Volume 40, Issue 16 - Dec. 6, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 40

NO. 16

DECEMBER 6, 2017


Sweet season sours on ending

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior Alyssa Svalberg spikes the ball at players from Texas A&M University - Commerce in the NCAA south central regional tournament held at Regis University on Dec. 1. The Roadrunners defeated the Lions 3-2 in their first game of the tournament.

Continued on pg. 11

INSIDE NEWS | pg. 2 Counseling center reaccredited despite shortage OPINION | pg. 4 Speaking up on sexual assault FEATURES | pg. 8 Witch collective hosts festive market.

SPORTS | pg. 12 Looking back on Fall MSU Denver sports.

Photo by Geoff Ziegler| gziegler@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver women’s volleyball players Alexis Benda and Vasati Fiatoa attempt to defend an attack from West Texas A&M’s Taylor Kress in the semifinal match of the NCAA south central regional tournament at the Regis Fieldhouse on Friday. The Roadrunners fell 3-0 to The Lady Buffs to close out their 2017 season with a 22-9 record



DECEMBER 6, 2017

Counseling reaccredidation carries controversy By Joshua Graham

problems. They are provided at the


majority of four-year universities

despite the hiccup regarding

around the country. They tackle

increased demand, the MSU

issues from academic stress to

Denver counseling center has

Center denied that it faced

financial pressures. The center is

never faltered in fulfilling the

overwhelming demand in the

designed to help students through

comprehensive standard of care.

wake of its reaccreditation by

difficult times by providing a safe

the International Association

space to discuss their problems.

MSU Denver’s Counseling

of Counseling Services this past November. “I would not say that we were

The center undergoes accreditation from the IACS

Bruce-Sanford said that

“There was never a waitlist, we have always offered same day appointments,” she said. Mady Smarr, a former

every eight years to ensure it

student at MSU Denver, faced a

overwhelmed, I would say that

continues to meet the standards

suicidal episode halfway into the

we saw an increase in demand,”

required for it to continue

semester. She approached the

said Gail Bruce-Sanford, executive

offering valuable services

counseling center nearly a month

director of the counseling center.

to students. The counseling

after the episode happened.

In an article from April 22, The Metropolitan reported that

center has operated under the IACS accreditation to date.

the counseling center faced

The IACS accredits counseling

“When I called the counseling center, they told me it would be at

overwhelming demand. To address

services to universities across

“When I mentioned that I was

this problem, the center brought

the country. The panel consists of

working with the CARE team, they

in four student practicums last

an advisory panel of educators.

got me in two days after I called.”

spring to help with the workload.

“There are legions of standards

Photo by Lauren Cordova | scordo22@msudenver.edu

least a two week wait,” she said.

Smarr started working with

Counseling center executive director Gail Bruce-Sanford sits in her office in the Tivoli on April 18. had an episode on campus.

where my personal life wasn’t

Those students have all since

universities are required to

MSU Denver’s Consultation

moved on to different practices.

uphold, yet the category we look

Assessment Referral Education

Metropolitan have made calls

center helped me put things in

Students face an increased

at most carefully, are the ethical

team on Oct. 4. CARE gets

to the center to try to schedule

perspective and prevented a panic

amount of stress and pressure to

standards,” said panel member

involved when a student’s

appointments. The wait time

attack,” said Sarah Jones, an

finish strong as deadlines loom.

Jeff Prince, director of counseling

behavior is flagged by faculty or

varied, typically between one

English major at MSU Denver.

Mental health plays an important

and psychological services at the

staff as risky or concerning. She

and two months. The center

role in achieving the desired

University of California, Berkeley.

said that she was able to get an

did offer faster appointments

take advantage of the center’s

for crisis situations.

resources. With more counselors

Staff members at The

going great, the counseling

Two hundred students currently

outcome for students. Anxiety

MSU Denver was granted

appointment with the counseling

can be hard to deal with as the

accreditation for another year as

center toward the end of October.

semester ends. For some, dealing

they have met all the standards

with anxiety is as easy as listening

under the IACS. Some of the

taking place nearly a month

to music or watching their favorite

standards that the counseling

from when she sought help may

movie. For others, they may need

center is judged on are its

have made her a lower-profile

maintains a positive success

to talk to someone about it.

relationship to the university

case for the counseling center.

rate. They highlight testimonials

Student counseling centers are

Smarr said that the episode

Currently the center staffs eight

and its high standard of care, MSU

full-time licensed therapists. One

Denver should not experience a

of the eight is a psychotherapist.

overwhelming shortage again.

The counseling center Additional reporting

community, its roles and function,

She added that the center said

from students who have taken

an outlet for students who struggle

service personnel, special

they could always squeeze

advantage of its services.

to cope with a wide range of

concerns and guidelines.

her in for a few minutes if she

by Esteban Fernandez

“During a period of stress

University resources for first generation students By Rachel Oliva

school because I was considered an


international student,” said Sheila Galindo Vazquez, a first generation student.

Many challenges could stand in the

Carly Cormier, another first generation

way of students blazing the trail of being

student, used MSU Denver’s FYS center

the first in their family to go to college.

to help her through her journey.

MSU Denver hopes to eliminate some of

“College was an intimidating thought.

these barriers by creating a program to

It was something that I had no knowledge

benefit these first generation students.

of, or anyone to look up to for. Being

“There isn’t one specific program for

a part of Metro’s First Year Success

first generation students yet, the Center

program kept me going,” Cormier said.

for Equality and Student Achievement is

According to the website, the FYS center

in the process of developing one through

is the entry point for all starting MSU Denver

Roadrunners First Committee,” said Matt

students. It is designed to help first-year

Watson, a staff writer for MSU Denver’s

students develop college level skills, while

marketing and communications office.

also creating relationships with faculty,

It is not uncommon to walk Auraria

other students and the campus as a whole.

campus and come across a first generation

Isabella Bonato, an MSU Denver student

student. They make up 32.8 percent of the

said that she had used the tutoring area

MSU Denver population. The university

of the Student Academic Success Center

offers a list of campus programs that support

when she was struggling with math Photo courtesy of MSU Denver

first-generation students, including the Center for Equity and Student Achievement, First Year Success, TRIO Student Support

MSU Denver Early Bird program is giving out free t-shirts and buttons at Suite 430 in the Student Success Building as a part of the “I’m first gen too” campaign.

Services, College Assistance Migrant

during her first year in the university. “I don’t think I would have passed without having the tutoring department help me,” Bonato said.

Program and Student Academic Success

the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

“I’m an undocumented student,

Center. These departments also assist

or the Colorado Advancing Students for

so, I couldn’t afford going to even

undocumented students and recipients of

Stronger Economy Tomorrow programs.

the community college after high

DECEMBER 6, 2017



Three months later: Recap on DACA support By Taylor Oxenfeld

voices are heard, and said the

written to help undocumented


SGA strives to advocate for DACA

students get near in-state

students on and off campus,

tuition for higher education.

After the initial shock and anger over the Trump administration’s

including through the Colorado Student Government Coalition.

proposal to end the Deferred Action

“We are actually represented in

Luis Sandoval, the associate director of the Excel program at MSU Denver, said now is the

for Childhood Arrivals program,

to the state legislature,” Gardner

time for students to educate

MSU Denver’s DACA students

said. “If we get a co-sponsor with

and advocate for themselves.

find reasons to be optimistic.

a state senator, we can actually

The university has said it fully

push legislation ourselves.”

supports approximately 400 DACA

and voice their concerns to our

students and has plenty of resources and tools to help students who qualify under the executive order. “At the start, there was a lot of surprise,” said Joshua Gardner, President of MSU Denver’s Student

“DACA students should not be afraid to speak their minds administration,” Sandoval said.

“DACA students should not be afraid to speak their minds and voice their concerns to our administration.”

“Our President, Dr. Davidson, has made it very clear that she intends to support our DACA and undocumented Photo by Lauren Cordova | scordo22@msudenver.edu

student populations.”

Government Association of Trump’s

There are plenty of organizations

–Luis Sandoval

announcement. “Just anger and outrage. Whereas now, it’s shifted

on campus for undocumented

Field Director for Padres & Jóvenes Unidos Monica Acosta and DACA recipient speaks at the DACA walk out on Sept. 5 on Auraria Campus.

and DACA students to contact.

to more determination to do

DACA recipients and

They offer plenty of services

“Students are worried about

in the US, this represents a real

something about the problem.”

undocumented students qualify for

such as academic support,

their ability to legally work and

threat to their home, families and

Gardner said he feels and

in-state tuition at MSU Denver. This

personalized tutoring for non-

reside in the US,” said Gregor

the lives they have been living

understands the struggles that some

is due to the Colorado Advancing

native English speakers and

Mieder, the coordinator of the

since they were children.”

DACA students are experiencing.

Students for a Stronger Economy

information for students on their

Immigrant Services Program.

He and other student leaders

Tomorrow, which was signed in

rights concerning Immigration

“Since DACA students have

want to make sure these students’

2013. Colorado ASSET is a law

and Customs Enforcement.

spent almost their entire lives





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Entry deadline is Monday, December 11.

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Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.





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DECEMBER 6, 2017

It’s time to make some noise staff


he first time that I remember

in the last 10 years, there has been

does this to you, I want you to

being sexually violated was

some small progress toward our

scream.” Of course when they

over 21 years ago. I was in

ability to ask for help, including

were little, I told them no one is

taking some of the blame.

allowed to touch them, and to

my early twenties, and over at a

Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor

friend’s house, where I felt safe.

This incident was not the worst

tell somebody right away if they

We started drinking, a few more

thing that has happened to me.

do. We forget that they need to

people came over, and I got drunk

Look around you. If you’re in a

be told that when they’re older

enough that eventually I passed

room right now with five women,

as well. Most women spend their

out. When I woke up, someone was

chances are good at least three of

whole live pushing off unwanted

having sex with me. I have never

them have been raped. And chances

advances without saying a word.

told anyone that before now.

are even better two of them haven’t

And now, all these women have

Maria Muller

told anyone but their best friend.

wanted to a girl simply because

there, I would have been fine. If I

this is illegal, where there are

have been screaming this whole

she was incapable of saying

hadn’t gotten drunk, I would have

consequences for rape. But nobody

time. I’ve been listening, and now,

no, doesn’t bother me nearly as

been fine. If I hadn’t stayed the

is going to pay those consequences

I can see what happened to that

much as the fact that I have never

night, I would have been fine.

if the woman doesn’t think she’s

young woman all those years ago.

been violated. As a woman, I will

Maybe she wasn’t making good

their lives to take the responsibility

take some of that responsibility

decisions that night, but it doesn’t

allowed myself to be put in a

of anything bad that happens to

onto my shoulders. I have three

give justification for what that

situation where that could happen

us. Whether it is by society, our

daughters, and I never took the

man did to her. I can tell her that

overwhelmed everything else

families or whoever we fall in love

time to say, “This is rape, this is

what he did to her wasn’t her fault,

about the matter. If I hadn’t been

with; we want to fix it all. Finally,

what rape looks like.” If someone

and she has the right to scream.

witter, you could’ve been so

that is essential to make these

are not mutually exclusive, nor

much more. You could’ve

anonymous interactions productive.

do they even draw from the same

The fact that some guy felt he had the right to do whatever he

considered what he did rape. My embarrassment of having

We live in a country where

Women have been trained all

finally decided that it’s time to scream. And we should. We should

Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.

Twitter’s failure


been a space for content

Yes, it banned alt-right icon

resource pool. But that might

creation and idea sharing, a haven

Milo Yiannapoulos for inciting

even make the inaction on the

for collaboration and promotion,

thousands to harass and threaten

spreading plague even more

and general betterment.

“Ghostbusters” star Leslie Jones.

enraging. Their tone-deafness and

Instead, you chose to back Nazis.

What it missed were the hundreds,

contradictory approach to their

I have seen the better side of

if not thousands, of hatemongering

identity and morality is appalling.

Twitter. I’ve seen its upside, and

posts that emboldened a truly evil

Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, has

I’ve been fortunate to benefit from

group that preceded that. There’s

promised change even before

my experience on the website

censorship, and then there is idly

Yiannopoulos’s ban, yet all we’ve

standing by and watching your

gotten is a class-dividing feature

platform turn into a nesting ground

that suspends people for swearing at people with verified accounts.

in big ways. I recently began

Richard Allen

writing for BSN Rockies, a premier media outlet in Denver and an

Division II commuter college,

for hate. It seemed at the time,

incredible opportunity to continue

where the reads are scarce and the

in July of 2016, that Twitter may

pursuing my dream of making a

discussion is weak. It is the direct

have actually learned their lesson,

living discussing sports. And I

access to prominent figures that you

albeit via media and consumer

owe it almost entirely to Twitter.

don’t get from Facebook, and the

pressure. They promised stricter

first hand how helpful the platform

same-level interactions between the

abuse policy and enforcement.

can be, and knowing those same

I have met my new bosses in

And we haven’t even discussed Trump’s account. What stings the most is knowing

person one time each. I did not turn

influencers and the influenced that

in an application, I was not vetted

give it a real platform for equality

they verified, and effectively

find are, at the very least, clouded

through a group of candidates. It

and idea sharing. It could be that

legitimized and condoned, the

for others. It is not the echo chamber

was connections I made on Twitter

haven for innovation, and in many

account of the alt-right “journalist”

that Facebook is. Where my hopes

talking Colorado Rockies baseball

cases, like mine, it has been.

Jason Kessler, the organizer of

have been expanded, others are

the white-supremacist rally in

threatened, diminished and find fear.

with entire strangers that introduced

But that does not excuse its

Nearly a year and a half later,

opportunities that I was fortunate to

me to Jake Shapiro, whom I finally

shortcomings, which is a generous

Charlottesville that left a protester

met after months of exchanges on

description of its fiasco. I believe

dead. This is not a group with

scouting scale, with 20 being

the website through going to a game

Twitter thinks it is a gatekeeper

a dissenting opinion, this is a

the bottom bar and signifying

with another friend I met through

for free speech. I also don’t

group reliant on archaic ideas

a player that has no business in

the site. We discussed my work

think it thinks things through.

that have no place in modern

competition and 80 being the

society with unacceptable beliefs

highest-echelon. Twitter is the

through Met Media, and he asked

It has not handled the uprising of

In baseball, there is a talent

me to send him samples through the

white supremacy enabled byDonald

that translate to unacceptable

first overall pick with an 80-grade

website’s direct message feature,

Trump’s campaign and election

actions. And Twitter has enabled

potential whose complacency

and here I am, far ahead of any

well, at all. They have not been

it, and given it a place to fester.

turned him into a 20-grade burnout.

schedule I had set for myself in

transparent, consistent, or even

the fantasy I had for my career.

rational about how they address

Nazis, Twitter gave us unwarranted

hate speech and mongering on

character limit expansions and

their site, destroying the trust

a rebrand. Sure, the two actions

Take away Twitter, and I am still just a sports editor at a NCAA

While we wanted a crackdown on

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Student Engagement and Wellness offers a variety of programs and services to MSU Denver students. Please review the list to see what we have to offer in support of your collegiate experience.

Campus Recreation at Auraria

LGBTQ Student Resource Center

Counseling Center

Met Media

Dean of Students Office

Student Activities

Health Center at Auraria

Veteran and Military Student Center

You will find opportunities for all to relieve stress by participating in a group fitness class, shooting baskets in the gymnasium, lifting weights in the fitness center or scaling the rock wall. • Outdoor Pursuits • Intramural Sports • Group Fitness • Personal Training • Adaptive Fitness • Informal Recreation • Fitness Center • Certification & Prep Courses PE 108 • 303-556-3210 • www.msudenver.edu/campusrec/

We can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. Individual Counseling • Support Groups • Crisis Intervention • Quick Consult • Mental Health Resources • Academic and Personal Growth Workshops Tivoli 651 • 303-556-3132 • www.msudenver.edu/counsel/

We provide referrals for students in need and ensure that you have the resources to persist through graduation. • Food Bank • Navigate University Processes • Student Conflict Resolution • Student Code of Conduct • CARE Team Tivoli 311 • 303-556-3559 • www.msudenver.edu/ deanofstudents/

The Health Center at Auraria offers comprehensive medical care with physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists and gynecologists. • Primary Care • Urgent Care • Mental Health • Immunizations • Insurance • Health Education Plaza 150 • 303-556-2525 • www.healthcenter1.com

We provide a space to find your community, as well as education and resources for the campus on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Community Building • Advocacy & Support • Resources • Education Tivoli 213 • 303-556-6488 • www.lgbtq-auraria.org

Get the latest campus news and entertainment created for students by the student voice of MSU Denver or join us and get professional experience in media. • The Metropolitan Weekly Newspaper • Metrosphere Monthly Magazine • Met Radio 24/7 Internet Station • Met TV Progreamming Tivoli 313 • 303-556-2507 • www.MyMetMedia.com

We are your catalyst for campus connections! Events and Programs • Fraternities and Sororities • Leadership Programs • Student Organizations • Element • Volunteer Opportunities • Student Travel Tivoli 305 • 303-556-2595 • www.msudenver.edu/ studentactivities/

We provide a place for you to relax, study, network and get questions answered in a space dedicated to veteran and military students, with full-time staff and a wealth of resources. • Quiet Study Space • Computer Workstations • Study Groups • Meeting Space • Student Veterans Club • Rotating Office Hours • Career Workshops • Special Events Tivoli 243 • 303-556-4294 • www.msudenver.edu/veterans



DECEMBER 6, 2017

Super Hereos trend in the big screen Hollywood aims at themes that have built an audience

By Maria Muller

studio wants to invest in the


multiverse strategy and cash in on franchises that can generate sequel

In a world that delivers

and prequel box office successes.”

tragedy in minutes, today’s

“Movies create toy revenue, animated television potentially turns into feature length films, and the video game market really blew up around that time.” – Danny Vieira

society is constantly battered by upsetting news. At the end of the day, the search for healthy ways to take a temporary leave from reality has led many people to movie theaters and into the exciting land of comic books. In 2017 alone, DC Comics and Marvel came out with “Logan,” “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,” “Wonder Woman,” “Spiderman:

Depending on one’s age, the

Homecoming,” “Thor: Ragnarok”

era of cinema superheroes began

and “Justice League.” Combined,

with different movies for different

those movies have earned over

fans. Professional actor Danny

$1.9 billion this year, proving that

Vieira remembered watching the

they’re not just for comic book fans.

original “Superman” starring

Both studios have flourished in the

Christopher Reeve, released

last 20 years, with an abundance

in 1978, at the age of five.

of movies still on the way. The

“It’s said to have been the most

superhero motion picture trend is

expensive movie made, up to

flying faster than a speeding bullet,

that point, and was a critical and

and not even the powerful Magneto

financial success,” Vieira said. “It

is enough to stop its momentum.

was nominated for three Academy

“Hollywood loves blockbusters

Awards, which I think helped show

Photo courtesy of the Independent.

Chris Hemsworth as Thor in “Thor: Ragnarok.” The movie is just one of many superhero movies from Marvel to hit theatres in 2017.

and intellectual property that

people that the superhero genre

has a built in audience,” said Eric

could be seen as more than just

Page, entertainment marketing

kids’ stuff. It also showed that you

director Elijah Montoya, the

convincing superhero action

when the movie is considered

professional and On Air promotion

could make sequels based on a

age of superheroes began with

on screen,” Page said. “Warner

a failure. Both “Elektra” in 2005

writer and producer. “After Marvel’s

popular comic book character.”

“Batman Forever,” which was one

Brothers owned the DC titles while

and “Green Lantern” in 2011

of the first comic book movies he

Marvel’s intellectual property

did poorly compared to most

remembered watching. Montoya

was licensed to various studios.

superhero movies, but when the

said there was a big shift in the

Marvel really came into its own

box office earnings are compared

genre when Christopher Nolan’s

with the release of ‘Iron Man’ and

to production budgets, they still

Dark Knight trilogy made an

the initiation of their cinematic

made a small profit. But with the

impact on how audience members

universe from Marvel Studios.”

familiar tropes in almost every

multi-billion dollar success, every

For event host and creative

viewed superhero movies. “All the movies before that had this really campy atmosphere to them, they were kind of, like, silly,” Montoya said. “Then, the first time they were bad ass was when Nolan did ‘Batman Begins’, and I think that one was like putting your toes in the water. And then, I think ‘Dark Knight,’ with Heath Ledger, that one was like, holy crap, superhero movies have arrived.”

film, it’s difficult to say how long

“After Marvel’s multi-billion dollar success, every studio wants to invest in the multiverse strategy and cash in on franchises that can generate sequel and prequel box office successes.” – Eric Page

Although movies like “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Deadpool” have

Jan and her son, Matt, head into the AMC Cherry Creek 8 theatre on Dec. 5.

forward to the next big superhero movie with anticipation. “Personally, I think the next evolution in the genre is going to come in the form of more idiosyncratic directors putting their stamp on some of these stories,” Page said. “The genre needs room for the next wave of Tim Burtons to come along and explode the genre

As long as people keep paying

beyond the source material and still

a more comical flavor, the X-Men

out, studios will continue to make

keep the essence of what made the

movies have been tackling serious

the movies. Besides the films

characters so great in the first place.

issues, in the guise of mutants, for

themselves, there is profit coming

Taking these characters with abilities

some time. The plight of mutants

from other avenues. Vieira felt

and moving into other genres

have often been compared to people

that superhero movies started

like the western feel of ‘Logan,’

of color or LGBTQ people. This

to become popular and realize

the comedic approach of ‘Thor:

year’s “Logan” took a more somber

their profit potential with Tim

Ragarnok’ or next year’s horror

stance than previous Wolverine

Burton’s “Batman” in 1989.

tinged ‘New Mutants.’ I’m convinced

movies, but earned more at the box

Photo by Brianna Federico | bfederi4@msudenver.edu

the public will continue to look

“Movies create toy revenue,

that’s where the future of superhero

office than the previous Wolverine

animated television potentially

movies. Whether they are more fun

turns into feature length films,

film will bear new fruit,” he said.

or more dramatic, they’ve developed

and the video game market really

determine whether they continue

a formula that pulls in crowds.

The studios’ next moves will

blew up around that time. So I

to thrive. In the meantime, we can

“I’m guessing the timeline of

think studios realized there was a

continue to temporarily escape from

successful superhero features had

potential gold mine there if they

this world to the world of comic

more to do with the ownership of

played their cards right,” Vieira said.

books, as our favorite heroes save

movie rights as well as the state

So far, they’ve played a full

of technology required to create

house at almost every hand, even

the world and our state of mind.



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Tuesdays 5:30-7:20 pm, CRN 33415 No experience required

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 30947

Auraria Chorale


Tues & Thurs 3:00-4:15 pm, CRN 34096 No experience required


Looking for an extra credit hour?

Mon & Weds 4:30-6:20 pm, CRN 32808

Audition required, contact robergen@msudenver.edu


Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 30417

Audition required, contact kruegema@msudenver.edu

Gamelan Orchestra Tuesdays 3:30-5:15 pm, CRN 32556 No experience required

Symphonic Band

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 31635

String Sinfonietta

Tues & Thurs 3:30-4:45 pm, CRN 33197

Jazz Big Band

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 30414

Audition required, contact dbyron3@msudenver.edu

Symphony Orchestra

Mon & Weds 12:00-1:50 pm, CRN 30416

Audition required, contact bmatthe8@msudenver.edu


Thursdays 3:30-5:20 pm, CRN 34088

Women’s Choir

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm, CRN 30946


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DECEMBER 6, 2017

Witch Collective hosts 34 local small businesses By Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu

is seen and connected with. “We are able to celebrate

“In reality, I think it’s just our connection to the natural world.

someone’s passions,” Villarreal

The natural world is part of

said. “It’s inspiring me to get

everything that is and so honoring

made products perused through

back to my work, it helps me

that and ourselves is part of

34 socially conscious vendors

resonate with my own.”

being a bruja,” Marquez said.

Shoppers looking for locally

during the two-day Winter

Honerkamp agrees that

Solstice Market held at the

being able to shop from local

Mercury Café on Dec. 2 and 3.

artists and craftsmen feels

The weekend sale, organized by Witch Collective, highlighted the work of small business owners

like a way to give back and connect with the community. Connection is very important

“We wanted to lead with our values, so instead of chargng booth fees we donate 10 percent of sales to a local nonprofit.” – Zoë Williams

of color and LGBTQ vendors.

for Faatma Norouzizadeh, a

According to their website, Witch

former MSU Denver student

Collective is a collaboration

and member of Righteous Food

of magic makers and artists in

Collective. It drives her work,

town who give a portion of their

whether she’s creating handmade

proceeds to support a just world.

pottery items or nurturing the

term witch and that’s acceptable

earth to grow vegetables.

with the Witch Collective.

“We wanted to lead with our values, so instead of charging

“Potters and farmers, people

Not everyone identifies with the

“I would not call myself a witch,

booth fees we donate 10 percent

who have tactile professions, get

because it’s a European term and I

of sales to a local nonprofit,” said

the same kind of chemical reactions

feel like we have to find a word that

Zoë Williams, an MSU Denver alum

in their bodies as when people are

fits us better as black and brown

and member of Witch Collective.

getting hugs,” Norouzizadeh said.

folks,” Norouzizadeh said. “For a

The purpose of the market

Many of the farmers and artists

lack of a better word, we say magic.”

is to create a microeconomy

she knows deal with childhood

and a small alternative to big

trauma. She said their profession

ingredient at the marketplace

holiday establishments where

is a form of touch therapy that

adorned in holiday reds, golden

vendors and customers might

doesn’t include the human element,

tassels and lights galore. Vendor

not feel comfortable. Williams

which sometimes can get scary

tables set in a U-shaped formation

wants customers to know that

and messy. For her, everything

on the second floor of the café

their money is going directly to a

that she makes and creates is

made it easy for shopping traffic

person and not a corporation.

related to the earthwork.

to navigate through all the colorful

“They get to meet the people

“I deal with the elements and the

Magic seemed to be the main

earth in everything that I do,” she

said. “And get to know the

said. “It’s a relationship for sure, and

mushroom walking sticks, tarot

ingredients, like what goes into

I’m not sure who benefits the most.

readings and portraits were

what they are buying for the people

Because it’s therapy for me, too.”

available along with organic

Shoppers also had the

Flor Marquez, a healer and

Art, stick and poke tattoos,

candles, soaps, oils and other

owner of Alchemy Ritual Goods,

personal products. The air was filled

opportunity to buy organic drinks

also sees her work as a healing

with refreshing scents as shoppers

and food from the Mercury Café

practice. The goal of Alchemy

looked on happily and children

while they looked through a

Ritual Goods is to create a space for

ran about in a space that felt more

multitude of artisanry and healing

community to receive the healing

like community than commerce.

products. Evan Villarreal and

and support they need regardless

Jason Honerkamp heard about

of background, spirituality or

the event through social media

culture. Marquez grew up knowing

and decided to attend together.

she was a bruja, Spanish for

communities could accomplish

witch. She said that everyone has

collectively if they healed together.

Villarreal likes to support

Michelle Martinez and Ash Ferguson share their healing products from their company La Que Sabé at the Winter Solstice Market at Mercury Cafe on Dec. 3.

and unique products sold.

that makes the products,” Williams

they care about or themselves.”

Photos by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

“Healing is an essential part of being happy,” Marquez said. She likes to imagine what

spaces where vendors can

a little sliver of witch and that

express themselves in a safe

religion and politics have made

high quality space and time for

“Living a life that feels like a

environment where their artistry

the word scarier than it really is.

you where you can impact the people that you love in the best way possible is important,” she said. The vendors were able to impact even more community members by participating and giving 10 percent of their proceeds. Collectively, they raised $1,700 for Colorado

Flor Marquez, owner of Alchemy Ritual Goods, takes a moment from vending to get her fingers tattooed by stick and poke artist Cory Feder during the Winter Solstice Market at Mercury Café on Dec. 3.

Circles for Change, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to reduce juvenile violence and incarceration so young people can reach their full potential. This is the second time they are beneficiaries. The Witch Collective will be hosting another market where local beneficiaries will be the Transformative Freedom Fund. The nonprofit organization works

Mickki Langston of Tellicherry Trading Co. shares her organic body products at the Winter Solstice Market at Mercury Café on Dec. 3. This is the second day of a market organized by the Witch Collective, where local artisanry and healing products are sold.

to remove financial barriers to accessing transition related healthcare for transgender people in Colorado.

Midwinter Market Series

organized by The Witch Collective

Dec. 13 and 14 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Dec. 15 from 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Boxcar Gallery 544 Santa Fe Dr. Denver CO 80204 For more information visit: www.facebook.com/Witchcollective/

DECEMBER 6, 2017



MSU Denver student starts a sustainble business Dmitri plans to bring organic coffee to undercaffinated students on campus January 2018

By Issac Banks

pollutants to get nonrenewable


resources when instead we should be using those resources to build

After biking 931 miles from San Antonio, Dmitri Rumschlag

solar panels that will last 25 years. Rumschlag has worked hard

ended his 25 day bike trip in

for what he wanted his entire life.

Denver. Within two hours he

When he was 16, he started his

got a job, a place to live and a

own landscaping company and

group of friends. Two-and-a-half

ran it for seven years. It started

years later, he is attending MSU

with him going door to door in his

Denver for the engineering trades

neighborhood of 2,000 residents,

and started his own business.

asking each one if they would

Rumschlag, an MSU Denver sophomore, works at the Mercury

pay him to mow their lawn. “My mom instilled this in

Café and The Corner Beat Café.

me, I used to need money for

Both of the restaurants sell 100

things and she would be like, you

percent organic goods, a value

have to work for it,” he said.

important to Rumschlag. He

Julia Rosemorgan, a close

is an advocate of sustainable

friend and coworker of Rumschlag,

lifestyles and renewable energy,

said that he has a strong work

for himself and others.

ethic. He picks up unpaid

Rumschlag has been interested in this lifestyle since he was 10 years old. He would

projects around the community that always help people. “He’s got a lot of enthusiasm

build contraptions with K’Nex,

about life and biking and

which are constructible toys

coffee,” Rosemorgan said.

kids can use to build anything

Rumschlag wanted to sell

from cars to roller coasters, and

coffee because he loves it. He

powered them by a wheel he

wants to offer people low cost,

would turn instead of using the

organic and great tasting coffee.

motor that came with the set.

As a self starter, he began

“I always wanted to help people

Photos by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

looking to open his own café. He

and make things that you can’t

originally planned on building

really get sometimes,” he said.

his own bike café. Unfortunately,

Rumschlag believes that

he did not have access to shop

having a sustainable lifestyle is

tools or the money to build it.

Engineering Trades student Dmitri Rumschlag takes his cafe bike for a spin on the Auraria campus Dec. 1. The Swedish company provides bicycle cafés to entrepreneurs looking to start their own business. Wheelys is a Swedish

our future. He said we eat food

Luckily, he found

franchise that provides bicycle

covered in pesticides and expel

Wheelys Café company.

cafés to entrepreneurs looking to start their own business. The company started in 2014 by a group of friends and has spread all over the world, operating in more than 50 countries. They believe in “a green revolution,”

customers can pedal, generating

taking advantage of developing

power, for their own coffee.

countries. Fair trade helps those communities develop their

“My mom instilled this in me, I used to need money for things and she would be like, you have to work for it.” – Dmitri Rumschlag

and organic free trade coffee. Rumschlag was in contact with

Corner Beet and good friend of

before they had a big sell and

Rumschlag said he’s full of ideas.

don’t want to pay the fair price, get the cheap stuff, pay those people like shit and it is just

“He’s always been the

cannot support that in any business that I decide to open.” The café comes with an application for Android and

He had missed the sale because

type to spearhead projects,”

Apple phones that customers

he was saving his money to buy

Hazamy said. “He is all about

can download onto their phones.

one. After the sale, they called

sustainability and he really likes

With this app, people can locate

him and said that they had one

bikes, so it is really up his alley.”

the café and place orders. If it is

more cart with his name on it. The bike café that Rumschlag

Rumschlag went with Wheelys

a nice day and someone wants

because of their ethos and

to ride their bike to the café, they

got from the Wheelys is a “model

dedication to sustainability.

can use the app to let Rumschlag

three.” The bike café is painted

Part of that ethos is fair trade

know they are on the way.

white with red trimming and

coffee. Fair trade coffee is

lettering and is ready to set

regulated by Fair Trade USA,

to sell local products as long

up anywhere. It is powered by

a nonprofit organization, to

as they are organic and free

human pedaling and a battery

insure a livable wage and

trade. Rumschlag plans on

that Rumschlag charges with a

proper work environments for

selling organic coffee, coffee

solar panel. Rumschlag plans to

farmers regardless of the market

related drinks, fresh press

add on more solar panels later.

price of coffee. Companies like

juice from The Corner Beet,

The battery and the solar panels

Conscious Coffees, a roster

salads in quart mason jars,

will be used to power the motor

located in Boulder, and Dunkin’

organic fresh fruit, locally baked

on the bike and the chiller inside.

Donuts use fair trade coffee.

organic pastries and muffins.

Rumschlag’s mission was to

MSU Denver student Dmitri Rumschlag with his café on wheels on campus Dec. 1. Rumschlag has started a local Wheelys business.

“You have these other companies that come in and

not fair,” Rumschlag said. “I Nikki Hazamy, owner of The

the company for a few months sold out of all of their models.

infrastructure Rumschlag said.

Wheelys uses organic food

Wheelys encourages owners

He is planning to have

leave the smallest carbon footprint

and free trade coffee beans.

the grand opening of

possible. He had an idea of one

Some businesses in the coffee

his café on Jan. 6.

day adding pedals on the bike that

industry have been criticized for



DECEMBER 6, 2017

The darkest shade of gray Author’s novel successfuly explores Great Purge

By Alexsandra Ruiz-Ortiz

others are at a hospital. The NKVD

around another girl. Scenes like


shove a mother and her child into

this remind the readers that

the vehicle to be deported as well.

a 15 year old is dealing with

The details paints a vivid image as

survival, hunger, lice and death.

“Between Shades of Gray” is an impactful and emotional story

Lina describes the mother dripping

of Lina Vilkas and her family who

blood as the doctor begs one of

hope and encouraging thoughts

are dragged out of their home to

the NKVD officers to let the child

during the dark times depicted

be labor slaves for the Soviets.

stay since it will not survive.

such as the “Great Purge.”

They are one of many families

Sepetys unearthed the

One character radiates with

Sepetys decided Lina’s mother,

who fight for survival and struggle

memories of those who

Elena, would be the beacon of

to maintain hope. During the

experienced the unjust actions

hope. She constantly shows

Soviet Union’s occupation of the

of the Soviets. She describes the

kindness and love to those who

Baltic states, including Lithuania,

train cars Lina and her family

may not even deserve it. Sepetys

Latvia and Estonia, many lives

were transported on as cattle cars

reminds the reader with Elena

were damaged as the Soviets

with the smell of sweat, urine and

that “whether love of a friend,

began to deport people deemed

feces radiating and empowering

love of a country, love of God,

as anti-Soviets starting on June

with the heat trapped inside. With

or even love of enemy - love

14, 1941. The deportations are

only one hole in the ground, it is

reveals to us the truly miraculous

known as the “Great Purge.”

both their fresh air and bathroom

nature of the human spirit.”

Ruta Sepetys, the author,

hole. Each detail gives a graphic

wonderfully captures the horrors of the “Great Purge” and what a family might have endured at the time. Sepetys is a Lithuanian-American

Photo courtesy of Starowieyska Magda

Ruta Sepetys is a Lithuanian-American writer of historical fiction. Between Shades of Gray is Sepetys’ newest novel.

author, who is internationally

will bring you along on an

so many others had to endure

emotional ride that will have you

during the Great Purge.

connecting with the characters

Sepetys beautifully embraces the dark topic in “Between Shades

and heartbroken when there is death among the family.

of Gray,” yet keeps the young

acclaimed in historical fiction.

fictional character, much of the

The People’s Commissariat for

adult problems many readers

She is the daughter of a

book is based on other families’

Internal Affairs, known as NKVD,

face. Throughout the book there

Lithuanian refugee.

experiences as Sepetys traveled

were a Soviet secret police

are several flashbacks. One in

to Lithuania for research.

organization responsible for

particular reminds the readers that

political repression and carried

Lina is a teenager. The flashback

She writes about Baltic states

“Between Shades of Gray”

image of what Lithuanians and

that were caught between the

Sepetys brings the emotion

Soviet and Nazi empires, wanting

of a 15 year old to life as readers

out the Great Purge. Readers first

is of Lina and her cousin who are

to encapsulate others’ stories and

embark on this horrific journey

realize many NKVD officers are

about to go on a double date.

retell them in “Between Shades

with Lina as she discovers why her

emotionless human beings when

It failed when Lina discovered

of Gray.” Though Lina Vilkas is a

family is going through torment.

the truck transporting Lina and

her date has his arms wrapped

Between Shades of Gray • By: Ruta Sepetys • Price: $9.97

The electricity of Denver’s music scene Although My Body Sings Electric wasn’t

By Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu

headlining at 1STBANK Center that night, bands like theirs are essential in maintaining the local music economy. A sentiment that

In honor of their 10-year-anniversary, My Body Sings Electric spent the final

nearly any band would surely trade in for

night of their three-night celebration

two headlining arena shows in the span of

with a hometown show at the Marquis

two months, sure, but an invaluable one,

Theater in Denver on Dec. 2.

nonetheless. To be such a consistent presence in any sort of capacity is an accomplishment

Joining the band in their victory lap around Colorado were fellow local acts All Chiefs,

that most bands don’t even get the pleasure

Modern Suspects and Slow Caves. The

of taking for granted. But growing up in

sheer endurance of My Body Sings Electric

the industry and having the chance to be

garnered a community affair, as soundchecks

surrounded by those that did so with them

and drink orders were interrupted by the

that night, Whalen and company certainly

welcomed embrace of old friends.

know better than to do such a thing. After their emotionally charged two-

Starting the night off, All Chiefs brought a jazzy, infectious warm-up act

song encore, chants of “ten more years”

to the crowd still flowing into the venue.

followed the quintet as they exited

Guitarist Justen Howard’s mesmerizing

through the stage door behind them. Your favorite bands all have a hometown.

talent provided the crowd with the goahead to let loose, a sentiment of which they held close as the night progressed.

Photo by Montana Martin | mmart427@msudenver.edu

My Body Sings Electric celebrates a decade in the local scene at the Marquis Theater in Denver on Dec. 2.

something you haven’t yet. It’s bands like

equivalent of a Marquis Theater, every day of the week, in every timeslot. I

Speaking of, keep an eye on the boys in Modern Suspects and you may see

At one point, they have all played their

the most of the space you left them. When My Body Sings Electric took the

that made the choice to go support local music

implore you to go pick your timeslot.

that night, in lieu of attending Channel 93.3’s

this that were made to endure the drudgery

stage at their 10:30 p.m. time slot, they wasted

annual “Not So Silent Night.” While he also

of the music industry, only to be met with

no time in reminding the crowd why they’re

carved some time out of the night to reminisce

everything they set out to accomplish.

still around. Lead vocalist Brandon Whalen

on the band’s triumphs, he took a bit more to

Regardless, with a popping presence like

immediately took any opportunity he could

speak to the things that fell short of such.

Modern Suspects’, if you can’t be there

to thank those who “knew us when.” Whalen

to fill the room they’ll find a way to make

indebted the last decade to the type of fans

“We thought we were gonna be Imagine Dragons,” Whalen said.

If you go: • 2009 Larimer St • Visit themarquistheater. com for show dates

DECEMBER 6, 2017



Successful volleyball season meets bitter end at NCAA regionals MSU DENVER NEWS

By Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu

Basketball opens conference action in South Dakota

MSU Denver volleyball’s season has ended in the regional semifinals of the NCAA National Tournament, signaling an end to four seniors’ time with the team. Though they earned the No. 3 seed in their region, the Roadrunners were upset by the No. 7 West Texas A&M University Buffaloes in a three-set sweep, capping off a successful season with a disappointing end. In head coach Jenny Glenn’s second year at the helm of the program, she has now successfully carried the Roadrunners to back-to-back conference finals and NCAA National Tournament appearances. It’s a testament to her talent as a coach, and the team’s overall talent. “The growth of this team has Photos by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

been incredible,” Glenn said. “It’s been an amazing thing to be a part of, honestly.” The Roadrunners had a bumpy

MSU Denver women’s volleyball player Taylor Duryea attempts to send the ball over West Texas A&M defenders in the semifinal match of the NCAA South Central Regional Tournament at the Regis Fieldhouse on Dec. 1. Duryea finished the game with 9 kills, but the Roadrunners fell 3-0 to The Lady Buffs to close out their 2017 season with a 22-9 record.

season, losing six of their first nine games. But the team showed

Because of their excellent regular

Alyssa Svalberg and Vasati Fiatoa

Claire Gordon, a defensive specialist

resilience, rallying off 16 wins in

and postseason performances,

brought the team newfound energy.

who played behind Lopez and

17 matches during conference

MSU Denver earned an invite to

The boost helped the Roadrunners

freshman Lyric Hebert this season.

play and earning a number three

NCAA National Tournament. Their

rally to a 25-21 win in the fourth set

“I think this is just an experience

seed in the Rocky Mountain

first match was against Texas A&M

and force a shortened fifth set. They

that I will never forget,” Lopez said.

Athletic Conference Tournament.

University - Commerce Lions. After

dominated in the deciding set 15-9

“And just to end it with this group

During the RMAC Tournament,

jumping out to a quick 25-11 win

after jumping out to an 8-2 lead.

of girls, especially. We knew how

the Roadrunners continued their

in the first set, the Roadrunners

winning ways, making it to the

struggled, giving up 15 attacking

the team confidence,” said junior

the court too, so, yeah, it’s just an

finals by knocking off No. 2 seed

errors and allowing the Lions to take

Santaisha Sturges. “When she’s

experience I’ll never forget. I’m

Colorado School of Mines, who

the next two sets 25-22 and 25-21.

turning around screaming at all of

really thankful that I chose Metro.”

had beaten them during regular

But the Roadrunners pulled

season play earlier in the year.

themselves together as seniors

“I think it just gives everyone on

us, all of us just want to scream

Despite losing four seniors,

back at her. It just gives us so much

a strong core of players remain

energy and shows that she has

for next season. Leading scorer

confidence in herself and her team.”

Sturges, Taylor Duryea and

However, a worrying match

Stephanie Laraway will all return

against West Texas A&M was due

as seniors. The team also has

up next. The No. 7 seeded Buffaloes

three more years out of breakout

had upset No. 2 seed Tarleton State

freshmen Alexis Benda and

University the night before and

Kayla White, as well as Hebert,

the Roadrunners struggled to find

who was third on the team in

any answers. Three intense back-

digs behind Lopez and Sturges

and-forth sets fell in favor of West

and seems primed to take

Texas A&M, as the Roadrunners

over as the primary defensive

were unable to overcome their 23

specialist/libero next season.

attacking errors and seven service

But that’s not to say the seniors

errors. The match had 15 total tie-

won’t be missed. The leadership of

scores and seven lead changes, but

all the seniors played a significant

the Buffaloes were the ones to close

role in the success of the team, and

out each set. Sturges was able to

Glenn reflected on what it meant to

score 11 kills on 27 attempts. Fiatoa

have a strong group of seniors in

contributed nine kills, including

her second season as head coach.

four in the final set, but it wouldn’t

“One thing I will say about this

be enough. The Buffaloes swept

group is they did whatever I asked

the Roadrunners with a towering

them to do, and as a coach, you

defense and serve game, putting

can’t take that for granted,” said

up 13 blocks and seven service

Glenn. “This is a unified group

aces across the three sets.

that played hard and unified the

MSU Denver volleyball now

MSU Denver women’s volleyball player Alyssa Svalberg celebrates after scoring against West Texas A&M in the semifinal match of the NCAA tournament at the Regis Fieldhouse on Dec. 1. The Roadrunners fell 3-0.

to have fun on the court and off

entire season, and I think that’s

loses the services of four seniors:

why we were able to accomplish

Svalberg, Fiatoa, Jackie Lopez and

what we were this year.”

The Roadrunners carried their successful stint at Auraria Event Center on Nov. 24 and 25 into a road trip to South Dakota to open Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference play. On Dec. 1, they took on South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and both teams walked away with victories on the strength of 20+ point games from Georgia Ohrdorf and Cameron Williams. The next day both travelled to Black Hills State University, where the men’s team was successful once again, but the women fell victim to the undefeated club. The men improved to 3-5 on the season, while the women fell to 5-3. For his defensive prowess over the weekend, Bounama Keita earned RMAC Defensive Player of the Week Both teams return home on Dec. 8 to take on Regis University. Sturges named All-American Junior outside hitter Santaisha Sturges earned an American Volleyball Coaches Association All-American honor for her accomplishments on the volleyball court this season. She led the RMAC in kills and ranked third in points in 2017, playing a key role in the team’s NCAA Tournament run.

NATIONAL NEWS Russia banned from 2018 Olympics The International Olympic Committee announced that Russia has been barred from competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The IOC stated that “systematic manipulation of the anti-doping rules and system” is the reasoning behind the ban and it will affect not only athletes, but officials, scientists, administrators and government officials. Athletes who were deemed “clean” are still allowed to compete in the 2018 Olympics, but they are not allowed to compete under the Russian flag. Instead, the competitors will compete under the title “Olympic Athlete from Russia,” in official standings and scoreboards. They will also be forced to wear uniforms provided by the IOC, and will be listed under the Olympic flag. Russia is the first instance of an entire country ban since India in 2014 and Afghanistan in 2000.



DECEMBER 6, 2017

Roadrunners fall semester in review By Richard Allen

berths to their respective NCAA

year’s team, and it quickly showed.


regional championships, as well.

The team dropped their first five

Volleyball was undoubtedly

matches, all by one goal, and the

As the semester comes to

the strongest full-season team in

season seemed to be lost early.

a close, it takes with it another

the fall, reaching the semifinals

However, they flipped the script

season of MSU Denver sports.

of both the RMAC Tournament

by going 8-2 in their next set of

and the NCAA DII South Central

games and worked their way up

men’s and women’s athletics

regional tournament. They

to fourth place in the RMAC by

represent the Roadrunners. The

took a 22-9 regular season

the end of the season, reaching

men competed in basketball, cross

and a 16-2 RMAC record to the

the conference semifinals.

country, soccer, tennis and will

playoffs under second-year head

begin indoor track on Dec. 7. The

coach Jenny Glenn, finishing

on a strong showing in their first

women had squads in all of these

third in the conference.

halves, with men’s and women’s

Fall 2017 saw 12 teams across

sports, plus volleyball and golf.

Along the way, they became

The split-season teams put

tennis collectively going .500 and

While a conference or national title

the only in-conference team

golf topping out at third place in

proved elusive, Roadrunner teams

to beat the eventual RMAC

their first set of invitationals in the

had winning records in conference

champion Regis University. The

season. Both will go back to work

play in every instance applicable,

team’s efforts were recognized

in the spring, along with baseball,

earning personal accolades and

with national ranking votes, two

softball and outdoor track.

recognition along the way.

all-RMAC first team players,

Collectively, the athletics

three more named to the

spring is basketball and indoor

department earned trips to all

conference second team and

track. Both basketball teams have

five Rocky Mountain Athletic

an all-region DII Conference

entered conference play, with

Conference Tournaments that

Commissioner’s Association honor

the women’s team currently at a

they were eligible to make:

for junior Santaisha Sturges.

winning pace of 5-3. The men’s

one from volleyball, each of

While other Roadrunners

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Bridging the gap from fall to

The MSU Denver Roadrunners and UCCS Mountain Lions Battle for the ball at the RMAC on Oct. 31 hosted at the Regency Athletic Complex. After a previously scoreless game, MSU Denver ended with a 5-3 victory over UCCS in penalty kicks.

record is the inverse of that, but

begins their season on Dec. 7 at

court and track and carry that

the men’s and women’s soccer

teams did not find similar success,

won their first two RMAC contests.

the Colorado School of Mines

over into the spring semester.

programs, and both groups from

storylines abounded during the

Senior Bounama Keita earned the

Alumni Classic & Multi. As we

cross-country. Volleyball and

fall season. Men’s soccer lost

conference Defensive Player of

enter the break, the Roadrunners

cross-country earned followup

eight regular players from last

the Week honors on Dec. 5. Track

will continue to compete on the

Campus Rec concludes intramural basketball By Richard Allen

Underdogs captain Alejandro

team Warren’s Waffle House, who


Jimenez after the team’s victory.

wore their Campus Rec jerseys

“We understand it’s intramurals. We

they earned for winning last year’s

understand we’re here for fun and

tournament. Other teams in the

bleachers of the Auraria Event

nobody needs to get hurt. But, at the

league featured names like Lavar

Center were not pulled out.

end of the day it is a competition.

Ballers and D Up for Harambe.

There was no need for them.

There is a scoreboard up there.”

The creativity that goes

In the finals matchup, the

into some of the names eludes

On the evening of Dec. 4, the

The Roadrunners weren’t there that night. Yet, there was still

two teams were separated by a

pandemonium when the final buzzer

handful of points deep into the

sounded from the middle court

game, inducing anxiety and stress

idea,” said Destin Brave, member

that was emblazoned with the MSU

in the players that led to a scuffle

of the team Warren’s Waffle

Denver logo. What was left was a

and several personal fouls for

House, when asked about the

group of seven men in basketball

language and roughhousing.

name. “They never told me. I

shorts and each with their own

invested, even if it was a rec league.

and an order for jerseys to be filled.

“The only difference is you’re

guess they like going to the Waffle House to eat or something.” Brave’s teammate Oliver Zettas Photo by Richard Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

playing against friends you meet

named team had just triumphed

out on the street,” CU Denver

over the CU Denver Lynx men’s

club head coach Gordon Stevens

club team in the finals of Campus

said. “It’s the same level. Same

Recreation’s intramural basketball

competitiveness, if not more.”

league. Over the course of 10

“You know what, I have no

It was clear: both teams were

variation of a white top celebrating, Underdogs no longer, the aptly

even some of the players.

The finals proved to skew toward

later explained that it was in

Will Hewitt of Warren’s Waffle House goes up for a shot against the CU Denver club team in the semifinals matchup of the Campus Recreation intramural basketball league playoffs on Dec. 4. Warren’s Waffle House lost 51-44.

homage to a junior varsity coach

the end, a surprising standard

just because it’s a smaller tri-

competition successfully blended,

several players on the team had while playing at East High School. With the quirks, fun and

weeks, the league whittled its way

“more,” prompting Summers to

for the rec league. In seeding

institution that a lot of people

Campus Recreation is turning that

down from 12 teams to just one

spring from his seat in the balcony

play, four teams tied for second

want to play,” Summers said.

momentum into more programs

in a successful initial campaign

and hustle down the stairs to ensure

place, only one victory behind

under Program Development

things did not get out of hand. He

No. 1 CU Denver. Even with

of MSU Denver, CU Denver and

with volleyball and indoor soccer in

Coordinator Miki Summers.

wasn’t about to let an all-around

the inclusion of a legitimate

Community College of Denver

the spring semester. Summers also

And while it may have not been

solid campaign turn sour in the final

club team that participates in

allows for a unique intramurals

envisions expansions that include

club level or higher, the final

minutes of a 10-week endeavor.

sanctioned tournaments, the

experience. The Lynx wore school-

more community involvement,

Summers, in his first year

talent level was not skewed in

branded uniforms, while their

like a bowling or curling league

favor of a small minority.

opponents in the finals donned

that would require off-campus

varying forms of white shirts,

resources. They hope to repeat the success following that same model.

night of events featured close competition that drew emotions

in his position, watched as the

out of the recreational athletes.

intramurals program’s headlining

“Anything in life that you do, you’re always competitive,” said

“It’s a higher brand of

The shared campus and league

league apexed into a heated

competition than you normally

from tanktops to pennies. In the

contest that was captivating until

see in an intramural program

semifinals, the Lynx bested the

available to students, beginning


DECEMBER 6, 2017


Open mic and free pizza night


Moon Taxi

Location Ogden Theater



Say Anything

Women’s Basketball

Men’s Basketball

Location Summit Music Hall

Price $25

Price $23

Time 9 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

12.8 vs. Regis University Location Regency Athletic

Location Tivoli Garage Lounge

12.8 vs. Regis University Location Regency Athletic


Price Free

Time 5 p.m.

Complex Time 5 p.m.

Time 4 p.m. 12.10


Location Marquis Theater Price $13 12.7

MSU Denver Auraria Chorale and String Sinfonietta

Location King Center Price $5 Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.


Lady Gaga

Location Pepsi Center Price $45+

Women’s Basketball 12.9 vs. Chadron State



Location Paramount Theater



Location Regency Athletic

Location Regency Athletic


Location Moon Room

Price $52+

Price $10

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

MSU Denver Jazz Combos


Nathaniel Rateliff

Location Ogden Theater Location King Center



Complex Time 5 p.m.

12.16 vs. Colorado School of

Location Summit Music Hall

Price $40

Price $20

Time 9 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

12.9 vs. Chadron State


Women’s Basketball 12.7

Men’s Basketball

Time 7:30 p.m.

Complex Time 7 p.m.

Men’s Basketball 12.16 vs. Colorado School of Mines


Location Golden Time 1 p.m.

Location Golden Time 3 p.m.

Price $5 Time 7:30 p.m. 12.23


Location Gothic Theater 12.8

MSU Denver Festival Choir and Symphony Orchestra


Jane’s Addiction

Location Ogden Theater

Price $25

Price $90

Time 9 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.


Location King Center Price $15-20 Time 7:30 p.m.


MSU Denver Jazz Voice & Guitar Combo

12.7 vs. Tampa Bay 12.29


Location 1STBANK Center

Price Free


My Morning Jacket

Location 1STBANK Center

Price $50+

Price $50+

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Lightning Location Away

Lana Del Rey


Nuggets 12.8 vs. Orlando Magic Location Away Time 5 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

Nuggets 1.7

Location Pepsi Center Location Syntax Physic Opera



Black Veil Brides

Location Fillmore Auditorium

Price $40+

Price $33

Time 8 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

12.10 vs. Indiana Pacers

12.10 vs. New York Jets

Location Away

Location Home

Time 3 p.m.

Time 2 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS Danny Masterson Following rape allegations,

Now (and then) streaming Spotify released their

Matt Lauer “Today” show anchor Matt

House of Cards The Netflix original series

The fall of the Old Republic Star Wars director Rian

Netflix fired actor Danny

chart of 2017’s most streamed

Lauer has been terminated from

“House of Cards” will return in

Johnson confirmed that his new

Masterson from his work with

songs, albums and artists of

NBC following accusations

2018, and it will not include Kevin

trillogy will not be based on the

their original series, “The Ranch.”

the year. Ed Sheeran was the

of sexual misconduct. The

Spacey. The show’s sixth and

video game, “Knights of the Old

The streaming service said in a

most streamed artist of the

network received a “detailed

final season will run just eight

Republic.” Johnson also confirmed

statement on Dec. 5, “As a result

year, followed by Drake, The

complaint from a colleague

episodes, down from the usual

that the new story arc will not

of ongoing discussions, Netflix

Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar and The

about inappropriate sexual

13. Following the charges against

include the Skywalkers. “To me,”

and the producers have written

Chainsmokers. The most streamed

behavior,” following with, “this

the actor, Netflix said it wouldn’t

Rian said, “what’s really fun is the

Danny Masterson out of ‘The

female artist was Rihanna.

may not have been an isolated

be involved with any production

notion of what new stuff are we

Ranch.’ Yesterday was his last day

incident.” Lauer was fired Nov.

of the series involving him.

gonna see, what new stories can

on the show, and production will

28 after more than 20 years

we tell?” The latest chapter of the

resume in early 2018 without him.”

with NBC News and “Today.”

“Star Wars” saga, “The Last Jedi,”

Since part of the fourth season has been filmed with Masterson, he will continue to appear in some episodes next year.

is hitting theaters on Dec. 15.


DECEMBER 6, 2017

It’s another day on guard duty. Macrophages patrol the body,

Suddenly, the quiet is shattered. Macrophages


Foreign pathogens rush through the

keeping it safe from disease and infection. The most important

on patrol see the wall is about to breach. They

break. Cytokines point the macrophages

feature is the skin, which acts as a powerful wall. Macrophages

rush to the site and prepare to battle.

in the direction of the enemy. The battle

keep a close watch, looking for any breaks or intruders.

The macrophages begin counterattacking, devouring

to keep the body safe has begun.

The last of the bacteria gobbled up, the macrophages

Viruses storm through breach. There hasn’t

pathogen after pathogen. Wave after wave of bacteria

celebrate. The body is safe, or so they think. Little

been enough time to seal it. The macrophages are

attacks, but the macrophages are determined.

do they know the danger that approaches.

forced to retreat. It’s a whole new game now.

Brain games

To be continued...


47. Zip


35. Satanic pursuit

1. Like a tack

48. An operatic plant?

1. Succumbs to gravity

36. Garage activity

6. ‘’Animal House’’ attire

52. Beast on a coat of arms

2. Sinuous dance

38. ‘’The Ten

10. Craving

54. South American tuber

3. Wide-eyed with

Commandments,’’ e.g.

14. Boring thing

55. Bon follower


40. Quiche ingredient

15. At the summit of

56. Dealers with the sole of

4. Look up to

41. Supporter of the arts,

16. Blood fluids


5. Come before


17. Surgeon’s requirement

62. It was sacred to Tut

6. Spanish appetizer

44. Eve’s grandson

18. Brad of ‘’Fight Club’’

64. Logical beginning?

7. Concerning the ear

46. 33s and 78s

19. Miles away

65. Put more paint on a

8. Like some romances

49. Isle of Capri attraction

20. Wise trainers?


9. Most fitting

50. Rulers contain them

23. Country getaway

66. Balm ingredient,

10. Dos Passos opus

51. Assume, as a task

24. Yank’s foe


11. Elegance of manner

52. Inuit vessel

25. Easter and Christmas

67. New driver, typically

12. Ten C-notes

53. Aristocratic

27. Mad PI?

68. Church doctrine

13. Deserves

57. Nautical centerpiece

32. ‘’___ Maria’’

69. Jekyll : Hyde ::

21. Toes the line

58. ‘’The Beat Goes On’’

33. Took a look at

Superman : ___

22. Skirt feature, sometimes


34. X

70. Nobel Institute city

26. Dyed-in-the-wool

59. Sidle

37. Back of the neck

71. Express contempt

27. All there

60. Hoarfrost

39. Worked for Hilfiger

28. Roundish

61. Practice for the fight

42. Hindu deity

29. Change the locale

63. Complete collection

43. Flee to unite

30. Driving gadget

45. Borodin’s prince

31. Track legend Moses



FOOD DRIVE D E C E M B E R 1, 2 0 1 7 – J A N U A R Y 1 2, 2 0 1 8

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The drive is open to everyone. Final drop-off date is MLK Peace Breakfast in the Tivoli Turnhalle on Jan. 12, 2018, at 8 a.m.

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