Volume 40, Issue 14 - Nov. 15, 2017

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 40

NO. 14

NOVEMBER 15, 2017


Civilians reconnect with Veterans

Photo by Carl Payne | cpayne@msudenver.edu

US Army Specialist, and UCD student, Abigea Kassa hands out honorary American flags to military veterans during the Tri-Institutional Veterans Day ceremony on Auraria Campus Nov. 11.


pg. 6

Hick’s term ends soon, replacements debate By Esteban Fernandez

rest of the country that is possible


that democracy still works?” Three different topics were

Seven gubernatorial candidates

Out of the candidates present, four had previous political or civil service experience. Johnston

With the exception of Wood,


the rest were Democrats. Candidates kept on eye on a


| pg. 3

covered during the forum, which

represented northeast Denver,

green future for the state while

Campus week of action discusses

made a play to stand out on Nov.

were energy, immigration and

Polis still serves in office and

paying credit to the legacy of


12 at St. Cajetan’s event center.

Colorado elections. Energy

Lopez served as mayor of

oil in Colorado. Fracking was

was the most prominent topic

Parker. Kennedy worked as a

one of the major issues raised

former politicians and civil

A mix of businessmen,

discussed, taking an hour of

budget analyst in the governor’s

during the energy debate. Polis


servants debated Colorado

debate time compared to the

office before winning statewide

was challenged for his reversal

Stormtroopers v. cylons

politics during the three hour

half hour that the two other

election as treasurer.

on a 2014 anti-fracking measure

debate. The debate was hosted

sections were allotted.

by a coalition of 13 different non

Johnston, Noel Ginsburg,

Ginsburg has 37 years of experience as businessman.

| pg. 4

to have a boundary of 2,500 for fracking wells from homes.


| pg. 6

profit and activist groups such

Former Treasurer Cary Kennedy,

He has no prior political

as Together We Will Colorado

Former Mayor Greg Lopez,

experience. Underwood is a tech

and have supported personally

and 350 Colorado.

Congressman Jared Polis,

entrepreneur. He ran as a GOP

and financially 1,500 and

Matthew Wood, and Erik

senate candidate in 2016. This

2,000 foot setbacks that allow


before us is what are we going to

Underwood all participated. Also

year, he switched parties to run

homeowners to have it closer

Women’s basketball prepares to

do to try to bind this state back

invited but not present were Lt.

as a Democrat. He describes

if they want, through surface

take the next step

together in a moment when it

Gov. Donna Lynne and Kathleen

himself as fiscally conservative

use agreements,” Polis said.

feels most divided,” said former

Cunningham. However, Lynne’s

but socially liberal. Wood hails

State Sen. Michael Johnston as

campaign sent a statement to the

from Grand Junction and has

the debate kicked off. “And what

forum explaining her absence as

no government experience.

are we going to do to prove to the

well as her campaign’s platform.

“I think the question posed

Lopez was the only Republican.

“I’ve been on the record

| Continued on pg. 2

Auraria campus celebrates veterans

| pg. 8

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