The Student Voice of MSU Denver
Rambler Ranch paves road to the past
Volume 39, Issue 16 December 7, 2016
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Photo by McKenzie Lange •
International student finds success
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Photo by Abreham Gebreegziabgher •
Legal aid keeps dreams alive
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Photo Finish
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Photo by Lauren Cordova •
As the semester comes to a close, The Met looks at a preservation of the past, hope for the future and those looking to make a change in the world around them.
Photo by McKenzie Lange •
Winter break adventure training
Colorado Crush empowers with graffiti Page 6 >> Photo by Madison Lauterbach •
Local breweries donate their darkest for the hungry Tivoli Turnhalle hosts Metro Caring By Mady Smarr
Marty Jones sips on his choice of beer at the Parade of Darks tasting on Dec. 3. Jones has been organizing the event since its inception six years ago. Photo by McKenzie Lange •
Christmas music and the buzz of excited conversations floated throughout the Tivoli Turnhalle on Dec. 3 during the Parade of Darks. The event is a holiday beer festival featuring only dark and amber brews. This year, the festival had 33 breweries who donated their time, employees and most importantly, their beer. Tickets for the event were $45 and 100 percent of the profits went to Metro Caring, a local organization that donates healthy food to underprivileged
families in and around Denver. “There is enough food, but it is a matter of getting the excess that is available to those who need it the most. Events like this present an opportunity to inform the public about this tension between food need and food excess and we are working hard to make sure that one day, all will be well fed,” Ryan Galanaugh, the vice president of development communications for Metro Caring, said. Metro Caring partnered with a local beer connoisseur named Marty Jones six years ago to create the event. It started at Wynkoop Brewery in 2010 with
the help of Jones. Last year, the event took a brief hiatus and when it came back this year, it moved to the Turnhalle. All the breweries providing beer do so on a completely volunteer basis. According to Jones, they had so many breweries request to volunteer for the event that they had to turn some away. Jones also said the Parade of Darks was the perfect contrast to The Parade of Lights that happened later that same night.
Story on page 3 >>