Volume 41, Issue 6 - Sept. 19, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41

NO. 6


SEPTEMBER 19, 2018


Reign of the Banks

NCAA scoring leader highlights dangerous Roadrunners

Photo by Deicy Luevanos | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

Forward Reigna Banks looks in anticipation for the ball in MSU Denver’s game against CSU Pueblo on Sept. 16 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Banks currenly leads NCAA Division II with nine total goals.

By James Burky

Mountain Athletic Conference rival, No.

Banks has seen her fair share of ups and


23 Colorado State University - Pueblo.

downs in the program. From playing on a

What she sees in front of her fixes her A worn out Reigna Banks walks through

that’s ranked No. 11 in the nation. “This is probably one of my favorite

top-25 ranked school in 2015 to finishing

teams,” Banks said. “We have a lot

slouch and rediscovers the pep she had at

8-9 a year ago, the only consistent theme

more weapons to contribute in every

the soccer pitch at the Regency Athletic

the beginning of the mid-afternoon game;

to her collegiate career has been strong

single position. It just makes it so

Complex with her navy blue backpack

five young girls holding MSU Denver

individual performances occasionally

much easier. I don’t have to try to do

drooping from both of her shoulders

athletics mini posters eagerly awaiting

backed by stellar teamwork.

everything. I know that somebody can

and a left ankle wrapped tightly with

an autograph from their newfound idol.

medical cloth. The setting sun glimmers

The energy that invigorates

The 2018 season continues the sporadic

off her sweat-coated skin, a sight that

the young girls is the same that

The newest chapter involves a slew

defines a standout performance: two

elevates her teammates.

of contributing freshman and game

goals scored in a shutout of Rocky

A senior from Bakersfield, California,

play me the exact ball that I want.”

story, but Banks isn’t complaining.

| Continued on pg. 8

changing transfers to make for a squad


| pg. 2

Board of Trustees discuss campus upkeep


| pg. 3

Falling in love with blues dancing


| pg. 5


| pg. 9

Grandoozy brings legendary

Men’s allows one goal in opening

performances to Denver

sweep of RMAC opponents



SEPTEMBER 19, 2018

Crumbling infrastructure: a focus of Trustees By Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu MSU Denver Board of Trustees

In 2007 there was a campus-

any institution due to our high

wide audit and in 2010 they studied

occupancy of the shared core

infrastructure conditions.

of the campus,” Wells said.

“And in 2016, an energy and

The “shared core” is collectively

held its first public meeting of

utility audit brought additional

owned through Auraria Higher

the academic school year on

urgency to the crisis of campus

Education Center, but MSU

Sept. 14. The beginning of the

upkeep using words such as

Denver occupies the majority

meeting was dedicated to a

‘catastrophic’ and ‘massive

of the Plaza Building and the

presentation on capital renewal.

deterioration,’” Harman said.

West Classroom, and all of the

Capital renewal refers to the

To remedy this issue, Wells

Physical Education building.

plans for upkeeping or replacing

presented a four-year-plan that has

building amenities, such as heating,

been proposed to the Colorado

Denver uses the most space and

ventilation and air conditioning

Department of Higher Education

resources, the other institutions

or electricity systems. Sarah

and the Colorado Commission

can opt out of paying for these

Harman, executive director

of Higher Education. Out of the

updates. Without the help of the

for the Office of University

$80 million requested for campus

other institutions, these buildings

Effectiveness, says that initiative

renovations, $73 million will be

have fallen behind in renovations,

is overdue for Auraria Campus.

invested into capital renewal.

such as the pool in the PE center,

Tina Wells, director of Facilities

For the first year of the plan,

Wells said that since MSU

Map obtained from MSU Denver Board of Trustees website On Sept. 22, the Board of Trustees discussed capital renewal for MSU Denver’s neighborhood, purple, and shared neighborhood buildings that is mostly occupied by the university, red.

which has been closed since CU

Planning and Space Management,

Facilities Planning and Space

Denver and CCD’s departures

of Directors decide to allocate

renewal as well as seeking any other

and Harman led the presentation

Management propose replacing the

in 2014 and it began leaking.

funds, where MSU Denver sits

“hopes, wants and dreams,” during

and suggested solutions.

steam systems with natural gas.

on two voting chairs out of 9.

an upcoming retreat in October.

Auraria Campus opened to

Wells said that the replacement

Harman explained that along with the shared buildings, MSU

Metropolitan Denver’s “neighborhood” includes 5" many x 6.875” conceptually owned buildings, Thur 9/20 where the building falls under the

Competing programs,

“Our goal is to have our

the public in 1976 as an urban

is paramount to further renovations

renewal project. At that time,

because, should they fail, the

all of the buildings were either

campus could lose use of several

refurbished or built. Harman said

buildings. The following years

institution’s ownership but is still

interdependent on our academic

year as we move into a strategic

that some of the buildings are

would focus on updating the HVAC

shared with CU Denver and CCD.

programs. Each need the other

planning year,” Davidson said.

over 100 years old and that 65

infrastructure, Life Safety Code and

Nearly 70 percent of MSU

for success,” Harman said. She

percent of the campus’ buildings

replacing building components,

Denver’s operating budget

encouraged finding a balance

capital renewal plan is currently

date back to the time of opening.

such as deficient windows, roofs

comes directly from students,

between funding educational

unknown. It is expected to

and inefficient lighting systems.

making capital renewal difficult.

and building projects.

be reviewed by the end of

She said that Auraria Higher Education Center has been aware of the failing infrastructure.

“MSU Denver is more vulnerable and carries a greater risk than

Harman said that enrollment can determine how the Auraria Board

such as academics, have

infrastructure enhance our mission

deferred maintenance.

and I think that it’s something

“Investing in capital renewal is

President Janine Davidson said

we really need to look at this

The status of MSU Denver’s

the legislative period.

that the board will discuss capital

Graduating Spring 2019? YOU+1 ARE INVITED TO SEE



Here’s what you need to know:



1. All students wishing to graduate must apply for graduation. Applications are available online at www.msudenver.edu/studenthub/. Click Apply for Graduation link under Graduation. 2. You must meet the following requirements by the end of the semester you apply for graduation:  Minimum of 120 semester hours  All requirements for your major and minor  All General Studies requirements  Minimum of 40 Upper Division credit hours  Multi-cultural requirement  Cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher


3. Walking in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee that you have graduated. 4. It is your responsibility to report any repeated courses to the Office of the Registrar. Failure to do so may negatively affect your ability to graduate as planned.



5. Diplomas are not provided at Commencement. Your diploma will be mailed upon degree conferral.

The film is rated R with a running time of 112 minutes. The passes are good for two. Seating at the screening will happen on a first come, first served basis. Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a pass. Supplies are limited. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prizes assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Lionsgate, BIC, Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prizes. Prizes cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS.

For additional information, visit:

www.msudenver.edu/registrar/student/ graduationevaluation and www.msudenver.edu/commencement.

OPENS ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28! Office of the Registrar




SEPTEMBER 19, 2018


Colors of a changing season



ept. 22 is the first day of fall,

Highway 82 at Carbondale and take

a pumpkin patch, tractor-pulled

and I have found myself

Highway 133 toward Redstone and

hay rides, a petting zoo, a bouncy

getting more excited than

Paonia. McClure Pass will take you

house and more fun for the kids.

Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

usual for fall festivities. Not every

8,800 feet above sea level into the

For brave individuals, the Reapers

Managing Editor

part of the world gets to experience

pinnacle of fall colors. The views

Hollow corn maze will be open on

a whole season of leaves changing

from the top are a breathtaking

Saturdays from 7 to 10 p.m. for an

Isaac Banks cbanks@msudenver.edu

color and the air getting colder,

mix of gold, orange and green,

extra charge beginning on Sept. 29.

so think about that for a minute.

with mountains in every direction

Given the extremely dry summer

and no sign of civilization.

we had, fall in Colorado won’t last

I can’t wait to check out some of

long, which makes me reminiscent

the Halloween-themed parks that

of the sights and smells of October

By Megan Webber

will be opening around Denver in

in my hometown of Carbondale,


the coming weeks. Depending on

Colorado. There are reasons to

what you’re looking for, options

“McClure Pass will take you 8,800 feet above sea level into the pinnacle of fall colors.” B ut

sometimes the days before


News Editor Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.ed Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor

look forward to every season, but

team. I have yet to escape from the

range from intense, horrifying

Halloween are best spent in front

there’s something magical about a

city to El Dorado Canyon, which is

parks to more friendly experiences.

of the TV. Since I was a little kid,

Hilal Bahcetepe hbahcete@msudenver.edu

season that leads into the holidays.

a short drive from Boulder along

Halloween fanatics will enjoy

September and October have

Sports Editor

It’s not home, but the Denver

Highway 93. The El Dorado State

Haunted Field of Screams, in

been festive months in my house,

area is a prime location to

Park offers hiking, picnic areas, rock

Thornton. This park features a

it always smelled like roasted

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

experience autumn without the

climbing and jaw-dropping vistas.

haunted house and corn maze, a

pumpkin seeds and raked leaves.

zombie paintball war and a creepy

My family and I love classics like

help of Starbucks’ pumpkin spice

If you feel like making a real

Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

lattes and bobbing for apples. No

road trip out of it, some of the places

carnival in the corn. Haunted Field

“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie

other state in the country changes

to view the changing leaves are

of Screams opens on Sept. 21 and

Brown,” “The Nightmare Before

color like Colorado, and here are

Aspen and McClure Pass. Aspen

is not recommended for children.

Christmas,” “Beetlejuice,” “The

Joel Mathew jmathe19@msudenver.edu

some ways I’m planning on enjoying

is 184 miles west of Denver along

For those of us who prefer

Ghostbusters” and “Hocus Pocus.”

Director of Met Media

all this season has to offer.

I-70 and Highway 82, which you can

something with more sugar and

So if you’re looking for me this

reach through Glenwood Springs.

less spice, Flat Acres Farm in Parker

fall, I’ll most likely be taking

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

offers festivities for the whole

ideas from these films to plan my epic Halloween costume.

One of these upcoming weekends would be a great time to

If you’re looking for something

head west and see what the Rockies

even more secluded than Aspen, or

family. Starting on Sept. 22, the

are doing. And by Rockies, I mean

you can’t afford the shopping and

farm will be open Wednesday-

the mountain range, not the baseball

dining Aspen has to offer, get off

Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with

Assistant Photo Editor

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Offi ce Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

Surrender and feel the blues


Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

love the way blues dancing makes

in and instead of listening to the

with them and said they looked

me feel when I’m in the middle of

way my dance partner was trying

beautiful together. They smiled,

a crowded room, dimly lit, filled

to lead me, I would over-correct

thanked me and then walked their

and over-think my movements.

separate ways. They were merely

with people leaning on each other slowly swaying to a drowsy melody.

The keys to partner dancing

acquaintances, but because they

I began blues dancing during

are communication and surrender.

were both amazing dancers, their

my junior year of college. My

Traditionally, the lead directs

lack of personal closeness did

dance background had been in

the follow where to go: where

nothing to hinder their intimacy.

ballet, jazz and Israeli folk. I was

to turn, jump, pivot or cross the

They were able to share a moment

good at memorizing steps and

floor. A good follow can predict

suspended in time without

improvising solo moves, but had

where the lead wants them to go

a weak grasp on the fundamentals

and a good lead will know how to

By Nataleah Small Met Media alumna

of partner dancing. I knew that I

communicate the next move to


could control my own frame, but

the follow with minimum effort.

had little experience surrendering

In the beginning I was a terrible

that control to a random dancer.

follow because I kept attempting

expectation of future promises. In that moment, it clicked. It took a little while before I became fully comfortable with night everything fell into place. The blues dances were held

blues dancing, but after watching them, my perspective on dance

I was introduced to partner

to take on the responsibilities of

in the cold basement of an old

changed. Partner dancing is not

dancing via swing dancing during

the lead. I apologized constantly

Masonic temple on the northside

about executing every movement

my senior year of high school. As

and my partner would always tell

of Fort Collins. I was sitting on the

perfectly, it’s not about counting out

a pretentious, young thespian who

me to relax with a strained grin

sidelines, taking a break, talking to

the beat or forcing a moment with

could pick up show choreography

crossing their lips as a bead of sweat

my friends, when I saw a couple

another person. It’s about relaxing,

in an instant, I was confused by its

dripped down their forehead.

on the dance floor. They were

surrendering to the moment and

perfectly in synch. With the gentle

then building upon technique.

improvisational nature. After a late-

When I eventually started blues

night theater rehearsal, I remember

dancing — a much less structured

roll of his wrist, the lead spun his

the theater teacher and the band

version of swing dancing — I still

partner toward the side of the room.

new love for blues dancing. It

director grasping hands and swing

struggled against the urge to take

At one moment their bodies were

has taught me how to relinquish

dancing. They made the moves look

control of the dance. It wasn’t

intertwined, the next moment they

control and reminded me about

easy. My high school boyfriend

that I had a poor grasp of timing,

were feet away from each other.

the joy of dancing. Nowadays,

and I tried to mimic them, but our

rhythm or specific steps, I had

He supported her back as she

I don’t go dancing as often as I

moves where rigid and forced while

trouble letting go of control.

dipped toward the floor. They never

would like. But when I do, I enjoy

missed a beat and looked perfectly

the friendly melody murmuring in

dance group and started attending

comfortable in each other’s arms. I

the distance as I move my body

dancing it was a little easier. But

blues dancing events on Friday

thought for sure they were a couple,

in time, unafraid of surrendering

all too quickly my type-A, overly-

nights. I was having fun and

or at least had amazing chemistry.

to the arms of a stranger.

controlling dance personality kicked

slowly making progress, then one

theirs were carefree and graceful. The next time I tried swing

In college I joined a swing

At the end of the dance I talked

Since then, I have gained a

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu



STUDENT TICKETS! Students and teachers receive a ticket for


with valid school I.D.! * To purchase online use promo code: LISTEN

ONE PASS PER PERSON. EACH PASS ADMITS TWO. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. NIGHT SCHOOL HAS BEEN RATED PG-13 (PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED – SOME MATERIAL MAY BE INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 13) FOR CRUDE AND SEXUAL CONTENT THROUGHOUT, LANGUAGE, SOME DRUG REFERENCES AND VIOLENCE. Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a prize. Supplies are limited. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee a seat at the theater. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theater is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prizes assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Universal Pictures, Allied Integrated Marketing, The Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prizes. Prizes cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS!



* A valid Student/Teacher ID is required for EACH discounted ticket. All tickets purchased in advance must be picked up at Will Call the day of show. Fees and limitations apply.


SEPTEMBER 19, 2018



Crowds get groovy at Grandoozy

New music festival could steal the spotlight in Denver’s music scene

By Hilal Bahcetepe

was an arts and crafts tent area


where attendees could grab a local beer to escape from the

Denver’s first major music festival, Grandoozy, drew in a large crowd at the Overland Golf

blazing heat while waiting for the next performance to start. The art featured at the festival

Course Sept. 14-16. The festival

was another attraction for those

was hosted by the co-creators

seeking a good photo opportunity

of Bonnaroo and Outside Lands,

to post on social media. New

and featured a wide array of

artists came through every day to

food trucks, craft beer vendors,

start and finish graffiti pieces.

merchandise, games, advertisement

One of the main themes of

traps and three large stages for

Grandoozy was encouraging

the musical performances.

attendees to vote. On each stage

Day one seemed like it would

before performances, the festival previewed advertisements on

“Remember these words: I will be back.” – Kendrick Lamar

the large screen persuading eligible citizens to participate in the midterm elections. The first sets featured

turn out to be a flop in the

underground artists like Amzy,

beginning, with only a small crowd

Tennis and Jade Bird. Around 4

in attendance. Each stage — named

p.m. the crowd became shockingly

Rock, Paper and Scissors — had a

larger for Miguel’s performance,

fairly large amount of green space

and headliner Kendrick Lamar

for attendees. The largest stage was

brought in the biggest audience

Photos by Nikolai Puc’| npuc@msudenver.edu

Rock, reserved for the bigger acts,

of the day. Other prominent acts

while the smallest, Paper, hosted

included Ty Dolla Sign and Phoenix.

Concertgoers cheer for Young the Giant at the Paper stage during the Grandoozy music festival. The three-day festival drew in over 55,000 people over the weekend to enjoy art and listen to a variety of music artists.

less well-known performances. The festival set up a “South

Ty Dolla Sign’s mellower, slower performance was hightened

on the Scissors stage. Miguel’s

from his previous albums including

Park” theme carnival area where

by Miguel’s suave moves and

engagement with the crowd

“Adorn” and “Sure Thing.”

wanderers could enjoy silly

talented backup singers.

prompted screams from adoring

games influenced by episodes

Miguel performed on the

Day one ended with the act

“It was probably one of the best performances I’ve seen,” said attendee Ecem Yildiz. “Florence

fans who also sang along to tracks

everyone was waiting for—

was really good, she had a really good stage presence.”

like “Skeeballs” and “Pill Popper.”

Rock stage while The War on

from his latest album, “War &

Kendrick’s showing of his moniker

Next to the “South Park” station

Drugs attracted another crowd

Leisure.” His set ended with classics

Kung Fu Kenny. The crowd was

6lack drew in a large and

pumped up by the pounding of the

mellow crowd with his rhythm

speakers. Kendrick opened with his

and blues style and chill vibes.

song “D.N.A” and was greeted by bursts of fire and screaming fans.

The last day of the festival also attracted a fairly abundant crowd, with the most people

“Amazing, incredible, the best show I have ever seen in my life.” – Joseph Waiver

coming to see The Chainsmokers and Stevie Wonder’s performance “A Wonder Fest.” The Chainsmokers delivered a high-energy performance

Kendrick rapped tracks from

with their biggest hits “Closer”

his newest album “DAMN.” and

and “Roses,” and played more

ended with “HUMBLE.” He tested

electronic headbanger tunes

the audience’s loyalty with classics

towards the end. The duo finished

like “Money Trees” and “m.A.A.d

their set with fireworks.

city.” The crowd was so fired up

best show I have ever seen in

of Kendrick’s performance that

my life,” said Joseph Waiver,

his exit offstage was followed by

a fan of The Chainsmokers.

a ground-shaking demand for an

Stevie Wonder provided his

encore. He came back onstage to

diverse fan base with a fun, funky

perform “Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe.”

close to the festival. He sang hits

As he left the stage, Kendrick said, “Remember these words: I will be back.” Edgar Velasquez, who was distributing his business card

like “Jammin’” and “I Wish.” The music festival has allegedly been in the works for the past 10 years, with organizers eyeing Denver as its target host city.

to promote his own music and

“You can tell that they’ve been

art during the festival, bought

planning this for awhile because it

a weekend pass to the event.

runs really smoothly,” said Yildiz.

“I think Grandoozy is a blast,” he

Grandoozy 2019 is already be

said. “I got to meet Daniel Caesar—I

in the works. Depending on the

knew every song of his to be honest

budget and attendance goal of the

with you, that’s my man right there.”

production, Denver could potentially

The crowd’s size increased

Rapper Kendrick Lamar performs on Sept. 14 at Grandoozy at Overland Golf Course in Denver. Lamar closed the first day of the first annual music and arts festival.

“Amazing, incredible, the

with energy and in complete awe

have an annual mega-music festival

on day two, with headliner

that brings in economic growth,

Florence and the Machine,

good music and good vibes.

Sunsquabi and singer 6lack.



SEPTEMBER 19, 2018

Twenty-five years of finding a silver lining

LGBTQ Student Resource Center celebrates anniversary with soiree

Photos by Jenny Bacon | jbacon14@msudenver.edu

Top left: President Davidson enjoys the Silver Soiree in the Tivoli Turnhalle on Sept. 13. Top right: Local drag queen, Dixie Krystals, conducts the event by engaging the audience in trivia and musical verses in the TIvoli Turnhalle on Sept. 13. Bottom: Associate director of Gender Institute of Teaching and Advocacy, Eneri Rodriguez dances to show off her purple and silver themed outfit. in haute couture competition. The LGBT Resource Center was founded in 1992 as Colorado’s first on-campus LGBTQ support organization.

Shane Black returns with “Predator” By Tyler Miller

now it’s up to McKenna, Dr. Bracket

film’s most quotable lines. Now


and company to save the day.

he has made a film that seems to

The plot itself doesn’t matter. The summer season is coming to a close with one of the most entertaining movies of the year.

This is a movie about characters, especially some of Black’s wackiest. Joining McKenna is a group

be built on the kind of humor that was featured in the first film. Black has an impressive track record as a writer, delivering some

“The Predator” is not only a fresh

of troubled troops, forming an

of the most exciting and quotable

take on the franchise, but a loud

odd-ball team. Trevante Rhodes,

action movies of the last 30 years.

and wacky experience that proves

known for his work in “Moonlight,”

From his debut with “Lethal

Shane Black can still leave me

steals his every scene as the

Weapon” to darker crime dramas

with a big smile on my face.

laidback chain-smoking leader.

like “The Last Boy Scout,” Black

Thomas Jane, Keegan-Michael

has been one of the Hollywood

race which enjoys hunting different

Key, Alfie Allen and Augusto

A-list. Some of his trademarks are

species for sport. The movie

Aguilera all portray memorable

here in all their glory, including

begins with a predator spaceship

and hilarious roles, while Sterling

outrageous action and gore, a sassy

crashing in Mexico. A sniper named

K. Brown also gets to shine as

kid actor, buddy cop character

McKenna, played by Boyd Holbrook,

the human villain of the story.

types and of course seasonal

The Predator is part of an alien

discovers the wreckage and decides

“The Predator,” however,

obsession. But instead of Black’s

to keep the predator’s suit as

does suffer from some problems.

odd fascination with Christmas, we

evidence. He ships the suit back

Holbrook seems flat and miscast as

get Halloween with “The Predator.”

home, but a slip up at the post office

the lead, never demanding the same

leads Mckenna’s son Rory, played

attention as the rest of the cast. The

“The Predator” was one of the

by Jacob Tremblay, to find the

editing of the last hour feels rushed

most purely entertaining trips to

box and accidently signal another

and messy. It’s already known that

the theater I’ve had in some time.

predator ship to land on Earth.

the film’s post-production had

Black brings his usual enthusiasm

some issues and massive reshoots.

for action movie tropes and knows

Munn, is brought in to study one

The end result leaves you with a

how to twist cliches into an artform.

of the captured predators and

happy ending you didn’t expect.

Even the death scenes have a

Dr. Bracket, played by Olivia

calls for McKenna to be brought in

“The Predator” shows writer-

Despite some of these setbacks,

sense of gritty edge and comic

for questioning. But when he and

director Black returning to this

book style, like one nasty bit with

a bus of other troubled soldiers

popular sci-fi action franchise. In

an eyeball and a tranquilizer dart.

arrive, the predator escapes, with

the original 1987 “Predator,” Black

It may not be the most logically

a new mission to find the missing

played the dirty joke-obsessed

sound movie, but in terms of crowd

suit and kill all those in its way. So

Hawkins, who had some of the

pleasing, it delivers the fun.

Photo obtained from IMDB.

“The Predator” is the fourth film in the Predator series. This science fiction thriller was released on Sept. 14 and was produced by Shane Black.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2018



Denver Zoo welcomes two new calves By Megan Webber

late at night on Sept. 3 in her

Hollie Colahan, vice president

taking comfort in the shade of

her outdoor environment, but


outdoor enclosure. By the time

for animal care, said people

their enclosures. Cape buffaloes

Romakari has been indoors with

gates opened the next morning,

often confuse with zebras due

originate from Southern and East

his mother since his birth, and

she was already walking around

to their distinctive white stripes.

Africa, which has a warm and dry

will likely remain there until

and exploring her new home.

In reality, okapi are the closest

climate similar to Colorado’s.

zookeepers are confident he

The Denver Zoo has been a place of celebration since Labor Day weekend when Poncho,

Romakari, born on Sept. 2, is

living relative to giraffes. In the late summer heat, most

Colahan said both calves

a female Cape buffalo, and

the eighth of his kind to be born

Romakari, a male okapi calf,

at the Denver Zoo. Okapi are a

animals at the zoo, including

within an hour of their births.

were born. Poncho was born

rare and endangered species that

the Cape buffaloes, have been

Poncho is adapting fast to

Photos by Joel Mathew| jmathe19@msudenver.edu

An adult okapi roams its enclousure at the Denver Zoo on Sept. 15. A calf named Romakari of the endangered species was born at the zoo on Sept. 2.

will follow his mom outside.

were up and walking around

A young Cape buffalo named Poncho explores her enclosure at the Denver Zoo on Sept. 15. Poncho was born on Sept. 3 and is a species of buffalo from South and East Africa.







SEPTEMBER 19, 2018

Senior leads NCAA in goals and women’s soccer to No. 11 in nation

MSU Denver unveils Hall of Fame class

Continued from cover

MSU Denver announced its 2018 Hall of Fame inductees on Sept. 17, highlighting national accolades across three sports. The athletics program will induct two individuals and one team. The first honoree, Anthony Luna won both the indoor and outdoor NCAA Division II 800-meter dash national titles in 2009 for track and field. Danny Sanchez coached the women’s soccer program to both of their national championship titles in 2004 and 2006, and was 76-1-3 in RMAC play in his tenure. The final inductee is the 1982 volleyball team, that finished third in the nation and rostered two All-Americans. The induction ceremony will be held on Oct. 13 at the Auraria Event Center.

Just six games into the 2018 season Banks already has nine goals, a number that’s not only a career high, but one that puts her atop the nation. The stat pushes the notion that she’s far and away above everyone else on the team and RMAC. But her demeanor and actions on the field, two things that are often not measurable in a box score, say something else.

“They’re going to remember when we win the RMAC, or we win the RMAC tournament, or we go to the NCAA Sweet Sixteen.” – Reigna Banks Photos by Deicy Luevanos | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

This iteration of the Roadrunners figures to be the

Reigna Banks runs across the field with the ball in the Roadrunner’s game against the CSU Pueblo Thunderwolves on Sept. 16 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Through six games, Banks has scored a Division II leading nine goals.

best in Banks’ tenure, and it’s because of the array of talent

I Northwestern State University.

to the team and it just helps a lot,”

shot, allowing her to sink her ninth

beyond the 5-foot-4-inch senior.

When Gamboa left Natchitoches,

Gamboa said. “When she scored

goal of the season. Her four goal

Louisiana and arrived in the

that first one, we were so hype.”

performance on the weekend earned

Through six matches in 2017, the injury stricken Roadrunners were

relatively big city, she noticed a

just 2-4 with four goals scored on

more intense attitude immediately,

Roadrunners were looking to

the season through three players

and while the coaching staff may

establish some distance between

in the right places at the right

— none of whom were Banks.

have instilled that culture, soccer

them and the Thunderwolves. In

time, and opportunities open

isn’t a coaches’ game — it’s a

the 34th minute, a Roadrunner

themselves. It’s a domino effect

the season, and the first of RMAC

players’. In order for the on-field

corner kick bounced to junior

of the roles and the people around

play in the books, the women have

energy to flow through the team, it

Nayeli Baez, and was then mishit

her,” said head coach Tracy Chao.

scored 17 times, with five different

must have a source. Banks provided

by junior Brooklyn Mooney, but

With personal standards

players contributing to the cause.

that over the weekend against a

freshman Luna Garcia was able

of an All-American selection

The only other Roadrunner

top-25 opponent in CSU Pueblo.

to keep the ball from going into

and at least 15 goals and 10

the goalkeeper’s box and roll it to

assists on the season, Banks

the feet of Banks on a platter.

has established what she wants

Now, with the third week of

to tally multiple scores is


“Reigna brings a huge aspect

Gabriela “YaeYa” Gamboa, a

to the team. She’s our leading goal

first-year transfer from Division

scorer right now, she brings a lot

After an early goal, the

This left Banks with an easy

her RMAC player of the week. “Good players get themselves

from herself. But above all, she wants to reach a mountain-like milestone: the NCAA tournament. Banks and the team have only begun their ascent to the peak for their 2018 season. A sweep to begin the RMAC season is nice, but they just left base camp. The summit isn’t even in sight. “We haven’t hit any of our marks, it’s just the first game of the season. We want to win big. Nobody’s going to remember us beating New Mexico Highlands 4-0,” Banks said. “They’re going to remember when we win the RMAC, or we win the RMAC tournament, or we go to the NCAA Sweet Sixteen. This is just a stepping stone to the end goal.” The Roadrunners’ seasonlong trek to the top is a long and grueling path. In order to get there, they’ll need a full team of committed, ambitious athletes, not just one player. That being

Reigna Banks signs autographs for young fans after MSU Denver’s 2-0 win over then-No. 23 CSU Pueblo on Sept. 16 at the Regency Athletic Complex.

said, it’s hard to imagine that their guide through the storm will be anyone else but Reigna Banks.

Golf struggles at invitational MSU Denver women’s golf team wrapped their competition in the RMAC Fall Invite on Sept. 18. The Roadrunners finished 14th out of the 17 team field in Grand Junction. The four-player team was led by junior Jennifer Hankins, who placed 19th overall, finishing at +13 over two rounds on the 71 par Tiara Rodo Golf Course. MSU Denver competes again on Sept. 24 at the WNMU Fall Intercollegiate in Goodyear, Arizona.

NFL legends threaten boycott Twenty-one members of the NFL Hall of Fame penned a strongly-worded letter demanding health insurance, threatening boycott of the 2020 ceremony to celebrate the league’s centennial. “People know us from our highlight reels. They see us honored and mythologized before games and at halftime, and it would be reasonable if they thought life was good for us. But on balance, it’s not,” the letter says. “As a group we are struggling with severe health and financial problems. To build this game, we sacrificed our bodies. In many cases, and despite the fact that we were led to believe otherwise, we sacrificed our minds. The letter has faults, however. Former Super Bowl MVPs Jerry Rice and Kurt Warner were listed as signees, but both denied participation in the proposed boycott. Additionally, a Carl Ellard is listed as a supporter, despite no one ever playing in the league under that name. However, a Carl Eller, did play for the Minnesota Vikings and Seattle Seahawks, being elected into the Hall of Fame in 2004.


SEPTEMBER 19, 2018


Women’s soccer recap Volleyball splits series By James Burky

University, Gamboa transferred to MSU

By Isaac Banks


Denver following a 6-12 season and the


firing of her coach, George Van Linder. MSU Denver women’s soccer rocked

Just six games in the Mile High City,

On the strength of a career-game by

the start of Rocky Mountain Athletic

and she’s making her presence known with

outside hitter Kayla White, MSU Denver

Conference play as the ball rolled into their

four goals and three assists, the former

recorded their most aces in a match since

opponents’ net six times over the weekend.

of which is tied for second in the RMAC.

2015, downing Colorado Christian University

Facing New Mexico Highlands University

Her weekend performance was

at the Auraria Event Center on Sept. 14.

and No. 23 Colorado State University

highlighted in the second half of

- Pueblo, the No. 11 Roadrunners’ multi-

their 4-0 win over Highlands, where

called her first official game this season, the

faceted attack was suffocating. The defense

she drilled a shot from well outside

Roadrunners posted 12 total as they beat

blanked both RMAC opponents while

the box, approaching midfield.

CCU three sets to one. In her first full game

surrendering just nine shots on goal.

Led by White’s five aces in what she

“I always want to score. I wanted that

of the year, the sophomore showed no signs

goal so bad. I had so many opportunities

of rust, posting career highs in kills, assists,

an offense that had the burners set to

and I just needed it,” Gamboa said. “Tracy

points, aces and blocks. The five aces she

high, thanks to the flames provided by

knew I wanted it, everyone knew I wanted

earned against CCU were also the most

Reigna Banks and Gabriela “YaeYa”

it and when I scored, it felt great.”

by a single player in a game this season.

The reliable defense was paired with

Gamboa. The two accounted for five

The wins — specifically Sunday’s

“I was ready to play for my team

goals, taking the pressure off All-

over the top 25 Thunderwolves —

and be out there with them,” White

RMAC goalkeeper Erica Torres.

serve as a quality rebound after the

said. “I am really proud of my team.

Roadrunners lost and tied a week ago

I feel like we stepped up to the plate

after rocketing into the top 10.

and proved a lot for ourselves.”

“It definitely takes pressure off,” Torres said. “Last year, we weren’t as lucky or as dynamic but with these new

But head coach Tracy Chao ensures that

White noted that the team behind

girls coming in, it allows Reigna to move

the team stays focused. The Roadrunners

her was spectacular. The Roadrunners

and allows Yaeya to get in and multiple

didn’t think about Pueblo until they

excelled on defense posting 13 blocks,

people to get in. If they’re marking Reigna,

had time to decompress from their 4-0

a mark they reached once last season.

we have three different options.”

slaughter of New Mexico Highlands.

Their opponents would have had a better

Their ranking may say No. 11, but

Photo by Ali C.M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver junior Morgan Weatherwax senior Stephanie Laraway and block a spike from Regis University during their Sept. 13 loss at the Auraria Event Center.

Despite MSU Denver posting record numbers, CCU stayed competitive. The team

50-year anniversary of its volleyball

chance getting into Fort Knox than scoring

Chao is adamant in making sure that the

traded blows with the Roadrunners in a

program, and senior Santaisha Sturges

on the junior from Bakersfield, California.

team doesn’t get ahead of themselves.

grueling second set, before finally winning

recorded the 1,000th kill of her career.

Torres, whose performance earned her

“I don’t care what we’re ranked, I don’t

RMAC goalkeeper of the week, tallied eight

care what they’re ranked,” said head

saves off 16 shots against CSU Pueblo.

coach Tracy Chao. “We have to execute

The season long trend of a suffocating defensive front and a stout goalkeeper have

what our plan is and go from there.”

31-29. MSU Denver won the first, third and

But the loss to their RMAC rival

fourth sets by a narrow 25-22 margin each.

casted a shadow on the milestone.

“We are an aggressive serving team

“We are going to take it one practice at a

so when you look at those aces numbers

time and keep getting better,” Sturges said.

you also see a lot of errors numbers,” said

“Regis is a good team, that’s in our past

created a recipe for success when mixed

brewing. With 2018 being the first time

head coach Jenny Glenn. “And that goes

now, we have Western to focus on now.”

with the overwhelming offensive attack.

they’ve been ranked in three years, this

along with how aggressive we serve.”

Though Banks has scored nine

The Roadrunners have something

has the making to be one of the more

The Roadrunners didn’t fare as well

MSU Denver is looking to bounce back from the Regis loss as they continue their

of the team’s 17 goals, four have

talented teams in recent years, and

in their second match of the weekend,

Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference play.

scored the remaining eight, with

they’ll have the chance to improve their

however. MSU Denver lost to rival Regis

They begin a road trip starts at Western

half coming from Gamboa.

successful season on Sept. 21 against

University in a full five set game.

State Colorado Universityin Gunnison

After feeling like a square peg in a round hole at Northwestern State

RMAC rival Colorado Mesa University at the Regency Athletic Complex.

Saturday wasn’t without highlights, though. MSU Denver celebrated the

on Sept. 21 and then at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction on Sept. 22.

Men’s soccer dominates in weekend sweep By James Burky

the ball around. On the weekend,


the Roadrunners had a unique

Roadrunners this weekend in

scorer for all eight of their goals.

spectacular fashion, and served as

Such variety was expected

a confidence-boosting introduction

A reeling MSU Denver men’s

Everything worked for the

soccer team bounced back and

for a team that saw 13 new

to RMAC soccer for the new players

swept their first two Rocky

faces in the locker room.

the team added over the offseason.

Mountain Athletic Conference

“We knew we weren’t built

“You get comfortable when

opponents of the season by

this year to have someone carry

your teammates are doing their

a combined score of 8-1.

us with 20 goals in a season or 15

job, doing what they’re supposed

goals, we don’t have that player

to do, it makes everyone’s job a

both Colorado Christian University

on our team,” Tittle said. “But we

lot easier,” Bautista said. “The

and Dixie State University, who

expect everyone together to be

new guys are starting to see that

have a combined record of 2-8-

scoring 30-to-40 goals a season.”

the level is increasing, and that

The Roadrunners outmatched

1, in every facet. In less than

After crushing Colorado

two games, the offense’s output

Christian, the worst team

on the weekend eclipsed their

in the RMAC, on Friday, the

from the scoreboard might be a

total goals for the season.

Roadrunners entered Sunday

fluid offense, it wouldn’t be possible

ready to give Dixie State a rude

without a suffocating defense.

“I think everything was clicking this weekend. We stuck to how we

introduction into the conference.

wanted to play, and if they stopped

The welcome party began

Photo by Rich Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

means that ours has to as well.” And while the initial takeaway

The Roadrunners have allowed

MSU Denver freshman Michael Longtine celebrates after scoring on CCU goalkeeper Zach Roberts at the Regency Athletic Complex on Sept. 14. “It’s awesome to see the ball go

contemporaries hold them in higher

in eight times over the weekend.

regard. The teams they faced this

just one goal in their three victories

Our offensive attackers are

weekend had a combined two wins,

Plan A, we knew what Plan B was,

with a score off a penalty kick

in 2018, creating a plus-eight

starting to figure it out. It makes

meaning a sweep should be the

and Plan C,” said head coach

by junior midfielder and captain

score differential on the season.

me excited. It makes my job a

standard for a competitive squad.

Jeremy Tittle. “We stuck to the plan

Danny Bautista. Kyle VanAlstine,

from minute one to minute 90.”

Rafael Munoz-Vega and Gianni

all-conference goalkeeper James

A bullet point in that plan

The polished play has allowed

whole lot easier,” Tanner said. Six games in, the Roadrunners

Tittle emphasizes to his players that they must earn the respect of

Steijen followed suit with scores

Tanner to sit back and trust his

have moved past the demons of

their opponents, and will attempt

has been offensive teamwork

of their own to emphatically quiet

team to mitigate good looks

their 0-5 start from last season.

to do so when they face Fort Lewis

through the scope of spreading

the newcomers to the RMAC.

for the opposing offense.

But that doesn’t mean that their

College in Durango on Sept. 21.






Fall Fest


Nine Inch Nails

Location Red Rocks Location Auraria Campus

SEPTEMBER 19, 2018


Rodney Atkins

Women’s Soccer

Men’s Soccer

Location Grizzly Rose

Price Varies

Price TBA

Time 7:00 p.m.

Time 8:30 p.m.

09.21 vs. Colorado Mesa Location Denver

09.21 vs. Fort Lewis College Location Durango

Price Free

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 10:00 a.m.

Time 7:00 p.m.

Time 3:00 p.m.

09.19 09.25

Hot Topic: Colorism

White Reaper

Location Paramount Theatre



Location Paramount Theatre

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8:00 p.m.

Time 9:00 p.m. 09.21 at Western State

Location Multicultural Lounge

Location Gunnison

Price Free Time 12:30 p.m. 09.19

DJ Chonz

Location Summit 09.25


Women’s Volleyball

09.21 Japanese Breakfast

Men’s Tennis 09.21 vs. ITA Regionals Location Wichita Falls

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:00 p.m.

Time TBA

Location Gothic Theatre

Price Varies

Price $16-19

Time 8:30 p.m.

Time 8:00 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Location Lawrence St. Mall Price Free Time 2:00 p.m.



Tori Pater

Location Local 46


Gin Blossoms

Price Free

Price Varies

Time 9:00 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Volunteer: Denver Rescue Mission 09.20

Location 2222 Lawrence St. Price Free Time 11:00 a.m.

Little Big Town

Location Red Rocks



09.21 at Diamondbacks Location Phoenix Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:40 p.m.

Time 11:00 a.m.

Iron & Wine

Price Varies

Price Varies Time 8:00 p.m.

Rockies 09.22 at Diamondbacks Location Phoenix

Location Cervantes’ Other Side



check out “Lake Clarity” at MyMetMedia.com

Rockies 09.25 vs. Phillies Location Denver

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 2:10 p.m.

Time 6:40 p.m.

Location Beta

Price $15-18

Price TBA

Time 8:15 p.m.

Time 9:00 p.m.


Lake Clarity: For an immersive audio drama

09.23 at Ravens Location Baltimore

Location Paramount Theatre

Time 7:00 p.m.

09.20 The Copper Children

Broncos NFL

Location Pepsi Center



Location Marquis Theater


Set It Off

Colorado Buffaloes

Colorado State Rams

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $20-22

Price $20-23

Time 6:00 p.m.

Time 7:00 p.m.

09.28 vs. UCLA Location Boulder

09.22 vs. Illinois State Location Fort Collins

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:00 p.m.

Time 1:00 p.m.


Kavanaugh senate hearing

Hurricane florence update

Justice Department

New Tariffs on China

Bloomberg to run?

moves forward despite request

Rains have slowed down in North Carolina, but the rivers continue to rise. Multiple rivers are above major flood stages. The Cape Fear River near Fayetteville has quadrupled in depth and shows no sign of slowing. In Wilmington, free food, water and tarps have been handed out to residents because the city has been cut off by flood waters. Rescues by air and water continue in both North and South Carolina. “These next 48 hours are going to be critical, to make sure that as these rivers rise we continue to focus on saving lives,” said Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina.

examines Tesla

The Trump administration continued to escalate its trade conflict with China Sept. 17, introducing tariffs on a further $200 billion in goods, in addition to $50 billion put in place earlier this year. Collectively, the tariffs account for nearly half of all Chinese trade with the U.S. Despite threats of total tariffs on Chinese trade, China announced an additional $60 billion in tariffs on top of an existing $50 billion. Combined, the retaliatory tariffs account for nearly five-sixths of the U.S.’s $130 billion in exports to China.

Michael R. Bloomberg is considering running for president as a Democrat in 2020. Bloomberg is the CEO of Bloomberg L.P. and was the mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013 as a Republican and an independent. He is currently supporting the Democrats in the midterm elections funding an $80 million plan to take over the House of Representatives. Bloomberg has tried running for president as an independent in the past, but this time indicated he would run as a Democrat. He has no timeline for his presidential run as of yet, instead focusing on the upcoming midterms. “I’m working on this Nov. 6 election, and after that I’ll take a look at it,” he said.

for F.B.I investigation

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused President Trump’s supreme court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault — first privately in a letter to California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein and then publicly in an interview with The Washington Post — ­ insisted that the F.B.I. investigates before she testifies. A senate hearing is scheduled for Monday, and it appears that rescheduling is not an option. “If she does not come on Monday, we are going to move on and vote on Wednesday,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a republican from South Carolina, to Fox News.

The Justice Department requested documents from Tesla CEO Elon Musk after his statements on Twitter about taking the electriccar company private. In a statement, Tesla said that the request was voluntary and not a subpoena. The company received the request last month. This comes after a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into Tesla’s practices and communications. It is unclear if the inquiry is criminal or civil. The attorney’s office in San Francisco is handling the inquiry. Musk’s tweet came as a surprise to Tesla board members and recovered the company’s shares.


SEPTEMBER 19, 2018


“That’s what’s awesome about love triangles because they’re just angles.”



It takes commitment to be less Dan Hibiki and more Akuma.

The Konami Code does not work in real life. We tried.



In darkest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape your sight this week.

Try to minimize the excesses in your life. After all, you can’t fast travel when over encumbered.



Remember when rolling to include both your modifiers and your proficiencies.

Sometimes a change of perspective helps. One person’s Koopa is another’s Toad.



We all know that Wonder Woman gave you a shellacking, so seize on the change into fall to pick yourself up.

Balance is about remembering to be both a little Kirk and a little Picard.



“I miss the days when you could walk down Blake, look down an alley and see a homeless guy smoking out of a lightbulb.” “No one is going to get that joke, but I think it’s funny.”

Top 5 Halo games 1. Halo 2 2. Halo 3 3. Halo: Reach 4. Halo: Combat Evolved

If you find yourself negotiating with the Hutt Cartel, bond over your shared love of the finer things.

As in monopoly, so in life: be a racecar, not a thimble.



Beware of geeks bearing gifs.

A good campaign is about more than just min-maxing. Sometimes the optimal build isn’t the path to the most fun.

5. Halo: The Master Chief Collection Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to managing editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu




40. Explosive trial

1. Pontiacs since 1964


1. “Dance With Me Henry”

41. Rejected

2. “That’s all __”

31. Porcine proboscis

singer Georgia

42. Norse god of strife

3. Issue for arguing asses?

32. Weather word

6. Loan nos.

43. Charged

4. __ choy

34. Be a wiseacre

10. Fishing gear

46. Bouncer’s concerns

5. Attempts

36. Like a wiseacre

14. Medium medium

47. __ du Louvre

6. Oft-seen puzzle clue letters

38. It’s heard in a herd

15. Attention-getting sound

48. Crackers in a red box

7. Look from hiding

39. __ crow flies

16. Inter __

50. One who understands

8. Consignee’s hope

41. Kitchen gadgets

17. Japan’s “City of Water”


9. Shells out

44. Kind of body

18. Entreats

54. Dry gently, as tears

10. Bead material

45. Treating nastily

20. Limitless limit?

57. Californian, e.g.

11. Like a school supplies mkt.

47. Measured (out)

21. Canine commuter system?

58. Curriculum suffix

12. Caught up to, in a way

49. Woods tools

23. Jumble

60. “Must’ve been something

13. Ready-to-mail item, briefly

50. Bit of lawn litter

25. It may be golden


19. Time managers?

51. Tear’s mate

26. Pole, for one

61. Town in Abruzzi

22. “When You Wish Upon

52. Spanish pronoun

28. Least warped, as a beam

62. “Cross my heart!”


53. Barbra’s “A Star Is Born”

30. Winter setting in Wyo.

63. First-time tux wearer,

24. Wicked ways


33. Court denizen


26. Perspective

55. Currency exchange fee

35. “Six __...”

64. Grief cause

27. Full of fluff

56. The better players earn

37. Horns in the woods

65. Goes it alone

29. Patient tenders, for short


38. Brawl site


30. Object of bovine

59. John, to Paul





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