Volume 40, Issue 7 - Sept. 27, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 7

SEPTEMBER 27, 2017


Chinese culture through food lens

Auraria students enjoy a selection Chinese plates at the Confucius Institute.

By Emily Moyer

Although they had come to just


eat, they stayed to learn more about the institute itself.

The fragrance of salt, pork

There are over 500 Confucius

and onions wafted into the

Institutes nationwide. The institute

halls and out the doors, luring

at CCD is the only one associated

students walking by the Clear

with a community college, rather

Creek building inside.

than a university. The institute

The Community College of

focuses on providing learning

Denver invited Auraria students

opportunities to students in


to celebrate the Chinese Food

hopes that they will gain cultural


festival by cooking up traditional

diversity and global awareness.

Photos by Emily Moyer | emoyer2@msudenver.edu

Jen Liu, a volunteer at the Community College of Denver’s Confucius Institute, shows students Raven Chavez and Anahi Quinones how to make fresh scallion pancakes.


dishes Sept. 20. The event was

the institute as, “a non-profit

that kicked off the Confucius

educational organization

Institute’s 10th anniversary.

hosted by the Community

“We didn’t really know | pg. 3


| pg. 6

Director Jane Lim describes

the first of several festivities

College of Denver to promote

what we were walking into,”

Chinese language learning and

attendee Anahi Quinones said,

cultural understanding.”

Westminster denounces gay

Food insecurity impacts one in

“we just knew there would be

conversion therapy

eight Americans

food, and now we are learning

gain cultural diversity and

to make something new.”

global awareness are not


| pg. 4


| pg. 00

CCD students Quinones and

Knocked to the ground by the glass

Burky’s deep thoughts on kneeling

Zary Nava heard of the event


in the NFL

on the school’s social event

Lim said opportunities to

exclusive to CCD students but everyone on campus.

calendar and showed up hungry.

| Continued on pg. 7

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SEPTEMBER 27, 2017


Westminster speaks against conversion therapy By Madison Lauterbach

child address unwanted same-sex feelings.


Colorado Family Action does not condone any therapy that would harm a patient.”

On Sept. 25, the Westminster City Council

In May, the Supreme Court upheld the

passed a proclamation banning conversion

California ban on the practice after it was

therapy. The controversial practice is often

challenged by the Sacramento Pacific

targeted at LGBTQ youth. Although the

Justice Institute. The lawsuit was filed on

document is not legally binding, the city

the behalf of a church pastor who is also

chose to take a stance on the issue.

a psychiatrist and family therapist in San

Conversion therapy, also referred to as

Diego. The suit cites similar claims to those

reparative therapy, are treatments that claim

brought up in the Colorado Senate.

to change a person’s sexual orientation or

Although the proclamation in Westminster

gender identity. The practice often results

is more symbolic than binding, Secretary

in lasting psychological and medical issues,

Treasurer of the JeffCo Dems LGBTQ+ Caucus

and has been decried by groups like the

Brianna Titone said that it’s a first step in

American Psychological Association,

the process of getting a bill passed. Building

the American Academy of Pediatrics and

support and getting cities involved in the issue

the Southern Poverty Law Center.

raises awareness for the next time a bill comes

Ericka Salerno, an attendee at

in front of the Colorado General Assembly.

the meeting, said that the issue for

“We felt that we needed some momentum

her is a very personal one.

for the next time around,” Titone said. “If we Photo by Madison Lauterbach | mlauter1@msudenver.edu

“This has been 40 years in the making for me, because I was a victim of conversion therapy,” Salerno said.

Bee Holmgren and Briana Titone from the Jeffco Dems LGBTQ+ Caucus at Westminster City Hall on Sept. 25.

“I was taught by my church about how

can get the cities behind the representatives and the bill, then we can get it passed.” Assistant Director of the LGBTQ resource center at Auraria Xajes Martinez said they

wrong it was to be who I was.”

health provider from practicing conversion

want to make sure students on campus

binding, but it makes the statement

“Yes, the proclamation’s not legally

therapy on minors. However, all three bills

understand they have support regardless of

at the ages of 5, 7, 17 and 27 years old.

that our elected officials are invested

were shot down over concerns of religious

their experience with conversion therapy.

Salerno said that it took her 10 years

in our well being and it’s a statement

freedom, equal protection rights and a

to accept who she is and have normal

of welcoming,” Holmgren said.

minor’s right to choose reparative therapy.

Salerno received conversion therapy

contact with her friends and family.

Since 2015, three bills have been sent

Bee Holmgren, the vice chair for the

In March, when the most recent bill

Martinez also said, “To see this proclamation happen in Westminster is that much more important, especially

to the State, Veterans and Military Affairs

was killed, the organization Colorado

for folks who are looking for a more

JeffCo Dems LGBTQ+ Caucus, said the

Committee of the Colorado Senate for

Family Action said, “This bill sought to

inclusive and responsive community.”

proclamation is an important gesture to the

debate. Each contained language that

use media hype and unfounded claims to

community in a politically charged climate.

would have prevented a licensed mental

silence all counseling that would help a

Happiness lost when cash goes to parking You could buy just over three six-packs of PBR.

The average cost of all the parking lots and garages managed by AHEC is $5.21. The average student is scheduled to go to school four days

You could pay for about 2.9 percent of the average cost of rent for students, You could buy almost


15 McDoubles.

a week. This makes the average cost of parking each week $20.84. You could pay for a

Instead of

two month

paying for










buy? You could pay for onethird of the average cost of a video game.

You could pay just short of twothirds of Rihanna’s new Fenty foundation.

You could pay for 19 You could fill 71 percent of a 12 gallon gas tank at $2.43, according to the gasbuddy.com’s average price rate in Denver.

You could buy five rockpile tickets at Coors Field.

percent of the bus pass you already paid for in your tuition.

Infographic by James Bofenkamp and Madison Lauterbach



SEPTEMBER 27, 2017

Life as a female journalist of color staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editors David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu


aturday, I photographed

the men and women conducted

members. They all looked at me

the unveiling ceremony

themselves. I was pulled back by

as if I touched a red stovetop

of the “Women’s Column

my backpack by one camera man.

for getting in that man’s way.

of Strength,” a memorial statue

I was pushed, elbowed, yelled

dedicated to Chinese, Korean and

and scowled at by the other male

themselves in harm’s way but this

Filipina sex slaves of World War II in

journalists. The press surrounding

was the one place I should have

San Francisco’s Chinatown. During

the stage resembled a mosh pit,

been safe. Back in our hotel room,

the war, the Japanese military

not just reporters at a ceremony.

Theresa asked me if I realized

forced over 200,000 women and

All were aggressive except for the

that I was assaulted. I told my

girls into slavery for their soldiers to

Asian women. The women gently

colleagues that this must be the

abuse. The victims were given the

tapped my shoulder to get by and

risk of photojournalism. Just earlier

spoke in a hardly audible voice.

that day I stood side by side with

disturbing name, “comfort women.”

Ali Watkins

Artist Steven Whyte’s sculpture

Before the ribbon cutting, Rep.

I know that journalists find

my female journalists on our own

brings attention to the atrocities

were shoulder-to-shoulder. I

Mike Honda said never again will

column of strength. It was only

committed against these women

had never seen so many news

we harm our girls and women

after telling my peers and advisors

and serves as a reminder to never

outlets represented. There was

again. Those words rang in my head

what had happened did I realize

allow this to happen again. The

everything from local Chinatown

when I found myself floored on the

what had actually happened.

column depicts three girls hand-in

news to international. The

stage. Right before the unveiling,

hand with Grandma Hak Soon Kim,

majority were Asian-specific

the press stampeded the stage and

minimization and the “what ifs”

one of the first survivors to speak

publications. I’m not used to

pinned me to the side. I got free

I was left with the truth. I saw

out, gazing at them. This marked a

seeing many people that look like

and proceeded to get a good shot

myself as deserving to be there

turning point in Asian history and

me, let alone being the majority.

wherever I could in the three-row-

just as much as any journalist. I

deep press. Security asked everyone

am lucky enough to work with a

Asian heritage and Caucasian

in the front to kneel down. I crawled

staff that respects me as an equal.

earlier that day when I was reporting

culture. I could compare my face

beneath the cameras to get a good

The fact that this isn’t the reality

on a different story. There I met

to the people there but I was still

angle when a photographer threw

for many women of color never

Aisha, an African American woman

a fish out of water. I was adopted

me to the ground and yelled at

fully registered until now. I wasn’t

at Fusion. After looking at my team

from Vietnam into a Caucasian

me in his tongue. I tried to get up

hurt photographing war or a riot.

and I, Aisha said that she was glad

family. I grew up in a predominantly

and he pushed again. I tried to

I was at a ceremony where I was

to see people like her in the field.

white community in Colorado

get up and another man joined.

told that bringing harm to women

My partners and I chose to work

Springs. The only mother I’ve ever

With every attempt to get up, and

was unacceptable. I am still left

with each other for that very reason.

known is blonde with blue eyes.

every time I fell, I thought about

wondering how much is to blame

Theresa, an African American

I’m in love with a white man. I

the resumes of qualified journalists

on the risk of journalism and on

writer, Mimi, an indigenous

feel disconnected from both my

pushed down to the bottom

the risk of being a woman.

Latinx writer and photographer,

heritage and the community I

of the stack for their gender or

and I, a Vietnamese-American

reside in. Though I never viewed

ethnicity. Security intervened with

Ali Watkins is a junior at

photographer, connected through

myself as being different from

a vague order for the press to calm

MSU Denver studying Social

our shared experiences. I was filled

the people in my life it didn’t stop

down. For a split-second before, I

Documentary. She is also the

with a sense of sisterhood and pride.

the world from reminding me.

questioned if I’d ever get up. I was

photo editor at the Metropolitan.

a step towards gender equality. I heard about the ceremony

At the ceremony, reporters, photographers and videographers

I am a strange dichotomy of

The first thing I noticed about these news outlets was how

When I stripped away the

in front of all the speakers, press and the more than 500 audience

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Mental health deserves more attention


oday it is common to hear

perpetuate the idea that someone

people talk about how

who is mentally ill just needs to

stressful their lives are.

be happier or toughen up instead

say, “I can’t do this anymore,”

People are getting less sleep,

of teach awareness about how to

or “I’ve just had enough,” we

spending less time with their loved

help someone who is mentally ill.

trivialize the symptoms of their

ones and working harder than

While we have come a long way

making big strides in the world. As people come forward to

mental health. We as a society need

they ever have before. Maybe that

in acceptance in our communities,

to step up for one another. Too

is why we hear the term “mental

we have also allowed people to hide

often, mental illness is not taken

illness” abundantly these days,

behind a Facebook wall or computer

seriously until it is too late and we

and it affects everyone from the

screen. We are a generation called

have lost someone close to us.

elderly, to young children.

the snowflakes but are we really as

It isn’t thought of as a person

Emily Moyer

fragile as they make us out to be?

Mental illness demands to be heard, and I firmly believe we all

wearing a straightjacket and being

I don’t believe we are.

need to be accountable and take the

locked up in an asylum, quite like it

We are a generation of problem

time to slow down and listen to each

used to be thought about. Now we

come forward about their illness.

solvers and thinkers. We are

other more, love each other more,

movers and shakers of the world

and judge each other a lot less.

think of mental illness and we think

Part of the problem stems from

of people on the brink of suicide or

thinking that if you are mentally ill,

around us, all while handling

hurting themselves physically in

that you are weak, or too delicate

boatloads of homework, 40-plus

Emily is a staff writer here

some manner. The taboo attached

to function in normal society.

hours of work a week and many

at the Metropolitan.

to having mental illness is still as

It also stems from our societal

of us swimming in some kind of

prevalent as ever, and it shows in the

expectation that our country is built

debt. We are still making things

way we continue to treat people who

on toughness. These societal norms

happen for the world around us, and

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

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SEPTEMBER 27, 2017

Nonprofit Jewish organization seeks sustainable solution to end hunger By Esteban Fernandez

plate in front of it. Slowly, one by


one, they disappeared until only one plate was left. Somber music

A veteran, senior citizen and

filled the trailer the exhibit is

child share one connective thread

housed in, while photos of people

between them. They’ve all felt

who endure hunger are projected

the pain of hunger in America.

at each end of the table. Their

Their stories are among the

voices filled the room, sharing

many that a one week traveling

their experiences with visitors.

exhibit highlights to inspire activism to end hunger. “This is Hunger” arrived in

Food insecurity affects 42.2 million Americans, which translates to a little over one in

Denver on Sept. 24. Parked outside

eight. Seniors are especially hit

Temple Emanuel synagogue,

hard, with one in seven living in

the interactive exhibit combined

poverty. Veterans are also victims

audio with projected images to

of food insecurity, affecting as

turn the daily struggle to feed

many as one in four who served

oneself into a visceral experience.

in Afghanistan and Iraq. Schicker said it is insane

“It’s not that we don’t have food, it’s not that we don’t have the logistics to feed the hungry in America, it’s that we lack the political will to do so.” – Jackie Schicker “Overwhelmingly, we don’t talk about it. The number of

how many people go hungry. “It’s not that we don’t have food, it’s not that we don’t have the logistics to feed the hungry in America, it’s that we lack the

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

political will to do so,” Schicker

Denver local, Sylvia Fambrini, read hunger statistics in America at the “This Is Hunger” exhibit at Temple Emanuel on Sept. 25.

said. One of the infographics projected on the walls showed that charity alone is a not a sustainable

being it’s 48th stop. The tour plans

well,” said Sarah Lawless, one

solution to the problem.

to make a total of 75 stops, ending

of the attendees of the exhibit.

The exhibit is organized by

in February 2018. Typically, “This

For Rabbi Steven Kaye,

Nearly 133 billion pounds of food went uneaten in 2010. Total food production in the United

people who come in here just

Mazon, a nonprofit dedicated to

is hunger” stays in a given location

“This is hunger” was a striking

States is 430 billion pounds. That

in the last two months that I’ve

ending hunger in the U.S. and

for about five to seven days before

reminder that veterans are also

represents a 31 percent loss.

been on the job, look genuinely

Israel. The advocacy group bills

moving on. The tour reaches

faced with food insecurity. Kaye

Scarcity is not a problem for

shocked and go, ‘Oh, but it’s not

itself as the Jewish response

about one thousand people a

lives in Colorado Springs and

U.S. food stores. Mazon argues

that bad in my community, it’s

to hunger. “This is hunger” is

month. The tour’s objective is to

sees the high concentration

that the issue is access. Food

not really one in eight here,”

the group’s front-facing project,

raise awareness among the public

of veterans in the area.

deserts in the middle of large

said Jackie Schicker, one of the

however, they also work with

regarding hunger. Mazon’s stance

exhibit’s facilitators. “Most of

legislators in Washington D.C.

is that hunger in the U.S. could be

a program called Sharing and

the places we’ve been, it’s one

and around the country in pursuit

ended if the political will existed.

Caring, we provide for food for

and the others who work at

in seven here, one in six here.”

of their mission. Mazon is the

“Most of us have been

vets and other people. Even those

Mazon, those numbers lead

Seated in front of a large

hebrew word for sustenance,

affected by hunger in our

who are active military often

to the main takeaway from

wooden table, attendees waited

and the nonprofit’s roots in the

lifetimes, whether it’s ourselves

don’t have enough money to

exhibits like “This is Hunger.”

in silence as the lights dimmed

Jewish community are deep.

personally, or someone we know.

support them and their families.

till the room became pitch black.

The exhibit relies on local

A work colleague, friend. It was

Those who are vets who may

Twenty plates are projected from

synagogues for a place to set up.

more like seeing a neighbor, a

not be gainfully employed don’t

The exhibit itself has traveled

community member, which is

have enough money for them

what I think the exhibit did very

and their families,” Kaye said.

the ceiling onto the table, all arranged so that each seat had one

through 26 states, with Denver

“This Is Hunger” showcases the stories and faces behind hunger in the U.S. while providing ways to get involved to help.

“In my congregation, through

urban centers is proof of that. To food activists like Schicker

It can happen to anyone.

The exhibit shows a young boy who says “there’s nothing there” when speaking about his family’s food shortage.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2017



Festival Brings Cultures Together With Cuisine Continued from cover

political science and sociology at the University of Colorado at

Jen Liu, a volunteer at the

Denver. She dedicates time every

institute, taught a group of four

week at the institute. Wang got

girls to properly roll dough for

to teach fellow students at the

fresh scallion pancakes. She adds

Chinese Food Festival how to

the scallion sauce to the center of

make fried dumplings and talked

the pancake and rolls the dough

to them about her culture.

longways, then spins it into a cinnamon roll shape and lets the students flatten it with a roller before adding it to the pan. “It could be round, or it could be a little bit triangle,”

“I feel so proud that I’m Chinese...it is my duty to share my culture with others.” – Yueyang Wang

Liu said, “just as long as it’s flattened good.” The students bite into their

“I feel so proud that I’m Chinese,” Wang said. “I feel

warm, fluffy, pancakes as

it is my duty to share my

they learn about services the

culture with others.”

institute offers to its students. Yueyang Wang, or “Erin”

Upcoming Confucius Institute events promise to feature

as her classmates call her, is a

Chinese cooking, performances,

student from China majoring in

dancing and moon cakes.

Upcoming Events Confucius Institute Day

Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 30. 3:30-8:00 p.m.

Oct. 5. 6:00 p.m.

King Center Concert Hall

St. Cajetan’s Center

Photos by Emily Moyer | emoyer2@msudenver.edu

Anahi Quinones, a student at Community College of Denver, learned to roll fresh scallion pancakes at the Chinese Food Festival held by the Confucius Institue.

UCD student Yueyang Wang shows off a batch of pork dumplings before they go into the fryer. She likes to share aspects of her culture, like cooking, with other students on campus.

Review: No double trouble with ‘Macbeth’ By Avery Anderson

jealous. Instead of playing a

of the costumes gave each


feminine woman, he channels

character their own identity and

his masculinity to show the

mystical feel. One actor wore

audience what a strong, fierce and

a leather shawl and underwear

determined monarch looks like.

and another was dressed in a

Something wicked has come to the Denver Center Theatre Company. A jaw dropping production

Kim Fischer, Thaddeus

leather strap top and chaps. As

Fitzpatrick and Joe Goldammer

the elderly woman sitting next

of “Macbeth” gave the Scottish

create a magical performance

to me said, “They sure do give

play a new feel by introducing

as the three witches. The men

you a lot to look at. I like them.”

the classic story to the world

brought life to these classic ladies

The scenic design by Jason

of warlocks and modern music

by striking fear into the audience.

Sherwood was its own character.

using an all male cast. Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” is the

Macbeth, played by the

The use of cryptic patterns

powerhouse Ariel Shafir, created

on turntable floors and large

tragedy about the young Scottish

an iconic and quintessential

props made the remodeled

General Macbeth. A prophecy from

Macbeth that handled the new

Space Theatre feel larger.

three witches reveals he’ll become

elements perfectly. He brought

the King of Scotland one day. He

with him the manly drive and

his team of designers to create

and his wife, Lady Macbeth, will

passion of Macbeth but also

something that is visually

do anything to claim the crown.

showed a humanistic side by

stunning, a joy to watch and a

being the friend and lover he is.

sensation for the ears. Yet all

King Duncan rewards Macbeth’s skill on the

Lindsay Jones’s sound

O’Hara has perfectly helmed

the themes and concepts thrown

Photo courtesy of AdamsVisCom

Adam Poss and Ariel Shafir in ‘Macbeth’ at the DCPA.

battlefield by making him

design mixed modern songs

Thane of Glamis. Under the

with characters to help younger

influence of Lady Macbeth,

audiences understand these

great idea, and together they

scenes and playing up the

Macbeth kills King Duncan.

classic roles. Younger audiences

could have worked wonders,

warlock, satanic theme could have benefitted the show.

The rest of the show is about

together might be too much. Although each concept is a

might recognize Bernard

it felt as if to combine them all

how Macbeth deals with the

Herrmann’s “Twisted Nerve,”

they needed just a little more

responsibilities of the crown while

from “Kill Bill” or “American

time to polish them all off.

covering his tracks and murders.

Horror Story.” The track played

Cutting some of those

“Macbeth” kicked off the Denver Center Theatre Company’s

Although modern music and

38th season and opened the

when Lady Macbeth made her first

dance are a great way to show how

newly remodeled 360 degree

idea to use men for female roles

entrance, reminding the audience

relatable these characters are after

Space Theatre. O’Hara’s modern

worked perfectly for this cast.

this lady is not to be messed with.

500 years, actions such as a frat

music and setting in a mystic

Costume designer Dede M.

party castle dance and dabbing

magic filled land is bound

Director Robert O’Hara’s

Adam Poss donned the dress of

***½ (out of four).

Lady Macbeth with a performance

Ayite showed the audience that

like movements took away from

to shock audiences and be

that would make Beyonce

less-is-more. The sleek elegance

the mysticism and suspense.

remembered for years to come.

Ticket Info: “Macbeth” is now playing at the Space Theatre, 1101 13th St, Denver, CO 80204. Directed by Robert O’Hara. Starring: Ariel Shafir and Adam Poss. Through Oct. 29. Tickets start at $30.

For tickets visit www.denvercenter.org or 303-893-4100.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2017


By Matthew Stefanski

more fun to go for athletic. So,


I actually played softball, I did track and field and volleyball.

After an injury ended her

Volleyball just took my heart.”

By David Schaut

2016 season prematurely, Vasati


Fiatoa decided that she couldn’t

was named first team all-

pass up the chance at one more

conference her senior year and

season in a leadership role

began catching the attention of

with MSU Denver volleyball.

collegiate scouts from Western

MSU Denver sports teams had arguably their most successful week of the fall semester Sept. 20-26. The men’s and women’s soccer teams and the volleyball team played so dominantly, they didn’t allow their opponents on the scoreboard. The men’s soccer team rebounded after starting their season with one win and five losses. They avenged their Sept. 13 0-1 loss to Colorado Christian University on Sept. 20 with an emphatic 4-0 win. The Roadrunners held the Cougars without a shot in the game. Then, on Sept. 22, the Roadrunners beat South Dakota School of Mines for the second time this season by a score of 2-0. Junior goalkeeper James Tanner saved the only two shots on goal by the Hardrockers in the game. Freshman Nils Runnberg, a Swedish international, and sophomore Dylan Wood, who’s from New Zealand, both had two goals over the course of the two games. Javis Arellano also scored the fi rst goal of his collegiate career. The men next play at Regis University on Sept. 29 followed by an Oct. 1 meeting with Colorado School of Mines. The women’s soccer team also held their opponents scoreless in their games. They started their twogame stretch with a 2-0 win over Adams State on Sept. 22. Then, they traveled to Durango to take on Fort Lewis College, and returned home with a 1-0 victory. Junior Reigna Banks led the Runners in scoring with two of the team’s three goals, and senior Elise Boisnard put in her third goal of the season to cap the scoring. Sophomore goalkeeper Erica Torres had eight saves in the two games to record the shutouts. Their next challenge is in Utah against Westminster College on Sept. 29. They then face Colorado Mesa on Oct. 1. The volleyball team didn’t allow either of their opponents to win a single set. On Sept. 22, they played Adams State University and won the match 3-0. They followed that up with another 3-0 win over Fort Lewis College on Sept. 23. Senior Jackie Lopez led the Runners defensively in the two games with a total of 32 digs. Junior Santaisha Sturges was the most prolific player at the net and fi nished the weekend with 26 kills. Senior Alyssa Svalberg set up her teammates the most over the weekend and fi nished with 77 assists. The Runners next play in Las Vegas, New Mexico against New Mexico Highlands University on Sept. 29, followed by a game against CSU-Pueblo on Sept. 30.

While in high school, she

Being a five-year starter, her

New Mexico University and MSU

dedication to the game and work

Denver. In addition to playing

ethic has earned her a high level

volleyball for her high school

of respect from her teammates

team, Fiatoa also played for

and coaches. They have embraced

a club team called Complete

her as a leader of the team

Student Athlete of Nevada.

and as an example of staying

Going into a senior showcase

composed and being competitive.

in Las Vegas, Fiatoa had a

“I think during time outs she’s

decision to make about her

definitely the first person to tell

collegiate career. She decided

us to just take a deep breath and

to pay MSU Denver a visit.

relax,” said teammate, senior

“I came on a visit here,

defensive specialist, Jackie Lopez.

and I had never even been to

“She also reminds us of our goals

Colorado. Then, meeting the

and what we are striving for is

coaching staff, the girls, the city

much bigger than ourselves”

and taking a tour of the campus,

Fiatoa was born in Honolulu.

it just felt right,” Fiatoa said.

Her family moved to Las

Fiatoa graduated high school

Vegas when she was six years

in 2013 and came to MSU Denver Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

old. Volleyball wasn’t even a major part of her life until

Vasati Fiatoa is currently in her fifth year playing for the Roadrunners.

she started her freshman year at Bonanza High School. “I grew up playing soccer. Then, when I got to high school,

the next year. She was named a starter as a freshman, having beat out two junior transfer students

my freshman year was kind of

I had to get a scholarship,

for the position. She started in

experimental,” Fiatoa said. “I

whether it was academic or

all of the team’s 31 matches her

knew if I wanted to go to college,

athletic, and it’s always a little

freshman year and averaged

Roadrunner Athletics review Men’s Soccer Sept. 20 vs Colorado Christian University Sept. 22

vs South Dakota School of Mines

Men’s Tennis Men’s

Women’s Soccer W 4-0

Sept. 22

at Adams State University


Sept. 24







vs Fort Lewis

Air Force Invitational


Women’s Golf

Sept. 25-26

at Western New Mexico Fall Invite



Sept. 22-23


Women’s Volleyball Sept. 22



vs Adams State University



Sept. 23



vs Fort Lewis College

W 3-0

W 3-0


SEPTEMBER 27, 2017


back for fifth and final season 1.06 kills and .75 blocks per set.

was an honor she was excited

different coaches or trainers

if she wanted to return for a

Fiatoa followed this up with a 2014

to receive, despite not actually

and my teammates were like

fifth year, a choice that her

season that earned her a spot on

knowing she received it initially.

‘hey congratulations,’ and I

teammates made for her.

“I didn’t really have social

was like ‘for what?’” Fiatoa

the all-Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference’s second team. This

media or anything, so like

“Seeing the success and seeing

said. “Then they showed me

the grind they were going through,

and I was so excited that I was

it made me want to come back.

honored to get that award.”

It changed my mind. I wanted a

Fiatoa followed up the honors by improving on them and was named to the 2015 first team

do-over to come back and play with these girls again,” she said. Fiatoa’s connection with her

all-RMAC. Then a coaching

teammates and passion for the

change saw the departure of

game are what drives her to

head coach Debbie Hendricks,

continue being one of the leaders

who was replaced by current

in her final year of eligibility.

head coach Jenny Glenn.

Head coach Glenn describes

“It’s very different. It was actually very exciting. Obviously

her bond as “motherly.” “They look to her not only from

we miss coach Hendricks. She

an experience standpoint, but from

was with me for the majority of

an integrity standpoint as well as

my career here, but it was a nice

how much she cares,” Glenn said.

change up having Jenny come

“She brings a lot of experience to

in when she did,” she said.

the court, knowledge of situations,

In 2016, what would have been her fourth and final year playing, Fiatoa broke her foot in an early-

as well as passion. Passion for the program, passion to win.” After this season, Fiatoa looks

season match. She received news

forward to graduating with a

that the injury required surgery,

business management degree,

which would end her season.

staying in Colorado, and hopes

“I cried. That’s not what you want your senior year. That’s not how I wanted to end my career,

“I coach club volleyball, so I’ll continue to coach,”

conference,” Fiatoa said.

Fiatoa said. “But it’ll probably be rec. leagues for me.”

Fiatoa leads the team in hitting percentage and is fourth on the team in kills.

Sports sass: Standing on the wrong side of history Despite his best efforts, Donald

Nate Boyer, a retired Green Beret

like mature, decent human beings

and former NFL player, we came

and have a productive, thoughtful

to the conclusion that we should

conversation on an important issue

in baseless rhetoric chock-full

kneel,” Reid wrote in an Op-Ed for

not only is disgusting, but pitiful.

of alternative facts promoted

the New York Times. “We chose

by the president, the owners

to kneel because it’s a respectful

we like it or not, we’re stuck with

and players are on somewhat-

gesture. I remember thinking our

each other. Would you rather

good terms for the first time

posture was like a flag flown at

live in sharp political division or

since Roger Goodell became the

half-mast to mark a tragedy.”

be able to go one day without

While the fans remain lost

league commissioner in 2007.

You don’t have to agree with

President Trump remarked on the players who were kneeling

them, but as fellow Americans, James Burky

during the national anthem, calling

We are Americans and whether

getting upset at someone because you don’t agree with them?

you owe it to them to give them

FInally, to the players and

basic human respect and listen

demonstrators. Please, don’t get

them sons-of-bitches for taking a

not equate to being ungrateful

to their message. No, they aren’t

discouraged from the backlash.

knee during the national anthem,

or hating America. The players

disrespecting the veterans.

You are making change and

a deeply personal and uncalled for

are the voice for those who are

Their intentions aren’t the least

America needs you. John Carlos

attack on the peaceful protesters.

voiceless. They’re not saying that

bit malicious. They want their

and Tommie Smith’s decision to

In a series of tweets, Trump stated

they themselves are oppressed, but

message heard and you’re too

raise their fists at the 1968 Summer

that any players who quietly kneel

that there are injustices happening

worried about being offended.

Olympics was met with fierce

during the brief interlude should

in this country. It’s not difficult

be fired, implying he knew how to

to comprehend if you listen.

run a team better than the owners. Trump lives on social media

San Francisco 49ers safety Eric

To the detractors, we’ve had our turn to speak, and now it’s time to listen to the

criticism. They were on the right side of history and so are you. Whether the commander-in-

Reid reiterated that, when he and

demonstrators. To accuse them

chief chooses to believe that in his

and the critics of this weekend’s

Colin Kaepernick began kneeling a

of being unpatriotic for a peaceful

bubble of 140 characters or less is

demonstrations worship the ground

little over a year ago, their intention

protest is palpable jingoism.

insignificant. Trump won’t change

he walks on, fact based or not.

was to get their message across in

For critics of the NFL, its owners and its players, the act of kneeling during the anthem does

the most respectful way achievable. “After hours of careful consideration, and even a visit from

The fact that people would rather boost their online egos by posting Von Miller jersey-burning videos for viral attention rather than act

Four Division I NCAA basketball coaches were among 10 arrested after a widespread corruption investigation by the FBI. Auburn University’s Chuck Person, Oklahoma State University’s Lamont Evans, University of Arizona’s Emanuel Richardson and University of South California’s Tony Bland were the assistant coaches named in the court documents. There are a variety of charges involved. It was found that coaches were bribed by sports agents to guide potential future NBA players to their respective agencies, and Adidas allegedly provided family members of prospective athletes with money in order to convince the player to sign endorsement deals with the company. Person and Evans were both suspended by their respective schools.

As for volleyball?

Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

Trump has united the NFL.

NCAA members arrested on corruption charges

to own her own business.

on an injury, first weekend of She then had to decide


the racial divide for the better so it’s up to you, social leaders.

Broncos dealt first loss of season The Denver Broncos lost for the fi rst time this season on Sept. 24, when the Buffalo Bills beat them 26-16. Quarterback Trevor Siemian went 24-for-40 for 259 yards, no touchdowns and two interceptions. The Broncos fi nished the game with 111 yards on the ground. Costly penalties were the story of the game for the Broncos. They had 10 total, losing them 79 yards, highlighted by a questionable unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Von Miller when he pretended he was going to help up opposing quarterback Tyrod Taylor, then swiftly pulled his hand away when Taylor reached out. The Broncos are now 2-1 and in second place in the AFC West behind the Kansas City Chiefs. They return to Denver Oct. 1 to take on the division rival Oakland Raiders.

Rockies in for climactic final week Following their victory on Sept. 26, the Colorado Rockies have reduced their magic number to four. With four games remaining on the schedule, the Rockies have made the chase for the Wild Card game interesting. The Milwaukee Brewers remain 1.5 games behind in the standings and the St. Louis Cardinals are 3. The two chasers conclude the season with a pivotal three-game series against each other. The Rockies conclude their series with the Miami Marlins on Sept. 27 and fi nish out the regular season with a three-game series against the Los Angeles Dodgers.






1 Book/1 Project/ 2 Transform: Immigration Panel


Fleet Foxes

Location Red Rocks

SEPTEMBER 27, 2017


Anthony Green

Men’s Tennis

Women’s Tennis

Location Marquis Theater

Price Varies

Price $20

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Multicultural Lounge

9.28 ITA Regionals Location Odessa, TX Time TBA.

Price Free

9.28 ITA Regionals Location Odessa, TX Time TBA.


Time 12:30 p.m. 9.27 Company of Thieves Location The Walnut Room 9.27

Movie & Pizza Night


Jenny O.

Location Moxi Theater

Price $10

Price $10

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Men’s Soccer 9.29 vs. Regis University Location Denver Time 3 p.m.

Location Multicultural Lounge Price Free Time 4 p.m.


The Burial Plot

Location Marquis Theater


Volleyball 9.30 vs. CSU Pueblo Location Pueblo Time 7 p.m.

Holy Fuck

Location Lost Lake

Price $10

Price $18

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.


“The Country Wife” by William Wycherley

Location King Center


Future Islands

Location The Fillmore


Metro Station



Location Marquis Theater

Price $25

Price $16

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

9.27 vs. Real Salt Lake Location Away

9.27 vs. Marlins Location Home

Price Varies

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.


The Weeknd

Location Pepsi Center 9.29

Undocupeers Training, hosted by MSU Denver’s DREAMer Network


Stephen Kellogg

Location The Walnut Room

Price Varies

Price $25

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m. 9.29 vs. Dodgers Location Home

Location SSB 400 Price Free Time 12 p.m..



Sam Amidon

Location Daniels Hall

9.30 Japanese Breakfast Price $12

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:10 p.m.

Time 6:10 p.m.

Rapids 9.30 vs. Montreal Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Kings of Leon

Location Red Rocks

9.30 vs. Dodgers Location Home

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $20




Jimmy Eat World

Location Red Rocks

Price $60+

Price $50+

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6:45 p.m.

Location Home

Broncos 8.26 vs. Raiders Location Home

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 2:25 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Jacket to the future Levi will be releasing a jacket designed for bike commuters,

Science ain’t got nothin’ on you, B.o.B. Flat-Earther and rapper B.o.B

It’s the end of the world... well, someday David Meade, a self-proclaimed

We all float into 2019 The horror blockbuster “It” will

Okay, Siri Microsoft’s search engine Bing

release its sequel in September

is being replaced by Apple Inc. for

tech enthusiasts and hipsters with

has launched a GoFundMe

“specialist in research and

of 2019. Pennywise grinned his

a different default engine. Google

large enamel pin collections. The

campaign to invest in research

investigations,” has set a new

way into shattering box office

will now be taking the reigns as

sleeve of the new denim jacket will

to prove that the Earth is flat.

date for Earth’s reckoning day.

records, and made it the highest

Siri’s trusted backup when her

allow the wearer to control their

Neil DeGrasse Tyson has taken

After surviving Sept. 23, Meade

grossing horror film of all time.

scan through your Apps for the

smartphones with just a tap of

to Twitter to talk B.oB. through

is disputing claims that he ever

As of production, the R-rated film

answer isn’t enough. With Google

the cuff. With just a brush of the

his decision, “Isaac Newton, my

mentioned the aforementioned

has made $478.1 million globally.

as the default search engine on

gadget attatched to the sleeve, the

man, said, ‘If I have seen farther

date as being the end-all. Meade

The sequel will take place in the

the iMac internet application

user can control their music, have

than others, it’s by standing on the

clarified that Sept. 23 was the

present day, with flashbacks to

Safari, the company aims to

their text messages read outloud

shoulders of giants.’ Can I get an

day a constellation would be

the characters from the 2017 film

keep more consistency through

or set a destination on Google

amen? So that’s right B.o.B. When

revealed, signaling what he has

set in the ‘80s. The cast is all set

its platforms. In a statement

Maps. The phone itself is designed

you stand on the shoulders of

called the “major sign.” So, the

to return, including the “Stranger

from Apple, they clarified that

to nestle inside a special internal

those who came before, you might

date for the beginning of the end

Things” breakout star and “child

the company is committed to

pocket over the left breast.

just see far enough to realize the

has been pushed back until Oct.

in the ‘80s character actor” Finn

providing the most accurate and

The retail cost of the futuristic

Earth isn’t fucking flat!” With

15. Save the date, and watch the

Wolfhard. Find it in a sewage

consistent results, and is still in

accessory is currently set at $350.

an ultimate goal of $200k, as of

skies for planet Nibiru’s journey

drain near you (or in Imax).

good standing with Microsoft.

production, a whopping $1,756

towards total destruction!

has been donated to the cause entitled, “Show B.o.B The Curve.”


SEPTEMBER 27, 2017


1 Book/1 Project/ 2 Transform: Immigration Panel


Fleet Foxes

Location Red Rocks



Anthony Green

Men’s Tennis

Women’s Tennis

Location Marquis Theater

Price Varies

Price $20

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Multicultural Lounge

9.28 ITA Regionals Location Odessa, TX Time TBA.

Price Free

9.28 ITA Regionals Location Odessa, TX Time TBA.


Time 12:30 p.m. 9.27 Company of Thieves Location The Walnut Room 9.27

Movie & Pizza Night


Jenny O.

Location Moxi Theater

Price $10

Price $10

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Men’s Soccer 9.29 vs. Regis University Location Denver Time 3 p.m.

Location Multicultural Lounge Price Free Time 4 p.m.


The Burial Plot

Location Marquis Theater


Volleyball 9.30 vs. CSU Pueblo Location Pueblo Time 7 p.m.

Holy Fuck

Location Lost Lake

Price $10

Price $18

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.


“The Country Wife” by William Wycherley

Location King Center


Future Islands

Location The Fillmore


Metro Station



Location Marquis Theater

Price $25

Price $16

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

9.27 vs. Real Salt Lake Location Away

9.27 vs. Marlins Location Home

Price Varies

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.


The Weeknd

Location Pepsi Center 9.29

Undocupeers Training, hosted by MSU Denver’s DREAMer Network


Stephen Kellogg

Location The Walnut Room

Price Varies

Price $25

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m. 9.29 vs. Dodgers Location Home

Location SSB 400 Price Free Time 12 p.m..



Sam Amidon

Location Daniels Hall

9.30 Japanese Breakfast Price $12

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:10 p.m.

Time 6:10 p.m.

Rapids 9.30 vs. Montreal Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Kings of Leon

Location Red Rocks

9.30 vs. Dodgers Location Home

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $20




Jimmy Eat World

Location Red Rocks

Price $60+

Price $50+

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6:45 p.m.

Location Home

Broncos 8.26 vs. Raiders Location Home

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 2:25 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Jacket to the future Levi will be releasing a jacket designed for bike commuters,

Science ain’t got nothin’ on you, B.o.B. Flat-Earther and rapper B.o.B

It’s the end of the world... well, someday David Meade, a self-proclaimed

We all float into 2019 The horror blockbuster “It” will

Okay, Siri Microsoft’s search engine Bing

release its sequel in September

is being replaced by Apple Inc. for

tech enthusiasts and hipsters with

has launched a GoFundMe

“specialist in research and

of 2019. Pennywise grinned his

a different default engine. Google

large enamel pin collections. The

campaign to invest in research

investigations,” has set a new

way into shattering box office

will now be taking the reigns as

sleeve of the new denim jacket will

to prove that the Earth is flat.

date for Earth’s reckoning day.

records, and made it the highest

Siri’s trusted backup when her

allow the wearer to control their

Neil DeGrasse Tyson has taken

After surviving Sept. 23, Meade

grossing horror film of all time.

scan through your Apps for the

smartphones with just a tap of

to Twitter to talk B.oB. through

is disputing claims that he ever

As of production, the R-rated film

answer isn’t enough. With Google

the cuff. With just a brush of the

his decision, “Isaac Newton, my

mentioned the aforementioned

has made $478.1 million globally.

as the default search engine on

gadget attatched to the sleeve, the

man, said, ‘If I have seen farther

date as being the end-all. Meade

The sequel will take place in the

the iMac internet application

user can control their music, have

than others, it’s by standing on the

clarified that Sept. 23 was the

present day, with flashbacks to

Safari, the company aims to

their text messages read outloud

shoulders of giants.’ Can I get an

day a constellation would be

the characters from the 2017 film

keep more consistency through

or set a destination on Google

amen? So that’s right B.o.B. When

revealed, signaling what he has

set in the ‘80s. The cast is all set

its platforms. In a statement

Maps. The phone itself is designed

you stand on the shoulders of

called the “major sign.” So, the

to return, including the “Stranger

from Apple, they clarified that

to nestle inside a special internal

those who came before, you might

date for the beginning of the end

Things” breakout star and “child

the company is committed to

pocket over the left breast.

just see far enough to realize the

has been pushed back until Oct.

in the ‘80s character actor” Finn

providing the most accurate and

The retail cost of the futuristic

Earth isn’t fucking flat!” With

15. Save the date, and watch the

Wolfhard. Find it in a sewage

consistent results, and is still in

accessory is currently set at $350.

an ultimate goal of $200k, as of

skies for planet Nibiru’s journey

drain near you (or in Imax).

good standing with Microsoft.

production, a whopping $1,756

towards total destruction!

has been donated to the cause entitled, “Show B.o.B The Curve.”


SEPTEMBER 27, 2017

Starstuff Overheard this week

1. Death


2. Ashes

The music of life begins with an elegy for stars.


After billions of years fusing hydrogen and helium into heavy elements like oxygen, carbon and iron, stellar behemoths reach their end of line.


Everything a star ever was gets ejected into space after it

“Cougars can turn bears.”

implodes. Nebulas form from the remains. Giant clouds of gas

“My grandma said lesbians are just

3. Dust

4. Fusion

5. Birth

and dust become nurseries.


Gravity draws nebula

advanced. In the future we don’t

particles close together. They

need men.”

more matter toward them.

clump, drawing more and


Some clumps reach critical

“If our ears get melted off, do you

mass. At the center, the immense

think we’ll still be able to tell if

repulsion. With nowhere to go,

the world ends with a bang or a whimper?”

crush of gravity overcomes atomic atoms fuse. A new star ignites.


Sometimes, leftover gas

clumps into planets. Some become gas giants. Others, though,

“That man with the trilby will explain everything. Unprompted,

become rocky balls of dirt. With luck, they settle to just the

6. Life

right spot. Not too hot, not too cold.


Out in space lies the beauty of

of course.“

creation. Generations of saints, tyrants and of lovers, every potential, simply waits for the power of nature to unlock it.

Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

Art by Allegra Beach Writing by Esteban Fernandez



Difficulty: Medium

64. Podge preceder


8. Dag Hammarskjöld's successor

1. Grasps

65. Arabian ruler

1. Orr score

9. Puppet

5. Stead

66. Spoil, with "on"

2. French verb

10. Color subtlety

9. "Cuchi-cuchi" entertainer

67. Glitterati

3. "Cast Away" star

11. "__ Fideles"

14. Tribe related to the Iowa and

68. Inebriates

4. Get really steamed

12. "8 Simple Rules" star John


69. Game with 32 cards

5. Double up on (one's bet)

13. Whom some habitually blame

15. Chirac's state

6. Simpson trial judge

18. Jeter of the Yankees

16. Sit in on, as a class

7. Wears (away)

19. Troop's camping place

17. Mightily fortified

24. Many millennia

20. "The NewsHour" anchorman

26. A writer may work on it

21. Exams for srs.

27. Breakfast side

22. Sault __ Marie

28. "We __ the Champions"

23. Lofty nest

29. See 57-Down

25. Controversial online music

34. Big account


36. Check number

27. Returned term assignments, say

38. Easiest kind of test?

30. Old flood insurance?

39. For each

31. Kesey and Griffey

40. Maple tree yield

32. Romano cheese source

42. Indonesian island Sulawesi,

33. Felix Unger's pet peeve


35. Norm: Abbr.

43. Lose ground, literally

37. Beatniks?

45. Generous types

41. Get everything right on

46. French heads

44. Toward dawn

48. Strong beliefs

47. Veggie in a pod

49. "Let's go someplace cooler!"

48. Picked a felon from a lineup

50. Chilean literature Nobelist Pablo

53. Stuffed oneself

51. Technique-building pieces

54. Industrialist Cyrus

52. Hits hard

55. Leb. neighbor

57. With 59- and 29-Down, señor's

56. Roderick R. Paige's Cabinet



59. See 57-Down

58. Sandwich order

60. Nair rival

61. Rejected contemptuously, with

62. Dept. overseer


63. Tiny insect Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net

Difficulty: Hard



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