With more news in our other sections... BUSINESSES & COMMUNITY GROUPS We are firm believers that OUR advertisers support OUR local community by advertising with us. This allows The Monthly Edit to include informative editorial for local Community, Education, Arts & Culture and Sport groups to have a voice to promote an engaging community spirit. Next month we are proud to launch our THE MONTHLY EDIT 'GIVES BACK' Fund. We will be donating ÂŁ1 from every advert, each month to local community groups & initiatives. Details of this will be published in next months issue and on our website. New for March!! Our RECOMMENDATION DISCOUNT SCHEME for advertisers. We will now be offering upto 50% off your next advert when a NEW booking customer advertises with us through your recommendation. Please visit our website for more details. We want to take this opportunity to thank YOU, our readers, our advitisers and our community. Without your continued support we wouldn't be the publication we are now!! Our focus is YOU and we want to make The Monthly Edit a true reflection of our readers, offering you services, vibrant design, offers and information. We have lots of great initiatives on how we can give back to our readers and our local community through competitions, our 'Give Back' Fund and more to come!!
Last months' competition to win a ÂŁ50 voucher for the Horseshoe Inn was won by Kathy Queripel. Her uplifting experience of why she loves her community and the support given to her & her daughter Lauren warmed all of The Monthly Edit Team's hearts. We will have a follow up of her entry in next months' issue. This months competition will be posted on our website & facebook pages so if your not already a member or visitor, Get yourself over to:
prin g is fin itly in th e ai r, sn ow are on th e grde drop s nd an d to ce le la un ch in g a ou an d ne w se ctbrioate we are M on th ly Ed it. br n in Th a won de rful O ur Arts & Cu ltu re se ctio n ise w place to sh ow co m m un iti es ne ca se ou r artistic even ts di ve rsity. an d cu ltu ra l O ur co m m un ity is bu rstin g at th with artistic fla e se am Ed it be lie ve it isre an d we at Th e M on th lys with ou r re ad ers. im po rtan t to sh are th at We welco m se ctio n su che an y co ntrib utio ns to th is Fa sh io n, Li te tuas; Ph otog ra ph y, M usic, re , Po etry, Arts flo ristry, an ytra with Arts & Cu ltu& Crafts, co re . We lo okhi ng re at fo se ctio n flo urish rward to se ei ng th is neits w over th e co m m on th s. in g Ni kki Tu rn er Ed ito r
Our Deadline for our next Issue is Mon' 19th Mar 2012 The Monthly Edit Office - Room 1, Crystal Business Centre EastfieldIndEst, EH26 8HA 01968 671574 -
Remember to Recycle me after you have enjoyedreading me!
Community R O S L I N & B I L S T O N C O M M U N I T Y C O U N C I L R AC E N I GH T We are holding a Race Night on Saturday 24th March at Rosslyn Bowling Club, start time 7.30pm, first race 8pm. Tickets are £3.00 each. You can purchase a horse for £5 and get free entry to the Race Night and a chance of winning a prize if your horse wins its race. All monies raised at this event will go towards funding our Annual Gala Week and Fun Day held in July. If you require any more information please email or tel: 07581 559238. Many thanks This month will see the start of repairs to the pedestrian precinct. New slabs will be laid to replace all the broken or cracked ones,also the ugly tar patches will be removed. I have always kept the repair of the precinct in the minds of Midlothian council officers and I am delighted to see this work start.
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C O U N C I L L O R M AR G AR E T W I L S O N The shops are emptying and it looks drab in the town centre, but the council do not own these shops and I suggest the owners of these empty premises should do a special deal on rents to interested business people and put together a special two year deal to entice would be entrepreneurs into the town centre. We also need to have a vandal free zone as no one wants to start up a business in an area where shop windows get smashed in on a regular basis. We cannot turn back time and have it the way it used to be, out of town shopping is here to stay and we all have to accept that fact.
people ,the police and concerned local activists. We would be happy to look at any constructive ideas you may have on how to "breathe life" into the town centre. You can contact me at the email address at the end of this report. On a less serious matter ,I would like to thank Jan Miller (local artist) for the beautifully constructed duck house that will soon be floated on a platform at valleyfield pond. The duck house is on display at the local library . The last duck house has collapsed in the high winds and rain over the last two years. A duck has house proved to be a valuable asset for the breeding of moor hens ,coots and ducks,saving them from predators and allowing safe haven for the young vulnerable chicks and ducklings. Thanks again Jan and I look forward to seeing it on the pond.
cllr. Margaret Wilson B R I T I S H H E AR T F O U N D AT I O N + H E AR T S T AR T T R AI N I N G The British Heart Foundation (BHF) January 201 2 campaign showed the ‘Hard + Fast’ training video starring Vinnie Jones, which has created quite a bit of interest in buying time for the casualty, with people wanting to learn or bring previous early life support or first aid skills, up to date. Bryan Finaly from the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS), has trained all of the Heartstart trainers in
There is a working group of concerned Penicuik people who are trying to improve matters in the town centre and they are doing this within the guide lines of BIDS. (BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT) BIDS has received funding from the Scottish Government and is chaired by a local solicitor. I attend the BIDS meetings along with local business
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Community Penicuik. The Heartstart programme is a joint initiative between the SAS and the BHF.
If you would like to help the British Heart Foundation with its charity fund raising and scientific research work, please hand any donations into the BHF shop in The BHF Heartstart course covers: the Penicuik precinct. Together we can beat Heart a) putting an unconscious breathing casualty into the Disease. recovery position and getting help, b) performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) C O U N C I L L O R AD AM M O N T G O M E R Y which is a combination of 30 chest compressions and Reports that he will be campaigning on positive 2 rescue breaths, on a casualty who is not breathing issues for the future of PENICUIK at the local normally, ELECTION ON 3 MAY 201 2. c) recognising and dealing with someone having a suspected heart attack, d) helping an adult who is choking, and e) dealing with serious bleeding, f) followed by an explanation of the work of the Penicuik Community First Responders and the benefit of automated external defibrillators in the local community. If you are untrained in CPR, or unable to perform rescue breaths, chest compressions (Hard + Fast to the Bee Gees’ song Stayin’ Alive) are better than doing nothing at all.
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Thanks go to staff and customers of several local businesses, for attending various courses held in Penicuik in January 201 2, and helping Penicuik be a safer place: Simon + staff from Massario’s Restaurant and the Royal Hotel, Penicuik, Mohamed + staff from the Clippers Indian Restaurant, Penicuik, Christine, staff + some customers from the Old Crown Inn, Penicuik, and various members of the Penicuik Cricket Club, Kirkhill, Penicuik. If you would like to find out more, there will be more BHF Heartstart courses being run in a few months time, watch this space for more information.
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Community This will include: building the rail link from Penicuik to Edinburgh; funding a new or extended secondary school; and funding town centre improvements.
The proposed visit by the choir from L’Isle Sur La Sorgue has been postponed and hopefully will take place next year. Due to the present financial climate
The money to do this would come from postponing the proposed rail link from Gorebridge to Galashiels and using a substantial part of the balance for our community in PENICUIK.
Angel Card of the Month Archangel Haniel The beautiful Haniel is with us in the Month of March to remind us to go with our own inner cycles and to be true to them. It is time to be at peace with our selves and who we are and not worry about conforming to others standards. Her energies are about working with the cycles of our own energies, if we know we have more energy in the morning or the start of the week to plan to do more then. So many of us are out of sync with our own bodies, our own energy systems. Haniel is with us to help tune into this more. The full moon is on 8th March this is a wonderful time to really think about what you want to bring into your life. It is time to dream beyond our limitations and trust that those things we want to bring into our lives will come, if we let the energy of them go. Haniel will help us do that this month. So get out those bits of paper and pens and get writing down all you wish for, then pop the piece of paper away, trusting that those wishes are on their way!!! If you would like a personal reading please go to
Loanburn Ave Penicuik Tel. 01 968 677807) L’ I S LE S U R LA S O RG U E TW I N N I N G RE P O RT The Twinning Committee met on 30th January 201 2.
H O W G AT E C O N N E C T – Vi l l a g e H a l l Support, share & grow our village. Email: or call 01 968 672277. Howgate Spring Market (Ponies, Bread, Home baking, Oils, Arts & Crafts, Eggs, Jams and much more. Howgate Country Market Saturday 3rd March 201 2. Time: 9.30 – 1 .00 pm. Come along and visit our first market of the New Year. Lots of stalls, plenty to buy. For the children, their favourite the PONIES will be along. Come and join us, have lots of fun. To book a stall or for further details contact 07976549387. Howgate Community Council Howgate Community Council next meeting is Thursday 1 5th March. Come along or contact Karen at Howgate Youth Meeting If you are interested in coming along and finding out more about the youth activities in Howgate. Please join us on Wednesday 29 February at 6.30 pm. If you would like to have your say on what goes on for young people, this is your chance. Youth Achievement Awards – this evening will also give you the opportunity to find out how you take part in Dynamic Youth Awards and Youth Achievement Awards. Interested then come along and find out more? Howgate Readers Group Howgate Readers group meet on the last Monday of
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Adam also advised members that, as Provost, he has honoured Professor Geoff Palmer OBE from Penicuik the Association can no longer depend on financial as a FREEMAN OF MIDLOTHIAN at a ceremony in assistance from Midlothian Council therefore we Midlothian Council Chamber. discussed various fund-raising options. Our first event will be a Beetle Drive on 30th March at 7.30, It was a terrific evening and a message of the cost will be £7.00 for adults and £3.50 for congratulations was received from Nelson Mandela children with supper, BYOB, venue to be confirmed. to Professor Palmer for his services to the grain industry, anti racism and equal opportunities – this Next meeting of the Twinning Association is ? was a wonderful accolade to Geoff. Please put at foot (if you wish to join Scottish Labour For further information on the event and/or the Twinning Association please contact Sheila on Party Please contact Ian Miller (secretary) 30, 677036 or Derek on 679367
the month. Please contact Penicuik Library on 01 968 Lots of toys, a chance to meet and make new friends. A fun time for ALL. Cost £1 .50 per family which 664060 or Pat on 01 968 677509. includes children’s snacks and a cup of tea or coffee for the parents. Please call Karen on 01 968 679346 Bridge Club for details. Bridge Club meet on a Monday evening from 7.00 – 9.00 pm and Wednesday mornings from 1 0.00 – 1 2.00 noon. Opportunity to experience a more competitive Howgate Kirk The Howgate Kirk service starts at 9.30 am, all form of bridge in a relaxed environment. If you are children welcome. Please call Irene for details on not a complete beginner, just turn up (with or 01 721 724330. without a partner) and we guarantee you a game! Page 8
Please call 01 968 67031 9 for more information. Leisurely Lunches Leisurely lunches meet on the 1 st Wednesday of the month. The next planned lunch is Wednesday 7th March at 1 2.30 pm. Home-made food, a chance to catch up with friends, a treat for all. Time: 1 2.30 pm. Call 01 968 674229/01 968 672277 for more details. Art Group The Howgate Art group meet every Wednesday. Currently the afternoon class is fully booked but there are a few spaces in the evening from 7.00 – 9.00 pm. Please call Maureen on 01 506 639770. Maureen will take names for the waiting list. Pilates Pilates class is on a Thursday evening from 6.00 – 7.00 pm. Call Louise for 07946900738. Babies and Beyond The babies and beyond meet on a Friday morning in the Howgate Village Hall from 1 0.30 – 1 2 noon. For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
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Scottish Women’s Rural Institute Howgate – Always pleased to welcome friends and visitors – both women and men – if a topic appeals to you. March 1 3th David Turner will be giving a talk about the Rosslyn Cave – a local craft shop selling wood/leather and jewellery crafts. Competition: - decorated sponge cake (child’s party), Invitation card (child’s party) and Flower of the month. April 1 0th Join us with Doreen Marsh to learn about spinning wool. Competitions: - handmade article in felt, 2 home-made marzipan sweets, Flowers of the month. Please contact Shona for details for further details on 01 31 448 0774.
photography. No booking is required, but for more information, contact Natalie on 01 31 660 1 21 6 or or visit the Howgate website. Howgate Youth Representative Update (R Kennedy) To the youth of Howgate and wider area we would like to invite you to our 1 st Youth meeting on Wednesday 29th February at 6.30 pm. Gina Clark who is our local member of Scottish Youth Parliament, will be joining us. Come along let her know about issues that affect us. Join us if you have something to say or just want to hear what’s happening. (Small room).
M I D L O T H I AN C O - O P E R AT I VE P AR T Y Midlothian Co-operative party held their monthly meeting in Shottstown Miners Welfare. Live IT Sidekicks Free IT Tuition! Ian Miller advised members on work being done by Thursday 1 st March 2.30 – 4.00 pm in Howgate Fairtrade Midlothian to kick start efforts in order to Village Hall. Are you keen to learn more about computers, but not make Penicuik a Fairtrade Town. sure a class is right for you? Come along and try one Fairtrade is very much the policy of Co-operative of our taster sessions and get to know what’s what in Party and have promoted it throughout The United Kingdom. the world on IT! You can learn about word Branch was delighted that Co-operative Party processing, internet access, email and digital For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
u Sudok
7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 20 21 23 24
Any person (6) Strong cloth artists use (6) Wild animal of the dog family (4) Sending something through the air (8) Prohibiting (7) Operate a vehicle (5) Large water birds (5) Easily understood (7) Brief news report (8) A green plant with leaves like feathers (4) Nuclear (6) Person in charge of a newspaper (6)
1 2 3 4 5 6 12 14 16 18 19 22
Enter (4) Casket (6) Risking money on horse races etc (7) Provoking fear (5) Reply (6) Large outdoor party or festival (8) Satisfactory (8) Slim (7) Serious (6) An event (6) An orderly pile (5) Part of the plant below the ground (4)
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Member Adam Montgomery had again been selected as Labour Candidate in 201 2 Local Government Election and Co-operative Party were fully committed in Campaign to get Adam re-elected. Chairperson Graham Young congratulated Ian Miller on being elected to serve a further 2 years on Executive Committee of Scottish Labour Party and thanked him on the work he had done for the recent Review Group of Scottish Labour Party. If you wish to join Scottish Co-operative Party or to know more of our policies, Contact Ian Miller (secretary) 30, Loanburn Ave Penicuik Tel. 01 968 677807 P E N I C U I K YM C A - YW C A S E T S T H E C A R E S T A N D A R D Penicuik YMCA-YWCA has received an excellent bill of health for its care services following a detailed Care Inspectorate report. The report graded all of the services at the YMCA-YWCA as excellent or very good. The inspection was carried out last December and the details will now be published on the Care Inspectorate’s website. Inspections are carried out annually and grade each service accordingly. The latest inspection graded eight areas of the YMCA-
YWCA’s work and was graded with the highest grade 6 (Excellent) in six of the areas and 5 (Very Good) in two other areas. Commenting on the report, Chairman Keith McIntosh said: “This report is testimony to the hard work and professionalism of the staff at the Penicuik YMCAYWCA. There is no other community facility in Penicuik with such a track record of effective, high
quality care for our children. “We believe that it is vital that children in our care get the best possible support, whether it’s After School Care, Breakfast Club, Holiday Care or through our partnerships with the Council. We continue to invest in our staff and facilities and we welcome the recognition we’ve received from the Care
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McColl. Recent analysis published by Financial Times Research shows that Scotland is the most prosperous Cllr Adam Montgomery added: “I wish to part of the UK outside London and the South East of congratulate Penicuik YMCA-WYCA on their success. England, in terms of the 1 2 nations and regions of This report demonstrates that the ‘Y’ is a centre of the UK Scotland’s economic output, Gross Value excellence in Midlothian and is already providing Added per head of population in 201 0, is 99 per cent support to other community and childcare centres of the UK average. The highest is London at 1 71 per across the county. cent and the lowest is Wales at 74 per cent. Taking all For further information, please contact Claire Gillies Scottish revenues and spending into account the on 01 968 674851 official Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland statistics show Scotland has run a current budget surplus in four of the five years to 2009/201 0 while the UK was in current budget deficit in each of these years, and hasn’t run a current budget surplus since 2001 /02. North Sea oil tax revenues are in fact set to generate £54billion in the six years up to 201 6/1 7 - as much wealth as in the previous six years - and Scotland needs access to our own resources with S N P RE P O RT independence and financial responsibility in order to Branch Convenor Joe Wallace told the members boost growth, recovery and jobs. present that the intervention of David Cameron in The Organiser, Derek Rosie advised that a survey is the Independence Referendum had boosted the being issued throughout Penicuik at present and membership of the Party and the Branch. In just 7 includes a question on the High School issue which he days at the start of January 1 ,300 more people joined encourages all parents of children who attend the the SNP. Support for independence has been rising High Schools to give their opinion. steadily since the re-election of the Scottish He said the help given by our new members has Government with such an overwhelming mandate. assisted us in the speedy issue of the survey The date of autumn 201 4 which the Scottish Cabinet throughout Penicuik. has now agreed for the referendum is right because it gives the right amount of time for proper If you wish further information on the SNP please consideration of such a historic decision. Now that contact Andrew Coventry on 01 968 664904 or the date has been announced the anti-independence parties should accept this reasonable timetable and cease their false claims about Scotland’s economy. The UK director general of the Institute of Directors, Simon Walker, has said he is “relaxed” about the possibility of Scotland becoming independent and the executive director on the Institute of Directors in Scotland, David Watt, has said he doesn’t think the referendum makes any difference to business - a view echoed by Scotland’s leading entrepreneur, Jim For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
B E E S L AC K C O M M U N I T Y H I G H S C H O O L Community Education Department Programme
BOOKINGS ARE NOW BEING TAKEN FOR OUR NEW 201 2 SESSION EASTER HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Book early to avoid disappointment PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR CHILD ATTENDS BUZZ CLUB AND WOULD LIKE TO STAY FOR AN AFTERNOON ACTIVITY. ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR THEM TO HAVE LUNCH ON THE PREMISES - EASTER BUZZ CLUB - 1 0.00 AM – 1 .00 PM PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN Monday 2 April – Thursday 5 April £3.75 including snacks made on the premises or £1 5.00 for the 4 days. Monday 1 0 April – Thursday 1 3 April £3.75 including snacks made on the premises or £1 5.00 for the 4 days
tumbling, Basketball, Badminton, Football, Swimming with Frogs, Sharks & Whales – pick up treasure from the bottom, Ready Steady Cook, Be Brave if you DARE (Can you guess what is in the box?) Wii and X box. COMIC STRIPS – learn how to make comic strips with your own photographs. Lots of fun for everyone Trip away – would you be interested in going to East Links Farm. We are planning to take a minibus away on Thursday 5th April. This trip will only go ahead if we have sufficient numbers. Mini Olympics Friday 1 3 April final day, taster session of sporting and other fun activities i.e. cheer leading, music, organising – get in the mood for the Olympics 201 2. Football/Basketball Tournament/Potted sports for both boys and girls. All welcome players will be split into mixed teams. Come along and join the fun. CHILDREN TAKING PART IN ACTIVIES MUST COMPLETE A REGISTRATION FORM. To find out more information please give us a call.
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EASTER HOLIDAY BREAK Swim School Pre-school /Beginners 4 ½ years and upwards Monday 2 April – Thursday 5 April. Time: 9.30 – 1 0.30 am Cost £1 5.00 PreSchool/Beginners/Improver’s NEW! NEW! NEW! Fun at our MUSIC SESSIONS – learn Tuesday1 0 April – Friday 1 3 April. Time: 1 0.30 – to make your own instruments and have lots of FUN, 1 1 .30 am Cost £ 1 5.00 PreSchool/Beginners/Improver’s If you prefer some quiet time instead of running around, we have an area especially for you! Join Story Telling & Our Quiet Corner. Outside activities Do you want your child/ren to be more confident in i.e. Bark rubbing, logs etc. Arts & Craft session; Paint the water when you go on holiday? Why not come your own Easter Egg Competition, Easter egg hunt, along to our holiday swim school. Learn to swim the Fancy dress optional, Word searches, boards games fun way. These sessions are suitable for all abilities. etc. Learn how to make play dough. Different Work at your own pace towards the Kellogg’s activities every day, Fun and games, run, jump, and ASA/SASA swim syllabus. Fully qualified staff will
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support the children throughout
how you can get the best out of it? Find out about Photoshop basics, mounting photos, printer skills, competitions, outings and much more. Local volunteers will lead the class. A fun new experience, learn new skills and enjoy the evening with your friends. Interested? Then give us a call 01 968 673893.
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EASTER ARTS & CRAFTS Monday 2 April Time 1 .30 – 3.30 pm Cost £7.50 for 2 hours Love drawing, painting, cutting out, designing your own gifts. This session will give you lots of ideas, especially for Easter. Take home a handmade gift for Mum or Dad. Interested then why not come along? SCHOOL OPENING TIMES - As a community school Spaces limited. Bookings being taken NOW. our Community Education Programme is on offer throughout the calendar year. Please note we DO close during school holiday periods although ARCHERY FOR CHILDREN (Age 1 0 yrs +) Come along NOT opening hours may be altered. We do however close and try our Easter Archery Course. Qualified on PUBLIC HOLIDAYS and access may be limited or Instructors will lead the way. Learn how to take part restricted during times. We do close Friday – in this exciting sport by mastering the essential skills. Monday inclusive exam during both the Easter and This class will only go ahead if we have sufficient September Weekend. Please note that all classes, names. groups and lets MUST be clear of the building by 9.55 pm at the very latest. NEW BEESLACK YOUTH CAMERA CLUB (for 1 1 – 1 8 years) Monday evenings 6.30 pm. For the full programme for Beeslack Community For All the Community, Parents welcome. Come Education Programme please visit www.themonthly along and find out all about it. or contact on 01 968 673893 or Fax 01 968 Interested in learning more about your camera and 678659.
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Arts & Culture
P C TG We are currently casting our next productions and will be producing them in the last week of April. We will definitely now be doing a one act play called Womberang written by Sue Townsend ( of Adrian Mole fame) The evening will be interesting as we are attempting to perform this in a very interesting set in a very interesting location. Please follow us on Facebook and on our web site for more detail as we confirm this interesting project. More to follow about this in our advertising for the show after this month. We are enthusiastic and passionate about keeping theatre active and live in Penicuik and work hard producing shows. We are enjoying a lot of support from the community and local businesses who helped us produce last years productions. A special mention goes to all our contributors last year and of course audiences in December who enjoyed our treasure Island Pantomime and those of you who have already committed to coming again this year, and you don't even know what we are doing yet, Oh no you Don't!
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We will be announcing our Pantomime and further shows soon. So please feel free to come along and participate on a Thursday night at the town hall Penicuik from 7.30pm. We are a low cost hobby and we always let people get involved at the level of commitment they want.
support a musical production. Musicians, Singers, actors and interested parties should email us on we will return your email with the dates of the first 2 meetings scheduled in April. The plan is to start Rehearsing this early 201 3 for production in late August 201 3. This will run alongside our other Theatre productions.
N E W S F R O M W E S T S T R E E T AR T C E N T R E Christmas seems a long time ago, but we very much enjoyed our “Midwinter Merry”. This is now a regular feature of the Art Centre’s year, and is much enjoyed by everyone who comes. Special thanks this year to The Penicuik Music School, especially Sandy, who brought along some of the School’s talented pupils. It was a breath of fresh air to listen to these youngsters’ music.
We also had a sell-out at the concert with the Jani Lang band and Tcha Limberger. It was an amazing M U S I C AL 2 0 1 3 evening, and we were extremely sorry to have to turn As a group working through PCTG we are looking for away some of our faithful supporters who hadn’t people interested in producing a full blown Musical in managed to get tickets in advance. I think this was August 201 3. In April we will be holding an open unprecedented – but we do have to be very careful meeting and a night of music for anyone in the for the fire safety regulations. Events tickets can be community interested in participating and help bought at the café/craft shop in West Street, and we develop an annual Musical in Penicuik again We know now sell a few online from our website. If you don’t there is lot of interest in establishing this and we use the internet, and want to be sure of a ticket but wish to welcome everyone to come and make their can’t get to West Street to buy them, you can call own ideas known and thoughts on how Penicuik can Mhairi (0781 61 5 51 04) or Sue (0781 505 2929) to ask
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Arts & Culture
Our next films are listed below: 'Mean Girls' on 26 February: Mark Waters' high school comedy drama with Lindsay Lohan & Jonathan Bennett. 'Waking Ned' on 4 March: Kirk Jones' Irish lottery comedy shot on the Isle of Man with Ian Bannen, David Kelly & Fionnula Flanagan. 'The Blair Witch Project' on 11 March: Myrick & Sanchez' handheld horror mystery with Heather Donahue. 'Le Herisson' (The Hedgehog) on 18 March: Mona Achache's world of an eleven year old girl captivates, with Josiane Balasko. '500 Days of Summer' on 25 March: Marc Webb's offbeat romantic comedy with Zooey Deschanel. 'Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn' (in Bluray) on 1 April: Spielberg's faithful NZmade cartoon with animated acting of Jamie Bell & Daniel Craig.
to reserve them for you. If you’ve been to Room 1 in the Art Centre at West Street since Christmas, you will have seen our beautiful new floor. Lyn Borthwick and her son generously gave their time to get this job done with equipment donated by Floors & More of Rosewell (see below for contact details). The old carpet tiles have been removed, and the floor sanded and varnished. It’s almost too good to walk on! We are extremely grateful for this facelift, which made only
The Art Centre Committee is looking for somebody to take on the responsibility for getting the Newsletter out four times a year and maybe help maintain the website (as well as facebook and twitter, etc.). If you’re interested in joining us, please get in touch with Mhairi (; 0781 61 5 51 04). We are also looking for another Treasurer. It requires a weekly visit to the arts centre and the bank as well as a couple of hours keeping the book up to date but it’s a very worthwhile contribution to the community. Again, if you can help, please contact us as soon as possible. We’re planning a programme of events for this year. Look out for “Poetry with local Edinburgh writer Colin Galbraith (”, a Spring Fling dance - probably a traditional Scottish ceilidh. We are branching out into Stand-up Comedy in conjunction with our local charity comedy events organisation - Sit Down Stand Up Comedy. Later in summer, we hope to offer the community another Penicuik and District Arts Festival 201 2 - we’re looking for ideas and volunteers NOW so please get in touch if you want to get involved ( On March 1 0th and March 1 7th 1 0:00-1 4:00, Making Space will contribute to a couple of Science “have-ago” days (organised by the Centre of Ecology and Hydrology) in Penicuik Town Hall – where science and art will join hands! Come and visit, and have a go yourself! On the “Exhibitions” front, we are looking for exciting young artists whose work we could promote. Please contact us if you know of anyone. This month’s exhibition in the Café gallery is from Newton
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Continues to open its doors every Sunday evening in the Town Hall at 7pm with homebaking & refreshments available. Tickets are £5 and films start at 7.30pm.
a very minor dent in our very limited funds.
PUZZLE SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Anyone, 8 Canvas, 9 Wolf, 10 Throwing, 11 Banning, 13 Drive, 15 Geese, 17 Clearly, 20 Bulletin, 21 Fern, 23 Atomic, 24 Editor Down: 1 Into, 2 Coffin, 3 Betting, 4 Scary, 5 Answer, 6 Carnival, 12 Adequate, 14 Slender, 16 Solemn, 18 Affair, 19 Stack, 22 Root
Arts & Culture
S c i e n c e t a l k s a t W e s t S t re e t Art C e n t re , P e n i c u i k S a t M a rc h 1 0 t h a n d S a t M a rc h 1 7 t h 1 9 : 3 0 - 2 1 : 0 0 Two free (but ticketed) science talks for the National Science and Engineering Week will be presented at the West Street Art Centre, Penicuik, on the evenings of Saturday March 1 0th and Saturday March 1 7th 1 9:30 – 21 :00. The first talk on Saturday 1 0th March is from Dr Andy N AT I O N AL S C I E N C E AN D E N G I N E E R I N G W E E K Buckley, a CERN scientist, who S ci e n ce H a ve - a - G o d a ys a t will chat about aspects of the P e n i cu i k To wn H a l l Wee Beastie by Mary Sinton work with the Large Hadron S a t M a rc h 1 0 t h a n d S a t M a rc h Collider, and give you a chance 1 7 th 1 0 : 0 0 – 1 4 : 0 0 Ahm thi terror oh thi glen to ask questions. How does pollution affect us As meany folks weel ken The second talk on Saturday and the environment? How can A teeny, tiny beastie 1 7th March is from Dr Brian we see the effects? Why should ohn yoo, ah luv tae feast Miller, head of we care and what can we do? Yi yase sprays and lotions Epidemiological research at You can find out by playing Wheel ithers experiment wi potions the Institute of Occupational games, doing some simple Bit tae nae avail Medicine in Edinburgh. Brian experiments, and having a go will discuss aspects of how the at some craft and story Itchy lumps, soon tell thi tale environment and pollution activities at Penicuik Town Hall Whare mah teeth sank in affect human health. (Cowan Hall), over two Tae yur reelly juicy skin Saturdays (1 0th and 1 7th March Wee go aroond in swarms 201 2, 1 0 am – 2 pm). There will Luvin when it's warm These talks are presented by be contributions from scientists Weel git inside yur clathes the Centre of Ecology and at CEH, Moray House of In meany diffrent ways Hydrology for the National Education (Edinburgh Nets hae to be real fine Science and Engineering Week University), as well as cool Tae keep out me, ahn mine 201 2. Due to limited space, science creativity from In tents wi li concealed seating is ticketed. Please Penicuik’s own “Making Space” Be careful here as weel contact Sue Owen to reserve from the Penicuik Arts Turnin a wauk intae a nightmare your free tickets Association. Refreshment will Ah ken it isna fair (susa1; 01 31 445 be available at the regular 8534) or see Bit oor life is short coffee morning in the same hall, So cum ohn be a sport run every week by the Penicuik For further information please Community Development Trust. contact: Ah am thi humble midge Come along for an all-age feast Sue Owen - CEH Edinburgh Yi jist wanna squidge of information and fun in Bush Estate, Penicuik, EH26 science and art in Penicuik Town For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
Page 20
Ross, and hangs until March 3rd. Tony McKale’s Community Education class will exhibit their work in March, so do come along and support Penicuik’s budding artists, browse the craft shop upstairs (if you can), and enjoy the our cosy café’s refreshments! (Materials and sanding machine for Room 1 donated by:Floors & More, 31 Carnethie Street, Rosewell, Midlothian, EH24 9AS - 01 31 4402930)
Local Sport
P E N I C U I K C R I C KE T C L U B Preparations are well under way for the forthcoming season with winter nets arranged for Tuesday evenings at George Watsons School from 7pm to 8 30. A small charge is levied per head. As the only cricket club in Midlothian we are actively looking for local players who may play in Edinburgh or elsewhere to consider a move nearer to home. A warm welcome is extended to potential players of all levels. This coming season we will field two Saturday teams and a development team (social) on a Sunday. In addition we have youth teams who compete regularly at U1 1 , U1 3 and U1 5 with games midweek and a coaching evening on Fridays during the season. Again we are keen to recruit anyone interested in giving cricket a try at any age. We have a vibrant social section that not only supports all the cricket teams but involve themselves in running events for the benefit of charitable organisations. On Saturday 25th February an evening will be held to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation. Our yearly Charity 1 0K Fun Run/Walk will be held on Easter Sunday, 8th April. This year the benefiting charity will be CHAS (Children’s Hospice Association
Scotland). The walk starts at 1 2 30pm with the run starting at 1 pm. Entry fee ÂŁ5 with changing facilities, food and refreshments provided. The event is ideal for beginners, serious runners tapering for the Edinburgh Half Marathon, or anyone keen to train in the company of others. Further details can be obtained from George Liddle, H. 01 968 673465 or e-mail
Page 21 For the full editorial go online to: Remember to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.
Local Travel & Taxis L o c a l T ra v e l & T a x i s Penicuik Private Hire 01 968 679 600 KPM Private Hire 01 31 440 0756 Gohr Executive Travel 07860 421 038 Educational Travel Scotland Ltd 01 968 674 677 Home Improvement H o m e& IMaintenance m p ro v e m e n t & M a i n t e n a n c e Blackstone Masonry Masonry 01 968 968 679 679 853 853 Blackstone 01 Blind Design Design 01 968 968 674 674 509 509 Blind 01 BSS 01 BSS Group Group (Gas (Gas & & Insulation) Insulation) 01 968 968 674 674 600 600 GL Tiling Services 01 968 675 Chris & Ryan Joinery Services 07793 558 11 74 03 Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 Croft Garden Services 01 968 670 957 759
McCConstruction Building Services 671 286 576 DC 01 968 768 Plantsman (Gardening Services) 01 968 675 678 1878 GL Tiling Services 74 RpbbieGarden Dick (Plumbing 677 782 671 Halley Services & Heating) 01 968 672 SB Roofing Services 01 31 855 620 13831 Hauswerk 0844 741 StevenRitchie McInnes Joinery 07980 851 957 299 Mark Joinery 01 968 670 StressBuilding Free Flooring 675 576 1 21 McC Services 01 968 671 Stuart King 678 671 974 Robbie DickFireplaces (Plumbing & Heating) 01 968 677 Health Free & Wellbeing Stress Flooring 01 968 675 1 21 Figurehead Hairdressing 670 974 627 Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 678 Peachy Therapy Clinic H01e31 a lt441 h & 7737 We llb e i n g Starlight ScotlandClinic 07969 8487737 81 0 Peachey Therapy 01 31 441 Food Takeaway & Delivery Starlight Scotland 07969 848 81 0 Corfu Kebabs Re01 st968 a u ra672 n ts677 & H o te l s Jade Palace House Hotel 01 Craigiebield 01 968 968 678 672 788 557 Restaurants & Hotels The Original Rosslyn Hotel 01 31 440 2384 Craigiebield House HotelE n te rta i n01 m 968 e n t 672 & Re557 c re a t i o n Entertainment & Recreation Classic Nights to Remember 07771 503 Classic Nights to Remember 07771 503 247 247
Craftjenny's Ceramic Painting 07902 801 81 2 Electrical Repair & Retail E le ctri ca l Re p a i r & Re ta i l Carnethy Electrical 01 968 678 800 Pets & Grooming Gargoyle Computer Consultancy 07853 324 01 8 The Dog House 01 P968 e ts679 & G307 ro o m i n g Vehicle & Maintenance The DogCare House 01 968 679 307 K&B Motors 01 968 673 703 Ve h i cle C01 a re & 677 M a i n te n a n ce Leadburn Leadburn Garage Garage 01 968 968 677 11 43 43 Graphics & Print Services Precision Valeting Services 0751 6 203 358 City Litho Ltd 01 31 555 1 483 G ra p h01 i cs31&663 Pri n7035 t S e rv i c e s Dalhousie Press Blue Phoenix Design 07853 SignsRUs 01 968 324 671 01 5728 City Litho Ltd Services 01 31 555 1 483 Photographic SignsRUs 01 The Studio 01 968 968 671 768 572 001 Ph o07802 to g ra349 p h i c946 S e rv i c e s Paul Krogh Photography The Studio 01 968 768 001 Handy Helplines Paul Krogh Photography 07802 NHS 24 08454 349 242 946 424 H a1n1 d1y1 H e lp li n e s Childline 0800 NHS 24 Advice 08454 Citizens 01 968 242 675 424 259 Childline 0800 1 1 970 Womans Aid 01 9681 1670 Citizens Advice 01 968 6753030 259 Victim Support 31 660 Womans Aid 01 968555 6701 970 Crimestoppers 0800 11 Victim 01 31 660 RSPCA Support Cruelty line 0300 1 23 3030 4999 Crimestoppers 0800 555 1 1 1 Emergency Only Services RSPCA Cruelty line| Police | Coastguard 0300 1 23 4999 Fire | Ambulance 999 Gas Emergency Service E m e rg0800 e n cy1O1 1n 999 l y S e rv i c e s Electrical Fire | Ambulance Emergency | Police | Coastguard 0845 272 2424 999 Scottish Gas Emergency Water Emergency Service 0845 1600 0800 1 1 999 8855 Local Police Electrical Emergency Stations 0845 272 2424 Penicuik Water Emergency Scottish 01 968600 0845 6758855 1 91 Loanhead Lo01ca31l P440 o li c0506 e S ta ti o n s Dalkieth 01 31 Penicuik (Headquarters) 968663 6752855 1 91 Public Transport Services Loanhead 01 31 440 0506 Lothian Regional Transport 01 31 555 6363 Dalkieth (Headquarters) 663 2855 First Bus Pu b li c 0870 Tra n872 sp o7271 rt S e rv i c e s Travelline Scotland 0871 Lothian Regional Transport 01 31 200 555 2233 6363 First Bus 0870 872 7271 Travelline Scotland 0871 200 2233
For all your local advertising needs contact us:
The Monthly Edit Office 足 Room 1, Crystal Business Centre, Eastfield Ind Est, Penicuik, EH26 8HA
01968 671574 足