Volume 40, Issue 12 - Nov. 1, 2017

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 12

NOVEMBER 1, 2017


Gentile’s clutch save sends Roadrunners to RMAC semi-finals

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

The MSU Denver Roadrunners and UCCS Mountain Lions battle for the ball at the RMAC on Oct. 31 hosted at the Regency Althetic Complex. After a previously scoreless game, MSU Denver ended with a 5-3 victory over UCCS in penalty kicks. By David Schaut

beat the Mountain Lions in

before me scored their PK’s

who was announced as the RMAC

stood up with Collins on his


penalty kicks by a score of

and gave me confidence.”

goalkeeper of the year earlier in

back, causing Collins to fall

5-3. Junior Hector Banegas

It was a hard fought,

the day, kept the game scoreless.

about three feet directly onto

MSU Denver punched its ticket

was the man who sealed the

physical game between the No.

to the semi-finals of the Rocky

win for MSU Denver with the

4 Roadrunners and the No. 5

second half. At one point, MSU

Mountain Athletic Conference

fifth and final penalty kick.

Mountain Lions. Both teams

Denver junior forward Rafael

tournament in a dramatic penalty

had a few scoring opportunities

Munoz-Vega was fouled and

rush,” Banegas said. “I remember

in the first half, but stellar

UCCS senior Casey Collins laid

turning back and sprinting to

goalkeeping by MSU Denver

prone on top of him, preventing

following both regulation and

my teammates. It was a great

junior goalkeeper James Tanner

him from standing. Instead of

overtime play, the Roadrunners

overall performance. The four

and UCCS senior David Meyer,

waiting patiently, Munoz-Vega

kick win over UCCS on Halloween. After the game was scoreless


“It was exciting. It was a

Things got a little chippy in the


| pg. 3

Russian immigrants pay it forward


| pg. 5


| pg. 8

his back. Both players received yellow cards for the incident.

| Continued on pg. 11


| pg. 10

Weighing the benefits of the

Belong Church shows what coming

Kerr brings strong sports

bond campaign

together looks like

background to MSU Denver tennis

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