Volume 40, Issue 12 - Nov. 1, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 12

NOVEMBER 1, 2017


Gentile’s clutch save sends Roadrunners to RMAC semi-finals

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

The MSU Denver Roadrunners and UCCS Mountain Lions battle for the ball at the RMAC on Oct. 31 hosted at the Regency Althetic Complex. After a previously scoreless game, MSU Denver ended with a 5-3 victory over UCCS in penalty kicks. By David Schaut

beat the Mountain Lions in

before me scored their PK’s

who was announced as the RMAC

stood up with Collins on his


penalty kicks by a score of

and gave me confidence.”

goalkeeper of the year earlier in

back, causing Collins to fall

5-3. Junior Hector Banegas

It was a hard fought,

the day, kept the game scoreless.

about three feet directly onto

MSU Denver punched its ticket

was the man who sealed the

physical game between the No.

to the semi-finals of the Rocky

win for MSU Denver with the

4 Roadrunners and the No. 5

second half. At one point, MSU

Mountain Athletic Conference

fifth and final penalty kick.

Mountain Lions. Both teams

Denver junior forward Rafael

tournament in a dramatic penalty

had a few scoring opportunities

Munoz-Vega was fouled and

rush,” Banegas said. “I remember

in the first half, but stellar

UCCS senior Casey Collins laid

turning back and sprinting to

goalkeeping by MSU Denver

prone on top of him, preventing

following both regulation and

my teammates. It was a great

junior goalkeeper James Tanner

him from standing. Instead of

overtime play, the Roadrunners

overall performance. The four

and UCCS senior David Meyer,

waiting patiently, Munoz-Vega

kick win over UCCS on Halloween. After the game was scoreless


“It was exciting. It was a

Things got a little chippy in the


| pg. 3

Russian immigrants pay it forward


| pg. 5


| pg. 8

his back. Both players received yellow cards for the incident.

| Continued on pg. 11


| pg. 10

Weighing the benefits of the

Belong Church shows what coming

Kerr brings strong sports

bond campaign

together looks like

background to MSU Denver tennis







Do you know someone who is a champion for civil rights or civility?

Community Activism

Someone who embraces diversity and honors solidarity? Nominate a hero for the 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Award.

Advocacy Depth of Involvement.

SERVICE DRIVES Get ready to participate in our service drives


NOVEMBER 1, 2017


Caffeine addiction helps pay way for DACA students In 1979, when Tony and Leo

By Hannah McPherson hmcphers@msudenver.edu

students is very appropriate and I

were young children, aged 9 and 7

Dazbog Coffee is donating $1 to DACA students for every $4.99 travel mug purchased at their

certainly respect them for that.”

years respectively, the Yuffa family

According to Timothy Carroll,

immigrated from the former Soviet

associate director of media relations

Union directly to Colorado.

and faculty liaison, MSU Denver

“Seeing similarities in their own past

Auraria Campus location.

does not keep a record of how many

to these students, Tony and Leo agreed

DACA students are currently enrolled.

to initiate a month-long travel mug

However, the school has around 400

the founders of Dazbog Coffee

promotion,” said Jamie Hurst, director

Advancing Students for a Stronger

Company, actively seek to better

of Alumni Relations and Giving. “As

Economy Tomorrow students. ASSET

the lives of students on Auraria.

if this wasn’t enough, they personally

is the name of a Colorado-state law

agreed to match, dollar-for-dollar, the

passed in 2013 that granted in-state

total amount raised by mug sales.”

tuition to undocumented students

Anatoly and Leonid Yuffa,

“We’ve had a great partnership with MSU Denver for long time,” said Kevin Wehrly, senior vice president of Dazbog

Wehrly said the offer was

seeking to attend higher education.

Coffee. “Given Leo and Tony’s history

incentivized to make it more lucrative

and their hardships, they understand

for those who decide to participate.

the difficulties these students are

“This is a community that

going through. They want to assist.” In 2012, Dazbog endowed a

The Dazbog Coffee team on Auraria campus is excited to be able to participate in fundraising for DACA.

doesn’t get a lot of financial support,

“We have had great feedback,”

particularly because they’re not

Wehrly said. “There have been

scholarship to MSU Denver. Now,

able to fill out FAFSA,” said Student

multiple students and faculty members

the Yuffa brothers have initiated this

Government Assembly President

who have purchased travel mugs.

campaign to support DACA students

Joshua Gardner. “The fact that Dazbog

Some faculty members purchased

with no monetary limit to how much

is fundraising on our campus where

enough for their entire class.”

the sale of the travel mugs can raise.

we have a large population of DACA

The promotion runs until Nov. 4.

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Holly Blaschke, executive assistant to MSU Denver President Janine A. Davidson, walks beneath the sign promoting a DACA fundraiser hosted by Dazbog to students on campus on Oct. 31.

MSU Denver’s voting record stands above nation By Dayna Himot

New York Times. The ADP at MSU


Denver is located in the Applied

Although millennial voting is down nationwide, the opposite holds true for MSU Denver students.

Government Assembly

building in room 325.

President Joshua Gardner is

Bethany Fleck Dillen, MSU Denver associate professor

not surprised by the school’s voting outreach initiatives. “It makes sense that universities

The school boasted the highest undergraduate voting rate out of 589

the school’s ADP chapter, is

would give students the tools

campuses nationwide that compete

a member of the committee

they need to get involved in their

in the ALL IN Campus Democracy

promoting the message of civic

communities - both in community

Challenge. The challenge honors

engagement among students.

service and civic duties,” he said. With the national election a year

campuses for excellence in

“MSU students are actively

student voter engagement.

involved, and interested in what’s

behind, ADP will now focus on open

The results of the challenge

going on in our community whether

dialogue and conflict resolution.

were announced at a ceremony on

it’s political or not and want to make

Oct. 19 at the Knight Conference

a difference,” Fleck Dillen said. During the challenge, ADP

“Right now, the political climate is tense. We don’t necessarily talk to one another in a bipartisan way,” Fleck Dillen said.

Washington, D.C. One of MSU

offered debate watch parties

Denver’s civic engagement

and programming centered

initiatives, the American Democracy

around Colorado ballot initiatives,

will promote open dialogue among

Project, was responsible for

so students could feel more

students with differences of

mounting the successful drive

informed about their votes.

opinion and offer an opportunity

to win the competition.

Dr. Robert Hazan, chair of the

ADP’s forthcoming initiatives

for them to listen to each other

Department of Political Science at

and encourage communication

Democracy Challenge in 2016

MSU Denver, said students here

in a safe environment.

in order to further their mission

focus on topics related to fairness,

to educate and support MSU

civil rights and human rights.

ADP joined the ALL IN Campus

Denver’s diverse student body with

“MSU students display a sharper

During the 2018 spring semester, they plan to host State Senator Linda Newell of District 26. They

understanding of the virtues of civic

will also screen her film, “The Last

engagement because they face

Bill, A Senator’s Story.” The film

is one of four initiatives offered

tough socio-economic challenges

focuses on conflict resolution.

by the university’s civic

as they pursue their academic

engagement program which

dreams,” Hazan said. “ Given

for students to get involved, such

includes the Alternative Break

the strong commitment of our

as attending committee meetings,

Program, Mini Grants and the

university to engage students of

programming and research. ADP

Puksta Scholars Program.

all ages and of all socio-economic

is interested in hearing student

backgrounds in local and national

voices and they encourage all

in 2003 as a nonpartisan initiative

elections, via academic conferences,

perspectives to participate in

between the American Association

lecture series and seminars, my

the growth of MSU Denver’s

of State Colleges and Universities

prediction is that MSU Denver

civic engagement movement.

working in partnership with The

students will continue to rank very

regards to civic engagement. MSU Denver’s ADP committee

Bethany Fleck Dillen, MSU Denver professor of Psychology and chair of the university’s ADP chapter, with the award for the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge in her office on Oct. 31.

MSU Denver’s Student

Learning Center Administration

of psychology and chair of

Center in the Newseum in

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

high in undergraduate voting.”

The committee was established

There are plenty of opportunities

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NOVEMBER 1, 2017



Preserving community through the bond campaign


s an MSU Denver leader

Currently the sidewalks along

and a Colorado native,

the Larimer Bridge over Cherry

should voters approve the bonds.

I care deeply about our

Creek are narrow and crowded,

Denver’s Central Library is set for

campus and the city it inhabits.

as you probably know. The new

a $38 million boost including new

MSU Denver is not an island. We

bridge would be much wider and

technology, redesigned spaces,

are an integral part of Denver,

funding would rebuild ramps

improved accessibility and critical

adding to its vitality and optimism.

that are currently located at two

deferred maintenance projects.

intersections where Larimer crosses

Much needed safety and security

north and southbound Speer.

upgrades at the Central Library,

At the same time, the built environment of Denver has a positive effect on our school

In the meantime, East Colfax

and student body. Whether it is the transportation system, the

Michelle Lucero

roads, sidewalks and bike lanes,

including a new layout, expanded

Avenue would get a $55 million

security systems and the relocation

rapid transit bus service. The

of the children’s learning area.

buses would service roughly

When it comes to our

the libraries and rec centers,

on proposed projects and some

50,000 commuters by 2035 and

unparalleled cultural facilities, the

Denver Health or our wonderful

4,000 ideas were considered.

save travelers up to 15 minutes

Botanic Gardens and the Denver Zoo

on their commute. Additionally,

are in line for major boost. Other

cultural institutions such as the Art

The list voters will decide on was

Museum and the Zoo, we benefit

reduced down to 460 of the most

21 intersections of Colfax will

facilities to benefit would be the

as Denver grows and prospers.

critical projects, many of which will

be improved with new medians

Denver Art Museum, improvements

That’s why I’m encouraging

benefit MSU students and staff.

and enhanced crosswalks to

to Red Rocks amphitheater (which

people to vote YES on the bond

In all, the bond measures would

improve pedestrian safety.

is owned by Denver), the Center for

measure 2A through 2G, being put

provide $937 million to improve

to Denver voters on November

and repair Denver’s infrastructure.

7. As a member of the executive

One project, known as

Improved transportation and mobility around the city, is a major theme of the bond measures.

committee that reviewed the

Connecting Auraria, will directly

Some 287 miles of streets would

proposals covered by the bonds,

impact MSU Denver by improving

be repaved, 33 miles of sideways

I know how important they are

the pedestrian walkways on

would be constructed and 50 miles

for the city. The city consulted

Larimer between 14th St.

of bike lanes would be created.

at length with the community

and the Auraria Campus.


the city would also be big winners

the Performing Arts and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Please vote YES on measures 2A through 2G!

Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Neighborhood libraries across

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Voting? Make your own opinion capital improvements throughout

I grew up loving the streets of

There is a reason Hugh Hefner

Denver, learning my way from Five

the city. We already pay that fee. If it

dubbed it the “wickedest street

Points to Baker on foot since I was

fails, taxes would go down instead.

in the nation.” The people on the

However, the measure includes

15. Weekends in DIY venues outside

bus are among the strangest in the

of Five Points, mocking people

a possible property tax increase

state. Do they expect those people

dumb enough to swim in the Platte

that the Denver Post estimates

to disappear? Or will the wealthy

River and jaywalking on Colfax

would come out to $30 a year. The

learn to coexist? It’s doubtful.

because it’s Colfax and no one

Post calls it a worthy investment.

follows rules there. These streets

But, Ballotpedia claims that the

the city’s road repair backlog,

are my home and I know it needs a

language could mean hidden tax

including repaving, fixing curbs

lot of work. But, the imperfection

increases. Also, people on fixed

and gutters and major bridge

is what makes it beautiful.

incomes, like my grandparents,

rehabilitation, according to The

can’t afford the price hike.

Denver Post. One thing Lucero does

After reading through Michelle

Cassandra Ballard

Now, what would that money

Lucero’s opinion piece above, I was

Referred Question 2A also covers

instantly angered by her words.

be spent on? Referred Question

ramps added to make the sidewalks

I, and a few other staff members,

up? Students don’t have a personal

2A: Denver Transportation and

more handicap accessible, instead

did not think she understood

problem with these subjects,

Mobility System Bonds allocates

of just thinking the sidewalks

the students or the commuters

so why pay to change them?

$431 million worth of projects

are crowded and too skinny.

of Denver. Lucero approaches

and will include what is called

What tilted me toward the

the ballot measure from an

that we had not read the

the Bus Rapid Transit. Fifty five

measure was that I found that a

administrator’s standpoint, but her

ballot for the coming election

million dollars will go to the BRT,

lot of these bonds are backlogs of

reasons for supporting the ballot

yet. We were unsure where

speeding up Colfax public transit

infrastructure that are long overdue

don’t speak to me as a student. That

we stood on the subject.

by up to 15 minutes. 2A the most

or desperately needed. Everything

expensive piece of the measure.

from improvements to public health

said, I think that the ballot measure can be beneficial to students. I don’t want my tax money going

I overcame my initial gut reaction and decided to do some research. The money behind the project

It doesn’t make sense to me to

and safety to renovations of public

spend tens of millions dollars to

libraries and expansions of cultural facilities, like the Denver Zoo.

to Colfax transportation, when I

is the biggest point for me. I

make the Colfax bus faster when it

don’t think it is necessary. Why do

wanted to know where the money

already runs every five minutes.

we need to enhance Larimer Street

would come from and how much

and Speer Boulevard when it is one

would it raise taxes for the next

is that the city plans to use two

Lucero’s public relations pitch.

of the easiest, safest intersections

decade. And if it doesn’t pass,

central lanes on Colfax exclusively

Do your own research. Vote

to cross? Why enhance the most

where will this money be spent?

for public transit. This could

for what you think is right and

snarl traffic by leaving only one

don’t let the opinion section of a

infamous street in the nation to

As it turns out, no additional

Another thing I take issue with

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

not mention is that Larimer will have

find more excuses to hike tuition

A few of us openly admitted

Assistant Director of Met Media

But if you are still planning on voting, don’t listen to my rant or

make it easier for unwanted growth?

taxes would be taken from

lane on each side for cars. The

newspaper sway what should be

And, why should we spend our tax

Coloradans. It’s a continuation of an

only solution I see is to eliminate

your own informed decision.

money to make the area around the

initiative from 2007 called the Better

meter parking and add more

school nicer, just so the school can

Denver Bond Program, which funds

high-priced parking garages.

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

CAMPUS WEEK OF ACTION empowering all OF auraria to take a stand against interpersonal violence as one voice, one community




Audrie & DAISY Take Back Documentary The Night 11:00AM-1:30PM TIVOLI 3:30PM-6:30PM Multicultural Lounge TIVOLI Commons The documentary includes the stories of two American high school students. After the assaults, the victims and their families were subjected to abuse and cyberbullying. Q&A Panel to follow movie. FREE FOOD



4th annual march encouraging, empowering and uniting all Auraria Students in the fight against Sexual Assault, allowing a safe space for survivors to have their voices heard. FREE FOOD



Day of Heart

Consent is Bae


10:00AM-1:00PM TIVOLI Multicultural Lounge

A day of art, music, and poetry that focuses on healing, empowerment, and unity. FREE FOOD

Mock college party to bring awareness to safe and consensual sex in party atmospheres. FREE FOOD

Breaking The Silence 11:00AM-3:00PM, TIVOLI Garage Lounge A groundbreaking 3 day event concept that educates and informs students of the reality of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, done through visual and non visual art.

FOR MORE INFO EMAIL AARON at futrella futrella@msudenver.edU


Phoenix Center at Auraria

NOVEMBER 1, 2017



Day of the Dead gathering, a tri-institutional tradition By Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu More than 100 students across Auraria attended the Tri-institutional Annual Dia De Los Muertos at the St. Cajetan’s Center on Oct. 31. The day, also known as Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday that honors loved ones who have passed away. Colorful altars with food, flowers and sugar skulls were built by different on-campus organizations. The Institute for Women’s Studies and Services altar honored widely-known ancestors like Cherrie Moraga and Maya

Eva Lujan paints attendees’ faces at the Tri-institutional Annual Dia de Los Muertos event at St. Cajetan’s Center on Oct. 31. Lujan has participated in the event since it started in 2013.

Angelou, as well as local loved ones who’ve passed like Betty Wagner and Jessie Hernandez. Students from all three schools lined up to get colorful skulls painted on their faces. Eva Lujan, one of the face painters, said she’s been adding glitter to students’ faces since the event first started. MSU students Belen Torres and Andrew Hale attended together. “I feel welcomed and it feels really good sharing this tradition with other people,” Torres said. The celebration was coorganized by 12 on-campus organizations like sororities, fraternities and the MSU Denver President’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. However, the gathering Photos by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

was a student-led effort chaired by Marianna Rosales Velasco who believes, “when students prepare events they turn out better.”

Belen Torres and Andrew Hale take a selfie after getting their faces painted during the Tri-institutional Annual Dia de Los Muertos event at the St. Cajetan’s Center on Oct. 31.

The Institute for Women’s Studies and Services created an alter with women and LGBTQ ancestors for the Tri-institutional Annual Dia de Los Muertos event at St. Cajetan’s Center on Oct. 31.

Psychology courses helpful for all students By Briana Swank

about students, which comes

to Psychology are not psychology

in psychology due to their


naturally to those within the field of

majors, but want to expand

understanding of people and

knowledge that can be gained is

psychology,” Hernandez said. “They

their understanding of people.

their work ethic,” Forcella said,

infinite and the number of ways

really connect with students and

One student in a Theories

“which is required to complete

to apply it are limitless. Any

understand the world around them

come up with creative ways to better

of Personality class wanted

a degree like psychology.”

student, regardless of their field

by studying their own thoughts

their understanding of the topic

to create more interesting

and personality need look no

both academically and personally.”

characters in his short stories.

Students who want to better

completed her studies and took

to increase their knowledge and

Studying some level of

department at MSU Denver.

psychology can also be useful

of intriguing courses and is run

which is required for those

to students who aren’t going

by a staff with years of clinical

wanting to pursue graduate

and success at MSU Denver are

into the field. It’s easier for a

and research experience and a

school. She says that her

taking one of the

endless. They offer a convenient

person to gauge what they can

commitment to education that

ultimate goal is to, “continue

many psychology

fitness center, a state of the art

achieve if they know both their

carries into each class they teach.

learning and working to try

courses offered

library and access to activities that

strengths and their weaknesses.

and help people.” Daugherty

at MSU Denver.

allow students to get the most

concept in order to expand the

also stated that she is, “still

students much more than

idea of humanity can benefit all

working on getting into a

simply a run down on Freud or a

fields of study and professions,

Ph.D. or Psy.D. program in an

fascinating and useful is MSU

lecture on Pavlov. Introductory

both personally and publically.

effort to continue an education

Denver’s psychology department.

psychology can help a person

out of their college experience. A field of study that is both

Dr. Jovan Hernandez has been on the MSU Denver teaching staff for over three years. He holds a

Studying psychology offers

Taking time to study a foreign

the Graduate Record Examination,

of study, can enjoy an opportunity

further than the psychology Opportunities for exploration

The department offers a range

Debbie Daugherty, recently

In the world of psychology, the

According to Matthew Forcella,

understand qualities about

an advisor for the psychology

themselves to improve their lives.

department, many students go

William James, known as the father of psychology, was the

receive their bachelor’s degree in

the University of Iowa and is an

first educator to offer a course

psychology. While a good number

advisor for Psi Chi, the psychology

on the subject in the U.S.

do go on to graduate school,

“The greatest discovery of my

most go into the professional

their committed teaching staff sets

generation is that human beings

world of for-profit corporations

the psychology department apart

can alter their lives by altering their

or non-profit organizations.

from all others within the university.

attitudes of mind,” James said.

“The faculty here really cares

Many students in Introduction

both personally and professionally by

in psychology.”

into a variety of fields after they

Ph.D. in clinical psychology from

honors program. Hernandez said

further themselves

“Many employers like seeing applicants with degrees

Photo by Briana Swank | bswank1@msudenver.edu

Jovan Hernandez, MSU Denver professor speaks to his clinical counseling class on Oct. 31.



NOVEMBER 1, 2017

‘Whose Streets?’ film brings Belong Church closer By Ashton Brown

it looked so powerful. I mean, I


knew immediately that I wanted

unhappy accident, that it’s not a

to see it personally and I was

coincidence,” Peters said. “Rather,

like, how do I get to see this?”

it is a recurring systemic problem.”

Visitors stepped out of the brisk, fall air into the warm confines of

Lawrence checked local theater

“Police brutality is not some

Rev. Peters and other

Belong Church, where patrons

listings for the film. However, none

members of Belong encouraged

assembled to watch a documentary

were to be found. The film has

attendees to leave sticky notes

named “Whose Streets?”

a very limited distribution, and

about their feelings after seeing

Lawrence said that she wanted

the film. Stickies adorned with,

sold-out showings of the movie

to do what she could to help to

“I didn’t know,” “I’m sorry,”

beneath the building’s towering

share the movie and show it to the

and “I’ll do better,” lined the

ceilings and colorful windows.

community. Spurred on by the idea

windows in front of the pews.

The church went through three

“Whose Streets?” is a

of how powerful it would be for

Josia Mijares invoked

documentary that looks at the

Belong as a new church to host the

the American declaration of

history of police brutality in

movie, she took it upon herself to

independence to sum up his views

Ferguson, Missouri. The film

organize a screening of the film.

of the film and recent events. He

uses the killing of Michael Brown,

At the end of the film, Rev.

said that if a system was no longer

an unarmed black teenager, as

Jasper Peters answered the

guaranteeing rights to everybody,

a lens to document the subject.

murmurs passing through the

then the system should be changed.

The location of the documentary

crowd by thrusting his fist upwards.

History, he said, will tell you how.

screening created a safe

He led the group in a chant from

“I kept thinking about that

environment to promote the social

the film. The room mirrored the

quote from Dr. Martin Luther King,

movement the film promoted.

final scene in the film as people

where ‘a riot is the language of the

joined their fists in protest.

unheard,’” Mijares said. “I think that

The night showing was organized by Fara Lawrence, a regular at Belong Church. “One of my friends on Facebook

Peters said he doesn’t believe substantive change will happen

as far as you are unheard, you are Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

entitled to, maybe, be violent. It’s

unless people with both power and

sad, but that’s the only way you’re

is friends with the director. She

privilege begin to believe the stories

going to be heard at some point.”

posted about it, and I just thought

and data around systematic racism.

Audience members raise their fists in solidarity with Rev. Jasper Peters for the social justice work that still needs to accomplished on Oct. 26 at the Belong Church.

Review: Weezer’s new album is flawed but fun By James Burky

and “Sweet Mary” showcase

is evident with certain tracks


everything right on the record,

that feel overproduced. Walker

songs not manufactured for

was a producer on 2009’s

the charts. Enticing, albeit not

critical failure “Raditude,”

its 11th studio album “Pacific

innovative, pop music. “Weekend

which may not bode well with

Daydream.” The flawed, 34-minute

Woman” seeps 1960’s influence

longtime fans of the group as

long dreamy opus that only lead

from the psych-pop act The

the latter is often considered the

singer Rivers Cuomo could craft.

Zombies, while the intro on

group’s worst album by fans.

“Daydream” detours from the

“Sweet Mary” is reminiscent of

rock roots that was present on all

George Harrison’s “My Sweet

after “Buddy Holly” and “Say

of Weezer’s previous records in

Lord” in the best way possible.

it Ain’t So,” the pursuit of pop

Weezer recently released

favor of a mainstream pop sound.

The lyrics are lovably nerdy

Fans already have their gripes

To many who fell for the group

success equates to the group

and heartfelt. The aforementioned

abandoning their roots and leaving

about this contrast and claim

“Sweet Mary” has melancholic

their past in total disregard.

this is no longer Weezer, but

lyrics akin to “Pinkerton” tracks

those criticisms are misguided.

and Daydream’s sixth song,

with the common criticism of

The front cover of Weezer has

“QB Blitz,” showcases Cuomo’s

not only “Pacific Daydream,”

changed from power chords to

quirky lyricism from referencing

but 21st century Weezer in

doing algebra homework alone

general. If you’re listening to

to Star Wars, “Out on the ice

this record expecting distorted

Photo acquired from Billboard Music

track loops, but the chapters remain the same. With wonderful

And therein lies the issue

vocal harmonies, infectious

than the poignant “Pinkerton”

single “Feels Like Summer,” it

fields of Hoth/I’ll be missing

and driving guitar solos,

hooks and chilling bridges, this is

or the Beach Boys-Clash love

reiterated the notion that Weezer

you like oxygen,” Cuomo sings

you’re in the wrong place.

traditional Weezer structure with

child of their self-titled debut

abandoned rock music for greener

in an almost tortured tone.

a novel sound. The only thing

“Blue” album. “Green” through

pastures and commercial success.

that’s different on this record

the present is considered the

as opposed to past ones is the

Post-Pinkerton era, a timeline

genre — not the genuineness of

in which Cuomo’s songwriting

the music or the effort put into it.

Overall, “Pacific Daydream” is

The album’s second single

an inspired statement proving to

“Daydream” dispels this

“Happy Hour,” is a great example

us, once and for all, that Weezer

false dichotomy of when Weezer

of Weezer making chart-oriented

never sold out, they just made

cared versus when they sold out.

pop. It’s production seems over-

the music they felt like doing

allegedly abandoned earnesty

Despite abandoning the rock

ambitious but is a simple, happy

with each album. The songs fit

for Top 40 success and music

based music present on their last

pop anthem that can narrate

better as a whole and are the

videos with Hugh Hefner.

two efforts, 2014’s “Everything

something as mundane as lying

perfect soundtrack to an autumn

Will Be Alright in the End” and

in a patch of grass on campus

afternoon walk around town. The

band that connected with losers

2016’s self-titled “White” album,

with a calming autumn breeze.

production is overly ambitious

and nerds through the emotional

Weezer is still the same group of

comes to Weezer. The music they

masterpiece “Only In Dreams”

charming, geek-rockers that the

is without flaws. The second track

the most memorable, but rather

released after a five year hiatus

is the same one that promoted

world fell in love with. Still present

“Beach Boys” is an over-produced

fits snug in the middle-tier of

starting with 2001’s self-titled

“Beverly Hills,” a mediocre

are the infectious hooks and

ode to the band’s largest influence

Weezer albums, somewhere

release, known colloquially as the

track with a painstakingly dull

harmless, odd lyrics that we’ve

and “La Mancha Screwjob” is

between 2010’s “Hurley” and

“Green” album, was noticeably

chord progression. When they

come to expect from Weezer.

bland and forgettable. Butch

the aforementioned “Green.”

more commercial sounding

showcased the electro-pop lead

The album may initially take getting used to, but, like a number of their previous releases it’s a grower, not a shower. There’s a duality when it

Fans were in disarray. The

The tracks “Weekend Woman”

This isn’t to say that the album

Walker’s influence on the album

in areas and the record is not


NOVEMBER 1, 2017


A fighter on the court, in the gym and on the slopes By Matt Entrekin

in March. She also won first team

She went 4-6 in singles and 6-5


all-conference honors in doubles.

in doubles for the Demons before

Kerr was born to a sports Decorated tennis player and

transferring to MSU Denver

family in England where her father

before the 2015-16 season. In her

standout student Emily Kerr

managed fitness clubs and was

two seasons since, she has gone

has established herself as a

keen on introducing his daughter

27-27 overall in singles with a

superb student athlete during

to as many sports as possible.

dominant 7-1 conference record,

her tenure at MSU Denver.

“My dad has always been the

Her academic accomplishments

manager of fitness clubs so I’ve

and 33-22 overall in doubles. In addition to tennis, Kerr is also

include making her way onto the

always been around tennis,” Kerr

strong in multiple sports ranging

athletic director’s honor roll twice,

said. “So when I was about four,

from soccer to karate, including her

first team all-academic in the Rocky

I just picked it up and started

newfound passion, snowboarding.

Mountain Athletic Conference last

playing with the sponge balls.”

Kerr first learned how to snowboard

spring and RMAC academic player

Kerr rode this humble beginning

from her teammates at MSU Denver

of the year for 2017. Aside from her

through high school to a spot on

but, unlike tennis, it took Kerr a little

academic success, she was voted

the tennis team for NCAA Division

longer to learn the winter sport.

RMAC player of the week twice

I Northwestern State University.

“It was a complete wreck all over the mountain,” said Courtney Wright, one of Kerr’s

Photos by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

teammates, who praised her for

Emily Kerr practices tennis during the offseason at the Regency Athletic Complex on Oct. 27.

her work ethic on the slopes as well as on the tennis courts. “She’s flipping over, I’m cold cause I’m not doing anything.

that should show a lot about Emily

I’m watching and she unzips

and how great of a connection she

her jacket and she’s drenched

can make so early with people.”

in sweat, takes her helmet off,

“I think I might pull the dirtier moves out,” Wright said.

Wright also gave high acclaim

her hair is matted, but she’s like ‘Let’s keep going!’ So we go back up and she falls back down.”

for her doubles partner’s character. “She’s very nonjudgmental

Aside from Kerr’s off-court life, she encourages young athletes to keep the fun in the game.

and willing to help people that

Kerr’s work ethic is recognized

“Keep enjoying it,” Kerr said.

are in a tough situation,” Wright

“It goes so quickly so instead of

among members of the MSU

said. “She might not know what

finding ways to complain about

Denver tennis squad, including

to say but she’ll listen. She

everything you have on, you have

head coach Barrett Elkins.

doesn’t push herself on them to

to find the positive aspects because

listen but she is there for them

it’s the only way that it’s gonna

if they want to talk to her.”

get you through it. And you’ll

“People feed off her energy. People feed off her emotions. She’s the type of leader that will be a

Beneath Emily’s altruistic

realize that it does go so quickly.”

great leader as a person outside of

persona lies a fighter. Specifically,

With the 2017 fall season

sports as well and not just a team

an experienced karate practitioner.

concluded, Kerr and the rest of

captain who will lead a sports team

Senior MSU Denver tennis player Emily Kerr at the Regency Athletic Complex on Oct. 27. Kerr has been a valuable addition to the team since the 2015-16 season.

she could take her on in a fight.

“My whole family used to karate

the Roadrunners await the spring

and then that’s it,” Elkins said,

and we all have really high belts.

season which begins on Feb.

who also commended Kerr for her

My dad was a black belt, and my

10. She is set to graduate next

ability to connect with people. “I

brother, and then me and my mom

semester with a degree in athletic

have a 2-year-old son. He’s very

were one off a black belt,” Kerr said.

training as she pursues her dream

shy and yesterday he was asking

But despite Kerr’s experience

of becoming a physical therapist.

where Emily was and started crying

in the fighting style, teammate

because she wasn’t there. So I think

Courtney Wright is convinced

Roadrunners athletics review Men’s Soccer Oct. 26


vs Westminster


College (Utah)


Oct. 28

vs Colorado Mesa University Oct. 31 RMAC Tournament

vs University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

L 5-0

Oct. 27

at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Oct. 28 at Black Hills

State University

W 1-0

Women’s Soccer W

Oct. 28

vs Regis University


W 3-0

Oct. 31 RMAC Tournament

at Colorado State University-Pueblo

L 1-0

L 1-0

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NOVEMBER 1, 2017



Men’s soccer moves on to semi-finals Close game decided by lone save in penalty kicks

Continued from cover

Alessandro Gentile, who didn’t

to be decided by penalty kicks.

Sawaged confidently slotted

And make it he did with a

see any game action in the regular

Both teams selected five players

his shot to the left of Meyer

shot to the bottom right corner.

season. He ended up playing

that would line up from inside

to put MSU Denver up 2-1.

additional yellow cards, but no

Gentile because of his prowess

the penalty area and try to score

scoring. In the overtime periods,

in stopping penalty kicks.

on their opponent’s keeper.

The second half ended with two

German freshman Teo Jukic

After the match, MSU Denver

UCCS wouldn’t go away

fans, including sophomore

and put their next penalty

mechanical engineering

kick in the net as well.

student Parker Austad, had rosy

both teams played tentatively

“Alessandro came up big

and no major scoring chances

today,” Tittle said on Gentile’s

was the first up for MSU Denver.

occurred. Then, with about one

performance in the penalty kicks.

He put his shot to the left of Meyer

this time freshman Moritz Walther.

minute left in the last overtime

“No discredit to James. James

to put the the Roadrunners up

He eschewed his teammates

period, MSU Denver coach

kept a clean sheet for 120 minutes.

1-0, however UCCS scored on

approaches and tried Meyer’s

way,” Austad said. “They beat

Jeremy Tittle made a substitution

He’s been our starter all year,

its first opportunity as well. This

right side. Meyer picked the

Mines 1-0 this season at Mines,

that raised some eyebrows. He

but Sandy came up big when we

brought up redshirt freshman

wrong direction to dive and

and Mines are definitely one of

subbed out Tanner, who was

needed him to come up big.”

Louie Sawaged, a player who

Walther put MSU Denver up

the biggest rivals. That’s one of

playing phenomenally and hadn’t

After the overtime periods

had never scored in his collegiate

3-2. But, UCCS again matched

the biggest and most exciting

allowed a goal, in favor of junior

finished scoreless, the game had

career. Despite his inexperience,

the Roadrunners to put each

games you can watch for this

team at three. Junior defender

team. But I think with the talent

Kevin Beck was next up for the

they have, with the passion they

Roadrunners, and, in front of a

have, they can go all the way.”

Third up was another German,

outlooks on what’s to come “I think they can go all the

silent, nervous crowd, scorched

As Austad mentioned, the next

a rocket to the right of Meyer.

challenge for the Roadrunners

Then it was Gentile’s time to

is to travel to Golden to take on

shine. Collins, the same UCCS

Colorado School of Mines. Mines

player involved in the yellow

finished the season No. 1 in the

card incident with Munoz-Vega,

conference and only lost one

came up to shoot. He tried to

game in RMAC play all year. The

fool Gentile with a shot to the

Roadrunners are that blight on

left, but Gentile predicted the

an otherwise perfect record.

direction and saved the shot. This

Goalie Allesandro Gentile makes the lone save of the penalty kick shootout of the Roadrunners’ RMAC Tournament matchup against UCCS on Oct. 31 at the Regency Athletic Complex.

The game will take place

meant that if Banegas scored,

on Nov. 3 in Golden at 4 p.m.

the Roadrunners would win.

If the Roadrunners upset the

“He trusted me,” Banegas said Photo by Sandisz Thieme | sthieme@msudenver.edu

for the men’s soccer team.

Orediggers, they’ll play for

on Tittle’s confidence in selecting

the RMAC championship and

him to shoot fifth in the penalty

a shot at an automatic bid

kicks. “I’m confident enough to

for the NCAA tournament on

take that fifth PK and make it.”

Nov. 5 at 1 p.m. in Golden.

Women’s soccer season ends in Pueblo By Richard Allen

season play on Oct. 8, in another

in goals with six. She averaged


dramatic one-goal match.

.94 goals per game. Sophomore

Sophomore Makenna Brassard

goalkeeper Erica Torres started 12

scored the go ahead goal with four

games on the season, turning in

soccer team saw their season

seconds remaining on the clock in

the RMAC’s seventh highest save

come to a close after losing

the second half, breaking a 1-1 tie.

percentage while facing the seventh

The MSU Denver women’s

in the first round of the Rocky

Despite failing to make the semi-

Mountain Athletic Conference

finals for the second straight season,

Tournament on Oct. 31.

MSU Denver put together a strong

The Roadrunners dropped their

most shots and put together four shutouts by the end of the schedule. Next season, the Roadrunners

campaign to earn the fifth seed in

will lose four key seniors:

matchup at four seed Colorado

the RMAC. They finished the regular

midfielders Brenda Vazquez,

State University-Pueblo in a 1-0

season with an 8-8 record, going

Kaylee Bourelle and Elise

loss, eliminating them from the

7-5 in conference. The high point of

Boisnard, defender Cassi Fischer

tournament. As the schedule

the season came from a four-game

and forward Shelbi Durbin.

ends, so does the collegiate career

winning streak from Sept. 17-29.

of five seniors on the team.

In those contests, they outscored

sour for the team, however, as

A goal by RMAC Women’s

The day was not completely

opponents 6-0. In their 16 games,

all-conference awards were

Soccer Player of the Year Mackenzie

they only allowed more than one

announced earlier in the day. The

Bean in the 25th minute held for

goal four times and more than two

Roadrunners were well represented,

the duration of the game, spelling

goals once. Their worst defensive

with Boisnard and Banks earning

doom for MSU Denver. The

game came in a 3-2 heartbreaking

first team all-RMAC honors. Torres

Roadrunners did not go without a

loss at the hands of New Mexico

earned a spot on the second

fight, putting five shots on target

Highlands University on Oct. 6.

team, and Brassard and freshman

over the duration of the game with

Junior forward Reigna Banks

Jordan Lewis were honorable

nine shot attempts overall. They

led the way offensively for the

mentions. The three players earning

played aggressively, forcing three

Roadrunners this season, topping

placement on the roster was

corners but also drawing ten fouls.

the RMAC in shots with 59 and

the third highest representation

The two teams met in regular

tying for third in the conference

in the 12 team conference.

Photo by John McMinn | jmcminn2@msudenver.edu

Junior Emily Romer heads the ball in a match against Regis University on Oct. 28 at the Regency Athletic Complex. MSU Denver lost 1-0.



NOVEMBER 1, 2017

Rampage down the mountain Kurt Sorge the first to take the title three times


By Matt Miller mmill237@msudenver.edu

Denver sports sputter through October Following the Colorado Rockies early exit from the 2017 MLB Postseason, Denver professional sports teams have struggled overall. After each of their losses on Oct. 30, both the Denver Nuggets and Broncos stand at 3-4 on their respective seasons. While it is early in the Nuggets’ 82 game schedule, the Broncos will reach their halfway point when they take on the Philadelphia Eagles on Nov. 5. An inferior offense that ranks 24th of 32 teams in points per game has let down a defense that is allowing the fewest yards per game in the NFL. The Colorado Avalanche have fared somewhat better, with the sole winning record of the three teams at 6-5. However, a 7-0 blowout loss at the hands of the expansion franchise Vegas Golden Knights followed by a six goal outburst against the perennial juggernaut Chicago Blackhawks proves paradoxical on its surface. Several moves made as NFL trade deadline passes The NFL trade deadline passed at 2 p.m. on Oct. 31, with several big-named players moved. The two biggest names moved are New England Patriots backup quarterback Jimmy Garappolo, who was traded to the San Francisco 49ers for a secondround pick in 2018, and Miami Dolphins running back Jay Ajayi, who was traded to the Philadelphia Eagles for a fourth-round pick next year. Other players moved include Buffalo Bills defensive tackle Marcell Dareus to the Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans left tackle Duane Brown, who returned from a holdout regarding contract issues through the first seven weeks of this season, to the Seattle Seahawks.

For the first time in its history, Red Bull Rampagenow has a three-time winner. Rampage is a creative mountain bike line competition. Kurt Sorge secured his place in mountain bike history with a dominating score of 92.66. This was the 12th time that Red Bull gathered the world’s best freeride mountain bikers for a fierce competition on Utah’s steep, red mountain walls located outside of Zion National Park. Competitors spend three days building a way to ride down the near vertical walls. In the ensuing four days, they practice putting that run together in hopes of taking home one of the most elite titles in mountain biking.

Photos by Hannah Morvay | hmorvay@msudenver.edu

The contest dates back to 2001 and is famous for

Carson Storch practices his line for Red Bull Rampage on Oct. 26 in Virgin, Utah. Starch placed seventh in the event.

pushing riders to build the most honor. The award, presented by

by landing a front flip before then

didn’t get the result that I wanted,

McGarry’s brother Matt McGarry,

pulling off a double backflip in

and I crashed, I’m stoked that

is voted on by all competing

front of cheering spectators. The

I rode everything I wanted.”

athletes. Pierre Edouard Ferry was

crowd erupted with booing after

took a three-year break due

chosen this year for sharing his

the judges awarded him a score

riders, even when Rampage is

to the serious risks taken by

line with other competitors who

of only 81.66, which is considered

over. This rings true for seventh-

competitors. When it returned in

were having trouble with theirs.

low. He was awarded the People’s

place finisher Carson Storch.

2008, Rampage still encouraged

“It’s amazing. I’ve already

challenging and stylish way down the mountain. It requires each one dig their own line. After 2004, the event

personal line choice, but added the use of wooden jumps that sent riders across canyons. Riders like Kelly McGarry, now deceased, pushed their skills to

cried three times,” Ferry said. Riders can run into unexpected changes at any time and have to

Choice award this year after

“It’s pretty much in the back of

thousands of fans watching

your head, always,” Storch said.

on Red Bull TV voted online.

“I built my dream line and in my

Crowds also witnessed one

come up with different lines and

of the most violent crashes

tricks. Antoine Bizet, a French

by Andreu Lacondeguy, the

first run I got everything done I wanted to, so it feels good.” Kurt Sorge won the title both

the limit over these features. He

rider with a strong Rampage

2014 Rampage winner, at the

in 2012 and 2015. This year, he

memorialized the 2013 edition

history was one of them. Luis

bottom of the mountain near

pulled together his winning run

of Rampage by back flipping

Biscaldi was on Bizet’s filming

the spectator area. Lacondeguy

by starting on a highly exposed

over a 72-foot wide canyon.

crew for a television program

attempted a modified backflip

ridge and landing backflip

that will be aired in France.

on a jump at the end of his

variations on the way down,

“He had to change plans

second run when the Spanish

setting expectations even higher

last minute, and actually there

rider fell about 20 feet before

for the event in the future.

His enthusiasm for the sport

were parts of his run that he

landing on the dry, desert soil.

was contagious and Rampage

hadn’t tried yet,” Biscaldi said.

The mountain bike community was deeply affected after McGarry’s passing in 2016.

organizers created the Kelly McGarry Spirit Award in his

Bizet linked flips together from top to bottom and ended his run

“As soon as I saw the bike

Brett Tippie, also known as a freeride legend in the mountain

getting away, I knew it was over,”

bike community, was at Rampage

Lacondeguy said. “Even though I

as a commentator for Pinkbike, a mountain bike media outlet. “The number of full pull, complete runs– that were

Dodgers take World Series to Game 7 You can’t write this script. After a Los Angeles Dodgers victory over the Houston Astros on Oct. 31, the 2017 World Series is going to seven games, to the delight of baseball fans everywhere. The series was already one of the most memorable in recent history, with two extra inning games and more home runs than any other instance of MLB’s championship round. Lance McCullers Jr. will take the ball for the Astros on Nov. 1 at Dodger Stadium, opposite of Yu Darvish in the winner-takes-all matchup.

The risk is present with the

high scoring runs– were amazing,” Tippie said. Tippie has seen great progress in the sport over the past 30 years. “They’re better, faster, the bikes are faster, they’ve got better building techniques and that’s where it should be,” Tippie said. There is no set date for Red Bull Rampage 2018 yet, but it’s typically held in mid-to-late October. This years’ Rampage is available on www.redbull.tv to watch and will air on NBC on Dec. 24 at 2:30 p.m.

Pierre Edouard Ferry (left) hugs Matt McGarry after accepting the Kelly McGarry Spirit Award Oct. 27 at Red Bull Rampage in Virgin, Utah.


NOVEMBER 1, 2017


Open Mic and free pizza night



Location Ogden Theater


Silent Planet


Price $30

Price $20

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

11.3 vs. Western State

Price Free 11.1


Time 7 p.m.


Time 7:30 p.m.

Location Summit Music Hall

Men’s Soccer

Campus Week of Action: Audrie & Daisy documentary

Location Tivoli Turnhalle

Women’s Soccer

Price Varies Time 7 p.m.

11.5 Rocky Mountain

11.5 Rocky Mountain Athletic

Athletic Confrence 11.4


Location Summit Music Hall


Third Eye Blind

Time 11 a.m.

Price $16

Price $39

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.



Location Pepsi Center

Confrence Location TBA Time TBA

Location Fillmore Audtorium

Volleyball 11.6

Complex Time 5 p.m.

The Jesus and Mary Chain

Location TBA Price Free

University Location Regency Athletic

Complex Time 7 p.m. Location Bluebird Theater Price $18

Location King Center

11.4 vs. Colorado Mesa

University Location Regency Athletic

Time 4 p.m.

Visiting Artist Series: Puget Sound Piano Trio


Location Summit Music Hall

Location Tivoli Garage Lounge




Hazel English

11.9 vs. Colorado Mesa

Location Lost Lake

Price $30+

Price $10

Time 8 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.


Location Grand Junction

Women’s Basketball 11.10 Texas A&M University Location Texas Time 2 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Price Free Time 11 a.m. 11.6

The Drums

Location Bluebird Theater 11.7

Tri-institutional Hot Topics series: Xenophobia


Rain in July

Location Moon Room

Price $17

Price $10

Time 8 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.


Location Multicultural Lounge Price Free Time 12:30 p.m.


11.1 vs. Toronto Raptors 11.7

Beach Slang

Location Marquis Theater


Britt Nicole

Location Bellco Theater

Price $18

Price $22+

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.

Nuggets Lake Clarity, Halloween may be over, but if you’re still looking for a good scare, check out “Lake Clarity” for an immersive horror


Tyler, The Creator

Location Ogden Theater


Avalanche 10.2 vs. Carolina Hurricanes Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.


Whiskey Shivers

Location Fox Theater

Price $30

Price $15

Time 9 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

11.3 vs. Miami Heat Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.

11.5 vs. Philadelphia Eagles Location Away Time 11 a.m.

audio drama. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Kevin Spacey accused of sexual misconduct Anthony Rapp accused actor

You are now free to mosh about the cabin Southwest Airlines announced

Game changer Video game retailer GameStop

“Sometimes, dead is better.” Stephen King’s novel “Pet

Use the Ford Mark Hamill revealed that

announced that they will be

Sematary” will be adapted once

Harrison Ford was the determining

Kevin Spacey of making sexual

a deal with Warner Music

offering a new subscription

more for the silver screen. The film

factor in his return to the “Star

advances toward him in 1986.

Nashville this week to continue the

service that will let customers rent

will be directed by Kevin Kolsch

Wars” franchise. The actor, who

At the time, Rapp was 14 and

“Live at 35” in-air concert series,

unlimited used games through any

and Dennis Widmye for Paramount

plays Luke Skywalker in the films,

Spacey was 26. Spacey released

which made its first run in 2011.

of their retail locations. The new

films. The original film adaptation

says he eventually agreed to

an apology, while simultaneously

The airline plans on hosting only

service, called Power Pass, costs

of the horror novel was released in

return after learning that Ford

coming out as a gay man via his

about 20 in-flight concerts per

$60 for six months and allows

1989, and was followed up with a

would be reprising the role of

Twitter account. “This story has

year, out of the over one million

customers to borrow any used

sequel in 1992. The story follows

Han Solo. But despite his initial

encouraged me to address other

flights they opperate annually.

game that GameStop has to offer.

a family who moves into a home

reservations, he had no intention

things about my life,” Spacey said

Country star Devin Dawson

At the end of the six month period,

next to a burial ground where

of disappointing the fans who

in his tweet. “I have loved and

recently performed on a flight

customers get to keep the last title

the dead come back to life. “Pet

wanted to see himself, Carrie

had romantic encounters with

from Nashville to Philadelphia,

they checked out. According to

Sematary” will float behind the

Fisher and Harrison Ford back

men throughout my life, and I

kicking off the company’s revival

GameStop, the new service will be

blockbuster success of the 2017

on the big screen. “Star Wars:

choose now to live as a gay man.”

of the entertainment service.

available to purchase the week of

remake of Stephen King’s “It.”

The Last Jedi” will be in theaters

His Emmy-award winning Netflix

Nov. 13 for anyone who carries a

original show “House Of Cards”

PowerUp rewards membership.

has halted production, and will end after its sixth season, next year.

far, far away starting Dec. 19.


NOVEMBER 1, 2017

Top 5

Concerts to keep you warm in November


Submission of the week

From John McMinn

1. Beach Slang // Nov. 7 @ Marquis Senior midfielder Elise Boisnard is greeted by her mother on Seniors Day at the Regency Athletic Complex. The Roadrunners fell to Regis University 1-0. Boisnard is one of the most decorated players in the program in recent history. She was named first team all-Rocky Mountain Athletics Conference in back to back seasons in both 2016 and 2017. After the loss to Colorado State University-Pueblo in the first round of the RMAC Tournament, she ends her Roadrunners career with 13 goals and 41 points.

2. Citizen // Nov. 22 @ Marquis 3. Joyce Manor // Nov. 19 @ Summit 4. Microwave // Nov. 15 @ Hi-Dive 5. Turnover // Nov. 4 @ Summit

Overheard “You made me spill my carrot juice...” “...RIP, carrot juice.“ “I wish you could sad react in real life.“ “Damn, I look good. Time for some ESPN.“

Curated by: The Metropolitan staff

For this mixtape, the editors that dispatch you your weekly crossword puzzle have picked their favorite songs of the week. It’s a wonder how we all work so well together. Much like our staff, this tracklist is meant to be heard out of order and taken out of context. Wear headphones, scarf down a bag of McDonalds at your desk and yell at Adobe InDesign for an authentic newsroom experience.


Staff mixtape

1. Jump Up, Super Star! // The Super Mario Players feat. Kate Davis 2. Squeeze // Aminé 3. Told You I’d Be With The Guys // Cherry Glazerr 4. Wrong Bitch - Extended Mix // Todrick Hall 5. Walk Alone // PVRIS 6. Everybody Needs Salvation // Weezer 7. All Over The World // Pixies 8. What It Do // e-dubble 9. Canary // You Blew It! 10. Savior // St. Vincent

Crossword Across

45. On the wagon


33. Funeral fire

1. Red hat, sometimes

46. Devon’s capital

1. Conclusion, in a score

34. Sauce thickener

4. Kind of voyage

49. Apian gathering

2. Spew lava

35. Festive log

10. Absence of turbulence

51. Pierce with a point

3. Maned animal

37. Mulligan fare

14. Emotion of anger

53. At pique’s peak

4. Naval combat unit

40. Divers’ attire

15. Like a quick study

57. Letter from the editor

5. “Yeah, like that’ll ever

41. Mozart’s “L’___ del

16. Operatic air

(Part 3)



17. Crux

62. Clothier Strauss

6. Road in old Rome

42. Clamorous

18. Nothing at the Vatican

63. Seat of County Kerry

7. Sand formation

47. Greek letter

19. E-mail button

64. Genetic messenger

8. Jones, James and Kett

48. One on a tirade

20. Letter from the editor

65. Came in for a landing

9. Required

50. “___ Doubtfire”

(Part 1)

66. Annapolis graduate

10. Sweater material

52. David of The Talking

23. Supply with workers

67. Reward for waiting?

11. 51, for one


24. Appear to be

68. Eighty-eight, for one

12. Pocket residue

54. Main bloodline

25. Nerd’s cousin

69. Put on the bulletin

13. “___ About You”

55. Toga alternative

29. Conveyed ownership

board again

21. It’s common in poetry

56. Military stop

33. Stick one’s nose into

70. One or eleven

22. Teeny

57. Sidelines cheer

36. African lilies

26. Yale student

58. “Art of Love” poet

38. Icy coating

27. Routine learning

59. Type of waist

39. Letter from the editor

28. Equals

60. Mixed bag

(Part 2)

30. Bought the farm

61. Bylaws, briefly

43. Gaming regulation

31. Islamic VIP

62. “7 Faces of Dr. ___”

44. In an upright position

32. Resist, as authority

(1964 movie)

Please email AlliedIMDenver @gmail.com and include your name, age, phone number, address, and why you love the Justice League. Please include the subject line: “Metro Justice”. Entry deadline 11/3. All entries must come from a student email account.

PG-13 FOR “SEQUENCES OF SCI-FI VIOLENCE AND ACTION.” Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.

IN THEATERS NOVEMBER 17 Soundtrack Available Now





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