2016-2017 Newsletter Volume 1.2

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The Hornet Midwood High School Key Club Volume 1. Issue #2

Table of Contents Key Club Mission and Pledge Letter from the Editor President’s Message August Divisional Bensonhurst Clean Up Midwood Bowling Fundraiser Bike the Boros Alzheimer's Walk Autumn Moon Festival September Divisional Columbus Day Parade Midwood Jubilee Volunteering

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Autumn Moon Festival September Divisional Columbus Day Parade Midwood Jubilee Volunteering Breast Cancer Walk October Divisional Fall Rally Upcoming Events Social Media/Contact Information

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I pledge, on my honor, to up-

Key Club is an international

hold the objects of Key Club

student-led organization which

International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God;

provides its members with opportunities to provide

and to combat all forces

service, build character and

which tend to undermine these

develop leadership.


Letter from the Editor Hello Key Clubbers! I’m so excited to bring to you the second issue of ”The Hornet!” This issue recaps the events you all attended from August to October. It was an honor to compile all your experiences and put them into this newsletter. It is truly inspiring to see how dedicated you all are. Some of the events covered include our very own bowling fundraiser, the Columbus Day parade and the annual Fall Rally! Your attendance to events is amazing and keep in mind that it does make a difference. Remember that anyone can submit an article to be featured in the next newsletter! I applaud all of you for your service and hope you enjoy this recap of the past two months. Happy Key Clubbing! Yours In Service, Alice Mo Editor

August Divisional Pool Party One of the most exciting events of the service year is the Summer Divisional meeting. A divisional is a meeting where clubs of the same division come together to learn more about Key Club on the international and district levels as well as learn from each other. That August day started out very early as our Lieutenant Governor (LTG), Raymond, set a meet up time of 10 a.m. As I traveled to the meet up location, I was so excited. After our 1.5 hour commute to our former Kiwanis Advisor’s house — the location of that day’s activities — , the event began. There was a lot of food, some cake, and a big pool. Our LTG Raymond hosted the divisional and it was a success. Then we hit the pool and played with Mr. Gioia’s — our former Kiwanis Advisor — grandkids. It was a very fun day and I can’t wait to go back next year! Clifford Young Trustee

August Divisional Pool Party The August Divisional Pool Party was a great experience for everyone. Before the divisional, we had an easy time bonding with other key clubbers in Division 10. I was able to reunite with my LTC buddy since she is from Division 10. We both remembered our secret handshakes! As Mr. Gioia introduced himself, he gave everyone a Division 10 T-shirt! During the divisional, Clifford presented an award to Mrs. Gioia to thank her for her continuous efforts towards the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation. Afterwards, everyone ate delicious food ranging from Italian sandwiches, salads, mac and cheese, fresh fruits and cake! Not only did I make friends with other key clubbers, by the end of the day I was swimming with Mr. Gioia's grandchildren. We had a fun time splashing and squirting water at each other! Overall, I had a memorable experience and I can't wait to go again next year. Josephine Leung President

Bensonhurst Clean Up I’ve been part of the Bensonhurst Clean-Up twice, and not just because there was free pizza afterwards. I find myself mostly just picking up the trash I find on the street, which was more interesting than gross. I’ve found loose car parts, tires, pregnancy tests, large amounts of cardboard and so much more. I think the best part of these events were that I got to see the neighborhood look a little cleaner and better after we cleaned the streets up, and the few people that come up and thank us for the work we did. I really enjoy these events and I can’t wait to participate in more of them!

Josephine Wu Member

Bensonhurst Clean Up The Bensonhurst cleanup was a good way to help our neighborhoods keep clean. With the right people it was a fun experience to help our community. Everyone getting out there with shovels and brooms at hand helping out. While cleaning we picked up many bags, cans, some cigarette buds, and etc., also in the process also picking up out of the ordinary things like car parts. Seeing how everything looked neat and pollutant free it made everything feel right. It was a good way to go out and contribute to our community while getting fresh air. When we cleaned up the streets many people thanked us for helping and that made us very happy to hear. In the end we were rewarded with free pizza for our hard work and it was worth it.

Jennifer Chin Member

Midwood Bowling Fundraiser In August, I participated in my home club's fundraiser which was the Midwood Bowling Fundraiser. Everybody from Division 9 and Division 11 clubs like Midwood, Murrow, Brooklyn Tech, Stuyvesant, LaGuardia, HSMSE and etc. met at Melody Lanes. There we checked in, got our bowling shoes, or me in the case bringing my own equipment, then went to the lanes. There we paired up for the lane assignment and started bowling. It was good to be able to see a lot of my friends from my own division but from the other clubs in Division 11 as well. After, we all bowled we lined around the lanes and took a group picture. We were able to raise $134 for the great company half going to the American Cancer Society and the other half going to Kenya Education Fund. Overall, I had an amazing experience and hope to have even more fundraisers like this again. Anthony Annunziato Member

Midwood Bowling Fundraiser It was a Friday towards the end of August, I attended my only key club event for the summer. I thought this event would be like some other ones I went to in the past, however, this was completely not the case. That day was really humid and hot and surprisingly I arrived to the bowling alley really early. But all this was worth compared to the fun things that happened there. I was really surprised about how small amount of people I know from Midwood were there and the rest were all from other schools. It was nice to meet members and officials from other key clubs. They were all nice and friendly. Everyone formed the teams quickly and began playing. Each round was fun and intense. Overall this was one of the best events I went to.

Dan Hong Chen Member

Bike the Boros: NYC Century Volunteer What I love about events like these is the fact that they allow me to experience the city in a way I never wanted to. On my way to this event I encountered a HUGE raccoon and a dead rat, within seconds of one another. They also make me never want to see a specific food ever again. This time it is peanut butter. I put peanut butter on so many bagels that I couldn't fathom eating bagels or peanut butter for a good two weeks after the event. However, I was pretty amused at some machine that slices oranges into 4 pieces that some biker called "the orange guillotine."

Alfredo Lorenzo Member

Bike the Boros: NYC Century Volunteer The Bike the Boros event was a great experience which was held at Prospect Park. Throughout the event, volunteers would change shifts. The certain shifts would consist of cutting up fresh fruits, making peanut butter, and jelly bagels, and handing other treats to the bikers. Another, was cheering on the bikers, directing them to the right places, and making sure they stopped at the rest stop. The coordinator gave out shirts to the volunteers which were nice and comfy, and she also made sure everyone was having a great time. It was also a great event because it was close to home!

Yumeily Oviedo Member

Alzheimer’s Walk On September 18th, I, alongside a few other members, volunteered at the CaringKind Alzheimer's Walk at Coney Island. At this event we got volunteer shirts and were assigned to cheer along walkers. We were given little orange bells with the organization's name written across it and were told to shout words of encouragement for the groups of people walking. I really enjoyed volunteering at this event because of the overall atmosphere at Coney Island and the energy all the walkers had. The walkers ranged from all different age groups and some even brought their pets along. At the end of the event we held signs thanking walkers for participating and seeing the smiles on those people as they crossed the finish line was great. It showed how us doing something as little as cheering could help bring a smile to others, whether they were little kids or adults. Wendy Lliguichuzhca <3 Webmaster

Alzheimer’s Walk On a mellow Sunday morning at Coney Island Key clubbers and I were raising awareness for Alzheimer's. When I arrived at the event I was greeted with warm hot chocolate and a love DJ playing tunes for all ages. At the Alzheimer's walk we cheered on walkers as they danced and made their move to supporting friends and family barreling Alzheimer's . With our orange cow bells and streamers walkers were applauded for completing the walk on the Coney Island boardwalk and helping raise awareness for Alzheimer's.

Carina Pierre-Louis Member

Autumn Moon Festival Parade The Autumn Moon Festival on September 18th was a experience to remember! We spent the day attending little stations, setting up tents and tables and a lot of running around. My personal job was to hang the big flags on noticeable poles, however with my height, I struggled. So I did additional running to find the tallest person around, and if he's reading this I am so sorry I dragged you around to help me put up flags! We had short breaks where we sat under tents that weren't being used and running to the Asian market next door to get food. I had a lot of fun and it felt like an overall bonding experience to meet new people and work together!

Flora Tsui Vice-President

Flora Tsui

September Divisional In my opinion, the September divisional was a great event to start off the new school year. It was very helpful to be informed about what has been happening within the division during the summer break. Key clubbers from Division 9 also had a chance to meet up with each other again and see their friends from the other schools. The divisional started with an ice breaker called "Evolution". It is a rock- paper- scissors game where the members could evolve into an egg, dinosaur or flying dinosaur as they play. It was really fun and everyone enjoyed it. After the ice breaker, there was roll call and club updates where each club reported what they have done over the summer. Then, Raymond, the lieutenant governor, discussed about the past events and future events as well as any other important matters. Overall, the divisional was fun and an informative way to get back into the service year. Tiffany Yong Secretary

Columbus Day Parade

The Columbus Day parade was a very eventful event. The day started off with great weather- not too warm and not too hot. Volunteers were split up into two groups. One group handed out fliers to advocate for William Colton on specified location and the other group walked in the parade. Seeing all the marching bands and flag teams blew me away. Despite walking, the marching bands sound as a whole came out clearly and majestic. Later in the day, it started to rain and weather does mess up the tone of instruments! However, the bands kept their public and prideful facade as any marching band should, masking any signs of worry. The flag teams never messed up once which was spectacular. The whole picture produced seeing all of them together was just astounding. At the end of the parade, the volunteers took a group photo with William Colton who, did attend and walked in the parade! Overall, it was an amazing experience, being exposed to different marching bands to celebrate Columbus Day. Bellody Chan Member

Columbus Day Parade It was like walking on the red carpet. Step by step, we were all synchronized and strolled through the road with bystanders watching along. Waving Italian and American flags, chanting, and just smiling, we were showing our pride. Like every other event, this event allowed everyone to meet one another, greet new and old friends, and just bond. Although it had drizzled a little during the parade, I still had tons of fun. It seemed as if nothing could stop our joy! Being able to contribute to events to show our appreciation and pride makes me swell with happiness. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way!

Samantha Qui Member

Midwood Jubilee Volunteering Midwood Jubilee Volunteering was such a fun event to say the least! It's crazy to think about Midwood high school in the 80's, but with my group I was taken back in time to 1981. The people were so shocked that the school now had the annex bridge. One of the guys was upset because his private class room wasn't there anymore. The Midwood alumni were so excited to be there and see the new class rooms, such as the video production room and robotics room. The one thing I will always remember is the high school sweet hearts that graduated in 81'. The were such a cute couple and even alumni who graduated in 83' could testify to that. The man who asked the girl out in April, started with asking for a kiss, that kiss has kept them together since high school. When taking one of the ladies to the bathroom she was shocked that it was still the same and asked "Do people still smoke and do dirty thing in here?" I laughed and replied with, "Nope, but most likely in the back annex stair case." Overall the Jubilee was fun and full of memorable laughs. I can't wait to be an alumni for the 100th year anniversary I wonder how much Midwood will have changed by then. Briana Staten Member

Midwood Jubilee Volunteering At Midwood's 75th Anniversary Jubilee, I had a lot of fun. I helped take some alumni around the school. It was really cool to see old alumni interact each other. They got so excited seeing the SING board that documented winners. I toured this one alumni, named Jonathan, with another member of Key Club. He told us about all that he did at Midwood while we took him around and showed him some of the changes that were made. We also took a picture with him. After this, at around 11:30 AM, the volunteers were able to have breakfast and just chill out. Later, we went down and listened to some of the alumni representatives and Clifford, our mayor, speak during the assembly in the auditorium. I loved hearing about their experiences and the things that were going on in their lives while they were at Midwood. Attached are pictures of the event.

Kimberly Nunez Member

Breast Cancer Walk On the Breast Cancer walk, many people gathered together, like key club, to raise awareness for breast cancer. The walk took place in Prospect park and was about 3 1/2 miles long . Being part of the walk was definitely quite the experience. Thousands of people gathered together to raise awareness for a disease that affects many people in the world. All in all, the breast cancer walk was pretty amazing to experience since friends, family, and others gathered together and bonded on a day to spread the awareness of breast cancer.

Sidney Yee Member

Breast Cancer Walk

It was a breezy and clear autumn day. Leaves on the trees were slowly changing their colors, and the clouds parted to reveal a warm, sunny day. It was finally the day of the Breast Cancer Walk. Groups upon groups of people walked for miles to show their love and support for breast cancer survivors and to raise awareness. Enthusiastic and motivated, I cheerfully walked alongside my close friends. Julie Margolin, Purim Manashirova, Tracy Ho, etc. It was quite an enriching experience, as I'd never participated in such an inspiring event. I enjoyed my time conversing and breathing in the crisp fall air and crunching on the fallen leaves. Great bonding time! It's relaxing, and simply nice to just walk through nature and take a long stroll to demonstrate your support for others. Definitely would participate in these events again.

Samantha Qiu Member

October Divisional Every month Division 9 holds a divisional at different school sites to go over the accomplished goals of each school; for the October Divisional, it was held in Xaverian High School. I remember walking into Xaverian's big and fabulous auditorium, and participating in a game of Soulmate while waiting for everyone to arrive. . Soulmate is an activity where a person ask the crowd a series of questions until only one person (their soul mate) is left standing. The game of Soulmate during this divisional was especially interesting because the person asking the questions ended up with two soulmates. The best thing about the divisional was the raffle that was held at the near end of the meeting where the proceeds went to the Governor's Project: Icing Smiles. The prizes of the raffle includes gift cards from Chipotle, Starbucks, and Shake Shack. Throughout the meeting I had bought nine raffle tickets and I am happy to say that the prize that I won opened a new window of food paradise for me at Shake Shack. .

Christine Tsang Treasurer

Fall Rally This year's Fall Rally was sensational! As Divisions 8-13 gathered in Stuyvesant High School, there was no doubt there would be numerous people attending the rally. There was several people originating from different schools and Stuyvesant's interior was gorgeous. As this year was my first Fall Rally, I felt quite overwhelmed by the amount of people that surrounded me. Even though I had fellow Midwood peers at my side, it was definitely a new world to see how many people contributed in Key Club and made efforts to improve the lives of different communities and those in need. The 2016 Fall Rally consisted of four workshop sessions: Service, Officer Training, Fun, and Awareness. While each session had a different focus, there was several choices under each session. I personally went to the International Projects and Programs. There was an informative presentation of the international projects that Key Club has partnered with in order to raise awareness of different obstacles others face within their daily lives. I also went to the Webmaster/Bulletin Editor, Swing Dancing, and The College Process for the remaining workshops. As their names suggest, information was presented with ways to improve your skills as a webmaster for your school's Key Club, dance techniques in swing dancing were attempted to reflect on the growth one experiences as a Key Club member, and how to improve your college admissions.

All workshop sessions were held by those who were clear and passionate about what they discussed. I managed to break out of my bubble to form new relationships with others! Fall Rally is definitely a unique and exciting experience- something I'd definitely be willing to attend again.

Kristy Lau Member

Fall Rally

Fall Rally with Divisions 8-13 was a wonderful experience. I've gotten to reconnect with my friends from different divisions and also make new ones. When we entered Stuyvesant High School we had to hand in our 8 dollars that went to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. We all then headed to the cafeteria for the opening session. During the opening session we introduced our LTG's of divisions 8-13 and our special guests. After the opening session we all headed to our separate workshops. The first workshop session was service and there was 7 different workshops to choose from. The workshop I attended and was most interested in was the District Awards workshop that was hosted by District EA Kacie Luo and District Webmaster Kevin Yin. In this workshop we were taught about the many different awards we can get for our club or for each individuals. Some awards we can get is Outstanding Key Clubber, which I was interested in, or the Scrapbook Award for the school who made the best looking scrapbook. Our next workshop session was Officer Training for those who either want to run for an Officer position or are currently officers and there was also a workshop that was for the members. The workshop I attended to was President/Vice President that was hosted by District Governor Matt Garber because I was interested in an officer position again. After the first two workshop sessions we then had lunch at the cafeteria. We all gathered there to sit at tables, waiting for us to be called for pizza and water. During lunch we got to connect with other members or officers which I found was really fun. When we all finished our food and cleaned up we had a guest speaker from UNICEF come in and talk to us about how we the Key Club have helped tremendously on raising money for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. The guest speaker spoke to us about what MNT was and how it affected a lot of countries with no sanitized surgical equipment.

I was surprised to find that we helped cure this disease in many countries in Africa, just by asking for donations, no matter how much it was. Our next workshop session was called Fun which was for us to basically have fun learning about new things. There was 7 different workshops in this session as well. I attended the Photography workshop that was held by Sunny Ou because, I myself was a photographer and I wanted to increase my learning and skills in taking and editing pictures. I love Sunny's pictures and I wanted to learn how to take pics like him. I found Sunny to be very funny and i found the workshop to be a wonderful experience. Our next workshop session after that was Awareness. Here we learned about many different things like some major Events and projects. I attended the Kiwanis District Charities that was hosted by LTG Gavin Li and LTG Raymond Liao. We were taught what charities we can donate to. After our last workshop session we had K-Fair. In K-Fair we played many games, but I didn't participate in them since I was taking pictures for people and our scrapbook, but I did still enjoy K-Fair. Finally we had our closing session. Here we watched an advertisement video for LTC, a trip that will be on March 31st - April 2nd. After watching this wonderful video we all cleaned up and left but some of us stayed for the Division 11 Divisional which was surprisingly very fast. Overall this Fall Rally was an amazing experience from meeting and reconnecting with friends to all the wonderful workshops that was hosted by many people. I hope sharing this fun experience would encourage many more to go next year.

Anthony Guan Member


Upcoming Events: Kiwanis Peanut Day Volunteers will go to passing cars and ask for donations to help send underprivileged kids to Kamp Kiwanis. In exchange for their generosity, you will give them a pack of peanuts! Date: Saturday, November 19th Time: 10am Location: Intersection of Avenue U and Gerritsen Ave November Divisional Join Division 9 in the November Divisional on Wednesday, November 30th! There will updates, service projects, and your favorite Lieutenant Governor! Date: November 30th Time: 5pm-8pm Location: Knights of Columbus Cardinal Stritch Council 4661 Address: 349 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, New York

Social Media/Contact Information Website: http://midwoodkeyclub.weebly.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/midwoodhskeyclub/ Instagram: @midwoodkeyclub

Thank you for reading! Contribute to our next newsletter by sending articles about events to midwoodhskeyclub@gmail.com.

Happy Key Clubbing!

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