Volume 40, Issue 10 - Oct. 18, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 10

OCTOBER 18, 2017


NCIS Director calls students to duty at Turnhalle event By Carly Hollinshead

is not to engage in gunfire,


but to apprehend criminals and bring them to justice.”

Hundreds of MSU Denver

Traver also critiqued the

students and faculty flocked to

curriculum of criminal justice

hear Andrew Traver, Director of

classes and offered suggestions

the Naval Criminal Investigative

on how they might improve.

service, give a talk at the

Traver said that criminal justice

Tivoli Turnhalle on Oct. 12.

courses offered in colleges

During the two hour event,

across the country do not place

Traver stressed the need

enough of an emphasis on the

for proper training to avoid

importance of interacting with the

police shootings and used the

public and cultivating sources.

opportunity to address the rising importance of cybercrime. Traver also spoke about how he came to lead NCIS and provided attendees with insight into what the organization does and how to pursue a career in law enforcement. “We do everything that a major city police department does, but we also do counterintelligence and counterterrorism. Other than the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, we are the only federal agency that investigates

“We do everything that a major city police department does, but we also do counterintelligence and counterterrorism. Other than the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, we are the only federal agency that investigates espionage,” – Andrew Traver

espionage,” Traver said. Traver also highlighted

“Criminal justice courses

critical changes he made at

should include a section on

NCIS, such as implementing

how to interact with people and

more thorough tactical training.

work with sources to develop

According to Traver, a lack of

informants,” Traver said.

confidence in tactical training

According to MSU Denver

plagues law enforcement in

President Janine Davidson,

the United States and plays a

having the opportunity to hear

big part in police shootings.

Traver talk about his career path

“When agents are more

is hugely beneficial to the many

confident in their training,

MSU Denver students considering

they are less likely to use

a career in criminal justice. Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

force,” Traver said. “Our goal

| Continued on pg. 4



| pg. 4

Denver gathers for unity and peace


Andrew Traver, the director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, speaks to students and faculty at the Tivoli Turnhale on Oct. 12. As director of NCIS, Traver oversees the navy’s agency responsible for national security, counterintelligence, counter-terrorism, cyberwarfare, asset protection and criminal investigation.

| pg. 5


| pg. 8


| pg. 11

The etiquette of body modification

Part one of our investigation on

Soccer pushes towards RMAC

and concerts

Rocky Flats


OCTOBER 18, 2017



Annual Security Report divulges campus crime By Steven Sarin

report requires colleges and


universities to publish crime statistics for the preceding three

Auraria Campus remains one

years. The ASR covers crimes

of the safest higher education

that occur on campus as well as

environments in Colorado according

the surrounding public property.

to Auraria’s Annual Security Report.

Dave Haden, associate dean for

“I feel safe. I have night

student engagement and wellness,

classes and I don’t feel

and whose office is partially

uncomfortable walking from

responsible to the U.S. Department

campus to my car.” said MSU

of Education for compiling the ASR,

Denver senior Hailey Knight.

said, “We take this report very

She said that as a woman

seriously. For each incident not

she can feel threatened but was

included in the report, we could

reassured after learning about the

potentially be fined $54,000.”

campus’ public safety statistics.

The report showed that 12

However, one thing that Knight

vehicle thefts occurred on campus

remains concerned over is an

last year and one at a non-campus

active shooter situation.

site. Thirteen reported domestic

“It’s always in the back of my head,” she said. It’s a threat that also

violence crimes were reported as well as 12 reports of stalking on campus. One additional stalking

concerns Auraria Campus

event happened on public property.

Police Chief Michael Phibbs.

One rape and two incidents of

“I worry about those kinds of attacks a lot,” he said five days

and four robberies took place as

after the Las Vegas shooting.

well. For the second year, drug law

To allay the fear, ACPD

Photo by Phillip Poston | pposton1@msudenver.edu

fondling occurred. Eleven burglaries

Chief of Auraria Campus Police, Michael Phibbs, reassures students about campus safety. Low campus crime rates are reported in the latest Annual Security Report.

violations topped the list of reported

holds safety talks on campus to

crimes. Thirty-three occurred on

Phibbs said those citations

electronic devices and to not leave

prepare students and staff for any

campus and 22 on public property.

were often related to heroin use

bags or valuables in plain view

eventualities. The department

Phibbs said that heroin was the

and that he sees signs of the

inside cars. He also pointed out that

community of 45,000 plus

continuously examines mass

most frequently seen substance.

opioid epidemic everyday.

thieves target bicycles with wire

people on campus and look at

locks. U-locks can be purchased for

the number of serious crimes we

$5 at the campus police station.

have, it is really low,” he said.

casualty events to review and

Although not included in the

The police chief also said

revise response tactics and

ASR, trespassing and warrant

that most crimes on campus are

train officers accordingly.

arrests were the offences most

preventable. He advises individuals

commonly reported to ACPD.

on campus to keep a close eye on

The federally mandated

proud of Auraria’s crime statistics. “I think if you look at a

Phibbs said that Auraria Campus is a very safe place and that he is

MSU Denver raises faculty members’ salaries By Madison Lauterbach

budget takes into account a $6.4

scenarios projecting enrollment


million increase over last year. The

and based on those projections

increase in funding is due to a 6.5

we choose one over the other.”

percent tuition hike, a .5 percent

At their meeting in September,

To determine where funds from

the Board of Trustees approved pay

increase in enrollment and $211,602

student fees should be allocated,

raises for faculty and administration

in additional state funding. The

the Student Affairs Board audits

for the current fiscal year.

BOT also approved an increase

each program. The funding goes

in the CUPA minimum salary for

toward organizations like Student

each group across the board.

Government Assembly, the Center

The 2017-18 budget allows for full faculty and administration to

The original budget proposal was

receive a one percent bump in

for Visual Arts, student travel

their salaries. Affiliate faculty will

set in May, well before information

and theater. All of these groups

see a 2 percent raise. At the same

about enrollment for the following

that are funded by student fees

time, Student Engagement and

year was made available. Because

conduct self-study and evaluation

Wellness, Student Government

of this, the budget is proposed

of their accomplishments. They

Assembly, Student Media and

in phases. The first phase is to

then submit a budget request

student events will not receive

work with student and faculty

for the following fiscal year,

representatives to set a tuition raise

which is reviewed by the SAB.

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

any budget increases this year. “What we try and do is make sure that everybody is paid no less than a certain amount based on their

Associate Vice President for Administration, George Middlemist, and Budget Director, Jinous Lari, review the proposed MSU Denver budget on Oct. 17 in Middlemist’s office.

CUPA comparators,” said George

and determine mandatory expenses,

ask for further funding. SEW and

student scholarships and an

Student Media did not reach their

increase in minimum wage. During

goals for the 2016-17 fiscal year, and their budget will remain the same.

Middlemist, associate vice president

Professional Association, or CUPA,

“The task force also allocated

this phase, the Budget Task Force

for administration. “So say for

sets guidelines for minimum

funds for new positions, including

works with students and faculty to

example, an English professor, we

salaries for most paid positions

two full-time faculty, one affiliate

create three scenarios for allocation

want to make sure that if you’re a

at universities. The guidelines are

faculty and six administrators.”

of funds based on expected tuition,

tenured full professor in English that

set based on similar institutions,

you’re not making less than a certain

tenure and programs.

percentage of English professors that are similarly situated.” The College and University

The budget was approved after

SGA and student events did not

including contract increases,

enrollment and state funding.

The funds that come from student fees are strictly allocated. “We are responsible to our students to make sure the fee that

Budget Director Jinous Lari

they’re charged is used exactly

Budget Task Force in conjunction

said, “We work with the students

for the purpose that they have

classified staff also received a

with the Student Affairs Board and

closely, the budget office does, and

approved it to be used,” Lari said.

1.75 percent pay increase and,

the BOT. The $210 million operating

we usually develop three different

According to Early Bird,

months of development by the



OCTOBER 18, 2017

Work for MSU Denver excels at reaccreditation the real NCIS By James Bofenkamp


MSU Denver was officially reaccredited

by the Higher Learning Commission

Continued from cover

after a multiple month long process. The HLC is responsible for accrediting universities in 19 different states.

“Criminal justice courses

Many current and future students choose

should include a section on

MSU Denver partially because it’s accredited.

how to interact with people and

Accreditation is a form of endorsement that

work with sources to develop

colleges and universities use to let potential

informants,” Traver said.

students know that their program offers a

According to MSU Denver President Janine Davidson,

valid education that is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

having the opportunity to hear

As MSU Denver student Erin Hanlon said,

Traver talk about his career path

“Most accredited universities are the type of

is hugely beneficial to the many

degrees employers look for, non-accredited

MSU Denver students considering

universities are kind of a waste of time.”

a career in criminal justice. Lou Moss, an MSU Denver faculty member, agrees. “A lot of students are interested

The accreditation of universities assures various benefits, including access to federal funding, which helps keep tuition lower for students, and provides more financial flexibility

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver

in criminal justice, but don’t really

to the school. Accreditation also ensures

know what is required of them.

the value of degrees earned at the school

Getting to hear from speakers like

in question. Degrees from non-accredited

Director Traver helps them decide

universities are far less viable, due to the

if law enforcement is really what

fact that there are no guarantees as to how

and improvement of classes, as well as student

they want to do,” Moss said.

the school conducts itself and its classes.

success. The final category covers university

Considering how helpful

The exam tests various components of

MSU Denver students, Kenneth Lacullo and Lucy Broussard, laugh on their way to class on Auraria Campus. The university was reaccredited in early fall after a yearlong effort.

resources, planning and effectiveness.

for students using the GI Bill. MSU Denver student Shawn Black said accreditation is critical for GI

students found Traver’s

each school, which range from standards like

speech, Davidson plans to

the appropriateness of the degree programs

be below the desired standard, which then

bring more speakers with

to higher education and the autonomy of the

puts an institution in a probationary state.

specific career experience to

governing board to make decisions in the

In this probationary state, schools

reaccreditation in 10 years. When looking to the

MSU Denver in the future.

best interest of the institution. Each of the

are expected to be working to rectify the

next examination for MSU Denver, Chad Harris,

components are a part of one of five categories.

issues which have prevented them from

associate vice principal of curriculum and

passing the exam. The HLC may return in

academic effectiveness, said that the work has

”I talked to students who said that this was very helpful

The first category is mission, which covers

The HLC allows for certain components to

recipients. “I was using the GI Bill, so it’s kind of a requirement for us.” The school will next have to go through

because they want to pursue

the goals of the university. Integrity includes

the near future to re-examine the failing

already begun. The theory is that it is easier to

this career path, but aren’t sure

components like ensuring the board of the

components, and can revoke accreditation

maintain success than it is to have to scramble

how to get it done,” Davidson

institution is independent to confirm that

if the issues have not been resolved.

before each assessment to achieve success.

said, “I’d like to bring in more

the school behaves honestly. The category

speakers in that career exploration

of teaching and learning is split into two

allow for a school to be behind in

visit, and the school to a body, Harris said,

category so that students can

subcategories. The first includes quality,

certain areas, MSU Denver exceeded

“Your health, and how healthy you are is

get a greater exposure to that.”

resources and support for both faculty and

each of the goals set to schools.

dependent on day to day, what you do.”

While the HLC accreditation exams

students. The second covers the evaluation

Comparing the assessment to a doctor

Accreditation is also important

Coloradans join in national peace marches By Isaac Banks

Middie School. Elle Sypek, a social worker


at Strive, brought the students to the

in the march. Reverend Christopher

march to, “teach the kids they have a

Wilkins wanted to rally the population.

voice and ways to stand up for what they

“It is easy to complain, hard to

Confluence Park as people gathered

believe in.” Students, parents and workers

take action, do not complain about

for a 1.8-mile march to the Colorado

from the school all wore shirts that said

what we allow,” Wilkins said.

State Capitol for the Nationwide

100 percent human, made a statement

Solidarity March for Peace.

that no matter where one is from or

voiced the importance of peace and

who one is all are united as humans.

unity. Among these speakers were Lisa

It was a sunny, breezy day around

Young and old people from all races and cultures took the streets of Denver

With police help, the marchers walked

Everyone had a reason to take part

At the capitol, several speakers

Calderon, a criminal justice activist,

on Oct. 14. Before the protest started,

down the 16th Street Mall chanting, “This

Mohammad Noorzai, a Muslim faith speaker,

marchers gathered for a Native American

is what democracy looks like,” and, “the

Jeanette Vizguerra, immigrant rights

prayer and blessing that took place by the

people united will never be divided.”

activist and Kyle Southerland, a poet.

South Platte River. A member of the Four

Bystanders cheered, car horns blared and

Winds American Indian Council and active

fists in air accompanied the marchers as

we have differences, we can all come

protester Molly Ryan-Kills Enemy said

they made their way to the Capitol building.

together for the common good. They

that there needs to be a better balance

Arian Noorzai, one of the main march

told the crowd that they did not have

They emphasized that even though

between the voices of men and women

organizers, said marches are good for

to be a part of a culture to help fight

in today’s culture. She marched in order

awareness because they show that there

for it. Jeanette Vizguerra, through a

to address this and to bring attention to

are people who believe in peace and

Spanish translator, spoke on behalf

violence against Native American women.

unity. Noorzai is the executive director of

of immigrants and the importance of

The march had around 200 people in

March for Humanity and helped organize

keeping families together. In his speech

attendance. Among the marchers were

the Muslim travel ban protest at Denver

to the crowd Kyle Southerland said,

students from Strive Prep Montbello

International Airport earlier this year.

“Solidarity is to feel the pain of others.”

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Denver local, Stacy Parrish, marches along the 16th Street Mall for the March for Humanity with her son in hand on Oct. 14.

OCTOBER 18, 2017



The future of body modification


few weeks ago, Catt

and tattooists must be licensed

cannot tell you how many 8 year

Gallinger, a Canadian

to practice by local authorities,

olds I’ve seen with inch wide

model, made headlines

radical body modification artists

plugs in their ear lobes. We also

for her botched sclera tattoo. Her

are often operating outside the law.

need regulation so research can

then-boyfriend and self-proclaimed

A medical license is required for

be done on the lasting effects

body modification artist had

anaesthetics and medical supplies

of things like stretched ears,

tattooed the white of her eye

that are used in this line of work,

sclera tattoos and branding.

purple, which left her eye swollen

and there is little clarification on

shut and oozing ink the next day.

whether signed consent is enough

modification artists like Howie

The unnamed boyfriend had told

to make these procedures legal.

Luna Cobra, who pioneered the

Gallinger that he was experienced, even though he clearly wasn’t. This

Regulation also leads to more

Madison Lauterbach

is just one of numerous reasons

World renowned body

sclera tattoo, have been calling

research about the long-term effects

for regulations for years. Not

of this work. Just this year American

only would it make their work

why body modification, everything

paralyzation. And these are the

Academy of Pediatrics published

safer, but it would allow them to

from tattooing and piercing to

most common forms of body

their first recommendations and

work without the fear of being

more extreme surgeries, should be

modification. With branding,

guidelines for doctors working with

prosecuted. Because most of the

regulated at a federal and state level.

sub-dermal and transdermal

teenaged patients who receive

radical modifications are conducted

implants and eye tattooing the

tattoos and piercings. This is

illegally, apprenticeships and formal

procedures like scarification, tongue

consequences of a botched

incredibly important because a lot of

training are widely unavailable,

bifurcation and ear pointing become

job become more severe.

times teenagers will get basement

leaving people who are interested

tattoos that become infected, and

in conducting the procedures with

As radical body modification

more popular in mainstream society,

I am a proponent of making

the stakes become higher. Every

your body into what you want to

doctors have no knowledge of how

nowhere to go. Luna Cobra said

person who buys a tattoo gun off

see in the mirror. I have numerous

to deal with the issue. I’ve had this

that he did a lot of research and

Amazon believes they can be a

tattoos and piercings, and plan

experience myself when I got my

spoke with eye surgeons before

tattoo artist, without any formal

on getting some of the more

first tattoo in a shop. The tattoo

attempting the eyeball tattoos, and

training or apprenticeship. Even

extreme procedures done myself.

became slightly infected and my

that he would rather be forced to

in this case, a wobbly line isn’t

I have immense fear of handing

doctor had no idea how to handle it.

stop tattooing eyes than watch less

the worst thing that can happen.

my safety and recovery over to a

Garage or basement tattoos can

body modification artist whose

about the long term effects of

sight. “The question is how many

become infected, and in extreme

qualifications I can’t verify. Artists

tattoos and piercings on young

people have to be hurt before

cases lead to amputation or death.

who perform these more advanced

skin, and new legal guidelines

anyone is willing to do it,” he said

Face piercings in the right spot

modifications are doing so in a

for how teenagers acquire body

about regulating the industry.

can hit a nerve and cause muscle

legal grey area. Although piercers

modifications and jewlery. I

We need to conduct research

proficient modifiers risk people’s

Solution 3: Haha. No.

Etiquette 101” is a

disappointment about it, then you

Explanation: So I let you stand

pass/fail course. Those

should’ve found a way around it.

venue. No refunds. Good luck! Problem 1: The general-

in front of me. And then the next person. And the next. Where would

does Straight Edge Sally have

it end, Sally? Everyone in front of

something good to shout out to

you got here first, and we don’t

admission show for Straight Edge

the band! Should she share her

care about your genetics. Nor do

Sally’s favorite band starts at 8,

insightful little gem with everyone?

we care about your poor planning.

and doors are at 7. Straight Edge

Solution 2: Shut up, Sally.

Get here earlier, and account for

Sally arrives at 6:30. A line has

Explanation: You know who

yourself. We’ve all been victims

been established for some time

cares less about what you have

to the gentle giants of live music

now. Where will Sally be standing

to say to the band than those

crowds. Short or not, there is always

around you? The band. They are

going to be someone taller than you.

there to entertain all of the fans in

Adapt. Plan. Wear Doc Martens.

to see her favorite band?

Montana Martin

Solution 1: In the open space behind or around the people

space for yourself, then obviously

attendance. They are here for the

that got there before she did.

the space is not yours. You could

collective, not for you. Cheer in

Speak up to the nonsense, and

be in a committed relationship

whatever ways you must, as long as

don’t give people the chance to

that’s not in front anyone else that

with every member of the band.

it’s entirely reactive to the moment.

flex their sense of entitlement.

earned their space. Any reason

Shit, you could BE the band. But

And don’t do it for the attention.

Concerts shouldn’t need to come

that you can come up with for

if you think you’re standing in

Even if you get the validation

with disclaimers for being tolerant

inhibiting someone else’s hard-

the space in front of someone

you’re looking for, the moment is

of bullshit. Pay attention to those

earned enjoyment of the show

who put in the time outside in the

more fleeting than the Snapchats

fans that were here before you.

is null and void. I don’t care how

elements on a dirty sidewalk, I’d

you insist on posting during the

And certainly don’t forget those

much you love this band. We all

be more than happy to help you

show. They will not remember you

around you during the mad rush

love the band we’ve come to see.

find a place to stand. I’ll even pay

tomorrow. I, however, will never

to the barricade. If you see that

That’s the reason why the people

for your Uber to get you there.

forget the annoying load of garbage

someone that was here before

you are capable of being. Find a

you just got royally screwed by

Explanation: Stand anywhere

ahead of you were there five hours

Rebuttal: But hold on just a

Summary: Don’t be a pushover.

early. And if someone is willing to

minute! Not all of us can spend

new outlet to receive the attention

a glitching ticket scanner, work

put in the time to make sure they’re

a whole day waiting in line!

you are clearly not getting.

together to make sure they get what

in the space they want to see the

Explanation: Fair! Just

Problem 3: Straight Edge Sally

they spent all day trying to secure.

show from, then don’t try to take

don’t expect to be at the front!

is 5-foot-3. Is Sally allowed to stand

that away from them. If you blew

There’s no other way to put it. If

in front of you because you’re a

Don’t be ignorant to those

over the steps it takes to secure that

it were so important to you that

few inches taller than she is?

around you. Don’t be a Sally.

Don’t make it stressful.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

you’re willing to vocalize your

Problem 2: Oh boy howdy,

Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu

Assistant Director of Met Media

elcome! “Concert

who fail will be asked to leave the


Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Concert etiquette 101



Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



OCTOBER 18, 2017

New film spotlights soldiers’ secret enemy

‘Thank You for Your Service’ focuses on veterans with post-truamatic stress disorder

By Maria Muller

symptoms and has to find his


own way of coping. Schumann’s close friend, Tausolo Aieti, or

How many people do you know

Solo, played by Beulah Koale,

that would take a bullet for you?

experiences memory loss and

For most of us that would be a

violent episodes. Shumann

short list. For our men and women

accompanies Solo to the

in the armed services, it would be

Department of Veteran Affairs,

every person they served with.

where they are passed around

Soldiers adapt a different

to different lines to stand in

mindset in war. They learn to trust

and given numerous stacks of

and rely on the person next to

paperwork to fill out only to be

them. Traumatic experiences such

told they can’t be seen for months.

as being fired on and watching

When Solo is refused

comrades fall and even die in

assistance, he seeks relief

front of them becomes the norm.

through mind altering drugs.

But the human brain doesn’t

Shumann chooses to bury

always adapt as easily as we’d

unwanted memories by ignoring

like to think. Since 2001 about

them in an attempt to escape

2.5 million soldiers have been

his self-appointed guilt.

deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan

The wives and girlfriends

or both. Roughly 1 in 8 report

reap their own affliction from

post-traumatic stress disorder

PTSD. Men that were once their

symptoms when they return from

soulmates are now strangers.

service. Flashbacks, nightmares,

Schumann’s wife, Saskia, played

feelings of detachment, irritability,

by Haley Bennett, discovers a

trouble concentrating and

half answered questionnaire

sleeplessness are some of the

that reveals her husband has

symptoms reported. Studies also

suicidal thoughts. She is caught

show that suicide risk is higher

between wanting him to be

in people suffering from PTSD.

“He said that was the first time someone had welcomed him home other than his wife and kids, and he got in his truck and cried.” – Jason Hall

Photos courtesy of DreamWorks Pictures

Beulah Koale takes acting pointers on set from Jason Hall, writer and director of DreamWorks Pictures’ “Thank You for Your Service.” The movie will be in theaters on Oct. 27. Veteran Service Organizations.

a gas station, saw a Big Red One

But it’s up to us to find a better

sticker on the back of his truck

not only make more people aware

way to welcome these guys home.

and asked him if he was there.

that strong soldier and getting

of PTSD, but initiate change. He

Not understanding what they’ve

Schumann told him he was.

him to be vulnerable enough

worked hard to get the Veteran

been through, we often approach

“The guy reached out and

to admit he needs her help.

Support Organization involved.

veterans with an awkward “Thank

shook his hand and looked him in

Shumann’s guilt grows, and

a learning process for me.” Hall hopes that the film will

He showed the film to Patrick

you for your service.” They don’t

the eye. He said, ‘Welcome home

he realizes he can’t get better by

Murphy, a former secretary of the

always know how to respond. Hall

son, welcome home.’ He said that

ignoring it. He decides to revisit

army and first Iraq war veteran

said he’s starting to understand

was the first time someone had

the people who have been affected

to become a congressman.

veterans enough to start a

welcomed him home other than

most by the decisions he made in

“He saw the the movie and

conversation that makes them

his wife and kids, and he got in

Iraq so his own healing can begin.

and he said, ‘This is the defining

feel welcome by saying things

his truck and cried. What we don’t

Almost all of the characters

movie of our generation. I want

like, “Where’d you serve?”, “What

realize is these guys are hurting.

portrayed in the film were based

to help you.’ So we showed

rank were you?” or “Do you have

These guys are experiencing

off real people from Finkel’s

over 120 VSOs the film and

friends you were separated from?”

things we can’t even imagine.

soldiers is getting them to admit

book. Many of them were on set

managed to get the top 20 of

they need help, and then getting

during filming and even played

them on the phone,” Hall said.

them the help they need. In a

small roles in the film. Hall

new film set to be released on

spent a lot of time with them

Oct. 27, director and screenwriter

before and during the filming

Jason Hall tells the story of

and said their presence made a

real life soldier, Sergeant Adam

huge difference. Coming off of

Schumann and his struggle with

“American Sniper” he thought

PTSD. The film is adapted from

he understood these soldiers.

The biggest problems for these

the pulitzer winning book by the

these guys and what they

Service” written by journalist

had been through,” Hall said,

David Finkel. Hall, who also

“I really didn’t understand

wrote “American Sniper,” said

the war as they saw it.” misunderstanding with veteran

second part to “American Sniper.”

Michael Emery, played by Scott

a way to welcome them back.”

gentleman had approached him at

Haze. Emery had been struck in the

trauma and the way to cope with

head by a bullet and suffered from

that,” Hall said. “This is not just

hemiparesis, paralysis restricted

isolated to the military. Trauma is

to one side of the body. Hall

universal. We saw it in Las Vegas.

assumed that Emery’s physical

Every person that walked away

injury had to be worse than what

from that incident is going to have

he understood PTSD to be.

that scar of trauma on their brain.”

our arms a little bit and finding

he’d come home. An older

Early on he had a

different subject, it felt like the “This is a movie about

and connecting veterans to their

And it’s just about opening up

that happened three years after

“Not only did I not understand

same name, “Thank You For Your

that although this film tackled a

He said it’s about taking action

Shumann told Hall a story

“He felt that the PTSD was

The film follows Sergeant

worse,” Hall said of Emery.

Adam Shumann, played by Miles

“And I assumed otherwise

Tiller, and his fellow soldiers

and really upset him. I had to

return to civilian life from Iraq.

come back and approach the

Each man suffers different

whole process with him. It was

Miles Teller and Beulah Koale on set of DreamWorks Pictures’ “Thank You for Your Service.” Director Jason Hall featured only authentic veterans in this VA scene of the film.




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OCTOBER 18, 2017

Mystery of the Flats

Study raises questions over legacy of cold war weapons installation

how to handle an epileptic student.

it down for hazardous operations.

in the area started the Rocky

that I grew up with that were

The EPA, Department of Energy,

Flats Downwinders in response

also having health problems.”

uncovered a new connection to

and Colorado Department of

to the health concerns from

her epilepsy. Ball’s friends started

Public Health have been involved

living close to the facility.

her classroom with a blank stare,

talking to her about their own

with cleanup ever since, trying to

unaware anyone had called her.

epilepsy. Like her, they didn’t have

ensure to the public that the area is

Her teachers noticed something

a family history or head trauma,

risk free. Two areas of Rocky Flats

had changed about her. At first,

which are the most common

are now designated into operable

doctors thought it was attention

causes. The one thing they all

units, or OUs. OU1 is in the middle

deficit disorder, however, a Ritalin

shared was their neighborhood,

of the facility, and is still actively

prescription induced grand mal

downwind from Rocky Flats.

monitored for contamination.

seizures. That was a step up from

The facility was used to produce

During Rocky Flats’ operation, OU1

the petit mal seizures which is

plutonium triggers for nuclear

held the majority of the plant’s

what was actually causing her

warheads during the Cold War.

buildings, operations, and nuclear

By Matt Miller mmill237@msudenver.edu Nine-year-old Dani Ball sat in

blank stares. With no family

Twenty-three years later, she

“My neighborhood, which is

The Rocky Flats Downwinders’ mission is to educate their community, and advocate for them.

“I grew up near the plant and I was having health problems, and I was finding a lot of other people that I grew up with that were also having health problems.” – Tiffany Hansen

material. In 2006, the EPA deemed

They’re aware that many in the area might not understand the risks of living outside of Rocky Flats. Many residents in the new developments, and doctors in the area, may have just moved here from out of state. “I was concerned about the fact that there haven’t been health studies done, yet they’ve done all this development

history, epilepsy didn’t make

Westminster - you can see Rocky

OU2’s cleanup, the surrounding

sense to Ball and her family.

Flats from your backdoor,” Ball said.

portion of OU1, complete. It now

I was having health problems,”

remains as a “buffer zone.”

Tiffany Hansen, co-founder of

universities and found support at

As neighborhoods grew

the Downwinders, said. “And I

MSU Denver from Professor Carol

was finding a lot of other people

Jensen, who has since retired.

Life went on for Ball, but not

The plant operated from 1952

easily. Her classmates made fun of

to 1989, until the Environmental

her, and school staff didn’t know

Protection Agency and FBI raid shut

around the old plant, people

“I grew up near the plant and

out there,” Hansen said. Hansen initiated contact with

Jensen conducted the first health survey of residents who lived downwind from Rocky Flats. When Ball contacted Hansen about her epilepsy, it added a new element to the Downwinders. The health survey focused on certain cancers, and hadn’t yet considered epilepsy. Hansen encouraged Ball to start documenting the instances of epilepsy around the neighborhood herself, since Ball had a good reach with the residents. “People need to be able to Photos by by Hannah Morvay | hannahmorvay11@msudenver.edu

Professor Bobbie Kite worked with former MSU Professor Carol Jenson during the first health survey of Rocky Flats. Dani Ball grew up downwind from Rocky Flats. Sarah McCormick is one of the many residents that contacted Dani Ball after hearing of the epilipsy prevalence maps she’s putting together.

empower themselves. We can’t wait for the government to do something,” Hansen said. Ball’s study has been as grassroots and organic as it comes. When news organizations began

OCTOBER 18, 2017



airing her story and the map she created, more people connected with her to share their diagnosis information. When the information is loaded into the map, it lists the

1957 Rocky Flats Fire

1969 Rocky Flats Fire

person’s cross streets, what year and age they were diagnosed,

On Sept. 11 Plutonium shaving combusted

On May 11, 1969, a plutonium fire broke out in

their family history with epilepsy

after being left in a glove box in room 180 of

the processing section of Building 776, creating

or migraines and how long they

building 71 which was the original plutonium

one of the most costly industrial accidents in

lived in the area before diagnosis.

processing building. Later the building number

United States history. Plutonium kept in an

changed to 771. The filters to prevent the

open can within a glovebox began to smolder

Broomfield, just downwind

Plutonium from escaping into the air were

due to spontaneous combustion. Unlike the

from Rocky Flats,” Ball said.

paper, which quickly burnt in the fire.

filters used in Building 71 at the time of the 1957

“There’s a big cluster in

After hearing of the connections

fire, these filters were not highly flammable

that Ball put together, Sarah

and performed well during the 1969 fire.

McCormick, connected with her. “It was just bizarre. Besides my niece, I had never met anybody else with epilepsy in my whole life,” McCormick said. When she was 11 years old she had her first seizure, also a petit mal, but wasn’t diagnosed Contamination and Dispersal of Soil

until she was in her 20s. She grew up around Rocky Flats and

from the Building 903 Drum Storage Area

both of her parents worked at the

July 1958 Drum storage area established.

facility. Her mom and dad told

An estimated 5,000 gallons of plutonium-

her about the working conditions

contaminated oil leached into the soil between

at Rocky Flats and the lapses in

1964 and 1967 causing contamination in the

personal safety by the employees

groundwater on the eastern end of the site.

at times. Her father worked closely with beryllium at Building 771, under the OU1 area, the most radioactive area on Rocky Flats. McCormick and her friends thought nothing of it when they were children. Like any kids they Courtesy of the U.S. Federal Government | Photo aquired from Wikimedia Commons,

took advantage of the surrounding area, playing in the waters close

Photograph depicts Rocky Flats area in 1954

by or the prairie-like grass outside of the compound. Most people

Kite said. She has since moved

couldn’t tell that anything as big

from MSU Denver to a position

as Rocky Flats used to exist in

at University of Denver, but is

the area between Golden and

in the process of getting a more

Boulder along highway 93. It

complex study approved through

doesn’t hold the same innocence

their Institutional Review Board.

that it used to for McCormack.

The first study conducted is known as a convenience study,

“If you look at that map – that’s the most powerful thing for me, that makes me want to know more” – Sarah McCormick

and they weren’t able to control or randomize the survey participants took, which leaves the study open to bias from many angles. “Was it anybody’s fault?” said Kite. “No. They’re literally

Rocky Flats area

just trying to do whatever they “If you look at that map – that’s

can to investigate this. From that

the most powerful thing for me,

standpoint, I think it was very

that makes me want to know more,”

valuable because it brought a lot

she said, regarding Ball’s map.

of attention to something that

She’s hoping that at some point the

needs to be talked about.”

government might start to revisit

Epilepsy will still remain absent

the ideas of health studies and the

from the new survey, but Kite

impact on residents around the area.

believes there is room to look into

The process for the health

it more in the future. In the review

studies are slow moving, but not

process, they will have to determine

without reason. The first health

a number of people to survey, when

study that was backed by MSU

and how long they lived in the area

Denver’s Institutional Review

and where they reside now. Kite

Board and led by Bobbie Kite

has had talks with the Colorado

and Carol Jensen brought back

Department of Public Health and

interesting results, but nothing

said the organization is willing

that couldn’t be validated.

to have a conversation about the

“From a scientific standpoint,

findings when something more

they don’t have much standing,”

statistically sound is complete.

This is the first article of a three part story. Professor Bobbi Kite, now at the University of Denver, is leading a second more comprehensive study of the epilepsy correlation to Rocky Flats. Look for the second part, which will go into more detail of the scientific components of this story.

Map created by Dani Ball Purple are homes with one person affected. Blue hearts are siblings affected. Pink hearts are family members,(other than siblings) affected.



OCTOBER 18, 2017

Golf fall season wrap-up

Ferguson begins campaign at helm of program


By Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu

What’s coming up WOMEN’S SOCCER • October 20 @ Western State • October 22 @ University of Colorado, Colorado Springs WOMEN’S AND MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY • October 21 RMAC Conference Championship VOLLEYBALL • October 20 @ Colorado School of Mines • Colorado 21 @ Colorado Christian University MEN’S SOCCER • October 20 @ Westminster College (Utah) • October 22 Colorado Mesa University

MSU Denver men’s soccer keeper earns RMAC honors MSU Denver junior goalkeeper James Tanner was named the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference goalkeeper of the week. Tanner earned the honors after posting shutouts in both of the weekend games against University of Colorado, Colorado Springs and Colorado State University - Pueblo. Tanner posted five saves across the two games, while teammates put up five goals. The Roadrunners are 7-7 overall, 7-3 in the RMAC. Tanner and the Runners will continue to make a push for the RMAC playoffs on Oct. 20 when they face off against Westminster College in Salt Lake City.

Volleyball wins it’s 10th in a row MSU Denver’s volleyball team won its 10th match in a row, a 3-2 thriller over Regis University. Th ree sets featured extra points, including a back-and-forth fi fth set that the Roadrunners took 18-16 after falling behind twice. Junior Santisha Sturges posted a double-double with 19 kills and 25 digs, and senior setter Alyssa Svalberg had 55 assists on the night. The Roadrunners battled back from a 2-0 set defecit to reverse sweep the Rangers, who came into the match with a 10-0 Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference record. MSU Denver and Regis University are now tied for second place in the RMAC at 10-1, a half-game back from fi rst place Colorado School of Mines, who they play on Oct. 20.

Gullikson’s best performance came during the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Fall Invite,

The MSU Denver women’s

where she shot a two-day score

golf team finished the fall

of 152, good enough for 10-over-

portion of their season with the

par and fifth place. Gullikson was

Lady Buff Stampede hosted by

the top player for the team twice,

West Texas A&M on Oct. 2-3.

but did not participate in the final

Over the course of the season,

tournament of the fall season.

the Roadrunners partook in five

Instead, she celebrated her

different tournaments. Of the

mother’s 50th birthday during that

five, they placed in the top-10 as a

weekend. She averaged a score of

team three times, with a top three

159.5 across her four tournaments.

finish being their best result.

“I did okay this fall. I

The team had to play its

had three bad rounds over

first two tournaments without

the four tournaments, but

a coach. Former head coach

it’s only motivation for

Ben Portie left the team prior to

the spring,” she said.

the 2017-18 season to take the

Photo from MSU Denver Department of Athletics

Gullikson is one of three

head coaching job at Northern

seniors on the team. She

Colorado University and the team

looks forward to improving

remained coachless until Sept.

over the winter and entering

27 when Stefanie Ferguson was

the spring season strong.

hired. Until Ferguson was hired,

“All I can tell you now is that

Senior Meg McMullen wraps up the fall portion of her second season of golf at MSU Denver. She competed in all five tournaments in the season. the best that I could do.”

MSU Denver has a strong talent

With the addition of Ferguson

pool with a lot of potential moving

as their head coach, Hankins wants

forward. Ferguson wants to keep

practices remained relatively

I am going to work harder than

to continue strength training and

her eyes on upcoming young

unstructured, run either by the

I have before because I want to

building her own confidence. As

players Sarah Hunt, Kika Dzoan,

players themselves or by Assistant

go out with a bang and finish

a team, she is looking forward to

Shelby Bartlett and Hankins.

Director of Athletics Erin Hiltner.

my senior year off the best I

the improvement over the winter.

“Erin did great for us. Now with Stef we have more structure and actual drills and stuff to work on,” said senior Lindsey Gullikson. Ferguson was a member of

ever have at Metro,” Gullikson said in an emailed statement. Hankins was one of the most consistent players for the

“We are going to work hard

“As a team, I hope we can bring

on the mental part of their games

out the best in each other and

and being able to manage their

strive to improve our results from

games a little better round

the fall season,” Hankins said.

to round,” Ferguson said.

Roadrunners. She never shot

Glenn consistently finished as

“Our goal is to spend more

the Colorado State University

more than a 163 across the five

one of the top three players for

time in the weight room and

women’s golf team from 2005-

tournaments, and finished as the

MSU Denver in every tournament.

work hard on performance to

2009. She earned Academic

top player on the team in three

Her best individual finish came

make sure we are as sharp as

All-America and Academic

tournaments, with her highest

during the RMAC Fall Invite, where

possible for the new season.”

All-Conference selections over

individual placing during the

she finished 10th, three shots

that time. She also currently

Farmers Insurance Samuel Proal

behind Gullikson. She averaged

start in mid-January, and the

works as a lead teaching

Invite, where she finished 10th.

160.4 over the five tournaments.

spring season will kick off

professional at ExperienceGolf.

She had an average score of 158.4

Through the fall season, the Roadrunners had three

Practices for the team will

Over the course of the winter,

with the Tim Tierney Pioneer

across the five tournaments.

Ferguson and the team will look to

Shootout in Pleasanton,

“Obviously, I would have

make improvements both mentally

California, on March 5-6.

stand-out players – Gullikson,

liked to play better overall,”

and physically. Ferguson believes

sophomore Jennifer Hankins

Hankins said. “But given

the team will have a great spring

and junior Tori Glenn.

the situation, I believe I did

season, and made sure to note that

Roadrunners athletics review Men’s Soccer Oct. 13


Women’s Soccer

vs University of Colorado,


Oct. 13

vs New Mexico


Colorado Springs


Highlands University


Oct. 15


Oct. 14


vs Colorado State University-Pueblo


vs Colorado State University- Pueblo Oct. 17 vs Regis University


W 3-2

Oct. 15

vs Black Hills State University

W 2-0


OCTOBER 18, 2017


Men’s and women’s soccer both chasing playoff seeding NATIONAL NEWS

By Matt Entrekin mentreki@msudenver.edu

New York Giants deal Denver Broncos humbling loss

As MSU Denver men’s and women’s soccer teams head into the final weeks of the regular season, both teams have their eyes fixed on taking a conference title back to Denver. The MSU Denver men’s team began the season by losing their first five games as they devolved into a what seemed ike a lost season quicky. But the Roadrunners’ confidence never wavered as they went on to win six of their following eight games, which catapulted them up the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference standings. The Roadrunners knew that if they stuck to the plan and trusted their strengths they would be back on top when the dust settled. “A big thing for us was Photos by Giacomo DiFranco | gdifranc@msudenver.edu

trusting the process,” said MSU Denver defenseman Luan Silva on how his team was able

Freshman forward Teo Jukic chases the ball in MSU Denver’s match against University of Colorado, Colorado Springs on Oct. 13. Jukic recorded an assist in the game, and has four points on the season.

to adjust to a rocky start. The men’s team has recovered, as they currently hold a 7-7 record entering the final four games of the

regular season. But the MSU Denver

if the team we’re playing has a

squad knows that’s no easy task.

losing record or winning record,

Only one point behind Mesa

we gotta show up and play.”

possibly the NCAA tournament.” The MSU Denver women also experienced struggles of their own at the beginning of the season. They

season, which include pivotal series

in the standings, the potential

against struggling Westminster

six on the line have profound

do just that they’ll put themselves

limped to a 1-4 record to start the

College and RMAC two-seed

implications on seeding for the

in great position to make a run

season and scored just two goals in

Colorado Mesa University.

Roadrunners. Currently, first-place

for an RMAC championship.

their first five games. MSU Denver’s

MSU Denver currently ranks

Colorado School of Mines leads

MSU Denver knows that if they

“When we team

streak of bad luck continued to hurt

third in the RMAC and could rise

MSU Denver by six points, with

defend we’re pretty much

them when they nearly took down

even higher in the standings if they

five-seed UCCS four points behind.

unstoppable,” Silva said.

No. 23 St. Edward’s University but

take care of business and rise to the

“Every team in the RMAC is

occasion in the home stretch of the

tough,” Silva said. “It doesn’t matter

However, nobody’s worrying

failed to get any offense going

about the playoffs just yet. Head

as they suffered a devastating

coach Jeremy Tittle knows

1-0 loss in double overtime.

they must keep their focus on winning one game at a time. “We just keep chasing the next

1-4 start, MSU Denver went on

game that we have in front of us.

to win five of their next seven,

That’s all we can do,” Tittle said.

including a four game winning

The Roadrunners have relied

streak that included key wins

heavily on the dominant play

against RMAC foes Fort Lewis

from forward Nils Runnberg.

and New Mexico Highlands.

Runnberg, who’s first in the RMAC

MSU Denver currently ranks

in game-winning-goals, leading

fourth in the RMAC with a mark

his team in scoring with six goals

of 7-6. But the road to the RMAC

in 13 games. Tittle had nothing but

Tournament doesn’t get much

high acclaim for his young star.

easier. They face the red-hot UCCS

“He’s a focal point of the

Mountain Lions and the undefeated

attack,” Tittle said. “I’m not

Regis Rangers, both of whom are

surprised he keeps showing

at the top of the RMAC standings.

up on the scoreboard. I’m

But the Roadrunners do not

surprised when he’s not.”

lack experience in facing adversity.

The Roadrunners’ main goal is

This season they have taken on

to stay consistent and trust each

three nationally ranked opponents

other as they make their last stand

including a nail-biting 1-0 loss

approaching the postseason.

to No. 1 Western Washington,

“When we’re not consistent we wind up just not playing well,” said MSU Denver midfielder Justin

Goalkeeper Breanna Flores and defender Makenna Brassard pump each other up before their game on Sept. 10 against Western Washington University.

But just like the men, the women proved resilient. Following their

in addition to Colorado School of Mines and St. Edwards. The MSU Denver squad has their

Glivar. “Staying consistent, team

eyes on Oct. 31, the beginning of

effort and all around team defending

the RMAC tournament, as they’ll

will be great for us and I think that’ll

attempt to make their run in the

set us apart and really get us going

final two weeks of the season.

for the RMAC tournament and

The Denver Broncos lost for the second time this season on Oct. 15 when they lost to the previously winless New York Giants 23-10. The story of the game once again was the Broncos’ offensive inability to score in the red zone. The Broncos advanced inside of the Giants’ 20 yard line three times in the game, but mustered only seven points out of those trips. Siemian didn’t do anything to silence his detractors during the game either. He passed for 376 yards, but added two interceptions to only one touchdown. In his defense, Siemian wasn’t helped by the rushing attack either. The Broncos mustered only 56 total yards on the ground against the Giants, led by Jamaal Charles with a modest 19 yards. Add the fact that Siemian was sacked four times even though the Giants were without their best pass rusher in Olivier Vernon, and it’s apparent that the offensive line had one of their worst games of the season. The Broncos look to bounce back in Los Angeles next week against the Chargers at 2:25 p.m. MDT.

NBA season begins The NBA regular season tipped off on Oct. 17 as defending champion Golden State Warriors beat the new and improved Houston Rockets and Eastern Conference stalwart Cleveland Cavaliers beat Kyrie Irving and the Boston Celtics. The Rockets added floor-general Chris Paul from the Clippers in the offseason, and many people are curious how two players that need the ball in their hands to be successful will coexist. Another team in the Nuggets’ division, the Oklahoma City Thunder, did some serious reloading only one offseason after losing Kevin Durant. They added all-stars Paul George and Carmelo Anthony to pair with league MVP Russell Westbrook. Kyrie Irving asked for and received a trade to Boston, where he was supposed to team up with Al Horford and Gordon Hayward before the latter’s injury. The Cavaliers supplemented their roster after Irving’s departure with Dwayne Wade, Isaiah Thomas and Jae Crowder. The Nuggets start their season on Oct. 18 on the road against division rival Utah Jazz.



OCTOBER 18, 2017

Nuggets season preview

New editions look to build upon remaining core

By Giacomo DiFranco gdifranc@msudenver.edu

they stand in the conference. After finishing fourth in the

in the NBA during the second half of last season, especially

Northwest Division and ninth in

on the offensive side of the ball.

the Western Conference a season

They averaged 111.7 points-per-

tip off their 50th season

ago, the Nuggets will look to

game after the all-star break,

on Oct. 18 against the

improve upon those marks. They

good for third best in the league.

division rival Utah Jazz.

were one of the better teams

The Nuggets aim to pair that

The Denver Nuggets will

The Nuggets come off an encouraging season in which they missed the playoffs by just one game in the standings. In a stacked division and star-powered

offensive success with consistent

Nuggets Upcoming Schedule:

Western Conference, they will have their hands full this season. In a free agent frenzy in the

the defensive end. The Nuggets

After he became a mainstay the centerpiece of the offense

vs. Washington Wizards Oct. 23 7:00 p.m.

Photo from Keith Allison (Wikimedia Commons)

of franchise-player Nikola Jokic. in the starting lineup, Jokic was

Nugget forward Carmelo Anthony Russell Westbrook. The Minnesota

the Atlanta Hawks to help out on

candidate to compliment the game

vs. Sacramento Kings Oct. 21 7:00 p.m.

guard Paul George and former to play alongside reigning MVP

offseason when they acquired

believe that Millsap is the perfect

the teams in their division improve Thunder added superstars in

The Nuggets made a free agent splash of their own in the all-star forward Paul Millsap from

@ Utah Jazz Oct. 18 7:00 p.m.

offseason, the Nuggets watched immensely. The Oklahoma City

play on defense this season.

Paul Millsap debates a call in a game on May 9, 2015. Millsap, who the Nuggets signed off free agency this offseason, will be looked to on both sides of the ball to solidify the team.

a year ago, posting one tripledouble after another. The

league, just above the lowly Los

Ultimately, the success of

addition of Millsap should limit

Angeles Lakers. They will need

the team will be determined by

the most valued player on the

the defensive responsibilities

to improve on that number if

their defensive capabilities and

market in forward Jimmy Butler

that fell on Jokic last season and

they hope to take the next step

whether the mix of young and

allow him to focus more on his

and reach the postseason.

veteran players can perform at

Timberwolves added arguably

to play with center Karl-Anthony Towns and guard Andrew Wiggins.

@Charlotte Hornets Oct. 25 5:00 p.m.

offensive game. Throw in second-

They also added forward Trey

a high enough level to compete

Those teams, along with the

year point guard Jamal Murray

Lyles from the Utah Jazz to help

Houston Rockets and the nearly

and the Nuggets are in line to

with outside shooting. Although

follow suit and grow a “Big 3” of

Lyles struggled with shooting

Nuggets will host the Sacramento

their own in the Mile High City.

last year, the Nuggets are hoping

Kings on Oct. 21 at the Pepsi

to get the player that shot near

Center in their home opener.

unbeatable Golden State Warriors, are expected to be among the

@Atlanta Hawks Oct. 27 5:30 p.m.

best in the league this season and

The Nuggets’ defensive

will be a good benchmark for the

rating of 110.5 last season

40 percent from the three-point

Nuggets in determining where

was the second lowest in the

line just two seasons ago.

with the league’s elite teams. After playing the Jazz, the

Sports Sass: The Sadlot The days of backyard baseball

anywhere from $25-$200. I also

club sport, we had to purchase our

early in their lives, odds are they

leading to a discovery of talent

didn’t have a shot to make varsity

uniforms ourselves, another $200.

eventually have to give up.

and a prominent career as a

unless I took side lessons, which

So, if I bought a fresh set of

professional athlete are over.

I did, for about $60 a lesson three

equipment my first year, costs were

kids growing up. It teaches them

times a week. Sadly, I didn’t ever

about $1500, with varying costs

teamwork, social and leadership

make varsity. Money wasted.

the following years depending on

skills and – most importantly –

equipment or uniforms that I needed

how to be a good sport in a win

We’ve all seen movies like “The Sandlot” or “The Mighty Ducks,” where young kids play

So my total cost from the last

Sports are a great thing for

a sport as a hobby or just to be

two weeks of August through

replaced, and if ice-time costs

or a loss. We should encourage

with friends. They discover they

the last week of October to play

increased. This is also considering

our kids to be able to participate

are extremely talented, leading to

and stay competitive in high

I didn’t need ice skating lessons or

in sports and let natural talent

a flash-forward of a professional

school tennis were theoretically

stickhandling clinics, or participate

flourish. By charging exorbitant

$2,580, plus or minus $25-$400

in travel teams, as there were

amounts of money, we are shutting

depending on how long my racquets

players on my team who did one of

kids out that could become the

lasted. That’s also if I didn’t take

– if not all three – of those options.

next Andrew McCutchen, Clint

career, or sequels in which the

Matthew Stefanski

players are representing the United States in international competition. Now, to even have a shot at a

To use my time in high school as a reference, I played tennis in the

lessons in the offseason.

I had no aspirations of going

Dempsey or Patrick Roy.

college scholarship, parents need

fall and club hockey in the winter.

to spend thousands of dollars, tens

Keep in mind, this was also in 2001-

ran more extreme costs due to ice

tangible career in either hockey

like “The Sandlot” and “The Mighty

of thousands in some cases, to put

05, so costs are probably wildly

time and equipment, but overall a

or tennis after high school, and

Ducks” are frankly unrealistic, and

their kids through intense programs,

different from today. I know, I’m old.

cheaper experience. A full set of

both sports still cost me and my

it’s sad. We need to get sports back

hockey pads and equipment can

parents over $5,000 each to play

to an affordability point where those

in all four years of high school.

dreams can be attainable, and we

seven-day-a-week training and

To play tennis, the initial school

Hockey, a club sport in my time,

pro or pursuing any sort of

constant high-level competition.

sport cost was between $150 and

cost upward of $1,000, even higher

Even if you have a casual interest in

$200. A decent tennis racquet was

for a goaltender. To play in the club,

sports, your parents are on the hook

$100-$200, and a backup in case

the costs were $300 per season

actively chasing that dream.

for a few thousand dollars as you

we broke a string – or the whole

to pay for ice time and club dues.

Unless they have rich parents

make your way through high school.

racquet in a fit of rage – could range

Along with that, due to being a

or they are insanely talented

So imagine the kids who are

We live in a day where stories

need to open these dreams back up to kids everywhere, not just the rich.


OCTOBER 18, 2017


Title IX Rally and Resource Fair

Location Tivoli Student Union



Location Larimer Lounge



Price $15

Price $60 Time 7:30 p.m.

Price Free Time 12 p.m.

Speedy Ortiz


Location Larimer Lounge Price $15 10.18

Visiting Artist Masterclass: Moon-Sook Park

Time 8 p.m.

Time 2 p.m.

Women’s Soccer

10.20 vs. Westminster

10.20 vs. Western State

College (Utah)

Colorado University

Location Away

Location Away

Time 3 p.m.

Time 3 p.m.

The World Is A Beautiful Place

Location Marquis Theater

Cross Country

Men’s Soccer

Price $18 Time 7 p.m.

10.21 vs. Rocky Mountain

10.22 vs. Colorado Mesa

Athletic Conference Location Away

Location King Center Recital Hall Price Free

Men’s Soccer

Location Red Rocks

Time 7 p.m.





Location Boulder Theater



Time TBA

University Location Away Time 2:30 p.m.

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $30

Price $12

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL SPORTS 10.21 Artist in Residence:

Colorado Wind Ensemble Location King Center Recital Hall



Location Ogden Theater


Nick Offerman



Location Paramount Theater

Price $32

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Price Free

10.19 vs. Nashville Predators Location Away Time 8:10 p.m.

10.22 vs. Seattle Sounders Location Away Time 2 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m. 10.22


Location Globe Hall 10.23

Hot Topic: Transgender People in the Military


Remo Drive

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $8

Price $10

Time 8 p.m.

Time 6 p.m. 10.22 vs. Chargers Location Away Time 2:25 p.m.

Location Tivoli Student Union Price Free Time 12:30 p.m.




Location Ogden Theater


Price $42 Time 7 p.m.

Avalanche 10.27 vs. Golden Knights Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Location Gothic Theater

Time 7 p.m.

Location Fillmore Auditorium

Time 8 p.m.

Dinosaur Jr.

10.24 vs. Dallas Stars Location Pepsi Center


Price $28




Ariel Pink

Location Bluebird Theater

Price $25

Price $27

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Location Away Time 4 p.m.

Broncos 10.30 vs. Kansas City Chiefs Location Away Time 6:30 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Going Solo The next “Star Wars” story has gotten its name. “Solo: A

How to be kind in 140 characters or less According to Twitter’s CEO,

Human papillomavirus on the rise among men Data from the 2011-2014 U.S.

Tongue in cheek Following the scandal

Night of the living gut ache Starbucks announced

surrounding Hollywood executive

that they will be brewing up

Star Wars Story” is centered

Jack Dorsey, new conduct rules

National Health and Nutrition

Harvey Weinstein, screenwriter

a new Frappuccino in honor

around the rebel smuggler,

will apply to unwanted sexual

Examination Survey concluded

Heather Ross shared her

of Halloween. Following the

Han Solo. Alden Ehrenreich

advances, nonconsensual nudity,

that 1 in 9 men are infected with

own experience with sexual

phenomenon of the Unicorn

will be taking the reins from

hate symbols, violent groups,

oral human papillomavirus. Oral

harassment in Hollywood. She

Frappuccino, Starbucks’ Zombie

Harrison Ford to portray Solo

and tweets that glorify violence.

HPV can lead to other health

also cited the response that

Frappe will be as sweet as it

in his early years, predating

In 2016 Twitter formed a Trust

issues, including cancers of

followed the incident from

is aesthetically pleasing. The

”A New Hope.” After the film’s

and Safety Council made up of

the neck, throat, mouth and

her close friend Carrie Fisher.

flavor will have a base of caramel

previous directors Phil Lord and

safety groups, advocates, and

head. According to the CDC,

According to Ross, Fisher had a

apple, and will be topped with

Christopher Miller stepped down

researchers to help address the

about 57 percent of girls but

run-in with the unnamed exec that

pink whipped cream and pink

citing creative differences with

problems surrounding harassment

only 35 percent of boys had

assaulted Ross, where she handed

mocha drizzle to mimic brains.

Disney’s Lucasfilm, the production

through the platform. However,

been vaccinated in 2014.

him a wrapped box from Tiffany’s.

The treat will be available in

company enlisted Ron Howard

following disappointing results

Ross said, “It was a cow tongue

most Starbucks locations for a

to complete the standalone film.

from the council after they failed

from Jerry’s Famous Deli in

limited time from Oct. 26-31.

Howard posted a video on his

to discipline offenders on multiple

Westwood with a note that said, ‘If

Twitter to announce that the film

cases, Twitter will be cracking

you ever touch my darling Heather

has wrapped production, and will

down with their new guidelines.

or any other woman again, the

be released on May 25, 2018.

next delivery will be something of yours in a much smaller box.’”


OCTOBER 18, 2017


Overheard this week


December 22 - January 19 Be kind, rewind.


January 20 - February

“Who among us hasn’t made a 12

A gentle reminder that tattoos are forever. Double-check your design and sobriety before committing to any new ink this month.

year old cry?”


“He’s very much gay.“

February 19 - March 20

This is your week, Pisces. But, I mean, don’t let that get to your head or anything. Next week it will probably be Libra’s. I haven’t decided yet.

“I was being nice, you asshat.“


“Does anyone have a sign-in for

March 21 -April 19

Pizza Hut?“

Go out of your way to do something nice for a stranger this month, because your loved ones certainly don’t deserve the effort.

“That was on overheard this week?


Go fuck yourself.”

April 20 - May 20 You’re too old to be sleeping on a mattress on the floor by choice, buddy. Go buy a bedframe and apologize to your former bedmates.


May 21 - June 20 Stop touching that zit. You’re just making it worse.

Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus



Met Picks: What would you name the new office cat?

June 21 - July 22

Your workload this month will be more overwhelming than usual. Make sure your caffine-to-water ratio is in check, get some rest and figure out which parent to blame for your inability to delegate.

“Sneaky House Tiger” — Richard Allen


July 23 - August 22 A close friend is experiencing a period of personal growth. Don’t interfere in their inevitably poor decisions. Allow them to respond to the text messages they feel so inclined to respond to.


August 23 - September 22

Your opinons could get you in trouble this week, Virgo. You should definitely submit one of them to The Metropolitan. 500 words. Send it to mmart427@msudenver.edu.


“Chairman Meow” — Matt Stefanski “Sylvia Plath” — Cassie Ballard “Office Cat” — Jim Bofenkamp

September 23 - October 22

In the eternal words of The Beach Boys, “Be true to your school.” CU Denver is not the answer.

“Met Puss Whiskers” —Mimi Madrid


October 23 -November 21

Put an entire day aside for some long overdue self-care. Stay away from bath bombs, though. Those will end up causing more harm than good.

“The Death of Me” —Montana Martin


November 22 - December 21 Don’t forget to tip your budtender.

....Stop it.


Difficulty: Medium


67. Trendy


8. Card game authority Edmond

1. “Want to hear a secret?”

68. Undeniable

1. Beer name since 1889

9. Large irregular spot

5. Radar’s unit

69. Seethes

2. Replay mode

10. Ocean

9. Loud lip noise

70. Aaron of Cooperstown

3. Type of pigeon

11. Bread machine?

14. Lady Bird Johnson’s middle name

71. Sounds of disapproval

4. Drunk as a skunk

12. AFL merger partner

15. Comparison words

5. Malefactor

13. Sends down for the count

16. Place for a barbecue

6. Poisonous creatures

21. Cabinet dept.

17. Windfall

7. Watchband

22. Virile (Abbr.)

18. Nimble

25. Exert

19. Wheels of fortune

26. Peer Gynt creator

20. Deli offering

27. Davis in “The Fly”

23. El Greco’s city

29. Late-night host

24. Moss type

31. Gas pump abbr.

25. What Rumpole wears

32. Puccini heroine

28. Affaire d’honneur

33. Softly lit

30. Penman

34. Cross-examine

32. It plays it?

36. Prince Valiant’s son

35. Deli offering

37. Word with nurse or old

38. Despotic boss

39. Prefix with system or sphere

40. Second Amendment lobby

43. Charms

41. Secluded valley

44. Hair salon stock

42. Deli offering

45. Australian expanse

47. It’s stranded

46. Director Ephron

48. Ant habitat

50. Wiser than the rest

49. Batman and Robin and Laurel

53. Snag

and Hardy

54. Brando’s birthplace

51. Cobbler’s tool

56. Center or focus

52. Art ___

57. Bob Cratchit’s occupation

55. Mesmeric state

58. Fussy couple?

59. Deli offering

59. Winter fall

61. Salon tint

60. One of “The Waltons”

64. Fictional plantation

61. Pinafore letters

65. One-time items

62. Put away a hero

66. Big house

63. Helmsman’s course, perhaps Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net

Difficulty: Hard



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