Volume 40, Issue 29 - April 18, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 29

APRIL 18, 2018


Teacher wage woes boil over on Capitol Hill | pg. 2

Photo by Darral Freund | dfreund1@msudenver.edu

Englewood schools shut down for the day on April 16 after educators walked out of their classrooms to join a mass teacher protest on Capitol Hill that focused on lack of funding for education and low teacher salaries. Colorado teachers rank 46th among states and Washington DC for wages, which at around $46,000 a year is below the national mean.

Nobel laureate urges MSU Denver to give peace a chance By Nataleah Small

PeaceJam and MSU Denver

come to young people, to know

introduced Arias before his speech


co-hosted a “Public Talk with

the history of other countries

and familiarized the audience

decrease the size of armies,

Nobel Peace Laureate Óscar Arias

and widen their horizons of

with his accomplishments.

ensure freedom of the press

Sánchez” in the Tivoli Turnhalle.

peacemakers in the world,”

concept in a constantly changing

The university partnered with

said Thandi Tutu-Gxashe,

first term as President of Costa

region. The plan was signed by

world. Yet it is difficult to deny

Red Rocks Community College

daughter of Nobel laureate

Rica from 1986-1990 during a

five countries including Costa

its existence when introduced

and Regis University to bring

Desmond Mpilo Tutu.

time of great strife in Central

Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador,

to people who have dedicated

the former two-time president of

Vicki Golich, provost and

America. In 1987, he was awarded

Honduras and Nicaragua.

their lives to its promotion.

Costa Rica to the Auraria campus.

vice president for academic and

the Nobel Peace Prize for his

student affairs at MSU Denver,

efforts to create the Arias Plan.



Peace can seem like an elusive

On April 13, Rocky Mountain


“It’s wonderful of him to


| pg. 4

| pg. 6

Golich said Arias served his

| pg. 8

This peace plan would

and bring democracy into the

| Continued on pg. 2 SPORTS

| pg. 10

Legislators may increase higher

The Voice challenges music

Belly dance instructor shares her

Trio of pitchers lead softball

education funding

competition shows

passion through dance

team’s rebound.

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