Volume 40, Issue 20 - Feb. 7, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40


NO. 20

FEBRUARY 7. 2018


Basketball ramps up as season winds down By Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu

The women’s team is riding a three-game win streak that has carried them from seventh in to

With just five games left in

tied for second the standings. The

their regular seasons, the MSU

winning run comes on the backs

Denver men’s and women’s

of leading scorers senior Georgia

basketball teams are positioning

Ohrdorf and junior Jaelynn

themselves for both conference

Smith, who have both contributed

and national tournament pushes.

a double-double during the

With a strong showing over

streak. Senior J’Nae Squires-

the weekend, both teams are now

Horton, the team’s second-

poised to have at least one home

leading scorer, also had strong

game in the Rocky Mountain

contributions, averaging 11 points

Athletic Conference Tournament,

and two rebounds per game.

and continue a strong campaign

Meanwhile, the men’s team

for invites into their respective

continues to defend a No. 3

NCAA National Tournaments.

standing, which will turn into a

The RMAC Tournament will

No. 2 seed for the tournament

begin on Feb. 27, with the top

due to the ineligibility of

four seeds hosting a home game

Westminster College, who are

before going to the highest

still on a probationary period

remaining seed’s home court

joining Division II within the

for the final two rounds of the

NCAA. Senior guard Cameron

tournament. The winner of the

Williams has led the team in

RMAC tournament will also get

scoring all season, and contributed

an automatic bid into the NCAA

18.3 points per game average

tournament, an important point

during the past week of action.

to note considering both teams’ records may not be strong

| Continued on pg. 11

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

Junior Jaryn Taylor goes for a layup against Black Hill State University in a game on Feb. 2 at Auraria Event Center. The Roadrunners defeated the Yellow Jackets 72-64.

enough to earn a regular invite.


RMAC Standings Men’s Basketball


CSU- Pueblo


Westminster College (Utah)


Fort Lewis College


Regis University

| pg. 4


| pg. 5

Game changed for

Media representation matters

graduation deadlines

for LGBT



Women’s Basketball

Fort Lewis College

MSU Denver



MSU Denver



Colorado School of Mines


| pg. 9

| pg. 12

Life of Guatemalan Nobel laureate

Baseball splits first series of 2018

portrayed in film




FEBRUARY 7, 2018

If at first you do not succeed...

June 1, 2002

April 14, 2015 Second attempt to land a Falcon 9 rocket on a drone ship fails.

Elon Musk founds SpaceX.

June 4, 2010

Dec. 21, 2015

SpaceX launches the first Falcon 9 rocket.

Falcon 9 lands in Cape Canaveral after breaking orbit.

Dec. 8, 2012

March 4, 2016

Dragon is launched into orbit and crashes into the Pacific.

Fourth failure to land a Falcon 9 on a drone ship. April 8, 2016

Dec. 17, 2012

Fifth attempt of a Falcon 9 landing on a drone ship finally successful.

Grasshopper takes off and lands, signaling the start of the Grasshopper tests.

Jan. 16, 2015 First attempted Falcon 9 rocket landing on a drone ship fails.

Elon Musk created SpaceX with the ultimate goal of colonizing Mars. SpaceX is currently working on vehicles to accomplish this goal.

Feb. 6, 2018 Falcon Heavy launches Elon’s red tesla roadster on a path to Mars. Does not make it back in one piece. Infographic by Jolene Yazzie | jyazzle@msudenver.edu

New marketing campaign strives for appeal By Warner Jackson

advertising budget into digital

logo’s design was to emphasize


advertising, because it reaches

the fact that MSU Denver had

potential students and existing

become a university in 2012.

MSU Denver’s Run Your

students where they live,” said Julie

Own Road marketing campaign

Lucas, senior director of Integrated

to the informal mark, Surine

is getting a makeover from

Marketing and Communications.

simplified the Run Your Own

the school’s Marketing and Communications department. The school hopes to reach potential students while retaining old ones through new messaging.

Run Your Own Road’s updated look and digital

In addition to changing

Road logo to include a hashtag. The Marketing and

interaction were released to

Communications department will

the public in January 2018.

be running ads through YouTube,

Scott Surine, interim director

Pandora, Google, Facebook and

of Brand Strategy was in charge of

other sites present on the digital

campaign was a marketing effort

the visuals. His main goal was to

landscape. This is new territory for

started in 2017 to reach students

bring the MSU Denver brand to life.

the school’s marketing department.

The Run Your Own Road

considering MSU Denver as

“One of the most important

MSU Denver sophomore

their college of choice. Looking

things to note from a visual

to expand beyond traditional

standpoint is that we’re using

outreach methods like print and

what we call the informal

you didn’t point them out, but it

TV, the department has enhanced

mark,” Surine said.

does look a lot better,” Plasz said.

its digital presence by improving its visual presentation. “We’re investing more of our

The informal mark is the

Photo courtesy msudenver.edu

Taylor Plasz likes the changes. “I would have never noticed if

Recognition of the new logo

“We’re trying to elevate our brand, excite interest in students and potential students and

current roadrunner logo that

will take time to filter through the

their families in coming to MSU

MSU Denver uses. The goal of the

entire MSU Denver community.

Denver. And educate them about

the careers and various options available to them,” Lucas said.



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FEBRUARY 7, 2018

Immigration Services addresses legal questions By Sam Berg

all of their lives, it will also play

Education for Alien Minors Act


a factor in the U.S. economy.

legislation was the precursor plan

“If the discontinuation of MSU Denver’s Immigration

to DACA, but stalled in the Senate

DACA stands there will probably

in 2007 and again in 2011. In 2012,

Services Program will be

be 300,000 individuals leaving

then-President Barack Obama

hosting legal advice sessions

the labor market,” Mieder said.

announced an executive order that

throughout the spring semester

While MSU Denver does not

allowed certain people who came

concerning the Deferred Action

track the number of enrolled

to the U.S. illegally as minors

for Childhood Arrivals program

students with DACA protections,

to be protected from immediate

and other immigration policies.

it does have data on the number

deportation. Those eligible were

of those admitted under the

able to request consideration for

announcement in September

Advancing Students for a Stronger

deferred action for a two-year

that the DACA program will stop

Economy Tomorrow program.

timeframe. This was subject to

renewing permits on March 5,

ASSET allows undocumented

renewal at the completion of the

many people across the country

students who graduated from

period. The DACA policy did not

are unsure of what their future

a Colorado high school and

provide a path to citizenship.

holds. Congress is currently

are accepted into a Colorado

working to create a replacement

university to pay in-state tuition.

Department of Political

plan by the end of the program.

For the spring 2017 semester, MSU

Sciences, Robert Hazan, said

Denver had between 300 and 400

he’s not surprised about the

students enrolled in this program.

lack of progress on a DACA

After President Donald Trump’s

“We bring in attorneys that are willing to meet one-on-one with the student in privacy to

Ruben Gonzalez is a freshman

Chair of the MSU Denver

compromise in Congress.

pretty much answer any questions

in the political science program

they have,” said Gregor Mieder,

at MSU Denver. Due to having

divide between the two

coordinator of the Immigrant

grown up in a town about an hour

parties,” Hazan said.

Services Program at MSU Denver.

from the U.S.-Mexico border,

The White House recently

he is familiar with the impact

introduced an immigration plan

created a resource for students

DACA has on many individuals

which would provide a road to

who are seeking information

throughout the nation.

citizenship for up to 1.8 million

Mieder and his team have

“There is a clear

about options they may have.

“Students shouldn’t have

As of September of last year,

to worry about being deported

the U.S. as children in exchange

roughly 680,000 people had DACA

to a country they didn’t grow

for $25 billion to build a wall on the

status in the U.S. Not only will the

up in,” Gonzalez said.

U.S.-Mexico border and a massive

cessation of the program affect

The Development Relief and

Photo by Ali Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

undocumented people brought to

Immigrant Services Program Coordinator Gregor Mieder works on helping DACA receipients from his office in the Student Success Building on Feb. 6.

reduction in legal immigration.

Faculty senate discusses graduation deadlines By Isaac Banks

planning on a Nov. 9 deadline. Sanders said

going to graduate because they have degree


this will hopefully give students enough time

exemption in progress,” Weiss said.

to go to their advisors and find a way to meet The Faculty Senate met on Jan. 18

requirements so they can graduate on time.

to discuss changes to the graduation

The deadline for the fall semester being in

process and student athlete mentorship.

the middle of summer drew some concerns

The senate had two guest speakers at

from faculty and advisors because so few

Sanders reassured her by saying the office goes back after the census date to ensure that students who have met graduation requirements can graduate on time. Worthy also spoke about a program

the meeting, Associate Registrar Connie

of them are on campus during the summer

called Athletic Team Mentoring, which

Sanders and Shawn Worthy, professor of

if students need help. Sanders said the

embeds professors with athletic programs

Human Services and MSU Denver NCAA

alternative would be for the Office of the

to mentor student athletes. Professors

faculty athletic representative. Sanders

Registrar to notify students when they return

will be able to go to practices, events and

discussed changes made to the graduation

in August, which wouldn’t be a good time

competitions to engage and support students.

timeline for students while Worthy talked

for professors, or after classes have already

about a new program for student athletes.

begun. However, then it would be too late

came up with this idea. This is not new, not

for students to enroll in additional courses.

novel, but we thought it might work really

The deadline for students turning in their applications to graduate used to be the same

The office is trying their best to reach

“Myself and several other faculty members

well here at Metro State,” Worthy said.

as the census date, the last day to register

students with 90 plus credits. Sanders

for class. The Office of the Registrar would

said the office will be increasing the

connect faculty and staff to the athletic

awareness of these changes through

department and vice versa.

receive 25,000 applications for graduation and would not get through all of them

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

until well past the census date. Turning in their graduation application at the last minute caused a problem for students.

social media, email, posters, The Metropolitan and bathroom stalls.

Assistant registrar Connie Sanders addresses the senate on Jan. 31 at Tivoli 320.

“In many cases they needed more

Jessica Weiss, an assistant professor of art history, acknowledged that some students are confused with their degree progress

credits or to enroll into additional

office created new timelines for graduation.

coursework. And they didn’t have time

For summer 2018, the graduation deadline is

to enroll in courses,” Sanders said.

March 16. For fall 2018, the deadline will be

fabulous but I have several students who

June 15. For the spring of 2019, the office is

have received emails that say they are not

In order to address these concerns, the

reports and how that relates to graduation. “The idea of catching students early is

His goals for the program are to

“We believe that those two things should be integrated.” Worthy said, “They are not two separate entities which oftentimes as if they are.” The Faculty Senate will continue to meet throughout the semester implementing new changes and improving current programs.

FEBRUARY 7, 2018



Confession: I liked “Glee”


can still remember the first time

However, so did the media.

I came out. It was 2014 and I

The lack of LGBT representation

was a freshman in college. It

staff with telling my Presbyterian, single mother. When he wondered if he

in the films, TV shows and music we

could know that he was gay because

wasn’t to my mom or my best

consume every day is the reason

he was still a virgin, I remembered

friend. There weren’t tears and

I’m going on record and saying that

all the times I invalidated my

hugs. There was just annoyance.

I like FOX network’s hit, musical

sexuality because I’ve had mostly

I found myself stopped by a

dramedy “Glee.” Cringe all you

male partners. Kurt isn’t real, but

religious extremist on the Auraria

want but it won’t stop me from

his experiences strike close to

Campus after overhearing my

liking covers of popular songs and

home for me and many others.

friend, walking with me, comment

three-dimensional, gay characters.

that these guys weren’t even students. Next thing you know,

The show first aired in May

Ali Watkins

this man is simultaneously telling

The media is a reflection of our world. The iconic, interracial kiss on

19, 2009 when I was finishing

a 1968 episode of Star Trek was a

up middle school. It was my

milestone in television and spoke to

me that it was good that I was

knew that I was bisexual since I

first media exposure to an LGBT

the growing tolerance in American

studying anthropology and that

was young… well sort of. I wrote

character that was portrayed

culture. Sure, Glee isn’t the greatest

evolution is a conspiracy. Never

this off as just “girl crushes”

as more than a punchline. Kurt

show, or even the most inclusive,

argue with someone that doesn’t

because I also liked boys. No one

Hummel, played by singer, actor

but there’s something to say about

realize that archeology is a subfield

told me that I could like both.

and author extraordinaire Chris

a major network depicting an LGBT

Colfer, was my weeknight television

character that has more than one

of anthropology. Quickly, the

It seems like it would be easy to

subject turned to hateful speech

understand this about myself. Well

best friend. Whether I realized

line. I stopped watching after a

about the LGBT community;

in a world where societal norms and

it or not at the time, watching a

couple seasons due to boredom with

he said something about how

equal representation it would be but

fictional person with a similar

the storyline but I still remember

sexuality is a choice and sick.

that’s not my reality. With cisgender,

struggle helped me understand

Kurt Hummel and feeling seen.

myself and my place in society.

In an outrage I yelled at a

the sex of an individual matching

random guy who thinks fossils

their gender, and heterosexuality

were plotted by the government,

being the default, it is difficult for

into his high school by joining the

young, American LGBT people to

football team and extracurriculars

of The Metropolitan. She is

come to terms with themselves.

that he didn’t like, I could relate.

majoring in Social Documentary

Social circles, family beliefs and

When he feared coming out to his

and minoring in Fine Art.

religion shaped my internal shame.

single, masculine father I grappled

“Well that really sucks that I like girls!” It was something I never said out loud, not even to myself. I

Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Isaac Banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Jolene Yazzie jyazzle@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor

When Hummel tried to blend Ali Watkins is the Photo Editor

Matthew Stefanski mstefan3@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Assistant Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

Living outisde the bubble


Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

used to wish my workplace was

correct, you can’t have poignant

better than my dissenters. I needed

more like a college classroom.

conversations about economic

to cultivate the empathy I preached.

After high school, I attended

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

inequality. You can talk all you

I needed to debate with people

Colorado State University, mind

want about protests and petitions.

who actually disagreed with me.

full of idealism. I loved living close

But if their children are sick and

Yes, divisiveness is prevalent in the

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

to campus, working late hours

they their car is broken, your

current political climate. But I would

Office Manager

and being surrounded by like-

message will fall on deaf ears.

be a coward to use this as an excuse.

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

minded peers. I found myself in

So, I learned how to

Now that I have returned to

Production Manager of Met Media

a liberal bubble in Fort Collins. I

compromise. I learned that making

school, I am once again surrounded

Sales and Marketing

bounced my high-minded ideals

friends is more important than

by like-minded people. But because

winning arguments. I learned that

my job taught me how to engage

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

paperwork and paper cuts are the

with people who disagree, I will try

lifeblood of the American workforce.

not to fall back into my bubble.

off of people who agreed with me. I never needed to defend my beliefs

Nataleah Small

or lifestyle because my group of friends shared my interests. After earning my degree, I

the classroom. I expected to utilize

I learned that the open-mindedness

I used to wish my workplace was

my degree to make my company

preached by my professors, does

more like a college classroom. But

moved back to my hometown

a better place. I wanted to use

not only apply to people whose

now I know that if I want to be the

and began working as a human

it as a machete and cut through

ideals are progressive and socially

change I wish to see, I must meet

resources assistant at a mid-

miles of red tape. But after a few

conscious. It also applies to those

people where they are and be truly

sized manufacturing company. At

months, I realized there was little

who are more conservative than me.

accepting of others viewpoints.

school, I was surrounded by artists,

room for my left-wing notions

vegans and intellects. At work,

in a blue collar workplace.

I was surrounded by assembly

At that point, I realized that

The lessons I learned after graduation may be obvious truths to others. When claiming

Nataleah Small is a writer

technicians, meat lovers and

I would need to conform to the

to be inclusive, we should accept

and assistant managing editor

high school dropouts. My cushy

environment. It takes too much

all opinions. When joining the

at the Metropolitan. She is a

liberal arts degree did not prepare

effort to stir up a socialist revolution

workforce, we should expect to

non-degree seeking student

me for work in the real world.

while buried in paperwork. When

work with people who disagree

taking journalism classes.

the people you work with are more

with our lifestyles and beliefs.

I should have expected this. I should have known that the

concerned about providing for

workforce would be different than

their families than being politically

My problem arose when I assumed that my viewpoint was

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



FEBRUARY 7, 2018

Review: “American Mariachi” shows Mexican culture through music By Isaac Banks

in a way that is very deep. So


there is a huge responsibility to tell that story the best way

Old tradition meets newschool thinking with a side of

we can for that audience.” All of the music for the play

mariachi music in the play,

is provided by a live mariachi

“American Mariachi.”

band or the cast members. The

The story is straightforward.

band is made up of members

It’s a tale of two young women

from across the U.S. This adds

overcoming traditions to form

a great feel to the play.

a mariachi band. All-women

Most of the cast members

mariachi bands did not become

did not know how to play their

popular until the ‘70s, the

characters’ instruments. They

same era that the play is set.

took a four-week crash course to

“American Mariachi” walks

learn to play. It fit because their

the line holding on to tradition

characters initially did not know

while acknowledging the need

how to play the instruments.

for change. It takes these two

“I think all of us came in

opposing ideas and represents

not playing the instrument

both of them in a positive light.

we play on stage,” said Crissy

When the main characters, Lucha

Guerrero, who played Soyla.

(Jennifer Parades) and Boli

The use of Spanish is prevalent

(Heather Velazquez), formed their

throughout the play. Since

all-women band, they decided to

live theatre does not benefit

wear traditional clothing and sing

from subtitles, like movies,

traditional mariachi songs even

the show had to come up with

though they were not supposed to.

clever workarounds. Characters

The play utilizes themes of

answering questions in English

family and community to help

instead of Spanish and the use

audience members who are

of common Spanish words

Amanda Robles, Jennifer Paredes, Natalie Camunas, Crissy Guerrero and Heather Velazquez perform in American

not part of Mexican culture

helped non-Spanish speakers

Mariachi at the Denver Performing Arts Center on Jan. 24.

relate to the performance.

with the punchlines. The play

Photo by Sam Adams courtesy of Denver Performing Arts Center

“It’s not only a story

represents a Spanish-speaking

straight person like the funny one

Mariachi” an extraordinary play

that we tell on stage,” said

family but does not isolate the

much,” said Natalie Camunas,

and the beautiful one, and the

that was a pleasure to watch.

Bobby Plasencia, who played

audience in the process.

who played Gabby. “To be able

smart one and the brave one.”

Frederico, Lucha’s father. “But

The play featured strong

“Representation matters so

to see yourself in a positive

A simple story, accompanied

I feel like it really touches

Chicana women who are not

light, to see women be funny,

by authentic mariachi music and

people and our community

often shown in media.

not the butt of the joke, not the

Mexican culture makes “American

Butterfly Pavilion hosts weekly yoga classes By Rebecca Martinez

a dry Westminster climate,


but a dark, humid rainforest

the rainforest before or after hours

filled with butterflies that flew

just to kind of spend some time for

towards the humans. Charlotte

ourselves,” Copan said on how the

across the Denver Metro area

Grubb, the yoga instructor,

program was started. “Then we

gathered at the Butterfly Pavilion

stood at the front of the class.

thought, ‘We should do this! We

Yogis of all different ages from

on Jan. 30 for the chance to be at peace among colorful butterflies.

“As a staff, we would sneak into

“I think it’s a really inspiring

should open it up to the public,’

environment,” Grubb said. “I

because like you saw, it is such

think the butterflies can also

a meditative space. It just lends

before and after hours for people

teach us a lot about ourselves.

itself to a more peaceful practice.”

to come into the rainforest and

About how to kind of go through

participate in a yoga class. This

phases and cocoon and then

the butterflies flying around

four-year long program has grown

emerge as something else and

and landing on people is what

through time from a class on the

to grow, which is really neat.”

separates this class from any

first Wednesday of every month,

This is Grubb’s fifth time

The Butterfly Pavilion is open

The unique atmosphere with

mainstream yoga class.

to almost every Wednesday

teaching this yoga class at the

evening and Saturday morning.

Butterfly Pavilion, but she also

very outdoorsy. I like the

teaches classes at a studio

humidity, I like the noises, the

in Longmont called Tree.

crickets,” said Cindy Grifford,

The far back corner of this serene, dome-like rainforest was packed with several

“It just felt like it was

“We are looking to add more

Photo by Taelyn Livingston | tliving4@msudenver.edu

types of butterflies. This was

classes the more the people

the setting where people got

want to come to it,” said Marissa

ready for the yoga class. For

Copan, community programs

participants, walking into the

manager. The Butterfly Pavilion

class was an experience all on

typically caps their online

classes are full every week, they

Pavilion is a beautiful experience

its own. On the other side of the

registration for the yoga class

will never turn away walk-ins.

for all. They decided that they

door was an entirely different

at 20 people due to the limited

world. All of a sudden it wasn’t

space available. Although the

Yoga instructer, Charlotte Grubb starts off her class in the Butterfly Pavilion on the evening of January 31, 2017.

a participant in the class. The Butterfly Pavilion will continue to keep its doors open on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings for these classes.

The staff started to recognize that being inside the Butterfly

should not be the only ones able to enjoy it outside of business hours.


Responsible for all content and operations of the

Interviews will be scheduled on Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. West Classroom, Room 133

weekly, student-run newspaper, including its website content and social media channels. Duties include working with the production manager on makeup of the newspaper, and leading the training of a diverse staff of reporters, editors,

All applicants must: •

Take six credit hours at MSU Denver •

photographers and video graphers. The EIC also

works with editing, practicum and reporting •

manager and the commercial printer. The EIC

Résumé and vision statement •

keeps regular office hours (minimum 20 hours editors for news, sports, features, photo and online. The EIC reports to the director of Met Media.

Application Deadline: February 12 Preference will be given to applicants majoring or minoring in Journalism, Technical Communications, Speech Communications, English, Communication Design or IDP with proven journalism experience.

Have leadership skills.

Please include:

classes, and collaborates with the student ad

weekly) and hires a managing editor and section

Maintain a 2.75+ GPA

Official transcript or recent grade report

Two letters of recommendation

(one must be outside of Met Media)

Samples of your work

Upload your materials at: www.mymetmedia.com/leaders or drop off your application in person at Tivoli 313.


Met Radio General Manager Metrosphere Editor-in-Chief Met TV General Manager

For more information, contact Elizabeth Norberg at 303-615-0467 or enorbert@msudenver.edu.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Norberg at 303-615-0467 or enorbert@msudenver.edu



FEBRUARY 7, 2018

Dialogue on race and policing fosters unity By Khadijah Ritman kritman@msudenver.edu Community members congregated in an old Victorian house for an event called “Poetry, Race, and Policing: a Community Conversation,” on Feb. 2. Denver Citizen Oversight Board hosted the event at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop building. Attendees formed small groups to discuss Claudia Rankine’s “Citizen: An American Lyric”. The event was part of the Denver Talks series, a collaboration between Lighthouse Writers Workshop, the City and County of Denver, and NEA Big Read.

“One of the things we are interested in tonight in particular is having a conversation with you.” – Katina Banks The event started with

Photo by Joel Mathew | jmathe19@msudenver.edu

refreshments while people from the community mingled. Attendees

Kimberly Ming goes over some of the talking points with Sheriff Patrick Filman, Lisa Culhane and Katina Banks at Lighthouse Writers Workshop on Feb. 2.

were teachers, librarians and officials from all over Colorado.

interested in tonight, in particular,

of the problem lies in how

They were split into seven small

is having a conversation with

little people get to know each

of a white teenage daughter,

groups to discuss three different

you,” Banks said. “Listening

other on an individual level.

shared her personal experience.

topics: racism, microaggressions

and hearing, learning what

and procedural justice.

your thoughts are about the intersection between race and

Katina Banks, board chair for the COB, shared her experiences as a Denver native who grew

criminal justice system.” Denver Sheriff Patrick

“I think the only way that, that’s

Lisa Culhane, the mother

what they do, nothing.” At the end of the evening,

She highlighted the difference

everyone had expressed their

gonna change is if we engage

between her daughter and her

opinions on how to address

in conversation,” Firman said.

African-American friend, who

racism, microaggressions and

Participants shared their

has been pulled over because

procedural justice. The community

of the color of her skin.

came together and listened to each

personal experiences with racism

up in Park Hill. Her main goal

Firman participated in the

and the criminal justice system,

for this event was to address

small discussion group tasked

specifically how individual

get pulled over,’” Culhane

concerns in the community.

with the topic of procedural

encounters affected how they

said. “There’s no difference

justice. He believes that part

view the issues today.

between this girl and my

“One of the things we are

daughter in academics or

“I’m like, ‘Hmmm, I never

other’s voices, providing the first steps toward common ground.

Black History Month kick-off

A month to reflect on the past and envision the future By Isaac Banks

that helped shape what the U.S.

African-American historical


is today. Events like the Harlem

figures and highlighting their

Renaissance and people like

relevance in current events.

“Negro History Week” was created by Carter G. Woodson in 1926 to teach the history of African-Americans in public

Jesse Owens are taught and celebrated during this month. In the coming month we will be sharing the stories of prominent

Dr. Mary France Berry will be presenting a keynote address at the St. Cajetan’s Event Center on Feb. 20.

schools. Woodson was a black historian, scholar and educator. He was known for the book, “The Mis-Education of the Negro.” It was not until 1976 when the whole month of February was dedicated to African-American history. It takes place in February not because it is the shortest month but because Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays are in February. It is a time to recognize African-Americans and events

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Department of Africana Studies

Social justice activist Dr. Mary Frances Berry will give a keynote address on Feb. 10, during the 35th Annual Black World Conference.


FEBRUARY 7, 2018


The life of Rigoberta Menchú in film Movie-goers gather to learn about Nobel laureate

By Nataleah Small

expand the rights of indigenous

Dora Medina, a Guatemalan


Guatemalans. She continues to

woman who helped Tum with her

work as a social justice activist,

Nobel prize campaign, said things

promoting the rights of refugees

have changed since the civil war,

and indigenous people.

but poverty and discrimination

Savory aromas of pizza and popcorn filled the room where moviegoers gathered. The audience

Kara Lundin, PeaceJam higher

had not come to see an action film

education coordinator, said the

or an art flick. Instead, they came

organization chose to show this

to learn about social justice.

film to increase the organization’s

On Jan. 30, “Rigoberta Menchú: Daughter of the Maya” was screened at the MSU Denver Student Success

“We want you to learn about our lives, not because we want you to know about us, but because we want you to see that one person can make a difference under the most dire circumstances.” – Kara Lundin

visibility on campus and educate people about Tum’s life work. “In terms of social justice

Building. That evening, a small

education, we’re looking to look

group of Auraria students and

at other perspectives, get other

individuals from across the state

viewpoints, make sure everyone has

watched the documentary and then

access to education and resources

discussed what they learned.

that they need,” Lundin said.

The event was hosted by

against the Mayan culture persists.

Timothy Meeks, civic

PeaceJam Rocky Mountain,

engagement program coordinator

a non-profit organization that

at the Applied Learning Center,

Africa, since the Spanish came,

partners with Nobel Peace Prize

said it is important to learn about

that’s how it is,” Medina said.

winners to educate people about

social justice because it can

social justice. PeaceJam recently

make the world a better place.

established a small chapter of their organization at MSU Denver.

“Guatemala was like South

During this period, governmentsanctioned killings in Guatemala

“Throughout time, there’s

were similar to what happened

always been social issues that have

in South Africa. Between 1948

been both divisive and brings us

and 1991, 21,000 native South

PeaceJam and documents the

together,” Meeks said. “And that’s

Africans were killed, according to

life of Nobel laureate and Mayan

what this group promotes, the

the Human Rights Committee.

activist Rigoberta Menchú Tum.

positive of peace and bringing folks

The film was created by

According to the film, Tum was born in 1959 and grew up during the Guatemalan Civil War. From

“One thing that is important

together to tackle issues, social

for us is to see we can finally

issues that are around the globe.”

work together and see a light

Carmen Arteaga, an audience

Photo courtesy of PeaceJam Productions

for everybody and especially

”Rigoberta Menchú: Daughter of the Maya” tells the story of Menchú in Guatemala during times of social turmoil.

1960-1996, the Guatemalan military

member who drove from Pueblo

to make sure that everybody’s

tortured, kidnapped and killed

to watch the film, considers Tum a

equal,” Medina said.

indigenous Guatemalans in 626

role model. She said people deserve

separate massacres. By the end of

justice though different issues

way to combat discrimination is

against indigenous people.’ But

the war, 200,000 people were killed.

facing different communities.

to educate yourself. She said this

that’s not true, they still do.”

At the height of the civil war

“People need to be woke, to

She went on to say the best

is important for Guatemalans

dire circumstances,” Lundin said. Mario Shinault, MSU Denver

Lundin spoke from the

PeaceJam chapter president, said

in 1981, Tum fled to Mexico as

quote a term that’s been used,”

because systemic violence against

perspective of the laureates when

people can make positive social

a refugee. There she began to

Arteaga said. “They need to be

indigenous people is illegal, but

she described why they share their

changes if they take the time to

advocate for the rights of indigenous

woke to the fact that atrocities

social discrimination is not.

stories and work with PeaceJam.

listen to others. Shinault said

people and speak out against the

have happened all around them

brutality of the Guatemalan military.

and they need to be aware so

you grow up there and you don’t

our lives, not because we want you

Denver chapter if they look for

that they can be more sensitive

know exactly what’s going on,”

to know about us, but because we

flyers around campus and speak to

the Nobel Peace Prize for her

to issues that’s happening in

Medina said. “People deny, ‘In

want you to see that one person can

PeaceJam representatives when

work to achieve social justice and

their own neighborhood.”

Guatemala we don’t discriminate

make a difference under the most

they host tables at the Tivoli center.

In 1992, Tum was awarded

“For us it’s for our own because

“We want you to learn about

people can participate in the MSU

The making of an indigenous global activist Rigoberta Menchú Tum champion of the people






Jan. 7

Feb. 23

Feb. 18

Oct. 29

May 7

Rigoberta Menchú Tum was born to Vicente Menchú and Juana Tum Kótoja of Quiché Maya roots.

Menchú goes into exile in Mexico, attempting to flee targeted violence.

She helps prepare the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Menchú receives the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition for the rights of indigenous peoples.

She runs as a presidential candidate for Winaq, an indigenousled left-wing political party.

Quiché Maya Guatemalan Infographic by Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu


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FEBRUARY 7, 2018



Basketball teams pushing toward playoffs Women’s


Continued from cover

while Squires-Horton added 14 points. As a result of the winning streak, the

The men’s team continues to have a

did not affect their positioning in the RMAC.

foothold on the No. 3 spot in the RMAC

They returned home after a week of rest

women are now tied for second in the RMAC

standings. Due to the ineligibility of second-

to face the Yellow Jackets of BHSU. The

stretch having won four out of their last five

with Fort Lewis College. They are also three

place Westminster College, who do not

Roadrunners dominated in the first half, taking

games, allowing them to jump up in the

games back of Colorado State University

officially join the conference until next

a 12-point lead into the locker room. MSU

standings from seventh to tied for second

- Pueblo, but they would need some help,

season, this means that the Roadrunners

Denver held off a small comeback as junior

in the RMAC after coming out of a three-

as there are only five games remaining in

hold the No. 2 seed for the upcoming

Jaryn Taylor led the way with 19 points and

games-in-five-days stretch with a 1-2 record.

the regular season to catch the one seed.

tournament behind Fort Lewis College.

eight rebounds while Williams contributed

The women’s team is entering their final

On just three days of rest, the women went

“Every game right now is literally, for all of

On the same trip to Westminster, the men

17 points and a steal in the 72-64 win.

to Westminster College in Salt Lake City

us in the conference, is a playoff game,” said

dropped the game to the Griffins after falling

to do battle with the Griffins. After falling

head coach Tanya Haave. “This is February-

behind by seven in the first half and by as

win the next night against SDSMT. After

The Roadrunners put together a quality

behind in the first half, the team rallied

March basketball. It’s why you play, it’s why

much as 15 in the second. The team mounted

falling behind by three in the first half, the

behind Ohrdorf, who led the Roadrunners

you compete. It’s fun for our players and

a run toward the end of the game, but were

Roadrunners dominated on the backs of

with 21 points and seven rebounds.

it’s definitely fun for our coaching staff.”

unable to finish the comeback. However, it

Taylor and senior Bounama Keita’s defense. Williams nabbed four steals and 21 points,

The win put the women in a critical position to battle for a stronger RMAC standing

and the bench added 30 points, with

depending on the next two games, and

sophomore Allec Williams contributing 16

Ohrdorf’s play was the key to the Roadrunners’

of them. They overwhelmed SDSMT 63-55. As a result, the men held onto their

success, as her teammates recognized.

No. 3 standing and No. 2 seed, but Regis

“She just makes the craziest shots and is always battling in there, getting her rebounds,

University and Adams State University

going back up strong,” Squires-Horton said.

are right on their tails, only a half-game

“They can’t guard her. Every game she’s

and full-game back, respectively. But

doing something different and staying pretty

head coach Michael Bahl doesn’t view

consistent. It’s been awesome watching her.”

it as a time to just defend their spot, but

After a week of rest, the team came out

rather, chase down the leaders as well. “We’re always trying to chase

firing on all cylinders against Black Hills State University, with Ohrdorf putting up 20

somebody,” Bahl said. “We’re definitely

points while Smith earned her first double-

trying to chase somebody. It keeps our

double of the season with 17 points and

edge to us. But we have no margin for

10 assists. The Roadrunners dominated,

error. We’re not in a position where we

only being outscored in one quarter as

can start sleeping on anybody.” They remain three games back

they swatted the Yellow Jackets and

of Fort Lewis, and would need some

jumped ahead of them in the standings.

major help if they wanted to secure the

The next night, the Roadrunners faced a

No. 1 spot in the next five games.

tougher challenge against the South Dakota

Both MSU Denver basketball teams look

School of Mines and Technology. After a miserable first quarter, in which MSU

to cap their regular seasons and push into

Denver only scored six points, the team

the RMAC Tournaments, where they hope

found themselves down by nine entering

their performances will be enough to woo the NCAA Selection Commitee into sending

halftime. Rallying once again around Ohrdorf , they took the game by a decisive nine points, 69-60. Ohrdorf had a doubledouble with 26 points and 11 rebounds,

Photos by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

Bree Wellington shoots the ball against Black Hills State University on Feb. 2 at Auraria Event Center. The Roadrunners won the game 77-63.

Enrique Cortés Zotes guards his opponent in a game against South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on Feb. 3 at the Auraria Event Center. The Roadrunners won the game 63-55.

them an invite to their respective National Tournaments. Still, the easiest way in would be to win their RMAC Tournaments.

Roadrunners athletics review Infield Track (CU Invitational)

Men’s Tennis Feb. 3

Ryan Boucher (800 M) Alden Gruidel (5000 M) Men’s Team (4x400M)

10th 6th 6th

at University

of Northern Colorado



Women’s Tennis Feb. 2

Women’s Team (4x400M)


at Air

Force Academy

L 0-7



FEBRUARY 7, 2018

Baseball establishes the run game Aggressive baserunning gets Roadrunners first victory of season

By Rich Allen

Soole drawing a walk to begin

groups of four or five in between


MSU Denver’s offensive game, the

pitches. They also forced one

style of play that brought Strain

balk, but based on the audible

The MSU Denver baseball

notoriety as an assistant coach at

and consistent chirping from their

team began its season with two

Southern Illinois University. After

dugout, believed they tricked

games against University of

reaching, Soole took an aggressive

Loper pitching into several more.

Nebraska at Kearney starting

lead off first base, drawing

Feb. 2, yielding mixed results.

several pickoff attempts from

Denver outscore their hit

Lopers starter Bradley Brown.

production in two separate

The Roadrunners split the series with the UNK Lopers in

He would score on a double

This style of play let MSU

innings, with their final mark of 15

head coach Ryan Strain’s debut,

by the next hitter, Donny Ortiz,

runs only one less than their hit

taking the first game by a score

Jr., but not without drama.

count. They managed to leave only

of 15-12 and dropping the second

The relay throw to home beat

five runners on base, converting

15-2. A third game was scheduled

Soole by several feet but the

base reaches into runs effectively.

for Feb. 4, but was canceled due to

ball was dropped on the tag.

This came in support of a

cold weather. Though the offense

Additionally, Ortiz was nearly

perhaps rusty pitching staff, as

stalled in game two, opening

caught trying to advance to third

ace Javi Vega yielded six runs in

day exhibited the electric run

on the play, saved by the Lopers

only five innings. As he seemed

game that was promised with

not having anyone covering the

to be hitting his stride in the

the hiring of Strain last fall.

base. Before even recording

third, striking out the three-and

an out, the Roadrunners were

four-hole hitters in the UNK

there that our guys, strictly by

applying pressure, albeit nearly

lineup and reaching strike two

his head a little bit and stopped

starter Mitchell Robinson, who

their hustle, and they way they

costing them two baserunners.

on the five-hole, he hit a snag.

executing the pitch he needed to.”

held the Roadrunners to two runs

“There were some times out

played made them make an

“We know we’re in their head,”

After trying a quick pitch, he

Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver catcher Draven Adame dives into second base on a wild pitch in the eighth inning of the Roadrunners’ game against University of Nebraska at Kearney at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 2. Aggressive baserunning was key to the Roadrunners’ 15-12 victory.

Vig noted that he doesn’t

in his start against them in 2017,

error,” Strain said. “If we can

Soole said. “It just helps the hitter,

was called for a balk and then

believe it will be an issue as

repeated that success this season

continue to do that, it’s going

because if he’s thinking about

didn’t get a called strike three

the team gets into regular

as a sophomore. Game three was

to be tough to play against.”

me, and ‘oh man, I don’t want to

on a borderline pitch. He then

competition in the coming weeks.

canceled with no makeup date

spike one here,’ and then he’s

ceded back-to-back home runs

of the first, the Roadrunners

getting a better pitch to hit. And if

followed by back-to-back walks.

stormed back with five of their

he does spike one, I’m at third.”

After ceding a run in the top

own, and would not trail for the

Across the game, the

“Jav doesn’t get rattled a whole

In game two, nothing went right

announced. The Roadrunners play

for MSU Denver, giving up two

again on Feb. 8 at home against

runs in the first inning and never

the Emporia State University.

lot, but I definitely think that’s a

reaching a tied score afterword.

rest of the game. Immediately,

Roadrunners stole six bases.

conversation he and I will have,”

They would tally only two runs

Strain’s baserunning antics came

But they also drew countless

said pitching coach Mark Vig. “I

on seven hits, with a much more

into play, with center fielder Logan

pickoff attempts, sometimes in

think he just kind of let it get in

modest run approach. Lopers

Softball stumbles to start season By James Burky

played sloppy, committing 11

incapabable of giving their offenses


errors over the weekend.

support, yielding ERAs of 5.09,

“We need to play with quicker After an offseason rich with

8.75 and 14.56. Comparatively,

feet and take care of the ball better

the Roadrunners appear to be

anticipation and preseason awards,

on defense,” said head coach

closer to their competition.

the MSU Denver softball team made

Annie Van Wetzinga. “We need to

a less-than-stellar debut, losing four

eliminate the extra opportunities

specifically in their losses to

of five games in the Colorado Mesa

we gave to the opponents last

St. Mary’s and Texas A&M -

Invitational to open the season.

weekend. Good teams make you

Commerce, the Roadrunners didn’t

pay for errors and walks.”

allow opponents on the board

The Roadrunners kicked off their 2018 campaign with a five

Opening games strong,

This sentiment is something

until the fourth and fifth innings,

game slate that included matchups

sophomore pitcher Darby McGhee is

respectively. Keeping teams from

against three universities in the

all too aware of. After being named

scoring wasn’t necessarily the

preseason top 25: No. 2 Angelo

to the preseason all conference

problem this weekend. Sending

State, No. 8 Colorado Mesa and

team, she left the tournament

feet across the plate was.

No. 22 St. Mary’s. Coming out

with a record of 0-2 and posting

of the tournament relatively

a solid, albeit unspectacular, 4.00

unscathed would be a difficult

ERA, ceding six walks in a 3-0

task and they emerged bruised

loss to St. Mary’s for the season

and battered, but not down.

opener and an 8-5 defeat to

Renowned for their stalwart pitching and tight defense a

“Looking back at this weekend, we could have had a better Courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

St. Mary’s player Marcela Vasquez collides with MSU Denver catcher Sarena Espinoza during the first day of the New Mexico Tournament on Feb. 2.

conference rival Colorado Mesa. “It’s tough playing your opening

performance on the offensive side to support our pitchers,” said catcher Sarena Espinoza. “They did a great job keeping us in the

made her presence known in

have plenty of reason to hold

games so we need to make sure

year ago, the staff got off to a

weekend and going 1-4 but I think

their 3-2 loss to Texas A&M

their heads high and hold an

we continue to back them up on

disappointing start for 2018.

that we did play some really talented

University - Commerce, keeping

optimistic outlook for the season.

defense and with the bats.”

It was like being in a parallel

teams and there were a lot of

the Roadrunners competitive with

dimension for one of the more

positives and we have a lot to build

successful teams in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference. Over the weekend, the Roadrunners pitching staff surrendered 21 runs off of 43 hits. A typically disciplined defense

Despite sitting at 1-4, the

After a brief return to the

a game tying, two-run single in

pitching staff has the third best

Mile High City, the team will turn

off of as we move into season,”

the top of the seventh. Her clutch

ERA in the conference at 2.91.

around and head to the Dixie State

McGhee said. “You can expect

effort would go in vain, however,

everyone to keep working hard and

as the Lions would win on a walk-

schools in the RMAC with one

They’ll open the five game visit on

improving weekend to weekend.”

off single by Kinsie Hebler.

win or less, Fort Lewis College,

Feb. 8 against Western New Mexico.

Though she struggled out of the gate on the mound, McGhee

The win-loss record looks grim, but the Roadrunners still

For reference, the other three

Regis University and Adams State University, were progressively

Invitational in St. George, Utah.


FEBRUARY 7, 2018


The Takeover: Roadrunners Give Back & [Element]


Diet Cig

Location Lost Lake






Location Moon Room

Price $13

Price $10

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Tivoli Turnhalle

2.8 vs. Western New Location St. George, UT

Price Free

2.8 vs. Dixie State

Mexico University Time 10 a.m.

University Location St. George, UT Time 12:30 p.m.

Time 2 p.m. 2.9

Sun Seeker

Location 1STBANK Center Price $16 2.8

Hot Topics: Net Neutrality

Time 8 p.m.


Set It Off

Location Marquis Theater Price $15



Time 6:30 p.m. 2.8 vs. Emporia State

2.9 vs. Concordia University

University Location Denver

Location Tivoli Multicultural Lounge Price Free Time 12:30 p.m.


k.d. lang

Location Paramount Theater


Mickey Avalon

Time 3 p.m.

Outspoken Speaker Series Kalyn Heffernan

Price $50+

Price $25

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Location Tivoli Multicultural Lounge Price Free



Location Marquis Theater

Time 5:30 p.m.

Location Bluebird Theater

Softball 2.8

California Location St. George, UT


Dent May

Location Lost Lake

Price $15

Price $10

Time 6 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

Women’s Basketball

2.9 vs. Montana State

2.9 vs. Chadron State College

University Billings

Location St. George, UT

Location Chadron, NE

Time 12:30 p.m.

Time 5:30 p.m.

Time 7 p.m. 2.16

Neck Deep

Location Ogden Theater 2.9

Mental Health First Aid Colorado


Grace VanderWaal

Location Bluebird Theater

Price $23

Price $22

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.



Location PE Event Center Room 207 Price Free Time 9 a.m.

2.8 vs. St. Louis Blues 2.16


Location Globe Hall


Van William

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $10

Price $10

Time 9:30 p.m.

Time 9:30 p.m.

Location Away

Time 6 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Avalanche Lake Clarity: For an immersive horror audio drama, check out “Lake Clarity” @ mymetmedia.com



Location Bluebird Theater


2.9 vs. Houston Rockets

Location Away


Walk the Moon

Location Ogden Theater

Price $20

Price $40

Time 8 p.m.

2.10 vs. Carolina Hurricanes

2.10 vs. Phoenix Suns

Location Away

Location Away

Time 8 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Ground control to Major Falcon Heavy

Trump threatens (another) shutdown

TRENDING NEWS Carrying the torch The 2018 Winter Olympics will take place from Feb. 9-25

Colorado Springs deputy police shooting Micah Flick, an El Paso County

SpaceX launched the Falcon

President Donald Trump

A Stormi is brewing On Tuesday, Kylie Jenner announced the name of her

in Pyeong Chang, South Korea.

deputy sheriff, was shot in the

Heavy rocket at NASA’s Kennedy

called for another government

newborn daughter. According to

According to the Denver Post,

line of duty after responding to

Space Center in Florida on

shutdown if Congress does

TMZ, Stormi was born on Feb.1 at

the U.S. is sending 242 athletes

a motor vehicle theft in Colorado

Tuesday. According to the New

not take a tougher stance on

4:43 p.m. and weighed 8 pounds, 9

to the Olympics. Thirty-five of

Springs on Monday. Additionally,

York Times, this was the most

immigration and increase border

ounces. In a statement on Twitter,

them are from Colorado, including

three officers and one civilian were

powerful rocket funded by a

security. According to the New

Kylie apologized for keeping her

alpine skiers Lindsey Vonn and

wounded. The suspect, whose

private company to launch into

York Times, the House approved a

fans in the dark throughout her

Mikaela Shiffrin and bobsledder

name has not been released to

space. Eventually, Elon Musk

bill to increase military spending

pregnancy. Yet, said she chose

Nathan Weber. According to CBS

the public, was killed at the scene.

would like to create more powerful

and fund the government for

to remain secretive in order to

St. Louis, Nathan Chen likely to

According to USA Today, Flick was

rockets that can transport humans

six weeks. However, Democrats

stay healthy and avoid stress

win gold for the U.S. in men’s

killed on his 11th anniversary with

to Mars. According to The Verge,

in the Senate will likely block

before her daughter’s birth.

figure skating. Yet, Bleacher

the police force and left behind

minutes after the the launch,

the bill because they believe

Report predicts Canada will take

his wife and 7-year-old twins.

two of the rocket’s outer cores

domestic funding should also be

broke away, returned to Cape

prioritized. If Congress cannot

Canaveral and landed successfully.

come to an agreement, the

However, the middle core did

federal government will shutdown

not meet with a drone ship as

on Thursday, 11:59 p.m.

home the most medals overall.

intended and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean traveling 300 mph.


FEBRUARY 7, 2018

Winter sports that should be legitimized by the Olympics

Horoscopes You are a true trend-setter. Hashtag responsibly, my friend.

1. Snowball fighting 2. Lunch tray sledding

Embrace the fact that you’re inevitably going to cancel your Valentine’s Day plans, Cancer. It’s time your partner learns to love who you really are, anyway.



3. Hand warmer activating 4. Snowman building

I wouldn’t count on those Valentine’s Day plans, Aquarius. Sorry, but that is what you get when you fall for a Cancer. Learn to love all the messages they leave on “read.”

It’s time to pack up the car and go, Leo. And it doesn’t have to be your own car, either. Make that part of the adventure.



It’s never too late to get your flu shot until it is, Pisces. Don’t let your aunt’s Facebook rants convince you otherwise.

Don’t quit your day job. Because, well, you’ve got to find one to quit one, man.



Don’t let the man get you down, Aries. I’ll let you decide which man I’m referring to.

One day at a time, Libra. One day at a time...



5. Curling

Overheard “OK. This is the second third time you’ve made me cry today.” “When I get really excited, I scare people.“ “Yes. I am familiar with the scientific major.“

It’s Girl Scout cookie season, Taurus. Rework your budget accordingly, and make sure you have plenty of room in your freezer for those Thin Mints.

Owning a Hydro Flask does not make you an environmentalist. No matter how many Patagonia stickers you paste on it.



Stop and smell the roses. Then stop and King Soopers for some Allegra, ya ding dong. You know you can’t outgrow a pollen allergy.

Be true to your school, Sagittarius. CU Denver is not the answer.

“It sounds bureaucratic, so that’s a no from me.“ “Everyone here is a troll.”



Brain games Across



34. Take off the board

1. Spaceman Shepard

44. Brainstorming result

1. Singer/songwriter Paul

35. He’s in a class by

5. Humdingers

45. Culinary directive

2. Clark’s colleague


10. Surgery reminder

46. Lethal loop

3. Circle parts

37. Wood coloring

14. ‘’You’ve Got Mail’’

47. Meet an untimely fate

4. Like a jaybird, perhaps

39. A funny thing happened

director Ephron

49. Get steamed up

5. More recent

on the way there

15. Man on a mission?

51. Once named

6. ‘’Yecch!’’

42. Escort from the

16. New Zealand fruit

52. Coward of the stage

7. Actor Cobb


17. Breaks environmental

54. Common canine

8. Square, so to speak

43. Ring combo


56. Ten Commandments

9. Keep at bay

48. Mushy

20. Give the nod


10. Hit the slopes

50. Iron-pumper’s pride

21. Claptrap

59. For the taking

11. Quote as an authority

53. Sierra ___

22. Cyclone center

61. Darts down

12. Elsewhere

55. Pyramids, e.g.

23. Losing proposition?

65. Thorough investigation

13. Baptism, e.g.

56. A long way off

25. Bartlett or Bosc

of war?

18. Hidden marksman

57. Cold crust

27. Several reps, in the

68. Word from Bishop T.D.

19. Laser light

58. Dummy’s seat

weight room


24. Nepal neighbor

60. James of jazz

30. Proper partner

69. Pending

26. Copy, briefly

62. Symphony member

32. Brunch fare

70. Word with fish or wish

27. Makeshift money

63. Mass of glass

36. Warm, so to speak

71. Clarinet component

28. Sidestep

64. Dance instruction

38. Big hit on Broadway

72. Act the coquette

29. Printer powder

66. Deep place?

40. Lima’s land

73. Escape slowly

31. Recurring theme

67. Casual greetings

41. Follow the planned

33. Slot machine fruit


Top 5


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