2016-2017 Newsletter Volume 1.4

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The Hornet Midwood High School Key Club

Volume 1. Issue #4

Table of Contents Key Club Mission and Pledge


Letter from the Editor


President’s Message


December Divisional


Bowery Soup Kitchen


NYC Cocoa Runs


January Divisional


18th Lunar New Year Festival


Division 9 Ice Skating Fundraiser


69th Annual LTC


Upcoming Events/ Reminders




I pledge, on my honor, to up-

Key Club is an international

hold the objects of Key Club

student-led organization which

International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Letter from the Editor Hello Key Clubbers! Can you believe it is already February?! Time has passed so fast! This newsletter recaps all the service you guys did from December to January. It’s truly amazing to see how the dedication in this club. One of my favorite events that I attended featured in this newsletter was the Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen event! It was a wonderful experience serving food to a different community and seeing how thankful people were. As the service year is almost coming to an end one event that I am very excited for is the Annual Leadership Training Conference!! The memories that I made last year with my fellow officers and members were truly unforgettable. The weekend was honesty just filled with laughter and inspiration from others just as dedicated to service as yourselves. I hope to see you there! Read till the end to find out more about LTC. Yours In Service, Alice Mo Editor

President’s Message Hello my lovely hornets! How is it that it's almost the end of the 2016-2017 service year? As a club, we've volunteered over 1,800 hours and raised over $1000! That's incredible. I'm extremely proud of every single one of you. Thank you for attending our meetings and events. You have all been extremely committed in serving our school and community. We have our 69th Annual Leadership Training Conference in April; it's a weekend that celebrates all your accomplishments this year. This will be one of the most memorable times of your life. Not to mention, you can capture it with LTC’s very own Snapchat filter! You will also bond with fellow key clubbers all across New York while attending workshops such as improv acting, swing dancing and much much more! You will also be able to learn how to tie a tie, dress professionally and run a successful club. Hey, you could be the next key club president! I hope to see as many of you as possible at this wonderful convention. Yours In Service, Josephine Leung President

December Divisional December's Divisional was a lot fun! There was food and a fun ice breaker. There was also a variety of snacks and drinks. They were delicious! We had an ice breaker where we got organized into groups and tried to find weird things that everyone in the group had in common. Afterwards, Raymond held the divisional. He talked about the usual stuff such as past events, but what made this divisional special was that he told the division about January's divisional. That is the divisional where the next LTG, Patricia Ahmed, was elected. Raymond also spoke about LTC.

Alfredo Lozano Member

Bowery Soup Kitchen On December 31st, 2016, Midwood Key Clubbers met up at 7 AM for the Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen. It was a cold New Years' Eve morning, but despite that, we all showed up to help out the staff and volunteer. It was my first time doing a soup kitchen and I wasn't sure what to expect. The staff at the Bowery Mission was extremely nice and welcoming. First, we helped the kitchen prepare salads before people started coming in to receive breakfast. Every Key Clubber was assigned a specific job to do when serving the breakfast and tons of people showed up! After the food was served, we helped the staff clean up. Overall, it was such a nice experience to see how grateful the people were for the food we were giving and the smile on their faces wrapped up my year in a great way. I would love to participate in more soup kitchens in the future!

Sarah Cen Member

Bowery Soup Kitchen On the last day of 2016 and during the middle of the winter break, I had to wake up at an usually early time to volunteer in a soup kitchen because what better way can I end the year than to give back to the people? Although this was my third time volunteering for the Bowery Mission organization, this time it was especially enjoyable since everyone was affected by the holiday cheerfulness. The reasons why I love going to the soup kitchen event is seeing the people smile and being grateful for the little things given to them. The stories that they tell always inspires me to be a better person and convinces me that no one is perfect, and as long as we gave it our all, then it doesn't matter whether we succeeded or failed.

Christine Tsang Treasurer

NYC Cocoa Runs I regret pretty much everything about this event. I didn't think that I would ever volunteer at an event that was more miserable than the event I attended in Fort Hamilton, but I was proven wrong here. While writing this, I was tempted to write that it was freezing. However, "it was freezing" would an understatement. It was so cold that I couldn't feel my toes at the end of the event, and I was wearing two pairs of socks and a pair of boots. Every step I took was painful. I was wearing multiple layers and it still took me a good two hours after I got home to feel warm. It was so cold that Wendy's hands were swollen at the end of the event. Despite, all of the negative stuff I just said, I did enjoy this event. I got to bond with some of my fellow key clubbers, and I got to see how beautiful Central Park is when there is snow.

Alfredo Lozano Member

NYC Cocoa Runs The NYC Cocoa Runs Event was an interesting event that I attended with my sister. This was my first time attending an event like this. At this event we handed out cups of water to these runners. Due to the cold weather the water was frozen and the Gatorade was like slush. It was pretty funny seeing the reactions of the runners as they tried to drink the frozen water. To help them out we actually broke the pieces of ice in the water before we handed the cup to them. As we handed out water to the runners, we cheered them on because it was truly amazing how they ran in the freezing cold weather. The runners’ determination to run in the frosty weather encouraged me to finish up my task. Even though our hands were freezing and my phone died multiple times, it was truly worth it. I had a really fun time at this event and I hope there would be more events like this in the future.

Jennifer Yang Member

NYCRUNS Cocoa Classic On January 8th, I participated in NYCRUNS Cocoa Classic Volunteering Event that was in Central Park. That day me and 6 other Key Clubbers had to endure the really cold weather and we had to set up the water station. We basically set up cups of water and Gatorade and then handed it to runners as they passed by. This was so cool because seeing all the runners who came out in the weather and all the runners thank us for volunteering it was amazing to hear. I wish we had more events like this just not waking up at the crack of dawn for the event.

Anthony Annuziato Head of Committes

January Divisional On January 11th, the January Divisional was held at the Knights of Columbus Cardinal Stritch at around 5:00 PM. The divisional started off as usual with a recap of past events and future ones. This divisional, however, was a special one since our next LTG was elected. Three candidates from Division 9 delivered speeches in round one and then answered questions in round 2. In the first round, Patricia, Flora, and Stefano, all delivered speeches which explained what Key Club means to them and the things they would do if elected Lieutenant Governor. The delegates from the schools present at the divisional then allowed Patricia and Flora to move on to the next round. In that round, anyone from the audience was allowed to ask questions to the candidates. In the second round of votes, Patricia was ultimately elected our next Lieutenant Governor. I had never attended a divisional in which elections were held for our Lieutenant Governor and that experience was really interesting. I was really focused on what each candidate said and how they responded to questions and learned quite a lot about the whole process. I'm very excited to see how Patricia will help our division grow, but I'm also saddened that Raymond will be stepping down as our Lieutenant Governor. His last divisional of this service year will be held sometime in March and I truly hope that as many of you as possible attend this divisional.

Wendy Lliguichuzhca Webmaster

January Divisional On January 11th, there was the January Divisional that was held by our LTG Raymond at Knights of Columbus Cardinal Stritch Council 4661. This divisional was the first divisional of the year but one of the most important of the year because we elected our new LTG for next service year. We first went through the past events that all the clubs did, then went over the new events coming up in the month. The exciting part was hearing all the candidates speeches for LTG and all the ideas they had to improve the division. Being able to be apart of deciding process for picking LTG was really cool and humbling.

Anthony Annuziato Head of Committees

18th Lunar New Year Festival Chinese New Year has always been a big thing in my family, and every year we will always go to the firecracker festival with all of my relatives. This year, rather than going to the festival for amusement, I was able to work as a volunteer with other Key Clubs from all around New York City. The weather on January 28th was extremely cold, especially in the morning; it was so cold that a hot drink that I bought immediately turned cold after I left the bakery. Although it was cold, the festival was amazing. The fun started when the people began to show up for the festivities and the performers began to perform. During that day I was positioned near the gates as crowd control and things got crazy especially when the firecracker show started, the crowd went hysterical and was cheering non-stop. Throughout the entire day the air in the park was filled with the smell of popcorn and smoke from the firecrackers.

Christine Tsang Treasurer

18th Lunar New Year Festival Last Saturday January 28th, I participated in the Lunar New Year Firecracker Festival. We had over 300 volunteers meet at Sara D. Roosevelt Park in Chinatown and we helped Better Chinatown run the events. We had volunteers act as human fence when the firecrackers went off, we had volunteers running the popcorn and cotton candy machines, and I was apart of handing tea out to the volunteers. This was by far my most favorite event so far this year because it was amazing to see all the people who come out to participate in the event and see the firecrackers. I definitively recommend to all future members of Midwood Key Club or current members to do this event next year. Trust me you will learn a lot about culture and there is free lunch involved and who doesn't love free food.

Anthony Annuziato Head of Committees

Division 9 Ice Skating Fundraiser On January 31st, the traditional Division 9 Ice Skating Event was held in LeFrak Center at Lakeside Prospect Park. The weather on that day was perfect, it wasn't too cold and it wasn't too warm to skate outdoors. The thing that I enjoy most about this fundraising event is the fact that we are helping out a charity and at the same time having fun. When it comes to ice skating, I am a lost cause because even after years of ice skating, I am like a new born deer on ice. Thankfully, there were a lot of people who supported me throughout my trip around the rink and this is something else that I also enjoy about this event, the fact that someone who I have never met is kind enough to guide me safely back into the resting spots. One amazing thing did happen to me on this day, for the first time in forever, I did not fall down at all!

Christine Tsang Treasurer

69th Annual Leadership Training Conference Leadership Training Conference, or LTC, is a yearly gathering of key clubbers, from all over New York, to celebrate the closing of the service year and the start of a new one. This year's masquerade-themed training conference will be on March 31st to April 2nd and located at the Desmond Hotel. Over the weekend, key clubbers will be attending workshops, participating in group activities, voting for their next executive board, entering in contests and receiving recognition of what they or their club has accomplished throughout the service year! For more information: http://ltc.nydkc.org

2016 LTC 2016 NYDKC Fall Rally

Upcoming Events/Reminders: Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen Date: Saturday, February 25th Time: 7:30 AM- 9:30 AM Location: 227 Bowery, New York, NY 10002 Description: Serve already prepared food to the less fortunate in Manhattan! Africa Project Date: Saturday, March 4th Time: 8:30am Meet-Up in front of the Brooklyn Academy of Music Description: We will be repackaging and sorting donations to be sent to schools in Africa. There will also be free pizza!

69th Annual Leadership Training Conference Date: March 31st to April 2nd Location: Desmond Hotel Anyone interested in a position must attend! Apply for awards which highlights all your hard work from this year! The $290 is due on March 1st! *Applications for officer positions have been posted on the website!* Due on Tuesday, February 28th!

Thank you for reading!

Contribute to our next newsletter by sending articles about events to midwoodhskeyclub@gmail.com.

Happy Key Clubbing! http://midwoodkeyclub.weebly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/midwoodhskeyclub/ @midwoodkeyclub

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