Volume 41, Issue 9 - Oct. 10, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 9


OCTOBER 10, 2018


Meta musical kicks off the theater season MSU Denver Theatre parody tradition with“The Drowsy Chaperone”

Photo by Joel Mathew | jmathe19@msudenver.edu

Lead actress Miranda Ireland, who plays the Chaperone, sings with the ensemble in the King Center during rehearsal on Oct. 3. “The Drowsy Chaperone” was presented by the MSU Denver Theatre Department and ran from Sept. 27 to Oct. 7.

By Megan Webber

favorite musical from the 1920s, “The

Chaperone, is tasked with keeping her

Throughout the show, he delivers


Drowsy Chaperone,” he comments on the

away from Robert before the wedding,

monologues on the fictional cast, all of

plot and shares his admiration for the play

leading to a whirlwind of mayhem.

whom are fictional people, and their lives

From classic comedy to tap dancing, “The Drowsy Chaperone” has it all. The play, first performed in 1998 by Bob

with the audience. The show opened at MSU Denver on Sept. 27 and closed on Oct. 7. The plot of the play within the play is

The anonymous man, otherwise known Bear Omundson. He begins the show by

Martin and Don McKellar with music by

set around the wedding of flapper Janet

having a conversation with the audience.

Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison, is set

Van de Graaff and Robert Martin, a dense

He asks if they enjoy theater, and does

in an anonymous man’s living room.

but loveable oil tycoon. Janet’s alcoholic

this all while making fun of musicals

maid of honor, otherwise known as the

that involve audience interaction.

While he listens to a recording of his



| pg. 2


| pg. 4

outside of “The Drowsy Chaperone.”

as the man in the chair, was played by


| pg. 7

| Continued on pg. 6


| pg. 8

Faculty senate highlights professor

Attacks on journalists won’t silent

Photo story: haunted house brings

Freshman dazzles for Men’s soccer


the press

Denver gore galore

in weekend sweep



OCTOBER 10, 2018

MSU Denver performs well on crime statistics By Dorothy Harris dharri08@msudenver.edu

Arrests for drug violations, at 24, were lower in 2017 than previous years. In 2016 there were 39 drug related arrests and in

The Auraria Campus saw less reported crime across multiple categories in

2015 there were 60, according to the ASR. Because Colorado has legalized

2017, from assaults to drug violations,

marijuana, people who carry it on campus

according to the Annual Security Report.

are no longer charged with possession.

“The ASR comes out every year,” said Dave Haden, associate dean for Student Engagement and Wellness at

Phibbs said that this might give MSU Denver an advantage in drug reporting on the ASR. He also said he feels that the Auraria

MSU Denver. “It is a federal requirement

Campus is good at standing up for victims

that has to be posted online and copies

and reporting domestic abuse. When APD

sent to all employees and all students

receives a call, they usually get others

and prospective students. The purpose is

from more witnesses to the crime. But

so someone can see how safe a campus

that doesn’t happen often, as domestic

is before they decide to come here,”

violence is more prevalent in private.

Haden said the federal government

The Auraria Campus’ domestic violence

is very serious about the report. Failure

numbers are low, because it doesn’t have an

to comply with requirements could

overnight population when most domestic

result in a fine just shy of $55,000.

crimes happen, according to Phibbs.

There are multiple organizational

While domestic violence arrests were

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Michael Phibbs, chief of the Auraria Campus Police Department in a meeting on Feb. 20. The Auraria police collaborated with MSU Denver, AHEC and Student Engagement and Wellness on the 2017 Annual Security Report.

hands involved in making the report,

still higher than they were in 2015, they

including Auraria Higher Education Center,

had decreased since 2016, from 13 to 10.

Auraria Campus Police Department

Sex crimes went down overall, with no

might see an increase in numbers, that

and MSU Denver. Student Engagement

reported rapes and one instance of fondling.

doesn’t necessarily mean that there is

Since 2016, burglary has gone up from

an increase in crimes. It might be that

and Wellness works closely with the police department on issues of

11 to 17, while aggravated assault went

the institution is doing better at helping

campus safety, including the report.

down from four arrests to one in 2017.

people step forward to report the crimes,”

“We have the good balance with them. Anytime a student has committed

Stalking has increased from 12 to 17. “It’s not that there are more crimes

An excerpt from the report states, “Although located in an urban environment,

a crime on campus they are contacted,”

happening, it’s just that more are being

the Auraria Campus has one of the

said Michael Phibbs, chief of the

reported,” Haden said. “That’s the tricky

lowest campus crime rates in the state

Auraria Campus Police Department.

thing when looking at the reports. You

because MSU is a commuter school and

does not house students on campus.” MaKayla Brown, a student at CU Denver, said she feels very safe on campus. “I work in parking and we have access the cameras. I can say that we have cameras everywhere on campus that can catch when incidents happen.”

Faculty senate celebrates teacher awards By Isaac Banks

working with each other. She said that


professors must prepare a variety of students and if they take themselves so serious every

The MSU Denver faculty senate met

day then they will not enjoy what they do.

on Oct. 3 to celebrate the winners of the

“I want our students to be able to

teacher awards and hear from guests.

laugh with each other,” Barnd said.

The meeting opened up with

She has students do brain energizers,

visitors Rhonda Eaker, director of the

short physical and mental activities that

Applied Learning Center, and deputy

jumpstart the brain and break the ice. She

general counsel, Nicholas Stancil.

did one with the senate, requiring members

Eaker said she wants to create a faculty

to close their eyes and count to 10 as a

learning committee to explore MSU Denver’s

group without talking over each other.

role in preparing students for careers.

Corey Sell, associate professor of

She is looking to start the committee in

elementary education, said he tries to create

the spring. Her second request is for a

a space for students to critically examine

faculty advisory council for the ALC.

their own reasoning and thoughts, making

“We have faculty advisory groups

it easier to discuss sensitive topics.

for specific programs like undergraduate

The last winner of the teacher

research or service learning,” Eaker

awards, Christopher Keelan, affiliate

said. “We have never actually had an

professor of music theory, was not

advisory group for the entire center.”

present because he was teaching. Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

This group would only meet twice a semester to maintain a relationship

Corey Sell sharing his teaching philosophy with faculty senate on Oct. 3 in Tivoli 320.

with faculty and ALC. Professors are

After recognizing the winners, MSU Denver President Janine Davidson briefly answered a question from the senate about the Classroom

not guaranteed pay for participating

committee and splitting the employee policy

Each of the professors were introduced

to Career program. Liz Goodnick, an assistant

in these types of committees, but

handbook into two separate books: one

with quotes from their students.

professor of philosophy, expressed concern

groups help them stay informed and

for faculty and the other for non-faculty.

have a voice in changing policies. “The more we have these connections between these units on campus and faculty senate, the better it is for everyone — ­especially our students,” said Matthew Makley, faculty senate president.

“The faculty handbook would basically deal with faculty specific issues like tenure and that sort of thing,” Stancil said. The senate voted in support of the new changes to the handbook committee. Teaching Excellence Awards

Ali O’Brien, lecturer of literacy,

over potentially lost commitment to the liberal

was the first winner to present her

arts and soft skills — like communication

teaching method to the senate.

and critical thinking — in the C2C initiative.

“One of the important pieces is that I know

Davidson reiterated her commitment to

and listen to my students because they are

liberal art has not changed and that employers

actually the ones that teach me,” O’Brien said.

are looking for soft skills in potential hires.

Another award winner, Susan Barnd,

Stancil stopped by to talk about

winners gave a short presentation to

professor of teacher education, believes

the new composition of the handbook

the senate on their teaching methods.

that from their first day students must start

The next faculty senate meeting will be on Oct. 17 at 3:20 in Tivoli 320.



STUDENT TICKETS! Students and teachers receive a ticket for


HALLOWEEN HAS BEEN RATED R (RESTRICTED – UNDER 17 REQUIRES ACCOMPANYING PARENT OR ADULT GUARDIAN) FOR HORROR VIOLENCE AND BLOODY IMAGES, LANGUAGE, BRIEF DRUG USE AND NUDITY. Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a prize. Supplies are limited. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee a seat at the theater. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theater is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prizes assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Universal Pictures, Allied Integrated Marketing, The Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prizes. Prizes cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS!


with valid school I.D.! * To purchase online use promo code: LISTEN

* A valid Student/Teacher ID is required for EACH discounted ticket. All tickets purchased in advance must be picked up at Will Call the day of show. Fees and limitations apply.


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4 staff Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

OCTOBER 10, 2018

Violence against the press Overcoming fear as an aspiring journalist in light of recent dissapearances

Managing Editor

aware of my vulnerability even —

Isaac Banks cbanks@msudenver.edu News Editor Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu

isn’t an option. My degree and

moment I wasn’t a reporter trying

found on Saturday with evidence

portfolio could lead to a lifetime

to do her job. I was inferior, and

of rape and strangulation.

of covering the local news and

with witnesses turning a blind eye.

James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.ed

I guess, following this path

Viktoria Marinova’s body was

weak. Easily beating, on a stage

Assistant News Editor

Bulgarian investigative journalist

no, especially — on the job. In that

I seriously contemplated if

Last February, Jan Kuciak and

slice-of-life stories, but my heart

his fiance were gunned down

is in the conflict. I want to tell

in their home in Slovakia.

stories, good or bad. Instead of

Features Editor

I was cut out for this work. If I

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

could easily be injured at this

Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed

from these tragic stories of other

By Ali C. M. Watkins

story, how could I ever achieve my

after a car bomb was placed in

journalists, I’ll try to model myself


goals of being a conflict or social

her Peugeot 108 and Tatyana

off of their courage and dedicate

documentary photographer? The

Felgenhauer nearly died after a

my life to informing the public.

insecurity my attackers gave me

man broke into her Moscow news

almost altered my career path.

station and stabbed her in the neck.

Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Assistant Photo Editor Joel Mathew jmathe19@msudenver.edu Copy Editor Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu

Around a year ago, I wrote an opinion piece for The Metropolitan about being a

This world can be a dangerous

In October 2017, Maltese reporter

And, in August 2017,

the most obtainable truth and the

place for both journalists and

Swedish journalist Kim Wall’s

voices unheard. They do this despite

recounted a terrifying experience

women. I fear that I can’t be both,

dismembered body was found

risking a target being placed on their

I had while photographing a

and that I may have to let go of the

after she boarded a Danish

back. It’s important that we don’t

story in San Francisco.

only one I can: my dream career.

inventor’s submarine for a story.

forget violence against the press,

I was assaulted by two men,

Fear creeps into my chest again,

My heart aches for all of the men

also photojournalists, in front of

as recent headlines of reporters

and women who have fallen victim

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

a large crowd. The kicker is that

who were kidnapped, stalked,

to violence just for being in this field.

the story was on the unveiling of

raped and murdered, pile on.

the Comfort Women Memorial in

Last week, critic Jamal

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

Journalists don’t search for fame or glamour. They search for

woman of color in journalism. I

Director of Met Media

Assistant Director of Met Media

letting myself be paralyzed by fear

So why am I here, spending

and that we demand protection for the people who inform us. Ali C. M. Watkins is a senior

every day working in student media

studying social documentary and fine

Chinatown — a place that should

Khashoggi entered the Saudi

and attending journalism classes,

art photography. She is currently the

Production Manager of Met Media

have been safe — in remembrance

Consulate in Istanbul and never

when all this effort could lead to a

editor-in-chief of The Metropolitan.

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

of women subjected to sexual

returned. Turkish investigators

dangerous career? Besides plotted

slavery during World War II.

believe he was murdered

violence, reporters risk harm from

and dismembered inside.

diseases, nature and accidents.

Office Manager

It was the first time I became

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

Why men need to be an ally in the #MeToo era

What we do said ad nauseam since women’s The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu or themetonline@gmail. com.

equality movements picked up

broader, immediate response. Change is slow moving. It

friends and neighbors that are hurt. Let’s say the left side is a

steam 50 years ago, and re-entered

took two-and-a-half centuries

gloomy-looking path. It holds

common consciousness with the

for the U.S. to come to terms

some sense of familiarity, but

rise of the #MeToo movement.

with the inherent evil of slavery,

there seem to be holes in the

and then another 100 years to

ground. And trees lining the dirt

attack on you or I, but on the system

see black people as somewhat

are dying. But it’s a straight path,

we have been brought up in.

equal to their white neighbors.

so we know what lies ahead. We

101.9 million women in

Let’s not even start with

choose this path, and things stay

To criticize men isn’t a personal

this country have experienced

everyone agreeing on everything.

as they are. Women continue to

By James Burky

sexual harassment at one time

Let’s take this in digestible steps.

be ignored and we idly sit by, not


or another — 81 percent of the

Attending events on the topic,

It is the duty of men, and those who have not been abused or hurt,

noticing or simply not caring

female population in the U.S,

reading from feminist authors

according to a Feb. 2018 poll.

or taking a gender studies class

of twists and turns. It looks a lot

are steps in the right direction.

nicer than the other one, though.

to join the crusade against sexual

power that falsely claim men

And to those who say, “Not

The dirt is smooth, the forestry

violence. Change is slow, but the

are under attack. These people

all men,” walk the walk. Show

lines the path like a vibrant parade

strength of allies for movements

weaponize baseless claims

women that all men are not sexual

of tranquility. We don’t know

like #MeToo is immeasurable.

to anger their supporters.

predators who view women as

what lies ahead, but it’s sure as

nothing more than a source of

hell better than the other path.

We’ve entered a Post-

And yet, there are some in

To the right is a path with a load

The least these victims deserve

Kavanaugh-Hearing America. We’ve

from us are open ears. The vast

pleasure and homemaking. Go

come to a fork in the road in gender

prevalence of this problem among

protest. Start a conversation.

relations for the next century.

women demands immediate

Show that you’re an ally. We’re at this crossroads in our

James Burky is a fourthyear journalism student studying convergent journalism and sport

For too long, men have been

attention. Think of it as two houses.

complicit in sexual violence and

One needs structural reinforcement

moral evolution. We’ve come far

media. He is currently the sports

mistreatment of women. That —

and the other is on fire. Both are

from our primal beginnings and

editor for The Metropolitan.

or something similar — has been

in need of help, but one needs a

now, it’s our duty to listen to our

The Metropolitan is hiring! We are wanting to expand our staff with new writers, photographers, comic artists, critics, columnists and political cartoonists. Drop your portfolio and resume off at the MET Media office in Tivoli 313 or email your work to Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu.

Now streaming on-line 24/7 anywhere you are!







OCTOBER 10, 2018

Self-aware ‘The Drowsy Chaperone’ takes lighthearted approach to musical theater Continued from cover

Miranda Ireland, who played The Drowsy Chaperone, said this makes the show unique. “The fun thing is that as ‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ which never existed, unfolds, the man in chair has little tidbits about all these fictional people,” she said. “He’ll stop in the middle of a scene and explain who they were, in air quotes, and so you get details about these people, these actors, who never really existed, but they have, like, whole entire backgrounds.” She said her favorite part of the show is its lighthearted nature. Many of the jokes make fun of musical theater and the show itself, creating a more relaxed experience for the audience. “The soundtrack is hilarious and great,” she added. “It’s fun, it’s cute, it’s sweet, come see it.” Omundson said he’s proud of how quickly the show came Photos by Joel Mathew | jmathe19@msudenver.edu

together. An intricate tap dance routine that takes place toward the beginning of the show came

Emily Lujan, who plays Kitty, tries to persuade the Hollywood producer Feldzieg, played by Leo Fox, to give her the role. “The Drowsy Chaperone” rehearsal was on Oct. 3. at the King Center.

together in only a couple of weeks. desperately trying to find a

does so many different types

show happens around him,

everything,” Omundson said. “The

a Broadway producer left

replacement other than his ditzy

of shows that allow us to really

the man in the chair simply

cool thing about this show is it’s

devastated by Janet’s decision to

date, a flapper named Kitty,

interact with different technical

sits back and observes.

filled with a lot of inside theater

get married and leave theater.

who tries to convince him that

elements that we may not get

she is the girl for the role.

to work with other places.”

While the rest of the

“My name says it all. I sit in a

chair the entire time and watch

jokes, which are just funny.”

Leo Fox played Feldzieg,

He spends the show

Fox said the show adds up to an hour and a half of hilarity. “The back of the album cover

technical. Apart from the

says ‘madness, mayhem and a

backdrop, the play only used a

gay wedding.’ Of course, a gay

couple of large set pieces, like

wedding meant, just happy at that

wagons. The rest of the set —

point. Now it has a completely

like a chair for the man to sit

different meaning,” he added.

in, his desk, telephone, record

Hannah Tripp, the show’s stage

player and a sofa — stayed

manager, agreed that another

in basically the same place

positive aspect of “The Drowsy

for the entirety of the play.

Chaperone” is its length. “That’s just one thing about

In one scene, Robert’s best man, George, suggests that he

this show that’s really nice, is you

take a walk to clear his mind

are out of here by 9:30,” Tripp

before the wedding. He blindfolds

said. “Most of the time, when

Robert and gives him rollerskates

you go to the theater, you’re not

so that he can move around

out till 10 or later, and so it’s

without having to worry about

a really good option for if you

seeing Janet before the ceremony.

want to see theater, but that time

Moments like these add to the

length is difficult for you.”

show’s simple, comedic nature

Like most MSU Denver

and threw in something extra,

programs, stage management

as opposed to music and drama.

allows its students to get hands-

The cast and crew said this makes

on experience by working on

it unique from other shows.

shows like these. After applying

“If you’re not into musicals,

at the start of the semester, Tripp

this is the musical to come see.

was assigned to this show.

It’s a musical for everybody

“It’s a kind of show that I’m very grateful that I had a chance

The Chaperone, played by Miranda Ireland, acts in her first scene in “The Drowsy Chaperone.” The Chaperone is a drunkard maid of honor trying to help the bride hide from her future husband.

The set for “The Drowsy Chaperone” wasn’t terribly

to enjoy,” Omundson said. The Theater Department’s

to stage manage, just from the

next show will be “Still Life

perspective of being able to call a

with Iris” by Steven Dietz,

musical,” she said. “This program

running Nov. 8-10 and 15-18.

OCTOBER 10, 2018


Denver floored by annual haunted house Photos by Joel Mathew | jmathe19@msudenver.edu and Jenny Bacon | jbacon14@msudenver.edu

Visitors to 13th Floor are greeted by a golem-like monster that attempts to scare them while informing them about what to

Cast members prepare for a night of horror at

expect in the event. This year, 13th Floor

the 13th Floor Haunted House on Oct. 7. It is the

added a new attraction called Mini Escape

second time the Halloween-themed attraction

Games. Ticket prices range from $20-$34.

has been held at 3400 E. 52nd Ave. in Denver.








OCTOBER 10, 2018

With help of freshman, Roadrunners sweep Gutierrez scores three of seven goals over weekend, including game winner

By Deicy Luevanos

Tittle believes that there’s no

left in the first half, it paid off.


better weather to play in: not too

Jaime Gutierrez scored off of

hot, not too cold. And the sublime

an assist from Jake Coking.

With perfect weather to play in, the MSU Denver men’s soccer

conditions were reflected in the

“I saw Jacob on the left, he

performance of the Roadrunners.

team, 6-6, beat both of their Rocky

cut back so I had to hesitate a

“We fixed a few things

little bit to make sure that I was

Mountain Athletic Conference

at half time, the guys paid

onside,” Gutierrez said. “When

opponents over the weekend

attention to their training

I saw he was gonna play it, I

by a combined score of 7-1.

and it showed in showed up

made my run and the defenders

in the game,” Tittle said.

didn’t track me very well. I

Despite a slow start in the first half of the game on Oct. 5, they

After defeating the Grizzlies,

had the one-on-one with the

were able to come back on the

the worst team in RMAC, MSU

field strong. The Roadrunners

Denver was ready to face

scored five goals against the

Colorado State University-

junior Yannick Schad fired a free

Adams State University Grizzlies

Pueblo ThunderWolves.

kick, which then curved across

in the second half, with four

keeper and an open header.” Two minutes into extra time,

The game started with

the goal and bounced between

different players putting the ball

the Roadrunners maintaining

Gutierrez and the defender.

in the net. The skies were covered

possession. This advantage

The ball was fortunately still

with a blanket of grey clouds,

meant they were able to change

in front of him and, as a first

with consistent rain, chilling the

the tempo of the game and find

instinct, he backheeled it into

players, but head coach Jeremy

ways to score. With eight minutes

the net for the winning goal. Though he’s just a freshman,

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Jaime Gutierrez celebrates a score against Adams State University on Oct. 5 at the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver. The Roadrunners defeated the Grizzlies 5-0.

Gutierrez has made a significant impact so far. He leads the team

“The first goal he scored was a

my abilities, the goal is to bring

in assists and is tied for first in

beauty and the goals he scores

the level up of confidence and

goals scored. He’s also ranked

now are very important, so he

I’m very happy that I got the

in the top 10 in the RMAC for

has to keep scoring goals and

goals. But even when I’m not

points, game winning goals and

be important to the team. I like

scoring, I have to make sure that

assists — the last of which he’s

that Jaime works hard and is

I’m still creating opportunities

ranked fourth in the conference.

always in the right space and if

for everybody else on the team

For his performance on the

he scores thats good for us.”

and helping the team out in

weekend, Gutierrez was named

The season is two-thirds

RMAC Player of the week, along

over and the first round of the

with teammate Elijah Fenton.

RMAC Tournament is getting

win will come as they face the

Fellow freshman Gianni

The opportunity for a seventh

closer. In order to be ready for

South Dakota School of Mines

Steijlen has seen the significance

the tournament, Gutierrez has

Hardrockers on Oct. 12 at the

of Gutierrez and what he’s

been spending extra time on

Regency Athletic Complex.

bringing to the field.

the field “perfecting his craft”

“Jaime is, of course, a really

MSU Denver’s Elijah Fenton fights for the ball with ASU’s Benji Rogers in their match on Oct. 5 at the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver. Fenton was recognized as an All-RMAC Player of the Week.

every aspect.” Gutierrez said.

good striker,” Steijlen said.

and creating goals for himself. “I have to be confident in

Men’s soccer season update 6-6 (5-3) 5th in RMAC

RMAC rankings

Statistical leaders


147 (7) Goals

23 (5) Assists

20 (4)


Shots on Goal





Jaime Gutierrez

Save percentage

.714 (6) Jacob Coking

Bryan Amouyal

James Tanner







Jaime Gutierrez

Jaime Gutierrez

OCTOBER 10, 2018


Broncos, Joseph are dead men walking

On Sunday, Denver turned in their worst performance of the season By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Who let Vance Joseph out of his hospital bed? Why hasn’t he been put on life support yet? We need 50 ccs of sense, stat! The Broncos’ catastrophic 3416 loss to the New York Jets was the shame of Denver sports this weekend and serves as a bitter demonstration of the downfall of a once proud team. It wouldn’t have been embarrassing to lose to the Jets. They’re an up-and-coming team with a solid core of young talent led by quarterback Sam Darnold, as are the Broncos with promising pieces like Courtland Sutton, Royce Freeman and Phillip Lindsay. No, what was embarrassing was how ill-prepared the Broncos were for a Jets team they supposedly were at the same level as, if not better than. They entered the schoolyard expecting

Photo by Robert Deutsch of USA TODAY Sports.

New York Jets defensive end Leonard Williams and Jets linebacker Jordan Jenkins sack Denver Broncos quarterback Case Keenum in the third quarter at MetLife Stadium on Oct. 7.

to be the bullies, but let the poindexter in the first-grade whoop the snot out of them.

Keenum is nothing more than average on his

Or last year’s 23-10 loss to the New York Giants.

The issues that have followed Joseph —

own. And we saw Sunday what happens when

Or last year’s 35-9 loss to the Miami Dolphins.

vanilla schemes, terrible offensive line play

not only are his skill players just okay, but his

and absent athleticism — persisted while a

protection is as useful as a wet paper bag.

myriad of new ones revealed themselves. The Jets gouged the Broncos for 323 rushing

Joseph has not improved the Broncos in any facet, nor have they even plateaued.

The Broncos have been able to bounce back from awful years and pull mediocre seasons out of their rear-ends in the past, but 2018 seems to be a deviation from that norm.

yards on just 38 carries. The Jets’ offensive

The offense, defense and special team units

line is far from spectacular, yet Derek Wolfe

haven’t showed even an inch of progression.

remaining games — the Cardinals, 49ers,

and company were unable to get so much of

Even a little improvement is enough evidence

Browns and Raiders — all figure to be

a sniff of Darnold all day, save for one sack.

that a system works, but the one instilled at

winnable games, and maybe they can pull

Bronco Stadium at Mile High is a comedy

out some upsets here and there, too.

And therein lies the issue with the

It’s only week six, and four of the Broncos’

Broncos: a lack of preparation, which

of errors. Instead of improvement, they’ve

is always rooted in the coaches.

eroded from a mountain of consistency

foreign to the feeling of losing and seeing

into a pile of dust and disappointment.

abysmal play on the football field to know

Joseph’s offensive line continues to be a step slow. Whether it’s center Matt Paradis

For all intents and purposes, the Broncos

But it’s important for a fan base that’s

this: teams that play like the Broncos did on

whiffing against nose tackle Damon Harrison,

are done. Vance Joseph is done. At this point,

Sunday rarely turn their season around. And

left tackle Garett Bolles being pushed into

it would be less embarrassing for him to walk

coaches whose teams turn in that performance

the pocket by defensive backs or simple

onto the sidelines with a back-open hospital

rarely are considered anything but bad.

defensive line pass rush concepts tangling the

gown than to turn in another performance like

feet on the right side of the offensive line.

the one we saw Sunday, or in the second half

I’ve said in the past that quarterback Case

against Kansas City or in the Baltimore game.

Roadrunners athletics review Volleyball

Women’s Soccer

Men’s Soccer

at Westminster

at Adams State

at Adams State




Oct. 5

Oct. 5

Oct. 5







vs. Dixie State

vs. Fort Lewis

vs. Colorado State




Oct. 6

Oct. 7

Oct. 7






2-1 (OT)

9 BRIEFS First African-American drafted into NFL dies As he put it, whenever George Taliaferro stepped on the field, it would be over by the time he left. He was the fi rst African-American to be drafted into the NFL and died Oct. 8 at 91 years old. He was taken in the 13th round of the 1949 draft by the Chicago Bears, though he would spend the season playing for the Los Angeles Dons of the All-American Football Conference. He played seven different positions in his career, scoring 15 rushing touchdowns, 12 receiving and 10 passing. He played for four teams from 1950-55, and was named to the Pro Bowl three conescutive times from 51-53. In 1981, he was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame for his tenure at the University of Indiana, where he was a starter for the school’s only undefeated team in 1945. Volleyball nabs second straight weekend sweep The MSU Denver volleyball team improved to 12-6 on the season after sweeping Westminster College and Dixie State University. Against Westminster, senior Taylor Duryea tallied 13 kills while posting a careerhigh .545 hit percentage. Junior Morgan Weatherwax, meanwhile, set 19 assists, bringing her season total to a team-leading 317. Two days later, the Roadrunners silenced 14-3 Dixie State. Their next match will be against New Mexico Highlands University on Oct. 12 at the Auraria Event Center. Cross-country has best finish of season at home meet The men’s and women’s cross country teams fi nished fourth at the Roadrunner Invitational at Washington Park in Denver on Oct. 6. Senior Sabrina Rautter fi nished with a personal-best time of 22:10.4, third among all women, and fi rst among Division II participants. Fellow senior Erica Ruiz fi nished 13th, crossing the fi nish line at 22:49.6. Meanwhile, sophomore Jacob Link edged out junior Sam Berg for the men. The pair fi nished with times of 25:34.4 and 25:34.8, good enough for 10th and 11th, respectively. Women’s soccer bounces back, improves to 8-3-1 After splitting last weekend’s games, the women’s soccer team closed out their four-game road trip with wins over the Adams State Grizzlies and CSU-Pueblo ThunderWolves. Brooklyn Mooney, Makenna Brassard, Jordan Lewis and Reigna Banks all scored in the 4-1 win over the Grizzlies. Banks then scored her 11th goal of the season six minutes into overtime against the ThunderWolves. Their next game will be against Colorado Christian University on Oct. 12 at the Regency Athletic Complex.






Out & Proud

Location Tivoli Turnhalle Price Free Time 11:00 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Hot Topic: Prison Systems

Location Tivoli Multicultural Lounge


Seven Lions

Location Red Rocks

OCTOBER 10, 2018


The Dead South

Price $30 — $80

Price $20/$25

Time 7 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.


Dizzy Wright

Location Fiddler’s Green


Price Varies

Price Varies Time 7:30 p.m.

Location Red Rocks

10.13 Katt Williams Price Varies

Time 5 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


J Balvin

Location Pepis Center

Job Search

Location Tivoil 215


Fantastic Negrito

Price Varies

Price $18

Time 8 p.m.

Time 2 p.m.

Time 11 a.m.

Grad School Day

Location Tivoil 320 Price Free


Kacy Hill

Location Ogden Theatre

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 4 p.m.

Denver Broncos


10.14 vs. L. A. Rams Location Denver

Price $24.75

Price $24.75 Time 8 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies Time 5 p.m.

Nuggets 10.12 at Bulls

Location Ogden Theatre


For Peace Band

Rapids 10.13 at Minnesota United Location Minneapolis

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6 p.m.

Time 12 p.m.

Location Cervantes’ Ballroom

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7:15 p.m.


Lake Clarity:

at MyMetMedia.com

10.11 at Sabres Location Buffalo, New York


Time 8 p.m.

10.16 Phora


Time 2:05 p.m.

Location Chicago

check out “Lake Clarity”

10.13 CSU — Pueblo Location Denver

Location Ogden Theatre’

Time 7:45 p.m.

For an immersive audio drama

Women’s Volleyball

Location Levitt Pavilion

Price Free


Women’s Volleyball




Price Varies Time 7 p.m.

Location Bellco Theatre

Price $35 — $80

Location King Center Concert Price Free Time 7:30 p.m.

Price Varies

Location Denver


10.12 S. D. Mines & Technology Location Denver

Time 4:30 p.m.

10.12 Highlands University

Price Free

MSU Denver Autumn Choral Concert

10.12 Colorado Christian Location Denver


Time 7:30 p.m.


Men’s Soccer

Location Fiddler’s Green

Time 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.


Women’s Soccer

Location Ogden Theatre


Pat Metheny

Location Newman Center


Chief Keef

Colorado Buffaloes

Air Force

Location Fox Theater

Price Varies

Price $25

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

10.13 at USC Trojans Location Los Angeles

10.12 at S. D. State Aztecs Location San Diego

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


Taylor Swift endorses

Twenty dead in NY limo crash

Florida braces for

The IPCC repost spells

Foul play suspected for

Democrats in Tennessee

The driver, 17 passengers and two pedestrians were killed when a SUV-style limo failed to stop at an intersection outside of Schoharie, New York on Oct. 6. The limo, which had failed safety inspections, proceeded through a T-junction at speed before impacting an unoccupied SUV and hitting the two pedestrians outside a local store. The state has indicated that the driver lacked proper licensing and that the company operating the limo had a history of regulatory non-compliance.

Hurricane Michael

doom for us all

missing journalist

The Gulf Coast of Florida is preparing for Hurricane Michael as the storm strengthens to a Category 3. Michael has already battered Cuba with heavy rains and winds. As it curves north-northeast, it will hit the Florida panhandle, which does not normally see storms of Michael’s strength. Gov. Rick Scott has already issued a state of emergency for 26 of the state’s 67 counties, while the city of Tallahassee has opened two locations to distribute sandbags in expectations of flooding.

In a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, who found that we have run out of time to reduce carbon dioxide and now need new technologies to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. The IPCC said that pledges made by world’s government in Paris in 2015 are not enough to keep the world from warming above 1.5 degrees Celsius. Planting forests, burning biomass and other experimental methods have been suggested to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

The Turkish government is demanding that Saudi Arabia provide information regarding the disappearance of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. He was last seen entering a Saudi Consulate in security footage, but no records have been provided proving he left. Khashoggi has been vocal in his criticism of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Turkey has claimed they possess proof Khashoggi was killed by Saudi personnel, but have yet to reveal their findings. Saudi Arabia has denounced the claims as unfounded.

Taylor Swift announced her intention to vote for Democratic candidates in both House and Senate races in her home state of Tennessee. Swift, who has historically been cagey about her political inclinations, explained in an Instagram post that events over the past two years, both private and public, had changed her mind on remaining quiet. Swift explicitly highlighted issues of racial, gender and sexual orientation equality, and rebuked Marsha Blackburn, the Republican incumbent running for Senate, for her failure to advance those causes in Congress.


OCTOBER 10, 2018


“I feel like ‘wet paper bag’ has more class.” “What? have you not been balancing your humors?”



Even though you feel overwhelmed right now, remember that positive action is the key to change.

You’ll want to find some personal space in the coming days, so make sure to clear your schedule in preparation.



While open-mindedness is difficult right now, it’s always seen you true, so keep at it.

Frankness is a virtue... most of the time. Be mindful of how others feel right now, and your real message will get through better.



You want to trust what you’ve heard these last few weeks, but review the facts with an objective eye and make your own judgements.

With things coming to a head, stick to practiced methods. Rely on your even-headed approach to see you clear.



Now that the weather has turned, you’re packed full of energy with no outlet. Pick up some old projects and take another whack at them.

This week will present opportunities to capitalize on your personability. Take them, and use that winning charm.



“I’m phlegmy-black all the time.”

Top 5 Fictional Agencies 1. UNIT 2. U.N.C.L.E. 3. I.M.F.

There is a fine line between patience and indulgence, and this week will put that to the test, so mind others’ obligations to you.

4. O.S.I. 5. CONTROL Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to managing editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu



You’ll want to take the time to grapple with world views you dislike. The best way to win hearts and minds is to understand them.

Your self confidence is key to your success, but take efforts this week to double check things, or you might find failure.


44. Roman fiddler

3. Viola’s kin

34. Butter alternative

1. Folded tortilla dish

45. Scientist ____ Curie

4. Shaquille and Tatum

35. Caution

5. Doll’s cry

47. Chicago trains

5. Method

37. Less frequent

9. Wharves

48. Beethoven work

6. Exist

40. Squeezing snakes

14. Songbird

51. Author Jules ____

7. Small dog breed

42. Knight’s title

15. Uttered

53. Zone

8. Watchful

43. From this time

16. Moon’s path

55. Gem weight

9. Savory pastry (2 wds.)

46. Guacamole ingredient

17. At rest

59. Cul-de-____

18. Delicious

62. Actor ____ Idle

10. Retirement acct.

49. Seesaw

20. Comfort

63. Go to bed

11. Recedes

50. Land measure

22. Mouse catcher

64. Wipe out completely

12. Provoke

52. Diner patrons

23. Baste

67. Not odd

13. Brood

54. Worn out

24. Internet pest

68. Take off

19. Deck member

56. Metal bolt

25. ____ system

69. Adam’s home

21. Heidi’s cousin

57. Amphitheater

27. Legendary stories

70. Pull apart

25. Lady’s title

58. Cares for

29. Church officer

71. Weirder

26. Is unable

59. Aria

33. Pull along

72. Extinct creature

28. Workout place

60. Asleep

30. Show concern

61. Attired

31. October gem

63. Gambling city

32. Those opposed

65. ____ had it!

33. Browns in the sun

66. Newsman ____ Koppel

36. Actress Winona ____

73. Amtrak terminals (abbr.)

38. Wine-producing valley


39. Mobile’s state

1. Turn

41. Smoker’s receptacle



Your instincts are to go your own way, and now is as good a time as any to express yourself your way.

2. Zeal








award-winning composer



“the most beautiful game of its time”


Composer Austin Wintory conducts Chicago’s Fifth House Ensemble in an interactive live performance of his Grammy-nominated score to the video game Journey. Students play the game in real time on stage while the musicians respond to their actions. * Join us for a free pre-concert lecture with Austin Wintory, composer of award-winning game scores to Abzû, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, and The Banner Saga on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 11:00 am, King Center Recital Hall.


*Students have been pre-selected.

King Center Concert Hall, 7:30 pm | Tickets $15, $12, $10 | FREE to MSU Denver Community

More information: 303-615-1010 | msudenver.edu/music | King Center Box Office: 303-556-2296

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