Volume 40, Issue 6 - Sept. 20, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 6

SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


Tennis team serves up new coach Barrett Elkins brought in two days before season opener By Matt Entrekin

They beat us, actually.” Graetz


said, referring to Young Harris College. “He’s just going to bring

When MSU Denver introduced Barrett Elkins as Daniel

a different perspective which, in retrospect, can make us better.”

Hangstefer’s successor as tennis

Before coming to MSU Denver,

head coach just two days before

Elkins enjoyed success at multiple

the 2017 season opener, it filled a

levels. He was a club tennis pro

conspicuous void at the helm that

at a junior academy in Florida,

existed since the end of spring.

the head coach at Ave Maria

“We were ready for a new

University for four years as well

voice,” said MSU Denver senior

as Young Harris in Georgia for

Courtney Wright. “We’re all

five. Under Elkins, Young Harris

sad to see him go, but we

enjoyed three consecutive seasons

know that he’ll do well and we

with a national ranking, an NCAA

really like our new coach.”

tournament appearance in 2015

The MSU Denver tennis team is coming off of a strong 2017

and set single season wins records each year for the tennis program.

campaign. Both the men’s and

Graetz spent four years

women’s team were crowned

learning from Hangstefer, and

conference champions at the end

was caught off guard by the lack

of last spring under Hangstefer,

of a coach over the offseason.

who took the same job at Ferris

“There were only two or three

State University this offseason.

of us over the summer that were

MSU Denver’s head tennis coach

training,” Graetz said. “A couple

position was empty until MSU

weeks into school starting we

Denver athletics announced

didn’t have a coach, which was

Elkins’ hiring on Sept. 11. Though

interesting, to say the least.”

they will miss Hangstefer’s

Photo by Sandisz Thieme | sthieme@msudenver.edu

Courtney Wright, an MSU Denver senior, warms up on the court at the Regency Athletic Complex on Sept. 18. not Elkins and his players could

Richards, the top singles player

“It’s been pretty fun,” Wright

work together were quickly put to

for UNK, in straight sets.

win the conference again.

But despite the lack of a leader,

impact, senior Josh Graetz and

the Roadrunners have embraced

said. “I don’t think the atmosphere

rest Thursday night. MSU Denver

the rest of the team are prepared

the change Elkins brings while

has changed much. We just have

opened the season against the

for a future under Elkins.

maintaining their commitment

to keep it up and I don’t think

University of Nebraska-Kearney

to winning. Wright thinks that

that’s going to be a problem.”

and showed signs of promise.

“Change can be good. He was the head coach of a good school.



both the men and women should

| pg. 2

Davidson dedicated to student success

OPINION Eeveelutions debated

Any question as to whether or

| pg. 4

| Continued on pg. 11

Graetz managed to defeat Joey


| pg. 8

Art and business come together at America Symposium


| pg. 10

Men’s soccer earns first victory



SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

University’s vision for the future President Davidson reveals plans for diverse student body

BRIEFS Protect yourself Equifax became aware of a security breach on July 29, that could affect as many as 143 million people. At risk are social security numbers, credit information and even driver’s license numbers. To address any vulnerability, students can set up fraud alerts and establish credit monitoring. Doing so through Equifax , though, comes at the cost of forfeiting the ability to participate in class-action lawsuits against the fi rm.

By Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu President Janine Davidson unveiled her vision for MSU Denver at a pair of events last week on Sept. 13 and 14. Rebranding the annual president’s breakfast as a “Welcome Home” event for Davidson, the president announced the creation of five new councils. The role of those councils will be to advise the president’s cabinet on specific policy areas that Davidson has identified. The next day,

Denver Hyperloop route Colorado is one of the fi nal 10 possible destinations for Hyperloop route one. The route would range from Cheyenne, Wyoming in the north, down to Pueblo. It would also include a branch out to Vail, which would reportedly take nine minutes to travel from Denver. Next up is a feasibility assessment from both CDOT and Hyperloop One, which will determine whether or not the route is fi nancially viable.

Davidson followed through on her promise to focus on, “students, students, students,” by holding a town hall in the Student Success Building. The meeting provided Roadrunners with the opportunity to engage directly with the university’s new president and bring up issues Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

they believe are pressing.

MSU Denver President Janine Davidson welcomed faculty and students as she explained her plans for her presidency during the Welcome Breakfast on Sept. 13.

“I’m excited for sort of a new vision to come into the university and keep it moving forward,” said

She hopes that MSU

economy. According to Davidson,

“I appreciate Dr. Jordan and

Denver achieves HSI status

this means that the school needs

everything he did, but it’s always

this academic year.

to respond accordingly and

faculty member Philip Bernhardt.

In keeping with her belief

exciting to be around when

that inclusivity and a sense

She cited the new Aerospace and

She reiterated the school’s

of belonging lead to student

Engineering Sciences building as

continuing commitment to

success, Davidson announced

one example of how the school is

protecting DACA students

that a new multicultural

pivoting to meet Colorado’s needs.

and achieving Hispanic

center is in the works. The president’s vision for the

Serving Institution status.

school comes amidst a time of

“Educators know that students

Natural disasters • Tuesday evening a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit central Mexico, which has killed at least 119 people as of production. Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said that buildings had collapsed in at least 44 areas of the capitol alone, and extensive damage is expected elsewhere in the country. Th is earthquake comes less than two weeks after an 8.1 magnitude earthquake hit off the southwest coast of Mexico, which killed 61 people and was felt in Mexico City and Guatemala City. • Hurricane Maria made landfall Tuesday evening in the Caribbean. Maria tore through Dominica and killed one in Guadalupe. The Category 5 hurricane with sustained winds of 175 mph is projected to smash into the U.S. Virgin Islands Tuesday night and Puerto Rico on Wednesday morning. Puerto Rico, which avoided much of Hurricane Irma’s wrath, will bare the brunt of the storm with potentially catastrophic damage.

continue to change and innovate.

there’s big institutional change.”

“Educators know that students are going to be more successful in an educational environment if they feel like they belong.” —Janine Davidson

“I like the fact that she is reaching out to the community, getting information and based on

out the policy as stupid. Needless to say, her U.S.

are going to be more successful in

great change for Denver. The city

that she’s going to be improving-

Navy ROTC interview did

an educational environment if they

has experienced tremendous

making decisions on what’s

not end well that day.

feel like they belong. Becoming

economic growth since MSU

best for the university,” said

However, Davidson’s dream

an HSI institution gets us to

Denver was founded 50 years ago.

Saima Reese, an IT professional

to fly would not be denied. The

that critical mass where people

The state’s core industries have

who works for the school. She

Air Force accepted her into

feel like they do have a sense

also changed as tech becomes

was impressed with Davidson’s

its ranks and eventually she

of belonging,” Davidson said.

a major player in Colorado’s

inclusive approach to leadership

became the first woman to fly

and appreciated that Davidson

C-130 cargo planes. Her path

listened to the needs of the

wound through C.U. Boulder,

school instead of unilaterally

the Air Force and then as

imposing her own agenda.

undersecretary of the Navy.

Despite the tasks in front

The winding path that

of her new administration,

brought her to MSU Denver

Davidson approaches her work

exemplifies the current roadrunner

with the aplomb of an air force

motto: Run your own Road.

pilot. She compared running

“We never know where our

a complex organization, like

road is going to take us but it

a university, to flying a plane

is true that we rarely get there

or conducting an orchestra.

without some people helping

Davidson opened each event

us along the way,” President

by reflecting on the path that

Davidson said during her address

brought her to MSU Denver.

to students, faculty and staff.

At 17, Janine Davidson was

“We never get there alone.”

informed by a Navy officer that Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver student, Claire Johnson, asked Davidson about the state of AHEC facilities and if there would be any improvements in the future at the Town Hall on Sept. 14.

girls were not allowed to fly

Additional reporting by

fighter planes. Unimpressed

Carly Hollinshead

by the answer, Davidson called



SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


Federal judge declares that Colorado’s Sexual Offender Registration Act is unconstitutional By James Bofenkamp

turning 18, his juvenile records were

as a child, MSU Denver student


destroyed, though he was still on

Cayman Forgacs thought that

the registry. He applied twice to be

there should be more care when

removed from the registry, however,

minors are placed on the registry.

A federal judge declared that the Colorado Sex Offender Registry

both requests were denied.

was unconstitutional because it

“I just think it’s a maturity

Both of the magistrates doubted

thing,” Forgacs said.

violates the Eighth Amendment’s

his claims that he would not attempt

cruel and unusual punishment

to commit the crimes again. One

adamant that once one grows

clause. While the decision only

even suggested that he undergo sex

older, they should be more

regarded the three plaintiffs in the

offender treatment, the same he

careful in their behavior, as well

case, it leaves the door open for

had already undergone and passed,

as more responsible for it.

others to pursue a similar decision

which was disputed in both cases.

using the case as a precedent. “It is usually not a good idea

However, Forgacs was fairly

“You become more mature,

This treatment is part of what

you won’t make those decisions

was used to declare the registry

for members of the public to be

an unfair punishment against the

placed in positions to do their own

three plaintiffs. Each individual

policing, it’s a slippery slope,” said

also suffered from difficulties

Barbara B. Koehler, lecturer for

finding and keeping employment

the MSU Denver criminal justice

and a place of residence, due to

and criminology department.

their names being on the registry.

According to the plaintiffs,

anymore,” Forgacs said. While Koehler didn’t see this to be the beginning of the end of the Colorado Sex Offender Photo by Dtobias on Wikipedia

The Byron White United States Courthouse in Denver, Colorado, used by the United States Postal Service and the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

However, the popular approval

the registry has placed undue

of the sex offender registry likely

hardship on those who are required

means that it will not suffer too

to register. Especially as there is

much from this decision.

no evidence of any of the three

Registration Act, she did describe it as the opportunity for the laws to be changed. “If our principles of justice determine that once someone

registry was necessary.

“In more extreme cases,

“I think that’s something

“This act was enacted to address

that we need for protection,”

has served their time for a crime

I think there’s an absolute

the matter is closed, why do we

need for it,” she said.

as a society select this class of

who filed the suit were likely to

public concerns, and so there will

said Hannah Patton, an MSU

engage in such actions again.

continue to be a strong public voice

Denver student. “Especially as

example of an extreme case that she

continue to be subject to possible

in support of the act,” Koehler said.

a woman, it’s something that

provided, which is what two of the

public shaming and essentially

it’s nice to know is out there.”

plaintiffs in the case were guilty of.

a form of continued punishment

One of the plaintiffs, Arturo Vega, was prosecuted at the age of 13.

Even after hearing some of

Pedophilia was the main

After Vega’s probation was revoked,

the issues that are endured by

he was required to participate

those on the registry, students

sometimes the registry can go too

that people, like Vega, can end

in sex offender treatment. After

remained convinced that the

far, she still felt it was necessary.

up on the registry due to actions

1 7

While Patton thought that

When confronted with the fact

offenders, sexual offenders, to

for their crimes?” Koehler said.

Alternate transportation • RTD Pass

The U.S. will meet half

• Tivoli garage bike lockers

of its Paris Agreement

• Campus bike repair stations

commitments due to the actions of states and

Water conservation

cities.Here is what MSU

• New showers in PE


building/Events center • Water filtration • Plumbing fixtures overhall

Denver is doing to reduce

Education outreach

its carbon footprint.

• 5th street hub mural • Arts building energy display

MSU Denver’s sustainablity initiative was started by AHEC Sustainability Officer Chris Herr in 2007. The project’s ultimate goal is to reduce school


MSU Denver

emmisions by 20 percent.


Waste diversion • 3 bin waste, recycling,


2017 Edition

and compost bins


Renewable energy • Solar panels on campus maps and parking stations


Energy efficiency • LED lighting • Electric car charging station

Food and garden • Community garden

Information compiled by

• SSB vegetated roof

Carly Hollinshead Infographic by Kathleen Jewby



SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

Discussing the issues that matter

staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

Pokemon Eeveelutions debated Jolteon By Andrew Evemy


sing the thunder stone to

like needles and amplify the electric

Do not think for a minute that

people that chooses to make poor

evolve Eevee into Jolteon,

charge it produces within its cells.

because Flareon has soft fur that

decisions like evolving your Eevee

it makes for a better Pokémon to

into a worthless fire or water

its best form, can lead

In a world of technology, it is

you to a life free of a four legged

essential to have a Pokémon that can

spend the night with on the couch

Pokémon. The creators of Pokémon

fire hazard or freezing mermaid

power all of your devices. Imagine

surfing Netflix. Flareon will burn the

tricked you into thinking that water,

dog that constantly requires you

trying to power the iPhone X with a

house down if it sneezes to hard.

fire and grass are the three most

to change the thermostat.

Vaporeon. Good luck with that. The

The fastest of the three original

Vaporeon, on the other hand, is

powerful elements in the game

electric fur may seem dangerous,

a fish dog. Its scales will tear you

based on the starting Pokémon in

evolutions available to Eevee,

but Jolteon’s loyalty knows no

apart if you pet it against the grain.

the game. Always remember that

Jolteon is without a doubt man’s

comparison. Due to Jolteon’s

The biggest benefit of Vaporeon is

Pikachu was the strongest. Also, if

best friend. Jolteon is a majestic

sensitivity and temperamental

that its fins begin to vibrate if rain

you think that not evolving Eevee

creature, often compared to a

behavior it has the ability to become

is in the forecast. But honestly, that

is the way to go, go f yourself.

cheetah. It can amass the negative

greatly attached to a caring owner.

is what the weather channel is for.

ions in the atmosphere and send out

So basically, if you’re a giant pain

Jolteon is hands down the best

10,000-volt lightning bolts. Jolteon’s

in the butt, Flareon or Vaporeon

choice when it comes to evolving

fur has the ability to become sharp

will be the better option for you.

Eevee. Do not be one of those

evee is a rare and extremely

eeveelution is that she is the

consequences. Flareon has no such

pet and cuddled with making it once

sought after Pokemon in

strongest in terms of attack

issue. Meanwhile, Vaporeon is only

again, the most well-rounded.

both the television show as

strength. If you want a strong

physically strong in water attacks

well as in the handheld games. A

physical attacker on your team

and not all attacks like Flareon is.

electric is the strongest type, look

huge choice for every player in any

then you must choose Flareon.

While Vaporeon is a good defensive

at Charizard. Fire is obviously

iteration of a pokemon game is

Furthermore, as a fire type, they are

Pokemon, it isn’t as well rounded.

the best and strongest of all

which eeveelution is the best. The

strong against all but three types of

In terms of physical beauty

original three are of course Flareon,

pokemon. So not only does Flareon

Flareon is clearly the winner.

destructive. That is why Flareon

Vaporeon and Jolteon. There are

have superior attack, but also

Certainly the most-if not only-cuddle

has the most attack power.

pros and cons to all of these options,

superior defense, being resistant to

friendly of the Gen I eeveelutions,

and heated debate rages over which

six different pokemon types which

its fluffiness makes it the most

both adorable and a heavy hitter,

one is in the fact the best. I’m here

is more than Vaporeon and Jolteon.

adorable. Flareon resembles a pet

Flareon is for you. And finally,

far more than its counterparts who

something we can all agree on is

its defense is non existent. This

are either electrically charged or a

that if you think a regular eevee

Pokemon needs to be able to

slimy/scaly fish. Flareon not only

is the way to go, go f yourself.

quickly dodge attacks or suffer the

looks good, but can also be held,

Flareon By Devyn Deeter


to tell you that Flareon is without a doubt-the best eeveelution. The easiest reason behind flareon being the most superior

While Jolteon is a fast Pokemon,

To anyone who says that

elements while also being the most

If you want a Pokemon who is

Vaporeon By Esteban Fernandez


ater always wins. It

a moot point. When an arctic sea

slut Flareon. I won’t even get into

carved the Grand

to cuddle with but even its warm

beast is bearing down on your

the rumors about Flareon doing

Canyon and it’s chemical

ember is quelled by water’s cold

vessel or a hungry rock lobster

stuff behind the bleachers. With

name, dihydrogen monoxide,

touch. Cuddling with Jolteon

is trying to eat you, you’re going

Vaporeon, those issues never

flummoxes the peasantry into

might end in cardiac arrest.

to want the tried and true power

arise because the creature is an

of a water type to defend you.

exemplar of class and grace.

terrified acquiescence. Therefore, any organism that can

Flareon might be soft and nice

More to the point, however, who said it’s necessary to cuddle

Remember, affection

channel water’s awesome power

with Pokemon? As long as they

is for the weak.

must be accordingly powerful.

murder weaker things and you

That’s why Vaporeon is the best

command their respect, then having

regal creature, unlike that mascot

out of the three Eevee evolutions.

them as a bedside companion is

for the poors - Jolteon - or that

Furthermore, Vaporeon is a

Clearly, Vaporeon is the best choice. One final note. If you leave Eevee as an Eevee you can go f yourself.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

offers free ads One free sixteenth-page ad in The Metropolitan to all MSU Denver student organization per semester. Contact Sales@MyMetMedia.com or 303-556-2507



SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

Boulderites experience refugee realism at Doctors Without Borders exhibit on one side and pegs holding

whatever it may be, you do have

MSF’s efforts to advocate for

plastic squares with pictures of

to tailor your skills to make sure

policy changes to ensure humane

essential and sentimental items.

they’re applicable in that context.”

conditions for refugees and

Everyone is given 30 seconds

internationally displaced people.

to pick five items and then

hopes the exhibition will make

The exhibition will be visiting

their choices are discussed.

people see the damage caused

more cities until November

when governments close their

and Huddleston encourages

examples of what refugees go

borders, force people to return to

college students to see it.

through when they are forced

places where death or persecution

to flee their homes. And at each

await them, or leave them in

major in college it’s important

station, a plastic card must be

war zones. About 51 percent of

to see,” Huddleston said. “This

given up, representing the loss

those people are children under

is current events and you should

these people suffer on their

18. Developing regions host 84

know what’s happening in the

journey. Many items, such as

percent of refugees, while the six

world. If you’re political science

a cell phone with no way to

wealthiest countries, including

it’s pertinent. It’s pertinent really

charge it, became useless.

the U.S., host 9 percent.

for every major you could have.”

Each new station offers more

Imma Bramladge, a nurse with Doctors Without Borders, began the exhibit on Sept. 8 by explaining where the organization’s efforts are located in the world.

Doctors Without Borders

Other items, like passports, had

“I think regardless of your

Forced From Home exemplifies

to be traded away when they By Maria Muller

warplanes. The United Nations

became a liability instead of


refused to recognize Yida

an asset. Personal items were

as an official refugee camp,

often traded for items like water,

limiting services normally

which is necessary for survival.

If you had 30 seconds to grab five essential items and knew

provided by United Nations High

you might never return home

Commissioner for Refugees.

covered with pieces of tarp and

and faced a long journey ahead, what would you choose? Fleeing war, disaster and persecution, over 65.6 million people in other countries who fled their homes faced this dilemma.

“This is current events and you should know what’s happening in the world.” – Jessica Huddleston

plastic trash bags. The dirt floors covered three by five feet and families of five or six are often crammed into shelters like these for years. Examples of tents that house patients display mosquito

Traveling exhibition Forced From Home posed this question to

The tour displayed makeshift tents held up with branches and

As an international

netting over beds to protect

guide participants through the first

humanitarian non-governmental

patients from disease carrying

exercise featured at the outdoor

organization, MSF provides

insects. Buckets are placed at the

Plaza Courthouse in Boulder.

medical and humanitarian

head and in the middle of each

Created by Doctors Without

assistance to places like Yida that

cot for patients with cholera.

Borders, also known as Medecins

are ignored by other organizations.

Sans Frontieres, it ran from Sept.

They offer assistance based on

explained the difficulty of treating

4 through 10. The exhibit’s goal

need, regardless of race, religion,

thousands of people in the camps

was to raise awareness about

gender or political affiliation.

with so few volunteers. For

the conditions of refugees,

Volunteer Tyson Hegarty

The volunteer aid workers

Hegarty, the difference between

migrants and internationally

started out in the Peace Corps

healthcare in other countries

displaced people worldwide.

in Bangladesh. He witnessed

and the U.S. is staggering.

Doctors, nurses and experienced

the conditions there and saw

“It builds your awareness

aid workers actively involved

how much basic health care

and sometimes that can lead to

Photos by Miriam Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

in MSF gave guided tours.

needs weren’t being met.

difficulties working in a system

A family watched the stories of refugess around the world through 360 degree video-projections in a dome during the Doctors Without Borders exhibit on Sept. 8.

“The overriding theme in all

“Once I became a nurse the

where you see resources going

my missions is that we may be

focus was on getting care to

to what are maybe nonessential

very different in a lot of ways,

people that need it the most,”

activities,” Hegarty said.

coming from different countries

Hegarty said. “And knowing that

and different religions and

people that really need it the

From Home received great

backgrounds,” said volunteer

most happen to live in another

feedback from everyone that

Jessica Huddleston. “But we’re

country thousands of miles away,

came out to see the exhibit.

all human and we all have the

it was always on my mind.”

same needs and desires to have a safe family and a safe home.”

“Once I became a nurse the focus was on getting care to people that need it the most.” – Tyson Hegarty

The interactive exhibit

Huddleston said Forced

“They want to know how they can help without being in the

focused on Afghanistan, Burundi,

field because they can’t leave

Honduras, South Sudan and

their current lives,” Huddleston

Syria. Tours consisted of groups

said. “But everyone’s been

ranging from 10 to 15 people.

really excited and asked where

Guides handed out cards labeled

we’re going next and how they

with a country and the status

can get more involved.”

of refugee or internationally

For college students who are

displaced person. After the

interested, but not sure how to

guide went over each country,

help, volunteer Imma Bramlage

the group entered a geodesic

said it’s not just doctors and

2013 where her job was training

dome to watch a 360 degree

nurses that are needed.

nurses and nurse assistants. Her

video with footage of displaced

first mission was in Yida, a refugee

people and their struggles.

Huddleston began with MSF in

camp in South Sudan that holds

The next station displayed

“Sometimes my job can be the easy job,” Bramlage said. “But it’s the people behind the scenes,

over 70,000 people who fled from

freestanding panel walls,

the logistics department, the

homes bombed by government

each labeled with a country

supply chain, the H.R. recruiters,

Dr. Regina Oakes, an emergency doctor in Louisville, Colo., attended the Doctors Without Borders exhibit on Sept. 8 to learn more about the organization and its impact around the world.


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SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

American Symposium explores the future of business and art with discussion and music Colorado students. Metalworker Juan Martinez entered the stage riding his own creation, a life-sized American bison welded onto a bicycle. Martinez calls his art animal-pedicabs. Martinez chose to depict animals that are important to indigenous people of North and South America. His sculptures have been displayed in galleries throughout Michigan. Martinez said he’s met neighbors by biking around on his metal masterpieces. The animalpedicabs’ greatest functionality is transporting young students to 826 Michigan, a nonprofit that Photos by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

aims to help children with their

Enrique Acevedo asks panelists Reid Hoffman, Elizabeth Alexander and Ashley Bell about using business and art to build a global community.

writing skills. Martinez said to

Ivar, Nicholas, Sohrab, Dwayne, Madeline, Algaz and Heidi of Watson University and Dream Tank pose after the American Symposium.

the audience that critical thinking

Much of her work is based on

8 to 14, talked about how

and information are as important

inclusion of all genders, minorities

important it is to introduce

as a creative outlet for children.

and sexualities. She stated on

art into entrepreneurship.

the panel that one way to close

By Ali Watkins

Jamie Laurie of the Flobots.

Univision anchor Enrique


Innovative ideas shaping the

Acevedo moderated the second

the political divide in the U.S.

Sohrab, enjoyed the mixture of

future of business provided

panel. It consisted of LinkedIn Co-

is to use art to turn cultural

art and business speakers. He

fodder for the panelists.

Founder Reid Hoffman, Director

tension into cultural empathy.

conversed among his colleagues

The future of business and art is envisioned at the

Watson University student,

After introductions, Isaac

of Creativity and Free Expression

Slade of the Fray performed one

at the Ford Foundation Elizabeth

and know,” Alexander said.

of the Denver based pop-rock

Alexander and Peace Corps

“ Artists are the ones that

Caulkins Opera House seats

bands’ most successful songs,

Associate Director Ashley Bell.

envision what we cannot see.”

were filled for a free night of

“You Found Me.” When he’s not

music and celebration. Denver

performing with the Fray, Slade

their roles have shaped their

inclusion in the U.S. He talked

established the Biennial of the

hosted international leaders

teams up with Take Note Colorado,

worldview and how different

about how he’s gained more

Americas in 2010, innovative

and creators at the America

an initiative housed under the

people can contribute to the global

acceptance for others during his

thinkers to Billboard Music Award

Symposium on Sept. 14 as a part

Colorado Music Coalition. Gov.

community. Hoffman called on his

time at the Peace Corps. Bell also

winners have met in to Denver

of an event series surrounding

John Hickenlooper also had a

experience in Silicon Valley and

touched on how individuals can

to challenge how business

transformation in art and business

hand in Take Note’s foundation. Its

shared his views on how tech and

represent their country in a way

and art is executed in North

over the last two years.

goal is to provide music education

startups, like Airbnb, contribute

that promotes community.

and South America. The 2017

and instruments to grades K-12.

to gentrification. He spoke about

on how artists can influence

Slade’s contribution to the panel

the importance of adapting to

said that he appreciated that

discussions, public activities

social change. Notable speakers

was around the importance

innovation for a better tomorrow.

the panel discussion delved

and concerts hosted by leaders

at the symposium included

of music accessibility for

beneath the surface on issues.

from over 20 countries. Denver

American Symposium Thursday night the Ellie

A panel discussion touched

The leaders discussed how

Alexander shared her mission to preserve creative activities.

Isaac Slade concludes the first panel discussion with a performance of “How to Save a Life”.

“Culture is how we feel

Bell also spoke out about

Donald, an audience member,

Heidi Cuppari, co-founder

She began her discussion with

and CEO of Dream Tank, a

a poem on art and acceptance.

think tank for children ages

Attendees observe Juan Martinez’s armadillo pedicab Sept. 14.

about the ideas introduced during the Symposium. Sohrab said, “art is essential for dreaming and creating the future.” Since Gov. John Hickenlooper

Biennial was filled with panel

will host the next Biennial of the Americas in 2019

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SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

After drastic roster turnover, men’s ROADRUNNER NEWS Golf finishes fifth in RMAC fall invite The MSU Denver women’s golf team placed No. 16 out of 20 teams at the Skyhawk West Regional Preview, which was hosted by Hillcrest Golf Club in Durango. Senior Lindsey Gullikson led the way for the Roadrunners, shooting a 77 in the fi rst round and a 75 in the second. Golf competes again on Sept. 25 at the Western New Mexico Fall Invite in Goodyear, Arizona.

By Richard Allen

campaign with five consecutive

which the team posted an overall

minute when the Falcons scored


one-goal losses before a 3-2

record of 12-6-2, the third best

the game-deciding goal.

victory at South Dakota School of

in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

A 1-5 record to start the

Mines on Sept. 17, capped by the

Conference. However, of the 11

season tested the mettle and

program’s first loss to Colorado

players that posted more than

unity of the new-look MSU

Christian University since 2002.

1,000 minutes played last year,

Denver men’s soccer team.

This skid came on the coattails

only three have returned for this

of a successful 2016 season in

year’s squad. While it isn’t the

The Roadrunners started their

definitive reason for the team’s early struggles, the turnover and disrupted chemistry put the club a step behind. “There’s a puzzle being

Men’s soccer collects first win of season The Roadrunners men’s soccer team closed out a 3-2 victory at South Dakota School of Mines on Sept. 17 to snap a five-game losing streak. After the two teams split four penalty kicks for two goals apiece, freshman Nils Runnberg put the Roadrunners ahead for good with a goal in the 83rd minute, his fi rst score as a Roadrunner. Sophomore Yannick Schad scored both penalty goals for MSU Denver, tying freshman Moritz Walther for the team lead with two goals on the season. The soccer team plays again on Sept. 20, looking for redemption against Colorado Christian University. The two teams met on Sept. 7, with CCU emerging on top 1-0.

Women’s soccer splits weekend competition. The women’s soccer team posted a 1-1 record in two home games this weekend, with fi nal scores of 2-0 in each. After being shut out by Colorado School of Mines on Sept. 15, the Roadrunners passed it forward to Colorado Christian University behind three saves from sophomore Erica Torres. Seniors Elise Boisnard recorded her second goal of the season and Brenda Vazquez tallied two points coming in as a substitute. Volleyball splits weekend road trip MSU Denver volleyball stands at a 4-6 overall record after a .500 weekend, losing at Regis University and beating Chadron State University. Junior Santaisha Sturges recorded 39 kills across the weekend, with 25 of those in the match at Regis. The team returns home on Sept. 22 to take on Adams State University at the Auraria Event Center.

“It’s testing at times because they want to do well, they want to get it right, they want to start putting games together that turn into W’s” – Jeremy Tittle There may even be a case that

made, and you’re starting to

the Roadrunners were the better

put the pieces in the board, and

team in some of those games but

we think we’re just about at

the players know that point is

the place where you can start

moot if the score doesn’t reflect it.

to see the whole picture even

“Most games we were

though all the pieces aren’t in

the better team, and we lost

place yet,” head coach Jeremy

games because of individual

Tittle said. “So we think we’re

mistakes,” sophomore Yannick

about to turn a corner.”

Schad said. “In the end, it’s the

Tittle, entering his third season at the helm of the club, is not

goal to win the game. No one talks about the better team.”

ready to push the panic button

Schad is one of three returning

yet. All of the losses thus far

starters and took on a leadership

were against tough competition

role in his second season, despite

like St. Edward’s University, who

being the youngest player on last

was ranked No. 7 nationally in

year’s team. He joins a new core

the NCAA Division II coaches

of players at the forefront of the

poll following their match with

clubhouse like fellow sophomore

Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver. Against Seattle

Dylan Wood, junior goalkeeper

Redshirt freshman Brian Castruita Jimenez headers a ball in practice on Sept. 18 at the Regency Athletic Complex.

Pacific University on Sept. 7, the match was tied in the 87th

Continued on pg. 11

Roadrunner Athletics review Men’s Soccer Sept. 13 at Colorado Christian University Sept. 17

at South Dakota School of Mines

Men’s Tennis Sept. 14 vs University of Nebraska at Kearney Sept. 15

vs Emporia State University

Women’s Soccer L 1-0

W 3-2

Sept. 15

vs Colorado School of Mines Sept. 17 vs Colorado Christian University



W 6-3

vs University of Nebraska at Kearney Sept. 15

vs Fort Hays State University

at RMAC Fall Invitational




Women’s Volleyball

Sept. 15

vs Texas Permian Basin Sept. 16

vs Newman University

Women’s Tennis Sept. 14

Sept. 11-12


CSU-Pueblo Duals


Women’s Golf


Sept. 15

at Regis University


L 4-5

3-1 Sept. 16

vs Chadron State College

CSU-Pueblo Duals

L 6-3

W 7-2

Sept. 15

vs Texas Permian Basin Sept. 16

vs Newman University


W 7-2

L 3-6

W 3-1


SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


soccer begins to find chemistry Continued from pg. 10

Alternatively, falling just short has also told the team they aren’t

James Tanner and seniors Luan

far off of where they want to be,

Silva and Justin Glivar. In this

a point legitimized by their first

new era of Roadrunners soccer,

win. They believe that correcting

the team attempts to build

the communication errors and

chemistry with player additions

small mistakes will put them on

in the double digits this season.

the right path. The drastic changes

Glivar has been a member

that may be applicable to most

of the last three Roadrunners

winless starts don’t necessarily

teams and has seen the program

need to happen at MSU Denver.

reach three consecutive RMAC

Tittle acknowledged that

tournaments. He is the only

they have changed their training

player on the roster in his

routines and rhythm, but the

fourth year of eligibility.

overall game plan and weekly

“It’s been different just because

schedule has remained the Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

we’ve got a lot of new faces in that transition,” Glivar said. “I would say it’s more of a challenge than it is difficult, just getting each other

MSU Denver men’s soccer players run a drill during practice on Sept. 18, a day after their first victory of the season at South Dakota School of Mines. The team won 3-2, their sixth consecutive game decided by one goal.

bought into the process we’re trying to do here at Metro State.” He noted there have been

same to promote consistency.

that’s what bothers me. I think

a point echoed by Tittle.

were so close, we were mostly “Trust the process, trust the

“It’s testing at times because

tactics and stop doing the

specifically tasking moments, but

with the ability we have on the

they want to do well, they want

even through the less than ideal

team, we didn’t have to lose

to get it right, they want to start

start and the stress that it brings,

those games,” said freshman

putting games together that

Dakota School of Mines for the

the team continues to grow more

Moritz Walther, who leads the

turn into W’s. But I don’t think

second time on Sept. 22, then

unified as the season progresses.

team with two goals and has been

it’s unmanageable,” he said.

take a week of rest before visiting

The players are trying to stay positive, but the

one of the central newcomers. The challenges of coming

mistakes that punish us.” Going forward, they play South

He was satisfied with how

Garett Bolles out with bone bruise Denver Broncos rookie tackle Garett Bolles recieved good news on Monday. Bolles was injured in the third quarter of the blowout 42-17 win against the Dallas Cowboys. Bolles was seen in a walking boot and crutches after the game. He was declared week-to-week by head coach Vance Joseph.

“As a team, we need to stay consistent. The games the better team,” Schad said.

“The way we lost the games,


Regis University on Sept. 29. They

the team formed a cohesive

will continue to build chemistry

proximity to victory in all of

close and walking away empty-

unit after playing together

and solidify their team play to

their losses was taxing.

handed repeatedly was frustrating,

for only six games.

turn close losses into wins.

Judge from Canelo vs Golovkin decision stood down Judge Adalaide Byrd has been temporarily stood down by the Nevada Athletic Commission. Byrd was at the center of the controversial draw decision after producing a scorecard in favor of Canelo Alvarez 118-110. Many boxing analysts have heavily criticized the decision, including Oscar de la Hoya, Alvarez’s promoter. While she is stood down, Byrd will not be allowed to judge any boxing matches.

Colorado Rockies’ magic number is 11

Tennis hires new head coach

With 11 games remaining in their schedule, the magic number for the Colorado Rockies magic to be guaranteed a spot in the Wild Card game is 11. The Rockies have a one-game lead over the Milwaukee Brewers. The Rockies have away games against the San Francisco Giants and San Diego Padres, and home games against the Miami Marlins and Los Angeles Dodgers remaining.

Barrett Elkins looks to ‘echo’ MSU Denver’s success

Continued from cover Wright, MSU Denver’s second ranked women’s singles player, struggled early against UNK’s Yuxiu Sun and lost the first set 3-6. But under the calm presence and direction of her coach, Wright was

Las Vegas Golden Knights win franchise’s first game

able to take the next two sets 6-3 and 7-5. MSU Denver men’s and women’s teams both ultimately

The NHL’s new expansion team, the Las Vegas Golden Knights, played their first game Sept. 17 against the Vancouver Canucks. The Golden Knights won the game 9-4. Right-winger Tyler Wong recorded a hat trick in the victory.

fell to UNK, 6-3, but the players couldn’t dispute the effect Elkins has already had on the team. But Elkins’ competitiveness and focus is not without a fun side. “He seems hardworking but likes to have fun and he’ll joke with us at practice,” Wright said. “He seems like a very

Photo by Sandisz Thieme | sthieme@msudenver.edu

reasonable, levelheaded man.” Both Wright and Graetz attested

New head coach Barrett Elkins meets with players during the team’s first matches under his lead on Sept. 14.

to the charisma in their coach. “He’s very friendly, very easy to get along with and that’s

players to make his arrival smooth. “The team has made it so

wrong kind of preparation.” Elkins noted how some

of Sept. 14 he was still working to memorize the last names of

probably the most important

easy for me. Honestly, I was

players began cramping before

his players, he remains eager

thing. If you don’t have that

worried about how tough it would

the second set and said stamina

to progress through the season

communication in there and that

be, but they’re so motivated,”

is among his most valued

and continue the winning

trust with your coach then nothing’s

he said. “They were mentally

aspects of player development

tradition at MSU Denver.w

going to work,” Graetz said.

ready. They wanted to do it,

and plans to incorporate it into

but I think the preparation they

practice as soon as possible.

The feeling was mutual as Elkins commended the ability of his

were doing on their own was the

Although as of the evening

Mississippi State routs Louisiana State Unranked Mississippi State Bulldogs soundly defeated No. 25 Louisiana State Tigers 37-7 on Sept. 15. MSU quarterback Nick Fitzgerald threw for two touchdowns and ran for two more in the effort. LSU was ranked No. 12 in the AP Top 25 poll coming into the game, but fell 15 spots to No. 25 after the defeat. MSU jumped to No. 17.



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SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


Fall Fest



Location Fiddler’s Green Location Auraria Campus



Judah & the Lion


Men’s Soccer

Location Thunder Mountain

Price $99-$225

Price TBA

Time 12 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Price Free

9.22 vs. Adam State Location Denver

9.22 vs. South Dakota Location Denver

Price Free

Price Free

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 10 a.m. 9.23


Location Red Rocks 9.21

Art on Film: Summer Series



Location Club Vinyl

Price $42.50

Price $10

Time 7 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Men’s Tennis 9.23 vs. Air Force Location USAF Academy

Location 965 Santa Fe Dr. Price Free Time 7:30 p.m.



Location Bluebird Theater

9.24 Galactic and Pepper

Women’s Soccer 9.24 vs. Fort Lewis Location Durango

Price Free

Price Free

Time TBA

Time 12 p.m.

Location Red Rocks

Price $22-$25

Price $30-$38.75

Time 8 p.m.

Time 4:30 p.m.


Faculty Artist Series: Voice Faculty

Location King Center Recital Hall


Glass Animals

Location Ogden Theater





Location 1stBank Center

Price $50.50

Price $36.50-$129.50

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

9.21 vs. Padres Location Away

9.22 vs. Padres Location Away

Price $12, $10, $8

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 8:10 p.m.

Time 8:10 p.m.

9.26 Gorillaz Location Red Rocks 9.27

1 Book/1 Project/2 Transform: Immigration Panel



Location Summit Music Hall

Price $54.50-$60.75

Price $25-$30

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Rapids 9.23 vs. White Caps Location Away

Location Tivoli Student Union Price Free Time 12:30 p.m.


Earth, Wind & Fire

Location Pikes Peak Center



Price $5-$15

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8 p.m.

Time 2:40 p.m.

Broncos 9.24 vs. Bills Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Too $hort

Location The Black Sheep

9.24 vs. Padres Location Away

Location Lost Lake Lounge

Price $50.50-$126




The Burial Plot

Location Marquis Theater

Price $25-$28

Price $10-$12

Time 9 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Away

Rockies 9.25 vs. Marlins Location Home

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 11 a.m.

Time 6:40 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS End of the world A new conspiracy theory has

Emmy’s low-ratings again The Emmy Awards ranked

gained momentum, claiming that

as the week’s No. 6 program,

Planet X, or Nibiru depending

hosted by Stephen Colbert, who

on who you talk to, is going to

made sarcastic remarks about

smash into Earth on Sept. 23. The

The Mad Pooper of Colorado Springs

Major suppliers of salmon are

Gas prices back down Gas prices shot up after

experiencing a supply shortage.

Hurricane Harvey hit Texas,

Pooper, is defecating in front of

A surge of parasitic sea lice are

damaging and destroying

homes in Colorado Springs. She’s

disrupting salmon farms all over

refineries in Houston. They

President Donald Trump using

been seen jogging around the

the world. Scientists and fish

are expected to gradually go

disastrous event will supposedly

song-and-dance routines and

neighborhood, and doing the act

farmers are looking for new ways

back down, but the decrease

lead to the destruction of the

monologues. Even former White

in front of houses at least once a

to control the pests, costing

may be slow. Because of the

planet and the extinction of

House Press Secretary Sean

week for the last two months. This

the aquaculture industry about

damage, it may take months

mankind. The theory, put forward

Spicer was featured, drawing

could lead to a charge of indecent

$1 billion annually. Defeating

for some refineries to get back

by conspiracy theorist David

surprised gasps from the theater

exposure and public defecation.

the lice may include innovative

up and running. Prices jumped

Meade, is based on a number of

crowd. Viewership has increased

The mystery woman even does

solutions such as bathing the

32 cents a gallon, bringing

biblical prophecies. Fortunately,

from previous years, however

it in front of children. Colorado

salmon in warm water and

the average price to $2.65 a

scientists consider the theory the

both the NFL and some reality tv

Springs police are baffled by the

zapping the lice with underwater

gallon, in just two weeks.

same, old doomsdays nonsense

shows had greater viewership.

incident. No one is sure why she

lasers. The lice can grow to

is doing this but the police are

roughly the size of a pea and lay

hoping someone can identify her.

a thousand eggs. Experts hope

we hear every few years.

A woman, dubbed the Mad

Salmon lice a threat

to control the problem soon.


SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


Overheard this week



December 22 - January 19

Yelling “Treat yo self!” in the middle of the Halloween section in Traget does not justify your $35 candy purchase.



July 23 - August 22

January 20 - February 18 Nothing is forever, but that burning sensation might be.

“A half-peeled banana is sexier said that, right?”


August 23 - September 22

February 19 - March 20

It’s time to get out of the house, Pisces. Register for a co-ed sports league, a cult, a bookclub... whatever’s in your budget.

“I wasn’t paying attention. Were

It’s time to book a long-overdue massage. Shoulders are not supposed to be level with your ears.


we talking about uncircumcised penises?”

Yes, I know there is water in beer. But it just doesn’t count. Keep aiming for those eight, non-fermented cups a day, my friend.


than a full-peeled banana. Freud

“You mean whoever sings it next is

Watch your words this week, Libra. Your horrible grammar could get you in a lot of trouble.

“Oh my god, I don’t care about your



Your routine needs a serious changeup. Even your rut is in a rut. I’m in a rut just thinking about your rut.

— Ali Watkins “Esteban’s office chair.” — James Burky “Home Depot display toilet.” — Maria Muller “In the toilet.” —Esteban Fernandez “In Esteban’s toilet.” —Montana Martin

November 22 - December 21

May 21 - June 20

Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

“Wherever I go.”



Take it esy this week, Gemini. Your digestive tract literally cannot handle another round of whatever the hell you put it through last week.

— Madison Lauterbach


October 23 - November 21

April 20 - May 20 Stop taking things for granted, Taurus...

“In Jerm’s closet.”

September 23 - October 22


gonna da-ba-dee, da-ba-die?”

Where would you poop unexpectedly?


March 21 -April 19 Don’t sweat the small stuff. But if you must, at least start wearing antiperspirant deodorant.

Met Picks:

June 21 - July 22

You are as extra as guacamole, Capricorn. But remember, you’re worth the upcharge.

“Why is cake ass?”


Keep your chin up, buddy. Seriously, your posture is garbage. Chin up, shoulders back.


Difficulty: Medium


59. Gabardine or serge e.g.


8. Bodybuilder Ferrigno

1. Basic unit of capacitance

60. ‘’The Barber of Seville,’’ e.g.

1. Darius, to Alexander

9. Can. province (Abbr.)

6. Battle mettle

61. ‘’The Simpsons’’ neighbor,

2. Santa ___ winds

10. Personnel lists

11. Dr. Seuss character


3. Classless newspaper

11. Noisy timekeeper

14. TV studio light

62. They’re rung up

4. Suffer ill health

12. Immigrant

15. City on the Penobscot

63. Drew, of fiction

5. Adorned

13. Kid a kid

16. Nod or mod attachment

6. Outspoken

18. Equipped with footwear

17. Boys with badges

7. ‘’... pretty maids all in ___’’

22. Telecom co.

19. Org. in ‘’Patriot Games’’

23. Piano feature

20. ‘’Rich Man, Poor Man’’ author

24. ‘’What ___ mood I’m in ...’’

21. Film editor’s units

25. Black-tressed

23. Sunblock

26. It’s east of the Urals

27. Polish remover

27. Saintly radiances

29. Removed from memory

28. Spreadsheet unit

30. Word with Vallarta or Rico

30. Word with news or tissue

31. Biblical king

32. Gave up, as land

32. Bernstein and Lewis

34. Condor’s nest

33. Twist-off, e.g.

35. Did some modeling

36. Atlas statistic

37. Locale

37. Flower component

38. Keats’ creations

38. Toast-topper, sometimes

40. Bears witness

39. Novelist Deighton

41. Your view or mine

40. Military assistants

43. April 15 addressee

41. Nose-offending stimuli

44. Transport commercially

42. He may swing from the heels

45. One leading to temptation?

44. Mint product

46. Kind of element

45. Got going

47. Water holes

47. Like eggs prepped for

49. Proper function

scrambling, perhaps

52. One-time Delta competitor

48. Crop up

53. Black gold

49. Equine check

54. 3.75, e.g.

50. Feathers partner

55. Poe’s evening

51. Rat

56. Fabled sea monster

58. Opening-day pitcher

57. Thumbs down Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net

Difficulty: Medium



Student Engagement and Wellness offers a variety of programs and services to MSU Denver students. Please review the list to see what we have to offer in support of your collegiate experience.

Campus Recreation at Auraria

LGBTQ Student Resource Center

Counseling Center

Met Media

Dean of Students Office

Student Activities

Health Center at Auraria

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You will find opportunities for all to relieve stress by participating in a group fitness class, shooting baskets in the gymnasium, lifting weights in the fitness center or scaling the rock wall. • Outdoor Pursuits • Intramural Sports • Group Fitness • Personal Training • Adaptive Fitness • Informal Recreation • Fitness Center • Certification & Prep Courses PE 108 • 303-556-3210 • www.msudenver.edu/campusrec/

We can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. Individual Counseling • Support Groups • Crisis Intervention • Quick Consult • Mental Health Resources • Academic and Personal Growth Workshops Tivoli 651 • 303-556-3132 • www.msudenver.edu/counsel/

We provide referrals for students in need and ensure that you have the resources to persist through graduation. • Food Bank • Navigate University Processes • Student Conflict Resolution • Student Code of Conduct • CARE Team Tivoli 311 • 303-556-3559 • www.msudenver.edu/ deanofstudents/

The Health Center at Auraria offers comprehensive medical care with physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists and gynecologists. • Primary Care • Urgent Care • Mental Health • Immunizations • Insurance • Health Education Plaza 150 • 303-556-2525 • www.healthcenter1.com

We provide a space to find your community, as well as education and resources for the campus on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Community Building • Advocacy & Support • Resources • Education Tivoli 213 • 303-556-6488 • www.lgbtq-auraria.org

Get the latest campus news and entertainment created for students by the student voice of MSU Denver or join us and get professional experience in media. • The Metropolitan Weekly Newspaper • Metrosphere Monthly Magazine • Met Radio 24/7 Internet Station • Met TV Progreamming Tivoli 313 • 303-556-2507 • www.MyMetMedia.com

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