The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 40
NO. 8
OCTOBER 4, 2017
Black beauty celebrated at Crunk Curls for second year | pg. 9
Photo by Sri Amirah Ali |
Yazmin Atmore, the founder of Crunk Curls Festival, assists the youth in creating their floral crown accessory for the festival.
Legendary activist celebrated in new film By Mimi Madrid Puga
while she was still alive, who
turned 87 this past spring.
In 1962, Huerta and Cesar Chavez founded The United
demeanor on stage easily hid
Farmer Workers to address
Flu shot clinic turnout disappoints
the historical trajectory she’s
disparities impacting farmworkers
paved after nearly five decades of
and their families. Her story
social justice organizing. Huerta
and name has not been as
attended early screenings of
prolific as other leaders.
Dolores Huerta’s soft spoken
Dolores Huerta, the documentary
“Dolores reminds me of my
that has captured her legacy, at
mom. She’s a union organizer
the Mayan Theater on Sep. 29.
and a janitor. She works,
| pg. 3
| pg. 4
Vegas tragedy hits close to home. Too close.
cooks, cleans and protests in
now see Dolores’ story as part
the streets,” student attendee
App turns attention span into game
of their own, one that perhaps
Alejandro Flores said.
“My hope is that people might
allows them to more fully, more
Photo by Mimi Madrid Puge |
Flores attended the film looking
Dolores Huerta signs autographs at the Mayan Theater on Sept. 29, 2017.
honestly, understand the last 50
for a safe space to celebrate the
years in America’s history,” said
struggle and find inspiration.
Peter Bratt, the film’s director.
He wore a button on his blazer
individuals like Flores who all
and groaned throughout the film
that read “undocumented and
wanted to share space with the
as Huerta’s story unfolded.
documentary after he received
afraid” to the screening, where
legendary Huerta. The room
a call by rock music icon Carlos
he knew he would be safe.
cheered as the lights went down
Bratt directed the
Santana. Santana urged him
The theater was filled with
to make a film about Huerta
students, teachers, families and
| pg. 6
for points
| pg. 11
Department takes staff changes in
and the opening credits of the film rolled. The audience sighed
| Continued on pg. 8