Volume 40, Issue 8 - Oct. 4, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 8

OCTOBER 4, 2017


Black beauty celebrated at Crunk Curls for second year | pg. 9

Photo by Sri Amirah Ali | sriamirah27@gmail.com

Yazmin Atmore, the founder of Crunk Curls Festival, assists the youth in creating their floral crown accessory for the festival.

Legendary activist celebrated in new film By Mimi Madrid Puga

while she was still alive, who


turned 87 this past spring.


In 1962, Huerta and Cesar Chavez founded The United


demeanor on stage easily hid

Farmer Workers to address

Flu shot clinic turnout disappoints

the historical trajectory she’s

disparities impacting farmworkers

paved after nearly five decades of

and their families. Her story

social justice organizing. Huerta

and name has not been as

attended early screenings of

prolific as other leaders.

Dolores Huerta’s soft spoken

Dolores Huerta, the documentary


“Dolores reminds me of my

that has captured her legacy, at

mom. She’s a union organizer

the Mayan Theater on Sep. 29.

and a janitor. She works,

| pg. 3

| pg. 4

Vegas tragedy hits close to home. Too close.

cooks, cleans and protests in


now see Dolores’ story as part

the streets,” student attendee

App turns attention span into game

of their own, one that perhaps

Alejandro Flores said.

“My hope is that people might

allows them to more fully, more

Photo by Mimi Madrid Puge | Mayala3@msudenver.edu

Flores attended the film looking

Dolores Huerta signs autographs at the Mayan Theater on Sept. 29, 2017.

honestly, understand the last 50

for a safe space to celebrate the

years in America’s history,” said

struggle and find inspiration.

Peter Bratt, the film’s director.

He wore a button on his blazer

individuals like Flores who all

and groaned throughout the film

that read “undocumented and

wanted to share space with the

as Huerta’s story unfolded.

documentary after he received

afraid” to the screening, where

legendary Huerta. The room

a call by rock music icon Carlos

he knew he would be safe.

cheered as the lights went down

Bratt directed the

Santana. Santana urged him

The theater was filled with

to make a film about Huerta

students, teachers, families and

| pg. 6

for points


| pg. 11

Department takes staff changes in

and the opening credits of the film rolled. The audience sighed

| Continued on pg. 8


olitan 875” 0/12


MOONSOOK Ps oAp rRa nKo 10/16



All Music Department events are FREE to MSU Denver Students, Faculty, and Staff!


Ruben Gonzalez, guitar




October Events

Cody Garrison piano + Rosemary Shaw viola 10/09 performing Messiaen’s quartet for the end of time Don Byron


Emily Ondracek-Peterson violin

Charles Lee


Jooeun Pak



All Faculty and Visiting Artist Series Concerts in October: Recital Hall, 7:30 pm

Also: 10/9 10/11 10/14 10/16 10/17 10/21 10/24 10/26

Symphonic Band, String Sinfonietta, & Secondary Instrument Band The Playground Ensemble MSU Denver Choirs MSU Denver Symphony Orchestra MSU Denver Jazz Combos Colorado Wind Ensemble MSU Denver Jazz Combos MSU Denver Big Band

Concert Hall

7:30 pm

Concert Hall Concert Hall Concert Hall Recital Hall Concert Hall Recital Hall Concert Hall

7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm

King Center Box Office: 303-556-2296 www.msudenver.edu/music

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OCTOBER 4, 2017



Confucius Institute celebrates 10 years at CCD By James Bofenkamp

worked on an advisory board with the


institute during the institute’s arrival. “My understanding is that the influence

The Confucius Institute expands

is very minimal,” he said. “If the government

worldwide as the branch on campus

of China tried to do that, it’s a failure.

celebrates its tenth anniversary.

You can hardly influence anyone here.”

The institute’s mission is to develop

Tian asserts the institute is simply trying

Chinese cultural ties around the world.

to introduce students to Chinese culture,

However, this expansion comes amid

noting that, “Perhaps in the long run, they

continued concerns regarding the Confucius

will change some people’s opinion.”

Institute’s ties to the Chinese government. The institute says it “is committed to increasing intercultural understanding and Chinese language acquisition,”

This demonstrates part of the institute’s goal of enhancing international ties between host nations and China. There are over 100 Confucius

both culturally and academically. The

Institutes in the United States and over

institute offers Chinese language tutoring,

500 worldwide. The CCD Confucius

artistic workshops, and scholarships to

Institute is the only one in the world

students to study abroad in the country.

affiliated with a community college.

Since 2004, the Confucius Institute

In 2014, however, two institutes in

has provided foreign universities with

the United States were closed down.

generous cash grants to set up these

The University of Chicago closed the

language and cultural centers.

institute’s doors during a negotiation

However, there are concerns over the

process to renew their contract. One

Photo by Sandisz Thieme | sandiszthieme@gmail.com

Xu Gang, President of the Confucius Institute closing the Confucius Institute Day celebration on Sept. 30th at the King Center.

institute’s connections to the Office of

reason cited was the institute director’s

Chinese Language Council International,

boast to a Chinese publication that she

or Hanban, which many claim has ties to

secured the institute’s position with a

University of Chicago’s decision was

said, “Each Confucius Institute is highly

China’s government, as well as the institute

single line letter to the university.

broadcasted as less of a concern about the

dependent on its host institute, and their

organization and more as a retaliation to the

relationship with their host institution.”

providing intelligence to the Chinese

“If your school decides to withdraw,

government about Chinese citizens on

I will agree to it,” said Xu Lin, the

institute’s director. The other schools, which

campus. There are also concerns about

director of the Hanban. This statement

closed the doors on the institute, brought up

the soft power the organization projects.

aggravated the University of Chicago.

failed negotiations with contract renewal,

States use soft power to increase their

That same year, Pennsylvania State

However, Lim has little fear about that happening at CCD. “I would say we have a great

instead of mentioning concerns with the

relationship with the Community

institute’s ties to the Chinese government.

College of Denver,” she said.

influence by expanding the reach of their

University cited differences with the

language and culture. The institute helps

Hanban’s goals when they refused to

these goals through its general operations

renew the contract with the institute. Five

institute opened its fourth location in Turkey

background, Myron Anderson, associate

as well as providing American schools with

more schools across the world closed

and plans to open a new headquarters

to the president for diversity at MSU

Chinese teachers. The institute at CCD has

down their institutes in 2013 and 2014,

in Panama at the end of the year.

Denver stated that from a diversity stance,

previously provided teachers to the school.

and two more in Germany failed to open.

Xiansheng Tian, a professor in MSU Denver’s history department,

While the Confucius Institute was undergoing scrutiny at the time, the

Despite these concerns, in September the

While considering the reasons

With a brief look at the institute’s

“increased cultural understanding, as a

for the closures, the Director of the

fundamental, is positive as it generates

Confucius Institute at CCD Jane Lim

additional avenues to connect us culturally.”

Flu shot clinics on campus go under-utilized By Ian Ferguson

take advantage of this,” Wagner said.


“It’s here, it’s free and it’s convenient.”

The Health Center treated about 100 students with flu-like symptoms this

semester according to Cindy Ortiz, the office manager for the Health Center. Wagner said, the Health Center wants

On Sept. 26, and continuing through

to keep people healthy and to prevent the

Oct. 5, the Health Center is holding a free

spread of disease. Staying healthy was

flu shot clinic open to all MSU Denver

motivation for MSU student Mosiur Munna.

students with a valid student ID.

“I don’t want to get sick,” Munna said.

The clinic is rarely taken advantage

This was the second or third time that

of because students often prefer to

he received a flu shot, and that it had been

go to their primary care physician or

a couple of years since his last one.

pharmacy or skip the shot altogether.

MSU student James Sherrick,

Julie Wagner, a physician for the Health

also received a flu shot.

Center and the organizer of the clinic, said

“I work at a hospital so it’s

that there will be 1,300 vaccines available

required,” Sherrick said.

for all of the Auraria students who visit.

Sherrick couldn’t receive the flu shot

The vaccines will have to last for the

at the hospital where he works because

entire five day clinic, but running out of

he’s only there on weekends when the

vaccines hasn’t been a problem in the past.

hospital is closed. Sherrick and Munna

“We plan for about 250-300

both wanted to remain healthy during the

vaccines per day,” Wagner said.

flu season. Both students heard about

At the time of the interview, only

the clinic through word-of-mouth.

around 200 students had received

The Health Center has clinics scheduled

their flu shots that day.

for Oct. 3 through Oct. 5. Times and

Wagner, who has been working for the Health Center for the past 28 years, said that the clinic has been available every year since. “I don’t know why more people don’t

locations are available on the Health Center’s Photo by Madison Lauterbach | mlauter1@msudenver.edu

Evangelina Garcia, a hired nurse for the Health Center at Auraria, gives MSU Denver student James Sherrick a flu shot on Sept. 26.

website. The flu shots will still be available after the clinics have closed through the Health Center throughout the flu season.



OCTOBER 4, 2017

Let’s talk about Vegas staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Photo Editor


n Sunday night during a

in times of tragedy, I receive a

few things that can heal the wounds

normal, mindless scroll

text. “We are okay,” it said. I break

that events like these cause. So, yes.

through Instagram, I receive

down, and my dog tends to the

Let’s have conversations about what

da notification that my dad started

tears running down my cheeks.

we should be doing next. But make

broadcasting on Facebook Live.

A few minutes later, the photo of

damn sure that those conversations

Knowing that my dad was in Vegas

my dad and I eating giant pickles

include concert plans. The folks at

rocking his ass off at a country

at the Renaissance Fair appears

Route 91 Harvest made a choice to

music festival, I smiled, and became

on my phone once again.

go out and live their lives through

the sole viewer of his shenanigans.

I answer, find my breath again

A few months ago, I wrote an

and listen as my dad tries to find his.

op-ed in response to the act of terrorism that occurred at the Ariana

I watched the initial statistics

Montana Martin

Grande show in London. As an avid

music. We need to focus more on what the people at the concert were doing, and less about what

roll in during the first hours of

the man in the window of Mandalay

Monday, already knowing that

Bay was doing. We know what he

concert-goer, the news certainly

didn’t last long. I called my dad,

they were far grander than what

was doing. We’re giving the power

hit close to home. You just never

and after one failed connection,

they were reporting. I watched

to the wrong side of the situation

think that this kind of thing would

I made it through. The call didn’t

people spew out their jokes

when we fixate on him. That man

let itself in through your front door.

last long, either. I scoured Google

about OJ Simpson’s parole being

not only stole the lives of innocent

searches and Twitter feeds

connected to the act before the

people, but also the moments

for answers. Any answers.

shooter’s assault rifle had cooled.

they were living in, and for.

The image appearing on my dad’s livestream of Route 91 Harvest was unclear. I could

A few minutes later and my dad,

I watched the endless barrage of

So let’s talk about those

make out some sort of large tent,

an ex-cop and nosy Midwesterner,

comments on live news streams

moments. Let’s talk about those wild

with people running through and

is back on the pixelated scene.

as people stated their complete

memories and the conversations

behind the obstacles that filled it.

Now I’m yelling at my phone,

lack of shock that something like

that battled the booming bass

I could hear my stepmom yelling

telling my dad to run. And he did

this has happened yet again.

speakers. Let’s talk about the music

something about the police,

run, just not in the right direction.

telling my dad they had to go.

The connection drops once

conversation when you’re not

together for a weekend of dancing

again, in time with my heart.

using your voice to try and get in

in cowboy boots over empty beer

contact with loved ones, isn’t it?

cans. Let’s talk. Better yet, let’s sing.

The absolute last thing I expected to hear next was the firing of an automatic rifle. The video

After shaking vigorously for a solid twenty minutes, or an eternity

It’s so easy to dictate the

that brought 22,000 strangers

As it goes, music is one of the


Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

The building blocks of TABOR


ay you had a box with a

natives are not poised to take

of the state’s jobs will require

plant growing inside it. For

advantage of the state’s booming

higher education by 2020, those

reasons dark and twisted,

economy. The reason, she argues,

numbers are unsustainable. Viewed

the plant finds itself quite content

is that the state isn’t producing

from that prism, it’s not hard to

to grow inside the black confines

enough job candidates proficient in

see why tech companies view

of the box. It gains inch after inch

Science, Technology, Engineering

importing talent as a good bet.

each week. Eventually, the plant

and Math. This shortage forces

What can stop the slow

runs out of room to grow but the

tech companies in-state to look

decline? Local universities are

box is a box. It can’t grow with

elsewhere for talent, which is

already moving to address the

the plant. The plant, doomed by

what’s driving the state’s population

issue by expanding their STEM

its own prodigiousness, grows

growth and subsequent price hike.

offerings. MSU Denver recently

too big for its cramped home

Esteban Fernandez

and crushes itself against the six walls of its cardboard prison.

However, at the same time

TABOR ties into all of this

opened a new aerospace building,

because it makes government

presenting itself as a low cost

services compete with one another

but rigorous alternative to CU Boulder’s engineering program.

So, what do plants and

Colorado’s constitution has a

for funding. As is often the case,

Colorado’s economy have in

requirement in it that requires

education is what takes the hit.

common? While I grant that it

the state to increase education

According to an article published

can truly change the fundamentals

is a little melodramatic, I think

spending to keep pace with inflation.

by Colorado Public Radio News,

of the game here in Colorado is

Colorado ranks 42nd in funding per

to de-Bruce the state constitution

it’s also an apt metaphor for the

One great way to think of both

However, the only thing that

situation imposed by Colorado’s

tax and spending mechanisms is

student even though it is the 14th

and open up the cash valves to

Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

to think of TABOR as the brake and

richest state. Higher education is

education. Coloradans taking jobs

Amendment 23 as the gas. TABOR

even worse off. This year, MSU

building spacecraft out of Boulder

approved adding an amendment to

limits government growth and

Denver will only be paid something

and Internet Infrastructure out

Colorado’s constitution that put a

spending while Amendment 23

like $200,000 in state funds. The

of Denver will slow the influx of

cap on how much revenue the state

keeps a steady drip of cash flowing

school’s yearly operating budget is

transplants remaking the state

is allowed to collect through taxes.

into government expenditures.

around $35 million. In a TABOR cage

in their own image. Education is,

Now, why does this matter?

match, education gets the beatdown

and always will be, the investment with the best rate of return.

In 1992, Colorado voters

It also requires the state to authorize any new taxes directly through

Tax and spending isn’t the

from other critical state functions

voters by means of a referendum

sexiest of topics. The answer is

like transportation and healthcare.

process. Any amount above the

that it all ties into the favored

cap is refunded to taxpayers. This

bugbear of Colorado natives

translates to only a third of

size Lego Star Destroyer calls

mechanism allows me to feed

everywhere: transplants.

Colorado’s native-born adults

to me. I bought it with the last

possessing a degree. By

of my tax return from April.

into an unhealthy obsession with

In an article titled The Colorado

In functional terms, this

Legos every year, as my tax return

Paradox, published in The Atlantic,

comparison, half of all transplants

checks can be quite generous.

Emily Deruy makes the case that

possess degrees. When 70 percent

Now, with all that said and done, completing my new mega

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

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OCTOBER 4, 2017

Mobile app helps students curtail cell phone use By Jordan Benschop

Rob Richardson, co-founder


and CEO of Pocket Points. Student entrepreneurs

Cell phones have always

As more students are introduced to Pocket Points, mobile phone distractions are

Richardson and Mitch Gardner

anticipated to be reduced. A

been distractions in the

founded the app in 2014 while

press release published by

classroom, but a new mobile

attending California State

Marketing Director Olivia Gattis

app called Pocket Points is

University, Chico. The two

stated that the app will “help

giving students the incentive to

noticed the complications of cell

thousands of local students

ignore their devices and bolster

phone distractions and created

this academic year be more

their academic productivity.

Pocket Points with the hope to

productive at local schools.”

Geolocation technology

counteract them. The mobile

Students are also able to

allows the app to detect the

app is now available in 120 U.S.

see if fellow peers are using

user’s location. When in class,

cities, including more than 500

the app around the area. Once

a student who has the app will

high schools and universities.

points are accumulated, they are

earn points for each minute their

MSU Denver students are taking

displayed on the gift page with

phone is locked. Those points

advantage of the opportunity.

each student’s unique rewards.

can then be redeemed for free

“I use it because it’s incentive

Stelling thought it would be Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

food and discounted goods from

to not be on my phone during

neat if the points could one day

online and local businesses

class. I’m saving money on things

go toward parking discounts.

who are partnered with Pocket

I already spend a lot on, and

Points. Restaurants like Buffalo

it’s helping me stay focused,”

spend so much money on gas and

Wild Wings, Firehouse Subs and

said Melanie Stelling, a junior

parking. I love all the gifts there

Businesses will also reap the

Insomnia Cookies are a few who

at MSU Denver. “I’m already

are, but I was thinking it would

benefits as students check out the

Store, or the Google Play app

offer exclusive deals to users.

up to 435 points. I redeemed

be even more of an incentive if

various deals. Partnerships with

store for Android devices. After

20 points the other day and got

the points could partially cover

Pocket Points create opportunities

downloading, students will quickly

$25 off a phone screen repair.”

parking fees,” Stelling said.

to attract new customers. Local

set up an account. As soon as

and online companies are invited

they enter the classroom, users

“We’re excited by the participation of local businesses to support our mission of helping

Stelling also mentioned deals

MSU Denver student, Christina Kleemann using the Pocket Points app.

“Being at a commuter school, I

With the app’s increasing

up by the student body.

The app is available to download for free in Apple App

students find a healthier balance

she received with companies like

popularity, the idea is one

to sign up to partner at their

will open the app and lock their

to their cell phone use,” said

Columbia Sportswear and Levi’s.

that could potentially be taken

website www.PocketPoints.com.

devices to begin earning points.

Review: The Country Wife By Avery Anderson

make a 340-year-play appealing


to modern college students. The script was adapted by

Michael Rossitto was a standout in his role as Sparkish. There was not a single moment he was on

Between men chasing after

director and theater professor

stage that the whole room was not

women and women wanting men,

Jeffrey Parker. He was able to

filled with laughter. Rossitto is one

MSU Denver Theatre Department’s

take the ideas and themes of the

of the brightest up-and-coming stars

production of “The Country

scripts and add more modern

of the Colorado theater community

Wife” reminds us, no matter

innuendos and jokes that felt

and this production adds to

what time period, sex rules all.

right at home in the show.

the long list of show stopping

“The Country Wife” by William

The cast’s comedic timing was

performances he has given.

Congreve, was written in 1675

on point for the level of comedy

as a Restoration comedy. This

this show required. Will Hunter as

show were high quality but seemed

style of English comedy was a

Honor was devilish, sexy and quick

like it just missed the mark. The

return to the risque in theater

witted all at once. He was able

setting was a gorgeous blue marble

and features themes previously

to seduce the women on stage,

English manson. Although it looked

banned by Puritan rule.

the women in the audience and

great, it felt too under the sea to

a couple of the guys all with his

be in London. It felt as if the show

flirty charm and perfect delivery

was set in King Triton’s palace

of these old English jokes.

and not the home of a wealthy

“The Country Wife” plays with themes of sex and infidelity. Mr. Horner, in an attempt to get closer to the women of

Jerry Chavez starred opposite

The production aspects of this

bachelor. The excessive blue paint

London, spreads a rumor he

Hunter as Mr. Pinchwife. His use

paired with the blue and purple

became a eunuch. He thinks if

of physical humor was a riot

pattern lighting was too strong.

the men of the town believe he

throughout the show. Although

There were also issues with

is sexually harmless then they

it was over the top for my taste,

the door on the set as they would

will let him near their wives.

he always added a nice joke

easily open and close but not latch

to every scene he was in.

right away causing flapping doors,

As the show goes on Horner is

The women of the show held

and at times sights of arms behind

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Productions

of London to see for themselves

up their comedic pitches as well.

them to holding the doors in place.

if he was castrated or not.

Brianna Herman, Megan Schraeder

“The Country Wife” at MSU Denver Theatre Department ***(out of four). Special Note: Free admission for all MSU Denver students with school ID.

successful in convincing the women

The wife of Mr. Pinchwife,

During scene transitions, the

and Audrey Carrothers all proved

stage crew would bring out the

Margery, takes a special liking

women in the 1600s were not

next set pieces and cheekily turn to

to Horner and is constantly

only cunning and willing to work

the audience and perform air flips

surprising production. Not many

me wishing I saw this cast do other

trying to find ways to get

for what they wanted, they went

and carry their hands in the air.

would expect a 17th-century

comedies such as “Noises Off”

closer to the bachelor.

after anything they desired. These

Although I felt it took the audience

English comedy to get as many

or “You Can’t Take It With You.”

women were constantly able to

out of the show for a moment, the

laughs as it did, especially from

MSU Denver Theatre Department

get the audience rolling in their

rest of audience was eating it up

a college audience. The cast’s

understands comedy and they can

chairs with their quick wit.

and it even garnered a few snorts.

near perfect comedic timing and

This production proves that the

“The Country Wife” was a

delivery was spectacular and left


sy o







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w w w. a udi ofes t . n et



OCTOBER 4, 2017

Dolores Huerta story immortalized in film Continued from cover It exposed moments of violence, sexism and police brutality she survived. For dedicating her life to organizing, Huerta was falsely accused of child neglect and immoral behavior. Emilio Huerta, one of her children, understood what it meant to have a mother who was also committed to the movement. “We knew our mother didn’t belong to us,” he said during the film. One incident left Huerta with three broken ribs. Her spleen was surgically removed. All of her 11 children came to her bedside at the hospital to support her. Bratt said the process of documenting Huerta revealed a woman that is both heroic and flawed. After interviewing farm workers, scholars, politicians, historians and 10 of her 11 biological children, he came to one conclusion. “Her erasure from the historical record was deliberate,” Bratt said. Huerta knows the power of stories. That’s why when Briana Mesa, dean of instruction at McAuliffe Manual Middle School, asked what her advice to young

Photo by Miriam Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

people was, Huerta simply said ‘stories.’ Mesa and social studies teacher Sarah Frederick together

Dolores Huerta surrounded by Cesar Chavez Peace and Justice Committee of Denver members and Councilman Paul D. Lopez after the documentary screening of Dolores Huerta on Sept. 29, 2017.

brought two rows of 7th graders from leadership development

them to learn about other young

that we have right now in our

her unrelenting call for justice.

is very simple, who’s got the

classes to view the film.

people in history like Emmett

society. Because when people

She asked the room to participate

power? What kind of power?”

Till, the 14-year-old African-

hear our stories then it helps

in a call-and-response toward

to develop their leadership

American male who was brutally

people understand what you are

the end of her presentation.

skills,” Mesa said.

murdered by a lynch mob in 1955.

going through,” Huerta said.

“We actively teach students

Huerta told the students to

“Tell your story. They can

keep sharing their stories and told

help us eliminate the racism

“I want you to shout it really

After five decades, Huerta

loud so all the Neo-Nazis can

continues to capture people with

hear,” she said. “My question

“We have the power, people power!” roared the audience in return. Huerta’s whole legacy revolved around change for her people.

Activism through the decades The legacy of Dolores Huerta Huerta helps Fred Ross

Negotiates three year

start the Stockton Chapter

collective bargaining

Inagural recipient of the

of the Community

agreement with the

Eleanor Roosevelt Award

Service Organization.

California grape industry.

for Human Rights.







Co-founded National Farm

Severly beaten by San

Recieved the Presidential

Workers Association.

Francisco Police causing

Medal of Freedom from

three broken ribs and an

Barack Obama.

Delano grape strike.

emergency surgery.

OCTOBER 4, 2017



Crunk Curls Festival

Gathering helps women embrace their natural beauty

By Alaysha Powell

better but in order for us to make


something happen we really have to get out there and do it ourselves.”

Entrepreneurs gathered on

While the products sold at the

natural beauty while growing up. “Kids want to look like the people around them and you want to fit in,” Jones said. “So even for

Sept. 23 to celebrate and embrace

festival are marketed for anyone

parents to make sure that their kids

the natural beauty of women.

to use, they are meant to bring

are still loving their black culture

The second annual Crunk Curls

variety to women of color.

and everything in it,” she said.

festival, held at the 9th Street

According to Gabriella Wesley,

Park on Auraria Campus, brought

an independent business woman,

out vendors to promote their

hair and beauty trends have

work and sell everything from

constantly changed over making

jewelry to Mary Kay Cosmetics.

it difficult for women to feel

The festival, established by Crowned Curls founder Yazmin

confident in their natural beauty. “Right now, I think we are in

“The biggest challenge we face is actually finding products that are tailored for us that will work for us.” – Shanae Leffal

Atmore, is intended to bring

an era that is pro-natural and kind

products that are designed for

of getting back to your natural

women of color to the market.

beauty,” Wesley said. “Just, really

that cater to natural hair onto

showing who you are and just really

a more level playing field by

knowing that no matter if your hair

creating products with all natural

is straight, curly, wavy, short, long,

ingredients that work for several

red, blue, black. It’s beautiful.”

hair types. Jones says that

“If they feel like your hair is ugly then they are entitled to their own opinion but deep down inside know that you will always be beautiful no matter what.” – Gabriella Wesley “The biggest challenge we face is actually finding products that

Despite the differences in opinion when it comes to women’s

The festival brought companies

there is still a long way to go. Until then, Wesley had some

beauty, Wesley said that companies

words of advice to all the young

can work to change this.

women out there who struggle

“I think people accept, but being more accepting and understanding

to love who they truly are. “If they feel like your hair is ugly

that not everyone is going to look

then they are entitled to their own

like you,” Wesley said. “Beauty

opinion but deep down inside know

is in the eye of the beholder.”

that you will always be beautiful

are tailored for us that will work for

While marketing a beauty

us,” said Shanae Leffal, a Mary Kay

product for specific groups may

no matter what,” Wesley said.

independent consultant. “You know

seem small, it can mean a world

be afraid or to feel threatened but

a lot of companies — their marketing

of difference. Keana Jones, a

instead to be their full selves just

— it doesn’t market to African-

patron at the festival, described

like the bounce of their curls.

Americans. They’re starting to get

her struggle to embrace her

She encouraged them not to Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Fortify Baby owner, Kenya Collins, with her natural and handmade beauty products for hair and skin at the Crunk Curls beauty festival on Sept. 23.

Photo by Sri Ali | sriamirah27@gmail.com

Photo by Sri Ali | sriamirah27@gmail.com

Manushkka Sainvil, the owner of Chubby Curls, demonstrates her product with multiple of attendees during the Crunk Curls Festival on Sept. 23.

Yazmin Atmore, the founder of Crunk Curls Festival and a few close friends including Terena Smith in purple shared laughs and smiles while wearing their floral crowns in honor of the festival on Sept. 23.


MSU DENVER NEWS MSU cross-country competes in Arkansas The MSU Denver cross-country team traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas over the weekend to compete at the Chili Pepper Festival. For the women, junior Sabrina Rautter led the way. She fi nished the 5k in 18 minutes and 21 seconds to fi nish in 62nd place overall. Behind her was redshirt freshman Alden Gruidel who fi nished the race in 125th place with a time of 19 minutes and 4 seconds. Senior Brandon Krage fi nished fi rst for the men for the third race in a row. He fi nished the 10k course in 40th place overall with a time of 31 minutes and 12 seconds. Behind him was senior Jason Carey, who fi nished 95th with a time of 32 minutes and 36 seconds. MSU Denver hosts the next competition, called the Roadrunner Invitational, on Oct. 7 at Washington Park.


OCTOBER 4, 2017

Abnormal coaching turnover coincidental Story next page

Photo by Richard Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

Women’s soccer splits weekend The MSU Denver women’s soccer team split their pair of games over the weekend to bring their overall record to 5-5 and their conference record to 4-2. They started the weekend on Sept. 29 with a dramatic 1-0 win over the Westminster Griffi ns. Junior midfielder Arianna Flores put in the fi rst goal of her career in the 100th minute to give the Runners the victory. Sophomore goalkeeper Erica Torres saved all four of the Griffi ns’ shots on the night for her fourth consecutive shutout and her fi fth of the season. They followed that performance up with a 2-0 loss to Colorado Mesa on Oct. 1. The Runners next match is a home game against New Mexico Highlands at 5 p.m. on Oct. 6. Porter takes home ITA regional title MSU Denver women’s tennis sophomore Tabitha Porter was named the Intercollegiate Tennis Association South Central Regional Champion on Oct. 1, winning her semifi nal match 6-2, 6-4, and her championship match 6-3, 3-6, 10-4 per the athletics website. Porter will compete at the ITA National Championship in Indian Wells, California on Nov. 1-5. On the men’s side, sophomore Alejandro Martinez-Morilla fell in the quarterfi nals in singles and in doubles with his partner, freshmen Daniel Lloerente. Senior Josh Graetz and junior Joey Tscherne both fell in the round of 32.

Roadrunners athletics review Women’s Volleyball Sept. 29

at New Mexico Highlands University Sept. 30

at Colorado State University-Pueblo

W 3-1

W 3-0

Women’s Soccer Sept. 29 Oct. 3

vs University of Colorado Colorado Springs

W 3-1


Sept. 28- Oct. 1

Cross Country Men’s







Round of 16

Chili Pepper Cross Country Festival

Sept. 30



W 1-0

L 2-0

Men’s Soccer Sept. 29




Oct. 1 at Colorado Mesa

Tennis Intercollegiate Tennis Association Regionals Men’s

at Westminster College (Utah)

at Regis University

Oct. 1

at Colorado School of Mines

L 2-1

W 1-0

Women’s Golf Sept. 25-26

at West Texas A&M Lady Buff Stampede



OCTOBER 4, 2017


Despite appearances, no discord in MSU Denver athletic department By David Schaut

he was hired at the University of


Tennessee, he signed a six-year


deal worth millions. When the Since December 2016, six of MSU Denver’s 11 total head coaches

came calling for his services,

have either been fired, resigned or

he unceremoniously quit at

moved on to different schools.

Tennessee after only one season

The women’s soccer and golf, tennis, track and field, and men’s basketball and baseball programs

at the helm. Fans felt so betrayed that they rioted in the streets. It’s an extreme example, but

all have had head coaching changes

it illustrates that transition is

in the past 10 months, which has

indeed common in athletics. But

fueled speculation that things

career advancement isn’t the

aren’t so peachy on the fourth floor

only reason coaches move on.

of the administration building.

“The reasons for the coaching

However, Director of Athletics

changes range from family

Anthony Grant wants to set the

decisions, promotion within the

record straight. There is no discord

department and opportunities for

in the athletics department.

career advancement,” Grant said.

“The coaching changes within

Yankees defeat Twins to begin MLB playoffs

University of Southern California

“In the midst of these changes,

Photo by Kenny Martinez | kmart143@msudenver.edu

Athletic Director Anthony Grant honors Former MSU Denver President Stephen Jordan before a basketball game on Feb. 18, 2017. Grant has overseen six head coach transitions in the past 10 months.

the athletic department over the past

our department is strong and

year can be attributed to numerous

continues to progress in the right

the birth of my daughter last year,

individual scenarios that occurred in

direction. I am excited about the

I have decided that I want my

Northern Colorado on June 15. The new women’s golf coach,

relatively close succession of each

new coaches and staff that we have

next position to be as a mother to

Stephanie Ferguson, was hired

other,” Grant said. “There is nothing

hired over the last year and look

her. It was not an easy decision,

on Sept. 27, three weeks after the

going on within the department

forward to their future success.”

but I know it is the right one.”

team began competition. While

that is causing these coaches

The first of the six coaches

Nothing fishy there. Most

it’s very strange for a program

to leave. Transition is common

to depart was women’s soccer

new parents want to spend as

not to have a coach during their

in intercollegiate athletics.”

coach Adrianne Pietz. After nine

much time as possible with their

season, student-athletes like golfer

seasons, Pietz resigned on Dec.

children, so Pietz’s decision

Lindsey Gullikson took it in stride.

was an understandable one.

“I understand that the world

Grant’s statement is reasonable. Career-minded coaches consistently

2, 2016. She cited family as the

use schools as stepping stones

reason for her resignation.

to higher paying, more visible

“My decision to step away

The athletics department

of college athletics is always

announced on the same day that

changing,” Gullikson said. “People

jobs. One needs only to look

from the Roadrunners women’s

track and field coach Nick Maas

are always getting different jobs.

at the situation of Lane Kiffin,

soccer program was a difficult

was moving on to Division I school

We’re not an Alabama or an

a football coach who famously

one,” Pietz said. “I am an alumni

Western Illinois to be the assistant

LSU, we’re not having coaches

and consistently eschewed his

and almost all my coaching career

cross-country coach. This one

getting paid millions of dollars.”

previous commitments when a

has been at MSU Denver. This is

falls under the category of career

better opportunity arose. When

a very special place to me. With

advancement. It may be a step down in title, but it’s a step up in

head tennis coach on June 29 to

competition level and visibility.

take the same position at another

The next one to go was men’s

the only peculiar career move. It’s

circumstances surrounding his

a lateral move division-wise and he

departure are unclear, but what

didn’t get any type of promotion

is clear is that he was fired by the

title-wise. But, one peculiar move

department on March 30. All that is

doesn’t make a conspiracy. One thing that the turnover

three games late last season, and

might indicate is a certain lack

when he was supposed to return, he

of stability in the department’s

took an indefinite leave of absence

programs. Barrett Elkins, the

that extended to the end of the

new tennis coach, was hired only

season, when he was terminated.

two days before his team began

Former head baseball coach and current assistant director of athletics Jerrid Oates was placed in his

competition. The late hire caused him to face some unique challenges. “They were mentally ready,”

current position on May 31, and it

Elkins said of the players’ readiness

was phrased as a promotion. Oates

upon his arrival. “They wanted to

said that it had always been his goal

do it, but I think the preparation

to transition into an administrative

they were doing on their own was

position, so it seemed like this

the wrong kind of preparation.”

was a win-win for both parties. Former women’s golf head coach

Former MSU Denver baseball coach Jerrid Oates took a promotion to assistant director of athletics on May 31, 2017. Of the six coaching changes made in the past year, Oates is the only former coach still with the school.

Division II school. In reality, this is

basketball coach Derrick Clark. The

known is that he was suspended for

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

Lastly, Daniel Hangstefer moved on from his position as

Logistical issues aside, from all accounts, the athletic department

Ben Portie took the opportunity

is operating business as usual.

to move to a Division I school

While it may seem like coaches are

just like Maas. However, unlike

leaving at an alarming rate, it just

Maas, Portie kept his title as

so happens that all of the turnover

women’s golf head coach when

is due to reasonable, grounded

he moved to the University of

decisions. No cause for alarm.

The 2017 postseason began on Oct. 3 with the American League wild-card game. The New York Yankees defeated the Minnesota Twins by a score of 8-4. The Yankees advance to the AL Division Series to take on the Cleveland Indians. In the other ALDS series, the Houston Astros will take on the Boston Red Sox. In the National League, the winner of the Colorado Rockies and Arizona Diamondbacks Wild Card game will move on to face the Los Angeles Dodgers, and the Washington Nationals will compete against the Chicago Cubs. The nine teams remaining will vie for a spot in the World Series, which begins Oct. 24.

NBA changes All-Star game format The NBA has moved their AllStar game to a fantasy draft format from their traditional Eastern Conference vs. Western Conference. Like the NHL, the conferences will now elect captains via fan vote, who will alternate draft picks from a pool of 24 predetermined all stars. This pool will be decided by a collaboration of fan, player and media voting. The new format will allow teammates to compete against each other and superstars from different conferences to play alongside each other. All-Star voting begins Christmas Day, with the 2017-18 All-Star festivities beginning on Jan. 18, 2018.

Sports Illustrated criticized for latest cover Sports Illustrated is drawing criticism, even from NBA superstar Stephen Curry, for its “Sports United” cover. The cover, which features Curry front and center among other athletes and other prominent professional sports figures, was focused on the protests spreading throughout several sports leagues. The cover does not, however, feature Colin Kaepernick, who began the protest trends by kneeling last season. Curry publicly called out Sports Illustrated in an interview, saying his omission was “terrible.”



OCTOBER 4, 2017

National League wild-card game preview Colorado Rockies make first playoff appearance in eight years

By Richard Allen

every day of the regular season in

and two-time National League


a playoff spot. The team will now

Player of the Week J.D. Martinez.

look to replicate the magic of their

On the Rockies side, Gray looks

When the Colorado Rockies

first play-in game a decade ago,

to carry over his hot streak into the

take on the Arizona Diamondbacks

one that presumably encouraged

playoffs. Since the beginning of

on Oct. 4, it will be their first

MLB to incorporate the concept

August, he has posted a sub-2.50

playoff game in nearly a decade.

into the playoffs every year.

ERA in 11 starts. The last time he

In their first visit to the playoffs

Both teams will follow their

allowed more than three runs in

since 2009, the Rockies will face

aces in the win-or-go-home

a start was on July 19. In the 13

off against the Diamondbacks in

matchup. While Arizona will

starts he’s made since then he’s

a one-game wild card playoff at

send the $200 million man,

dominated. He has begun to show

Chase Field in Phoenix. The last

Zack Greinke, to the mound the

that ace potential the Rockies took

time the two teams met in the

Rockies will counter with 25-year-

third overall in the 2013 draft. On

playoffs, the Rockies swept the

old flamethrower Jon Gray.

Sept. 12, he pitched his third-

National League Championship

Greinke rebounded from

best game of the season by game

Series in 2007, capping their

an abysmal 2016 to post a 3.20

score, limiting the Diamondbacks

historic Rocktober run. Both

ERA, averaging just over one

to two runs in seven innings and

teams turned around losing

baserunner per inning and

striking out 12 at Chase Field.

2016 campaigns to earn spots

striking out 9.6 hitters per nine

It was the last time he faced

among MLB’s best in October.

innings. However, the decision

Arizona in the regular season.

A year and a half after trading

to opt for Greinke isn’t without

Offensively, Rockies manager

U.S. Air Force Photo by Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan Colorado Rockies outfielder Carlos Gonzalez hits at Chase Field, the home field of the Arizona Diamondbacks on April 4, 2016. Gonzalez’s resurgence is a key factor for the Rockies in the Wild Card game.

Carlos Gonzalez hit .314 after the

the famous Steve Bartman incident

All Star Break and improved his

so eloquently put it, “anything can

franchise icon Troy Tulowitzki, the

controversy, as his teammate

Bud Black will look to two

on-base percentage by nearly 100

happen in the playoffs, especially

Rockies have done nothing but

Robbie Ray posted a sub-3.00 ERA

other MVP candidates, Charlie

points. Additionally, shortstop

when you face good pitching.”

improve. During general manager

and equally carried the weight of

Blackmon and Nolan Arenado, to

Trevor Story is hitting .333 through

Jeff Bridich’s first season, the

the franchise’s first competitive

tip the spear as they have done all

24 at bats in his career against

at 6 p.m. MDT with no obvious

team won 68 games. They jumped

season since 2011. The team

season. But, a strong supporting

Greinke, including four home runs.

choice for a victor and a season’s

to 76 in 2016 and 87 this year,

will back Greinke’s arm with a

cast could be the deciding factor in

the third best mark in franchise

lineup anchored by perennial

the decisive game. After a league-

series 11-8 against the Rockies.

history. This year, they ended

MVP candidate Paul Goldschmidt

worst first half, longtime Rockie

But, as Moises Alou, outfielder in

Arizona took the regular season

The NL wild-card game begins

worth of work on the line.



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Entry deadline 10/5. All entries must come from a student email account. RATED R FOR VIOLENCE, SOME SEXUALITY, NUDITY AND LANGUAGE. Please note: Fandango passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one Fandango pass per person. Each pass admits two. Fandango Promotional Code is good towards two movie tickets ($12 per movie ticket, up to $24 total.) Seating is not guaranteed. There is no cash value. Please read terms and conditions on the Fandango pass for further instruction.

IN THEATERS OCTOBER 6 bladerunnermovie.com #BladeRunner2049 THE METROPOLITAN

One pass per person. Each pass admits two. While supplies last. HAPPY DEATH DAY has been rated PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned Ð Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Children Under 13) for violence/terror, crude sexual content, language, some drug material and partial nudity. Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a prize. Supplies are limited. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee a seat at the theater. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theater is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prizes assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Universal Pictures, Allied Integrated Marketing, The Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prizes. Prizes cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS!



OCTOBER 4, 2017


Bobby LeFebre Presents: Welcome to the Northside


Matchbox Twenty

Location Pepsi Center




Women’s Tennis

Men’s Tennis

Location Lost Lake

Price Varies

Price $8

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Location St. Cajetan’s

10.6 vs. Dixie State Location Grand Junction Time 8 a.m..

Price Free

10.6 vs. Colorado Mesa Location Grand Junction Time 1:30 p.m.


Time 12 p.m. 10.4 King Gizzard and the

Lizard Wizard Location Ogden Theater 10.4

Open Mic and Pizza Night

Price $22


The Shins

Location Red Rocks Price $50

Women’s Soccer

Time 9 p.m.

10.6 vs. New Mexico Highlands

Location Denver Location Garage Lounge (Tivoli) Price Free Time 4 p.m.

10.6 Air Traffic Controller Location Fort Collins


Time 7 p.m.



10.7 vs. Westminster College Location Denver Time 3 p.m.

Time 5 p.m.

Location Marquis Theater

Price Free

Price $12

Time 6 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


Visiting Artist Masterclass: Ruben Gonzalez

Location King Center

10.6 Arrested Development Location

Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox


Avant Garden



Location The Bakery

Price $25

Price $12

Time 9 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

10.7 vs. FC Dallas Location Home

10.15 vs. Real Salt Lake Location Home

Price Free

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 9:30 a.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

10.6 The Moth & The Flame


Location First Chair Festival 10.9

The Playground Ensemble

Price $15 Time 7 p.m.

Big Head Todd and The Monsters

Location Breckenridge Brewery


Time 12:30 p.m.

10.15 vs. Giants Location Home

Location King Center Price Free Time 2 p.m.



Location Red Rocks


The Aquabats!

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:30 p.m.

Time 2:25 p.m.

Price $23

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Nuggets 10.8 vs. Spurs Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Location Summit Music Hall

10.22 vs. Chargers Location Away

Location Gothic Theater

Price $45

10.8 Motionless In White


Price Varies


The xx

Location Red Rocks

Price $23

Price $50

Time 6 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Away

Nuggets 10.10 vs. Thunder Location Home

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 2 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Tom Petty dies at 66 Legendary musician Tom Petty passed away on Oct. 1 after going

Jared Leto will be doing it for the articles Jared Leto has signed on to

Julia Louis-Dreyfus diagnosed with breast cancer

I want my TRL!

Stars of the 2004 film “Mean

Total Request Live, which

Girls,” including Amanda Seyfried,

went off the air in 2008, could be

into cardiac arrest. Petty’s hits, in

play the late Playboy founder Hugh

Lacey Chabert, Jonathan Bennett

making its return to MTV next

both his solo career and with The

Hefner in an upcoming biopic.

“VEEP” and “Seinfeld” announced

and Daniel Franzese teamed

year. The music video and live

Heartbreakers, have topped charts

Director Brett Ratner announced

her breast cancer diagnosis on

up to use the celebration of the

performance showcase hosted by

since his emergence into the

the plans for the film in April

Twitter. The 56-year-old was

fan-deemed “Mean Girls Day”

Carson Daily fizzled out with the

scene in the mid ‘70s. The singer,

through his company, RatPac

flooded with support from co-stars

to raise money for the victims

growing popularity of YouTube

songwriter and guitarist entered

Productions. The film will be co-

of the past and present, friends

of the Las Vegas shooting. All

being the go-to destination for

the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in

produced with Playboy/Alta Loma

within the acting community and

proceeds will go directly to the

music and music news. The

2002. Petty headlined shows until

Entertainment. After receiving

fans. “1 in 8 women get breast

National Compassion Fund, an

casual talk show that featured a

the end, with his final performance

the rights to Hefner’s life story, as

cancer. Today, I’m the one,”

organization that had a strong

guest or a band for a countdown

on Sept. 25 at the Hollywood

well as Hefner’s blessing, Ratner

Louis-Dreyfus said in her Tweet.

presence in the aftermath of

of the 10 most popular music

Bowl. It was the last stop on his

was approached by Leto directly.

She followed her news, noting

the Pulse nightclub shooting in

videos of the week started in

tour with The Heartbreakers for

Hefner passed away at the age of

that not all women are so lucky

Florida and the theater shooting

1998. The live program will take

their 40th anniversary tour.

91 on Sept. 27. He was buried next

to have such a solid support

in Aurora. “Mean Girls” also made

back its original stage in Times

to the first lady of the Playboy

system and access to healthcare.

its Broadway premiere on the

Square overlooking 7th Avenue.

centerfold, Marilyn Monroe.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, star of

“It’s October 3rd”

same day. The play was written by the film’s original screenwriter Tina Fey, and composed by her husband Jeff Richmond.


OCTOBER 4, 2017


Overheard this week


December 22 - January You know what’s worse than having to pay those astronomical service fees on concert tickets? Missing out on seeing your favorite band for an extra ten bucks. Fake fan...


January 20 - February 18

“Take Hoot Hoot and get out


“These white people are whack.”

February 19 - March 20 Asking Siri to Google “24-hour liquor stores near me” does not count as social interaction.

“Mimi, I need to know if this is racist.”


March 21 -April 19

“Is this really the first time the Rockies have been in the playoffs

Stop complaining to your friends about how tired you are. They’re tired, too. We’re all tired, ARIES.

since the last time?”


April 20 - May 20

“I would porn him.”

CrossFit is not the answer. I promise.

“If Esteban’s laughing, don’t put it


in there.”

May 21 - June 20 Hey, thanks for reading our paper, Gemini. I hope you like it. Have a good week, alright? xoxo

Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

Meta Picks: What should we do for our Met Pick?

June 21 - July 22

Stop hiding behind the “Private Session” function on Spotify. A little “All-Star” during your morning commute is not a crime.


“Predictions for the next David Bowie album.” — James Burky

July 23 - August 22 Go on a Reddit detox for a week. Memes don’t get degrees.

Stop paying for Fiji water.

of here!”



““Meta Picks.”” —Jim Bofenkamp


August 23 - September 22

Stop waiting to buy Halloween candy until November. You deserve so much more than having to settle for 45% off a bag of fun size Almond Joys.

“Something happening in the times.” — Richard Allen


September 23 - October 22

Hey, I’m all for a little retail therapy. But, there’s therapy, and then there’s bankruptcy. At least let the credit cards cool down before you take them back out of your wallet, yeah?


October 23 -November 21

Chips and salsa totally counts as a meal. The key is to keep eating them until you hate yourself. Quick and easy mealtime solution!


November 22 - December 21

“Which way do you vibe?” — Madison Lauterbach “What kind of serial killer would you be?” —Cassie Ballard “I just want to go home...” —Montana Martin

Man, remember when Heinz came out with purple ketchup? I really need to stop writing these things at 2 a.m. Sorry.


Difficulty: Medium


60. Middle of some plays

2. Spielberg film

10. Aplenty

1. Festive affair

61. Team attachment

3. Ballet class garment

11. University environment

5. Like Rambo

62. Vanderbilt and Tan

4. ___ Domini (A.D.)

12. Scorn

10. Wanders (about)

63. Parenthetical script comment

5. En ___ (in one group)

13. ‘60s radical sit-in org.

14. Word said before opening the

64. Refrain from Dorothy and hint to

6. Ladybug snack

18. Like Granny on ‘’The Beverly


the theme

7. Rugged rocks


15. Garment for a cook


8. Unicorn feature

21. Yesterday’s tomorrow

16. Etcher’s purchase, perhaps

1. Guy’s companion

9. A wee hour

22. Party to a 1993 peace accord

17. Biggest portion

24. Prepare to present a proposal?

19. Bonnie one

25. Sgt., e.g.

20. Familiar octagon

27. Alphabet queue

21. Mary Lincoln’s maiden name

28. ‘’Will there be anything ___?’’

22. School liaison org.

30. Paid go-between

23. National League team

31. Abysmal test score

24. Like a Seoul man

32. Bow-shaped line

26. King of talk

35. ‘’Cosmicomics’’ author Calvino

28. Peculiar to a locale

36. Prefix with center or dermis

29. Bookie’s data

37. Point-of-purchase equip. giant

30. Colorful, flowering shrub

38. Pythagorean proposition

33. Electronic-music pioneer Brian

39. It’s all in the past

34. Golden-brown quartz stone

42. Crude

37. Unspecific degree

43. Daily allowance

40. Toyota model

44. ‘’Jealous mistress,’’ to Emerson

41. Insect life stage

46. Adorable ones

45. Mexican-American

47. Tip, as a hat

47. Where Alice worked

49. Raccoon relative

48. Outcome

50. Gruesome, as some details

49. Queen of the Nile, informally

51. Trademarked cow

52. PC display device

54. Parts of mins.

53. Director Preminger

55. Approximately

54. Some cuisine

56. U.S. airline, once

56. Captain Picard’s counselor

57. Rambouillet remark

57. Is obviously successful

58. Give it a go

59. Wolf head? Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net

Difficulty: Hard



Student Engagement and Wellness offers a variety of programs and services to MSU Denver students. Please review the list to see what we have to offer in support of your collegiate experience.

Campus Recreation at Auraria

LGBTQ Student Resource Center

Counseling Center

Met Media

Dean of Students Office

Student Activities

Health Center at Auraria

Veteran and Military Student Center

You will find opportunities for all to relieve stress by participating in a group fitness class, shooting baskets in the gymnasium, lifting weights in the fitness center or scaling the rock wall. • Outdoor Pursuits • Intramural Sports • Group Fitness • Personal Training • Adaptive Fitness • Informal Recreation • Fitness Center • Certification & Prep Courses PE 108 • 303-556-3210 • www.msudenver.edu/campusrec/

We can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. Individual Counseling • Support Groups • Crisis Intervention • Quick Consult • Mental Health Resources • Academic and Personal Growth Workshops Tivoli 651 • 303-556-3132 • www.msudenver.edu/counsel/

We provide referrals for students in need and ensure that you have the resources to persist through graduation. • Food Bank • Navigate University Processes • Student Conflict Resolution • Student Code of Conduct • CARE Team Tivoli 311 • 303-556-3559 • www.msudenver.edu/ deanofstudents/

The Health Center at Auraria offers comprehensive medical care with physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists and gynecologists. • Primary Care • Urgent Care • Mental Health • Immunizations • Insurance • Health Education Plaza 150 • 303-556-2525 • www.healthcenter1.com

We provide a space to find your community, as well as education and resources for the campus on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Community Building • Advocacy & Support • Resources • Education Tivoli 213 • 303-556-6488 • www.lgbtq-auraria.org

Get the latest campus news and entertainment created for students by the student voice of MSU Denver or join us and get professional experience in media. • The Metropolitan Weekly Newspaper • Metrosphere Monthly Magazine • Met Radio 24/7 Internet Station • Met TV Progreamming Tivoli 313 • 303-556-2507 • www.MyMetMedia.com

We are your catalyst for campus connections! Events and Programs • Fraternities and Sororities • Leadership Programs • Student Organizations • Element • Volunteer Opportunities • Student Travel Tivoli 305 • 303-556-2595 • www.msudenver.edu/ studentactivities/

We provide a place for you to relax, study, network and get questions answered in a space dedicated to veteran and military students, with full-time staff and a wealth of resources. • Quiet Study Space • Computer Workstations • Study Groups • Meeting Space • Student Veterans Club • Rotating Office Hours • Career Workshops • Special Events Tivoli 243 • 303-556-4294 • www.msudenver.edu/veterans

Student Housing Designed for You! All inclusive Studio Rates starting at $775/month!


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