an open mind,” Oblivion said for anyone wanting to check out Hellzapoppin. “Forget everything you thought you knew about what you can do and can’t do. But don’t try any of this stuff at home.”

Ryan Stock stretches his face and the audience’s limits with the support of Vivianne Oblivion.

“The Govna” Graves blows the audience away with his fire tricks during the opening act of Hellzapoppin.



AUGUST 23, 2017

MSU Denver volleyball visits Nicaragua By Matthew Stefanski


mstefan3@msudenver.edu The MSU Denver volleyball

Athletics department launches Roadrunner Rewards app The MSU Denver athletics department announced on Aug. 22 that they have added an app to their Roadrunner Rewards program. The app features seven tabs that perform different functions. The tabs include events, rewards, awards leaderboard, Roadrunners social media, video highlights, roadrunners athletics news and a gear store. Students and fans can earn rewards and unique athletic experiences in a variety of ways, including checking into Roadrunner athletics events, sharing Roadrunner news on social media and by downloading and signing up for the app. The app is free, available to everyone and can be downloaded for free on the Google Play store or on the Apple app store.

team has a unique team-bonding tradition. For one week in July, the team made their way to Nicaragua as part of a quadrennial tradition. Across the cities of San Juan Del Sur, Granada and Managua, the players took part in community service outreach, cultural immersion, teambuilding activities and of course, volleyball. The team started their trip in San Juan Del Sur, a town of fewer than 10,000 on the Pacific coast known for its beaches, including Maderas Beach and Marsella Beach. Here, the players had a chance to visit a preschool and spend time with Manos Unidas. It’s an organization that works with disabled people to make products that improve their quality of life. There, they practiced and had a chance to assist the

MSU Denver tennis still without a head coach With just about three weeks until their opening competition, the MSU Denver men’s and women’s tennis teams are still without a head coach. Daniel Hangstefer was the coach for both teams last season, but left after the season to take the same position at Ferris State University. Both the men’s and women’s teams won the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference regular season championships last year, the first for the women since 2004 and the first for the men since 2009. The athletics department has confirmed that they expect to make a hire for the position in the next few weeks. The season for both the men and women begins on Sept. 14 at the Regency Athletic Complex in the CSU-Pueblo Duals against the University of Nebraska-Kearney.

Photos courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

introducing themselves in Spanish workers in their projects.

A worker watches as one of the MSU Denver volleyball players helps make a hammock during a day of community service for Tio Antonio’s Hammock Collective. The collective employs workers who are deaf.

“They showed us how they make these bags and they get so

our match,” Kelling said. “People

said, ‘Welcome to our world,’”

last time at their training center.

excited about making them. It’s

would just feed in and out as

Kelling said. “We put them on

The building had open windows

really cool because it generates

we were playing, and they had

at the end of lunch and it was

toward the roof that birds flew

income for them,” said Alyssa

music going.” The Nicaraguan

an emotional, eye-opening

in through. They occassionally

Kelling, a redshirt sophomore

national team won the match 3-0.

experience for us. I think there

interrupted the match by leaving

were a few tears for some people.”

droppings on the court. MSU

middle blocker. “The kid that

After a day spent surfing

I was with was probably the

and zip lining through the

happiest person I had ever met.”

jungle to wrap up their time in

The girls were shown how to

San Juan Del Sur, the players

Kelling’s comments. “I think the hammock

Denver ended up winning the match 3-2 and the series 2-1. Despite the challenges of

make bags, bracelets and other

moved on to Granada, a tourist

collective impacted me the most,”

playing a high-level team in an

items out of recycled materials.

city of 117,000, located on the

Laraway said. “I think just to

unfamiliar country, the players

coast of Lake Nicaragua. There

see how blessed I am. I couldn’t

loved the opportunities offered to

they spent the day with Tío

imagine not hearing, hearing is

them. They took the experience

Antonio’s Hammock Collective,

a huge part of everyday life. To

to grow closer to each other.

a cooperative that employs deaf

experience that was big for me.”

After each outreach project,

workers to make hammocks out

In Granada, the team had

the team had a chance to play the

of recycled materials. The team

a chance to play at an indoor

“Knowing that we could compete

Nicaraguan national team in each

learned how to make hammocks

venue. The venue was like their

at that level was a good challenge

of the three cities. In San Juan

by assisting the workers.

own practice facility back in

for us. It brought us together,

During lunch with the

Denver, with the main difference

a lot. We got to get to know

collective, the team received

being that it still had a concrete

the new girls and learn some

an emotional gift.

floor. MSU Denver won this

new things about the players

match 3-1 over the Nicaraguan

we’ve played with. We got to

national team. The next day, the

understand each other better.”

“These are bags that they make out of recycled rice, sugar and corn,” said Steph Laraway, a junior middle blocker.

Del Sur, they found themselves on an outdoor concrete court. “We got to watch as the sunset went down on the beach during

“They gave us earplugs that

Cross Country season set to commence The MSU Denver men’s and women’s cross country teams are preparing for the beginning of the 2017 season. Trent Mack enters his first year as the head coach of both teams after Nick Maas moved on at the conclusion of the 20162017 academic year. The men are returning after finishing the 2016 season in ninth place in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference and 12th in the South Central Region. The women finished 2016 in 11th place in the RMAC and 15th in the South Central Region. Their first meet is at Colorado State University on Sept. 1 at the CSU Duals.

Laraway echoed

players ran a volleyball clinic. Here the team had a chance

As the semester and season starts, the players will use

to teach the game to children

the opportunities to help

who had only played on dirt,

them in their studies, their

or never seen a court.

play and their own lives.

“It was impactful for me

“As a student, it makes me

because we had grown up

more appreciative of the things I

in a gym with the lights and

have, and how blessed I am and

stuff,” Kelling said. “I think we

how much I have to give. Some

do kind of take it for granted.

of the people there had close to

They were excited once they

nothing, and they were some of

got going and were willing to

the happiest people I had seen,”

learn and use the court.”

Laraway said. “As a player, we

The team moved on to

have this concept of ‘love and

Managua, the capital of Nicaragua,

respect the game,’ and I think it

for the final leg of their trip. Here

really came out on that trip.”

they had a chance to play against

Defensive specialist Jackie Lopez recieves a serve during a match against the Nicaraguan national team. MSU Denver won the game 3-2 and won the overall series 2-1 during their time in Nicaragua.

“It was exciting more than anything,” Laraway said.

the Nicaraguan national team one


AUGUST 23, 2017


A new spin on a Denver legacy

New MSU Denver baseball coach Ryan Strain looks to expand family name

By Richard Allen

were successful 76.9 percent of


the time, the best success rate in


the conference and well above its 73.6 percent average. This allowed

When it was announced on Aug. 8 that Ryan Strain would become the

the team, which held a batting

12th baseball head coach in MSU

average eight points lower than

Denver history, everything came

the MVC average, to produce runs

full-circle for the Denver native.

at a middle-of-the-pack level. This is a sharp change in direction

For Strain, the roots run deeper than just growing up in the city and

for the Roadrunners, who were

being a three-sport star at Cherry

27-for-39 in stolen base attempts

Creek High School. The Strains

last season, ranking second-to-last

have had a presence in Denver as

in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

coaches since 1958. Joe Strain Sr.

Conference in tries. This new strategy

and Jr., Ryan’s grandfather and father,

is a great opportunity for some

respectively, both led Denver area

of the team’s players, including

high school basketball teams to state

speedy outfielder Aaron Germani. “It helps excel my game, and it’ll

championships. The elder became a city prep legend after serving for

help us win games, any time you can

more than three decades and winning

take that extra base,” Germani said. The similarities between Strain’s

nearly 300 games before concluding his career after a one-year stint as

game plan and his personality

MSU Denver’s leader. Joe Strain

are beyond conspicuous. As a

Jr. followed a career in MLB with a

dynamic, industrious individual,

successful tenure at Cherry Creek High

he wants to inject that personality

School on the basketball court and

into his players and their skillset. “The first thing I told those guys

is now a scout for the San Francisco Giants. His other grandfather was also

was, ‘It’s going to be energy.’ That’s

a high school coach, leading Thomas

who I am. I think the team feeds

Jefferson High School’s football team.

off what their head coach is like

Now the baton is passed to Ryan.

and what his style is. That’s going to be one of my things that I push

“It’s exciting for me to come back and be home. I’ve been gone for a long

for every day, because if we can

time so this opportunity, when it came

do that, everything else is going

up, was a no-brainer,” Strain said.

to fall into place,” Strain said. Strain’s unique approach gives

In the first head coaching job of his career, Strain looks to build on both

Photo by Montana Martin | mmart427@msudenver.edu

his family name and the experience

New head coach Ryan Strain poses in front of the Regency Athletic Complex on Aug. 18 after being named the 12th in school history, replacing Jerrid Oates after six years at the helm.

he has gathered over his own travels. After graduating from high school,

himself from his family’s legacy and expand it. In terms of Denver coaching, the Strain name is synonymous with hoops, but is branching

he played at North Carolina State University and then at University

and I got immediately along. He’s

and forcing the other team’s hand

of Nevada before a two-year career

an energetic, passionate guy.”

an outlier amongst most high-level

in the minor leagues of the same

him the opportunity to distinguish

It was that energy and passion

competition. The results show. The environment of

outward in its third go around. “When both your grandads were great coaches and your dad’s a great coach, in the state of

San Francisco Giants organization

that drove Strain to reinvent SIU’s

that his father played for and would

offense this past season and cement

aggressiveness made Strain’s SIU

Colorado, and you’re coaching here,

eventually become a scout for.

his name on the coaching map. At 5

team not only the most willing to

there’s some expectations with

feet 8 inches, he naturally didn’t have

swipe a bag in their conference,

that, so I’m excited,” Strain said.

played for the independent-league

slugger power and emphasized his

but also the most successful. In

Rockford RiverHawks and got his

game on aggressiveness and applying

their 130 stolen base attempts, they

coaching career underway.

pressure as a player, which translated

Once he left the Giants, he briefly

Highlighted by his seven seasons

to his coaching style. After stealing

of work at the University of Southern

nine bases in 90 games professionally,

Illinois, Strain built an extensive

he led the 2017 Salukis to 100 steals,

resume as a hitting and infield

42 more than the next best team in

specialist. In 2008, Strain joined

the Missouri Valley Conference.

University of Northern Colorado as

“Baserunning has kind of been a

hitting and infield coach. He joined

lost art,” Strain said. “That’s kind of

two other future MSU Denver head

my philosophy when I started putting

coaches in more modest roles: current

some of this stuff together. Our team

volleyball head coach Jenny Glenn

is very talented, but the other teams

and first-year women’s soccer head

are talented, too. So, what can we

coach Tracy Chao. During an office

do that another team might not be

renovation, he wound up sharing

able to do or they don’t work at?”

an office with Chao, UNC’s first women’s soccer assistant coach. “It was tiny to the point where

1974, averaging only .52 per game

if either of us rolled our chairs

in each of the last three seasons in

backwards, we would hit the other

MLB. This makes Strain’s approach of

person in the back,” Chao said. “Ryan

applying pressure on the base paths

Denver Broncos quarterback Trevor Siemian has emerged the victor of the much discussed position battle between him and Paxton Lynch, dubbed The Decision 2017 by some circles. Siemian will enter the 2017 campaign as the Broncos’ starter for his second season. Head coach Vance Joseph announced on Aug. 21 that he had made his choice. “We’re pleased with both guys, but overall the operation of the entire offense, decisionmaking, ball placement, was more consistent with Trevor,” Joseph told media on Monday. In two preseason games, Siemian completed 14 of his 18 passes for 144 yards, while Lynch completed 15 of his 22 for a gain of 81 yards. Lynch, a 2016 first round draft pick, will play second fiddle once again after following Siemian’s lead in 2016.

MLB holds first Little League Classic Amid a crowd of little leaguers, their parents and a comparatively small contingent of fans, the Pittsburgh Pirates and St. Louis Cardinals competed in the first Little League Classic in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. With the Little League World Series underway, the focus shifted from prospective big leaguers to current ones for one night on Aug. 20. After spending the day with the youth tournament participants, the Pirates and Cardinals donned the colorful Little League-inspired Player’s Weekend uniforms for the first time. They then played a regular season game in front of a modest crowd of 2,596 people. The results of the game were an afterthought as the event was built on the foundations of sportsmanship that are emphasized heavily in Little League, exemplified by the same iconic handshake line that every youth player partakes at the end of every game.

49ers hire first LGBT coach in NFL history

At the professional level, stolen bases are at their lowest level since

Trevor Siemian wins QB battle

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

While third-base coaching at the University of Southern Illinois, Ryan Strain implemented a system of aggressive baserunning that helped their offense produce at a higher level than their statistics would allude.

Katie Sowers became the first LGBT coach in the NFL when she was hired by the San Francisco 49ers on Aug. 13. She became the second assistant coach in the league when she was brought on, and later publicly came out, breaking a new barrier in doing so.






Welcome Week: Student Involvement Fair


2 Chainz

Location Ogden Theater

AUGUST 23, 2017


Get Along

Men’s Soccer

Women’s Soccer

Location Mercury Cafe

Price $32.50

Price $20-45

Time 9 p.m.

Time 5 p.m.

8.25 vs. CSU Pueblo Location Pueblo Time 7:30 p.m.

Location Lawrence St. Mall Price Free

8.26 vs. Alumni Location Home Time 4 p.m.


Time 10 a.m. 8.25

The Midnight Club

Location Outlets @ Castle Rock 8.23

Meet the Greeks


Capital Cities

Location Boulder Theater

Price Free

Price $12-15

Time 6 p.m.

Time All day folk festival

Volleyball 8.26 vs. Alumni

Location St. Cajetan’s Price Free Time 5 p.m.


Andrew Bird

Location Fiddler’s Green


Men’s Soccer 08.26 vs. Alumni

Location Home

Location Home

Time 5 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Father John Misty

Location Red Rocks

Price $30

Price $45

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


Welcome Week: Movie Night


Depeche Mode

Location Pepsi Center Location Tivoli Quad





Location Marquis Theater

Price $39.50+

Price $10

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

8.23 vs. Portland Location Away

8.24 vs. Royals Location Away

Price Free

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8:30 p.m.

Time 12:15 p.m.



Location Breckenridge Brewery 8.24

Welcome Week: Outdoor Activities



Location Globe Hall

Price Varies

Price $15-17

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Rockies 8.25 vs. Braves Location Away

Location Lawrence St. Mall Price Free Time 10 a.m.



Location Gothic Theater

8.27 Emancipator Ensemble Price $37.50

Time 8 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 5:35 p.m.

Time 5:10 p.m.

Broncos 8.26 vs. Packers Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

The Lumineers

Location Fiddler’s Green

8.26 vs. Braves Location Away

Location Red Rocks

Price $20





Location Botanic Gardens

Price $30-65

Price $57-62

Time 6:30 p.m.

Time 5:45p.m.

Location Home

Rapids 8.26 vs. Real Salt Lake Location Away

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Comedian Jerry Lewis dies at age 91 Beloved actor, entertainer and

Put on your shades and turn around, bright eyes. Bonnie Tyler announced that

Cake wars Tina Fey made a return to the “Weekend Update” desk during

Netflix show in talks to be renewed under your private browsing mode After Netflix announced in

The buzz about the bus The classic Volkswagen Type 2 (more commonly known as

comedian Jerry Lewis has died

she would be performing her ‘80s

the off season “Saturday Night

of heart complications in his Las

hit “Total Eclipse of the Heart”

Live” spinoff, “Weekend Update

June that “Sense8” would not

the VW bus) will be making a comeback in 2022 at an electrical

Vegas home. He starred in such

during, yep, the total solar eclipse

Thursday.” Fey, a University of

be renewed for another season,

outlet near you. The panel van,

films as “The Nutty Professor” and

over North America on Monday.

Virgina alumn, came to the desk

porn site xHamster made a

best known for its hippie/beach

“The Bellboy.” He is also known

Tyler performed aboard the Royal

to vent her frustrations about the

serious offer to revive the series

bum aestetic, will be staying true

for his comedy act and film work

Caribbean’s Total Eclipse Cruise

protests that occured on the lawn

through their highly-trafficked

to its original two-tone design.

with the Rat Pack’s Dean Martin.

during the moments the eclipse

of her alma matter. Her segment

platform. The sex-positive and

However, the zero-emissions van,

Lewis was also synonymous for

passed over the ship. The song

was based on the idea of directing

LGBTQ represented show, created

which Volkswagen has named

his telethon hosting duties, the

also made it to No. 1 on iTunes

frustrations towards said protests

by the Wachowskis, only lasted

the VW I.D. Buzz, will be fully

biggest of them being the annual

on Monday, beating out radio

into a sheet cake, dubbing the

two seasons. Alex Hawkins,

electric. Currently the 111 kWh

“Labor Day Telethon” for muscular

earworm “Despacito.” No word

new resistance movement as

vice president of xHamster said,

battery has a range of nearly 300

dystrophy. His time with the

yet on Tyler’s plans for 2024.

“sheet caking.” However, Fey adds

“We’re not talking about a parody,

miles per charge. When the initial

telethon from 1966-2010 helped

the disclaimer during the sketch

or something less than, but an

plans were announced in January,

raised close to $2.5 billion for the

that she can’t take full credit for

actual revival of the series.”

Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess

Muscular Dystrophy Association.

this new grassroots movement.

Following backlash from fans,

said, “The iconic car of the electric

“Most of the women I know have

Netflix responded by sending

age must be a Volkswagen.”

been doing this once a week

the show off with a two-hour-

since the election,” she said.

long farewell episode in 2018.


AUGUST 23, 2017

Overheard this week

Horoscopes Capricorn

December 22 - January 19 You can take off your eclipse glasses now, Capricon.


January 20 - February 18

"I can’t believe no one is smoking weed right now." “I wish I could react to this with gifs.” “Sorry to call your daughter a bitch, but,

Don’t cry over spilled La Croix. It’ll only smudge your aesthetic.


February 19 - March 20 Lest we forget, Pisces, that your financial aid refund needs to last until January.

your daughter’s a bitch.”


March 21 -April 19

“I’d say that this is my average hair


“How tiny is her?” “I love her. I wish she liked me.”

April 20 - May 20 Your addiction to gum is on par with Sean Spicer. Cool it with the Orbit, man.


May 21 - June 20

Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

Being 15 minutes late for your first class of the semester does not mean anything. But being 15 minutes late for it next week might say a lot.

Met Picks:


June 21 - July 22 Buy yourself a planner before you get too deep into the semester, Cancer. And then enjoy living in the delusions that you’ll actually use it.

“A dog’s butthole.” — Ali Watkins


July 23 - August 22 The plural of vinyl is vinyl. Just so you know.


August 23 - September 22

“My ass.” — Maria Muller “Chris Christie’s brapants.” — Richard Allen

Empty out your Amazon cart right now. Don’t argue with me, just do it.


“A dead tooth.” — Madison Lauterbach

September 23 - October 22

Your Instagram theme needs a serious upgrade. You’ve got potential, kid. Just not the right fi lters.

“Esteban’s face.” — Cassandra Ballard


October 23 - November 21 McDonalds knowing your order is not the same as Starbucks knowing your order. Stop fooling yourself.

“FUBU-wearing racists.” —Miriam Mimi Madrid


November 22 - December 21 Don’t be the kid in class that asks the person next to them for a pen; neither ink or vape-based.


Difficulty: Medium

Crossword Across 1. One-time Winter Palace dwellers 6. Agrippa’s wrap 10. Drink without a pause 14. Open, as a bottle 15. Graven image 16. Sprinter’s assignment 17. Alternative to a towelette 19. Word with catch or hang 20. Chest thumper 21. Terrier type 22. Reversed an action 23. Lollobrigida of ‘’Hotel Paradiso’’ 24. Increase threefold 25. Bordeaux wine 28. Kampala is its capital 30. Pervasive emanations 31. Practices on the canvas 32. Greenskeeper’s supply 35. Exemplar of innocence 36. Geographic depression 37. Stew pod 38. Deal prerequisite 39. Backing for an exhibit 40. Like Alexander 41. Scale’s reading 43. Bug on the road 44. Pipe types 46. Presidential power 47. Word with charlotte or Ballet 48. Field of endeavor 50. Cul-de-___

Things besides the eclipse to avoid looking at directly.

53. Climax beginning 54. Where to find time on one’s hand? 56. Point of honor settler, once 57. Suggestion 58. See ya in Hawaii? 59. Agile 60. Equalizing allowance

61. Went off course Down 1. Porous limestone 2. Salon sound 3. Teenager’s bane 4. Newspaper, derogatorily 5. Biological subdivision 6. Fibula neighbor

7. Fragrance 8. Surgeon’s work attire 9. Word with thumbs or ears 10. Replicated, in a way 11. Certain woven container 12. Up to such time as 13. Crystal-lined stone 18. Bombastic speech 22. Upscale coffee pots 23. Type of bag 24. Mountain pool 25. Advanced math course 26. Island feast 27. Supplier of pressure? 28. Sports surprise 29. Olympic medalist Devers 31. Window frame 33. Verbalized 34. Dinner and a movie, perhaps 36. They may be checked 37. Nabisco cookie 39. Leprechaun land 40. Brief vacation 42. With little effort 43. Misshapen 44. Finishing nails 45. Accumulate, as a debt 46. Bulletproof apparel 48. Saharan 49. Natural coat 50. Place in a hold 51. Feel pain 52. African republic 54. Reporter’s question Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net




Splurge for the cup Ramen every now and then. At least that way you’ll have the illusion of veggies in your diet.




Looking for an extra credit hour?


MUSIC ENSEMBLE All music ensembles are one credit hour.

African Drumming & Dance

Men’s Choir

Tuesdays 5:30-7:20 pm, CRN 52491 No experience required

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 50819

Auraria Chorale


Tues & Thurs 3:00-4:15 pm, CRN 53272 No experience required


Mon & Weds 4:30-6:20 pm, CRN 501030

Audition required, contact robergen@msudenver.edu

Symphonic Band

Mon & Weds 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 50410

Audition required, contact kruegema@msudenver.edu

Gamelan Orchestra Tuesdays 3:30-5:20 pm, CRN 52499 No experience required

Jazz Big Band

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 50413

Audition required, contact dbyron3@msudenver.edu


Thursdays 3:30-5:20 pm, CRN 52741

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 51989

String Sinfonietta

Tues & Thurs 11:00-12:15 pm, CRN 52218

Symphony Orchestra

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 50412

Audition required, contact bmatthe8@msudenver.edu




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Women’s Choir

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 50818

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