Volume 40, Issue 6 - Sept. 20, 2017

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 6

SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


Tennis team serves up new coach Barrett Elkins brought in two days before season opener By Matt Entrekin

They beat us, actually.” Graetz


said, referring to Young Harris College. “He’s just going to bring

When MSU Denver introduced Barrett Elkins as Daniel

a different perspective which, in retrospect, can make us better.”

Hangstefer’s successor as tennis

Before coming to MSU Denver,

head coach just two days before

Elkins enjoyed success at multiple

the 2017 season opener, it filled a

levels. He was a club tennis pro

conspicuous void at the helm that

at a junior academy in Florida,

existed since the end of spring.

the head coach at Ave Maria

“We were ready for a new

University for four years as well

voice,” said MSU Denver senior

as Young Harris in Georgia for

Courtney Wright. “We’re all

five. Under Elkins, Young Harris

sad to see him go, but we

enjoyed three consecutive seasons

know that he’ll do well and we

with a national ranking, an NCAA

really like our new coach.”

tournament appearance in 2015

The MSU Denver tennis team is coming off of a strong 2017

and set single season wins records each year for the tennis program.

campaign. Both the men’s and

Graetz spent four years

women’s team were crowned

learning from Hangstefer, and

conference champions at the end

was caught off guard by the lack

of last spring under Hangstefer,

of a coach over the offseason.

who took the same job at Ferris

“There were only two or three

State University this offseason.

of us over the summer that were

MSU Denver’s head tennis coach

training,” Graetz said. “A couple

position was empty until MSU

weeks into school starting we

Denver athletics announced

didn’t have a coach, which was

Elkins’ hiring on Sept. 11. Though

interesting, to say the least.”

they will miss Hangstefer’s

Photo by Sandisz Thieme | sthieme@msudenver.edu

Courtney Wright, an MSU Denver senior, warms up on the court at the Regency Athletic Complex on Sept. 18. not Elkins and his players could

Richards, the top singles player

“It’s been pretty fun,” Wright

work together were quickly put to

for UNK, in straight sets.

win the conference again.

But despite the lack of a leader,

impact, senior Josh Graetz and

the Roadrunners have embraced

said. “I don’t think the atmosphere

rest Thursday night. MSU Denver

the rest of the team are prepared

the change Elkins brings while

has changed much. We just have

opened the season against the

for a future under Elkins.

maintaining their commitment

to keep it up and I don’t think

University of Nebraska-Kearney

to winning. Wright thinks that

that’s going to be a problem.”

and showed signs of promise.

“Change can be good. He was the head coach of a good school.



both the men and women should

| pg. 2

Davidson dedicated to student success

OPINION Eeveelutions debated

Any question as to whether or

| pg. 4

| Continued on pg. 11

Graetz managed to defeat Joey


| pg. 8

Art and business come together at America Symposium


| pg. 10

Men’s soccer earns first victory

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