The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL .40
Americans in all but papers DACA rally descends on Campus
Photo by Lauren Cordova |
From the left, Denver Center for International Studies students, Gianelle Millan, 17, Leslie Argüelles, 17, and CCD student Sandra A. Gonzalez-Tapia, join the crowd in chanting “El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido” or “The people united will never be defeated,” on the Tivoli quad on Sept. 4.
MSU Denver graced by visit from former Mexican president By Esteban Fernandez
international partnership, the
of the world. And the leader cannot
importance of U.S. leadership
abandon its responsibilities. A
and legacy of populism in Latin
leader doesn’t build walls.”
Denouncing populism,
America. Gov. John Hickenlooper
The former president warned
former Mexican President
and Canadian Consul General
the audience to beware of
Vicente Fox called Americans
Stéphane Lessard were also
promises made by false prophets
to their best values during a
present as part of a panel
to restore jobs and greatness.
speech at MSU Denver.
discussion later in the program.
Fox drew explicit comparisons
University President Janine
“You’re moving beyond the
between the authoritarians who
Davidson introduced Fox to a
idea that this nation is stagnant.
ruled Latin America through the
packed auditorium in the King
That the American dream is not
20th century and the current
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox,
Center on Aug. 29. The event was
real, any more. That’s false,”
populist climate running through
poses for photos after the panel at
presented by both MSU Denver
Fox said. “This nation is great,
American politics today.
Metropolitan State University on Aug. 30.
and Global Chamber Denver.
this nation is great, this nation is
Fox touched on the value of
fantastic. This nation is the leader
Photo by Mikala Redel |
Continued on pg. 4
| pg. 3
Colorado’s full response to DACA tensions OPINION
| pg. 5
Dueling panelists discuss Confederate monuments FEATURES
| pg. 8
Water Line exhibit raises environmental issues SPORTS
| pg. 12
Moroccan Devil makes pro debut