2016-2017 Newsletter Volume 1.3

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The Hornet Midwood High School Key Club

Volume 1. Issue #3

Table of Contents Key Club Mission and Pledge


Letter from the Editor


Key Club Week


Africa Project


Kidney Walk


Kiwanis Peanut Day


November Divisional


Holiday Season Thankfulness from the Officers


Upcoming Events/ Reminders




I pledge, on my honor, to up-

Key Club is an international

hold the objects of Key Club

student-led organization which

International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Letter from the Editor Hello Key Clubbers! Welcome to the special holiday edition of the December newsletter! I’m so excited for you guys to read this for many reasons. For one, some events we’ve had/are coming up are amazing and the reasons why I joined Key Club. This includes Kiwanis Peanut Day and the upcoming soup kitchen event! Read about the incredible donation from a stranger that happened this past peanut day! Also, a special feature I included in this edition includes a section where officers express what they are thankful for. This holiday season and every season is the perfect time to express your appreciation for others. I’m sure we all have something to be thankful for. Read about what your officers are thankful for and the spectacular events we had in November and December! Happy Holidays, Happy New Years, and Happy Key Clubbing! Yours In Service, Alice Mo Editor

Key Club Week November 7 - 11 was Key Club Week, when we all shared our love of something we all have in common: service. Key Club is a student led organization that allows students, like me, to participate in helping our schools, communities, and the world. Monday was when we had the opportunity to represent Key Club by wearing our school apparel; I wore the crewneck I designed last year, which was exciting! On Tuesday, I personally wrote notes to key players in my life to tell them how much I appreciated them. For Wednesday, I shared information about UNICEF to my friends to promote awareness in its campaign. Thursday focused on random acts of kindness – we broke out of our bubbles in order to exchange doses of happiness. Lastly on Friday, instead of learning more about the “K’s,” I shared information about it! Overall, Key Club Week was an amazing week that allowed me to show my spirit and represent Key Club at it’s finest. Lillian Chen Assistant Treasurer

Key Club Week Every year in the first full week of November we always celebrate Key Club week in many different ways. On the first day of Key Club week called "Show Your K In Every Way," you wear anything that's Key Club related to show your Key Club spirit. I wore my Key Club wristbands and my Key Club Division 9 Tshirt. On the second day of Key Club week called "Kudos to the Key Players," you personally thank all the Key Club Supporters you know like your teachers, officers, members and even your friends. I thanked my best friend for introducing me to Key Club during my freshmen year. On the third day of Key Club week called "Dare To Care" it was the day where we focused on our service projects help support charities like UNICEF and March Of Dimes. The fourth day of Key Club week called "Random Acts Of Kindness." Throughout your school day, we were encouraged to say hi to someone, ask about their day, or simply just hold the door for them. During that day I was with my friends keeping them company and offering to buy food for them. The very last day of Key Club week is called "Connect The K's" where we all celebrate for having all of our clubs with Circle K and Kiwanis. Anthony Guan Member

Africa Project The Africa Project was such a great project in which I got to see the impact we made. It was a windy day, we met up and went to the lot where we were going to be working. I had no idea what to expect or what we were going to be doing, but everything was explained very clearly. We started by taking sets of different colored shirts which were going to be sent to schools to be used for teams in PE. We had to sort two different colors into boxes, label them and seal them up. After this, we went to already packed boxes with textbooks in them and moved them to another storage unit. Since we had to weigh them I got to see what I was carrying which was pretty cool. Since I'm not a strong person, I dropped a box because it was so heavy. I felt so proud of myself when I saw the heaviest box I carried was around 40 lbs. When we finished reorganizing boxes there were three full rows added to the back of the storage, so it was really cool to see how much we got done. When we were done we got pizza, which was worth the effort of carrying heavy boxes. Overall this was a project that I'm proud of because I got to see what we accomplished as a group. Evelyn Velez Member

Africa Project This was my fourth Africa Project. This one was just as fun as the other three. I got to meet new people from Brooklyn Tech and from Midwood. I got to work hard for a good cause too. My favorite part was when I had to carry the heavier boxes. The pizza at the end was pretty good.

Alfredo Lorenzo Member

Kidney Walk The 2016 Kidney Walk is the first Kidney Walk I’ve attended for the National Kidney Foundation. I was startled by the amount of people present at Foley Square! Hundreds of people gathered at the intersection as they were introduced by powerful music accompanied with enormous speakers. Several balloons and stands were held to accompany those joining the walk as well as a free offering of hot chocolate or coffee for walkers in the cold weather! I was astonished by the fact so many teams consisting of families and friends gathered to attend the walk in memory of lost loved ones. These teams would wear shirts or hoodies and hold signs with the names of those that fought kidney disease. It gave me a sudden realization that many people today are affected by kidney disease, leaving a strong message of how precious life could be. As everyone gathered at the Start Up Line, it was indicated we’d walk from Foley Square and cross the Brooklyn Bridge twice in hopes to spread awareness of kidney disease. It was amazing that the bridge was able to support all the walkers crossing even when people were already casually passing by. It was nerve wrecking at first but the walk turned out to be a success! Volunteers would be located at specific locations to direct us as we treaded across the bridge and went back to Foley Square.

While it was a long journey, it was definitely a cause worth supporting. Walkers who would return were welcomed with loud music once more and everyone would be applauded for their efforts. The Kidney Walk was truly sensational.

Kristy Lau Member

Kidney Walk I thought the Kidney walk was great reason to come outside and walk for a great cause. Also I met new people within the Midwood Key Club. Though it was a little bit cold ,the views from the Brooklyn bridge were amazing! In all it was great to see everyone who walked for this cause.

Justin Chow Member

Kiwanis Peanut Day On the day of Peanut Day, it was a fair day. The sky was clear of clouds, and the weather wasn't too chilly. When I arrived at the intersection of Gerritsen Ave and Ave U, we were provided with packets of peanuts to give out to kind people who were willing to donate for a good cause. Throughout the day, we were asking people in cars as the light turned red if they would like to donate. If they donated, we would hand them a tasty pack of peanuts. If they were generous, we would hand them two packs. While I was wandering down the road to ask for donations, there was a very generous Asian man, who was looking very professional (he was wearing a suit!), and he was more than kind enough to donate a tremendous amount of money. When he stuffed the bill in the canister, he had told me not to lose it. I was bewildered; I thought that he had given me a 1$ bill. But later, when I peeked inside the canister full of bills and coins, I had realized that he had given me a 100$ bill. Although I felt guilty for receiving such a huge amount of money, I knew it was for a good cause. Maybe there still are good people left in this world. Samanda Qui and Tracy Ho Members

Kiwanis Peanut Day This was my third time doing peanut day and it will definitely not be my last. Not only is it an event that is very convenient for me (because it's always located right around the block from me), but it's also a lot of fun. You get a good feeling due to helping out other people, and in this case it's helping out kids. Not all children are fortunate enough to receive the resources they need and in this event we volunteer to fundraise for them. I like being able to be with my friends as I'm doing a good deed. It's truly not for the credits with this event, it's for the children and the good feeling you get that you're helping them out. If I didn't have work, I certainly would've stayed longer!

Stacy Miller Member

November Divisional On November 30, I attended the November Divisional at Knights of Columbus Cardinal Stritch. We first did a fun icebreaker called Human Knot were we worked in teams of 8 to untangle ourselves. Then, as a group we competed in Key Club Trivia and had a blast competing against other member from my division. Then, we went over past events from other clubs and how they enjoyed the events. Then, we talked about LTG election and the city windbreakers coming out. Then, we talked about future events and LTC. Overall, the experience, as usual, was amazing.

Anthony Annunziato Head of Committees

The Holiday Season Is here!

What are the officers thankful for?

What is the President thankful for? I want to start off by thanking all of you for joining key club. You've all dedicated so much time to serve our school and our community. Your passion to serve is evident, not only me, but to all the bikers you've given a granola bar to or to every mother you helped vaccinate through the Eliminate Project. You've impacted so many lives these past months. Without your continuous enthusiasm and support, we wouldn't be able to serve as often as we do now. Thank you all for being extremely passionate, caring and trustworthy people. I am truly grateful for all your service. I hope to continue to see all of you at our upcoming events. Happy Key Clubbing! Most importantly, I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

What is the Vice-President thankful for? I am thankful for my friends and family who continue to support me and what I do. I am thankful for my board for being so hardworking and understanding. I am thankful for my closer friends who listen to my rants about classes. I am thankful for my committee members for being so artistically talented and outgoing. I am thankful, more importantly for all my dedicated members who continue to go to events and make my day. Thank you for your time and commitment to Key Club!

What is the Secretary thankful for? I’m really grateful for my family who are always there to support me and help me at times in need. For giving me food, shelter and all the things I need to live. I am grateful to my friends who also help me out and support me though difficult times. They assure that I will do fine and give me words of encouragement. I am thankful to my teachers who have helped me do well in class. They have tutored me and explained what I didn't understand within the unit. I am thankful to my boyfriend. For always being there for me and caring for me regardless of the situation. Last but not least, I would like to give a special thanks to Key club and our club officers. Key club has taught me many new things and got me involved. Through my past 3 years in Key Club, I have volunteered and supported many causes and made a difference in our community. I have learned how important these causes are and how they impact others. As for the board members, I am really thankful to be able to work with you girls. Although we may have had our ups and downs, we learn from our mistakes and come out stronger. You guys have taught me the power of working together and being a team. I am really grateful for the people and what I have in my life, it is truly something special.

What is the Treasurer thankful for? Since this is a season to be thankful, I just want to take this time here to thank every single one of you for all the dedication and hard work you have put into making our club the best club of the district! I also want to thank all the officers of the club for this amazing year of key club, without you girls all the events of the past wouldn't have happened successfully. Although these past few months has been pretty hectic with my college applications and my AP classes, I always find that coming to the weekly meetings recharges my energy and motivation. So I would like to dedicate this big thank you to my family, my friends, the officers, the music on my phone, and the the member who have made me laugh and smile through these few months of hardship.

What is the Assistant Treasurer thankful for? As my junior year progresses, there are many obstacles and stressful events that happened which made me so thankful for my family and friends help me when I need it. Having supportive people by my side is so amazing because they guide me as I live my life. I am crazy thankful for those who decided I wasn’t crazy and believed in me when I ran for Midwood Key Club’s treasurer as well as when I said I would make championships for swimming with my goal times. I’m truly thankful for those who made me laugh until I cried and listened to me when I did cry. I’m so unbelievably grateful for my supportive family and my wonderful friends and I'm so glad they are here with me.

What is the Webmaster thankful for? When I think about the things that I am thankful for, people such as my friends and family and the memories I've made with them come to mind. I've been able to share and learn from amazing people, some who I actually met because of Key Club! So this year I'd like to thank all those people that listened to me when I needed to talk and those that were a part of great memories. Whether these were staying up until 2 AM then waking up to 5 alarms or simply taking a train ride home, I'm grateful for those people. I'd also like to thank you guys, my fellow Key Clubbers. Being a part of the board has been interesting, and at times when I'm not feeling so well, seeing you guys out there and the dedication you have for making a positive impact on our world is rather inspiring. I can truthfully say that I have fangirled about you guys to some of the genius officers we have on our board. So you guys, keep going out there inspiring other people and just making the world a better place. And meet new people, some of these could be some of the most amazing people you've ever met.

What is the Editor thankful for? The holiday season is personally my favorite time of the year. All these holidays remind us to truly appreciate those in our lives that make everything worth it. For me, this includes my family, friends, and people in general that constantly inspire me to reach for the stars. Another thing I’m incredibly thankful for is the opportunity to give back to others. Having the ability to do something good for someone else is amazing and is something we should constantly do. Through Key Club events like the upcoming soup kitchen event we have, I can interact with people from so many different backgrounds and see upclose how my service has an impact on them. Lastly, I am so thankful for you guys, the members, for putting so much time and effort into Key Club. You guys never cease to inspire me and the rest of the board.

What are YOU thankful for?

Upcoming Events: December Divisional Date/ Time: December 21st /5pm-6pm Location: Xavierian High School Bowery Soup Kitchen Date: December 31st, 2016 Time: 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM Location: 227 Bowery, New York, NY 10002 Division 9 Ice Skating Fundraiser Date/ Time: Monday January 30th, 2017/ 11AM Location: LeFrak Center at Lakeside Prospect Park Price: $10 with skates; $15 w/o skates NYCRUNS Cocoa Classic Central Park 5&10 Miler Volunteer Date: January 8th, 2017 Time: TBA (most likely in the morning) Location: Central Park

Thank you for reading!

Contribute to our next newsletter by sending articles about events to midwoodhskeyclub@gmail.com.

Happy Key Clubbing! http://midwoodkeyclub.weebly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/midwoodhskeyclub/ @midwoodkeyclub

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