Volume 40, Issue 19 - Jan 31, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40

NO. 19


JANUARY 31, 2018


‘Right to Rest’ fest brings awareness to Capitol steps

Photo by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Jesse Parris, an MSU Denver alumnus, speaks during the 4th Annual Right to Rest Fest hosted by Denver Homeless Out Loud on Jan. 29. Community supporters gathered on the West Steps of the Capitol to bring awareness to the Right to Rest Act which protects peoples’ right to exist in public places.

Jennifer Black Elk shared the ordeal

By Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Activists gathered to eat, rest

disenfranchised individuals. They believe

continue to take advantage of us.”

she survived after getting displaced

everyone should have the right to move

from her original home. After she

freely, rest, sleep and protect oneself

group called Black Starz Action

found sanctuary outside the courtyard

from the elements in public spaces.

Movement. He said political leaders

and protest on the West Steps of the

of a local church, some members

Capitol on Jan. 29. These basic acts

called the police and threatened her

was the master of ceremony who brought

of survival often raise suspicion from

with trespassing. She’s empathetic to

speakers up to share their stories. He’s not

Denver authorities as a violation of

people who are currently homeless.

new to activism. Burton was one of three

right-now approach to the problem, they

activists who were charged with a camping

are a fake and they are a fraud,” Seku

ban ordinance violation last spring.

said. “The process of revolution speeds

the urban camping ban ordinance. The 4th Annual Right to Rest Fest hosted by Denver Homeless Out Loud brought awareness to the daily struggles

“I pray every day for these people on the street,” said Black Elk. “When I was out here I didn’t get any sleep.” Supporters of the homeless

Jerry Burton, a Marine Corps veteran,

Chairman Seku runs a self defense

“During war time you take, divide and conquer,” said Burton. “That is

should be ready to act on issues impacting homeless communities in Denver. “If they don’t have a revolutionary

up the solution. So we hurry up and get there because people are dying.”

of people who experience homelessness.

community have urged legislators to

exactly what our representatives have

DHOL works with and for homeless people

pass a Homeless Bill of Rights that

done. They are continuing to wipe us

to help protect their rights and dignity.

would help end the criminalization of

out, continue to keep us down and

| Photo Story on pg. 8





| pg. 4

| pg. 5

| pg. 6

| pg. 12

Activists come to campus to fight

Taking sides in the console wars &

United Leaders for Higher

Counter-points: Who will take home

for national monuments

confronting fake news

Education: undocumented students

the 52nd Lombardi Trophy?


JANUARY 31, 2018


Women’s March begins new conversation March on Colorado board

By Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

members Tish Beauford, Jolie Brawner, Lisa Cutter and Jessica

This year, the Denver Women’s March returned with the same

Rogers encouraged protesters to march for those causes.

pink hats, but new grievances. President Donald Trump’s

“Today we are honoring the contributions of women of

actions have pushed people

color by inviting people of all

across a spectrum of ethnicities,

colors, genders, abilities and

ages and genders back into the

ages to join us at the front of

streets to protest. According to

the march,” Cutter said.

Denver 7, close to 150,000 people

The crowd began its march

attended this year’s march. People

down 14th and Bannock, led by

gathered early morning in Civic

the four board members who

Center Park for a pre-rally.

cried in unison, “We march!”

From the early morning

Mary Roose attended last

gathering until the afternoon rally,

year’s march in Colorado Springs

attendees shouted and held their

to protest the election of President

signs. Marchers gathered once more

Trump. This year, she marches

in the Civic Center Amphitheatre

in the streets of Denver. Roose

where roughly 34 speakers and

spoke about her decade-long

performers took the stage.

support for immigrant rights,

“Today we march for our sisters, mothers, grandmothers, and yes,

saying she took part in an antideportation march 10 years ago.

for our sons. We march for the

“Today we march for our sisters, mothers, grandmothers, and yes, for our sons.” – Mayor Michael Hancock

underserved and for justice for all, for human rights and equal rights,” said Mayor Michael Hancock during the pre-march rally. While last year the march focused on women’s rights and on the 2016 presidential election results, the 2018 Women’s March

“To have to march for it again

on Denver focused not just on the

is just disheartening,” Roose said

rights of women, but the rights of

about the rescinding of the Deferred

LGBT members and undocumented

Action for Childhood Arrivals act.

immigrants. Bans, such as the

Somali MSU Denver student

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Alondra Kingman and Haley Walsh laugh on top of a column in Civic Center Park while watching the afternoon rally on Jan. 20. word poetry is a privilege, since

Alondra Kingman, sat on top of a

Women’s March won’t disappear

she comes from a place where

column during the rally while they

after the Trump administration ends.

women have their voices silenced.

embraced each other. Walsh joked

“I am the daughter of many,”

“I think it should keep

that there’s a perk to attending

going every year,” Kingman

Afrah said, before naming female

the march with her girlfriend of

said. “It’s important to have

activists of color such as Elaine

seven months. They could make

these conversations. The same

Brown and Angela Davis.

out while advocating their beliefs.

ones as well as new ones.”

travel ban and the directive order

Ismahan Afrah performed a poem

to prohibit transgender troops

about the prejudice she faced for

wouldn’t have the opportunity to

by myself,” Walsh said. “But it’s

from serving in the military,

being a Muslim, wearing a hijab

speak freely without the sacrifices

something beautiful to share

have sparked controversy in the

and for being a woman of color.

made by other women of color.

it with someone you love.”

immigrant and LGBT community.

Afrah said that performing spoken

In her poem, Afrah said that she

One couple, Haley Walsh and

“I’ve gone to a lot of protests

Kingman hopes that the

Faculty senate discusses future By Heather Balla

The staff is considering the best way to

their mission is to welcome students from


manage their curriculum in all departments.

a broad range of diverse backgrounds.

The professors look to others who have had The Faculty Senate met on Jan. 17 to talk about improving teaching plans and methods to help students succeed. The teachers will be working with The

The staff at the university advocates

success in the classroom and see how their

for students who do not have easy

teaching methods have worked with students.

access to a good education such

“We’re bringing in teachers who won

as undocumented students, first

the Teacher’s Excellence Award and have

generation students and veterans.

President’s Advisory Committee to create

them show us the methods that gave them

a plan to improve their teaching plans and

the most success in the classroom,” said

life, whether it be age, life experience

rebuild the curriculum. The Faculty Welfare

Faculty Senate President Matt Makley.

and socioeconomic statue,” said Jo

Committee is exploring engagement and

Makley, one of the winners of the

retention, which will continue to build

Teaching Excellence Award came to

dialogue around pedagogy. Conversations

the senate meetings last spring to talk

on advancing strategic partnerships

about their strategies, methods, beliefs

both on and off campus will continue.

and how they do their work best.

The purpose of the Faculty Senate

“We have students from all walks of

Ann Bailey, Faculty Senate member. Photo courtesy of MSU Denver

The preparing students for their careers, by equipping them with the tools to succeed

Faculty Senate President Matt Makley led the Faculty Senate meeting on Jan. 17.

“We have celebrated what we’ve done

is the primary goal of the faculty. Makley said, “The future of MSU Denver’s students are vitally important

meetings is for staff at the university to

well and students deserve our best,”

senate is the creation of new majors, minors,

to the staff, and they want to prepare

discuss teaching styles and planning. Their

said Ronald Schendel, recent winner

certificates and course alterations to provide

them for the workforce and give them

goal is to ensure that professors are educating

of the Teachers Excellence Award.

the best learning experience for MSU Denver

confidence to achieve their goals.”

students in an effective and efficient way.

Makley said that the interest of the

students. He continued by saying that



JANUARY 31, 2018

Environmental campaign comes to campus By Megan Webber

inspired action in Colorado.

mwebber6@msudenver.edu Environment Colorado is bringing their fight to preserve the

Environment Colorado will

happened in Utah to happen

be collecting signatures on

in Colorado,” said campaign

its Day of Action to show the

organizer Emily Struzenberg.

state that the preservation of

Canyon of the Ancients and Browns

The boundaries of Bears

Canyon to the Tivoli Quad on Feb. 1.

Ears were cut by 85 percent,

They will be hosting an event

support from the government,

“We just don’t want what

and Grand Staircase Escalante’s

national lands is important to people across Colorado. “It seems like you’re not really

called Day of Action to collect

boundaries were cut by 45 percent,

doing anything by signing a

signatures on their petition to save

according to Struzenberg.

petition,“ Struzenberg said, “but

Colorado’s national monuments.

Although the parks are still

that means you’re giving a voice to

There is concern for those national

protected by the state government,

the public. So that a senator, when

monuments because their safety

that doesn’t mean they are safe

they see that there are 1,200 names

has never been threatened before

from harm. Bears Ears, for example,

on this petition, they know that

on a federal level. Donald Trump is

is rich with opportunities for

we’re collecting physical petitions,”

the first U.S. president to suggest

uranium mining. State protection

constricting the size of the national

does not take away the rights of

the concerns of the public to the

parks. For this reason, Environment

mining companies to drill and

government, but also to educate

Colorado will make an effort to

dig in the park. Under federal

the community about what is

inspire more action statewide

protection, however, the lands

being done to the environment

to incline Colorado senators to

would be safe from drilling, mining

and what can be done to fix it.

push for legislation to save these

or any other kind of damage.

The more educated the public

historic and beautiful lands. Intern Shahid Ahmed wrote,

Colorado Sens. Michael Bennett and Cory Gardner have

The goal is not only to voice

is, the more public support Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

there is to show to the state.

Environment Colorado campaign organizer Emily Struzenberg works on letters at her office near the 16th Street Mall.

“We at Environment Colorado

both expressed support for the

feel that an attack on one

preservation of the state’s national

right now are from students,

national monument is an attack

monuments. Last year, Gardner

which is really great, but we

on all national monuments.”

announced that the National

want to show a broad spectrum

geologist when she said, “I think

added, “Having it preserved is

Park Service and partners would

of support,” Struzenberg said.

federal protection for shared

one of the ways to make sure it’s

lands is extremely important.”

there for people in the future.”

The legislation passed in Utah to

“About half of our signatures

cut the size of Bears Ears National

distribute nearly $50 million to

Monument and Grand Staircase

national parks for maintenance

Barbara EchoHawk, Ph.D.,

Escalante National Monument

projects. Since the parks have

spoke from the perspective of a

Associate professor of geology

In terms of Browns Canyon and Canyon of the Ancients, EchoHawk

DACA deferment reignites protests on campus one with a pathway to citizenship.

By Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu

“We don’t want any more political gambling with our lives,” he said.

Demonstrators gathered at the Tivoli

“We are not chips you can just sweep

Quad, to protest Congress’ decision to

off of the table when you lose.”

postpone debate on the Deferred Action for

Trump said that he would be open

Childhood Arrivals program on Jan. 23.

to a deal that retains protections for

President Donald Trump announced

undocumented immigrants who have

on Sept. 5, 2017, that the Department of

already been approved and provide a

Justice would end the DACA program,

pathway to citizenship. The challenge will

which gives protections in the form of

be in the House of Representatives. House

permits to undocumented immigrants

Speaker Paul Ryan has said he will not

brought into the U.S. as minors.

allow an immigration bill to pass without

Permits begin expiring on Match 5.

the majority of Republican support.

Those in favor of continuing the

Nicole Melaku, one of the event

program were hopeful that a resolution

organizers from CIRC voiced some

would be reached in Congress. However,

of the anxieties that now exist.

neither side wanted to budge, leading to

Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

the government shut down on Jan. 19. The temporary shutdown ended with a promise of continued debate of the issue by

Students gather outside Tivoli Student Union on Jan. 23. The gathering was in support of the people who are effected by the continued delay on immigration reform.

Feb. 8. The deferment ignited outrage across the nation and prompted demonstrations. Members of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, Colorado Education Association,

“Uncertainty is now a clock ticking day by day that folks will not be able to continue their lives in this country,” Melaku said. Despite the uncertainty for DACA recipients, supporters kept a positive attitude.

what they called cold political calculations made at the expense of immigrants. After representatives of organizations

for the rights I deserve,” Estrada said. Estrada is one of the approximately 800,000 undocumented immigrants who

Demonstrators encouraged each other to keep fighting by calling their representatives, gathering together and speaking out.

Metro Denver Sanctuary Coalition and

supporting DACA voiced their disagreement

general supporters were present alongside

with congressional inaction, recipients

the DACA recipients, known as Dreamers.

came forward to speak. Luis Estrada, a

Mexico when he was seven years old. Now

is empowering to see people coming

junior at MSU Denver, was among them.

at 22 years old, he is fearful for his future.

together, I feel recharged again,” she said

Demonstrators held a banner with “Dream Act Now” painted on it during the event. Speakers voiced their frustrations with

“I am here to show that my life is important, and I will continue fighting

received DACA protections before Sept. 5. His parents brought him to the U.S. from

Estrada hopes that a solid DACA replacement will be passed by Congress,

Christina Medina, of the CEA, spoke on the efficacy of demonstrations. “It

JANUARY 31, 2018



Fake news is ruining my life and yours


n Dec. 6, 2017, journalist

changed the outcome of the

doesn’t feed into your echo chamber

Oobah Butler revealed

election was a crazy idea. Calling

doesn’t discredit the facts. No Mr.

that London’s top rated

that crazy was dismissive and I

President, threatening the freedom

restaurant on TripAdvisor wasn’t

regret it. This is too important an

of the press is bad for the country.

real and he was behind the ruse in

issue to be dismissive,” Facebook

Vice News. His article documented

CEO Mark Zuckerberg commented

launched progress. We can connect

several months of staging a fake

in an open Facebook post.

instantly with people and ideas

restaurant, the Shed at Dulwich,

The beautiful internet has

It’s hard to believe that a site

across the world. We can easily

and writing fake reviews until

for your Grandparents to like every

learn something new. However,

the site named it was rated no.

picture you post and to share cat

the dense information of the web

1. Though I laughed as I read

videos helped get Trump into office.

has made it more difficult to weed

Stanford Journal of Economic

out what’s fabricated. The internet

Perspectives found that during the

is our Achilles heel and our saving

remember getting drunk off of

election, the most popular fake news

grace. Satirical and false news is

about how Butler used his foot to

Ali Watkins

prop up an egg for the website, it pointed at a harmful trend. The spread of misinformation

moscow mules with my best friend

stories were shared on Facebook

allowed to exist. That is their right.

has been chronic during the last

as we watched the voting results

than the most popular mainstream

Heck, I just read Logan Paul: ‘I Didn’t

couple years. We hope that our

pour in. We thought we had little

stories. Take into account that the

Realize People Who Commit Suicide

family and friends will know better

to worry about. As we watched the

study also found that 62 percent

Kill Themselves’ on the Onion. It

than to share a clickbait headline

map turn red our laughter soon

of Americans get their news

didn’t learn anything from it but it

without reading the article. We

turned into tears. Thanks, Facebook.

from social media and you have

gave me a laugh. All I’m saying is

enough fuel for a nightmare.

that next time you read a headline,

assume that our colleagues won’t

Yes, there were many factors

believe that a satirical article, like

going into the election but the

one from the Onion, is factual. I

unchecked news spreading through

with Trump’s inauguration. The

am a journalist, a truth seeker. I

popular social media, like Facebook,

president has frequently encouraged

believed that more people saw the

was a huge factor. All of the “fake

the mistrust in news outlets. On

world this way. Like fact checking

news” — as the president has

Oct. 11, 2017 Trump tweeted, “With

an article, I shouldn’t have let my

called it— has hurt our democracy

all of the Fake News coming out

of The Metropolitan. She is

presumptions go unchallenged.

and the trust in real journalism.

of NBC and the Networks, at what

majoring in Social Documentary

“After the election, I made a

point is it appropriate to challenge

and minoring in Fine Art.

The 2016 election was sobering.

Misinformation hasn’t stopped

The election of Donald Trump

comment that I thought the idea

their License? Bad for country!”

shocked me to say the least. I

misinformation on Facebook

Dubbing any news source that

click on it and read it. Open up another tab and Google some facts.

staff Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Isaac Banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Jolene Yazzie jyazzle@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor

Ali Watkins is the Photo Editor

Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Assistant Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

PlayStation is better


Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

he console wars. A war

Metacritic score is not included

risks. The developers that made

fought by fanboys and

with the Xbox average score. I only

“Tacoma” also made “Gone Home,”

fangirls across the world

found the score for the PC version.

a game that was released on Xbox

over which video game box is

The quality of Xbox’s games is

first before coming to PlayStation.

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media

better. A stupid, meaningless

not the problem. “Cuphead” won

“Halo Wars 2” is a sequel that

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

fight, but one that needs to be

Best Independent Game at the Game

added the pay-to-win game mode

Office Manager

fought. Because it is obvious that

Awards. It is the lack of games.

Blitz. “Pubg” was a huge hit on

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

the PlayStation 4 is better than

PlayStation is willing to invest

the PC before it came to the Xbox

the Xbox One. The games that are

in games that might not seem like a

one. The only game that Xbox took

Sales and Marketing

exclusive to the PS4 leaves Xbox in

good idea. “Gravity Rush” did not

a risk on is “Cuphead.” That risk

do that well critically or financially,

turned out great with over 2 million

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

it was a PS Vita exclusive after all,

copies sold and multiple awards.

the dust, sputtering and confused. Let me provide the evidence

Isaac Banks

to my claim. First, we have to

but PlayStation still made a second

The quality and the amount

establish parameters. For this

we have “Forza Motorsport 7,”

one. The original publisher dropped

PlayStation exclusives games makes

comparison it’s important to look

“Halo Wars 2,” “Rise & Shine,”

“Nioh” before, learning from

it the best console to play on. This

at those exclusive games. If the

“Tacoma,” “Cuphead,” “Phantom

their slip-up with “Demon Souls,”

could change in the future. Xbox

game is on the PC, then it does

Dust,” “Voodoo Vince,” and

PlayStation came and picked it up.

promises more exclusive games

not count. Wait, no. We cannot do

last but certainly not least,

“Hellblade” is a story based single

in the future to go along with their

that because all of Xbox exclusive

“PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.”

player game with no loot boxes

stellar service, Game Pass. But

games can be played on PC.

PlayStation total is 11, while Xbox

or downloadable content. “Knack

for now if you want a console for

only has a total of eight. Disclaimer,

2” is a sequel to “Knack.” Not all

the games, go with the PS4.

we have “Horizon Zero Dawn,”

I am probably missing a couple of

of these games sold well or were

“Persona 5,” “Nioh,” “Nex

smaller games, but I think this is

critically acclaimed. But it does

Machina,” “Uncharted Lost

a good snapshot. Now, quantity

not matter because for every miss

Legacy,” “Gravity Rush 2,” “Crash

does not mean everything, so let

there were two hits. No longer can

Editor for The Metropolitan. He is

Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy,” “Knack

us look at the average Metacritic

Xbox ride the wave of a handful

majoring in Communications and

2,” “Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice,”

score. PlayStation clocks in at an

of exclusives like they did back

minoring in Public Relations.

“Nier: Automata” and “MLB

average score of 84/100 and Xbox

in the Xbox 360 days. They have

The Show 2017.” For Microsoft

with an average of 77/100. “Pubg”’s

not shown the willingness to take

Starting with the PlayStation,

Isaac Banks is the News

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



JANUARY 31, 2018

Dreamers unite to secure their future

Student-led support for undocumented youth in higher education By Mimi Madrid mayala@msudenver.edu

who helped her stay in school. One of those people was Angelica Prisciliano, an MSU

Thirty young people stepped

Denver alumn and finance

out of the shadows, declaring

executive for ULHE. Together,

they were undocumented and

they co-founded a student

unafraid. The applause from 250

organization called Dreamers

of their peers filled the Driscoll

United because they wanted to

Student Center at the DU Campus.

provide incoming students with

Activists touched on themes of resiliency at the first student-

the resources they found for themselves to stay in college.

led United Leaders in Higher Education conference over the weekend. Their mission was to bring student leaders, educators, administrators and organizations together to better support undocumented and DACA students in higher education. “It’s so moving and impactful that all these institutions are coming together for one reason, which is to help undocumented

“It’s so moving and impactful that all these institutions are coming together for one reason, which is to help undocumented students attend college and stay in college.” – Saira Galindo Vasquez Photo by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

students attend college and stay in college,” said Saira Galindo Vazquez, an MSU Denver senior. The conference had workshops

“As an undocumented student, it’s very interesting all

Daniel Lopez and his classmates traveled from Ann Arbor, Michigan to attend the 2018 United Leaders for Higher Education conference on Jan. 27. Lopez pays close attention during the legal session of the student track.

of the pathways you have to go

for students and educators

through and seek on your own,”

on scholarships, mental

Prisciliano said. “What we are

away from being a teacher. She

by DACA to rest easy because

and an asset for undocumented

wellness, leadership and legal

trying to do is provide an easier

aspires to teach third graders

his administration’s targets were

students. Recently, it has put

information. The space was

way to navigate higher education

because all her field placements

criminals and not Dreamers. A

them in a painful legislative

made to address the needs of

for undocumented immigrants.”

so far have been with sassy fifth

group of dedicated students did

limbo. Galindo Vazquez is

graders. She said she’d rather

the opposite of resting easy and

uncertain how future timing is

not go home crying every night.

instead worked hard for eight

going to impact her education.

months to create a conference

She must pass a final examination

undocumented students who

Young people who were

navigate higher education, and

brought to the U.S. as minors

who are the first in their family.

were eligible for Deferred Action

Galindo Vazquez faced

Galindo Vazquez is a year

However, recent immigration

Trump told young people covered

Time has been both an enemy

for Childhood Arrivals. This

battles have left the lives of

for others like them going

to obtain her teaching license

economic hardship when

program, which started in 2012,

the undocumented and DACA

through the same struggles.

but needs proof of work

she first started community

gave children of immigrants

students in a precarious position.

That is how ULHE was

college. She paid hefty out-of-

work permits and allowed for

Piled on top of their textbooks and

created. Their vision was also

state tuition fees, did not know

a renewable two-year period

tuition anxiety is the uncertainty

to challenge stereotypes and

I’ve been going to school almost

how to find scholarships and

which deferred deportation.

of deportation from a country

decade-old messaging that no

seven years,” Vazquez said. “I

could not get the support she

This afforded youth the space

that has helped raise them.

longer serves their movement.

want to finish, but because of that

needed. She finally met other

to seek higher education and

undocumented people on campus

pursue career aspirations.

Before the program was repealed last winter, President

Ivan Ceja, conference keynote speaker and founder of

permit, that legal thing, I can’t.” Time has also nurtured a generation of leaders like

and media have been critical

her looking to include older

to the culture shifts around

generations while guiding

immigration. In 2010, Ceja and

younger ones. The social

his mentors decided it was

networks ULHE has grown

important to create their own

over the years is a victory. Many started as participants

were tired of seeing the same

at first and were driven to

stories of suffering used by

action. Prisciliano remembers

mainstream media to portray

the first time she came out as

the plight of immigrants.

an undocumented immigrant. It

“Sometimes, mainstream

was in the same Driscoll Student

media is focused more on what

Center where the Dreamers from

is going to get them ratings,”

the ULHE conference stepped

Ceja said. “Undocumented

out of the shadows earlier.

immigrants also celebrate, we

“It’s very symbolic to me to

laugh, we have victories, we win

be doing this now, because it

and we need to highlight that in

really shows what you can do

mediums of television and video.”

throughout time,” Prisciliano

Ceja said it’s important to

said. “If the right person impacts

uplift the grandparents, parents

your life you can go ahead and

and extended family members of

do great things. It happened to

Dreamers because they are the

me and my co-workers as well.”

people that sacrificed everything

Luiz Antezana, an undocumented teacher in Colorado Springs, talks about black and brown solidarity during his workshop at the United Leadership for Higher Education conference on Jan. 27. The student-led conference gathered scholars, educators and administrators from higher education institutions across the state.

“It breaks my heart because

UndocuMedia, said messaging

narratives to share out. They

Photo by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

authorization to take it.

This dedicated group of

to raise them in better conditions.

undocumented students

“We are a reflection of them

stand unapologetic and

and they are also deserving

unafraid to inspire the next

of being worthy of a pathway

generation of scholars.

to citizenship,” he said.


Supervises all Met TV operations, including news and entertainment programming, commercial production, and sponsorship acknowledgments; mentoring and

Interviews will be scheduled on Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. West Classroom, Room 133 All applicants must:

training of new production and news staff. The GM also sets policies, such as deadlines, equipment checkout and additional programming requirements; manages Channel 20 scheduling and works with AHEC staff regarding

Take six credit hours at MSU Denver •

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20 hours weekly) and hires and manages news, sports, entertainment and editing leaders. The GM reports to the

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Official transcript or recent grade report

director of Met Media.

Preferred experience: Working knowledge of television broadcasting equipment and editing software, television production and marketing. Preferred majors: Convergent Journalism, Speech Communication, Technical Communications, Journalism and Communication Design.

Have leadership skills.

Please include:

general manager keeps regular office hours (minimum

Application Deadline: February 12

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Upload your materials at: www.mymetmedia.com/leaders or drop off your application in person at Tivoli 313.

Metrosphere Editor–in–Chief Metropolitan Editor–in–Chief Met Radio General Manager

r t orne T C t a Fe ticierMoet Studenemplo Nhoe Nightlayughs EFl uTtboero


ver n e D



u D e aytim


For more information, contact Elizabeth Norberg at 303-615-0467 or enorbert@msudenver.edu.



JANUARY 31, 2018

Carla Madison Recreation Center By Nataleah Small

According to a City of Denver


press release, officials estimate

administrator for Denver Arts

35,000 individuals will visit

and Venues, worked with the

the center monthly.

three artists who received

Community centers bring people together from all walks

In an email to The Metropolitan,

Rudi Cerri, public art

commissions for new art at the

of life. Located in the heart of

Cynthia Karvaski, Denver Parks

center: Erik Carlson, Thomas

Denver is the new Carla Madison

and Recreation communication

Evans and Kelton Osborn.

Recreation Center, which functions

specialist, wrote that in

as a hub for art and interaction.

2007 the Denver Better Bond

Carpenter created CIRCUIT, a

On Jan. 8, the center opened

Carlson and his wife Erica

Program allocated funds for the

series of lights on the exterior

to the public. It is located on the

acquisition and design of the

of the rec center connected to

corner of East Colfax Avenue and

facility. The center’s location was

three workout machines. The

Josephine Street, across the street

determined in response to a 2005

lights are always on, but feedback

from Denver East High School.

recreation center assessment

from the machines influence

The new state-of-the-art facility

that identified a service

how they are animated.

is a place for exercise, the arts

deficiency in the Park Hill area.

and community interaction. The center was named after

“This location selection provides greatly needed

“Lights blink on and off, or Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | kylons9@msudenver.edu

they’ll do a pattern to motivate you to exercise more,” Cerri said.

former city council member

recreation opportunities

Carla Madison. She was elected

to a currently underserved

a feedback loop because people

to serve Dever’s 8th Ward from

population in the surrounding

outside the center can observe

2007 until her death in 2011.

areas,” Karvaski wrote.

what is going on inside the

about Madison to create a subtle

to be an abstract representation

center by watching the lights

collage of her life. The portrait is

of Madison. The color was

on the outside of the building.

colorful and painted on a wood

inspired by Madison’s red hair

cutout. It hangs in the front

and “flamboyant” personality.

The four-story, 67,000-square-

Including construction and land

Carlson said his piece creates

Artist Thomas Evans in his studio at the RedLine Contemporary Art Center on Jan. 26. Evans painted a portrait of Carla Madison that is on display in the new recreation center which opened on Jan. 8.

foot structure has multiple

acquisition, the project cost $44

amenities including swimming

million. Due to a city ordinance, 1

pools, cardio rooms and

percent of the construction budget

health, it’s an individual goal

hallway of the center and sits in a

permanent art installations.

went to commission new artworks.

people strive for, but it radiates

four-inch niche within the wall.

“The goal of improving one’s

out into the community,” Carlson

something different on

to be healthy and lead a healthy

nontraditional canvas and having

City of Denver, Mayor Michael

lifestyle, the example that one

a collage in the background is

Hancock expressed his sentiments

person sets inspires other people.”

something totally different,”

about the new center.

Evans said. “It may not have…

In a statement from the

“Denver rec centers provide

of the rec center’s namesake, Carla

matched the actual photos,

our residents with incredible

Madison. Cerri said the committee

but it was her essence.”

amenities while adding to our

was looking for an abstract representation of Madison.

Kelton Osborn’s piece,

quality of life,” Hancock wrote. “I

Aegis, will be installed later this

know the Carla Madison Recreation

spring. The piece will consist

Center will become a new central

Carla Madison’s spirit,” Cerri

of a series of orange aluminum

gathering place for our residents.”

said. “We didn’t want a straight

rings lining the entrance of the

portrait. We could have found a

facility. Cerri said the rings will

center is what represents

lovely photograph and blown it up,

add dynamics to the walkway and

the greatness of the city.

but we didn’t want to do that.”

make the area more welcoming.

“Thomas’ portrait captured

Public art installation blueprint of “Aegis” scheduled for Spring 2018.

the community, Karvaski wrote.

said. “When people are trying

Thomas Evans created a portrait

Photo courtesy of Kelton Osborn and Denver Arts and Venues.

“Having the colors and

Overall, the center has received positive feedback from

Evans said he used information

Photos by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Jerry Burton, master of ceremony, speaks to a crowd during the 4th Annual Right to Rest Fest on Jan. 29. Burton was one of three activists found guilty last spring for violating the urban camping ban. Full story on page 1.

He belives the recreation

Osborn said the piece is meant

Charles Mcconkey and Mariah Johnson support people experiencing homelessness and hold a home-made sign on Jan. 29.

JANUARY 31, 2018



Colorado Motorcycle Expo: chrome, leather and custom craftsmanship By Kavann Tok ktok@msudenver.edu Custom-built choppers. Vintage

One artist from Durango

in 1978, but was rained out.

created custom mini-bike models

“We had guys jumping ten

made out of old motorcycle parts,

cars, and we pretty much lost

dedicating 40 years of rebuilding

everything,” said Jack. “We

bikes. Live music, food, beer, wall-

and restoring Indian motorcycles.

had to sell our house to pay

to-wall art, motorcycle accessories,

Jeff Grigsby at Indian Motor

the debts of the show.”

leather and a wet t-shirt contest

Works is downsizing his shop in

were just some of the highlights

Bayfield, Colorado. Bob Wilson

at the 40th anniversary of the

has been there for 25 years as

Colorado Motorcycle Expo.

Grigsby’s wheel man. He took it

Motorcycle enthusiasts filled

upon himself to take the parts off

the National Western Complex for

of Grigsby’s hands, which he used

the largest indoor motorcycle swap

to sculpt and make mini-bikes.

in the country Jan. 27-28 in Denver. This year’s exhibition

“These are genuine Indian motorcycle parts. Every piece here is. I do these in my spare time.”

– Bob Wilson

“These are genuine Indian motorcycle parts. Every piece

They moved it back to the

showcased 100 vintage bikes,

here is,” Wilson said.“ I do

Adams County Fairgrounds

800 vendor booths and more

these in my spare time. I’m a

where it became a 10-year

parts for the swap than ever

creative genius, they tell me.”

tradition. Crowd size never

before. At the stadium of the

He started off decorating his

went over 5,000 people. Jack

National Western Complex, there

house with them, but realized

wanted the opportunity to

was a used bike corral where

he could make money off his

see it grow even bigger.

motorcycle shops and independent

hobby and joined the Colorado

sellers brought in used bikes

Motorcycle Expo for the first time

we broke 5,000,” Jack said.

for sale. Originally called The

this year. The miniature bikes go

“When we sold it to Jeff,

Motorcycle Show and Swap, the

home with the highest bidder.

we were doing somewhere

name was changed to Colorado

His creative genius expands to

between 15 and 20 thousand.”

Motorcycle Expo in 2013 by new

life size motorcycles as well.

owners Jeff and Angie Brown. “We get vendors from all

The Colorado Motorcycle Expo

“Our first year in Denver,

As for the future, Jack said he would like to see more

was originally founded by Jack

motorcycle clubs come back to

over the country,” Jeff Brown

and Vicki Portice and Jim Arnett in

this event. He wants younger

said. “If you’re trying to find a

1977. It was named the Colorado

generations to carry on these

part for a bike that was made

Motorcycle Festival, which

long-term traditions.

in the ‘60s, you’re not going to

started out at the Adams County

be able to walk into the stores

Fairgrounds. At the time, Jack felt

of support,” Jack said. “The whole

and buy that. You can have

there was nothing specifically for

time, it was intended for bikers.

access here to unique parts.”

bikers. One could go to a car show

That’s what it’s all about. I can’t

Brown added that motorcycle

“I thank everybody for 40 years

and enter their bike, but it wasn’t

think of anything I would’ve rather

shops are slow this time of year.

motorcycle-specific. This gave

done for that 35 years. We went

Smaller shops look forward to

their tight-knit community a chance

to all the rallies. We got to drink

the Colorado Motorcycle Expo to

to shine. The event relocated to

beer with people. We had fun.”

help them get through the winter.

the Colorado National Speedway

Tay Anderson addresses the crowd during the Right to Rest Fest and commits to keeping elected officials accountable to affordable housing and homeless rights.

Photo by Kavann Tok | ktok@msudenver.edu

Bob Wilson holding a sculpture he made at the Colorado Motorcycle Expo on Jan. 27. Wilson creates art using genuine Indian motorcycle parts from Jeff Brigsby of Indian Motor Works.

Jennifer Black Elk speaks about her experience with homelessness during the 4th Annual Right to Rest Fest on the West Steps of the Capitol on Jan. 29. Black Elk has found it difficult to find a shelter that accomadates her disability and sobriety.



JANUARY 31, 2018

Roadrunners antsy, ready to sprint By Rich Allen

at Southern Illinois University,


Strain reinvented the team’s

a ton of experience,” O’Donnell

offense by making the transition

said. “We know what we need

to the proverbial ‘small-ball.’

to do to get to the conference

Regency Athletic Complex

Under his leadership, the Salukis

tournament, hopefully win the

sat covered in snow, the

not only attempted the most

conference tournament and go

anxiety only grew for the MSU

stolen bases in the Missouri

to the regionals. Having older

Denver baseball team.

Valley Conference, but they were

guys on the team is one thing,

also the most successful. Their

but it’s just the experience that

days away, the Roadrunners grow

100 swiped bags resulted in a

it brings and the know-how.”

restless. When they take on the

conference-high 76.9 percent.

As the baseball field at the

With the home opener just

“All that means is that we have

On the pitching side, Javi

University of Nebraska at Kearney

While the professional game

Vega figures to once again play a

on Feb. 2, it will kick off their first

moves more toward extra base hits

central role, after his first season

campaign under head coach Ryan

and slugging, it’s an area of the

as a starter last year earned him

Strain. It will also be the first

game that is being deemphasized.

a second team all-RMAC roster

time his aggressive baserunning

But for the Roadrunners,

system will be put to use.

it makes them unique.

“I think they’re starting to

“I think it’ll bring our play to

spot. Beecher Strube and Hunter Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

MSU Denver first baseman Cale O’Donnell throws to first from his knees on May 10, 2017 during the RMAC Tournament. O’Donnell will once again be a major threat in the middle of the Roadrunners’ lineup in 2018.

get the itch to start playing

a whole new level,” said senior

somebody else,” Strain said.

outfielder Hunter Donaldson.

“We’ve put everything in.

“We got guys that didn’t steal

We’ve reviewed everything.”

any bases that are starting

season at shortstop, centerfield

to get some. It’ll just put the

and catcher to graduation.

Strain took over the head coach role after the previous skipper, Jerrid Oates, took a promotion.

pressure on the other team.” Any offensive edge the team

Hogoboom will fill out a threeman rotation, with a bullpen being built from remaining arms, led by seniors Nic Hansen and Jordan Smith and junior Dayne Rowley.

But even with major

Even more so this season,

The Roadrunners take on

MSU Denver will rely on the

Kearney in a four game series

power bat of first baseman Cale

from Feb. 2 to Feb. 4, with home

subtractions, the veteran-laden

O’Donnell, whose 12 home runs

series the next two weekends as

What Strain brought with him,

can get, they’ll take. Last season,

team is ready to take their

led the team and tied for third in

well. They begin in-conference

other than extensive coaching and

the Roadrunners scored the

experience into a competitive

the RMAC. Around him, fellow

competition on March 2 at

playing experience in professional

third fewest runs in the Rocky

campaign. With nine seniors

seniors Donaldson, Trent Maloney

home against Colorado State

baseball, was a system

Mountain Athletic Conference.

and 14 juniors this season,

and Sean Kennedy look to build

University - Pueblo, beginning a

emphasizing putting pressure

They come into 2018 having

last year’s exit in the RMAC

on strong 2017 seasons to fill the

two-month sprint for the RMAC

on the defense while on base.

lost three regular starters at

semifinals gives the Roadrunners

gap. The quartet was named to the

Tournament, beginning on May 9.

premier positions from last

a wealth of preparation.

all-RMAC preseason on Jan. 29.

Last year, as an assistant

JANUARY 31, 2018



Softball looks to shake late season collapse By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

The Roadrunners are taking

grow up, get better on and off the

this notion of being the top dog

field but also then work their way

seriously, accepting it and moving

into a leadership position,” said

on from last season. Now, one

head coach Annie Van Wetzinga.

the MSU Denver softball team

year later after a heartbreaking

“They’re doing a good job setting

looks to bounce back after a

end, they’re hungry, driven

the tone on and off the field in

disappointing end to an otherwise

by spunk and confidence to

terms of how it’s done, how

terrific 2017 campaign.

take back the conference.

we do Roadrunner softball.”

With a new season looming,

After sitting comfortably at

“We’re the team to beat, we

Van Wetzinga, entering her

34-13, the Roadrunners endured a

have the target on our back.

fifth season as the overseer of the

sobering eight-game losing streak

Everybody loves to beat Metro

program, boasts a 299-92 record

to end the campaign. Their 10-0

and we embrace that,” said

thus far into her MSU Denver

loss to the Adams State University

senior catcher and team captain

career. Since taking the position

Grizzlies in the conference

Sarena Espinoza. “Bring it on,

in 2014, the Roadrunners have

tournament was the fatal knife-

give us your best game and we’re

never finished lower than fourth

in-the-back to end the year, but

still going to beat you because

in the final RMAC standings and

prepared the team to do some

we’re going to be the best.”

their lowest win total was 33.

shanking of their own in 2018.

Espinoza enters her last

The Roadrunners’ winning

season as a member of the

and Chadron State University

ways are criminal and their

MSU Denver Softball program.

have been as consistent as MSU

weapon of choice has been lethally

She’s been an impact player

Denver in that time span.

consistent offense paired with

since she first stepped on the

Murderer’s Row-esque pitching.

diamond as a freshman.

After being picked No. 3 in the

In her career, Espinoza has hit

Only Colorado Mesa University

This season, there lies some uncertainty in pitching, however. The most experienced pitcher

preseason coaches poll, they have

54 doubles while never posting

is sophomore Darby McGhee,

a target on their back, gaining the

a batting average lower than

who as a freshman posted a

respect and hatred from the Rocky

.335, her mark last season. The

9-6 record and a 4.60 ERA. The

Mountain Athletic Conference.

Roadrunners had four batters

Roadrunners pitching staff is

surpass that bar with at least 140

comprised of three players:

pitching, aggressive base running

plate appearances, helping the

McGhee, freshman Destinee Lopez

and power hitters,” said Daven

team post the second-highest

and junior Kylee Burnside who

Bond, head softball coach of MSU

batting average in the conference.

moonlights as a utility player.

“Metro is known for great

Denver rival Regis University.

Espinoza is joined by

It’s been a change of pace for

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

MSU Denver catcher Sarena Espinoza receives a pitch with CMU’s Kaila Jacobi at the plate on Feb. 4, 2017 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Espinoza is a fouryear senior who has been an integral player for the Roadrunners her entire career. beginning to click. Van Wetzinga

MSU Denver will kick off its

is especially impressed with

season with five games between

“It seems like every year, Metro

teammates Annika Anderson,

Espinoza to develop chemistry

McGhee’s maturation and

Feb. 2 and 4 in the South Central

has all the elements to be a

Harley Huser and Kristyn

with the young staff, especially

developing confidence as an

Region Crossover in Albuquerque,

championship team and their

Peters not only as the team’s

after the loss of pitcher Cassidy

underclassmen. They aren’t

New Mexico. After that, they

success is proven and expected.

senior leadership on the

Smith to graduation after

alone, either. McGhee, Anderson

will then participate in the Dixie

We always know we are in for

field, but off it as well.

2017. That said, she believes

and Espinoza were named to the

State Tournament in Utah. Their

a tone is being set and they’re

pre-season All-RMAC team.

home opener will be Feb. 17.

a battle when we face them.”

“It’s pretty cool to watch them

Women’s tennis ready to exceed expectations By Matt Entrekin

players to make an impact. Perhaps

officially took over just two days


the most significant contributions

before their first competition.

in 2016-17 came from sophomore

Now, with familiarity built, the

The MSU Denver women’s

Tabitha Porter. At 19 years old, she

team is ready to push forward

tennis team is coming into 2018 as

was voted Rookie of the Year by the

into RMAC competition. But

a national contender after taking

Intercollegiate Tennis Association

first comes stiff competition as

control of the Rocky Mountain

in 2016 and is ranked as the No. 6

they come off break, following

Athletic Conference and they look

Division II player in the country.

Air Force with another Division

to make this year a historic one.

With Porter’s hardware as well

Four years ago, the

as the accolades of her team, the

I program in University of Northern Colorado on Feb. 10.

Roadrunners finished last in

Roadrunners know where they want

“I have incredibly high

the RMAC with just three wins.

to be. Elkins and his players believe

expectations of the women’s

This year, they are coming off a

they are the best team in Colorado

team going into our first match,”

season where they not only were

and are true national contenders.

Porter said. “We love playing

conference champions, but went

“If we did well in our conference

undefeated against their kin. The external expectations of Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

the team are high, as they were once again picked to finish No. 1 in the conference in the preseason coaches poll. But the internal

MSU Denver then-freshman Tabitha Porter hits a forehand on April 23, 2017 during the RMAC Tournament at the Regency Athletic Complex. Porter won the ITA Rookie of the Year and will continue to be an important player in 2018.

expectations, particularly from

teams such as Air Force & UNC,

and did not do well in our region

as they challenge us to be the best

and didn’t make the national

players we know we can be.”

tournament, even if we won the

The Roadrunners begin in-

RMAC, I think it would be very

conference play on Feb. 18 at

disappointing for them,” Elkins said.

Colorado Mesa University. After

The road to the national

that, they will have 13 total

tournament begins on Feb. 3,

matches and five RMAC before the

first-year head coach Barrett

streak. But for the defending RMAC

front of us rather than looking

with a Division I tuneup at the

conference tournament starting on

Elkins, might be even higher.

champions, conference success will

too far ahead,” Kerr said. “We

Air Force Academy. It will be

April 20. Should they succeed there,

not be enough. Elkins’ expectations

don’t want to look too far in the

their first competition since a fall

they will compete in the NCAA

natural occurrence to win the

for his team are high, and senior

future because we’ll lose track

campaign that saw the team go 4-2,

Regionals beginning April 28.

conference,” Elkins said.

Emily Kerr and her teammates

of what’s going on now.”

per the school’s official athletics

“It should just be a

The Roadrunners finished the fall season with a 6-0 conference record while riding a nine-match winning

believe to match that forecast they

MSU Denver, who has only two

website. They participated in

can’t get ahead of themselves.

seniors on the seven-player roster,

five distinct invitationals as they

“We need to take what’s in

has relied heavily on their younger

learned the style of Elkins, who



JANUARY 31, 2018

Opinion: Who will win the Super Bowl? The Evil Empire reigns: The Patriots will clip the Eagles’ wings James Burky

predicting a game. The previous 21 weeks


no longer matter, it’s just two teams and whoever outsmarts or out-muscles

The New England Patriots are going

the other will emerge as champions.

to win Super Bowl 52. No one outside

In order to do so, a team must have a

of Boston is going to be happy about it,

brilliant mind on the sidelines and the

but it’s time to accept the fact that this

Patriots have one of the greatest minds

is the one dynasty that rivals, and even

in football history: Bill Belichick.

surpasses, the great Lombardi-coached

There are many ways of determining

Green Bay Packers of the 1960s.

how smart a coach is, but one of the most

The Eagles have a stout defense

obvious is halftime adjustments. Often

and they could be in worse shape

times, the Patriots looked slow coming

offensively. LeGarrette Blount and Jay

out of the gate in games, but Belichick

Ajayi make for a fearsome run duo.

was able to identify and analyze what was

But, they haven’t faced the Patriots

going wrong, adjust and — more often

before. And as admirable as Doug

than not — win. When trailing or tied at

Pederson has been in turning the franchise

halftime, the Patriots were 4-2, including

around, he’s facing two living legends

winning their last three games in such

in Tom Brady and Bill Belichick.

situations. Not only that, but if anything

The Eagles boasted the league’s fourth-

was learned from last year’s championship,

best defense, allowing a mere 18.4 points

it’s that will rarely Belichick be out-

per game with the Patriots a spot behind

coached in a game of this magnitude.

them at 18.5. It seems like a daunting task

The 25-point comeback in Super Bowl

Photo courtesy of Jonathan Satriale via Flickr

Bill Belichick answers questions during a press conference before the 2015 Super Bowl. Belichik’s coaching has allowed the Patriots to be in three of the last five Super Bowls. of the ball, knew what blitzes and coverages

Bill Belichick is Emperor Palpatine

quarterback Matt Ryan was and wasn’t

and the Eagles, due to their youth and

for the Patriots to face. But, during the

51 was the most impressive rally in the

seeing and knew to attack the Falcons’

disadvantages, are no Luke Skywalker.

season, they were 4-0 when facing a team

history of the championship round and one

defense with underneath passes to slot

Non-Patriots fans are afraid to admit the

with a top-10 scoring defense, putting up

of the most surprising in playoff history,

receivers and running backs who drew

truth that the Patriots are superior. As much

an average of 27 points in those matches.

and can only be rivaled by the Buffalo Bills’

mismatches in coverages. He just knows.

as I’ll be rooting for an Eagles upset, it’s

Thanks to Tom Brady, the Patriots also

35 point resurgence in the 1991 AFC Wild

ranked second in the league in passing

Card game. Sure, then-Atlanta Falcons

cheaters, and sure the Spygate scandal

yards with 4,418, a facet of the game that the

offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan

is a blemish on their history, but this is a

Eagles were only “meh” against, allowing

deserves some blame for a collapse in play

team that has been winning for an entire

3,637 on the season, good enough for 16th.

calling, but Belichick had their number.

generation and then some. This team

Numbers can only go so far in

He knew where to attack on both sides

Some will claim that the Patriots are

just not going to happen. The Patriots are going to win. These are dark times, indeed.

wins and it’s because of the hoodie.

The American underdogs: Eagles will soar, strike down Patriots By Matthew Stefanski

Blake Bortles, the Jacksonville

Eagles is second-year head coach


Jaguars quarterback, who, despite

Doug Pederson. The Patriots have

losing, threw for almost 300 yards

taken advantage of opponents’

in the AFC Championship Game

willingness to play conservatively

everywhere not named Boston

after averaging only 230 yards

to try and protect a lead. In fact,

or Dallas, the Philadelphia Eagles

per game in the regular season.

the Patriots were able to capitalize

To the joy of NFL fans

will win Super Bowl 52.

On the other side of the ball,

on the Jaguars’ conservative

Despite losing second-year

it’s almost unfeasible to think that

playcalling, turning a 10-point deficit

star quarterback Carson Wentz to

an aging Tom Brady can stand up

in the final quarter into a win in the

an ACL injury in Week 14 of the

against a vaunted Eagles’ defense

AFC Championship Game. Pederson

regular season, the team hasn’t

that put opposing quarterbacks on

has been an aggressive playcaller

missed a step offensively, and

the ground 38 times this season and

all season, even when the Eagles

that will prove to be the critical

four times so far in the playoffs.

lost Wentz, allowing Philadelphia

factor in the matchup against

The Philadelphia defense, led by

the New England Patriots. Now-starting quarterback Nick Foles silenced doubters in Week 15 Photo courtesy of Keith Allison via Wikipedia

touchdowns against the New York

Defensive lineman Fletcher Cox (91) returns a fumble for a touchdown in a game against the Washington Redskins on Sept. 10, 2017. Cox and the defense have been instrumental in the Philadelphia Eagles’ success this season.

Giants. He followed up with another win against the Oakland Raiders,

game. If he remains aggressive, the

Cox, also has a league-leading five

Patriots won’t be able to keep up.

fumble recoveries for touchdowns in

by throwing for 237 yards and four

allowing the Eagles to secure home-field advantage through the

Julio Jones-powered Atlanta

playoffs. This played a big part in

Falcons offense to just 10 points.

to average almost 29 points per

veteran defensive lineman Fletcher

Overall, it’s almost unfathomable

the regular season while also being

to find any reason for the Patriots

among the top echelon in the league

to actually win this game. The

in forced fumbles and interceptions.

argument most presented is Brady,

In fact, the Eagles defense has

but he is another year older, and,

been one of the best in the league,

especially toward the end of the

and the best in the playoffs. They

season, seems to have lost a

the pivotal player for the Eagles

are only allowing an average of 8.5

step. An aggressive, bloodthirsty

Needless to say, Foles will be

Philadelphia making it to the Super

He followed that effort up by

when they go up against a Patriots

points per game for opponents,

Eagles defense combined with

Bowl, as they held a record of 7-1 at

tearing apart the Minnesota Vikings

defense that isn’t even in the realm

and only giving up 307 total

a frighteningly good offense

home through the regular season.

defense — the No. 1 defense in the

of either the Falcons or the Vikings.

yards per game. Regardless of

run by their backup quarterback

league in the regular season — by

In fact, the New England defense —

what the Patriots are capable of

will just be too much for Darth…

In what was arguably the toughest

throwing 26-for-33 for 352 yards

ranked 29th in the regular season

doing, the Eagles defense is ready

err… Bill Belichick to handle.

game of the season for the team,

and three touchdowns, shutting

— has given up almost 70 more

and able to shut down an aging

he was able to complete 23 of 30

down the No. 2 seed Vikings,

passing yards than the average of

Brady, and stave off any chance

will rejoice, and the Evil Empire

passes for 246 yards, and a rating

making it seem foolish that they

the Eagles’ other two opponents

at a comeback if and when the

will finally be dead. And with

of 100.1, while a stout defense

were even in the NFC Championship

in the postseason. The Patriots’

Eagles get a lead in the game.

any luck, Brady and Belichick

held a dangerous Matt Ryan and

Game in the first place.

defense even struggled against

In the playoffs, Foles has shined.

The real challenge for the

Eagles win 38-23. America

will finally go away.


JANUARY 31, 2018


First Friday Art Walk

Location Center for Visual Art


Hippo Campus

Location Gothic Theater



ZZ Ward



Location Gothic Theater

Price $17

Price $25

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

965 Santa Fe Dr

2.2 vs. St. Mary’s Location Albuquerque, NM

Price Free

2.2 vs. Western New Mexico

University (Texas) Time 12:30 p.m.

University Location Albuquerque, NM Time 3 p.m.

Time 6 p.m. 2.5

The Killers

Location 1STBANK Center Price $40+ 2.5

Mondays at MSU Denver: Student Recital

Time 7:30 p.m.


Tyler, The Creator

Location 1STBANK Center Price $40+


Women’s Basketball

Time 7:30 p.m. 2.2 vs. University of Location Denver

Location King Center Price Free Time 2 p.m.


Location Ogden Theater


Of Mice & Men

Time 12 p.m.

Open mic and pizza night

Price $25

Price $20

Time 8 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.


Diet Cig

Location Lost Lake Location Tivoli Garage Lounge

University Location Denver Time 5 p.m.

Location Summit Music Hall

Softball 2.6

2.2 vs. Black Hills State

Nebraska at Kearney


Handsome Ghost

Location Globe Hall

Price $13

Price $13

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Women’s Tennis

2.3 vs. Colorado Mesa University

Location Albuquerque, NM

2.3 vs. Air Force Academy Location USAF Academy Time 11 a.m.

Time 10 a.m.

Price Free Time 4 p.m. 2.9


Location Moon Room 2.8

Outspoken Speaker Series Kalyn Heffernan


Set It Off

Location Marquis Theater

Price $10

Price $15

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6:30 p.m.


Location Multicultural Lounge Price Free Time 7 p.m.


2.1 vs. Edmonton Oilers 2.13


Location Marquis Theater


Neck Deep

Location Ogden Theater

Price $15

Price $23

Time 6 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Away Time 7 p.m.

Avalanche Lake Clarity: For an immersive horror audio drama, check out “Lake Clarity” @ mymetmedia.com


Grace VanderWaal

Location Bluebird Theater


Mammoth 2.2 vs. Saskatchewan Rush Location Home Time 7:30 p.m.



Location Globe Hall

Price $22

Price $10

Time 7 p.m.

Time 9:30 p.m.

2.3 vs. Vancouver Canucks Location Away Time 8 p.m.

2.3 vs. Golden State Warriors Location Home Time 7 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS 2018 Grammys The 60th annual Grammy

Larry Nassar Larry Nassar will return to

Awards took place at Madison

court for sentencing on Jan. 31.

Square Garden on Jan. 28. Bruno

Nassar, former USA Gymnastics

Mars won album of the year for

doctor and Michigan State

“24K Magic” and song of the year

Shooting of Adams County sheriff

President Donald Trump gave

Facebook Ads policy changes Facebook announced on Jan. 30

his first State of the Union address

that they will ban ads for Bitcoin

was shot in pursuit of a suspect

at the United States Capitol on

and other cryptocurrencies. In

in Thorton, Colorado, on Jan.

Jan. 30. Early in the speech, Trump

a blog post from Facebook’s

faculty member, pled guilty to

24. The assailant shot Gumm

reiterated his “make America

product management director,

for “That’s What I Like.” Kendrick

seven counts of criminal, sexual

in the chest after the deputy

great again” message. Among the

Rob Leathern, he outlined two

Lamar, Bruno Mars, Cardi B and

conduct. According to CNN,

responded to an assault call. The

administration’s successes, he

of their core policies: ads should

Kesha performed during the show.

he will face 40 to 175 years in

police are still pursuing two more

listed the creation of 2.4 million

be safe, and that they be built

Kesha’s performance of “Praying”

federal prison. During his trial,

suspects involved in the case.

new jobs and the passage of

for people first. He continued,

paid homage to the MeToo

150 women and girls provided

According to 9News, Flatirons

the Republican tax bill. Trump’s

saying that Facebook wants

movement. During the song,

impact statements and testified

Community Church will host a

goals for the future include:

people to continue to discover

Kesha was accompanied by Andra

about his sexual abuse over the

memorial service for Gumm on

expanding car manufacturing

new products and services

Day, Bebe Rexha, Camila Cabello,

past two decades. Simone Biles,

Feb. 2 at 11 a.m. The funeral is

plants across the country, fixing

through ads without fear of scams

Cyndi Lauper, Julia Michaels

Gabby Douglas, McKayla Maroney,

open to the public. Yet due to

bad trade deals and rebuilding

or deception. They created the

and the Resistance Revival

all Olympic gold medalists,

limited space, priority seating will

infrastructure. He also called on

new policy to prohibit ads that

Chorus. The singers wore white

are among his accusers.

be given to family, friends and

Congress to increase military

promote financial products that

members of law enforcement.

funding and modernize and

are frequently associated with

rebuild the nuclear arsenal.

deceptive promotional practices.

to show support for survivors of sexual assault and violence.

Deputy Sheriff Heath Gumm

State of the Union


JANUARY 31, 2018

Top 5



Concerts to catch in February



This week, take any unexpected criticism with a grain of salt… On the rim of a margarita.

It’s time to take a “feelings inventory.” After all, it’s what you do best, and you deserve a win.



Be kind. Rewind.

Love will tear you apart, Leo. But at least you have love in your life to begin with, you ungrateful little jerk.



Love is in the air. But so is the flu. Either way, wash your hands.

Don’t quit your day job, Virgo. Seriously, your tax refund isn’t going to last as long as you think it will.



“Smokey Bear stood over me so I would burn in the fire!”

Stop worrying about the future, Aries. You’ve got enough to worry about today. Please though, take care of yourself.

“I’m just trying to sing to you, and you’re shutting me down.“

You don’t have to keep lying to everyone that you watched The State of the Union. Especially since no one is even asking if you did.



1. The Killers // 1STBANK Center, Feb. 5 2. Prawn // Moon Room, Feb. 9 3. LP // Boulder Theater, Feb. 21 4. Bahamas // Bluebird Theater, Feb. 19 5. Van William // Larimer Lounge, Feb. 17

Overheard “I’ve been buying what I thought was lemonade...“

I’m sorry that all of your resolutions fell apart so quickly. But 2019 is totally going to be your year. I can feel it.

It’s time to clean out your closet, Scorpio. Literally. Start with anything that can be described as “bedazzled.”



Stop bending over backwards for other people. Your scoliosis permits such contortions, anyway.

Think before you Tweet, Sagittarius. Your future employers are watching you. They’re always watching you...

“We are all your dad now.“ “May as well. My night is already ruined anyway.”

Brain games Across

41. Feel regret


38. Beneficiaries

1. Parsley unit

42. Scottish island

1. Fine shiny fabric

39. Fascinate

6. Memory gap

43. Polished off

2. Overly prim and proper

40. Extremely long time

11. ___ Xing (street sign)

44. Felix of ‘’The Odd

3. Summarizes

41. ‘’The Satanic Verses’’

14. Bout locale, often


4. Squid’s defense


15. Flynn of ‘’Gentleman

46. Type of ski lift

5. Powerful wind

45. When you might get


48. Nose stimulant

6. Accountant’s book

there (Abbr.)

16. Pay end

52. Popular card game

7. Surrealist artist Jean

47. Order to relax

17. Pleased by a comedian?

53. Island in the

8. Sleeve attachment,

49. It was designed to fall

19. ‘’Solaris’’ author





54. Point in a network

9. Sub standard?

50. One-named folk singer

20. That, in El Salvador

55. Sony rival

10. Big game

51. Give a makeup exam to

21. Work unit, in physics

57. Mesozoic, for one

11. Exiled Roman?

53. Bio-Bio locale

22. Tapioca source

59. Certain New York

12. Way to get to the top

56. Scorch

24. Sports network


13. Compensatory cash

58. Sounds of delight

26. Comparatively modern

60. Actress Ruby

18. Che Guevara’s real

62. Pinafore preceder

28. Impediment

61. Pleased while


63. Word with shaving or

29. Financial section letters


23. Vane dir.


30. Latin I verb

64. British suffix with

25. Infamous Roman

67. I, to Claudius

31. ‘’Beau ___’’


27. Aspirant, informally

68. Twilighty

32. Initials of Dr. Jekyll’s

65. Reunion folks

31. Ibsen’s ‘’Peer ___’’

60. Long-term investment


66. Heloise’s specialty

33. Hideaway

61. Gymnast’s quest

34. Not any, country style

67. Space invaders

35. Lions, tigers and

36. Some boxing wins

68. Pee Wee or Della

waterfalls, e.g.

37. Pleased on a blimp?

69. Summer ermine

37. Most earthy





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ONE PASS PER PERSON. EACH PASS ADMITS TWO. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. FIFTY SHADES FREED has been rated R for strong erotic sexual content, some graphic nudity, and language. Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a prize. Supplies are limited. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee a seat at the theater. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theater is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prizes assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Universal Pictures, Allied Integrated Marketing, The Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prizes. Prizes cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS!

* A valid Student/Teacher ID is required for EACH discounted ticket. All tickets purchased in advance must be picked up at Will Call the day of show. Fees and limitations apply.

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