Volume 40, Issue 15 - Nov. 29, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 15

NOVEMBER 29, 2017


Denver fallout left by ghosts of Cold War Safety questions linger over Rocky Flats



| pg. 3

Interstate expansion raises community concerns


| pg. 5

Rethinking reviews and semester survival


| pg. 7

Making movies fun again


| pg. 11

Volleyball ready for NCAA tournament









NOVEMBER 29, 2017



No easy answers for residents of ElyriaSwansea community amid I-70 expansion By James Burky

to be demolished, many of

Congregational Church, has been


which belong to second- and

a member of the community

third-generation residents.

for nearly 11 years. He is not

Family legacies face a

That’s not to say that this is an

without concerns over the imminent change to his home.

continued threat from the

unnecessary renovation, however.

bulldozer. The Colorado

The highway was constructed

Department of Transportation

in 1956 and the infrastructure

It’ll be repopulated in 10 years

continues its plan for I-70’s

last saw repairs in the 1980s.

but what everyone’s missing is:

expansion under fierce criticism

Now, over 60 years later, the

what are we going to do with the

from Elyria-Swansea residents.

base of the interstate’s bridge is

poor people? And the elderly that

collapsing. With concrete falling

live here?” he said. “It’s not that

interstate will be the 12-mile

and support beams visible,

change shouldn’t come, and we

stretch from Brighton Boulevard

leaving the framework in its

should always want change. I don’t

to Teller Road. Criticism of the

current state is not an option.

think people are really thinking

The affected area of the

project is directed toward a

“The need to get this highway

“Denver needs to expand.

about what they’re displacing when they change things.”

2-mile stretch along this route

going again, it’s critical,” said

where residents feel that the

CDOT I-70 East Communications

demolition of the surrounding

and Public Affairs Manager

in the construction, his church’s

homes is avoidable and could

Rebecca White. “The repairs

congregation will see dwindling

lead to gentrification of the area.

made in the ‘80s are failing,

attendance, which already hovers

Though his home will be spared

at just around 60 parishioners at each service. He said he’s afraid that he and his neighbors have simply been forgotten about. “I’m afraid that people who are in the know don’t care,” he said. This feeling is familiar to other residents of the neighborhood. A common concern among the residents of Elyria-Swansea is added pollution to the neighborhood. According to ATTOM Data Solutions, ElyriaSwansea’s zip code, 80216, is the most polluted zip code in Photos by Brandon N. Sanchez

America. This reality is the base

Kim Gratehouse, on Nov. 18, discusses how she and her family have been residents of the Elyria-Swansea community since she was a child. Her mother and grandmother now live in two neighboring homes.

“We grew up here, my kids grew up around here,” said Kim Gratehouse, a former resident

for a common concern among the residents of the neighborhood. With pollution from the Purina

Pastor Robert Quintana, of the Pilgrim Congregational Church of Denver, explains on Nov. 18 how the I-70 project will impact many of the residents in the coming year.

factory and the addition of construction, rerouting nearby

more difficult from an engineering

“Gentrification isn’t all bad,

we’ve got a critical safety issue

trains and sitting traffic, Quintana

standpoint, it was chosen with the

but it is in the sense that younger

to address in our state.”

is worried that the four-year

best interests of the community in

white people taking the place of

construction period will only

mind.With construction inevitably

older, hispanic families that have

add to the contamination.

moving forward, residents like

been here forever,” he said, “Now where are they going to go?”

The job is expected to start

of the neighborhood. “That

summer of 2018 and reach

little liquor store Ciancio’s,

completion in spring of 2022. It

Quintana worry about the future

the little lady who owns it, she

is projected to cost $1.3 billion,

of their community as the city

knows all of us and my kids by

according to The Denver Post.

name because we’ve been here

CDOT will pay an upfront sum

for so long. This used to be a

of $687 million and will have

really good community, people

to make annual payments

watched out for each other.”

to the expansion’s contract

Though the renovation requires

company, KMP, to repay for

demolishing homes, residents

costs of the initial construction,

like Gratehouse are certain that

maintenance and upkeep.

the change will pave a path for

In response to CDOT’s

gentrification, causing the area

unwavering commitment to

to lose its current residents

this plan, locals started the

and sense of community.

“Ditch the Ditch” movement

The 2-mile stretch lies adjacent

in hopes of rallying enough

“Denver needs to expand. It’ll be repopulated in 10 years but what everyone’s missing is: what are we going to do with the poor people? And the elderly that live here?” –Robert Quintana While some residents claim

to the primarily low-income,

community support to stop the

CDOT has not shown transparency

Latino neighborhood of Elyria-

demolition of one of Denver’s

in the project, White said the

Swansea in Denver. CDOT and

historic neighborhoods.

decision to lower the bridge and

Kiawit Meridiam Partners plan

However, there’s no simple

to demolish a 30-foot bridge

solution to pleasing both CDOT

and transform it into a ground-

and Elyria-Swansea’s residents.

level tunnel. The construction

Robert Quintana, pastor of

will require more than 50 homes

the neighborhood’s Pilgrimage

of Denver continues to grow.

turn it into a tunnel was the best option for the community. According to White, while the solution of removing the bridge and turning it into a tunnel is

A home in the Elyria-Swansea neighborhood has a sign protesting the I-70 project displayed outside.



NOVEMBER 29, 2017

MSU Denver continues contraceptive coverage percent of women in the U.S. will not be affected.

By Hannah McPherson hmcphers@msudenver.edu

“Birth control does more than control pregnancy. It controls health conditions

The health center at Auraria has been

like endometriosis. I don’t know why

working with students to clarify the new

we’re afraid of it,” said Danielle Schott,

HHS provisions for those enrolled in

an MSU Denver nursing student.

the Student Health Insurance Program and individual healthcare plans.

In response to the Trump administration’s actions, Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile

The health center provides guidance

Richards said, “This is an unacceptable attack

for students who need help choosing

on basic health care that the vast majority

the best health care option.

of women rely on. We’re talking about a

“The cheapest plans don’t meet a student’s needs. You’re throwing away money because you get nothing in return,” said Stephen

fundamental right, to be able to decide whether and when you want to have children.” The ACA originally required all

Monaco, Director of the health center. “We

insurance plans to fully cover FDA-approved

want students to be educated consumers.”

contraceptives. The new rules released

SHIP coverage remains true to the original Affordable Care Act mandates. The Department of Health and Human

by the Trump administration in October “provide conscience protections to Americans who have a religious or moral objection

Services under the Trump administration

to paying for health insurance that covers

announced two significant changes to

contraceptive/abortifacient services,”

the Affordable Care Act on Oct. 6.

according to the HHS website news release.

The new regulations allow businesses

Photo by Lauren Cordova | scordo22@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver students Jessica and Thomas Mindenhall exit the Auraira Health Center Plaza building on April 11.

Madeline Davies, a philosophy and history

and religious organizations to cease offering

major at University of Colorado Denver,

contraceptives in their health plans. The

said that President Trump misunderstands

department estimated that 200 entities will be

reasons that he doesn’t seem to listen to.”

lab and x-rays and reproductive care costs.

For students choosing individual health

SHIP still fully covers FDA-approved

why birth control coverage is desired.

plans, Monaco recommended comparing the

contraceptives, and programs like Planned

effected based on the number of lawsuits filed

“The actions that he has taken doesn’t

deductible and coinsurance rate. He advised

Parenthood continue to provide affordable

with moral or religious objections, according to

take into consideration why women use

students to create columns and compare

birth control for women who are not insured.

their press release. They also stated that 99.9

birth control. Women use it for a variety of

routine healthcare, urgent care, inpatient care,



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NOVEMBER 29, 2017



Recommendations not reviews


’m sure we’ve all heard the

Indeed, what does bachelor

adage about opinions regarding

Chad Blowhard, age 44, think of

a certain body cavity and the

the new Taylor Swift album?

fact that everyone’s got one. But

Which brings me to the media

experience the art with a critical eye. Granted, it’s kind of a thrill only to have yours strengthened

also regarding opinions, it works

critics themselves. These folks get

by its “inaccuracies.” I bet you’re

when you use the aforementioned

to see or hear whatever they’re

doing it right now. Because,

word as an adjective; they’re the

reviewing for free. And actually,

Entertainment Weekly’s review of

loudest in the room and they’re

they’re getting paid to write

“Daddy’s Home 2” actually saved

always trying to put you down.

about it, too. What kind of half-

your life once, and how dare I

assed, superficial experience are

try to convince you otherwise.

I ask you to apply this thinking to reviews (which are the glorified opinions of journalism). Reviews

we sending these guys out for?

Montana Martin

serve as a way to critically view

The argument can be made that

As an aspiring music journalist,

reviews serve as a way to “know

I have never felt quite right

before you go.” But ask yourself;

the media we all consume, and

them reasons not to? I understand

about getting free entry into a

do you really need to know the

introduce us to things that we

we are all problem solvers with

show. And these shows, may I

metacritic score of “Boss Baby”

may not have known without the

our own unique and invaluable

add, exist to provide musicians

to help you make that decision?

recommendations of “experts.”

opinions. But opinions are like the

enough cash to pay their rent.

But instead, the things that stick

participation awards of thought. No

with us the most are usually the

matter how much heart you pour

disconnected formula of “media

what it means. And if you’re woke

negatives within these write-ups.

into the game, the guy who takes

coverage” separates me from the

enough like me, you’re going to

The way we approach music,

articles from The Onion at face value

experiences that everyone else

agree.” Instead, step outside your

movie and television reviews are

also gets the same shiny trophy.

in the room is having. Those in

own ass and tell me what it is,

negatively impacting the way we

That’s why I believe reviews

More to my point, this

When writing reviews, free yourself from the formula, “This is

attendance made an extracurricular

not what it should be to everyone

consume it, often before we get

should be consumed with a more

investment of time and money. But

else. Be the expert you’ve asserted

to consume it for ourselves.

critical eye than the media itself.

the critic is the one who has the final

yourself to be, and prepare me for my own experience with the media.

Shouldn’t we be spending our

What are these people behind

say on how it was for everyone? This

energy encouraging others to

the bylines trying to make me

formula sets critics out to deliver

consume media, rather than give

believe by writing this review?

on their namesake, rather than


to read someone else’s opinion

Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media



Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media

t’s the most stressful time of the

Rinse and repeat for 14 weeks.

than 24 hours that you haven’t

year, especially for us students.

Then Thanksgiving hits.

gotten an A or B on. The only

The post-Thanksgiving blitz

Suddenly we become aware

one I can is a paper that I forgot

of project turn-in’s, finals and, of

of all of these assignments and

my “Works Cited” page for, and

course, finding a magical stash

we all turn into little coffee-fueled

the professor changed the 50 to

of cash somewhere so we can

stress balls sharing memes about

a 90 once I apologized for the

get gifts for friends and relatives

never sleeping and being one more

mistake and gave her the page.

and deal with the holidays.

assignment away from just deciding

But let’s all admit, we live for

to wash our hands of our degree.

So MSU Denver students, hear me:

this. We thrive in this. We’ve known

Due dates define your life, and you

about these assignments since the

contemplate quitting your job just

Now let’s put the pro in it. There’s

beginning of the semester and we

because it suddenly is robbing you

two weeks left, let’s get that

of any chance you have to get some

work done, turned in, and get

precious shut-eye between the

those extremely undeserved A’s

just let them sit there and fester.

Matthew Stefanski

I definitely know I did. Now, with

We’ve already procrastinated.

two weeks remaining in school, I’ve

projects progressively through

projects you’re grinding through.

and B’s. Let’s raise our grades

personally got a group project, a

the semester as we learn.

But you can’t quit because you

from the dead, somehow talk our

10-page term paper, an individual

That never happens.

need that cash so you can get your

professors into extra credit, and

project, a report, two online quizzes

Instead, “Margarita Monday”

mom and dad fantastic holiday

get ourselves through this grind!

and a video/audio/website/article/

happens, then “Trivia Tuesday,”

gifts and not be the shamed black


we play catch-up on Wednesday

sheep of the family that year.

forget (thanks, Mahoney) all due.

for our Thursday classes, we

Now, we’re all good students,

It’s enough to drive anybody

then just remember: beer tastes the sweetest at midnight on the final

celebrate catching up with

to an insane fit of tears, footie

due date, and it’s the best remedy

“Thirsty Thursday,” a concert

pajamas and 8 a.m. beers.

to melt the stress away after you

we start out thinking we’re going

on Friday night is something we

to be doing our weekly readings

just have to go to, Saturday is

Doing this brings out the best in us.

by Monday night, study three

our relaxation night, and it’s hard

Name a major project or assignment

times a week and do all of our

to study hungover on Sunday.

you’ve messily completed in less

save, print and close Word for the last time two Sunday’s from now.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do

If you need any more motivation,

let’s be honest. Every semester,

But let’s level for a second.

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



NOVEMBER 29, 2017

ShareLingo provides robust language program MSU Denver public relations students benefit from cultural experience

By David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu In a small Denver office on the corner of Kalamath Street and 7th Avenue, James Archer has an idea that he thinks will change the world. “I want ShareLingo to be in every university, every high school, every church and every community center that has this crossover between the English and Spanish speaking communities,” Archer said. ShareLingo is a program that is not only designed for people who want to learn another language, but it also provides ancillary benefits that enrich the lives of its students. It enables learners to expand their cultural awareness and acceptance by learning firsthand about cultures they probably haven’t been exposed to through its unique curriculum design.

“Working with James Archer and his company ShareLingo has been an eyeopening experience. We’ve gained extensive knowledge of how working with a real client in a real-world scenario works and we’ve had to adapt to different challenges on the fly.” –Zac Cothern

Photo by Mara Gonzalez

James Archer helping English and Spanish speakers understand the ShareLingo method and materials on Jan. 8, 2014. English speakers Tyler Freeman (bottom left) and Jeremy Hubbard (top right) converse with Spanish speakers Judith Ramirez (top left) and Ana Montoya (bottom right). the language. Through this method,

with the help of the curriculum

program that Archer believes can

we’ve had to adapt to different

the learner not only learns the

outlined in Archer’s book, “Beyond

transcend differences. He explained

challenges on the fly.”

language itself but also the idioms,

Words,” they can not only learn the

that when one is learning from

facial expressions, body language

language, but learn the culture too.

another, they forget the petty

the university and ShareLingo

and other nuances that make a

“The cultural lessons that

differences that we often use to

is scheduled to continue into

language unique to its culture.

people can give each other in

define ourselves. There are no race,

the spring semester.

an environment like this are

age, gender, sexual orientation or

of learning domestically by pairing

every bit as important as the

religious issues when one’s simple

two users who want to learn the

language sharing,” Archer said.

goal is to gain knowledge that

ShareLingo achieves this type

other’s language. For example, if a It’s widely accepted that people

The relationship between

While the program is still in its

another has, and conversely, when

Spanish-speaking immigrant from

infancy, it has already made an

one is simply trying to provide

learn languages foster through

Mexico wishes to speak English,

impact on many lives, including

another with their own teachings.

cultural immersion rather than

and an English speaker from

that of Monique Roberts. Roberts

institutional programs. Think back

Denver wants to learn Spanish,

found ShareLingo after researching

the world to an immigrant who

on stories told by people who have

the two can be paired together in

language learning programs that

very well may be looking for an

lived in a foreign country for a long

person. By teaching each other

were different from the traditional

in-road to American culture. It could

time. They quickly become fluent in

the basics of their languages,


mean the world to a person who

another-English-speaker style.

has fallen in love with a Spanish

“I don’t think I’ve ever delved

well with their significant other’s

Then I met Saraí and a couple of

family. This is why ShareLingo’s

won’t be limited to Spanish and

other people here at ShareLingo and

mission statement is, “Connecting

English, nor is it only going to

now I feel like I have a direction,”

cultures through language.”

As for the program, ShareLingo

be in Denver. The program has

MSU Denver is also part

already held classes in Medellin,

of ShareLingo’s community

Colombia, and through its newly

outreach. Right now, the school’s

launched mobile platform,

the only beneficiaries to the

public relations department has a

iShareLingo, Archer hopes to be

program. Saraí Borunda, a Mexico

relationship with ShareLingo that

able to provide access to speakers

native who recently moved to

provides seniors the opportunity

and the curriculum remotely,

Denver, is currently using the

to get real world experience in

so geographical restraints are

program to enhance her English

a public relations setting. The

no inhibition to learning.

skills so she can feel comfortable

current students, including Zac

traveling throughout the nation.

Cothern, are working on a variety of

to expand his 1,000 current

“It’s a different concept,”

speaking with a native speaker.” But English speakers aren’t

As for now, Archer plans

activities for the company including

users in the area, and has big

Borunda said. “It’s not a

managing social media posts, event

dreams for the future.

teacher telling us what’s right

planning and book promotions.

and wrong. I was teaching my

Lisa Powers and Alberto Rosales practice together at the YMCA Community Program’s branch at Manuel High School on May 20, 2015.

speaker but cannot communicate

so much into a language before.

Roberts said. “The biggest thing is

Photo by Maria Fernanda Rodriguez

That connection could mean

“I want ShareLingo to be in every university, every high school, every church and every community center that has crossover between the English and Spanish speaking communities.” –James Archer

“Working with James Archer

“It should be in Mexico City. It should be in Spain and London,”

partners and they were teaching

and his company, ShareLingo has

Archer said, “And when we get to

me as well. We have the same

been an eye-opening experience,”

the other languages it should be

objective. I feel like I’m doing

Cothern said. “We’ve gained

in Brazil. It should be in Paris. It

something good for someone.”

extensive knowledge of how

should be in so many places.”

That feeling of giving and

working with a real client in a

receiving is an aspect of the

real-world scenario works and

NOVEMBER 29, 2017



Moviecamp makes film-going dynamic again By Maria Muller

more people got involved, including


Montoya, and they undertook the mission of entertaining the movie

Three leggy Amazon warriors dressed in armor and attitude

enthusiasts who waited with them. “We started bringing video

pose with moviegoers just to the

games, board games and

left of the concession stand. A

other things we’d plug into

speedster in all red and lightning

the power outlets around the

bolts on his mask passes people

movie theater. And they were

in the hall holding tubs of popcorn

fine with that,” Montoya said.

and oversized sodas. In the last

Eventually their setups became

row of the theater, a dark knight

more elaborate. Montoya said

sits amid movie viewers sipping

they often had couches and whole

his Slurpee in ominous silence.

living room sets in line the first year they started Moviecamp. The

“I know that, especially lately, people just don’t want to come out to the movies anymore. We make it a game show, we make it fun, we give out prizes.” – Megan Adair

theater gave them permission to play trivia and hand out posters to contestants. Hasbro gave them Transformers figures to hand out at the “Transformers” premiere. “It wasn’t even a business at that time,” Montoya said. “It was just for the website. It kept growing and growing and growing, until the guy who ran the website got big enough

Just a few things to be seen on Nov. 16 during the kickoff of

to move to LA, and then New York.” They stopped for a time because

“The Justice League” screening

they no longer had access to free

done Moviecamp style at the AMC

stuff to give away. But they decided

Classic Colorado Springs 10 theater.

to get back together in 2013. After

Based in Colorado, Moviecamp

the Aurora theater shooting,

is a production team whose goal

Montoya said there was a different

is to make going to the movies

feeling about movie going. Many

better. For just a little more than an

of the Moviecamp people were

Worrell was on hand, giving away

famous yet. I teach middle school

“I like to dress up, go to these

average ticket price, the evening

involved in Remember Aurora

prints that featured the Justice

and my students think I’m pretty

events and win awesome prizes.”

offers much more than the usual

and the Aurora Rise campaigns.

League. Worrell attended his first

cool. That’s a good start I think.”

reserved seating. Ticket holders can take pictures with iconic characters, watch entertaining cosplay skits and play interactive trivia and physical games for cool prizes. They will also receive prints of original artwork by local artists. “We kind of break down the barriers and we try to remind people to have fun at the movies. They’re allowed to cheer, they can laugh and have fun and everyone

Photos by Esteban Fernandez | eferna14@msudenver.edu

Brian Swanson shows Wonder Woman cosplayer Lynda Cink photos he took on his iPad on Nov. 14. The AMC Classic Colorado Springs 10 theater held Moviecamp’s screening of “the Justice League.”

Moviecamp event a year ago. He

“We kind of break down the barriers and we try to remind people to have fun at the movies. They’re allowed to cheer, they can laugh and have fun, and everyone in the theater is kind of on that team.” – Elijah Montoya

Moviecamp encourages cosplay,

Whitman said he has cosplayed as Spiderman, Ant-Man, Nightwing,

saw other local artists doing work

and “The Justice League” premiere

Joker, Dr. Strange, Han Solo and

for them and approached Montoya

hosted various heroes. Several

Starlord so far. Moviecamp has

about circulating his work. Worrell

characters like Wonder Woman,

become his official cosplay.

writes and does the interior art for

Batman, the Flash and the Green

his own comic book. Moviecamp

Lantern populated the theater.

Wars: The Last Jedi”. Megan Adair

displays his work on Facebook

Cosplayer Nicholas Whitman,

said the Star Wars movies have

and Instagram, which he said has

dressed as Batman, said he started

been some of their biggest and best

led to small jobs and does local

attending Moviecamp in 2015. He’d

shows, including amazing cosplay

conventions and Denver Comic Con.

heard about it from a friend in high

and Jedi fights. She encourages

school and wanted to check it out.

anyone who loves the movie going

“So far I’m still pretty small scale,” Worrell said. “I’m not

“I like cosplay,” Whitman said.

The next event will feature “Star

experience to come check them out.

in the theater is kind of on that team,” said co-founder and emcee of Moviecamp Elijah Montoya. The idea for Moviecamp

“That was a blow to to the movie community and the nerd community, all the moviegoers in

originated when theaters still

Colorado,” Montoya said. “Because

had midnight shows. Montoya,

it was a tragedy that happened to

and co-founder Andy Adair, were

us in our backyard, in our home.”

among the people who stood in

They decided to do Moviecamp

lines that wrapped around theaters,

as their own business this time,

waiting to be let into midnight

with the goal of making going to

premieres. Montoya said that

movies fun again. Instead of the

sometimes they would be there

one midnight showing for new

for three to four days, patiently

movies, premieres now start around

waiting for the movie to come out.

7 p.m. and run every half hour or

In 2007, Adair happened to be

hour, depending on the theater. The

first in one of those lines, just ahead

Moviecamp experience fills the time

of a guy who ran a website that

that people used to spend waiting

marketed the idea of being first in

in line with interactive activities.

line, called “First Showing.” The

“We make it fun again,” said

man wanted Adair’s place in line,

Megan Adair, wife of Andy, as she

but he was unwilling to give it up.

checked people in on Thursday.

Instead, they compromised, and

“I know that, especially lately,

entered a partnership that continued

people just don’t want to come

to allow the website to capitalize

out to the movies anymore. We

off the idea of being first in line,

make it a game show, we make

but left the physical part of it to

it fun, we give out prizes.”

Adair and his friends. Eventually,

That evening, artist Ben

Cosplayers mingle with movie-goers eager to snap photos with the costumed vigilantes on Nov. 14. at the AMC Classic Colorado Springs 10 theater.



NOVEMBER 29, 2017

Photo by Hannah Morvay | hmorvay@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver chemistry professor, Michael Ketterer lectures on Nov. 2. Ketterer has independently tested soil samples adjacent to the Rocky Flats site.

Part II: Rocky Flats New Rocky Flats study hopes to complement others, fill in gaps of old studies By Matt Miller

are elevated in the area, although these studies do have their


shortcomings. “It’s definitely going to miss some cases of cancer,” said

Definitive answers are hard to come by regarding the health

residents in the area, whose cancer isn’t connected. The addendum released in September included a review of thyroid and rare cancers. This study, which also used the

Mike VanDyke, PhD, CIH, and branch chief of CDPHE. The

Colorado Central Cancer Registry, found no elevated rates of

of residents close to Rocky Flats despite the vast amounts of

cancer studies used residents’ addresses at the time of their

thyroid or rare cancers that had a connection to the immediate

data collected on the matter.

cancer diagnosis. These studies missed cases of people that


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

have lived around Rocky Flats, but are diagnosed after moving

has updated studies of cancer rates near the former nuclear

outside of the studied area, which includes Golden, Arvada,

weapons plant, explaining the risk as minimal. However, an

Wheat Ridge, Adams County and Boulder. It also catches

MSU Denver-led health survey piqued interest with its findings

diagnoses of people that have not lived in the area and have

despite using a statistical structure that wasn’t solid enough for

been diagnosed with cancer upon moving in the area of the

the results to be considered valid by CDPHE.

former nuclear plant. The first two studies were also limited to

CDPHE used data from the Colorado Central Cancer registry in 1998 to study cancer rates in residents from 1980-1989. In 2016, they updated the findings, adding data from 1990-2014. CDPHE also released an addendum in Sept. 2017 that studied the incidence of thyroid and other cancers that are considered rare, due to public requests for more information. None of the findings cited evidence that any forms of cancer

ten forms of cancer, because they have the most plausible link to plutonium exposure “There’s ways to do it. It just takes a lot of resources to follow up on those cases,” VanDyke said. The only way to capture all possible cancer connections

“People are reporting and being diagnosed with rare diseases, and they believe they’re tied to exposure to contaminants from the site, especially plutonium.”

– Stephanie Malin

Exposure to plutonium in the environment is the risk carried by living near Rocky Flats, but the risk depends on the amount of exposure. Plutonium was first released into the environment

would be by tracking down residents that moved away from

from the 903 Pad of the facility. Barrels stored on the pad

the downwind area of Rocky Flats, and excluding newer

leaked, contaminating the area with plutonium.

NOVEMBER 29, 2017



Windstorms in the late 1960s distributed plutonium both onsite and off. “The site was built in exactly the wrong location, in terms of the wind dispersing materials in the direction of populated areas,” said Michael Ketterer, chemistry professor at MSU Denver. Ketterer has independently conducted an off-site soil sampling east off the Indiana Street side of Rocky Flats. Most of the numbers align with what the CDPHE has studied. The highest concentrations of plutonium are usually parallel of where the center of the facility is, between Highways 72 and 128, due to the location of the 903 Pad and the wind’s distribution.

“The real question is, is the plutonium uniformly dispersed in all of the soil particles, or alternatively, is it concentrated in little nuggets,” Ketterer said. The dispersed plutonium usually Photo by Matt Miller | mmill237@msudenver.edu

rests in the upper few inches of ground. These questions come as Colorado’s population grows and home development continues in the area around Rocky Flats.

Caleb Wrecenyar, a sign-spinner for William Lyon Homes, advertises for their open homes near the old site of the Rocky Flats nuclear plant in Arvada, Colo. on Nov. 12. The area has long been a source of controversy and is now seeing major home development.

CDPHE officials insist this isn’t a concern. monitored for decades, but the amount of monitored sites is

perception. Rocky Flats is just one of many areas the

any digging at all in that upper inch or two, it’s immediately

tapering down due to the low risk of plutonium. When CPDHE

department monitors to protect public safety. Contaminants

diluted,” said Carl Spreng, the state project manager for

first began monitoring them, they had hundreds of different

from dry cleaners can pose a greater risk at times.

CDPHE. The soil near the 903 Pad had the most elevated

sites to monitor. Spreng says that the amount is somewhere

samples, but it was dug up and shipped out of state. A

in the tens now. The thresholds of plutonium detection at

difficult,” Spreng said. “The public perception is, because it’s

concrete cap was poured on other areas to prevent wind

Rocky Flats is much more sensitive in detecting contaminants

radionuclides, that it’s more ominous. More dangerous.”


than they are at other cleanup sites Spreng said.

“Any construction of highway, or building – if you do

Surface and groundwater sites around Rocky Flats were

For Spreng and CDPHE, the problem lies with public

“Trying to convey that message has proven to be

“The real question is, is the plutonium uniformly dispersed in all of the soil particles, or alternatively, is it concentrated in little nuggets.”

– Michael Ketterer

In between samples, numbers and data, Stephanie Malin, an associate professor at Colorado State University hopes that her qualitative study will shine some light in areas that big picture studies miss. “People are reporting and being diagnosed with rare diseases or multiple diseases, and they believe they’re tied to exposure to contaminants from the site, especially plutonium,” Malin said. Malin’s qualitative study is complementary to a new health survey led by former MSU Denver associate professor Bobbie Kite, who is now at University of Denver. The study is also in response from community groups to requests for more information on health effects. The qualitative component “adds a little richness,” Malin says. Her plan is to conduct in-depth interviews with up to 40 people who resided near Rocky Flats during its operation. The strength of the community, and determination of people to find answers inspires Malin. Map courtesy of Google Maps (modified by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu)

Due to windstorm distribution in the 1960s, plutonium was distributed both on and off site from the 903 Pad of the former nuclear weapons production facility at Rocky Flats. The orange represents the area with the highest plutonium concentration, between Highway 72 and 128.

“What’s been really positive is that there’s a group of researchers working on this together and we’re working on little to no budget,” she says. “They want something done on the ground, in these communities, and that’s what we’re trying to do.”


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NOVEMBER 29, 2017


NCAA regionals next for volleyball Roadrunners ride trip to RMAC final to keep season alive

By Matthew Stefanski msetfan3@msudenver.edu MSU Denver volleyball placed second in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Tournament on Nov. 18, securing themselves an invite into the NCAA DII National Tournament. Because of their strong showing in the conference tournament, including an upset over No. 2-seeded Colorado School of Mines, the Roadrunners have earned an invite into the NCAA National Tournament for the second season in a row. Coming off of a regional final berth last season, MSU Denver is now the third seed in their portion of the bracket, starting their tournament run against No. 6 Texas A&M University – Commerce on Nov. 30 at Regis University. However, getting to Photos by Giacomo DiFranco | gdifranc@msudenver.edu

that point wasn’t easy. The team started the season 3-5

Senior Vasati Fiatoa spikes the ball in the RMAC Tournament semifinals on Nov. 17. MSU Denver won the match 3-2 and advanced to the conference finals.

before entering conference play, where they lost their first match

a match-changing 33 errors.

for a reverse sweep win against

great for MSU Denver to overcome.

against Regis. The Roadrunners then

Lopez felt the team was driven

the Rangers at their home court.

Regis would gain another early

Tournament showing and the major

rallied off 16 wins in their next 17,

by their previous loss to Mines.

But this time, on the Rangers’

However, the strong RMAC

lead and, this time, wouldn’t even

winning streaks in conference play

home court, in front of nearly

relent a tie, only allowing the

got the attention of the NCAA,

RMAC conference tournament. After

fueled us,” Lopez said. “It was in

950 loud, chanting and excited

Roadrunners to get within two

who placed the Roadrunners

swiftly defeating Colorado Mesa

the back of our mind for sure, but

opposing fans, the odds were too

points before securing the win.

into the South-Central portion of

University at home 3-0, the team

we just wanted that revenge and to

the bracket with a No. 3 seeding.

travelled to the Regis Fieldhouse to

prove that we’ve been that team that

Despite not winning the RMAC

play against No. 2-seeded Mines.

has been progressing this whole

championship, Svalberg hopes

entire time. I think we deserved

the team will take the loss as

that win and we proved that.”

motivation to reach the regional

securing their No. 3 seeding in the

“We’ve been wanting to play that team again, from an earlier five-set loss at their place,” said head coach Jenny Glenn.

“It was definitely something that

final for a second year in a row.

MSU Denver then met Regis in

“It is a learning opportunity,”

the finals. The Rangers would prove

In their only regular season

to be a more arduous test, with

Svalberg said. “We kind of had the

matchup, the Orediggers snapped

the RMAC Player of the Year and

same thing happen last year, and it

MSU Denver’s 10-game winning

Defensive Player of the Year in Nikki

was one of the best things that could

streak that included a revenge-

Kennedy, as well as Freshman of

have happened to us. So, we’re just

win against Regis. But the 3-2

the Year Caitlyn Burroway and three

going to take this and learn from

loss didn’t deter the Roadrunners.

players on the first team All-RMAC.

it and be better for regionals and

In the first set, the Roadrunners

just be comfortable as our group

Glenn entered the match with a

and comfortable going into it.”

gameplan that she says developed

jumped out to a quick lead, forcing

rather unconventionally and

a Regis timeout with a 15-12 lead.

uncomfortably, but the team stuck to

After winning two of the next three

three Colorado teams, Regis, Mines

it. As a result, they walked away with

points, however, the Rangers found

and MSU Denver, as all matches will

a 3-2 victory over the Orediggers.

a flaw in the Roadrunners defense,

be held at Regis’ campus through

getting two service aces and forcing

the first three rounds. Senior Vasati

three attack errors from the MSU

Fiatoa, one of the team leaders,

Denver women. The Rangers led

looks forward to being able to stay

19-17 after their big flurry, but the

comfortable as she enters her final

Roadrunners would battle back,

NCAA Tournament with the team.

“I think we deserved that win and we proved that. ” – Jackie Lopez

The bracket strongly favors the

“It is nice that we’ll be able

taking a 22-21 lead before Regis The defense made a huge impact in the match, collecting

to do our normal routine,”

would close out the first set 25-21.

Fiatoa said. “We won’t have

The second set saw the Rangers

nine blocks and 83 digs. They were

getting the early lead and never

to worry about travelling and

led by senior Jackie Lopez who

relenting, only allowing MSU

remembering to bring all of our

had a team-leading 26 digs by the

Denver to tie several times before

stuff. It’s really nice to know we’re

end of the night. Offensively, the

another five-point burst put them far

coming right up the road.”

Roadrunners had an attacking

ahead in the set. The Roadrunners

percentage of nearly .200, sitting

battled, but couldn’t quite catch up,

Lions of Texas A&M - Commerce

just shy at .197. Juniors Santaisha

relenting the second set 25-20.

in the first round of the NCAA

Sturges and Taylor Duryea lead the

The Roadrunners will take on the

South-Central region. The match

But this wasn’t the first time the

way with 19 and 17 kills respectively,

Roadrunners had been down 2-0

will take place at Regis University’s

while senior Alyssa Svalberg

against Regis this season. In a match

north campus at noon on Nov. 30.

had 53 assists. The Roadrunners

on Oct. 17, MSU Denver battled

also forced the Orediggers into

back, rallying off three straight sets

Alyssa Svalberg celebrates after MSU Denver scores a point in their semifinal matchup against Colorado School of Mines in the RMAC Tournament.



NOVEMBER 29, 2017

Basketball hosts first home games of 2017-18 Women’s team cruises easily, extends win streak to four games By Richard Allen

eight quarters played, they

leading for the final 34 minutes


outscored their opponents,

of the game, MSU Denver did

preventing their competition

face some adversity. Ohrdorf,

from reaching five points in a

the team’s leading scorer in four

period on three occasions.

of the team’s past five games,

A pair of 20-point victories to start their home season has the MSU Denver women’s basketball team flying high. The Roadrunners took both of their matchups in the Holiday Inn Denver Cherry Creek Classic on Nov. 25 and 26. They first

was called for two personal fouls

“People are just ready to play and come out there and give everything they have.” – J’Nae Squires-Horton

beat the Bemidji State University Beavers, then the William Jewell

in the first three minutes of the game, forcing Haave’s hand to sub her out early in the game. She played a season-low 15 minutes and even though she added 10 points in the second half, left

Against BSU, the Roadrunners

the Roadrunners without their

College Cardinals to climb to 4-2

fell behind 9-0 early, but erased

on the season and push their

that deficit in four-and-a-half

winning streak to four games.

minutes and would not trail for

are ready to step in when times

While the other invitational

the rest of the game. Senior

like that happen,” said senior

participants saw closer contests,

Georgia Ohrdorf recorded 17

J’Nae Squires-Horton, who led

MSU Denver handily won their

points on eight field goals and a

the team in points for the first

matches, and have confidence

free throw. Junior Jaelynn Smith

time this season in Ohrdorf’s

building in their team as a result.

came up one rebound and two

void. “People are just ready to

assists short of a triple-double,

play and come out there and

a little better each day trying

and went on to record 21 total

give everything they have. When

to head into conference,” head

rebounds during the weekend.

Georgia’s in foul trouble, we have

“It’s great that we’re getting

coach Tanya Haave said. “I think

“I take big pride in

top scorer and a need to adapt. “There’s some people that

other people ready to step up.”

we learned a lot about each

rebounding,” the 5-foot-7-inch

other, got some rotations down,

guard said. “They think I’m

abilities to overcome adversity

figured some things out. The

little, but I don’t believe so.”

reinforced, the Roadrunners

girls are getting comfortable

In game two, Smith’s

playing with each other.”

With confidence in their

enter conference play on Dec.

rebounding prowess was a central

1 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

figure in the Roadrunners’ best

After getting their first home

the Beavers by 20 points and

defensive game of the season.

tests out of the way and passing

the Cardinals by 24, cruising

William Jewell managed only 35

with flying colors, the team

to wins in easy fashion. In

points, in no small part thanks

moves on to their more important

both games, they did not trail

to Smith’s seven defensive

schedule knowing they can trust

beyond the first quarter. In all

rebounds. However, despite

their depth and adaptability.

The Roadrunners outscored

Photos by Giacomo DiFranco | gdifranc@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver point guard Jaelynn Smith drives to the basket past a player for Bemidji State University on Nov. 24. Smith finished with 11 points and 8 assists in the game.

Men’s team splits at home, prepares for conference play By Seth Kahn

the first half was expiring would


give the Roadrunners a four-

from ear to ear after the game. “You try to tell the guys to

point 39-35 lead at halftime. The MSU Denver men’s

stay the course and trust the

After opening the second

process. There is nothing better

basketball team had its homestand

half with a three-point play

than a victory to validate what

over the weekend, going 1-1

from guard Peter Moller that

you are preaching,” Bahl said.

losing to Northwest Nazarene

gave the Roadrunners a seven-

University on Friday night before

point lead, Northwest Nazarene

the new coach after seeing how

getting their first win of the season

went on a 14-point run that ate

the team developed enough

Saturday against the University

up more than seven and a half

to earn their first win.

of North Georgia. The victory

minutes of clock. During that

at the Auraria Event Center was

run, the Roadrunners went over

positive, getting us working as

also head coach Michael Bahl’s

ten possessions in a row without

a team,” Williams said of the

first since being hired in May.

scoring, giving Northwest Nazarene

coach’s attitude. “Just don’t

a 49-42 lead that they would not

worry about the last loss.”

Friday night’s tilt against the

Williams had high praise for

“I felt like coach being

Northwest Nazarene University

surrender, eventually winning

The Roadrunners will kick off

Crusaders saw the Roadrunners

the game by a score of 81-74.

Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

jump out to an early 11-2 lead

“We played with a lot of energy

MSU Denver guard Cameron Williams takes a shot while teammate Bounama Keita posts up in a game against Northwest Nazarene University on Friday, Nov. 24 at Auraria Event Center. The Roadrunners lost the game 81-74.

fueled by buckets from junior guard

in the first half for some reason

Enrique Cortes-Zotes, who had

and then we just let it down in

nine of his 12 points before the

the second half,” Moller said

five-minute mark. That lead would

after the game. “Our coaches

Saturday night, however. The

senior Cameron Williams put up

reach 13 but the good times were

are great at getting us started

Roadrunners turned a one-point

29 points with Peter Moller adding

short lived as baskets from Jayden

for the game and then it’s our

halftime lead into their first win

another 18 to power the home team

Bezzant and Khalil Thompson of

job as players not to do that.”

of the season, giving the crowd at

play when they travel to the Mount Rushmore state to take on South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on Dec. 1 before battling Black Hills State University on Dec 2.

to a 82-72 victory over the visiting

Listen to Seth Kahn during

the Crusaders cut the lead to only

Any disappointment that was

the Auraria Event Center plenty

North Georgia Nighthawks. Jaryn

MSU Denver sports

two with a minute left in the half.

lingering with the team from Friday

to cheer about. The Roadrunner

Taylor added 15 to that total in a

events on MetRadio

A layup from Bounama Keita as

night’s loss was washed away

bench was especially rowdy as

game that had coach Bahl beaming

NOVEMBER 29, 2017



Sports stance: Baseball Hall of Fame not bronze, but gray The Baseball Hall of Fame in

crimes and one was even

Cooperstown is the one place

acknowledged as a sex addict.

on Earth where the legends of

Baseball, however, is not about

decade by the Associated Press. Aside from Passan, many of

as those in the steroid era. Although there may be

those who believe in the induction

legitimacy to claims that taking

legends are immortalized as the

who the greatest ballplayers in

of supposed cheaters often

drugs to improve performance was

greatest of all time. But as the

the land are off the field. Baseball

contend that prior to the steroid

part of the culture in the 1970s and

ballots for the next inductees

is, and should be, unbiased.

era, 1994 to 2005, everyone was

1980s, many of the

have now been sent to voters,

We’re not talking about gamblers.

using drugs. There are multiple

performance-enhancers of

one debate already resurfaced:

We’re not talking about drunks.

baseball greats such as Hank

that timeframe included low

Should steroid users be included?

It’s about baseball players.

Aaron, Mickey Mantle, and Willie

profile drugs such as Adderall

Their off the field actions, while

Mays who all allegedly used some

or Ephedra, a legal weight

unfortunate, have nothing to do

version of performance enhancing

loss supplement, and not all

with baseball. The evaluation of

drugs and are enshrined with

were of the same caliber as

great baseball players is about

bronze plaques. But it’s not as if

steroids or amphetamines.

Joe Morgan, who became a Hall of Famer in 1990, sent a

Matt Entrekin

letter last week to voters urging them not to induct performance-

In an article by Passan, he

enhancing drug users. His letter,

addresses Morgan’s label of

how well a man can pitch or how

these three players were flirting

while passionate and valid, also

Cooperstown as, “The most

well another can hit that pitch.

with 70 home run seasons like

way to know who was or wasn’t

provoked criticism and some

sacred place in Baseball.” He

Excluding impossible-to-win and

Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire.

using steroids and since many

undesired responses. One of

stated, “If by sacred place, the

arbitrary arguments about the

Between all three of their Hall

ex-players, like Tony Gwynn, admit

which included vilifying Morgan

hall means one that racists,

best team or best player, at the

of Fame careers, they share just

that “everybody” was doing drugs,

for lobbying against steroid users

wife-beaters, drunks, gamblers

end of the day sports don’t judge.

four 50-homer seasons, with

it’s okay, right? If every student

because of his advocacy for the

and purveyors of manifold

nobody hitting more than 54. And

in a high school class forgets

reinstatement of Pete Rose who

moral turpitude otherwise are

racist who was once charged with

considering that some of the most

about a homework assignment

was banned from baseball for

celebrated, well, Cooperstown

attempted murder of a disabled

prolific steroid users, like Sosa and

does it get dropped? Does the

life in 1989 for betting on the

is a shining beacon of divinity

man who was heckling him in the

McGwire, smashed the original

law get revised if everybody’s

results of baseball games, and

set upon a hill of hypocrisy.”

stands. He was also a first ballot

single season home run record of

robbing banks? Wrongful

Hall of Famer in 1936 and held the

61 that held for 37 seasons, they

actions cannot be justified by

is known to turn a blind eye

record for the highest percentage

both broke it in the same season

scapegoating popular ones.

headlines with his response to

to players with questionable

of votes on a ballot until 1992. In

with McGwire reaching 70 homers.

the letter. Passan, a Yahoo Sports

personal history. The Hall is filled

the midst of one of the biggest sex

The drugs used in the 1950’s and

baseball writer, gave up his ballot

with players who drank, gambled,

scandals in sports history, Tiger

1960’s simply weren’t capable of

in response to receiving the letter.

abused drugs, committed

Woods was elected athlete of the

the same body building capacities

remains banned to this day. One voter, Jeff Passan, made

Passan is right. Cooperstown

Ty Cobb was an infamous

Nevertheless, there’s no real

Elway’s performance issue By James Burky

team has talent that certainly can

One of those guys was a player


develop in the future like Jake

who was going to succeed no

Butt, Garett Bolles and Carlos

matter who selected him, the other,

It’s been said ad nauseam.

Henderson, but Elway and his

just like his boss, found success

The Broncos are soft, the defense

friends in the front office have

thanks to Peyton Manning.

has fallen from the graces of NFL

laughably mismanaged this team.

Did the Broncos win 38 games

lore, giving up 133 points in the

Mike Klis, 9News Broncos

from 2012-2014 because of Elway’s

last four games. The offense is

insider, used a “games played”

draft picks, or because they had the

abysmal. Seeing Devontae Booker

stat to defend Elway’s draft

greatest regular season quarterback

and Jamaal Charles trying to run

selections, saying that it’s a fact

in the history of the game? Was it

behind the front line is like watching

that he’s been the best general

because of Montee Ball and Michael

a colon camera of a constipated

manager in the league at drafting.

Schofield that Manning threw

professional hot dog eater.

Contrary to what Klis said, Elway’s

131 touchdowns in those three

drafting has been miserable.

seasons? No, it wasn’t. Manning and

This team is a joke. The 2015 Broncos were known for their grit on

“In his seven drafts, Elway’s

a defense led by Von Miller were

defense. They won the Super Bowl

54 picks entering play Sunday

the reasons the Broncos found so

with an offense that had no business

have combined to average 32.2

much success, not Elway’s picks.

even sniffing the playoffs. They

games played, which ranks No.

were a source of pride for the city.

4 in the NFL,” Klis writes.

The 2017 group is the opposite of

Klis ignores one important detail,

negative about Elway. He’s a god in Colorado. He brought the

that team. When general manager

however, it doesn’t matter how

Broncos to five super bowls as

John Elway referred to his team

many games a draftee plays, but

a player, winning two, and he’s

as soft, he had every right to do

how well they play in those games.

regularly in the conversation of

so. Some players and fans were

Trevor Siemian has played in 23

greatest quarterbacks in NFL

upset over the remark but putting

games in his career, but his career

history, and rightfully so. He put

the fandom aside, ask yourself, is

passer rating is a pedestrian-at-

Denver football on the map.

he wrong? Would a tough team

best 82.6 and averages averages

get into an all out brawl not even

just under 7 yards per attempt.

10 minutes into a rivalry game? Elway tried to save face and

Since 2011, Elway’s first year

Photo courtesy of The Denver Post

It’s been taboo to say anything

John Elway, general manager and vice president of football operations of the Denver Broncos, stands on the field before the team’s game on Sept. 1, 2016 in Glendale, Arizona. Elway has watched the team go from Super Bowl champions to cellar dwellers in the past three seasons. Xanders had a hand in as well. The team he’s the supposed

can call the team soft because the city worships the ground you walk

mastermind of can’t even run five

on, but they’re not the ones who

yards down the field. It’s a Dante’s

hired Vance Joseph and drafted

triumphs; it’s a “What have you

Inferno-esque punishment for a

the likes of Isaiah McKenzie or

done for me lately?” league. What

group he ran into the ground.

Paxton Lynch. The temperature

But the NFL isn’t about past

as a member of the Broncos front

has Elway done for Denver lately?

say he meant the organization,

office, just two players drafted

How long can he ride the coattails

blame, but Johnny Boy, you’re right

himself included, is soft. Which,

have been named to the Pro Bowl:

of getting Peyton Manning to

at the top of the list for reasons

genuine or not, is also true. This

Von Miller and Julius Thomas.

sign in Denver? Something that

why the Broncos are abysmal. You

Elway doesn’t deserve all of the

is getting colder in Denver, but your seat is only getting warmer.






Movie and pizza night: “IT”

Location Tivoli Turnhalle


The Spill Canvas

Location Gothic Theater

NOVEMBER 29, 2017


The Revivalists

Price $17

Price $32.50

Time 8 p.m.

Time 9 p.m.

Price Free

93.3’s Not So Silent Night

Location 1STBANK Center Price $55


Time 11 a.m.

Price $10

Location King Center Recital Hall Price $5

12.1 vs. South Dakota School Location South Dakota




Location Gothic Theater Price $28

My Body Sings Electric


Grizzly Bear

Location Ogden Theater



Price $22 Time 8 p.m.

Julien Baker

Time 7:30 p.m.



11.29 vs. Winnipeg Jets Location Pepsi Center

Price $22 Time 8 p.m.

Nuggets 11.30 vs. Chicago Bulls Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.

Location Globe Hall


The Dear Hunter

MSU Denver Gamelan Orchestra

Price $25

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Location King Center Recital Hall Price $5

12.3 vs. Miami Dolphins 12.7


Location Ogden Theater Price $30 Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Nuggets 12.2 vs. Los Angeles Lakers Location Pepsi Center Time 7 p.m.

Location Bluebird Theater

Price $12

Broncos 12.2

12.1 vs. New Jersey Devils Location Pepsi Center

Julie Byrne

Price $15

Sarah Jaffe


Location Bluebird Theater

Time 8 p.m.


Time 4 p.m.


Time 7:30 p.m.

Location King Center Price $5

Time 7:30 p.m.

University (S.D.) Location South Dakota

Location Bluebird Theater

Price $36.50


Recital Hall

11.18 vs. Black Hills State

Price $12

Time 8 p.m.

Location Fox Theater

MSU Denver African Drum & Dance Ensemble

Women’s Basketball

Location Marquis Theater

Time 7:30 p.m.


Men’s Basketball

Time 6 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

MSU Denver Guitar Ensembles

Time 5:30 p.m.

of Mines & Technology

Time 8:30 p.m.


of Mines & Technology Location South Dakota


Location Tivoli Multicultural Lounge

12.1 vs. South Dakota School

Location Summit Music Hall

Time 5:30 p.m.

Price Free

Women’s Basketball

University - Commerce Time 12 p.m.


World AIDS Day

11.30 vs. Texas A&M Location Denver

Time 4 p.m.



Location Fillmore Auditorium


The All-American Rejects

Location Away Time 11 a.m.

Broncos 12.10 vs. New York Jets Location Sports Authority Field at Mile High Time 2:25 p.m.

Location Summit Music Hall Price $40 Time 6 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS Sales pitch More than 174 million U.S.

Noms to you The 2018 Grammy Award

Got bacteria? The Centers for Disease

One giant hop for mankind Budweiser announced a plan

David Cassidy David Cassidy, of “The

consumers shopped in stores

nominees have been announced.

Control and Prevention is advising

to brew beer on Mars. Partnering

Partridge Family” and ‘70s

and online between Thanksgiving

Nominees for the coveted album

anyone who consumed Udder

up with scientists and researchers

heartthrob fame, died at 67 years

Day and Cyber Monday,

of the year category are, “Awaken,

Milk products to seek medical

from the Center for the

old. Cassidy told People Magazine

according to the National Retail

My Love!” from Childish Gambino,

attention. According to the CDC,

Advancement of Science in Space

in February 2017 that he had

Federation. On Cyber Monday,

“4:44” from JAY-Z, “DAMN.” from

people who drank raw milk from

and Space Tango, Budweiser aims

been diagnosed with dementia.

sales reached record breaking

Kendrick Lamar, “Melodrama”

the company may have been

to be the first brewers to take their

Cassidy was reported to be in

numbers with $6.59 billion.

from Lorde and “24K Magic” from

infected with a rare germ called

craft outside the atmosphere.

critical condition on Nov. 19 with

Also setting a new record in

Bruno Mars. JAY-Z is the leader

Brucella abortus RB51, which can

Their first experiment will bring 20

organ failure, and was hospitalized

mobile sales, 47.4 percent of

with eight nominations this year,

cause an illness called brucellosis.

barley seeds to the International

in the Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

shopping happened from either

including album of the year, record

Space Station on SpaceX’s

area. He died the night of

a smartphone or a tablet.

of the year, song of the year and

CRS-13 mission, set to launch

Nov. 21 due to liver failure.

best rap album. The Grammys

on Dec. 4. They will be testing

will air live on CBS Jan. 28.

storage methods for the seeds in a microgravity environment. The following experiment will test the growth rate of the seeds on the red planet.

NOVEMBER 29, 2017

Top 5

Albums you may have overlooked this year



Around Auraria

From Briana Swank

1. Full Flower // Us and Us Only 2. Wild Pink // Wild Pink 3. Bear Your Mind // Free Throw 4. Overnight // Heat 5. Run // Prawn

Overheard “Please don’t pop this, I’m working so hard.” “How have you, of all people, never heard of cosplay“ “What’re you doing with the glove?“ “You have a culinary degree, you think everything sucks.“

This is the old Auraria neighborhood on 9th Street. It’s made up of a series of gorgeous homes built in the 19th century that belonged to the residents that helped establish the area.

“I personally learned that it’s not okay to ask to pet someone’s baby.“

Brain games Across

49. National League squad

6. Better half, often

42. Circus performer?

1. Singer’s function

51. Word with force and

7. Rip-off

43. Plants grass slab by slab

4. Catty comments


8. Liveliness

48. Somewhat upset

8. Simulated

53. Remedies for the cold

9. Spasm

50. Put away

14. Type of steroid


10. Choral part

52. Sports official

16. Mainstay

58. Fundamentals

11. Blush

54. October birthstone

17. Win in an upset

62. Charges

12. Post a gain

55. Within permitted

19. Lightweight crease-

65. Giacomo Puccini

13. Carrie Nation’s


resistant fabric



56. Jagged

20. Arab nobleman

66. Resume boozing

15. Ink problem

57. Fe or Catalina

21. Possesses

69. ‘’Taxi’’ or ‘’Seinfeld’’

18. Vigor

58. ‘’___ Good Men’’ (1992)

22. Refreshed


23. Tip, as a topper

59. Indonesia island

24. Term start

70. Cornwell or Clancy, e.g.

25. Standoff

60. Scottish family

26. Featherbrain

71. How one might feel after

27. Floppy contents

61. Performed a glissade

29. Capricorn, e.g.

a sprint

28. Partner of this and that

63. Laboratory heating

34. Venerable

72. Mimicked

(with ‘’the’’)


38. Last name in pool

73. Long Island drink

30. Mesabi loads

64. Commercial

31. Quick look-see


legends 40. Sports building


32. Wild about

67. I, to Claudius

41. A must-do when dieting

1. Distinctive taste

33. Dramatis personae

68. Twilighty

44. Shampoo brand

2. Accustom

34. ‘’Heidi’’ setting

60. Long-term investment

45. Prefix for dynamics

3. They meet at corners

35. Jackson 5’s hometown

61. Gymnast’s quest

46. Detect

4. Sentimentalized

36. Spots

47. Word with buddy or


37. Lunkhead


5. Impish one

39. Withered


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