2016-2017 Newsletter Volume 1.5

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Volume 1. Issue #5

Table of Contents Key Club Mission and Pledge Letter from the Editor

4 5

A Dog’s Purpose Fundraiser


Year of the Rooster


Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen


IHOP Pancake Day Music Beats Cancer

14 18

Brooklyn Woman’s Day Festival


Midwood Club Fair February Divisional March Divisional

24 30 32

Pi Day






Upcoming Events/Reminders




I pledge, on my honor, to up-

Key Club is an international

hold the objects of Key Club

student-led organization which

International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God;

provides its members with opportunities to provide

and to combat all forces

service, build character and

which tend to undermine these

develop leadership.


Letter from the Editor Hello Key Clubbers! Can you believe that it is already the end, and the start of another service year?! Because I can’t! I just wanted to start by thank all you for reading my newsletters for the past year. It has been an honor for me to compile your experiences and see the dedication you- the members have put into this club. This newsletter will encompass all the events from February to March. I am so excited to present this newsletter to you because I think that we’ve had some the most fun events these past couple of months with the close of a service year. Some include our very own move fundraiser, the Music Beats Cancer volunteering, seeing Midwood at the club fair, and….Pi day! In addition to that, at the end of this newsletter, each of the officers who are sadly leaving this board will say their farewells, and each of in the incoming officers will say their hellos! As I leave you off, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for constantly inspiring me with your dedication towards service. Happy Key Clubbing! Yours In Service, Alice Mo Editor

A Dog’s Purpose Movie Fundraiser Having already seen the first trailer of the movie months prior to its release, there was no doubt A Dog’s Purpose would be a touching, emotional film. The money which was spent for the tickets would be utilized to lower the cost of LTC. It seemed like a great opportunity to go watch a movie with friends and fellow Key Club members while helping out for a great cause. The morning was harsh with freezing temperatures but fortunately AMC Loews was warm and comfortable. After watching the movie for approximately two hours nearly everyone that had stopped by had tears streaming down their cheeks as we left. There was a mix of heartbreak and hope yet it was too much emotion for anyone to suppress. I don’t intend on spoiling the movie for anybody but you’re in for quite a ride if you were to watch the film. It would have been nice for more members to join the cause in an attempt to lower the cost of LTC for all attendants. Hopefully more people participate in movie fundraisers that may be hosted in the future. Kristy Lau Member

A Dog’s Purpose Movie Fundraiser Having to wake up early in the morning on a weekend is pretty awful, even if it's for a movie. However, I wanted to help support our club's efforts to fundraise for LTC. Honestly, the movie was ok. There were some really sad parts but I only cried once. It may not have been as amazing as "Forest Gump" or "Full Metal Jacket" but I still enjoyed the movie and I felt that waking up early for this was worthwhile.

Alfredo Lozano Member

Year of the Rooster The year of the rooster festival celebration was unexpectedly strange. I expected some kind of peace or uniform throughout the event but it was all like a simple massacre. It was very loud and crazy at some times and incoming people weren't aware of where to go. During the event, the few of us had only stood there to watch whatever events happened to unfold at the time. We weren't given much assignments and when it came to the free food, the swarm of people had shoved us out of whatever imaginary line there was. The Brooklyn tech president and I had time to go out and drop by Starbucks to get a drink as they failed to provide any kind of nourishments. Overall however, my experience was pleasant as I was given time to chat up and catch up with friends I haven't seen in a long time and experience the wonderful sight of a large, massive, golden rooster.

Flora Tsui Vice President

Year of the Rooster I could remember the Year of the Rooster event like it was yesterday. I remember the loud banging of the drums while the majestically lions were dancing and beautiful ballerinas spinning so elegantly down the stairs. Oh and of course, I would never forget the giant inflatable golden rooster that towered above us all. Pure excitement filled the room as me and my friends witnessed unity of different races in one room celebrating this Chinese tradition. I knew everyone in the room enjoyed the entertainment from their smiles and claps. Furthermore, I knew they were excited for the food. Authentic Chinese food, but too bad none of us were hungry so we left.

Vincent Wu Member

Bowery Soup Kitchen One of my favorite key club events is the bowery soup kitchen event. At this event, i helped serve the food and got to interact with new people. Not only is this event fun, but it's so great to see all those smiling faces after being served a hot meal. It's bizarre to think that something so little like can make such a big difference in someone's life. I love key club events because it encourages me to make new friends and help my community.

Crystal Lin Member

Bowery Soup Kitchen Early in the morning on the 25th day of February, some of the students from Midwood High School Key Club attended the Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen event. Among one of the lucky people that went there, I experienced extreme satisfaction out of making people smile. All of the students at the event were polite and served people breakfast with kind amity. Not only did we make other people happy, but we, ourselves, grew closer in friendship. There’s nothing better than making a change in the world and events such as the soup kitchen one give visible results of what one simple kind action can do. Overall, the soup kitchen event was just like any other Key Club event: benevolent and enjoyable.

Purim Manashirova Member

IHOP Pancake Day The only thing better than free pancakes is free pancakes and giving back. March 7, 2017 was National Pancake Day. On this day, the International House of Pancakes, better known as IHOP, serves free pancakes to anyone that wants them. This year, in addition to giving out pancakes, IHOP partnered with the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (a non-profit organization that raises money for awareness of children's health issues, children's hospitals, and medical research) to help the organization with its goal. As a volunteer, I and other Key Club members walked around the restaurant and explained to the customers the importance and impact their donations could have. Numerous people were kind enough to donate anything they had to the hospital. Those that didn't donate (or thought that we were IHOP employees and tried to have us write down their order) were still nice enough to listen to what we had to say. Overall, we were able to inform people on an extremely important cause.

Jeraya Kelly Member

IHOP Pancake Day The IHOP Pancake Day on Tuesday, March 7th was my first event in a long time in the service year, but nonetheless one of my favorites so far. We arrived at the IHOP near Church Avenue after 3pm. The team consisted of me, Wendy, Evelyn, and Amina. Our task was to ask the tables if they wanted to make a donation to the Children's Miracle Network hospitals, in exchange for their free stack of pancakes. Not many people wanted to donate or had the money to (a lot of the tables were teenagers or kids and just wanted to enjoy the pancakes), but a few handful did. Everyone who donated received a paper that they could write their names on and be posted on IHOP's walls, but those who gave $5 also received a coupon for their next visit! The highlights of my experience included having to speak to and ask donations of total strangers, getting someone to donate $5 early in my shift, and being treated to dinner after everything was over. It made me happy that many people got to enjoy their day by getting free pancakes, and that the donations would go towards children in need.

Josephine Wu Member

Music Beats Cancer On Sunday March 12th, the Music Beats Cancer event took place at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. Prior to this event, I had never been to Williamsburg much less the music hall there. This event took place from 4:00 PM and the whole group from Midwood left at 7:00 PM. When we first got to the music hall, the organizer, Mona, told us to hand out flyers of the event to people on the streets in order to promote the event. It was definitely a new experience for all of us and it was kind of interesting when people would politely reject our flyers. Our group spread out and two of us handed out flyers near the entrance of the subway station as well as near the entrance of Whole Foods. We did that for about an hour then went inside the music hall when the event was about to begin. Once inside, we got to listen to the live music playing on stage and got to learn a little more about the Sound Affects organization. It was a nice feeling to be standing there listening to independent artists sing on a Sunday evening when I really should've been doing chem homework; especially knowing that by being there I was supporting a cause that wants to bring funding to cancer research. Wendy Lliguichuzhca Webmaster

Music Beats Cancer The Music Beats Cancer event was great. Although it was a chilly march morning we still had to hand out flyers outside. With freezing hands and shivering teeth I would continuously remind myself that it's for a good cause. Because it was a great way to provide funding for cancer research that would potentially save someone's lives. And even though cancer hasn't directly effected my family and I, everyone knows what death feels like and how hard it can be to loose someone. By helping develop this cancer research we are getting closer and closer to the cure to stop cancer. Also the live music provided by the guest artist were pretty great songs that made me do a little jig. Overall this event might've been tough but it was all worth it fighting for a great cause.

Coco Pierre-Louis Member

Brooklyn Lantern Woman Day Festival Hey. Sammi and Jenny here. We are both in key club and one of the events that we went to was the Woman’s Day Festival at Leif Erikson Park. That day was crazy. So, let’s just start with the most memorable thing of that day: It. Was. FREEZING. Both of our hands were numb and pink for most of the event, because we were running around like maniacs, instead of being smart and keeping our hands warm in our pockets. We even had gloves on and it didn't help much. But, whatever. Running around like maniacs was fun. Surprisingly, there were a lot more people, who came to the park, volunteering, helping to put up and run stands than we thought there would be. People from other schools like Murrow and Brooklyn Tech, were there as well. We helped carry some stuff around and open stands. In addition, we got to hold a dragon with like 8 other people and walk around the park. We all had fun waving the dragon around for a good 10 – 15 mins but then we all just got sore and cold, however, as much work as it was, we also had lots of fun. During the event, there was also a speech and it was so amazing how so many people worked hard just to set up this small event. At the end, the volunteers got free food to eat so we didn't starve. We are totally going to remember this crazy day. Jenny Lei and Sammi Lin Members

Brooklyn Lantern Woman Day Festival The 4th Annual Women's Day Festival was a wonderful experience to meet people from Division 8, 9 and 11! At this event, we first assisted in packing a truck with tables, costumes, confetti and much more. Then we unloaded the truck and began setting up the festival by setting up the popcorn and cotton candy machine to boiling water for drinks! Even though it was freezing that day, vendors offered volunteers drinks, hats, gloves, sunglasses and more as a token of appreciation for their service. There were 2 shifts for this event and I met a lot of energetic members from Edward R Murrow Key Club that day. I was even able to listen to an inspiring speech by District Leader Nancy Tong. It was an amazing event that celebrated women but it was an even better key club event!

Josephine Leung President

Midwood Club Fair Even though Midwood's club fair was scheduled at an inconvenient time during the school year, the event was still very successful. We were able to recruit over 40 new members by giving them lollipops and a membership handbook. All of our officers and members were very enthusiastic and eager to introduce prospective members to key club. We shared our favorite key club pictures and memories with the new members. We also showed off our key club spirit buy reciting our “How Do You Feel� chant! IT FELT GREAT! Overall the club fair was a wonderful welcoming experience and I want to thank all the members who helped out!

Josephine Leung President

Midwood Club Fair Recently, we had our Midwood Club Fair event! It was quite an experience for me, because of the fact that I'd never went to a club fair in Midwood. Large crowds consisting of contrasting people, interests, ideas, and personalities filled the cafeteria very quickly. Multiple colorful and cheerful display boards were set on top of cafeteria tables, in hopes of attracting bystanders. Volunteering at this event was exciting overall! Key Club was one of the many clubs who were at this event. During this event, we all displayed our enthusiasm and pride for Key Club, and recruited a great number of interested students. I had met a couple of fellow kind key clubbers, and a few new people from other clubs as well! Time flew by quickly, and by the end of the day, we successfully managed to express Key Club's spirit.

Samanda Qiu Member

February Divisional On February 6th, I attended the February Divisional at our home club Midwood High School and it was a fun one. First, we did a very nice icebreaker where people were asked what there favorite service project was and why and to hear what some of those answers were made me extremely happy. Then, we went over past and upcoming events and heard what all the other clubs did and what they are going to do. Then, Ms Owens spoke to us more about LTC and after that Raymond announced our own Vincent Wu as January Key Clubber of the Month which was amazing to see. Overall, this divisional was amazing and couldn't ask for a better divisional.

Anthony Annunziato Member

March Divisional The divisional that took place on March 9th will be the last divisional that I'll ever hold. It's amazing how quickly time flies. It's been a little more than a year since I've begun my term as Lieutenant Governor. My first divisional took place on April 13th, my birthday, at Midwood High School. My last divisional took place at James Madison High School, home of my elect. It's fitting how I begun at my home club and ended at my elect's. This divisional brought together the Key Clubs in Brooklyn from Abraham Lincoln to Xaverian for one last meeting before the service year came to a close. I was ecstatic to see International Trustee and Past Division 9 Lieutenant Governor Clifford Young and Division 8-A Lieutenant Governor Kristen Dougherty come visit! I truly appreciate each and every person that attended. Please embrace Patricia in the same loving care that I received. Don't forget that even though individually we are a drop, together we can flood the world with service.

Raymond Liao Lieutenant Governor

Pi Day Pi day was a very interesting event . This was the first time I went up to eat pie for this event. Last year I donated but had no intention of getting whipped cream and pie all over my face. This year I did attempt to eat the pie unlike last year. It was slightly embarrassing at first since it was messy and difficult eating without hands. However, this event was actually pretty fun knowing that my payment was going to a good cause and I was getting pie with it. Overall, this event was a lot more fun than I expected and I hope to not see a pie for the next year

Sidney Yee Member

Pi Day The experience on Pi Day was a very enjoyable and fun event. That was actually my first time at a key club meeting as well, and everyone was so welcoming and warm. I also have never done a fundraiser event like this, so knowing that I am doing this for a good cause really brightened my mood. I chose the blueberry pie and although it was sweet, it was also very delicious as well. Of course eating it without utensils did get my face messy, but for the fun of it, everyone did end up having a good time. I learned a few techniques from watching others compete in the pie eating contest, such as flipping over the pie or diving straight through. I went against the editor, Alice Mo, and i was no match for her since we was a quick and smart competitor. My biggest takeaway was the the joy of celebrating a fundraiser while also knowing it can be for a good cause. While the key club meeting was having fun, I also kept in mind that this money raised can help the Icing Smiles non-profit organization, which celebrates by providing celebration cakes to families with children in critical conditions. Providing this type of fundraiser also made sure that other children from across the world can enjoy positive memories as well. Justin Jiang Member

Farewells! Josephine Leung (President) Looking back on this 2016-2017 service year, I'm extremely proud of how far we've come! With over 130 members, we fundraised over $1000 and volunteered over 1800 hours! That's incredible! You have all been extremely committed in serving your homes, schools and communities! Thank you for being wonderful members and I hope you enjoy your time in key club. Flora Tsui (Vice President) My service year has surprisingly gone by fast. There was so much more that I wanted to accomplish and strive for, but I still have time left in my high school time. See you all soon, and the best of wishes to the future board that will lead this club through an entirely new break through. Tiffany Yong (Secretary) In my opinion, this service year was one of the best. It was great to work with the rest of the board and meet new people. We had a lot of events including walks, fundraisers, soup kitchens and etc! I am glad to have been able to contribute as the secretary.

Christine Tsang (Treasurer) Although my time with Key Club was short, it was the one of the best thing I have decided to join. I wish the best to the new board and I know that they will do great things for the club! Lillian Chen (Assistant Treasurer) I had a great time as 2015-2016 assistant treasure and it let me experience so much as an officer. I loved spreading my love for service and leadership with my fellow board members to many key clubbers. This service year allowed me to make memories that I will never forget! Wendy Lliguichuzhca (Webmaster) This past service year has truly been a learning experience. I learned about people whom I adore and I learned about Key Clubbers. Thank you all, whether you only attended one meeting or all our events, thank you for being great Key Clubbers. You guys are truly the most important part of Key Club! Alice Mo (Editor) My service year serving as your editor is one that I will surly never forget. Being an on the board, I have learned so much more about what Key Club stands for and have learned to see this club in a light that is completely different from a members perspective. I just wanted to say thank you to the whole board for all the members and all members for your dedication.

Greetings! Wendy Lliguichuzhca (President) And we're back! I'm extremely excited to see what this service year has to offer and I'm excited to work alongside my new board members! Thank you so much to the officers who have left us. You guys have truly left behind huge shoes to fulfill and we hope to make you proud. I just want to give a shoutout to Josephine, Alice, Flora, Christine, Raymond, and Clifford! You guys are true inspirations and I love you guys! Tiffany Yong (Vice-President) For the service year of 2017-2018, I hope to continue to do well with the new board. I hope that it will be built upon last year's accomplishments and be better! I wish to do more for our community and our club. In addition, I hope to be able to recruit more members and show others what Key Club is. Josephine Wu (Secretary) I'm sad to see the old board go, but I also can't wait to serve as your secretary for the 2017-2018 service year and work with the new board! I hope to see more members get involved and find new causes to support. Happy Key Clubbing!

Lillian Chen (Treasurer) As your treasure for 2016-2017, I hope to improve communications and be able to achieve my goals successfully. I look forward to learning more about service with my community and school with dedicated key clubbers. Justin Chow (Webmaster) Community service has always something I loved to do. But, one of my goals are to become a distinguished webmaster! Anthony Guan (Editor) Hello Guys! For our next service year I hope more of you guys will join our awesome club and enjoy all the fun events throughout the year!

2016-2017 Midwood Club Board

2017-2018 Midwood Club Board

Upcoming Events/Reminders: Foundation for Letters Brooklyn 5k/10k/15k Run

We will be serving as volunteers and helping the organizers with anything they need. Date: Sunday, April 16th (Easter Sunday!) Time: 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM Location: Prospect Park- Bandshell

Japan Day

Japan Day is hosted at Central Park in order to honor Japanese culture! As volunteers we would help out with set up, food tables, and guiding people through the event. Also, as volunteers, you would need to sign a WAIVER prior to the event and email it to our club's email by the deadline! Date: Sunday, May 14th Time: 9:00 AM (Subject to Change) Location: Bandshell Area- Central Park

March of Dimes

One of Key Club's preferred charities is March of Dimes, which fundraises for premature babies, and the annual March of Dimes walk is one way to support them! Join our club as we walk through Central Park showing our support for this great organization! Date: Sunday, April 30th Time: 9:30 AM Location: Lincoln Center Area (65th St 7 Broadway, New York, NY 10023)

Thank you for reading!

Contribute to our next newsletter by sending articles about events to midwoodhskeyclub@gmail.com.

Happy Key Clubbing! http://midwoodkeyclub.weebly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/midwoodhskeyclub/ @midwoodkeyclub

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