All ofyour local COMMUNITY, EDUCATION, ARTS, CULTURE & SPORT in one easy to read magazine. In this issue - Whats On. . . , Why Christmas Trees? & Lots more. . .
GO O D NEWS With more news in our other sections...
BEESLACK COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL SUPPORTS WISCONSIN 201 2 My name is Faye Perkins; I have travelled from Wisconsin to teach a Personal Wellness class to 1 1 students. I am a professor at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and teach in the Health & Human Performance Department.
As part of our Wellness project we have teamed up with Beeslack Community High School to take part in their schools new Cycling initiative. This cycling initiative has given us the opportunity to become involved with the Beeslack School and Community by allowing us to use their equipment and enjoy this cycling experience. We cycled along the new path to Sheriff hall and then back to Beeslack albeit the weather was horrendous. The experience was tremendous. This would not have been possible without the support of Annabelle Oates and her links with Beeslack Community Education Department, Beeslack Community High School and our volunteer leader John Fairgrieve who gave up his time to lead us in our adventure. The Wisconsin in Scotland (WIS) program is an amazing experience that offers virtually limitless opportunities for educational and personal growth. It is an opportunity full of challenges, new experiences, and great rewards. The Wisconsin in Scotland program is a facet of the West Central Wisconsin Consortium (WCWC), under the authority granted by the UW Board of Regents. UW-River Falls, UWStout, UW-Superior, UW-Parkside, UWWhitewater, UW-Colleges and Normandale Community College offer participation in the WIS program to their students and faculty members. Students can participate for either one semester, for the academic year, or for the six-week summer program. Currently we have 25 students studying at Dalkeith Palace, which is situated in the grounds of Dalkeith Park.
Royal Penicuik AFC support a fantastic local cause SiMBA by releasing a 201 3 team calendar.
'SiMBA has been supporting the families who have suffered the loss of a baby and endeavour to be ‘reactive’ to their needs. SiMBA was founded by a team of dedicated individuals in October 2005 in response to the needs of those affected by the loss of a baby during pregnancy or close to the time of birth. Some of thier services include: Trees of Tranquility - The Tree’s design is
unique to SiMBA, and is adorned with individual leaves, which each represent a baby and can be engraved with a personal message. Its aim is to offer bereaved parents the opportunity to honour their baby in a simple, quiet way and will effectively ‘grow’ as leaves are added. Family Rooms - The aim of providing Family Rooms within maternity units is to offer parents the opportunity to spend further precious time with and prepare to say goodbye to their baby in peaceful and private accommodation. Memory Boxes - The “Memory Box” is a treasure chest of mementos such as “the blanket of love”, birth acknowledgement certificate, hand and foot prints and in some cases photos.' The raunchy calendar has risky yet tastfully taken shots of the team with various themed props (tongue frimly in cheek). All of the photography was taken by 'The Studio Penicuik' Produced locally by bluePhoeniXdesign.
Calendars are available from The Royal Hotel for minimum donation price of £6 per calendar...more if you can!! They are limited edition with only 500 available, so preorder your today.
Editors Notes. ..
December Issue 3 4 Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all of our advertisers, readers & contributers. As the New Year2013 approaches we think of the resolutions to bring in. Here at 'The Monthly Edit we are no different. We will be changing things up as we enter the new year by redesigning our publication. Articles, new sections plus loads more... If you have any suggestions or would like to be involved in 'your community publication' get in touch. From all of our advertisers and everyone who is involved in producing The Monthly Edit.
M e r r y Chris&tmas H a p p y New Year See you in 201 3!!
The deadline for our next issue is Monday 14th ofJanuary 2013
'Pass it on' We really want to encourage a healthy community so once you have read
this issue, why not share it with your family, friends and neighbours. Remember you can pickup your FREE copy at local shops, libraries & community centres too...
Would you like to earn some extra cash? Are you 1 4 or older and want to earn 4p per issue you deliver. Interested? Go to our website and click 'DISTRIBUTION' for more details and fill out our form. Parent or Guardian consent required.
The Monthly Edit Office - 7 Silverbirch Studios, Peebles, EH45 9BU 01 721 588 002 - 0785332401 8 -
Remember to Recycle me after you have enjoyedreading me!
CWhhraitsatremtheay asll Taboruet?es
h e t r ad i t i o n o f d e c o r at i n g t h e h o m e at C h r i s as t i me has been well-established for centuries. Thetm o r i g i n the tree is credited to S aint Boniface ( c. 722) , w of stopped a child from becoming a human sacrifice t ho Pagan god by striking down the oak tree destined o a use as the stake. A fir tree sprang up in its place. for He declared it a holy tree and instructed the fai homes and surround it with love and gifts. thful to carry one to their By the 11th Century the tradition for Mystery P Europe and fir trees, left in situ, were hung wiltahysapwas well under way in Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden. The fiples to represent the appearing in private homes dates back to 15 21 whenrst reports of trees Mecklembourg brought one with her to Paris after Princess Hélène de Duke of O rleans. S o popular did this custom beco her marriage to the Alsace started to run out of pine trees and a law was me, that the area of p as s e d t o l i m i t t h e i r us e to o n e p e r h o us e . By the 17th Century, Christmas markets wer trees, but also decorations. O riginally limiteedhetlod to sell not only the decorations to symbolise Innocence and Knowl either white or red showed that paper flowers were available in all co edge, records now candy, candles, gingerbread shapes and figures mo lours with twists of being used. It was around this time that the first tiulded from wax, all nsel was made from real silver stretched into strips. The Christmas tree first appeared in Engla Kings. Because of the unpopularity of thendGewrmith the Hanoverian reluctance of the populace to follow court fashio an rulers and the become part of the festival until the reign on, they didn’t truly f Queen Victoria.
or sugared almonds made ere were crocheted snowflakes and stars and baesrkmetasnfy. h T . e d a m d n a h l l i t s e r e w s 0 0 8 1 e h t g n i r u d s n o i t a r o Dec aded decorations and tinsel were ordered from G from paper. Candles were protected by hoops acnkeddbwe ith tinsel, silver wire ornaments, candles and strung beads. Glass baubles were During the Victorian era, the trees were bedented in 18 8 2. The size of the tree became a status symbol— the bigger the better— and available and the first electric lights were pate laced underneath. gifts were hung from the tree as well as being p m ai n l y d u e t o t h e went into decline, but was resurrected in the 193e0rse, m s a m t s i r h C t a e e r t a f o e s u e h t , a i r o t c i V n e e u ade from goose Q f o h t After the dea manufactured at this time; in Germany they ewir toilet brushes! The e r e w s e e r t l a i c i f i t r a t s r i f e h T . s e l a t n a i s n e k c i D f o h t u re t p o p u l ar i t y ade theirs from the same material used to miatny ubfyacthe 196 0s. Lights were designed feathers and in the US A the Addis company m r a l u p o p n i n w o r g d a h S A i n t h e 1 9 5 0 s an d infamous ‘silver pine’ artificial tree appeared insatthioe nUof the tree was complete. i n r e d o m to twinkle or flash on and off and the derful st and personal preference. Real trees do exudesa dwoonhave a o c , e c n e i n e v n o c f o r e t t a m a s i e e r t l a i c i f i t r a n a r o l a e r l i o s t co u n c Whether you choose a you will have to dispose of it after Christmas, m scent but of course only last one year. Altrheouusagbhle of course and many are very authentic looking although it seems the more recycling/disposal scheme. Artificial trees are artificial, putting up the tree with the family is one tradition that’s here to stay. r e al i s t i c t h e y ar e t h e m o r e t h e y c o s t . B u t r e al o r
Christmas Eve Carol Service – Monday 24th December 6.30 pm Bringing families and friends together on this special night. Children of all ages welcome. Please note: there will be NO service at Howgate Kirk on Tuesday 25th December. Sunday club restarts in January. Quiz Night Friday 1 8th January 201 3. Howgate Village Hall @ 7.00 pm. Please register your team with Shirley on 01 968 67921 4. 4
Pilates Meet every Thursday 6.1 5 – 7.1 5 pm. To find out more, call Louise 01 721 721 573 Howgate Kirk Services at 9.30 am Sunday. Sunday Club has resumed - same time as Kirk Tea & Coffee served in the hall after the service. Please contact Irene Hobbs, Session Clerk, 01 721 724330 with any enquiries. Howgate Community Council (small hall) Next meeting will be Thursday 20th December, 7.30 pm. Contact Karen O’Hanlon 01 968 676246.
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Revolution, Springfield, Howgate, Mosshouses, Walltower, Ravelsyke, Auchendinny Mains, Venturefair, Marion Pow and Halls. Books are
Howgate SWRI Next meeting will be Tuesday 8th January at 7.1 5 pm. Come along and make bread with Cath Milne. For further details on the SWRI please contact Anne on 01 968 675242. History Group The History Group has been meeting infrequently e.g. to launch the latest book. There is always a great interest at such times and it is felt that folk might like to meet more often. Research goes on all the time and if you would like to contribute, the group would like to hear from you. If you have
available from the author, Colin Whittemore at the Howgate Market or ordered from him on 01 968 660624. Colin will be happy to tell you more.
Leisurely Lunches There will be no leisurely lunches in January. Please call 01 968 674229 for more details. anything you would like to hear more about, let them know. Contact Rosemary 01 968 672277.
Bridge Mondays 7.00 – 1 0.00 pm and Wednesday 1 0.00 – 1 2.00 noon. For more information please call 01 968
The books available so far are: 1 . Leadburn: The Railway Station, The Coaching Inn, Wellington School and Tired Mothers. 2. The People of The Kirk—Howgate Church 3. A living from the Edinburgh countryside:
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6701 55 or 67031 9.
Art Class Will restart on Wednesday 1 6th January. Please contact Maureen for further details on 01 506 – 639770. Youth group Interested in volunteering? Would you like to work towards gaining a Saltire Volunteer Award? If you are already involved with volunteering you can gain points which are recognised by Young Scot. These points can be used to gain prizes. This is a great award to have, excellent for your CV. Adult Volunteers We require assistance at the Themed markets, with grant applications, are you a handy man who could give us a few hours of your time? We also want your thoughts on the proposed Activities Area? A few hours are all we need. Howgate is a thriving village and the possibilities are endless. Please give us a call. A Christmas Wish Howgate Village Hall Association and Community or email us at 6
PENICUIK BRANCH OF THE SNP Council would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! A big thank you goes to all the local residents, traders and visitors who come along and support all our activities in the hall. Without your support we would be unable to operate such a successful programme. For further information, please call 01 968 672277
would like to thank all who supported their stall at the christmas fair in the town hall.The first four prizes were won by J.Baxter(Edinburgh) DIGITAL RADIO . The whisky was won by M. McLeod (Penicuik) Bottle of vodka, L.Andrews (Penicuik ) and Wine, K. Wilson (Penicuik) with winners of the other 6 prizes coming from surrounding local areas. The local branch will be meeting again in January in the Navaar Hotel at 7-30pm (date will be published in next edition) . The SNP have now been in administration in the Council since May and have broken a tradition of over 80 years of Labour control in Midllothian. We have a long journey
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ahead of us and our councillors are committed to working for the benefit of the people of this county. We may not always get it right first time,but we have to learn as we progress. Many of the councillors in Midlothian council are new and are finding their feet, they will, with your support, do their very best for all of you. Our local councillors ,Joe Wallace ,Derek Rosie, and Andrew Coventry,attend local branch meetings regularly and will welcome all members new and old who wish to come along to our branch meetings. We wish ALL of Penicuik, Glencorse, Auchendinny, Longstone and Howgate a Happy Christmas and a healthy peaceful New Year.
Joe Wallace reports that although the work in the reception area of Penicuik Leisure Centre is mainly complete there is still tidying up work to be done.
To Join the SNP (or for information)-phone -sec. Margaret Wilson on 677335.
Do you know of a local route that could do with a bit of love and care and that you could take under your wing? Midlothian Ranger Service is organising a project, initially based in the Penicuik and Bonnyrigg areas, to recruit Path Wardens, volunteers interested in adopting a local path. Midlothian Ranger Service is looking for anyone who would be willing to clear overhanging vegetation, remove litter and confirm any drainage problems. tools, training and support will be provided. Call 01 875 821 990 or e-mail
Councillors Report
Derek Rosie along with a Council Officer from Economic Development has met with a representative of the new owners of the Penicuik Precinct and the new manager. It was a very constructive meeting and they were enthused with the plans we have for regenerating the Town Centre. We discussed several ideas for initial improvements which they have taken away for consideration.
Starts again on the 1 7th January and runs until the end of March. The class is held in St Mungo’s Church Hall on a Thursday evening from 8.1 5pm - 9.45pm. The weekly cost is £2.50 - Adults, £1 Children/Students, payable at the door. No partner or experience is necessary. For more information, contact 01 968 672631
The Charlie Waite Lecture at the North Kirk Hall
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1 082 , John Barnett on 673467 or visit the club’s website at :-. <> , enquiries to
proved to be a resounding success with an audience from many parts of Scotland joining club members. Charlie’s relaxed but thought provoking lecture, supported by some wonderful pictures should give the club members a new insight into their picture taking. The innovation of having club competitions judged by “unofficial” judges has resulted in a wide variety of members having their skills recognised. The overall standard of photography this session has been exceptional. New members are promised a warm welcome whether your pictures are taken with a compact camera or a digital SLR. Membership is £1 0 per year with a small charge each evening. For more information contact Brian Salvona on 01 31 442
In December we had a Christmas Craft evening and were thrilled to welcome three visitors Juliana, Claire and Gillian. Led by Hazel Murray, and assisted by Gillian Walker and Catriona Wilkie, we learned to make gift boxes by recycling old Christmas cards, left over card and A4 folder dividers! Trimmed with ribbons, sparkle and gift bows we were really pleased with the
results. We also came away with lots of ideas for other boxes we could create using the same technique, such as filling some with lavender and making pin holes in them to hang in our wardrobes or hiding 25 numbered boxes around the house filled with chocolates & little gifts as a treasure
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hunt advent calendar! A delicious spread of homemade treats was then enjoyed whilst we exchanged Secret Santa gifts - thanks to everyone who contributed. Our next meetings are a talk from Andrew Stewart on Ancient and Historical Structures in
AINING FREE BHF HEARTS TART TR uik nic 21 -24 Jan 2013 , in Pe rts 2.3 0pm or 7.3 0pm sta High School At Beeslack Community
ne was: What would you do if someo Unconscious? Having a heart attack? Bleeding badly? Choking? learn to save a life! Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know? Come along +
Midlothian on 9th January, and a talk from Vivian Wallace, Ageing Well Coordinator on 6th February. Visitors and new members are very welcome. Our meetings are in the Town Hall, Penicuik and start at 7pm. If you are interested in learning
es BHF campaigns Included: Mini + Vinnie Jon st Responders offer you a Penicuik Community FirBa sic Life Support. We FREE 2 hour course in DVD, and you gain handsdemonstrate, watch a The course is open to on practical experience.gers over 14 years old. adults, as well as teena unity Education Please phone Beeslack Comm Department, â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9pm for more on 6738 93 , from 10am erv your place. Places information, and to res in eadvance. limited, you must booktificates are available on BHF HEARTS TART cer completion. be made available in If required more slots can s may be catered for up Feb 2013 , and specific gro separately.
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more about the Pentlands SWRI please visit our Facebook page or drop us an email on In the meantime, we’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all the ladies at the Pentlands SWRI!
The Twinning Association held a St Andrew’s Night Ceilidh on 30th November. We were all pleasantly exhausted dancing to the fantastic Canongate Cadgers for the evening. We also had a stall at the Christmas Fair on 8th December, thanks to all those who contributed prizes and also to those who bought tombola tickets. The choir from L’Isle Sur La Sorgue will be visiting Penicuik in May 201 3 and will be holding a concert. There will be further details in the New Year. In addition there will be a trip by Penicuik people to L’Isle Sur La Sorgue in July 201 3 which will be followed in August 201 3 when our friends from L’Isle Sur La Sorgue visit Penicuik. If you are interested in travelling to France and/or hosting our visitors then please contact Derek 01 968 679367
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EASTER BUZZ CLUB 201 3 - WATCH THIS SPACE Activities for Pre-school, P1 – P7 and Senior pupils...More details to follow soon. OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILDREN New Dance Classes! KIC Dance Company are delighted to introduce New dance classes to the Penicuik area. Classes cover a variety of dance styles from street/hip-hop, contemporary & jazz. Kic prides itself on providing educational classes that are FUN and geared towards developing an individual’s self confidence and social skills, as well as enhancing their health and wellbeing. There is scope for performance opportunities as the classes’ progress. Classes are designed to allow students to express themselves in a safe & friendly environment. Come and join us!!!!!
your stars in the daily paper/weekly magazine and wonder? How can they know that? How do they do it? How is my friend the same star sign as me yet completely different from me. Who is my ideal partner? Who should I avoid? Now is your chance to find out. Beeslack are now taking names for a ten week Astrology Taster course. The aims of the course are with the use of your own personal birth chart, learn and develop the knowledge and practical skills necessary to unravel the mysteries of your journey within this lifetime. Sound intriguing; please give us a call to note your interest. Once we have sufficient names, we will start the class. Janice Walker is experienced in this type of course
When? Friday: 1 .1 5 – 2.00 pm Junior class – 3 years - 6 years Friday: 2.00 – 3.00 pm Senior class – 7 years -1 2 years Where? Beeslack Community High School, Drama Studio Please call for further information or to book a place please call: Sharon 07891 035 698 Claire 07921 236 01 9 Or Email – NEW ASTROLOGY TASTER CLASS - Do you ever read
and would love to give you the knowledge. ASTHMA SWIM CLUB - Tuesday evening’s 4.00 – 6.00 pm. Members are taught to swim and follow the SASA/ASA Award Schemes. For further information please contact 07981 2461 39 for further details. BASKETBALL (Primary School P3 – P7) a fun and enjoyable way to keep fit and healthy while learning to play basketball in an open and active group environment. The basketball skills include training, games, ball control, passing, dribbling, shooting, games rules, teamwork/teambuilding, training exercises and general fitness. Interested then give us a call. Colin Burt will coach both primary and senior sessions. The class meets on a Saturday morning from 1 0.30 – 1 1 .30 am. DRAMA CLASSES – Craft Theatre and Music School (C.R.A.F.T) hold Drama Classes each Friday between 3.30 –
This section has been sponsored by The Studio Penicuik - 01968 768001 If you would like to sponsor a section please visit:
7.30 pm. These classes cater for 41 /2 – 1 7 year olds. For further information please call Derek Douglas on 07949973388 Mini FUN ATHLETICS – (Age 5 - 7 years) Beeslack offer a working relationship between Jog Scotland and Fun Athletics to deliver opportunities to improve jumping, throwing and running. Energetic activities that promote health and well being in a fun and safe environment Weekly class incorporating fun Athletics children encouraged and supported whilst learning and improving their core skills. JUNIOR JOG & FUN ATHLETICS – (Age 7 years plus)
District, Regional and International Competitions, either individually or as part of a team. Experienced qualified instructors tutor this group. Please call Jane Shepherd 01 31 660 9736. PARENT & TODDLER GROUP – Meets at Beeslack on Friday mornings from 9.30 – 1 1 .30 am. New members welcomed. We have a large selection of toys for the children and there is plenty of time for parents to enjoy a chat. For further information please contact club secretary Sarah Carr 01 968 6701 87. SWIMWELL for Babies and Toddlers – Sunday morning. Swimwell will be working in partnership
Beeslack offer a working relationship between Jog Scotland and Fun Athletics to deliver opportunities to improve jumping, throwing and running. Energetic activities that promote health and well being in a fun and safe environment Weekly class incorporating fun Athletics and Junior Jog children encouraged and supported whilst learning and improving their core skills. This class meets on a Monday evening from 6.1 5 – 7.30 pm. LIFESAVING CLUB – Beeslack Life Saving Club operates on Saturday mornings from 1 0.00 – 1 2.30 pm and is aimed at young people aged 8 – 1 8 years. Opportunities exist for members to take part in Local,
with Beeslack Community High School to provide swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and preschool children up to the age of 4 years old. All our lessons meet the ASA Qualified Swimming Teachers and Awards Programmes in place. Call SwimWell: 07834 486 1 08 or email: MIDLOTHIAN SWIMMING CLUB – MSC use Beeslack Community High School to train several times a week. If you feel your child (aged 7 years +) has the necessary skills and wants to join the swimming club please contact Catherine Ramsay 01 968 678063. Catherine will advise dates for next trials. Remember, you do not have to live in Penicuik to
This section has been sponsored by The Studio Penicuik - 01968 768001 If you would like to sponsor a section please visit:
join. TAE KWON DO - Call Angus Budge 0775383641 0 A children’s classes start on 22 August. Monday’s 4-6 years old 5.00 – 6.00pm (juniors). Wednesday’s 6.00 – 7.00pm (juniors). Do
friends. Interested? Then give us a call 01 968 673893. SWIMMING FOR ADULTS – CASUAL SWIM OR SWIMFIT We have a range of swimming programmes for the swimmers who want a
you want to improve confidence, strength, flexibility, stamina and discipline? Suitable for all ages and fitness levels, regular training in Tae Kwon Do will help you achieve all of these while learning new skills. ROOKIE LIFESAVING COURSE - Introduction to basic Lifesaving skills for children aged between 7 – 1 2 years a series of basic lifesaving skills which are divided into 4 areas, water safety, rescue, self rescue and emergency response. Sunday 4.00 – 5.00 pm. New members welcome. BEESLACK YOUTH CAMERA CLUB (for 1 1 – 1 8 years) Monday evening’s 7.00 pm. Parents welcome. Come along and find out all about it. Interested in learning more about your camera and how you can get the best out of it? Find out about Photoshop basics, mounting photos, printer skills, competitions, outings and much more. Local volunteers take the class. A fun new experience, learn new skills and enjoy the evening with your
workout. Swimfit/lessons Cost £3.95.Ladies Swim Monday evening from 7.00 – 8.00 pm, Monday mixed swim 9.00 – 9.45 pm; Cost £2.95 per week payable in advance. Wednesday Lunchtime Ladies only 1 .00 – 2.00 pm, Wednesday evening Ladies only 8.00 – 9.00 pm. Friday evening 8.45 – 9.45 pm. Cost £3.20 if you just want a casual swim or £3.95 if you want to take part in the Swimfit programme. These classes cater for all levels of ability. KETTLERCISE - This is an exercise class which burns anything up to 700 calories per session. Saturday 9.30 – 1 0.30am. The programme consists of 37 exercises lasting 1 minute each. It is one piece of equipment, one goal, fat liberation, the exercise programme for anybody and it works. Contact Colin for further details on 07805554827. OVER 50’S GROUPS - EVERGREENS, LEISURE PURSUITS, GOLDEN GIRLS These three clubs meet separately on Tuesday /Thursday mornings and a Thursday
This section has been sponsored by The Studio Penicuik - 01968 768001 If you would like to sponsor a section please visit:
Aquarius – Weaver
Anam Cara Oraclescope Leo – Spirit Guide
Manifestation ~ Life Lessons ~ Relationships
Inner Journey ~ Address the Past ~ Unresolved Issues
As you stand in your centre, strong and true to your own wants, you will energetically be sending out threads of manifestation to those things. Bring your awareness to your thought processes, if your thoughts are negative you will draw negativity to you, if they are positive then positivity is what you will receive. Don't be frightened to ask for what you want. Write a list and be open to receiving all which is meant for you.
At this time of year we are reminded of the Ghost of Christmas Past and he reminds us of how our past effects our future. Spirit Guide comes forward to remind you that you are in control of your life. You decide what direction you wish to take by what you decide to action right now. These decisions create our future, what future would you like to see yourself in?
Pisces – The World
Standing in your power ~ Recognising your gifts ~ Healing
Possibilities are endless ~ The World is your Oyster
Virgo – Unicorn
You are a creature of passion and of creativity. Allow yourself the space There is no lack other than what you put limitations on. Have a look to be free with your creative abilities no matter what they may be. You around you Pisces, you are in a wonderful position, with every are so busy worrying about what is going on at this time of year, you door of opportunity open to you. forget to enjoy the festivities. Now is the time to really open Although you are wonderful at your eyes to see what is at your organising the events of this time fingertips and take the steps to of year, remember to take the open those doors and walk on time to enjoy them also. Oh, and Standing in your power through... If you give yourself a remember it's ok to ask for a Recognising your gifts ~ Healing little self belief, the opportunities little bit of help and support too! for you, are endless. Libra – Blank Card It is time for you to stand strong Capricorn. Aries – Blank Card Blank Canvas ~ Holding Space Trust your intuition and how it is guiding Blank Canvas ~ Holding Space ~ Create your own reality you. You are going through a period of ~ Create your own reality inner healing and you may experience old It can be daunting to have patterns returning to the surface again. You have turned a new page, nothing planned for some, but Trust they are only coming up now to be everything you thought you that isn't the case for you!! You healed and let go. If you are open to it, 'knew' has flipped for you and love to have the free time to fill the right person will come forward for you are now in a learning up the way you wish, that may you to guide you into healing yourself. position once more. Take the be a party filled with loved ones time to create space for you to or a quiet night in on your own. learn these new lessons. No matter what it is, create the You are exactly where you need to be right now. If this place is not one Purchase that new journal or time for yourself to be doing that sings to your heart, know that you have the ability, the power, to notebook to log your journey. exactly what it is you want to... change that right now. All you need is to take your attention to your Purchase that blank canvas so the space is yours to fill however thoughts and thinking patterns. If you have limiting you can allow your flair for your heart desires. beliefs or past conditionings which don't enable you design to shine through. to move forward in your life and grow, now is the Working in this way will feed time to allow this to go. There is no need to hold Scorpio – Elven King your sense of fire for life. onto negativity, not when you have the power to Truth ~ Honour yourself ~ share in positivity. Messages
Capricorn - Unicorn
Taurus – Spirit Guide
Inner Journey ~ Address the Past ~ Unresolved Issues
It is time to speak your truth, to honour the way, the words of your heart. It is time for you to share your message. If you continue to choose to keep silent, to go against what is in your heart to share, you could be experiencing physical ailments such as throat and chest infections. Be true to yourself and share what you have to say by tuning into your heart.
What a journey you have been on! Now is the time to reflect of where you are and how far you have come. It is not about dwelling on the past but thanking all those past lessons and experiences for coming forward to you, to enable you to be where you are right now. Yes, there may be pains of what has happened before but now is the time to allow these to go, holding on to them will only succeed in keeping you stuck! Sagittarius
Gemini – Green Man
Spring Energy ~ Hope ~ New Beginnings There is a definite 'spring' in your step this month! Those energies that were holding you down are lifting and you have found a new lease of life. Yes there is still the voice on your shoulder telling you to 'be careful, you don't want to burn out' and that's perfectly ok as everything we do is healthy in moderation. There will be time to rest soon enough... now is the time to let your hair down and play!!
Cancer – Time Traveller
Understanding where you are ~ where you've been ~ where you're going It's time to do a little 'Timeline work'. So often you spend your time either predominately in the future or stuck in the past. Whatever is true to your nature, Time Traveller comes forward to remind you that it is the 'NOW' that is important. Right now where are you? What are you doing in your life? What do you want to be doing right now? By living in the now, we learn to become present and can enjoy the moment more fully.
– Medicine Man
Teacher ~ Back to your roots ~ Find your Medicine Your life circle for this year has complete. Now is the time to go back to your roots, go back to the truth in you to find and connect with who you are, once more. We all have our own unique medicine, gifts, abilities and qualities, Earth Medicine Man is working with you to enable you to connect with yours, to be able to understand and work with them in order for you, when you are ready, to share them out with the world.
If you would like a full personal reading, please contact
Nikki on 07969 8 48 8 1 0 www. starlightscotland. com
afternoon. All the groups take part in a wide range of activities e.g. Bowling, Calligraphy, Art group, Card games, Pool, Swimming, Walking, Holiday’s, Craft table and general chit chat. If you would like more information or would like to come along and pay a visit to the club, please call 01 968 673893 for more details. BEESLACK ALL STARS DISABILITY SPORTS CLUB Open to Children and Young Adults of all abilities This sports activity club operates on Tuesday evenings from 6.45 – 8.45 pm and on Sunday afternoons from 1 .00 – 3.00 pm. A wide variety of sports are on offer with activities to suit all including all of the following: Boccia, Goal Ball, Basketball, Swimming, Football, Table Tennis, Poly Bat, Hockey and much more. If you would like to come along and meet the members you will be made most welcome. For further info please contact Lynne Sturgeon on 07981 2461 39 BEESLACK FAMILY DISABLED CLUB This group meets on Sunday afternoons from 1 2.30 – 4.00 pm. This family oriented club offers a wide range of activities e.g. Computing, Arts & Crafts, Swimming, Woodwork, Music Therapy, Cookery, Pool and Café and much more. For further details please contact Club President Mrs Betty Turner on 01 968 673243. New members welcome. Feel free to drop in for a look round. Remember your first visit is FREE. BOCCIA This group meets on a Sunday from 3.00 – 4.00 pm. We are encouraging the development of the Boccia game and competition through experienced coaches offering relevant pathways. Training people (adults and children) with additional support needs to competition level. Boccia is a seated disabled sport which can be played as an individual or team event. Our aim is to introduce the game of Boccia to beginners and encourage experienced players within an individual and team environment to help promote the game. Interested then give Lynne a call on Tel No. 07981 2461 39.
DISABILITY SWIMS SQUAD - This is a group of disabled swimmers with varying disabilities which includes a range of physical, learning and visual impairments. Our aims and objectives are: To improve on swimming strokes and techniques, increase physical fitness, emphasis is on competitive training, to encourage the swimmers to aim for Scottish Team and Olympic Team. If you know of anyone who shows swimming talent and you would like to know more, please call 079941 1 94976. FRIDAY CLUB - This group of disabled adults meet once a week to socialise and swim. Their activities include pool, bowling and chatting. The group also 19 hold social evenings throughout the year to help with Fundraising projects. Friday 6.45 – 8.45pm. If you would be interested in helping at the club or would like to become a member please give us a call. BEESLACK COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL is committed to offering the best value programme possible. If you are interested in a subject, whether it is vocational, leisure or for recreation please let us know. We have a fantastic facility and it is there to be used. Have you got an idea? SCHOOL OPENING TIMES Community Education Programme is on offer throughout the calendar year. Please note we DO NOT close during school holiday periods although opening hours may be altered. We do however close on PUBLIC HOLIDAYS and access may be limited or restricted during. Please note that all classes, groups and lets MUST be clear of the building by 9.45 pm at the very latest. Please call 01 968 673893 for further details.
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Fun Quiz: Christmas Hits
1. Who narrowly missed out on having Christmas number one hit singles in 1962, 1965, 1981 and 1999, reaching number two in the charts at Christmas in each of these years? 2. According to the lyrics of the song Fairytale Of New York by The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl, what were the "boys of the NYPD choir singing"? 3. In 2008, the Christmas number one and number two singles in the UK were both cover versions of which song? 4. What was the title of the Spice Girls’ first Christmas number one? 5. Which war was John Lennon referring to in his song Happy Xmas (War Is Over)? 6. Who sang the first line on Band Aid 20’s version of Do They Know It’s Christmas?
Across: 1 Handkerchief, 10 Octopus, 11 Observe, 12 Germs, 13 Receiver, 15 Additional, 16 Drag, 18 Used, 20 Underwater, 22 Applause, 24 Least, 26 Execute, 27 Regular, 28 Satisfactory. Down: 2 Altered, 3 Deposits, 4 Ease, 5 Cooperates, 6 Issue, 7 Forever, 8 Congratulates, 9 Refrigerators, 14 Youngsters, 17 Twilight, 19 Express, 21 Trailer, 23 Adult, 25 Area.
7. Which TV show created the pop group who had 2002’s Christmas number one single, Sound Of The Underground? 8. What has been the only Christmas number one single where the title of the song and the name of the act who recorded it have been the same? 9. Which Christmas hit includes the line "Do the fairies keep him sober for a day"? 10. Which act had the Christmas number one hit single of 1980 and had previously appeared as backing vocalists on the song Matchstalk Men And Matchstalk Cats And Dogs by Brian and Michael?
If you have any suggestions or ideas of what you would like to see in your 'Monthly Edit' visit our website or write to us. All ages of the community are welcome to comment. Your feedback will help develop future issues, look out for your suggestions.
Lo c a l S po rt If you can read this so can your customers... Looking for cost effective advertising, Covering Penicuik, Howgate, Roslin, Bilston & Loanhead.
Call us on: 01721 558 002 or visit our website for more details...
Great club news - Beeslack Thistle & Eskmills FC now have one name & one goal, to provide a larger and more competitive squad than ever before. This link will allow us more scope and access to funding that will only improve footballing for youngsters in Penicuik and it's surrounding area's. Until the end of this season, both Beeslack & Eskmills will continue to play under their current names until next seasons SYFA registration takes place. Brand new PAYFC beanie hats are on sale via your clubs coaches at a cost of £5 each so get in quick for a winter head warmer for standing on the sidelines! Christmas raffle tickets will also be
on sale shortly. Sad club news - The tragic death of Cpt Walter Barrie has saddened us all, especially under the circumstances in which it happened. Walter was an invaluable Beeslack committee member & coach, his passion for football and life in general will be greatly missed.
If you are keen to play or help train & enjoy football, we would be pleased to see you come along & join in our training sessions at Penicuik 3G Astroturf on Monday & Thursday evenings from 5.30 until 7.00pm.
For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
Lo c a l S po rt
All training sessions are carried out by our SFA qualified coaching staff. The new season kicked off in August and we normally play our games on Sunday mornings. If you are keen to play and would like to join us or want any further information, please come along or contact Ian Walker on 07977 469337 or Billy Taylor on 07958 504791 .
Whats On...
THE ROAD HOUS E EV ENTS as doors wi ll cl os e 12 . 30 am SAT 22 ND DE C Free En
try Si mply Mi nds, Si mp le Mi nds Tribut XMAS DAY £6 , avai labl ee, frTi cket s Ba om r open 11 am - 3p Fr ank Mart in on 07 55 7 m, th 27 en 2 8pm - 2am - Di 42 5 or DJ Do ad or fr wi om th DJ Do ad 8. 30 pm sco Ro adho us e Bar or 2am 01 96 8 67 84 05 8p call Fr m ee 2am Entry Support DJ Do ad
C Vi ct orian Trou Co ns pi racy, skat musi c, 5pm - 8pm Free Entry XMAS EVE
Di sco wi th DJ Do ad 8. 30 pm - 2am, be earl y
nny & The Mo ve rs 5pm 8pm DJ Do ad 8. 30 Free Entry pm - 2am
C Li ve Band Po in pl ay ti ll 2a t Bl ank Free Entry m
Shorty Ro ge rsC& Gi ants ro ck the The Ro adho us e 5p Free Entry m - 8pm
HOGMANAY BA 70 ' s & 80 ' s NiSH ght wi th DJ Do ad 8. 30 pm - La te , do ors cl os e earl y Free Entry NE W YE ARS
DAY Call um Be at ti DJ Do ad 9pm e 6pm - 9pm Free Entry - 2am SAT 5T H JA
Fatl ips - liNve 20 13 pl aying ti ll 2a ro ck band m Free Entry
More info online...
Whats On... Want your Local event or GIG advertised and
circulated to over 7000 households in Penicuik, Howgate, roslin, Bilston and Loanhead...YES PLEASE Only £5 per entry (Max 200 characters) contact The Monthly Edit. For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
B u si n e ss D i re cto ry & U sefu l N u mbers L o c a l T ra v e l & T a x i s Penicuik Private Hire 01 968 679 600 Gohr Executive Travel 07860 421 038 Educational Travel Scotland Ltd 01 968 674 677 H o m e I m p ro v e m e n t & M a i n t e n a n c e Blackstone Masonry 01 968 679 853 Blind Design 01 968 674 509 Chris & Ryan Joinery Services 07793 558 1 03 GL Tiling Services 01 968 675 1 74 Halley Garden Services 01 968 672 782 Hauswerk 0844 855 1 741 Kitchen Doctor 01 31 447 0090 Mark Carruthers Joinery 01 968 674 393 Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 957 McC Building Services 01 968 671 576 Neil MacLean Decorating 01 968 677 371 Robbie Dick (Plumbing & Heating) 01 968 677 671 Stress Free Flooring 01 31 561 5700 Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 678 974 H e a l th & W e l l b e i n g AR Therapy 07899 91 0 689 Peachey Therapy Clinic 01 31 441 7737 Starlight Scotland 07969 848 81 0 R e s t a u ra n t s & H o t e l s The Original Rosslyn Hotel 01 31 440 2384 E n t e rt a i n m e n t & R e c re a t i o n Classic Nights to Remember 07771 503 247 Craftjenny's Ceramic Painting 07902 801 81 2 E l e c t ri c a l R e p a i r & R e t a i l Gargoyle Computer Consultancy 07853 324 01 8 P e t s & G ro o m i n g The Dog House 01 968 679 307 Ve h i c l e C a re & M a i n t e n a n c e Leadburn Garage 01 968 677 1 43 PME Motor Engineers 07796 943 977 G ra p h i c s & P ri n t S e rv i c e s Blue Phoenix Design 07853 324 01 8 City Litho Ltd 01 31 555 1 483 SignsRUs 01 968 671 572 P h o t o g ra p h i c S e rv i c e s The Studio 01 968 768 001 Paul Krogh Photography 07802 349 946 O t h e r S e rv i c e s Express Ironing Services 01 968 672 278 Lo ca l S h o p p i n g Penicuik Wines 01 968 676 551 NHS 24 Childline Citizens Advice Womans Aid Victim Support Crimestoppers RSPCA Cruelty line
H a n d y H e lp li n e s 08454 242 424 0800 1 1 1 1 01 968 675 259 01 968 670 970 01 31 660 3030 0800 555 1 1 1 0300 1 23 4999
E m e rg e n c y O n l y S e rv i c e s Fire | Ambulance | Police | Coastguard 999
Gas Emergency Service Electrical Emergency Scottish Water Emergency
0800 1 1 1 999 0845 272 2424 0845 600 8855 Lo ca l P o l i ce S ta ti o n s 01 968 675 1 91 01 31 440 0506 01 31 663 2855
Penicuik Loanhead Dalkieth (Headquarters) Lothian Regional Transport First Bus Travelline Scotland
P u b l i c T ra n s p o rt S e rv i c e s 01 31 555 6363 0870 872 7271 0871 200 2233
General Enquiries Feedback Garden Assistance Programme Insurance Out of hours (Emergency repairs) Recycling Repairs Revenues and benefits Social Work Waste services, bulk uplifts
M i d l o th i a n C o u n ci l 01 31 270 7500 01 31 561 5444 01 31 561 5285 01 31 270 561 9 01 31 663 721 1 01 31 561 5284 01 31 663 721 1 01 31 271 3201 01 31 271 3900 01 31 561 5284
W a n t t o b e i n t h e d i re c t o ry? N o w o n ly ÂŁ 40 fo r 1 2 I ssu e s (F r e e w i t h a l l d i s p l a y a d v e r t s ) B o o k yo u r a d ve rt i s i n g n o w! !
Deadline - 1 4th January D i s p l a y a d ve rt p a c ka g e s s t a rt i n g fro m o n ly ÂŁ 3 0 p e r m o n th . Al l a rt wo rk i n c l u d e d .
C a ll u s n o w o n : 0785 3 3 2 4 01 8
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