Volume 40, Issue 14 - Nov. 15, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 40

NO. 14

NOVEMBER 15, 2017


Civilians reconnect with Veterans

Photo by Carl Payne | cpayne@msudenver.edu

US Army Specialist, and UCD student, Abigea Kassa hands out honorary American flags to military veterans during the Tri-Institutional Veterans Day ceremony on Auraria Campus Nov. 11.


pg. 6

Hick’s term ends soon, replacements debate By Esteban Fernandez

rest of the country that is possible


that democracy still works?” Three different topics were

Seven gubernatorial candidates

Out of the candidates present, four had previous political or civil service experience. Johnston

With the exception of Wood,


the rest were Democrats. Candidates kept on eye on a


| pg. 3

covered during the forum, which

represented northeast Denver,

green future for the state while

Campus week of action discusses

made a play to stand out on Nov.

were energy, immigration and

Polis still serves in office and

paying credit to the legacy of


12 at St. Cajetan’s event center.

Colorado elections. Energy

Lopez served as mayor of

oil in Colorado. Fracking was

was the most prominent topic

Parker. Kennedy worked as a

one of the major issues raised

former politicians and civil

A mix of businessmen,

discussed, taking an hour of

budget analyst in the governor’s

during the energy debate. Polis


servants debated Colorado

debate time compared to the

office before winning statewide

was challenged for his reversal

Stormtroopers v. cylons

politics during the three hour

half hour that the two other

election as treasurer.

on a 2014 anti-fracking measure

debate. The debate was hosted

sections were allotted.

by a coalition of 13 different non

Johnston, Noel Ginsburg,

Ginsburg has 37 years of experience as businessman.

| pg. 4

to have a boundary of 2,500 for fracking wells from homes.


| pg. 6

profit and activist groups such

Former Treasurer Cary Kennedy,

He has no prior political

as Together We Will Colorado

Former Mayor Greg Lopez,

experience. Underwood is a tech

and have supported personally

and 350 Colorado.

Congressman Jared Polis,

entrepreneur. He ran as a GOP

and financially 1,500 and

Matthew Wood, and Erik

senate candidate in 2016. This

2,000 foot setbacks that allow


before us is what are we going to

Underwood all participated. Also

year, he switched parties to run

homeowners to have it closer

Women’s basketball prepares to

do to try to bind this state back

invited but not present were Lt.

as a Democrat. He describes

if they want, through surface

take the next step

together in a moment when it

Gov. Donna Lynne and Kathleen

himself as fiscally conservative

use agreements,” Polis said.

feels most divided,” said former

Cunningham. However, Lynne’s

but socially liberal. Wood hails

State Sen. Michael Johnston as

campaign sent a statement to the

from Grand Junction and has

the debate kicked off. “And what

forum explaining her absence as

no government experience.

are we going to do to prove to the

well as her campaign’s platform.

“I think the question posed

Lopez was the only Republican.

“I’ve been on the record

| Continued on pg. 2

Auraria campus celebrates veterans

| pg. 8



NOVEMBER 15, 2017

Candidates vie for Colorado’s future Continued from cover As far as fracking went, however, none of the candidates seemed prepared to end the practice immediately. Instead, differences were found in how far each candidate was prepared to go to regulate the practice. Lopez went the least far when it came to fracking regulation. Kennedy and Johnston were both on the opposite end of Lopez, advocating the strictest measures possible. Although all candidates agreed that the practice should be phased out, they disagreed on how quickly that process should take place. However, all candidates agreed on the importance of investing in renewables and pushing the state

toward a fully green economy. Immigration was another

Advancing Students for a Stronger

despite the challenges the law

Economy Tomorrow law which

posed to the state’s budget.

major topic discussed. With

paved the way for undocumented

17,000 Dreamers present in the

students to pay a special tuition

stands up to the nonsense we see

state according to the Center

rate that made college affordable

coming out of Washington and

for American Progress, DACA

for those students. Previously,

continue to lead,” Kennedy said

and sanctuary policies drew

undocumented students who

in her closing pitch to voters.

the most reaction from the

graduated high school in Colorado

audience. MSU Denver has

paid out-of-state tuition rates.

spent the last ten years working

Significant conversation time

“Colorado can be the state that

She and the other candidates called on the state to continue its tradition of independent

to achieve Hispanic Serving

was also paid to the Taxpayer

Institution status. Themes varied

Bill of Rights. In perhaps the

from helping undocumented

only segment that provided any

primary for both Democrats

immigrants emerge from legal

true dissension, Underwood

and Republicans takes

shadows to ensuring that the

said that he would work to end

place March 6, 2018.

undocumented did not fear

TABOR. Wood argued that TABOR

using emergency services.

was a matter for the people

Johnston brought a Colorado

politics with its next governor. The Colorado governor’s

to decide without providing

angle to the DACA issue. He

specifics. The rest of the panel

said that during his tenure as

offered similar arguments that

Ballard, Madison Lauterbach

state senator, he helped pass the

TABOR needed to be reformed

and Janis Carrasquel

Additional reporting by Cassie

Photo by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Gubernatorial Candidate Greg Lopez touches on energy, immigration and Colorado elections during the gubernatorial forum at St. Cajetan’s Center on Nov. 12.

2018 Colorado Gubernatorial Candidates CANDIDATES Cary Kennedy

Lt. Governor Donna Lynne

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis

Mike Johnston

Noel Ginsburg


Kennedy was appointed

Lynne was appointed

Polis has represented

Johnston represented

Ginsburg is the founder and

chief financial officer of

as the state’s 49th

Colorado’s second district

District 33 in the Colorado

CEO of Intertech Plastics,

Denver by Mayor Michael

lieutenant governor by

in the U.S. House of

Senate from 2009-17.

and was appointed to lead

Hancock in July 2011.

current Governor John

Representatives since

Johnston helped pass

the Business Experiential

Later that same year

Hickenlooper in March 2016.

his first election in 2008.

the Advancing Students

Learning Commission

he also appointed her

Prior to her appointment,

Since then he has won

for a Stronger Economy

by Hickenlooper.

deputy mayor. She also

Kennedy was an executive

five elections. Polis is

Tomorrow bill in 2012.

served as Colorado state

at Kaiser Permanente.

also the first openly gay parent in Congress.

treasurer from 2007-11.

CANDIDATES Cynthia Coffman

Tom Tancredo

Victor Mitchell

Greg Lopez

Bill Hammons


Coffman is Colorado’s

Tancredo represented

Mitchell has been an

Lopez is the former mayor

Hammons founded

current attorney general.

Colorado’s sixth district

entrepeneur for most of

of Parker, Colorado and

the Unity Party in

She served as legal

in the U.S. House of

his career, and founded

the former state director

2004, which focuses

counsel for the Colorado

Representatives from

and served as CEO

of the Small Business

on centrist politics.

Department of Public

1999-2009. He is also

and chairman of five

Administration from

He ran for Congress in

Health and Environment

a frequent contributor

companies. He served one

2008-14. Lopez also served

2008, 2014 and 2016.

from 1999 through 2004.

to Breitbart.

term in the state House of

in the U.S. Air Force.

Representatives in 2006.

Infographic by Madison Lauterbach Sources: Creative Commons, Ballotpedia, The Denver Post.


NOVEMBER 15, 2017


Campus week of action kicks off with a party By Isaac Banks

included events focused around

move to different parts of the room


similar topics. On Nov. 7, the SGA

to represent their viewpoints.

held a slam poetry session which

Students were then asked to explain

covered personal stories and

their thoughts on the statement.

As part of Campus Week of Action, the MSU Denver Student

the emotions related to sexual

Government Assembly hosted

violence. Nov. 8 was an “art not

drinking at a party will not be in the

the “Consent is Bae” event which

violence” art scene. On Nov. 9, the

right state of mind to give consent

informed students about safe

last day of the Campus Week of

no matter how much they had to

and consensual sex by setting

Action, the SGA screened “Justice

drink. Others were unsure, saying

up a party-like environment.

For My Sisters,” a film about

that people have different drinking

seeking justice for those who have

tolerances and the statement did

experienced sexual violence.

not clarify what intoxicated meant.

Speaker of the Senate Aaron Futrell came up with the idea. He said the event was intended

Phoenix Center Director Megan

to display what qualifies as

Alpert and Violence Prevention

consent, and what doesn’t.

Peer Educator Nikki Dahl were

“We want to make sure our students are safe,” Futrell said. Street tacos and pizza were used

A student said that someone

“We want to make sure our students are safe,” – Aaron Futrell

the main speakers. It started off “Consent” by YouTube duo Jack

At the end of the presentation,

to attract students to the event,

and Dean, that set a lighter tone

Alpert and Dahl talked about how

held in the Tivoli Garage Lounge.

for the event. Alpert and Dahl

sex is portrayed in movies. Dahl

spoke about the different types

brought up how sex just happens in

brings them in, but when we

of consent, and when consent

movies and how that leads younger

see people being engaged and

can and cannot be given.

people to have a warped idea of sex.

“I know the food usually

actually learning, they can take

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

with a satirical music video called

The highlight of the presentation

For students like Emelie Nguyen

Emelie Nguyen (middle) speaking about her thoughts on consent and alcohol along with students, Fabian Segura and Jazmin Beltran, at the “Consent is Bae” event in the Tivoli Garage on Nov. 9. those and discuss them helped.

everyone having their different

“I feel like I did not so much

OKs, I do not think I ever

learn, but it got me to think more

thought about it that way so I

was when Alpert asked students

and Colette Kallina-Tran, this

about it and kind of get a different

think it was good to heard the

to their everyday lives and teach

if they agreed, disagreed or were

discussion helped shed new light on

perspective on it,” Nguyen said.

discussion,” Kallina-Tran said.

their friends and family,” said Vice

unsure of the statement, “It is OK for

a subject they already knew about.

President of the SGA, Richy Ramos.

two intoxicated people to have sex.”

The Campus Week of Action

Students had to stand up and

Nguyen said that there are some grey areas and being able to see

Exposure to new ideas on sex and consent was helpful as well. “I liked the discussion about

rite Met R o v ad fa r i u



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NOVEMBER 15, 2017

Stormtroopers staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Photo Editor


tormtroopers are superior

evidence that they were even there.

failed to do their job. In Season 4,

and it’s not close. While the

They were the angels of death.

Episode 5 of “Star Wars: Rebels”

These soldiers from the

we see the extent of imperial and

grunts are notorious for

missing shots, which is a knock on

shadows were selected to be

stormtrooper occupation, as the

their reputation, let’s not forget how

the personal bodyguards of the

once lively planet of Lothal was

Sheev Palpatine built his empire;

Empire’s most vital members,

heartlessly burned to the ground,

with the first wave of stormtroopers.

such as Grand Admiral Thrawn

with citizens living as subordinates

Elite clones, the pride of the Empire,

and the aforementioned Krennic,

to the patrols of stormtroopers

overwhelmed and hunted Jedi,

further showing that there’s no

and the overseeing governor.

while joining forces with Darth

Empire without stormtroopers.

Lothal wasn’t the only planet to

Vader to take down resisting sar systems in one fell swoop. Though

While the lowest level of

James Burky

Vader did most of the dirty work,

fall to the Empire as Palpatine

stormtroopers are picked on for

established himself as the supreme

being incapable of hitting targets,

ruler of the galaxy. His reign only

these soldiers were cheap to train

didn’t have the time or resources

which is really just a narrative

lasted around 20 years which,

and effective. Let’s not forget the

to train all of them to a high

device to keep the main characters

in comparison to other empires

501st Legion that entered the Jedi

degree, so the ranks and classes of

alive, en masse, these soldiers were

throughout the history in the Star

temple and gunned down a number

stormtroopers were established.

terrifying, regardless of variant.

Wars universe, is relatively short,

of young Jedi. Sure they didn’t face

The creating of stormtrooper

They struck fear in resisting planets

but the lackeys aren’t to blame, the mistakes of their leaders are.

the likes of Plo Koon, seen shot

variants helped unleash the Death

and helped bring the Separatist

down in a starfighter in “Revenge

troopers, the black-armored soldiers

worlds leftover from The Clone

of the Sith,” in face-to-face combat,

that followed Director Orson

Wars into the Empire. These are

closing in on them, they didn’t

but that would be an impractical

Krennic in “Rogue One,” upon the

grunts whose main purpose was

fear Vader would approach and

way of defeating the Jedi.

galaxy. This elite group was trained

to prevent resistance through

strike them down, they feared the

extensively in hand-to-hand combat,

intimidation. They weren’t trained

men in snow white armor ready to

stormtroopers died off quickly,

sniping enemies and use of heavy

extensively and were imperfect,

end their life with a single pull-

as they aged at a faster rate than

weaponry. They were warriors, the

but they filled their role; fight

of-the-trigger, and that more than

normal beings, and the Empire

likes that the Galaxy hadn’t seen

on the front lines and give their

makes up for a few errant shots.

was forced to recruit, or kidnap,

in ages, decimating all who stood

life for the Galactic Empire.

potential warriors. They simply

in their way and leaving little to no

The clones that became

When planets saw the Empire

It can’t be argued that they

Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu


Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



he first task of any

hands of these chrome domes. It

infantryman is to hit their

only took a small group of five or six

target. By that metric,

centurions to nearly vent all the air

Centurions are capable of learning

stormtroopers fail miserably. In

from the Battlestar Galactica. They

and outgrowing their programming.

comparison, the Cylon Centurion

murdered their way from the ship’s

They can even learn to peacefully

is a real threat, spreading terror

hangar all the way to atmospheric

coexist with former enemies. What

wherever their chrome chassis go.

control. Only luck stood between

excuse do stormtroopers have

colonial forces retaking the ship

for their bad behavior? Machines

and 2,000 dead personnel.

are programmed, they have no

Standing at nearly seven feet tall, the modern centurion is a walking, industrialized death machine. Razor

Did I mention they also carry

sharp claws extend from each hand. Why carry bayonets or whirly batons

Esteban Fernandez

when a simple swipe of a palm can leave a victim vainly clutching

hapless enemies wherever they go?

their throat to stop the blood from

Oh, and they actually hit who

by a fully equipped cylon force. But the best part? Cylon

choice. And on top of that, these

heavy weapons? Sure, your

machines can better themselves.

average stormtrooper carries your

Stormtroopers are born with choice,

garden variety laser rifle but these

something no machine can really

guys carry heavy-ass machine

start with. And yet, they throw it

guns as standard equipment.

all away to go troll defenseless civilians on outer rim worlds.

gushing out? Did I mention said

they aim at. Scores of unfortunate

Pretty red lasers are all well and

appendage retracts into a grapefruit

colonial service personnel and

good but I’d like to see Imperial

sized cannon that tears holes in

civilians have met their end at the

stormtroopers weather an assault

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu











NOVEMBER 15, 2017

Veterans honored at tri-institutional celebration By Corey O’Leary

between those who have served


and those who haven’t. Veterans will say only a

Students and faculty from

minority of Americans are

said student veteran Carlie Kolrud. Davidson said communication is important when supporting veterans.

MSU Denver, CU Denver and CCD

intimately familiar with the reality

gathered in the Tivoli Turnhalle

of service. If citizens have no

can support veterans is just to

on Nov. 9 to observe a ceremony

connection to those who are in

get to know them. Especially

that celebrated veterans both

the armed forces they can become

for students,” Davidson

on and off campus. The event

complacent around veteran issues.

said. “Get to know them, get

Misunderstandings can occur

comfortable with them, ask

was attended by veterans from

“I think the best way that you

multiple generations, uniting

between civilians and veterans,

those who served our country

but also with family members

throughout the past century.

that currently serve. Lauren

WWII and Korean War veteran,

The ceremony celebrated

them about their experiences.” For Stuart “Boot” Gordon, a

Sullivan, the event organizer,

celebrating those who’ve served

the shared patriotism of those

grew up in a service family and

is the right thing to do, but is

who chose to serve their

is now a military spouse. She

wary of excessive glorification.

country and also highlighted

often feels like people make false

He said that honoring veterans

the unique experiences of those

assumptions about what it is like

could help glorify war.

who have served. The event

to be in a family of soldiers.

encouraged discussion between

“People really think that it is

“That’s the only thing I have against this whole idea of

veterans and civilians in order

this hard, really sacrificial life,

to bolster understanding.

but they don’t see the positive

Janine Davidson, president

aspects of it that are amazing,

Americans who know someone

of MSU Denver, is a veteran

the places you get to live and

who served, many think that as

herself who finds increasing

the friends you make,” Sullivan

a society we have improved at

isolation of military members

said. “It really was a wonderful

acknowledging and thanking

and their service concerning.

time in my life moving around as

veterans for their service.

“In a democracy, you really want people to be connected

an Army family member, and I

Photo by Carl Payne | cpayne16@msudenver.edu

celebrating,” Gordon said. Despite a shrinking amount of

“See, when I came home from

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps students hold the American, prisoner-of-war/ MIA and Colorado state flags up to commence the Tri-Institutional Veterans Day ceremony on Auraria Campus Nov. 11. of those who have served. “Along comes Desert Storm and America got in touch with

tables. Discussions thrived during the lunch that took place within the ceremony.

wouldn’t trade that for anything.”

the war no one thanked me, no one

veterans. There has been a

to their military so that they

With so few Americans having

asked me what I did. No one asked

real upsurge in the respect

celebrate the veterans and also

will support them if they go

a relationship with someone who

me where I was. They didn’t care,”

that we receive and the good

kind of give a little insight into the

to war, or so they will lobby

has served, many are unaware

said Gordon. “It’s interesting

treatment by the American

veteran world and military world

lawmakers if they think the war

of how to properly honor and

that today people are now

public,” Holland said.

for civilians that might not have

is wrong,” Davidson said.

support those who have.

thanking me and honoring me.” John Holland also remembers

Events such as this one serve not only to honor those who

“This event is meant to

exposure to that,” Sullivan said.

With only around eight

“I think just respect. There

percent of Americans having

doesn’t need to be a parade every

being treated poorly after

have served, but to encourage

like these can help bridge the

She believes more events

ever served in the armed

time we come out, just a simple

coming home from the Vietnam

dialogue between all those in

gap between those who have

forces, many in the audience

‘thank you for your service’ or just

war, but observes a recent

attendance. Students, veterans

served, and those who haven’t.

feared a growing disconnect

acknowledging that we served.”

increase in acknowledgement

and faculty members all shared

Military history brought to life during parade By Alaysha Powell

and cheers filled the air as

tries to say thank you, she has


veterans marched down the

dedicated her career as a comedian

streets, waving to the crowds of

performing for veterans.

On Nov. 11, people gathered downtown to celebrate the

family, friends and supporters. One spectator, Suzanne

“They come up to me afterwards and hug me and they literally cry

celebrate because it’s hard.” When the parade was over, everyone was invited to meet in

they need them, resources like dental care and stuff like that.” According to Thibodeau, there

Civic Center Park where they were

is a misconception that because a

greeted with music, food and booth.

person is a veteran, they have the

veterans that have risked their

Krut, spoke to the importance of

because I hug them,” Krut said.

lives for American freedom.

making a veteran feel appreciated.

“They are just so wanting, a lot of

and resources for veterans and their

Krut and others feel like showing

As one of the many ways Krut

them. Look what they do, how many

families, including MSU Denver

support is the most important thing

people want to run into gunfire

Veteran and Military Student

to do for those who have served.

just for people who don’t really

Services. The group works to help

half-appreciate them sometimes?”

student veterans with everything

We run around with our $500,000

The parade was designed to

The sound of music, horns

“We take so much for granted.

from their education to finding a

telephones thinking we’ve got

support group for those who may

problems. We don’t have any

have occurred in American military

not have anyone they can talk to.

and it’s because of them that

The booth provided pamphlets

we don’t have any,” Krut said.

from the Civil War to World War

on how to sign up for different

II. To enhance the experience,

types of insurance, and resources

minutes and say hi and thank you.

almost everyone from the

for coping with the trauma caused

Everyone you see with a veterans

parade was dressed up in war

while serving, from sexual assault

hat on wants you to tell them thank

memorabilia from each era.

to other mental health issues.

you. They wouldn’t be wearing that

Seeing the representations

“We provide a place for veterans

for each era caused several

to come and hang out and do their

spectators to choke up as the

homework and eat lunch,” said

parade flowed past them.

Chris Thibodeau, a member of MSU

“It’s just a really good thing

Cadets march in front of the Colorado State Capitol during the Denver Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 11.

support that they need. That is why

show the different conflicts that history, covering everything

Photo by Jolene Yazzie | jyazzle@msudenver.edu

Among the booths were charities

Denver Veteran and Military Student

to do,” said Kim Eos, a spectator.

Services. “We also provide a place

“My dad is dead and he was in

for the veterans to just come in and

World War II, my brother was in

share war stories and support each

the Vietnam War so it’s kind of

other. We have a host of resources

really important to join in and

that we can refer veterans to if

“Write a letter. Just take five

hat if they didn’t want recognition for the things they’ve been through.”

If you are interested in volunteering contact the MSU Denver Veteran and Military Student Services at 303-556-4294 or visit them in Tivoli room 243.

offers free ads One free sixteenth-page ad in The Metropolitan to all MSU Denver student organization per semester. Contact Sales@MyMetMedia.com or 303-615-0155



NOVEMBER 15, 2017

Men’s basketball preview By Taylor Oxenfeld toxenfel@msudenver.edu

new strategies Bahl has implemented. “The up-tempo, he has a lot of

team, earning a National Association of Basketball Coaches national player

confidence for a first year,” Williams

of the year award and first-team

said of Bahl. “You couldn’t tell it’s

All-America honors. Even though

MSU Denver Roadrunners look to heat

his first year. He’s coaching like

the younger Jefferson is one of the

up the men’s basketball season with

he’s been doing it for 10 years.”

youngest players on the team, he already

As the temperature cools down, the

a new head coach, a lot of firepower

Williams’ role is to be a leader

from leaders and a program legacy.

and help teach the younger athletes

Head coach Michael Bahl made his

realizes how good of a coach Bahl is. “I like his play style,” Jefferson

on the team how to be a Roadrunner

said. “I like his coaching ability,

debut against the reigning NCAA DII

basketball player. He averaged just

he’s a player’s coach and I think

basketball champions, the Tarleton

over 27 points per game in his first

he’s good for the franchise.”

State University Texans. Bahl plans to

season at MSU Denver last year,

implement the new style of basketball

and is ready to be a mentor.

he has been coaching so far. The

“Just go hard, put in the extra

Bahl talked about how much change he wants to make, now that he is the one taking the reins. Last season,

Roadrunners started the season last

work and you have to get better,” said

he saw the Roadrunners finish the

weekend against the Texans and Angelo

Williams. “They’re going to be seniors

season 17-13 overall, with a conference

State University Rams in the Texan

in the future and they’ll have younger

record just above .500 at 12-10. MSU

Tip-Off Classic. MSU Denver came out

ones looking up to them. So just go

Denver won eight of their 14 home

winless in the tournament, but both

hard, and fake it ‘til you make it.”

games. Now, Bahl wants to emphasize

teams are NCAA Tournament contenders.

Marcus Jefferson, a true freshman,

success on their home court.

The Roadrunners will continue a

is one of the teammates that are

tough opening schedule on the road,

trying to “make it.” He came to MSU

home,” Bahl said. “When we were really

but that doesn’t make Bahl flinch.

Denver because of some wise words

good, we didn’t lose home games. That’s

from his brother, who played for

one thing we pride ourselves on, is when

the Roadrunners from 2010-14.

people come to our place, we don’t lose

“We got to take it one day at a time,” Bahl said. “Our first four games are on the road against NCAA Tournament

“I’ve known about the Roadrunner

teams. We have a tough road ahead of

franchise for a long time,” Jefferson

us, but it’s sustaining the course and

said. “My brother went here and I’m

believing in our process and getting the

happy to carry on his legacy.”

guys to buy in to our system and style.” Cameron Williams, one of four

Back in the 2013-14 season, the

“We have to take care of business at

at home. Last year at home, we weren’t the best, and that needs to change.” Roadrunners can run up to 20 Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

mph in the wild, but this basketball team will be looking to speed by the

Roadrunners went 30-2 overall and

competition in the RMAC and kicking

returning seniors on the team, has

were undefeated at home. Marcus

up dust on their way to victory.

bought into the system. He is excited to

Jefferson’s brother, Brandon, was a

be coached under this format with the

central figure on the Elite Eight-bound

Then-junior Cam Williams dunks in warmups before the Roadrunners’ game against University of Colorado, Colorado Springs on Feb. 18. Williams has embraced a leadership role on this year’s team.

Women’s basketball preview By Richard Allen

Colorado, Colorado Springs in their first

“I’m not huge on personal goals,”


game. With that, their season was over,

Ohrdorf said. “Whatever comes, comes.

leaving an eagerness all summer and fall.

I just want to see us win a championship.

“Being that close, and making it to

I’ve been here four years and we haven’t

After a return to form in 2016-17, the MSU Denver women’s basketball

that first round after we hadn’t in two

team is looking to turn a corner

years is a motivator for us,” said senior

going into the new season.

guard J’Nae Squires-Horton. “We want

first postseason play since 2014.

When the Roadrunners’ season began

to go farther. I think we can see ourselves

The Roadrunners haven’t advanced

winning an RMAC championship,

through the RMAC playoffs to an

campaign for the team. Even after starting

so that’s a motivator for us too.”

NCAA regional since 2013.

Squires-Horton is one piece of a mostly

To get there once again, they will

built team is optimistic, with a roster nearly

returning core from last season. Five

have to go through tough conference

identical to last year’s. After putting up

players started more than 20 games, a

competition, featuring nationally ranked

a winning record for the first time in four

third of the schedule, in that campaign.

No. 5 Colorado State University-Pueblo

years, the next step for the program is to

The only non-returnee is Luisa Tago,

and No. 22 Fort Lewis College. The

prove their legitimacy and take the next

whom the team lost to graduation.

Roadrunners were chosen to finish fifth

step forward. Head coach Tanya Haave

Nine of the 12 players on this year’s

in the RMAC in the preseason coaches

has high expectations for the season.

roster are upperclassmen, and seven of

poll. Smith and Ohrdorf were selected

them were Roadrunners last season.

to the preseason all-conference team.

“I think the NCAA Tournament. Those first three years that I was here, that

The team will be anchored by a trio

MSU Denver dropped their first two

was our benchmark,” Haave said. “That

of all-RMAC players: Squires-Horton

games of the season in Commerce, Texas,

needs to be it every year. That we’re in

and guard Jaelynn Smith, who were

against Texas A&M University-Commerce

that tournament every single year.”

both named second team, and first team

and Lubbock Christian University, who fell

forward Georgia Ohrdorf. Last year’s team

just outside the top 25 in the preseason

Roadrunners to their best three-year

utilized a strong defense, which averaged

national coaches poll. The Roadrunners

stretch in program history. They went

the fewest points allowed per game in the

return to Colorado to play in Golden

78-17 and visited the NCAA Tournament

RMAC, paired with this trio to find success.

against two more non-RMAC teams

twice. However, the next three years did

Ohrdorf, Squires-Horton and Smith ranked

before starting their home schedule

not go as smoothly, as their best season

fourth, 12th and 15th in the conference in

Nov. 24 in the Holiday Inn Cherry Creek

was a 13-13 run in 2014-15. Last year,

points per game, respectively. Ohrdorf

Classic. They begin conference play Dec.

the team put together their first winning

is the team’s lone fourth-year player,

1 at South Dakota School of Mines and

season since 2012-13. This resulted in

and last year’s accreditation was her

Technology, beginning a three-month-

a Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

first tangible recognition. With her

long battle for a place in the RMAC

Tournament berth, but they exited

personal triumphs recognized, she’s

Tournament at the end of February.

quickly after a 66-62 loss to University of

ready for team success to follow.

After arriving in 2010, Haave led the

Senior J’Nae Squires-Horton receives a pass at practice on Nov. 6. The Roadrunners season began on Nov. 10 with a 70-67 loss to Texas A&M University-Commerce.

The loss to UCCS was the program’s

on Nov. 10, it launched a “prove it” the season 0-2, the largely upperclassmen-

Photo by Richard Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

really gotten to tournament play.”

NOVEMBER 15, 2017



Sports stance: Cheap Band-Aids don’t work The Denver Broncos are in

the final 53-man roster, either.

of the front office were able to

uncharted territory. They’ve

Granted, the team was coming

address another nagging issue, the

had low points in years past,

off of a championship, but it was

offensive line, with the additions

like the three season stretch

evident late in the season that

of Garett Bolles and Ron Leary,

from 2008-10 that saw the team

the offense needed attention.

but the Band-Aids that they placed

choke the playoffs away in

The ensuing regular season

over the open wounds of the

hilarious fashion in back-to-back

was terrible for the offense,

abysmal running back group and

seasons. The 2017 Broncos have

ranking no higher than 21st in

‘meh’ receiving corps surfaced.

miraculously eclipsed these levels

the league in any of the three

Merely covering a wound of

of ineptitude in the recent months.

major statistical offensive

that degree isn’t sufficient

categories: total yards, passing

when it needs to be stitched.

After starting the season 3-1, the Broncos are in the midst of

yards and rushing yards.

a five-game losing streak that includes losses to three of the

The pieces that once worked James Burky

league’s best teams; the New

Elway and company began to recognize this and began to

are starting to break down as

add new components. Carlos

well. Demaryius Thomas, at his

Henderson, a receiver from

England Patriots, the Kansas City

campaign the following season.

peak, was considered to be one of

Louisiana Tech University who

Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles.

In the final seven games, his eight

the best deep threats in the NFL.

was selected in the third round

interceptions nearly matched his

That’s nice, but it doesn’t help

of this year’s NFL Draft, has

includes embarrassing losses

nine touchdowns and marked

when the guys throwing him the

a load of potential, but mid-

to the then-previously winless

the beginning of the end of a

ball lack even a shred of accuracy

round picks like him are rarely

New York Giants and the last-

short-lived period of dominant

when passing beyond 10 yards

difference makers this early into

place Los Angeles Chargers.

Broncos’ offense; a phase that has

down the field. Thomas and fellow

their careers, especially when

been in a drastic freefall since.

receiver Emmanuel Sanders make

joining an offense like this.

However, this stretch also

Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better.

Since the end of the Manning

for a good pair, but neither strike

This is one that has no ferocity,

One of the more obvious causes

era, the front office hasn’t done

fear into the defense the same

confidence or teeth to bite

for concern is the anemic offense.

squat to provide capable support

way players like A.J. Green, Julio

with. Push them over once and

When was the last time the

for quarterbacks Trevor Siemian,

Jones or Antonio Brown do. Both

they’ll stay down for the rest of

Broncos put together a complete

Brock Osweiler or Paxton Lynch.

players are still far and away the

the game. Even the once-great

most talented players on this

defense looked disenfranchised

season by a quarterback? 2013?

In 2016, following a Super

That year, Peyton Manning

Bowl victory and a season

side of the ball for the Broncos,

in their 51-23 loss to the Eagles.

had what might be the best

where Manning and Osweiler

and teams like the Jacksonville

This won’t change until the

single season performance by

underwhelmed, they signed

Jaguars and Kansas City Chiefs

decision-makers realize that a

a quarterback in NFL history,

no free agents to improve the

could pay a handsome sum for

broken arm can’t be fixed with

amassing 5,477 passing yards and

receiving corps nor did they

the services of either receiver.

bandages and Neosporin.

tossing 55 touchdowns. He broke

draft any. None of the undrafted

down halfway through the 2014

receivers they signed made

This past spring, general manager John Elway and the rest

Nuggets center is no Jokic By Giacomo DiFranco

with six triple doubles, only trailing


Russell Westbrook, James Harden and Lebron James in that category.

Denver Nuggets center Nikola

In the beginning of the second

Jokic is quickly making his name

half of the 2016-17 season, the

known around the NBA, signified

Nuggets began to run their offense

by his Western Conference Player

through Jokic and they never looked

of the Week award on Nov. 13.

back. He was inserted as a full-time

Jokic began the week by

starter on Dec. 15, 2016. From that

dropping a career-high 41 points

point on, the Nuggets had the best

against the Brooklyn Nets to

offense in the league, averaging

go along with 12 rebounds, five

113.3 points per 100 possessions

assists, two steals and two blocks.

during their last 57 games.

He finished the week posting

Jokic is the most prominent

consecutive double-doubles as

player the Nuggets have had since

well, averaging 22.7 points and

Carmelo Anthony left the team

just over 13 rebounds in the three

in 2011. The hope is that with the Photo courtesy of Mile High Sports

games played from Nov. 6-12. In reward for his efforts, Jokic became the 17th Denver Nugget to take

Nikola Jokic, of the Denver Nuggets, plays offense against Brooklyn Nets player Quincy Acy at the Pepsi Center on Nov. 7.

home Player of the Week honors

young talent they are building around him, they will be able to compete with the elite teams in the league in the foreseeable

and the first since Ty Lawson

man to one of the best players at

and a style of play that coined him

future. Fans are hopeful that his

won the award in March 2013.

his position in the league in a short

the nickname “the Joker,” relevant

emergence will attract more big

The 22-year-old, 6-foot-10-

time period. He is only in his third

for both his tricks on the court and

names to Denver in the same

inch Serbian is averaging 17.2

season and is part of a new era of

his personality off the court.

vein as the signing of All-Star

points and 12 rebounds per game,

larger players who can do it all,

while shooting 42.6 percent

filling up the box score on a nightly

season brought the Nuggets back to

from the 3-point line in the

basis. He is known for his vision

relevancy, only missing the playoffs

franchise is in the young

early part of 2017-18 season.

and imagination on the court as he

by one game. In his second NBA

star’s hands, and he looks

makes plays that seem impossible,

season, Jokic finished the year

primed to the play the part.

Jokic went from an awkward big

His offensive outbreak last

power forward Paul Millsap. The success of the Nuggets

NATIONAL BRIEFS Avalanche get swept in Sweden The Colorado Avalanche traveled to Stockholm to play the Ottawa Sentors in the NHL’s new Global Series. The Avs dropped both games 4-3, only managing to pick up one point after forcing overtime in game one of the series. Matt Duchene, whom the Avs traded to the Senators five days before the series started, did not score or get an assist, and fi nished the series with a -3 scoreline. The Avalanche return to home ice on Nov. 16 against the Washington Capitals.` Jamal Murray sets a career high in points Second-year Denver Nuggets point guard Jamal Murray set a career high in points against the Orlando Magic on Nov. 11. Murray scored 32 points in the game, including 22 in the fi rst half. His previous career high was 30. Murray was 12-21 from the field and 6-9 from three-point range. He also had four rebounds and played 34 minutes. The Nuggets beat the Magic in blowout fashion, 125-107. Major shakeup in college football after weekend of upsets The College Football Playoff rankings have been wildly altered after a weekend full of upsets. No. 1 University of Georgia was blown out by No. 10 Auburn University, No. 3 University of Notre Dame lost to No. 7 University of Miami and No. 9 University of Washington lost to unranked Stanford University. Several other seeded upsets also occured in the Top 25. As a result of the chaotic weekend, Alabama takes over as the new No. 1 in the College Football Playoff poll, with Clemson University, Miami and University of Oklahoma rounding out the top four. No. 3 Miami and No. 2 Clemson still have to play each other later this season, and now No. 6 Auburn plays No. 1 Alabama in the Iron Bowl to fi nish off their seasons. Th is means the rankings could still see at least one more major shift before the College Football Playoff begins in January. USA Curling Team Trials begin in Omaha, Nebraska The team trials for a spot on the USA Olympic Curling Team began in Omaha, Nebraska on Nov. 11. Some of the best curlers in the country compete for a chance to represent the United States at the 2018 Winter Olympics from Feb. 9-25 in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The trials wrap up Nov. 18.






Transgender Day of Remembrance

Location Tivoli Multicultural


Cut Copy

Location Ogden Theater

NOVEMBER 15, 2017




Women’s Basketball

Location Hi-Dive

Price $30

Price $12

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


11.17 Rocky Mountain Location TBA

Price Free

11.17 vs. University of Sioux

Athletic Conference Time TBA

Falls South Dakota Location Golden Time 3 p.m.

Time 11 a.m. 11.17

Suicide Silence

Location Marquis Theater 11.16

Claudia Rankin Author of Citizen: An American Lyric

Location Tivoli Turnhalle Price Free Time 12:30 p.m.


The Flobots

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $22

Price $12

Time 7 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Men’s Basketball 11.17 vs. Northwest Missouri

Women’s Basketball 11.18 vs. Central Washington

State University Location Away 11.18

Disco Biscuts

Location Fillmore Auditorium


Liam Gallagher

Time 6 p.m.

University Location Golden Time 3 p.m.

Location Gothic Theater

Price $32

Price $37

Time 7 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.


Side by Side by Sondheim - by Stephen Sondheim

Location King Center Price Varies



Location Larimer Lounge


Tori Amos



Location Parmount Theater

Price $15

Price $50+

Time 11 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

11.16 vs. Washington Capitals Location Pepsi Center

11.18 vs. Nashville Predators Location Away Time 6 p.m.

Time 7 p.m. 11.19

Joyce Manor

Location Summit Music Hall 11.19

Senior Recital: Dylan Brule, percussion



Location Parmount Theater

Price $22

Price $65+

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8:30 p.m.

Nuggets 11.17 vs. New Orleans

Location King Center


Recital Hall Price Free Time 5:30 p.m.


Location Pepsi Center 11.20

Escape the Fate

Location Ogden Theater


Free Throw

Time 8:30 p.m.

Price $12

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Broncos 11.19 vs. Cincinnati Bengals Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter

Mom Jeans

Location Seventh Circle

Time 7:30 p.m.

Location Moon Room

Price $25


11.19 vs. LA Lakers Location Away



Location Marquis Theater

Price $12

Price $18

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Home Time 2:25 p.m.

Broncos 11.26 vs. Oakland Raiders Location Away Time 2:25 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS Louis C.K. Five women have come

Loot crates deliver a boycott Electronic Arts Games faced a

It’s-a me, Hollywood! Illumination Entertainment, the

Lord of the ratings Amazon is set to produce a

Brand New Frontman for legendary emo

forward with accusations of sexual

wave of fan backlash when it was

production company behind the

series based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s

band Brand New, Jesse Lacey,

misconduct against comedian

discovered that certain characters

“Minions” franchise, is currently

“The Lord of the Rings” novels.

has been accused of sexual

and actor Louis C.K. He issued

in their new game, “Star Wars:

making a deal with Nintendo

Amazon has given the series a

misconduct with multiple women

an apology, admitting that the

Battlefront II,” would take over 40

for an animated film based on

multi-season commitment in a

when they were minors. Lacey

claims were true. FX canceled

hours of playtime to save enough

“Super Mario.” The film will

deal with Warner Bros. TV and

responded over the weekend

its deal with C.K.’s production

in-game credits to unlock, unless

serve as a redemption for the

the Tolkien estate. The series will

with a blanket apology for his

company, and that he will no

players paid money to unlock

1993 film, and critical disaster,

feature all new storylines, and will

behavior, without admitting to

longer be executive producer or

the character instead. EA Games

“Super Mario Bros.” Nintendo

serve as a prequel, taking place

any specific allegations. The

receive compensation on any of

has been heavily criticized about

president Tatsumi Kimishima

sometime before the events of

band has indefinitely postponed

the four shows the network was

their “pay-to-win” structure

said that the company was in

“The Fellowship of the Ring.”

their upcoming European tour in

producing with him. Universal

of the new “Star Wars” game,

talks with several Hollywood

light of the accusations, and the

Entertainment also removed him

and the news regarding heroes

companies about bringing the

future of the band is uncertain.

from the upcoming sequel to

upset fans enough to cause a

character back to the big screen.

“The Secret Life Of Pets,” and

massive amount of canceled

Netflix will no longer be producing

pre-orders. The company reacted

his second stand-up special

by lowering prices to the heroes,

for the streaming platform.

from 60,000 in-game credits to 10-15,000. “Star Wars: Battlefront II” releases on Nov. 17.

NOVEMBER 15, 2017

Staff mixtape

Comedian memoirs

1. Yes Please // Amy Poehler

3. Bossypants // Tina Fey 4. Modern Romance // Aziz Ansari 5. Girl Walks Into A Bar // Rachel Dratch

“I love old paintings of baby Jesus.“


Overheard “Is someone screaming? Oh yeah, he’s watching curling.“

Curated by: DJ Big Sky

The Black Parade is dead. Gone are the days of closing the goddamn door. Thanks for the memories, but our misery business has been cut from the team. The revival of emo music has created both a sound and conversation too big for its skinny jeans. A cultural movement led by angst-ridden teens with too many of the not-so-great kind of feelings, the genre is still fronted by those same folks some 10 years later. Bands like My Chemical Romance and The Used were some of the first to tackle issues relating to mental health with their music, doing so with reckless abandon and copious amounts of eyeliner. But fast-forwarding past the days of MySpace, the emo revival exists as a campaign to destroy social norms surrounding gender, personal expression and of course, mental health. Here are 12 songs to soundtrack your continuing existential crises in a Hot Topic. Go on and swoop those bangs across your forehead, my friend. It’s okay to not be okay.

2. Born Standing Up // Steve Martin

“Why did you strike me?”


“I too hover over people for a few seconds and then walk away.“ “Oh, grandpa’s taking shots in the bathroom.“

1. January 10th, 2014 // The World Is A Beautiful Place 2. Hey Amy // Can’t Swim 3. Play Dead // A Will Away 4. Pallet Town // Free Throw 5. Like Myself // You Blew It! 6. Your Deep Rest // The Hotelier 7. Whatever // All Get Out 8. Vomit // Microwave 9. Are You Afraid Of God? No, But I’m Afraid Of You // Marietta 10. Edward 40hands // Mom Jeans. 11. I’m Sorry, You’re Great // Dowsing 12. But // Dads

Brain games Across

42. Rap sheet name


33. Fed. smog watchdog

1. Wins in a walkover

43. Compressed data

1. Lightning attractor

34. Beatle suffix

6. Show signs of life

44. Cereal husk

2. 1300 hours

35. Surmise

10. Interrogative word

45. Less at ease

3. Wire measure

36. Think the world of

14. Soubise base

47. Like this clue

4. Eleventh president

38. Limestone terrane

15. Pitch

50. Cold coat

5. Paradigms of

39. Rubber bands

16. Distinctive quality

52. It can follow you


40. Hanks vehicle

17. Mason’s Street?

53. ‘’Surf the big wave!’’

6. Pursue stealthily

44. Started, as a

18. Chords define them

56. Etiquette authority

7. Rich cake


19. Hot tempers

57. Shakespearean

8. Rainfall measure

45. Figure on an

20. ‘’Ask for a time-out!’’


9. Scientific inquiry

Australian stamp

23. Book end?

58. Taxpayer’s dread

10. Imitated a siren

46. Get off track

26. Analogous

62. Euclid’s lake

11. Second largest of the

47. Where many go

27. Gladiator’s stages

63. ‘’Braveheart’’ group

Great Lakes


28. Slip away, as time

64. Indurate

12. Betel palm

48. Laundry, e.g.

30. Opinionated equine

65. Penury

13. To-do list entries

49. Famous riveter

31. Snooty attitudes

66. ‘’The ___ of Katie

21. Taradiddle

50. A daughter of King

32. Punch back


22. Largest Greek island



67. Ditched cargo

23. Spot’s tether

51. Visual mnemonics

34. First name among

24. 12-pitch type

54. Good circle?

soccer legends

25. Lollygag

55. Moon goddess

37. ‘’Get the music

29. 23rd Greek letter

59. Thought it was groovy


30. Places for tumblers

60. Long-term investment

41. ‘’Watch it, buster!’’

32. Uxmal sight

61. Gymnast’s quest


Top 5


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