Volume 40, Issue 13 - Nov. 8, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 13

MONTH 00, 2000


The mayor of Auraria

AHEC workers remember colleague, friend

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Friends and family gather at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church for the Recitation of the Rosary on Nov. 7 in honor of Carlos Moreno. Known for approaching life with a smile, Moreno was a valued employee of AHEC and made daily contributions to Auraria’s well being for the past 18 years.

By Esteban Fernandez

Auraria staff. It was really out to MSU

Thornton Walmart. Weachter said

would banter whenever they saw each


Denver, Community College of Denver

many still struggle with the loss.

other, and he always took the opportunity

and University of Colorado,” said Tara In life, Carlos Moreno lit a flame that

Those who worked with Moreno

to ask her how her classes were going.

Weachter, Director of Facilities for Auraria.

remember an outgoing, happy man. Moreno

refuses to fade past his death. A man

“It was largely known that we would call

worked as a structural trade technician

reliable. He always was uplifting with

whose impact was felt, be it at work or

Carlos, the ‘Mayor of Auraria.’ He was

at Auraria for 18 years and nine months,

people that were struggling through

at home with his family, no longer walks

one of those folks that really took the

according to Weachter. He was close

hard times, considered himself a brother

the halls and fields of Auraria. He is

time and effort to visit with people.”

with his coworkers, even befriending

to many here,” Weachter said.

sorely missed by all who knew him.

Moreno died Nov. 1 in a gun attack

“Carlos stretched far beyond just the



that left two other people dead at a

| pg. 2


“He was always dependable and

Weachter’s daughter, Olivia Nohrenhold, who is a student at CU Denver. The two

| pg. 6


| Continued on pg. 2

| pg. 8


| pg. 11

Focus on students starts with

Victims of the opiate crisis.

#SayTheirNames rally calls for

Men’s soccer season ends

administrative tweaks

Personal election reflections.

police accountability

in Golden.



NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Rosary prayers lead memorial services Trade technician’s influence felt far beyond campus Continued from cover

Center employees who work in the custodial department, did not work in

Tina Higgitt, Moreno’s daughter, said

trades with Moreno. They knew him only

her father was an avid outdoorsman.

in passing. However, Moreno’s presence

He often went hunting and fishing,

was such that his warmth extended

sometimes sharing in those activities with

beyond trades into other departments,

his coworkers. Higgitt said that Moreno

such as the one that Sauer and Sanchez

loved his coworkers. He also took time

worked in. Moreno’s absence leaves a

to make himself a part of campus life.

hole in the heart of AHEC employees.

“He loved the events,” Higgitt said.

Funeral mass for Moreno was held at

“He would always come home with

Immaculate Heart of Mary in Thornton on

stories and pictures from the different

Nov. 8, where he was a member. Moreno’s

events that the campus had. He was a

burial will be a private ceremony for the

hard worker. He was always there.”

family. AHEC will make accommodations

Moreno spent his time on campus

for staff to attend. A potluck will be

helping with maintenance, painting and

held Nov. 10 for Moreno on campus,

anything else that was needed. He spent

with a second one held two weeks later.

time in gyms setting up bleachers. He made

Weachter said that AHEC will continue to

it early to campus on snow days to plow and

support the family however they can.

shovel. Everything he did was for the wellbeing of students. It was important to him. “He was such a bright and loving, force

Husband, father, uncle, technician. Moreno’s loss reaches further than the

that only comes around once in a lifetime,”

Although his footsteps are gone from

said Carey Hogan, Moreno’s niece. “I knew

Auraria’s grounds, Moreno’s contributions

it as a child into adulthood, but never ever

to the campus live on in the hard work

could have realized that everyone that

he put in to make this a place that almost

encountered him felt the same exact way.”

50,000 students, teachers and faculty

It was true. Sherry Sauer and Mike

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

boundaries of the campus, Weachter said.

call home. He will not be forgotten.

Sanchez, both Auraria Higher Education

Mourners pray the Rosary for Carlos Moreno at the memorial service held in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Thornton on Nov. 7.

Contributions and condolences can be sent to: Funeral expense donations: www.gofundme.com/carlosmorenofund Cards and donations, c/o Tara Weachter: Facilities Services Office, 1156 7th Street

Auraria reflects on a year of Trump By Esteban Fernandez

the doom and gloom view of the


President’s administration. “I’m semi-optimistic. I think that the

Nov. 8 marked one year since the country’s

President has done some things that I’m

political fault lines split into deep fractures

not overly happy with. Overall, I think that

and President Trump was elected to office.

the President’s policies and the way we’re

Through activism and protest, most MSU

moving forward with tax reform in this

Denver students are learning to cope with their

country is going well,” said William Overton,

frustration at the current political situation.

an MSU Denver student about Trump.

“I have come to accept reality right

Overton is satisfied with economic growth

now. I believe there’s really nothing at

made under the Trump administration to date.

this moment I can do but hope that Trump

He also said he approves how gun regulations

makes the right decisions and surrounds

were revisited with regards to bump stocks.

himself with the right people that will

Despite Overton’s optimistic outlook, there

help him make the right decisions,” said

was also room for improvement from the

Adetilewa Awosanya, MSU Denver Student

President. Diplomacy, upholding DACA and

Government Assembly Senator.

reforming immigration, and Trump’s tweet

Awosanya is a part of the Black Student

habits were things that could be made better.

Alliance and the African Student Union. She

Although Overton said he noticed

said the students in the BSA aren’t scared, but

that tension on campus was high due to

they are nervous. The source of their anxiety

Trump’s presence in the White House, he Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

comes from the increased visibility of white supremacy groups around the country. “Denver’s not excluded from having

Donald Trump was greeted by boisterous cheers from supporters eager to capture the moment on their smartphones in Golden on Oct. 29, 2016.

such beliefs,” Awosanya said. Awosanya added that she fears what

did say he was disturbed by the desire of some students to see Trump fail. Trump is president, he said, and we have to move forward and hope he does well.

wanted to do as far as immigration goes and

and LGBTQ community is attacked everyday

could happen if white supremacist elements

the sense of hopelessness that was happening

by both policy and executive order. Prisciliano

united in their dislike of Trump, that attitude

did appear on campus. However, she is

in our community,” Prisciliano said.

is angry that the country let it go that far.

can have negative consequences for

comforted by President Janine Davidson’s

RISE is a student organization

“It has sparked conversation and it has

Although progressive students are

those who don’t share that worldview.

attention to the the issue and believes

dedicated to serving the undocumented

sparked a lot of activism in people that

Davidson has students’ best interests in mind.

and refugee population on campus.

otherwise wouldn’t have been involved. If

has an opposite opinion than most minority

MSU Denver student and RISE president

Although DACA’s termination did not

“When you’re a minority student that

something good has come out of this, it’s

students, or just the – I’ve had 34 people

Angelica Prisciliano said that Trump’s

affect Prisciliano directly, she did see first

that we’re all coming together, finally, in all

vs. one before,” Overton said. “It does kind

election threw the undocumented student

hand what impact the program’s end had on

of our imperfections, are working together to

of affect you. It doesn’t stifle my opinion

community at MSU Denver into confusion.

the undocumented community here at MSU

defeat this thing that’s going on,” she said.

but it does make you think twice before

“It was mostly the uncertainty of what he

Denver. She said that the immigrant, Muslim

However, not all students share

you open your mouth sometimes.”











NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Return of Denver 4/20 rally no longer pipe dream By Alex Bruce

being banned, MSU Denver

according to Bobby Reginelli,


student Dylan Riesenman said,

Marketing Director of Euflora.

“What happened last 4/20 is Denver-based marijuana

Euflora was one of the rally’s

that everybody just looked at

main sponsors in 2017, but in

dispensary Euflora prepares

this park getting trashed, and

an interview with Reginelli,

to snatch up Denver’s 4/20

said to themselves, ‘Oh well

he stated it wasn’t likely they

rally permit despite the current

they’re potheads, of course’.”

would work with the current

organizers appeal to ban.

He clarified that he thought that

promoters in the future.

The current organizers of the

the rally participants should

“I think we would have a

4/20 rally filed an appeal on the

try to present a better image

problem working with them

ban issued by the Denver Parks

to the rest of the state.

again, but I’m not going

and Recreations department

Rally organizer Miguel Lopez

to rule it out completely

earlier this year. The ban prevents

said they will continue with

because we want to make this

the current organizer from

plans for 2018, regardless of the

successful,” Reginelli said.

being granted any event permit

ban. The annual assembly has

for three years and rescinds

been going for over 20 years,

Shafer thought that whoever

the event’s priority status. The

and Lopez said it wasn’t until

ended up with the permit

priority status gives the organizer

2008 when city officials forced

should focus on correcting the

the first option to the permit.

organizers to apply for permits.

mistakes from the last rally.

The ban came after the

Organizers are currently

MSU Denver student Bryce

Photo by Cannabis Destiny

Attendees of the 4/20 rally convene at Denver’s Civic Center Park, in 2013.

“Learn from it, and pretty much

city claimed the rally violated

in closing briefs with City

do the opposite of what they

policy. The parks department

“Peace comes by mutual respect.

trash, health, noise and safety

Hearing Officer David Ramirez.

did last time,” Shafer said.

treated the event no differently

When our mayor and these police

requirements. The city claimed

If the ban is upheld, Lopez says

than any other event.”

forces start to respect us and our

that trash had been scattered

they will take the case to civil

Corry said the festival has been

Reginelli believes other

across the park and food trucks

court, working the way up to

treated unfairly compared to the

events like Cinco De Mayo go

lacked appropriate permits. A

federal court, if necessary.

city’s other festivals, including

off every year without a hitch

Pridefest and A Taste of Colorado.

and wants to utilize the same

plans are if they do not get

model for the 4/20 rally.

the permit, Reginelli said they

fence which had been knocked

In the meantime, Euflora

Lopez and his attorney Robert

young people then we can have a relationship,” Lopez said. When asked what Euflora’s

over had allegedly violated

has stationed someone outside

security requirements for events

of Denver Public Works until

behind themselves and the next

in the city. Noise violations

the ruling is made. If Ramirez

day I went down there and took

rally that the world and the

contingency. He hopes they

have since been dropped. The

does uphold the ban, Euflora

pictures so we have that,” he said.

city and the state can point to

acquire the permit so they can

event also incurred $11,965

plans to be first in line to apply

and say, ‘It can be done, we

host what he calls, “a gathering of

in fines and $190 in damages

for the permit. They’ve had

statement said, “Several other

are ready to embrace this and

activists, supporters, music lovers,

in addition to the ban.

employees rotating shifts outside

events received violations and

move forward’,” Reginelli said.

culture and friends celebrating

the building since Oct. 25, and

similar consequences because

have no plans of stopping,

they are in contravention

Regarding what he saw as the main reason for the rally

“They have been leaving trash

However, the city’s pre-hearing

“Why can’t we have a great

Lopez hopes they are able to work with the city in the future.

hadn’t spent much time on that

legalization and the future of cannabis in the United States.”

Student focus behind administrative title change By Esteban Fernandez

big university that MSU Denver now


is. The organizational structure must match the new reality, Lucas said.

New title changes for existing

The title changes allow existing

administrative staff at MSU

resources to be used for the

Denver point to President Janine

president’s pivot. Cathy Lucas,

Davidson’s actions to expand

formerly titled as the associate to

the school’s bureaucracy. The

the president for marketing and

changes were announced at a

communications, is now chief of

cabinet meeting on Oct. 17.

staff and vice president for strategy.

“President Jordan really wanted

Vicki Golich, provost, is now also

to keep his organizational structure

the executive vice president for

lean. We had three vice presidents,

academic and student affairs. Her

a few associates to the president.

title change reflects her position

But he kept it lean in not really

as the No. 2 for the entire school,

having a lot of direct reports,” said

below Davidson. Sandra Haynes,

Cathy Lucas, chief of staff and vice-

deputy provost, is now the vice

president of strategy. “Dr. Davidson

president for academic affairs.

has looked at other structures and

Out of the three title changes,

I think she’s moving more into the

only one is considered a promotion.

university model, where there’s

Lucas’ new spot came with a salary

a few more vice presidents.”

increase to compensate for the

Photos from MSU Denver website

Sandra Haynes, vice president for academic affairs, Cathy Lucas, chief of staff and vice president for strategy and Vicki Golich, provost and executive vice president for academic and student affairs. cycle here at MSU Denver. “We want to do a better job

Doing more for all students

next steps is to launch a program

beyond those who come straight

called Roadrunner Roadways.

of providing support for transfer

out of high school is a top priority

The new program is part of

added duties and responsibilities

students. Transfer students come to

for the school and the title changes

the administration’s effort

Davidson’s vision to focus on,

that Lucas had already taken

us in all kinds of flavors. They come

reflect that priority, Golich said.

to amp up support of career

“students, students, students

on under her previous title.

with two credits, or two classes.

first.” Since the school became a

The increase reflects the level

university five years ago, its growth

The changes fall into line with

“It’s a good step in the

services. The services will aid

They come with associate degrees,

right direction to make the

the university’s ultimate goal,

of compensation university

they come to us with a four year

university larger,” said Joshua

which is to let students find

has outpaced the administrative

vice presidents make at other

degree,” Golich said. “They come to

Gardner, Student Government

success beyond graduation.

structure currently in place.

schools across the country.

us after swirling, or coming back ten

Assembly president. “Roles

Davidson outlined her plans to

The title changes came

years out of academia. How can we

more clearly defined set us

change the small college mentality,

about as part of discussions on

support all those transfer students

up for future success.”

into one more appropriate for the

how to support the student life

with their different needs as well?”

Among the administration’s

Graduating this semester?



1. All students wishing to graduate must apply for graduation. Applications are available online at www.msudenver.edu/studenthub/. Click Apply for Graduation link under Graduation.

3. Walking in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee that you have graduated.


4. It is your responsibility to report any repeated courses to the Office of the Registrar. Failure to do so may negatively affect your ability to graduate as planned.

2. You must meet the following requirements by the end of the semester you apply for graduation:

LionsgateScreenings.com Enter the code TLFFden1115 All entries due TODAY, November 13. Winners will be drawn on November 14 by 7:15am and notified via email.

5. Diplomas are not provided at Commencement. Your diploma will be mailed upon degree conferral.

 Minimum of 120 semester hours  All requirements for your major and minor  All General Studies requirements  Minimum of 40 Upper Division credit hours  Multi-cultural requirement  Cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher

The screening is taking place on Wednesday, November 15 at 7pm in South Denver. Everyone who attends will get free popcorn and soda! This film is rated R For language throughout including some sexual references. T ​ he​passes​will​be​good​for​two.​Limit​one​entry per​person.​Duplicated​entries​will​be​disqualified.​Seating​at​the​screening​will​happen​on​a​first​come,​first​served​basis.​Sponsors​and their​dependents​are​not​eligible​to​receive​a​pass.​Supplies​are​limited.​All​federal,​state​and​local​regulations​apply.​A​recipient​of​prizes assumes​any​and​all​risks​related​to​use​of​prize,​and​accepts​any​restrictions​required​by​prize​provider.​Amazon​Studios,​Lionsgate, BIC,​Denver​Post​and​their​affiliates​accept​no​responsibility​or​liability​in​connection​with​any​loss​or​accident​incurred​in​connection​with use​of​prizes.​Prizes​cannot​be​exchanged,​transferred​or​redeemed​for​cash,​in​whole​or​in​part.​Not​responsible​if,​for​any​reason, winner​is​unable​to​use​his/her​prize​in​whole​or​in​part.​Not​responsible​for​lost,​delayed​or​misdirected​entries.​All​federal,​state​and​local taxes​are​the​responsibility​of​the​winner.​Void​where​prohibited​by​law.​NO​PURCHASE​NECESSARY.​NO​PHONE​CALLS!

For additional information, visit:

Office of the Registrar

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NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Dealing with disbelief staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor


ust the other day, I was

copay-free birth control and made

America’s head is spinning.

scrolling through my

it easier for conservative states to

Although his approval ratings are

Facebook Memories when

restrict access to safe abortions.

low, and many of his constituents

I saw a post from a year ago that

Trump has started building a wall

say they would not vote for

I had shared, in excitement, the

with taxpayer money on the border

him again, a surprising number

casting of my ballot for the “first

of Mexico all while giving tax

of Americans still support the

woman president in US history.”

breaks to the wealthiest 1 percent.

things that Trump is doing with

That didn’t end up happening.

Trump has stirred the pot with

his time in office. A year after

Here we are a year later just

politicians from Russia and North

election night, and America

thrusting our faces into our

Korea, not exactly our enemies,

is more divided than ever.

palms in disbelief that President

but not exactly our friends either.

Trump is still holding office.

Emily Moyer

Going to sleep that night, we chuckled. This would be that last time we would have to listen to

winning the electoral college. The next day liberals gathered

He has spent his presidency

An overwhelming number of Americans have set out this past

securing these powers with his

week to cast their ballots in the

conservative, Republican friends.

elections to make changes on a

His aggressive form of political

local level in hopes to stop some of

Donald Trump speak in a political

their “I’m with her” stickers and

rhetoric has ultimately unleashed

Trumps actions in their tracks. We

campaign, we had all hoped that

posters and skulked back into

aggressive political pushing from

can only grin and bear it until small

this would all be a laughable

their homes to weep quietly.

both the conservative right, as

positive changes start to take effect

well as the liberal left. Headline

in our communities. Then and only then will Donald Trump be a loser.

joke. When I awoke in the middle

Trump spent his first 100 days

of the night I checked the polls

in office signing executive orders

after headline of Trump news,

to see that although Hillary was

left and right, and made sure a seat

doing some new crazy scandal

winning the popular vote, Trump

in the Supreme Court got filled by

each day. What is he going to

was ultimately beating her by

a Republican. He has gotten rid of

say on Twitter this time?

David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do

The pain of the opioid crisis


n Oct. 26, President

intentionally ignoring or blind

has told me if I ever test positive

Trump instructed the

to are chronic pain patients. The

for a hint of any other drug than

Department of Health

patients who receive opiate pain

what I’m prescribed, I would be out

and Human Services to declare

medication to soothe the extreme

on the street with no medication

the opioid crisis a public health

pain they experience on a daily

or doctor. This is what federal

emergency. It was a long-anticipated

basis. The patients who are now

regulations on opioids have done

move to address the issue, which

facing stigma or a dangerous cut

to chronic pain patients. We live in

has devastated lower-income

in dosages of their medication.

fear of losing our relief, and then we

and rural communities. Despite his promise to alleviate

arthritis and my disease is incredibly

this problem, Trump fell short of proclaiming it a national emergency,

Madison Lauterbach

which would have brought with it

face the stigma of being addicts. I am not denying that opiates

painful. I take a medication that

can be dangerous and have

is a partial opioid agonist and

been excessively prescribed.

a controlled substance. I need

But the backlash against those

the allocation of federal funds. While

been addressed in op-eds in every

my medication to get out of bed

who legally and safely take these

opioid related deaths have now

major newspaper. Everyone should

in the morning and continue

medications has associated us

become the leading cause of death

know by now that this plan is truly

functioning throughout the day.

with those who are in need of

among Americans under 50, the

a death sentence for some of the

However, because I am taking an

real help with their abuse. I am

Trump administration’s declaration

most disadvantaged people in our

opioid, I face a fairly restricted

afraid that the effort to curtail

is an empty promise. Relief from

country. Everyone should know that

life. I am terrified of being in a car

the national crisis will lead to the

this country’s drug addiction and

prescription opioids play a very

accident, taken to the hospital and

country turning its back on myself

abuse epidemic likely will never

small part in the epidemic. Everyone

being denied my medication.

and the 25 million other chronic

come without changes in treatment,

should know that this issue is far

education and economic policies.

more complicated than a simple ad

my pain management doctor

any plan of the president’s will

campaign could hope to resolve.

suddenly dropping me as a patient

accommodate for those of us who

for whatever reason, or cutting

need these medications to thrive.

The shortcomings of the Trump administration’s public health emergency call have repeatedly

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

I have juvenile rheumatoid

Some victims of this war on opiates that many people are either

I am even more terrified of

pain patients. I can only hope that

my medication dosage. My doctor

More Obi-Wan, less Porgs A fast-take by James Burky I know that the “Star Wars” franchise thrived off marketing in 1977 when George Lucas gave us the awe-inspiring sci-fi epic, but “Star Wars” has evolved past the silly dialogue and inconsistent acting of the first six films. There are scores of fans who have been reading the books, graphic novels and avoiding the outside for the safer, hypnotizing universe the video games created. There’s an endless amount of material to build movies and miniseries upon and what are we given? Porgs, the knock-off Ewoks seen in the trailer for “The Last Jedi” and a Han Solo film that, quite frankly, nobody asked for, at least not before a film about Obi-Wan Kenobi. “The Force Awakens” didn’t resonate well with these fans. While it visually reinvgorated the franchise, little effort was put into the script and the end result was a rehash of “A New Hope.” Yes, Porgs are cute and Han Solo is pretty cool, but give the dedicated fans that grew up reading the stories that weren’t told on a theater screen a movie for them. Let’s move past “Solo,” grab Ewan McGregor and go make a damn fine Star Wars film.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu


EMAIL MoviesInDenver@gmail.com WITH "CHRISTMAS" IN THE SUBJECT AND YOUR NAME AND DOB IN THE EMAIL All entries due TODAY, November 14. Winners will be drawn at 6am on Wednesday, November 15 and notified via email.

offers free ads One free sixteenth-page ad in The Metropolitan to all MSU Denver student organization per semester. Contact Sales@MyMetMedia.com or 303-556-2507

The screening is taking place on Wednesday, November 15 at 6:30pm in South Denver. Everyone who attends will get free popcorn and soda! This film is rated PG. T ​ he​passes​will​be​good​for​two.​Limit​one​entry​per​person.​Duplicated​entries​will​be​disqualified.​Seating​at​the​screening will​happen​on​a​first​come,​first​served​basis.​Sponsors​and​their​dependents​are​not​eligible​to​receive​a​pass.​Supplies​are​limited.​All​federal, state​and​local​regulations​apply.​A​recipient​of​prizes​assumes​any​and​all​risks​related​to​use​of​prize,​and​accepts​any​restrictions​required​by​prize provider.​Bleecker​Street,​BIC,​Denver​Post​and​their​affiliates​accept​no​responsibility​or​liability​in​connection​with​any​loss​or​accident​incurred​in connection​with​use​of​prizes.​Prizes​cannot​be​exchanged,​transferred​or​redeemed​for​cash,​in​whole​or​in​part.​Not​responsible​if,​for​any​reason, winner​is​unable​to​use​his/her​prize​in​whole​or​in​part.​Not​responsible​for​lost,​delayed​or​misdirected​entries.​All​federal,​state​and​local​taxes​are the​responsibility​of​the​winner.​Void​where​prohibited​by​law.​NO​PURCHASE​NECESSARY.​NO​PHONE​CALLS!




NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Beer and history combine for fun study time By Alex Bruce abruce8@msudenver.edu

Great American Beer Festival.

a century ago to build much

Kerkmans spent several

of the Tivoli building. In the

months developing the brewing

same spirit of collaboration the

degree program for the

program was created to match

of the 162-year-old Auraria Higher

university that he now oversees

the historical building it lives in.

Education Campus building,

as a faculty coordinator.

Tucked back in the south wing

you will find Colorado’s oldest

“What we do differently

Dr. Ethan Tsai, who helps brew for the Breckenridge Big

brewery. The Tivoli Brewery

is house our program in the

Beer Belgians and Barleywines

dates back to the late 1800s.

hospitality department,” he

Festival calls the program a

German immigrant John Good,

said. “That allows us to teach

complete package. He said many

father of the Tivoli Brand, arrived

several other courses that no

of the other programs in the

during the Colorado gold rush.

one else is focusing on.”

state take a niche approach.

Over the next hundred years

The program is in its early

“Very few programs have

Tivoli Brewing changed names and

stages and students have only

the absolute full depth of

owners several times, along with

been able to choose classes in the

program rigor that we do,” Tsai

many architectural expansions.

program for less than 18 months.

said in terms of science and

The brewery even survived

Sam Goertz, a student in

hospitality courses offered.

prohibition, brewing a low alcohol-

the program and employee at

by-volume beer to stay afloat.

Tivoli Brewing said, “So far

the program is having on-campus

Due to unfortunate circumstances,

it’s great, I wanted to be in a

access to the Tivoli Brewery.

including labor-wage strikes, the

brewing program that also gave

Many employees of the brewery

brewery closed its doors in 1969.

me a Bachelor of Science.”

are also part of the program.

In 2015, the Tivoli reopened its

There are a handful of

Another beneficial feature of

“It’s really nice to be able

doors in its original location. This

other brewing programs in the

to walk five minutes after class

provided an excellent opportunity

country, however these programs

and go to work,” Goertz said.

for MSU Denver to get involved

only offer food science or

with the on-campus location.

fermentation science degrees.

Tivoli building as part of a $3.6

MSU Denver is trying to set

million expansion combining the

winning brewer who reached

itself apart. The program offers

program into a unified facility.

out to MSU when he heard they

chemistry and biology courses

were considering a brewing

but also beverage fundamentals

program, Kerkmans shares

program. Kerkmans’ resumé

and brewing operations.

many lessons from his lived

Scott Kerkmans is an award-

includes distinguished titles

Good opted to collaborate

The labs will soon move to the

As the director for the brewing

Photo by Alex Bruce | abruce8@msudenver.edu

Dr. Ethan Tsai, professor at Metropolitan State University, helps brew a beer on Nov. 7 at the Tivoli Brewery for the upcoming Breckenride Big Beers Belgians and Barelywines festival. the preconceived notion that he

at the university. There are

would only be brewing, he would

currently 70 students in the

have hindered his experiences.

program that includes major,

“To keep an open mind as to where life can take them

minor, and certification options. MSU Denver will be opening a

and specifically, this brewing

new location of The Tivoli Brewery

world,” Kermans said.

at the Denver International

He said trying to become a

Airport where students will have

experience to his students. He

better educator is important

the opportunity to brew and continue learning the trade.

like the world’s first Chief Beer

with his competitors Mortiz

believes if he would have come

to him and his days consist of

Officer and panel judge of the

Sigi and Max Melsheimer over

into the brewing industry with

fundraising for the lab expansion

Mourning families gather to #SayTheirName By Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Four families who never crossed paths before now have one painful similarity that bonds them for life. The death or beatings of a family member by law enforcement officers brings them together. The voices of the Marshall, Eagle Feather, Ronquillo and Kindell families trembled and roared in unison as they demanded justice for their loved

April Sanchez, Shauna Landrum and Lyne Eagle Feather lock arms next to Ed Sandoval while leading a silent march during the #SayTheirName rally on Nov. 4.

ones during the #SayTheirName rally at Denver’s Civic Center Park Amphitheater on Nov. 4. About 30 supporters and faith-leaders joined to denounce the lack of accountability of police officers involved in cases of excessive and deadly force. “We are here to say that injustice will not be allowed to continue and we must seek justice,” Rev. Tammy Garrett-Williams said. After the rally, the group marched in somber silence toward the Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center. Michael Marshall died Nov. 20, 2015 after an incident with sheriff deputies at the detention center. The crowd stood outside saying his name and those of others killed.

Photos by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Rev. Tammy Garrett-Williams calls the audience to stand for change next to Pastor Big T Hughes and Natalia Marshall (back) during the #SayTheirName rally at the Civic Center Park Amphitheater on Nov. 4.

Lynn Eagle Feather holds an image in front of the Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center of her mentally ill son, Paul Castaway, who was killed on July 12, 2015. Deputy Pedregon, who refused to release his first name, secured the doors to block families from entering the building.

NOVEMBER 8, 2017



Video game tournament brings a whole new meaning to fighting for a cause By Matthew Stefanski

year and the first held at Dry Dock

brought monitors and Playstation 4


Brewery’s South Dock location in

systems in order to run the event.

Aurora, allows players to compete Fighting for a cause is a term

in games such as “Street Fighter V,”

often used in charity events, but

“Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite” and

a local group of Colorado gamers

“Tekken 7” by bringing in canned

have taken the phrase to a literal

foods and other nonperishables.

meaning for the holiday season.

Five items gets you into the venue,

Focus Attack Donate Cans,

another five gets you entry into each

“Thanksgiving was my mother’s favorite holiday. She just believed everyone should have food on their table.” – David Watt

or FADC for short, is a charity

game you wish to play. Competitors

fighting-game tournament held

were encouraged to donate more

annually in November. Competitive

than what they wish to enter with,

players come together to

and they responded well. Some

started to pour in. Community

compete in their favorite games,

players brought in upwards of

Effort Orlando, a fighting game

donating nonperishable food to

$250 worth of donations alone.

tournament series based out of

the Denver Rescue Mission and

According to the co-tournament

Out-of-state support has also

Florida, sponsored this year’s

raise money for their “A Turkey

director Jamaal Graves, the

event and donated entries into

on Every Table” food drive.

charity event started when Watt

their yearly major tournament

decided he wanted to carry on

as a prize for competitors.

“Last year, we bought out Walmart of the turkeys and they cut us off.” – Jamaal Graves “Thanksgiving was my mother’s

the family tradition of donating

“We get more support from

to the Denver Rescue Mission

around the U.S. every year, more

yearly around the holidays.

people are watching us every

The event grew quickly in

year, and more people just want

popularity, with players filling a few

a reason to visit Colorado,”

car trunk-loads of items in the first

Graves said. “It seems to work

year to a truck full of donated goods

out in our favor every year.”

favorite holiday,” said David Watt,

and cash for turkeys to be purchased

the creator and director of FADC.

and donated to the “A Turkey on

“Beautifuldude” Franco is one of

“She just believed everyone should

Every Table” program. The quick

the players who attended FADC

have food on their table — The

explosion of popularity came with

this year. A fan of the Colorado

Denver Rescue has both the ‘A

some unexpected consequences.

events and the state itself, Franco

Turkey on Every Table’ program, and

“Last year, we bought out

California-based player Julian

may not have much of a connection

Photos by Matthew Stefanski | mstefan3@msudenver.edu

Don Martin hands Tony Saavedra donated non-perishables before going to compete in FADC5 on Nov. 4. The event raised over 2,000 non-perishable goods and over $1,500 in cash for donations.

they have the Thanksgiving feast

Walmart of the turkeys and they

to the Denver Rescue Mission or

for the homeless every year. And

cut us off, so we had to work with

it’s local purpose, but has grown

during that time, they’re hurting

Toys for Tots instead to spend the

to appreciate what the event

to a tournament for charity. You’re

food items to be donated to the

the most for donations, so we’re

rest of the money in donations that

means to the local community.

showing no price is too big to help

Denver Rescue Mission, and

just doing what we can to help.”

we got last year,” Graves said.

“I’m a big fan of everybody in

those in need. There’s people much

$1,542 in cash contributions,

Colorado. Everyone here is basically

less fortunate than I am, and it’s the

which will be used to buy turkeys this season for families in need.

FADC came about from

This year, the event reached an

Watt’s passion for both running

attendance of 100 people, and was

my second family,” Franco said.

least I can do to help people out.”

tournaments and helping those less

100 percent community supported.

“I’ve been to FADC before, three

By the end of the event, FADC

fortunate. The event, now in its fifth

Competitors and volunteers

years ago, and I couldn’t resist going

Julian “Beautifuldude” Franco gets ready to compete at “Tekken 7” at FADC 5 on Nov. 4. He won second place and later won first place in “Guilty Gear XRD.”

collected 2,047 nonperishable

Onlookers watch as a young player who wished to remain anonymous (blonde hair, seated) and Justin Vigil play against each other in “Street Fighter V” on Nov. 4.



NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Roadrunners volleyball building momentum toward RMAC Tournament MSU Denver hopes to translate blistering conference play pace into a title

By Matthew Stefanski

University. If Mines had lost, and

the first game of conference


also dropped their final match,

play where they dropped a

MSU Denver would have moved

crucial match to Regis 3-1.

With one game remaining

into the No. 2 spot with a victory

The team lacked offense

in the regular season, the MSU

of Colorado Mesa University.

early in the season, only winning

Denver volleyball is closing

Unfortunately for MSU Denver,

two total sets across their six

in on the Rocky Mountain

Mines won the match 3-1,

losses, a problem that came

Athletic Conference playoffs.

sealing up the No. 2 seed from

about with the graduation of

the Roadrunners’ contention.

seniors Brandi Torr and Michaela

Head coach Jenny Glenn entered her second season with

But, the team isn’t looking past

Smith. Glenn leaned on her

the Roadrunners ranked No. 20

the final match against CMU.

in the NCAA preseason coaches

“We definitely always

back around. Junior Santaisha

poll, and No. 2 in a similar RMAC

take it one match at a time,”

Sturges quickly emerged as the

poll. A rough start to the season

Glenn said. “We’re all about

team’s most reliable scorer and

dropped the team from national

staying in the moment. We

became one of the leaders.

relevancy. But, a streak of 10

don’t look ahead at all.”

conference wins in a row, and 15

Last season, the Roadrunners

upperclassmen to bring the team

“We’ve either made it to quarters or the finals every year that I’ve been here, so it’ll be great to finally just win the RMAC Tournament. – Jackie Lopez

of 16, clinched them an RMAC

went undefeated in conference

Tournament berth with one

play and finished 23-3 overall.

game left in the regular season.

After a second place seed in the

Despite the strong conference

RMAC tournament, where they lost

play, Colorado School of Mines

to Mines 3-1, they were invited to

and Regis University matched the

the NCAA National Tournament

Roadrunners’ hot pace, keeping

ranked No. 19 overall. They made

MSU Denver locked into a third-

a run to the regional championship

place positioning as the regular

round, but lost to Angelo State

“Starting the new year, I

season reaches its conclusion.

University to end their season.

was that leader that needed

“It’s a little frustrating,

This season, their schedule

to step up and put balls away

especially since we had a good

appeared to be a difficult road

because Michaela wasn’t here

opportunity to beat Mines at

to traverse. After starting

anymore,” Sturges said. “So I

their place,” Glenn said. “But

off with two straight wins in

had to perform and make sure the

I think streaks are streaks, and

California against Dixie State

team was following my back.”

we’re just worried about the

University and California State

bigger picture right now.”

Polytechnic University, Pomona,

the team, led both MSU Denver

The Roadrunners have secured

She took offensive control on

Photos by Giacomo DiFranco | gdifranc@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver middle blocker Stephanie Laraway and outside hitter Taylor Duryea go up for the block against Colorado Mesa University on Nov. 4. The Roadrunners defeated Colorado Mesa in four sets.

the Roadrunners lost six of their

and the RMAC in kills and was one

the No. 3 seed for the RMAC

next seven. With a 3-6 record,

of the top in the conference for

Tournament. They had a shot at

they were floundering. The team

points. Despite this effort, Sturges

been one of the main contributing

here, so it’ll be great to finally

the second seed as recently as

found themselves unranked

never earned an offensive player

drives to the Roadrunners success.

just win the RMAC Tournament.”

Nov. 7, when Mines was facing

in the NCAA polls, and their

of the week award. However, her

With Sturges’ leadership, the

off against Colorado Christian

stumbling had continued into

focus and team-first mentality has

since her first season, said she

ship and strung together 10 wins

hasn’t quite been hit by the fact

in a row. Even with the shaky start

that it’s her final season with

the team never lost confidence,

the team. But with the playoffs

according to Sturges. Their

looming, the seniors want to

mental focus became one of the

keep their season going for as

main strengths on the team and

long as possible. With the focus

limited the time spent reflecting

on the RMAC Tournament, MSU

on previous wins or losses. They

Denver aims to finally break

then did what Glenn preaches.

through and win the tournament.

They turned their attention on

Doing so would guarantee them

the next scheduled opponent.

an automatic bid into the NCAA

But with the regular season

National Tournament. But even

finale looming, the Roadrunners

if they don’t win the RMAC

are also staging to make a

Tournament, there’s a chance

run in the RMAC Tournament.

for an invite by the NCAA due to

Senior Jackie Lopez wants

their strong conference play.

to make the most out of her

MSU Denver senior Vasati Fiatoa practices spiking the ball before the game against Colorado Mesa University on Nov. 4. The Roadrunners have one game left in the regular season.

Lopez, who has been a starter

Roadrunners quickly righted the

Lopez and Sturges look to

final tournament appearance

lead the Roadrunners on a deep

of her collegiate career.

run in the RMAC tournament,

“I want to win the RMAC,

which starts Nov. 14. MSU

personally,” Lopez said. “We’ve

Denver will get at least one

either made it to quarters or the

home match in the tournament

finals every year that I’ve been

thanks to their seeding.

NOVEMBER 8, 2017



Photos by Richard Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver and Colorado School of Mines players crowd the Roadrunners’ net on a penalty kick in the RMAC Tournament semifinals on Nov. 3. Mines won the game 3-1, eliminating MSU Denver.

Men’s soccer drops semifinals, end season By Richard Allen

Justin Glivar. “Really go at

accomplishment for these guys and


them and get them nervous. I

the season they’ve had to come back

thought we did that, we just got

and be in the semifinal game against

Glivar said. “I love everybody

by key players like Tanner, Schad,

unlucky with our chances.”

the No. 9 team in the country.”

on the coaching staff. It was

Wood and Runnberg will return

great, and sadly the soccer gods

next season. The program already

weren’t on our side this time.”

turned what should have been a

A semifinal round loss in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

The emphasis on offense

From Sept. 17 to Oct. 20, MSU

Conference Tournament has put

allowed the defense to get burned,

Denver went 8-2 and outscored

an end to the 2017 season for the

and the Roadrunners allowed

opponents 20-9. Freshman Nils

MSU Denver men’s soccer team.

two more Oredigger goals on

Runnberg, the team’s leading scorer,

opportunities deep into the MSU

scored all six of his goals on the

nationally ranked No. 9 Colorado

Denver box. Down 3-0 with less

season during that stretch. The

School of Mines concluded an

than 10 minutes remaining, the

Roadrunners even handed Mines

erratic Roadrunners campaign. In

outcome was already decided,

their lone conference loss of the

head coach Jeremy Tittle’s third

but the Roadrunners continued to

season, which even included the

season, the team turned an 0-5 start

put their character on display and

RMAC Tournament, on Oct. 1.

into a No. 4 seed in the RMAC final

found the back of the net with less

standings with a redemptive stretch

than a minute left. Even with defeat

of the wins in their eventual 8-6

in the middle of their schedule.

unavoidable, the Roadrunners

conference record during that

kept pushing, an idea analogous

integral stretch. For the team’s

for the rest of their season.

efforts, they were recognized with a

A 3-1 defeat on Nov. 3 to

“We had a great season,” said junior defender Kevin Beck. “It wasn’t our best season that I’ve

The Roadrunners turned five

two second team representatives

showed character the whole year.”

begin the season into a successful

and an honorable mention. The

campaign. Going into 2017, only

momentum also carried them to a

team, while noticeable all year, was

three players of 1,000 minutes of

quarterfinals host seeding which

exemplified even in defeat in the

playing time from the previous

led to a thrilling victory at home

semifinal game. The Orediggers

season returned: Yannick Schad,

in penalty kicks over University of

attempted 14 shots in the first

Dylan Wood and Glivar.

Colorado, Colorado Springs on Nov.

The new-look starting lineup was just short of successful

the game. They beat Roadrunners

in each of the first five games.

players who watched their collegiate

goalkeeper James Tanner in the

The confidence of Tittle and his

careers expire in concert with the

33rd minute for the lone goal of the

players never wavered, even after

game clock on Friday night. Glivar

period. After entering the second

a humbling 1-0 defeat to Colorado

is the lone four-year player on the

half down and outplayed but not

Christian University on Sept. 13, the

squad, even predating the arrival of

out, MSU Denver upped the attack,

program’s first loss to the Cougars

Tittle. Over his career, he started 65

taking 10 shots and forcing six

since 2002. In the days after that

games and played 5,461 minutes.

saves by Orediggers goalkeeper

game, he said he was confident the

He earned two all-RMAC honor rolls

Collin Hall after the 45th minute

team was about to turn a corner.

and three Athletic Director Honor

“We had a mindset that we

trajectory the team is on and their

their departure. A core anchored

rebuilding year into a semifinal finish, giving promise for the future.

1 to advance to the semifinals.

four, and controlled the tempo of

“The second half, we really just

Both Glivar and Beck noted the

confidence in the team’s ability after

first team all-RMAC athlete, Schad,

consecutive one-goal losses to

half, compared to MSU Denver’s

“I love every guy on the team,”

The Roadrunners recorded all

been here, but, we still fought and The grit of this Roadrunner

on the field for a extended time.

Beck and Glivar are two of four

Rolls in pursuit of a nursing degree.

wanted to put more pressure on

weren’t going to quit and give

After the final whistle Glivar was

them,” said senior defenseman

up,” Tittle said. “I think it’s an

noticeably emotional, kneeling

Assitant coach Brandyn Bumpas comforts Justin Glivar following MSU Denver’s semifinal round loss to Colorado School of Mines on Nov. 3. The game was the last of Glivar’s collegiate career.



NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Opinion: NCAA schools need to be held to a higher standard than students NATIONAL NEWS

Those who follow college

Boyle has had enough.

basketball have long criticized

Eric Bledsoe dealt to Milwaukee Bucks The Phoenix Suns have found a suitor for embattled point guard Eric Bledsoe. The Milwaukee Bucks agreed to send veteran center Greg Monroe, a protected 2018 fi rst-round draft pick and a protected 2018 secondround draft pick to the Suns in exchange for Bledsoe. Monroe has nearly averaged a double-double during his career with 14.1 points and 8.8 rebounds per game. Bledsoe will join the Bucks as an eight-year veteran with career averages of 13.1 points and 4.6 assists. He’s also averaged only 2.7 turnovers per game over the course of his career. The Nuggets were rumored to be pursuing Bledsoe in exchange, but will have to look elsewhere if they want to bolster the point guard position this season. Kaepernick to meet with Goodell Free agent quarterback and social activist Colin Kaepernick has been invited to a one-on-one meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. The invitation comes shortly after Goodell, NFL Executive Vice President of Operations Troy Vincent and NFL senior vice president of player engagement Arthur McAfee were notified that they would be deposed in the collusion case Kaepernick has fi led against the NFL with star attorney Mark Garegos. Geragos previously represented Michael Jackson in a child molestation case and has handled numerous other high-profi le cases. Kaepernick has yet to respond to the invitation. LiAngelo Ball among UCLA athletes arrested LaVar Ball’s middle child, basketball player LiAngelo Ball, has been arrested in Hangzhou, China on shoplifting charges. The UCLA freshman guard was arrested on Nov. 7 along with fellow freshmen Cody Riley and Jalen Hill ahead of their season-opening game against Georgia Tech in Shanghai. The university issued a statement following the arrest. As reported by ESPN, about 20 officers sequestered both the UCLA and Georgia Tech teams away from their coaches for hours while they asked questions. They fi nally determined that no Georgia Tech players were involved and let the Yellow Jackets leave well before UCLA. LaVar Ball has yet to comment on the situation.

“It’s a little bit ironic to

the narrative that when it

me with all the things that

comes to criminal activity in

are going on in college

the NCAA, schools survive

basketball,” Boyle told Howell.

and students don’t.

Boyle cited the recent

We’ve all heard the same

grades. Yet, no punishment has been handed out as the investigation is still “ongoing.” Athletes such as Reggie Bush and Eric Manuel had more to fight against. Bush, a former

controversy surrounding the

running back for the University of

tale of people in the collegiate

University of North Carolina and

Southern California, was stripped

arena being accused of sexual

multiple other schools who were

of his only Heisman award for

assault, fraud, bribery, drug

under investigation for fraud

accepting monetary gifts offered

abuse, domestic abuse and

and how that’s being treated

to him by the school. Eric Manuel,

countless other defamatory

similar to a child making mistakes

a sophomore for the University

when he was 13 years old.

of Kentucky in 1988, was banned

acts. We’ve heard it with

Matt Entrekin

Reggie Bush, Terrelle Pryor,

“As of today, nothing has

from all college sports after

who’s probably more ready

happened to those four schools.

he was caught using another

academically and athletically

No ramifications for those

student’s answers on the SAT

these men and the schools is

to play. They have no idea what

sorts of things,” Boyle said.

and ACT before starting college.

that the latter often get off scot-

kind of kid Evan Battey is.”

Eric Manuel and many others. The only difference between

free, and the student athletes

But, as a result of a five-year-

they exploit lose their careers.

The sad truth is that this is not

But the consequences don’t

an uncommon trend in college

just stop at suspensions and

old issue that Battey endured at 13

basketball. Scandals and cheating

loss of scholarships. Numerous

years old, he will not even be able

have flooded the collegiate

players have felt that their

basketball player at the University

to travel with the team. Battey,

athletics arena, dating back to

mistakes in college have caused

of Colorado and one of the most

who was struggling through

the 1951 Army football team.

so much damage as to cost

highly touted athletes at the

issues at home and in school,

Yes, a number of schools have

them an opportunity to pursue

school. However, Battey will

had to repeat the ninth grade.

received penalties in the past, but

professional sports. One drug

their success rate at getting off

bust, bribery or abuse allegation

Evan Battey is a first year

be forced to watch his team

The ramifications continue to

from the sidelines this season

haunt him. Battey was forced to

easy is significantly higher than

and their draft stock plummets

due to an academic ineligibility

sit out his senior season of high

that of athletes. If even a lick of

and so do their careers.

issue enforced by the NCAA.

school due to the same issue,

speculation of cheating attaches to

and now the NCAA has ruled that

athletes, their chances of coming

sports. Even if universities get

Boyle is all too familiar with

he is ineligible to play this year

out unscathed are next to none.

stripped of championships or lose

his issue and spoke about it to

since he failed to complete high

Chris Howell of BSN Denver.

school in the required four years.

Battey’s head coach Tad

“I’ve been coaching Division

Battey’s story is just one

That’s the reality of college

From 1993 to 2011, the

scholarships, they’re not going

University of North Carolina

anywhere. They’ll still be able

helped over 3,000 students

to make millions of dollars and

I basketball for 24 years,” Boyle

of the many controversies

by giving them rudimentary

see their name on ESPN. They

said to Howell. “I’m not sure

that have circulated around

classes that only required the

will continue to reap the benefits

I’ve ever been around a kid

college basketball, and Tad

bare minimum to get passing

of their exploited players.

Roy Halladay: 1977-2017 By Richard Allen

baseball world to express their


grief when news broke that a plane with a matching tail number as

The greatest pitcher ever born in Colorado history has died. Roy Halladay was killed on Nov.

one Halladay had shared images of on social media over the past month had crashed in the Gulf of

7 in a single-engine plane crash

Mexico. While there was no official

off the coast of Holiday, Florida.

confirmation it was Halladay’s

The 1995 graduate of Arvada

for several hours the situation

West High School went straight

was simple to figure out.

to the MLB Draft, skipping college

Halladay bought an Icon A5, a

altogether. He was selected 17th

two-seat amphibious light-sport

overall by the Toronto Blue Jays

airplane, in early October. He

and embarked on a 16 year career

shared photos of the plane on

in the majors that will undoubtedly

Twitter all throughout the month.

end with an induction into the

Halladay won two Cy Young

National Baseball Hall of Fame. The

Awards, one each for Toronto and

40 year old was widely recognized

the Philadelphia Phillies. ”Doc”

as one of the best in baseball,

became one of six players to win

both in talent and character.

the award in both the American and

“Roy Halladay was your

National League. He played in eight

Photo from Keith Allison via Flickr

Roy Halladay pitches for the Toronto Blue Jays against the Baltimore Orioles on May 27, 2009. Halladay passed away when his single-engine plane crashed on Nov. 7.

favorite player’s favorite player,”

All-Star games, and threw MLB’s

Dodgers pitcher Brandon

20th perfect game and second

Rushmore of Colorado-bred pitchers

in Florida, avidly cheering on and

McCarthy said in a tweet. “A true

postseason no-hitter. Following

when he retired in 2013, and was

assisting the teams his two sons

ace and a wonderful person.”

his trade to the Phillies in 2009, he

inducted into the Colorado Sports

played for. He was reknowned for

reached the World Series for the

Hall of Fame two years later.

his youth involvement everywhere,

McCarthy was one of thousands of fans, franchises, reporters,

only time in his career. He joined

executives and players from the

Goose Gossage on the Mount

In his retirement, he began working closely with youth baseball

and was an inspiration to youth and his peers his entire career.

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Dean of Students Office

Student Activities

Health Center at Auraria

Veteran and Military Student Center

You will find opportunities for all to relieve stress by participating in a group fitness class, shooting baskets in the gymnasium, lifting weights in the fitness center or scaling the rock wall. • Outdoor Pursuits • Intramural Sports • Group Fitness • Personal Training • Adaptive Fitness • Informal Recreation • Fitness Center • Certification & Prep Courses PE 108 • 303-556-3210 • www.msudenver.edu/campusrec/

We can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. Individual Counseling • Support Groups • Crisis Intervention • Quick Consult • Mental Health Resources • Academic and Personal Growth Workshops Tivoli 651 • 303-556-3132 • www.msudenver.edu/counsel/

We provide referrals for students in need and ensure that you have the resources to persist through graduation. • Food Bank • Navigate University Processes • Student Conflict Resolution • Student Code of Conduct • CARE Team Tivoli 311 • 303-556-3559 • www.msudenver.edu/ deanofstudents/

The Health Center at Auraria offers comprehensive medical care with physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists and gynecologists. • Primary Care • Urgent Care • Mental Health • Immunizations • Insurance • Health Education Plaza 150 • 303-556-2525 • www.healthcenter1.com

We provide a space to find your community, as well as education and resources for the campus on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Community Building • Advocacy & Support • Resources • Education Tivoli 213 • 303-556-6488 • www.lgbtq-auraria.org

Get the latest campus news and entertainment created for students by the student voice of MSU Denver or join us and get professional experience in media. • The Metropolitan Weekly Newspaper • Metrosphere Monthly Magazine • Met Radio 24/7 Internet Station • Met TV Progreamming Tivoli 313 • 303-556-2507 • www.MyMetMedia.com

We are your catalyst for campus connections! Events and Programs • Fraternities and Sororities • Leadership Programs • Student Organizations • Element • Volunteer Opportunities • Student Travel Tivoli 305 • 303-556-2595 • www.msudenver.edu/ studentactivities/

We provide a place for you to relax, study, network and get questions answered in a space dedicated to veteran and military students, with full-time staff and a wealth of resources. • Quiet Study Space • Computer Workstations • Study Groups • Meeting Space • Student Veterans Club • Rotating Office Hours • Career Workshops • Special Events Tivoli 243 • 303-556-4294 • www.msudenver.edu/veterans






Campus Week of Action: Consent is Bae

Location Tivoli Garage Lounge


A.J. Fullerton

Location Larimer Lounge

NOVEMBER 8, 2017


Whiskey Shivers

Price $8

Price $15

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Price Free



Location Tivoli Turnhalle and Commons


Price Varies Time 7 p.m.

Location St. Cajetan’s

Location Texas 11.10

Death From Above 1979

Location Gothic Theater


Slaughter Beach, Dog

Location Larimer Lounge Price $12

Time 12 p.m.

Time 8:30 p.m.


Trivia Night

Location Tivoli Multicultural

Trout Steak Revival

Location Ophelia’s


Kid Cudi

Time 6 p.m.


Billy Strings


Price $20.75 Time 9 p.m.

11.10 vs. Ottawa Senators Location Pepsi Center Time 12 p.m.


Location Moxi Theater

Nuggets 11.9 vs. Oklahoma City Location Pepsi Center

Price Varies

Francis and the Wolf

Time 8:30 p.m.

airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter discuss the week’s news with

Location Marquis Theater Price $16

Time 7 p.m.

Price Free



11.12 vs. New England

Aaron West & The Roaring Twenties

11.10 vs. Orlando Magic Location Pepsi Center

Location Oskar Blues Time 8 p.m.


Time 11 a.m.


Thunder 11.11

11.11 vs. Ottawa Senators Location Away

Secondhand Serenade

Time 6 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.


Location Bluebird Theater

Time 9 p.m.

LCD Soundsystem

Time 4:30 p.m.


Price $20


University Location Texas

Price $50

Location 1stBANK Center

only show dedicated to politics,

11.11 vs. Lubbock Christian

Time 8 p.m.


Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s

Women’s Basketball

Location Fillmore Auditorium

Price $22

Price Free Time 4 p.m.

Time 2 p.m.


Price Free


Men’s Basketball 11.10 vs. Tarleton State

Time 9 p.m.

Gubernatorial Candidate Forum

University - Commerce Location Texas

Fall Out Boy

Price $10

Price $25.75


11.10 vs. Texas A&M

Location Pepsi Center

Time 7 p.m.

Price Free Time 11 a.m.

Women’s Basketball

University Time 7 p.m.

Location Moon Room

Tri Institutional Veterans Day Celebration

11.9 vs. Colorado Mesa Location Grand Junction

Time 10 a.m.



Location Fox Theater


Bad Suns

Location Gothic Theater Price $20

Patriots Location Home

11.19 vs. Cincinnati Bengals Location Home Time 2:25 p.m.

Time 6:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Disney vs. The Media Walt Disney Company

Paradise Papers Businesses and global figures

reversed its decision to ban

in politics, entertainment and

The Los Angeles Times from

sports who have sheltered their

press screenings of their movies

wealth in secretive tax havens

following an investigation

Town mourns in wake of Texas shooting At least 26 people are

Colorado elections There are contests on ballot

Trump in Asia President Trump has started his

measures in all but six of the 64

13-day trip through Asia, starting

dead after an alleged shooter

counties in Colorado which took

his trip in Japan on Nov. 5. He will

methodically stalked worshipers

place on Nov. 7. This year is not

also be visiting China, Vietnam,

are being revealed this week in

during Sunday services at the

a major election, however voters

South Korea and the Philippines.

into the company’s business

a major new investigation. The

First Baptist Church in Sutherland

are still deciding on contentious

Trump extended his visit by one

dealings in the home city of

project has been deemed the

Springs, Texas. The alleged

topics such as school board races

day to attend the Association

Disneyland; Anaheim, California.

Paradise Papers. The details come

shooter received a bad conduct

in Denver and Douglas counties

of Southeast Asian Nations in

The investigative series posted

from a leak of 13.4m files that

discharge from the Air Force.

and marijuana sales in Alamosa,

the Philippines capital, Manila.

by The LA Times detailed the

expose the global environments

He spent one year in prison

Monte Vista and Rocky Ford

This is the longest presidential

tax protections that Disney had

in which tax abuses can thrive and

after two counts of domestic

counties. Other issues include

tour in Asia since 1992. The

secured from the city, as well as

the complex ways the wealthiest

violence in 2014. Community

a Broomfield measure to vet oil

main focus will be to discuss

their impact on local elections.

corporations can legally protect

members Stephen Willeford and

and gas proposals and a high-

the tension in North Korea.

Disney’s change of course came

their weath. The files reveal the

Johnnie Langendorff pursued the

speed internet services in Fort

after a number of news outlets,

financial dealings of the Queen,

alleged shooter after he fled the

Collins. Turnout for this cycle has

including The New York Times

big multinationals and members

church and led law enforcement

been low with only 810,360 of the

and the A.V. Club, said they were

of Donald Trump’s cabinet.

to him. He was found dead in

3,242,593 ballots having been

boycotting advance screenings

his vehicle of a supposed self-

returned as of Monday evening.

of Disney films in solidarity.

inflicted gunshot wound.


NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Top 5

Shows to binge on a snow day


Submission of the week By Briana Swank

1. Stranger Things 2. Gilmore Girls 3. Curb Your Enthusiasm 4. Friday Night Lights 5. Arrested Development

Overheard “She went to homeschool with you?” “Don’t you just hate it when you write fake news?“ “I don’t have a dangly or tonsils.“ “Now, I’ll admit that I’ve thrown balls at coworkers in the past.“ St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church. Built in 1896, the church still offers services to the public and boasts a collection of gorgeous statues, stained glass windows and mosaics.

Staff mixtape

Curated by: DJ Big Sky

If I may be so bold, the best parts of Thanksgiving dinner are undoubtedly the side-dishes. Much like a buttered roll or a mashed potato, musicians also recognize the value of life outside the turkey. These ten songs are all from the side-projects of artists from every layer of the casserole. Let these tunes simmer in the crock pot while you wait for that meat thermometer to pop.

1. The Clubs // Mat Kerekes 2. Animal Arithmetic // Jónsi 3. Holding on for Life // Broken Bells 4. Class Action Force // Pet Symmetry 5. .weighted. // Frnkiero andthe Patience 6. Still Want You // Brandon Flowers 7. ‘67, Cherry Red // Aaron West & The Roaring Twenties 8. Petite Mort // Bad Books 9. Fish Fry // Slaughter Beach, Dog 10. This Life // John Paul White


“Why is there meat in the butter thing?“

Crossword Across

44. ___ Tome and Principe


30. Condescend

1. Boom

45. Some ‘50s employees

1. Boatloads

32. Under debate

5. Bug-eyed

47. One-time pump sign

2. Small songbird

33. Sugar partner

9. Reaches across

49. Cleveland Indian

3. Skirt style

34. Pertaining to a forearm

14. Caron role

50. Shed item

4. ‘’Happy Days’’ role for


15. Japanese seaport

52. Wrinkly tangelos


35. ‘’Gloria ___’’ (short

16. Rock that elicits laughs

56. Perk up one’s ears

5. Cut from the same cloth


17. Larger-than-life

59. Kind of furniture

6. Expensive finish

37. Corp. takeover

18. TV oldie, ‘’___Three

62. Tentmaker of yore

7. Having made substantial

40. Stick-to-it-iveness?


63. It has notions


41. Log-on need

19. Drive

64. Emulate ‘’Old Blue

8. Actress Barbara Bel ___

46. Some patches

20. Triumph easily


9. Square-ended vessel

48. Shrek’s mate, e.g.

23. ‘’New Yorker’’

65. Megalomaniacal

10. Has one’s say on a radio

51. Pop singer Mann

cartoonist William


talk show

53. ‘’___ Be’’ (Beatles)

24. Wine vat waste

66. Number of shoes?

11. Phonograph part

54. Trooper on the highway

25. Spanish pronoun

67. Teacake

12. Frost’s bite

55. Hogs’ homes

29. Skye writing

68. Spotted

13. Librarian’s admonition

57. Perfect, as one’s skills

31. Atomic device

69. Actors Erwin and

21. Go along with

58. Video-game movie of

33. Dine in the evening


22. Nontaxing learning


36. Latin extension


59. Some of the IBM line

38. Pointless

26. Bronzed baby wear

60. ___ de Triomphe

39. Shop or office

27. ‘’The Gondoliers’’ role

61. Likewise

42. Lock, stock and barrel

28. ‘’You ___ Beautiful’’

65. Poetic form

43. Psych finish

(Cocker tune)

66. Mouse’s milieue.

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