The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 40
NO. 19
JANUARY 31, 2018
‘Right to Rest’ fest brings awareness to Capitol steps
Photo by Mimi Madrid |
Jesse Parris, an MSU Denver alumnus, speaks during the 4th Annual Right to Rest Fest hosted by Denver Homeless Out Loud on Jan. 29. Community supporters gathered on the West Steps of the Capitol to bring awareness to the Right to Rest Act which protects peoples’ right to exist in public places.
Jennifer Black Elk shared the ordeal
By Mimi Madrid Activists gathered to eat, rest
disenfranchised individuals. They believe
continue to take advantage of us.”
she survived after getting displaced
everyone should have the right to move
from her original home. After she
freely, rest, sleep and protect oneself
group called Black Starz Action
found sanctuary outside the courtyard
from the elements in public spaces.
Movement. He said political leaders
and protest on the West Steps of the
of a local church, some members
Capitol on Jan. 29. These basic acts
called the police and threatened her
was the master of ceremony who brought
of survival often raise suspicion from
with trespassing. She’s empathetic to
speakers up to share their stories. He’s not
Denver authorities as a violation of
people who are currently homeless.
new to activism. Burton was one of three
right-now approach to the problem, they
activists who were charged with a camping
are a fake and they are a fraud,” Seku
ban ordinance violation last spring.
said. “The process of revolution speeds
the urban camping ban ordinance. The 4th Annual Right to Rest Fest hosted by Denver Homeless Out Loud brought awareness to the daily struggles
“I pray every day for these people on the street,” said Black Elk. “When I was out here I didn’t get any sleep.” Supporters of the homeless
Jerry Burton, a Marine Corps veteran,
Chairman Seku runs a self defense
“During war time you take, divide and conquer,” said Burton. “That is
should be ready to act on issues impacting homeless communities in Denver. “If they don’t have a revolutionary
up the solution. So we hurry up and get there because people are dying.”
of people who experience homelessness.
community have urged legislators to
exactly what our representatives have
DHOL works with and for homeless people
pass a Homeless Bill of Rights that
done. They are continuing to wipe us
to help protect their rights and dignity.
would help end the criminalization of
out, continue to keep us down and
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