Volume 40, Issue 3 - Aug. 30, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 3

AUGUST 30, 2017


Survivors reject shame at feminist rally in Denver

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Naomi “Sixxkiller” Parnes helps her friend prepare for the Slutwalk on Aug. 27. Survivors and allies reclaim words and symbols used to stigmatize female sexuality.

New school toured by Congresswoman

Continued on pg. 3


| pg. 4

Denver protects undocumented immigrants.

By Ryan Longaker

they need to get those high paying


jobs. If the citizens have jobs then


the economy is helped,” DeGette

Don’t hate on nostalgia and kindness helps the world heal.

Rep. Diana DeGette saw the public-private partnership in action on Auraria via MSU

said regarding the potential

| pg. 5

impact of the new AES building. Currently in Colorado there

Denver’s new Aerospace and

are 15 job openings for every


Engineering Sciences.

unemployed STEM worker.

Eccentric Denver’s band eclectic homecoming.

DeGette toured Auraria

The state now faces a lack of

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

campus’ new AES Building

skilled laborers, and DeGette

on Aug. 24 with the hope to

believes investing in programs

President Janine Davidson and Congresswoman Diana DeGette toured the new Aerospace Engineering School on Aug. 24.

attract growth in the science,

like the one MSU Denver’s

technology, engineering and

AES Building houses will

to bring Congresswoman

Catherine Lucas, an associate

math fields in Colorado.

help prevent this problem.

DeGette to campus to learn

to President Davidson for

more about the AES building

Marketing and Communications.


“More importantly it’ll train

“As part of President

the next generation of workers

Davidson’s listening and

and our Institute for Advanced

so that people can get the skills

outreach tour, we were able

Manufacturing Sciences,” said

Continued on pg. 3

| pg. 7

| pg. 9

Questions remain over after cheerleader abuse.

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