Volume 42, Issue 5 - Sept. 11, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 5


SEPTEMBER 11, 2019


A weekday with Bernie Sanders makes first stop in Denver to sway swing voters

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders addresses the crowd at his rally on Sept. 9 at Civic Center Park in Denver. Sanders talked to the crowd of over 10,000 people about his ideas on health care, the environment, wages and more. the policies he wants to make happen.

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

This is the second presidential rally Denver has seen this year,


becomes president he would still respect


him, citing Romans 13:1: “Let everyone be

Lefebre felt it necessary to

subject to the governing authorities, for

Civic Center Park in downtown Denver

with the first one being in March for

show that people with differing

there is no authority except that which God

was packed with more than 10,000 people on

former Gov. John Hickenlooper, who

political beliefs can be civil.

has established.” The back of his sign also

Sept. 9 as they gathered to support Vermont

dropped out of the race in August.

“In 2016, both Democrats and

noted his major political focus — He also

Republicans were attacked, and the

would like for people to be willing to give

of people, old and young, black and

state of the country has fallen to where

the young a voice as his point of concern.

white, Democrats and Republicans.

that’s ‘normal,’” Lefebre said. “We

the space opened at 4:30 p.m., when people

Before the event began, Connor Lefebre,

can talk normally and be civil.”

began trickling in from across the state

16 years old, was standing just outside

to see Sanders talk to Coloradans about

the security entrance holding a sign

Sen. Bernie Sanders in his first campaign rally in Denver for the 2020 election. The event formally began at 6 p.m., but



Sanders’ rally brought a wide array

| pg. 3


Lefebre may not agree with Sanders

| Continued on pg. 2

as a politician, but he says that if Sanders

| pg. 4


| pg. 6


| pg. 8

President Davidson front-and-center

Eighteen years later: Remembering

TEDx Talks come to the Mile High

Women’s soccer drops two in

for university Q&A

9/11 and honoring its importance

City, and MSU Denver plays host

opening weekend of 2019



SEPTEMBER 11, 2019

Bernie Sanders rallies in Civic Center Park to gain support for 2020 Continued from cover

enthusiastic “You look beautiful tonight.” An overflowing crowdof Coloradans waving their white

“Politicians speak for the young,

and blue “Bernie” signs in the

saying things like ‘polls say teens

air. They addressed him back,

agree with so-and-so,’” said Lefebre.

chanting his name in unison.

“We can make our own decisions. We don’t like to be bossed around.” Even with having different

Sanders’ campaign is themed around “justice” — economic, social, racial and environmental

viewpoints, it doesn’t stop

justice. His slogan “Not me.

Lefebre from wanting peace.

Us.” is meant to invoke the idea that the only way change can

“We need radical changes in the way we do education, from childcare to graduate school” – Bernie Sanders

happen is by doing so together. Sanders spoke about his campaign promises, including changing how the country handles schooling. “We need radical changes in the way we do education, from childcare

Before Sanders began to spread

to graduate school,” Sanders

his message, a few speakers came

said. “We have got to cancel all

before him to rile up the crowd.

student debt in this country.”

the first was State Rep. Emily Sirota, from house district 9.

Sanders criticized corporate bailouts, then he referenced

“When Bernie talks about the

the fact that more money goes

political revolution, this rally is what

into the military than the next

he is talking about,” she said. Sirota

10 countries. This data is mostly

also mentioned the healthcare

true, according to data from

issues Coloradans face and passing

the Stockholm International

new laws to strengthen unions.

Peace Research Institute, but

In addition to Sirota, former

that data is slightly outdated.

State Rep. Joe Salazar also spoke, opening up with statements like how he “sues the hell out of the fossil fuel industry.” “Four years ago, we were here talking about who we were gonna support for president of the United States,” Salazar said.

“Big corporations hold the power right now, and they’ll do whatever it takes to stay there. They like the mayhem” – Janice Zink

“We’re Colorado, and we got an independent streak on us don’t we?”

“Don’t tell me that we

Sanders the stage just before

cannot make tuition free,” he

6:30 p.m., greeting Denver with an

said. The current student loan

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Supporters hold up “Bernie” signs as they cheer for Bernie Sanders at his rally on Sept. 9 at Civic Center Park in Denver. Supporters gathered to hear Sanders’ vision for the country. debt totals at $1.56 trillion. His other major talking

climate change proposal ever introduced.” The Green New

the direction of this country.” Sadowsky mentioned that one

point was the Green New Deal,

Deal would potentially cost

of the most important things to

proposed legislation introduced by

trillions of dollars, according to a

do is be active and turn friends

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-

statement made by Ocasio-Cortez

and friends of friends into voters.

Cortez of New York and Senator

towards Business Insider. “Yes,

“Seeing these past four years,

Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts

it is expensive,” said Sanders.

we need what Bernie’s selling.”

— both Democrats — meant to

“But what’s the alternative?”

push renewable energy and work

Other topics included raising

Colorado will be holding its Democratic primary on Mar. 3 of

towards repairing the damage that

the minimum wage to $15 an

2020, also known as Super Tuesday.

has been done over the years. It

hour, abortion and access to

This is different from 2016, when

also intends to create new jobs

contraceptions, immigration

the state held a caucus instead of

in clean-energy industries.

reformation, ending the war on

a primary, and it is also Colorado’s

drugs and repairing the wealth

first primary in 20 years. The change

inequality in the nation.

came after the 2016 election, when

Sanders calls it “the most aggressive and far-reaching

Sanders’ words struck a chord

107 to approve the change. Passing

came from Telluride with a sign

the proposition also meant that

that read “IMPEACH TRUMP” and

unaffiliated voters would be able

thought the rally was “awesome.”

to participate. There will also be a

“Bernie has his finger on what

June 30, 2020, primary for state-

we need,” Zink said. “Changes need

level races, and the general election

to be made to bring sanity back.”

next year will be held on Nov. 3.

Zink mentioned that her main

Back in June, Hickenlooper

concern for the 2020 race was

commented at California’s

replacing President Donald Trump

Democratic Convention that “if

and that it all rides on whether or not

we want to beat Donald Trump

it’s a fair election. “Big corporations

and achieve big progressive

hold the power right now, and they’ll

goals, socialism is not the

do whatever it takes to stay there.

answer,” to which the crowd

They like the mayhem.” She had no

responded by booing at him

evidence to back up her claims.

and waving Bernie signs.

Previous supporters came out

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders arrives on stage at his rally on Sept. 9 at Civic Center Park in Denver. Sanders spoke to the crowd of over 10,000 people about his plans to win the 2020 presidential race.

Colorado voted to pass Proposition

with the crowd. Janice Zink, 66,

Sanders’ main challenges are

to voice their opinions on what has

similar to his campaign from 2016,

to be done. Daniel Sadowsky, 70,

which was convincing people

was a previous Bernie delegate and

that his claims were feasible

came from Carbondale to continue

and winning votes in Hispanic

speaking for what he believes in.

and black communities. To the

“I’ve seen a lot of terrible

critics against Sanders and his

politics, a bunch of ‘twaddle,’ as

campaign, the Vermont senator

the British say,” Sadowsky said.

quoted Nelson Mandela during

“I think Bernie has shown people

his rally, saying, “It always seems

the progressive spirit smoldering

impossible until it is done.”

in voters who want a reversal of

SEPTEMBER 11, 2019



President Davidson leads State of the University By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

search for a new Provost. Vicki Golich,


who has dedicated the past 10 years of her career to MSU Denver, will be retiring after

At 8 a.m. on Sept. 10, faculty and students

helping search for her replacement. The

were treated to a complimentary breakfast

search committee will be led by Matt Makley,

before the yearly State of the University

a professor in the history department.

address led by MSU Denver President Janine

“It’s all about students first and what

Davidson, who addressed concerns and

we can do for them,” Davidson said. “She’s

questions she received online and during

been helpful to me as a new president.”

a fireside Q&A session. The State of the

In regards to enrollment, it was shown that

University addressed issues such as student

there is a parallel between how the economy

retention, faculty pay and continuing to

is and how many students are enrolled.

acknowledge MSU Denver as a university.

Instead of going to school, people are working

One of the topics discussed in greater

when it’s economically better, and returning

detail was Proposition CC, which would allow

to school to either begin or finish their

the state to retain excess revenue from the

education when the economy isn’t doing as

state spending cap and transfer that back into

well. “We are trying to meet students where

public transportation and education. “We are

they are, to get those students back who

the first board in support of Proposition CC,”

delayed their degree,” said Davidson. “We

Davidson said. “However, as public officials,

are the place for people with zig-zaggy lives,

we cannot lobby on university time. You’ll

and we have to redefine what success is.” Photo by Herman Guzman-Ibarra | hguzmani@msudenver.edu

have to do that on your own accounts.” Elaine Berman, who works in the president’s office, also pushed on the

MSU Denver President Janine Davidson and Associate Professor Katia Campbell answer questions during a fireside chat at the State of the University event on Sept. 10 in the King Center.

discussion of Proposition CC. “It’ll be

The State of the University laid out what the focus for the next year at MSU is, for both staff and students. It doesn’t stop with just the next year though ­— Lucas will be co-chairing

aggressively opposed,” Berman said.

of the biggest challenges has been to refer to

rename, and we’re losing the university

a strategic plan for the university that would

“Higher education needs more resources,

the university as a university. Chief of Staff

part because people still refer to us as

apply for the next 5-10 years, saying “If we

and this is a great way to do it.”

and Vice President of Strategy Catherine

Metro State or just Metro,” Lucas said.

have a great strategic plan, it’ll be our guiding

Lucas said that that was the main thing she

“The brand is important to me because

document that will let us sail across the stars.”

wanted to focus on going forward for MSU.

the name is critical in our credibility.”

One other point of interest is the new brand certification and ambassador program. After changing the name six years ago, one

“We are at a tipping point after our

Another major talking point was the

SEPTEMBER 11, 2019



President Davidson leads State of the University the name is critical in our credibility.”

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

Another major talking point was the search for a new Provost. Vicki Golich,

MSU Denver President Janine Davidson

who has dedicated the past 10 years of her

addressed students and faculty at the annual

career to MSU Denver, will be retiring after

State of the University at the Kings Center

helping search for her replacement. The

concert hall, where she addressed concerns

search committee will be led by Matt Makley,

and questions she received online and during

a professor in the history department.

a fireside Q&A session. The State of the

“It’s all about students first and what

University addressed issues such as student

we can do for them,” Davidson said. “She’s

retention, faculty pay and continuing to

been helpful to me as a new president.”

acknowledge MSU Denver as a university.

In regards to enrollment, it was shown that

One of the topics discussed in greater

there is a parallel between how the economy

detail was Proposition CC. The legislation

is and how many students are enrolled.

would allow the state to retain excess revenue

Instead of going to school, people are working

from the state spending cap and transfer that

when it’s economically better, and returning to

back into public transportation and education.

school to either begin or finish their education

“We are the first board in support

when the economy isn’t doing as well.

of Proposition CC,” Davidson said.

“We are trying to meet students where

“However, as public officials, we cannot

they are, to get those students back who

lobby on university time. You’ll have

delayed their degree,” Davidson said. “We Photo by Herman Guzman-Ibarra | hguzmani@msudenver.edu

to do that on your own accounts.” Elaine Berman, who works in the president’s office, also pushed on

MSU Denver President Janine Davidson and Associate Professor Katia Campbell answer questions during a fireside chat at the State of the University event on Sept. 10 in the King Center concert hall.

the discussion of Proposition CC. “It’ll be aggressively opposed,” Berman

are the place for people with zig-zaggy lives, and we have to redefine what success is.” The State of the University laid out what the focus for the next year at MSU is, for

College to Metropolitan State University

to focus on going forward for MSU. “We are at a tipping point after our

both staff and students. It doesn’t stop with

said. “Higher education needs more

six years ago, one of the biggest challenges

resources, and this is a great way to do it.”

has been to refer to the university as just

rename, and we’re losing the university

just the next year though ­— Lucas will be co-chairing a strategic plan for the university

Another point of interest is the new brand

that — a university. Chief of Staff and Vice

part because people still refer to us as

that would apply for the next 5-10 years.

certification and ambassador program. After

President of Strategy Catherine Lucas said

Metro State or just Metro,” Lucas said.

changing the name from Metropolitan State

that that was the main thing she wanted

“The brand is important to me because



SEPTEMBER 11, 2019

Eighteen years later: why 9/11 shouldn’t be forgotten

staff Editor-in-Chief

he 9/11 attacks remain

it continues today for the survivors

this day. Sept. 11, now known as

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

the deadliest attacks on

of the World Trade Center collapse

Patriot Day, is a day to remember

Managing Editor

American soil with 2,977 people

that now deal with terminal cancer

the victims of the attacks. It’s a day

killed and over 6,000 injured. Nearly

because their selflessness exposed

to reflect on America and appreciate

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

250 died on the planes, 2,606 in

them to numerous carcinogens.

that, while we admittedly have

the World Trade Center and nearby

It continues for the survivors of

our shortcomings, we are a great

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

the War on Terror that are injured

country. We can accomplish so

Features Editor

mentally and physically, and for

much more when we end the bitter

the families of the victims.

rhetoric between each other and


area, and 125 at the Pentagon. The majority of the dead were civilians, but 343 were firefighters, 72 were law enforcement officers

Brenden Mincheff

and 55 were military personnel. The attacks are the earliest

News Editor

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

attempt to build bridges with our

Sports Editor

part in the story of America.

fellow Americans and international

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

The aftermath is a crucial

Americans on what 9/11 means. It

It’s about a country that was

allies. What unites us is so much

thing I can remember, and it’s

isn’t just a terrorist attack, it didn’t

severely divided coming together

stronger than what divides us.

still the most terrifying day I have

end with the fall of the World Trade

to grieve its dead. It’s about a

ever experienced. However, we

Center towers, and its effects aren’t

country that was determined not

Full article online at

Design Editor

now have an entire generation

just more stringent airport security.

to live in fear. It’s a story about


Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

that didn’t experience 9/11 first-

It’s about the heroic firefighters,

memorializing and rebuilding. I’m not naive enough to say that

Brenden Mincheff is a senior at

responders that rushed into the

we as a country did not make some

Metropolitan State University of

remember watching stories of

burning towers with little regard

mistakes in our rush to respond.

Denver majoring in Meteorology. He

the so-called “War on Terror.” I

for their own safety. It’s about the

The USA-PATRIOT Act is one of

has an interest in all things weather,

remember Obama campaigning

men and women aboard United

the least understood and widest-

politics, hockey, and soccer. When not

on a promise to remove American

Flight 93 that knew if they didn’t

ranging bills to come out of the

working, you can find him cheering

troops from Iraq. I remember the

do something, their plane would

U.S. Congress in modern times.

on his hometown Orlando City and

sacrifices FDNY, NYPD, American

target another symbol of American

And today, we still have troops in

Tampa Bay Lightning. He is also the

troops and so many others made

freedom and democracy. It’s about

the Middle East as a result of our

General Manager of Met TV. Email

because of what happened. But 18

the men and women of the United

invasion of Iraq following Sept. 11.

Brenden at bminchef@msudenver.edu.

years later, some Americans don’t.

States military that were shipped

hand. I grew up living with the

police officers and other first

consequences of the tragedy. I

It is on those of us that experienced it to educate younger

America’s military and political

off to the Middle East to take out

ramifications following 9/11 are not

the mastermind of the attacks. And

what is important to remember on

Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

Spanish Editor Sarah Lease sarah.lease@cudenver.edu Copy Editors Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Jill Benson jbenso23@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager

Adopt, don’t shop: puppy mills don’t give animals a chance


or the rest of my life, I’ll

come with a license — are often

property. They also may not

rescue or adopt my pets

dark, filthy and cramped. Mother

ask a lot of questions or want

because it’s the right thing to

dogs are not walked and are kept

to know much about what kind

do, and it will put more good

in poor conditions, while they’re

of home life you’ll provide the

into the world than bad.

forced to breed until they’re too

animal. An untrustworthy breeder

old or sick to do so. If a mother or

also won’t make a commitment

home, I passed a group of people

father dog can no longer breed,

to take back the animal at any

standing on a corner outside a

they are abandoned or killed.

point during its life, unlike a

The other day as I was driving

small shopping complex, holding

Megan Webber

signs. I slowed down to read

As for the puppies, they might look cute when you see them

Learning all this makes me

adopting pets from shelters helps

in the pet store, but according

want to go home and tell my pets

protesting a puppy store inside

more animals than just the one

to the American Society for the

how happy I am that they live

the complex. Some signs referred

you take home. The adoption costs

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,

with me, and that I rescued them.

to the store as a “puppy mill.” As

go directly back to the shelter so

they can develop serious health

And as they stare back at me with

I drove away, I pondered this. As

they can take better care of their

issues as they get older. Puppies

blank, indifferent expressions,

horrible as it makes me sound, I

other animals, including new

from mills are separated from

I’ll know I did a good deed,

had never thought much about

arrivals. Sometimes shelters have

their mothers and litters at a

whether they know it or not.

puppy mills or what happens to

to turn animals away because

very early age. This creates risks

animals outside of shelters.

they don’t have enough room

for behavioral issues such as an

or resources. The cycle can be

inability to socialize and fear of

Megan Webber is a fourth-year

broken if enough people adopt.

other dogs. Some of these issues

convergent journalism major with a

The Humane Society is

are difficult or impossible to treat.

minor in linguistics at MSU Denver. She

one of many animal adoption

According to Paws, another

is currently the Managing Editor of The

that breeds puppies for sale, typically in a process regarded as inhumane.

organizations dedicated to fighting

animal-friendly organization, there

Metropolitan and interning at KGNU

into my mind, and I felt a little

puppy mills. These organizations

are red flags you can watch for

in Boulder. In March, she won the

uncomfortable. In my life, most of

hope to run puppy mills out of

to help you tell whether you’re

Denver Press Club’s John C. Ennslin

my pets have come from shelters.

business by educating people

about to buy from a puppy mill.

award in conjunction with journalism

I don’t like knowing that there are

about their unethical practices.

First, the seller will advertise

legend Bob Woodward. Contact her

animals in need of good homes

According to the Humane Society,

purebreds or “designer” hybrid

who are hardly given a chance by

most pet stores, flea markets and

breeds and sell them at less

the conditions they’re born into.

online pet vendors are getting

than six weeks old. If you visit

their dogs from puppy mills. These

the premises, the seller may be

facilities — which sometimes

reluctant to show you the entire

Immediately, questions popped

According to the Humane Society of the United States,

at mwebber6@msudenver.edu.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

What we do

shelter or reliable breeder.

them and saw that they were

A puppy mill is a business

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



SEPTEMBER 11, 2019

2K Sports drops ball on latest NBA title By Will Satler

as “more than just a basketball

countless reports of crashes,


player” as you’re taken through

reputation bars and other

college and the pre-draft process

progression systems freezing

to the NBA is something like

and, of course, loot boxes,”

no NBA 2K game to date.

Blackburn wrote in an article

Cluttered with microtransactions and glitches — what else did you expect from

While myCareer is a bright spot

the newest NBA 2K video game?

for NBA 2K20, it still has its many

The expectations for 2K

shortly after the game’s release. Developers want to see their

troubles. Glitches and bugs plague

game trending shortly after

Sports’ 21st installment of NBA

the mode in some cases, where

its release, but in the case of

2K series peaked Thursday, as

players may be missing the name

NBA2K20, it was for the wrong

the widely anticipated release

on the back of their jersey or are

reasons. #FixNBAK20 has filled

of the game reminded fans of

unable to increase their Park Rep,

Twitter over the weekend, leaving

what has plagued the franchise

a key part of competing with their

players everywhere asking for

in years past. By adding new

myPlayers in online gameplay.

more. Ratings for the newest

features, like the ability to play

The changes to myCareer

2K Sports game have suffered,

with WNBA teams in head-to-head

highlight an improvement for NBA

where they even received a 2

and the most interesting myCareer

2K20, but important game modes

out of 10 score on Steam and a

storyline in series history, 2K

like myLeague and myTeam failed

2.4 out of 5 from GameStop.

Sports appears to have made an

to receive meaningful renovations.

effort. But the developers ignore

MyLeague is almost

Despite some of the most realistic graphics and the best

the fundamental issues of a game

completely untouched from last

simulation gameplay in sports

that has an important part in so

year, and myTeam is owned by

gaming ever, NBA 2K20 is taking

many basketball fans’ hearts.

microtransactions forcing players

the hit not for their game on

to either pay to upgrade their

the court, but for what they

Anthony Davis grabs his second

team or struggle through an

failed to do off the court.

cover appearance in NBA 2K20,

incredibly long list of challenges.

headlining the standard edition

MyTeam has even come under

Los Angeles Lakers forward

of the game, while future Hall of Famer Dwyane Wade graces the cover of the legend’s edition of the game, which is one of

Photo obtained from 2K Sports.

Lakers power forward Anthony Davis graces the cover of NBA 2K20, released on Sept. 6.

Long loading screens, bugs and microtransactions litter a

scrutiny in the gaming world

game that was supposed to be

after developers announced the

the best of the series yet. Not

introduction of controversial loot

even a week after its release,

boxes and a roulette-style wheel

the game is leaving consumers

the best covers in the game’s

its new “myPlayer Builder.” Once

myCareer storyline produced

that is considered borderline

demanding better, putting the

history. Buyers will just need

players are able to make their

by Springhill Entertainment, a

gambling. This is just a part of

developers of NBA 2K20 between

to pay an extra $40 for that.

build just the way they want

product of NBA superstar LeBron

the long list of issues the game

a rock and a hard place.

it, they’re thrown into the best

James and Maverick Carter, has

is facing, according to Pete

mode, myCareer, allows gamers

myCareer storyline yet in NBA 2K,

come a long way from Spike

Blackburn with CBS Sports.

to fully customize their created

“When the Lights are Brightest.”

Lee’s joint, “Living Da Dream,”

players right down to a tee with

It’s surprising to think the

The game’s most popular

in NBA 2K16. Being portrayed

“The list of issues is long and includes slow loading,

Lana Del Rey grows into pop savant on “NFR!” By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu You’re in California in a room

album — Del Rey’s growth. At 34 years-old, the New York

adds backbone to the enchanting

cathartic release comes from just

production on the record is

string and piano melodies and

three words: “I’m your man.”

consistent with the fifth track, a

City native is just hitting her stride.

ethereal singing. The most

No one’s perfect, though. And

Her major-label debut, 2012’s

rewarding moment is the chorus.

as excellent as 10 of the 12 tracks

The crescendo in her voice

are, the other two are indicative

cover of Sublime’s “Doin’ Time,” but the song’s inclusion is jarring.

with a window that overlooks the

“Born to Die,” showed promise,

Pacific Ocean. The weather isn’t

but was marred by half-baked and

and instrumentation implies a

too hot, nor is it too cold. Your

immature lyrics. Such was the case

grand culmination. Instead, the

lover rolls out of bed to bask in

on every following album, but those

nothing, thematically, that falls in

the view while the sun shimmers

growing pains fit her like a glove.

line with the rest of the record. What

off the waves. This West Coast

Your twenties are transformative.

makes this album so great is that

serenity is the driving aesthetic

Mistakes are going to be in your

we listen to Del Rey’s grapples with

of Lana Del Rey’s sixth studio

professional and personal life. Now,

love — an inherently personal topic.

album, “Norman F------ Rockwell!”

well into her thirties, the singer

Her angelic voice over glowing

released on Aug. 30 through

has matured into art-pop savant.

melodies helps it stick out from

Polydor and Interscope Records. Throughout her first five

that old habits die hard. Jack Antonoff’s fantastic

“NFR!” is, simply, rewarding. It’s

The 1996 hit pays homage to California, which falls in line with the aesthetic of “NFR!”. But there’s

her contemporaries, but a cover of

rewarding to her longtime fans who

a 23-year-old song is only filler.

releases, Del Rey developed

have eagerly waited for her to earn

a dedicated fan base, and an

universal praise. It’s rewarding to

occasionally melodrama, “NFR!”

equally fervent group of haters.

her skeptics to see her finally come

isn’t only good for an artist that

Her Fiona Apple-inspired singing,

into her own. And, it’s rewarding

could never put it all together. It

enthrolling melodies, often

to anyone who gives the 72-minute

isn’t only good for a pop artist with

clashed with the simplicity of her

record a chance to enchant them

a largely mainstream fanbase.

lyrics. For every excellent song

with its melodic masterpieces.

“NFR!” checks all the boxes for

she released, there were three more that were discouraging. The first singles for “NFR!” rolled

Despite the naive moments and

The most fulfilling moment

what makes an album “great.”

on the album comes with

Any artist would kill to

the second track, “Mariners

release an album that has as

out in late 2018. The sprawling,

Apartment Complex,” where Del

much delicate singing, hypnotic

nine-minute “Venice B----” plays

Rey pines for love, a common

melody and fundamentally sound

to Del Rey’s trip-hop roots with

theme in past songs. While the

writing as what Del Rey gave

gloomy synths and subdued

destination is familiar, the path

us on her sixth studio outing.

singing. The song is evident of

from points A to B is new.

the most striking feature of this

An acoustic guitar progression

Photo obtained from Interscope Records

“Norman Fucking Rockwell!” is the sixth studio album by Lana Del Rey. It was released on Aug. 30 by Polydor and Interscope Records.



SEPTEMBER 11, 2019

TEDx to bring big ideas to MSU Denver By Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

fall tradition at MSU Denver.

opinions are valid. An opinion

TEDxMileHigh will shine a

without evidence is not the

spotlight on its speakers, including

same as a factual argument.

Humans living in space,

two MSU Denver professors:

“We say all opinions should

freedom of speech, and the

Katia Campbell, an associate

be heard, but then we take that

benefits of anarchy. These are just

professor of communication

to the next level, saying all

a few of the subjects that will stir

studies, and Dave Gingerich, an

opinions are equal and valid,

the minds of the students, faculty

affiliate professor of aviation

and not all opinions are equal

and community members of MSU

and aerospace. In their talks

and valid,” Campbell said.

Denver at the first TEDxMileHigh.

on the meaning of free speech

On Sept. 12, some of our own

and humans living in space,

kids are taught about the first

Roadrunners will cross the stage

respectively, Roadrunners will

amendment, the underlying

of the King Center Concert Hall

begin to push the boundaries

message is the opposite — that

in front of the coveted TEDx

of future possibilities.

all opinions are equal. Hateful

In Campbell’s eyes, when

banner to give talks that put other geeks to shame. TEDx is

speech comes from the idea that


an opinion doesn’t need to be

an extension of the TED brand where local communities organize

supported by evidence. That is At 9 years old, Gingerich was

independently but still are

in third grade and living in Oregon

licensed through parent company.

with his parents and two siblings.

Hosting TEDx is something

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver professor Katia Campbell speaks to her Rhetorical Criticism class on Sept. 10 in the Central Classroom building on Auraria Campus. .

That’s when he observed the

where it differs from hate speech, which is usually used to degrade, intimidate or harass a historically marginalized group of people.

that MSU Denver President Janine

forming of the United States space

humans living in space means

from land to space,” he wrote.

Davidson has wanted to do since

program, known today as NASA.

everyone leaving Earth forever

Gingerich wrote that his

she arrived, according to Cathy

Since then, he has been “rabid”

and becoming a space-faring

talk is more than just a story

simply wasn’t acceptable and

Lucas, vice president of strategy

about space. He has been working

species. We don’t own this planet,

of ultimate destruction and

so people kept their racially

and chief of staff at MSU Denver.

for Lockheed Martin Space

we’re only leasing it. We have a

incredible opportunity. He said

charged thoughts hidden and

Systems since 1980 and also works

very simple, binary choice — we

it’s not just a talk, but a plea for

under wraps because it wasn’t

day of really exciting talks on

in the Aerospace and Engineering

remain on this planet and go

listeners to reimagine human

something they were proud of.

various topics,” Lucas said.

Sciences Building at MSU Denver.

extinct, or we figure out how

beings living in space, to imagine

to live in space and survive.”

the logistics of the journey and

this space where it’s almost

“I think it’s gonna be a

Wanting to bring a speech

“I’m not like many of the MSU

“And now we’re witnessing

event to campus, Lucas reached

Denver students in AES that

how to save our species from

celebratory,” Campbell added.

out to TEDxCherryCreek. One of

really yearn to fly and become an

the human race into space has

inevitable extinction on Earth. But

“That when people say racist

the representatives she spoke

accredited pilot,” Gingerich wrote

more benefits than disadvantages.

like anyone about to get onstage

things or do racist things, they’re

with is a former MSU Denver

in an email to The Metropolitan.

Outer space is home to materials

in front of 500 people, Gingerich

called ‘very good people’ or

professor, and the two began

Instead, he has visited space

known as “rare-Earth metals”

said the anticipation is thrilling.

people say ‘they’re entitled to

putting together a vision.

Gingerich wrote that moving

Campbell said that in the past, saying racist things

from the ground. Gingerich

that are used to make cell phones

created flight software for

and other devices. Living in

can’t wait for Show-and-Tell to

is equal and vaid,’ and so I

a great brand, a great

missions that sent two orbiters

space could mean access to an

share their most exciting thing

think it matters right now.”

location, your students

to Mars, collected particles from

abundance of these metals. He

with their class,” he wrote.

deserve this,’” Lucas said.

a comet and found samples

added that the main advantage

“She said, ‘You’ve got

The event will feature talks

“I feel like a third-grader who

their opinion’ or ‘their opinion

It’s important for Campbell to be able to share her perspective


of solar wind. He also created

would be human survival,

from students, professors,

software for a robot that was

whereas remaining on Earth will

community members and

responsible for checking drums

most likely end in the planet,

Davidson on various topics. The

of nuclear waste for leaks.

and everything on it, being

dissertation focused on the issues

on what they’ve previously learned

wiped out by an asteroid.

of hate speech and how they are

about the first amendment.

theme of the event is “reimagining

Eventually, these experiences

said. She hopes people listen to In 2004, Katia Campbell’s

formulated into an idea that

pose “big idea” questions. Tickets

would become a TEDx talk. He

of his own. In the future, humans

Four years later, she landed at

myself out there for sure,” she

sold out three weeks before the

said that over the years, the

will have to decide the logistics of

MSU Denver after graduating

said. “Especially talking about

event, including those for students

idea has changed and grown,

moving everyone into space and

from the University of Denver

what I’m talking about.”

and the local community.

and has taken shape mostly in

choosing who will go and when.

and roaming around Colorado for

After the event on Thursday,

“Consider how long it took

various teaching jobs. Throughout

TEDx will publish videos of all the

our first time doing this,” Lucas

the form of mental notes. “I think humans must live in

presented in the first amendment.

her with an open mind and reflect

possibilities,” and the talks will

“We’re just thrilled by that for

Gingerich also has questions

on this topic and get feedback, she

“It’s intimidating to put

to complete our last evolution

her teaching career at MSU

talks to YouTube and the TEDx

said. She added that the school

space, or homosapiens, humans

when our very primitive, very

Denver, the topic of hate speech

website. Tickets may be sold out,

hopes to make TEDx an annual

all go extinct,” he wrote. “To me,

ancient ancestors crawled out

has been on her mind. She’s

but Campbell and Gingerichs’

of the sea and evolved to living

fascinated by the role it plays in

ideas will last as long as TEDx

on dry land. I think that provides

society and how it is addressed.

does, or at least as long as it

our best clue how long it will take to complete our next evolution

Photo courtesy of Dave Gingerich

Dave Gingerich giving a talk in Saudi Arabia, UAE in 2017. Gingerich will be a speaker at the TedX event on Sept. 12 on campus.

The takeaway from her

takes for an asteroid to hit Earth.

talk is the idea that not all

TEDx logo obtained from TEDx

MSU Denver will host TEDxMileHigh on Sept. 12 on campus in the King Center Concert Hall.

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SEPTEMBER 11, 2019

Roadrunner women’s soccer unable to capitalize on opening weekend By Will Satler

said head coach Tracy Chao


after their loss on Monday.

ROADRUNNER BRIEFS Volleyball creeps up ranks The MSU Denver volleyball team received 41 votes in the American Volleyball Coaches Association poll on Sept. 9 — good enough to tie for 32nd place. The Roadrunners were tied for the highest ranked team from the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference with Regis University and received two more votes than the Colorado School of Mines. MSU Denver went 4-0 over the weekend in the Concordia Volleyball Classic Tournament in Portland, Oregon, only dropping one set and taking down No. 20 Cal Poly Pomona. The Roadrunners return to the Auraria Event Center for the Colorado Premier Challenge on Friday, where they’ll host No. 9 Tarleton State followed by No. 15 Southwest Minnesota State.

The Roadrunners are off to a MSU Denver knew their opening

much slower start offensively than

weekend at the Regency Athletic

in 2018, beginning last season 2-0-1

Complex was going to bring some

and scoring 10 goals in their first

challenges. Three games in five

three games. In 2019, the team’s

days against ranked opponents is a

three scores so far seem measly.

great way to test where your team

All three of those goals came on

is at, and despite winning only one

Saturday, and the Roadrunners have

game, they feel confident in their

had just 41% of their shots on goal.

depth and their ability to compete. Their two losses so far are perfect examples of that. The team’s 1-0 losses to No. 11 Western Washington University on opening night and Monday evening to St. Edward’s University mean the Roadrunners are competing with the best teams in

“I think there are times where teams just kind of give up, but we turned it up and we just didn’t give up.” – Hailey Mazzola

their region. MSU Denver added a 3-1 victory over St. Mary’s

On the other side of the field,

University on Saturday behind

defenders Jordan Lewis and

two goals from Jessica Mooney.

Makenna Brassard have been the

“We played two really good

Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

workhorses for the team so far,

MSU Denver midfielder Hailey Mazzola maneuvers through the defense against St. Mary’s University on Sept. 7 at the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver.

teams in a Western Washington

playing the most minutes for non-

team, obviously No. 11 in the nation

goalkeepers, totaling 233 minutes

and St. Edward’s is another top

and 207 minutes, respectively.

the team doesn’t think that s has

team in the conference with St.

Over the three games, key players

affected their performance.

Mary’s was right in the middle,”

totaled monster minutes. But

“We were able to see a lot of

If the Roadrunners want to improve on their 2018 record 10-7-1, they’ll have to improve on the road,

players, and that’s the cool thing

where they were 4-5-1. Their first

– our depth is still something that

road test on their quest for a Rocky

we’re able to utilize,” Chao said.

Mountain Athletic Conference

“The players who went in kept

championship gets tougher for

the level high and the energy

the Roadrunners, as they now

high. There was no dropoff.”

have to endure a six-game road

Keeping the energy high will need to be a focus for MSU Denver,

trip — their longest of the season. They return to the pitch on Friday

as they prepare for a weekend trip to

at California State University, San

the West Coast. The Roadrunners’

Bernardino at 5 p.m. MDT and take

key to taking the next step so

on Cal Poly Pomona on Sunday

far in 2019 leans on the team

at noon MDT. The Roadrunners

building a consistent mindset.

then open RMAC play against

“Our team has resiliency,”

New Mexico Highlands University

Mazzola said after Monday’s

on Sept. 20, before traveling to

game. “When we went down

play Colorado State University-

1-0, I think there are times where

Pueblo on Sept. 22. They finish

teams just kind of give up, but

the road trip when they play

we turned it up and we just didn’t

Colorado Mesa University, and

give up. We even talked about it

then are considered the home

in our pregame, grit, and that’s

team against Western Colorado

definitely what we like to show.”

University in Grand Junction.

Bautista named RMAC Offensive Player of the Week Roadrunners midfielder Danny Bautista’s two goals in MSU Denver’s first win of the season were enough for him to earn the RMAC Offensive Player of the Week. He scored both goals against St. Edward’s University in the team’s 2-0 win on Sunday. Bautista scored just one goal all of last season and is poised for a breakout year after matching his career-high in goals from 2017. MSU Denver heads across town to Regis University for their next match up on Friday at 3 p.m.

Women’s golf finishes sixth in Sam Proal Invitational Four of five Roadrunners placed in the top 50 of the Farmers Insurance Sam Proal Invitational in Pueblo on Tuesday. After finishing in ninth place on Day 1, MSU Denver made a push into sixth after a big day from Sydney Eye and a strong performance from Jennifer Hankins, who finished tied for 20th, golfing a 159 (+15). Masi Smith finished tied for 26th at 162 (+18), Kika Dzoan golfed a 166 (+22), and Winnie Shaw golfed a 172 (+28). The next contest for the Roadrunners is Sept. 16 in Grand Junction for the Maverick Fall Invitational.

Midfielder Paloma Teran battles the defense in the first half of the MSU Denver women’s soccer team’s 3-0 win over St. Mary’s University on Sept. 7 at the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver. It was the Roadrunners’ first win of the season.

MSU Denver athletics scoreboard Men’s Soccer


Women’s Soccer

Who: St. Mary’s Rattlers

Who: #20 Cal Poly Pomona Broncos

Who: #11 Western Washington Vikings

Where: Sigma Beta Chi Field

Where: LCEF Court

Where: Regency Athletic Complex

When: Sept. 6

When: Sept. 7







When: Sept. 5 Roadrunners:






Who: St. Edward’s Hilltoppers

Who: Cal State Monterey Bay Otters

Who: St. Mary’s Rattlers

Where: Lewis-Chan Family Field

Where: LCEF Court

Where: Regency Athletic Complex

When: Sept. 8

When: Sept. 7







When: Sept. 7 Roadrunners:






Women’s tennis prepares to host Nebraska-Kearney The MSU Denver women’s tennis team will host Nebraska-Kearney University on Thursday at the Regency Athletic Complex before they head to Pueblo for the CSU Pueblo Duals this coming weekend. MSU Denver lost 5-2 to Nebraska-Kearney at home last season. The Roadrunners just completed the MSU Denver Invitational where they won every bracket. They’ll look to improve on a 13-10 record in 2018-2019.



SEPTEMBER 11, 2019


Latinx Heritage Month Kickoff Celebration Date Location

Sept. 12 St. Cajetan’s


TEDx MSU Denver Viewing Party Date Location

Sept. 12 Tivoli Multicultural Lounge

Carabiner Comedy Show Date Location

Sept. 14 14er Brewing and Beer Garden

The Big Lebowski - Live on the Big Screen Date Location

Sept. 14 Boulder Theater






$7 - $10




9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.


10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


8 p.m.


7:30 p.m.

Yellow Ribbon Mental Health Awareness and Screening Day Date Location

Sept. 12 Tivoli Tavern

Study Abroad Fair Date Location

Sept. 17 Tivoli Turnhalle

Brew Fest Date Location

AJ Finney (2 For 1) Sept. 14 Coors Field

Date Location

Sept. 15 Comedy Works Downtown










10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


4 - 7 p.m.


7 p.m.


Colorado Rockies vs. St. Louis Cardinals Date Location

Sept. 12 Coors Field

MSU Denver vs. Nebraska ­— Kearney (women’s tennis) Date Location

Sept. 12 Regency Athletic Complex

Colorado Rockies vs. San Diego Padres Date Location

Sept. 13 Coors Field

Denver Outlaws vs. New York Lizards (lacrosse) Date Location

Sept. 14 Empower Field at Mile High




Free for students






1 p.m.


2 p.m.


6:30 p.m.


3 p.m.

MSU Denver at Colorado Premier Challenge (volleyball) Date Location

Sept. 14 Auraria Events Center

MSU Denver vs. Chaminade University (men’s soccer) Date Location

Sept. 15 Regency Athletic Complex

Denver Broncos vs. Chicago Bears Date Location

Sept. 15 Empower Field at Mile High

Colorado Rockies vs. New York Mets Date Location

Sept. 16 Coors Field


Free for students


Free for students








9 a.m.


2:30 p.m.


6:30 p.m.



Greensky Bluegrass Date


Sept. 12 Pepsi Center

Date Location

Sept. 13 Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Florida Georgia Line Date Location

Sept. 13 Fiddler’s Green Amphitheatre

Low Cut Connie Date Location

Sept. 14 Levitt Pavilion Denver


$44 - $1,000


$45 - $50


$50 - $125


Up to $30


7:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


7 p.m.


6 p.m.

Colorado Symphony with Kristin Chenoweth Date

Sept. 14

Location Boettcher Concert Hall

Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears Date Location

Sept. 15 Levitt Pavilion Denver

Carrie Underwood Date Location

Sept. 16 Pepsi Center


$35 - $105


Up to $30


$50 - $100


7:30 p.m.


4 p.m.


6 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Saturday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics, instrumentals and cultural significance at mymetmedia.com


SEPTEMBER 11, 2019



“I like my food to have girth.” “I was fending off a kitchen full of g—amn people.”



A foul omen will visit you in the near future. If you can face it with equitability, it’ll clear your way to an easy October.

The turning of the moon will see a period of personal pain. But, like many things, it will be a passing phase. Work through it, and you’ll find yourself in a better place.



It might seem trite when people tell you to go with the flow, Aquarius, but there is more than a grain of truth to the suggestion. Flexibility is the key to facing new challenges.

Much like the summer sun, you’ll find yourself shining deep into the start of fall. Even though the changing season is a time of solitude, don’t let it dampen your creativity.



You’ve been struggling with a decision between a safe choice and a passionate one for some weeks now. The next couple of days promise to show you your path forward.

Virgo often finds itself taken by flights of passion. While a level head is to be commended, your current roiling heart should be allowed to shine through.

“I think it boils down to alcoholism and kidney stones.” “It’s basically ‘Mean Girls,’ but with murder.”

Top 5


Housewarming party gifts

Aries has been more outgoing for some time now, but that doesn’t stop the doubt creeping in. Trust the voices of those around you when they say not to fret.

1. Beer 2. Money


3. Furniture 4. Household supplies


Libra The week for Libra looks promising. You’re unlikely to experience anything unexpected, so make plans and look forward to them hitting home for once.


Life is a bit all over just this minute, but on the whole things are good. Don’t worry about the chaos and enjoy the moment while things are looking up.

Scoripo should mind their needs this week. Requirements can be exacting, but they usually are there for a reason. Abide by them, and you’ll look the better for it.



The twins will feel on the defensive. It’s true that you’re the center of attention, but that’s doesn’t have to be bad. Seize the initiative and make that spotlight your own.

You’re in the perfect spot for a moment of self reflection. Look back on the last few months and make sure you’re sticking to your course and not falling adrift of expectations.

5. Wine

Photo of the Week tell their own stories, and contribute to the tapestry of our society. And yet, they

that are. A good photographer might take

can also be a nucleus for the next article,

hundreds of shots even at a relatively short

a thread which begs to be tugged.

event. The number of “keepers” — shots

Esteban Fernandez’s capture of an errant

that are usable — is often only a fraction of

sign at Bernie Sanders’ Sept. 9 rally highlights

that total. Many of those set aside are not

how just out of shot of the news stories we

good enough to print. They might be out of

read are the stories we don’t, and how the

focus, poorly framed or badly lit. But others

day’s events often have more dimensions

are just not right for the tone or subject

than any one article can reveal. In this, it

of the article they’re accompanying.

speaks to the vast task faced by journalists in

These photos aren’t bad, just not what’s needed. Normally unpublished, they still

all facets of reporting, to capture the history of the day as it happens as best they can.

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu



Photo by Esteban Fernandez | sovereign73811b@gmail.com

A sign decrying the homeless community’s displacement to make way for Bernie Sanders’ Sept. 9 Civic Center Park rally leans against a crowd control barrier.



Photojournalism is as much about the photos that aren’t printed as the photos


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