With more news in our other sections...
Penicuik Taxis Were looking to expand their business and decided to do a reÂbrand with a new logo. To produce the new logo the Penicuik Taxi team decided to run a design competition within all the local schools of Penicuik. They were delighted to receive over 120 high quality, concept designs from the local students. The winning design was picked by the panels Tony Marini and Douglas Stewart of Penicuik Taxis, who were over the moon and would like to thank all who took part!! The winner of the competition was KIRSTIE SCOTT from 3rd Year in Penicuik High School! Well done Kirstie!! Look out for her winning design in our new advert. I would like to pers
onally thank al readers for l our all promises to be your support for 2011! 2012 another excitin you all the best g year and I wish for it!!
The Monthly Edit Team would like to say a huge big Happy New Year to all our readers! 2012 is going to bringing many exciting new changes to your local publication and we can't wait to share these with you in the New Year!! Remember you can keep in touch with us on our website, and our Facebook and Twitter Pages. Feel free to leave us a post or comment if there is anything you would like to see within the pages of The Monthly Edit in the coming year!! As a community publication we love to hear from our readers, if there are any exciting events or good news stories please feel free to get in touch with us!!
'For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne. We'll tak a cu p o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne.' by Robert Bu rns
Do we have any budding Ro there? Remem ber our Poetry bert Burns out on 15th Janu competition clo ary 2012 and ses the winner wi announced in ll be the February iss ue. All entries be sent in by post or by em can ail. wonderful en tries so far an We've had a few d look forwar receiving mor e over the next d to few weeks!! The winners poem will be published in The Monthly Edit and they will also receive a ÂŁ10 Gift Voucher for Headcases Hair Salon!! Al l ages can apply!!
Our Deadline for our next Issue is Mon' 16th Jan 2012 The Monthly Edit Office - Room 1, Crystal Business Centre EastfieldIndEst, EH26 8HA 01968 671574 - For the full editorial go online to: Remember toRemember Recycle me after youEdit have me! to quote The Monthly whenenjoyedreading contacting our advertisers.
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Community P E N I C U I K F I RS T RE S P O N D E RS carried out bag packing on the 1 0th of December in Tesco Supermarket. This was to raise funds to go towards buying new defibrillators for our group. We raised the fantastic total of £684.07 thank you to everyone who donated so generously for our cause. Our thanks also go to Tesco and especially Maxine who not only facilitated this event but also gave us £300 towards our funds. Thank you to everyone Katrina Drennan Chairperson Penicuik First Responders S P I RI TE D N I G H TS Wed 1 1 th January – Energy Share Wed 1 8th January – Evening of Divination Wed 25th January – Energy Share (with a Scottish theme!) Wed 1 st February – TBC Everyone at Spirited would like to thank all who joined us in 201 1 and look forward to meeting some wonderful, new people in 201 2... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
P E N I C U I K T W I N N I N G AS S O C I AT I O N A barbecue in Penicuik, midges and rain but Penicuik Twinning Association had a winter barbecue with lovely crisp sunshine on 4th December. We enjoyed some mulled wine, delicious home-made soups, Christmas dinner barbecue style albeit with chicken and beefburgers, a selection of divine desserts, finished with home-made mincemeat pies. An enjoyable afternoon raising over £1 90 for the Associations funds.
At the Christmas Fair in the Town Hall on 1 1 th December the Twinning Association’s table had lots of information about twinning and our twin town, L’Isle Sur La Sorgue, we also had a treasure map, thanks to all those who participated and the winners
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Community were, John Karroll won the 5litre box of wine, Jane Kelly a ladies handbag, our successful child treasure hunters were Marrianna Dore and Eva. If you would like further information about the Twinning Association please contact Derek on 679367. P E N I C U I K AN D D I S T R I C T S N P At the Branch meeting held in the Navaar House
Hotel on 1 3th December the Convener Joe Wallace told the members present that the local Labour Party stated that they are in favour of a single secondary school for Penicuik. They will have to tell the parents and pupils which of the two secondary schools will be retained or are both to be demolished and a new school built. I feel while the consultation exercise is still in process it is foolhardy for Councillors Montgomery and Imrie to put forward the single site option and cause unnecessary concern to parents and pupils of both High Schools. At a hustings meeting with the candidates in the Scottish Parliament election earlier this year in Penicuik the Labour candidate, Ian Millar stated “Penicuik High School is an iconic building and should be retained but I am sure nobody would miss Beeslack if it was demolished�. Councillor Margaret Wilson said The reason that the SNP group have yet to make an informed decision as regards the two high schools in Penicuik is quite simple, the consultation process is not yet finished. At a meeting of the scrutiny and performance committee on the 29th Nov.
I asked the Director of Education this question "Regarding the two High Schools in Penicuik,when will the next consultation process begin regarding a possible change in the primary schools boundaries." He replied"Early in the New Year". Until this matter is concluded how can any councillor make the decision that a single school site is the only way forward. We all have to await and see how the parents in Loanhead feel about sending their children to Penicuik High School instead of Lasswade High School. Every possible solution must be sought and discussed before Midlothian Council make a very
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Community difficult decision regarding the future of Beeslack High school and Penicuik High School. It appears cllr. Montgomery has made up his mind before all avenues are explored. It will be interesting in the New Year to see what information regarding boundary changes, the Director of Education and his team bring back to the council from this next round of talks with parents who have a vested interest in possible scholastic changes. The Branch had a very successful stall at the Xmas Fair in the Town Hall and thanks must go to Sheena Saltoun and her team of fellow Community Councillors for the organisation in putting together the programme for the Fair and the switching on of the Christmas Lights. The next Branch meeting will be on Tuesday 1 0th January 201 2 in the Navaar House Hotel at 7.30. R AI N B O W S , B R O W N I E S , G U I D E S . - G I R L - G U I D I N G P E N I CU I K Girl-guiding is the largest voluntary organisation for
call Dawn Law : 675769. For Guides, call Linda McDonald ; 674897 T H E P E N I C U I K C O M M U N I T Y T H E AT R E G R O U P have been around for many years in different forms but we have over 35 years of history between the
Penicuik Players the old St Mungos players and thePe nicuik Musical Society. Recently we amalgamated and formed the PCTG. We now have a regular meeting place here in the Town Hall every Thursday 7.30 9.30 pm. We produce 3 shows a year, at Easter time, late summer and have a great reputation for our
Angel Card of the Month Archangel Raziel
girls and young women in the UK. Girl-guiding Penicuik offers all kinds of opportunities for girls of all age groups, including Rainbows (aged 5 – 7), Brownies (aged 7 – 1 0) and Guides (aged 1 0 – 1 4). Units meet throughout Penicuik and on most evenings during the week. A number of units have recently moved locations and we can now offer places at both Strathesk and Cuiken Primary schools. If you would like your daughter to share in the experiences that Guiding has to offer then call us. For Rainbows, call Carol Mann : 6731 93. For Brownies,
The time is now to open our minds to new concepts, new ideas and new wisdom. Raziel comes forth to remind us that the world is our oyster, that we can manifest our dreams and goals if our thoughts and intentions are pure and positive. There is hope for us all if we choose to believe in our own potential!! There maybe times in the near future where we feel confused about what lays in front of us, Raziel asks us not to worry as clarity is on its way. He also wants us to remember our community spirit. Coming together, sharing our ideas, our energy and our love for each other allows us to reach out, to make huge changes to our own lives. This month is a time to be aware of ourselves, to smile at a stranger, offer a helping hand, by connecting in this way, our positive energies will be passed forward, allowing our local environments to be happier, content and wonderfully connected! For an angel guidance reading please contact Nikki on 07969 848 810 or
community pantomime which we perform the first week in December every year. All our members have different talents and experience and we always appreciate new talent and welcome anyone who wants to take part either on or backstage. For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
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Community As well as the 3 stage productions we do each year we also have a live version of Punch And Judy for festivals and events. Check the web site for further details and images. H O W G AT E VI L L AG E H AL L
Contact Shona (secretary) on 01 31 448 0774. HOWGATE YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE. We would like to organise our next youth meeting, Rachel has suggested a Thursday evening. If you are interested please get in touch so that we can arrange a suitable date? Contact with Rachel can be made via Howgate email address HOWGATE ART GROUP - WEDNESDAY’S 3.00 - 5.00 pm (a FEW PLACES AVAILABLE) & 7.00 - 9.00 pm. To book a place please contact Maureen Monteith on 01 506 639770. Don’t worry if you have never touched a brush or chalk etc. before. Maureen covers a variety of different techniques, work at your own pace, and enjoy the end result. From Beginner to
H A P P Y N E W YE A R The Howgate Village would like to wish everyone a New Year. We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all the local residents, traders and visitors who come along and support all our activities based in the village The Monthly Edit and Penicuik Town Crier for all the advertising. Without all the local support we would not be able to keep going. As our new look newsletter the Howgate Connect suggests Support, share, and grow our village However, the main thanks must go to all the volunteers that are involved in the delivery of the activities in Howgate i.e. The Country Market, Bonfire Evening, Social Events, Howgate Village Hall Committee, the Community Council, The weekly clubs. Without all these volunteers who give up their time on a regular basis, there would be no Howgate Village Hall programme. Happy New Year to one and all. HOWGATE SWRI 1 st meeting after Christmas will be Tuesday 1 0th January at 7.1 5 pm. “Indian Head massage” by Sue.
expert in a very short time. Meet people with like minded interests. FACILITY FOR HIRE Workshops, Meetings, Parties!!!! Hall, kitchen and smaller hall for hire. Call 01 968 672277 for more details.
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ar Wordse
Easy Sod
Blanket Bleak Boots Chilly Coat Cold Dark Freeze Frost Frozen Fun Glove Hailstone Hat Hibernate
Ice Icicle Mittens Scarf Shiver Skate Ski Sledge Sleet Slide Slippery Sneeze Snow Wellies Winter
HIDDEN PHRASE: The colour of springtime is in the flowers, the colour of winter is in the imagination Ward Elliot Hour
Education B E E S L AC K P E N I C U I K C AM E R A C L U B Club members enjoyed an excellent studio evening on 22nd November with much comment on the value of the learning experience. Just a few more club nights before the Christmas meal at Navaar House on the 1 5th December. The New year kicks off on the 1 0th January with another studio night and the RBS print competition on the 1 9th January. Further details of the programme are listed on the Club website. The club meets in the Bistro at Beeslack High School at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings with additional activities on Tuesday evenings. Skills nights may be held in Room G1 3. New members are promised a warm welcome whether your pictures are taken with a compact camera or a digital SLR. Membership is £1 0 per year with a small charge each evening. For more information contact Brian Salvona on 01 31 442 1 082 , John Barnett on 673467 or visit the club website at :-. B E E S L AC K C O M M U N I T Y H I G H S C H O O L C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N D E P AR T M E N T COMMUNITY CHOIR Wednesday 7.30 – 9.00 pm.
Welcome to Penicuik’s Community Choir – a venture aimed at promoting community spirit, fun and of course, the pleasure singing together brings. We will be singing a wide variety of song-styles in a relaxed and fun way. There’s no need to be able to read music, as we’ll learn most songs by ear. We’ll start by singing songs in unison (all singing the same tune!) then, through simple rounds and part songs; will explore singing in different parts. The ultimate goal will be to perform in a concert at the end of the third session. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries regarding the choir. You can email me at or tel: 0783442451 1 . NEW BEESLACK YOUTH CAMERA CLUB (for 1 1 – 1 8 years) Monday evenings 6.30 pm. For All the Community, Parents welcome. Come along and find out all about it. Interested in learning more about your camera and how you can get the best out of it? Find out about Photoshop basics, mounting photos, printer skills,
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Education competitions, outings and much more. Local volunteers will lead the class. A fun new experience, learn new skills and enjoy the evening with your friends. Interested? Then give us a call 01 968 673893.
NEW ACCOUNTING INTERMEDIATE 2 UNIT Do you work in an office, would you be interested in finding out more about accounting? This course will help students develop the skills required to prepare a range of financial statements and accounts such as profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash budgets, etc. This course will be held on Thursday evening
from 7.00 – 9.00 pm and will run for 1 5 weeks. Cost £58.50. Please call for further details. This would be a great way to increase your knowledge. Course will start 1 9th January 201 2. Names are being taken NOW.
National Pool Lifeguard Qualification Monday 7.00 – 9.00pm. Start date to be confirmed. Cost £1 90.30 The NPLQ is an internationally recognised award for pool lifeguards. The course assists in developing fitness, knowledge, skill, judgement, communication and teamwork. The candidate pack contains all resources for the NPLQ. Candidates MUST be 1 6 years of age.
SWIM 4 LIFE FOR ADULTS Monday 7.00 – 8.00 pm Ladies only, Cost £3.00 for swim only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65, Monday mixed swim 9.00 – 9.45 pm, Cost £2.75 per week payable in advance. Names are being taken NOW. Wednesday Lunchtime Ladies only 1 .00 – 2.00 pm, Cost £3.00 for swim only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65, Wednesday evening Ladies only 8.00 – 9.00 pm, Cost
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£3.00 for swim only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65, Friday evening 8.45 – 9.45 pm. Cost £3.00 for swim only, Swimfit session Cost £3.65. If you would like more information, [please give us a call. KETTLERCISE Saturday 9.30 – 1 0.30 am This is an exercise class which burns anything up to 700 calories. The programme consists of 37 exercises lasting 1 minute each. It is one piece of equipment, one goal, fat liberation, the exercise programme for anybody and it works. Contact Colin for further details on 07805554827. EVERGREENS, 50+, LEISURE PURSUITS, GOLDEN GIRLS These four clubs meet on Tuesday/Thursday mornings and afternoons. All the groups take part in a wide range of activities e.g. Bowling, Calligraphy, Art group, Card games, Pool, Swimming, Walking, Holiday’s, Craft table and general chit chat. If you would like more information or would like to come along and pay a visit to the club, please call 01 968
673893 for more details.
BEESLACK ALL STARS DISABILITY SPORTS CLUB Open to Children and Young Adults of all abilities This sports activity club operates on Tuesday evenings from 6.45 – 8.45 pm and on Sunday afternoons from 1 .00 – 3.00 pm. For further info please contact Lynne Sturgeon on 07981 2461 39 BEESLACK FAMILY DISABLED CLUB – EVERYONE WELCOME. This group meets on Sunday afternoons from 1 2.30 –
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Education 4.00 pm. This family oriented club offers a wide range of activities e.g. Computing, Arts & Crafts, Swimming, Woodwork, Music Therapy, Cookery, Pool and Café and much more. For further details please contact Club President Mrs Betty Turner on 01 968 673243. New members welcome. Start date is Sunday 5 September. Feel free to drop in for a look round. Ideas for new activities gratefully received. BOCCIA This group meets on a Sunday from 3.00 – 4.30 pm. We are encouraging the development of the Boccia game and competition through experienced coaches offering relevant pathways. Training people with additional support needs to competition level. Opportunities for entry into regional and national competitions within SDS and SO. Interested then give Lynne a call on Tel No. 07981 2461 39. FRIDAY CLUB This group of disabled adults meet once a week to socialise and swim. Their activities include pool, bowling and chatting. The group also hold social evenings throughout the year to help with Fundraising projects. If you would be interested in helping
at the club or would like to become a member please give us a call. . CRAFTY CARDERS – Wednesday evening from 6.45 – 8.45 pm. Are interested in making cards for that special occasion, why not come along on and join this friendly group. Call 01 968 677567 for details. COUNTRY DANCING Our Country Dance Class meets every Tuesday evening from 8.00 – 9.45 pm. This group is simply to encourage like minded ladies to enjoy country dance in a warm and friendly environment. Please call 01 968 677436 for further details. JEWELLERY MAKING IN SILVER – SPACES AVAILABLE
TUESDAYS AND THURSDAY EVENINGS Would you like to create and wear some exclusive jewellery that you could wear to your Christmas night out? Learn how to cut, bend, shape and solder as you make your own pieces of jewellery. The necessary tools will be supplied and you can buy silver at the class if required. Project materials start at £3.00. Time: 6.45 – 9.1 5 pm. SCHOOL OPENING TIMES - As a community school our Community Education Programme is on offer throughout the calendar year. Please note we DO NOT close during school holiday periods although opening hours may be altered. We do however close on PUBLIC HOLIDAYS and access may be limited or restricted during exam times. The building is closed over the Christmas and New Year period. Disruptions will be kept to a minimum. We do close Friday – Monday inclusive during both the September and May holiday periods. Please note that all classes, groups and lets MUST be clear of the building by 9.55 pm at the very latest. If you have a suggestion or would like to start a NEW class, please give us a call. We are only as good as our programme. For further information with regard to all aspects of Beeslack Community High School, Community Education Programme please contact… 01 968 673893 or Fax 01 968 678659.
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Sport P E N I C U I K AT H L E T I C F C Since beating Glasgow Perthshire 4-1 to move into the third round of the Scottish Junior Cup, results over the last few games have been disappointing. We lost 1 -2 at home against Broughty Athletic, and lost 3-2 away at Oakley in the League. However the big tie in November was in the third round of the Scottish Junior Cup on Saturday 26th when we were trounced 6-0 away at Scottish Junior Cup holders Auchinleck Talbot. Since then our games against Ballingry Rovers and Newtongrange Star (twice) have been postponed because of the weather, and as we have no fixtures over the festive season, we are awaiting the announcement of our opponents for the next game on 7th January 201 2. The Sportsman’s Breakfast held in the Penicuik Bowling club on Sunday 27th November was a huge success and we would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the event. The Penicuik Athletic Official Calendar is now available for purchase (£4.99) and can be obtained directly from Jim Dick telephone 07747 492979, or email Jim at , or just place your order through any committee member.
Penicuik Athletics Christmas prize draw was made on Saturday 1 7th December and the top three prizes were won by the following lucky participants: 1 st prize (£200 Christmas Hamper) - John Fraser, 2nd prize (6 bottles of spirits) - Paul Riley, 3rd prize (6 bottles of wine) - Craig Meikle. Several other prize winners will be notified of their win and prizes delivered to them shortly. The December 50/50 draw was made on the same day and the winner was Allison Walker who won £250. If you wish to join the 50/50 club, obtain an application form any committee member, and complete the form for a fixed monthly amount of £5 or a multiple thereof drawn on your bank account and made out in favour of Penicuik Athletic Football Club. You will then be allocated a number to be used in every monthly draw until such time as you decide to stop. Finally, everyone at the Club hope that all our fans and sponsors had a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and we look forward to 201 2, greatly appreciating your generous and valued support of your local Junior Football team.
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Local Travel & Taxis L o c a l T ra v e l & T a x i s Private Hire Penicuik Taxis 01 968 679 600 KPM Private Hire 01 31 440 0756 Gohr Executive Travel 07860 421 038 Educational Travel Scotland Ltd 01 968 674 677 Home Improvement H o m e& Maintenance I m p ro v e m e n t & M a i n t e n a n c e Blackstone 01 Blackstone Masonry Masonry 01 968 968 679 679 853 853 Blind Design 01 Blind Design 01 968 968 674 674 509 509 BSS Group (Gas & Insulation) 01 968 674 BSS Group (Gas & Insulation) 01 968 674 600 600 GL Tiling Services 01 968 675 Chrs & Ryan Joinery Services 07793 558 11 74 03 Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 GL Tiling Services 01 968 675 957 1 74 McC Building Services 01 968 671 576 Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 957 Plantsman (Gardening McC Building Services Services) 01 01 968 968 678 671 878 576 Rpbbie Dick (Plumbing & Heating) Plantsman (Gardening Services) 01 01 968 968 677 678 671 878 SB Roofing Services 01 31 620 3831 Robbie Dick (Plumbing & Heating) 01 968 677 671 Steven McInnes Joinery 07980 851 Steven McInnes Joinery 07980 851 299 299 Stress 01 Stress Free Free Flooring Flooring 01 968 968 675 675 11 21 21 Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 678 Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 678 974 974 Health & Wellbeing H01e968 a lth670 & W627 e llb e i n g Figurehead Hairdressing Peachy Therapy Clinic 01 31 441 7737 Peachy Therapy Clinic 01 31 441 7737 Starlight Scotland 07969 848 81 0 Starlight Scotland Re07969 sta u ra848 n ts81&0H o te ls Food Takeaway & Delivery Craigiebield House Hotel 01 968 672 Corfu Kebabs 01 968 672 557 677 En te rta i n01 m 968 e n t 678 & Re788 c re a t i o n Jade Palace Classic Nights& to Remember 07771 503 247 Restaurants Hotels Craftjenny's House CeramicHotel Painting 07902 801 557 81 2 Craigiebield 01 968 672 Entertainment & RecreationE le ctri ca l Re p a i r & Re ta i l Carnethy Electrical 01 968 678 Classic Nights to Remember 07771 503 800 247 Pe ts801 & G81ro2o m i n g Craftjenny's Ceramic Painting 07902 The Dog House 01 968 679 307 Electrical Repair & Retail Carnethy Electrical Ve h i cle C01 a r968 e & 678 M a i 800 n te n a n ce Pets & Grooming Leadburn Garage 01 968 677 1 43 The Dog House G ra p h01 i cs968 & P679 ri n t307 S e rv i c e s Vehicle Care City Litho Ltd& Maintenance 01 31 555 1 483 K&B Motors 01 31 968663 6737035 703 Dalhousie Press 01 Leadburn Garage 01 968 968 671 677 572 1 43 SignsRUs 01 Graphics & Print Services P h o t o g r a p h i c S e rv i c e s City Studio Litho Ltd 01 968 31 555 483 The 01 7681 001 Dalhousie 01 31 663 Paul KroghPress Photography 07802 3497035 946 SignsRUs 01 968 671 572 Photographic Services The Studio 01 968 768 001 Want number in 07802 the directory Paul Kroghyour Photography 349 946 HandyONLY Helplines £120 for the whole year! NHS 24 08454 242 424 Or 0800 1 1 1 1 Childline Citizens 01 96812 675month 259 WhyAdvice not book one of our Womans Aid 01 968 670 970 package deals and get in for free!! Victim Support 01 31 660 3030 Crimestoppers 0800 555 1 1 1 RSPCA Cruelty line 0300 1 23 4999 Emergency Only Services Call now on: 01968 671574 Fire | AmbulanceOr | Police Coastguard 999 go | online to:1 1 1 999 Gas Emergency Service 0800 Emergency 0845 272 2424 Scottish Water Emergency 0845 600 8855 Local Police Stations
Penicuik Loanhead NHS 24 Dalkieth (Headquarters) Childline Public Transport Citizens Advice Services Lothian Regional Transport Womans Aid First Bus Victim Support Travelline Scotland Crimestoppers RSPCA Cruelty line
01 968 H a n675 d y 1H91e lp li n e s 01 31 440 08454 2420506 424 01 31 1663 0800 1 1 12855 01 968 675 259 31 555 01 968 6706363 970 0870 872 3030 7271 01 31 660 0871 555 200 12233 0800 11 0300 1 23 4999
E m e rg e n c y O n l y S e rv i c e s
Fire | Ambulance | Police | Coastguard 999 Gas Emergency Service 0800 1 1 1 999 Electrical Emergency 0845 272 2424 Scottish Water Emergency 0845 600 8855 Penicuik Loanhead Dalkieth (Headquarters)
Lo ca l P o l i ce S ta ti o n s 01 968 675 1 91 01 31 440 0506 01 31 663 2855
P u b l i c T ra n s p o rt S e rv i c e s
Lothian Regional Transport First Bus
01 31 555 6363 0870 872 7271
For all your local advertising needs contact us:
The Monthly Edit Office Room 1, Crystal Business Centre, Eastfield Ind Est, Penicuik, EH26 8HA
01968 671574