Volume 40, Issue 11 - Oct. 25, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 10

October 25, 2017


Faith, violence and intersection By Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Almost 3,000 people died on 9/11. An estimated 1.7 people died in the Crusades. And between 3-11.5 million people died in the Thirty Years’ War. These are just a drop in the flood of religious conflicts that have resulted in high death tolls. In an effort to understand how religion is misused and exploited, MSU Denver hosted “Where Faith and Violence Coincide” on Oct. 18 at St Cajetan’s Church.

“The idea is to promote tolerance and talk about the issues in open and genuine ways, and have people join in more of the human challenge of trying to live together in peace.” -Professor Harvey Milkman The event began at 9 a.m. and it included a variety of MSU Denver’s academic departments and scholars from around the world. They shared ideas and discussed solutions to the violence that often results when religion is forced or misunderstood. The church filled to its 250 person capacity to hear the keynote speaker, Alaa Murabit. The colloquium closed with three dances by the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance group that touched on spirituality and faith. “The idea is to promote tolerance and talk about the issues in open and genuine ways,” said Professor Harvey Milkman, the events coordinator and creator. “And have people join in more of the human challenge of trying to live together in peace.” The invited scholars touched on the history of religion to support their concepts. Professor Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi teaches psychology at the University of Haifa, Israel. He theorized that our love of kin, of our families and people who share our culture and language, can lead to violence in the course of defending them. “If we look at history, I would like to claim that all humans and all human groups are equally capable of atrocities,” said Beit-Hallahmi. “They’re convinced they are only defending their identities and the truth.” Beit-Hallahmi explained that for 99.9 percent of us, our religion is chosen by our parents. Whatever faith we are born into tends to be the one we choose for life. Beit-Hallahmi said some people are more critical and independent, they are ready to ask questions and doubt. He feels that’s why a lot of academics aren’t religious. Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

| Continued on pg. 8

Ralaya Goshea performing “Spiritual Suite” during the closing reception for the Where Faith and Violence Coincide colloquium on Oct. 18


NEWS | pg. 2 Students push back on Title IX rollback

OPINION | pg. 4 Before we boldly go: Science and its legacy

FEATURES | pg. 9 Arvada theater showcases comedic talent

SPORTS | pg. 10 Regionals next for cross country



OCTOBER 25, 2017

Auraria sends a clear message to Betsy DeVos By Cassie Ballard

for Women’s Studies and Services


and ended at the Tivoli Commons

of someone else’s actions on

with readings of “Dear Survivor”

a person who did everything

letters and a resource fair. The

to survive,” she said.

Recent changes to how

“It’s placing the responsibility

schools handle Title IX

event was hosted by the IWSS, the

violations spurred Phoenix

Phoenix Center and the LGBTQ

services coordinator for the

Center counselors and campus

Student Resource Center.

Phoenix Center, was there to

officials to connect students to campus safety resources. The result was the “Dear Survivor, Title IX Rally” held

“We cried rivers of tears, but we swam in them,” said MSU

Katherine Miller, victim

explain how to properly engage with others in romantic situations.

Denver student Allyson Coan from a “Dear Survivor” poem she read.

on Auraria Campus Oct. 18. It

“If you want something, ask,” she said. “If unclear, ask again.”

The letters and resource fair

Miller said that the new Title

reminded students of the multiple

reminded survivors that they are

IX guidance doesn’t protect or

support resources available to

not alone and that Auraria campus

reflect the needs of the campus.

all Auraria students. Secretary

and the Title IX office will continue

Although it harms the Phoenix

of Education Betsy DeVos’

to offer resources. The letters read

Center’s mission, they still want

recent changes to how the law

emphasized the strength survivors

students to know that there’s

is executed has drawn criticism

had from having a support system

a community that will support

for perceived victim blaming

and the help they received.

and raise up survivors.

over cases of sexual assault.

“We had to get out,”

“Beneath the legalese and

Alpert and Mike Rager, the Title

said Juniper Hite, an MSU

IX Investigator at MSU Denver,

the politics, one thing was

Denver student who read an

both said that the new guidance

clear. Betsy DeVos was victim

anonymous “Dear Survivor”

will have little effect on how the

blaming and it was not OK,”

letter. “I told him, no, and he

school handles those cases.

said the Phoenix Center Director

said that I had changed.”

Megan Alpert in response to

Defining victim blaming

“People who have experienced interpersonal violence will still

DeVos’ announcement of her

was an important part of the

be supported by the school, they

department’s plan in September

rally. Alpert said that asking a

will still be supported by us,”

to rescind Obama-era practices on

survivor why they were there

Alpert said. “We don’t want the

how schools handle sexual assault

when sexual assault happened,

buzzings that are coming out

on campus through Title IX.

or why they didn’t leave or

of Washington to deter people

why they let it happen all

from reaching out from the

qualified as victim blaming.

resources that are still there.”

The rally kicked off with a march that started at the Institute

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Phoenix Center volunteer Kya Hornsby leads protestors through Auraria Campus during the Title IX rally on Oct. 18. Hornsby is an ally of survivors of interpersonal violence because she personally knows victims of it.

Census results pave way to more federal funds Grants given by the Department of

By Ian Ferguson ifergus1@msudenver.edu

Education can be used for specific fields of study or for expansion of scholastic programs.

MSU Denver cleared a significant

According to a report published by

hurdle in its quest to become a Hispanic

the Office of Institutional Research, 5,157

Serving Institution according to the last

Hispanic students are enrolled in MSU

census it conducted. The university

Denver. That amounts to 26.4 percent

met the demographic requirement

of the total student population.

necessary to apply for HSI status.

The Excel Program is a draw for many

To qualify for HSI status, a university’s

students enrolled in MSU Denver. The

student body must be composed of at least

Excel Program granted MSU Denver

25 percent Hispanic students. Credit for the

junior Magaly Sanchez a scholarship

school becoming an HSI is due to the success

and employment. Magaly works with

of the Excel Program offered by the university.

the program as a student mentor.

HSI status allows MSU Denver to

“One of the main reasons I came

apply for extra federal funding. The extra

to MSU Denver was because of the

money can then benefit all students.

support we have for Hispanic and

Luis Sandoval is the associate director of

DACA students,” Sanchez said.

the Excel Program. He said that becoming

Sanchez is a first generation college

an HSI means that the school serves a

student. According to Sandoval, roughly

diverse group of students that represents

90 percent of students that receive Photo from MSU Denver Excel Program website

Denver’s current demographic. “Additional funding can help the students that we bring in as well as the students

Recipients of the 2017-18 MSU Denver Excel Program scholarship. The scholarship awards ten students a year with a $2,000 scholarship for four years at the university.

currently enrolled,” Sandoval said. The Excel Program helps students without access to college preparation programs. It uses targeted outreach to

the Excel Program’s scholarships are first generation college students. MSU Denver must retain 25 percent or more Hispanic population for at least

according to Sandoval, the schools involved are not targeting Hispanic students. Although the demographic quota was

“We want to make it clear that we have

a year to be eligible to apply for funding.

not received any money,” Ceballos said about

Although the goal has been met, the

federal funding. “Right now we are walking

university still has a long road ahead of it before becoming an official HSI.

meet its goals. Currently, the program

hit, the university still has not received

through the policies and how we are going to

targets six high schools in Adams County

HSI status, said Gerardo Ceballos,

implement them and which types of programs

and two in Aurora Public Schools, but

counselor for the Excel Program.

and grants we are going to apply for.”



OCTOBER 25, 2017

Decolonize science and your mind too staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu


he second Monday of

colonization brought to you

native communities. Indigenous

October Denver joined

by explorers like the infamous

peoples from all of the continents

the growing list of cities,

Christopher Columbus, the Italian

were systematically studying

states and countries that celebrate

explorer who ravaged indigenous

the structure and behavior of the

Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The

communities in the name of the

physical and natural world through

recognition continues as we head

Spanish crown. This one event

observation and experiments

toward November, which is National

resulted in the beginnings of the

before European colonization.

Native American Heritage month.

Transatlantic Slave Trade and

This is how the Mayans

the deaths of millions through

were able to study the cosmos,

is not enough to recognize the

warfare, murder and disease. These

develop intricate forms of

contributions of indigenous

two events, colonization and the

agriculture and build temples

scientific revolution, can be seen as

in mathematical relation to the

the precursors to white supremacy.

seasons, stars and a round Earth.

However, a day or month

peoples. Any institutional and

Miriam Mimi Madrid

governmental acknowledgement of native and indigenous people

the creative process of human

is a small victory of sorts. But

Sir Francis Galton, Charles

Or how Africa holds the record

beings over 70,000 years ago. This

Darwin’s cousin, published “The

for the world’s oldest stone tool as a

even then, native peoples’

innate way of experiencing the

Comparative Worth of Different

human technological achievement.

contributions are put to question.

world has helped humans invent,

Races” in 1869. His theory

integrate and apply deep levels

created a classification system

knowledge was also the target to

released by The Council of the

of human perception through the

where each race was arranged

colonial violence. This is just a

City and County of Denver, it

use of linguistics, metaphors and

based on intelligence. He graded

reminder that ancient knowledge

states that they recognize the vast

holistic structures of oral stories.

Europeans as the most superior

and knowing is truly powerful. Why

contributions indigenous peoples’

Cajete describes the metaphoric

and indigenous people the most

else would colonizers attempt to

knowledge, science, philosophy,

mind as an older brother to

inferior, one grade below Africans.

eradicate indigenous people and

arts and culture has had on our

younger brother, rational mind,

Today, we can see how these

their bodies of intellectual work?

community. A colleague of mine

in the sense of development.

racist efforts guised as science

Perhaps they were the ones trying

lead to an obsession with racial

to rewrite ancient knowledge as their own scientific discoveries.

In the official proclamation

alluded to the idea that indigenous

The rational mind has brought

people had not discovered empirical

such hits as the Scientific Revolution

superiority that impacts legislation

science and thus have not made

and the Age of Enlightenment,

and the lives of people of color.

significant contributions to science.

before and during the 18th

Gregory Cajete, a Tewa Indian

While I can try to understand

It’s unfortunate that ancient

As the band and philosophers System of the Down once

century. A time when European

why European methods of

wrote, “science has failed

and scholar, believes as humans

philosophers, scientists and

scientific empirical research are

our Earth, science has failed

we have developed both the

politicians began separating from

seen as objective and superior,

our Mother Earth.”

metaphoric and the rational mind.

religious strongholds in the fields.

I can’t help but shudder at the

The metaphoric mind has facilitated

This was also a time of heavy

erasure colonization caused in

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

In the name of Western science


ecently a debate popped

the Muslim empires saved from

of the state itself, much more than

up in the office. Is science

destruction during the European

it ever had under any other culture.

a Western invention? Or

Dark Ages. There would be no

Before, I’d argue that although

Calculus without Arabic Algebra.

the state sponsored scientific

can non-Western cultures claim credit for its development?

However, innovation and

As with all historical questions, it

society’s DNA. After the scientific

comes down to a matter of degree.

method. Without a method to

revolution, it very much was.

It’s absurd to say that scientific

properly distinguish truth from

Although, I’ve been wrong before.

tradition belongs solely to the West.

fantasy, scientific progress

Modern scientific methodology

could only go so far.

began with Ibn Al-Haytham. Francis

What We Do

Bacon built on top of that foundation

While cultures around the world

Esteban Fernandez

when crafting his scientific method. However, the culture that ultimately

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

inquiry, it wasn’t part of the state or

knowledge are products of

made modern science the power it is today was European culture. Precision is key here. It is

of the American Southwest. Similarly, no culture enjoyed a monopoly on deep bodies of

Once the method was established, scientific progress took off at an exponential rate.

all made their own impressive work

Whereas before progress could

on scientific philosophy, European

be described as geometrical,

culture was the first to make modern

advancement now happened within

scientific methodology widespread.

a very short span that very quickly

Today, Francis Bacon is known as

put Western technology ahead of

knowledge. The Abbasid Empire

the father of empiricism. Inspired by

the rest of the world. Tragically, this

crucial to differentiate between

based in Baghdad regularly

Muslim scientific philosophy, Bacon

had dire consequences for the other

innovation, knowledge and method.

deployed emissaries in search of

laid down the scientific method on

cultures of the world. Technological

books. At the height of the Tang

the underpinnings that Al-Haytham

progress came before moral

new ways to tackle problems.

Dynasty in China, a cosmopolitan

provided. What makes Bacon key

development to disastrous results.

This is most clearly seen in great

society placed a high premium

to the story however, was that

engineering works. Architectural

on learning. Native American

his published works popularised

wonders are abound throughout

astronomy mapped the sky with

inductive reasoning. The idea of the

the world, with exquisite examples

high precision. The scientific

scientific method penetrated deep

of engineering found in the

revolution depended on the

into the heart of western political

jungles of Mexico and the deserts

stories of Greek knowledge that

society. It became a core precept

Innovation has to do with finding

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

CAMPUS WEEK OF ACTION empowering all OF auraria to take a stand against interpersonal violence as one voice, one community




Audrie & DAISY Take Back Documentary The Night 11:00AM-1:30PM TIVOLI 3:30PM-6:30PM Multicultural Lounge TIVOLI Commons The documentary includes the stories of two American high school students. After the assaults, the victims and their families were subjected to abuse and cyberbullying. Q&A Panel to follow movie. FREE FOOD



4th annual march encouraging, empowering and uniting all Auraria Students in the fight against Sexual Assault, allowing a safe space for survivors to have their voices heard. FREE FOOD



Day of Heart

Consent is Bae


10:00AM-1:00PM TIVOLI Multicultural Lounge

A day of art, music, and poetry that focuses on healing, empowerment, and unity. FREE FOOD

Mock college party to bring awareness to safe and consensual sex in party atmospheres. FREE FOOD

Breaking The Silence 11:00AM-3:00PM, TIVOLI Garage Lounge A groundbreaking 3 day event concept that educates and informs students of the reality of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, done through visual and non visual art.

FOR MORE INFO EMAIL AARON at futrella futrella@msudenver.edU


Phoenix Center at Auraria



OCTOBER 25, 2017

Book review: Chicana history comes to life By Alexsandra J. Ruiz-Ortiz

and struggle a Chicana lesbian

Studies at University of Colorado,

violent and lawless time period.


cowgirl faces after the Battle

Boulder, is experienced at creating

“Forgetting the Alamo, Or,

of the Alamo in 1836. Micaela

books and essays with historical

Blood Memory” teases small

with intense descriptions. Micaela

Campos must hide her identity

content within the pages. Her

cliffhangers and twists throughout

sees a white colonel murder a

Blood Memory” beautifully tells

and sexuality while searching for

two previous novels also deal

the novel, making it difficult to put

crying infant who was wrapped

the side of history that is often

a group of men, one in particular,

with Chicana history. She wrote a

the book down. Each cliffhanger

next to its dead mother’s chest.

forgotten or incorrect. Emma

to take revenge on and murder.

nonfiction piece, “The Decolonial

creates predictions that are often

She is filled with helplessness as

Pérez’s historical fiction novel

Pérez, chair and professor

Imaginary: Writing Chicanas into

proven wrong as the story unfolds.

she witnesses the massacre of

History,” and “Gulf Dreams,” a

A certain cliffhanger early in the

an Apache encampment. White

fictional account. Pérez brings

book gave the idea that Micaela

men brutalize Apache men. Bowie

voice to Chicanas, who are

would either become pregnant

knives slice skin, drenching

usually pushed aside in history.

by her cousin, raped by someone

Apache hair with blood. Skin is

else, or a completely different

pulled from foreheads to earlobes

bravery a Chicana can have

outcome where her cousin,

to the crook of the neck while

without overplaying the qualities

Jedidiah Jones, will father the

blood trickles down their arms

associated with bravery.

child she will claim as her own.

to drip off their elbows, all of

“Forgetting the Alamo, Or,

captures the violence, betrayal

in the Department of Ethnic

Pérez demonstrates the

Photo courtesy of The Bilerico Project

Author of Forgetting the Alamo, Or, Blood Memory, Emma Pérez.

violence in 1836 by demonstrating the brutality against non-whites

Throughout the novel, Micaela

Along with the cliffhangers,

is a flawed character that often

“Forgetting the Alamo, Or, Blood

makes questionable decisions

Memory” constantly reestablishes

She unleashes the truth of what

that are infuriating. She is so

the time period Micaela is in. After

people of color faced in Texas

focused with seeking revenge,

the Battle of the Alamo, Mexicans

after the Battle of the Alamo.

with good reason, that she fails

no longer have a place in Texas. A

to see the life she can have if she

Chicana lesbian roaming around

community brings the intensity of

returns home or instead make a

town is completely offensive to

the past to life and these details

new home with the one she loves.

the townspeople. So, she needs

preserve it so that the truth can

She buries her true identity under

to hide through men’s clothing.

live for many generations to come.

layers of lies, but it all ultimately

Micaela is constantly checking if

collapses and spills for all to know

anyone has discovered her true

Blood Memory” is a wonderful

the truth. However, without her

gender, but she also has to deal

book for those who want to

flaws, the story would not have

with the townspeople refusing

experience a Chicana’s point

been as convincing as it is. If the

service. The novel also shows the

of view of the Battle of Alamo

character was constantly brave,

time period through the details of

and San Jacinto, and what

truthful and “perfect” for lack of a

the violence against black people,

brutal legacy those battles

better word, then it could not have

Mexicans and Native Americans.

brought to individuals, their

successfully portrayed the brutal,

Pérez shows the intense

which haunts Micaela’s dreams. Pérez doesn’t hold back.

The skinning of the Apache

“Forgetting the Alamo, Or,

culture and community.

Review: ‘The Foreigner’ laughs its way to a hit By Avery Anderson aande133@msudenver.edu the visitor. His true intentions are

and over compassionate character

use a good laugh, Colorado’s

In a time when anyone can

later revealed when he tells Froggy

of Betty made me smile and laugh

vibrant theater community has

that he is going to make sure his

every time she walked on stage.

produced a string of comedies that

kind is no longer around and that he

have done just that. The Arvada

has an invisible army to back him up.

Center for the Art and Humanities

Although this is one incredibly

The cast is lead by director Geoffrey Kent, who is known for his ability to handle physical

has added to that with their

funny show, it gets serious and

movements incredibly well. The

production of “The Foreigner.”

strikes a message of acceptance.

humorous physical side was just as

This idea was relevant 30

one would expect it to be perfect. He

farce is all about accepting others

years ago during its premiere

also was able to balance the pace of

and the differences in your neighbor.

and is still pertinent today.

the dialogue well. “The Foreigner” is

Originally produced in 1984, this

To help the simple and shy

Sammie Joe Kinnett’s

Charlie Baker escape his life for a

performance as Charlie was

have long comedic monologues

while, British officer Froggy LeSueur

hilarious. His quick use of facial

before changing to more dramatic,

brings him to a small bed and

expressions and mannerisms

slower scenes and Kent proved

breakfast in Georgia. He then takes

created a landslide of giggles

he knew how to pace the show

on a new persona as a foreigner

and outbursts all night long.

correctly at every turn.

who does not speak English. During his stay, he befriends

The show has a plethora of skilled ensemble members including

other guests and comes out of

Edith Weiss, Zachary Andrews,

his shell, turning him into a new

Jessica Robblee and Greg Ungar.

man just in time to help these

Each one brings a different style

Georgians defend their home.

of comedy and humor to the stage

This comedy certainly has a darker tone. Many of the residents love their foreign friend and his tales

a sporadic show in which characters

and when mixed together creates something truly wonderful. Jessica Robblee was spectacular

of his country. However, one of the

but for me, Edith Weiss took the

townsfolk, Owen, is not too keen on

cake. Her scatter-brained, loony

“The Foreigner” is now playing at Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities 6901 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada, CO 80003. Directed by Geoffrey Kent. Starring: Sammie Joe Kinnett. Through Nov 18. For tickets visit aravadcenter.org

Photo by Matt Gale

Jessica Robblee, Sammie Joe Kinnett, Edith Weiss and Lance Rasmussen (standing) in “The Foreigner.”











OCTOBER 25, 2017

Religion and tolerance fills church with students

Scholars challenged student biases and dancers showcased examples of balance Continued from cover

Journalist Ryan Lenz discussed how events in the U.S. brought

Director of MSU Denver’s

about acceptable intolerance.

from another perspective. And I think that’s important.” The dance performances, “Call

Religion Studies, professor Adam

After 9/11, the country started

to Prayer,” “Motherless Child,”

Graves, touched on religion’s

a 16-year-long conflict with

and “Mary Don’t You Weep,”

influence on politics. Graves

Afghanistan, a Muslim nation.

touched on themes of faith,

said a common widespread

He theorized that it allowed the

religion and the idea of when

feature of radical religious

country to justify hate in national

we feel alone and isolated, we

organizations is their rejection of

security terms and opened a

tend to seek a higher source.

the separation of church and state.

window for white nationalism. “They can say that I’m not

“I think people can become very radical in their faith. I think that’s why balance is important, openness is important, acceptance is important.” – Cleo Robinson

a racist, I’m just worried about

began his piece, “Motherless

national security,” Lenz said.

Child,” with slow, small

“I’m not an extremist, I’m just

movements of uncertainty.

responding to the very concerted

He questions his choices

effort on the part of all Islam, for

in the dance as in life.

example, to attack the United

The music builds, and he

States. In the aftermath, we

begins to move off the floor,

saw an anti-Muslim movement

but his body stays rigid in his

explode in our country.”

hesitance toward faith. He wants

MSU Denver student Colton “We saw in the late ‘90s, for

The pieces shared haunting symbolism. Antonio DeBerry

what it offers but is uncertain if

Lee heard about the event

he can give the sacrifice his faith

example, an emergence of almost

through the honors program

requires. Then with fluid leaps that

a renewed interest in religious

that he’s a member of. He

encompass the stage he finally

nationalism, which to some

doesn’t associate himself with

accepts Allah into his heart.

extent, but not always, associated

any religion, but feels this kind

with religious fundamentalism,”

of event is important because

Graves said. “They sought

education makes a difference.

religion, by at least one means,

The event ended on a spiritual

as a way that they could solidify

note with music and dance. Cleo

political power and influence.”

Parker Robinson, founder and

Graves feels distinction

executive creative director of

between one’s status as a citizen

the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance,

and one’s membership within

said dance is total expression,

a religious community grows

because it’s not just the mind,

out of a particular Christian

it’s your mind, body and spirit.

environment. Some religions

“I think people can become

“We saw in the late ‘90s, for exmple, an emergance of almost a renewed interest in religious nationalism which to some extent, but not always, associated with religious fundamentalism.” – Adam Graves

All photos by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Cleo Parker Robinson dancer Antonio DeBerry performing “Motherless Child” during the closing reception for the “Where Faith and Violence Coincide” colloquium on Oct. 18. red and black. They share their

that shared different ideas of

anguish through contemporary

faith’s negative results throughout

style that reveals story through

history. But they also shared a

movement. The red-veiled Mary

desire for change. Students that

expresses her anguish from the

took away knowledge and insight

don’t have that distinction, so

very radical in their faith,” said

people should realize that when

Robinson. “I think that’s why

those ideas are superimposed

balance is important, openness

piece “Mary Don’t You Weep”

loss of her son while the other

from the day’s discussions are the

they are not natural concepts

is important, acceptance is

represented the three Marys that

two reached to comfort her with

drops in the bucket that could start

for everyone. People need to be

important. And we learn those

gathered at the tomb of Jesus.

Robinson’s choreography.

that ripple effect of difference.

aware of the biases embedded

things in the arts, that then

The dancers wear different

in their practices of tolerance.

allow us to kind of see the world

colored veils including white,

MSU Denver professor of philosophy and director of religion studies, Adam Graves, gives a lecture about religious tolerance at the “Where Faith and Violence Coincide” colloquium on Oct. 18.

The three dancers in the

The seminar brought people from various disciplines together

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, professor at the University of Haifa, and Stephen Zunes, professor of politics and international studies at the University of San Francisco, talk during a break at the “Where Faith and Violence Concide” colloquium on Oct. 18.



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OCTOBER 25, 2017

Cross country preps for regionals Senior races to extend collegiate career

MSU DENVER NEWS Athletics department announces partnership with Nike The MSU Denver athletics department has announced a partnership with Nike and Eastbay, making the two companies the exclusive jersey and apparel providers for the school’s athletics teams. Outside of clothing, the partnership outlines promotional endeavors, such as discounted jerseys and in-game events for fans. The deal runs through 2020 with an option for an extension through 2022. It includes incentives for the school having successful seasons, like winning conference or NCAA titles. Basketball teams rank fifth in preseason coaches polls With the 2017-18 basketball season looming, preseason predictions have arrived, and MSU Denver was well represented. Both the men’s and women’s teams were chosen to fi nish No. 5 in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference in their respective coaches polls. The men’s team received one fi rst place vote. The men’s team fi nished the 2016-17 campaign with a 17-13 record while the women’s ended with a 18-12 record. Both teams made the RMAC tournament. Additionally, both teams were represented on the all-RMAC preseason teams. A pair of junior guards earned honors: Jaelynn Smith from the women’s team and Cameron Williams from the men’s. Both teams begin the season on Nov. 10. The men’s team visits Stephenville, Texas for the Texan Tip-Off Classic, while the women compete in Commerce, Texas. Volleyball loses for first time in over a month On Oct. 20, the MSU Denver volleyball team lost to Colorado School of Mines 3-2, ending their 10 game winning streak. The streak began on Sept. 15, marking 35 days between losses for the team. Over that time, they have vaulted to third place in the RMAC, with a 14-7 record overall and an 11-2 in conference. Their efforts were rewarded with 13 points in the American Volleyball Coaches Association poll on Oct. 23. With five games remaining on the regular season schedule, the Roadrunners play next on Oct. 27 at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.

By Richard Allen

with a 26:00.1 time, with senior


Jason Carey and sophomore Sam Berg finishing behind him at 33

With the Rocky Mountain

at 38, respectively. They finished

Athletic Conference

with 217 points, 191 behind first

Championships behind them,

place Colorado School of Mines,

it’s onward to the NCAA

whose lowest scoring place

regionals for the MSU Denver

finish in the race was 12th. The

cross-country team under first

women’s team was headlined

year head coach Trent Mack.

by freshman Alden Gruidel,

After the men’s team placed ninth and the women’s placed 12th on Oct. 21 in Chadron, Nebraska

who finished 48th overall. They concluded with 305 points. “The RMAC championships

in the RMAC championships,

were a rough race for the team

all that remains is the NCAA

and myself,” Krage said. “We

playoff competition. Both teams

had bigger hopes going in, but

will face drastically larger

seeing how regionals is the main

competition pools than their most

focus we can’t get discouraged.”

recent races. The Roadrunners

To achieve what they want

travel to Canyon, Texas on Nov.

to at regionals – advancing to

4 in what could potentially

nationals – the Roadrunners will

be the last race for program

need to drastically improve on

cornerstone Brandon Krage.

their last race. To qualify, the

“I have to continue to remind

team must either place in the

myself of the process,” Mack

top-three at regionals or be one

said. “This part of the season

of eight teams selected from

is exciting because athletes

around the country based on prior

usually start to feel a little more

performance. The task is steep,

energized and get a chance to

but the runners are not letting

perform at their highest level as

that change their approach, and

you back off the workload a bit.”

are focusing on the details.

When the Roadrunners travel

“Right now we are preparing

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Senior Brandon Krage races to a fourth place finish at the Roadrunner Invitational on Oct. 7. Krage has been an integral piece of the MSU Denver cross-country team since 2013.

to Canyon, Texas to compete in

for regionals by doing some

regionals, they will face the same

fine-tuning workouts to get our

competition they saw in regionals,

legs ready to turn over a little

race of his collegiate career should

quicker,” said junior Mali Smith.

the Roadrunners not advance to

plus representation from two other Division II conferences: the Lone Star Conference and Heartland Conference. Both teams will face more than 30

This was a point that Krage echoed. “There is not much more I can do to prepare for regionals

are important to him. “These last two races are

nationals, which would close a

definitely the most important

distinct chapter in Roadrunners

races of my life so far, and I have

cross-country history.

big goals for both,” he said.

“Brandon is an amazing

Krage will undoubtedly be a central figure in regionals,

others, each sending a maximum

in terms of workouts,” Krage

individual,” Mack said. “His

of seven runners, adding up to

said. “However, what I am doing

demonstration of commitment

being the top placer for the

more than 200 runners per race.

now is making sure I recover

and accountability will definitely

team in every race this season.

and do the small things like

be missed. I love watching

He will look to guide the men’s

sleeping and eating right.”

individuals who just go out and

team to nationals for the first

do what they set their mind to.”

time since 2013 in his last stand

The RMAC regionals featured 118 runners in the women’s 6k and the 121 in the men’s. Both the men’s ninth place and the women’s 12th were in a field of 15 teams, all of which will be present at regionals. The men’s team was led by Krage, who finished 21st overall

Krage has been the focal point

The circumstances of the

and earn the Roadrunners a

year in 2013. He has been named

situation are not lost on Krage

place at the starting line in

to the MSU Denver All-Time

either. With his indoor track

Evansville, Indiana on Nov. 4.

Roster and earned second team

eligibility already expired, the

all-RMAC in 2014. But, he may be

closing days of his cross-country

running the last cross-country

career with the Roadrunners

of the team since his freshman

Roadrunners athletics review Men’s Soccer Oct. 20


at Westminster


College (Utah)


Oct. 22

at Colorado Mesa University

L 1-0

Oct. 20

at Colorado School of Mines

Oct. 21 at Colorado Christian University

Women’s Soccer Oct. 20

at Western State



Colorado University



Oct. 22


of Colorado, Colorado Springs


at University

L 2-0

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OCTOBER 25, 2017

Dreamhack brings eSports to Denver Mile High City experiences biggest gaming convention in its history

NATIONAL NEWS ESPN cuts ties with Barstool Sports ESPN has ended their relationship with Barstool Sports after only one episode. Despite a ten episode contract with the media company, “Barstool Van Talk” was cancelled on Oct. 23. ESPN CEO John Skipper said after the cancellation, “they delivered the show they promised.” He continued to elaborate on the statement. “Effective immediately, I am cancelling Barstool Van Talk. While we had approval on the content of the show, I erred in assuming we could distance our efforts from the Barstool site and its content.” PFT Commenter, one of the hosts of the show, published his response to the cancellation on Twitter. “We are very disappointed to hear that Barstool Van Talk has been cancelled by ESPN,” he wrote. “We had a great time working on the show and we’re extremely excited for the future.”

Curry fined $50,000 Stephen Curry was fined for throwing his mouthguard at a ref for the second time in his career on Oct. 21 against the Memphis Grizzlies. Late in the game, Curry thought he was fouled, but no call was made, and he side-armed his mouthguard at who he deemed was the responsible party. He missed, but the throw was noticed, and he was assessed a technical foul and thrown out of the game. The NBA later fined him $50,000. Curry was also caught and fined $25,000 for throwing his mouthguard in game six of the 2016 NBA Finals.

By Matthew Stefanski

notice everyone’s having a good


time, and that’s all that matters.” Jebailey is a well-known

Denver is the home of unique

figure within the fighting game

sporting events such as X-Games,

community. His organization,

the USA Pro Challenge and now,

Community Effort Orlando, has

the eSports event Dreamhack.

been organizing tournaments

Dreamhack, an event based

since 2010. His tournaments

out of Sweden, is a platform for

bring in players from Japan,

video gaming, computer topics

Canada, the United States, South

and eSports. Several events

America and several countries

are hosted worldwide, with the

in Europe. His latest effort, CEO

United States finally hosting

2017, brought in about 5,000

events in 2016 and 2017. Denver

competitors. He has taken on the

played host to Dreamhack

responsibility of setting up all of

from Oct. 20-22. At the event,

the fighting game tournaments

hundreds of players – including

for all North America-based

professionals – competed for a

Dreamhack events and was

chance at prize pools ranging

pleasantly surprised with the

from $1,000 to $200,000.

turnout by the Denver community.

Professional teams and

“Everyone’s loving this

Cloud 9 lift their trophy after winning the Dreamhack Astro Open at the National Western Complex in Denver on Oct. 22. Cloud 9 defeated German team Big 2-0 in the final.

players competed against

event,” he said. “I’m hearing

amateurs in games such as “Halo

great numbers from Dreamhack.

his previous events. That prior

5: Guardians,” “Counter-Strike:

They’re very surprised Denver

success led to the Dreamhack

teams from around the world. Across the first two days, the competition was intense, with

Global Offensive,” “Street Fighter

is such a densely populated

V” and “Super Smash Bros.

gaming community. That

Even professional players

Melee.” The spirit of Dreamhack

came out of nowhere. We

embrace the opportunity to try

battling against a Brazilian team,

comes from local amateur

didn’t even expect it.”

and compete against local players.

three European teams and an

One such professional player

Australian team. Tournament

teams and players getting their

Jebailey brought his

tournaments running smoothly.

three North American teams

shot at competing with invited

community knowledge to

is Du ‘NuckleDu’ Dang. Dang,

favorite Cloud 9, from the

professionals. Tournament

Dreamhack hoping to further build

a player for the organization

U.S., steamrolled through

organizer Alex Jebailey

the fighting game community.

Team Liquid, is a prominent

their competition, winning

embraces the community and

Despite being a lower level of

player in “Street Fighter V.” At

quickly against Australian team

fun-having aspect as the reason

competition, having events

the end of 2016, he was crowned

Renegades, and Tempo Storm –

eSports has grown so much.

across the United States has been

the champion of Capcom Cup,

an up-and-coming organization

one of the sparks that helped

a premier invite-only event

from Brazil. Overall, in their

Jebailey said. “Even the head

build interest in eSports. He has

attended by the top players who

first two matches they lost

Dreamhack guys, who aren’t into

enjoyed Denver’s reaction and

have accrued points by playing

only five rounds combined.

the fighting games as much as I

has received feedback from local

in sanctioned “Street Fighter V”

“I’ve worked a lot of events,”

am, they come over here and they

players about the success of

tournaments throughout the year. Dang explained the difference

first played European-mixed

between a championship event

team Mousesports. They won a

like Capcom Cup and a smaller

nailbiter two maps to one, which

event like Dreamhack Denver.

included a double overtime third map. They faced the Germany-

international competition,” Dang

based team Big in the finals. After

said. “Out here, it’s like regionals.”

a close first map, Cloud 9 routed

Dang attends smaller tournaments like Dreamhack to refine his skills and stay sharp.

Big in the second map to take the win and the tournament 2-0. Cloud 9 battled while a crowd

Even though he didn’t get a

of fans filled every seat in the

chance to play a Colorado-based

arena, chanting “USA, USA,” after

player at the event, he also gets

every round won, and groaning

enjoyment out of playing local

with every round lost. Jake

players at events he attends.

‘Stewie2K’ Yip, one of the world’s

The event was full of surprises

best players, led the way with

and strong showings by Colorado,

a +74 kill-death ratio scoreline

including third place finishes

across the entire tournament.

by Noah ‘HavocNoah’ Davis in

After the dust had settled, Yip

“Marvel vs Capcom Infinite”

reflected on the tournament as

and Dave ‘LiveWithDave’ Florian

a positive experience overall –

in “Pokken Tournament.”

despite being smaller in size – and

Dreamhack opens up opportunities for everyone

Dave ‘LiveWithDave’ Florian celebrates winning a set during a Pokken Tournament competition on Oct. 21. Florian won the set 2-1 and eventually placed third in the tournament.

The two wins gave them a bye to the semifinals, where they

“The biggest difference is the

Bledsoe asks for trade from Phoenix Phoenix Suns point guard Eric Bledsoe will not play another game with the team. After the team fired head coach Earl Watson, he posted the following message on Twitter. “I Don’t wanna be here.” During discussions between Bledsoe and Suns GM Ryan McDonough, Bledsoe said that he was at a hair salon and was referring to that in his post. McDonough concluded that Bledsoe was lying. The Denver Nuggets have emerged as potential trade partners, with point guard Emmanuel Mudiay and power forward Kenneth Faried being mentioned as possible players involved.

Photos by Matthew Stefanski | mstefan3@msudenver.edu

about what the fans mean to him. “I think playing at Dreamhack

interested, be it player or

is always a pleasure,” he said.

spectator. One of the bigger

“There’s a lot of fans around

games in eSports right now,

so it’s kind of cool to have the

“Counter-Strike: Global

attention on you and just got to

Offensive,” embraces this at a

give back to the fans. It’d be cool

unique level. The eight-team

to come back to Denver because

tournament opens two spots for

it was a big crowd and they

teams to qualify into a chance

were all cheering for us, so I’m

to play against some of the top

looking forward to come back.”


OCTOBER 25, 2017


Movie and pizza night: “Atomic Blonde”


Arcade Fire

Location Pepsi Center



Men’s Soccer

Price $25+

Price $20

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

10.26 vs. Westminster


Price Free 10.25

Guided by Voices

Time 12 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.


I the Mighty

Price $15

Women’s Soccer

MSU Denver Jazz Orchestra

10.28 vs. Regis University

10.28 vs. Colorado Mesa Univerty

Location Regency Athletic 10.26 Bear and the Beasts Location Hi-Dive


Chelsea Wolfe

Price $8

Price $20 Time 9 p.m.


Nothing More


David Ramirez

Price $16

Time 6 p.m.

Time 9:30 p.m.

Complex Time 1:30 p.m.

10.28 vs. Black Hills State

Location Globe Hall

Price $20

Location Regency Athletic

Time 11 a.m.

Location Gothic Theater

Time 9 p.m.

Location Summit Music Hall Location King Center

Men’s Soccer

Time 7 p.m.

Volleyball 10.26

Time 7 p.m.

Location Red Rocks

Complex Price Free

of Mines Location Away

Time 8 a.m. Location Ogden Theater Price $27.50

Location Tivoli Turnhalle

10.27 vs. South Dakota School

College Utah Location Regency Athletic

Time 4 p.m.

[ELEMENT] Laser Tag Zombie Apocalypse


Location Ogden Theater

Location Tivoli Turnhalle



Men’s Soccer 10.29 Rocky Mountain Athletic Confrence


Location Away Time 5:30 p.m.

Location TBA Time TBA

Price Free Time 7:30 p.m. 10.27

Deer Tick

Location Black Sheep 10.31

Dia de los Muertos celebration and open mic


The Maine

Location Summit Music Hall

Price $20

Price $25

Time 8 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.


Location St. Cajetans Price Free Time 10 a.m.


10.25 vs. Charlotte Hornets 10.28

Breaking Benjamin

Location 1ST Bank Center



Location Pepsi Center

Price $10-55

Price $20+

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter


Location Summit Music Hall


10.27 vs. Vegas Golden

Location Away Time 5 p.m.

Knights Location Away Time 4 p.m.

Nuggets 10.29



Have Mercy

Location Marquis Theater

Price $50

Price $15

Time 6 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

10.29 vs. Brooklyn Nets Location Away Time 4 p.m.

10.30 vs. Kansas City Cheifs Location Away Time 6:30 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Star of “Benson” passes away Robert Guillaume, the Emmy

Kid Rock “bawitdadas” away from politics In an interview with radio

Do you even vape outside, bro? New York has placed a ban

Animal planet More than 100 dogs and

California for neutrality Starting in 2019, California

cats who survived Hurricane

will recognize a third gender

Award winning actor of “Benson,”

personality Howard Stern, Kid

on vaping and e-cigarettes in

Maria arrived from Puerto Rico

for driver’s licenses and birth

has died at the age of 89. The

Rock assured that his bid for

public, indoor settings. Despite

Centennial Airport in Denver

certificates. This new, third option

titular character of “Benson” was

elected office was a joke. After

the gaining popularity of

on Oct. 24. The pets have been

will be stated as “nonbinary.”

established in the ‘70s sitcom

the initial announcement, the

e-cigarettes, the potential dangers

taken in by Colorado shelters

California will be the third state

“SOAP.” Guillaume also voiced

musician built a website to

of the vaporized substitute has

to alleviate overcrowding in the

to recognize a third gender,

the baboon Rafiki in “The Lion

promote his Republican platform

yet to be definitively cited. New

shelters on the island. According

however, they will be the first to

King.” His guest star roles include

for his 2018 campaign. After being

York’s ban will fall under the

to the Denver Post, so far more

pass an actual law enacting the

shows “All in the Family” and

prompted by Stern about his

regulations of the state’s Clean

than 1,500 dogs and cats have

change, and accommodating to

“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”

plans, Kid Rock said, “Fuck no,

Indoor Air Act. The restriction will

been flown out, he said. Dumb

revisions on birth certificates. The

The actor passed away from

I’m not running for Senate. Are

not apply to those who want to

Friends League was asked last

requirement for a gender change

complications of prostate cancer.

you fucking kidding me?” He also

use e-cigarettes in their private

week if the shelter could help,

that includes a sworn statement

noted that he had a new album to

homes or hotel rooms. The ban

raising the count of relocated pets

from a physician declaring

promote, leading many to believe

will go into effect next month.

to more than 1,600. There will be

that they have undergone a

the announcement was a PR stunt

87-90 dogs and 18 cats from two

physical, clinical treatment will

surrounding his new music.

Puerto Rican shelters available for

also be rescinded in 2018.

adoption at shelters throughout Colorado. For more information, contact the Dumb Friends League.

Student Engagement and Wellness offers a variety of programs and services to MSU Denver students. Please review the list to see what we have to offer in support of your collegiate experience.

Campus Recreation at Auraria

LGBTQ Student Resource Center

Counseling Center

Met Media

Dean of Students Office

Student Activities

Health Center at Auraria

Veteran and Military Student Center

You will find opportunities for all to relieve stress by participating in a group fitness class, shooting baskets in the gymnasium, lifting weights in the fitness center or scaling the rock wall. • Outdoor Pursuits • Intramural Sports • Group Fitness • Personal Training • Adaptive Fitness • Informal Recreation • Fitness Center • Certification & Prep Courses PE 108 • 303-556-3210 • www.msudenver.edu/campusrec/

We can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. Individual Counseling • Support Groups • Crisis Intervention • Quick Consult • Mental Health Resources • Academic and Personal Growth Workshops Tivoli 651 • 303-556-3132 • www.msudenver.edu/counsel/

We provide referrals for students in need and ensure that you have the resources to persist through graduation. • Food Bank • Navigate University Processes • Student Conflict Resolution • Student Code of Conduct • CARE Team Tivoli 311 • 303-556-3559 • www.msudenver.edu/ deanofstudents/

The Health Center at Auraria offers comprehensive medical care with physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists and gynecologists. • Primary Care • Urgent Care • Mental Health • Immunizations • Insurance • Health Education Plaza 150 • 303-556-2525 • www.healthcenter1.com

We provide a space to find your community, as well as education and resources for the campus on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Community Building • Advocacy & Support • Resources • Education Tivoli 213 • 303-556-6488 • www.lgbtq-auraria.org

Get the latest campus news and entertainment created for students by the student voice of MSU Denver or join us and get professional experience in media. • The Metropolitan Weekly Newspaper • Metrosphere Monthly Magazine • Met Radio 24/7 Internet Station • Met TV Progreamming Tivoli 313 • 303-556-2507 • www.MyMetMedia.com

We are your catalyst for campus connections! Events and Programs • Fraternities and Sororities • Leadership Programs • Student Organizations • Element • Volunteer Opportunities • Student Travel Tivoli 305 • 303-556-2595 • www.msudenver.edu/ studentactivities/

We provide a place for you to relax, study, network and get questions answered in a space dedicated to veteran and military students, with full-time staff and a wealth of resources. • Quiet Study Space • Computer Workstations • Study Groups • Meeting Space • Student Veterans Club • Rotating Office Hours • Career Workshops • Special Events Tivoli 243 • 303-556-4294 • www.msudenver.edu/veterans


OCTOBER 25, 2017

Top 5

Essential Halloween movies


Submission of the week

From Briana Swank

1. Hocus Pocus 2. The Addams Family 3. Beetlejuice 4. Young Frankenstein 5. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Overheard “Steve Madden? Like the football guy?” “How do fish work?“ “Um, I’m pretty sure Red Bull has water in it.“ “It’s amazing what a five minute Google search can accomplish.“

Tivoli is the fusion of old and new. The Tivoli Brewery has been creating signature craft beers since 1859. It is the oldest brewery in Colorado and many of its first customers were miners and settlers in the area. It became the largest beer producer west of the Missouri River and its legacy survived the ages. It now serves as a brewery, student union, bookstore and more. It is a familiar stomping ground for students on the Auraria Campus and a place for the community to gather no matter the occasion.

Staff mixtape

Curated by: Montana Martin (DJ Big Sky)

There is music in everything during the fall. The harmonious crunching of apples and leaves, the carving of pumpkins with wimpy plastic tools and the scraping of windshields before the sun gets its chance to defrost thin layers of frozen morning dew. Jim Hopper once said, “Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.” Following form, autumn is for mixtapes and melancholia. Turntables and tranquility. Records and reflection. Here is a list of ten songs to contemplate the short days and long nights of the season. Use them as a companion in your solo outings for apple cider donuts under overcast skies.

1. You’re Dreaming // Wolf Parade 2. Time On Her Side // Future Islands 3. Smoke // Mosa Wild 4. The Wilds // Henry Jamison 5. Walk It Back // The National 6. I’m Done // Gordi feat. S. Carey 7. V // Pinegrove 8. Sunsetz // Cigarettes After Sex 9. New York // St. Vincent 10. Come On Mess Me Up // Cub Sport


Crossword Across

48. The Guggenheim Bilbao,


28. Relent

1. Building block brand


1. Di-dah lead-in

29. Bradley and Sullivan

5. Maryland cake ingredient

50. Animals with antlers

2. Tall bird

30. Classical prefix

9. German industrial city

52. Fish propeller

3. Mixologist’s staple

35. ‘’The Truman Show’’

14. During

53. Heat source for

4. Parimutuel listing


15. O’Grady of ‘’Eight Is


5. Piano sonata composer

37. Play enders, sometimes


54. English poet laureate


40. Joins, as long-lost friends

16. Explosive liquid, briefly


6. What a Geiger counter

41. Desk features of old

17. Test of speed

55. Winter malady


42. Forenoons

20. Trucking rig

56. Icarus’ appendage

7. ‘’Pick a card, ___ card’’

43. ‘’... life is ___ a dream’’

21. Appease, as a thirst

58. Moolah

8. Prejudice

46. Nada

22. Night spot

60. Obey a certain sign

9. It may be near the sofa

47. Serengeti beast

25. Stock market pessimist

67. Madame with a Nobel

10. Distract from the main

49. Like some old records

27. Lustrous material

68. Feel dizzy


51. Hold a rummage sale

31. Beatitudes verb

69. Opera about an Ethiopian

11. RR stop

57. Distinctive clothing

32. Feed the kitty

slave girl

12. Stalling-for-time sounds

59. Bygone despot (Var.)

33. Excoriate

70. Ruins Bond’s martini?

13. Classic Japanese drama

60. Hypodermic needle amts.

34. Indicate shock

71. Porgy’s beloved

18. Country music’s McEntire

61. Without without with

36. Ocean phenomenon

72. Bassoon bit

19. With tabula, it’s a blank

62. CAT scan alternative

38. Stock holder of Roy


63. Cover charge, e.g.


22. Place for lunch?

64. Indecisive result

39. ‘’Gladiator,’’ e.g.

23. Historic time piece?

65. Poetic form

42. ‘’Take ___ out of crime!’’

24. Loathe

66. Mouse’s milieue. Tiny

44. Bundestag refusal

26. Animal named for its coat


45. King of Skull Island


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