Volume 40, Issue 13 - Nov. 8, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 13

MONTH 00, 2000


The mayor of Auraria

AHEC workers remember colleague, friend

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Friends and family gather at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church for the Recitation of the Rosary on Nov. 7 in honor of Carlos Moreno. Known for approaching life with a smile, Moreno was a valued employee of AHEC and made daily contributions to Auraria’s well being for the past 18 years.

By Esteban Fernandez

Auraria staff. It was really out to MSU

Thornton Walmart. Weachter said

would banter whenever they saw each


Denver, Community College of Denver

many still struggle with the loss.

other, and he always took the opportunity

and University of Colorado,” said Tara In life, Carlos Moreno lit a flame that

Those who worked with Moreno

to ask her how her classes were going.

Weachter, Director of Facilities for Auraria.

remember an outgoing, happy man. Moreno

refuses to fade past his death. A man

“It was largely known that we would call

worked as a structural trade technician

reliable. He always was uplifting with

whose impact was felt, be it at work or

Carlos, the ‘Mayor of Auraria.’ He was

at Auraria for 18 years and nine months,

people that were struggling through

at home with his family, no longer walks

one of those folks that really took the

according to Weachter. He was close

hard times, considered himself a brother

the halls and fields of Auraria. He is

time and effort to visit with people.”

with his coworkers, even befriending

to many here,” Weachter said.

sorely missed by all who knew him.

Moreno died Nov. 1 in a gun attack

“Carlos stretched far beyond just the



that left two other people dead at a

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“He was always dependable and

Weachter’s daughter, Olivia Nohrenhold, who is a student at CU Denver. The two

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Focus on students starts with

Victims of the opiate crisis.

#SayTheirNames rally calls for

Men’s soccer season ends

administrative tweaks

Personal election reflections.

police accountability

in Golden.

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