GOOD NEWS Community
With more news in our other sections...
Penicuik Rethought Campaign This campaign aims to getting more money spent on Penicuik. This campaign ranges from some very simple ideas, e.g. getting the fountain fixed, to more complex ideas , e.g. the upgrading of commercial units in the precinct. We are also in contact with "Scottish Renaissance Towns" who will help us in the future. Hopefully we will secure funding to help Penicuik but until then we can only try to get the council to help. Our tagline for our group is "Community Spirit is key to Penicuik's Future" but we believe that Penicuik still has a great sense of community spirit, we just need to make ourselves heard! Thomas Scott Director & Campaign Coordinator We are happy to announce our Poetry Competition winner:
O u r n ew p acka g es
& se rvices
Th e M on th ly Ed it kn ow bu sin ess is at th is tim e of di fficu lt ye an d risin g co sts. Thar, with tig hter bu dg ets Mary's poem will be our first entry into the NEW Arts & at s w hy w gi ve e al Culture section in our next issue, to find out more details of Fe br ou r re ad ers & ad ve rtiseways try to ua ry is no di fferen rs m ore, t. our NEW section please go to our website!! Thank you for everyone who entered!! Mary has won a £10 gift voucher We ha ve pu co m preh en siv t to ge th er ou r m os for Headcases Hair Salon. Well done Mary!! Web pa ge s, FReEE pa ckag es to da te . FREEt Artwork & th Ra tin gs & Re vie ws, FR GU ARAN TEED !e be st ad ve rtisi ng pa ckag EE es No othe r pu blica tio n gi ve s yo u yo ur m on ey, FA m or e fo r CT! This month's competition obviously has the LOVE theme Co m m un ity running through it.... We're asking our readers... & su pp ort in fo rm atio n e m ost im po rtan t to ar What do you LOVE the most about YOUR community? we are worki ngus to o. ..So se ve ra l lo ca l prclo se ly on All entries need to be submitted by Friday 17th February lo ca l in iti ative s oj ects & fo r 20 1 2. by either email, through our website or posting your Watch th is sp ace. .. entry. The winner will receive a Fabulous £50 Ba rry Tu rn er (yes £50!) voucher for The Horseshoe Inn! Prod uctio n & Ad ve rtisi ng
MARY SINTON from Penicuik
Our Deadline for our next Issue is Mon' 13th Feb 2012 The Monthly Edit Office - Room 1, Crystal Business Centre EastfieldIndEst, EH26 8HA 01968 671574 - For the full editorial go online to: Remember toRemember Recycle me after youEdit have me! to quote The Monthly whenenjoyedreading contacting our advertisers.
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Community S P I RI TE D We meet every Wednesday evening at The Craigiebield House Hotel, Penicuik from 7 - 9pm, everyone is more than welcome and will be warmly received!! Wed 1 st Feb - Energy Share (All types of energy or holistic work are welcomed) Wed 8th Feb - Talk & Workshop with Jackie Walker (Award Nominated Coach 201 1 ) ~ The Relationship Ties which Bind Us (only £1 0 per person, fantastic savings!!!) Wed 1 5th Feb - Energy Share (Visualisation and spell work with Nikki Turner) Wed 22nd Feb - Energy Share Wed 29th Feb - Animal Totem Talk & Workshop with Joanne Richardson Wed 7th Mar - Energy Share
L O T H I A N G YM N A S T I C S C L U B Runs out of Ladywood Leisure Centre, we run classes for children from 3 years old up to Adult classes. We have classes for all abilities from beginners to gymnasts competing at National level. The club is open to boys and girls. For details people should contact 0772470321 5, or visit the website:
P E N I C U I K AN D L O AN H E AD L AB O U R P AR T Y At the last meeting of Penicuk and Loanhead Scottish Labour Party, Councillor Adam Montgomery, thanked the SNP for continuing to publicise the fact he is supporting single site option for secondary education in Penicuik. Adam is the only councillor to have visited the joint campus in St. Andrews and speaks from a position of
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Community first-hand knowledge and is delighted with the publicity he is receiving from the local nationalists – keep it coming!
As Provost, Adam has written to Lord Coe to offerMid lothian Ski Centre as a site for the Olympic Rings and it has now been forwarded to Games Executive Committee for consideration. Adam told the meeting The Olympic Rings and the Ski Centre are a compatible opportunity to place the games symbol in Scotland. What an advert for
Hillend and Midlothian if our offer is accepted and the site being visible from Midlothian, East and West Lothian, Fife and Edinburgh. There are 25 million vehicle journeys on the City Bypass each year while it is also visible fro the River Forth and flight path to Edinburgh Airport. Adam stated he had tremendous feedback from many individuals and organisations so hopefully it will receive favourable consideration. The Branch also agreed to work with our sister party Scottish Co-operative Party in promoting Fairtrade Merchandise and will help all parties in their efforts
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Community to make Midlothian a Fairtrade Zone and Penicuik a Fairtrade Town.
the club’s new website at:, enquiries to:
G U I D E D M E D I T AT I O N F O R S P I R I T U AL D E VE L O P M E N T We meet every Monday 7-9pm at the Craigiebield House Hotel; £5 per person. Please call Kat for more info on 07768240281 P E N I C U I K YM C A - YW C A Childcare - Our fabulous February holiday programme will be available soon, looking ahead to Easter school holidays we will be running a packed
Angel Card of the Month Archangel Raguel Raguel comes forward to remind us that no matter how hard things are for us we don't need to feel alone for the Angels, our Guides and Spirits are close beside us.
If you wish to join the Scottish Labour Party or wouldl ike to know more of our policies please contact Ian Miller (secretary) Tel 01 968 677607 B E E S L AC K P E N I C U I K C AM E R A C L U B The Club’s programme of activity evenings and guest speakers continues. Highlights include visits by Ian Rutherford, photographer for the Scotsman and Laurie Campbell the well known nature photographer. The club continues its theme of assisting members to develop their photographic skills. Assistance and advice is available whether at the taking, computer enhancement, printing or projection of pictures. Further details of the programme are listed on the Club website. The club meets in the Bistro at Beeslack High School at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings with additional activities on Tuesday evenings. Tuesday activities may be held in Room G1 3. New members are promised a warm welcome whether your pictures are taken with a compact camera or a digital SLR. Membership is £1 0 per year with a small charge each evening. For more information contact Brian Salvona on 01 31 442 1 082 , John Barnett on 673467 or visit
Raguel understands that the energies of the end of December and the start of January have been quite tough but he wants us to know that the worse of these dank energies are behind us. The 1st of February is the start of Imbolc a festival to celebrate the coming of Spring and the return of lighter mornings and nights. This new fresh energy will help to lift our spirits and stay positive. It is important for our thoughts to be positive ones. If we choose to fall into the trap of negative thoughts, gossiping and harsh judgements we are setting ourselves up for that energy to come into our life. If we choose to look positively at things, know that hard lessons can gain the biggest self growth and honour ourselves, our health and our minds we will be laying the way for a beautiful, bright, future!!
programme in April. Penicuik Y centre news look out for – a) Face book & twitter b) Newsletters c) New leaflets d) Our website is now up and running, check it out, address below.
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New For Feb-we will have a Youth café on Tuesday nights and a Drama group on Saturday mornings 1 0.00-1 2.00pm- contact us. We have ZUMBATOMIC for children – Tuesday 5.30pm and Friday 2.00pm A Centre Flyer is available and this highlights all our regular classes – Zumba, Karate, Tae kwon do, Kettlercise, Boot camp training, plus multi use hall for badminton or other sports. Why not give the Girls Club P5 –S1 held on a Wednesday evening a go, a warm welcome and a variety of activities are always on offer. PARTIES (includes use of the kitchen) – 2 hours slot Saturday times 1 2.00-2.00 or 2.30-4.30 pm and Sunday times 1 1 .00-1 .00 or 1 .30-3.30pm. Soft play party-£37.50, Bouncy castle party £52.50, soft play and bouncy castle party £65.00 dates available, booking required. Our Soft play area is popular as ever and opens 95pm daily except for weekends when we have parties. Rooms available for hire check within for dates and prices. Our location and large car park with bus terminal across the road are ideally suited for meetings and
classes of all sizes, just pop into Penicuik ‘Y’ open 9am – 9pm 58 Queensway, Penicuik, EH26 OJJ Call us on 01 968 674851 for info on any of the above or contact or or
L O V E YO U R L I B R A R Y D A Y On Saturday 4th February, sees numerous events taking place at Libraries across the Lothians, including this - live performances from two Edinburgh alt-folk bands - Matt Norris & The Moon (2pm), and The Last Battle (3pm), all in the bookish surroundings of Penicuik Library. Entry is free!
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Wordsearch ACROSS
1 Sam leans over a little to meet the business rep (8) 5 Fish in the pink with high ambitions (6) 9 It’s not straightforward to sweep up some nice dirt (8) 10 Roughly speaking spotted female spinner (6) 11 Emotionally exhausted having got the better of (8) 12 Buff up one from East Europe (6) 14 There’s nobody missing when you’re in it wearing birthday suit (10) 18 Just a feeling of a small indentation (10) 22 Give it when it’s due or take it when short (6) 23 At the same time get other ones involved (8) 24 Common cultural tradition involving a hen with nervous twitch (6) 25 Fixed penalties can be corrected with money matters (8) 26 Method for travelling on road network (6) 27 Set free to be rented once again (8)
DOWN 1 2 3 4 6
Wind catcher or one who controls it? (6) Young boys I explain are in amongst the women (6) Tighten and drop old lag first to be firm (6) Achieve a double century with a grand polish (10) Sanctioned a very quiet port organisation (8)
7 8 can make (8) 13 15 16 17 19 20 21
It should be the darkest time at the oasis (8) Up country direction neither army nor the Royal Navy It’s a mad reason to board a train (10) Ken’s got something to scratch in the food room (8) Piles up with very dry orations (8) Roll dice belonging to me and win a health cure (8) Empathise with someone concerning the deceased (6) Bad hair scares the life out of me (6) Burnt another way to remove completely (6)
Education B E E S L AC K C O M M U N I T Y H I G H S C H O O L C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N D E P AR T M E N T EASTER BUZZ CLUB HOLIDAY PROGRAMME DETAILS COMING SHORTLY... COMMUNITY CHOIR Wednesday 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Welcome to Penicuik’s Community Choir – a venture aimed at promoting community spirit, fun and of course, the pleasure singing together brings. We will be singing a wide variety of song-styles in a relaxed and fun way. There’s no need to be able to read music, as we’ll learn most songs by ear. We’ll start by singing songs in unison (all singing the same tune!) then, through simple rounds and part songs; will explore singing in different parts. The ultimate goal will be to perform in a concert at the end of the third session. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries regarding the choir. You can email me at or tel: 0783442451 1 .
NEW BEESLACK YOUTH CAMERA CLUB (for 1 1 – 1 8 years) Monday evenings 6.30 pm. For All the Community, Parents welcome. Come along and find out all about it. Interested in learning more about your camera and how you can get the best out of it? Find out about Photoshop basics, mounting photos, printer skills, competitions, outings and much more. Local volunteers will lead the class. A fun new experience, learn new skills and enjoy the evening with your friends. Interested? Then give us a call 01 968 673893. INTERESTED IN PLAYING BADMINTON? – GIVE US A CALL TO FIND OUT WHEN WE HAVE COURTS AVAILABLE. National Pool Lifeguard Qualification – Names are being taken NOW for Easter Holidays - Cost £1 90.30 This is a must for anyone looking to work in a
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PUZZLE SOLUTIONS ACROSS: 1 Salesman, 5 Salmon, 9 Indirect, 10 Spider, 11 Overcome, 12 Polish, 14 Altogether, 18 Impression, 22 Credit, 23 Together, 24 Ethnic, 25 Finances, 26 System, 27 Released. DOWN: 1 Sailor, 2 Ladies, 3 Strict, 4 Accomplish, 6 Approved, 7 Midnight, 8 Northern, 13 Locomotive, 15 Kitchens, 16 Speeches, 17 Medicine, 19 Relate, 20 Shocks, 21 Erased.
swimming pool. The NPLQ is an internationally recognised qualification for pool lifeguards. The course assists in developing fitness, knowledge, skill, judgement, communication and teamwork. The candidate pack contains all resources for the NPLQ. Candidates MUST be 1 6 years of age. LADIES SWIMMING – These classes will cater for all
levels of ability. Health for the swimmer who wants to improve their health and lifestyle through swimming, Shape up and Tone for the swimmer who wants to improve their body image and get in shape, Fitness for the swimmer who wants to go a little further or go a little faster, Competitive for the swimmer who wants to‌push the pace or train for a race or suitable for the casual relaxing swim.
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Education Monday 7.00 – 8.00 pm Ladies only, Cost £3.00 for
swim only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65, Monday mixed swim 9.00 – 9.45 pm, Cost £2.75 per week payable in advance. Names are being taken NOW. Wednesday Lunchtime Ladies only 1 .00 – 2.00 pm, Cost £3.00 for swim only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65, Wednesday evening Ladies only 8.00 – 9.00 pm, Cost £3.00 for swim only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65, Friday evening 8.45 – 9.45 pm. Cost £3.00 for swim
only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65. If you would like more information, give us a call. KETTLERCISE Saturday 9.30 – 1 0.30 am This is an exercise class which burns anything up to 700 calories. The programme consists of 37 exercises lasting 1 minute each. It is one piece of equipment, one goal, fat liberation, the exercise programme for anybody and it works. Contact Colin for further details on 07805554827.
EVERGREENS, 50+,LEISURE PURSUITS, GOLDEN GIRLS These four clubs meet on Tuesday/Thursday mornings and afternoons. All the groups take part in a wide range of activities e.g Bowling, Calligraphy, Art group, Card games, Pool, Swimming, Walking, Holiday’s, Craft table and general chit chat. If you would like more information or would like to come along and pay a visit to the club, please call 01 968
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Sport P E N I C U I K AT H L E T I C F C Now that all the festive celebrations had past it was back to normality and League football. We played the twice postponed East Premier League game against Newtongrange Star at Newtongrange and came away with an excellent 1 -2 win. This was followed up with a home League tie against Broxburn Athletic and again the Cuikie put in a great performance winning 4-0 – those two victories moved us from third bottom in the league to third top – just showing how tight this league is. On Saturday 21 .1 .1 2 we were drawn away to East Craigie at Dundee in the 2nd Round of the East of Scotland Cup, a game we would have been expected to win. However a below par performance saw us draw 3-3 at full time, and East Craigie went
through to the next round after winning the penalty shootout 5-4 – a disappointing end to our cup campaign. Our next game is at home to Armadale Thistle on Saturday 28.1 .1 2. Detailed information, news updates, fixtures, match reports and photographs can be found on our Club website at
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Local Travel & Taxis L o c a l T ra v e l & T a x i s Penicuik 679 370 600 FM Taxis Private Hire 01 968 677 KPM Private HireHire 31 440 Penicuik Private 01 968 6790756 600 Gohr Private Executive 07860 4210756 038 KPM HireTravel 01 31 440 Educational Travel Scotland Ltd 07860 01 968 421 674 038 677 Gohr Executive Travel Home Improvement & Maintenance Educational Travel Scotland Ltd 01 968 674 677 Blackstone Masonry H o m e I m p ro ve m01 e n968 t & 679 M a i 853 n te n a n ce Blind DesignMasonry 01 Blackstone 01 968 968 674 679 509 853 BSS Group (Gas & Insulation) 01 968 674 600 Blind Design 01 968 674 509 GL 01 74 BSSTiling GroupServices (Gas & Insulation) 01 968 968 675 674 1600 Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 Chris & Ryan Joinery Services 07793 558 957 1 03 McC Building Services 01 GL Tiling Services 01 968 968 671 675 576 1 74 Plantsman 968855 6781 878 Hauswerk (Gardening Services) 01 0844 741 Rpbbie Dick (Plumbing & Heating) 01 968 677 Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 671 957 SB Roofing Services 01 31 620 3831 McC Building Services 01 968 671 576 Steven McInnes Joinery 07980 851 Plantsman (Gardening Services) 01 968 678 299 878 Stress 21 RobbieFree DickFlooring (Plumbing & Heating) 01 01 968 968 675 677 1671 Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 678 Steven McInnes Joinery 07980 851 974 299 Health & Wellbeing Stress Free Flooring 01 968 675 1 21 Figurehead Hairdressing 01 Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 968 670 678 627 974 Peachy Therapy Clinic 01e31 441 H a l t h & 7737 W81e0llb e i n g Starlight Scotland 07969 848 Peachey Therapy Clinic 01 31 441 7737 Food Takeaway & Delivery Starlight Scotland 07969 848 81 0 Corfu Kebabs Re01 st968 a u ra672 n ts677 & H o te l s Jade Palace 01 968 678 Craigiebield House Hotel 01 968 672 788 557 Restaurants & Hotels m 968 e n t 672 & Re557 c re a t i o n Craigiebield House HotelE n te rta i n01 Classic Nights to& Remember 07771 503 247 Entertainment Recreation Craftjenny's Painting 07902 503 801 247 81 2 Classic NightsCeramic to Remember 07771 Ele ctr07902 i ca l Re801 p a i81 r &2 Re ta i l Craftjenny's Ceramic Painting Carnethy 01 968 678 800 Electrical Electrical Repair & Retail Gargoyle Carnethy Computer Electrical Consultancy 07853 01 968 324 678 01 8008 P e t s & G ro o m i n g Pets & Grooming The Dog House 01 968 679 307 Vehicle Care & Maintenance Ve h i c l e C a re & M a i n t e n a n c e K&B Motors 673 1703 Leadburn Garage 01 968 677 43 Leadburn Garage G ra p h01 i cs968 & P677 ri n t1 43 S e rv i c e s
Citizens Advice Womans Aid 01 968 675 670 259 970 Victim Support Womans Aid 01 968 31 660 6703030 970 Crimestoppers Victim Support 0800 01 31 660 555 3030 111 RSPCA Cruelty line Crimestoppers 0300 555 0800 1 23 14999 11 Emergency RSPCA Cruelty Onlyline Services 0300 1 23 4999 Fire | Ambulance | Police | Coastguard Em e rg e n cy O n ly999 S e rv i c e s Gas 0800 1 1 1 999 Fire Emergency | AmbulanceService | Police | Coastguard 999 Electrical Emergency 0845 272 2424 Gas Emergency Service 0800 1 1 1 999 Scottish Emergency 0845 600 ElectricalWater Emergency 272 8855 2424 Local Police Stations Scottish Water Emergency 0845 600 8855 Penicuik 01 968 675 Lo ca l Po li ce1 91 S ta ti o n s Loanhead 01 Penicuik 01 31 968440 6750506 1 91 Dalkieth (Headquarters) 01 31 663 2855 Loanhead 01 31 440 0506 Public Transport Services Dalkieth (Headquarters) 01 31 663 2855 Lothian Regional TransportP u b li c 01 Tr31a n555 sp o6363 rt S e rv i c e s First Bus 0870 Lothian Regional Transport 01 31 872 555 7271 6363 Travelline Scotland 0871 200 2233 First Bus 0870 872 7271 Travelline Scotland 0871 200 2233
Graphics & Print Services Blue Phoenix Design 07853 324 01 8 City Litho Litho Ltd Ltd 01 31 31 555 555 11 483 483 City 01 Dalhousie Press Press 01 31 31 663 663 7035 7035 Dalhousie 01 SignsRUs 01 968 968 671 671 572 572 SignsRUs 01 Photographic Services P h o t o g r a p h i c S e rv i c e s The 01 The Studio Studio 01 968 968 768 768 001 001 Paul Krogh Photography 07802 349 946 Paul Krogh Photography 07802 349 946 Handy Helplines H a n242 d y 424 H e lp li n e s NHS 24 08454 NHS 24 08454 242 424 Childline 0800 1 1 1 1 Childline 0800 1 1 259 Citizens Advice 01 9681 1675
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The Monthly Edit Office 足 Room 1, Crystal Business Centre, Eastfield Ind Est, Penicuik, EH26 8HA
01968 671574 足